Runtime error
Runtime error
import os | |
import torch | |
from abc import ABC, abstractmethod | |
import wandb | |
import options | |
import utils | |
from pytorch_msssim import ssim, SSIM | |
import numpy as np | |
import torchvision | |
from tqdm import tqdm | |
import lpips | |
from imaginaire.losses import FeatureMatchingLoss, GaussianKLLoss, PerceptualLoss,GANLoss | |
import cv2 | |
from imaginaire.utils.trainer import get_scheduler | |
from .geometry_transform import render_sat | |
from model import geometry_transform | |
import csv | |
class BaseModel(ABC): | |
"""This class is an abstract base class (ABC) for models. | |
To create a subclass, you need to implement the following five functions: | |
-- <__init__>: initialize the class; first call BaseModel.__init__(self, opt). | |
-- <set_input>: unpack data from dataset and apply preprocessing. | |
-- <forward>: produce intermediate results. | |
-- <optimize_parameters>: calculate losses, gradients, and update network weights. | |
-- <modify_commandline_options>: (optionally) add model-specific options and set default options. | |
""" | |
def __init__(self, opt,wandb=None): | |
"""Initialize the BaseModel class. | |
Parameters: | |
opt (Option class)-- stores all the experiment flags; needs to be a subclass of BaseOptions | |
When creating your custom class, you need to implement your own initialization. | |
In this function, you should first call <BaseModel.__init__(self, opt)> | |
Then, you need to define four lists: | |
-- self.loss_names (str list): specify the training losses that you want to plot and save. | |
-- self.model_names (str list): define networks used in our training. | |
""" | |
self.wandb = wandb | |
if opt.isTrain: | |
opt.save_dir =wandb.dir | |
options.save_options_file(opt,opt.save_dir) | |
self.opt = opt | |
self.device = "cpu" if opt.cpu or not torch.cuda.is_available() else "cuda:{}".format(opt.gpu) | |
# torch.backends.cudnn.benchmark = True | |
self.model_names = [] | |
self.train_loader = None | |
self.val_loader = None | |
self.sty_loader = None | |
self.loss_fn_alex = lpips.LPIPS(net='alex',eval_mode=True).cuda() | |
if opt.task=='test': | |
self.loss_fn_sque = lpips.LPIPS(net='squeeze',eval_mode=True).cuda() | |
self.mseloss = torch.nn.MSELoss(True,True) | |
self.criteria = {} | |
self.weights = {} | |
if hasattr(opt.optim.loss_weight, 'GaussianKL'): | |
if opt.optim.loss_weight.GaussianKL: | |
self.criteria['GaussianKL'] = GaussianKLLoss() | |
self.weights['GaussianKL'] = opt.optim.loss_weight.GaussianKL | |
if hasattr(opt.optim.loss_weight, 'L1'): | |
if opt.optim.loss_weight.L1: | |
self.criteria['L1'] = torch.nn.L1Loss(True,True) | |
self.weights['L1'] = opt.optim.loss_weight.L1 | |
if hasattr(opt.optim.loss_weight, 'L2'): | |
if opt.optim.loss_weight.L2: | |
self.criteria['L2'] = torch.nn.MSELoss(True,True) | |
self.weights['L2'] = opt.optim.loss_weight.L2 | |
if hasattr(opt.optim.loss_weight, 'SSIM'): | |
if opt.optim.loss_weight.SSIM: | |
self.criteria['SSIM'] = SSIM(data_range =1., size_average=True, channel=3) | |
self.weights['SSIM'] = opt.optim.loss_weight.SSIM | |
if hasattr(opt.optim.loss_weight, 'Perceptual'): | |
if opt.optim.loss_weight.Perceptual: | |
self.criteria['Perceptual'] = \ | |
PerceptualLoss( | |
network=opt.optim.perceptual_loss.mode, | |
layers=opt.optim.perceptual_loss.layers, | |
weights=opt.optim.perceptual_loss.weights).to(self.device) | |
self.weights['Perceptual'] = opt.optim.loss_weight.Perceptual | |
if hasattr(opt.optim.loss_weight, 'sky_inner'): | |
if opt.optim.loss_weight.sky_inner: | |
self.criteria['sky_inner'] = torch.nn.L1Loss(True,True) | |
self.weights['sky_inner'] = opt.optim.loss_weight.sky_inner | |
if hasattr(opt.optim.loss_weight, 'feature_matching'): | |
if opt.optim.loss_weight.feature_matching: | |
self.criteria['feature_matching'] = FeatureMatchingLoss() | |
self.weights['feature_matching'] = opt.optim.loss_weight.feature_matching | |
self.weights['GAN'] = opt.optim.loss_weight.GAN | |
self.criteria['GAN'] = GANLoss(gan_mode=opt.optim.gan_mode) | |
def modify_commandline_options(parser, is_train): | |
"""Add new model-specific options, and rewrite default values for existing options. | |
Parameters: | |
parser -- original option parser | |
is_train (bool) -- whether training phase or test phase. You can use this flag to add training-specific or test-specific options. | |
Returns: | |
the modified parser. | |
""" | |
return parser | |
def set_input(self, input): | |
"""Unpack input data from the dataloader and perform necessary pre-processing steps. | |
Parameters: | |
input (dict): includes the data itself and its metadata information. | |
""" | |
pass | |
def forward(self): | |
"""Run forward pass; called by both functions <optimize_parameters> and <test>.""" | |
pass | |
def save_checkpoint(self,ep=0,latest=False): | |
""" | |
save trained models. | |
Args: | |
ep (int, optional): model epochs. Defaults to 0. | |
latest (bool, optional): qhether it is the latest model. Defaults to False. | |
""" | |
ckpt_save_path = os.path.join(self.wandb.dir,'checkpoint') | |
if not os.path.exists(ckpt_save_path): | |
os.mkdir(ckpt_save_path) | |
utils.save_checkpoint(self,ep=ep,latest=latest,output_path=ckpt_save_path) | |
if not latest: | |
print("checkpoint saved: {0}, epoch {1} ".format(,ep)) | |
def __patch_instance_norm_state_dict(self, state_dict, module, keys, i=0): | |
"""Fix InstanceNorm checkpoints incompatibility (prior to 0.4)""" | |
key = keys[i] | |
if i + 1 == len(keys): # at the end, pointing to a parameter/buffer | |
if module.__class__.__name__.startswith('InstanceNorm') and \ | |
(key == 'running_mean' or key == 'running_var'): | |
if getattr(module, key) is None: | |
state_dict.pop('.'.join(keys)) | |
if module.__class__.__name__.startswith('InstanceNorm') and \ | |
(key == 'num_batches_tracked'): | |
state_dict.pop('.'.join(keys)) | |
else: | |
self.__patch_instance_norm_state_dict(state_dict, getattr(module, key), keys, i + 1) | |
def setup_optimizer(self,opt): | |
# initialize optimizers; schedulers will be automatically created by function <BaseModel.setup>. | |
self.optimizer_G = torch.optim.Adam(self.netG.parameters(), lr=opt.optim.lr_gen, betas=(opt.optim.beta1, 0.999),eps=1.e-7) | |
if opt.isTrain: | |
self.optimizer_D = torch.optim.Adam(self.netD.parameters(), lr=opt.optim.lr_dis, betas=(opt.optim.beta1, 0.999)) | |
if opt.optim.lr_policy: | |
self.sch_G = get_scheduler(opt.optim, self.optimizer_G) | |
self.sch_D = get_scheduler(opt.optim, self.optimizer_D) | |
def optimize_parameters(self,opt): | |
self.netG.train() | |
# update Discriminators | |
self.backward_D(opt) # calculate gradients for D | |
# update Generator | |
self.backward_G(opt) # calculate graidents for G | |
psnr1 = -10*self.mseloss(self.fake_B.detach(),self.real_B.detach()).log10().item() | |
ssim_ = ssim(self.real_B.detach().float(), self.fake_B.detach().float(),data_range=1.) | |
out_dict = { | |
"train_ssim": ssim_, | |
"train_psnr1": psnr1, | |
} | |
# adjust learning rates according to schedule | |
if opt.optim.lr_policy: | |
out_dict["lr_D"]=self.sch_D.get_lr()[0] | |
out_dict["lr_G"]=self.sch_G.get_lr()[0] | |
out_dict.update(self.loss) | |
out_dict.update(self.dis_losses) | |
self.wandb.log(out_dict) | |
def validation(self,opt): | |
"""Used for validation and test in Center Ground-View Synthesis setting | |
Args: | |
opt (_type_): option dict | |
""" | |
print(10*"*","validate",10*"*") | |
self.netG.eval() | |
# six image reconstruction metrics | |
psnr_val = [] | |
ssim_val = [] | |
lpips_ale_val = [] | |
lpips_squ_val = [] | |
rmse_val = [] | |
sd_val = [] | |
with torch.no_grad(): | |
# set the sky of all images with predefined sky histogram. | |
if opt.sty_img: | |
for _,data in enumerate(self.sty_loader): | |
self.set_input(data) | |
self.style_temp=self.sky_histc | |
break | |
for _,data in enumerate(tqdm(self.val_loader,ncols=100)): | |
self.set_input(data) | |
# if true: use the sky of predefined image | |
# if false: use the sky of corresponding GT | |
if opt.sty_img: | |
self.sky_histc = self.style_temp | |
self.forward(opt) | |
rmse = torch.sqrt(self.mseloss(self.fake_B*255.,self.real_B*255.)).item() | |
sd = sd_func(self.real_B,self.fake_B) | |
rmse_val.append(rmse) | |
sd_val.append(sd) | |
psnr1 = -10*self.mseloss(self.fake_B,self.real_B).log10().item() | |
ssim_ = ssim(self.real_B, self.fake_B,data_range=1.).item() | |
lpips_ale = torch.mean(self.loss_fn_alex((self.real_B*2.)-1, (2.*self.fake_B)-1)).cpu() | |
if opt.task=='test': | |
lpips_sque = torch.mean(self.loss_fn_sque((self.real_B*2.)-1, (2.*self.fake_B)-1)).cpu() | |
lpips_squ_val.append(lpips_sque) | |
psnr_val.append(psnr1) | |
ssim_val.append(ssim_) | |
lpips_ale_val.append(lpips_ale) | |
if opt.task in ['vis_test']: | |
if not os.path.exists(opt.vis_dir): | |
os.mkdir(opt.vis_dir) | |
sat_opacity,sat_depth = render_sat(opt,self.out_put['voxel']) | |
self.out_put['depth'] = (self.out_put['depth']/self.out_put['depth'].max())*255. | |
sat_depth = (sat_depth/sat_depth.max())*255. | |
for i in range(len(self.fake_B)): | |
depth_save = cv2.applyColorMap(self.out_put['depth'][i].squeeze().cpu().numpy().astype(np.uint8), cv2.COLORMAP_TURBO) | |
depth_sat_save = cv2.applyColorMap(sat_depth[i].squeeze().cpu().numpy().astype(np.uint8), cv2.COLORMAP_TURBO) | |
# cat generated ground images, GT ground images, predicted ground depth | |
torchvision.utils.save_image([self.fake_B[i].cpu(),self.real_B[i].cpu(),torch.flip(torch.from_numpy(depth_save).permute(2,0,1)/255.,[0])],os.path.join(opt.vis_dir,os.path.basename(self.image_paths[i]))) | |
# cat GT satellite images, predicted satellite depth | |
torchvision.utils.save_image( [self.real_A[i].cpu() ,torch.flip(torch.from_numpy(depth_sat_save).permute(2,0,1)/255.,[0])],os.path.join(opt.vis_dir,os.path.basename(self.image_paths[i]).rsplit('.', 1)[0]+'_sat.jpg')) | |
# ground opacity | |
torchvision.utils.save_image([self.out_put['opacity'][i]] ,os.path.join(opt.vis_dir,os.path.basename(self.image_paths[i]).rsplit('.', 1)[0]+'_sat.jpg')) | |
psnr_avg = np.average(psnr_val) | |
ssim_avg = np.average(ssim_val) | |
lpips_ale_avg = np.average(lpips_ale_val) | |
if 'test' in opt.task: | |
lpips_squ_avg = np.average(lpips_squ_val) | |
rmse_avg = np.average(rmse_val) | |
sd_avg = np.average(sd_val) | |
if opt.task in ["train" , "Train"]: | |
out_dict = { | |
'val_psnr': psnr_avg, | |
'val_ssim': ssim_avg, | |
'val_lpips_ale':lpips_ale_avg, | |
'val_rmse':rmse_avg, | |
'val_sd':sd_avg | |
} | |
if opt.task=='test': | |
out_dict['val_lpips_squ'] = lpips_squ_avg | |
self.wandb.log(out_dict,commit=False) | |
else: | |
print( | |
{ | |
'val_rmse':rmse_avg, | |
'val_ssim': ssim_avg, | |
'val_psnr': psnr_avg, | |
'val_sd':sd_avg, | |
'val_lpips_ale':lpips_ale_avg, | |
'val_lpips_squ':lpips_squ_avg, | |
} | |
) | |
with open('test_output.csv', mode='a', newline='') as csv_file: | |
writer = csv.writer(csv_file) | |
writer.writerow([rmse_avg, ssim_avg, psnr_avg, sd_avg, lpips_ale_avg, lpips_squ_avg]) | |
def test_vid(self,opt): | |
"""Used for synthesis ground video | |
Args: | |
opt (_type_): option dict | |
""" | |
ckpt_list = os.listdir('wandb/') | |
for i in ckpt_list: | |
if opt.test_ckpt_path in i: | |
ckpt_path = i | |
ckpt = torch.load(os.path.join('wandb/',ckpt_path,'files/checkpoint/model.pth'))['netG'] | |
print('load success!') | |
self.netG.load_state_dict(ckpt,strict=True) | |
self.netG.eval() | |
print(10*"*","test_video",10*"*") | |
pixels = [] | |
if os.path.exists('vis_video/pixels.csv'): | |
with open('vis_video/pixels.csv', 'r') as csvfile: | |
reader = csv.DictReader(csvfile) | |
for row in reader: | |
x = float(row['x']) #x is | |
y = float(row['y']) | |
pixels.append((x, y)) | |
else: | |
print('only render center point without vis_video/pixels.csv') | |
pixels = [(128,128)] | |
if opt.sty_img: | |
# inference with illumination from other images | |
for idx,data in enumerate(self.sty_loader): | |
self.set_input(data) | |
self.style_temp=self.sky_histc | |
break | |
with torch.no_grad(): | |
for idx,data in enumerate(self.val_loader): | |
self.set_input(data) | |
if opt.sty_img: | |
self.sky_histc = self.style_temp | |
for i,(x,y) in enumerate(pixels): | |
opt.origin_H_W = [(y-128)/128 , (x-128)/128] | |
print(opt.origin_H_W) | |
self.forward(opt) | |
if not os.path.exists('vis_video'): | |
os.mkdir('vis_video') | |
# save voxel to visalize & satellite depth, works well on cvact | |
if i==0: | |
# pre-process for better visualize | |
volume_data = self.out_put.voxel.squeeze().cpu().numpy().transpose((1,2,0)) | |
volume_data = np.clip(volume_data, None, 10) | |
import pyvista as pv | |
grid = pv.UniformGrid() | |
grid.dimensions = volume_data.shape | |
grid.spacing = (1, 1, 1) | |
grid.origin = (0, 0, 0) | |
grid.point_data['values'] = volume_data.flatten(order='F') | |'vis_video',"volume_data.vtk") ) # vtk file could be visualized by ParaView app | |
sat_opacity,sat_depth = render_sat(opt,self.out_put['voxel']) | |
sat_depth = (2 - sat_depth)/(*255. | |
depth_sat_save = cv2.applyColorMap(sat_depth[0].squeeze().cpu().numpy().astype(np.uint8), cv2.COLORMAP_TURBO) | |
torchvision.utils.save_image(torch.flip(torch.from_numpy(depth_sat_save).permute(2,0,1)/255.,[0]) ,os.path.join('vis_video',os.path.basename(self.image_paths[0])).replace('.png','_satdepth.png')) | |
torchvision.utils.save_image( [self.real_A[0].cpu() ] ,os.path.join('vis_video',os.path.basename(self.image_paths[0]).replace('.png','_sat.png'))) | |
torchvision.utils.save_image( [self.real_B[0].cpu() ] ,os.path.join('vis_video',os.path.basename(self.image_paths[0]).replace('.png','_pano.png'))) | |
self.out_put['depth'] = (self.out_put['depth']/self.out_put['depth'].max())*255. | |
depth_save = cv2.applyColorMap(self.out_put['depth'][0].squeeze().cpu().numpy().astype(np.uint8), cv2.COLORMAP_TURBO) | |
depth_save = torch.flip(torch.from_numpy(depth_save).permute(2,0,1)/255.,[0]) | |
save_img = self.out_put.pred[0].cpu() | |
name = '%05d' % int(i) + ".png" | |
torchvision.utils.save_image(save_img,os.path.join('vis_video',os.path.basename(self.image_paths[0])).replace('.png',name)) | |
save_img = depth_save | |
name = '%05d' % int(i) + "_depth.png" | |
torchvision.utils.save_image(save_img,os.path.join('vis_video',os.path.basename(self.image_paths[0])).replace('.png',name)) | |
# save_img = self.out_put.generator_inputs[0][:3,:,:] | |
# name = '%05d' % int(i) + "_color_project.png" | |
# torchvision.utils.save_image(save_img,os.path.join('vis_video',os.path.basename(self.image_paths[0])).replace('.png',name)) | |
def test_interpolation(self,opt): | |
"""Used for test interpolation | |
Args: | |
opt (_type_): option dict | |
""" | |
ckpt_list = os.listdir('wandb/') | |
for i in ckpt_list: | |
if opt.test_ckpt_path in i: | |
ckpt_path = i | |
ckpt = torch.load(os.path.join('wandb/',ckpt_path,'files/checkpoint/model.pth'))['netG'] | |
print('load success!') | |
self.netG.load_state_dict(ckpt,strict=True) | |
self.netG.eval() | |
pixels = [(128,128)] | |
if opt.sty_img1: | |
for idx,data in enumerate(self.sty_loader1): | |
self.set_input(data) | |
self.style_temp1=self.sky_histc | |
break | |
if opt.sty_img2: | |
for idx,data in enumerate(self.sty_loader2): | |
self.set_input(data) | |
self.style_temp2=self.sky_histc | |
break | |
with torch.no_grad(): | |
for idx,data in enumerate(self.val_loader): | |
self.set_input(data) | |
self.sky_histc1 = self.style_temp1 | |
self.sky_histc2 = self.style_temp2 | |
x,y = pixels[0] | |
opt.origin_H_W = [(y-128)/128 , (x-128)/128] | |
print(opt.origin_H_W) | |
estimated_height = self.netG.depth_model(self.real_A) | |
geo_outputs = geometry_transform.render(opt,self.real_A,estimated_height,self.netG.pano_direction,PE=self.netG.PE) | |
generator_inputs,opacity,depth = geo_outputs['rgb'],geo_outputs['opacity'],geo_outputs['depth'] | |
if self.netG.gen_cfg.cat_opa: | |
generator_inputs =,opacity),dim=1) | |
if self.netG.gen_cfg.cat_depth: | |
generator_inputs =,depth),dim=1) | |
_, _, z1 = self.netG.style_encode(self.sky_histc1) | |
_, _, z2 = self.netG.style_encode(self.sky_histc2) | |
num_inter = 60 | |
for i in range(num_inter): | |
z = z1 * (1-i/(num_inter-1)) + z2* (i/(num_inter-1)) | |
z = self.netG.style_model(z) | |
output_RGB = self.netG.denoise_model(generator_inputs,z) | |
save_img = output_RGB.cpu() | |
name = 'img{:03d}.png'.format(i) | |
if not os.path.exists('vis_interpolation'): | |
os.mkdir('vis_interpolation') | |
torchvision.utils.save_image(save_img,os.path.join('vis_interpolation',name)) | |
def test_speed(self,opt): | |
self.netG.eval() | |
random_input = torch.randn(1, 3, 256, 256).to(opt.device) | |
starter, ender = torch.cuda.Event(enable_timing=True), torch.cuda.Event(enable_timing=True) | |
iterations = 300 | |
times = torch.zeros(iterations) | |
with torch.no_grad(): | |
for _ in range(50): | |
_ = self.netG(random_input,None,opt) | |
for iter in range(iterations): | |
starter.record() | |
_ = self.netG(random_input,None,opt) | |
ender.record() | |
torch.cuda.synchronize() | |
curr_time = starter.elapsed_time(ender) # 计算时间 | |
times[iter] = curr_time | |
# print(curr_time) | |
mean_time = times.mean().item() | |
print("Inference time: {:.6f}, FPS: {} ".format(mean_time, 1000/mean_time)) | |
def test_sty(self,opt): | |
ckpt_list = os.listdir('wandb/') | |
for i in ckpt_list: | |
if opt.test_ckpt_path in i: | |
ckpt_path = i | |
ckpt = torch.load(os.path.join('wandb/',ckpt_path,'files/checkpoint/model.pth'))['netG'] | |
print('load success!') | |
self.netG.load_state_dict(ckpt,strict=True) | |
self.netG.eval() | |
print(10*"*","test_sty",10*"*") | |
self.netG.eval() | |
self.style_temp_list = [] | |
with torch.no_grad(): | |
num_val_loader = len(self.val_loader) | |
for i in range(num_val_loader): | |
for idx,data in enumerate(tqdm(self.val_loader,ncols=100)): | |
self.set_input(data) | |
if i==0: | |
self.style_temp_list.append(self.sky_histc) | |
name = '%05d' % int(idx) | |
torchvision.utils.save_image( [self.real_A[0].cpu() ] ,os.path.join(opt.vis_dir,os.path.basename(self.image_paths[0]).replace('.png',name+'_sat.png'))) | |
self.sky_histc = self.style_temp_list[i] | |
self.forward(opt) | |
if not os.path.exists(opt.vis_dir): | |
os.mkdir(opt.vis_dir) | |
name = '%05d' % int(idx)+'_'+'%05d' % int(i) | |
name= name+ '.png' | |
torchvision.utils.save_image(self.fake_B[0].cpu(),os.path.join(opt.vis_dir, name)) | |
def train(self,opt): | |
self.validation(opt) | |
for current_epoch in range(opt.max_epochs): | |
print(10*'-','current epoch is ',current_epoch,10*'-') | |
for idx,data in enumerate(tqdm(self.train_loader,ncols=100)): | |
self.set_input(data) | |
self.optimize_parameters(opt) | |
if idx%500==0 : | |
out_ing_dict = { | |
'train_input': wandb.Image(self.real_A[0].float()), | |
'train_pred_and_gt': wandb.Image([self.fake_B,self.real_B],2)[0].float()), | |
} | |
if hasattr(self.out_put, 'inter_RGB'): | |
out_ing_dict["train_inner_pred"] = wandb.Image(self.out_put.inter_RGB[0].float()) | |
if opt.arch.gen.transform_mode in ['volum_rendering']: | |
out_ing_dict['train_inner_opacity'] = wandb.Image(self.out_put.opacity[0].float()) | |
self.wandb.log(out_ing_dict,commit=False) | |
if opt.optim.lr_policy.iteration_mode: | |
self.sch_G.step() | |
self.sch_D.step() | |
if not opt.optim.lr_policy.iteration_mode: | |
self.sch_G.step() | |
self.sch_D.step() | |
self.validation(opt) | |
if current_epoch%5==0: | |
self.save_checkpoint(ep=current_epoch) | |
self.save_checkpoint(ep=current_epoch) | |
def test(self,opt): | |
ckpt_list = os.listdir('wandb/') | |
for i in ckpt_list: | |
if '.zip' not in i: | |
if opt.test_ckpt_path in i: | |
ckpt_path = i | |
ckpt = torch.load(os.path.join('wandb/',ckpt_path,'files/checkpoint/model.pth'))['netG'] | |
print('load success!') | |
self.netG.load_state_dict(ckpt,strict=True) | |
# print(10*"*","validate",10*"*") | |
self.validation(opt) | |
print('if --task=vis_test,visible results will be saved,you can add "--vis_dir=xxx" to save in other dictionary',opt.vis_dir) | |
def _get_outputs(self, net_D_output, real=True): | |
r"""Return output values. Note that when the gan mode is relativistic. | |
It will do the difference before returning. | |
Args: | |
net_D_output (dict): | |
real_outputs (tensor): Real output values. | |
fake_outputs (tensor): Fake output values. | |
real (bool): Return real or fake. | |
""" | |
def _get_difference(a, b): | |
r"""Get difference between two lists of tensors or two tensors. | |
Args: | |
a: list of tensors or tensor | |
b: list of tensors or tensor | |
""" | |
out = list() | |
for x, y in zip(a, b): | |
if isinstance(x, list): | |
res = _get_difference(x, y) | |
else: | |
res = x - y | |
out.append(res) | |
return out | |
if real: | |
return net_D_output['real_outputs'] | |
else: | |
return net_D_output['fake_outputs'] | |
def sd_func(real, fake): | |
''' | |
ref: page 6 in | |
''' | |
dgt1 = torch.abs(torch.diff(real,dim=-2))[:, :, 1:, 1:-1] | |
dgt2 = torch.abs(torch.diff(real, dim=-1))[:, :, 1:-1, 1:] | |
dpred1 = torch.abs(torch.diff(fake, dim=-2))[:, :, 1:, 1:-1] | |
dpred2 = torch.abs(torch.diff(fake, dim=-1))[:, :, 1:-1, 1:] | |
return 10*torch.log10(1.**2/torch.mean(torch.abs(dgt1+dgt2-dpred1-dpred2))).cpu().item() |