wl-dub / soni_translate /audio_segments.py
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from pydub import AudioSegment
from tqdm import tqdm
import os
def create_translated_audio(result_diarize, audio_files, Output_name_file):
total_duration = result_diarize['segments'][-1]['end'] # in seconds
# silent audio with total_duration
combined_audio = AudioSegment.silent(duration=int(total_duration * 1000))
print(round((total_duration / 60),2), 'minutes of video')
for line, audio_file in tqdm(zip(result_diarize['segments'], audio_files)):
start = float(line['start'])
# Overlay each audio at the corresponding time
audio = AudioSegment.from_file(audio_file)
###audio_a = audio.speedup(playback_speed=1.5)
start_time = start * 1000 # to ms
combined_audio = combined_audio.overlay(audio, position=start_time)
print(f'ERROR AUDIO FILE {audio_file}')
os.system("rm -rf audio/*")
# combined audio as a file
combined_audio.export(Output_name_file, format="wav") # best than ogg, change if the audio is anomalous