import asyncio import base64 import hashlib import io import os import time from concurrent.futures import ThreadPoolExecutor from functools import partial import google.generativeai as genai from fasthtml.common import * from PIL import Image from shad4fast import * from vespa.application import Vespa from backend.cache import LRUCache from backend.colpali import ( add_sim_maps_to_result, get_query_embeddings_and_token_map, is_special_token, ) from backend.modelmanager import ModelManager from backend.vespa_app import VespaQueryClient from import ( ChatResult, Home, Search, SearchBox, SearchResult, SimMapButtonPoll, SimMapButtonReady, ) from frontend.layout import Layout highlight_js_theme_link = Link(id="highlight-theme", rel="stylesheet", href="") highlight_js_theme = Script(src="/static/js/highlightjs-theme.js") highlight_js = HighlightJS( langs=["python", "javascript", "java", "json", "xml"], dark="github-dark", light="github", ) overlayscrollbars_link = Link( rel="stylesheet", href="", type="text/css", ) overlayscrollbars_js = Script( src="" ) sselink = Script(src="") app, rt = fast_app( htmlkw={"cls": "grid h-full"}, pico=False, hdrs=( ShadHead(tw_cdn=False, theme_handle=True), highlight_js, highlight_js_theme_link, highlight_js_theme, overlayscrollbars_link, overlayscrollbars_js, sselink, ), ) vespa_app: Vespa = VespaQueryClient() result_cache = LRUCache(max_size=20) # Each result can be ~10MB task_cache = LRUCache( max_size=1000 ) # Map from query_id to boolean value - False if not all results are ready. thread_pool = ThreadPoolExecutor() # Gemini config genai.configure(api_key=os.getenv("GEMINI_API_KEY")) GEMINI_SYSTEM_PROMPT = """If the user query is a question, try your best to answer it based on the provided images. If the user query can not be interpreted as a question, or if the answer to the query can not be inferred from the images, answer with the exact phrase "I am sorry, I do not have enough information in the image to answer your question.". Your response should be HTML formatted, but only simple tags, such as .
, ,
tags, bold text will be enclosed in tags, and so on.
But, you should NOT include backticks (`) or HTML tags in your response.
gemini_model = genai.GenerativeModel(
"gemini-1.5-flash-8b", system_instruction=GEMINI_SYSTEM_PROMPT
def load_model_on_startup():
app.manager = ModelManager.get_instance()
async def keepalive():
def generate_query_id(query):
return hashlib.md5(query.encode("utf-8")).hexdigest()
def serve_static(filepath: str):
return FileResponse(f"./static/{filepath}")
def get():
return Layout(Main(Home()))
def get(request):
# Extract the 'query' and 'ranking' parameters from the URL
query_value = request.query_params.get("query", "").strip()
ranking_value = request.query_params.get("ranking", "nn+colpali")
print("/search: Fetching results for ranking_value:", ranking_value)
# Always render the SearchBox first
if not query_value:
# Show SearchBox and a message for missing query
return Layout(
SearchBox(query_value=query_value, ranking_value=ranking_value),
"No query provided. Please enter a query.",
cls="text-center text-muted-foreground",
# Generate a unique query_id based on the query and ranking value
query_id = generate_query_id(query_value + ranking_value)
# See if results are already in cache
# if result_cache.get(query_id) is not None:
# print(f"Results for query_id {query_id} already in cache")
# result = result_cache.get(query_id)
# search_results = get_results_children(result)
# return Layout(Search(request, search_results))
# Show the loading message if a query is provided
return Layout(
Main(Search(request), data_overlayscrollbars_initialize=True, cls="border-t"),
ChatResult(query_id=query_id, query=query_value),
cls="border-t border-l hidden md:block",
) # Show SearchBox and Loading message initially
async def get(request, query: str, nn: bool = True):
if "hx-request" not in request.headers:
return RedirectResponse("/search")
# Extract ranking option from the request
ranking_value = request.query_params.get("ranking")
f"/fetch_results: Fetching results for query: {query}, ranking: {ranking_value}"
# Generate a unique query_id based on the query and ranking value
query_id = generate_query_id(query + ranking_value)
# See if results are already in cache
# if result_cache.get(query_id) is not None:
# print(f"Results for query_id {query_id} already in cache")
# result = result_cache.get(query_id)
# search_results = get_results_children(result)
# return SearchResult(search_results, query_id)
# Run the embedding and query against Vespa app
task_cache.set(query_id, False)
model = app.manager.model
processor = app.manager.processor
q_embs, token_to_idx = get_query_embeddings_and_token_map(processor, model, query)
start = time.perf_counter()
# Fetch real search results from Vespa
result = await vespa_app.get_result_from_query(
end = time.perf_counter()
f"Search results fetched in {end - start:.2f} seconds, Vespa says searchtime was {result['timing']['searchtime']} seconds"
# Start generating the similarity map in the background
model, processor, query, q_embs, token_to_idx, result, query_id
fields_to_add = [
for token in token_to_idx.keys()
if not is_special_token(token)
search_results = get_results_children(result)
for result in search_results:
for sim_map_key in fields_to_add:
result["fields"][sim_map_key] = None
return SearchResult(search_results, query_id)
def get_results_children(result):
search_results = (
if "root" in result and "children" in result["root"]
else []
return search_results
async def poll_vespa_keepalive():
while True:
await asyncio.sleep(5)
await vespa_app.keepalive()
print(f"Vespa keepalive: {time.time()}")
async def generate_similarity_map(
model, processor, query, q_embs, token_to_idx, result, query_id
loop = asyncio.get_event_loop()
sim_map_task = partial(
sim_map_result = await loop.run_in_executor(thread_pool, sim_map_task)
result_cache.set(query_id, sim_map_result)
task_cache.set(query_id, True)
async def get_sim_map(query_id: str, idx: int, token: str):
Endpoint that each of the sim map button polls to get the sim map image
when it is ready. If it is not ready, returns a SimMapButtonPoll, that
continues to poll every 1 second.
result = result_cache.get(query_id)
if result is None:
return SimMapButtonPoll(query_id=query_id, idx=idx, token=token)
search_results = get_results_children(result)
# Check if idx exists in list of children
if idx >= len(search_results):
return SimMapButtonPoll(query_id=query_id, idx=idx, token=token)
sim_map_key = f"sim_map_{token}"
sim_map_b64 = search_results[idx]["fields"].get(sim_map_key, None)
if sim_map_b64 is None:
return SimMapButtonPoll(query_id=query_id, idx=idx, token=token)
sim_map_img_src = f"data:image/png;base64,{sim_map_b64}"
return SimMapButtonReady(
query_id=query_id, idx=idx, token=token, img_src=sim_map_img_src
async def update_full_image_cache(docid: str, query_id: str, idx: int, image_data: str):
result = result_cache.get(query_id)
if result is None:
await asyncio.sleep(0.5)
search_results = get_results_children(result)
# Check if idx exists in list of children
if idx >= len(search_results):
await asyncio.sleep(0.5)
search_results[idx]["fields"]["full_image"] = image_data
result_cache.set(query_id, result)
async def full_image(docid: str, query_id: str, idx: int):
Endpoint to get the full quality image for a given result id.
image_data = await vespa_app.get_full_image_from_vespa(docid)
# Update the cache with the full image data asynchronously to not block the request
asyncio.create_task(update_full_image_cache(docid, query_id, idx, image_data))
# Decode the base64 image data
# image_data = base64.b64decode(image_data)
image_data = "data:image/jpeg;base64," + image_data
return Img(
cls="result-image w-full h-full object-contain",
async def message_generator(query_id: str, query: str):
images = []
result = None
all_images_ready = False
max_wait = 10 # seconds
start_time = time.time()
while not all_images_ready and time.time() - start_time < max_wait:
result = result_cache.get(query_id)
if result is None:
await asyncio.sleep(0.1)
search_results = get_results_children(result)
for single_result in search_results:
img = single_result["fields"].get("full_image", None)
if img is not None:
if len(images) == len(search_results):
all_images_ready = True
await asyncio.sleep(0.1)
# from b64 to PIL image
images = [ for img in images]
if not images:
yield "event: message\ndata: I am sorry, I do not have enough information in the image to answer your question.\n\n"
yield "event: close\ndata: \n\n"
# If newlines are present in the response, the connection will be closed.
def replace_newline_with_br(text):
return text.replace("\n", "
response_text = ""
async for chunk in await gemini_model.generate_content_async(
images + ["\n\n Query: ", query], stream=True
if chunk.text:
response_text += chunk.text
response_text = replace_newline_with_br(response_text)
yield f"event: message\ndata: {response_text}\n\n"
await asyncio.sleep(0.1)
yield "event: close\ndata: \n\n"
async def get_message(query_id: str, query: str):
return StreamingResponse(
message_generator(query_id=query_id, query=query),
def get():
return Layout(Main(Div(P(f"Connected to Vespa at {vespa_app.url}"), cls="p-4")))
if __name__ == "__main__":
# ModelManager.get_instance() # Initialize once at startup