import os import sys import tempfile import os.path as osp from PIL import Image from io import BytesIO import numpy as np import pandas as pd import streamlit as st from PIL import ImageOps from matplotlib import pyplot as plt import altair as alt root_path = osp.abspath(osp.join(__file__, osp.pardir)) sys.path.append(root_path) from registry_utils import import_registered_modules from app_utils import ( extract_frames, is_image, is_video, convert_diameter, overlay_text_on_frame, process_frames, process_video, resize_frame, ) import_registered_modules() CAM_METHODS = ["CAM"] TV_MODELS = ["ResNet18", "ResNet50"] SR_METHODS = ["GFPGAN", "CodeFormer", "RealESRGAN", "SRResNet", "HAT"] UPSCALE = [2, 4] UPSCALE_METHODS = ["BILINEAR", "BICUBIC"] LABEL_MAP = ["left_pupil", "right_pupil"] def main(): st.set_page_config(page_title="Pupil Diameter Estimator", layout="wide") st.markdown( """ """, unsafe_allow_html=True, ) st.title("EyeDentify Playground") cols = st.columns((1, 1)) cols[0].header("Input") cols[-1].header("Prediction") st.sidebar.title("Upload Face or Eye") uploaded_file = st.sidebar.file_uploader( "Upload Image or Video", type=["png", "jpeg", "jpg", "mp4", "avi", "mov", "mkv", "webm"] ) if uploaded_file is not None: file_extension =".")[-1] if is_image(file_extension): input_img ="RGB") # NOTE: images taken with phone camera has an EXIF data field which often rotates images taken with the phone in a tilted position. PIL has a utility function that removes this data and ‘uprights’ the image. input_img = ImageOps.exif_transpose(input_img) input_img = resize_frame(input_img, max_width=640, max_height=480) input_img = resize_frame(input_img, max_width=640, max_height=480) cols[0].image(input_img, use_column_width=True) st.session_state.total_frames = 1 elif is_video(file_extension): tfile = tempfile.NamedTemporaryFile(delete=False) tfile.write( video_path = video_frames = extract_frames(video_path) cols[0].video(video_path) st.session_state.total_frames = len(video_frames) st.session_state.current_frame = 0 st.session_state.frame_placeholder = cols[0].empty() txt = f"

Number of Frames Processed: {st.session_state.current_frame} / {st.session_state.total_frames}

" st.session_state.frame_placeholder.markdown(txt, unsafe_allow_html=True) st.sidebar.title("Setup") pupil_selection = st.sidebar.selectbox( "Pupil Selection", ["both"] + LABEL_MAP, help="Select left or right pupil OR both for diameter estimation" ) tv_model = st.sidebar.selectbox("Classification model", ["ResNet18", "ResNet50"], help="Supported Models") blink_detection = st.sidebar.checkbox("Detect Blinks") if st.sidebar.button("Predict Diameter & Compute CAM"): if uploaded_file is None: st.sidebar.error("Please upload an image or video") else: with st.spinner("Analyzing..."): if is_image(file_extension): input_frames, output_frames, predicted_diameters, face_frames, eyes_ratios = process_frames( cols, [input_img], tv_model, pupil_selection, cam_method=CAM_METHODS[-1], blink_detection=blink_detection, ) # for ff in face_frames: # if ff["has_face"]: # cols[1].image(face_frames[0]["img"], use_column_width=True) input_frames_keys = input_frames.keys() video_cols = cols[1].columns(len(input_frames_keys)) for i, eye_type in enumerate(input_frames_keys): video_cols[i].image(input_frames[eye_type][-1], use_column_width=True) output_frames_keys = output_frames.keys() fig, axs = plt.subplots(1, len(output_frames_keys), figsize=(10, 5)) for i, eye_type in enumerate(output_frames_keys): height, width, c = output_frames[eye_type][0].shape video_cols[i].image(output_frames[eye_type][-1], use_column_width=True) frame = np.zeros((height, width, c), dtype=np.uint8) text = f"{predicted_diameters[eye_type][0]:.2f}" frame = overlay_text_on_frame(frame, text) video_cols[i].image(frame, use_column_width=True) elif is_video(file_extension): output_video_path = f"{root_path}/tmp.webm" input_frames, output_frames, predicted_diameters, face_frames, eyes_ratios = process_video( cols, video_frames, tv_model, pupil_selection, output_video_path, cam_method=CAM_METHODS[-1], blink_detection=blink_detection, ) os.remove(video_path) num_columns = len(predicted_diameters) # Create a layout for the charts cols = st.columns(num_columns) colors = ["#2ca02c", "#d62728", "#1f77b4", "#ff7f0e"] # Green, Red, Blue, Orange # Iterate through categories and assign charts to columns for i, (category, values) in enumerate(predicted_diameters.items()): with cols[i]: # Directly use the column index # st.subheader(category) # Add a subheader for the category # Convert values to numeric, replacing non-numeric values with None values = [convert_diameter(value) for value in values] # Create a DataFrame from the values for Altair df = pd.DataFrame(values, columns=[category]) df["Frame"] = range(1, len(values) + 1) # Create a frame column starting from 1 # Get the min and max values for y-axis limits, ignoring None min_value = min(filter(lambda x: x is not None, values), default=None) max_value = max(filter(lambda x: x is not None, values), default=None) # Create an Altair chart with y-axis limits chart = ( alt.Chart(df) .mark_line(point=True, color=colors[i]) .encode( x=alt.X("Frame:Q", title="Frame Number"), y=alt.Y( f"{category}:Q", title="Diameter", scale=alt.Scale(domain=[min_value, max_value]), ), tooltip=[ alt.Tooltip("Frame:Q", title="Frame Number"), alt.Tooltip(f"{category}:Q", title="Diameter"), ], ) .properties(title=f"{category} - Predicted Diameters") .configure_axis(grid=True) ) # Display the Altair chart st.altair_chart(chart, use_container_width=True) if eyes_ratios is not None and len(eyes_ratios) > 0: df = pd.DataFrame(eyes_ratios, columns=["Eyes Aspect Ratio"]) df["Frame"] = range(1, len(eyes_ratios) + 1) # Create a frame column starting from 1 # Create an Altair chart for eyes_ratios line_chart = ( alt.Chart(df) .mark_line(point=True, color=colors[-1]) # Set color of the line .encode( x=alt.X("Frame:Q", title="Frame Number"), y=alt.Y("Eyes Aspect Ratio:Q", title="Eyes Aspect Ratio"), tooltip=[ alt.Tooltip("Frame:Q", title="Frame Number"), alt.Tooltip("Eyes Aspect Ratio:Q", title="Eyes Aspect Ratio"), ], ) # .properties(title="Eyes Aspect Ratios (EARs)") # .configure_axis(grid=True) ) # Create a horizontal rule at y=0.22 line1 = alt.Chart(pd.DataFrame({"y": [0.22]})).mark_rule(color="red").encode(y="y:Q") line2 = alt.Chart(pd.DataFrame({"y": [0.25]})).mark_rule(color="blue").encode(y="y:Q") # Combine line chart and horizontal line, and apply configuration final_chart ="Eyes Aspect Ratios (EARs)") + line1 + line2 # Configure axis properties at the chart level final_chart = final_chart.configure_axis(grid=True) # Display the Altair chart st.subheader("Eyes Aspect Ratios (EARs)") st.altair_chart(final_chart, use_container_width=True) if __name__ == "__main__": main()