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from spiga.inference.config import ModelConfig
from spiga.models.spiga import SPIGA
import spiga.inference.pretreatment as pretreat
import os
import pkg_resources
import copy
import torch
import numpy as np
# Paths
weights_path_dft = pkg_resources.resource_filename('spiga', 'models/weights')
class SPIGAFramework:
def __init__(self, model_cfg: ModelConfig(), gpus=[0], load3DM=True):
# Parameters
self.model_cfg = model_cfg
self.gpus = gpus
# Pretreatment initialization
self.transforms = pretreat.get_transformers(self.model_cfg)
# SPIGA model
self.model_inputs = ['image', "model3d", "cam_matrix"]
self.model = SPIGA(num_landmarks=model_cfg.dataset.num_landmarks,
# Load weights and set model
weights_path = self.model_cfg.model_weights_path
if weights_path is None:
weights_path = weights_path_dft
if self.model_cfg.load_model_url:
model_state_dict = torch.hub.load_state_dict_from_url(self.model_cfg.model_weights_url,
weights_file = os.path.join(
weights_path, self.model_cfg.model_weights)
model_state_dict = torch.load(weights_file)
# self.model = self.model.cuda(gpus[0])
self.model = self.model.cuda(
gpus[0]) if torch.cuda.is_available() else self.model
print('SPIGA model loaded!')
# Load 3D model and camera intrinsic matrix
if load3DM:
loader_3DM = pretreat.AddModel3D(model_cfg.dataset.ldm_ids,
params_3DM = self._data2device(loader_3DM())
self.model3d = params_3DM['model3d']
self.cam_matrix = params_3DM['cam_matrix']
def inference(self, image, bboxes):
@param self:
@param image: Raw image
@param bboxes: List of bounding box founded on the image [[x,y,w,h],...]
@return: features dict {'landmarks': list with shape (num_bbox, num_landmarks, 2) and x,y referred to image size
'headpose': list with shape (num_bbox, 6) euler->[:3], trl->[3:]
batch_crops, crop_bboxes = self.pretreat(image, bboxes)
outputs = self.net_forward(batch_crops)
features = self.postreatment(outputs, crop_bboxes, bboxes)
return features
def pretreat(self, image, bboxes):
crop_bboxes = []
crop_images = []
for bbox in bboxes:
sample = {'image': copy.deepcopy(image),
'bbox': copy.deepcopy(bbox)}
sample_crop = self.transforms(sample)
# Images to tensor and device
batch_images = torch.tensor(np.array(crop_images), dtype=torch.float)
batch_images = self._data2device(batch_images)
# Batch 3D model and camera intrinsic matrix
batch_model3D = self.model3d.unsqueeze(0).repeat(len(bboxes), 1, 1)
batch_cam_matrix = self.cam_matrix.unsqueeze(
0).repeat(len(bboxes), 1, 1)
# SPIGA inputs
model_inputs = [batch_images, batch_model3D, batch_cam_matrix]
return model_inputs, crop_bboxes
def net_forward(self, inputs):
outputs = self.model(inputs)
return outputs
def postreatment(self, output, crop_bboxes, bboxes):
features = {}
crop_bboxes = np.array(crop_bboxes)
bboxes = np.array(bboxes)
if 'Landmarks' in output.keys():
landmarks = output['Landmarks'][-1].cpu().detach().numpy()
landmarks = landmarks.transpose((1, 0, 2))
landmarks = landmarks*self.model_cfg.image_size
landmarks_norm = (
landmarks - crop_bboxes[:, 0:2]) / crop_bboxes[:, 2:4]
landmarks_out = (landmarks_norm * bboxes[:, 2:4]) + bboxes[:, 0:2]
landmarks_out = landmarks_out.transpose((1, 0, 2))
features['landmarks'] = landmarks_out.tolist()
# Pose output
if 'Pose' in output.keys():
pose = output['Pose'].cpu().detach().numpy()
features['headpose'] = pose.tolist()
return features
def select_inputs(self, batch):
inputs = []
for ft_name in self.model_inputs:
data = batch[ft_name]
return inputs
def _data2device(self, data):
if isinstance(data, list):
data_var = data
for data_id, v_data in enumerate(data):
data_var[data_id] = self._data2device(v_data)
if isinstance(data, dict):
data_var = data
for k, v in data.items():
data[k] = self._data2device(v)
with torch.no_grad():
if torch.cuda.is_available():
data_var = data.cuda(
device=self.gpus[0], non_blocking=True)
data_var = data
return data_var