
## characters

- alphanumeric characters
- numeric characters
- special characters: A special character is a character that is not an alphabetic or numeric character.
    - ASCII control characters
    - punctuation marks
    - accent marks
    - 数学符号
    - whitespace:
        - https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Whitespace_character
        - https://emptycharacter.com/


import random
from datasets import load_dataset

default_user_input = """\
Replace this text in the input field to see how tokenization works.
Buenos días!
# default_tokenizer_name_1 = "Meta/llama3"
# default_tokenizer_name_1 = "gradientai/Llama-3-8B-Instruct-Gradient-1048k"
default_tokenizer_name_1 = "deepseek-ai/DeepSeek-R1"
default_tokenizer_name_2 = "openai/gpt-4o"

def get_sample_input():
    default_inputs = {
        "en": "Replace this text in the input field to see how tokenization works.",
        "zh-Hans": "",
        "es": "",
        "de": "",
    random.seed(10)  # For reproducibility
    lines = []
    for lang in default_inputs.keys():
        dataset = load_dataset("eson/cc100-samples", lang, split="train")
    return default_inputs

examples = {
    "en": [
        ["number: (10086 + 98) = 100184", "huggyllama/llama-7b", "bigscience/bloom"],  #
            "whitespace:  2spaces        8spaces\t1tab\t\t2tab\n1newline",
        ],  # chatglm 有blank_n, bert丢掉了空格,
        # !?。"#$%&'()*+,-/:;<=>@[\]^_`{|}~⦅⦆「」、、〃》「」『』【】〔〕〖〗〘〙〚〛〜〝〞〟〰〾〿–—‘’‛“”„‟…‧﹏.
            'punctuation: ,.:/?+=",。!?;【】〔〕〖〗',
        ],  # llama词典有点小
            "symbol: 🦙❤❥웃유♋☮✊☏☢☚✔☑♚▢♪✈✞÷↑↓▤▥⊙■□▣▽¿─│♥❣▬▫☿Ⓐ ✋✉☣☤",
        # ["special: [PAD] [UNK] [CLS] [SEP] [MASK] <|system|> <|user|> <|assistant|> <|endoftext|>", "", ""],
    "zh": [
            "空格测试:  2个空格        8个空格",
        ],  # chatglm 有blank_n,
        ["标点测试:,。!?;", "baichuan_7b", "llama"],
            "符号测试:🦙❤❥웃유♋☮✊☏☢☚✔☑♚▢♪✈✞÷↑↓▤▥⊙■□▣▽¿─│♥❣▬▫☿Ⓐ ✋✉☣☤",
        ["数字测试:(10086 + 98) = 100184", "baichuan_7b", "llama"],
        ["中文简体:宽带,繁体:樂來", "baichuan_7b", "llama"],

more_examples = [
    # bert系列
    ),  # # clue VS kplug, bert VS clue
    ("bert-base-cased", "clue", "", "增加了[]()"),
    ("roberta-chinese-clue", "kplug", "", ""),
    # llama系列 (基于sentencepiece)
        "baichuan2支持多空格   ,多个换行\n\n\n,do not add dummy prefix as Baichuan1",
    ("llama", "baichuan2", "baichuan2支持多空格   ,多个换行\n\n"),
    ("llama", "chinese-llama-2-7b", ""),
    ("llama", "llama3", "扩充词典"),
    ("chinese-llama-lora-7b", "chinese-llama-2-7b", ""),
    # glm系列 (基于sentencepiece)
    ("glm", "chatglm1", ""),
    ("chatglm1", "chatglm2", ""),
    # gpt2系列
    ("gpt2", "moss", ""),
    ("", "", ""),
    # openai系列 (tiktoken)
    ("qwen", "gpt_35_turbo", ""),

lang = "en"

example_types = [t[0].split(":")[0] for t in examples[lang]]

def example_fn(example_idx):
    return examples[lang][example_idx]

def get_more_example():
    import urllib.parse

    url_prefix = "https://huggingface.co/spaces/eson/tokenizer-arena"
    for tokenizer1, tokenizer2, text, comment in more_examples:
        full_url = f"{url_prefix}?tokenizer1={tokenizer1}&tokenizer2={tokenizer2}&text={urllib.parse.quote(text)}"

if __name__ == "__main__":