from typing import Optional from urllib.parse import quote_plus from fasthtml.components import H1, H2, Div, Form, Img, NotStr, P, Span from fasthtml.xtend import A, Script from lucide_fasthtml import Lucide from shad4fast import Badge, Button, Input, Label, RadioGroup, RadioGroupItem # JavaScript to check the input value and enable/disable the search button and radio buttons check_input_script = Script( """ window.onload = function() { const input = document.getElementById('search-input'); const button = document.querySelector('[data-button="search-button"]'); const radioGroupItems = document.querySelectorAll('button[data-ref="radio-item"]'); // Get all radio buttons function checkInputValue() { const isInputEmpty = input.value.trim() === ""; button.disabled = isInputEmpty; // Disable the submit button radioGroupItems.forEach(item => { item.disabled = isInputEmpty; // Disable/enable the radio buttons }); } input.addEventListener('input', checkInputValue); // Listen for input changes checkInputValue(); // Initial check when the page loads }; """ ) # JavaScript to handle the image swapping, reset button, and active class toggling image_swapping = Script( """ document.addEventListener('click', function (e) { if ('sim-map-button') ||'reset-button')) { const imgContainer ='.relative'); const overlayContainer = imgContainer.querySelector('.overlay-container'); const newSrc ='data-image-src'); // If it's a reset button, remove the overlay image if ('reset-button')) { overlayContainer.innerHTML = ''; // Clear the overlay container, showing only the full image } else { // Create a new overlay image const img = document.createElement('img'); img.src = newSrc; img.classList.add('overlay-image', 'absolute', 'top-0', 'left-0', 'w-full', 'h-full'); overlayContainer.innerHTML = ''; // Clear any previous overlay overlayContainer.appendChild(img); // Add the new overlay image } // Toggle active class on buttons const activeButton = document.querySelector(''); if (activeButton) { activeButton.classList.remove('active'); } if ('sim-map-button')) {'active'); } } }); """ ) toggle_text_content = Script( """ function toggleTextContent(idx) { const textColumn = document.getElementById(`text-column-${idx}`); const imageTextColumns = document.getElementById(`image-text-columns-${idx}`); const toggleButton = document.getElementById(`toggle-button-${idx}`); if (textColumn.classList.contains('md-grid-text-column')) { // Hide the text column textColumn.classList.remove('md-grid-text-column'); imageTextColumns.classList.remove('grid-image-text-columns'); toggleButton.innerText = `Show Text`; } else { // Show the text column textColumn.classList.add('md-grid-text-column'); imageTextColumns.classList.add('grid-image-text-columns'); toggleButton.innerText = `Hide Text`; } } """ ) def SearchBox(with_border=False, query_value="", ranking_value="nn+colpali"): grid_cls = "grid gap-2 items-center p-3 bg-muted/80 dark:bg-muted/40 w-full" if with_border: grid_cls = "grid gap-2 p-3 rounded-md border border-input bg-muted/80 dark:bg-muted/40 w-full ring-offset-background focus-within:outline-none focus-within:ring-2 focus-within:ring-ring focus-within:ring-offset-2 focus-within:border-input" return Form( Div( Lucide(icon="search", cls="absolute left-2 top-2 text-muted-foreground"), Input( placeholder="Enter your search query...", name="query", value=query_value, id="search-input", cls="text-base pl-10 border-transparent ring-offset-transparent ring-0 focus-visible:ring-transparent", style="font-size: 1rem", autofocus=True, ), cls="relative", ), Div( Div( Span("Ranking by:", cls="text-muted-foreground text-xs font-semibold"), RadioGroup( Div( RadioGroupItem(value="nn+colpali", id="nn+colpali"), Label("nn+colpali", htmlFor="nn+colpali"), cls="flex items-center space-x-2", ), Div( RadioGroupItem(value="bm25+colpali", id="bm25+colpali"), Label("bm25+colpali", htmlFor="bm25+colpali"), cls="flex items-center space-x-2", ), Div( RadioGroupItem(value="bm25", id="bm25"), Label("bm25", htmlFor="bm25"), cls="flex items-center space-x-2", ), name="ranking", default_value=ranking_value, cls="grid-flow-col gap-x-5 text-muted-foreground", ), cls="grid grid-flow-col items-center gap-x-3 border border-input px-3 rounded-sm", ), Button( Lucide(icon="arrow-right", size="21"), size="sm", type="submit", data_button="search-button", disabled=True, ), cls="flex justify-between", ), check_input_script, action=f"/search?query={quote_plus(query_value)}&ranking={quote_plus(ranking_value)}", method="GET", hx_get=f"/fetch_results?query={quote_plus(query_value)}&ranking={quote_plus(ranking_value)}", hx_trigger="load", hx_target="#search-results", hx_swap="outerHTML", hx_indicator="#loading-indicator", cls=grid_cls, ) def SampleQueries(): sample_queries = [ "Total amount of fixed salaries paid in 2023?", "Proportion of female new hires 2021-2023?", "Value of unlisted real estate 2023?", "Fund currency basket returns 2023", "Employees per office site?", ] query_badges = [] for query in sample_queries: query_badges.append( A( Badge( Div( Lucide( icon="text-search", size="18", cls="text-muted-foreground" ), Span(query, cls="text-base font-normal"), cls="flex gap-2 items-center", ), variant="outline", cls="text-base font-normal text-muted-foreground hover:border-black dark:hover:border-white", ), href=f"/search?query={quote_plus(query)}", cls="no-underline", ) ) return Div(*query_badges, cls="grid gap-2 justify-items-center") def Hero(): return Div( H1( " + ColPali", cls="text-5xl md:text-7xl font-bold tracking-wide md:tracking-wider bg-clip-text text-transparent bg-gradient-to-r from-black to-gray-700 dark:from-white dark:to-gray-300 animate-fade-in", ), P( "Efficient Document Retrieval with Vision Language Models", cls="text-lg md:text-2xl text-muted-foreground md:tracking-wide", ), cls="grid gap-5 text-center", ) def Home(): return Div( Div( Hero(), SearchBox(with_border=True), SampleQueries(), cls="grid gap-8 -mt-[21vh]", ), cls="grid w-full h-full max-w-screen-md items-center gap-4 mx-auto", ) def Search(request, search_results=[]): query_value = request.query_params.get("query", "").strip() ranking_value = request.query_params.get("ranking", "nn+colpali") print( f"Search: Fetching results for query: {query_value}, ranking: {ranking_value}" ) return Div( Div( Div( SearchBox(query_value=query_value, ranking_value=ranking_value), Div( LoadingMessage(), id="search-results", # This will be replaced by the search results ), cls="grid", ), cls="grid", ), ) def LoadingMessage(display_text="Retrieving search results"): return Div( Lucide(icon="loader-circle", cls="size-5 mr-1.5 animate-spin"), Span(display_text, cls="text-base text-center"), cls="p-10 text-muted-foreground flex items-center justify-center", id="loading-indicator", ) def LoadingSkeleton(): return Div( Div(cls="h-5 bg-muted"), Div(cls="h-5 bg-muted"), Div(cls="h-5 bg-muted"), cls="grid gap-2 animate-pulse", ) def SimMapButtonReady(query_id, idx, token, img_src): return Button( token, size="sm", data_image_src=img_src, id=f"sim-map-button-{query_id}-{idx}-{token}", cls="sim-map-button pointer-events-auto font-mono text-xs h-5 rounded-none px-2", ) def SimMapButtonPoll(query_id, idx, token): return Button( Lucide(icon="loader-circle", size="15", cls="animate-spin"), size="sm", disabled=True, hx_get=f"/get_sim_map?query_id={query_id}&idx={idx}&token={token}", # Poll every x seconds, where x is 0.3 x idx, formatted to 2 decimals hx_trigger=f"every {(idx+1)*0.3:.2f}s", hx_swap="outerHTML", cls="pointer-events-auto text-xs h-5 rounded-none px-2", ) def SearchResult(results: list, query_id: Optional[str] = None): if not results: return Div( P( "No results found for your query.", cls="text-muted-foreground text-base text-center", ), cls="grid p-10", ) # Otherwise, display the search results result_items = [] for idx, result in enumerate(results): fields = result["fields"] # Extract the 'fields' part of each result blur_image_base64 = f"data:image/jpeg;base64,{fields['blur_image']}" # Filter sim_map fields that are words with 4 or more characters sim_map_fields = { key: value for key, value in fields.items() if key.startswith( "sim_map_" ) # filtering is done before creating with 'is_special_token'-function } # Generate buttons for the sim_map fields sim_map_buttons = [] for key, value in sim_map_fields.items(): if value is not None: sim_map_base64 = f"data:image/jpeg;base64,{value}" sim_map_buttons.append( SimMapButtonReady( query_id=query_id, idx=idx, token=key.split("_")[-1], img_src=sim_map_base64, ) ) else: sim_map_buttons.append( SimMapButtonPoll( query_id=query_id, idx=idx, token=key.split("_")[-1] ) ) # Add "Reset Image" button to restore the full image reset_button = Button( "Reset", variant="outline", size="sm", data_image_src=blur_image_base64, cls="reset-button pointer-events-auto font-mono text-xs h-5 rounded-none px-2", ) tokens_icon = Lucide(icon="images", size="15") # Add "Tokens" button - this has no action, just a placeholder tokens_button = Button( tokens_icon, "Tokens", size="sm", cls="tokens-button flex gap-[3px] font-bold pointer-events-none font-mono text-xs h-5 rounded-none px-2", ) result_items.append( Div( Div( Div( Lucide(icon="file-text"), H2(fields["title"], cls="text-xl md:text-2xl font-semibold"), cls="flex items-center gap-2", ), Div( Button( "Show Text", size="sm", id=f"toggle-button-{idx}", onclick=f"toggleTextContent({idx})", ), ), cls="flex flex-wrap items-center justify-between bg-background px-3 py-4", ), Div( Div( Div( tokens_button, *sim_map_buttons, reset_button, cls="flex flex-wrap gap-px w-full pointer-events-none", ), Div( Div( Div( Img( src=blur_image_base64, hx_get=f"/full_image?docid={fields['id']}&query_id={query_id}&idx={idx}", style="backdrop-filter: blur(5px);", hx_trigger="load", hx_swap="outerHTML", alt=fields["title"], cls="result-image w-full h-full object-contain", ), Div( cls="overlay-container absolute top-0 left-0 w-full h-full pointer-events-none" ), cls="relative w-full h-full", ), cls="grid bg-border p-2", ), cls="block", ), id=f"image-column-{idx}", cls="image-column relative bg-background px-3 py-5 grid-image-column", ), Div( Div( P( "Page " + str(fields["page_number"]), cls="text-foreground font-mono bold text-sm", ), Badge( f"Relevance score: {result['relevance']:.4f}", cls="flex gap-1.5 items-center justify-center", ), cls="flex items-center justify-between", ), Div( Div( Div( P( NotStr(fields.get("snippet", "")), cls="text-highlight text-muted-foreground", ), P( NotStr(fields.get("text", "")), cls="text-highlight text-muted-foreground", ), cls="grid gap-y-3 p-5 text-sm", ), cls="grid bg-background content-start ", ), cls="grid bg-border p-2", ), id=f"text-column-{idx}", cls="text-column relative bg-background px-3 py-5 hidden", ), id=f"image-text-columns-{idx}", cls="relative grid grid-cols-1 border-t", ), cls="grid grid-cols-1 grid-rows-[auto_1fr]", ), ) return Div( *result_items, image_swapping, toggle_text_content, id="search-results", cls="grid grid-cols-1 gap-px bg-border", ) def ChatResult(query_id: str, query: str): return Div( Div("LLM Response", cls="text-xl font-semibold p-3"), Div( Div( Div( LoadingSkeleton(), hx_ext="sse", sse_connect=f"/get-message?query_id={query_id}&query={quote_plus(query)}", sse_swap="message", sse_close="close", hx_swap="innerHTML", ), ), id="chat-messages", cls="overflow-auto min-h-0 grid items-end px-3", ), cls="h-full grid grid-rows-[auto_1fr_auto] min-h-0 gap-3", )