from concurrent.futures import ThreadPoolExecutor |
from collections import deque |
from functools import partial |
from hashlib import sha1 |
import logging |
from pathlib import Path |
import sys |
import typing as tp |
import zipfile |
import flashy |
import torch |
logger = logging.getLogger(__name__) |
def get_full_embed(full_embed: torch.Tensor, x: tp.Any, idx: int, device: tp.Union[str, torch.device]) -> torch.Tensor: |
"""Utility function for the EmbeddingCache, returning the full embedding without any chunking. |
This method can be used in case there is no need in extracting a chunk of the full embedding |
read from the cache. |
Args: |
full_embed (torch.Tensor): The full embedding. |
x (any): Batch object from which the full embedding is derived. |
idx (torch.Tensor): Index of object to consider in the batch object. |
Returns: |
full_embed (torch.Tensor): The full embedding |
""" |
return full_embed.to(device) |
class EmbeddingCache: |
"""Cache around embeddings computation for faster execution. |
The EmbeddingCache is storing pre-computed embeddings on disk and provides a simple API |
to retrieve the pre-computed embeddings on full inputs and extract only a given chunk |
using a user-provided function. When the cache is warm (all embeddings are pre-computed), |
the EmbeddingCache allows for faster training as it removes the need of computing the embeddings. |
Additionally, it provides in-memory cache around the loaded embeddings to limit IO footprint |
and synchronization points in the forward calls. |
Args: |
cache_path (Path): Path to folder where all pre-computed embeddings are saved on disk. |
device (str or torch.device): Device on which the embedding is returned. |
compute_embed_fn (callable[[Path, any, int], torch.Tensor], optional): Function to compute |
the embedding from a given object and path. This user provided function can compute the |
embedding from the provided object or using the provided path as entry point. The last parameter |
specify the index corresponding to the current embedding in the object that can represent batch metadata. |
extract_embed_fn (callable[[torch.Tensor, any, int], torch.Tensor], optional): Function to extract |
the desired embedding chunk from the full embedding loaded from the cache. The last parameter |
specify the index corresponding to the current embedding in the object that can represent batch metadata. |
If not specified, will return the full embedding unmodified. |
""" |
def __init__(self, cache_path: tp.Union[str, Path], device: tp.Union[str, torch.device], |
compute_embed_fn: tp.Callable[[Path, tp.Any, int], torch.Tensor], |
extract_embed_fn: tp.Optional[tp.Callable[[torch.Tensor, tp.Any, int], torch.Tensor]] = None): |
self.cache_path = Path(cache_path) |
self.device = device |
self._compute_embed_fn = compute_embed_fn |
self._extract_embed_fn: tp.Callable[[torch.Tensor, tp.Any, int], torch.Tensor] |
if extract_embed_fn is not None: |
self._extract_embed_fn = extract_embed_fn |
else: |
self._extract_embed_fn = partial(get_full_embed, device=device) |
if self.cache_path is not None: |
self.cache_path.mkdir(exist_ok=True, parents=True) |
logger.info(f"Cache instantiated at: {self.cache_path}") |
self.pool = ThreadPoolExecutor(8) |
self.pool.__enter__() |
self._current_batch_cache: dict = {} |
self._memory_cache: dict = {} |
def _get_cache_path(self, path: tp.Union[Path, str]): |
"""Get cache path for the given file path.""" |
sig = sha1(str(path).encode()).hexdigest() |
return self.cache_path / sig |
@staticmethod |
def _get_full_embed_from_cache(cache: Path): |
"""Loads full pre-computed embedding from the cache.""" |
try: |
embed = torch.load(cache, 'cpu') |
except Exception as exc: |
logger.error("Error loading %s: %r", cache, exc) |
embed = None |
return embed |
def get_embed_from_cache(self, paths: tp.List[Path], x: tp.Any) -> torch.Tensor: |
"""Get embedding from cache, computing and storing it to cache if not already cached. |
The EmbeddingCache first tries to load the embedding from the in-memory cache |
containing the pre-computed chunks populated through `populate_embed_cache`. |
If not found, the full embedding is computed and stored on disk to be later accessed |
to populate the in-memory cache, and the desired embedding chunk is extracted and returned. |
Args: |
paths (list[Path or str]): List of paths from where the embeddings can be loaded. |
x (any): Object from which the embedding is extracted. |
""" |
embeds = [] |
for idx, path in enumerate(paths): |
cache = self._get_cache_path(path) |
if cache in self._current_batch_cache: |
embed = self._current_batch_cache[cache] |
else: |
full_embed = self._compute_embed_fn(path, x, idx) |
try: |
with flashy.utils.write_and_rename(cache, pid=True) as f: |
torch.save(full_embed.cpu(), f) |
except Exception as exc: |
logger.error('Error saving embed %s (%s): %r', cache, full_embed.shape, exc) |
else: |
logger.info('New embed cache saved: %s (%s)', cache, full_embed.shape) |
embed = self._extract_embed_fn(full_embed, x, idx) |
embeds.append(embed) |
embed = torch.stack(embeds, dim=0) |
return embed |
def populate_embed_cache(self, paths: tp.List[Path], x: tp.Any) -> None: |
"""Populate in-memory caches for embeddings reading from the embeddings stored on disk. |
The in-memory caches consist in a cache for the full embedding and another cache for the |
final embedding chunk. Such caches are used to limit the IO access when computing the actual embeddings |
and reduce the IO footprint and synchronization points during forward passes. |
Args: |
paths (list[Path]): List of paths from where the embeddings can be loaded. |
x (any): Object from which the embedding is extracted. |
""" |
self._current_batch_cache.clear() |
if self.cache_path is not None: |
futures: list = [] |
for path in paths: |
assert path is not None, "Path is required for computation from cache" |
cache = self._get_cache_path(path) |
if cache in self._memory_cache or not cache.exists(): |
futures.append(None) |
else: |
futures.append(self.pool.submit(EmbeddingCache._get_full_embed_from_cache, cache)) |
for idx, (path, future) in enumerate(zip(paths, futures)): |
assert path is not None |
cache = self._get_cache_path(path) |
full_embed = None |
if future is None: |
if cache in self._memory_cache: |
full_embed = self._memory_cache[cache] |
else: |
full_embed = future.result() |
if full_embed is not None: |
self._memory_cache[cache] = full_embed |
full_embed = full_embed.to(self.device) |
if full_embed is not None: |
embed = self._extract_embed_fn(full_embed, x, idx) |
self._current_batch_cache[cache] = embed |
class CachedBatchWriter: |
"""Write pre computed caches for mini batches. This can |
make loading a lot more efficient depending on your filesystem. |
Args: |
cache_folder (Path): folder in which the cached minibatches |
will be stored. |
Inside cache folder, the structure is the following: |
`epoch_number / update_number.zip` |
And the zip file contains one entry per batch item. |
It is possible to use the cache with a batch size smaller than |
created with but obviously not larger. Make sure to call the |
`start_epoch(epoch)` method for indicating changes of epochs. |
See the grid `audiocraft/grids/musicgen/musicgen_warmup_cache.py` |
for an example of how to warmup the cache. |
""" |
def __init__(self, cache_folder: Path): |
self.cache_folder = cache_folder |
self._current_epoch: tp.Optional[int] = None |
self._current_index = 0 |
def start_epoch(self, epoch: int): |
"""Call at the beginning of each epoch. |
""" |
self._current_epoch = epoch |
self._current_index = 0 |
self._zip_path.parent.mkdir(exist_ok=True, parents=True) |
@staticmethod |
def _get_zip_path(cache_folder: Path, epoch: int, index: int): |
return cache_folder / f"{epoch:05d}" / f"{index:06d}.zip" |
@property |
def _zip_path(self): |
assert self._current_epoch is not None |
return CachedBatchWriter._get_zip_path(self.cache_folder, self._current_epoch, self._current_index) |
def save(self, *content): |
"""Save one mini batch. This function is distributed-aware |
and will automatically merge all the items from the different |
workers. |
""" |
all_contents = [] |
for rank in range(flashy.distrib.world_size()): |
their_content = flashy.distrib.broadcast_object(content, src=rank) |
all_contents.append(their_content) |
if flashy.distrib.is_rank_zero(): |
idx = 0 |
with flashy.utils.write_and_rename(self._zip_path) as tmp: |
with zipfile.ZipFile(tmp, 'w') as zf: |
for content in all_contents: |
for vals in zip(*content): |
with zf.open(f'{idx}', 'w') as f: |
torch.save(vals, f) |
idx += 1 |
flashy.distrib.barrier() |
self._current_index += 1 |
class CachedBatchLoader: |
"""Loader for cached mini-batches dumped with `CachedBatchWriter`. |
Args: |
cache_folder (Path): folder in which the cached minibatches are stored. |
batch_size (int): batch size (per GPU) expected. |
num_workers (int): number of workers to use for loading. |
min_length (int): minimum expected length for each epoch. If some |
mini-batches are missing, and error is raised. |
This is iterable just like a regular DataLoader. |
""" |
def __init__(self, cache_folder: Path, batch_size: int, |
num_workers: int = 10, min_length: int = 1): |
self.cache_folder = cache_folder |
self.batch_size = batch_size |
self.num_workers = num_workers |
self.min_length = min_length |
self._current_epoch: tp.Optional[int] = None |
self.sampler = None |
def __len__(self): |
path = CachedBatchWriter._get_zip_path(self.cache_folder, self._current_epoch or 0, 0).parent |
return len([p for p in path.iterdir() if p.suffix == ".zip"]) |
def start_epoch(self, epoch: int): |
"""Call at the beginning of each epoch. |
""" |
self._current_epoch = epoch |
def _zip_path(self, index: int): |
assert self._current_epoch is not None |
return CachedBatchWriter._get_zip_path(self.cache_folder, self._current_epoch, index) |
def _load_one(self, index: int): |
zip_path = self._zip_path(index) |
if not zip_path.exists(): |
if index < self.min_length: |
raise RuntimeError(f"Cache should have at least {self.min_length} batches, but {index} doesn't exist") |
return None |
mode = "rb" if sys.version_info >= (3, 9) else "r" |
try: |
with zipfile.ZipFile(zip_path, 'r') as zf: |
rank = flashy.distrib.rank() |
world_size = flashy.distrib.world_size() |
root = zipfile.Path(zf) |
items = list(root.iterdir()) |
total_batch_size = self.batch_size * world_size |
if len(items) < total_batch_size: |
raise RuntimeError( |
f"The cache can handle a max batch size of {len(items)}, " |
f"but {total_batch_size} is needed.") |
start = rank * self.batch_size |
items = items[start: start + self.batch_size] |
assert len(items) == self.batch_size |
entries = [] |
entries = [torch.load(item.open(mode), 'cpu') for item in items] |
transposed = zip(*entries) |
out = [] |
for part in transposed: |
assert len(part) > 0 |
if isinstance(part[0], torch.Tensor): |
out.append(torch.stack(part)) |
else: |
assert isinstance(part, torch.Tensor) |
out.append(part) |
return out |
except Exception: |
logger.error("Error when reading zip path %s", zip_path) |
raise |
def __iter__(self): |
"""This will yields tuples, exactly as provided to the |
`CachedBatchWriter.save` method. |
""" |
pool = ThreadPoolExecutor(self.num_workers) |
next_index = 0 |
queue = deque() |
def _get_next(): |
nonlocal next_index |
r = queue.popleft().result() |
if r is None: |
return None |
else: |
queue.append(pool.submit(self._load_one, next_index)) |
next_index += 1 |
return r |
with pool: |
for _ in range(2 * self.num_workers): |
queue.append(pool.submit(self._load_one, next_index)) |
next_index += 1 |
while True: |
batch = _get_next() |
if batch is None: |
return |
yield batch |