import pathlib import urllib import flask import requests import src.functions.config import src.functions.metadata streammapBP = flask.Blueprint("streammap", __name__) @streammapBP.route("/api/v1/streammap") async def streammapFunction(): a = flask.request.args.get("a") # AUTH id = flask.request.args.get("id") # ID name = flask.request.args.get("name") # NAME parent = flask.request.args.get("parent") # PARENT t = flask.request.args.get("t") # TYPE server = flask.request.args.get("server") # SERVER config = src.functions.config.readConfig() if config.get("kill_switch") == True: return flask.jsonify( { "code": 200, "content": [{"name": "UNAVAILABLE", "url": "", "type": "auto"}], "message": "Stream map was not generated because the kill_switch is enabled.", "success": True, } ) if ( any(a == account["auth"] for account in config["account_list"]) or config.get("auth") == False ): videos = [ { "name": "Original", "url": "%s/api/v1/redirectdownload/%s?a=%s&id=%s" % (server, urllib.parse.quote(name), a, id), "type": "auto", } ] if config.get("transcoded") == True: req = requests.get( "" % (id), headers={"Authorization": "Bearer %s" % (config.get("access_token"))}, ) parsed = urllib.parse.parse_qs(urllib.parse.unquote(req.text)) if parsed.get("status") == ["ok"]: for fmt in parsed["fmt_list"][0].split(","): fmt_data = fmt.split("/") videos.append( { "name": fmt_data[1], "url": "%s/api/v1/redirectdownload/%s?a=%s&id=%s&itag=%s" % (server, urllib.parse.quote(name), a, id, fmt_data[0]), "type": "auto", } ) tracks = [] if ( config.get("fetch_assets") == True and t != "directory" and parent != None and parent != "" ): config, drive = src.functions.credentials.refreshCredentials( src.functions.config.readConfig() ) og_title, og_year = src.functions.metadata.parseMovie(name) if og_title == None: og_name_path = pathlib.Path(name) og_title = og_name_path.stem params = { "pageToken": None, "supportsAllDrives": True, "includeItemsFromAllDrives": True, "fields": "files(id,name,mimeType,parents,videoMediaMetadata), incompleteSearch, nextPageToken", "q": "'%s' in parents and trashed = false and ((mimeType contains 'video' and name contains '%s') or name contains '.srt' or name contains '.vtt')" % (parent, og_title), "orderBy": "name", } try: response = drive.files().list(**params).execute() except: response = {"files": []} for file in response["files"]: title, year = src.functions.metadata.parseMovie(file["name"]) extention = pathlib.Path(file["name"]).suffix if id != file["id"]: if ( "video" in file["mimeType"] and title == og_title and year == og_year ): if file.get("videoMediaMetadata"): videoMediaMetadata = file["videoMediaMetadata"] else: videoMediaMetadata = {"width": "null", "height": "null"} videos.append( { "name": "%sx%s" % ( videoMediaMetadata.get("width", "null"), videoMediaMetadata.get("height", "null"), ), "url": "%s/api/v1/redirectdownload/%s?a=%s&id=%s" % (server, urllib.parse.quote(file["name"]), a, id), "type": "auto", } ) elif extention in [".srt", ".vtt"]: tracks.append( { "name": file["name"], "url": "%s/api/v1/subtitledownload/%s?a=%s&id=%s" % (server, file["name"], a, file["id"]), } ) if ( config.get("prefer_mkv") == False and config.get("prefer_mp4") == False and len(videos) > 1 ): default_video = 1 elif config.get("prefer_mp4", True) == True and name.endswith(".mp4"): default_video = 0 elif config.get("prefer_mkv", False) == True and name.endswith(".mkv"): default_video = 0 elif len(videos) > 1: default_video = 1 else: default_video = 0 return flask.jsonify( { "code": 200, "content": { "default_track": 0, "default_video": default_video, "tracks": tracks, "videos": videos, }, "message": "Stream map generated successfully.", "success": True, } ) else: return ( flask.jsonify( { "code": 401, "content": None, "message": "Your credentials are invalid.", "success": False, } ), 401, )