from omegaconf import OmegaConf from query import VectaraQuery import os import streamlit as st from PIL import Image import concurrent.futures SCORE_THRESHOLD = 0.7 def inject_custom_css(): st.markdown( """ """, unsafe_allow_html=True ) def fetch_summary(vq, matching_text, doc_id): return vq.get_summary(matching_text, doc_id) def launch_app(): with concurrent.futures.ThreadPoolExecutor() as executor: if 'cfg' not in st.session_state: cfg = OmegaConf.create({ 'customer_id': str(os.environ['VECTARA_CUSTOMER_ID']), 'corpus_id': str(os.environ['VECTARA_CORPUS_ID']), 'api_key': str(os.environ['VECTARA_API_KEY']), 'streaming': False }) st.session_state.cfg = cfg st.session_state.vq = VectaraQuery(cfg.api_key, cfg.customer_id, [cfg.corpus_id]) cfg = st.session_state.cfg vq = st.session_state.vq st.set_page_config(page_title="Media Demo", layout="wide") inject_custom_css() header_image ='header-image-2.png') cropped_image = header_image.crop((0, 0, header_image.width, 150)) st.image(cropped_image, use_column_width=True) # left side content with st.sidebar: image ='vectara-logo.png') st.markdown("## Welcome to Media Demo\n\n" "This demo uses Vectara to find the movie where a quote is from.\n\n" "Covers movies from this [playlist]( of free movies.") st.markdown("---") st.markdown( "## How this works?\n" "This app was built with [Vectara](\n" ) st.markdown("---") st.image(image, width=250) st.markdown("

\"Where did I hear that line?\"

", unsafe_allow_html=True) _, q_col, _ = st.columns([1, 4, 1]) with q_col: quote = st.text_input("quote", label_visibility="hidden", placeholder="Enter a quote from a movie.") prev_quote = st.session_state.get('prev_quote', '') if quote != prev_quote: st.session_state.quote = quote st.session_state.prev_quote = quote st.session_state.movie_name, st.session_state.match_url, st.session_state.score, doc_id, matching_text = vq.submit_query(quote) if st.session_state.score < SCORE_THRESHOLD: st.session_state.movie_name = None else: future = executor.submit(fetch_summary, vq, matching_text, doc_id) st.session_state.summary_future = future if 'score' in st.session_state and st.session_state.score: if st.session_state.movie_name is None: st.write("Sorry, I couldn't find a match for that quote. Please try another one.") else: video_url, start_time = st.session_state.match_url.split('&t=') video_url = f"{video_url}&cc_load_policy=1" start_time = start_time[:-1] # remove the trailing 's' _, video_col, summary_col = st.columns([1, 4, 3]) with video_col:, start_time=int(float(start_time))) with summary_col: # Display the summary when it's ready if 'summary_future' in st.session_state: if st.session_state.summary_future.done(): st.markdown("**Summary:**") st.session_state.summary = st.session_state.summary_future.result() st.markdown(st.session_state.summary) if not st.session_state.summary_future.done(): st.rerun() if __name__ == "__main__": launch_app()