Build error
Build error
from functools import wraps | |
from time import perf_counter | |
import inspect | |
DO_TIMING = False | |
timer_dict = {} | |
counter = 0 | |
def time(f): | |
def wrap(*args, **kw): | |
if DO_TIMING: | |
# Run function with timing | |
ts = perf_counter() | |
result = f(*args, **kw) | |
te = perf_counter() | |
tt = te-ts | |
# Get function name | |
arg_names = inspect.getfullargspec(f)[0] | |
if arg_names[0] == 'self' and DISPLAY_LESS_PROGRESS: | |
return result | |
elif arg_names[0] == 'self': | |
method_name = type(args[0]).__name__ + '.' + f.__name__ | |
else: | |
method_name = f.__name__ | |
# Record accumulative time in each function for analysis | |
if method_name in timer_dict.keys(): | |
timer_dict[method_name] += tt | |
else: | |
timer_dict[method_name] = tt | |
# If code is finished, display timing summary | |
if method_name == "Evaluator.evaluate": | |
print("") | |
print("Timing analysis:") | |
for key, value in timer_dict.items(): | |
print('%-70s %2.4f sec' % (key, value)) | |
else: | |
# Get function argument values for printing special arguments of interest | |
arg_titles = ['tracker', 'seq', 'cls'] | |
arg_vals = [] | |
for i, a in enumerate(arg_names): | |
if a in arg_titles: | |
arg_vals.append(args[i]) | |
arg_text = '(' + ', '.join(arg_vals) + ')' | |
# Display methods and functions with different indentation. | |
if arg_names[0] == 'self': | |
print('%-74s %2.4f sec' % (' '*4 + method_name + arg_text, tt)) | |
elif arg_names[0] == 'test': | |
pass | |
else: | |
global counter | |
counter += 1 | |
print('%i %-70s %2.4f sec' % (counter, method_name + arg_text, tt)) | |
return result | |
else: | |
# If config["TIME_PROGRESS"] is false, or config["USE_PARALLEL"] is true, run functions normally without timing. | |
return f(*args, **kw) | |
return wrap | |