import gradio as gr | |
from PIL import Image, ImageFilter, ImageOps | |
import cv2 | |
import numpy as np | |
import os | |
from collections import defaultdict | |
from skimage.color import deltaE_ciede2000, rgb2lab | |
import zipfile | |
def DoG_filter(image, kernel_size, sigma, k_sigma, gamma): | |
if kernel_size == 0: | |
kernel_size = None # OpenCVにカーネルサイズを自動で決定させる | |
else: | |
kernel_size = (kernel_size, kernel_size) | |
g1 = cv2.GaussianBlur(image, kernel_size, sigma) | |
g2 = cv2.GaussianBlur(image, kernel_size, sigma * k_sigma) | |
return g1 - gamma * g2 | |
def XDoG_filter(image, kernel_size, sigma, k_sigma, epsilon, phi, gamma): | |
epsilon /= 255 | |
dog = DoG_filter(image, kernel_size, sigma, k_sigma, gamma) | |
dog /= dog.max() | |
e = 1 + np.tanh(phi * (dog - epsilon)) | |
e[e >= 1] = 1 | |
return (e * 255).astype('uint8') | |
def process_XDoG(image, kernel_size, sigma, k_sigma, epsilon, phi, gamma): | |
image = cv2.cvtColor(np.array(image), cv2.COLOR_RGB2GRAY) | |
xdog_image = XDoG_filter(image, kernel_size, sigma, k_sigma, epsilon, phi, gamma) | |
return Image.fromarray(xdog_image).convert('L') | |
def replace_color(image, color_1, blur_radius=2): | |
data = np.array(image) | |
original_shape = data.shape | |
channels = original_shape[2] if len(original_shape) > 2 else 1 # チャンネル数を確認 | |
data = data.reshape(-1, channels) | |
color_1 = np.array(color_1) | |
matches = np.all(data[:, :3] == color_1, axis=1) | |
nochange_count = 0 | |
mask = np.zeros(data.shape[0], dtype=bool) | |
while np.any(matches): | |
new_matches = np.zeros_like(matches) | |
match_num = np.sum(matches) | |
for i in range(len(data)): # Removed tqdm | |
if matches[i]: | |
x, y = divmod(i, original_shape[1]) | |
neighbors = [ | |
(x, y-1), (x, y+1), (x-1, y), (x+1, y) | |
] | |
valid_neighbors = [] | |
for nx, ny in neighbors: | |
if 0 <= nx < original_shape[0] and 0 <= ny < original_shape[1]: | |
ni = nx * original_shape[1] + ny | |
if not np.all(data[ni, :3] == color_1, axis=0): | |
valid_neighbors.append(data[ni, :3]) | |
if valid_neighbors: | |
new_color = np.mean(valid_neighbors, axis=0).astype(np.uint8) | |
data[i, :3] = new_color | |
data[i, 3] = 255 | |
mask[i] = True | |
else: | |
new_matches[i] = True | |
matches = new_matches | |
if match_num == np.sum(matches): | |
nochange_count += 1 | |
if nochange_count > 5: | |
break | |
data = data.reshape(original_shape) | |
mask = mask.reshape(original_shape[:2]) | |
result_image = Image.fromarray(data, 'RGBA') | |
blurred_image = result_image.filter(ImageFilter.GaussianBlur(radius=blur_radius)) | |
blurred_data = np.array(blurred_image) | |
np.copyto(data, blurred_data, where=mask[..., None]) | |
return Image.fromarray(data, 'RGBA') | |
def generate_distant_colors(consolidated_colors, distance_threshold): | |
consolidated_lab = [rgb2lab(np.array([color], dtype=np.float32) / 255.0).reshape(3) for color, _ in consolidated_colors] | |
max_attempts = 10000 | |
for _ in range(max_attempts): | |
random_rgb = np.random.randint(0, 256, size=3) | |
random_lab = rgb2lab(np.array([random_rgb], dtype=np.float32) / 255.0).reshape(3) | |
if all(deltaE_ciede2000(base_color_lab, random_lab) > distance_threshold for base_color_lab in consolidated_lab): | |
return tuple(random_rgb) | |
return (128, 128, 128) | |
def consolidate_colors(major_colors, threshold): | |
colors_lab = [rgb2lab(np.array([[color]], dtype=np.float32)/255.0).reshape(3) for color, _ in major_colors] | |
i = 0 | |
while i < len(colors_lab): | |
j = i + 1 | |
while j < len(colors_lab): | |
if deltaE_ciede2000(colors_lab[i], colors_lab[j]) < threshold: | |
if major_colors[i][1] >= major_colors[j][1]: | |
major_colors[i] = (major_colors[i][0], major_colors[i][1] + major_colors[j][1]) | |
major_colors.pop(j) | |
colors_lab.pop(j) | |
else: | |
major_colors[j] = (major_colors[j][0], major_colors[j][1] + major_colors[i][1]) | |
major_colors.pop(i) | |
colors_lab.pop(i) | |
continue | |
j += 1 | |
i += 1 | |
return major_colors | |
def get_major_colors(image, threshold_percentage=0.01): | |
if image.mode != 'RGB': | |
image = image.convert('RGB') | |
color_count = defaultdict(int) | |
for pixel in image.getdata(): | |
color_count[pixel] += 1 | |
total_pixels = image.width * image.height | |
major_colors = [(color, count) for color, count in color_count.items() if (count / total_pixels) >= threshold_percentage] | |
return major_colors | |
def line_color(image, mask, new_color): | |
data = np.array(image) | |
data[mask, :3] = new_color | |
return Image.fromarray(data) | |
def process_image(image, lineart): | |
if image.mode != 'RGBA': | |
image = image.convert('RGBA') | |
lineart = lineart.point(lambda x: 0 if x < 200 else 255) | |
lineart = ImageOps.invert(lineart) | |
kernel = np.ones((3, 3), np.uint8) | |
lineart = cv2.dilate(np.array(lineart), kernel, iterations=1) | |
lineart = Image.fromarray(lineart) | |
mask = np.array(lineart) == 255 | |
major_colors = get_major_colors(image, threshold_percentage=0.05) | |
major_colors = consolidate_colors(major_colors, 10) | |
new_color_1 = generate_distant_colors(major_colors, 100) | |
filled_image = line_color(image, mask, new_color_1) | |
replace_color_image = replace_color(filled_image, new_color_1, 2).convert('RGB') | |
return replace_color_image | |
def zip_files(zip_files, zip_path): | |
with zipfile.ZipFile(zip_path, 'w') as zipf: | |
for file_path in zip_files: | |
zipf.write(file_path, arcname=os.path.basename(file_path)) | |
class webui: | |
def __init__(self): | |
self.demo = gr.Blocks() | |
def main(self, image_path, kernel_size, sigma, k_sigma, epsilon, phi, gamma): | |
kernel_size = int(kernel_size) | |
sigma = float(sigma) | |
k_sigma = float(k_sigma) | |
epsilon = int(epsilon) | |
phi = int(phi) | |
gamma = float(gamma) | |
image ='RGBA') | |
#拡張子を取り除いたファイル名を取得 | |
image_name = os.path.splitext(image_path)[0] | |
alpha = image.getchannel('A') if image.mode == 'RGBA' else None | | | |
image ='RGBA') | |
rgb_image = image.convert('RGB') | |
lineart = process_XDoG(image, kernel_size, sigma, k_sigma, epsilon, phi, gamma).convert('L') | |
replace_color_image = process_image(rgb_image, lineart).convert('RGBA') | |
if alpha: | |
replace_color_image.putalpha(alpha) | |
replace_color_image_path = f"{image_name}_noline.png" | | | |
lineart_image = lineart.convert('RGBA') | |
lineart_alpha = 255 - np.array(lineart) | |
lineart_image.putalpha(Image.fromarray(lineart_alpha)) | |
lineart_image_path = f"{image_name}_lineart.png" | | | |
zip_files_list = [replace_color_image_path, lineart_image_path] | |
zip_path = f"{image_name}.zip" | |
zip_files(zip_files_list, zip_path) | |
outputs = [replace_color_image, lineart_image] | |
return outputs, zip_path | |
def launch(self, share): | |
with self.demo: | |
with gr.Row(): | |
with gr.Column(): | |
input_image = gr.Image(type='filepath', image_mode="RGBA", label="Original Image") | |
kernel_size = gr.Dropdown(choices=[0, 1, 3, 5, 7, 9], value=0, label="カーネルサイズ (kernel_size)") | |
kernel_size_description = gr.Label("ガウシアンフィルタのカーネルサイズです。線の鋭さを設定します。0を選択するとOpenCVが自動でカーネルサイズを決定します。") | |
sigma = gr.Slider(0.1, 10.0, step=0.1, value=1.4, label="シグマ (sigma)") | |
sigma_description = gr.Label("ガウシアンフィルタの標準偏差。ぼかしの程度を制御します。") | |
k_sigma = gr.Slider(1.0, 3.0, step=0.1, value=1.6, label="k_シグマ (k_sigma)") | |
k_sigma_description = gr.Label("二つ目のガウシアンフィルタのシグマの倍率。線の太さが影響を受けます。") | |
epsilon = gr.Slider(-10, 10, value=0, label="イプシロン (epsilon)") | |
epsilon_description = gr.Label("XDoGフィルターの閾値パラメータ。線画の明瞭度やコントラストを調整します。") | |
phi = gr.Slider(1, 100, value=10, label="ファイ (phi)") | |
phi_description = gr.Label("タンジェントハイパーボリック関数の係数。閾値を超えた部分の鮮明さを高めます。") | |
gamma = gr.Slider(0.5, 1.5, step=0.1, value=0.98, label="ガンマ (gamma)") | |
gamma_description = gr.Label("DoGフィルタの強度調整パラメータ。主に線の明るさや暗さを調節します。") | |
submit = gr.Button(value="Start") | |
with gr.Column(): | |
output_image = gr.Image(label="Processed Image") | | | |
self.main, | |
inputs=[input_image, kernel_size, sigma, k_sigma, epsilon, phi, gamma], | |
outputs=[output_image] | |
) | |
self.demo.launch(share=share) | |
if __name__ == "__main__": | |
ui = webui() | |
ui.launch(share=True) |