import streamlit as st import pandas as pd import joblib from preprocessText import preprocess from apiSearch import get_metadata,get_trending_videos import base64 import requests import matplotlib.pyplot as plt import numpy as np import seaborn as sns # Load the model model = joblib.load('85pct(new).pkl') # Define the categories categories = { 'Film & Animation': 1, 'Autos & Vehicles': 2, 'Music': 10, 'Pets & Animals': 15, 'Sports' : 17, 'Short Movies' : 18, 'Travel & Events' : 19, 'Gaming' : 20, 'Videoblogging' : 21, 'People & Blogs' : 22, 'Comedy' : 23, 'Entertainment' : 24, 'News & Politics' : 25, 'Howto & Style' : 26, 'Education' : 27, 'Science & Technology' : 28, 'Nonprofits & Activism' : 29 } # Create the Streamlit web application def main(): st.set_page_config(layout="wide") st.markdown( f""" """, unsafe_allow_html=True ) st.markdown("",unsafe_allow_html=True) st.markdown("

YouTube Trend Prediction

", unsafe_allow_html=True) # # st.write("Enter the video details below:") # Define a boolean flag variable to track prediction status # Sidebar menu options menu_options = ["Predict", "Trending", "Visualize"] selected_option = st.sidebar.selectbox("Menu", menu_options) # Input fields if selected_option == "Predict": with st.container(): col1, col2, col3 = st.columns(3) getTitle, getDuration, getCategory = "", 0.00, 1 getThumbnailUrl = "" with col1: url = st.text_input("URL", placeholder="Enter a video URL") if url: metadata = get_metadata(url) if not metadata.empty: getTitle = metadata['title'].iloc[0] getDuration = metadata['duration'].iloc[0] category_id = metadata['category_id'].iloc[0] getThumbnailUrl = metadata['thumbnail_link'].iloc[0] getCategory = int(category_id) if getThumbnailUrl is not None: picture = get_picture_from_url(getThumbnailUrl) if picture: st.image(picture, caption='Thumbnail captured', width=320, channels="BGR") with col2: title = st.text_input("Title", placeholder="Enter a video title", value=getTitle) duration = st.number_input("Duration (in seconds)", min_value=0.0, value=getDuration) category = st.selectbox( "Category", list(categories.keys()), index=list(categories.values()).index(getCategory) ) with col3: picture = st.file_uploader("Upload Picture", type=["jpg", "jpeg", "png"]) if picture is not None: st.picture(picture, caption='Thumbnail Uploaded', width=400, channels="BGR") # Convert category to category ID categoryId = categories[category] if st.button("Predict"): # Perform prediction if title is None or title.strip() == "" and duration == 0: st.warning("Please enter a title and duration.") else: if title is None or title.strip() == "": st.warning("Please enter a title") if duration == 0: st.warning("Please enter a duration.") else: prediction = predict_trend(title, duration, categoryId) if prediction[0] == 1: st.success("This video is predicted to be a trend!") st.markdown("![Alt Text](") else:"This video is predicted not to be a trend.") st.markdown("![Alt Text](") elif selected_option == "Trending": tab1, tab2 = st.tabs(["Trending Board", "Video Info"]) country_code = st.sidebar.selectbox("Select Country Code", ['US', 'CA', 'GB', 'DE', 'FR', 'RU', 'BR', 'IN', 'MY', 'SG', 'JP', 'KR']) with st.container(): with tab1: st.write("Top 10 Trending Videos") df = get_trending_videos(country_code) st.dataframe(df) with tab2: if df is not None: # Display video titles selected_video_title = st.selectbox("Select a Video", df['title']) selected_video = df[df['title'] == selected_video_title].iloc[0] else: st.error('Failed to retrieve trending videos.') col4, col5 = st.columns(2) with col4: if selected_video is not None: image = get_picture_from_url(selected_video['thumbnail_link']) if image: st.image(image, caption='Thumbnail captured', width=400, channels="BGR") with col5: st.write("Title:", selected_video['title']) category_name = next( (key for key, value in categories.items() if value == selected_video['category_id']), 'Unknown Category' ) st.write("Category:", category_name) st.write("Duration:", selected_video['duration']) elif selected_option == "Visualize": with st.container(): tab3, tab4, tab5, tab6 = st.tabs(["Best Category", "Best Duration","Best Title","Best Title Length"]) with tab3: col6, col7 = st.columns(2) with col6: show_top_category() with col7: show_best_category() with tab4: col8, col9 = st.columns(2) with col8: show_top_duration() with col9: show_best_duration() with tab5: col10, col11 = st.columns(2) with col10: show_top_title() with col11: show_best_title() with tab6: col12, col13 = st.columns(2) with col12: show_top_titleLength() with col13: show_best_titleLength() def get_picture_from_url(url): try: response = requests.get(url) image_data = response.content return image_data except: return None def get_top_category(): topCategory = pd.read_csv('topCategory.csv') # Sort the DataFrame in ascending order based on predicted_prob column topCategory_sorted = topCategory.sort_values('predicted_prob') # Add a 'rank' column representing the ascending order of predicted_prob topCategory_sorted['rank'] = range(1, len(topCategory_sorted) + 1) # Map category_id to category name using the categories dictionary topCategory_sorted['category_name'] = topCategory_sorted['category_id'].map(lambda x: next((key for key, value in categories.items() if value == x), 'Unknown Category')) return topCategory_sorted def show_top_category(): topCategory_sorted = get_top_category() # Set a color palette for the plot color_palette = sns.color_palette('Set2', len(topCategory_sorted['category_id'].unique())) # Create a bar plot based on rank and predicted_prob columns with different colors for each category_name fig, ax = plt.subplots(figsize=(8, 5)) sns.barplot(data=topCategory_sorted, x='rank', y='predicted_prob', hue='category_name', palette=color_palette) plt.xlabel('Rank') plt.ylabel('Predicted Probability') plt.title('Top Categories') # Display the legend and the plot in Streamlit st.pyplot(fig) def show_best_category(): topCategory_sorted = get_top_category() top_3_categories = topCategory_sorted.sort_values('predicted_prob', ascending=True).head(3) top_3_categories = top_3_categories['category_name'].head(3) st.header("Top 3 Categories") # Display the top 3 category IDs with colorful formatting in Streamlit for category_id in top_3_categories: color = '#339933' if category_id == top_3_categories.iloc[0] else '#ffcc33' if category_id == top_3_categories.iloc[1] else '#ff9900' st.write(f"{category_id}", unsafe_allow_html=True) def get_top_duration(): topDurationsorted = pd.read_csv('topDuration.csv') topDurationsorted = topDurationsorted.sort_values('predicted_prob', ascending=False) return topDurationsorted def show_top_duration(): topDuration_sorted = get_top_duration() # Set the style of the plot sns.set(style='whitegrid') # Plot the graph using Seaborn plt.figure(figsize=(10, 6)) sns.barplot(x='duration_range', y='predicted_prob',data=topDuration_sorted) plt.xlabel('Duration') plt.ylabel('Predicted Probability') plt.title('Top Durations') plt.xticks(rotation=45) st.pyplot(plt) def show_best_duration(): topDurationRange = get_top_duration() top_3_durationRange = topDurationRange.sort_values('predicted_prob', ascending=False).head(3) top_3_range = top_3_durationRange['duration_range'].head(3) st.header("Top 3 Duration Range") for range in top_3_range: color = '#339933' if range == top_3_range.iloc[0] else '#ffcc33' if range == top_3_range.iloc[1] else '#ff9900' st.write(f"{range}", unsafe_allow_html=True) def get_top_title(): topTitle = pd.read_csv('topTitle.csv') # Sort the DataFrame in ascending order based on predicted_prob column topTitle_sorted = topTitle.sort_values('Importance Score', ascending=False) return topTitle_sorted def show_top_title(): topTitle_sorted = get_top_title() sns.set(style="whitegrid") plt.figure(figsize=(8, 6)) sns.barplot(x='Importance Score', y='Feature', data=topTitle_sorted, palette="rocket") plt.xlabel('Importance Score', fontsize=12) plt.ylabel('Feature', fontsize=12) plt.title('Top Title Features', fontsize=14) plt.tight_layout() st.pyplot(plt) def show_best_title(): topTitle_sorted = get_top_title() top_3_keyword = topTitle_sorted.sort_values('Importance Score', ascending=False).head(3) top_3_keyword = topTitle_sorted['Feature'].head(3) st.header("Top 3 Keyword") for feature in top_3_keyword: color = '#339933' if feature == top_3_keyword.iloc[0] else '#ffcc33' if feature == top_3_keyword.iloc[1] else '#ff9900' st.write(f"{feature}", unsafe_allow_html=True) def round_interval(interval_str): start, end = map(float, interval_str.strip('()[]').split(',')) return f"({int(start)}, {int(end)})" def get_top_titleLength(): topTitleLength = pd.read_csv('topTitleLength.csv') title_length_ranges = topTitleLength['titleLength'] predicted_probs = topTitleLength['predicted_prob'] rounded_ranges = [round_interval(range_val) for range_val in title_length_ranges] data = { 'rounded_ranges': rounded_ranges, 'predicted_probs': predicted_probs } topTitleLength = pd.DataFrame(data) # Sort the DataFrame by predicted_probs in descending order sorted_titleLength = topTitleLength.sort_values(by='predicted_probs', ascending=False) return sorted_titleLength def show_top_titleLength(): topTitleLength = get_top_titleLength() # Set the style of the plot sns.set(style='whitegrid') # Plot the graph using Seaborn plt.figure(figsize=(10, 6)) sns.barplot(x='rounded_ranges', y='predicted_probs',data=topTitleLength) plt.xlabel('Title Length Range') plt.ylabel('Predicted Probability') plt.title('Top 5 Ranges for Title Length vs. Predicted Probability') plt.xticks(rotation=45) st.pyplot(plt) def show_best_titleLength(): topTitleLength = get_top_titleLength() top_3_titleLength = topTitleLength.sort_values('predicted_probs', ascending=False).head(3) top_3_range = top_3_titleLength['rounded_ranges'].head(3) st.header("Top 3 Title Length Range") for range in top_3_range: color = '#339933' if range == top_3_range.iloc[0] else '#ffcc33' if range == top_3_range.iloc[1] else '#ff9900' st.write(f"{range}", unsafe_allow_html=True) # Function to make predictions def predict_trend(title, duration, category_id): duration = str(duration) category_id = int(category_id) clean_new_title = preprocess(title) # Join the preprocessed words back into a string clean_new_title_str = ' '.join(clean_new_title) # Prepare the input data data = { 'cleanTitle': [clean_new_title_str], 'titleLength' : [len(title)], 'categoryId': [category_id], 'duration': [duration] } data = pd.DataFrame(data) data['categoryId'] = data['categoryId'].astype('category') data['duration'] = data['duration'].astype('float64') # Make the prediction print(model.predict_proba(data)) prediction = model.predict(data) return prediction if __name__ == "__main__": main()