# cython: language_level = 2
# cython: auto_pickle=False
#   Code output module

from __future__ import absolute_import

import cython
cython.declare(os=object, re=object, operator=object, textwrap=object,
               Template=object, Naming=object, Options=object, StringEncoding=object,
               Utils=object, SourceDescriptor=object, StringIOTree=object,
               DebugFlags=object, basestring=object, defaultdict=object,
               closing=object, partial=object)

import os
import re
import shutil
import sys
import operator
import textwrap
from string import Template
from functools import partial
from contextlib import closing
from collections import defaultdict

    import hashlib
except ImportError:
    import md5 as hashlib

from . import Naming
from . import Options
from . import DebugFlags
from . import StringEncoding
from . import Version
from .. import Utils
from .Scanning import SourceDescriptor
from ..StringIOTree import StringIOTree

    from __builtin__ import basestring
except ImportError:
    from builtins import str as basestring

KEYWORDS_MUST_BE_BYTES = sys.version_info < (2, 7)

non_portable_builtins_map = {
    # builtins that have different names in different Python versions
    'bytes'         : ('PY_MAJOR_VERSION < 3',  'str'),
    'unicode'       : ('PY_MAJOR_VERSION >= 3', 'str'),
    'basestring'    : ('PY_MAJOR_VERSION >= 3', 'str'),
    'xrange'        : ('PY_MAJOR_VERSION >= 3', 'range'),
    'raw_input'     : ('PY_MAJOR_VERSION >= 3', 'input'),

ctypedef_builtins_map = {
    # types of builtins in "ctypedef class" statements which we don't
    # import either because the names conflict with C types or because
    # the type simply is not exposed.
    'py_int'             : '&PyInt_Type',
    'py_long'            : '&PyLong_Type',
    'py_float'           : '&PyFloat_Type',
    'wrapper_descriptor' : '&PyWrapperDescr_Type',

basicsize_builtins_map = {
    # builtins whose type has a different tp_basicsize than sizeof(...)
    'PyTypeObject': 'PyHeapTypeObject',

uncachable_builtins = [
    # Global/builtin names that cannot be cached because they may or may not
    # be available at import time, for various reasons:
    ## - Py3.7+
    'breakpoint',  # might deserve an implementation in Cython
    ## - Py3.4+
    ## - Py3+
    #'StopAsyncIteration',  # backported
    'ascii',  # might deserve an implementation in Cython
    #'exec',  # implemented in Cython
    ## - Py2.7+
    ## - platform specific
    ## - others
    '_',  # e.g. used by gettext

special_py_methods = set([
    '__cinit__', '__dealloc__', '__richcmp__', '__next__',
    '__await__', '__aiter__', '__anext__',
    '__getreadbuffer__', '__getwritebuffer__', '__getsegcount__',
    '__getcharbuffer__', '__getbuffer__', '__releasebuffer__'

modifier_output_mapper = {
    'inline': 'CYTHON_INLINE'

class IncludeCode(object):
    An include file and/or verbatim C code to be included in the
    generated sources.
    # attributes:
    #  pieces    {order: unicode}: pieces of C code to be generated.
    #            For the included file, the key "order" is zero.
    #            For verbatim include code, the "order" is the "order"
    #            attribute of the original IncludeCode where this piece
    #            of C code was first added. This is needed to prevent
    #            duplication if the same include code is found through
    #            multiple cimports.
    #  location  int: where to put this include in the C sources, one
    #            of the constants INITIAL, EARLY, LATE
    #  order     int: sorting order (automatically set by increasing counter)

    # Constants for location. If the same include occurs with different
    # locations, the earliest one takes precedense.
    INITIAL = 0
    EARLY = 1
    LATE = 2

    counter = 1   # Counter for "order"

    def __init__(self, include=None, verbatim=None, late=True, initial=False):
        self.order = self.counter
        type(self).counter += 1
        self.pieces = {}

        if include:
            if include[0] == '<' and include[-1] == '>':
                self.pieces[0] = u'#include {0}'.format(include)
                late = False  # system include is never late
                self.pieces[0] = u'#include "{0}"'.format(include)

        if verbatim:
            self.pieces[self.order] = verbatim

        if initial:
            self.location = self.INITIAL
        elif late:
            self.location = self.LATE
            self.location = self.EARLY

    def dict_update(self, d, key):
        Insert `self` in dict `d` with key `key`. If that key already
        exists, update the attributes of the existing value with `self`.
        if key in d:
            other = d[key]
            other.location = min(self.location, other.location)
            d[key] = self

    def sortkey(self):
        return self.order

    def mainpiece(self):
        Return the main piece of C code, corresponding to the include
        file. If there was no include file, return None.
        return self.pieces.get(0)

    def write(self, code):
        # Write values of self.pieces dict, sorted by the keys
        for k in sorted(self.pieces):

def get_utility_dir():
    # make this a function and not global variables:
    # http://trac.cython.org/cython_trac/ticket/475
    Cython_dir = os.path.dirname(os.path.dirname(os.path.abspath(__file__)))
    return os.path.join(Cython_dir, "Utility")

class UtilityCodeBase(object):
    Support for loading utility code from a file.

    Code sections in the file can be specified as follows:

        ##### MyUtility.proto #####

        [proto declarations]

        ##### MyUtility.init #####

        [code run at module initialization]

        ##### MyUtility #####
        #@requires: MyOtherUtility
        #@substitute: naming


    for prototypes and implementation respectively.  For non-python or
    -cython files backslashes should be used instead.  5 to 30 comment
    characters may be used on either side.

    If the @cname decorator is not used and this is a CythonUtilityCode,
    one should pass in the 'name' keyword argument to be used for name
    mangling of such entries.

    is_cython_utility = False
    _utility_cache = {}

    def _add_utility(cls, utility, type, lines, begin_lineno, tags=None):
        if utility is None:

        code = '\n'.join(lines)
        if tags and 'substitute' in tags and tags['substitute'] == set(['naming']):
            del tags['substitute']
                code = Template(code).substitute(vars(Naming))
            except (KeyError, ValueError) as e:
                raise RuntimeError("Error parsing templated utility code of type '%s' at line %d: %s" % (
                    type, begin_lineno, e))

        # remember correct line numbers at least until after templating
        code = '\n' * begin_lineno + code

        if type == 'proto':
            utility[0] = code
        elif type == 'impl':
            utility[1] = code
            all_tags = utility[2]
            if KEYWORDS_MUST_BE_BYTES:
                type = type.encode('ASCII')
            all_tags[type] = code

        if tags:
            all_tags = utility[2]
            for name, values in tags.items():
                if KEYWORDS_MUST_BE_BYTES:
                    name = name.encode('ASCII')
                all_tags.setdefault(name, set()).update(values)

    def load_utilities_from_file(cls, path):
        utilities = cls._utility_cache.get(path)
        if utilities:
            return utilities

        filename = os.path.join(get_utility_dir(), path)
        _, ext = os.path.splitext(path)
        if ext in ('.pyx', '.py', '.pxd', '.pxi'):
            comment = '#'
            strip_comments = partial(re.compile(r'^\s*#(?!\s*cython\s*:).*').sub, '')
            rstrip = StringEncoding._unicode.rstrip
            comment = '/'
            strip_comments = partial(re.compile(r'^\s*//.*|/\*[^*]*\*/').sub, '')
            rstrip = partial(re.compile(r'\s+(\\?)$').sub, r'\1')
        match_special = re.compile(
             r'^%(C)s+@(?P<tag>\w+)\s*:\s*(?P<value>(?:\w|[.:])+)') %
            {'C': comment}).match
        match_type = re.compile(r'(.+)[.](proto(?:[.]\S+)?|impl|init|cleanup)$').match

        with closing(Utils.open_source_file(filename, encoding='UTF-8')) as f:
            all_lines = f.readlines()

        utilities = defaultdict(lambda: [None, None, {}])
        lines = []
        tags = defaultdict(set)
        utility = type = None
        begin_lineno = 0

        for lineno, line in enumerate(all_lines):
            m = match_special(line)
            if m:
                if m.group('name'):
                    cls._add_utility(utility, type, lines, begin_lineno, tags)

                    begin_lineno = lineno + 1
                    del lines[:]

                    name = m.group('name')
                    mtype = match_type(name)
                    if mtype:
                        name, type = mtype.groups()
                        type = 'impl'
                    utility = utilities[name]
                    lines.append('')  # keep line number correct

        if utility is None:
            raise ValueError("Empty utility code file")

        # Don't forget to add the last utility code
        cls._add_utility(utility, type, lines, begin_lineno, tags)

        utilities = dict(utilities)  # un-defaultdict-ify
        cls._utility_cache[path] = utilities
        return utilities

    def load(cls, util_code_name, from_file=None, **kwargs):
        Load utility code from a file specified by from_file (relative to
        Cython/Utility) and name util_code_name.  If from_file is not given,
        load it from the file util_code_name.*.  There should be only one
        file matched by this pattern.
        if '::' in util_code_name:
            from_file, util_code_name = util_code_name.rsplit('::', 1)
        if not from_file:
            utility_dir = get_utility_dir()
            prefix = util_code_name + '.'
                listing = os.listdir(utility_dir)
            except OSError:
                # XXX the code below assumes as 'zipimport.zipimporter' instance
                # XXX should be easy to generalize, but too lazy right now to write it
                import zipfile
                global __loader__
                loader = __loader__
                archive = loader.archive
                with closing(zipfile.ZipFile(archive)) as fileobj:
                    listing = [os.path.basename(name)
                               for name in fileobj.namelist()
                               if os.path.join(archive, name).startswith(utility_dir)]
            files = [filename for filename in listing
                     if filename.startswith(prefix)]
            if not files:
                raise ValueError("No match found for utility code " + util_code_name)
            if len(files) > 1:
                raise ValueError("More than one filename match found for utility code " + util_code_name)
            from_file = files[0]

        utilities = cls.load_utilities_from_file(from_file)
        proto, impl, tags = utilities[util_code_name]

        if tags:
            orig_kwargs = kwargs.copy()
            for name, values in tags.items():
                if name in kwargs:
                # only pass lists when we have to: most argument expect one value or None
                if name == 'requires':
                    if orig_kwargs:
                        values = [cls.load(dep, from_file, **orig_kwargs)
                                  for dep in sorted(values)]
                        # dependencies are rarely unique, so use load_cached() when we can
                        values = [cls.load_cached(dep, from_file)
                                  for dep in sorted(values)]
                elif not values:
                    values = None
                elif len(values) == 1:
                    values = list(values)[0]
                kwargs[name] = values

        if proto is not None:
            kwargs['proto'] = proto
        if impl is not None:
            kwargs['impl'] = impl

        if 'name' not in kwargs:
            kwargs['name'] = util_code_name

        if 'file' not in kwargs and from_file:
            kwargs['file'] = from_file
        return cls(**kwargs)

    def load_cached(cls, utility_code_name, from_file=None, __cache={}):
        Calls .load(), but using a per-type cache based on utility name and file name.
        key = (cls, from_file, utility_code_name)
            return __cache[key]
        except KeyError:
        code = __cache[key] = cls.load(utility_code_name, from_file)
        return code

    def load_as_string(cls, util_code_name, from_file=None, **kwargs):
        Load a utility code as a string. Returns (proto, implementation)
        util = cls.load(util_code_name, from_file, **kwargs)
        proto, impl = util.proto, util.impl
        return util.format_code(proto), util.format_code(impl)

    def format_code(self, code_string, replace_empty_lines=re.compile(r'\n\n+').sub):
        Format a code section for output.
        if code_string:
            code_string = replace_empty_lines('\n', code_string.strip()) + '\n\n'
        return code_string

    def __str__(self):
        return "<%s(%s)>" % (type(self).__name__, self.name)

    def get_tree(self, **kwargs):

    def __deepcopy__(self, memodict=None):
        # No need to deep-copy utility code since it's essentially immutable.
        return self

class UtilityCode(UtilityCodeBase):
    Stores utility code to add during code generation.

    See GlobalState.put_utility_code.

    hashes/equals by instance

    proto           C prototypes
    impl            implementation code
    init            code to call on module initialization
    requires        utility code dependencies
    proto_block     the place in the resulting file where the prototype should
                    end up
    name            name of the utility code (or None)
    file            filename of the utility code file this utility was loaded
                    from (or None)

    def __init__(self, proto=None, impl=None, init=None, cleanup=None, requires=None,
                 proto_block='utility_code_proto', name=None, file=None):
        # proto_block: Which code block to dump prototype in. See GlobalState.
        self.proto = proto
        self.impl = impl
        self.init = init
        self.cleanup = cleanup
        self.requires = requires
        self._cache = {}
        self.specialize_list = []
        self.proto_block = proto_block
        self.name = name
        self.file = file

    def __hash__(self):
        return hash((self.proto, self.impl))

    def __eq__(self, other):
        if self is other:
            return True
        self_type, other_type = type(self), type(other)
        if self_type is not other_type and not (isinstance(other, self_type) or isinstance(self, other_type)):
            return False

        self_proto = getattr(self, 'proto', None)
        other_proto = getattr(other, 'proto', None)
        return (self_proto, self.impl) == (other_proto, other.impl)

    def none_or_sub(self, s, context):
        Format a string in this utility code with context. If None, do nothing.
        if s is None:
            return None
        return s % context

    def specialize(self, pyrex_type=None, **data):
        # Dicts aren't hashable...
        name = self.name
        if pyrex_type is not None:
            data['type'] = pyrex_type.empty_declaration_code()
            data['type_name'] = pyrex_type.specialization_name()
            name = "%s[%s]" % (name, data['type_name'])
        key = tuple(sorted(data.items()))
            return self._cache[key]
        except KeyError:
            if self.requires is None:
                requires = None
                requires = [r.specialize(data) for r in self.requires]

            s = self._cache[key] = UtilityCode(
                self.none_or_sub(self.proto, data),
                self.none_or_sub(self.impl, data),
                self.none_or_sub(self.init, data),
                self.none_or_sub(self.cleanup, data),

            return s

    def inject_string_constants(self, impl, output):
        """Replace 'PYIDENT("xyz")' by a constant Python identifier cname.
        if 'PYIDENT(' not in impl and 'PYUNICODE(' not in impl:
            return False, impl

        replacements = {}
        def externalise(matchobj):
            key = matchobj.groups()
                cname = replacements[key]
            except KeyError:
                str_type, name = key
                cname = replacements[key] = output.get_py_string_const(
                        StringEncoding.EncodedString(name), identifier=str_type == 'IDENT').cname
            return cname

        impl = re.sub(r'PY(IDENT|UNICODE)\("([^"]+)"\)', externalise, impl)
        assert 'PYIDENT(' not in impl and 'PYUNICODE(' not in impl
        return True, impl

    def inject_unbound_methods(self, impl, output):
        """Replace 'UNBOUND_METHOD(type, "name")' by a constant Python identifier cname.
        if 'CALL_UNBOUND_METHOD(' not in impl:
            return False, impl

        def externalise(matchobj):
            type_cname, method_name, obj_cname, args = matchobj.groups()
            args = [arg.strip() for arg in args[1:].split(',')] if args else []
            assert len(args) < 3, "CALL_UNBOUND_METHOD() does not support %d call arguments" % len(args)
            return output.cached_unbound_method_call_code(obj_cname, type_cname, method_name, args)

        impl = re.sub(
            r'([a-zA-Z_]+),'      # type cname
            r'\s*"([^"]+)",'      # method name
            r'\s*([^),]+)'        # object cname
            r'((?:,\s*[^),]+)*)'  # args*
            r'\)', externalise, impl)
        assert 'CALL_UNBOUND_METHOD(' not in impl

        return True, impl

    def wrap_c_strings(self, impl):
        """Replace CSTRING('''xyz''') by a C compatible string
        if 'CSTRING(' not in impl:
            return impl

        def split_string(matchobj):
            content = matchobj.group(1).replace('"', '\042')
            return ''.join(
                '"%s\\n"\n' % line if not line.endswith('\\') or line.endswith('\\\\') else '"%s"\n' % line[:-1]
                for line in content.splitlines())

        impl = re.sub(r'CSTRING\(\s*"""([^"]*(?:"[^"]+)*)"""\s*\)', split_string, impl)
        assert 'CSTRING(' not in impl
        return impl

    def put_code(self, output):
        if self.requires:
            for dependency in self.requires:
        if self.proto:
            writer = output[self.proto_block]
            writer.putln("/* %s.proto */" % self.name)
                self.format_code(self.proto), '%s_proto' % self.name)
        if self.impl:
            impl = self.format_code(self.wrap_c_strings(self.impl))
            is_specialised1, impl = self.inject_string_constants(impl, output)
            is_specialised2, impl = self.inject_unbound_methods(impl, output)
            writer = output['utility_code_def']
            writer.putln("/* %s */" % self.name)
            if not (is_specialised1 or is_specialised2):
                # no module specific adaptations => can be reused
                writer.put_or_include(impl, '%s_impl' % self.name)
        if self.init:
            writer = output['init_globals']
            writer.putln("/* %s.init */" % self.name)
            if isinstance(self.init, basestring):
                self.init(writer, output.module_pos)
        if self.cleanup and Options.generate_cleanup_code:
            writer = output['cleanup_globals']
            writer.putln("/* %s.cleanup */" % self.name)
            if isinstance(self.cleanup, basestring):
                    '%s_cleanup' % self.name)
                self.cleanup(writer, output.module_pos)

def sub_tempita(s, context, file=None, name=None):
    "Run tempita on string s with given context."
    if not s:
        return None

    if file:
        context['__name'] = "%s:%s" % (file, name)
    elif name:
        context['__name'] = name

    from ..Tempita import sub
    return sub(s, **context)

class TempitaUtilityCode(UtilityCode):
    def __init__(self, name=None, proto=None, impl=None, init=None, file=None, context=None, **kwargs):
        if context is None:
            context = {}
        proto = sub_tempita(proto, context, file, name)
        impl = sub_tempita(impl, context, file, name)
        init = sub_tempita(init, context, file, name)
        super(TempitaUtilityCode, self).__init__(
            proto, impl, init=init, name=name, file=file, **kwargs)

    def load_cached(cls, utility_code_name, from_file=None, context=None, __cache={}):
        context_key = tuple(sorted(context.items())) if context else None
        assert hash(context_key) is not None  # raise TypeError if not hashable
        key = (cls, from_file, utility_code_name, context_key)
            return __cache[key]
        except KeyError:
        code = __cache[key] = cls.load(utility_code_name, from_file, context=context)
        return code

    def none_or_sub(self, s, context):
        Format a string in this utility code with context. If None, do nothing.
        if s is None:
            return None
        return sub_tempita(s, context, self.file, self.name)

class LazyUtilityCode(UtilityCodeBase):
    Utility code that calls a callback with the root code writer when
    available. Useful when you only have 'env' but not 'code'.
    __name__ = '<lazy>'
    requires = None

    def __init__(self, callback):
        self.callback = callback

    def put_code(self, globalstate):
        utility = self.callback(globalstate.rootwriter)

class FunctionState(object):
    # return_label     string          function return point label
    # error_label      string          error catch point label
    # continue_label   string          loop continue point label
    # break_label      string          loop break point label
    # return_from_error_cleanup_label string
    # label_counter    integer         counter for naming labels
    # in_try_finally   boolean         inside try of try...finally
    # exc_vars         (string * 3)    exception variables for reraise, or None
    # can_trace        boolean         line tracing is supported in the current context
    # scope            Scope           the scope object of the current function

    # Not used for now, perhaps later
    def __init__(self, owner, names_taken=set(), scope=None):
        self.names_taken = names_taken
        self.owner = owner
        self.scope = scope

        self.error_label = None
        self.label_counter = 0
        self.labels_used = set()
        self.return_label = self.new_label()
        self.continue_label = None
        self.break_label = None
        self.yield_labels = []

        self.in_try_finally = 0
        self.exc_vars = None
        self.current_except = None
        self.can_trace = False
        self.gil_owned = True

        self.temps_allocated = []  # of (name, type, manage_ref, static)
        self.temps_free = {}  # (type, manage_ref) -> list of free vars with same type/managed status
        self.temps_used_type = {}  # name -> (type, manage_ref)
        self.zombie_temps = set()  # temps that must not be reused after release
        self.temp_counter = 0
        self.closure_temps = None

        # This is used to collect temporaries, useful to find out which temps
        # need to be privatized in parallel sections
        self.collect_temps_stack = []

        # This is used for the error indicator, which needs to be local to the
        # function. It used to be global, which relies on the GIL being held.
        # However, exceptions may need to be propagated through 'nogil'
        # sections, in which case we introduce a race condition.
        self.should_declare_error_indicator = False
        self.uses_error_indicator = False

    # safety checks

    def validate_exit(self):
        # validate that all allocated temps have been freed
        if self.temps_allocated:
            leftovers = self.temps_in_use()
            if leftovers:
                msg = "TEMPGUARD: Temps left over at end of '%s': %s" % (self.scope.name, ', '.join([
                    '%s [%s]' % (name, ctype)
                    for name, ctype, is_pytemp in sorted(leftovers)]),
                raise RuntimeError(msg)

    # labels

    def new_label(self, name=None):
        n = self.label_counter
        self.label_counter = n + 1
        label = "%s%d" % (Naming.label_prefix, n)
        if name is not None:
            label += '_' + name
        return label

    def new_yield_label(self, expr_type='yield'):
        label = self.new_label('resume_from_%s' % expr_type)
        num_and_label = (len(self.yield_labels) + 1, label)
        return num_and_label

    def new_error_label(self):
        old_err_lbl = self.error_label
        self.error_label = self.new_label('error')
        return old_err_lbl

    def get_loop_labels(self):
        return (

    def set_loop_labels(self, labels):
         self.break_label) = labels

    def new_loop_labels(self):
        old_labels = self.get_loop_labels()
        return old_labels

    def get_all_labels(self):
        return (

    def set_all_labels(self, labels):
         self.error_label) = labels

    def all_new_labels(self):
        old_labels = self.get_all_labels()
        new_labels = []
        for old_label, name in zip(old_labels, ['continue', 'break', 'return', 'error']):
            if old_label:
        return old_labels

    def use_label(self, lbl):

    def label_used(self, lbl):
        return lbl in self.labels_used

    # temp handling

    def allocate_temp(self, type, manage_ref, static=False, reusable=True):
        Allocates a temporary (which may create a new one or get a previously
        allocated and released one of the same type). Type is simply registered
        and handed back, but will usually be a PyrexType.

        If type.is_pyobject, manage_ref comes into play. If manage_ref is set to
        True, the temp will be decref-ed on return statements and in exception
        handling clauses. Otherwise the caller has to deal with any reference
        counting of the variable.

        If not type.is_pyobject, then manage_ref will be ignored, but it
        still has to be passed. It is recommended to pass False by convention
        if it is known that type will never be a Python object.

        static=True marks the temporary declaration with "static".
        This is only used when allocating backing store for a module-level
        C array literals.

        if reusable=False, the temp will not be reused after release.

        A C string referring to the variable is returned.
        if type.is_const and not type.is_reference:
            type = type.const_base_type
        elif type.is_reference and not type.is_fake_reference:
            type = type.ref_base_type
        elif type.is_cfunction:
            from . import PyrexTypes
            type = PyrexTypes.c_ptr_type(type)  # A function itself isn't an l-value
        if not type.is_pyobject and not type.is_memoryviewslice:
            # Make manage_ref canonical, so that manage_ref will always mean
            # a decref is needed.
            manage_ref = False

        freelist = self.temps_free.get((type, manage_ref))
        if reusable and freelist is not None and freelist[0]:
            result = freelist[0].pop()
            while True:
                self.temp_counter += 1
                result = "%s%d" % (Naming.codewriter_temp_prefix, self.temp_counter)
                if result not in self.names_taken: break
            self.temps_allocated.append((result, type, manage_ref, static))
            if not reusable:
        self.temps_used_type[result] = (type, manage_ref)
        if DebugFlags.debug_temp_code_comments:
            self.owner.putln("/* %s allocated (%s)%s */" % (result, type, "" if reusable else " - zombie"))

        if self.collect_temps_stack:
            self.collect_temps_stack[-1].add((result, type))

        return result

    def release_temp(self, name):
        Releases a temporary so that it can be reused by other code needing
        a temp of the same type.
        type, manage_ref = self.temps_used_type[name]
        freelist = self.temps_free.get((type, manage_ref))
        if freelist is None:
            freelist = ([], set())  # keep order in list and make lookups in set fast
            self.temps_free[(type, manage_ref)] = freelist
        if name in freelist[1]:
            raise RuntimeError("Temp %s freed twice!" % name)
        if name not in self.zombie_temps:
        if DebugFlags.debug_temp_code_comments:
            self.owner.putln("/* %s released %s*/" % (
                name, " - zombie" if name in self.zombie_temps else ""))

    def temps_in_use(self):
        """Return a list of (cname,type,manage_ref) tuples of temp names and their type
        that are currently in use.
        used = []
        for name, type, manage_ref, static in self.temps_allocated:
            freelist = self.temps_free.get((type, manage_ref))
            if freelist is None or name not in freelist[1]:
                used.append((name, type, manage_ref and type.is_pyobject))
        return used

    def temps_holding_reference(self):
        """Return a list of (cname,type) tuples of temp names and their type
        that are currently in use. This includes only temps of a
        Python object type which owns its reference.
        return [(name, type)
                for name, type, manage_ref in self.temps_in_use()
                if manage_ref  and type.is_pyobject]

    def all_managed_temps(self):
        """Return a list of (cname, type) tuples of refcount-managed Python objects.
        return [(cname, type)
                for cname, type, manage_ref, static in self.temps_allocated
                if manage_ref]

    def all_free_managed_temps(self):
        """Return a list of (cname, type) tuples of refcount-managed Python
        objects that are not currently in use.  This is used by
        try-except and try-finally blocks to clean up temps in the
        error case.
        return sorted([  # Enforce deterministic order.
            (cname, type)
            for (type, manage_ref), freelist in self.temps_free.items() if manage_ref
            for cname in freelist[0]

    def start_collecting_temps(self):
        Useful to find out which temps were used in a code block

    def stop_collecting_temps(self):
        return self.collect_temps_stack.pop()

    def init_closure_temps(self, scope):
        self.closure_temps = ClosureTempAllocator(scope)

class NumConst(object):
    """Global info about a Python number constant held by GlobalState.

    cname       string
    value       string
    py_type     string     int, long, float
    value_code  string     evaluation code if different from value

    def __init__(self, cname, value, py_type, value_code=None):
        self.cname = cname
        self.value = value
        self.py_type = py_type
        self.value_code = value_code or value

class PyObjectConst(object):
    """Global info about a generic constant held by GlobalState.
    # cname       string
    # type        PyrexType

    def __init__(self, cname, type):
        self.cname = cname
        self.type = type

cython.declare(possible_unicode_identifier=object, possible_bytes_identifier=object,
               replace_identifier=object, find_alphanums=object)
possible_unicode_identifier = re.compile(br"(?![0-9])\w+$".decode('ascii'), re.U).match
possible_bytes_identifier = re.compile(r"(?![0-9])\w+$".encode('ASCII')).match
replace_identifier = re.compile(r'[^a-zA-Z0-9_]+').sub
find_alphanums = re.compile('([a-zA-Z0-9]+)').findall

class StringConst(object):
    """Global info about a C string constant held by GlobalState.
    # cname            string
    # text             EncodedString or BytesLiteral
    # py_strings       {(identifier, encoding) : PyStringConst}

    def __init__(self, cname, text, byte_string):
        self.cname = cname
        self.text = text
        self.escaped_value = StringEncoding.escape_byte_string(byte_string)
        self.py_strings = None
        self.py_versions = []

    def add_py_version(self, version):
        if not version:
            self.py_versions = [2, 3]
        elif version not in self.py_versions:

    def get_py_string_const(self, encoding, identifier=None,
                            is_str=False, py3str_cstring=None):
        py_strings = self.py_strings
        text = self.text

        is_str = bool(identifier or is_str)
        is_unicode = encoding is None and not is_str

        if encoding is None:
            # unicode string
            encoding_key = None
            # bytes or str
            encoding = encoding.lower()
            if encoding in ('utf8', 'utf-8', 'ascii', 'usascii', 'us-ascii'):
                encoding = None
                encoding_key = None
                encoding_key = ''.join(find_alphanums(encoding))

        key = (is_str, is_unicode, encoding_key, py3str_cstring)
        if py_strings is not None:
                return py_strings[key]
            except KeyError:
            self.py_strings = {}

        if identifier:
            intern = True
        elif identifier is None:
            if isinstance(text, bytes):
                intern = bool(possible_bytes_identifier(text))
                intern = bool(possible_unicode_identifier(text))
            intern = False
        if intern:
            prefix = Naming.interned_prefixes['str']
            prefix = Naming.py_const_prefix

        if encoding_key:
            encoding_prefix = '_%s' % encoding_key
            encoding_prefix = ''

        pystring_cname = "%s%s%s_%s" % (
            (is_str and 's') or (is_unicode and 'u') or 'b',

        py_string = PyStringConst(
            pystring_cname, encoding, is_unicode, is_str, py3str_cstring, intern)
        self.py_strings[key] = py_string
        return py_string

class PyStringConst(object):
    """Global info about a Python string constant held by GlobalState.
    # cname       string
    # py3str_cstring string
    # encoding    string
    # intern      boolean
    # is_unicode  boolean
    # is_str      boolean

    def __init__(self, cname, encoding, is_unicode, is_str=False,
                 py3str_cstring=None, intern=False):
        self.cname = cname
        self.py3str_cstring = py3str_cstring
        self.encoding = encoding
        self.is_str = is_str
        self.is_unicode = is_unicode
        self.intern = intern

    def __lt__(self, other):
        return self.cname < other.cname

class GlobalState(object):
    # filename_table   {string : int}  for finding filename table indexes
    # filename_list    [string]        filenames in filename table order
    # input_file_contents dict         contents (=list of lines) of any file that was used as input
    #                                  to create this output C code.  This is
    #                                  used to annotate the comments.
    # utility_codes   set                IDs of used utility code (to avoid reinsertion)
    # declared_cnames  {string:Entry}  used in a transition phase to merge pxd-declared
    #                                  constants etc. into the pyx-declared ones (i.e,
    #                                  check if constants are already added).
    #                                  In time, hopefully the literals etc. will be
    #                                  supplied directly instead.
    # const_cnames_used  dict          global counter for unique constant identifiers

    # parts            {string:CCodeWriter}

    # interned_strings
    # consts
    # interned_nums

    # directives       set             Temporary variable used to track
    #                                  the current set of directives in the code generation
    #                                  process.

    directives = {}

    code_layout = [
        'numeric_typedefs',          # Let these detailed individual parts stay!,
        'complex_type_declarations', # as the proper solution is to make a full DAG...
        'type_declarations',         # More coarse-grained blocks would simply hide
        'utility_code_proto',        # the ugliness, not fix it

    def __init__(self, writer, module_node, code_config, common_utility_include_dir=None):
        self.filename_table = {}
        self.filename_list = []
        self.input_file_contents = {}
        self.utility_codes = set()
        self.declared_cnames = {}
        self.in_utility_code_generation = False
        self.code_config = code_config
        self.common_utility_include_dir = common_utility_include_dir
        self.parts = {}
        self.module_node = module_node # because some utility code generation needs it
                                       # (generating backwards-compatible Get/ReleaseBuffer

        self.const_cnames_used = {}
        self.string_const_index = {}
        self.dedup_const_index = {}
        self.pyunicode_ptr_const_index = {}
        self.num_const_index = {}
        self.py_constants = []
        self.cached_cmethods = {}
        self.initialised_constants = set()

        self.rootwriter = writer

    def initialize_main_c_code(self):
        rootwriter = self.rootwriter
        for part in self.code_layout:
            self.parts[part] = rootwriter.insertion_point()

        if not Options.cache_builtins:
            del self.parts['cached_builtins']
            w = self.parts['cached_builtins']
            w.putln("static CYTHON_SMALL_CODE int __Pyx_InitCachedBuiltins(void) {")

        w = self.parts['cached_constants']
        w.putln("static CYTHON_SMALL_CODE int __Pyx_InitCachedConstants(void) {")

        w = self.parts['init_globals']
        w.putln("static CYTHON_SMALL_CODE int __Pyx_InitGlobals(void) {")

        if not Options.generate_cleanup_code:
            del self.parts['cleanup_globals']
            w = self.parts['cleanup_globals']
            w.putln("static CYTHON_SMALL_CODE void __Pyx_CleanupGlobals(void) {")

        code = self.parts['utility_code_proto']
        code.putln("/* --- Runtime support code (head) --- */")

        code = self.parts['utility_code_def']
        if self.code_config.emit_linenums:
            code.write('\n#line 1 "cython_utility"\n')
        code.putln("/* --- Runtime support code --- */")

    def finalize_main_c_code(self):

        # utility_code_def
        code = self.parts['utility_code_def']
        util = TempitaUtilityCode.load_cached("TypeConversions", "TypeConversion.c")

    def __getitem__(self, key):
        return self.parts[key]

    # Global constants, interned objects, etc.
    def close_global_decls(self):
        # This is called when it is known that no more global declarations will
        # declared.
        if Options.cache_builtins:
            w = self.parts['cached_builtins']
            w.putln("return 0;")
            if w.label_used(w.error_label):
                w.putln("return -1;")

        w = self.parts['cached_constants']
        w.putln("return 0;")
        if w.label_used(w.error_label):
            w.putln("return -1;")

        w = self.parts['init_globals']
        w.putln("return 0;")
        if w.label_used(w.error_label):
            w.putln("return -1;")

        if Options.generate_cleanup_code:
            w = self.parts['cleanup_globals']

        if Options.generate_cleanup_code:
            w = self.parts['cleanup_module']

    def put_pyobject_decl(self, entry):
        self['global_var'].putln("static PyObject *%s;" % entry.cname)

    # constant handling at code generation time

    def get_cached_constants_writer(self, target=None):
        if target is not None:
            if target in self.initialised_constants:
                # Return None on second/later calls to prevent duplicate creation code.
                return None
        return self.parts['cached_constants']

    def get_int_const(self, str_value, longness=False):
        py_type = longness and 'long' or 'int'
            c = self.num_const_index[(str_value, py_type)]
        except KeyError:
            c = self.new_num_const(str_value, py_type)
        return c

    def get_float_const(self, str_value, value_code):
            c = self.num_const_index[(str_value, 'float')]
        except KeyError:
            c = self.new_num_const(str_value, 'float', value_code)
        return c

    def get_py_const(self, type, prefix='', cleanup_level=None, dedup_key=None):
        if dedup_key is not None:
            const = self.dedup_const_index.get(dedup_key)
            if const is not None:
                return const
        # create a new Python object constant
        const = self.new_py_const(type, prefix)
        if cleanup_level is not None \
                and cleanup_level <= Options.generate_cleanup_code:
            cleanup_writer = self.parts['cleanup_globals']
            cleanup_writer.putln('Py_CLEAR(%s);' % const.cname)
        if dedup_key is not None:
            self.dedup_const_index[dedup_key] = const
        return const

    def get_string_const(self, text, py_version=None):
        # return a C string constant, creating a new one if necessary
        if text.is_unicode:
            byte_string = text.utf8encode()
            byte_string = text.byteencode()
            c = self.string_const_index[byte_string]
        except KeyError:
            c = self.new_string_const(text, byte_string)
        return c

    def get_pyunicode_ptr_const(self, text):
        # return a Py_UNICODE[] constant, creating a new one if necessary
        assert text.is_unicode
            c = self.pyunicode_ptr_const_index[text]
        except KeyError:
            c = self.pyunicode_ptr_const_index[text] = self.new_const_cname()
        return c

    def get_py_string_const(self, text, identifier=None,
                            is_str=False, unicode_value=None):
        # return a Python string constant, creating a new one if necessary
        py3str_cstring = None
        if is_str and unicode_value is not None \
               and unicode_value.utf8encode() != text.byteencode():
            py3str_cstring = self.get_string_const(unicode_value, py_version=3)
            c_string = self.get_string_const(text, py_version=2)
            c_string = self.get_string_const(text)
        py_string = c_string.get_py_string_const(
            text.encoding, identifier, is_str, py3str_cstring)
        return py_string

    def get_interned_identifier(self, text):
        return self.get_py_string_const(text, identifier=True)

    def new_string_const(self, text, byte_string):
        cname = self.new_string_const_cname(byte_string)
        c = StringConst(cname, text, byte_string)
        self.string_const_index[byte_string] = c
        return c

    def new_num_const(self, value, py_type, value_code=None):
        cname = self.new_num_const_cname(value, py_type)
        c = NumConst(cname, value, py_type, value_code)
        self.num_const_index[(value, py_type)] = c
        return c

    def new_py_const(self, type, prefix=''):
        cname = self.new_const_cname(prefix)
        c = PyObjectConst(cname, type)
        return c

    def new_string_const_cname(self, bytes_value):
        # Create a new globally-unique nice name for a C string constant.
        value = bytes_value.decode('ASCII', 'ignore')
        return self.new_const_cname(value=value)

    def new_num_const_cname(self, value, py_type):
        if py_type == 'long':
            value += 'L'
            py_type = 'int'
        prefix = Naming.interned_prefixes[py_type]
        cname = "%s%s" % (prefix, value)
        cname = cname.replace('+', '_').replace('-', 'neg_').replace('.', '_')
        return cname

    def new_const_cname(self, prefix='', value=''):
        value = replace_identifier('_', value)[:32].strip('_')
        used = self.const_cnames_used
        name_suffix = value
        while name_suffix in used:
            counter = used[value] = used[value] + 1
            name_suffix = '%s_%d' % (value, counter)
        used[name_suffix] = 1
        if prefix:
            prefix = Naming.interned_prefixes[prefix]
            prefix = Naming.const_prefix
        return "%s%s" % (prefix, name_suffix)

    def get_cached_unbound_method(self, type_cname, method_name):
        key = (type_cname, method_name)
            cname = self.cached_cmethods[key]
        except KeyError:
            cname = self.cached_cmethods[key] = self.new_const_cname(
                'umethod', '%s_%s' % (type_cname, method_name))
        return cname

    def cached_unbound_method_call_code(self, obj_cname, type_cname, method_name, arg_cnames):
        # admittedly, not the best place to put this method, but it is reused by UtilityCode and ExprNodes ...
        utility_code_name = "CallUnboundCMethod%d" % len(arg_cnames)
        self.use_utility_code(UtilityCode.load_cached(utility_code_name, "ObjectHandling.c"))
        cache_cname = self.get_cached_unbound_method(type_cname, method_name)
        args = [obj_cname] + arg_cnames
        return "__Pyx_%s(&%s, %s)" % (
            ', '.join(args),

    def add_cached_builtin_decl(self, entry):
        if entry.is_builtin and entry.is_const:
            if self.should_declare(entry.cname, entry):
                w = self.parts['cached_builtins']
                condition = None
                if entry.name in non_portable_builtins_map:
                    condition, replacement = non_portable_builtins_map[entry.name]
                    w.putln('#if %s' % condition)
                        entry.pos, StringEncoding.EncodedString(replacement),
                    entry.pos, StringEncoding.EncodedString(entry.name),
                if condition:

    def put_cached_builtin_init(self, pos, name, cname):
        w = self.parts['cached_builtins']
        interned_cname = self.get_interned_identifier(name).cname
            UtilityCode.load_cached("GetBuiltinName", "ObjectHandling.c"))
        w.putln('%s = __Pyx_GetBuiltinName(%s); if (!%s) %s' % (

    def generate_const_declarations(self):

    def generate_object_constant_decls(self):
        consts = [(len(c.cname), c.cname, c)
                  for c in self.py_constants]
        decls_writer = self.parts['decls']
        for _, cname, c in consts:
                "static %s;" % c.type.declaration_code(cname))

    def generate_cached_methods_decls(self):
        if not self.cached_cmethods:

        decl = self.parts['decls']
        init = self.parts['init_globals']
        cnames = []
        for (type_cname, method_name), cname in sorted(self.cached_cmethods.items()):
            method_name_cname = self.get_interned_identifier(StringEncoding.EncodedString(method_name)).cname
            decl.putln('static __Pyx_CachedCFunction %s = {0, &%s, 0, 0, 0};' % (
                cname, method_name_cname))
            # split type reference storage as it might not be static
            init.putln('%s.type = (PyObject*)&%s;' % (
                cname, type_cname))

        if Options.generate_cleanup_code:
            cleanup = self.parts['cleanup_globals']
            for cname in cnames:
                cleanup.putln("Py_CLEAR(%s.method);" % cname)

    def generate_string_constants(self):
        c_consts = [(len(c.cname), c.cname, c) for c in self.string_const_index.values()]
        py_strings = []

        decls_writer = self.parts['string_decls']
        for _, cname, c in c_consts:
            conditional = False
            if c.py_versions and (2 not in c.py_versions or 3 not in c.py_versions):
                conditional = True
                decls_writer.putln("#if PY_MAJOR_VERSION %s 3" % (
                    (2 in c.py_versions) and '<' or '>='))
            decls_writer.putln('static const char %s[] = "%s";' % (
                cname, StringEncoding.split_string_literal(c.escaped_value)))
            if conditional:
            if c.py_strings is not None:
                for py_string in c.py_strings.values():
                    py_strings.append((c.cname, len(py_string.cname), py_string))

        for c, cname in sorted(self.pyunicode_ptr_const_index.items()):
            utf16_array, utf32_array = StringEncoding.encode_pyunicode_string(c)
            if utf16_array:
                # Narrow and wide representations differ
                decls_writer.putln("#ifdef Py_UNICODE_WIDE")
            decls_writer.putln("static Py_UNICODE %s[] = { %s };" % (cname, utf32_array))
            if utf16_array:
                decls_writer.putln("static Py_UNICODE %s[] = { %s };" % (cname, utf16_array))

        if py_strings:
            self.use_utility_code(UtilityCode.load_cached("InitStrings", "StringTools.c"))
            w = self.parts['pystring_table']
            w.putln("static __Pyx_StringTabEntry %s[] = {" % Naming.stringtab_cname)
            for c_cname, _, py_string in py_strings:
                if not py_string.is_str or not py_string.encoding or \
                        py_string.encoding in ('ASCII', 'USASCII', 'US-ASCII',
                                               'UTF8', 'UTF-8'):
                    encoding = '0'
                    encoding = '"%s"' % py_string.encoding.lower()

                    "static PyObject *%s;" % py_string.cname)
                if py_string.py3str_cstring:
                    w.putln("#if PY_MAJOR_VERSION >= 3")
                    w.putln("{&%s, %s, sizeof(%s), %s, %d, %d, %d}," % (
                        '0', 1, 0,
                w.putln("{&%s, %s, sizeof(%s), %s, %d, %d, %d}," % (
                if py_string.py3str_cstring:
            w.putln("{0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0}")

            init_globals = self.parts['init_globals']
                "if (__Pyx_InitStrings(%s) < 0) %s;" % (

    def generate_num_constants(self):
        consts = [(c.py_type, c.value[0] == '-', len(c.value), c.value, c.value_code, c)
                  for c in self.num_const_index.values()]
        decls_writer = self.parts['decls']
        init_globals = self.parts['init_globals']
        for py_type, _, _, value, value_code, c in consts:
            cname = c.cname
            decls_writer.putln("static PyObject *%s;" % cname)
            if py_type == 'float':
                function = 'PyFloat_FromDouble(%s)'
            elif py_type == 'long':
                function = 'PyLong_FromString((char *)"%s", 0, 0)'
            elif Utils.long_literal(value):
                function = 'PyInt_FromString((char *)"%s", 0, 0)'
            elif len(value.lstrip('-')) > 4:
                function = "PyInt_FromLong(%sL)"
                function = "PyInt_FromLong(%s)"
            init_globals.putln('%s = %s; %s' % (
                cname, function % value_code,
                init_globals.error_goto_if_null(cname, self.module_pos)))

    # The functions below are there in a transition phase only
    # and will be deprecated. They are called from Nodes.BlockNode.
    # The copy&paste duplication is intentional in order to be able
    # to see quickly how BlockNode worked, until this is replaced.

    def should_declare(self, cname, entry):
        if cname in self.declared_cnames:
            other = self.declared_cnames[cname]
            assert str(entry.type) == str(other.type)
            assert entry.init == other.init
            return False
            self.declared_cnames[cname] = entry
            return True

    # File name state

    def lookup_filename(self, source_desc):
        entry = source_desc.get_filenametable_entry()
            index = self.filename_table[entry]
        except KeyError:
            index = len(self.filename_list)
            self.filename_table[entry] = index
        return index

    def commented_file_contents(self, source_desc):
            return self.input_file_contents[source_desc]
        except KeyError:
        source_file = source_desc.get_lines(encoding='ASCII',
            F = [u' * ' + line.rstrip().replace(
                    u'*/', u'*[inserted by cython to avoid comment closer]/'
                    u'/*', u'/[inserted by cython to avoid comment start]*'
                 for line in source_file]
            if hasattr(source_file, 'close'):
        if not F: F.append(u'')
        self.input_file_contents[source_desc] = F
        return F

    # Utility code state

    def use_utility_code(self, utility_code):
        Adds code to the C file. utility_code should
        a) implement __eq__/__hash__ for the purpose of knowing whether the same
           code has already been included
        b) implement put_code, which takes a globalstate instance

        See UtilityCode.
        if utility_code and utility_code not in self.utility_codes:

    def use_entry_utility_code(self, entry):
        if entry is None:
        if entry.utility_code:
        if entry.utility_code_definition:

def funccontext_property(func):
    name = func.__name__
    attribute_of = operator.attrgetter(name)
    def get(self):
        return attribute_of(self.funcstate)
    def set(self, value):
        setattr(self.funcstate, name, value)
    return property(get, set)

class CCodeConfig(object):
    # emit_linenums       boolean         write #line pragmas?
    # emit_code_comments  boolean         copy the original code into C comments?
    # c_line_in_traceback boolean         append the c file and line number to the traceback for exceptions?

    def __init__(self, emit_linenums=True, emit_code_comments=True, c_line_in_traceback=True):
        self.emit_code_comments = emit_code_comments
        self.emit_linenums = emit_linenums
        self.c_line_in_traceback = c_line_in_traceback

class CCodeWriter(object):
    Utility class to output C code.

    When creating an insertion point one must care about the state that is
    - formatting state (level, bol) is cloned and used in insertion points
      as well
    - labels, temps, exc_vars: One must construct a scope in which these can
      exist by calling enter_cfunc_scope/exit_cfunc_scope (these are for
      sanity checking and forward compatibility). Created insertion points
      looses this scope and cannot access it.
    - marker: Not copied to insertion point
    - filename_table, filename_list, input_file_contents: All codewriters
      coming from the same root share the same instances simultaneously.

    # f                   file            output file
    # buffer              StringIOTree

    # level               int             indentation level
    # bol                 bool            beginning of line?
    # marker              string          comment to emit before next line
    # funcstate           FunctionState   contains state local to a C function used for code
    #                                     generation (labels and temps state etc.)
    # globalstate         GlobalState     contains state global for a C file (input file info,
    #                                     utility code, declared constants etc.)
    # pyclass_stack       list            used during recursive code generation to pass information
    #                                     about the current class one is in
    # code_config         CCodeConfig     configuration options for the C code writer

    def __init__(self, create_from=None, buffer=None, copy_formatting=False):
        if buffer is None: buffer = StringIOTree()
        self.buffer = buffer
        self.last_pos = None
        self.last_marked_pos = None
        self.pyclass_stack = []

        self.funcstate = None
        self.globalstate = None
        self.code_config = None
        self.level = 0
        self.call_level = 0
        self.bol = 1

        if create_from is not None:
            # Use same global state
            self.funcstate = create_from.funcstate
            # Clone formatting state
            if copy_formatting:
                self.level = create_from.level
                self.bol = create_from.bol
                self.call_level = create_from.call_level
            self.last_pos = create_from.last_pos
            self.last_marked_pos = create_from.last_marked_pos

    def create_new(self, create_from, buffer, copy_formatting):
        # polymorphic constructor -- very slightly more versatile
        # than using __class__
        result = CCodeWriter(create_from, buffer, copy_formatting)
        return result

    def set_global_state(self, global_state):
        assert self.globalstate is None  # prevent overwriting once it's set
        self.globalstate = global_state
        self.code_config = global_state.code_config

    def copyto(self, f):

    def getvalue(self):
        return self.buffer.getvalue()

    def write(self, s):
        # also put invalid markers (lineno 0), to indicate that those lines
        # have no Cython source code correspondence
        cython_lineno = self.last_marked_pos[1] if self.last_marked_pos else 0
        self.buffer.markers.extend([cython_lineno] * s.count('\n'))

    def insertion_point(self):
        other = self.create_new(create_from=self, buffer=self.buffer.insertion_point(), copy_formatting=True)
        return other

    def new_writer(self):
        Creates a new CCodeWriter connected to the same global state, which
        can later be inserted using insert.
        return CCodeWriter(create_from=self)

    def insert(self, writer):
        Inserts the contents of another code writer (created with
        the same global state) in the current location.

        It is ok to write to the inserted writer also after insertion.
        assert writer.globalstate is self.globalstate

    # Properties delegated to function scope
    def label_counter(self): pass
    def return_label(self): pass
    def error_label(self): pass
    def labels_used(self): pass
    def continue_label(self): pass
    def break_label(self): pass
    def return_from_error_cleanup_label(self): pass
    def yield_labels(self): pass

    # Functions delegated to function scope
    def new_label(self, name=None):    return self.funcstate.new_label(name)
    def new_error_label(self):         return self.funcstate.new_error_label()
    def new_yield_label(self, *args):  return self.funcstate.new_yield_label(*args)
    def get_loop_labels(self):         return self.funcstate.get_loop_labels()
    def set_loop_labels(self, labels): return self.funcstate.set_loop_labels(labels)
    def new_loop_labels(self):         return self.funcstate.new_loop_labels()
    def get_all_labels(self):          return self.funcstate.get_all_labels()
    def set_all_labels(self, labels):  return self.funcstate.set_all_labels(labels)
    def all_new_labels(self):          return self.funcstate.all_new_labels()
    def use_label(self, lbl):          return self.funcstate.use_label(lbl)
    def label_used(self, lbl):         return self.funcstate.label_used(lbl)

    def enter_cfunc_scope(self, scope=None):
        self.funcstate = FunctionState(self, scope=scope)

    def exit_cfunc_scope(self):
        self.funcstate = None

    # constant handling

    def get_py_int(self, str_value, longness):
        return self.globalstate.get_int_const(str_value, longness).cname

    def get_py_float(self, str_value, value_code):
        return self.globalstate.get_float_const(str_value, value_code).cname

    def get_py_const(self, type, prefix='', cleanup_level=None, dedup_key=None):
        return self.globalstate.get_py_const(type, prefix, cleanup_level, dedup_key).cname

    def get_string_const(self, text):
        return self.globalstate.get_string_const(text).cname

    def get_pyunicode_ptr_const(self, text):
        return self.globalstate.get_pyunicode_ptr_const(text)

    def get_py_string_const(self, text, identifier=None,
                            is_str=False, unicode_value=None):
        return self.globalstate.get_py_string_const(
            text, identifier, is_str, unicode_value).cname

    def get_argument_default_const(self, type):
        return self.globalstate.get_py_const(type).cname

    def intern(self, text):
        return self.get_py_string_const(text)

    def intern_identifier(self, text):
        return self.get_py_string_const(text, identifier=True)

    def get_cached_constants_writer(self, target=None):
        return self.globalstate.get_cached_constants_writer(target)

    # code generation

    def putln(self, code="", safe=False):
        if self.last_pos and self.bol:
        if self.code_config.emit_linenums and self.last_marked_pos:
            source_desc, line, _ = self.last_marked_pos
            self.write('\n#line %s "%s"\n' % (line, source_desc.get_escaped_description()))
        if code:
            if safe:
        self.bol = 1

    def mark_pos(self, pos, trace=True):
        if pos is None:
        if self.last_marked_pos and self.last_marked_pos[:2] == pos[:2]:
        self.last_pos = (pos, trace)

    def emit_marker(self):
        pos, trace = self.last_pos
        self.last_marked_pos = pos
        self.last_pos = None
        if self.code_config.emit_code_comments:
            self.write("/* %s */\n" % self._build_marker(pos))
        if trace and self.funcstate and self.funcstate.can_trace and self.globalstate.directives['linetrace']:
            self.write('__Pyx_TraceLine(%d,%d,%s)\n' % (
                pos[1], not self.funcstate.gil_owned, self.error_goto(pos)))

    def _build_marker(self, pos):
        source_desc, line, col = pos
        assert isinstance(source_desc, SourceDescriptor)
        contents = self.globalstate.commented_file_contents(source_desc)
        lines = contents[max(0, line-3):line]  # line numbers start at 1
        lines[-1] += u'             # <<<<<<<<<<<<<<'
        lines += contents[line:line+2]
        return u'"%s":%d\n%s\n' % (source_desc.get_escaped_description(), line, u'\n'.join(lines))

    def put_safe(self, code):
        # put code, but ignore {}
        self.bol = 0

    def put_or_include(self, code, name):
        include_dir = self.globalstate.common_utility_include_dir
        if include_dir and len(code) > 1024:
            include_file = "%s_%s.h" % (
                name, hashlib.md5(code.encode('utf8')).hexdigest())
            path = os.path.join(include_dir, include_file)
            if not os.path.exists(path):
                tmp_path = '%s.tmp%s' % (path, os.getpid())
                with closing(Utils.open_new_file(tmp_path)) as f:
                shutil.move(tmp_path, path)
            code = '#include "%s"\n' % path

    def put(self, code):
        fix_indent = False
        if "{" in code:
            dl = code.count("{")
            dl = 0
        if "}" in code:
            dl -= code.count("}")
            if dl < 0:
                self.level += dl
            elif dl == 0 and code[0] == "}":
                # special cases like "} else {" need a temporary dedent
                fix_indent = True
                self.level -= 1
        if self.bol:
        self.bol = 0
        if dl > 0:
            self.level += dl
        elif fix_indent:
            self.level += 1

    def putln_tempita(self, code, **context):
        from ..Tempita import sub
        self.putln(sub(code, **context))

    def put_tempita(self, code, **context):
        from ..Tempita import sub
        self.put(sub(code, **context))

    def increase_indent(self):
        self.level += 1

    def decrease_indent(self):
        self.level -= 1

    def begin_block(self):

    def end_block(self):

    def indent(self):
        self.write("  " * self.level)

    def get_py_version_hex(self, pyversion):
        return "0x%02X%02X%02X%02X" % (tuple(pyversion) + (0,0,0,0))[:4]

    def put_label(self, lbl):
        if lbl in self.funcstate.labels_used:
            self.putln("%s:;" % lbl)

    def put_goto(self, lbl):
        self.putln("goto %s;" % lbl)

    def put_var_declaration(self, entry, storage_class="",
                            dll_linkage=None, definition=True):
        #print "Code.put_var_declaration:", entry.name, "definition =", definition ###
        if entry.visibility == 'private' and not (definition or entry.defined_in_pxd):
            #print "...private and not definition, skipping", entry.cname ###
        if entry.visibility == "private" and not entry.used:
            #print "...private and not used, skipping", entry.cname ###
        if storage_class:
            self.put("%s " % storage_class)
        if not entry.cf_used:
            self.put('CYTHON_UNUSED ')
            entry.cname, dll_linkage=dll_linkage))
        if entry.init is not None:
            self.put_safe(" = %s" % entry.type.literal_code(entry.init))
        elif entry.type.is_pyobject:
            self.put(" = NULL")

    def put_temp_declarations(self, func_context):
        for name, type, manage_ref, static in func_context.temps_allocated:
            decl = type.declaration_code(name)
            if type.is_pyobject:
                self.putln("%s = NULL;" % decl)
            elif type.is_memoryviewslice:
                from . import MemoryView
                self.putln("%s = %s;" % (decl, MemoryView.memslice_entry_init))
                self.putln("%s%s;" % (static and "static " or "", decl))

        if func_context.should_declare_error_indicator:
            if self.funcstate.uses_error_indicator:
                unused = ''
                unused = 'CYTHON_UNUSED '
            # Initialize these variables to silence compiler warnings
            self.putln("%sint %s = 0;" % (unused, Naming.lineno_cname))
            self.putln("%sconst char *%s = NULL;" % (unused, Naming.filename_cname))
            self.putln("%sint %s = 0;" % (unused, Naming.clineno_cname))

    def put_generated_by(self):
        self.putln("/* Generated by Cython %s */" % Version.watermark)

    def put_h_guard(self, guard):
        self.putln("#ifndef %s" % guard)
        self.putln("#define %s" % guard)

    def unlikely(self, cond):
        if Options.gcc_branch_hints:
            return 'unlikely(%s)' % cond
            return cond

    def build_function_modifiers(self, modifiers, mapper=modifier_output_mapper):
        if not modifiers:
            return ''
        return '%s ' % ' '.join([mapper(m,m) for m in modifiers])

    # Python objects and reference counting

    def entry_as_pyobject(self, entry):
        type = entry.type
        if (not entry.is_self_arg and not entry.type.is_complete()
            or entry.type.is_extension_type):
            return "(PyObject *)" + entry.cname
            return entry.cname

    def as_pyobject(self, cname, type):
        from .PyrexTypes import py_object_type, typecast
        return typecast(py_object_type, type, cname)

    def put_gotref(self, cname):
        self.putln("__Pyx_GOTREF(%s);" % cname)

    def put_giveref(self, cname):
        self.putln("__Pyx_GIVEREF(%s);" % cname)

    def put_xgiveref(self, cname):
        self.putln("__Pyx_XGIVEREF(%s);" % cname)

    def put_xgotref(self, cname):
        self.putln("__Pyx_XGOTREF(%s);" % cname)

    def put_incref(self, cname, type, nanny=True):
        if nanny:
            self.putln("__Pyx_INCREF(%s);" % self.as_pyobject(cname, type))
            self.putln("Py_INCREF(%s);" % self.as_pyobject(cname, type))

    def put_decref(self, cname, type, nanny=True):
        self._put_decref(cname, type, nanny, null_check=False, clear=False)

    def put_var_gotref(self, entry):
        if entry.type.is_pyobject:
            self.putln("__Pyx_GOTREF(%s);" % self.entry_as_pyobject(entry))

    def put_var_giveref(self, entry):
        if entry.type.is_pyobject:
            self.putln("__Pyx_GIVEREF(%s);" % self.entry_as_pyobject(entry))

    def put_var_xgotref(self, entry):
        if entry.type.is_pyobject:
            self.putln("__Pyx_XGOTREF(%s);" % self.entry_as_pyobject(entry))

    def put_var_xgiveref(self, entry):
        if entry.type.is_pyobject:
            self.putln("__Pyx_XGIVEREF(%s);" % self.entry_as_pyobject(entry))

    def put_var_incref(self, entry, nanny=True):
        if entry.type.is_pyobject:
            if nanny:
                self.putln("__Pyx_INCREF(%s);" % self.entry_as_pyobject(entry))
                self.putln("Py_INCREF(%s);" % self.entry_as_pyobject(entry))

    def put_var_xincref(self, entry):
        if entry.type.is_pyobject:
            self.putln("__Pyx_XINCREF(%s);" % self.entry_as_pyobject(entry))

    def put_decref_clear(self, cname, type, nanny=True, clear_before_decref=False):
        self._put_decref(cname, type, nanny, null_check=False,
                         clear=True, clear_before_decref=clear_before_decref)

    def put_xdecref(self, cname, type, nanny=True, have_gil=True):
        self._put_decref(cname, type, nanny, null_check=True,
                         have_gil=have_gil, clear=False)

    def put_xdecref_clear(self, cname, type, nanny=True, clear_before_decref=False):
        self._put_decref(cname, type, nanny, null_check=True,
                         clear=True, clear_before_decref=clear_before_decref)

    def _put_decref(self, cname, type, nanny=True, null_check=False,
                    have_gil=True, clear=False, clear_before_decref=False):
        if type.is_memoryviewslice:
            self.put_xdecref_memoryviewslice(cname, have_gil=have_gil)

        prefix = '__Pyx' if nanny else 'Py'
        X = 'X' if null_check else ''

        if clear:
            if clear_before_decref:
                if not nanny:
                    X = ''  # CPython doesn't have a Py_XCLEAR()
                self.putln("%s_%sCLEAR(%s);" % (prefix, X, cname))
                self.putln("%s_%sDECREF(%s); %s = 0;" % (
                    prefix, X, self.as_pyobject(cname, type), cname))
            self.putln("%s_%sDECREF(%s);" % (
                prefix, X, self.as_pyobject(cname, type)))

    def put_decref_set(self, cname, rhs_cname):
        self.putln("__Pyx_DECREF_SET(%s, %s);" % (cname, rhs_cname))

    def put_xdecref_set(self, cname, rhs_cname):
        self.putln("__Pyx_XDECREF_SET(%s, %s);" % (cname, rhs_cname))

    def put_var_decref(self, entry):
        if entry.type.is_pyobject:
            self.putln("__Pyx_XDECREF(%s);" % self.entry_as_pyobject(entry))

    def put_var_xdecref(self, entry, nanny=True):
        if entry.type.is_pyobject:
            if nanny:
                self.putln("__Pyx_XDECREF(%s);" % self.entry_as_pyobject(entry))
                self.putln("Py_XDECREF(%s);" % self.entry_as_pyobject(entry))

    def put_var_decref_clear(self, entry):
        self._put_var_decref_clear(entry, null_check=False)

    def put_var_xdecref_clear(self, entry):
        self._put_var_decref_clear(entry, null_check=True)

    def _put_var_decref_clear(self, entry, null_check):
        if entry.type.is_pyobject:
            if entry.in_closure:
                # reset before DECREF to make sure closure state is
                # consistent during call to DECREF()
                self.putln("__Pyx_%sCLEAR(%s);" % (
                    null_check and 'X' or '',
                self.putln("__Pyx_%sDECREF(%s); %s = 0;" % (
                    null_check and 'X' or '',

    def put_var_decrefs(self, entries, used_only = 0):
        for entry in entries:
            if not used_only or entry.used:
                if entry.xdecref_cleanup:

    def put_var_xdecrefs(self, entries):
        for entry in entries:

    def put_var_xdecrefs_clear(self, entries):
        for entry in entries:

    def put_incref_memoryviewslice(self, slice_cname, have_gil=False):
        from . import MemoryView
        self.putln("__PYX_INC_MEMVIEW(&%s, %d);" % (slice_cname, int(have_gil)))

    def put_xdecref_memoryviewslice(self, slice_cname, have_gil=False):
        from . import MemoryView
        self.putln("__PYX_XDEC_MEMVIEW(&%s, %d);" % (slice_cname, int(have_gil)))

    def put_xgiveref_memoryviewslice(self, slice_cname):
        self.put_xgiveref("%s.memview" % slice_cname)

    def put_init_to_py_none(self, cname, type, nanny=True):
        from .PyrexTypes import py_object_type, typecast
        py_none = typecast(type, py_object_type, "Py_None")
        if nanny:
            self.putln("%s = %s; __Pyx_INCREF(Py_None);" % (cname, py_none))
            self.putln("%s = %s; Py_INCREF(Py_None);" % (cname, py_none))

    def put_init_var_to_py_none(self, entry, template = "%s", nanny=True):
        code = template % entry.cname
        #if entry.type.is_extension_type:
        #    code = "((PyObject*)%s)" % code
        self.put_init_to_py_none(code, entry.type, nanny)
        if entry.in_closure:

    def put_pymethoddef(self, entry, term, allow_skip=True, wrapper_code_writer=None):
        if entry.is_special or entry.name == '__getattribute__':
            if entry.name not in special_py_methods:
                if entry.name == '__getattr__' and not self.globalstate.directives['fast_getattr']:
                # Python's typeobject.c will automatically fill in our slot
                # in add_operators() (called by PyType_Ready) with a value
                # that's better than ours.
                elif allow_skip:

        method_flags = entry.signature.method_flags()
        if not method_flags:
        if entry.is_special:
            from . import TypeSlots
            method_flags += [TypeSlots.method_coexist]
        func_ptr = wrapper_code_writer.put_pymethoddef_wrapper(entry) if wrapper_code_writer else entry.func_cname
        # Add required casts, but try not to shadow real warnings.
        cast = '__Pyx_PyCFunctionFast' if 'METH_FASTCALL' in method_flags else 'PyCFunction'
        if 'METH_KEYWORDS' in method_flags:
            cast += 'WithKeywords'
        if cast != 'PyCFunction':
            func_ptr = '(void*)(%s)%s' % (cast, func_ptr)
            '{"%s", (PyCFunction)%s, %s, %s}%s' % (
                entry.doc_cname if entry.doc else '0',

    def put_pymethoddef_wrapper(self, entry):
        func_cname = entry.func_cname
        if entry.is_special:
            method_flags = entry.signature.method_flags()
            if method_flags and 'METH_NOARGS' in method_flags:
                # Special NOARGS methods really take no arguments besides 'self', but PyCFunction expects one.
                func_cname = Naming.method_wrapper_prefix + func_cname
                self.putln("static PyObject *%s(PyObject *self, CYTHON_UNUSED PyObject *arg) {return %s(self);}" % (
                    func_cname, entry.func_cname))
        return func_cname

    # GIL methods

    def put_ensure_gil(self, declare_gilstate=True, variable=None):
        Acquire the GIL. The generated code is safe even when no PyThreadState
        has been allocated for this thread (for threads not initialized by
        using the Python API). Additionally, the code generated by this method
        may be called recursively.
            UtilityCode.load_cached("ForceInitThreads", "ModuleSetupCode.c"))
        if self.globalstate.directives['fast_gil']:
          self.globalstate.use_utility_code(UtilityCode.load_cached("FastGil", "ModuleSetupCode.c"))
          self.globalstate.use_utility_code(UtilityCode.load_cached("NoFastGil", "ModuleSetupCode.c"))
        self.putln("#ifdef WITH_THREAD")
        if not variable:
            variable = '__pyx_gilstate_save'
            if declare_gilstate:
                self.put("PyGILState_STATE ")
        self.putln("%s = __Pyx_PyGILState_Ensure();" % variable)

    def put_release_ensured_gil(self, variable=None):
        Releases the GIL, corresponds to `put_ensure_gil`.
        if self.globalstate.directives['fast_gil']:
          self.globalstate.use_utility_code(UtilityCode.load_cached("FastGil", "ModuleSetupCode.c"))
          self.globalstate.use_utility_code(UtilityCode.load_cached("NoFastGil", "ModuleSetupCode.c"))
        if not variable:
            variable = '__pyx_gilstate_save'
        self.putln("#ifdef WITH_THREAD")
        self.putln("__Pyx_PyGILState_Release(%s);" % variable)

    def put_acquire_gil(self, variable=None):
        Acquire the GIL. The thread's thread state must have been initialized
        by a previous `put_release_gil`
        if self.globalstate.directives['fast_gil']:
          self.globalstate.use_utility_code(UtilityCode.load_cached("FastGil", "ModuleSetupCode.c"))
          self.globalstate.use_utility_code(UtilityCode.load_cached("NoFastGil", "ModuleSetupCode.c"))
        self.putln("#ifdef WITH_THREAD")
        if variable:
            self.putln('_save = %s;' % variable)

    def put_release_gil(self, variable=None):
        "Release the GIL, corresponds to `put_acquire_gil`."
        if self.globalstate.directives['fast_gil']:
          self.globalstate.use_utility_code(UtilityCode.load_cached("FastGil", "ModuleSetupCode.c"))
          self.globalstate.use_utility_code(UtilityCode.load_cached("NoFastGil", "ModuleSetupCode.c"))
        self.putln("#ifdef WITH_THREAD")
        self.putln("PyThreadState *_save;")
        if variable:
            self.putln('%s = _save;' % variable)

    def declare_gilstate(self):
        self.putln("#ifdef WITH_THREAD")
        self.putln("PyGILState_STATE __pyx_gilstate_save;")

    # error handling

    def put_error_if_neg(self, pos, value):
        # TODO this path is almost _never_ taken, yet this macro makes is slower!
        # return self.putln("if (unlikely(%s < 0)) %s" % (value, self.error_goto(pos)))
        return self.putln("if (%s < 0) %s" % (value, self.error_goto(pos)))

    def put_error_if_unbound(self, pos, entry, in_nogil_context=False):
        from . import ExprNodes
        if entry.from_closure:
            func = '__Pyx_RaiseClosureNameError'
        elif entry.type.is_memoryviewslice and in_nogil_context:
            func = '__Pyx_RaiseUnboundMemoryviewSliceNogil'
            func = '__Pyx_RaiseUnboundLocalError'

        self.putln('if (unlikely(!%s)) { %s("%s"); %s }' % (

    def set_error_info(self, pos, used=False):
        self.funcstate.should_declare_error_indicator = True
        if used:
            self.funcstate.uses_error_indicator = True
        return "__PYX_MARK_ERR_POS(%s, %s)" % (

    def error_goto(self, pos, used=True):
        lbl = self.funcstate.error_label
        if pos is None:
            return 'goto %s;' % lbl
        self.funcstate.should_declare_error_indicator = True
        if used:
            self.funcstate.uses_error_indicator = True
        return "__PYX_ERR(%s, %s, %s)" % (

    def error_goto_if(self, cond, pos):
        return "if (%s) %s" % (self.unlikely(cond), self.error_goto(pos))

    def error_goto_if_null(self, cname, pos):
        return self.error_goto_if("!%s" % cname, pos)

    def error_goto_if_neg(self, cname, pos):
        return self.error_goto_if("%s < 0" % cname, pos)

    def error_goto_if_PyErr(self, pos):
        return self.error_goto_if("PyErr_Occurred()", pos)

    def lookup_filename(self, filename):
        return self.globalstate.lookup_filename(filename)

    def put_declare_refcount_context(self):

    def put_setup_refcount_context(self, name, acquire_gil=False):
        if acquire_gil:
                UtilityCode.load_cached("ForceInitThreads", "ModuleSetupCode.c"))
        self.putln('__Pyx_RefNannySetupContext("%s", %d);' % (name, acquire_gil and 1 or 0))

    def put_finish_refcount_context(self):

    def put_add_traceback(self, qualified_name, include_cline=True):
        Build a Python traceback for propagating exceptions.

        qualified_name should be the qualified name of the function.
        format_tuple = (
            Naming.clineno_cname if include_cline else 0,
        self.funcstate.uses_error_indicator = True
        self.putln('__Pyx_AddTraceback("%s", %s, %s, %s);' % format_tuple)

    def put_unraisable(self, qualified_name, nogil=False):
        Generate code to print a Python warning for an unraisable exception.

        qualified_name should be the qualified name of the function.
        format_tuple = (
        self.funcstate.uses_error_indicator = True
        self.putln('__Pyx_WriteUnraisable("%s", %s, %s, %s, %d, %d);' % format_tuple)
            UtilityCode.load_cached("WriteUnraisableException", "Exceptions.c"))

    def put_trace_declarations(self):

    def put_trace_frame_init(self, codeobj=None):
        if codeobj:
            self.putln('__Pyx_TraceFrameInit(%s)' % codeobj)

    def put_trace_call(self, name, pos, nogil=False):
        self.putln('__Pyx_TraceCall("%s", %s[%s], %s, %d, %s);' % (
            name, Naming.filetable_cname, self.lookup_filename(pos[0]), pos[1], nogil, self.error_goto(pos)))

    def put_trace_exception(self):

    def put_trace_return(self, retvalue_cname, nogil=False):
        self.putln("__Pyx_TraceReturn(%s, %d);" % (retvalue_cname, nogil))

    def putln_openmp(self, string):
        self.putln("#ifdef _OPENMP")
        self.putln("#endif /* _OPENMP */")

    def undef_builtin_expect(self, cond):
        Redefine the macros likely() and unlikely to no-ops, depending on
        condition 'cond'
        self.putln("#if %s" % cond)
        self.putln("    #undef likely")
        self.putln("    #undef unlikely")
        self.putln("    #define likely(x)   (x)")
        self.putln("    #define unlikely(x) (x)")

    def redef_builtin_expect(self, cond):
        self.putln("#if %s" % cond)
        self.putln("    #undef likely")
        self.putln("    #undef unlikely")
        self.putln("    #define likely(x)   __builtin_expect(!!(x), 1)")
        self.putln("    #define unlikely(x) __builtin_expect(!!(x), 0)")

class PyrexCodeWriter(object):
    # f                file      output file
    # level            int       indentation level

    def __init__(self, outfile_name):
        self.f = Utils.open_new_file(outfile_name)
        self.level = 0

    def putln(self, code):
        self.f.write("%s%s\n" % (" " * self.level, code))

    def indent(self):
        self.level += 1

    def dedent(self):
        self.level -= 1

class PyxCodeWriter(object):
    Can be used for writing out some Cython code. To use the indenter
    functionality, the Cython.Compiler.Importer module will have to be used
    to load the code to support python 2.4

    def __init__(self, buffer=None, indent_level=0, context=None, encoding='ascii'):
        self.buffer = buffer or StringIOTree()
        self.level = indent_level
        self.context = context
        self.encoding = encoding

    def indent(self, levels=1):
        self.level += levels
        return True

    def dedent(self, levels=1):
        self.level -= levels

    def indenter(self, line):
        Instead of

            with pyx_code.indenter("for i in range(10):"):
                pyx_code.putln("print i")


            if pyx_code.indenter("for i in range(10);"):
                pyx_code.putln("print i")
        return True

    def getvalue(self):
        result = self.buffer.getvalue()
        if isinstance(result, bytes):
            result = result.decode(self.encoding)
        return result

    def putln(self, line, context=None):
        context = context or self.context
        if context:
            line = sub_tempita(line, context)

    def _putln(self, line):
        self.buffer.write("%s%s\n" % (self.level * "    ", line))

    def put_chunk(self, chunk, context=None):
        context = context or self.context
        if context:
            chunk = sub_tempita(chunk, context)

        chunk = textwrap.dedent(chunk)
        for line in chunk.splitlines():

    def insertion_point(self):
        return PyxCodeWriter(self.buffer.insertion_point(), self.level,

    def named_insertion_point(self, name):
        setattr(self, name, self.insertion_point())

class ClosureTempAllocator(object):
    def __init__(self, klass):
        self.klass = klass
        self.temps_allocated = {}
        self.temps_free = {}
        self.temps_count = 0

    def reset(self):
        for type, cnames in self.temps_allocated.items():
            self.temps_free[type] = list(cnames)

    def allocate_temp(self, type):
        if type not in self.temps_allocated:
            self.temps_allocated[type] = []
            self.temps_free[type] = []
        elif self.temps_free[type]:
            return self.temps_free[type].pop(0)
        cname = '%s%d' % (Naming.codewriter_temp_prefix, self.temps_count)
        self.klass.declare_var(pos=None, name=cname, cname=cname, type=type, is_cdef=True)
        self.temps_count += 1
        return cname