diff --git "a/data/heishenghua_pretraining.jsonl" "b/data/heishenghua_pretraining.jsonl" new file mode 100644--- /dev/null +++ "b/data/heishenghua_pretraining.jsonl" @@ -0,0 +1,443 @@ +{"conversation": [{"input": "", "output": "## 玩家评价与专业媒体评分\n\n《黑神话:悟空》自发布以来就受到了广大玩家的热烈追捧。根据Steam平台的玩家评价,该游戏目前有超过90%的好评率,许多玩家在评论中称赞了游戏的视觉效果、战斗系统和故事情节。一位玩家表示:\"这是我玩过的最好看的游戏之一,每一个场景都像一幅精美的画作。\"另一位玩家则说:\"战斗非常爽快和刺激,变身系统让我玩出了很多花样。\"\n\n在专业媒体方面,《黑神话:悟空》也获得了高度评价。在Metacritic网站上,该游戏的平均评分高达82分,这在国产游戏中属于非常出色的成绩。IGN中国站的评测中写道:\"这是一款在视觉效果、音乐和剧情上都非常出色的游戏,值得所有动作游戏爱好者去体验。\"\n\n此外,该游戏还获得了多个奖项的提名和获奖。在2024年的TGA游戏大奖中,它入围了最佳视觉效果和最佳配音等奖项。在中国游戏产业年度盛典上,它更是斩获了最佳国产游戏、最佳美术设计等多个大奖。这些奖项的获得进一步证明了《黑神话:悟空》在游戏制作水平上的卓越成就。\n\n## 对中国游戏产业的影响\n\n《黑神话:悟空》的成功不仅为玩家带来了极致的游戏体验,也为中国游戏产业注入了强大的信心和动力。作为国内首款真正意义上的3A级单机游戏,它的发行打破了此前国产游戏普遍偏重手游和网游的格局。\n\n这款游戏的高品质表现,让全世界看到了中国游戏开发者的实力。在过去的几年里,国内游戏公司在技术和创意上的不断进步终于结出了硕果。《黑神话:悟空》的成功为更多的国产游戏打开了海外市场的大门,也为国内游戏行业树立了新的标杆。\n\n此外,该游戏的发行还带动了相关产业的发展。周边产品如手办、漫画等应运而生,衍生出了一个庞大的产业链。这不仅为游戏公司带来了额外收益,也为相关企业创造了商机。\n\n总的来说,《黑神话:悟空》的成功不仅是一款游戏本身的胜利,更是中国游戏产业向世界发出的一声响亮宣言。它标志着国产游戏正式进入了世界一流水平,必将为未来的中国游戏发展注入强大的动力。\n\n《黑神话:悟空》自发布以来,受到了玩家和专业媒体的高度评价,对中国游戏产业产生了深远的影响,并在国际上获得了认可。"}]} +{"conversation": [{"input": "", "output": "### 玩家评价和专业媒体评分\n- **IGN中国**给出了满分10分的评价,认为游戏是“中国游戏行业的里程碑”,并预测它将成为年度游戏的有力竞争者。\n- **IGN全球**给出了8分的评价,尽管遇到了一些技术问题,但游戏的战斗、Boss战和探索体验仍然受到赞誉。\n- **Metacritic**上,《黑神话:悟空》的评分为82分,显示了游戏在专业媒体中的普遍好评。\n- **玩家评价**普遍正面,尤其是在游戏的视觉效果、战斗机制和文化体验方面。\n\n### 对中国游戏产业的影响\n- **文化输出**:《黑神话:悟空》的成功展示了中国传统文化和现代游戏技术的结合,为全球玩家提供了了解中国文化的新途径。\n- **产业升级**:游戏的高水准表现提升了中国游戏产业的国际形象,推动了产业向更高质量、更具创新性的方向迈进。\n- **市场信心**:游戏的商业成功增强了市场对中国游戏产业的信心,可能会吸引更多的投资和人才加入游戏开发领域。\n\n### 国际认可\n- **TGA奖项**:游戏被玩家和媒体看好,有望在年度游戏大奖The Game Awards(TGA)中获得提名和奖项。\n- **全球销量**:游戏在全球范围内的高销量证明了其跨文化的吸引力和市场潜力。\n\n总体而言,《黑神话:悟空》不仅是一款深受玩家喜爱的游戏,也是中国游戏产业发展的一个标志性事件,对提升中国在全球游戏产业中的地位起到了积极作用。"}]} +{"conversation": [{"input": "", "output": "有时候我在想《西游记》里面到底谁是好人谁才是坏人呢?\n\n在《黑神话》中大部分的妖精都有一段让人意难平的往事,石敢当、黄风怪、泾河龙王之子、蜘蛛精、书生成魔、昴日星官、虎先锋和疯虎、红孩儿、萍萍、白衣秀士、亢金龙、龟和蛇、沙国王父子、沙大郎 、石母、小张太子、靡道人......\n\n似乎每一位妖怪都不是那么坏,反而天庭和灵山的那些道貌岸然的仙人却处处透露着邪恶。\n\n我来助你\n黄风怪原是灵山脚下得道的黄毛貂鼠,西行之路被灵吉收服,如今再次下界为妖。\n\n黄风大圣时期的他算是正道之光,做了不少为民除害的好事。在打败虎先锋之后,天命人会去协助黄风怪打蝜蝂。\n\n击倒蝜蝂之后,黄��大圣立马让主角夺取法宝:正是现在!夺了他的宝物!\n\n夺取法宝定风珠后,黄风大圣再也没有顾忌,帅气十足大吼一声:“我来助你!”讲真,第一次见到妖怪如此霸气站在我这边,真的让人激动不已啊!\n\n由于黄风大圣这个形象太深入人心,以至于被玩家们各种调侃,如:\n\n“不过,没了那东西,谁还怕你!”黄风大圣参战之后,再也不惧大虫子蝜蝂了。\n\n打败虫子后,黄风大圣眼神中满是敬意看着天命人:“满城百姓,感激不尽”。\n\n你敢想也是妖精说的话?可惜......\n\n意境台词:“人也,兽也,佛也,妖也,众生自有根器,持优劣为次第,可乱来不得。你说,对吗?孙悟空。”\n\n广智救我\n三十年前,广智在观众的形象就是怂恿金池长老:“想要得到袈裟,只有宰了他!”之人。\n\n没想到三十年后,广智却因为一款游戏再次上了热搜。\n\n《黑神话》中广智和广谋本来也仅仅是一个黑风山的两个小头目,但没想到广智存在的意义却直接影响了游戏格局。\n\n“广智”是游戏内可使用的变身,按说这种级别的小头目应该不会有多大影响。但偏偏变身之后可以获得独立血条,这就给玩家带来无穷底气了吧!\n\n最关键的是操作简单而且伤害还很高,加上他拥有“灼烧debuff”。这款游戏中80%以上的怪物都怕灼烧,因此可以说广智的作用非常之大。也难怪玩家在性命堪虞之际,第一时间想到的就是“广智救我”。\n\n“广智救我”几天前还曾登上过B站热搜榜,就问你服不服。\n\n不知道是什么时候开始,玩家们调侃这款游戏的名字叫《黑神话:广智传》。\n\n这个梗也传到了外网,近日Reddit上有网友发布梗图:“广智救我!”引起了外网玩家们的共鸣。\n\n也就是说,现在广智不仅仅在国内享有盛名,在国外也深受追捧。"}]} +{"conversation": [{"input": "", "output": "也就是说,现在广智不仅仅在国内享有盛名,在国外也深受追捧。\n\n“既见未来,为何不拜?”\n小西天黄眉出场算是比较霸气的,开场一句话就是““既见未来,为何不拜?”\n\n相较于其他妖怪,黄眉的难度已经算是“中规中矩”了。拥有极高的血量和超强攻击力,不仅有着范围较大的近战攻击手段,也有大量远程法术,还会瞬移、反制玩家法术,金身无敌霸体。\n\n他冒充的是弥勒佛,也就是未来佛,因此他的口头禅就是:“既见未来,为何不拜?”\n\n那么巧,现在有一款国产的新能源汽车和“未来”同音,加上拜刚好和Buy是同音,于是就有了“既见蔚来,为何不buy?”这个梗,也算是为国产汽车出一份力吧!\n\n我觉得李总应该考虑和《黑神话》搞一个互动,相信会吸一波粉。\n\n黄眉的台词都比较霸气:\n\n“信什么狗屁如来,不如我自己来!”\n\n“这一回,我又赢了,金蝉子。”\n\n“不恭敬,禅心于你滞碍,看看我这大雄宝殿,难道不比那灵山气派?最让人绷不住的台词,居然来自猪八戒\n净坛使者最终还是为了大圣放弃了佛位,为了寻找大圣复活的方法被困在金铙之中,之后成为天命人得力助手。\n\n“我这大圣麾下群猴都是一般模样,你这嘴脸生的各样,样貌有些雷堆,定是别处来的妖魔。”\n\n“那时他还小不懂事嘛,又没佛祖教,又没师傅带!”\n\n“好你个弼马温,我就知道你没死。”\n\n“小猴子,好侄儿,打不过就跑,悟空的名头,咱不要也罢”\n\n“你别信外人笑你叔叔贪色,年纪大了,喜欢些香的艳的,都是过过眼瘾。”\n\n“逢庙就进,见佛就拜,不分是非黑白,那是我师傅,俺老猪最讨厌这套表面功夫。”\n\n紫蛛儿:“天上果然不是人过的日子!”、“你还是和那时一样,笨啊……”\n\n那么除此之外还有哪些经典台词让你音犹在耳呢?\n“若不披上这件衣裳,众生又怎知我尘缘已断,金海尽干!”这可是观自在菩萨说的话啊!这是在点拨黑熊精。只有拥有的才能看破,没有拥有的才会不断追求。只有获得全成就,别人才知道我通关。\n\n“臭猴子,你说山岭外的世界究竟是什么样的?”、“她的山外青山,终究没能一起去看!”或许这是四妹的最后的执着。“快走!” 四妹甚至喊的不是“救我”\n\n“人我保住了,经我取到了……”、“哥哥们,喝了这杯,我们一起打上凌霄宝殿!”、“牛哥,原来像我这样的人,只怕是独自活着便是罪过!”大圣最后的荣光\n\n“祸乱人心,倒果为因,师兄如此执着于输赢,可笑,可悲!”金蝉子以身入局"}]} +{"conversation": [{"input": "", "output": "“祸乱人心,倒果为因,师兄如此执着于输赢,可笑,可��!”金蝉子以身入局\n\n“六丁六甲,见了本君,还不退下!”二郎显圣真君天威,岂是贬职小仙能够直视。\n\n“六丁六甲,从不吃素。”寅虎凭借一己之力,硬生生爆出了一个网络热梗。\n\n“他们想看的,是如今我们跪着的模样!”红孩儿夜叉族永不屈服的意志\n\n“黄风岭,八百里......”陕北说书人熊竹英坚持了几十年,终于在《黑神话》中通过灵吉菩萨将陕北民歌推向了全世界。\n\n全场最佳神级台词,来自二郎显圣真君,直接命中主题:“一世名,锁不住他,一道箍,困不住他,以肉身之死,换意念永续。但愿你,不会辜负他。我心结已解你的路,才刚开始。”就凭这一句话,就足以掩盖游戏中存在的瑕疵了。\n\n黄风岭,八百里,曾是关外富饶地一朝鼠患凭空起,乌烟瘴气渺人迹无父无君无法纪,为非作歹有天庇幸得大圣借佛力,邪风一时偃旌旗哪知奇祸起旦夕,那黄毛孽畜再回籍凶犯不死好得意,福星横尸却成谜幸得大圣借佛力,邪风一时偃旌旗哪知奇祸起旦夕,那黄毛孽畜再回籍凶犯不死好得意,福星横尸却成谜血化风,沙化雨,无主的猫鼠儿串一气成败生死莫讲理,不强走那正道才有戏\n\n\n在游戏《黑神话:悟空》中,广智变身深受玩家喜爱,因为它提供了额外的血条、易于操作且伤害高,还能对敌人施加灼烧效果。这个热门梗也引起了国际网友的关注。Reddit上的一位用户发帖说:“广智兄弟多次救了我们……”这引发了大量外国玩家的共鸣,他们纷纷在评论区喊道:“广智救我!”有人分享了相关的梗图,回复者表示:“我从未想过我会如此期待一个梗图。”还有玩家分享了自己的游戏经历:“面对BOSS残血和自身状态危急时,看到变身图标闪烁,连续三次重击后黄风大圣倒下。这是我游戏中最激动人心的时刻之一。”\n\n\n“广智”作为游戏内第一个可使用的变身,因为变身后可以获得独立的血条,并且操作简单伤害颇高,还能给敌人加上灼烧debuff而受到玩家们的喜爱,“广智救我”还曾登上过B站热搜榜。而这个梗也传到了外网,近日Reddit上有网友发布梗图:“广智救我!”引起了外网玩家们的共鸣。不少玩家表示:“广智真的是我的救星!”“哈哈哈,看看你Steam上的游戏名吧,是《黑神话:广智》!\n\n\n《黑神话:悟空》作为一款以《西游记》为背景的国产单机游戏,自从2024年8月20日正式解锁后,便在网络上引发了一系列有趣的梗图和段子。以下是部分网络梗的汇总:"}]} +{"conversation": [{"input": "", "output": "1. **广智师兄救我**:这个梗源自游戏中的NPC角色广智,被玩家用来表达在游戏过程中遭遇困难时的幽默呼救。\n\n2. **压在五指山下的竟是我自己**:此梗反映了玩家在游戏初期面临的挑战,也暗示了游戏中可能存在的难度曲线。\n\n3. **广智铠甲合体**:这个梗可能与游戏中某位角色或某种状态有关,玩家通过这种幽默的方式表达对游戏内容的喜爱。\n\n4. **“天命人”玩家**:游戏中的玩家被称为“天命人”,这一称呼本身便成为了一个梗,尤其是在玩家讨论游戏进展时。\n\n5. **金池长老**:提到金池长老的梗,可能是游戏中某一章节或任务中的角色,成为了玩家讨论的对象。\n\n6. **轰炸天庭**:这可能指的是游戏中的一场战役或是玩家在游戏中进行的某种激烈战斗。\n\n7. **吴承恩正在玩**:这个梗设想了《西游记》原著作者吴承恩在玩这款游戏的情景,体现了游戏与原著之间的联系。\n\n8. **“不要死,也不要孤独的活。”、“这个天地,我来过,我奋战过,我深爱过,我不在乎结局。”**:这些出自《黑神话:悟空》的台词,因其深刻的意义成为了玩家之间流传的名言。\n\n9. **“即见未来,为何不拜?”**:这句台词被玩家巧妙地改造成“即见蔚来,为何不BUY”,用来调侃其他话题。\n\n10. **“空气墙来回撞”**:玩家通过制作梗图来调侃游戏中存在的空气墙问题,即玩家在游戏中无法穿越某些障碍物的情况。\n\n11. **“九九八十一难之首难:正在解压”**:这个梗表达了玩家们在启动游戏前需要经历漫长的解压过程,成为了进入游戏世界的“第一难”。\n\n以上梗图和段子不仅展现了玩家群体的创造力和幽默感,同时也反映出《黑神话:悟空》这款游戏在玩家心目中的地位。这些梗不仅丰富了游戏的文化内涵,也促进了游戏文化的传播。\n\n\n《黑神话:悟空》自公布以来就在网络上引起了广泛的关注,随之而来的是一系列有趣的网络梗,以下是一些例子:\n\n1. **广智救我**:这是源自游戏��一个梗,具体含义可能是指在游戏中某个角色或情况需要帮助的情景,或者是玩家在遇到游戏难题时的一种幽默表达。\n\n2. **即见未来,为何不拜**:这句话原本是游戏中的台词,后来被网友恶搞成“即见蔚来,为何不BUY”,用来调侃蔚来汽车和其创始人李斌。\n\n3. **空气墙来回撞**:有玩家制作梗图来调侃游戏中存在的空气墙问题,即玩家在游戏内无法穿越某些看似可以通行的地方,这种现象被戏称为“空气墙”。"}]} +{"conversation": [{"input": "", "output": "4. **九九八十一难之首难:正在解压**:这是指游戏正式发布后,许多玩家在启动游戏前需要经历漫长的解压过程,成为了玩家体验游戏的第一难关。\n\n5. **吴承恩正在玩《黑神话:悟空》**:这是基于游戏改编自《西游记》这一事实而产生的幽默想象,暗示原作者如果在世可能会体验这款游戏。\n\n6. **天命人化身“风灵宗”大弟子**:此梗涉及到游戏的修改器,玩家使用修改器调整游戏参数时,就像成为了游戏中某个虚构门派的大弟子一样。\n\n7. 马喽:这个梗是对游戏的一种亲切而诙谐的别称,源自两广方言中“猴子”的意思,与游戏中孙悟空的形象相呼应。黑吗喽:同样是对游戏的别称,结合了游戏名称和“吗喽”(猴子)的词汇,展现了地域文化在网络空间中的生动展现。\n\n这些梗反映了玩家社区对于游戏的热情以及他们以幽默的方式来讨论游戏中的特点和问题。如果你对特定的梗感兴趣或者想要了解更多的细节,可以进一步询问。\n\n\n《黑神话:悟空》不仅因其精美的画面和深入的故事受到了广大玩家的喜爱,还激发了大量的创意和幽默。除了之前提到的一些梗之外,还有一些其他的有趣梗图和段子:\n\n1. **“风灵宗”总师傅**:这个梗可能源于游戏中某个角色或情况,玩家用它来创造一种幽默的情境,可能涉及到游戏角色或玩家行为。\n\n2. **“杨戬/虎先锋等趣图”**:游戏中的角色如杨戬、虎先锋等,因为他们的特性或在游戏中出现的场景,成为了玩家制作梗图的对象。\n\n3. **“男人这辈子要保护的三样东西”**:这个梗可能来源于游戏中的某个情节,也可能只是玩家基于游戏内容创作的幽默内容。\n\n4. **“打工人疯替”**:这是指在游戏发售当天,许多玩家为了第一时间体验游戏而请假,但也有“打工人”因无法请假而形成的对比,形成了“打工人疯替”的梗。\n\n5. **“小米公司的高管到了公司第一件事就是下载黑神话悟空”**:这个梗描绘了游戏发售当日,玩家们迫不及待的心情,甚至影响到了职场环境。\n\n6. **“压在五指山下的竟是我自己”**:此梗反映了玩家在游戏解锁后,需要经历长时间的解压过程才能开始游戏的真实体验,这种等待被比作悟空被压在五指山下的经历。\n\n7. **“天兵天将:啊?我打13只猴?”**:这个梗可能来源于游戏中的一幕或多幕战斗场景,玩家用这种方式来表达游戏中的战斗场景或难度。"}]} +{"conversation": [{"input": "", "output": "8. **“老外连夜苦读西游记”**:由于游戏在全球范围内的受欢迎程度,这个梗描述了国外玩家为了更好地理解游戏背景故事,开始研究《西游记》原著的情形。\n\n9. **“《赛博朋克:悟空》”**:这个梗将《黑神话:悟空》与《赛博朋克2077》结合在一起,可能是玩家对两者风格融合的幽默想象。\n\n10. **“挑战的层面审视,这款游戏着实不容小觑”**:这个梗可能是玩家在体验游戏后的感受总结,强调游戏的挑战性和深度。\n\n这些梗图和段子展示了玩家对于《黑神话:悟空》这款游戏的热情以及他们独特的表达方式,同时也反映了游戏本身带给玩家的娱乐价值和文化意义。\n\n\n\n《黑神话悟空》剧情梗及彩蛋合集 黑神话悟空多少级满级\n《黑神话悟空》除了明面上的剧情以外,还有很多彩蛋剧情和原著相关的梗,想要了解这些内容的玩家请看下面“pikusan”带来的《黑神话悟空》剧情梗及彩蛋合集,希望能够帮助大家。\n\n1.游戏角色满级是342级,对应西游记中孙悟空消生死簿的原文(西游记三回):“悟空亲自检阅,直到那魂字一千三百五十号上,方注着孙悟空名字,乃天产石猴,该寿三百四十二岁,善终。”\n\n2.游戏内可最多获得的灵光点是365点,正好点满所有的技能(包括10个变身和二周目隐藏技能-保命毫毛)。游戏内的最高伤害是108000,对应西游记中菩提祖师给的筋斗云,一筋斗十万八千里(西游记二回)“祖师却又传个口诀道:“这朵云,捻着诀,念动真言,攒紧了拳,将身一抖,跳将起来,一��斗就有十万八千里路哩!”\n\n3.影神图就是游戏故事的背景介绍,但是影神图的书写方式是罗生门式的,不同人物的影神图对同一事件有不同的解读角度,要从多个影神图中才能找到真实剧情,也有多个影神图有时间线索,多个影身图拼接在一起才是完整故事。\n\n4.狼校卫和狼剑客对黑熊精拍马屁,黑熊精就对龙女和善财(红孩儿)拍马屁:“善财抢过来,揭开一看,是座蜜煎糖浇,晶莹剔透的狮仙糖。”(笑嘻了,拍马屁拍到马腿上了),上梁不正下梁歪。"}]} +{"conversation": [{"input": "", "output": "5.(狼刺客影神图),小狼随大苍狼学习,大苍狼说小狼不忍杀生而给了猎物更多的痛苦。 (狼护法影神图)”昔年,有只小狼跟随大苍狼学习捕猎,师父教导他,优秀的猎手,出击果断,不曾让猎物受苦。小狼一番参悟,多年修炼,成就了一门杀戮之术。他以为师父会为自己的进步而高兴,师父却责他伤生造孽,令他悔改。师父的话前后矛盾,让狼妖很困惑,是以他离开了黑风山,漂泊四方。”黄眉和他说弱肉强食,何罪之有?“听罢此话,狼妖豁然开朗,决意拜入小雷音寺,追求极乐大道。”\n\n6.很多监守自盗,普通人控制妖怪同时自己做除妖的工作,比如蛇巡司的影神图,捕蛇人自养蛇妖。小灵芝精的影神图,细思极恐。\n\n7.广智和广谋的影神图,两人都是小妖,去金池长老手下装和尚。广智大王是老凌虚子,广谋大王是白花蛇精。(广智!救我!)(黑神话·广智)\n\n8.蛤蟆仙人四方游蛤蟆。波里个浪、浪里个波、浪里个浪、波里个波、波浪浪、浪波波(浪什么波?波什么浪?)。六章六个蛤蟆,蛤蟆仙人也是西游记。这段剧情非常有意思,大家可以看看,我称之为蛤蟆仙人外传。\n\n9.妖王灵虚子和人物老凌虚子,妖王灵虚子是我们打的boss原是狮驼国流民,老凌虚子是西游记中的凌虚子也是西游记中孙悟空打死的凌虚子。黑熊精获得大圣根器后复活了老凌虚子,但老凌虚子不愿饮血苟活(从白衣秀士影身图可知),选择自挂东南枝。他的尸体应该就是第三口钟前的尸体,打完幻境之后可以互动,尸体就消失了,应该就超度了。\n\n10.金池长老:加沙,我的加沙(不是)。他也被黑熊精复活了,开头的幽魂大头娃娃就是他被黑风大王复活失败后的精魄(致敬传奇孙悟空技能龟派气功波阿)(黑风大王影神图)“苦闷之下,他又施法想要还魂昔日一同论禅的老和尚。不曾想那老和尚的魂魄未在拼凑的尸身上复生,反与他旧日埋藏的金银铜钱化生了个发昏的精怪,四处游荡,搅扰山场,没个消停。”"}]} +{"conversation": [{"input": "", "output": "11.黑熊精是被菩萨找过去一起去打大圣的。黑熊精一开始也不想去:我去打齐天大圣?真的假的?菩萨说,就你去。龙女答道:“我们岂能不知?放心,自有比你凶,比你狠的冲在前头。”作为交换,之后黑熊精就摘了禁箍,然后回去当黑风大王了。黑熊精真的是所有妖王里面最可爱的了,打之前口气最凶,打之后跪的最快(红孩儿你能不能和你哥们学学)。打完他之后直接叫我们小圣真的让人忍俊不禁。西游记原文中也非常搞笑(西游记十七回):“行者笑道:“我儿子,你站稳着,仔细听之!我:自小神通手段高,随风变化逞英豪。养性修真熬日月,跳出轮回把命逃。一点诚心曾访道,灵台山上采药苗。那山有个老仙长,寿年十万八千高。老孙拜他为师父,指我长生路一条。他说身内有丹药,外边采取枉徒劳。得传大品天仙诀,若无根本实难熬。回光内照宁心坐,身中日月坎离交。万事不思全寡欲,六根清净体坚牢。返老还童容易得,超凡入圣路非遥。三年无漏成仙体,不同俗辈受煎熬。十洲三岛还游戏,海角天涯转一遭。活该三百多馀岁,不得飞升上九霄。下海降龙真宝贝,才有金箍棒一条。花果山前为帅首,水帘洞里聚群妖。玉皇大帝传宣诏,封我齐天极品高。几番大闹灵霄殿,数次曾偷王母桃。天兵十万来降我,层层密密布枪刀。战退天王归上界,哪吒负痛领兵逃。显圣真君能变化,老孙硬赌跌平交。道祖观音同玉帝,南天门上看降妖。却被老君助一阵,二郎擒我到天曹。将身绑在降妖柱,即命神兵把首枭。刀砍锤敲不得坏,又教雷打火来烧。老孙其实有手段,全然不怕半分毫。送在老君炉里炼,六丁神火慢煎熬。日满开炉我跳出,手持铁棒绕天跑。纵横到处无遮挡,三十三天闹一遭。我佛如来施法力,五行山压老孙腰。整整压该五百载,幸逢三藏出唐朝。吾今皈正西方去,转上雷音见玉毫。你去乾坤四��问一问,我是历代驰名第一妖!”那怪闻言笑道:“你原来是那闹天宫的弼马温么?””(少当一年黑子都说不出这话,猴哥直接破防)"}]} +{"conversation": [{"input": "", "output": "12.所有的隐藏地图npc都是二郎神的小弟,他派过去带带天命人的(我勒个重男阿,黑神话给我最大的危害就是我再也不能看他第三只眼睛了)。他们都是梅山七圣。第一章的白衣秀士是蛇精。第二章的黄袍员外是猪精(拨浪鼓任务中提到的喝醉的猪就是他)。二郎神给他了金片让他开门,但是他喝酒丢了,后来变成沙大郎的凋落物。“员外从衣襟内,拿出一块金片,摊开给僧人。”(黄袍员外影神图)。第三章的翠笠武师是羊精,(翠笠武师影神图),在瓜田三试天明人。剧情中也暗示了沙弥让黄眉作为天命人一关:“小沙弥又呵呵一笑,挥手道:“去罢去罢,先过了我徒儿这关,再说其他。”,以及二郎神保管了大圣第六根:“小沙弥啃着两边瓜,不置可否:“那东西,十分考验人心。他独自一人承受多年,可莫功亏一篑。”第四章的黑手道人是蜈蚣精,为了获得百目魔君的信任,以身入茧,练成八手。第五章的皓斧力士是牛精,也是忠心之人,虽是为二郎神要求拜牛魔王手下,但依旧士为知己者死。\n\n13.黑风山土地帮我们是因为菩提老祖的吩咐。菩提老祖算到黑风山会再次烧山,所以给了黑风山土地一堆灵丹妙药。同时教了他保命技能(应该就是定身术和隐身术):老道士见他有些乖觉,招手让他上前,附耳传了他几门保命的法术,并嘱咐道:“若你在山中遇着他,可将此两法相传。我不便出面,只能借你手,教他一二,全了一场情义。”"}]} +{"conversation": [{"input": "", "output": "14.第二章的故事剧情全在影神图,非常非常精彩,大家一定要看。我整理了一下故事剧情:以前有个国家是黄金国,他们的国王就是沙国王,他有三个儿子,沙大郎,沙二郎和小张太子(沙国王父子影神图)。大王子英姿飒爽,三王子文武兼备,二王子天生神力,可惜有些憨傻不受国王喜欢。这个国家一开始是人类王国,不是老鼠王国。他们是敬佛的“这所擂之鼓,名落日鼓,原是佛祖所赐。百姓凭此鼓得以安居,是举国上下崇信佛法,为佛祖塑了许多金身法相,又称黄金佛国。”后来国王为了权力,选择了灭佛:“可随着信众日多,寺庙遍布, 大家日渐信佛不信王。国王对此十分不满。丞相洞悉了他的心思,上疏止浮屠,以言无佛。国王遂下令,拆毁寺庙,驱赶修行之人,改国名为斯哈哩国。”“此事兴起不久,一日黄昏,城楼击鼓,国界之外尘土纷飞。有一大虫,掘地而出,将边陲村庄破坏殆尽,死伤无数。”(蝜蝂影神图)有身负石雕佛头的虫妖,袭击了斯哈哩国的边城。蝜蝂是灵吉菩萨的坐骑(从章节结尾的对话可知)。黄毛貂鼠平定了蝜蝂之灾(沙大郎影神图)。“幸而,有个黄发黄毛的修士途经此地。他为人仗义,最见不得不平之事,便协助大军斩杀了虫妖。国王将其敬为国师,他便在斯哈哩国修行了数年。”(蝜蝂影神图)。国王为了讨好黄风大圣(鼠都尉影神图)更名元年,国王颁布“敬鼠令”(鼠司空影神图),有翰林院学士们发起联名上书,谏言国王修改法令,将鼠妖迁居城西南角安置,让百姓能够得享太平,但这些人都被国王杀了,只剩下支持“敬鼠令”的人了。大王子被关押起来,后越狱却发现整个国家都变成了鼠鼠人。(很有可能是灵吉菩萨做的,灵吉菩萨影神图)。后来,黄风大圣讨伐孙悟空回来,获得六根之一,为了炼化六根,拿了师傅的脑袋“他站起身来,道:“我既拿了师父最宝贝的东西,定能炼化那玩意。从今日起,我需闭关修行。天上那些老东西说是安排好了,还是多留一手为妙。”(黄风大圣影神图)。并开了黄风大阵“你们都搬去岭上住,我要开黄风大阵,谁都不要来扰我修炼。”。这阵风让整个国家变成了沙漠。”又刮起那阵怪风“(鼬侍郎影神图)"}]} +{"conversation": [{"input": "", "output": "15.石精剧情:(石双双影神图)有两个山神,石母和石父。“石母乃是由青石英修成的一个女体,她的青石英有吸收月华的能力,经过长久的凝炼,她比其他石精先一步得道,封做了山神。”。石双双就是石母年轻时候的样子(prpr)。(石敢当影神图)“昔年,黄风岭中有几块崖石,吸取天地灵气,日月精华,遂感通灵,修成了几只石精。其中有两只,因道行较深,被授以了山神之职。”(石母影神图)石母因帮助黄风大圣杀了石敢当,获得了佛头石怪的精魄内丹(石先锋影神图)。(石敢当影神图)“黄毛貂鼠带着众妖离了斯哈哩国,径过黄风岭时,正巧遇见两个山神率着几只石精,意欲驱他离去。黄毛貂鼠似是极懂那佛头之物,心中一股意气涌上,带着众妖加入了战斗。一战大捷,貂鼠不仅灭了那佛头石怪,还将山中肉佛头悉数铲灭了去。佛头石怪遗留的精魄,他将其分给了那两位勇猛的山神,又将其佛头上的目珠一一挖下,镇在了山谷中。”两人生下了石子:“他们分而食之,竟有了人心人形。二石和合,竟诞下了个石头孩儿。”石先锋是石母所创:“其中有只石精,极为健壮强横,打听才知,它乃石母尽全力化生,用以守护这片土地。”石精为了镇压石敢当的精魄于是封印的邪物,分为六个佛目。黑风山土地,打架的时候不来,分财宝的时候想起来了,一直骚扰石母,然后被石先锋打进地里了。 ”昔年黄风大圣率群妖降伏佛头石怪时,曾求土地一同作战。土地作壁上观,因此分佛头精魄时,山神有,他却无,这令他十分嫉恨。“(石中人影神图)石中人用计获得了石母的一半精魄:“这日,他将自己也变做个石精的模样,假意交差,凑到石母近前。他原要朝那石母腹上,全力撞下一头,裂石取核。岂料,他刚蹦起,就听那石母尖啸起来。近旁竟钻起了几个栖身地底的石精来。”(石父影神图)石父为了让惨死的无辜姑娘复活,去找铁扇公主。但是已经魂飞魄散,又如何救活呢。石父不死心,便日日抱着姑娘的尸首等在火焰山的山道上,希望博得铁扇仙的怜悯,哪怕姑娘的肉身已化为了白骨,仍是没有放弃。打他的时候,注意看的话,他手上是有一具白骨的(我真该死啊)。(石子影神图)石父一去不返,石子就去找爸爸了,结果这倒霉孩子走反了,走到花果山去了,天天看蟋蟀跳来跳去拍手,你打他一下他只会挥手不会打你,让你走开(我真该死啊)。"}]} +{"conversation": [{"input": "", "output": "16.虎先锋剧情:虎爸爸是西游记中的老虎精,他擅自做主绑来了唐僧,本来黄风大圣不想惹这群人的(“虎先锋”影神图),然后虎爸爸被孙悟空一棒子敲死。虎爸爸有两个儿子,分别是虎先锋和疯虎。铜头铁臂是他们的家传绝学。(虎先锋影神图)虎爸爸死后,虎兄弟两人就占山为王。“兄就仿照父亲所做,管束起山中群怪,让他们各安其职,不得随意祸害生灵。后来,有凡人在这山中建起了村庄,虎兄依照“啖尽迷路奸邪,护送过往好人”的风俗,为自己博了个“虎神”的名号。”卧虎寺也是村人为“虎神”建的。“村人为“虎神”建了座卧虎寺,常常供奉,这让虎弟心下越发不服,总觉兄长占尽了威风,只因比自己早生几年。”后来黄风大圣回来,虎弟因父之仇,挑战黄风大圣。“虎弟不悦,说正因这黄毛鼠精坐视不理,才致父亲身亡。他怂恿虎兄赶走鼠妖,虎兄觉得有理,就应承了下来。谁知这一战黄风大圣祭出个状似菩萨头颅的法器,呼风如刀,一个照面便重伤了虎弟。为保弟弟一命,虎兄只得扔掉兵器,跪下称臣。黄风大圣倒不计前嫌,得知虎兄弟身世后,还将虎兄命为麾下先锋。”虎兄当了虎先锋,虎弟成了疯虎。疯虎被打伤之后到村子里的井底疗伤(疯虎影神图),剧情看虎伥剧情。从疯虎对战前的语音中可以看出,疯虎是吃人的,只是在他看来,妖怪吃人,天经地义。后来虎先锋就天天吃鼠人(阿Q精神)“对虎先锋而言,那黄毛貂鼠害得他两次家破人散,着实可恨。但他除了每天多吃些老鼠泄愤,他又能做些什么哩?”。\n\n17.虎伥剧情,虎伥应该就是为虎作伥的意思。因黄风大圣吹了风,城中受黄风吹过,妻子染疾下世,儿子也生起病来。(虎伥影神图),他在井中发现了疯虎,疯虎说自己的葫芦可以救他儿子,但条件是他要吃人,虎伥“真就狠下心来,诱人入井,为虎神疗伤。”后来被村民发现,小孩被村民打死,虎伥把村民全部杀了跑了。\n\n18.百目真人剧情,百目真人应该是盘丝洞来的(百目真人影神图),魔君的养猪工具人。“他驼背上的肉团倏忽张开无数眼睛,将周遭的血气精魂缓缓吸入其中。不多时,那肉团便胀大了一圈,直到再也吸不动了,那眼睛才缓缓闭上。”他好像是灵台方寸山的弟子“他自称在灵台方寸山学过艺,只要魔君交出那东西,立时归降,便放他一马。魔君遣虫总兵,将这怪人制服,照例放入洞中虫卵内育化。未料,几日后小妖来报,卵被破开,人已逃了。魔君听罢,嘿然一笑。”\n\n19.石头人卖的东西全是648的整数,卖的旁贵还高价卖坑钱物(我一周目还被坑了32800)(我勒个骗钱手游阿)"}]} +{"conversation": [{"input": "", "output": "20.浮屠界是黄眉练蛊的地方,他在这里面关了一堆妖怪,让他们互相残杀。(戒刀僧影神图)“唤他们戒刀僧,入浮屠界修行,若真能斩足千首,便可在大殿做罗汉。”“可随着求法之路越来越难,浮屠界里余下的,都是些强者:步伐灵动的冻饿鬼,他们追不上;枝长树大的掌灯狱使,他们不敢惹;喜怒反常的夜叉奴,越打越狠;就连最弱的穿云鬼,自从修了闭眼禅也疯疯癫癫的,令人害怕。”\n\n21.赤尻马猴剧情:西游记赤尻马猴是孙悟空的座下元帅。(迎客僧影神图)”花果山被毁,赤尻马猴率部下离了山场,欲寻新地界修行。他们跋涉至火焰山,欲在那处安家。未几,猴群突发瘟疫,赤尻马猴下令将病猴抛入深谷。此举令众猴心生惧意,纷纷离他而去,开始四处流浪。“迎客僧就是猴子猴孙,他们很恨赤尻马猴“他们日日都在等着见到赤尻马猴,那时必要敲锣唤来众妖,将他揍个痛快!”。猴子得病的原因很可能是火焰山土地公干的,用丹药控制他们,生出一对乌黑的羽翅。黄眉也说这是低下技能说明这是道家手段(行什影神图)不想,时日不多,猴群却出现了瘟疫。猴子们开始不停地掉毛,皮肤溃烂,背上鼓起又大又黑的脓包,十分可怕。瘟疫极速扩散,许多猴子都病得生不如死。作为猴群的领袖,赤尻马猴下令将染病的猴子扔到了丹灶谷底,任由他们自生自灭。被遗弃的病猴们,天天在谷底咒骂着昔日同伴,就在快病死之时,土地公带着灵丹妙药救起了他们。半旬后,他们的皮肤愈合了;月余,他们背上的脓包破裂,生出一对乌黑的羽翅。土地公细心教导他们如何飞腾,还接受了他们投诚的忠心,将他们纳入麾下,因他们排行第十,便被赐名行什。行什接到的首件事务,便是清理赤尻马猴的营地。他们毫不留情地杀死了背叛者,只有技高一筹的赤尻马猴侥幸活了下来,但没人知道他逃去了哪里。\n\n22.黄眉cosplay唐僧,手下四弟子不空,不能,不净,不白。分别cos悟空、悟能,悟净,小白龙。天天找金蝉子赌,明明金蝉子不想赌。口头禅是:“金蝉子,我又赢了”。画靶射箭第一人。向往弱肉强食,物竞天择,适者生存,不去研究进化论真是可惜了“黄眉僧人道:“这挣扎,这欣喜,这决绝,这快意,这苦乐悲欢的无尽循环,永不知足,永不停息!而这,正是三千世界繁荣盎然的源起。自然,也是一切生命的真义。”(黄眉影神图)黄眉的最终boss战非常精彩,如果你对黄眉使用分身术,你的分身都会被洗脑造反。"}]} +{"conversation": [{"input": "", "output": "23.不空剧情:第二章结局动画的书生,也是黄眉最早的弟子,对应悟空(不空影神图)。杀小狐狸后出家,后被不能辩得哑口无言:“大师兄虽不出殿门,但爱好寻人辩经论禅。一日,不能过来问他:“师兄,杀生有罪吗?”不空答:“杀生有罪。可若为了大道,不得不杀,便无罪。”不能反问:“那何为大道?”不空答:“自是明空觉性,福徳圆足,登极乐,入净土。”不能反问:“杀生不但不能了结因果,反造了更多孽缘业障,这又如何登极乐?”不空答:“我不入地狱,谁入地狱。若不杀,便是为旁人遗留祸害,岂非更是缺了福德。”不能笑道:“师兄你都说要入地狱了,可见无论如何杀生都不对。说来,好人自有福报,又何须你再多此一举?”不空急道:“入地狱只是比喻,本义是替他人受苦受难……”不能打断道:“放屁!杀便杀了,还搞这许多弯弯绕绕。师兄,巧立名目,我欲即法,杀生背后的这份装腔作势,才是真正的罪过啊。”不空闻言,一时说不出话,似乎想到了什么往事。至此之后,两人再也没论过禅。”狗小西天,新人入寺,连厚袈裟都不发:”这日,不空法师喜得一名新徒,便亲领他去库房取袈裟。小徒弟发现这袈裟乃是单布所裁,在这雪岭之上,穿着不过聊胜于无。他问道:“师父,这薄袈裟合该是夏季衣裳,可否让弟子换件毡布的?”不空抖抖自己的袈裟,道:“为师穿的,和你手上这件一般,只是华彩了些。心有般若,自然不惧寒冷。”小徒弟将信将疑,问道:“弟子看那路旁,有许多冻死的师兄……”不空慈蔼道:“他们都是悟性不够,禅心不坚的人。你不一样,为师能看出来,你有慧根。”小徒弟心中一喜,抱着袈裟开开心心地随师父回去了。没过多久,寺门外又多出了一具新的雪僵尸。不空长老领着新徒弟从旁而过,新徒弟问道:“师父,这些师兄都冻死了?”不空慢慢朝前走着,道:“徒儿勿怕,他们心不诚,无慧根,你不一样……”"}]} +{"conversation": [{"input": "", "output": "23.不能剧情:对应悟能,小西天唯一指定好人,你武功比黄眉强多了。(不能影神图)不能和黄眉辩经,把黄眉气得让他去寺外的石壁前思过:“一日,黄眉招他近前,要授他些克敌的法术。二师兄却道:“弟子自认拳法足以胜敌,不必再用他法。”黄眉听罢,笑道:“你的堂堂正正,不过是不知变通。这般束缚自己,如何再进一步?”不能道:“弟子觉得,若用自己不认同的方法争胜,即便最后赢了,面上虽能,心里仍是不能。”黄眉问道:“你不认同为师的道?”不能道:“师父,您一直走巧路子,所以难以成佛。看似样样皆能,实则样样不能。”黄眉听后轻笑几声,命人反绑了他的双手,令其在寺外的石壁前思过。原以为他跪上几日便会放下执念,不想他十分耿倔,直至今日也不肯低头。 不能很受僧人喜爱:(监院僧影神图)”其中,笃爱拳法的僧人,一直跟着二师兄不能,练功习武。他们的秉性,也酷似二师兄,最是好打抱不平,因此得了监院僧的名号。“\n\n24.不净剧情:对应悟净,悟净勤勤恳恳,不净最爱偷懒。他的战斗力倒是对应悟净。他的招式也是86版悟净的出招。\n\n25.不白剧情:对应白龙马,白龙马任劳任怨当个配角,不白只想当主角。赛博念经就是不白的第二段boss战配音,但是要过一会才能触发,不白的实力又不太行,所以大家好像都没有注意到。“众人一时没反应过来,事后惊恐莫名,以为丑角得了癔症,便把他团团绑住,托人送到千里外的寺庙静修。那寺庙的院主见了,大喜过望,给他赐了“不白”的名号,还为他独创了一门毒冰双修的功法。院主告诉他,只要他能等到一个让其功法大成的天命之人,就能顶着他的脸,做一回真英雄。”"}]} +{"conversation": [{"input": "", "output": "26.夜叉国剧情:第五章之前很多小怪都是夜叉,他们都是夜叉国亡国后四处流浪的夜叉。(赤发鬼影神图)”夜叉国中有八位大将,其中一人唤密严。他曾在灵山脚下,玉真观中,随金顶大仙修行。又经百战,有万人敌之勇。“(夜叉奴影神图)”又过了三年,丑奴身形逐渐魁梧,身上生出了尖角和刺。老汉愈发惶恐,将其捆在柴房中,以柴刀削他的刺,弄得鲜血淋漓。“(幽灯鬼影神图)“四个夜叉原本争得面红脖子粗,一听此话,马上合力反驳道:“你有所不知,言论畅达才能积极进取。”另一个帮腔道:“意见之不和,说开了方好,彼此相知,感情才能厚笃。”第三个也赶紧道:“正是。我们互相扶持,一路残存到此,即便言语激动,也不伤和气。”最后一个总结道:“我们夜叉才不像你们虫妖,面和心不和,外头客客客气气,心里实存许多怨怼。”说罢,他们四个又勾肩搭背地一起离开了,留下无法理解他们的虫妖们以白眼对之。\n\n27.鹤仙人剧情:鹤仙人肯定是道教人士,很有可能就是太上老君。(隼居士影神图)说明了他和太上老君有关系。”鹤仙人便将芭蕉扇借他一用,道:“此乃老君失败之作,你也是做扇子的,我便赠与你罢。”鹤仙人与王灵官关系非常好,都是玉帝派的。(红依影神图)”那新封的昴日星官谢了恩,玉帝又差鹤仙人与王灵官送他去到任,外赐御酒二瓶,金花十朵。“王灵官是道教中的太乙雷声应化天尊,头是玉帝的右手,本身到场代表玉帝亲自。\n\n28.罗刹国剧情:(雷长老影神图)“与夜叉国同时覆灭的还有罗刹国,只因他们有同源之亲,是以必须共赴灭亡。”罗刹女是双修,本是佛门,后学道门(罗刹女自从东迁后,在天界拜认了一位师父,也算佛道兼修)。罗刹一族看得吓人,其实都是好人(我真该死啊)。(地罗刹影神图)(海罗刹影神图)“王女听闻他们想要修行,就收留了他们。为了不吓坏百姓,她给海罗刹制作了黄金宝石面甲,罗刹王又给他们打造了巨大的盾牌,让他们做了王女的侍卫。百年后,罗刹国灭,海罗刹护送王女东逃,一路历尽辛酸苦磨,才在火焰山落脚。为了更好地保护王女,他们甚至学会了吞火的技能,青色的皮肤变得赤红。他们如今住在火河里,在火焰山中翻波掀浪,喷吐流焰。即便罗刹女早已韶华不再,但她知道,守在她宫外的最忠诚的侍卫,并不在意她的美貌。“"}]} +{"conversation": [{"input": "", "output": "29.焦面鬼王和泥塑金刚:都杀了,世界就太平了,“那院主抚掌大笑道:“好个金刚,既然你们都觉得彼此错了,那便都帮你们报仇雪恨。”此事传开,乡里皆惊,有人骂是那院主是妖法或众,有人说他是神通广大,但无人敢不敬畏他。”\n\n30.小张太子和四魔将剧情:西游记中小张太子正是救兵之一,来救孙悟空打黄眉。后来,二战黄眉时惨败,四魔将要么被洗脑要么战死,:““师父,一将与黄眉辩法,被黄眉蛊惑,如今口吐魔音,在牢中怂恿我等。”“师父,二将被黄眉一手扭下头颅,爆为脓血,在寺门前开出了莲花。”“师父,三将朝黄眉掷出了兵器,被他打断了手足,又接上了旁人的手足。”“师父,四将受狼牙棒一击,扎穿了身躯,每一个空洞里,都长出根须。”\n\n31.海上僧剧情,原是唤何罗的鱼,只有一个头,却有十个身子(也就是孙悟空六根的形象)(海上僧影神图)\n\n32.亢金龙剧情,二十八星宿之一。为了寻得孙悟空的六根到小西天来,借口找失落不明的昴日鸡(亢金龙影神图)“黄眉也不恼,只道:“为了那只放哨的鸡,你绝不会这般冒险。你来,是为了那猴子。”,后被黄眉用袋子和六根洗脑(我勒个恶堕阿),并留下著名剧情线索:“黄眉大笑:“如何,他可还是你熟悉的那般英雄?”亢金龙问道:“他与满天神佛,皆是如此?””。西游记中正是亢金龙顶开金铙,将其救出。游戏里也是他顶开金铙,救出八戒。故事线应该是八戒提前几天来到小西天,然后被黄眉抓住,放到金铙中,妄想收八戒为弟子。\n\n33.龟蛇二将剧情:(龟将影神图),龟蛇二将与获得根器后的黄眉缠斗,一死一伤。无量蝠杀死了蛇将。\n\n34.灵狐剧情:第二章结局动画剧情中书生救了踩中了猎人的陷阱的灵狐,灵狐化人报答书生。两人结婚生子,孩子中第,衣锦还乡,两人过神仙眷侣的日子。一日,书生回家,却发现家中鲜血满地,孙子被杀,儿子正被化原型的灵狐咬死(这里的回眸中灵狐似乎有泪水)。书生惊醒,原是南柯一梦。后怕的书生,杀了灵狐把皮毛做成了围巾,从此随黄眉出家。"}]} +{"conversation": [{"input": "", "output": "35.巫山剧情:巫山娘娘和紫蛛娘娘的故事线,两人不和但经常串门。(巫山小妖影神图)一次巫山娘娘给紫蛛娘娘送了照骨镜(八成是来恶心紫蛛娘娘的)。照骨镜可以照出人最真实的样子,剧情中八戒照照骨镜后是天蓬元帅,说明他骨子里一直没变,虽然他样貌变了,但他一直都是那个天蓬元帅。但是紫蛛娘娘不一样,他从仙女下凡,一步步吃人,一步步入妖,他已经是妖怪了,虽然他一直打扮成当初的样子,但他骨子里已经是蜘蛛精了,照骨镜中的她很可能就是蜘蛛精。这点在结局最后的动画中也可以得到证实。两人大打出手后,巫山娘娘就不再走动了。\n\n36.六妹剧情:六妹是最小的妹妹,也是八戒的女儿。”他们本想看那小姑娘生气跳脚,没想到,小女娃把嘴一噘,不以为然:“你们是因道行太低,才这般爱攀亲戚吗?母亲能相中的人,必定不是你们这样的腌臜东西。”\n\n37.五妹剧情:五妹和三妹关系很好,五妹性格火辣。\n\n38.四姐剧情:(六妹影神图)四姐会带着六妹读书并带他玩:“唯有四姐,会严厉督促她练功。有时她练功刻苦,四姐还会带她去山顶遥望外面的山水,给她讲些山外的故事。她虽很喜欢跟着四姐,但四姐却常去山里探查一些她不知道的秘密。四姐总说危险,绝不肯带上她,她便又无趣了起来。“四妹性格刚烈(四妹影神图)四姐坐在末尾,百无聊赖,轻轻一哼,道:“姐姐们太客气了,说得这般婉转,只怕他们听不懂。什么相看相看,不过是想让我们赔钱嫁汉,还想成了他们的算盘。什么银样镴枪头的好汉,若真有本事,何不自己挣份家业,岂不比在这里说嘴现丑了强?”\n\n39.三姐剧情:五妹和三姐关系很好,三姐喜爱诗情画意(四姐影神图)三姐捏着扇子:“我要嫁个琴瑟和鸣的,我最喜罗隐的诗,四位好汉里,可有哪位读过?”,但面和心软,于是五妹便是她最好的帮手。(三姐影神图)“三姐手拿织谱教学,五妹就手握戒尺相随。若有那十分不受教的,五妹心直口快,一头告到二姐处,那织工就全无幸免,封入茧里,当做餐食了。说来,因大姐二姐事务繁杂,五妹自幼便是跟着她。她太安静,五妹就成了她的另一面。两姐妹吵吵闹闹,日子倒也好打发。“"}]} +{"conversation": [{"input": "", "output": "40.二姐剧情:二姐负责管凡间的生意。(巫山小妖影神图)“我们不敢与天上比,但我们二奶奶在凡间确有些买卖,不差银钱。说来也是难,她若不想法添置些,我们哪能撑到今日。”(四妹影神图)二姐一个娇笑:“我一人忙着撑起家业,许多窟窿要补。若��……下嫁,诸位谁愿意填上这银钱空子,我便考虑考虑。”朱家村的生意十分特殊,世代官营染织(利爪茧影神图),他们用天上线织成布匹“朱紫国有个传闻:不论国王换了几代,官营染织署的朱家从不挪窝。据说,朱家能织出一种名唤降真纱的布料,如月华般莹润,如堆云般缥缈,贵胄富户都十分喜爱。城中织户们眼红许久,可从未有人能仿制出降真纱。渐渐地,大家都说朱家能织出这种布料,全靠红衣仙姥赏赐的一柄玉梭。”影神图中的织户就是靡道人的爸爸。“织户独自在晒布场的垂纱间穿行,一道沁白的光华,骤然落在晒布场的中心。月色黯然,四周陷入浓黑,仅有那道光柱连接天地。织户跌跌撞撞地奔过去,瞧见那光柱竟是无数垂落的丝线而成,有两条巨大的蚕虫,将垂丝做成虫茧来,吊在晒布架上。那些虫茧向外伸出带钩的腿足,钩住丝线并将一柄玉梭互相传递,织出华美的布匹。”\n\n41.大姐剧情:大姐管理家中大大小小的事情。(二姐影神图)“大姐温言道:“家中姊妹多,母亲又生着病,我暂不愿卸了这担子,让妹妹们受苦,晚几年罢。”(大姐影神图)”朱家大姐,行事温柔和平,于众妹妹有如母亲一般,起居大小事情,皆由她体贴照管。即便爽利如二姐,自立如四姐,在大姐跟前也都老老实实,有些小女儿的娇憨之态。每日里,她要管待洞里的茶饭,众人的衣裳,生病吵架的寻她,高兴伤心的也寻她,整日忙忙碌碌。”来她身边传话的小妖,总是络绎不绝:“大奶奶,二奶奶和四奶奶吵起来了。”“大奶奶,五奶奶教训了个织工,现在那边差个人手,问能不能调上来一个。”“大奶奶,六奶奶练功伤了气脉,请您过去瞧瞧。”"}]} +{"conversation": [{"input": "", "output": "42.毒敌山四子:盘丝洞只招上门女婿,(巫山小妖影神图)“我们奶奶离不了此地,外头的买卖也都是挑了好的人在支应。因为只招上门女婿,才俊们都不肯来,来的奶奶们看不上。你瞧瞧那边,四个毒敌山来的,家道落寞,子孙不济,只有一个还看得过眼。奶奶们都不肯嫁,说是哪日撞天婚,谁倒霉谁嫁他。”毒敌山四子想当上门女婿,但一个也没被看上。其中蝎大最有本事,也就是剧情中带着精魄的那只,为了讨好二姐,听命守仙藤,游戏中可以看到附件可以获得仙藤素材。(二姐影神图)”前些日子,不知她从何处寻得一颗仙藤种子,栽在了洞中的别院里,找了蝎大替她守着。蝎大喜滋滋地应了下来,暗想这必是二姐倾心于他,一头求到魔君跟前,望其帮忙撮合。魔君听罢直摇头,说这般有主见的女子,旁人替你说亲,只会让她愈发瞧不起你,还是靠你自己最稳妥。蝎大回洞后,绕着仙藤走了一圈又一圈,至今也没想出个好法子。“\n\n43.盘丝洞剧情:(蜢虫精影神图)“及至延康年间,甘泉村的热泉突然断流,山岭之中生出许多虫豸妖邪,村民便搬去山下居住了。又过了一二十年,此地改名唤作盘丝岭。”\n\n44.靡道人剧情:靡道人剧情分为三段分别是(蚂蜂精影神图)(百足虫影神图)(靡道人影神图),有一少年,父亲被朱家村所杀。入村被抓,却和六妹成了朋友,心里十分纠结。后少年被发现有凶器,就被青衣仙子丢到了深穴中。少年通过模仿着百足虫的行为,研究百足虫的习性,跟着它们住,跟着它们吃,足足花了一旬的时间,才从盘丝洞里逃到了外面。后来拜百眼魔君为师,却发现他们都是妖怪,并且吃人”其后,观中设宴,请众仙子入座,少年在旁偷看,就见那桌上摆了好些菜肴,有人油炒炼,人肉鲜煮鲜烹,人脑煎作的豆腐块,人肉馅包的荤馍馍。他闻着腥臭,只能看着众妖食人。“,之后靡道人死心一心求仙。\n\n45.琴螂幼虫剧情:(琴螂幼虫影神图)琴螂幼虫本是昆仑山上的土蝼,到下界变成琴螂幼虫。(琴螂仙影神图)“其中一枚仙卵,被用作了度化有罪者,另一枚则被有心人藏了起来。因其育化成了别样的生灵,又将其唤作琴螂仙。”一颗仙卵被百眼魔君用来将昴日星官改造成晦月魔君,一颗仙卵化出了琴螂仙,负责生卵,将凡人变成虫妖。"}]} +{"conversation": [{"input": "", "output": "46.黄花观弟子剧情:黄花观有三种弟子:御剑道士、拂尘道士、执杖道士。御剑道士是精英弟子,学习十年后可入山闭关,若有仙缘,便可入梯仙国,等待升仙。拂尘道士是打杂的。执杖道士是一般弟子。(虫羽士影神图)御剑道士入山后,会到紫云山山顶,也就是天丝的位置,魔君会给他们虫卵:“语毕,他与每人发了颗藕荷色的奇物,道:“这是���你们羽化的仙丹,徒儿们快快服下罢。””,吃完之后这些人就会变成虫妖,也就是靡道人的剧情。\n\n47.佛手虫剧情:经评论指出,佛手虫很可能是从毗蓝婆菩萨手上孵出。线索有很多:百眼魔君说紫云山上曾经羽化失败过一次”百眼魔君得知这个消息,十分高兴,设宴庆贺,席间他对蜘蛛精道:“师妹有所不知,我在紫云山中也试过一回,不料那仙卵羽化未成,连累我被师父好生责骂。此番我倒是想明白了,师父给的仙卵,命里承不起那般大的缘法,倒是这般,恰巧恰巧。”仙卵曾经在昴日星官上试过一次,(晦月魔君影神图)虫妖取出一枚金茧,道:“我等山野妖怪,配不上此物,还得是用你试试才好。”(右手虫影神图)“那血膜内蠕蠕涌动,似有什么已在内里育化而成,急待钻出。恰至十年之期,破卵而出两只虫来,身似蜂,尾如手,口喷之毒,鸟兽沾染便死,草木沾染便枯。”昴日星官是毗蓝婆菩萨之子,昴日星官被改造成魔君,毗蓝婆菩萨不可能见死不救,除非毗蓝婆菩萨也出事了。另外毗蓝婆菩萨是罗刹族,很可能和罗刹国一同出事了,所以昴日星官才会被改造。(鹤仙人影神图):“鹤仙人抚了抚星君衣上的皱褶,黯然道:“他若不是无声无息地走了,你又怎会在此处?”左手虫似乎被波里个波吃掉了,掉落物有佛左手,并且波里个波的舌头是一个佛手。\n\n48.紫蛛娘娘剧情:紫蛛本是天上仙女,后下凡被关在盘丝洞。西游记中和八戒一夜生下六妹,八戒不忍杀她,放她生路。紫蛛用姐妹的血肉活了下来,但留下了病根,需要定时成亲并捕食夫君(第四章开头剧情)。结婚cg中,紫蛛娘娘的妆就是章节结尾动画cg中紫蛛娘娘和八戒一开始相遇的妆容。"}]} +{"conversation": [{"input": "", "output": "49.毒敌大王剧情:西游记中,毒敌大王的夫人就是被昴日星官吼死的蟹子精。”毒敌山近邻西梁女国,山中自也继了西梁女国的传统,以女为尊。这山中的魔王乃是个母蝎子精,又唤风月魔,最是生得妖娆貌美。她修的乃是“动”字门中之道,极擅房中术,又会欢好之事,是以有无数同修的道侣。“他一心想为夫人报仇,但昴日星官是虫子精的天敌,只能为晦月魔君守关。游戏中如果不打毒敌大王,他会帮你一起打晦月魔君。然后二阶段毒敌大王会被晦月魔君一嗓子秒杀。\n\n50.百眼魔君剧情:百眼魔君是紫蛛的师哥,盘丝洞似乎是王母娘娘派的(百眼魔君影神图)\"鹤仙人不置可否,叹道:“你们这点心机,陛下全看在眼里。不曾理会,是给她老人家几分面子。”魔君干笑着答道:“娘娘的意思,便宜那边占得太多。这回,正好连本带利收回来。”\"他希望通过诛杀天命人,换得回到天上的机会。“鹤仙人甩了甩拂尘,宛如赶苍蝇一般,闲闲道:“事成了,你走。她们留下。”魔君眉头稍展,深深地朝那仙长回了一礼。”百眼魔君用来击败昴日星官的法宝似乎就是王母给的王母钗(晦月魔君影神图):”见那虫妖手持一支光彩焕烂的金钗,他心下恍然。还待要问,却发不出声来,直觉疼痛难忍,想是那贱虫用金钗,一下就割开了他的喉咙。”\n\n51.八戒剧情:本是天蓬元帅,游戏中因撞破玉帝私会被打入凡间,成为猪妖。高老庄一婚,却被发现为妖被抛弃,走上西行路。与紫蛛一夜生下六妹。八戒的影神图中还有沙师弟的小彩蛋:”天蓬进宫门时,见一壮汉堵在门口,被把门的仙娥拦着。那仙娥不冷不热道:“卷帘将,没有王母亲写的请柬,池边雅座断然进不去的。一旁侧殿有几个空位,你若不嫌,倒可过去吃杯酒。”那壮汉口里应着,眼睛却仍往里瞅。“(黑神话名画,沙师弟在赏荷宴)\n\n52.红依与昴日星官剧情:昴日星官是紫云山毗蓝婆菩萨之子,红依与昴日星官是青梅竹马,算半个姐姐。(红依影神图)值得一提的是,”我下不去手“这句话第四章出现了三次。一次是靡道人骗我们打道人的时候,说:“小居士,你若有心,便代我了结他们。同门一场,我下不去手”一次是红依让我们打晦月魔君:“快去救他罢,困在那里,想必生不如死。从小看他长大,我下不去手……”。一次是紫蛛娘娘对百目魔君说:“真见了他,我……我下不去手“。(一阵唏嘘)"}]} +{"conversation": [{"input": "", "output": "53.第五章的剧情其实理清楚了非常简单,核心就是亲情和兄弟情。我们从头开始讲起,故事要从夜叉国灭国开始。夜叉国本是佛门八部之一,战力极强,不知为何被西方众佛讨伐。(红孩儿影神图)”但他很振奋:“可我很厉害,我打败了���山一样高的和尚,会飞的怪鸟,吐火的神像……我一点也不怕他们。”后来夜叉快要灭族,夜叉王的孩子也死了,“我梦见我被他们杀死了,变成一朵红莲花,母亲摘下了这朵莲花,我就成了母亲的孩子。”为了保全夜叉血脉,太上老君提出化其子为一座血莲花,夜叉王自杀,同时让铁扇公主喝下子母河的水让夜叉子转世(夜叉王影神图)“你只要有一丝不甘,又何妨试试我的法子。你心中的未竟之事,老夫自会替你安排。”来人道:“这红莲,便是你儿的精魂所化。要保它一路不消陨耗散,直至转生成功,却还要借你的性命,连同那子母河的水一用。”铁扇公主就这样生下了红孩儿(也就是第五章隐藏的剧情提到的)。火焰山土地本是太上老君的童子,因孙悟空大闹天宫的时候踢下了几个火砖,掉到了下界,形成了火焰山。童子因此被太上老君贬下凡当了火焰山土地。铁扇公主是在火焰山土地之后拜太上老君为徒,但却被师傅让他叫师姐。铁扇公主的芭蕉扇也是太上老君所赐。”再后来,因丹炉被人踢翻,他被师父重罚,其他同门冷眼旁观,倒是只有这个便宜师姐,自请下凡,帮衬良多。“又过了些时日,师父将师姐许给了下界的一位魔王。他虽有些怅然,却也明白自己终究身份不够,不论替师父做了多少脏活,在师父眼里,他始终都配不上她。”铁扇公主本是佛道双修,但因为孩儿的事情,夹在佛道两派两面不是人。太上老君的意思是让红孩儿作为道派的一颗棋子,用来制衡佛派。但铁扇公主和牛魔王都对红孩儿产生了感情,不舍得红孩儿之后遭遇悲惨的命运。(铁扇公主影神图)她还去兜率宫求见了师父。师父只是语重心长地劝道:“叫你养个孩子,不用真就做个母亲。此事尽他去闹,你夫妻只要不管,可保无虞。“他求遍了所有关系,可是有谁愿意为了她去对抗西方诸佛呢?她于是到了西方,见了她的师傅如来,她最后的言语说明她要为了家人断掉和佛派的师徒情分,以后只是道派徒弟,各自为敌。(铁扇公主影神图)“我……“她垂下了头:”弟子……““弟子代师父,来向您问安。“洪亮的笑声,振聋发聩。(皓斧力士影神图)“牛魔王又何尝不是呢?他当初和孙悟空一个叫齐天,一个叫平天。后来被抓去西方拜佛,妻离子散。后来用兄弟的命,本以为换来了自由,但不还是一颗棋子吗?他怕了,他怕失去妻子,儿女"}]} +{"conversation": [{"input": "", "output": "。后来用兄弟的命,本以为换来了自由,但不还是一颗棋子吗?他怕了,他怕失去妻子,儿女。他把大圣的六根放到胃袋里,不让任何人碰。红孩儿和铁扇公主也心疼他啊。红孩儿觉得他怂,不信天,想得了六根之一后和孙悟空一样打上天去。然后天命人来了。(皓斧力士影神图)少年微微思索,道:“父王,你不若把那东西,也一并交给孩儿保管罢。”牛魔王沉了脸色,并不接话。少年道:“父王连山场都能托付给孩儿,不过是个身外之物,何须在意?况你自得了它,越发憔悴了,母亲很是担心。”(萍萍影神图)”红孩儿望着天上烧红的云,道:“妹妹,你该多去外面看看。这世上哪有什么与世无争,都是争不过后的自欺欺人!”"}]} +{"conversation": [{"input": "", "output": "54.铁扇公主剧情:铁扇公主全游戏身份最高铁好人。不需要贡品就会给周边百姓降雨(牛侍长影神图)“牛侍长赶紧跪到公主面前讨起饶来,原来公主根本就不需要任何贡品,每到春耕夏种的时节,自会为周边的村民施法。贡品之说,全属乌有。”\n\n55.牛校卫的影神图非常搞笑,大家可以看看。\n\n56.火烈烈和炎赫赫的影神图是罗生门,你觉得是什么就是什么。事实很可能是烟火观和紫云观是一种东西,哄骗凡人变妖。\n\n57.五行战车剧情:红孩儿用三昧真火制成,有五行之气”土地又道:“肝属木,木能生火;心属火,火能生土;脾属土,土能生金;肺属金,金能生水;肾属水,水又能生木。五行相生,循环不息。你有了三昧真火,自然是要用它来炼化五脏之气。”\n\n58.红孩儿六将:急如火、快如风是两个落头民做的妖怪。云里雾、雾里云,一个是三头鬼,一个是瞎山神。两人不打不相识,又彼此配合默契,就一起做了红孩儿手下。兴烘掀、掀烘兴(师承英高铁球,你才是真正的”那块铁,挽着些儿就死,磕着些儿就亡,挨挨儿皮破,擦擦儿筋伤!“)。两人也是流浪夜叉,影神图也很有意思,大家可以看看。\n\n59.燧统领和燧先锋,两个都是土地给红孩儿造的玩具。火焰山土地真是像极了那种为��讨好单亲妈妈,给小孩送玩具的虾头男。\n\n60.璧水金睛兽剧情,璧水金睛兽是牛魔王的坐骑。红孩儿反叛的时候,打不过璧水金睛兽,就自己装死。牛魔王急了,把璧水金睛兽打残赶走了。结果红孩儿反手把他武器夺了,扔碧水洞去了(那个柱子应该就是玄铁棒),这倒霉孩子。璧水金睛兽的BOSS战有三个阶段,一个是第一张图的火形态,一个是第二张图的冰形态,一个是第三张图的疯狗i形态(我是直接第一形态把他打死了)(什么激昂金狮子)。\n\n61.马天霸剧情,老马啊,老马。有情有义马哥。为了帮牛魔王解红孩儿之难,求遍了各方妖王,但无一人来帮。马哥最后也舍生取义,一生忠心不二。"}]} +{"conversation": [{"input": "", "output": "62.天兵剧情,(鹰天兵影神图)(犬天兵影神图)(豺天兵影神图)(天将影神图)天庭鹰犬,虎豹豺狼。这段的剧情重要性很大,他讲了人是如何成为天兵的,重点就是生前炼丹,造孽害命,夺人内丹。“判官指定最后一个亡魂,道:“你生前炼丹,造孽害命,夺人内丹,如今判你入血池狱,洗清罪孽,才可轮回。”一拂袖,正要让阴兵带他下去,却见个身披金甲的天将,闪身入殿,将军令扔在案上,道:“他以通玄了道,这是天庭召令,如今元帅府让我来接引他,入仙箓,做天兵。”语毕,那亡魂振奋不已,急忙跟着天将走了。”\n\n63.通臂猿猴剧情,西游记中正是通臂猿猴告诉了孙悟空如何去找菩提老祖和龙宫,他为了救活孙悟空,四处巡游,希望求得五蕴,让孙悟空复活。“又有仙人托梦,告诉通臂猿猴,五蕴皆空,能度一切苦厄。若她能访遍天下胜境宝刹,寻得五蕴之精,炼出五蕴之丹,或许可让那顽石感应,再度通灵显圣。于是她走遍三界四洲,去寻找能够炼制五蕴丹的材料,直到遇到了与猴王容貌一般无二的猴子……”\n\n64.六丁六甲剧情,六丁六甲被任命帮唐僧一行取得真经,后因被牵连贬下凡间。游戏中六丁六甲出现了四位,分别是寅虎、辰龙、申猴、戌狗。希望后面dlc能出现剩下的八个。寅虎的剧情中暗示了孙悟空有两套铠甲,一套是凡间的一套是天庭给的“(寅虎影神图)寅虎这才捡起地上的盔甲,翻看了一下,道:“你那金甲极好,何必穿这破铜烂铁。”大圣一下跳到寅虎的大椅上,笑道:“我正是不愿穿,才放来你这处修,你也不必真动手。若有人来查问,你便说在改了即可。”如意画轴是二郎神所送,为了让他们帮天命人。(辰龙影神图)”那老龙问道:“真君送来此等宝贝,你们可知其意?”“那老龙索性把画轴一收,“既然一般打算,那就顺其自然。有罪同罚,继续作伴。”\n\n65. 老猴子八成就是唐僧,首先影神图中去掉了三个错误答案”有人说,他是观音菩萨。有人说,他是菩提祖师。也有人说,他才是孙悟空。“,第二老猴子叫二师兄是八戒,第三老猴子在第一张结局评价唐僧的语气极其严肃。第四影神图中提到了赌,”天庭的神仙说,他在赌。灵山的佛祖说,赌,就难免会输。他说,他没有赌,也没有输。“\n\n66.弥勒佛剧情,影神图中说明了是他让二郎神进入的画中,浮屠塔中的画也是他画的。”真君找上门的时候,墙上的画还没画好。“我知真君一定会来。”弥勒笑道。“。他的另一段画也让人猜测是否有真假二郎神?”弥勒笑道:“我们见过吗?我认得的二郎神,比你丑多了。”“"}]} +{"conversation": [{"input": "", "output": "67.大圣残躯,影神图中说明了大圣最不满的就是神佛的长生不老,吃人不吐骨头。”“难!难!难!”悟空挥挥手,一脸嫌弃:“他们若要吃你,骨头渣都不剩。”“这供品,本该给那种地收菜的人吃。我们吃了,他们就少吃一点。”“长生不老,长不了。”开局序章和二郎神的对话也体现了这一点:“你可知这长生不老的佛位,有多少人求而不得?”“长生不老……”“三界六道,不就毁在这四个字上?”\n\n68.袁守诚和四渎龙神剧情。西游记中泾河龙王因为和他打赌,为了赌赢而私改了下雨时辰,导致玉帝派魏征在梦中将泾河龙王斩杀。四渎龙神怕被连带,就四处躲藏。赤髯龙躲到山间宝穴,小骊龙躲到藏龙洞,青背龙躲到龟岛,小黄龙化作袍服上的一缕龙纹,藏于了袁守诚身上。却难逃天命人,落得一死。(小黄龙影神图)”有时又激昂爽快:“生死已定,何妨一试!”有时又语挚情长:“前因既定,后果难改。又有几人能胜过天命?”有时又反问嗟叹:“若算得到自己死在哪里,偏偏不去,就能逃得了吗?”\n\n69.红孩儿变萍萍剧情。西���记原文中,红孩儿出场就是把自己变成小孩然后掉在树上骗唐僧(西游记四十回):“那时节,我母亲舍不得我,把我抱在怀里,哭哀哀,战兢兢,跟随贼寇,不期到此山中,又要杀我。多亏我母亲哀告,免教我刀下身亡,却将绳子吊我在树上,只教冻饿而死。那些贼将我母亲不知掠往那里去了。我在此已吊三日三夜,更没一个人来行走。不知那世里修积,今生得遇老师父。若肯舍大慈悲,救我一命回家,就典身卖命,也酬谢师恩,致使黄沙盖面,更不敢忘也。;”\n\n70.戌狗:66村的npc真的一个比一个精彩,戌狗更是把我们当兄弟。什么手搓金丹啊,什么仙品金丹随便给啊,什么秒炼五蕴丹啊。这样吧你去让天上那个鹤仙人挪下位置,他的位置你来做,玩家钦定了,你来当太上老君。dlc的四妹就你来炼丹吧。"}]} +{"conversation": [{"input": "", "output": "71.寅虎:哥,寅虎太帅了。寅虎是我这个游戏第一个觉得惊艳的boss,这个boss就是我梦里的格斯啊!!!(谁能给寅虎做个格斯皮啊)寅虎有多帅啊,“六丁六甲,从不吃素”。战斗中寅虎是第一个不吃定身术硬控的boss,你要打赢他只能拼刀,拼基本功。推荐大家看b站的里奥达芬奇的视频,他的无伤寅虎视频就是梦里面我的操作啊(你看看别人游戏里面的黑猴,你看看你,你能不能反省下?下次能不能自动躲技能)。同时寅虎非常有武德,他的每一个变招都有特定的语音或者姿势。战胜寅虎后,天命人会做出承让的姿势,寅虎会帮你扩展一个饰品栏,一周目最多三个格子,每周目都可以去找寅虎打一次,每周目扩展一次,三周目达到最多的五个格子。值得一提的是,寅虎是我发现唯一一个二周目开始的救命毫毛无用的boss,也就是说如果你装备救命毫毛打寅虎死了,是直接算你挑战失败的(寅虎看不上用复活币的人)。每次你去找寅虎的时候,寅虎还会顺便评价一下你的装备,有但不仅限于:\"一身破烂,难怪登门\"\"中看不中用,银样镴枪头\",打扮得俊,身手跟得上吗?\"。\n\n72.辰龙:孤寡老龙,在线种地。适合中国宝宝的家园系统(中国游戏少了种田总感觉少了什么)。游戏中打完辰龙后,他会让你去给他跑腿找戌狗要丹药,等你给他后他会大笑一声然后把丹药扔了(不是,你不吃能不能给我啊,我吃啊),带你进入六六村(女流六六独家代言)。游戏中你可以把发掘到的种子拿来给辰龙,让他帮你种。如果你选择了种子给他,又自己取消了,辰龙会急:\"收回去做甚,这不是要老夫的命\"。你离开他之后,他还会不舍地说:\"这便要走了?\"\"记得常回来看看\"(呜呜呜)。如果你把所有种子都给他了,他还会给你一个隐藏酒品。\n\n73.申猴:老祖宗猴子,你能不能教我打醉棍啊。他会帮你升级葫芦和酒,酒越升级越陈,效果越好:\"酒是越陈越香,人是越老越糊涂\"。喝酒别误事:\"酒酒酒,能成事亦能败事,须谨慎\"。"}]} +{"conversation": [{"input": "", "output": "74.大圣的终极一战剧情。从第五章结局CG中我们可以看到,黑神话中的5个妖王和杨戬的身影。应该是他们六人联合打了大圣,然后分了大圣六根。(不由己CG)“熊罴,你戴罪立功,赐眼一对”(黑熊精),“貂鼠,你替天行道,耳朵拿去”(黄风大圣),“黄眉,你重振旗鼓,鼻子收好”(黄眉),“百眼,你忍辱负重,舌头领下”(百目魔君),“牛魔,你大义灭亲,最是不易。他的身子,留给你了”(牛魔王),二郎神-意。他们分到的六根也分别对应了游戏里的章节CG名称。眼-看见,耳-聋,鼻-屁,舌-为什么是不听???(这里存疑),身-不由己,意-未竟。\n\n五个妖王分属佛道两家,前三章的妖王都是佛家的人,黑熊精是菩萨的人,黄风大圣是灵吉菩萨的徒弟,黄眉是弥勒佛的童子。后两章的妖王是道家的人,百眼是西母的人,牛魔铁扇公主是太上老君的人。分大圣六根,很可能就是佛道两家共同出力,分猪肉。佛家获得的更多。(百目魔君影神图)娘娘的意思,便宜那边占得太多。这回,正好连本带利收回来。黑神话的暗线很可能就是佛道两家的明争暗斗。"}]} +{"conversation": [{"input": "", "output": "黑神话:悟空\n《黑神话:悟空》是一款由游戏科学开发和发行的动作角色扮演游戏,被媒体誉为中国首款“3A游戏”,游戏于2024年8月20日登录Windows(Steam、Epic Games、WeGame)及PlayStation 5平台,Xbox Series X/S版的发售日期待定。\n\n游戏内容改编自中国经典神魔小说《西游记》,在正式发布前,游戏已获得业界媒体与评论家们的普遍好评,称赞其在战斗系统、视觉��计以及世界观方面的构建。游戏上线后迅速登顶多个平台的销量榜首,两周内的全球销量超过1800万份,成为有史以来销售速度最快的游戏之一。\n\n玩法\n《黑神话:悟空》是一款动作角色扮演游戏,采用单人模式和第三人称视角。尽管在游戏发布前曾有人讨论其是否属于魂类游戏,虽然有部分元素相似,但其开发商游戏科学并不认为它属于这一类型,许多评论者也认为该游戏并不完全符合“魂类”游戏的定义。\n\n游戏的设计灵感源于中国《四大名著》之一——古典神魔小说《西游记》,玩家将操控一位名为“天命人”的花果山灵明石猴。主角的主要武器是如意金箍棒等棍棒类武器,能在战斗中伸缩自如。游戏的战斗系统包括三种主要棍法:劈棍、戳棍和立棍,为战斗提供多样化选择。战斗还涉及资源管理,当计量表充满时,玩家可以积累“专注点”,用于连招或蓄力重击。冲刺、闪避和攻击都会消耗气力值。\n\n除了物理战斗,玩家还可以使用“奇术”、“身法”、“毫毛”和“变化”等四类法术。这些法术有冷却时间并消耗法力值。各类法术按技能可再细分,例如:“定身”奇术可以在短时间内冻结敌人;“聚形散气”身法可留下假身以便散气遁走,聚形时再行突袭;“身外身法”的毫毛法术能召唤多个分身协助战斗,而各种变化法术允许主角变形为不同的生物,并拥有独特的招式和生命值。此外,玩家可以通过击败强大的敌人获得“精魄”技能,这些技能类似于一次性的变身,例如,“幽魂”精魄可以让玩家进行头锤攻击。\n\n游戏的进程大多是线性的,亦有较为宽阔的区域供玩家探索。玩家会遇到各种妖怪和头目作为敌人。玩家的检查点是世界各地的神龛(土地庙)。游戏地图无法由玩家调整,但会随游戏进展而变化。\n\n此外,游戏也支持多周目模式,为玩家提供“再入轮回”的玩法和彩蛋。例如,进入二周目可以解锁“救命”的毫毛法术,在战斗中死亡可以立即复活;三周目怪物变强;四周目敌人强度大幅提升,并触发四段棍势彩蛋等。"}]} +{"conversation": [{"input": "", "output": "情节\n设定\n《黑神话:悟空》的故事可分为六个章节,名为“火照黑云”、“风起黄昏”、“夜生白露”、“曲度紫鸳”、“日落红尘”和“未竟”,并且拥有两个结局,玩家的选择和经历将影响最终的结局。\n\n游戏的设定融合了中国的文化和自然地标。例如重庆的大足石刻、山西省的小西天、南禅寺、铁佛寺、广胜寺和鹳雀楼等,都在游戏中出现。游戏也融入了佛教和道教的哲学元素。\n\n故事\n参见:西游记、西游记第壹佰零壹回之月光宝盒和西游记大结局之仙履奇缘\n前序\n《黑神话:悟空》的故事情节发生在《西游记》故事之后,但部分角色设定参考了香港电影《大话西游》。在老猴子的说书故事中,据传孙悟空成佛后依旧不愿受到拘束,待唐僧东归后便辞去佛位,欲回到花果山逍遥快活,未料遭到天庭猜忌,二郎神、四大天王、巨灵神率领天兵天将再次杀奔花果山。孙悟空与二郎神激战时,本已消失的紧箍咒再次出现,孙悟空不敌二郎神,就此殒命,肉身残躯化为石卵,魂魄分为六件根器,名为六根,隐藏世间。多年后,玩家扮演的花果山灵明石猴“天命人”踏上了寻找遗失根器、解救和复活孙悟空的旅程。\n\n寻找根器\n“天命人”前往黑风山寻找根器,得到土地公的帮助,来到因贪念引发火灾后重建的观音禅院。与各个妖王和头目决斗后,天命人最后在山顶的宝塔上击败黑风大王及其原形黑熊精[注 1],找回孙悟空的第一件根器“眼看喜”。黑熊精道歉,透露自己是被天庭逼迫,并愿回到观音禅院赎罪,而土地公则暗示,他是受菩提老祖的委托来帮助天命人的。\n\n接着,天命人穿越荒凉的黄风岭,期间无头僧边唱歌边弹三弦琴,提供帮助。在此地,天命人击杀黄风大圣,黄风大圣利用灵吉菩萨的头颅封存了孙悟空第二件根器“耳听怒”。无头僧其实就是灵吉菩萨,他重新接回自己的头颅后,为了表示感谢,将这件根器交给天命人。\n\n天命人继续前往寒冷的小西天,擒杀投靠黄眉的亢金龙,解救被亢金龙囚禁的猪八戒,两人合力击败黄眉,黄眉逃至结冰的湖面,因冰破而坠入湖里。原本打算亲自收服黄眉的弥勒菩萨,将被偷走的孙悟空第三件根器“鼻嗅爱”,从湖中捞出并交给天命人。\n\n接下来,天命人和猪八戒前往盘丝岭的盘丝洞。猪八戒被蜘蛛精抓获,百眼魔君计划利用蜘蛛精的母亲紫朱儿与猪八戒结婚,然后将其吞食,从而引出天命人一网打尽,但因紫朱儿和猪八戒情缘未了,迟迟未能动手。天命人救出猪八戒,并联合六个蜘蛛精一起杀死百眼魔君,最终获得孙悟空的第四件根器“舌尝思”。"}]} +{"conversation": [{"input": "", "output": "两人来到火焰山,发现红孩儿试图从牛魔王手中偷走第五件根器,得知昔日天庭和妖界五大妖王合谋陷害孙悟空。天庭胜利后瓜分了孙悟空的六根,牛魔王得到了第五件根器。红孩儿为复仇觊觎根器力量,最终被天命人击败。红孩儿的母亲铁扇公主出面为儿子求情,并献上她的芭蕉扇,揭露红孩儿身世悲惨,其实是夜叉部的残余血脉。红孩儿不屈服,反而悲愤自杀,天命人获得孙悟空的第五件根器“身本忧” 。\n\n在决定结局的可选故事线上,弥勒菩萨于小西天浮屠塔将二郎神杨戬和天命人引导至梅山。天命人与二郎神[注 2]及其法相之四大天王[注 3]在梅山展开激战。杨戬被击败后,他的“第三眼”释放出孙悟空的第六件根器“意见欲”给天命人,并分享他的领悟——之前的战斗实际上是让孙悟空通过肉身的死亡,找到摆脱束缚的道路。\n\n结局\n天命人和猪八戒回到花果山,到达天真顶的石卵后,进入孙悟空执念所化的幻境“石中境”。老猴子带领天命人和猪八戒渡过识海,解释说,孙悟空的第六件根器“意见欲”已经消逝,因为“意根”是每个生命独特的本质,注定会在生命终结时消散,所以孙悟空永远不会回来。这次旅程的真正目的,是要天命人成为替身,继承孙悟空的根本和名号。为了完成轮回,天命人必须击败大圣残躯才能完成天命。\n\n最后,天命人与代表孙悟空“执念”的大圣残躯战斗。大圣残躯被击败后逐渐消散,紧箍儿掉入水中。如果天命人没有从二郎神那里获得孙悟空的第六件根器,孙悟空将不会复活,老猴子会将紧箍儿戴在天命人头上,天命人沦为天庭执行意志的新工具;如果天命人已经获得孙悟空的第六件根器,则六根齐聚,孙悟空复活,天命人成为孙悟空,老猴子虽然拿起了紧箍儿,但却没有给孙悟空戴上,孙悟空因此避免了天庭的束缚。\n\n游戏开发\n《黑神话:悟空》由游戏科学于2017年开始开发,于2020年8月20日公布首段实机演示视频。游戏预告片展示基于虚幻引擎4开发的游戏内容,主角在黑风山探索环境,并与各种敌人战斗。发布一天内,预告片在YouTube上获得近200万次观看,在bilibili上则达到1000万次观看。据电子游戏分析师丹尼尔·艾哈迈德(Daniel Ahmad)称,公布此段实机演示的主要目的是开发团队缺人,想通过这段视频吸引人才。最初,开发团队只有7个人,但在游戏预告时,团队人数已增至约30人。"}]} +{"conversation": [{"input": "", "output": "2021年2月8日,开发团队释出了另一支3分钟的演示预告,以庆祝即将到来的农历牛年。2021年8月20日开发团队再次释出一支12分钟的演示预告,由Epic Games研发的虚幻引擎5实机录制。2022年8月20日,开发团队发布一支6分20秒剧情短片,同时由GeForce再次发布一支8分22秒实机演示。\n\n制作人冯骥表示,《黑神话:悟空》是“黑神话系列”的第一部作品,内部的开发代号是“B1”,全称是“Black Myth One”。根据他的构想,黑神话系列将是一个讲述中国东方神话体系里,不同传奇英雄的魔幻历险故事系列。在规划这个系列的第一部作品之后,他对后两部黑神话游戏的名称和方向有一些想法,但尚未公开其内容。\n\n取景\n在设计游戏环境时,团队进行实地考察,扫描不同地点的建筑和雕像,并将这些元素复制到游戏中或作为设计的基础。作品中的许多建筑元素取材自现存的中国古代建筑,类型包括寺庙、佛塔、宫殿、城堡、住宅、园林等。\n\n根据已公布的36个取景地名单显示,山西境内的取景地多达27个,包括忻州五台山的南禅寺、佛光寺、南山寺、金阁寺、佑国寺、原平惠济寺;大同的云冈石窟、浑源永安寺、浑源悬空寺、善化寺、华严寺、灵丘觉山寺;运城的解州关帝庙、永济鹳雀楼、新绛福胜寺;临汾的隰县小西天、洪洞广胜寺、尧都铁佛寺;晋城的泽州玉皇庙、高平铁佛寺、陵川西溪二仙庙;长治的潞州观音堂、长子崇庆寺;朔州的崇福寺、应县木塔;晋中平遥的镇国寺和双林寺。\n\n山西省之外,其他的取景地具有浙江丽水景宁的梅氏宗祠、时思寺;重庆的大足石刻;山东长清的灵岩寺塔林;陕西蓝田的水陆庵;福建泉州的开元寺;安徽宿松的白崖寨攀龙门;贵州江口的承恩寺;云南大理的崇圣寺;天津蓟州的独乐寺;四川的安岳石刻、南充醴峰观、新津观音寺;河北的蔚县玉皇阁、南安寺塔、井陉福庆寺等。\n\n演员\n《黑神话:悟空》中的主要角色源自《西游记》中的人物,除了天命人扮演孙悟空的角色外,玩家还会遇到其他主要的《西游记》角色诸如猪八戒、杨戬、蜘蛛精、铁扇公主,妖怪等人物。在游戏中,这些主要角色是凭借多位动作捕捉演员和配音演员完成扮演和塑造。身为武术家的演员殷凯,主要饰演主角“天命人”与妖怪战斗时的动作,特别是棍法和法术的技能动作;他除了负责主角的动作外,还饰演游戏中其他60%的角色。\n\n以下是游戏的主要角色及其动捕演员、普通话和英语配音演员,佟心竹担任配音导演。"}]} +{"conversation": [{"input": "", "output": "以下是游戏的主要角色及其动捕演员、普通话和英语配音演员,佟心竹担任配音导演。\n\n配乐\n该作的配乐获得电视剧《西游记》片头曲《云宫迅音》的授权,此曲由作曲家许镜清在1986年制作。此外,作品还使用了该剧片尾曲《敢问路在何方》作为游戏第一次通关后的片尾曲,该版本由杨洪基和杨恩硕演唱。\n\n游戏的音乐、音效和语音由八零八二音频工作室(简称8082Audio)联合制作。\n\n发行\n2023年1月,官方发布兔年短片,公布游戏的发布日期为2024年夏。开发团队致力于将游戏发布于PC与主流游戏主机平台。游戏将以买断制的形式发行,并可能有下载包。2023年8月20日,在杭州举办线下试玩会,体验内容包括多个首领挑战以及独立的关卡片段。12月官方发布发售日预告,公布该游戏将登陆 PC、PS5 和 Xbox Series X/S 平台,也不排除支持可流畅运行的云游戏平台。\n\n2024年2月,国家新闻出版署发布了当月国产网络游戏审批信息以及版号变更信息,包括《黑神话:悟空》在内的共111款游戏过审,标志着《黑神话:悟空》可以在中国大陆公开发售。5月,在WeGame游戏之夜上,官方公布游戏将同步上线WeGame平台。\n\n2024年8月20日,《黑神话:悟空》正式发售,并发布四个版本:数字标准版、数字豪华版、实体豪华版和实体收藏版。\n\n实体豪华版和实体收藏版的启动码支持WeGame(京东购买)或Steam(海外购买),但所有版本均不包含实体光盘。游戏科学表示正在探索提供实体光盘的可能性,但由于线下资源有限,无法与游戏发布同步提供。\n\n反响\n该作通常被媒体称为“中国首款3A游戏”。在发售三天后,该作的全平台销量已超过1000万套,打破中国游戏历史记录 。\n\nMetacritic针对游戏统计了各家媒体的评分,PC版的平均得分为82/100分,PS5版的平均得分为73/100分。IGN中国给游戏打出了10分的满分,认为游戏和国际知名的3A大作相比固然存在一定的差距,但游戏科学作为一家刚成立十年的公司游戏质量达到了相当的高度,可称得上是中国游戏行业的里程碑。\n\n《黑神话:悟空》被认为是中国电子游戏产业向高端游戏和国际受众转型的一个重要因素。例如,在该游戏发布之前,《影之刃零》的导演梁其伟就表示,他认为这款游戏会大受欢迎,大家都在关注它,而这款游戏的成功将给其他游戏带来信心。"}]} +{"conversation": [{"input": "", "output": "兰州理工大学硕士研究生赵君认为,这款电子游戏在一定程度上满足了中国大陆玩家对中国传统文化的心理需求,提升了游戏的文化内涵,并为中国传统文化的传播提供了一种高度互动且具有参与感的新型娱乐方式。\n\n这款游戏在2023年科隆游戏展上赢得了“最佳视觉效果”奖项,并被提名为“最史诗游戏”奖项。\n\n《黑神话:悟空》的流行帮助提升PlayStation 5 (PS5)的销量,在中国市场上,比如在阿里巴巴的天猫平台上,PS5成为电子游戏硬件销售榜的冠军。游戏还带动许多玩家前往游戏的取景地旅游。此外,游戏中的蜘蛛精四妹角色在B站、抖音等平台上成为热门的Cosplay对象。\n\n根据PSNProfiles的数据显示,游戏上架后,单就PS5使用的PlayStation Network (PSN)计,第一个完成白金成就(游戏内容100%达成)的玩家,是由中国PSN玩家“p789cs”在8月22日完成,只用了约3天时间。从全球PlayStation玩家的排行榜中,发现前15位最快达到白金成就的,竟有高达12名玩家是香港人,而放眼榜单上的前50名玩家,也看到主要以香港玩家为主。\n\n销量\n2024年6月,《黑神话:悟空》正式开启预购,截至发行当日,游戏预售额已达人民币4亿元,相当于该游戏的投入成本。\n\n游戏上线后迅速登顶Steam、WeGame等多个平台的销量榜首,在Steam平台,游戏在所有国家及地区的热销榜单中位列第一,��时位列全球第一。截止当日晚间,游戏在Steam平台上的同时在线玩家人数突破220万,位列当日全球在线玩家人数第一,亦成为该平台历史同时在线最多的单机游戏。对此,彭博社报道指出,这款游戏的迅速崛起可能在游戏行业中可留下重要的一席之地。\n\n截至2024年8月23日,开发商游戏科学宣布全平台游戏销量已经超过1000万套,全平台上的同时在线玩家人数突破300万。这款游戏是史上销售速度最快的游戏之一。索尼透露,《黑神话:悟空》是2024年8月北美(美国和加拿大)、欧洲以及日本下载量最高的PlayStation 5游戏。\n\n据数据分析公司VG Insights的数据显示,游戏上线后两周内,总销量已超过1800万份,总销售额约达人民币61.65亿元 。实体豪华版和实体收藏版都供不应求,以京东为例,有70万人登记购买3万套的实体版本。"}]} +{"conversation": [{"input": "", "output": "《黑神话:悟空》是由杭州游科互动科技有限公司开发 ,浙江出版集团数字传媒有限公司出版的西游题材单机动作角色扮演游戏 。\n该作以中国四大名著之一、吴承恩所著长篇小说《西游记》为背景设定,借用《西游记》自身的故事作为前传,讲述取经之后孙悟空因放弃佛位引发天庭对其再次征伐之后的故事。在游戏中,玩家将扮演一位“天命人”,为了探寻昔日传说的真相,踏上一条充满危险与惊奇的西游之路 。\n2024年8月20日,该作正式登陆PC 、PS5平台 。该作通常被媒体称为“中国首款3A游戏” 。在发售三天后,该作的全平台销量超过1000万套,打破中国游戏历史记录 。\n### 游戏立项\n\n2008年,冯骥和杨奇加入了腾讯的量子工作室,两人在2009年负责斗战神项目,冯骥为游戏制作人,杨奇为首席游戏图形设计师。斗战神是以西游记为蓝本的“故事新编”,以其“黑暗西游”的奇诡华丽,在上线后曾收获巨大影响。但由于种种问题,游戏质量变得不稳定,用户数据持续下降。2014年,两人选择离职创业,成立游戏科学公司。他们心中,则一直想做一款单机游戏,重做西游 [43-44]。\n\n游戏科学通过《百将行》《赤潮》获得了启动资金。2018年2月,公司团队决定分兵开发,保留一个团队建制继续做手游,抽调少部分精干力量去为一款高品质单机游戏“拓荒”——即《黑神话:悟空》。在冯骥看来,西游记与孙悟空是最能代表中国文化的IP,故而他们决定以孙悟空作为切入点进行游戏开发 。\n\n《黑神话:悟空》内部的开发代号是“B1”——Black Myth One,意即“黑神话系列的第一款作品”。在冯骥的设想里,“黑神话系列”将是一个讲述东方神话体系里不同传奇英雄的魔幻故事系列,《悟空》只是一个起点 。\n\n### 游戏创作\n\n由于《西游记》剧情走向对大部分中国人来说耳熟能详,冯骥与扬奇等人就剧本进行多次迭代,最终决定以“寻根之旅”为核心进行剧情展开。游戏主角“天命人”一路上会遇到很多《西游记》里出现过的著名角色,通过与他们战斗,或是成为伙伴,玩家再去尝试搞清楚“悟空是谁”以及“我是谁” 。\n\n在设计游戏环境过程中,由于自然景观缺乏现实的中式素材,开发团队与各地文保部门合作前往实地考察,对陵川二仙庙,晋城青莲寺等现实古建筑和塑像进行扫描,以此为蓝本进行重视建筑的设计 。为了让场景更为逼真,采用虚幻5引擎和NVIDIA光线追踪等技术以提升画面效果 。\n\n### 场景原型"}]} +{"conversation": [{"input": "", "output": "### 场景原型\n\n据不完全统计,《黑神话:悟空》的场景取景于中国的36个建筑古迹,如重庆大足石刻、杭州灵隐寺等,其中27个建筑古迹来自山西,具体为 [46-47]:\n\n山西隰县小西天大雄宝殿内景\n游戏中的小雷音寺过场\n大足石刻千手观音像\n游戏中的千手观音像\n延庆寺\n游戏中的仿延庆寺的寺庙场景\n\n天命人\n天命人是花果山上的一只猴子 ,他为了探寻昔日传说的真相而踏上旅途,并在旅途中与各类妖怪交战 。\n\n灵虚子\n灵虚子主线的BOSS之一,正常走就能遇到,攻击模组是使用爪子、嘴进行大开大合的攻击,因此躲避也相对容易。\n\n黑风大王\n黑风大王为正常的人形BOSS,走主线就能遇到,通过一把长枪附魔攻击,每次攻击都伴有蓝色火焰特效,显的攻击范围很广,主要靠挥舞长枪的长连招抓我们躲避的失误造成威胁,还能够化成风进入无敌状态来攻击玩家。\n\n金池长老\n金池长老是第一回的隐藏BOSS,需要敲响三个分布在地图各处的大钟传送到隐藏地图“隐·旧观音禅院”。\n\n赤髯龙\n赤髯龙为第一回的隐藏BOSS,��要先前往第二章击败沙大郎,然后通过沙大郎敲碎战斗场地旁的墙获得龙鳞,最后回到第一回林外土地庙的左上角瀑布处,可以听见一个人念诗,与瀑布互动进入BOSS房场地。\n\n黑熊精\n黑熊精是黑风大王的第二阶段,从人形变成了一只巨熊,血量变厚的同时攻击手段也变成了大范围明显前摇的攻击。\n\n虎先锋\n击败沙大朗离开洞穴继续走来到卧虎寺即可触发与虎先锋的战斗。虽然虎先锋背着一把大剑,但大多数攻击是通过拳脚武术来施展招式,无论是举起双拳向前砸去,还是一套军体拳连招都不会用到背面的剑,因虎先锋的招式变化多样,不适合用固定的连招打。\n\n石先锋\n石先锋位于土地庙枕石坪左前方的区域。石先锋与石敢当两个BOSS都在同一个区域,如果此时已经收集了六个佛眼珠即可激活石敢当与石先锋的战斗,而最后的胜利者绝对是石敢当,从而跳过石先锋的BOSS战。\n\n石敢当\n石敢当位于土地庙枕石坪左前方的区域,是一个更灵活的石先锋,能够进行大范围的跳跃扑击,其他攻击方式基本与石先锋的套路完全相同。\n\n黄风大圣\n黄风大圣使用一把长柄武器战斗,第一阶段与第二阶段的战斗风格相差很多,第一阶段玩家处于相对被动的地位,需要等待黄风大圣输出完一套连招再输出,而第二阶段玩家需要非常主动,不然只会被黄风大圣无尽的连招慢慢耗死。"}]} +{"conversation": [{"input": "", "output": "蝜蝂\n传送到卧虎寺的大门处,上楼梯往右前方走再次遇见一只猪,与其对话交给他一个随处可见恶毒莲藕再传送到第一次见面的地方开启与黄袍员外的战斗,将其击败进入隐斯哈里王国,一路往前触发与蝜蝂的战斗,蝜蝂一开始会潜入沙土再冲出来砸向玩家。\n\n柳木棍\n该武器在初始便会解锁。\n\n铜云棒\n该武器在购买豪华版后解锁。\n\n鳞棍·双蛇\n跟随主线剧情击败第一回BOSS“白衣秀士”后获得材料“玉垂牙”即可解锁铸造。\n\n兽棍·熊罴\n跟随主线剧情击败第一回最终BOSS“黑熊精”后获得材料“烈火乌金”即可解锁铸造。\n\n出云棍\n在第二回“黄风岭-挟魂崖”找到6个佛目珠后,在“挟魂崖-枕石坪”BOSS石先锋所在区域内用佛目珠召唤并击败BOSS石敢当,获得材料“铁石心”后即可解锁铸造。\n\n鳞棍·蟠龙\n在BOSS沙大郎所在位置拿到飞龙鳞片后,前往第二回“挟魂崖-枕石坪”开启大门触发与小骊龙的BOSS战,击败小骊龙后开启楼梯上方的宝箱获得材料“振雷骨”后即可解锁锻造。\n\n兽棍·貂鼠\n跟随主线剧情击败第二回最终BOSS“黄风大圣”后获得材料“神风玛瑙”即可解锁铸造。\n\n鳞棍·亢金\n跟随主线剧情击败第三回的BOSS“亢金龙”获得材料“银星雾角”后即可解锁铸造。\n\n楮白枪\n从四位魔将身上拿到4个道具后,回到土地庙“浮屠界-下层”,在初始牢房的隔壁与小张太子对话交任务,获得“楮白枪头”,之后即可在土地庙或如意画轴中的寅虎处铸造。\n\n飞龙宝杖\n在第三回“浮屠界-安身寺”到达龟将背上的土地庙“龟岛”后,面对土地庙,往龟背右侧下层走,击败最下层的BOSS青背龙后解锁铸造。\n\n狼牙棒\n跟随主线剧情击败第三回最终BOSS“黄眉”后解锁铸造。\n\n第一回·黑风山\n黑风山是游戏第一回的地图,其主要有苍狼林、翠竹林、黑风洞三个部分。\n\n第二回·黄风岭\n黄风岭是游戏第二回的地图,该地图包含沙门村、挟魂崖、卧虎寺、黄风阵,以及隐藏地图“隐·斯哈里国”。\n\n第三回·小西天\n小西天是游戏第三回的地图,该地图包含雪山径、浮屠界、苦海、极乐谷、小雷音寺。\n\n第四回·盘丝岭\n盘丝岭是游戏第四回的地图,该地图包含盘丝洞、黄花观。\n\n第五回·火焰山\n火焰山是游戏第五回的地图,该地图包含灰烬林、丹灶谷、火光地、璧水洞。\n\n第六回·花果山\n花果山是游戏第六回的地图,该地图包含山脚、水帘洞。"}]} +{"conversation": [{"input": "", "output": "第六回·花果山\n花果山是游戏第六回的地图,该地图包含山脚、水帘洞。\n\n战斗系统\n基础战斗\n游戏主角天命人使用武器为棍棒,玩家可选择三种战斗方式,分别是“劈棍”、“立棍”、“戳棍”,默认的劈棍侧重于通过轻击和重击进行连击。立棍让玩家在蓄力重击时撑棍而起,可躲避地面攻击然后砸向敌人。戳棍的蓄力重击可以快速有力地戳向敌人。该作没有格挡功能,除了棍花和使用特殊能力外,通过翻滚进行闪避是游戏中的主要防御方式。无论是躲避和攻击都会消耗气力(即体力值) 。\n\n在该作中,玩家在通过消灭敌人��后可以获得经验值,在获得一定经验值后便可以升级,等级最高可达到342级,每次升级都可获得灵光点,灵光点也可通过在游戏地图中的指定位置打坐获取。灵光点可用于解锁游戏中的技能,玩家也可在土地庙重置灵光点 [53-55]。\n\n天命人使用重击敲向敌人\n\n法术\n主动法术\n\n在该作中,玩家可以通过消耗法力来使出法术,若是法术耗尽,玩家可选择在土地庙恢复法力。法术会随着玩家推进剧情而逐步解锁,每个法术都有自己的技能树,玩家可消耗灵光点来提升法术的效果 。\n\n天命人使用定身法定住广智\n\n定身法天命人将手一指,心念咒诀,便可将对手定在原地,动弹不得。神通广大,法力强盛的对手能更快解开定身的禁锢。在对手站定、倒下或被打退的无力之际是施展此法的最佳时机 。\n\n聚形散气\n\n聚形散气天命人留下假身,自己迅速散作清气遁走,既可避开对手的锋芒,也可诱敌聚拢。再聚形时,可飞脚突袭,可蓄力一击。可在对手若无防备时打他个措手不及 。\n\n铜头铁臂\n\n铜头铁臂天命人化作一块金石,若对手恰好打在石上,则会被震开,此时可以上前追击对手。而有些对手势大力沉的杀招甚至能击溃铜头铁臂 。\n\n身外身法"}]} +{"conversation": [{"input": "", "output": "身外身法天命人拔一把毫毛,丢在口中嚼碎,望空中喷去,即变做数个毛猴。这些毛猴,眼乖会跳,能打能逃,就如天命人一般 。\n成就系统\n成就名称成就达成条件\n下降尘凡第一难击败“序章-二郎显圣真君” \n敲敲打打第二难铸造一次披挂 \n山中斗狼第三难击败“灵虚子” \n吸存运用第四难进行一次精魄吸收 \n真个壮怀第五难为葫芦装备泡酒物 \n长蛇隐迹第六难击败“白衣秀士” \n得心应手第七难进行一次锻造武器 \n余韵远传第八难找到“隐·观音禅院” \n禅院逢友第九难击败“金池长老” \n黑熊烧山第十难击败“黑熊精” \n捘些泥丸十一难进行一次炼丹 \n老老小小十二难击败“沙国王&沙二郎”、“沙大郎” \n尺木为牢十三难击败“赤髯龙” \n石中有声十四难完成“石中人”支线 \n不济于谷十五难击败“小骊龙” \n击石取钥十六难击败“石先锋” \n六字显真十七难完成“石敢当”支线 \n沙尘无量十八难完成“旧拨浪鼓”支线 \n黄金引路十九难找到“隐·斯哈里国” \n父父子子二十难击败“虎先锋”、““虎先锋””、“疯虎” \n沙海平浪二十一难击败“蝜蝂” \n金丹等闲二十二难进行一次炼丹 \n好大风呵二十三难击败“黄风大圣” \n千里报国二十四难完成“沙国三王子”支线 \n静息妙音二十五难击败“魔将·妙音” \n亢宿应劫二十六难击败“亢金星君” \n苦海成冰二十七难击败“青背龙” \n龟蛇盘结二十八难完成“龟蛇二将”支线 \n画里乾坤二十九难完成“辰龙&如意画轴”支线 \n捶打神功三十难进行一次披挂升阶 \n铁刀高架三十一难击败“寅虎” \n新种新苗三十二难收获一次种子果实 \n别有洞天三十三难完成“翠笠武师”支线 \n有情众生三十四难完成“灵狐”支线 \n魔将神归三十五难完成“小张太子”支线。 \n四大弟子三十六难击败“不空”、“不能”、“不净”、“不白” \n三打马猴三十七难第三次击败“赤尻马猴” \n胡说胡说三十八难击败“黄眉” \n脸上有泥三十九难击败“右手虫” \n咬牙恨齿四十难第二次击败“猪八戒” \n情深不寿四十一难击败“紫珠儿” \n堕龙化纹四十二难击败“小黄龙” \n缫丝为线四十三难完成“黑手道人”支线 \n歪门邪道四十四难完成“靡道人”支线 \n齐齐整整四十五难击败“毒敌大王”及其四个儿子 \n昂首绝唱四十六难击败“晦月魔君” \n巧线死结四十七难完成“四姐”支线 \n开眼闭情四十八难击败“百眼魔君” \n云游有伴四十九难完成“葫芦道士”支线 \n守炉道人五十难击败“火焰山土地”"}]} +{"conversation": [{"input": "", "output": "云游有伴四十九难完成“葫芦道士”支线 \n守炉道人五十难击败“火焰山土地” \n壮志未酬五十一难完成“马天霸”支线 \n种子齐备五十二难获得所有“种子(15种)” \n草木有灵五十三难击败“老人参精”、“琴螂仙”、“蘑女”、“火灵元母”、“九叶灵芝精” \n甘心救主五十四难完成“皓斧为士”支线 \n入定蒲团五十五难找到所有“打坐蒲团(24个)” \n两双一对五十六难击败“急如火,快如风”、“云里雾,雾里云”、“兴烘掀,掀烘兴” \n大妖尽伏五十七难获得所有“精魄” \n冰来火往五十八难击败“碧水金睛兽” \n无火无经五十九难击败“红孩儿” \n琳琅满目六十难集齐四件“法宝” \n折梅见赠六十一难进入梅山 \n棋逢对手六十二难击败“杨戬”、“四大天王” \n十全十美六十三难获得所有“变化(10种)” \n美禄千钟六十四难获得所有“酒品(9种)” \n云中脱险六十五难击败“王灵官” \n蛙声一片六十六难击败六只青蛙 \n般般件件六十七难获得所有“珍玩” \n五蕴结丹六十八难取得“色蕴”、“受蕴”、“想蕴”、“行蕴”、“识蕴”,并与“戌狗”互动 \n当饭吃哩六十九难获得每张地图的“碧藕金丹”、“太乙紫金丹”、“九转金丹” \n熟门熟路七十难击败花果山全部六个BOSS \n物各有主七十一难取回花果山的大圣全部装备 \n万相归真七十二难击败“大圣残躯” \n半个不少七十三难解锁全部“游记” \n六根齐聚七十四难开启二周目 \n法性颇通七十五难获得所有“法术(7种)” \n收了葫芦七十六难获得所有“葫芦” \n心有秘方七十七难获得所有“丹药配方” \n饮食周全七十八难获得所有“泡酒物” \n衣冠隆盛七十九难获得所有“防具” \n夹枪带棒八十难获得所有“武器” \n全始全终八十一难解锁其他全部成就 \n根据提供的Markdown文件中的表格内容,将其转换为列表形式的文本如下:"}]} +{"conversation": [{"input": "", "output": "### 游戏原声专辑\n\n- **专辑名称**: 《黑神话:悟空》游戏音乐精选集\n- **发行时间**: 2024年8月20日\n- **曲目**\n - 称王称圣任纵横 (《黑神话: 悟空》开场主题曲)\n - 看见\n - 看见 (伴奏)\n - 黄风起兮\n - 黄风起兮 (伴奏)\n - 屁\n - 屁 (伴奏)\n - 勿听\n - 勿听 (伴奏)\n - 不由己\n\n### 单曲\n\n- **歌名**: 戒网\n - 作词: 冯骥\n - 作曲: 王星贺\n - 编曲: 翟锦彦\n - 演唱: 村西 / 王馨悦\n - 描述: 《黑神话:悟空》2022年6分钟实机剧情片段的插曲\n\n- **曲名**: 云宫迅音\n - 作曲: 许镜清\n - 描述: 电视剧《西游记》的序曲,《黑神话:悟空》获得了该曲原作者许镜清的正版授权,并在2020年第一个实机演示视频及游戏中使用了该音乐\n\n### 配置要求\n\n- **最低配置**\n - 处理器: Corei5-8400、Ryzen 5 1600\n - 图形处理器: GeForce GTX 1060、RX 580\n - 显存: 6GB\n - 系统内存: 16GB\n - 所需磁盘空间: 130GB\n - 操作系统: Windows 10/11 64-bit\n- **推荐配置**\n - 画质等级: 高画质1080P\n - 处理器: Core i7-9700、Ryzen 5 5500\n - 图形处理器: GeForce RTX 2060、Radeon RX 5700XT、Arc A750\n - 显存: 6GB\n - 系统内存: 16GB\n - 所需磁盘空间: 130GB\n - 操作系统: Windows 10/11 64-bit\n- **最佳体验配置**\n - 画质等级: 超高画质4K\n - 处理器: Core i7-9700、Ryzen 5 5500\n - 图形处理器: GeForce RTX 4070、RX 7800 XT\n - 显存: 12GB\n - 系统内存: 32GB\n - 所需磁盘空间: 130GB\n - 操作系统: Windows 10/11 64-bit\n\n### 发售版本"}]} +{"conversation": [{"input": "", "output": "### 发售版本\n\n- **数字标准版**\n - 《黑神话:悟空》完整游戏\n- **数字豪华版**\n - 《黑神话:悟空》完整游戏\n - 兵器: 铜云棒\n - 披挂: 百戏傩面,百戏衬钱衣,百戏护手,百戏吊腿\n - 珍玩: 风铎\n - 游戏音乐精选集(数字)\n- **实体豪华版**\n - 实体豪华版收藏铁盒: 内含WeGame的《黑神话:悟空》数字豪华版下载兑换码\n - 实体奖励:\n - “乱蟠桃”画卷\n - 保修契据\n - 邮票和明信片(邮政合作)\n - 雷榍(指环)\n - 风铎(项链)\n - 1:1尺寸紧箍\n - 金乌(徽章)\n- **实体收藏版**\n - 实体收藏版收藏铁盒: 内含WeGame的《黑神话:悟空》数字豪华版下载兑换码\n - 实体奖励:\n - “受心经”画卷\n - 保修契据\n - 邮票和明信片(邮政合作)\n - 雷榍(指环)\n - 风铎(项链)\n - 1:1尺寸紧箍\n - 金乌(徽章)\n - 主角模型“直面天命”\n\n### 版本更新"}]} +{"conversation": [{"input": "", "output": "- **版本号**:\n- **更新时间**: 2024年8月27日(PC-Epic)\n- **更新内容**\n - 修复开启FSR后,可能会导致部分用户启动或通过序章时崩溃的问题\n - 修复开启NVIDIA全景光线追踪后,在盘丝岭地图部分区域出现崩溃的问题\n - 修复毛发会异常拉伸的问题\n - 优化“妖王·灵虚子”的毛发效果\n - 修复特定情况下部分敌人行动可能卡住的问题\n - 少许下调“妖王·魔将·妙音”的数值强度\n - 修复浮屠界“小妖·掌灯狱使”攻击可能将玩家卡进墙体的问题\n - 修复特定情况下天命人会卡在戳棍·搅阵状态无法操作的问题\n - 修复特定情况下天命人在第六回无法正常切换形态的问题\n - 修复特定情况下天命人可能出现资源错误的问题\n - 修复“头目·靡道人”相关任务流程失败后,依然���缩地界面有图标提示的问题\n - 修复游记-影神图收集进度显示异常的问题\n - 修复中文的部分文字错误\n - 新增部分语言的影神图翻译,并优化了部分已有翻译\n - 新增部分语言的小曲歌名和歌词翻译,并修正了英文小曲歌词的显示错误\n - 优化部分语言的天赋、披挂和行囊的翻译,并修复部分文本错误\n - 优化部分语言的字幕排版展示\n游戏评价\n播报编辑\n作为游戏科学的首款动作游戏,《黑神话:悟空》在大多数方面都取得了巨大成功,尽管存在一些可能会在发售时令人沮丧的主要技术问题和本地化问题。战斗系统非常出色,得益于在资源管理和快速反应之间的良好平衡,尽管它是一款比FromSoftware风格更传统的动作游戏,但它仍考验了玩家的技术,在这一点上甚至不亚于《艾尔登法环》。不仅如此,游戏中还有许多令人兴奋的BOSS战、种类繁多的敌人,并且他们所处的世界对视觉和听觉而言都是一种享受。故事情节也有其亮点,但稍微依赖于玩家对《西游记》事件的预先了解,且确实需要一张地图来让其探索与战斗的强度相匹配。尽管如此,其优势已足以支撑这款游戏,若游戏科学能够修复这些问题,《黑神话:悟空》将会是一款非常出色的动作游戏,并有潜力变得更加卓越 。(IGN评)"}]} +{"conversation": [{"input": "", "output": "作为游戏科学的3A处女作,《黑神话:悟空》几乎通过极致资源投入和人工细节调校的方式将所有内容都打磨得臻于完美。但属于开发经验的部分则是创意和资源无法弥补的,他有赖于时间和项目的淬炼,这也几乎是《黑神话:悟空》正式版的唯一短板。尽管《黑神话:悟空》的美术和演出达到了世界顶尖水平,玩法和动作系统扎实有趣,内容量大管饱,其叙事方式和艺术表现力对东亚文化圈内的玩家,特别是看着西游记长大的中国玩家来说更是独一无二的。但《黑神话:悟空》依旧不是完美的,关卡设计方面的经验不足,与资源堆料导致的过犹不及,确实造成了事实上的体验破坏 。(游民星空评)\n《黑神话:悟空》是一款参差不齐的游戏,亮点往往多于不足。胜利的Boss战和快节奏的战斗弥补了中间乏味的时刻,平淡的关卡设计和稀缺的敌人会让玩家渴望与致命的妖怪展开下一轮对决。令人失望的是,除了与强大怪物的电影冲突之外,它的表现并不出色,但设计这么多激动人心的Boss战同时避免疲劳感绝非易事,值得称赞 。(Gamespot评)\n《西游记》是400多年前中国明代的神话小说,以其为蓝本创作的国产3A游戏(指开发成本高、开发周期长、制作精良的游戏)《黑神话:悟空》火爆出圈。他指出,当400多年前的文学经典遇上现代游戏“黑科技”,全球玩家超过三百万,共享一本“赛博”真经。有的玩家特意选择中文版进行游戏,因为“中文语音演绎能让我更沉浸在中国神话世界中”。有的玩家为了更好理解游戏设定和故事背景,特地找来《西游记》原著“补课”,还萌生了实地打卡同款游戏场景的想法。谢锋说,这些说明,各国民众都很喜欢悟空身上乐观勇敢、伸张正义、不畏强暴的优秀品质,都为中华文化底蕴丰厚、多姿多彩的独特魅力着迷、“上瘾”,都对推动文化交流合作、文明互学互鉴有着发自内心的渴望和呼唤。谢锋呼吁,大家从电脑游戏中领略了《西游记》,更要来一场说走就走的“东游行”,体验一次“China Travel”。(谢锋 评) \n2024年9月,《黑神话:悟空》的豆瓣评分已经开分,有23489人参与评价,均分9.1分,五星好评率高达72.4%。 \n相关事件\n播报编辑\n2024年8月20日,在二手平台闲鱼上已可以低价购买《黑神话:悟空》,部分标价仅0.01元。对此闲鱼客服表示,闲鱼受理举报的范围有“卖家承认售假、疑似售假、盗版”,如果用户感知到商品有问题是可以发起举报的。"}]} +{"conversation": [{"input": "", "output": "2024年9月6日,认证身份为“三级工艺大师资格证持有者”的微博博主“玄鏐108”发布微博,就《黑神话:悟空》中角色服饰侵犯李辉工艺美术作品著作权事宜,已经向深圳市游科互动科技有限公司发出律师函。 \n2024年9月,《黑神话:悟空》成为了部分家长的“眼中钉”,有家长抵制并举报该游戏,给出的理由包括“其中充满了血腥暴力的画面,容易误导孩子”“游戏做得再好,也是害了孩子”“孩子自制力弱,沉迷于游戏容易毁一生”等。而有网友认为,在家长的指导下,孩子可以游玩《黑神话:悟空》,并且可以通过游戏锻炼脑力、了解传统文化。 [83-84]有商家在电商平台售卖“离线版”、“家庭版”共享《黑神话:悟空》游戏账号;某二手交易平台出现了一批“自动发货,下载即玩”的盗版游戏《黑神话:悟空》;大量《黑神话:悟空》周边产品在电商平台销售。在某二手交易平台上,有商家将官方售价268元的《黑神话:悟空》打折卖到1元钱,并宣称赠送很多游戏福利。"}]} +{"conversation": [{"input": "", "output": "天命人,是游戏《黑神话:悟空》中的主角、由玩家操控的角色,外形是一只持棍猿猴,天命人这一称呼最早出自游戏第一支宣传片中的刀狼教头之口。唐僧师徒取经回归后,孙悟空了解到三界长生不老的秘密,决意放弃佛位,回到花果山。天庭派出二郎神率领天兵天将再临花果山,以屠戮花果山为挟“请”回孙悟空。两人再次在云端单挑斗法,天地为之震动。关键时刻,孙悟空因头顶紧箍再现而落败,在他死后,其六根中的五根——眼、耳、鼻、舌、身——被作为奖赏,分给五位妖王——黑熊、貂鼠、黄眉、百眼、牛魔,而作为六根之首的意则下落不明。孙悟空的残躯落在花果山巅,化作一块奇石,成为猴子猴孙口耳相传的传奇。玩家扮演的“天命人”就是猴子猴孙中的一员,为了集齐大圣的六根复活孙悟空,踏上一条充满危险与惊奇的西游之路。\n亢金龙是游戏《黑神话:悟空》中的妖王,首次登场于游戏第三章,原型是《西游记》中二十八宿之一的亢金龙。亢金龙外形是一条白色飞龙,人形态为亢金星君。其额上有一尖角,锐不可当,曾为大圣顶开金饶,将其救出。某日斗牛宫点卯,发现二十八宿中的昴日鸡未在天上。恰于此时,黄眉回归小西天,并广邀妖魔神佛参加香会。亢金龙向天庭请旨赴会,要去秘密查访昴日鸡的下落。但这一去,亢金龙也如昴日鸡般,断了音讯。亢金龙的远程攻击非常强势,在战斗初期会释放两轮闪电,在自身血量降到四分之三左右时会召唤一次大型的雷电AOE。\n虎先锋,游戏《黑神话:悟空》中的妖王,首次登场于游戏第二章,原型是《西游记》中黄风岭黄风大王貂鼠怪麾下的先锋大将。数百年前,取经人经过黄风岭时,前任虎先锋因捉唐僧,丢了性命。他膝下还有两个儿子,虎兄弟二人领着残存的小妖艰难求存。风沙停息后,石母与石精们将荒山重建出昔日样貌,虎兄仿照父亲管束山中群怪,让他们各安其职。后来,有凡人在这山中建起了村庄,村人为“虎神”建了座卧虎寺,常常供奉,这让虎弟心下越发不服,总觉兄长占尽了威风。又过了百年,黄风大王忽然带着一群鼠妖重回了黄风岭。虎弟怂恿虎兄赶走鼠妖,谁知这一战黄风大王祭出个状似菩萨头颅的法器,重伤了虎弟。为保弟弟一命,虎兄只得扔掉兵器,跪下称臣。黄风大王不计前嫌,得知虎兄弟身世后,还将虎兄命为麾下先锋。虎先锋外形为虎头人身,身背一把大剑,攻击速度快,欲望强,大多数攻击是通过拳脚武术来施展招式。此外虎先锋还可以挥剑创造一个龙卷风或数道剑气来远程攻击玩家。"}]} +{"conversation": [{"input": "", "output": "石先锋,游戏《黑神话:悟空》中的妖王,首次登场于游戏第二章。黄风大圣将佛头石怪的精魄给了两位山神,他们分而食之,竟有了人心人形。二石和合,诞下了个石头孩儿。众妖将他们称作石父、石母与石子。其后,石父因故离了山场,石子寻父而去,只留了石母一个,孤零零在此。石母为守护洞窟化生健壮石精,黄风大圣因其不听指使,便命虎先锋将其铲除。在虎先锋的劝说下,石精成为黄风大圣麾下先锋,带领群石退守河谷守护封印。石先锋的攻击方式单一,只能使用前手臂进行大幅度的砸地,有时还能造成小范围的AOE伤害。\n天命人,是游戏《黑神话:悟空》中的主角、由玩家操控的角色,外形是一只持棍猿猴, 天命人这一称呼最早出自游戏第一支宣传片中的刀狼教头之口。 \n唐僧师徒取经回归后,孙悟空了解到三界长生不老的秘密,决意放弃佛位,回到花果山。天庭派出二郎神率领天兵天将再临花果山,以屠戮花果山为挟“请”回孙悟空。两人再次在云端单挑斗法,天地为之震动。关键时刻,孙悟空因头顶紧箍再现而落败,在他死后,其六根中的五根——眼、耳、鼻、舌、身——被作为奖赏,分给五位妖王——黑熊、貂鼠、黄眉、百眼、牛魔,而作为六根之首的意则下落不明。孙悟空的残躯落在花果山巅,化作一块奇石,成为猴子猴孙口耳相传的传奇。玩家扮演的“天命人”就是猴子猴孙中的一员,为了集齐大圣的六根复活孙悟空,踏上一条充满危险与惊奇的西游之路。 [5-6]\n长相酷似孙悟空。手持一根棍棒,腰间挂着一个葫芦,着臂甲和腿甲,四肢暴露在外,身后留有一条尾巴。性格沉默寡言,冷漠内向,平时只是倾听,很少和别人交谈。 [1-2]\n战斗时基本只使用棍棒类武器,少数时候使用枪类武器。初始装备为一根木棒,购买豪华版能获得铜云棒。可以像孙悟空一样把武器缩小放进耳朵里。棍法招式有劈棍、立棍、戳棍等。随着剧情的发展,天命人还会获得避火罩、定风珠、绣花针、芭蕉扇等法宝。 [7-8]\n拥有诸多类似孙悟空的法术,如定身法、安身法、禁字法、聚形散气、铜头铁臂、身外身法、救命毫毛等。最有特色的是变化能力,天命人可以通过吸收别人武器上残留的神魂,变身成武器主人的模样并使用其能力,也可直接吸收生物死后遗留的精魄,短暂化身成对方的模样施展能力。 [9-10]"}]} +{"conversation": [{"input": "", "output": "### 深圳市游科互动科技有限公司\n\n深圳市游科互动科技有限公司(简称:游戏科学),成立于2014年06月13日,注册地位于深圳市南山区,是一家以从事互联网和相关服务为主的企业、中国游戏开发商。现任董事长兼法定代表人为冯骥。\n2015年7月28日,网易携手游科互动科技有限公司旗下游戏科学开发商发行RPG卡牌手游《百将行》,并在全平台公测。2016年,游戏科学推出免费策略游戏《战争艺术:赤潮》。2017年5月,深圳市游科互动科技有限公司首次受到英雄互娱的天使轮融资。2020年,游戏科学官方发布关于《黑神话:悟空》的13分钟实机演示。2021年3月,腾讯对公司进行战略投资。2023年8月,《黑神话:悟空》在杭州举行首次线下千人试玩会,试玩会现场火爆;同月,游戏科学凭借游戏《黑神话:悟空》在德国科隆游戏展上国产大作获科隆游戏展最佳视觉效果游戏奖项。2024年2月,《黑神话:悟空》获得网络游戏审批号,于2024年8月20日发售。\n深圳市游科互动科技有限公司经营范围包括软件设计与开发、游戏开发、系统集成、网络工程、企业信息化系统、网站设计与开发等。企业创始人和主要股东都有相关的游戏背景,创始人冯骥是原腾讯游戏《斗战神》制作人,如今也是《黑神话:悟空》的制作人,联合创始人杨奇是原腾讯《斗战神》首席概念设计师,如今也是《黑神话:悟空》美术总监。\n\n### 早期背景\n\n2008年,已经从游戏代理中赚到钱的腾讯决定发力做自研产品,成立了八大游戏工作室,量子工作室就是其中之一。冯骥和杨奇加入腾讯后也都进入量子工作室,从2009年起牵头做《斗战神》项目,冯骥是制作人,杨奇是主美 。2012年3月,《斗战神》开启了第一轮限号测试。首测的激活率接近100%,用户满意度也超过了90%。2014年初,《斗战神》主剧情更新至第四章节时,制作组开始着墨于游戏中的社交内容,并开始在游戏商城内售卖属性增强物品,这一系列改动引起了玩家的不满,用户流失、口碑下滑等现象发生。2014年中,《斗战神》主策划尤卡离职,腾讯的“自研旗舰”亦渐渐褪去了光环。随后,腾讯开始将重心放在手游领域,《斗战神》后续获得的开发资源也开始减少,游戏初期的动画、唱词等大打折扣,而制作精度的下滑更难让游戏口碑重回巅峰 。\n\n### 公司发展"}]} +{"conversation": [{"input": "", "output": "### 公司发展\n\n2014年6月,腾讯调整工作室架构时,量子工作室与光速工作室合并成为光子工作室群,冯骥和杨奇与其他五名同事同时从腾讯离职、创办了游戏科学 。2015年,游戏科学公司迁入新办公室 ,在深圳南山区某个写字楼的一间300平米办公室里,游戏科学正式开启创业之路 ;7月28日,游戏科学发布首款游戏作品《百将行》。上线第一个月,新增用户50万人,在之后的11个月里,新增玩家加起来只有30万人 。\n\n2016年,杨奇提出《黑神话:悟空》的构想,但冯骥认为时机未到,团队还没有足够的资源;12月22日,游戏科学推出免费策略游戏《战争艺术:赤潮》 。\n\n2017年5月,深圳市游科互动科技有限公司首次受到英雄互娱的天使轮融资 ;同年,杨奇再次提出制作《黑神话:悟空》的想法,冯骥无法再推辞,只是尚未确定项目启动的时间 ;同年,公司进行高级管理人员备案,新增董事吴旦、杨奇、余冉星、郑润宗。其中,吴旦是英雄互娱联合创始人与总裁。同时,公司新增股东天津英雄金控科技有限公司,持股比例为20%;公司注册资本由50万元人民币变更为约62.5万元人民��,增幅25% 。\n\n2018年2月,冯骥召集合伙人临时会议,启动《黑神话:悟空》单机项目。2020年,开发商“游戏科学”在官方渠道上发布了关于《黑神话:悟空》的13分钟实机演示,该视频在B站上有近5000万的播放量 。\n\n2021年3月,腾讯对公司进行战略投资 。2023年8月,《黑神话:悟空》在杭州举行首次线下千人试玩会,试玩会现场火爆 ;同月,游戏科学凭借游戏《黑神话:悟空》在德国科隆游戏展上国产大作获科隆游戏展最佳视觉效果游戏奖项 。\n\n2024年2月,《黑神话:悟空》获得网络游戏审批号,于2024年8月20日发售 。8月20日上午10时,第一部中国国产3A游戏大作《黑神话:悟空》正式上线,游戏发售不到一小时,同时在线人数迅速突破百万人 。8月21日,《黑神话:悟空》Steam 同时在线玩家数晚间达到 2358580 人,再次刷新 20 日约 222 万的记录,位列 Steam 全球最热玩游戏第一位 。"}]} +{"conversation": [{"input": "", "output": "《黑神话:悟空》是由杭州游科互动科技有限公司(游戏科学)开发的一款以《西游记》为背景的动作角色扮演游戏,于2024年8月20日正式发售。游戏采用了先进的虚幻引擎5,通过逼真的环境和角色动作提升了游戏的深度与体验感。玩家在游戏中扮演一位“天命人”,为了探寻昔日传说的真相,踏上了一条充满危险与惊奇的西游之路。\n\n游戏的战斗系统非常出色,得益于在资源管理和快速反应之间的良好平衡,提供了丰富的BOSS战和敌人种类。故事情节也有其亮点,但稍微依赖于玩家对《西游记》事件的预先了解。游戏的美术和演出达到了世界顶尖水平,玩法和动作系统扎实有趣,内容量大管饱。尽管如此,游戏在关卡设计方面的经验不足,与资源堆料导致的过犹不及,确实造成了事实上的体验破坏。\n\n《黑神话:悟空》的开发成本高达每小时2000万元,整体游戏时长20个小时以上,开发成本至少需要3亿到4亿元。游戏上线首日全平台累计销量超450万份,总销售额超过15亿元,显示出其商业上的成功。游戏的成功不仅在于其高品质的游戏体验,还在于它提供了一个了解中国文化的新途径,在全球范围内掀起了中国传统文化热潮。\n\n游戏的制作人冯骥表示,他们是一个在商业上寻求可持续发展的务实团队,他们希望通过游戏,帮助人们拉近与传统文化的距离。《黑神话:悟空》的美术总监杨奇则希望通过游戏,让玩家能够欣赏到各地的历史建筑和雕塑,从而激发对传统文化的兴趣。\n\n总的来说,《黑神话:悟空》是一款结合了高水准技术和深厚文化底蕴的游戏,它不仅在中国市场取得了巨大成功,也在国际上赢得了广泛的认可和期待。\n\n《黑神话:悟空》是一款由中国游戏科学公司开发的动作角色扮演游戏,其故事背景取材于中国古典小说“四大名著”之一的《西游记》. 游戏旨在通过现代游戏设计语言,让这个古老的故事焕发新生. 这款游戏不仅重新塑造了主要角色,而且致力于通过顶尖的画面质量、丰富的细节描绘、沉浸式的战斗体验以及大量的剧情演出,为玩家提供一个充满东方韵味的超级英雄史诗. \n\n游戏的主角是一位被称为“天命人”的角色,玩家将操控这位角色踏上一条充满危险与惊喜的旅程,探寻昔日传说的真相. 游戏设定在一个三界崩坏、神佛劫难、妖魔横行的时代,玩家需要在这个背景下重走西游之路."}]} +{"conversation": [{"input": "", "output": "《黑神话:悟空》的故事情节从孙悟空在花果山当齐天大圣的日子开始叙述,描述了孙悟空与天庭对抗的故事. 游戏还涉及到如来佛祖被刺杀,黄眉老祖成为当世佛祖的情节,展示了佛教进入“末法时代”的背景. \n\n此外,游戏还特别注重对中国传统文化的展现,如山西地理风貌和文化宝藏的精确还原. 游戏中悟空的形象也体现了开发者希望用世界级品质来讲述中国故事的理念. \n\n《黑神话:悟空》于2024年8月20日正式登陆PC和PS5平台. 游戏一经发布,便获得了巨大的成功,发售三天后的全平台销量超过了一千万套. 在Steam平台上,同时在线人数峰值超过了300万人. 游戏的成功不仅体现在销售数据上,还反映在了社交媒体上的广泛讨论和赞誉之中. \n\n游戏科学公司的CEO冯骥在接受采访时提到,在国外单主机游戏起步时,国内的消费能力和技术水平有限. 但是,《黑神话:悟空》作为中国首款被认为是达到3A标准的游戏, 成功地展示了中国游戏产业的发展潜力和技术水平.\n\n综上所述,《黑神话:悟空》不仅仅是一款基于《西游记》的游戏,它还是中国���化与现代游戏技术相结合的产物,是中国游戏行业的一次重大突破.\n\n\n《黑神话:悟空》是一款由中国游戏开发公司游戏科学(Game Science)制作的动作角色扮演游戏,以中国古典名著《西游记》为背景,通过先进的游戏引擎和技术,重新构建了一个充满幻想与神秘色彩的世界。以下是对这款游戏的详细概述:\n\n### 游戏的基本背景和设定\n《黑神话:悟空》的故事背景设定在《西游记》取经归来后,孙悟空因放弃佛位而引发天庭再次征伐。玩家将扮演“天命人”,探寻孙悟空陨落的真相,集齐五根,踏上一条充满危险与惊奇的西游之路。游戏中的“六根”指的是孙悟空的六件根器,对应眼、耳、鼻、舌、身、意六个部位,是游戏的关键收集元素。玩家需要通过战斗和解谜来收集这些根器,以复活孙悟空。\n\n### 开发团队的历史和开发理念\n游戏科学团队成立于2014年,由冯骥和杨奇等前腾讯《斗战神》团队核心成员创立。团队在开发过程中,力求呈现出东方幻想风格,同时关注游戏科学对技术的探寻与时间的投入。他们希望通过游戏,帮助人们拉近与传统文化的距离,同时也展现了一种向命运强势抗争的姿态。"}]} +{"conversation": [{"input": "", "output": "### 游戏所使用的引擎和技术\n《黑神话:悟空》使用了虚幻引擎5(Unreal Engine 5)进行开发,该引擎提供了先进的图形渲染技术,如光线追踪和动态全局光照,使得游戏画面达到了电影级别的视觉效果。此外,游戏还采用了动作捕捉技术来提升角色动画的真实性,以及Chaos Physics物理引擎来实现逼真的物理互动和环境反应。游戏的音频处理采用了先进的数字音频技术,提供了沉浸式的音效体验。\n\n《黑神话:悟空》的开发成本高达每小时2000万元,整体游戏时长20个小时以上,开发成本至少需要3亿到4亿元。游戏上线首日全平台累计销量超450万份,总销售额超过15亿元,显示出其商业上的成功。\n\n综上所述,《黑神话:悟空》不仅是一款技术上的巨作,也是文化传承与创新的典范,它将中国传统文化与现代游戏技术相结合,为全球玩家提供了一次独特的游戏体验。\n\n\n《黑神话:悟空》是一款由中国游戏开发公司游戏科学(Game Science)制作的动作角色扮演游戏,以中国古典名著《西游记》为背景,通过先进的游戏引擎和技术,重新构建了一个充满幻想与神秘色彩的世界。\n\n### 游戏的基本背景和设定\n游戏的背景设定在《西游记》取经归来后,孙悟空因放弃佛位引发天庭再次征伐的故事。玩家在游戏中扮演一位“天命人”,为了探寻昔日传说的真相,踏上了一条充满危险与惊奇的西游之路。游戏的战斗系统非常出色,得益于在资源管理和快速反应之间的良好平衡,提供了丰富的BOSS战和敌人种类。故事情节也有其亮点,但稍微依赖于玩家对《西游记》事件的预先了解。游戏的美术和演出达到了世界顶尖水平,玩法和动作系统扎实有趣,内容量大管饱。\n\n### 开发团队的历史和开发理念\n游戏科学团队成立于2014年,由冯骥和杨奇等前腾讯《斗战神》团队核心成员创立。团队在开发过程中,力求呈现出东方幻想风格,同时关注游戏科学对技术的探寻与时间的投入。他们希望通过游戏,帮助人们拉近与传统文化的距离。《黑神话:悟空》的开发成本高达每小时2000万元,整体游戏时长20个小时以上,开发成本至少需要3亿到4亿元。游戏上线首日全平台累计销量超450万份,总销售额超过15亿元,显示出其商业上的成功。"}]} +{"conversation": [{"input": "", "output": "### 游戏所使用的引擎和技术\n《黑神话:悟空》使用了虚幻引擎5(Unreal Engine 5)进行开发,该引擎提供了先进的图形渲染技术,如光线追踪和动态全局光照,使得游戏画面达到了电影级别的视觉效果。此外,游戏还采用了动作捕捉技术来提升角色动画的真实性,以及Chaos Physics物理引擎来实现逼真的物理互动和环境反应。游戏的音频处理采用了先进的数字音频技术,提供了沉浸式的音效体验。\n\n《黑神话:悟空》的开发团队游戏科学由140人组成,核心团队成员平均合作超过10年,团队成员包括首席游戏策划江柏村、技术总监招文勇等。游戏科学的创始人兼CEO冯骥曾是腾讯《斗战神》项目的主策划。游戏科学团队还包括了英雄游戏、利亚德子公司虚拟动点等国内知名企业和团队的支持。《黑神话:悟空》的开发背后,涉及到了计算机图形学、物理引擎、人工智能、动画与动作捕捉、游戏设计及音频设计等多个专业知识领域,使用了如C++、蓝图脚本(Blueprints)、Python、HLSL/GLSL等编程语言,以及Maya、3ds Max或Blender等3D建模工具。游戏的跨平台兼容性、灵活的资源管理和动态渲染效果,都是通过Vulkan图形API实现的。物理引擎Chaos Physics的应用,为游戏提供了强大的物理模拟能力,包括刚体物理和柔体模拟,为玩家提供了高度沉浸的游戏体验。\n\n### 游戏的基本背景和设定\n\n《黑神话:悟空》是一款以中国古典名著《西游记》为背景的动作角色扮演游戏(ARPG)。游戏设定在一个虚构的世界里,这个世界深受《西游记》的影响,但又加入了一些新的元素和解释. 主角孙悟空不再是无所不能的大圣,而是面临着一系列新的挑战。游戏讲述了取经之后,孙悟空因放弃佛位,导致天庭再次对他发起征伐的故事. 游戏中,玩家扮演的角色被称为“天命人”,为了探寻昔日传说的真相,踏上一条充满危险与惊奇的西游之路. 游戏的背景设定在一个三界崩坏、神佛劫难、妖魔横行的时代,玩家需要在这个背景下重走西游之路. 游戏还涉及到如来佛祖被刺杀,黄眉老祖成为当世佛祖的情节,展示了佛教进入“末法时代”的背景. \n\n### 开发团队的历史和开发理念"}]} +{"conversation": [{"input": "", "output": "### 开发团队的历史和开发理念\n\n游戏科学工作室成立于2014年,创始人冯骥曾是腾讯《斗战神》项目的主策划. 2024年8月20日,游戏科学推出了《黑神话:悟空》,这是他们的首个单机游戏项目. 初期,开发团队仅有三十多人,经过几年的发展,团队扩展到了一百四十余人,其中绝大多数成员此前没有单机游戏开发经验. 尽管如此,《黑神话:悟空》在发售前就获得了极高的期待值. 游戏科学的理念是用世界级品质讲述中国故事,展示中国文化的独特魅力. 他们希望通过这款游戏,让世界看到中国游戏开发者的实力和创新能力. \n\n### 游戏所使用的引擎和技术\n\n《黑神话:悟空》利用了先进的图形技术,包括但不限于光线追踪技术,为玩家提供了接近真实的图形和画面. 游戏使用了高精度的扫描技术和图形渲染技术,使得游戏中的建筑、人物模型和自然环境都达到了极高的逼真度. 游戏场景参考了真实的寺庙、佛像、森林、岩石等,制作出了逼真的物体、建筑和景观图形. 此外,游戏还使用了高质量的动画捕捉技术,使得游戏角色的动作更加自然流畅. 由于游戏使用了虚幻五引擎(Unreal Engine 5),因此它能够支持更复杂的场景和更细腻的画面表现. \n\n总结来说,《黑神话:悟空》是一款集高质量画面、深刻剧情和创新游戏机制为一体的ARPG,它不仅展示了中国游戏开发者的实力,也是中国文化向世界输出的一部分. 该游戏的成功证明了中国游戏产业有能力开发出符合国际标准的高质量游戏."}]} +{"conversation": [{"input": "", "output": "一、游戏的基本背景和设定\n《黑神话:悟空》是一款由中国杭州游科互动科技有限公司(简称游戏科学)开发的单机动作角色扮演游戏。游戏以中国古典名著《西游记》为背景,讲述了孙悟空在取经之后的故事。以下将从世界观、角色设定、故事情节等方面对游戏的基本背景和设定进行详细阐述。\n1. 世界观\n游戏的世界观基于《西游记》,融合了中国古代神话、传说、民间故事等元素,构建了一个充满神秘与奇幻的东方世界。在这个世界中,仙、妖、佛、鬼共处一堂,既有美丽的山水风光,也有险恶的妖魔鬼怪。\n(1)地域设定:游戏中的地域分为四大部洲,即东胜神洲、西牛贺洲、南赡部洲、北俱芦洲。每个部洲都有独特的风貌和特色,如花果山、天宫、女儿国等。\n(2)神话体系:游戏中的神话体系以道教、佛教为核心,融入了儒家、墨家等诸子百家的思想。玩家在游戏中可以感受到浓厚的宗教氛围,如道教神仙、佛教菩萨、儒家圣人等。\n(3)妖魔鬼怪:游戏中的妖魔鬼怪种类繁多,有的源自《西游记》,如白骨精、蜘蛛精;有的源于中国古代神话,如刑天、共工;还有的开发团队原创设计,如幽泉血魔、暗影蜘蛛等。\n2. 角色设定\n(1)主角:玩家在游戏中扮演一位“天命人”,拥有神秘的力量,肩负着拯救世界的重任。在游戏中,玩家可以操控主角学习各种技能、升级装备、探索世界、击败敌人。\n(2)孙悟空:游戏中的孙悟空形象颠覆了传统,他不再是那个英勇无畏的齐天大圣,而是一个充满矛盾、挣扎的角色。在取经成功后,孙悟空放弃了成佛的机会,返回花果山。这一举动引发了天庭和灵山的恐慌,他们担心孙悟空会造反,于是联合起来围���孙悟空。\n(3)其他角色:游戏中还有众多其他角色,如唐僧、猪八戒、沙僧、白龙马等。这些角色既有原著中的形象,也有游戏科学团队的创新设计。他们将在游戏中与主角共同成长,助力玩家完成冒险。\n3. 故事情节\n《黑神话:悟空》的故事发生在《西游记》取经成功之后。孙悟空在取经路上付出了巨大的努力,最终帮助唐僧取得真经。然而,在成佛之际,孙悟空却放弃了这个机会,选择回到花果山。这一决定引起了天庭和灵山的恐慌,他们担心孙悟空会造反,于是联合起来围剿孙悟空。\n在一场激战中,孙悟空与二郎神大战,最终战败,身体化作六根,分别被不同的妖怪获得。孙悟空的意念分为两个部分,其中一部分被紧箍咒束缚,另一部分则附身于一个与孙悟空有相同经历的人。玩家扮演的主角就是这位拥有孙悟空意念的人,他将在这场冒险中,寻找孙悟空的六根,拯救世界。"}]} +{"conversation": [{"input": "", "output": "二、开发团队的历史和开发理念\n1. 开发团队历史\n《黑神话:悟空》的开发团队游戏科学成立于2010年,创始人冯骥、杨奇、熊攀均为中国游戏行业的资深人士。团队成立之初,主要从事游戏美术外包业务。2014年,游戏科学转型为游戏研发公司,致力于打造高品质的原创游戏。\n在《黑神话:悟空》之前,游戏科学曾开发过一款名为《斗战神》的游戏,同样以《西游记》为题材。然而,由于种种原因,《斗战神》未能达到预期效果。在总结经验教训后,游戏科学团队决心打造一款真正意义上的3A大作,于是《黑神话:悟空》应运而生。\n2. 开发理念\n(1)传承文化:游戏科学团队在开发《黑神话:悟空》时,始终坚持传承和弘扬中华优秀传统文化。他们将《西游记》中的故事、人物、场景等进行创新性改编,让玩家在游戏中感受中国传统文化的魅力。\n(2)技术创新:团队注重技术创新,力求在游戏中展现高品质的画面、音效和玩法。在《黑神话:悟空》的开发过程中,团队采用了先进的游戏引擎、物理模拟、动画捕捉等技术,为玩家带来极致的游戏体验。\n(3)情感共鸣:游戏科学团队注重玩家情感体验,希望通过《黑神话:悟空》让玩家产生共鸣。在游戏中,玩家将经历孙悟空的成长、挫折、挣扎和重生,感受角色的喜怒哀乐,从而体会到人生的酸甜苦辣。\n(4)开放世界:团队致力于打造一个开放的游戏世界,让玩家可以自由探索、冒险。在《黑神话:悟空》中,玩家可以游历四大部洲,探访各种神秘地点,邂逅奇特的生物和妖怪。\n三、游戏所使用的引擎和技术\n《黑神话:悟空》作为一款备受关注的大型动作角色扮演游戏,其开发过程中采用了多种前沿技术和先进引擎。以下是对游戏引擎和关键技术的详细总结:\n游戏引擎《黑神话:悟空》的开发团队选择了虚幻引擎5(Unreal Engine 5)作为游戏的开发平台。虚幻引擎5以其强大的图形处理能力和先进的技术特性,为游戏提供了极致的视觉体验。这一引擎的选择是基于游戏科学团队对高质量画面和复杂游戏系统的追求。\n专业知识领域在《黑神话:悟空》的开发过程中,涉及了多个专业知识领域,包括:\n计算机图形学:这是游戏开发中最基础的领域之一,涵盖了从3D建模到最终图像渲染的整个过程。\n物理引擎:用于模拟游戏中的物理现象,如物体的运动、碰撞等。\n人工智能:用于实现游戏中角色的智能行为和决策。\n动画与动作捕捉:用于制作游戏角色的动作和表情,使其更加真实和流畅。\n游戏设计:涉及游戏的整体架构、玩法设计等方面。"}]} +{"conversation": [{"input": "", "output": "游戏设计:涉及游戏的整体架构、玩法设计等方面。\n音频设计:负责游戏中的音效和音乐设计,增强游戏体验。\n关键技术和创新\n角色塑造:《黑神话:悟空》以其丰富的角色塑造而闻名,特别是对角色毛发细节的处理,通过复杂的物理模拟和渲染技术,成功再现了毛发的自然动态。\n场景设计:游戏科学团队通过大量的实景扫描与精心创作,将中国古建筑与名胜古迹的精髓融入游戏场景中,为玩家带来了独一无二的沉浸式体验。\n动作系统:游戏的动作系统设计扎实,每个Boss都拥有独特的攻击模式,主角的战斗操作流畅,提供了丰富的战斗体验。"}]} +{"conversation": [{"input": "", "output": "《黑神话:悟空》是一款由中国游戏开发公司游戏科学(Game Science)制作的动作角色扮演游戏,基于经典文学作品《西游记》的背景。自2024年8月20日正式发布以来,这款��戏迅速引发了全球玩家的关注,成为中国游戏产业的一座里程碑。以下是对这款游戏的详细概述,包括其背景设定、开发团队历史与理念,以及所使用的技术与引擎。\n\n## 游戏的基本背景和设定\n\n### ****故事背景****\n\n《黑神话:悟空》的故事设定在《西游记》取经成功之后,孙悟空(斗战胜佛)因目睹天庭与凡间的腐败而心灰意冷,决定放弃神位,返回花果山。然而,他的这一决定引来了天庭的追杀。在与二郎神及天兵天将的激烈战斗中,悟空最终落败,其身体与灵魂被分散成六根碎片,这些碎片分别被五位妖王和天庭所掌控。\n\n与此同时,一个年轻的“天命人”决定踏上寻找这些碎片的旅程,希望复活悟空并改变这个混乱的世界。游戏通过这一设定探讨了英雄主义、自我发现和成长的主题。\n\n### ****角色设定****\n\n在游戏中,玩家将扮演“天命人”,这位角色不仅继承了孙悟空的力量,还需要在旅途中面对各种挑战和敌人。游戏中的敌人种类繁多,包括妖怪和其他神话角色,每个Boss都有独特的攻击模式。战斗系统结合了动作连击、变身机制和法术切换,为玩家提供了丰富而流畅的战斗体验。\n\n## 开发团队的历史和开发理念\n\n### ****开发团队简介****\n\n游戏科学成立于2014年,最初是一家专注于移动游戏开发的小型公司。随着市场的发展,该团队逐渐转向大型单机游戏项目,并于2017年开始开发《黑神话:悟空》。团队成员包括制片人冯骥、美术总监杨奇等,他们在行业内积累了丰富的经验。\n\n### ****开发理念****\n\n游戏科学致力于创造高品质、具有深厚文化底蕴的游戏作品。他们希望通过《黑神话:悟空》展示中国传统文化,同时结合现代游戏技术,以吸引国内外玩家。开发团队在制作过程中强调对细节的关注,如角色动作捕捉、场景设计等,以确保游戏能够提供沉浸式体验。\n\n## 游戏所使用的引擎和技术\n\n### ****引擎选择****\n\n《黑神话:悟空》最初使用虚幻引擎4进行开发,但在2021年时团队决定迁移至虚幻引擎5。这一选择使得他们能够利用更强大的图形渲染能力和实时光影效果,以实现更加精美的视觉表现。\n\n### ****技术应用****"}]} +{"conversation": [{"input": "", "output": "### ****技术应用****\n\n- **动作捕捉**:游戏广泛应用了动作捕捉技术,确保角色动作真实流畅。通过先进的Motion Matching方案,角色在战斗中的表现更加自然。\n\n- **场景设计**:开发团队通过实景扫描与创作,将中国古建筑与自然地标融入游戏场景中,使得每个场景都充满了文化气息和细腻细节。\n\n- **光影效果**:虚幻引擎5提供了先进的光线追踪技术,使得光影效果更加真实,增强了玩家的沉浸感。\n\n## 总结\n\n《黑神话:悟空》不仅是一款技术上突破性的国产3A游戏,更是对中国文化的一次深刻探索。它通过丰富的故事情节、复杂的战斗系统以及精美的画面,为玩家提供了独特的游戏体验。这款游戏标志着中国游戏产业的一次重要飞跃,也为未来更多类似作品奠定了基础。随着全球玩家对这款作品的热情不断高涨,《黑神话:悟空》无疑将在未来继续影响并推动中国游戏的发展。"}]} +{"conversation": [{"input": "", "output": "《黑神话:悟空》是一款以《西游记》为背景的动作角色扮演游戏,由游戏科学(Game Science)开发。游戏的故事情节发生在《西游记》取经归来之后,孙悟空因放弃佛位而引发天庭再次征伐。玩家扮演“天命人”,为了探寻昔日传说的真相,踏上了一条充满危险与惊奇的西游之路。\n\n游戏共分为六个章节,每个章节都有其独特的主题和故事梗概:\n\n**第一章:火照黑云**\n- 主题:眼\n- 故事梗概:天命人开始寻找孙悟空的“五根”,即眼、耳、鼻、舌、身,以期复活孙悟空。第一章主要在黑风山展开,天命人在这里遇到了黑熊精,与之战斗并取得“眼看喜”的根器。\n\n**第二章:风起黄昏**\n- 主题:耳\n- 故事梗概:天命人进入黄风岭,与黄风怪战斗,揭示了黄风怪背后的故事。玩家在这里获得“耳听怒”的根器,并揭开了与沙国有关的一系列秘密。\n\n**第三章:夜生白露**\n- 主题:鼻\n- 故事梗概:在这一章节中,天命人进入了一个雪地场景,与黄眉大王战斗,探索了黄眉大王与金蝉子的对赌故事。玩家在这里获得“鼻嗅爱”的根器。\n\n**第四章:曲度紫鸳**\n- 主题:舌\n- 故事梗概:天命人进入蜘蛛洞,揭开了猪八戒与蜘蛛精的前尘往事。在这里,玩家获得“舌尝思”的根器,并与百眼魔君进行了激烈的战斗。\n\n**第五章:���落红尘**\n- 主题:身\n- 故事梗概:天命人来到火焰山,与红孩儿和夜叉王进行了战斗。这一章节中,玩家揭开了红孩儿的身世之谜,并获得了“身本忧”的根器。\n\n**第六章:未竟**\n- 主题:意\n- 故事梗概:天命人带着搜集到的五件大圣灵根回到花果山,面对最后的挑战。在这一章节中,玩家将面对大圣残躯,揭开孙悟空的最终命运,并决定自己的命运。\n\n游戏的隐藏结局触发条件是在每个章节中解锁隐藏地图并取得奖励,然后在第三章小西天浮屠塔的壁画房间进入梅山地图,击败二郎神触发隐藏结局。\n\n《黑神话:悟空》的章节动画不仅在视觉上给人以深刻印象,而且在叙事上也起到了重要作用,它们不仅负责章节的过渡,也是增强叙事的重要工具。这些动画通过展示角色的成长、情感波动和关键事件,加深了玩家的沉浸感和情感共鸣。\n\n以上信息综合了多个来源,包括游戏介绍、玩家攻略、剧情解析等,以提供一个全面的游戏概述。"}]} +{"conversation": [{"input": "", "output": "以上信息综合了多个来源,包括游戏介绍、玩家攻略、剧情解析等,以提供一个全面的游戏概述。\n\n\n《黑神话:悟空》是一款备受关注的动作角色扮演游戏,基于中国古典名著《西游记》的背景。游戏的故事情节丰富且复杂,分为多个章节,每个章节都有其独特的主题和故事梗概。以下是对《黑神话:悟空》游戏章节的详细总结,包括每个章节的主题、故事梗概及其重要角色。\n\n## 游戏章节总览\n\n《黑神话:悟空》共分为六个主要章节,加上一个序章,具体章节名称如下:\n\n0. **序章**\n1. **火照黑云**\n2. **风起黄昏**\n3. **夜生白露**\n4. **曲度紫鸳**\n5. **日落红尘**\n6. **未竟**\n\n### ****0. 序章****\n\n**主题与设定**\n\n序章作为游戏的开篇,主要介绍了游戏的背景、主要角色以及故事的起点。玩家将了解到孙悟空辞去佛位后的生活,以及天庭对他的追杀。\n\n**故事梗概**\n\n在序章中,孙悟空因无法忍受天庭的束缚,选择辞去斗战胜佛的职位,回到花果山过上自由自在的生活。然而,天庭并不打算放过他,派遣二郎神等天兵天将前来捉拿。在与二郎神的战斗中,孙悟空被紧箍咒再次束缚,最终落败,其肉身化为石卵,灵魂分散成六根碎片。这一事件成为整个游戏故事的起点,玩家将扮演“天命人”,踏上寻找六根碎片、复活孙悟空的旅程。\n\n### ****1. 火照黑云****\n\n**主题与设定**\n\n这一章节主要围绕着黑熊精展开,是游戏中第一个主要的战斗章节。\n\n**故事梗概**\n\n在火照黑云这一章中,玩家首先探索黑风山,与各种妖怪进行战斗。最终Boss为黑熊精,玩家需要通过解谜和战斗来获取法宝辟火罩。在这一过程中,玩家逐渐了解了关于六根碎片的重要性以及它们与孙悟空之间的联系。 \n\n### ****2. 风起黄昏****\n\n**主题与设定**\n\n这一章节以黄风岭为背景,强调了风与力量之间的关系。\n\n**故事梗概**\n\n在风起黄昏中,玩家将面对黄风大圣作为最终Boss。通过一系列挑战和战斗,玩家不仅要击败敌人,还需获得法宝定风珠。在这一章中,玩家会遇到各种新角色和敌人,加深对游戏世界的理解,同时也揭示了更多关于孙悟空过去的信息。\n\n### ****3. 夜生白露****\n\n**主题与设定**\n\n这一章节主要围绕小西天展开,展现了夜晚与阴影中的冒险。\n\n**故事梗概**"}]} +{"conversation": [{"input": "", "output": "**主题与设定**\n\n这一章节主要围绕小西天展开,展现了夜晚与阴影中的冒险。\n\n**故事梗概**\n\n夜生白露中,玩家将探索小西天,与黄眉大王进行战斗。这个章节没有法宝奖励,但却充满了挑战和复杂的敌人设计。通过这一章,玩家将进一步了解孙悟空在过去与其他妖怪之间的关系,以及他如何面对这些敌人。\n\n### ****4. 曲度紫鸳****\n\n**主题与设定**\n\n此章节聚焦于蜘蛛精们的故事,是一个充满阴谋和诡计的部分。\n\n**故事梗概**\n\n在曲度紫鸳中,玩家将进入盘丝岭,与百眼魔君展开激烈战斗。这个章节强调了策略和技巧的重要性,因为敌人会使用各种诡计来对付玩家。完成这一章后,玩家可以获得法宝绣花针,为后续战斗提供帮助。\n\n### ****5. 日落红尘****\n\n**主题与设定**\n\n这一章节以火焰山为背景,是牛魔王相关剧情的重要部分。\n\n**故事梗概**\n\n在日落红尘中,玩家需要面对红孩儿和夜叉王这两个强大的Boss。这一章不仅考验玩家的战斗技巧,也推动了主线剧情的发展。通过这一章,玩家将获得法宝芭蕉扇,为接下来的挑战做好准备。\n\n### ****6. ��竟****\n\n**主题与设定**\n\n未竟是游戏的结局章节,将所有线索汇聚到一起。\n\n**故事梗概**\n\n在未竟这一章中,玩家将回到花果山,与孙悟空进行最终对决。此时,所有收集到的信息和力量都将在此刻得到体现。根据玩家在游戏中的选择和表现,将影响最终结局。这一章不仅是对整个游戏旅程的一次总结,也是对角色成长和变化的一次深刻反思。\n\n## 结论\n\n《黑神话:悟空》通过其丰富多彩的章节设计,不仅提供了多样化的游戏体验,还深入探讨了英雄主义、自我救赎等主题。每个章节都承载着独特的故事情节和角色发展,使得整个游戏既是一段冒险旅程,也是对中国传统文化的一次深刻探索。随着每个章节的发展,玩家不仅能体验到刺激的战斗,还能感受到浓厚的人文气息和哲学思考,为这款游戏增添了更多层次感和深度。\n\n《黑神话:悟空》是一款以《西游记》为背景的动作角色扮演游戏,由游戏科学(Game Science)开发。游戏的第一章名为“火照黑云”,玩家将扮演“天命人”,在黑风山-苍狼林开始他们的冒险。以下是第一章的详细剧情和任务概述:"}]} +{"conversation": [{"input": "", "output": "### 第一章:火照黑云\n**剧情概要:**\n取经归来的大圣孙悟空因不满天庭的功名利禄,拒绝了斗战胜佛的封号,引发了天庭的再次征伐。花果山的猴子们遭到屠杀,孙悟空也被二郎神击败。多年后,玩家扮演的“天命人”为了追寻孙悟空的传说,来到黑风山,开始了寻找孙悟空“五根”的旅程。\n\n**任务与探索:**\n- 玩家首先会在黑风山的苍狼林中遇到小妖,击败他们后,土地公出现并指引玩家去击败占领此地的黑熊精。\n- 玩家需要探索土地庙、旧观音禅院等地点,解开谜题,寻找隐藏的宝箱和物品。\n- 支线任务包括与马哥、袁守诚、赤髯龙和金池长老的互动,这些任务有助于玩家更深入地了解游戏世界和角色背景。\n\n**Boss战斗:**\n- **牯护院**:第一章的初期Boss,玩家需要熟悉基本的战斗技巧来击败他。\n- **灵虚子**:一个强大的对手,玩家需要利用环境和策略来取得胜利。\n- **幽魂**:大头娃娃,玩家需要在战斗中找到他的弱点。\n- **广智**:考验玩家的闪避和反击能力。\n- **白衣秀士**:一个狡猾的对手,玩家需要在战斗中保持警惕。\n- **黑风大王**:一个强大的Boss,玩家需要在战斗中不断适应和学习。\n- **金池长老**:隐藏Boss,玩家需要完成特定的支线任务才能挑战。\n\n**收集与成就:**\n- 玩家可以收集各种物品,如碧藕仙丹、太乙紫金丹、九转金丹等,这些物品有助于提升角色的能力。\n- 完成特定的任务和挑战可以解锁成就,如“敲敲打打第二难”需要玩家铸造一件披挂,“山中斗狼第三难”则需要玩家在与灵虚子的战斗中得胜。\n\n**结局:**\n- 完成第一章的所有任务和Boss战斗后,玩家将获得“眼看喜”的根器,并解锁前往下一章节的路径。\n\n《黑神话:悟空》的第一章为玩家提供了一个沉浸式的游戏体验,通过丰富的剧情、任务和战斗,让玩家深入了解游戏的世界和角色。随着游戏的进展,玩家将揭开更多关于孙悟空和“天命人”的秘密。\n\n\n《黑神话:悟空》的第二章名为“风起黄昏”,玩家将进入一个黄沙漫天的沙漠地带,在这里会遇到许多与虎有关的Boss,并解锁新的技能。以下是第二章的详细剧情和任务概述:"}]} +{"conversation": [{"input": "", "output": "### 第二章:风起黄昏\n**剧情概要:**\n本章的故事发生在黄风岭和黄金国斯哈哩之间。这里曾经是流沙国,因遍地黄金而闻名。后来,国王在宰相的建议下,拆寺逐僧,改名为斯哈哩。不久,每当敲鼓时,就会出现一只大虫,造成大量死伤。黄风大圣在神秘人物的帮助下击败了大虫,并成为了斯哈哩国的国师。后来,国王的大王子和三王子因不满妖怪当政而出走,大王子被捕下狱。城中发生大变,所有人都变成了老鼠,大王子被放出监狱后,变得六亲不认。黄风大圣带着部下离开斯哈哩国,在黄风岭定居。\n\n**任务与探索:**\n- 玩家需要在沙漠中探索,解开谜题,寻找隐藏的宝箱和物品。\n- 支线任务包括与石中人、拨浪鼓、黄金国、石敢当、戌狗、马哥、小骊龙、葫芦老人的互动,这些任务有助于玩家更深入地了解游戏世界和角色背景。\n\n**Boss战斗:**\n- **虎先锋**:第二章的初期Boss,玩家需要熟悉新的战斗技巧来击败他。\n- **虎伥**:一个强大的对手,玩家需要利用环境和策略来取得胜利。\n- **石先锋**:考验玩家的闪避和反击能力。\n- **百目��人**:一个狡猾的对手,玩家需要在战斗中保持警惕。\n- **石母**:与石敢当有关的角色,玩家需要在战斗中找到她的弱点。\n- **石中人**:一个与石头有关的角色,玩家需要在战斗中利用他的攻击模式。\n- **小骊龙**:隐藏Boss,玩家需要完成特定的支线任务才能挑战。\n- **黄风大圣**:第二章的最终Boss,玩家需要在战斗中不断适应和学习。\n\n**收集与成就:**\n- 玩家可以收集各种物品,如碧藕仙丹、太乙紫金丹、九转金丹等,这些物品有助于提升角色的能力。\n- 完成特定的任务和挑战可以解锁成就,如“千里报国”需要玩家在沙门村前置鼠三皇子任务,后在浮屠界下层解锁门禁后与三皇子尸体互动解锁。\n\n**结局:**\n- 完成第二章的所有任务和Boss战斗后,玩家将获得“耳听怒”的根器,并解锁前往下一章节的路径。\n\n《黑神话:悟空》的第二章为玩家提供了一个沉浸式的游戏体验,通过丰富的剧情、任务和战斗,让玩家深入了解游戏的世界和角色。随着游戏的进展,玩家将揭开更多关于孙悟空和“天命人”的秘密。\n\n\n《黑神话:悟空》的第三章名为“夜生白露”,玩家将进入一个雪地场景,与黄眉大王、亢金龙等角色相遇,并揭开他们背后的故事。以下是第三章的详细剧情和任务概述:"}]} +{"conversation": [{"input": "", "output": "### 第三章:夜生白露\n**剧情概要:**\n在这一章节中,玩家将探索一个被冰雪覆盖的世界,面对新的挑战和敌人。故事围绕着黄眉大王和金鱼精的故事展开,玩家将揭开他们的秘密并与之对抗。此外,玩家还将遇到猪八戒,他将在后续的旅程中成为玩家的伙伴。\n\n**任务与探索:**\n- 玩家需要在雪地中探索,解开谜题,寻找隐藏的宝箱和物品。\n- 支线任务包括与黄眉大王、金鱼精、猪八戒等角色的互动,这些任务有助于玩家更深入地了解游戏世界和角色背景。\n\n**Boss战斗:**\n- **赤尻马猴**:玩家在雪山中遇到的第一个Boss,具有敏捷的移动和攻击方式。\n- **亢金龙**:一个强大的对手,玩家需要利用环境和策略来取得胜利。\n- **魔将·妙音**:在浮屠界中遇到的Boss,拥有强大的远程攻击能力。\n- **黄眉大王**:最终Boss,玩家需要在一场艰难的战斗中击败他。\n\n**收集与成就:**\n- 玩家可以收集各种物品,如碧藕仙丹、太乙紫金丹、九转金丹等,这些物品有助于提升角色的能力。\n- 完成特定的任务和挑战可以解锁成就,如“新种新苗”需要玩家在辰龙处收获一批作物。\n\n**结局:**\n- 完成第三章的所有任务和Boss战斗后,玩家将获得“鼻嗅爱”的根器,并解锁前往下一章节的路径。\n\n《黑神话:悟空》的第三章为玩家提供了一个沉浸式的游戏体验,通过丰富的剧情、任务和战斗,让玩家深入了解游戏的世界和角色。随着游戏的进展,玩家将揭开更多关于孙悟空和“天命人”的秘密。\n\n\n《黑神话:悟空》的第四章名为“曲度紫鸳”,玩家将进入一个充满蜘蛛和毒物的世界,探索盘丝洞和黄花观的秘密。以下是第四章的详细剧情和任务概述:\n\n### 第四章:曲度紫鸳\n**剧情概要:**\n在这一章节中,玩家将揭开蜘蛛精和百眼魔君的故事。天蓬元帅(猪八戒)因误见太阴星君与他人的私会而被贬下凡,后来在取经路上与蜘蛛精紫蛛儿有过一段情感纠葛。百眼魔君则因过去与毗蓝婆菩萨的恩怨,以及对天庭的执念,而走上复仇之路。玩家将在这里揭开这些角色背后的故事,并与他们展开战斗。\n\n**任务与探索:**\n- 玩家需要在盘丝洞和黄花观中探索,解开谜题,寻找隐藏的宝箱和物品。\n- 支线任务包括与天蓬元帅、紫蛛儿、百眼魔君等角色的互动,这些任务有助于玩家更深入地了解游戏世界和角色背景。"}]} +{"conversation": [{"input": "", "output": "**Boss战斗:**\n- **百眼魔君**:最终Boss,玩家需要在一场艰难的战斗中击败他。\n- **紫蛛儿**:与天蓬元帅有情感纠葛的蜘蛛精,玩家将在战斗中揭开她的故事。\n- **其他Boss**:包括与蝎子精、蜘蛛精之女的战斗,以及与百眼魔君的弟子们的对决。\n\n**收集与成就:**\n- 玩家可以收集各种物品,如碧藕仙丹、太乙紫金丹、九转金丹等,这些物品有助于提升角色的能力。\n- 完成特定的任务和挑战可以解锁成就,如“昂首绝唱”需要玩家在紫云山击败晦月魔君。\n\n**结局:**\n- 完成第四章的所有任务和Boss战斗后,玩家将获得“舌尝思”的根器,并解锁前往下一章节的路径。\n\n《黑神话:悟空》的第四章为玩家提供了一个沉浸式的游戏体验,通过丰富的剧情、任务和战斗,让玩家深入了解游戏的世界和角色。随着游戏的进展,玩家将揭开更多关于孙悟空和“天命人”的秘密。\n\n\n《黑神话:悟空》第五章名为“日落红尘”,玩家将进入火焰山,处理牛魔王的家事,剧情凄凉而深刻。以下是第五章的详细剧情和任务概述:\n\n### 第五章:日落红尘\n**剧情概要:**\n第五章的故事发生在火焰山,玩家将探索牛魔王的家庭纠葛和红孩儿的身世之谜。火焰山是由于孙悟空大闹天宫时踢倒太上老君的炼丹炉而形成的。红孩儿在原著中占据了钻头号山,后被观音菩萨收服。在本章中,玩家将揭开红孩儿与牛魔王、铁扇公主之间的复杂关系,以及他们与孙悟空的过去。\n\n**任务与探索:**\n- 玩家需要在火焰山中探索,解开谜题,寻找隐藏的宝箱和物品。\n- 支线任务包括与马哥、袁守诚、云游有伴、甘心救主等角色的互动,这些任务有助于玩家更深入地了解游戏世界和角色背景。\n\n**Boss战斗:**\n- **皓斧力士**:第五章的第一个Boss,玩家需要熟悉新的战斗技巧来击败他。\n- **褐铁战车**:一个强大的对手,玩家需要利用环境和策略来取得胜利。\n- **石父**:考验玩家的闪避和反击能力。\n- **灰铜战车**:一个狡猾的对手,玩家需要在战斗中保持警惕。\n- **急如火快如风**:一对双Boss,玩家需要同时应对两个敌人的攻击。\n- **燧统领**:一个与火焰山有关的Boss,玩家需要在战斗中找到他的弱点。\n- **云里雾雾里云**:一个神秘的Boss,玩家需要揭开他的真实身份。\n- **火焰山土地**:最终Boss,玩家需要在一场艰难的战斗中击败他。"}]} +{"conversation": [{"input": "", "output": "**收集与成就:**\n- 玩家可以收集各种物品,如碧藕仙丹、太乙紫金丹、九转金丹等,这些物品有助于提升角色的能力。\n- 完成特定的任务和挑战可以解锁成就,如“昂首绝唱”需要玩家在紫云山击败晦月魔君。\n\n**结局:**\n- 完成第五章的所有任务和Boss战斗后,玩家将获得“身本忧”的根器,并解锁前往下一章节的路径。\n\n《黑神话:悟空》的第五章为玩家提供了一个沉浸式的游戏体验,通过丰富的剧情、任务和战斗,让玩家深入了解游戏的世界和角色。随着游戏的进展,玩家将揭开更多关于孙悟空和“天命人”的秘密。\n\n\n《黑神话:悟空》的第六章名为“未竟”,这是游戏的最终章节,玩家将回到花果山,揭开故事的最终面纱。以下是第六章的详细剧情和任务概述:\n\n### 第六章:未竟\n**剧情概要:**\n在这一章节中,玩家扮演的“天命人”携带着前面章节中收集到的“五根”回到花果山,意图复活孙悟空。然而,花果山已经不再是昔日的乐园,而是充满了战争的痕迹和天兵天将的守卫。玩家需要在这片土地上探索,与最后的敌人进行战斗,并最终面对孙悟空的残存意念。\n\n**任务与探索:**\n- 玩家将在花果山的各个区域进行探索,包括山脚、水帘洞和石卵等。\n- 支线任务包括与弥勒佛、蛙声一片和物各有主等角色的互动,这些任务有助于玩家更深入地了解游戏世界和角色背景。\n\n**Boss战斗:**\n- **王灵官**:守护花果山的天将,玩家需要在战斗中利用他的攻击模式找到破绽。\n- **石子**:一个狡猾的对手,玩家需要在战斗中保持警惕。\n- **浪波波**:一个与水有关的Boss,玩家需要在战斗中利用环境来取得优势。\n- **步云鹿**:一个敏捷的对手,玩家需要在战斗中不断适应和学习。\n- **金甲犀**:一个强大的Boss,玩家需要在战斗中找到他的弱点。\n- **凤翅将军**:一个与火有关的Boss,玩家需要在战斗中利用他的攻击模式。\n- **碧螳螂**:一个与自然有关的Boss,玩家需要在战斗中利用他的攻击模式。\n- **石猿**:一个与石头有关的Boss,玩家需要在战斗中找到他的弱点。\n- **大圣残躯**:最终Boss,玩家需要在一场艰难的战斗中击败他,揭开孙悟空的最终命运。"}]} +{"conversation": [{"input": "", "output": "**收集与成就:**\n- 玩家可以收集各种物品,如碧藕仙丹、太乙紫金丹、九转金丹等,这些物品有助于提升角色的能力。\n- 完成特定的任务和挑战可以解锁成就,如“物各有主”需要玩家在花果山取回大圣的全部装备。\n\n**结局:**\n- 完成第六章的所有任务和Boss战斗后,玩家将获得“意”的根器,并根据选择触发不同的结局。游戏提供了两个结局,一个是普通结局,另一个是隐藏结局,后者需要玩家在前五章中完成特定的条件才能解锁。\n\n《黑神话:悟空》的第六章为玩家提供了一个沉浸式的游戏体验,通过丰富的剧情、任���和战斗,让玩家深入了解游戏的世界和角色。随着游戏的进展,玩家将揭开更多关于孙悟空和“天命人”的秘密,并最终决定自己的命运。\n\n\n《黑神话:悟空》是一款基于中国古典名著《西游记》的动作角色扮演游戏。尽管游戏的故事背景和角色设定深受《西游记》的影响,但它在叙事结构、角色关系和主题探讨上进行了大胆的创新与拓展。以下将详细探讨《黑神话:悟空》的剧情与原著《西游记》之间的联系,涵盖故事背景、角色设定、主题分析以及游戏中的创新元素。\n\n## 一、故事背景\n\n### 1.1 《西游记》的背景\n\n《西游记》是中国古代四大名著之一,讲述了唐僧师徒四人西天取经的传奇故事。书中描绘了孙悟空的成长历程,从一只石猴到成为齐天大圣,再到最终被佛教收为斗战胜佛的过程。故事充满了神话色彩,展现了正义与邪恶的斗争,以及对人性、信仰和道德的深刻思考。\n\n### 1.2 《黑神话:悟空》的背景\n\n《黑神话:悟空》的故事发生在《西游记》取经成功之后,孙悟空在取得佛位后选择辞去神职,回到花果山。然而,他的这一决定引来了天庭的追杀。在与二郎神及其他天兵天将的战斗中,孙悟空落败,其身体化为石卵,灵魂被分散成六个碎片。玩家将扮演“天命人”,踏上寻找这些碎片并复活孙悟空的旅程。\n\n## 二、角色设定\n\n### 2.1 孙悟空\n\n在《黑神话:悟空》中,孙悟空作为核心角色,其形象不仅保留了原著中的聪明、勇敢和反叛精神,还增加了更多复杂性。游戏中对他的起源和成长经历进行了更为详细的描绘,使得角色形象更加丰满。\n\n### 2.2 其他角色\n\n除了孙悟空,游戏中还出现了许多《西游记》中的经典角色,如猪八戒、唐僧、白骨精等。这些角色在游戏中的设定与原著相似,但也进行了适当的改编。例如,猪八戒在游戏中可能会有更为复杂的人际关系和情感线,而白骨精则可能呈现出不同于原著的新形象。"}]} +{"conversation": [{"input": "", "output": "## 三、主题分析\n\n### 3.1 正义与邪恶\n\n《西游记》中正义与邪恶的斗争是一个核心主题,而《黑神话:悟空》在此基础上进一步探讨了人性的复杂性。在游戏中,玩家不仅要面对外部敌人,还需要面对内心的挣扎与选择。通过对孙悟空与其他角色之间关系的深入挖掘,游戏展示了善恶并非绝对,而是一个相对复杂的问题。\n\n### 3.2 自我救赎\n\n自我救赎是《黑神话:悟空》的另一个重要主题。孙悟空从一位反叛者逐渐转变为一个寻找自我价值与救赎的人物。在这个过程中,他不仅要面对外部的敌人,还要面对自己内心的恐惧与不安。这种内心斗争使得角色更加立体,也让玩家能够更好地理解和共鸣。\n\n### 3.3 黑暗面探讨\n\n与《西游记》相较,《黑神话:悟空》更加关注神佛世界的黑暗面。在游戏中,天庭并非绝对正义的一方,而是充满阴谋和权力斗争。这种设定使得整个故事更加复杂,也让玩家在探索过程中感受到更多的人性思考。\n\n## 四、创新元素\n\n### 4.1 剧情结构\n\n虽然《黑神话:悟空》的故事基于《西游记》,但它并未完全遵循原著,而是加入了大量原创内容。这种创新使得故事更加丰富多彩。例如,游戏中对孙悟空与“白骨夫人”之间关系的描绘,以及他曾三次“杀妻证道”的情节设计,都为传统故事增添了新的解读角度。\n\n### 4.2 战斗系统\n\n在战斗系统方面,《黑神话:悟空》采用了多样化的技能设计,使得玩家能够体验到不同于原著的战斗快感。孙悟空可以通过变身技能进行多种攻击方式,同时其他角色也拥有各自特色技能,这种设计极大丰富了游戏玩法。\n\n### 4.3 视觉表现\n\n游戏采用现代技术手段,将《西游记》中的场景和人物以逼真的画面呈现,为玩家带来了强烈的视觉冲击。这种高质量的视觉效果不仅增强了游戏体验,也让玩家更好地沉浸在这个奇幻世界中。\n\n## 五、《黑神话:悟空》与《西游记》的关系总结\n\n总体而言,《黑神话:悟空》在尊重原著的基础上,通过大胆的创新与拓展,为经典名著赋予了新的生命。它不仅保留了《西游记》中核心人物和故事框架,还通过丰富的人物关系和深刻的主题探讨,使得整个故事更加立体和复杂。这种经典与现代的碰撞,不仅让玩家感受到了传统文化的魅力,也展示了现代游戏制作技术的精湛技艺,为中国文化传播开辟了新的道路。"}]} +{"conversation": [{"input": "", "output": "通过对剧情、角色设定、主题分析及创新元素等方面进行深入探讨,可以看出,《黑神话:���空》不仅是一款优秀的动作角色扮演游戏,更是一部对中国传统文化进行重新解读和表达的重要作品。随着全球玩家对这款作品热情不断高涨,它无疑将在未来继续影响并推动中国游戏的发展,同时也为世界了解中华文化提供了一扇新窗口。\n\n\n《黑神话:悟空》这款游戏虽然以《西游记》为背景,但它并不是简单地复述原著故事,而是在保留原著精髓的基础上进行了大量的创新和扩展。以下是游戏剧情与《西游记》原著之间的联系及详细分析:\n\n### 1. 主角与角色设定\n- **孙悟空**:游戏中的孙悟空依然是那个机智、勇敢、反叛的猴子,但其性格和经历有了更深层次的描绘。游戏中的孙悟空不仅要面对天庭的压迫,还要处理与妖族之间的关系,以及个人命运的选择。\n- **唐僧**:虽然游戏主要聚焦在孙悟空身上,但唐僧作为取经队伍的核心人物,依然在游戏中扮演重要角色。他与孙悟空之间的师徒关系和互动,与原著中保持了一致。\n\n### 2. 故事情节\n- **取经前的故事**:游戏在很大程度上拓展了取经之前的背景故事,尤其是孙悟空与其他妖王的结义、对抗天庭的战争等情节,这些都是原著中没有详细描写的部分。\n- **取经过程中的改编**:尽管游戏中的主线仍然是西天取经,但它加入了更多与原著不同的细节和情节。例如,孙悟空在取经过程中的心理变化、与妖族的关系处理等。\n- **取经后的世界**:游戏特别强调了取经之后的世界状态,孙悟空在取经归来后的生活,以及他对于自身命运的选择。这部分内容在原著中并没有详细的描写。\n\n### 3. 文化与哲学思想\n- **佛教与道教元素**:游戏中融入了大量的佛教和道教元素,如观音菩萨、太上老君等角色,以及五行、因果报应等概念,这些都是源自《西游记》的文化背景。\n- **人性的探讨**:游戏不仅探讨了人性中的善恶,还涉及到了自由意志与宿命论的冲突。这种对人性深层次的挖掘,是游戏相对于原著的一大特色。\n\n### 4. 创新与拓展\n- **新角色与情节**:游戏中引入了许多原著中没有的新角色和情节,如天命人、灵根等概念,这些元素不仅丰富了游戏的故事线,也为玩家提供了全新的体验。\n- **游戏机制**:游戏采用了现代化的动作冒险游戏机制,如战斗系统、解谜元素等,这些都与原著的叙述方式形成了鲜明对比。"}]} +{"conversation": [{"input": "", "output": "总的来说,《黑神话:悟空》在尊重《西游记》原著的基础上,通过对角色、情节、主题等方面的创新与拓展,创造了一个既熟悉又新颖的故事世界。游戏不仅让玩家重温了经典的西游故事,还提供了一个更为深刻和多元化的神话宇宙。\n\n\n《黑神话:悟空》是一款以《西游记》为背景设定的单机动作角色扮演游戏,玩家在游戏中扮演“天命人”,探索与《西游记》相关的人物和剧情。以下是游戏中一些与《西游记》有联系的人物和剧情关联性:\n\n1. **孙悟空**:游戏的主角之一,与《西游记》中的孙悟空有直接联系。游戏中的孙悟空在取经任务完成后放弃了佛位,引发了天庭的再次征伐。玩家在游戏中探索孙悟空的过去和其与天庭的冲突。\n\n2. **猪八戒**:游戏中的猪八戒与《西游记》中的形象相似,他在游戏中扮演了向导和助手的角色,帮助玩家理解剧情和解锁影神图。\n\n3. **唐僧**:虽然在游戏中不是主要角色,但唐僧的存在对剧情有重要影响。游戏中提到唐僧在取经后的故事,以及他与孙悟空的关系。\n\n4. **二郎神**:游戏中的二郎神是孙悟空的对手,他在游戏中扮演了反派角色,与孙悟空的战斗是游戏的重要情节之一。\n\n5. **黑熊精**:游戏中的黑熊精是玩家需要击败的BOSS之一,他与《西游记》中的形象有所联系,但在游戏中有更深入的背景故事。\n\n6. **黄风怪**:游戏中的黄风怪也是玩家需要对抗的角色,他的故事在游戏中有所扩展,与《西游记》中的形象有所不同。\n\n7. **蜘蛛精**:游戏中的蜘蛛精与《西游记》中的形象有联系,游戏中对她的故事进行了更深入的探讨。\n\n8. **红孩儿**:游戏中的红孩儿与《西游记》中的形象相似,他在游戏中的故事与原著有所呼应,但也有一些新的发展。\n\n9. **牛魔王**:游戏中的牛魔王是玩家需要面对的BOSS之一,他的故事在游戏中有更复杂的展开。\n\n游戏中的剧情不仅仅是对《西游记》的简单复述,而是在原著的基础上进行了创新和扩展,为玩家提供了一个全新的视角来体验这些经典角色和故事。通过探索和战斗,玩家可以更深入地了解每个角色的背景和动机,以及他们与孙悟空之间的关系。游戏的每个章节都设计了独特的关卡和挑战,让玩家在体验刺激的战斗的同时,也能享受到丰富的剧情内容。"}]} +{"conversation": [{"input": "", "output": "序幕\n话说师徒四人取得真经、难满功成之后,被封了斗战胜佛的孙悟空却过得并不开心。一日孙悟空找猪八戒喝酒,悟空对八戒说道:“八戒,这斗战胜佛我不做了。谁爱当,就给谁当去。”\n或许是看透了天界不公,或许是受不了天条繁冗,又或许他无法做到心安理得地享受人间的供品。和八戒喝完酒后,孙悟空就辞去了佛位,回到花果山,只图个清静自在,过过逍遥日子。\n\n但是天上有人可不放心,派二郎神带着哮天犬、巨灵神、四大天王,以及十万天兵天将前来捉拿孙悟空。\n\n“他不是只普通的猴子,他是有功的猴子”——二郎神\n可就连二郎神也不理解,“这长生不老的佛位,有多少人求而不得”,多少人想要还没这门子呢!\n\n在与二郎神对战时有一个细节,二郎神打着打着拿出了开山斧劈孙悟空。这开山斧源自“二郎神斧劈桃山救母”的故事,电视剧《宝莲灯前传》里对此也有体现。\n\n孙悟空和二郎神本势均力敌,却没想到紧箍咒突然出现,导致孙悟空落败。原来这紧箍咒在孙悟空成佛的时候并没有被真的取掉,看来灵山这是留了一手啊。\n\n孙悟空死后,二郎神将代表孙悟空力量和灵魂的五个根器分给了前来协同作战的五个妖王:黑熊精、黄风怪、黄眉、百眼魔君、牛魔王,二郎神自己则偷偷地把最后一个根器“意”给藏了起来。\n\n孙悟空死后化作一颗石卵,几百年后,一只老猴子在向一群小猴子讲述着孙悟空的故事。\n你作为其中一只小猴子,就此离开花果山,展开了寻回大圣六根、成为天命人的旅程。\n游戏这个设定极为巧妙,无论是在你出发前花果山很多只拿着柳木棍的小猴子,还是路上的妖怪反复提“又是一只猴子”,表面上只是在说游戏剧情里有很多只小猴子踏上了旅程,几百年来不知道有多少只小猴子折在了路上。其实同时还暗喻千千万踏上旅途的玩家,有的停在了半路,有的坚持到了最后成为天命人。颇有一种多元宇宙或者打破第四面墙的感觉哈哈。"}]} +{"conversation": [{"input": "", "output": "至于老猴子的真实身份,众说纷纭,目前还没有明确的证据,这里贴上影神图的介绍,就看你自己的理解是如何了:\n有人说,他是观音菩萨。\n有人说,他是菩提祖师。\n也有人说,他才是孙悟空。\n还有人说,他不过是山中的一只无名老猴。\n他总是用一样的姿势,说着一样的开场白。\n有时,山顶上空无一人。\n有时,山顶上熙熙攘攘。\n当天命人上路时,他会亲手为他们打一根柳木棍。\n折柳相送,心中竟生出一些不舍。\n天庭的神仙说,他在赌。\n灵山的佛祖说,赌,就难免会输。\n他说,他没有赌,也没有输。\n他只是在等天命人回来,和他讲讲路上的故事。\n而他从未听过,两个完全相同的故事。\n\n第一回-黑风山土地\n初到黑风山,小猴子多受土地公公的照顾,在土地庙有很多好东西,土地公公还会亲自教你法术。\n\n这土地公公从哪儿学的这些法术呢?原来是之前有位神秘的高人指点他。对比《西游记》原著的描述,这位神秘高人更有可能是镇元大仙(镇元子)。\n最贴合的地方,就是原著中镇元大仙曾假扮道士去抓唐僧:“那大仙按落云头,摇身一变,变作个行脚全真。你道他怎生模样:穿一领百衲袍,系一条吕公绦。手摇塵尾,渔鼓轻敲。三耳草鞋登脚下,九阳巾子把头包。飘飘风满袖,口唱《月儿高》。”注意关键词“手敲渔鼓、唱着月儿高”。\n另外原著中还提到镇元大仙“体如童子貌,面似美人颜”,和影神图中提到的“鹤发童颜”也对得上。(常吃人参果,皮肤保养得确实好啊)\n\n观音菩萨救活人参果树后,镇元大仙和孙悟空结拜为兄弟。所以帮孙悟空复活,是全一场兄弟情义。镇元大仙不方便亲自露面,所以教土地公公几个法术,让他来转教给小猴子。\n另外,影神图中描述神秘高人离去时提到的叶子很像是菩提叶,很多人认为神秘高人是菩提祖师,也是一种理解。至于真相如何,就得续作来解释了。"}]} +{"conversation": [{"input": "", "output": "86版《西游记》剧中,镇元大仙和孙悟空结拜的场面\n第一回-广智\n广智本是老狼王凌虚子手下的一只小狼妖,十分渴望做人。为了学习人的礼仪和习惯,他去求他的大王凌虚子,又因凌虚子与黑熊精交好,黑熊精把广智变成个小和尚,推荐给金池长��当弟子。之后广智学会了读书写字、清规戒律,深得金池长老信任。\n后来唐僧和孙悟空西天取经来到这里,金池长老一心想要唐僧的锦斓袈裟,广智为了报答金池长老的恩情,帮他谋划。但没想到,一场大火毁去了所有。\n金池长老死后,广智自觉做人失败,重回山中修佛法悔悟去了。即便几百年过去了,他仍能听到山中传来金池长老的呼唤:“广智,广智!”\n“施主不如放下棍棒,也同我学点佛法。”——广智对小猴子说\n\n在86版《西游记》电视剧中,金池长老的左膀右臂——广智(下图右)广谋(下图左)都有出场,广智的戏份比广谋更多,把很多广谋的戏份也给了广智。\n第一回-广谋\n广谋本是白花蛇精手下的一只小蛇妖,和师兄广智不同,他从小的理想,是做个声名赫赫的大妖王。\n但事与愿违,当凌虚子将广智送去给金池长老做了弟子后,白花蛇精担心这是凌虚子拉拢黑熊精的手段,就命令广谋也去给金池长老当弟子了。\n可不论广谋怎样努力,金池长老都总是更喜欢广智。广谋安慰自己,总是要回山里做妖怪的,不在乎这些。\n终于有一天,机会来了。当广智给金池长老出了杀人夺宝的主意后,广谋推波助澜,出了个放火赶尽杀绝的主意,金池长老这才欣赏起广谋的才华。献完计策后,广谋料定金池长老大祸将至,于是躲进山里继续当妖怪去了。\n“若是今日死在你手,帮我带句话给师父:肉眼凡夫,求而不得神仙骨。半荣半枯,几人知是长生路。”——说罢,广谋立即向小猴子使出了杀招\n第一回-金池长老\n难为了诸多新手的大头,其实是金池长老的幽魂。当我们去当年被烧毁的旧观音禅院,击败金池长老的执念后,才终于超度了他的亡魂。\n\n“定是你把那袈裟藏起来了,快还给我”——初见金池长老的执念,已和他当年收藏的金银铜钱结合在了一起,所以是金色的大头\n“广智广谋,那袈裟我不要了,不要了……你们别烧,都别烧了……”——击败执念,终于超度了金池长老\n\n有人说,是见到唐僧的锦斓袈裟后,金池长老才因一念之差,误入歧途。但我认为不是,早在唐僧到来之前,金池长老就收集了各种珍玩宝贝,这些又是从何而来的呢?作者为其名曰“金池”,其实就已经揭露了其本性。\n第一回结尾的动画里,黑熊精和小金池的初次见面,小金池的背包里就满是金银珠宝。"}]} +{"conversation": [{"input": "", "output": "已到了南海侍奉观音的黑熊精,向观音问道:“出家人尘缘已断,金海尽干,长老他为何偏偏放不下一件衣裳?”\n观音答道:“若不披上这件衣裳,众生又怎知我尘缘已断,金海尽干。”\n第一回-凌虚子、灵虚子\n当年孙悟空打死的老狼王凌虚子,被黑熊精给复活了。但是凌虚子要持续喝小狼妖们的血才能维持生命,这让他寝食难安。凌虚子不愿如此苟活于世,于是在和白衣秀士对话完后,他走向水泽一侧的岔路,在大钟旁上吊自杀了。\n游戏中打完白衣秀士后,走向水泽一侧的岔路,就能看到凌虚子的尸体,旁边还有一群小狼妖在祭奠老大王。\n敲第三口大钟打完金池长老后,就是从凌虚子的尸体上拿到的法宝避火罩。\n\n凌虚子在86版《西游记》电视剧中也出场了,只不过在剧中他是一只蛇精,和原著的白花蛇精(白衣秀士)戏份合到一起了,最后被孙悟空一棒子打死。\n\n而你在游戏中打的灵虚子,本是狮驼国的苍狼精,孙悟空一行人收服狮驼国的妖王后,苍狼精带着小狼妖们一路逃亡来到黑风山,得到黑熊精的庇护。\n黑熊精扶持这苍狼精当了新狼王,取名灵虚子,并命他看守观音禅院。\n与灵虚子同来的狼妖们自此也得了势,黑风山本地的狼妖们对此极为不满,十分怀念老狼王凌虚子,于是密谋反抗。可本地的狼妖们远不是灵虚子的对手,幸好广智及时赶到抵挡住灵虚子,这才保住了他们狼妖们的性命。从此,本地的狼妖们再也不愿意靠近观音禅院半步。\n第一回-黑熊精\n自被观音菩萨收服后,黑熊精本在南海洛迦山修行,二郎神抓孙悟空时,为何也会去参战呢?影神图中提到,是观音菩萨身旁的龙女安排他去的。至于这是灵山和天庭联手的结果,还是这龙女假传旨意,就不得而知了。\n黑熊精临走之时,“善财童子”红孩儿还想一起去,但是黑熊精并不愿带他去,也没有告诉他任务细节,只提到他父亲牛魔王此次也被强征出战。"}]} +{"conversation": [{"input": "", "output": "西游记续集中的龙女和观音菩萨\n孙悟空死后,黑熊精重归黑风山,雄心勃勃地想重振往日风采。\n黑熊��先是以自愿赴死的狼妖为祭,复活了老狼王凌虚子,没想到这老狼却不识好歹,不告而别(其实是躲起来自杀了)。黑熊精只好扶持从狮驼国逃来的苍狼精做了新狼王,结果本地狼妖不服闹出动乱,这让黑熊精十分苦恼。\n苦闷之下,黑熊精还想复活昔日一起论禅的老和尚金池长老,没想到金池长老的魂魄并未在拼凑的尸身上复生,反而与他旧日埋藏的金银铜钱结合在了一起,四处游荡,搅扰山场,没个消停。\n新入伙的白衣秀士(接替原白花蛇精的地位)表面顺从黑熊精,但却总觉得神秘莫测,让他猜不透心思,无法真正放心。(关于白衣秀士的真实身份,后文再讲)\n小猴子打败黑熊精后,他连喊饶命,并说自己是被天庭胁迫,不得已才去讨伐孙悟空。黑熊精又因修为不够,得来的大圣根器不知如何使用,只好供起来,骗些小妖怪朝拜敛财。\n\n\n电视剧中的黑熊精\n第二回-沙国王父子、流沙国\n注意:黄风岭、小张太子的家乡流沙国、日落之处天之尽头的斯哈哩国,在原著中其实是三个并没有什么联系的地方,后两者只是有所提及。游戏将这三个地方改编到一起联系起来,更是将后两者糅合为同一个地方,极大地丰富了黄风岭相关的剧情。\n\n“今人不见古时月,今月曾经照古人”——黄袍员外带小猴子来到古老的黄金之国\n很久很久以前,有一个古老的黄金之国——流沙国,传闻这里遍地黄金,且是日落之处、天之尽头。\n每当日落西海,如火淬水,声浪滚沸,佛祖遂赐此国落日鼓,国王派人在日落之时擂鼓吹角,以抵挡海沸之声,让百姓得以安居。\n\n于是举国上下崇信佛法,渐渐地信佛不信王,这让国王十分不满,遂下令拆寺庙驱赶和尚,并改国名为斯哈里国。\n自此之后,只要一擂鼓,茫茫沙海中的上古巨虫——蝜蝂就会被唤醒,残害生灵,搅得民不聊生。幸好黄风怪到来,施法镇住巨虫收为己用,拯救了黎明苍生。\n黄风怪平定了蝜蝂之灾,国王十分敬重他,将其奉为国师,国计民生全都听其意见。在国师的提议下,国王颁布了“敬鼠令”,于是十里八乡的老鼠精怪都得了势,纷纷往城内迁徙。\n\n国王有三个儿子。\n大王子最受国王宠爱,英姿飒爽、屡建奇功,被封为英武将军。三王子最受国王信重,饱读诗书,喜爱佛法,文武兼备。\n大王子和三王子不满妖怪当政,二人联手在朝中闹了数次风波,却动摇不了国王对国师的信任。在国王斩杀了一批帮助王子对抗国师的大臣后,三王子负气出走,诀别而去。"}]} +{"conversation": [{"input": "", "output": "离家出走的三王子,在第三回小猴子会遇到他\n全国到处都在供奉国师的雕像,在一次国师诞辰,国王亲临护国寺为其添香祝祷。大王子愤懑难忍,当众掀了香案,惹得国王一怒之下,把大王子打入监牢。\n大王子在牢里待了不知多久,忽然一天发现,举国上下都变成了穿着衣袍的老鼠,包括他的国王父亲。大王子本还以为是鼠妖篡夺了王位,直到他发现自己也变成了一只肥硕的老鼠。\n\n变成了鼠妖的沙国王\n三王子离家出走,大王子疯了幽居不出,沙国王就只剩二王子了。二王子天生神力,可惜有些憨傻,不似大哥那么能打,没有三弟那么有谋。三个儿子中,国王最不喜他。可陪国王最久的,却偏是他。\n\n全体国民一夜之间都变成了老鼠,黄风怪明白这都是他的过错,感到愧疚,于是带着手下搬到了黄风岭。\n后来孙悟空一行人西天取经路过黄风岭,黄风怪被灵吉菩萨收服。没了黄风怪坐镇,流沙古国自是难逃覆灭的命运。而原本水秀山青的黄风岭,也变成了今天这般模样……\n\n孙悟空死后,黄风怪得了孙悟空的根器,再次归来黄风岭。沙国王遂率残余国民寻到黄风岭来,归其麾下,以图复兴。黄风怪见二王子颇有几分蛮勇,山中又正是用人之际,便收留了他们。\n不过,黄风怪手下还有位虎先锋,极好吃鼠,每日都要啖下几只才觉饱足。这可苦了沙国王带来的国民们,沙国王经常到黄风怪面前哭诉告状,也无济于事。好在二王子的大锤使得凶悍,倒能稍稍令他忌惮。\n\n不论局势多惨烈,多艰难,沙国王到哪都要带上大王子,并派人寻找三王子。\n可谁知,小猴子来了黄风岭,打死了二王子。沙国王自己也被疯了的大王子一口吞掉。\n“孽畜,是那猴子,我是你爹!”——沙国王临死前的最后一句话\n第二回-虎先锋\n在游戏中的黄金之国门口,遇到的黄风怪的手下虎先锋,正是后来孙悟空西天取经时打的虎先锋,那时的他还很年轻很善良。\n因抓唐僧丢了性命后,虎先锋留下两个幼子,后来长大了,你在卧虎寺打的虎先锋是哥哥,井底的疯虎则是弟弟。\n\n电视剧中的虎先锋很弱,在和孙悟空猪八戒对战时,被猪八戒一耙子打死。"}]} +{"conversation": [{"input": "", "output": "电视剧中的虎先锋很弱,在和孙悟空猪八戒对战时,被猪八戒一耙子打死。\n\n父亲当年因捉唐僧丢了性命,留下两只小虎妖艰难度日。黄风怪归来后,虎弟认为都是因为黄风怪坐视不理,才害得父亲身亡,于是怂恿虎兄赶走黄风怪。\n但兄弟二人哪里是黄风怪的对手,虎兄为了保住兄弟二人的性命,只好拜黄风怪为王,做了新一代虎先锋。虎弟则负气出走,再也不肯与兄长往来。\n虎兄虽做了虎先锋,心中仍是恨极了黄风怪,但是打又打不过,只好每天多吃些老鼠泄愤。\n第二回-疯虎、虎伥\n虎弟(疯虎)被黄风怪打伤后,躲到了村子的井里,需要吃人来疗伤。\n\n正好虎伥的儿子因为风沙得了病,为了给儿子治病,他来到村子寻找能治风病的菩萨,无意间在井底发现了疯虎。虎伥见疯虎有神通可以治儿子的病,于是答应引诱村民入井给疯虎吃掉。\n时间一久,村民渐渐发觉了异样。待虎伥回到村中时,儿子已被激愤的村民打死了。虎伥悔恨不已,拔出封了多年的刀,将村民一一斩杀,踏着一条血路,迷失在了茫茫风沙里。\n名为虎伥,大概意思就是“为虎作伥”吧。\n\n当小猴子通过旧拨浪鼓,找到这口井时,见到了小男孩的魂魄。\n\n疯虎用五鬼葫芦治疗小男孩的病,相处时间久了,也有了感情。当见不到父子俩前来后,疯虎便到井外寻找,却看到村里血流满地,并见到小男孩躺在棺材里,胸前还挂着他的五鬼葫芦。\n疯虎把棺材扛到了井底,每日都在棺材前练功,他总想着:“再等等罢,等我足够强大,定会替你停下那该死的风沙……”\n小猴子在井底打完疯虎后,在井底的棺材里拿到五鬼葫芦,说明这就是小男孩的棺材啊,唉!\n第二回-石母、石父、石子\n昔年,黄风岭中有几块崖石,吸取天地灵气,日月精华,遂感通灵,修成了几只石精。其中有两只,因道行较深,被授以了山神之职。\n后来出现几颗佛头在岭中作乱,一只石精被这些佛头附体,成为了石敢当。两位山神及其他石精都斗不过它,有的石精还被撞得粉碎,形神俱灭。\n黄风怪离开斯哈里国后,来到黄风岭,一见到这些佛头就气不打一处来,帮两位山神制服了石敢当,并将其精魄分给二位山神。又将其佛头上的目珠一一挖下,镇在了山谷中。\n山中众生十分感谢黄风怪,将其拜作大王,称他为黄风大圣,他便也在此定居了下来。"}]} +{"conversation": [{"input": "", "output": "二位山神将佛头的精魄分而食之,得了大法力,自此有了人心人形。二石和合,竟诞下了个石头孩儿。是以,众妖就将他们三者称作石母、石父、石子。\n其后,石父因故离了山场,石子寻父而去,便就只留了石母一个,孤零零在此。小猴子被黄风岭土地(石中人)骗去打石母,实在是罪过啊。\n\n一日,一个满身伤痕的姑娘来到山神的洞府,她常年遭受父母虐待,因要把她嫁与一个傻子换彩礼,这才从家中逃了出来。\n姑娘的父母发现后,来到洞口找麻烦,因害怕石父和石精们不敢进洞。那姑娘的父母就放下狠话,若妖精不还回女儿,便找道士来收他们。\n姑娘不愿连累石精们,于是趁夜悄悄离开,却不慎摔下山崖摔死了。石父抱着姑娘的尸首,来到火焰山求铁扇公主帮忙复活,可铁扇公主也无能为力。\n石父不死心,便日日抱着姑娘的尸首等在火焰山的山道上,希望博得铁扇公主的怜悯,哪怕姑娘的肉身已化为了白骨,仍是没有放弃。\n后来小猴子到了火焰山,遇到了石父,还能看到他怀里的白骨。"}]} +{"conversation": [{"input": "", "output": "天律载,山神不可擅离山场,无故出走,一经发现,革职拿问。\n石父久离家未归,石子于是独自外出寻找石父。因担心儿子在外遭难逢险,石母便将体内石之精魄的神力,分了大半与他,这才放心让他远行。\n无奈,石子出门,就与父亲走反了方向。父亲朝西,他却朝东,一直走到了花果山。\n花果山有趣的物事着实不少,贪玩的石子在这里开心玩耍,竟将那寻父之事抛到脑后去了。\n后来小猴子到花果山寻找大圣留下的装备时,在山崖边见到了充满了童心的石子。\n第二回-石中人\n当年黄风怪和二位山神降服石敢当时,也曾找黄风岭的土地一同作战。\n但这土地却作壁上观,因此分佛头精魄时,土地没能分到这好处,这令他十分嫉恨,一直谋划着想夺过来。\n小猴子在挟魂崖遇到的石中人就是这黄风岭的土地,还骗小猴子去打石母夺精魄。即便是在被小猴子揍了一顿之后,他也还是奸猾,提供骗钱的商品给小猴子。\n另外,在经历了井底疯虎和小男孩的故事后,来找土地对话,他也会表达无奈:“你看我做啥,我凭甚帮他。我也怕得很呐,我老头子能做啥……”。\n第二回-黄风怪\n黄风怪原是灵山脚下得道的黄毛貂鼠,偷吃了琉璃盏内的灯油,害怕金刚拿他,故此逃下界来。偷灯油事发后,如来派灵吉菩萨来抓黄风怪,“如来照见了他,不该死罪”,所以灵吉菩萨饶了黄风怪的性命,放他去隐性归山。(以上为原著内容)黄风怪可能从这时开始就已经恨上了灵吉。\n后来黄风怪来到斯哈里国,帮斯哈里国平定了蝜蝂之灾后,黄风怪成为了国师。但忽有一日,斯哈里国全体国民一夜之间都变成了老鼠,黄风怪明白这都是他的过错,感到愧疚,于是带着手下搬到了黄风岭。\n\n\n\n黄风怪在斯哈里国、黄风岭反复数次连坏灵吉的好事(黄风怪只要见到佛头就来气,就想报复),灵吉应该是又教训过黄风怪的,之后灵吉菩萨就在小须弥山辖押看管黄风岭的黄风怪。\n\n\n\n孙悟空一行人西天取经路过黄风岭时与黄风怪打斗,黄风怪吹起三昧神风,一时风沙蔽日、日月无光。这三昧神风让文殊走了青狮,普贤失了白象,弄得三界震颤。狮驼岭的青狮精、白象精,就是趁此机会下的凡。\n然后孙悟空请来灵吉菩萨,灵吉菩萨使用飞龙宝杖将黄风怪再次收服。(后来在对付铁扇公主的芭蕉扇时,灵吉才给孙悟空定风珠)"}]} +{"conversation": [{"input": "", "output": "电视剧中的黄风怪\n孙悟空死后,黄风怪得了孙悟空的根器,再次归来黄风岭。他还偷了灵吉菩萨的头,想用来炼化孙悟空的根器。\n于是他闭关修行,派虎先锋和石先锋一起守着黄风大阵,不许任何人来打扰。\n“遇见识人的师父,是他的福分,却也成了他的灾难。”影神图中暗示,其实黄风怪作恶是得到了天上的授意的,而且黄风怪也并不完全信任天上,所以想炼化孙悟空的根器来提升自身修为。\n\n“有圣,就有盗。有高山,就有深渊。有天地悬殊,就有腥风血雨。我逃不掉,你,也逃不掉!”——小猴子来到黄风阵时,几近疯狂的黄风怪\n第二回-灵吉菩萨\n游戏中一路指引小猴子的无头僧,后来发现就是丢了头的灵吉菩萨所变。\n\n击败黄风怪后,灵吉菩萨将大圣根器交给了小猴子,一切顺利。不过游戏中却有些可疑的地方。\n在谈大圣根器时,他说“这贼鼠私下寻得其中一根”,这句话很让人怀疑。天庭派这么多人去抓孙悟空,这么大的阵仗,他手下的黄风怪去参战分了根器,他能不知道?\n就连路经黄风岭的马哥都叹道:“偷油的老鼠上高台,定是有人架梯来。”\n\n还有当年流沙国拆寺庙驱赶和尚,改名斯哈里国,然后那茫茫沙海中的上古巨虫蝜蝂就被唤醒了,就连流沙国的臣民都知道,这是惩罚报应,劝沙国王不要再继续了。\n\n沙国王说,蝜蝂背上的佛头和黄风怪砍下的佛头一模一样,以及你打败蝜蝂后从佛头上拿到的法宝定风珠,还有黄风怪在黄风岭见到佛头就气不打一处来,这都指向了灵吉。\n\n虎先锋说“大王最狠这鸟人”,沙二郎也说“大鸟活该”。第二回最后的画卷上,灵吉就是鹰身的形象,老猴子还吐槽“动了凡心,菩萨也要吃亏”。\n在谈到为何要偷师父的头时,黄风怪对此事只有一句话:“灾人者,人必反灾之。不是我,也会有别人。”\n\n“黄风岭,八百里,曾是关外富饶地。”流沙国不信佛后的虫灾、拜鼠后国民都变鼠妖、黄风怪走后仍逃脱不了的覆灭、黄风怪的种种恶行、原本水秀山青的黄风岭如今衰败成这样,估计灵吉或多或少都负有一定的责任。\n“人也,兽也,佛也,妖也。众生自有根器,持优劣为次第,可乱来不得。你说对吗,孙悟空。”——第二关动画结尾,灵吉菩萨如此说道\n灵吉最后这句话颇耐人寻味,貌似是在暗示:三界森严的等级界限,不要妄图去打破。(不然就收拾你)"}]} +{"conversation": [{"input": "", "output": "电视剧中的灵吉菩萨慈眉善目,对孙悟空极为和蔼,就是靠他的定风珠,才降服了黄风怪。而在原著中灵吉菩萨其实是用飞龙宝杖降服的黄风怪,后来在对付铁扇公主的芭蕉扇时,灵吉才给孙悟空定风珠。\n第三回-小张太子\n“祖居西土流沙国,我父原为沙国王。”——原著中小张太子自述\n这小张太子便是流沙国的三王子。自黄风怪做了流沙国的国师后,小张太子不满妖怪当政,于是联合一帮大臣对抗国师,但却丝毫动摇不了沙国王对国师的信任。在沙国王斩杀了一批大臣后,小张太子负气出走。(这段是游戏改编剧情,原著中没有)\n小张太子离了流沙国后,千里迢迢来到盱眙山蠙城,拜到大圣国师王菩萨座下当弟子,学习降妖伏魔的本事。\n后来孙悟空来请国师王菩萨前去帮忙对付黄眉,无奈国师王菩萨不便亲去,就派了小张太子和四大神将前去。\n\n当年在西天取经的路上,唐僧在小西天被黄眉所抓,孙悟空通过亢金龙的帮助逃出金铙后,曾请来真武大帝手下的龟蛇二将、大圣国师王菩萨手下的小张太子和四大神将来对付黄眉,结果都被黄眉的后天袋(人种袋)收走。86版《西游记》电视剧中省略了这段剧情,所以很多人对龟蛇二将、小张太子并不熟悉。\n\n孙悟空死后,黄眉卷土重来,在小西天假扮成弥勒佛的样子,把当年帮孙悟空对付过他的仇人(亢金龙、龟蛇二将、小张太子、四大神将)都给骗了来。导致他们或被洗脑,或被杀,或被囚,都被整得很惨。\n小张太子带来的四大神将被变成了四魔将,其中魔将·妙音被黄眉蛊惑,日日守着监牢,在经筒里不断口吐魔音消磨牢房中犯人的意志。\n被关在牢房里的小张太子为保全本心,自己刺瞎了眼睛,戳聋了耳朵,不受妖言魔音侵扰。\n小猴子被抓到浮屠界牢房中时,刚好就关在小张太子的牢房隔壁。当小猴子打开牢房救他时,他请求小猴子帮四大神将解脱。\n\n流沙国的双头鼠都尉看不惯沙国王在黄风岭的所作所为(拿流沙国民喂虎先锋),于是离开黄风岭,怀着无限期望来到小西天寻找小张太子,以求复国。\n但是小张太子并不理他(可能是早没了心气儿,也可能是讨厌老鼠所以不相信老鼠说的话),绝望的双头鼠都尉最终在小张太子面前悲愤自杀。\n而如果你提前完成了小张太子的任务,导致双头鼠都尉来牢房找不到小张太子,那么双头鼠都尉会发疯然后攻击你。"}]} +{"conversation": [{"input": "", "output": "小张太子的师父——大圣国师王菩萨为什么一直不来救他和四大神将呢?还有真武大帝也没来救龟蛇二将。这二位大佬的地位和实力都不差,绝不是不敢来。或许和当年孙悟空去请他们时的情况类似,碍于多方面势力的因素,不便亲自出面吧。\n第三回-龟蛇二将\n当年在西天取经的路上,唐僧在小西天被黄眉所抓,孙悟空通过亢金龙的帮助逃出金铙后,曾请来真武大帝手下的龟蛇二将来对付黄眉,结果被黄眉的后天袋(人种袋)收走。\n\n孙悟空死后,黄眉卷土重来,在小西天假扮成弥勒佛的样子,把龟蛇二将也骗了来。一番打斗后,蛇将在冰天雪地中被斩为数段,龟将则沉入水底,直到被猪八戒敲金铙唤醒。(注意,真武大帝手下的龟将,和通天河那个把师徒四人扔河里的老龟,不是同一只龟)\n“我懂,这世道,活着,死了,都不如变回石头疙瘩。”——猪八戒对龟将说\n\n小猴子和猪八戒在苦海北岸探索时,可以找到蛇将的骸骨。\n\n真武大帝又叫做玄武大帝,中国古代神话中的天之四灵之一的玄武,正是龟蛇的形象。\n传说湖北十堰的武当山是真武大帝的修炼圣地,《西游记》原著中孙悟空也是到武当山拜见真武大帝求援。另外武汉的长江两岸也有被称为“龟蛇锁大江”的龟山、蛇山。\n第三回-辰龙、寅虎、申猴、戌狗\n当年唐僧西天取经时,观音菩萨曾派“六丁六甲、五方揭谛、四值功曹、一十八位护教伽蓝”暗中保护取经人,各各轮流值日听候。\n唐僧在小西天被黄眉所抓,孙悟空通过亢金龙的帮助逃出金铙后,曾和猪八戒、沙僧、二十八星宿、金银揭谛、六丁六甲、护教伽蓝一同围攻黄眉和小妖,结果除了孙悟空外都被黄眉的后天袋(人种袋)收走。无奈之下,孙悟空才先后请来龟蛇二将和小张太子助战。\n\n游戏中的辰龙、寅虎、申猴、戌狗就属于六丁六甲。大概是因为取经路上共患难的情谊,六丁六甲和孙悟空关系不错,孙悟空还常去请他们喝酒,寅虎还为孙悟空打造过盔甲。\n由于和孙悟空关系过于密切,六丁六甲受到牵连被罚下界来。\n后来二郎神给他们送来了如意画轴,他们虽不解二郎神意欲何为,但他们都颇为仗义,加之自己秉公行事却被罚下界,心中不忿,于是决定帮助小猴子夺回大圣根器。\n他们调查到,各妖王得了大圣根器后已各回洞府,于是除了寅虎留下镇守六六村之外,申猴、戌狗、辰龙都前往小猴子会经过的地方等待,为小猴子提供帮助。\n“余生在此安身,教我倚靠何人养老?”——辰龙\n\n“六丁六甲,从不吃素。”——寅虎\n\n“吃药,吃药,若论出身,更不公道。”“一粒金丹一因果,我命由天不由我。”——戌狗"}]} +{"conversation": [{"input": "", "output": "“吃药,吃药,若论出身,更不公道。”“一粒金丹一因果,我命由天不由我。”——戌狗\n\n“小老弟切记,一分醉酒,十分醉德。”——申猴\n\n有意思的是,这四位的名字刚好是十二生肖中的叫法,希望之后的DLC或续作还可以见到其他十二生肖出场。\n第三回-灵狐、不空\n在第二回结尾的动画中,年轻时的不空那时还是个书生,在风雪中救下一只白狐。第二天白狐竟化作人形,随后就是经典的“洞房花烛夜,金榜题名时”的剧情,羡煞旁人。\n\n没想到这却只是书生的“南柯一梦”,被梦中可怕的情景惊吓的书生,醒来后竟将白狐杀害做成了保暖围脖。\n\n“我是一只等待千年的狐,千年等待,千年孤独。”一心想修仙的小灵狐,误触猎人的陷阱,被书生救回了家,她本想助书生金榜题名以报答救命之恩,却没想到书生一觉醒来就将她残忍杀害。\n小灵狐惨死后执念不灭,一心想找到这书生,向他问清楚到底为何这般心狠。\n(有意思的是,游戏中小灵狐在快活林找小猴子帮忙时,称呼小猴子为“官人”,这一古时对男子的敬称让人首先联想到的是宋朝。黑风大王曾明确说过,此时距西天取经时已过了五百年,贞观年间的五百年后刚好也是宋朝,可以对得上)\n\n当年那书生犯下杀业,心中苦苦不得解脱,于是在小雷音寺出家做了和尚,黄眉为其取法号“不空”,是四大弟子之首。(不空、不能、不净、不白,刚好对应悟空、悟能、悟净、白龙马,黄眉这是有多想复制取经团队啊。也可以理解为,他就是要跟金蝉子对着干哈哈)\n小猴子在小雷音寺找到不空,化作灵狐的模样,不空先是想伸手抚摸灵狐,被拒,然后惊惧:“这么多年,我日日为你诵经,可你还是要索我性命么?”\n\n\n\n待镇定下来,不空恶念又生:“你既怨毒未消,我佛慈悲,便再超度你一回!”然后小猴子就超度了他。\n第三回-赤尻马猴\n赤尻马猴是混世四猴(灵明石猴、赤尻马猴、通臂猿猴、六耳猕猴)之一,这四种猴子的名称只是类别名,并不单指某一只猴子。\n当年孙悟空在花果山,曾封花果山的四只老猴为“花果山四健将”,作为元帅将军训练群猴。这四只老猴分别是两个赤尻马猴和两个通臂猿猴。"}]} +{"conversation": [{"input": "", "output": "游戏中的这只反复为难你的赤尻马猴就是花果山四健将之一,他原在花果山是孙悟空手下一元帅。孙悟空死后,赤尻马猴带着部分猴子流离失所四处流浪,尝遍了苦头。途径火焰山时牛魔王收留了他们,但后来猴群里爆发了瘟疫(其实是火焰山土地使的坏),赤尻马猴将得病的猴子扔下谷底,从此失去了猴群的信任。最终赤尻马猴来到了小西天,被黄眉蛊惑收到麾下。\n“这世界,弱者多被苛责非难,强者却可横行无忌。你受的那些苦,归根究底,皆是力量不够。你不妨想想,若你有那闹天宫的猴子一般本事,吃苦的,就该是旁人了。”——黄眉说服赤尻马猴加入他的小西天\n第三回-亢金龙\n亢金龙是天上的二十八星宿之一,为东方之第二宿。\n唐僧在小西天被黄眉所抓后,孙悟空被困于金铙之中,玉帝派来二十八星宿帮忙,通过亢金龙的帮助孙悟空才逃出金铙。\n\n游戏以现实中的亢金龙塑像为灵感,将其设定为女性的形象,不必过度解读,游戏里的亢金龙,就是当年救孙悟空逃出金铙的亢金龙。\n\n\n某日斗牛宫点卯,发现二十八星宿之一的昴日星官不在天上,一番查问,众人竟都不知晓他的去向。(他的下落后文会讲)\n\n恰于此时,黄眉回归小西天,要办盛大的香会,并广邀诸位妖魔神佛同来参加。亢金龙向天庭请旨赴会,要去秘密查访昴日星官的下落。但这一去,亢金龙也和昴日星官一样,断了音讯。\n星宿们议论纷纷,一番比较,发现昴日星官和亢金龙都曾帮过孙悟空的大忙,便就猜测与孙悟空有关。\n星宿们细细回想他们与孙悟空的交情,害怕不已,唯有奎木狼嗤之以鼻,道:“他虽坏了我的好事,我倒敬他是个汉子。倒是你们,平日里最喜说和那猴子多要好,怎么今日都没声了?”\n这二十八星宿之一的奎木狼也曾是取经途中的一难,当年孙悟空西天取经途径宝象国,破坏了奎木狼化身的黄袍怪的好事,棒打鸳鸯。奎木狼回天庭后虽受了处分,但并没有记恨孙悟空,后来在小西天还帮忙一起对付过黄���,再之后还帮忙捉拿了避寒避暑避尘三个犀牛精。"}]} +{"conversation": [{"input": "", "output": "电视剧中的宝象国公主、奎木狼\n亢金龙来到小西天,表面上的理由是为了寻找昴日星官,实际上是为了夺黄眉手上的孙悟空根器,想救孙悟空。(看来还是个小迷妹啊)\n但是黄眉最擅长蛊惑人心,只把亢金龙装进后天袋(人种袋)中,给亢金龙看了经过恶意剪辑的(甚至可能是伪造的)孙悟空往事,就把亢金龙蛊惑洗脑了。\n待黄眉再将其放出时,亢金龙已变得痴痴傻傻,愣愣怔怔。\n黄眉大笑:“如何,他可还是你熟悉的那般英雄?”\n亢金龙问道:“他与满天神佛,皆是如此?”\n黄眉不置可否。\n又过了许久,亢金龙忽然跪在了地上,道:“还请师父,收我为徒……”\n\n假扮成弥勒佛的黄眉,手中拿着装着亢金龙的后天袋\n当小猴子来到小西天时,遭到亢金龙的阻击。在龟岛上第二次击败亢金龙后,借助亢金龙的撞击,救出了关在金铙里的猪八戒。\n“小西天的极乐之境,怕是与你无缘了”——彻底被洗了脑的亢金龙,对小猴子是一点也不客气"}]} +{"conversation": [{"input": "", "output": "至于亢金龙在后天袋里到底看到了什么,才会有如此大的前后反差,有人猜测肯定是看到了孙悟空的其他女朋友们啦,或者是看到孙悟空把爱人白骨精杀了三次啦,这些都是猜测想象,真实情况目前未知。\n第三回-金蝉子\n“很久以前,我与金蝉子还是同门。他是个认真的人。看不得灵山从来祥光瑞霭,山下却遭着苦困天灾。他说,凡诸众生,皆有慧根。何以只有你我高高在上,其他人就只配磕头烧香?”——黄眉\n早在金蝉子还未被贬下凡间时,黄眉就和金蝉子是老相识了。黄眉为了证明世人本恶、欲壑难填,不配如他们一般高高在上,并主张放情纵欲才是生命的意义,“祸乱人心,倒果为因”,金蝉子对此行为不屑一顾。(这段是游戏改编剧情,原著中没有)\n其实,金蝉子作为如来座下二弟子,地位不一定比弥勒佛低,黄眉只是弥勒佛面前司磬的一个黄眉童子而已。金蝉子称呼黄眉为师兄,可能仅仅是因为进门晚一些而已,已经很给面子了。实际上黄眉不论地位、修为、心境,都比金蝉子差太远,如果不是有弥勒佛罩着,他才是那个不配高高在上的人。\n游戏中黄眉对小猴子说,金蝉子(唐僧)在孙悟空死后“躲了起来”,但这是黄眉的个人见解。金蝉子虽然目前下落未知,但我相信他肯定在某处,也在为了孙悟空的复活而努力。\n第三回-黄眉\n黄眉原本是弥勒佛面前司磬的一个黄眉童子。趁弥勒佛去赴元始天尊之会,留他在宫中看守之际,他便偷走了弥勒佛的各种宝贝,在小西天假佛成精,竟胆大妄为到假扮如来佛祖来欺骗唐僧一行人。\n游戏的改编大大地丰富了黄眉的形象,把原著中胆大妄为、狡猾奸诈的黄眉,加强成了一个有着自己的行为处事逻辑、善于抓住人性人心的弱点、嘴炮能力值点满擅长用言语蛊惑人心、心怀自己独特的理想,并在打造自己的理想世界途中,为达目的不择手段的反派,给人印象极深。\n“可我,早就看穿了你们。满嘴的情怀大义,一心的世俗名利。唱什么命不由天,却笃信自己,才是天命之选。”——黄眉当年就曾蛊惑过西天取经的师徒四人,未能奏效\n\n孙悟空死后,黄眉回到小西天,“又”偷了弥勒佛的各种宝贝,准备在小西天建立一个他心目中认为的真灵山。而且他报复心极强,把当年帮助过孙悟空对付他的神仙都骗来小西天任他宰割。\n“信什么狗屁如来,不如我自己来”“既见未来,为何不拜”——小猴子在小雷音寺大殿见到黄眉露出真身。\n\n\n电视剧中的黄眉\n游戏中黄眉多次以假扮弥勒佛的形象出场,其实很好分辨,只需看衣着就会发现,黄眉的衣着是黄色,十分华丽。而真的弥勒佛的衣着就很朴素。"}]} +{"conversation": [{"input": "", "output": "“还记得盂兰会上,世尊说过:众生之苦,多因不守戒律,放情纵欲。\n要我说,放屁!\n不杀生,仇恨永无止息;\n不偷盗,强弱如我何异;\n不邪淫,一切有情皆孽;\n不妄语,梦幻泡影空虚;\n不馋酒,忧怖涨落无常;\n不耽乐,芳华刹那而已;\n不贪眠,苦苦不得解脱;\n不纵欲,诸行了无生趣。”\n与猪八戒在后天袋中打赤尻马猴时,黄眉来了遍他的招牌嘴炮技能,但是我们作为清醒的小猴子,才不会吃这一套。\n就连猪八戒都骂道:“业畜!妖言惑众,你那主人可知道?待老猪出去便告你一状!”\n有意思的是,黄眉吐槽的这八条戒律,刚好对应唐僧给他取的名字“八戒”。\n第三回-弥勒佛\n游戏中弥勒佛数次出现,帮助小猴子,更是在瓜田里,就像当年教孙悟空一样,在小猴子手上写了个“禁”字,专克黄眉。\n\n\n但是弥勒佛也很让人怀疑。\n1、孙悟空当年不过自封齐天,黄眉这司磬童儿却敢自立宗庙、自封世尊、假扮如来、欺师灭祖,条条都是万劫不复的罪名。黄眉如果不是有人撑腰,怎敢如此胆大妄为?\n2、当年西天取经路上遇到黄眉作乱,弥勒佛解释是他去赴元始天尊之会去了,这回连解释都懒得解释,反正就是黄眉“又”偷了宝贝,“又”闹出这么大乱来。就连猪八戒都说:“拐你一次,我信,拐你两次,猪都不信!”\n3、“我也不信,谁知这孽畜胆子这么大。”是的,你不知道黄眉胆子大。\n4、“我本要亲自收他,不料两位施主先到。”几百年过去了,你现在才想起来,他“又”出来搞坏事了。"}]} +{"conversation": [{"input": "", "output": "不过好在,这深藏不露的弥勒佛,目前是帮小猴子的。或许他正在下一盘大棋,众人皆是棋子,目前没直接向你亮血条就已经很不错了。关于弥勒佛和二郎神、袁守诚的剧情,后面再说。\n第四回-大姐\n朱家大姐,行事温柔,于众妹妹有如母亲一般,起居大小事情,皆由她体贴照管。即便爽利如二姐,自立如四姐,在大姐跟前也都老老实实,有些小女儿的娇憨之态。\n每日里,她要管待洞里的茶饭,众人的衣裳,生病吵架的寻她,高兴伤心的也寻她,看育虫茧、丝线纺织等工作也要安排,整日忙忙碌碌无暇分身。\n第四回-二姐\n朱家二姐,自幼假充男儿教养,洞中银钱往来,买卖支应,皆由她一人单管。山外的管事和兰喜村的小妖们,与她往来最多。\n二姐因事务繁忙,做事皆有时辰定规,若出了差错,便有一顿好罚,是以小妖们对她又敬又怕,总觉得自己这位奶奶样样出挑,个性又要强,没准以后能当上洞主娘娘,到时谁若有幸入赘,也能跟着当个便宜大王。这可连累了旅居在此的四位蝎太子(毒敌大王的四个儿子),让他们没少受编排。\n二姐却全不在乎,蝎家四子谁愿帮她卖力,她的脸色就对谁好几分。\n\n前些日子,不知她从何处寻得一颗仙藤种子,栽在了洞中的别院里,找了四个蝎子精中的老大替她守着。蝎大喜滋滋地应了下来,暗想这必是二姐倾心于他,还去求百眼魔君帮忙撮合。\n不过这蝎太子,在小猴子路过此别院的落伽香藤树时,就给打死了。\n\n二姐就像是家里的顶梁柱,小猴子和猪八戒到来时,是二姐负责抓猪八戒来和母亲成亲。在百眼魔君暴露凶残本性时,二姐也是第一个想反抗救母的。\n第四回-三姐、五妹\n朱家三姐,举止娴雅,温柔端方,喜爱读书练字。她见家中妹妹都尚懵懂,两位姐姐又十分忙碌,便只留心针莆之事,是家中最好的纺织手。二姐在山外经营的布庄,便是以她设计的织谱来织布,洞中的织工也都归她调教。\n\n因三姐面和心软,大多时候难以服妖,五妹便是她最好的帮手。三姐手拿织谱教学,五妹就手握戒尺相随。若有那十分不受教的,五妹心直口快,一头告到二姐处,那织工就全无幸免,封入茧里,当做餐食了。说来,因大姐二姐事务繁杂,五妹自幼便是跟着她。她太安静,五妹就成了她的另一面。两姐妹吵吵闹闹,日子倒也好打发。\n第四回-四姐\n蜘蛛精一家世代为天庭经营着盘丝岭的买卖,唯有四姐向往着外面的世界,一心想离开这里。"}]} +{"conversation": [{"input": "", "output": "四姐的每次出场,都和小猴子有关,这不得不让人猜想,四姐和小猴子很可能不是第一次见面。甚至四姐和小猴子可能有过前世姻缘,或者四姐曾结识过之前来盘丝岭的某只小猴子。\n1、小猴子和猪八戒刚到朱家大院外,四姐就已经等在了这里,很可能就是专门在等你来。\n2、当你掉进盘丝洞时救你的蜘蛛,就是四姐。你醒来后,还能看到四姐贴心地为你准备了抗毒药和珍玩。\n3、在有灯笼连喊“大喜!大喜!”的房子外,四姐告诉你屋子里有宝贝,进去一看好几个宝箱,还有个琴螂仙。四姐这简直是把自己的嫁妆都交给你了,同时还向你暗示百眼魔君为天庭卖命的秘密。\n4、天庭用封印符纸将蜘蛛精一家困在盘丝岭无法离开,所以四姐想揭去封印符纸。试图揭符纸失败后,她正骂着天上的“老不死的”,但是看到你来了,态度立马就好起来,还劝你别管这里的事以免惹祸上身。\n\n5、用右手虫帮你铺路后,对你的称呼也极为暧昧:“臭猴子,你说……这山岭外的世界,究竟是什么样的?”\n\n6、打完紫蛛儿后被蜘蛛群围追堵截,又是四姐变成蜘蛛吐丝救了你。\n7、最后在天王殿,四姐自身难保时,还只惦记你的安危,向你嘶喊“快走!”。\n8、一个细节,蜘蛛精姐妹们唯有四姐的头发是盘起来的。古代女性会在嫁人后盘起头发,这个发型说明肯定还有什么我们暂不知道的前尘往事。“谁把你的长发盘起,谁给你做的嫁衣?”或许正是以前的某只小猴子。\n9、毒敌大王带着四个儿子投靠黄花观时,百眼魔君觊觎倒马毒的威力,便许诺将几个蜘蛛精小辈与蝎家联姻,让紫蛛儿带着四个女儿来相亲。四姐对蝎家四子的态度极为轻蔑,根本看不上,但是一见到你,就体贴、关怀、奋不顾身。所以这背后肯定还有什么故事。\n\n唉,她的山外青山,终究没能陪她去看。希望后续DLC或续作可以打上天庭揍鹤仙人并救回四姐。\n第四回-六妹\n盘丝洞中,并无与六妹同岁的孩子,平日里她都跟姐姐们在一处。大家都对她很温柔,唯有四姐,会严厉督促她练功。有时她练功刻苦,四姐还会带她去山顶遥望外面的山水,给她讲些山外的故事。\n她虽很喜欢跟着四姐,但四姐却常去山里探查一些她不知道的秘密。四姐总说危险,绝不肯带上她,她便又无趣了起来。\n\n六妹是猪八戒和紫蛛儿的孩子,很多人都知道此事,但都瞒着六妹。曾有猪妖戏言六妹和他们是亲戚,六妹也并不相信,不以为然。\n在二姐带着猪八戒来到姐妹们面前时,六妹其实就已经出场了,她就是四姐手上的那只小黄蜘蛛。"}]} +{"conversation": [{"input": "", "output": "最后六妹虽然知道了父亲是谁,但是只能远远相望,无法相认。\n第四回-糜道人\n糜道人的经历很曲折,分散在了多个影神图里,这里做下梳理。\n\n朱紫国有个传闻:不论国王换了几代,官营染织署的朱家从不挪窝(天庭的买卖,国王也得合作)。据说,朱家能织出一种名唤降真纱的布料,如月华般莹润,如堆云般缥缈,贵冑富户都十分喜爱。城中织户们眼红许久,可从未有人能仿制出降真纱。渐渐地,大家都说朱家能织出这种布料,全靠红衣仙姥赏赐的一柄玉梭。(其实何止玉梭,蜘蛛精和琴螂仙的丝,更是凡人弄不到的材料)\n糜道人的父亲也是个织户,深信只要弄到玉梭,他也能发家致富。于是他在深夜翻入了朱家在城外的布庄,正好撞见盘丝洞的那种虫茧,被灭口后,他也被做成了虫茧。\n\n父亲一去不归,糜道人的母亲以为他父亲抛弃了妻儿,入赘了朱家。于是母亲整日哭泣,说他父亲是被妖精迷了心窍。年幼的糜道人也从小立誓要杀妖精报仇。\n少年糜道人打听到线索后,来到盘丝岭寻仇,刚一进山就被小妖抓获,碰巧六妹经过救下了他。六妹带着少年糜道人在洞中玩耍,二姐见六妹正需要同龄的玩伴,这才破例留下少年糜道人。但当少年糜道人是来报仇的想法被发现后,二姐派人将他扔进了盘丝洞的深穴,让他自生自灭。\n凭着机智和坚强的意志,糜道人和百足虫们同吃同住,居然从盘丝洞里幸存了下来。当他迎着天光走出来,终于明白了,人若要好好地活着,就不该执迷于过往。他回到故乡打算好好生活,岂料,织户们知他去过朱家大院,便熙熙攘攘聚在他家门首,逼着他重回山中,带他们去找院中的宝贝。\n糜道人本想闭门谢客躲着他们,但就连母亲也逼他再去。糜道人只好带着各怀鬼胎的织户们来到朱家大院,结果织户们被二姐全部剿灭。"}]} +{"conversation": [{"input": "", "output": "糜道人求二姐留他在盘丝岭修行,二姐痛骂了他一顿,然后将他从院里赶了出来。蜻蜓精见糜道人流落荒村,便引荐他去黄花观见了百眼魔君。\n糜道人后来在黄花观,见过百眼魔君招待紫蛛儿,也再次见到了二姐和六妹。但是见到这些妖怪吃的是人,让他深受震撼。\n挣扎哭泣很久后,糜道人最终决定向百眼魔君拜师学艺,既然无法改变,那就只能加入他们。糜道人问师父成妖捷径,百眼魔君告诉他:“紫云山中有种异虫,名琴螂。生食其卵,便可飞升成妖。”\n于是糜道人来到了紫云山……\n第四回-毒敌大王\n西梁女国(女儿国)附近有个毒敌山,山中的蝎子精也是以女为尊。\n毒敌山琵琶洞有只母蝎子精,她本来是雷音寺的一只蝎子精,因听佛经时不合掌被如来佛祖随手推了一把,她就用倒马毒桩扎疼了如来。如来命令金刚捉拿她,她就逃到了西梁女国附近的毒敌山琵琶洞。\n这母蝎子精又唤风月魔,和毒敌大王生了一窝小蝎子,但却没有生出一只母蝎子,导致毒敌大王失了宠。毒敌大王倒也十分硬气,带着儿子们搬去山外居住,不再与其往来。\n后来唐僧西天取经,途经西梁女国,这母蝎子精劫走唐僧想和唐僧成亲,孙悟空请来她的克星——昴日星官,一声鸡鸣竟直接震死了母蝎子精。孙悟空临走时烧掉了琵琶洞,毒敌大王见到火光便来查看,见到昔日爱人惨死,发誓要为夫人报仇。\n\n但毒敌大王终究是只公蝎子,无法修炼到母蝎子精那么强,导致毒敌山琵琶洞日渐衰落,复仇更是无望。\n后来毒敌大王听闻黄花观观主百眼魔君,是虫妖中首屈一指的高人,而且也和昴日星官有深仇,毒敌大王就带着儿子们投奔了百眼魔君。\n毒敌大王带着四个儿子投靠黄花观时,百眼魔君觊觎倒马毒的威力,便许诺将几个蜘蛛精小辈与蝎家联姻,让紫蛛儿带着四个女儿来相亲,结果四姐妹都没看上毒敌大王的儿子们。\n百眼魔君害了昴日星官后,安排毒敌大王在紫云山守着变异的昴日星官。毒敌大王眼看着杀妻仇人就在眼前,却不能下手报仇,心中甚是苦闷,只好每日喝着闷酒,只求一醉方休。\n\n在小猴子打晦月魔君途中,毒敌大王突然杀到,想要亲手为爱妻报仇,但是没想到变异后的昴日星官仍是他的克星,一声撕叫让毒敌大王当场暴毙,和他的爱妻竟是一个死法。\n第四回-晦月魔君\n昴日星官(昴日鸡)和前面说的亢金龙、奎木狼一样,也是二十八星宿之一,其母是毗蓝婆菩萨。\n昴日星官是各种虫妖的克星,当年在毒敌山琵琶洞,昴日星官一声鸡鸣,就帮孙悟空制服了母蝎子精。"}]} +{"conversation": [{"input": "", "output": "后来在黄花观,昴日星官的母亲毗蓝婆菩萨,用从昴日星官眼睛里炼出的绣花针,帮孙悟空制服了百眼魔君。但是毗蓝婆菩萨不让孙悟空打死百眼魔君,说要带他回紫云山看守门户。(现在看来,引狼入室啊!)\n\n后来,百眼魔君在后台大佬西王母(王母娘娘)的帮助下,报复了毗蓝婆菩萨和昴日星官。\n百眼魔君用王母娘娘的金钗一招击败昴日星官,并逼他吃下来自昆仑的琴螂虫卵(也是王母娘娘给的),导致昴日星官后来变异成了晦月魔君。\n“除了对母亲的一点牵挂,他似是再难忆起什么。若乾坤真有机缘,他无声念了最后一咒,还请天地将这绝处逢生的运数,留给母亲罢。”昴日星官自知已是无救,只求母亲能躲过这场劫难。\n第四回-右手虫\n昔年,盘丝洞里曾有道士抬入了一双巨大的臂膀,小妖们都不知这是从何处得来的,但从这手的仪态推想,必是出自一位高人。百眼魔君亲临此处,将两枚虫卵放入其中,并嘱咐洞中群妖,必要好生看守。\n十年后,这对手臂育化成了两只虫,身似蜂,尾如手,正是游戏中你见到过的右手虫和左手虫。(左手虫被大青蛙波里个波吃了,仔细看波里个波的舌头会发现是只左手)\n\n这右手虫的来历让人细思极恐,影神图中说“昨为拈花指,今作零落肢”,而且游戏中击败右手虫和波里个波后,掉落的物品名为(左右)佛手。可知这双手臂来自于某个佛或菩萨。\n与右手虫战斗时,它会用手指弹针攻击你,这个动作不得不让人联想到毗蓝婆菩萨专属的绣花针。昴日星官既然已经遇害,恐怕毗蓝婆菩萨也是凶多吉少。\n希望昴日星官的保佑能够起效,让她逢凶化吉吧。\n第四回-红依\n初到紫云山时,会遇到红依化身的红蛇,假扮成祭悼亡夫的未亡人,指引你去帮昴日星官解脱。\n\n“不过是几缕天上垂下的丝线,连它通向何处,是福是祸也不知道,为何……都争着往上爬呢?”——击败晦月魔君(昴日星官)后,红依对小猴子说\n\n红依说,她和昴日星官的母亲毗蓝婆菩萨相识一场,下不去手,这才引小猴子来帮昴日星官解脱。\n从红依扮演祭悼亡夫的未亡人这一手法来看,这和《西游记》中黎山老母的行为一致。当年孙悟空拿百眼魔君的千眼金光没招时,黎山老母也是扮演祭悼亡夫的未亡人,指引孙悟空去紫云山找毗蓝婆菩萨来对付百眼魔君。\n\n黎山老母还曾和观音菩萨、文殊菩萨、普贤菩萨假扮成母女四人,“四圣试禅心”,用美人计来考验师徒四人,结果只有猪八戒上当了。\n\n另外,电视剧中(原著中没有)黎山老母还曾在孙悟空被黄风怪的三昧神风迷了眼后,出来帮孙悟空治眼睛。"}]} +{"conversation": [{"input": "", "output": "另外,电视剧中(原著中没有)黎山老母还曾在孙悟空被黄风怪的三昧神风迷了眼后,出来帮孙悟空治眼睛。\n\n红依的影神图中,记录了昴日星官第一天上任时的情景,提到红依比昴日星官年长少许,因长辈们私交深厚、往来密切,便如��姐般看他长大。说明红依应是黎山老母的女儿或者侄女之类的亲戚,而不是黎山老母本人。\n即便昴日星官风光无限时,并没有在意红依。但红依依然是个重情的人,出于两家关系深厚,最后还是帮昴日星官解脱了痛苦。\n\n至于红依为何外形是条蛇,其实这也和黎山老母有关。传说中黎山老母(骊山老母)是女娲的化身或者后裔,所以她是人首蛇身的形象也就不足为奇了。\n第四回-紫蛛儿、猪八戒\n话说当年,这还是孙悟空大闹蟠桃会之前不久,王母娘娘在瑶池举办赏荷宴。卷帘大将(未来的沙僧)没有请柬进不去VIP雅间,而天蓬元帅(未来的猪八戒)则向仙娥展示请柬,志得意满地走了进去。\n王母示意太阴星君(月神),叫出一队嫦娥仙子(嫦娥在这里是职位,不单指某个人)表演歌舞。其中领舞的嫦娥仙子,白裙白发,舞姿曼妙,姿容尤其出众。天蓬从未如此近地欣赏过嫦娥们起舞,不由看得痴了。\n一位身着紫纱霓裳的仙娥(未来的紫蛛儿),奉着酒盏,走到天蓬近前,轻轻唤道:“元帅。”天蓬下意识地端起酒盏,眼睛却片刻不离台中那领舞的嫦娥仙子。\n待一众嫦娥舞毕,天蓬醒了醒神,准备上去给王母敬酒。队伍太长,他一路寻到队尾,竟已走到宫门之外,正好看到两个仙吏扶着喝醉了的孙悟空匆匆而过。\n\n从此天蓬就迷上了那个领舞的白发嫦娥仙子,一日天蓬见到白发嫦娥仙子走过,于是追了上去。\n\n\n在追白发嫦娥仙子途中,撞上了紫纱霓裳仙娥(未来的紫蛛儿)。可以看出,紫蛛儿很早就暗恋天蓬了,可惜天蓬只知道看别的美女。\n\n撞上暗恋自己的仙娥后,天蓬还不死心,继续去追白发嫦娥仙子,却没想到正好撞见她和别人偷情。\n白发男的身份未知,不过可以猜想他应该是个有些权势的神仙。或者从近水楼台先得月的角度猜想,或许是在月宫伐桂树的吴刚。\n\n偷情的两人为掩盖自己的罪行,反而贼喊捉贼,叫来王灵官,诬陷天蓬调戏嫦娥仙子。王灵官把天蓬状告到玉帝那,于是天蓬被贬下人间。\n结果天蓬错投了猪胎,在高老庄露出本相,吓跑了高翠兰。"}]} +{"conversation": [{"input": "", "output": "取经团队途经盘丝岭时,猪八戒来偷看蜘蛛精们洗澡,却意外发现紫蛛儿是在天上的旧相识,就是当年那个暗恋他的紫纱霓裳仙娥。\n或许紫蛛儿当年跟着天蓬也撞见了偷情那一幕,被贬下凡。或许紫蛛儿在得知天蓬被贬下凡后,为了追天蓬故意做错事被贬下凡。总之紫蛛儿是因为对天蓬痴心一片才落得如此下场。\n\n在电视剧中,蜘蛛精们把猪八戒按进水里时,紫色的蜘蛛精刚好在旁边。\n\n在和百眼魔君对峙时,为了吃唐僧肉,百眼魔君不顾蜘蛛精姐妹们的死活,孙悟空让猪八戒处理掉蜘蛛精姐妹们,但猪八戒不忍心对有过鱼水之欢的情人紫蜘儿下手,于是偷偷放过了她。(紫蛛儿是游戏改编剧情,原著中在百眼魔君只想吃唐僧肉不顾蜘蛛精们死活时,其实是孙悟空直接把七只蜘蛛精一起都打死了)\n\n事后猪八戒跟着唐僧他们继续西天取经去了。\n\n而幸存下来的紫蛛儿受了重伤,靠着姐妹们的尸骨才存活下来。百眼魔君归来后,用孙悟空的根器为紫蛛儿续命,之后紫蛛儿和六个女儿,继续为天庭经营着买卖。\n但是紫蛛儿还是落下了病根,“八节四时都要进补,每次进补必要成亲”,养成了成亲后吃掉新郎的习惯。\n百眼魔君安排紫蛛儿抓猪八戒,紫蛛儿虽然表面应了这差事,但是情在心中,怎么也下不了口。\n\n最后百眼魔君暴露凶残本性,强行夺取紫蛛儿体内的大圣根器,然后小猴子和蜘蛛精姐妹们合力打败了百眼魔君。\n“你还是和那时一样,笨呐”——紫蛛儿临死前对猪八戒说的最后一句话\n\n联想到TVB《西游记》里猪八戒“自古多情空余恨,此恨绵绵无绝期”的多情之苦,以及《大话西游》里猪八戒“娘子呀,跟牛魔王出来看上帝”和蜘蛛精的爱情故事,其实猪八戒的感情戏很早就已经在影视作品中被刻画过。\n有意思的是,游戏很明显借鉴的是《大话西游》的恋爱配对:猪八戒和蜘蛛精、孙悟空和白骨精。\n\n在黄花观里,小猴子会遇到葫芦仙人袁守诚,袁守诚念的这首诗,说的正是紫蛛儿:“本是女中仙,思凡堕九天。作茧缚洞中,人间又一年。”\n另外,如果你停在这里听袁守诚弹琴,会发现他弹的是本回的主题曲《戒网》,暗喻八戒和蜘蛛网的情缘。\n\n事后回到黄花观的紫云山入口附近,可以看到姐妹们为母亲紫蛛儿立的墓碑,并在墓前看到盒子里的定颜珠。"}]} +{"conversation": [{"input": "", "output": "事后回到黄花观的紫云山入口附近,可以看到姐妹们为母亲紫蛛儿立的墓碑,并在墓前看到盒子里的定颜珠。\n\n当年在乌鸡国,猪八戒把老国王从井底背上来,从老国王身上得到的定颜珠。说明这定颜珠是猪八戒摆在紫蛛儿墓前的,以这种含蓄的方式来表达自己的心意,祝愿紫蛛儿永葆美丽的容颜。\n第四回-百眼魔君\n当年猪八戒欺负了七个蜘蛛精姐妹后,她们逃到黄花观投奔师兄百眼魔君。百眼魔君和蜘蛛精姐妹们虽有同门情谊,但在唐僧肉面前,百眼魔君最后还是选择了唐僧肉。\n“妹妹,我要吃唐僧哩,救不得你了。”——原著中的百眼魔君就是这么薄情且自私自利\n\n在黎山老母的指点下,孙悟空请来了昴日星官的母亲毗蓝婆菩萨。毗蓝婆菩萨用从昴日星官眼睛里炼出的绣花针,帮孙悟空制服了百眼魔君。但是毗蓝婆菩萨不让孙悟空打死百眼魔君,说要带他回紫云山看守门户。\n\n后来,百眼魔君在后台大佬西王母(王母娘娘)的帮助下,报复了毗蓝婆菩萨和昴日星官。百眼魔君则又回到了黄花观继续为天庭卖命。\n百眼魔君归来后,用孙悟空的根器为紫蛛儿续命,这倒不是为了师兄妹的情谊,而是因为紫蛛儿还有利用价值。\n在百眼魔君的领导下,盘丝洞和黄花观继续经营着天庭的生意。\n“神仙做事,多让耳目代劳。本尊坦然自若,如下棋一般。可怜那些棋子,他们明明自知是棋子,却心怀侥幸,甚至以此为傲。”——老猴子对百眼魔君的评价\n\n毗蓝婆菩萨的绣花针也落到了百眼魔君的手里,百眼魔君把绣花针交给紫蛛儿,让她去抓猪八戒。只要干掉了猪八戒,小猴子就闹不出什么风浪了。\n但猪八戒最后还是被小猴子救了回来,小猴子也自有贵人相助,去紫云山修复了绣花针,最后和蜘蛛姐妹们一起击败了百眼魔君。\n第四回-王灵官\n在原著中,当年孙悟空从太上老君的炼丹炉里出来后大闹天宫,“更无一神可挡”。直打到灵霄殿外时,佑圣真君(真武大帝)的佐使王灵官,拼尽全力挡住了孙悟空。玉帝这才有时间派人去找如来佛祖求援。\n86版《西游记》电视剧里为了突出戏剧张力,让孙悟空直接打进了凌霄宝殿,更加的精彩。但是省略了王灵官这个人,所以很多人并不是很熟悉。\n有意思的是,此时王灵官还是武当山真武大帝的部下,前面讲龟蛇二将时也提到了武当山真武大帝。"}]} +{"conversation": [{"input": "", "output": "满朝文武,要么无能要么怕事要么因为某些原因不尽忠心,唯有这王灵官赤胆忠心抵挡妖猴,用生命保护玉帝。于是王灵官得到了玉帝的赏识,成为了玉帝最忠诚的纠察官。\n从此神仙们都很害怕王灵官,因为只要被他揪住错处,往玉帝那告一状,就会是灭顶之灾。就连曾经的显耀新贵天蓬元帅,被王灵官告上一状,也说没就没了。\n起初王灵官并非如今这般怪模样,后来玉帝嘉许灵官秉公执法,竟将自己的右手化生在了他的头上,以示王灵官至,犹如玉帝亲临。\n作为让人胆寒、得罪了无数人的孤臣,王灵官在天庭并没有可结交之人,只和一位辈分极高的老神仙(指的应该是鹤仙人)有些往来。\n\n王灵官抓了我们的四姐,又在花果山带着天兵天将屠杀猴子猴孙,小猴子到了花果山后,掰断了他的脖子。\n第四回-鹤仙人\n让王灵官抓了四姐的,正是这个神秘的鹤仙人。他也是众多玩家最想让他亮血条的角色,希望在DLC或续作里,能找他救回四姐吧。\n“你放心,我定会将她好生炼成颗金丹,替你收着。你若下辈子还要闹腾,记得来天上取”——有恃无恐的鹤仙人对小猴子说\n\n鹤仙人的身份很神秘,不过结合“辈分极高的老神仙”“九霄万里都称圣,哪个愚夫敢不尊”等只言片语,就连横行无忌的王灵官都听他调遣,可以看出鹤仙人在天庭的地位非常非常的高。\n再看第四回最后的画卷上,鹤仙人的一个手下,手上拿着的扇子上写的字“太上”,大概可以猜出一二。\n\n再看鹤仙人的影神图,里面讲到,在昴日星官被“失踪”后,新任的这个昴日星官,是鹤仙人带着他游览天宫并送他上任。所以猜测鹤仙人应该不是老君本人,或许鹤仙人是老君一系的重要亲信,而且还很得玉帝的信任,地位也十分崇高。\n有意思的是,新任的这个昴日星官,原来在披香殿任职。嗯?披香殿,那不就是在披香殿啄米的那只鸡?果然他为玉帝立功了,立马就升职了啊。\n\n新任的昴日星官还问鹤仙人,前任去了哪里。鹤仙人其实是知道昴日星官已经被百眼魔君所害了的,但他当然不能把���相告诉新上任的这位了。"}]} +{"conversation": [{"input": "", "output": "鹤仙人说,小猴子搅了天庭的买卖,那么天庭到底在盘丝洞和黄花观,有着怎样的买卖如此重要,需要鹤仙人亲自盯着呢?\n1、高端纺织品。盘丝洞以朱紫国官营染织署的朱家为表面招牌,用玉梭和独有的丝线,为天庭生产优质布料“降真纱”,不仅可以供达官贵人使用,还可向别处销售获得丰厚利润。(江南织造局杨金水啊)\n2、生产妖怪魔物。百眼魔君用琴螂虫卵,拿各种人、妖怪、神仙做实验,然后把茧放在盘丝洞里孵化,从茧中造出各种妖怪魔物。有的自己留下看家护院,有的派去盘丝洞干活,而有的则另有他用。(生化危机啊)\n3、炼丹原料。通过琴螂茧造出各种妖怪魔物,比苦等一般妖怪正常修炼要快得多,用这种速效修炼法造出的妖怪魔物可以拿去做炼丹原料,让生产仙丹的效率大大提升。这也就是为什么百眼魔君跟很多人都宣传这条快速修炼的捷径,并不是真的想帮他们修炼,而是需要更多妖怪的内丹做原料。其实《西游记》原著作者因为经历过嘉靖朝(就是“练得身形似鹤形”那位,难怪叫鹤仙人啊),原著中也多次讽刺过当时沉迷炼丹的现象。\n\n联想游戏中的“玲珑内丹”,一般是比较强的妖怪才掉,修炼到这一步并不容易,所以要想快速生产就需要捷径。妖怪吃人,再拿妖怪的内丹,炼制天上仙丹,生产链条居然就这么连起来了!\n戌狗老弟常说:“吃药,吃药,若论出身,更不公道”“一粒金丹一因果,我命由天不由我”,现在想想真的很可怕,原来所谓天上仙丹,是这么来的!\n再想想四姐,去天庭救四姐真的刻不容缓啊,鹤仙人快亮血条吧。\n\n另外游戏中还介绍了十万天兵天将的生产过程:从地府挑选亡魂带到兜率宫,将亡魂注入铜汁铁水,用模具大批量生产天兵天将。当天兵天将受损后,直接拉回兜率宫重新浇筑,就可以重返战阵。不死不灭,永世煎熬。\n游戏越往后玩,天庭的黑暗手段就会逐步向你展现,然后才发现:人、妖、鬼,皆为耗材。\n“有高山,就有深渊。有天地悬殊,就有腥风血雨。”——黄风怪"}]} +{"conversation": [{"input": "", "output": "鹤仙人应该是负责替天庭监管盘丝洞和黄花观的生产线,所以才用符纸把百眼魔君和蜘蛛精们都困在这里干活。而让百眼魔君去向灵山方面下手的幕后主使,根据影神图的各种线索可知,是西王母(王母娘娘)。\n紫蛛儿某次大婚时,巫山夫人送的贺礼“照骨镜”,紫蛛儿拿镜子一照,竟失了神,转身就把镜子扔了。巫山夫人因此生了闷气,便不再亲自走动了。猪八戒和小猴子假扮巫山小妖骗二姐时也说,巫山夫人碍于身份不便下界,希望紫蛛儿病好后早日上天一叙。\n传说中西王母就有个女儿叫巫山神女,照骨镜的介绍里也提到“帝会王母,铸镜十二”,这照骨镜也是王母的法宝。\n\n传说周穆王曾西游至昆仑山,受到西王母的热情款待,游戏的“琴螂幼虫”影神图中也提到周穆王在昆仑山见到王母饲养的异兽(应该也是用琴螂虫卵制造出来的)。百眼魔君所使用的琴螂虫卵,也正是来自昆仑。\n\n百眼魔君和鹤仙人的对话中,也提到了王母娘娘。“便宜那边占得太多”应该指的是灵山那边通过取经项目等手段获得了更多香火供奉,天庭这边并不十分乐意。\n\n“成了神仙又如何,不也一样,打打杀杀,丑态百出吗?”——黄眉\n其实游戏中很多迹象已经表明,天庭和灵山的明争暗斗已经趋于白热化。\n天庭已经惩罚了曾卖力帮助过取经团队的六丁六甲、昴日星官等等,甚至可能对灵山方面的毗蓝婆菩萨也下手了,而且还非常的狠。\n还有让牛魔王、铁扇公主养着夜叉王族的血脉,也是谋划着将来可用作与灵山博弈的棋子。\n不知道未来还会有多少博弈棋子浮出水面,各路大佬巅峰对决的云顶之弈,或许真的会在续作中到来,到时又会是怎样的一场腥风血雨呢?\n第五回-马哥\n马哥本是商队养的马,要帮着贪财的商贾们,翻过火焰山去做买卖。未料,商队在山中被妖怪所袭,独剩他一马逃了出来。之后马哥被一老汉收养,给他起名马二。\n火焰山环境艰苦,老汉又年事已高,一日老汉在喂马哥时,栽倒在了马厩边。马哥扛起老汉,马不停蹄地跑了七百余里,一路飞奔至翠云山芭蕉洞求助,但那老汉早已咽气了。\n马哥伤心欲绝,自此流浪在山间。后来有一次在山间寻找吃食时,马哥遇到了醉酒的牛魔王,他见这老牛被山火烧掉了半边毛都还不醒,又扛起牛魔王飞奔至芭蕉洞。\n铁扇公主只唤了两声,牛魔王的酒就吓醒了。牛魔王见马哥为救他弄得伤痕累累,就收留了马哥,并给马哥起名马天霸。\n从此马哥跟着牛魔王习武修行,后来还做了牛魔王的麾下大将。"}]} +{"conversation": [{"input": "", "output": "红孩儿作乱困住牛魔王后,马哥到各地四处求援,但发现那些妖王都靠不住,最后还得是靠自己。\n回到火焰山后,马哥被火焰山土地欺骗,不幸和五行战车同归于尽。马哥被困在五行战车之中,帮他解脱后,可以得到他的“闪电五连鞭”。\n“他日若能在火焰山相逢,定与你饮酒欢会。”——马哥在回火焰山之前,和小猴子相约\n第五回-铁扇公主\n其实在原著中,并没有明确说,铁扇公主是太上老君的弟子。主要是因为铁扇公主的芭蕉扇,被认为是来自太上老君的法宝,所以很多人认为铁扇公主很可能和太上老君的关系不一般,游戏则采用了师徒关系这个说法。\n在游戏中,铁扇公主自小就去了兜率宫修行,太上老君还专门做了把新的芭蕉扇,送给她作法宝。\n\n孙悟空大闹天宫踢翻了炼丹炉,几块内有余火的炉砖落到人间成了火焰山。(这几块砖可能不是自由落体掉到这里的,搞不好是被人故意“掉”到这的)\n之后铁扇公主下界,以火焰山附近的翠云山芭蕉洞为洞府,掌管着八百里火焰山,老君还专门为她请了地仙的名分。同时,还安排了个烧炉童子来做火焰山的土地,协助打理事务。\n火焰山有多重要?铁扇公主控制着火焰山的气候,附近的人都得向铁扇公主献供品,这倒还是次要的。关键是铁扇公主控制着处于交通要道的八百里火焰山,想让谁过就让谁过,不想让谁过谁就别想过。原著中强调八百里的地方只有几处,属于绝对的战略要地,比如八百里黄风岭、八百里狮驼岭、八百里通天河等。所以很多人解读原著时都认为,这是老君的刻意安排。\n第五回-火焰山土地\n火焰山土地曾是太上老君的烧炉童子,和铁扇公主从小就相识。虽然铁扇公主入门较晚,但他还是叫她师姐。“我与你母亲相识的时候,你那父王,大约还套着牛梭子,不知在哪里犁地呢。”\n孙悟空当年大闹天宫踢翻了炼丹炉,几块内有余火的炉砖落到人间成了火焰山,他也被牵连被太上老君罚下界,当了火焰山的土地。\n\n\n当时老君自己都拿孙悟空没办法,难道还真指望个烧炉童子阻止孙悟空么。以守炼丹炉不力为名,罚他下界做火焰山的土地,这个理由只是个借口罢了,其实就是让他去协助铁扇公主打理火焰山的事务。\n火焰山土地从小就喜欢师姐铁扇公主,虽然被贬下了界,但是好在能和师姐一起共事,心中倒无甚怨言。\n后来,老君将铁扇公主许给了牛魔王。火焰山土地虽有些怅然,却也明白自己终究身份不够,不论替师父做了多少脏活,在师父眼里,他始终都配不上她。\n“命不好就罢了,又爱上了不该爱的人”——猪八戒对这油头粉面的土地如此评价"}]} +{"conversation": [{"input": "", "output": "当赤尻马猴带着花果山的部分猴子来到火焰山时,牛魔王收留了他们,很有可能就是这火焰山土地故意向猴群散播瘟疫,以此离间猴群。\n在红孩儿小时候,火焰山土地就一直纵容红孩儿,后来更是和红孩儿合谋囚了牛魔王,红孩儿的身世应该就是他在师父的授意下泄露的。他很可能早就在盘算着美梦,怎么把牛魔王搞下去,并希望师父让他来当火焰山的代理人,然后迎娶铁扇公主走向人生巅峰。\n第五回-红孩儿\n火焰山光靠铁扇公主还不够,要想做大做强,还需要有能耐的人来加盟,强强联合,于是老君看中了在妖界颇有盛名的牛魔王。牛魔王虽在江湖上混得响亮,但也需要背靠大树好乘凉,自也愿意入赘以正名分。\n天龙八部之一的夜叉族所建的夜叉国,被灵山的力量剿灭时,老君带着火焰山土地来劝说夜叉王,夜叉王为了保留自己的最后血脉,答应了他们的提议。他们将夜叉王儿子的精魄取走,再让铁扇公主喝下女儿国子母河的水,然后让夜叉王子借腹而生。\n夜叉国被灭后,红孩儿是夜叉王族的最后血脉,但普通夜叉还有大量四处逃亡,游戏中有些地方的小怪里就有夜叉。另外还有信息提到,和夜叉国一同被灭的还有罗刹国,铁扇公主就是罗刹女甚至可能还是罗刹国公主,所以铁扇公主不仅儿子,她自己也跟灵山有仇。\n\n后来师徒四人西天取经的路上,红孩儿被观音收走做了善财童子,之后牛魔王战败皈依了佛门,铁扇公主为救夫君借出芭蕉扇,师徒四人这才过了火焰山。\n孙悟空死后,牛魔王回到了火焰山���观音也让红孩儿回故乡火焰山尽孝双亲。\n\n红孩儿得知身世作乱后,铁扇公主到处低声下气地求人,但不管是以前交好的妖王还是满天神佛,全都不愿意来救。\n其实铁扇公主早已把红孩儿当做自己的孩子来养,她怕以红孩儿的性子闹下去,迟早会赔上自己的命。但师父的话,让铁扇公主彻底寒了心:“叫你养个孩子,不用真就做个母亲。此事尽他去闹,你夫妻只要不管,可保无虞。”把身世泄露给红孩儿,再挑唆他作乱,这很可能就是她师父的旨意,而火焰山土地只是个执行者。\n在所有人都不愿意来救的时候,铁扇公主就已经心如死灰了。她明白,这是“天意”。\n“他们想看的……正是如今,我们跪着的模样,我……偏不让你们……遂心。”——最后红孩儿还是没能逃脱宿命,走向了自我毁灭\n第五回-萍萍\n自打红孩儿出生后,牛魔王就多了个不归家的借口。\n积雷山摩云洞有个玉面公主,她的父亲万岁狐王死后,为她留下了百万家私无人掌管。玉面公主访着牛魔王神通广大,情愿倒陪,招赘为夫。论入赘这老牛是专业的啊。"}]} +{"conversation": [{"input": "", "output": "萍萍就是牛魔王和玉面公主的女儿,她和红孩儿从小关系就很好,常在一起玩耍。红孩儿在准备作乱之前,先打晕了萍萍,应该是想将她保护起来,避开接下来的动荡。\n可惜萍萍在游戏中并未实际登场,相信大家一定都希望在DLC或续作中,听她亲口喊你一声“猴哥哥”吧。\n第五回-牛魔王\n孙悟空在大闹天宫之前,曾和牛魔王结拜为兄弟,孙悟空称齐天大圣,牛魔王则称平天大圣。\n\n后来孙悟空大闹天宫被压五行山下,牛魔王则继续在世间闯荡。\n牛魔王在江湖上混出名堂后,得到了铁扇公主尤其是老君的青睐,加上他也确实需要正当的名分,所以愿意入赘。\n\n之后牛魔王家族混得那叫个风生水起,大老婆铁扇公主控制着火焰山、小老婆玉面公主在积雷山摩云洞有百万家私、儿子红孩儿在火云洞称圣婴大王、弟弟如意真仙在西梁女儿国控制着打胎的泉水谋取暴利。\n碧波潭的万圣龙王和女婿九头虫,也得常请老牛赴宴。\n\n火焰山一役,牛魔王战败后皈依了佛门。\n\n在孙悟空死后,牛魔王因立了功回到了火焰山,但却从此性情大变,他谢绝了所有的宴请闭门不出,似乎有什么难化解的心事。\n后来观音也把红孩儿放回来了,一家四人倒也过了段融洽的好日子。"}]} +{"conversation": [{"input": "", "output": "由于牛魔王把大圣根器一直藏在胃囊,加之心中积郁,导致他饮食减少日渐消瘦,容颜也渐显老态,仿佛有重重的忧思压在心上。有时甚至化作原形,遁至山巅,伏在山岗侧干呕。\n红孩儿得知了身世后,日日嚷着要报仇,牛魔王怕他闯出杀身之祸,就把红孩儿锁了起来,派避水金睛兽看管。不料红孩儿竟逃了出来,避水金睛兽一路追咬,红孩儿就假装被它咬伤,牛魔王一时救儿情急,便下手伤了避水金睛兽。\n这下坐骑被自己撵走了,自己的兵器混铁棍也不知被扔到了哪里(游戏中打完赤金战车后,进洞看到的大铁棍就是混铁棍,混铁棍上的记忆带你穿越到了多年前的璧水洞),牛魔王眼看着红孩儿作乱却没有办法。\n红孩儿逼牛魔王交出大圣根器,牛魔王宁死不给,于是红孩儿囚了牛魔王,想扮成萍萍吸引小猴子前来,再骗出牛魔王的大圣根器。\n“我老了……什么都怕……怕战,怕死,怕老婆,怕儿子……狗屁天命,都是苦命。”——老牛只有无奈\n第六回-通臂猿猴\n通臂猿猴也是混世四猴(灵明石猴、赤尻马猴、通臂猿猴、六耳猕猴)之一,这四种猴子的名称只是类别名,并不单指某一只猴子。\n当年孙悟空在花果山,曾封花果山的四只老猴为“花果山四健将”,作为元帅将军训练群猴。这四只老猴分别是两个赤尻马猴和两个通臂猿猴。\n游戏中带你找到五蕴的通臂猿猴,也是花果山四健将之一,她原在花果山是孙悟空手下一将军。\n当初美猴王孙悟空忧虑生死时,就是她劝孙悟空外出求道,之后孙悟空才到灵台方寸山斜月三星洞拜师菩提祖师。猴王学成归来后,论功行赏封她做了将军。"}]} +{"conversation": [{"input": "", "output": "孙悟空死后,有仙人托梦,告诉通臂猿猴“五蕴皆空,能度一切苦厄”。若她能访遍天下胜境宝刹,寻得五蕴之精,炼出五蕴之丹,或许可让那顽石感应,再度通灵显圣。\n于是她走遍三界四洲,去寻找能够炼制五蕴丹的材料,直到遇到了与猴王容貌一般无二的小猴子……就是游戏玩家你了。\n在游戏中集齐五蕴后,去找戌狗老弟就可以炼制五蕴丹。\n“观自在菩萨,行深般若波罗蜜多时,照见五蕴皆空,度一切苦厄。舍利子,色不异空,空不异色,色即是空,空即是色,受想行识亦复如是。”这段《心经》,TVB西游记电视剧里师徒四人也常念。\n袁守诚、四渎龙王\n在很多《西游记》原著的解读中,西天取经项目都被认为是灵山谋划已久的重点项目。甚至还有说法,就是为了这个项目,才把金蝉子贬下凡,才把孙悟空造了出来,还教他通天的法术。\n当孙悟空在五行山下压了五百年,金蝉子也转世成了十世修行的好人唐僧,天庭方面也认可了西天取经项目,接下来就只剩南赡部洲的大唐皇帝李世民了。该如何让他知道大乘佛法的好处,真心尊佛,并全力支持唐僧西天取经,然后回大唐传播佛法普度众生呢?没有关系,他没有需求,我们可以帮他创造需求嘛。\n\n这故事还要从袁守诚和泾河龙王说起。\n袁守诚在原著中,是当朝钦天监台正先生袁天罡的叔父。袁天纲(袁天罡)是隋唐时期真实存在的历史人物,且在后世各种传说中都很出名。\n\n泾河龙王是长安城外泾河的龙王。\n泾河是黄河支流渭河的第一大支流。古人认为泾水清,渭水浊。泾水流入渭水时,清浊不混,清者自清,浊者自浊。这就是成语“泾渭分明”的来源。\n\n因为袁守诚能够精准算出泾河水族的位置,附近渔民常常找他算卦,然后定时定点地去大量捕捞鱼虾。泾河龙王对此深感愤怒且忧惧,于是化作一白衣秀士,去长安城里寻袁守诚的麻烦,让他推算明日降雨的时间点数,并扬言如若算错,便要赶他出城。\n\n结果天庭突降圣旨,要求泾河龙王明日降雨的时间点数与袁守诚的推算完全一致。泾河龙王不愿服输,私改了下雨的时辰点数,触犯了天条,后被天庭知晓,要抓他去剐龙台处死。(剐龙台是专门用于处决龙族的刑场,剐龙台的名字来源于给龙剥除龙鳞的过程。游戏中获得的飞龙鳞片,就是泾河龙王的鳞片)\n由于监斩官是人界天官魏征,他是当朝丞相,所以袁守诚让泾河龙王寻唐皇李世民求助。李世民答应了泾河龙王,并设计拖住魏征,但没想到最后泾河龙王还是被魏征于梦中斩杀。"}]} +{"conversation": [{"input": "", "output": "最合理的解释是,其实灵山和天庭早就串通好了,专门安排袁守诚来坑这位泾河龙王,他们很了解泾河龙王的脾气性格,知道他一定会上钩。袁守诚纵有通天之能,又岂能算准玉帝的圣旨,不过是因为圣旨早就准备好了,然后提前把内容告知了袁守诚。\n袁守诚不仅知道圣旨内容,还知道泾河龙王犯了天条要被处斩,还知道监斩官是魏征,不是因为他能掐会算,而是因为他和幕后主谋根本就是一伙的。袁守诚让泾河龙王去找李世民求助,也不是真心帮泾河龙王,而是为了让泾河龙王在死后恨上李世民。从一开始选中泾河龙王作为牺牲品的时候,泾河龙王就注定了是必死的。\n幕后主谋安排袁守诚,先引泾河龙王上钩,再选择让魏征来监斩,再骗泾河龙王去找李世民求助,通过连环计一步一步拉李世民入局,这一切的谋划,最终目标就是李世民。\n\n泾河龙王死后,魂魄一直在夜里梦中纠缠李世民,让他无法安眠。于是李世民让尉迟恭、秦叔宝二位将军站岗,以驱离鬼祟邪魔。(我们民间门口贴的门神就是这俩)\n虽然梦里没了鬼魂骚扰,但李世民已经被吓得病入膏肓,最终还是被拉到了阴间地府。\n李世民在地府经历过无数惊吓(甚至遇到了兄弟李建成和李元吉揪打索命),并许诺各种好处后,地府这才放李世民还阳。\n李世民游地府还阳后,选中唐僧主持水陆大会,超度阴间的孤魂野鬼。观音再出来说“我佛如来的大乘佛法,能解百冤之结,能消无妄之灾”。此时的李世民已犹如惊弓之鸟,不得不信。\n于是,西天取经的重点项目,在经历了长期的周密谋划后,终于正式开启了……"}]} +{"conversation": [{"input": "", "output": "西天取经来到黑水河时,师徒四人遇到了泾河龙王的小儿子鼍龙,然后从西海龙王的口中得知了泾河龙王一家的信息。\n泾河龙王娶了西海龙王的妹妹,生了九个儿子。\n俗话说“龙生九子,各有不同”:第一个小黄龙,见居淮渎;第二个小骊龙,见住济渎;第三个青背龙,占了江渎;第四个赤髯龙,镇守河渎;第五个徒劳龙,与佛祖司钟;第六个稳兽龙,与神官镇脊;第七个敬仲龙,与玉帝守擎天华表;第八个蜃龙,在大家兄处砥据太岳。\n小儿子(第九个儿子)鼍龙年幼,在父亲泾河龙王触犯天条被斩后,和母亲来到舅舅西海��王家居住,被舅舅抚养长大。八个哥哥都有工作安排,唯独鼍龙没有工作,舅舅西海龙王让他去黑水河养性修真,期望他能建立功勋,好谋个执事。\n但鼍龙使用武力打败了黑水河神,强占了河神水府(西海龙王很可能包庇他,甚至就是故意这么安排的)。鼍龙之后更是兴风作浪,抓了唐僧,还打算用唐僧肉给西海龙王祝寿。孙悟空得知鼍龙的来历后,拿到了鼍龙的请柬去问罪西海龙王,西海龙王就派摩昂太子率领水兵前往黑水河擒住了鼍龙,将其带回西海。\n\n泾河龙王八个儿子的职位不确定是在他死前还是死后得到的,但从他前四个儿子掌管重要的四渎来看,比老爹的泾河重要性可要高多了。\n所以有的原著解读认为,泾河龙王不管怎么说是很冤的,而且看结果也确实为取经项目“立了功”,天庭可能为了抚恤,才给他儿子们安排这些职位。可以说儿子们的前途是老爹的命换来的。\n四渎是我国古代对四条独流入海的大河的称呼,即:江、河、淮、济(长江、黄河、淮河、济水)。其中淮河、济水古时候也曾独流入海,故得与江河并列。由于黄河在历史上曾多次改道,后来淮河、济水先后被黄河改道所夺(宋朝、清朝),淮河下游淤塞后改注入长江,而济水故道即今之黄河下游。\n游戏中的四渎龙王,就是泾河龙王的前四个儿子:\n躲在黑风山的赤髯龙,是泾河龙王的第四个儿子,是黄河龙王。\n\n躲在黄风岭的小骊龙,是泾河龙王的第二个儿子,是济水龙王。\n\n躲在小西天的青背龙,是泾河龙王的第三个儿子,是长江龙王。\n\n躲在袁守诚身上的小黄龙,是泾河龙王的大儿子,是淮河龙王。"}]} +{"conversation": [{"input": "", "output": "躲在袁守诚身上的小黄龙,是泾河龙王的大儿子,是淮河龙王。\n\n\n电视剧中泾河龙王的儿子们也有出场,看你能不能认出四渎龙王\n从原著中西海龙王的描述来看,西天取经时四渎龙王还是挺安分地待在工作岗位上,而之后的事情不得而知。\n游戏为了把他们变成训练你的隐藏BOSS,则对他们的命运进行了续写:\n泾河龙王被斩杀后,诸龙子深感前途未卜。西天取经项目结束之后,很多相关的神仙妖怪都论功封赏,惟有龙子们赏罚未定,更是让他们惶惶不已。他们寻至袁守诚处,求他再算上一卦。(被害这么惨,不恨袁守诚也就罢了,居然还信他算卦)\n此卦乃潜龙勿用之象,更是成了他们的心头刺。其中,尤以四渎龙王最为忧心,生怕自己也被抓去剐龙台。他们监管四渎,深知上界的凌厉做派,主动请辞,想以退保命。谁料,进上天庭的表文俱被驳回。\n孙悟空死后,袁守诚寻至四渎龙王,告知他们卦象更新,乃潜龙在渊,有可动之机:“只要寻个隐蔽处躲好,杀掉每一只寻找大圣根器的小猴子,便能将功折罪哩。”\n四渎龙王听后,纷纷离了水府,各自谋划去了。赤髯龙、小骊龙、青背龙分别躲到了黑熊精、黄风怪、黄眉那里,小黄龙则化为纹饰,藏于袁守诚身上。\n可这擅离职守,就不怕天庭怪罪了?感觉他们完全是被袁守诚忽悠瘸了啊!或者也可以这么解释,袁守诚可能就是天上某个大佬的化身,四渎龙王明白这其实也是天庭的意思,就算不想去也得去啊。\n\n四渎龙王也是够惨的,他们可能明知袁守诚不可信,却只能任由天庭和袁守诚摆布。“舍身成仁,便是我族世世代代的天命”,最后他们都成了孙悟空复活路上的练习对象。\n“无有因,头悬市曹何故?无有因,四渎失管何故?无有因,诸色惘惘何故?无有因,慈悲颠倒何故?”袁守诚还生怕你找不到他们,到了四渎龙王躲藏的地方就念,顺便还把怎么打四渎龙王的方法也给说了。不知道四渎龙王有没有被卖了的感觉。\n“你那三个兄弟,皆已诛服。不去相会,更待何时?”袁守诚最后对小黄龙说这话,真是够狠的。当初是谁忽悠他们可以将功赎罪的?"}]} +{"conversation": [{"input": "", "output": "另外,早期某个预告片里,在你拿飞龙鳞片的地方,小黄龙正在画孙悟空当年求学菩提祖师的场景,但是实际游戏中这里只有画而没有小黄龙。\n这个画画的人,我觉得很可能就是袁守诚,因为就是袁守诚在黄风岭告诉你,这里可以拿到飞龙鳞片,所以飞龙鳞片和这幅画应该都是袁守诚提前为你准备好的。四个练习BOSS袁守诚都为你准(忽)备(悠)好了,在这里相当于把通行证也交给你。\n至于菩提祖师和孙悟空这段秘密的过往,很多神仙都不知道,袁守诚为何能知道,他又为何故意画在这里给你看,这个谜团就得将来的DLC或续作来解释��。\n\n预告片以及你拿飞龙鳞片的时候,袁守诚都会念句诗,出自《红楼梦》中的《好了歌》第一段:\n“世人都晓神仙好,惟有功名忘不了!古今将相在何方?荒冢一堆草没了。”\n后面第二段和金池长老挺搭的这里也贴一下:\n“世人都晓神仙好,只有金银忘不了!终朝只恨聚无多,及到多时眼闭了。”\n袁守诚影神图里的诗,“半世虚度半世忙,仰天大笑是荒唐”,大概也有类似的意思。\n二郎神、梅山兄弟\n“你这猴子,真令我欢喜!”“你不在的日子,我每天都在想你。”——二郎神真爱无疑了\n其实在孙悟空大闹天宫的时候,二郎神对这个唯一能与他一战的对手,早就产生了惺惺相惜之感。后来在孙悟空西天取经的路上,还和梅山兄弟帮孙悟空击败了九头虫。\n在游戏序幕,二郎神虽奉命行事,将五个根器分给了前来协同作战的五个妖王,但他偷偷地把最后一个根器“意”给藏了起来,就藏在他的第三只眼里。\n\n二郎神知道以六丁六甲和孙悟空的交情,他们一定会帮助孙悟空复活,所以就把如意画轴送给了六丁六甲,方便他们行事。\n二郎神还派出梅山兄弟,一路考验并帮助寻找大圣根器的小猴子。然后他瞒着天庭和灵山,躲进了弥勒佛的浮屠塔画卷里,等待经受住全部考验的小猴子,来取最后一件根器。\n\n在《西游记》原著中,二郎神和梅山六兄弟,合称梅山七圣。但其实在很多别的文艺作品里,梅山七圣则是二郎神手下的七个梅山兄弟。\n《西游记》里,梅山六兄弟为:康、张、姚、李四太尉,郭申、直健二将军。\n而在《封神演义》里则是梅山七怪:白猿(袁洪)、狗(戴礼)、水牛(金大升)、野猪(朱子真)、蜈蚣(吴龙)、白蛇(常昊)、山羊(杨显)。\n游戏显然采用的是《封神演义》梅山七怪的设定:\n白衣秀士对应白蛇(常昊),在黑熊精手下潜伏,指引你敲钟见到金池长老的执念,并拿到避火罩。\n\n黄袍员外对应野猪(朱子真),在黄风岭等待,指引你前往黄金之国拿到定风珠。"}]} +{"conversation": [{"input": "", "output": "黄袍员外对应野猪(朱子真),在黄风岭等待,指引你前往黄金之国拿到定风珠。\n\n翠笠武师对应山羊(杨显),在小西天和弥勒佛一起谋划,指引你找到瓜田,让弥勒佛教你禁字法。\n\n黑手道人对应蜈蚣(吴龙),在百眼魔君手下潜伏,指引你前往紫云山修复绣花针。\n“若非以身试毒,岂能探明那老蜈蚣搞的这些个歪门邪道”,黑手道人亲身加入了百眼魔君的生化实验,好惨。\n\n皓斧力士对应水牛(金大升),在牛魔王手下潜伏,指引你前往碧水洞了解红孩儿的秘密。\n牛魔王仁义无双,让皓斧力士甘心以命相救,最后死于赤金战车手下。\n结局解读\n历经千难万险,小猴子终于集齐了大圣根器,来到花果山水帘洞,并获得了孙悟空的披挂和如意金箍棒。\n“你是哪里来的夷人?我这大圣部下的群猴,都是一般模样。你这嘴脸生得各样,相貌有些雷堆,定是别处来的妖魔”“当年他在这座儿上,还押着我给他磕头哩”——猪八戒在水帘洞里触景生情\n\n这段孙悟空戏耍猪八戒的剧情,发生在孙悟空三打白骨精被唐僧赶走后,在宝象国,奎木狼化身的黄袍怪把唐僧变成了老虎,猪八戒来到花果山求师兄援助。\n\n最后在花果山有两种结局:\n如果没有拿到二郎神手上的最后一个根器,最后小猴子就会被老猴子戴上紧箍,成为没有大圣的意念和记忆,但却拥有相当的实力的,乖乖听灵山命令的孙悟空。\n如果从二郎神那拿到了最后一个根器(内含意念和记忆),最后孙悟空就会以小猴子的身体复活,彻底摆脱紧箍的束缚,“以肉身之死,换意念永续”。"}]} +{"conversation": [{"input": "", "output": "“天命天命,乖乖听老天命令,几个老不死,名字起得倒怪传神的。”——猪八戒假扮的铁扇公主\n所谓天命人,是灵山和天庭骗人的说法,不过是听老天命令罢了。灵山和天庭都希望三界听命,这是他们一致的地方,但也恰恰是他们利益冲突的根源。\n正所谓“没有永远的敌人,只有永远的利益”,当初的西天取经项目,以及游戏开场合谋干掉孙悟空,都是灵山和天庭在利益诉求一致的情况下,短暂的联手合作。但是他们之间有着根本的利益冲突,无法长期合作,在多数情况下仍是敌对关系。\n根据游戏剧情分析,目前主要有三个阵营:\n1、灵山的目的,是想创造出一个听话的孙悟空,这个孙悟空可以是任何一只猴子。灵山在路上安排的妖怪,都是给孙悟空复活所需的练习品,好让小���子打怪升级。所以老猴子很可能是灵山一派的,甚至是这个项目的负责人。——灵山的诉求,对应普通结局\n2、天庭的想法暂不明确,从指使百眼魔君阻挠小猴子、故意泄露红孩儿身份让他作乱阻挠小猴子、派天兵天将在花果山阻挠小猴子、派四渎龙王干掉路上的小猴子来看,天庭不希望孙悟空回来,更加不希望只听灵山命令的孙悟空回来。但可能是因为过于自信,不认为普通小猴子能有多大本事,或者和灵山还没有彻底撕破脸,不方便明面上阻挠,所以显得不是那么全力以赴。——天庭的诉求,对应没有玩通关,即死在路上的小猴子\n3、灵山和天庭内部也有派系分歧,也不是铁板一块。弥勒佛、袁守诚、二郎神虽然表面上执行灵山和天庭的任务,但是暗地里却联手帮孙悟空实现真正的复活。——反骨仔们的诉求,对应隐藏真结局\n\n弥勒佛和袁守诚是游戏中最神秘的角色,一个表面上执行灵山的任务,一个表面上执行天庭的任务,但实际上都是阳奉阴违,或者说他们都巧妙地借灵山和天庭来实现自己的目标。\n他们究竟是真心帮孙悟空、真心为三界苍生着想,或是笑里藏刀、背后还有更大的谋划,这就不得而知了。\n“未定之事,天也难算”——弥勒佛\n“前因既定,谁也逃不脱后果。我算不出来,无非前因知道得还不够多”——袁守诚\n\n“没人知道,他究竟在想什么”——老猴子对弥勒佛的评价"}]} +{"conversation": [{"input": "", "output": "“没人知道,他究竟在想什么”——老猴子对弥勒佛的评价\n\n孙悟空的思想成长,主要分为三个阶段:\n1、懵懂期。比较像小孩,想要什么就不管三七二十一,我就是想要。先是想求长生能继续在花果山快活,有能耐了后“强者为尊应让我,英雄只此敢争先”想坐玉帝老儿的位置。但其实并没有完整的世界观和理想,只是单纯的想到什么就要什么。\n2、成熟期。被收拾了后,明白了不能肆意妄为,在西天取经的路上逐渐理解了三界的规则,且越来越适应。遇到有来历的妖怪,先摸清楚底细,再摇人儿来把自家狗带走。最终拜如来,成正果。\n3、游戏续写。孙悟空这个名字所代表的,其实早已不是小说和文艺作品里的那个孙悟空了,经过千百年来的文艺创作和融合,在我们心中,它已经是正义与勇气的化身,是坚强不屈的精神,甚至代表着几乎所有的优良品质。\n至于游戏中的孙悟空,到底是什么样的,其实结尾的主题曲《未竟》就已经说的很清楚了:\n“取了真经,真假如幻\n封了神佛,神思难安\n成了大道,大地凋零依然\n得了千秋功名,千千万生灵涂炭\n……\n英雄被写成诗,只剩爱与勇敢\n……\n试问有谁,再打破顽空,不堕轮回万古传”"}]} +{"conversation": [{"input": "", "output": "# 1. 世界观与背景设定\n ## 1.1 《西游记》取材与扩展\n 《黑神话:悟空》的世界观深受《西游记》的影响,但在原有的神话体系上进行了大胆的创新和扩展。游戏以《西游记》中的孙悟空为原型,构建了一个佛道衰败、妖魔横行的末法时代背景。在这个背景下,玩家将扮演“天命人”,探索一个充满神秘与危险的神话世界。\n\n - 取材《西游记》:游戏中的许多角色和地点都源自《西游记》,如孙悟空、牛魔王、蜘蛛精等,这些角色在游戏世界中被赋予了新的故事和性格。\n - 扩展与创新:游戏在原著的基础上,增加了新的神话元素和角色,如黄眉老祖、黑熊精等,这些新角色的加入丰富了游戏的世界观和剧情。\n\n ## 1.2 佛道衰败的末法时代\n 游戏中的末法时代是一个神佛力量衰弱、妖魔横行的时代。在这个时代,原本掌管秩序的神佛失去了力量,而妖魔则趁机崛起,占据了原本属于神佛的领地。\n\n - 佛道衰败:游戏中的佛教和道教都遭受了重创,许多寺庙和道观被妖魔占据,信徒们失去了信仰的依靠。\n - 末法时代的特征:这个时代的特征是混乱和无序,妖魔不再受到神佛的制约,可以自由地在人间作乱。\n\n ## 1.3 主角天命人的使命\n “天命人”是游戏中的主角,他肩负着寻找并复活孙悟空的使命。在这个过程中,玩家将揭开一个个谜团,探索世界的真相。"}]} +{"conversation": [{"input": "", "output": "- 寻找“六根”:天命人需要寻找孙悟空的“六根”,这是复活孙悟空的关键。这些“六根”分散在不同的妖王手中,天命人必须战胜他们才能收集齐全。\n - 探索世界真相:在寻找“六根”的过程中,天命人将揭开世界的真相,了解佛道衰败的原因,以及妖魔横行的背后故事。\n - 复活孙悟空:最终,天命人将通过自己的努力,复活孙悟空,恢复世界的秩序。这一过程不仅是对力量的追求,也是对信仰和使命的探索。\n# 2. 神、仙、妖、魔等角色设定\n ## 2.1 主要神祇与仙人\n 《黑神话:悟空》中的神祇与仙人角色众多,各具特色,其设定深受中国传统文化和《西游记》的影响。\n - 观音菩萨:在游戏剧情中扮演重要角色,其形象与佛教中的慈悲形象相符,对主角天命人有着指导和帮助的作用。\n - 玉皇大帝:天庭的最高统治者,其形象威严,对孙悟空的再次征伐显示出其对天庭秩序的维护。\n - 太上老君:道教的至高神祇之一,游戏中可能涉及其炼丹术和对仙界的管理。\n - 灵吉菩萨:在游戏剧情中可能与孙悟空的命运有所交织,其形象和地位在佛教中极为崇高。\n - 二郎神:以勇猛和忠诚著称,游戏中可能与孙悟空有复杂的敌友关系。\n - 鹤仙人:游戏中可能涉及其在天庭中的地位和影响力,以及与其他仙人的关系。\n\n ## 2.2 妖怪与魔族的分类\n 游戏中的妖怪与魔族设定丰富多样,体现了中国神话中的多元性和复杂性。\n - 黑熊精:游戏中的重要角色,其形象和故事可能与《西游记》中的黑熊精有所不同,展现了独特的个性和背景。\n - 黄风怪:以控制风的能力著称,游戏中可能展现了其与孙悟空的对抗和故事。\n - 蜘蛛精:游戏中可能涉及其诱惑和诡计,以及与其他角色的复杂关系。\n - 牛魔王:强大的魔族角色,游戏中可能展现了其与孙悟空的恩怨情仇。\n - 红孩儿:牛魔王之子,游戏中可能展现了其独特的能力和与孙悟空的冲突。"}]} +{"conversation": [{"input": "", "output": "## 2.3 敌友关系与角色互动\n 游戏中的敌友关系错综复杂,角色之间的互动丰富了游戏的世界观和剧情深度。\n - 孙悟空与天庭:游戏可能探讨了孙悟空与天庭之间的紧张关系,以及其对自由和反抗压迫的渴望。\n - 孙悟空与唐僧:游戏中可能展现了师徒之间的信任与矛盾,以及共同面对困难的情谊。\n - 孙悟空与牛魔王:游戏中可能探讨了两位大妖之间的恩怨,以及他们在对抗天庭时的合作与冲突。\n - 妖怪之间的联盟与对抗:游戏中可能展现了妖怪之间的联盟,以及为了生存和权力的斗争。\n - 仙人与妖怪的互动:游戏中可能探讨了仙人与妖怪之间的复杂关系,包括合作、对抗和转化。\n# 3. 影神图与角色图鉴\n\n## 3.1 影神图的解锁与收集\n《黑神话:悟空》中的影神图是一种记录游戏角色与敌人的图鉴系统,玩家可以通过探索游戏世界、战斗、完成任务等方式解锁新的影神图。影神图的收集不仅是对游戏世界观的深入了解,也是玩家成就系统的一部分。\n\n- 收集要素:游戏中的影神图包括了小妖、头目、妖王以及人物等多个类别,总数超过200个。\n - 小妖:数量众多,分布广泛,通常在游戏的各个区域中作为敌人出现。\n - 头目:通常作为关卡的守关角色或者特定任务的关键角色,具有较高的挑战性。\n - 妖王:游戏中的重要反派角色,往往拥有强大的力量和独特的背景故事。\n - 人物:包括了游戏中的正面角色、NPC以及一些中立角色,他们往往与游戏的剧情发展紧密相关。\n\n- 解锁方法:玩家可以通过击败特定的敌人、完成特定的任务或者探索隐藏的区域来解锁影神图。一些特殊的影神图可能需要玩家在游戏的不同周目中进行探索才能完全收集。\n\n- 收集难度:影神图的收集对于玩家来说具有一定的挑战性,需要玩家对游戏世界有深入的探索和理解。一些影神图的解锁可能需要特定的条件或者顺序,这增加了收集的复杂性。\n\n## 3.2 角色图鉴的详细信息\n角色图鉴是《黑神话:悟空》中对各个角色背景、性格、能力等信息的详细描述,它帮助玩家更好地理解游戏中的神话体系和世界观。"}]} +{"conversation": [{"input": "", "output": "- 角色设定:游戏中的角色设定深受中国古典神话《西游记》的影响,同时也融入了现代游戏设计的创新元素。\n - 神:通常指的是天庭中的高级存在,他们拥有超凡的力量和崇高的地位。\n - 仙:指的是通过修炼得道的仙人,他们通常居住在人间或仙境,拥有一定的法力。\n - 妖:多为动物或自然物化形而成,拥有一定的法力,但性格和行为多样,有善有恶。\n - 魔:通常指的是邪恶的存在,他们往往与神、仙、人等正义势力对立。\n\n- 角色背景:每个角色都有其独特的背景故事,这些故事往往与游戏的主线剧情紧密相连,为玩家提供了丰富的故事体验。\n\n- 角色能力:角色的��力设计多样,从法术、武技到特殊能力,每种能力都有其独特的使用场景和策略。\n\n- 角色关系:游戏中的角色关系错综复杂,包括师徒、敌友、爱恨等多种关系,这些关系对游戏的剧情发展和角色行为有着重要影响。\n\n- 角色成长:随着游戏的进行,角色会经历成长和变化,这些变化不仅体现在能力的提升,也体现在角色性格和观念的转变上。\n# 4. 黑神话悟空中的世界观、神话体系\n\n## 4.1 世界观概述\n《黑神话:悟空》的世界观建立在《西游记》的基础之上,游戏中的世界观是对传统神话故事的重新演绎和扩展。游戏通过现代化的视角和技术创新,为玩家展现了一个既熟悉又新奇的神话世界。\n\n## 4.2 神话体系的构成\n游戏中的神话体系由神、仙、妖、魔等角色构成,每个角色都有其独特的背景故事和能力。\n\n## 4.3 神的设定\n游戏中的神祇多以中国古代神话中的天庭神祇为原型,例如玉皇大帝、王母娘娘等,他们在游戏世界中扮演着维护天庭秩序和权威的角色。\n\n## 4.4 仙的设定\n仙在游戏世界中通常指的是通过修炼得道的生灵,如八仙、太上老君等,他们拥有超凡的法力和智慧,通常居住在人间或仙界。\n\n## 4.5 妖的设定\n妖怪在游戏中是多样化的存在,他们可能是由动物、植物修炼成精,也可能是因各种原因堕入魔道的生灵。妖怪的设定丰富了游戏的战斗系统和剧情。\n\n## 4.6 魔的设定\n魔是游戏中的反派角色,他们通常拥有强大的力量和邪恶的意图,与神、仙、妖等角色形成对立。魔的设定为游戏的冲突和挑战提供了动力。\n\n## 4.7 影神图的设定\n影神图是游戏中的一种收集元素,玩家可以通过探索和战斗解锁不同的神、仙、妖、魔的形象和故事,这些收集品丰富了游戏的世界观和背景故事。"}]} +{"conversation": [{"input": "", "output": "## 4.8 与《西游记》的关联\n游戏的世界观和神话体系在很大程度上借鉴了《西游记》中的元素,但同时也进行了创新和改编,以适应游戏的叙事和玩法。"}]} +{"conversation": [{"input": "", "output": "《黑神话:悟空》构建了一个丰富而复杂的世界观,融入了中国传统神话元素,包括神、仙、妖、魔等多种设定。以下是对游戏中世界观及其神话体系的详细分析。\n一、世界观概述\n1.1 整体背景\n《黑神话:悟空》的故事发生在《西游记》取经成功之后的时代。尽管取经之路已圆满,但天庭与凡间的秩序并未如众人所愿迎来真正的和平与光明。佛教与道教的真谛逐渐被扭曲,妖魔横行,以佛教之名行恶之事,连灵吉菩萨等高层亦难逃厄运。天庭对此视而不见,甚至暗中纵容,使得四大部洲陷入前所未有的混乱与绝望之中。\n1.2 主要设定\n游戏中的世界由多个层面构成,包括:\n天界:包括天庭和诸多神仙,代表着正义和秩序,但在游戏中却显得腐败和无能。\n人间:普通百姓生活的地方,受天庭和妖魔影响,处于动荡不安之中。\n妖界:妖怪们的栖息地,充满了各种各样的妖怪和魔物,他们在游戏中既是敌人也是故事的一部分。\n魔界:一些更为邪恶的存在和力量,通常与主角对抗。\n二、神话体系\n2.1 神与仙\n天庭与神灵\n在《黑神话:悟空》中,天庭是神灵的居所,拥有众多角色,如:\n如来佛:作为佛教的最高存在,其形象在游戏中可能以某种形式出现。\n观音菩萨:作为慈悲的象征,她在游戏中以老猴子的形象默默守护主角。\n二郎神:作为天庭的重要战士,他是追捕孙悟空的重要角色,展现出强大的战斗力。\n仙界\n仙界是一个充满灵气和修炼者的地方,其中包括:\n土地公:作为地方保护神,他在游戏中可能会提供帮助或任务。\n其他仙人:如太上老君等,他们可能会以不同形式出现,为主角提供指引或挑战。\n2.2 妖与魔\n妖怪设定\n游戏中的妖怪设定丰富多样,包括:\n黑熊精:作为第一章的Boss,代表着传统妖怪形象。\n蜘蛛精、白骨精等:这些经典角色不仅保留了原著中的特征,还可能被赋予新的背景故事和能力。\n牛魔王:悟空的宿敌之一,在游戏中扮演重要角色,与主角有着复杂的关系。\n魔物设定\n魔物则代表了更为邪恶和混沌的力量,如:\n晦月魔君:可能是一个原创角色,其存在代表着对抗正义力量的黑暗势力。\n三、角色关系\n3.1 孙悟空与其他角色\n孙悟空是游戏中的核心角色,他不仅是“天命人”的化身,也是整个故事发展的关键。他与其他角色之间有着复杂的关系:\n天命人:玩家所扮演的角色,与孙悟空之间存在传承关系,通过寻找六根碎片来复活悟空。\n猪八戒、���僧等:虽然他们在游戏中的出场较少,但仍然保留了原著中的性格特征,为故事增添了深度。\n3.2 神与妖之间的冲突"}]} +{"conversation": [{"input": "", "output": "3.2 神与妖之间的冲突\n游戏中的冲突不仅仅是善与恶之间的斗争,更是神与妖之间权力和信仰的较量。天庭对妖怪的压制,以及妖怪对人间生存空间的争夺,都构成了游戏故事的重要线索。\n四、文化元素\n4.1 佛教与道教哲学\n《黑神话:悟空》融合了佛教和道教哲学元素,使得整个故事不仅仅是动作冒险,更是对人生意义、正义与邪恶、自由与束缚等深刻主题的探讨。这些元素通过角色对话、任务设计以及剧情发展不断呈现出来。\n4.2 中国传统文化符号\n游戏中的场景设计、角色服饰以及战斗风格均体现了中国传统文化。例如,使用金箍棒作为武器,不仅是孙悟空标志性的武器,也象征着他反抗压迫、追求自由的精神。\n五、总结\n《黑神话:悟空》通过丰富的世界观和复杂的神话体系,将中国传统文化与现代游戏设计相结合,为玩家提供了一场视觉与思想上的盛宴。通过探索这个充满神秘色彩和哲学思考的世界,玩家不仅能够体验到刺激的战斗,还能深入理解中国古代文化中的深厚内涵。这种经典与现代元素相结合,使得《黑神话:悟空》成为一款具有重要文化价值和娱乐性的作品。"}]} +{"conversation": [{"input": "", "output": "在《黑神话:悟空》中,游戏的地图场景设计丰富多样,展现了精美的视觉效果和细腻的环境细节。以下是游戏中主要的地图场景及其详细说明。\n\n## 一、主要地图场景概述\n\n### 1. 黑风山\n\n- **背景**:黑风山是游戏的第一章,主要围绕着黑熊精展开。\n- **特点**:该区域以阴暗、神秘的氛围为主,玩家在这里将面临初步的挑战和敌人。\n- **重要元素**:黑熊精作为这一章节的最终Boss,玩家需要通过战斗和解谜来获取法宝辟火罩。\n\n### 2. 火焰山\n\n- **背景**:火焰山是游戏中的重要场景,以其壮观的火焰效果而闻名。\n- **特点**:这个区域充满了火焰与岩浆,玩家需要小心应对环境带来的挑战。\n- **重要元素**:在此章节中,玩家将面对强大的敌人,并需寻找隐藏的道具和支线任务。\n\n### 3. 黄风岭\n\n- **背景**:黄风岭是第二章的主要场景,以黄风大圣为Boss。\n- **特点**:该区域以风沙和黄土为主,环境变化多端,给玩家带来不同的战斗体验。\n- **重要元素**:玩家需要收集特定道具来应对Boss战,并探索隐藏区域。\n\n### 4. 小西天\n\n- **背景**:小西天是夜生白露章节的主要场景,与黄眉大王进行战斗。\n- **特点**:这个区域有着浓厚的宗教色彩,充满了神秘感和挑战性。\n- **重要元素**:在这一章节中,玩家将面对复杂的敌人设计和战斗策略。\n\n### 5. 盘丝岭\n\n- **背景**:曲度紫鸳章节设定在盘丝岭,是蜘蛛精们的栖息地。\n- **特点**:该区域充满了阴暗和诡异的气氛,玩家需要小心应对各种陷阱。\n- **重要元素**:百眼魔君作为Boss,玩家需要运用策略来击败他。\n\n### 6. 火焰山(再次出现)\n\n- **背景**:日落红尘章节再次回到火焰山,此时环境与之前有所变化。\n- **特点**:该区域展现了火焰山在不同时间段下的变化,增加了视觉上的新鲜感。\n- **重要元素**:红孩儿和夜叉王是这一章节的重要敌人,玩家需要灵活应对他们的攻击。\n\n### 7. 花果山\n\n- **背景**:花果山是孙悟空的故乡,也是游戏中一个重要的探索区域。\n- **特点**:该地区展现了自然之美与神秘力量的结合,是一个充满生命力的地方。\n- **重要元素**:这里有许多隐藏任务和收集品,玩家可以深入探索以获得奖励。\n\n### 8. 天庭"}]} +{"conversation": [{"input": "", "output": "### 8. 天庭\n\n- **背景**:天庭作为神灵居住之处,在游戏后期出现。\n- **特点**:该区域展现出宏伟与庄严,但也暗示着腐败与堕落。\n- **重要元素**:玩家将在此面对最终Boss,并揭示整个故事背后的真相。\n\n## 二、地图设计特点\n\n### 1. 环境细节\n\n每个地图场景都经过精心设计,不仅在视觉上吸引人,还充满了文化符号和神话元素。例如,在花果山中可以看到许多与《西游记》相关的细节,如水帘洞等经典场景。\n\n### 2. 隐藏要素\n\n游戏中的每个场景都包含许多隐藏要素,如收集品、支线任务和秘密通道。这些要素鼓励玩家进行探索,提高了游戏的可玩性。\n\n### 3. 战斗与解谜结合\n\n每个地图不仅仅是战斗场所,还融入了解谜元素。玩家需要通过观察环境、寻找线索来完成任务,这种设计增强了互动性和挑战性���\n\n## 三、总结\n\n《黑神话:悟空》的地图场景设计丰富多样,每个区域都有其独特的主题和挑战。通过精美的视觉效果和深厚的文化底蕴,这款游戏不仅为玩家提供了刺激的战斗体验,也让他们能够深入探索中国传统文化。这些地图不仅是游戏进程的一部分,更是整个故事发展的关键环节,使得整个游戏既是一段冒险旅程,也是对中国文化的一次深刻探讨。\n\n《黑神话:悟空》游戏中的地图场景与《西游记》原著以及现实世界的取景地有着紧密的联系。以下是一些游戏中的场景及其与原著和现实世界的关联:\n\n1. **黑风山**:游戏中的黑风山可能与《西游记》中提到的黑风山有关,现实世界的取景地可能包括中国的一些山脉和寺庙。\n\n2. **黄风岭**:黄风岭在《西游记》中是黄风怪的领地,游戏中的场景设计可能受到了中国北方黄土高原的启发。\n\n3. **小西天**:小西天在《西游记》中是唐僧师徒取经路上的一站,游戏中的小西天可能取景于山西隰县的小西天,以其悬塑艺术而著名。\n\n4. **盘丝洞**:盘丝洞是《西游记》中蜘蛛精的居所,游戏中的盘丝洞场景可能参考了中国南方的喀斯特地貌和溶洞。\n\n5. **火焰山**:火焰山是《西游记》中著名的一难,游戏中的火焰山设计可能受到了中国西部丹霞地貌的启发。\n\n6. **花果山**:花果山是孙悟空的故乡,游戏中的花果山场景可能融合了多种自然景观和神话元素,取景地可能包括中国的山脉和森林。\n\n7. **大足石刻**:游戏中的某些石刻场景可能受到了重庆大足石刻的影响,以其精美的佛教造像而闻名。"}]} +{"conversation": [{"input": "", "output": "8. **悬空寺**:山西恒山悬空寺的建筑特色可能被用于游戏中的某些寺庙场景。\n\n9. **崇福寺**:山西朔州崇福寺的建筑风格和布局可能在游戏中有所体现。\n\n10. **佛光寺**:山西五台山佛光寺的唐代木结构建筑可能为游戏中的某些寺庙场景提供了灵感。\n\n这些场景不仅在游戏中重现了中国古建筑的风貌,也让玩家在体验游戏的同时,能够感受到中国千年文化历史的魅力。游戏中的场景设计充满了细节,展现了制作团队对中国文化的深刻理解和尊重。\n\n\n爆火的《黑神话:悟空》在国内有36个取景地,大部分在这儿\n2024/08/21 12:12\n8月20日,国产单机游戏巨作《黑神话:悟空》在全球同步解锁,该款游戏被网友誉为“国产游戏之光”。\n\n据统计,上市单日销售收入突破10亿元,创下国产游戏之新记录。\n\n值得一提的是,游戏中有大量关于山西古建筑、塑像和壁画的元素。\n\n据不完全统计,该游戏画面在国内有36个取景地,其中27个来自山西,绝大部分都是主创人员实景扫描而来。\n\n“村村有古庙,处处有古建”\n\n正所谓“地上文物看山西”。山西省作为全国古建筑保留最多的省份,可以说只要仰起头来,处处都是历史的痕迹。\n\n据不完全统计,山西现有不可移动文物达53875处,其中古建筑就有28027处,约占全国十分之一;全国重点文物保护单位531处,居全国之首。其中元代及元以前木构古建筑509处,约占全国80%以上。\n\n从晋城玉皇庙、隰县小西天到朔州崇福寺、忻州佛光寺……《黑神话:悟空》不仅让遍布三晋大地的精美塑像重现生机,还深度还原了大量山西古建筑的细节。游戏每个关卡都能让玩家触摸到中华文脉,并沉醉在剧情中。\n\n今天让我们来盘点《黑神话:悟空》中那些惊艳的山西建筑古迹。\n\n大同:云冈石窟,悬空寺,觉山寺,善化寺,永安寺\n\n朔州:崇福寺,应县木塔\n\n忻州:佛光寺,南禅寺\n\n晋中:镇国寺,双林寺\n\n临汾:小西天,广胜寺\n\n长治:观音堂,崇庆寺\n\n晋城:玉皇庙,铁佛寺,西溪二仙庙\n\n运城:鹳雀楼,永乐宫,关帝庙\n\n大同篇\n\n云冈石窟\n\n云冈石窟位于中国山西省大同市西郊的武周山南麓,是中国著名的石窟群之一。\n\n云冈石窟始建于北魏时期,它不仅是中国佛教艺术的宝库,也是世界文化遗产的重要组成部分,每年吸引着大量的游客和学者前来参观研究。\n\n悬空寺"}]} +{"conversation": [{"input": "", "output": "悬空寺\n\n悬空寺位于山西省大同市浑源县恒山金龙峡西侧翠屏峰峭壁间,原叫“玄空阁”。悬空寺始建于北魏后期(491年),距今已有一千五百多年,是佛、道、儒三教合一的独特寺庙。\n\n“悬空寺”建筑极具特色,以如临深渊的险峻而著称,素有“悬空寺,半天高,三根马尾空中吊”的俚语,以如临深渊的险峻而著称。或许只有当你真正站在悬空寺边,仿佛悬于天地之间,才���切身感受到古老与现代的交融。\n\n朔州篇\n\n崇福寺\n\n崇福寺,古名林衙院,位于山西省朔州市朔城区。崇福寺坐北向南,规模宏伟,气势壮观。崇福寺宇前后五进院落,中轴线上依次排列有山门、金刚殿(天王殿)、千佛阁、三宝殿、弥陀殿和观音殿。东西两侧从前至后有钟楼、鼓楼、文殊堂 (西配殿) 和地藏殿(东配殿)。\n\n应县木塔\n\n佛宫寺释迦塔,又称应县木塔,位于山西省朔州市应县佛宫寺内,始建于辽清宁二年(1056年),是世界上现存最高大、最古老纯木结构楼阁式建筑,与意大利比萨斜塔、巴黎埃菲尔铁塔并称“世界三大奇塔”。\n\n忻州篇\n\n五台山经幢——佛光寺\n\n“大佛光寺,国之瑰宝。”佛光寺位于五台县佛光新村,是中国仅存的四座唐代古建筑之一。佛光寺之精华,尤以东大殿为胜。\n\n1937年,建筑学家梁思成和夫人林徽因亲自来到佛光寺进行了考察、测绘,确证了佛光寺东大殿是一座唐代建筑,并称其为“中国第一国宝”,打破了外国学者的断言:在中国大地上没有唐朝及其以前的木结构建筑。\n\n延庆寺\n\n延庆寺,坐落于山西省五台县西北部阳白乡善文村,占地1040 平方米,始建年代不详,是第六批全国重点文物保护单位。\n\n该寺有着独特构架,在建筑形制上耍头、补间、斜拱、驼峰的手法同境内佛光寺文殊殿相似。\n\n晋中篇\n\n双林寺\n\n山西现存12700余尊彩塑,而平遥双林寺一处,就占了六分之一。\n\n双林寺位于山西省晋中市平遥县中都乡桥头村北,由东西两部分组成,沿中轴线坐落着三进院落。该寺推测始建于北魏年间至北齐武平年间(公元386-571年),明清多次重修,以彩塑而闻名于世,被誉为“东方彩塑艺术的宝库”。\n\n临汾篇\n\n隰县小西天——名场面“诞生地”\n\n在《黑神话:悟空》中,千佛庵的宏伟背景被巧妙地融入到游戏场景中,为玩家呈现了一幅幅精致细腻的画面。游戏中的某些名场面,如“既见未来 为何不拜”,正是取景于此,吸引了不少游戏玩家的名场面,取景于山西的悬塑艺术!\n\n而提到悬塑,不得不提堪称中国悬塑艺术之“绝唱”的临汾隰县小西天。"}]} +{"conversation": [{"input": "", "output": "而提到悬塑,不得不提堪称中国悬塑艺术之“绝唱”的临汾隰县小西天。\n\n隰县小西天,又名千佛庵,始建于明崇祯二年,坐落在凤凰山悬崖峭壁之上。\n\n上千尊彩塑都集中在建筑面积仅170平方米的大雄宝殿内,粉彩装銮,富丽堂皇,姿态各异,生动传神,仿佛在向世人诉说着古老的传说,将“小、巧、精、奇”四个字展现得淋漓尽致。\n\n广胜寺\n\n广胜寺坐落于山西省临汾市洪洞县,寺院始建于东汉桓帝建和元年(147年),它历经千余年的兴废重建,现存主要为明代建筑,形制结构仍保持元代风格。\n\n上寺飞虹琉璃宝塔,为国内最高的琉璃塔;下寺水神庙元代壁画,为现存唯一不以佛道为表达内容的孤例;《赵城金藏》位列国家图书馆四大镇馆之宝。飞虹塔、《赵城金藏》、水神庙元代壁画,并称为“广胜三绝”。\n\n长治篇\n\n观音堂\n\n观音堂,这座坐落在长治市潞州区大辛庄镇梁家庄村的古老建筑,始建于明万历年间,历经四百多年的沧桑岁月,依旧矗立在这片土地上,以其独特的魅力吸引着无数游客的目光。\n\n晋城市篇\n\n玉皇庙\n\n游戏视频内出现的庙中彩塑,以及悟空面对的彩塑,是不是也很眼熟?\n\n玉皇庙,位于山西省晋城市区东北约13公里处的府城村北岗上,是晋城地区保存最完好,规制最完整的玉皇庙。二十八宿殿位于后院西庑,砖砌神台,南、西、北三面环塑二十八宿星君像,是府城玉皇庙中最具价值的文物。\n\n塑像高度皆为1.8米左右,二十八星宿像尊尊精彩,每一个星宿都有一个依附于自己的小动物,造型逼真。\n\n在游戏中,玩家可以近距离观赏到玉皇庙的露天神像和二十八星宿彩塑。这些复刻形象完美展示了宋代庙宇建筑的独特风格和审美品味,让玩家仿佛置身于千年古庙之中,感受那份历史的厚重与文化的深邃。\n\n铁佛寺\n\n铁佛寺,位于高平市区东南五公里的米西村,第八批全国重点文物保护单位。\n\n铁佛已毁,但名称仍然沿用了下来。铁佛寺内的彩塑,中国古代寺观彩塑作品的绝无仅有者,是我国不可多得的古代雕塑艺术珍品。\n\n运城篇\n\n飞云楼、秋风楼\n\n永乐宫\n\n三清殿:壁画艺术的殿堂\n\n永乐宫三清殿是另一处被《黑神话:悟空》巧妙借鉴的山西古建筑。作为我国已发现保存最大、最完整的道教宫观,永乐宫内的元代壁画在中国绘画史上占有重要地位。这些壁画以其丰富的色彩、生动的形象和深刻的寓意,展现了道教文化的博大精深。"}]} +{"conversation": [{"input": "", "output": "在游戏中,虽然不能直接看到这些壁画的全貌,但制作团队通过细腻的画风和精心的设计,将壁画中的元素融入到游戏场景中,让玩家在探索过程中也能感受到那份来自古代艺术的独特魅力。\n\n此次《黑神话:悟空》和山西的联动,也让山西古建筑再一次走进公众视野。古建筑这一珍贵的历史文化遗产也在被公众熟知和分享中得到创新性传播。\n\n每一个人的心中都有一个神话世界,古建是故乡、是文化、是刻在骨子里中国人的浪漫。雕梁画栋,飞檐斗拱……山西古建蕴藏的是属于山西游子的历史记忆和乡土情怀。在游戏中,山西古建不再是静止的历史遗迹,而是化身为生动的故事场景,让玩家们仿佛穿越时空,置身于充满奇幻色彩的神话世界。因此,当山西古建遇到国产游戏,再次展现了传统文化的魅力并不过时,它们以独特的方式承载着我们的记忆与情感。\n\n山西古建,让更多的人看到了浪漫瑰丽的中国,看到了充满想象力和工匠精神的中国故事和中国艺术。那就不妨试着来一趟山西吧,那些神话中的故事,想象的画面,游戏里的场景或许都能在山西找到答案。"}]} +{"conversation": [{"input": "", "output": "《黑神话:悟空》的战斗系统是游戏的核心之一,提供了多样化的战斗技能和丰富的操作体验。以下是游戏中的一些主要战斗机制和操作方式:\n\n1. **战斗机制和操作方式**:\n - **轻攻击**:玩家可以通过连续轻攻击来积累棍势,每种棍法都有不同的连招和终结技。\n - **重攻击**:消耗棍势来释放重攻击,造成巨大伤害。重攻击分为劈棍、立棍和戳棍,每种都有不同的攻击特性。\n - **闪身**:通过极限闪避来积累棍势,成功触发闪身后可进行反击。\n - **蓄力重棍**:在战斗中可以进行蓄力攻击,根据蓄力时间长短,攻击范围和威力会有所不同。\n - **跳跃攻击**:在空中可以进行跳跃攻击,具有不同的攻击方式。\n - **棍花**:可以击落飞行攻击,近战时也可以造成伤害。\n - **棍反**:在敌人攻击瞬间进行反击,弹反敌人攻击并进行反击。\n\n2. **战斗技能和法术**:\n - **棍法**:包括劈、戳、立三种棍法,每种棍法都有其独特的攻击方式和战术价值。\n - **法术**:分为奇术、身法、毫毛、变化四类,玩家可以根据战斗需要装备不同的法术。\n - **变身**:玩家可以变身为不同的形态,每种形态都有独特的技能和战斗方式。\n\n3. **特殊战斗状态**:\n - **变身系统**:玩家可以变身为游戏中的敌人,变身后拥有不同的攻击方式和技能。\n - **异常状态**:游戏中有烧伤、冰冻、震慑和中毒等异常状态,玩家需要通过特定的方法来解除这些状态。\n\n4. **变身技能**:\n - 游戏中有多种变身技能,每种变身都有其独特的攻击方式与技能,玩家可以通过探索和战斗来解锁和升级这些技能。\n\n5. **战斗技巧**:\n - 玩家需要掌握如何合理运用棍势、法术和变身技能,以及如何进行有效的闪避和反击。\n\n《黑神话:悟空》的战斗系统要求玩家具备一定的操作技巧和战术策略,通过不断练习和探索,玩家可以更好地掌握游戏的战斗精髓。\n\n黑神话悟空机制介绍\n基础机制:\n\n识破:在即将被攻击之前打出【劈棍法】的【重击变招】触发效果,阻止敌方攻击并且造成伤害。\n\n棍势:蓄势、攻击目标、完美闪避等可以消耗体力获得棍势。累计至多四段,在第四段攒满之前会随时间消耗。蓄势、攻击目标、完美闪避等可以获得棍势。\n\n体力值:冲刺、闪避、攻击时会消耗体力,会自然恢复。"}]} +{"conversation": [{"input": "", "output": "体力值:冲刺、闪避、攻击时会消耗体力,会自然恢复。\n\n闪避:即将被攻击的瞬间使用可以触发完美闪避,会消耗体力值。\n\n完美闪避:出发后会原地留下一个残影,并增加一段左右的棍势。\n\n\n基础攻击套路:\n\n普通攻击:普攻一共连续五段,第五段间隔较长,不过可以打断敌方攻击。\n\n重击:分为基础形态【立棍法】【劈棍法】【戳棍法】和【重击变招】【连续重击】。\n\n立棍法:可以躲避部分地面和近地面攻击技能,且保持蓄势攻击状态。\n\n劈棍法:默认状态,可以边跑边蓄力,操作起来更为灵活。\n\n戳棍法:攻击距离和范围扩大。\n\n重击变招:立棍法】空中踢击技能、【劈棍法】具有识破能力、【劈棍法】提升攻击频率。\n\n连续重击:用【劈棍法】的【重击变招】后利用棍势打出。没有棍势则为轻击\n\n(可以根据是棍子有亮与不亮来判断打出的效果)。\n\n\n\n\n\n\n报道提到了《黑神话:悟空》的多个方面,包含画面、战斗系统、神通能力、武器和防具等等。作者指出他实际游玩了13-15小时,大概有全篇的三分之一左右,过程当中没有遇到闪煺,卡死问题,整体来说有着非常良好的游戏体验。\n\n作者在最后盛赞:“《黑神话:悟空》具备出色的美术、音乐表现和剧情文本。独创的战斗系统虽然上手难度不低,但手感流畅不拖沓,还有大量的神通技能可以使用,变化性十足。很难想像这是一个从来没有推出3A级作品的团队能达到的制作品质。推荐给魂系游戏粉丝、单纯喜欢动作游戏,或是是对题材感兴趣的玩家一试。”\n\n巴哈报道:\n\n《黑神话:悟空》是一款第三人称动作游戏,具有魂系特色外,还巧妙地将神话中齐天大圣所具备的各种神通本领融入到游戏系统中,打造出独具特色又富变化性的战斗体验。\n\n本作的故事虽然是以《西游记》为蓝本,但玩家一开始在游戏中所扮演的却不是大圣孙悟空,而是被称为「天命人」,出身花果山的另一只猴子。为了探询「天命」,踏上一条充满危险与惊奇的西游之路,与各路神怪展开大战。\n\n几乎大部分在《西游记》小说中有特别叙述的妖怪,都会作为敌人在故事中登场。因此《黑神话:悟空》有着远超一般魂系游戏,大量且频繁的头目战,也是本作的一个有趣特色。\n\n画面表现\n\n由虚幻5打造的《黑神话:悟空》有着不逊于一线游戏大厂的出色画面与美术表现。游戏裡像是「花果山」、「黄风岭」和「盘丝洞」等各个场景,基本上都是依照《西游记》裡的记述,再加入製作团队自己的诠释,呈现出不一样的「黑暗风」神话世界。"}]} +{"conversation": [{"input": "", "output": "游戏中美术细节相当讲究,像是用来存档的神龛、敌我双方的角色设计、衣着装饰等,都充满了华人玩家熟悉的元素。关卡中出现的佛塔、古剎之类的建筑和雕塑,大多也都是实际取材自中国的古蹟文物。有很多细节值得玩家伫足欣赏。\n\n基础战斗系统\n\n在《黑神话:悟空》里,玩家操作的「天命人」所使用的主武器是「棍棒」,具有轻、重两种不同的攻击方式。其中轻击连段伤害很低,但可以累积「棍势」等级,而重击则是会消耗「棍势」能量,打出高伤害的一击。除了轻攻击外,玩家也能藉由精準闪避来累积棍势。另一个特殊的「舞棍花」动作,乍看之下好像能够用来格挡,实际上只能挡掉敌方的飞行道具,游戏裡没有「格挡」动作(但有类似效果的特殊能力)。\n\n由于棍子轻击打人太痒,重击又需要非~常长的前置动作,玩家要是照着一般动作游戏裡使用刀剑的感觉来战斗,应该会觉得有够绑手绑脚。《黑神话:悟空》跟其他魂系游戏讲求「不贪刀」,与敌方一来一回的战斗逻辑不太一样。与其怕受伤慢慢打,本作反倒是鼓励玩家积极进攻,能多打连段就多打连段,藉由连段结束的强力最后一击,或是使用消耗「棍势」的重击,就能将敌人连续打出硬直或是失衡,这时候再火力全开输出伤害。这种「一顿胖揍打得敌人爬不起来」的愉快体验,在魂系游戏裡可是不多见的。\n\n三种不同的棍势\n\n主武器棍子可以依照战况,主动切换三种架势,分别是「噼棍势」、「立棍势」和「戳棍势」,棍势不会改变轻击的方式,只是击出的「重击」形式不同,这三种架势还各有独自的技能树。\n\n「噼棍势」的破绽最小,可以边跑边集气,适合对付行动敏捷的敌人,「立棍势」的动作虽然是有够慢的慢,但是将棍子立在地上的动作,其实可以让我们免疫大部分的攻击,加上追尾的性能也很好,在对战强敌时,意外地是个非常实用的招式。至于最后学会的「戳棍势」,则是向后闪躲的同时戳出棍子、攻防一体的招式,若是点出后续派生的「搅棍」的话,击中敌方还带有回復气力的功效,但威力就普普通通。整体来说,最好用的还是「立棍势」。\n\n多彩的神通能力\n\n除了棍法外,游戏中还有多种「神通能力」作为战斗的辅助手段,种类之丰富,可以说不负大圣孙悟空的「七十二变」威名。\n\n「神通」共分为四大系统,包括能够变身为特定怪物的「变化」、能够对敌人上状态的「奇术」、闪招用的「身法」,还有唿唤出分身,一同帮忙打怪的「豪毛」,四大类别各有很多种法术可以选,但每种类别的法术只能各带一个。"}]} +{"conversation": [{"input": "", "output": "其中,击败特定妖魔会解锁特殊的「变身」,发动后「天命人」会完全化身为妖魔持续一段时间,并赋予新的攻击方式和独立的生命值条。而且变身时,被攻击不会被击杀,只会恢復原本的形态,可以理解为必杀技的一种,紧急时也能拿来保命。\n\n「奇术」中的「定身术」,是玩家最早学到的技能,可以将敌人定身 3~5 秒,能够暂时将敌人静止。虽然看起来不很起眼,但却是最好用、使用频率最高的神技,不仅可以拿来保命,若是玩家攻击遭到定身的敌人,主动将定身咒打破,还能强制中断敌人的动作,也可以当作是一套输出的起点。\n\n值得一提的是,虽然前面说游戏裡没有「格挡」键,但在「身法」类别裡有一招名为「铜头铁臂」,可以让角色暂时硬化无敌,藉此弹开敌人的攻击,效果跟格挡差不多。\n\n升级系统\n\n本作中可以透过击杀敌人、探索地图等手段,获得「灵蕴」来升级,当收集足够的「灵蕴」,玩家会获得一点「灵光点」,其实就是技能点数,可以提升身体素质,或是点在「棍法」和「神通」的技能树裡面,解开不同的能力。\n\n武器与防具\n\n游戏中除了透过开宝箱、打倒头目直接获得武器与防具外,大部分的装备都是要靠收集素材自己打造的,除了要消耗灵蕴,当然也要有特定素材。越稀有的素材,收集的难度也更高,有些素材还只有头目才会掉。\n\n游戏裡的装备分为头、身、手、脚四个部分,穿上同系列防具还会触发套装效果,再加带有各种强化效果的「仙品」,就能玩出不同的流派。研究不同流派、不同配装也是本作的钻研要素之一。\n\n不太亲切的地图和任务指引\n\n《黑神话:悟空》的关卡设计採用了类似《仁王》系列的形式,由多个小区域,藉由捷径互相连通,组成一个广大的地图,同时又比《仁王》更加立体,小路也更多,但游戏中 “没有地图”,玩家必须全靠自己记路,就连主支线任务也没有很明确的指引,只会大略告诉玩家「去那边的山洞」或「帮我找某物」这样暧昧不清的叙述,至于是哪边的山洞?某物又在哪裡?不好意思就请你自己摸索。以一款有这样规模大地图的游戏来说,本作在这一点上相当的硬派。\n\n《黑神话:悟空》是一款以中国古典名著《西游记》为背景的动作角色扮演游戏,其战斗机制设计精妙,融入了多种元素,使得战斗体验既富有挑战性又充满乐趣。以下将详细介绍游戏的战斗机制,包括操作方式、战斗技能、法术、特殊状态以及变身系统等。\n\n## 一、战斗机制概述\n\n### 1.1 基础操作\n\n在《黑神话:悟空》中,玩家通过以下基本操作进行战斗:"}]} +{"conversation": [{"input": "", "output": "### 1.1 基础操作\n\n在《黑神话:悟空》中,玩家通过以下基本操作进行战斗:\n\n- **轻攻击**:通过按下轻攻击键(如手柄的X键)进行普通攻击,轻攻击可以连续进行多次,形成连击。\n \n- **重攻击**:按下重攻击键(如手柄的Y键)释放强力攻击,通常具有更高的伤害和破坏力。\n\n- **防御与闪避**:玩家可以通过按住防御键来格挡敌人的攻击,同时也可以使用闪避键(如手柄的B键)来躲避敌人的攻击,快速移动到安全位置。\n\n- **技能释放**:玩家可以通过特定的组合键释放技能,这些技能通常需要消耗气力值或专注点。\n\n### 1.2 战斗节奏\n\n游戏强调节奏感,玩家需根据敌人的攻击模式和时机进行反击。类似于《只狼》等动作游戏,玩家需要掌握敌人的攻击节奏,以便在合适的时机进行反击和闪避。\n\n## 二、战斗技能与法术\n\n### 2.1 技能分类\n\n在《黑神话:悟空》中,孙悟空拥有多种技能,这些技能可以根据不同的战斗需求进行组合使用。主要技能包括:\n\n- **金箍棒技能**:以金箍棒为武器的连招技能,如“棍势”系列技能,通过蓄力和连击来造成大量伤害。\n\n- **七十二变**:这一经典能力使得孙悟空能够变身为不同形态,每种形态都有独特的技能和攻击方式。例如,可以变身为动物形态以提升速度或隐蔽性。\n\n- **法术技能**:包括火眼金睛等远程法术,可以对敌人造成持续伤害或控制效果。这些法术通常需要消耗专注点,并在战斗中灵活运用,以应对不同类型的敌人。\n\n### 2.2 技能升级与组合\n\n玩家在游戏中可以通过积累经验值和完成任务来升级技能。技能升级后会增强其效果或减少冷却时间。此外,玩家还可以根据自己的战斗风格自由组合不同的技能,以形成独特的连招。\n\n## 三、特殊战斗状态\n\n### 3.1 狂暴状态\n\n在连续击杀敌人后,孙悟空会进入狂暴状态,此时他的攻击力和移速都会显著提升。这一状态允许玩家在短时间内进行猛烈攻击,是应对强大Boss或大量敌人的有效手段。\n\n### 3.2 大招状态\n\n当玩家积累足够的能量后,可以释放强大的大招。这一招式通常具有范围伤害和高额输出,是清理小怪或对付Boss的重要手段。释放大招后,角色会进入短暂的冷却期,需要合理安排使用时机。\n\n## 四、变身系统\n\n### 4.1 变身能力"}]} +{"conversation": [{"input": "", "output": "## 四、变身系统\n\n### 4.1 变身能力\n\n《黑神话:悟空》的变身系统是其战斗机制的一大亮点。孙悟空可以通过击败特定敌人或完成任务解锁变身能力。在变身状态下,孙悟空将获得新的外观和独特技能,例如:\n\n- **动物形态**:提升速度和敏捷性,可以快速接近敌人或逃离危险。\n \n- **妖怪形态**:获得强大的近战攻击能力,适合与强敌对抗。\n\n### 4.2 变身效果与策略\n\n变身系统不仅改变角色外观,还会影响战斗策略。玩家需要根据当前战斗情况选择合适的变身形态,以最大化输出并有效应对敌人。例如,在面对高韧性的Boss时,可以选择妖怪形态进行高伤害输出,而在遭遇快速移动的小怪时,则可选择动物形态以提升灵活性。\n\n## 总结\n\n《黑神话:悟空》的战斗机制设计深具特色,通过多样化的操作方式、丰富的技能与法术、特殊状态及变身系统,为玩家提供了极具挑战性和乐趣的战斗体验。玩家不仅需要掌握基本操作,还需根据不同敌人灵活运用各种技能与策略,以在激烈的战斗中取得胜利。这种深度与复杂性的结合,使得《黑神话:悟空》成为一款值得期待的动作角色扮演游戏。"}]} +{"conversation": [{"input": "", "output": "《黑神话:悟空》是一款以中国神话为背景的动作角色扮演游戏,玩家将扮演“天命人”探索一个充满危险与惊奇的西游世界。以下是游戏的主要玩法元素:\n\n1. **探索与解谜**:\n - 游戏世界中包含多个引人入胜且风格迥异的西游故地,玩家需要探索这些地方,解开谜题,发现隐藏的宝藏和秘密。\n - 地图设计复杂,包含多种地形和机关,玩家需要细心寻找隐藏的路径和物品。\n\n2. **收集**:\n - 游戏中有丰富的收集元素,包括武器、装备、法术、精魄、法宝、葫芦、酒、泡酒物等。\n - 玩家可以通过收集不同的物品来增强角色的能力,或是解锁新的技能和法术。\n\n3. **角色成长系统**:\n - 技能树:玩家可以通过技能树来解锁和升级角色的技能,包括棍法、奇术、身法、毫毛和变化等。\n - 装备升级:游戏中的装备可以通过收集材料和锻造来进行升级,提升角色的战斗力。\n\n4. **战斗机制**:\n - 轻攻击与重攻击:玩家可以使用轻攻击进行快速连击,或使用重攻击进行强力一击。\n - 闪避与反击:通过精准的闪避和反击,玩家可以在战斗中获得优势。\n - 棍势系统:通过攻击和防御积累棍势,释放强力的攻击。\n\n5. **多周目与隐藏结局**:\n - 游戏设计了多周目玩法,玩家可以在完成一个周目后继续探索,发现新的内容和挑战。\n - 隐藏结局:通过完成特定的任务和挑战,玩家可以解锁游戏的隐藏结局。\n\n6. **变身系统**:\n - 玩家可以变身成游戏中的敌人,变身后会获得不同的技能和战斗方式。\n - 每种变身都有其独特的攻击方式与技能,玩家需要根据战斗情况选择合适的变身。\n\n7. **特殊战斗状态**:\n - 游戏中包含多种异常状态,如烧伤、冰冻、震慑和中毒,玩家需要学会如何应对这些状态。\n\n8. **额外游戏内容**:\n - 除了主线剧情外,游戏还包含丰富的支线任务和隐藏内容,玩家可以通过探索和完成这些内容来获得额外的奖励和剧情体验。\n\n《黑神话:悟空》通过其丰富的玩法和深度的系统设计,为玩家提供了一个充满挑战和探索乐趣的游戏体验。\n\n\n《黑神话:悟空》是一款结合了动作角色扮演和探索解谜元素的游戏,玩家在游戏中将体验到丰富多样的玩法。以下是对游戏玩法的详细介绍,包括探索、解谜、收集元素,角色成长系统,以及多周目和隐藏结局等内容。\n\n## 一、探索、解谜与收集\n\n### 1.1 探索元素"}]} +{"conversation": [{"input": "", "output": "## 一、探索、解谜与收集\n\n### 1.1 探索元素\n\n在《黑神话:悟空》中,探索是核心玩法之一。游戏世界设计庞大且精致,玩家可以在不同的场景中自由探索,寻找隐藏的秘密和收集品。每个地图都有其独特的环境和挑战,玩家需要仔细观察,以发现潜在的路径、隐藏区域和秘密道具。\n\n- **动态环境**:游戏中的环境会随着剧情的发展而变化,玩家需要灵活应对不同的地形和障碍物。\n \n- **互动元素**:许多场景中都有可互动的对象,如机关、宝箱和NPC,玩家可以通过与这些元素互动来推动剧情发展或获取奖励。\n\n### 1.2 解谜机制\n\n游戏中包含多种解谜元素,玩家需要通过逻辑思考和观察来解决这些谜题。解谜通常涉及以下几个方面:\n\n- **机关解锁**:部分区域需要通过触发机关或完成特定任务才能进入。\n \n- **环境线索**:玩家需通过观察环境中的细节来寻找线索,例如特定图案或符号,这些可能是解开谜题的关键。\n\n### 1.3 收集要素\n\n在探索过程中,玩家可以收集各种物品,包括:\n\n- **装备与材料**:用于提升角色能力或制作新装备。\n \n- **稀有道具**:如“六根”,这些道具散落在各个角落,可以用来解锁新的技能或能力。\n\n- **成就系统**:游戏设有成就系统,玩家通过完成特定任务(如击杀特定敌人或收集物品)来获得奖励,这些成就与原著《西游记》的八十一难相呼应。\n\n## 二、角色成长系统\n\n### 2.1 技能树\n\n《黑神话:悟空》设有丰富的技能树系统,玩家可以通过消耗收集到的“六根”来解锁和升级技能。技能树分为多个分支,每个分支代表不同的能力方向,例如攻击、防御和辅助技能。\n\n- **技能升级**:随着角色等级提升,玩家可以获得更多技能点,用于解锁更高级的技能。\n \n- **多样化选择**:玩家可以根据自己的战斗风格选择不同的技能组合,使角色更加个性化。\n\n### 2.2 装备升级\n\n装备系统同样重要,玩家可以通过收集材料来升级武器和防具,提高其属性。装备升级包括:\n\n- **基础属性提升**:如增加攻击力、防御力等基本属性。\n \n- **特殊效果**:某些装备在升级后会附加特殊效果,如提高闪避率或增加技能伤害,这为战斗策略提供了更多选择。\n\n## 三、多周目与隐藏结局\n\n### 3.1 多周目系统"}]} +{"conversation": [{"input": "", "output": "## 三、多周目与隐藏结局\n\n### 3.1 多周目系统\n\n《黑神话:悟空》设计了多周目玩法,允许玩家在完成一次游戏后重新开始。这种设计不仅为玩家提供了再次体验剧情的机会,还增加了挑战性。\n\n- **难度提升**:每次重玩时,敌人会变得更强大,同时也会出现新的敌人类型和Boss。\n \n- **新任务与收集品**:在多周目中,可能会有新的支线任务和隐藏道具等待玩家发掘,使得每次游玩都充满新鲜感。\n\n### 3.2 隐藏结局\n\n游戏中存在多个隐藏结局,这些结局通常与玩家在游戏中的选择、完成的任务以及收集到的物品有关。为了达到不同结局,玩家需要:\n\n- **做出关键选择**:在某些剧情节点做出不同选择,将影响最终结局。\n \n- **完成特定条件**:如收集所有“六根”或者达到某个成就目标,这将解锁额外的剧情内容和结局。\n\n## 总结\n\n《黑神话:悟空》以其丰富的探索、解谜和收集要素,以及深度的角色成长系统,为玩家提供了极具沉浸感的游戏体验。多周目和隐藏结局设计则进一步增强了游戏的可玩性,使得每位玩家都能根据自己的喜好进行个性化体验。这些元素共同构成了一个充满挑战与乐趣的东方神话世界,让玩家在探索与战斗中感受到浓厚的文化氛围。"}]} +{"conversation": [{"input": "", "output": "《黑神话:悟空》是一款以中国古典名著《西游记》为背景的动作角色扮演游戏,其艺术风格和音乐设计深受玩家好评,以下是对游戏的艺术和音乐的详细介绍:\n\n### 艺术风格:\n1. **视觉设计**:游戏采用虚幻引擎5开发,展现了精美的3D视觉效果。角色设计、场景构建都充满了浓郁的中国文化气息,如华丽的服饰、宏伟的建筑等。\n2. **古建筑还原**:游戏中的古建筑如小西天、玉皇庙、悬空寺等,都是通过实地考察和扫描技术在游戏中进行高度还原,展现了中国各地的自然风光和文化遗产。\n3. **角色设计**:游戏中的角色设计既保留了古典文学中的神韵,又加入了现代审美的动感与细节,如孙悟空的形象设计。\n4. **色彩运用**:游戏的色彩运用精准,如深邃的蓝、炽热的红、庄重的金,营造出符合游戏世界观的视觉冲击力。\n\n### 音乐制作:\n1. **音乐风格**:游戏音乐结合了传统与现代的元素,通过现代技术手段,如先进的图形渲染和物理模拟,将传统故事以更加生动、鲜活的方式呈现。\n2. **音效设计**:游戏中的音效设计细致入微,如打击感、法术施放、环境音效等,都经过精心设计,增强了游戏的沉浸感。\n3. **配音与配乐**���游戏的配音与配乐由8082Audio音频工作室负责,他们为游戏提供了丰富的音效和音乐,为游戏的氛围和情感表达增添了深度。\n4. **原声集**:游戏的原声集收录了游戏中的精彩音乐内容,展现了游戏音乐的多样性和丰富性。\n\n### 艺术与音乐的融合:\n《黑神话:悟空》的艺术与音乐融合,不仅在视觉上为玩家提供了一场视觉盛宴,也在听觉上为玩家带来了沉浸式的体验。游戏的艺术风格和音乐设计共同构建了一个充满东方神话色彩的游戏世界,让玩家在享受游戏的同时,也能感受到中国传统文化的魅力。\n\n综上所述,《黑神话:悟空》在艺术与音乐方面的设计,不仅体现了制作团队对传统文化的尊重和传承,也展现了他们在现代游戏设计中的创新和探索。游戏的每一个细节都经过了精心打磨,为玩家提供了一个既真实又梦幻的游戏体验。\n\n\n《黑神话:悟空》作为一款备受期待的动作角色扮演游戏,不仅在玩法上引人注目,其艺术风格和音乐设计也为游戏增添了丰富的文化内涵和沉浸感。以下将详细介绍游戏的艺术风格、视觉设计、音乐及声效的制作,以及它们如何融入整体游戏氛围。\n\n## 一、艺术风格和视觉设计\n\n### 1.1 艺术风格"}]} +{"conversation": [{"input": "", "output": "## 一、艺术风格和视觉设计\n\n### 1.1 艺术风格\n\n《黑神话:悟空》的艺术风格融合了传统中国文化与现代游戏设计元素,整体呈现出一种独特的东方神话气息。游戏中的角色、场景和道具设计都受到《西游记》及中国传统神话的影响,展现出浓厚的文化底蕴。\n\n- **角色设计**:游戏中的角色形象设计精致,孙悟空的造型保留了经典元素,如金箍棒、猴耳等,同时在细节上进行了现代化处理,增强了角色的立体感和动感。其他角色如二郎神、牛魔王等也同样经过精心设计,展现出各自独特的个性与背景。\n\n- **场景设计**:每个地图场景都经过精心雕琢,展现出丰富的细节和真实的自然环境。例如,火焰山以其壮观的火焰效果和岩浆流动而著称,而花果山则充满了生机与活力,细腻的光影效果让玩家仿佛置身于真实的神话世界。\n\n### 1.2 视觉表现\n\n游戏采用了先进的图形渲染技术,使得画面效果极为出色。通过高质量的纹理和动态光影效果,游戏中的每一处细节都显得生动而真实。\n\n- **动态天气系统**:在某些场景中,天气变化会影响环境光照和气氛,例如雨天会使场景显得更加阴郁,而阳光明媚时则充满生机。这种动态变化不仅增强了游戏的沉浸感,也为玩家提供了更丰富的视觉体验。\n\n- **特效处理**:战斗中的技能释放、环境互动等都采用了精美的特效处理,使得每一次攻击和技能释放都显得极具冲击力。例如,孙悟空使用金箍棒时产生的光影效果,让战斗场面更加激烈和引人入胜。\n\n## 二、音乐与声效制作\n\n### 2.1 音乐创作\n\n《黑神话:悟空》的音乐由8082Audio工作室负责制作,该团队致力于为每个角色和场景创造生动而富有情感的音乐作品。音乐风格结合了传统中国乐器与现代音效,为玩家营造出浓厚的文化氛围。\n\n- **主题音乐**:游戏中的主题曲采用了古筝、笛子等传统乐器,结合现代电子元素,使得音乐既有古典韵味又不失现代感。这种独特的音乐风格增强了游戏的叙事性,使玩家在游玩过程中更容易沉浸于故事情境中。\n\n- **动态音乐系统**:根据玩家在游戏中的行动和战斗状态,背景音乐会实时变化。例如,在激烈战斗时,音乐会变得更加紧张,而在探索安静环境时,则会转为柔和。这种动态变化使得音乐与游戏情境紧密结合,提高了整体体验。\n\n### 2.2 声效设计\n\n除了背景音乐外,游戏中的声效同样经过精心制作,以增强玩家的代入感。"}]} +{"conversation": [{"input": "", "output": "### 2.2 声效设计\n\n除了背景音乐外,游戏中的声效同样经过精心制作,以增强玩家的代入感。\n\n- **环境音效**:不同场景中都有相应的环境音效,如鸟鸣、水流声、风声等,这些声音不仅增加了场景的真实感,还帮助玩家更好地融入到这个东方神话世界中。\n\n- **角色配音**:游戏中的角色配音通过专业演员进行录制,为每个角色赋予独特的声音特点。配音不仅增强了角色形象,还提升了剧情表现力,使得故事更加生动。\n\n## 三、艺术与音乐对游戏氛围的影响\n\n### 3.1 整体氛围营造\n\n《黑神话:悟空》的艺术风格与音乐设计相辅相成,共同营造出一个充满神秘与奇幻色彩的东方神话世界。通过高质量的视觉表现和动人的音乐,玩家能够更深刻地体���到故事情节带来的情感波动,无论是激烈战斗还是宁静探索,都能通过音画结合获得更强烈的沉浸感。\n\n### 3.2 玩家反馈与体验\n\n许多玩家对《黑神话:悟空》的艺术与音乐给予高度评价,认为其不仅提升了游戏品质,也让他们在游玩过程中感受到浓厚的文化底蕴。尤其是在关键剧情节点时,背景音乐与画面的完美结合,使得故事更加引人入胜,让人难以忘怀。\n\n## 总结\n\n《黑神话:悟空》在艺术风格与音乐设计上展现出了极高的水准,通过精美的视觉效果和动人的音效,为玩家提供了一次深刻而丰富的文化体验。这种对传统文化元素与现代技术手段相结合的探索,不仅使得游戏本身更具吸引力,也为未来更多类似作品树立了标杆。\n\n\n\n《黑神话:悟空》:游戏音乐何以推动文化出海\n2024年08月29日 05:00 21世纪经济报道 高江虹,实习生孙怡洋\n8月25日,《黑神话:悟空》官方微博正式官宣游戏线下主题音乐会。五座城市,十场音乐会,游戏热度尚未退去,音乐又添一把火。\n\n在此之前,《黑神话:悟空》的游戏音乐已经为游戏吸引了无数目光。一首改编的《云宫迅音》唤醒了国人的“西游”记忆,被网友评论“音乐一响,回忆又回来了”。音乐会官宣微博下也被无数网友留言,希望有《云宫迅音》。而这首出圈的音乐也一再被二次创作,引发新的追捧和讨论,再度放大了《黑神话:悟空》的传播力。\n\n不独《云宫迅音》出圈,“赛博念经”版《往生咒》一经发布,就在外网收获了超高点击量。游戏音乐已经在游戏本体之外发挥着更强大的能量。音乐的好坏不仅只影响着游戏的水准,还直接作为一种文化载体影响更多人对音乐中蕴含的文化的印象。"}]} +{"conversation": [{"input": "", "output": "这个夏天,《黑神话:悟空》(以下简称《黑神话》)的音乐又一次展示了游戏音乐推动文化出海的能力。\n\n3A游戏音乐的大制作高要求\n音乐推动文化出海的可能性起于音乐本身的精良制作。作为3A级游戏,《黑神话》在音乐制作上的投入与精细程度堪称业界典范。\n\n自2020年7月起,8082Audio便肩负起为《黑神话》打造整体音乐的重任。从首支实机演示短片的配乐,到后续发布的《往生咒》《三界四洲》等经典曲目,再到游戏正式发售后的OST全面揭秘,音乐创作贯穿了整个游戏开发周期,历时两年之久。\n\n《黑神话》音乐总监翟锦彦在个人微博上回顾:“2023年,我整整写了一年的‘猴子’#黑神话悟空#”。他透露,首支实机演示的配乐就耗费了半个月的时间进行打磨。在3A游戏音乐制作中,如此高投入、长周期的现象并非个例。《战神5》等游戏在音频制作上的投入同样惊人,总音频制作时长超过12000小时,彰显了3A游戏音乐制作的庞大规模和复杂程度。这也使得3A游戏音乐制作成本必然高出普通游戏多倍。\n\n技术与硬件是创作的基石,而3A游戏音乐的高要求则体现在其需要像完成一篇高标准的“命题作文”一样。与许多小制作游戏仅要求有背景声不同,3A游戏音乐是游戏世界观的重要组成部分,它需要在节奏、音色、情感上与游戏完美契合,并且系列音乐自身要形成独特的风格和主题。\n\n2014年,米克·戈登在接手重启版《毁灭战士》配乐工作时,就收到了三个明确的指示:配乐要有足够的新鲜感,能够完全与游戏相契合,并且需要让上百万玩家一听就喜欢。而《黑神话:悟空》的音乐也同样达到了这样的水准。它始终围绕“2615”的“三界四洲”展开整个世界,主旋律在各处不断变化出现,作为线索展示着这个末法时代的“黑色”西游世界,吸引着玩家不断深入冒险。\n\n高效传播:总有一段旋律击中你\n在《黑神话》中,一段绵延40年的熟悉旋律响起,《云宫迅音》再次将人们拽入那个光怪陆离的西游世界。\n\n1986年《西游记》上映,这段旋律巧妙地在民乐中叠加电子音让合成音描绘出天宫的模样。而今天,游戏的音乐团队重新改变《云宫迅音》的配器,又一次唤醒了这段旋律的生命力。"}]} +{"conversation": [{"input": "", "output": "这段旋律让《黑神话》在国内迅速破圈。在2020年游戏第一支实机演示视频发布后,原作曲许镜清老先生的B站账号评论区中就有网友评论道:“我最泪目的就是片尾出《云宫迅音》的时候,是只有中国人能理解的感动。”音乐的易共鸣性让它更能够承载起同文化语境下人们共享的情感,也最能实现最大范围的传播。\n\n在游戏发布期间,更多基于原曲和《黑神话》版本的改编出现在社交平台。例如B站UP主��成田工作室”改编出了摇滚版《云宫迅音》,在网上引起了网友们的高度关注。在采访中,梁炯鹏(成田)介绍到自己选择《云宫迅音》进行改编的心态就是:“(它)应该是代表了所有国人心里面的那个西游啊。这个前奏一响起来的时候,我们的暑假又回来了。”梁炯鹏表示,《西游记》无论是游戏还是电视剧,已经出过蛮多版本,“每一版电视剧都已经有他们自己的那个主题曲,但我觉得只有《云宫迅音》是最有代表性的一个。”他也介绍到自己在改编时保留了最经典的人声和主旋律,只将节奏型稍微变化又加入摇滚吉他的技巧表现。那些最经典,最易触达人心的部分是不能动的。\n\n像成田工作室等网络博主们对《云宫迅音》等出圈音乐进行二创所引发的追捧和讨论,在一定程度上放大了《黑神话:悟空》的传播力。或许有很多人并没有玩过游戏,但他依旧会被这一段音乐打动。音乐的传播效能的神奇之处就在于它自己就是载体,借由音乐的高效传播击中更广大的人群使得文化出海成为可能。\n\n\n热闻|云宫迅音、陕北说书...《黑神话:悟空》中的神级配乐火了!已官宣线下音乐会\n自国产游戏《黑神话:悟空》上线,热度持续增高,引发全球玩家关注,其音乐设计也是成功的关键之一。\n\n即便不是游戏玩家,其中一些背景音乐也会让中国网友为之一振,感觉“DNA动了”!《黑神话:悟空》配乐都有啥?\n\n早在8月8日《黑神话:悟空》终极预告发布后,一段带有Rap节奏的《往生咒》就在全网引发热议,被称为“赛博诵经”。"}]} +{"conversation": [{"input": "", "output": "《往生咒》原本是佛教净土宗信徒经常持诵的一种咒语,也用作超度亡灵,净化心灵。在游戏中,传统佛教经文在传统乐器的伴奏(如唢呐、古筝等)之外,还被赋予了电子音乐的节奏和旋律,并结合说唱的表现方式,打破了传统游戏音乐的框架,给人一种既古老又现代的全新音乐体验。这样的音乐题材或许也表达了孙悟空斗战除魔之后的慈悲,超度妖怪们往生得到解脱。随着8月20日《黑神话:悟空》上线后,由8082Audio参与制作的游戏音乐也逐步官宣。开场主题曲《称王称圣任纵横》和游戏同步首发,由翟锦彦作曲,游戏科学、8082Audio演唱。\n\n在一段富有禅意的陈词中,空灵而庄严的女声作为背景音乐响起,这种营造出空间距离感的唱腔源自中国唐宋时期的鬼唱,现在闽台地区仍有类似风俗和音乐。如果觉得这首《三界四洲》耳熟,也不奇怪,因为这首音乐正是改编自经典影片《青蛇》的插曲《人生如梦》。《戒网》是八戒与蜘蛛精剧情中的背景音乐,是游戏中为数不多走柔情路线的歌曲,这首古风歌曲单听并不惊艳,但在游戏当中,深情的歌词和优美的旋律,成功传达了角色间复杂的情感纠葛和内心世界,而且歌词满是典故。此外,配乐中最能引发大众共鸣的,当属曾出现在86版电视剧《西游记》里那首经典的《云宫迅音》。“登灯等灯”的旋律一出,孙悟空腾云驾雾之姿跃然脑海,这是好几代中国观众年少时代的暑假记忆。\n\n而游戏中,《云宫迅音》的创新演绎,在保留经典的同时,加入了更多民族元素,造就了国人心中新的战歌。\n\n《云宫迅音》让美国歌剧演员“听上瘾”\n\n据《中国日报》微博8月25日报道,美国一名歌剧演员听《西游记》的主题曲兴奋地手舞足蹈。他还分析了这首曲子为什么能让人上瘾,一听难忘。视频中,当《云宫迅音》的女高音出现时,这名演员说:“这段女高音太好听了!”他随之手舞足蹈,“我太喜欢这段了……”\n\n他还从专业角度解析了为什么这首曲子这么洗脑。\n\n“对我来说,真正令人惊叹的是,这段旋律的特征有多么鲜明,作曲家可以创造一些旋律片段,让这些旋律深植我们的大脑中,我们就会被深深吸引,重复这段旋律。这些旋律被称为‘耳虫’,反复出现的旋律曲式,是所有音乐的核心要素。有这样一段朗朗上口的旋律,不断强调和重复这首曲子的主旨,让人一听就很惊艳,以至于我们在日常生活中会情不自禁地哼唱。”他说,“这就是有些音乐如此洗脑的原因。8小节,16小节,不断重复的‘耳虫’,会让这段旋律深深刻进我们脑海中,接着我们就上瘾了。”"}]} +{"conversation": [{"input": "", "output": "《黑神话:悟空》带火陕北说书\n\n随着玩家的不断解锁,一段推动情节发展的“陕北说书”最近也火出了圈。\n\n“黄风岭,八百里,曾是关外富饶地。一朝鼠患凭空起,乌烟瘴气渺人迹。无父无君无��纪,为非作歹有天庇。幸得大圣借佛力,邪风一时偃旌旗……”浓郁的中国风,浑厚的陕北味儿,配上游戏画面和情节,令不少玩家直呼:“超级带感,非常有中国特色”“太震撼了,越听越上头”!这段陕北说书录制于2022年,由陕北说书非物质文化遗产传承人熊竹英弹奏及表演。熊竹英回忆,当时游戏团队找到他,提出希望将传统文化和游戏相结合,在突出大漠风情的同时推动情节发展。\n\n网友纷纷评论“太有那味了!”\n\n还有很多外国游戏博主也被这一段“中式rap”硬控,虽然听不懂具体的意思,但就是忍不住一遍又一遍反复聆听,跟着节奏摇头晃脑打着节拍。《黑神话:悟空》交响音乐会官宣\n\n记者注意到,在游戏上线不到一周的时间节点,《黑神话:悟空》交响音乐会官宣了巡演计划,由保利演艺携手游戏出品方共同发起。\n\n演出计划在9月8日率先从深圳出发,走过上海、北京、杭州和重庆共计五城。上海站定档于9月22日,分为下午和晚间两场,在北外滩友邦大剧院上演。记者查询猫眼平台,目前五站演出均处在预约抢票阶段,票价定在180-880区间。演出节目单包括游戏开场曲《称王称圣任纵横》以及收录在《黑神话:悟空》游戏音乐精选集中的部分歌曲和配乐。根据目前露出的节目单,共计包含19首音乐作品,预计演出时长不少于90分钟。据相关介绍,随着音乐平台上游戏音乐精选专辑的陆续解锁,包括张紫宁和赵紫骅的《勿听》、陈彼得的《不由己》、秦勇的《未竟》等歌曲,以及20首纯音乐,都陆续与玩家见面。\n\n\n\n\n近日,国产3A游戏《黑神话:悟空》上线后爆火,而其中独具特色的一段陕北说书走红国内外,成功让陕北说书这一传统艺术形式强势“出圈”。\n\n“黄风岭,八百里,曾是关外富饶地。一朝鼠患凭空起,乌烟瘴气渺人迹……”“无父无君无法纪,为非作歹有天庇。幸得大圣借佛力,邪风一时偃旌旗”……\n\n在《黑神话:悟空》第二章开头,一段由陕北说书非物质文化遗产传承人、陕西横山说书艺人熊竹英表演的陕北说书惊艳亮相。其浓郁的中国风、浑厚的陕北味儿,与游戏画面和情节完美融合,令众多国内外玩家和网友直呼“超级带感”“太震撼了,越听越上头”,纷纷在社交媒体上表达对这种独特艺术形式的喜爱与惊叹。"}]} +{"conversation": [{"input": "", "output": "许多外国游戏博主称赞其独特的表演让他们惊喜,让他们感受到了中国传统文化的魅力。也有网友说,陕北说书元素在游戏中的融入堪称神来之笔,让玩家在游戏中感受到非遗文化的强大感染力。\n\n陕北说书是我国西北地区重要的曲艺说书形式,主要流行于陕西省北部的延安和榆林等区域,曲调丰富,风格激扬粗犷。其起源可追溯到古代,经过漫长岁月的发展和演变,融合了陕北地区的诸多文化元素,于2006年入选第一批国家级非物质文化遗产名录。\n\n此次借助《黑神话:悟空》的热度,陕北说书走向世界舞台。熊竹英表示,此次与《黑神话:悟空》的合作契机源于为国产动画片《玄门之众生无相》配音时结识的朋友推荐。当时游戏团队找到他,希望能将传统文化和游戏相结合,为游戏录制一段唱词。2022年,熊竹英利用在北京演出的间隙,在录音棚完成了《黑神话:悟空》配音工作,在录制前,他对唱词反复打磨,使其朗朗上口。随着《黑神话:悟空》的火爆,游戏中的这段陕北说书也火出了圈,让更多人认识并认可了陕北说书这一传统文化。\n\n(陕北说书非物质文化遗产传承人、中国曲艺牡丹奖获得者熊竹英表演)\n\n陕北说书承载着陕北地区的文化历史,通过其独特的表演形式和艺术魅力,传递着陕北人民的精神风貌和价值观念。熊竹英从小就喜欢陕北说书,17岁时随师学艺。他的出生地横山作为中国曲艺之乡,拥有着悠久的曲艺历史和深厚的文化底蕴,丰富的曲艺文化资源和浓厚的艺术氛围,为他的陕北说书提供了肥沃的创作土壤和广阔的发展空间。\n\n熊竹英的表演通常使用一把三弦乐器伴奏,以陕北方言演唱长篇故事,向人们展现了陕北说书的独特魅力。除了日常演出,他还多次登上央视舞台及国内外其他重要舞台,推动陕北说书的传承与发展。2018年,熊竹英和苏州评弹艺术家合作的曲艺节目《看今朝》亮相央视元宵晚会,2023年又登上央视国庆晚会的舞台。2020年,熊竹英表演的《陕北婆姨陕北汉》获得第十一届中国曲艺牡丹奖表演奖。他还曾受邀参加第九届巴黎中国曲艺节、乌兹别克斯坦首届“巴赫��国际艺术节”暨“民间口头说唱艺术节”,将陕北说书带向国际舞台。\n\n(陕北说书与苏州评弹艺术家合作的曲艺节目《看今朝》亮相央视舞台)\n\n近年来,随着国家对非物质文化遗产保护工作的加强,作为陕北的文化符号,陕北说书得到了更多的关注和重视。当地在陕北说书传承过程中通过跨界融合、内容创新等方式,不断推陈出新,为其注入新的活力和生命力。"}]} +{"conversation": [{"input": "", "output": "如今,包括熊竹英在内的众多陕北文化传承人坚守在艺术的舞台之上,通过各种渠道和平台向全国乃至全世界展示这一古老技艺。“很多人都非常喜欢陕北当地的传统文化,希望通过我们的努力,让更多人了解到这种传统曲艺形式,也带动更多的年轻人传承陕北说书这门技艺。此次《黑神话:悟空》游戏与陕北说书创新结合的成功,也为我们提供了更多的思路,希望能通过各种创新方式让这一古老的艺术形式焕发出新的活力,让陕北说书走向全国,走向世界。”熊竹英说。"}]} +{"conversation": [{"input": "", "output": "学习时报刊文:《黑神话:悟空》,中华传统文化的世界表达\n8月20日,《黑神话:悟空》正式发布迅速登顶世界最大国际游平台Steam热玩榜,位居多个全球各平台游戏热销榜冠军,创下首日总销量超过450万份,总销售额超过15亿元的国产游戏新记录,激发了海外玩家对中华传统文化的巨大热忱,掀起了一场关于中国游戏和中华传统文化的讨论热潮。\n\n寻根传统,文化赋能。《黑神话:悟空》的故事取材于中国古典小说“四大名著”之一的《西游记》,游戏基于《西游记》原著的背景设计了主线、支线剧情,并以“天命人”悟空的形象为主角,重走危险与惊奇的西游之路。游戏中的建筑风格、服饰设计、神话传说等元素,都是对中华传统文化的精彩呈现,玩家在游戏过程中,不仅能享受刺激的战斗体验,还能沉浸在“东方体验”中,深入了解中华传统文化的丰富内涵。\n\n游戏中,山西晋城佛光寺立柱、重庆宝顶山大足石刻“西方净土变”、陕西水陆庵的五百罗汉悬塑群、《汉书》中的“盛冬雷电,潜龙为孽”等场景出现时,激发起各国玩家对中华传统文化的浓厚兴趣。同时,游戏中还融入了大量中国哲学思想。例如,悟空面对重重困难时所展现出的不屈不挠精神,正是中华传统文化中“天行健,君子以自强不息”的体现,而他在与妖魔的战斗中秉持的正义与善良,也与中华传统文化中强调的“仁、义、礼、智、信”相契合。\n\n好的文化产品,都是以本民族厚重的文化底蕴为载体,进而影响、辐射到海外。《黑神话:悟空》作为国内首款3A(高成本、高体量、高制作)游戏大作,打破了长期以来欧美国家3A游戏的“垄断”,实现了一波强势的文化输出,为中华文化走向世界提供了新契机。\n\n此前,以四大名著为核心的中国古典文化的出海影响,还多局限在拥有更多文化共通处的东亚文化圈。在玩《黑神话:悟空》以前,很多外国网友对于悟空这个角色的认识,基本上来源于日本漫画《龙珠》(《龙珠》作者鸟山明表示该作品借鉴于中国《西游记》),这让不少外国人误以为,孙悟空是来自日本而非中国。"}]} +{"conversation": [{"input": "", "output": "从一只猴的神话传说,到一本小说、一部电影、一个游戏的诞生,孙悟空的形象作为中国浪漫主义文化的象征,已经跨越文化边界,与世界各地的年轻人心灵深处产生了共鸣。为了获得更加沉浸式的游戏体验,不少海外玩家甚至开始恶补《西游记》原著及相关知识点。有俄罗斯网友评论:“我等了这游戏3年了,我非常想了解中国的神话,利用《黑神话:悟空》来解读《西游记》是非常有意思的方法。”还有波兰网友表示:“我无法表达我对《黑神话:悟空》的期待,因为自从在2020年发现这游戏后,我就去买了一本《西游记》。”这充分表明中国游戏成功吸引了他们的关注,同时他们也愿意深入了解中华传统文化。\n\n值得一提的是,游戏的英文翻译中,“悟空”不再是“MonkeyKing”,而是直接译为“Wukong”,“金箍棒”也没有再翻成“镀金的长棍子”,而是直接采用拼音“JinGuBang”。《黑神话:悟空》制作人冯骥给出的原因是,光是拼音就“足够好听,而且足够清楚”。另外,“本游戏默认语言为简体中文”的含金量,不仅省去安装汉化补丁的麻烦,还标志着中国游戏在世界舞台崭露头角。\n\n从20世纪60年代的彩色动画长篇《大闹天宫》,到20世纪80年代家喻户晓的电��剧《西游记》,到2015年打破英雄叙事的动画电影《西游记之大圣归来》,再到2024年顶着“首款国产3A游戏”光环的《黑神话:悟空》……以一只“猴”为背景的文化创作贯穿了中国动画、电影和游戏行业的发展,也见证了中国文化从地区走向世界的出海进程和成果。\n\n《黑神话:悟空》打破了长期以来欧美国家3A游戏的垄断。这款游戏在技术层面上不仅在美术、场景、动作设计等投入大量素材和精力,更重要的是精细入微的设计,比如环境反馈、动态粒子效果等方面展现出了高质量的标准。砖缝中的灰尘、木制栏杆的裂痕、雕塑涂料的氧化……千年岁月在古建筑上流过的痕迹通过3D重建等现代技术得以保留,让斗拱飞檐、雕梁画栋一下子“细节感拉满”。网友惊叹,“纤毫毕见的毛发,婆娑窸窣的阴影,让人看到了开发者的诚意和中国单机游戏的想象空间。”游戏还制作专属行楷书法字体,书写风格取欧体行楷劲俏、险峻之神韵,一如悟空“肉在里面,骨在外面”。"}]} +{"conversation": [{"input": "", "output": "把现代传媒方式与中华传统文化结合的这种大胆的创新,是文化自信最直接的表现。《黑神话:悟空》将中华传统文化与备受年轻人青睐的动漫、游戏相结合,为中国文化的传播和出口找到了一条新的路径,也是中国人文化自信的最好表达。《黑神话:悟空》开辟了文化出海的崭新路径,让世界人民看到了中华民族瑰丽多姿的优秀传统文化,领略了中国日新月异的现代科技发展。\n\n\n\n\n《黑神话:悟空》开启全球玩家发现中华文化之旅\n  腾云驾雾的齐天大圣、“压迫感”十足的四大天王、还原度极高的各路妖怪神仙……8月20日,首款国产“3A”游戏(指开发成本高、开发周期长、制作精良的游戏——记者注)《黑神话:悟空》正式发售,在最近两周里持续受到全球网民和玩家的关注,也为全球玩家提供了了解中国文化的新途径。\n\n  外交部发言人毛宁8月21日在被外媒记者问及此事时表示:“感谢你让我关注到这款游戏。从名字看,这款游戏取材于中国古典文学名著《西游记》。我想这也反映了中国文化的吸引力。”\n\n  何以“圈粉”全球玩家\n\n  据统计,截至8月23日,《黑神话:悟空》在各大游戏平台的销量已超过1000万套,最高同时在线人数达300万人。这款改编自中国古典文学名著《西游记》的游戏为何能受到全球玩家青睐?\n\n  据英国广播公司(BBC)报道,高端的视觉效果、精妙复杂的游戏设计以及充分的前期宣传都促成了《黑神话:悟空》的成功。新加坡《联合早报》评论称,《黑神话:悟空》不仅是一款游戏,更是对中国传统文化的传承和创新。\n\n  记者在国外游戏直播平台Twitch上看到,截至8月28日,《黑神话:悟空》标签下有4.7万名关注者,来自世界各地的游戏博主在沉浸式体验游戏内的“八十一难”。在国外社交媒体平台Reddit上,有外国玩家互相交流游戏内许多自己不理解的中国文化细节,比如“袈裟”的含义、《西游记》的背景故事、游戏场景中真实存在的中国名胜古迹等。此外,许多外国玩家对游戏内一段陕北说书的“非遗”呈现表现出极大兴趣,称“虽然听不懂具体内容,但出色的游戏演出和‘中国味’十足的旋律让这首曲子充满魔力”。"}]} +{"conversation": [{"input": "", "output": "北京师范大学艺术与传媒学院教授、中国音数协游戏专委会副主任委员何威告诉中青报·中青网记者,《黑神话:悟空》的“出圈”原因,一是游戏本身品质优秀,其画面表现和视觉特效逼真细腻,组合丰富的角色技能、精彩出色的动作招式以及扣人心弦的战斗氛围支撑了游戏的核心玩法体验,内容体量丰富又充实;二是中华优秀传统文化的巨大加持,游戏基于大量扫描复刻自中国真实文化遗产的美术素材,创造了风格鲜明又具备浓郁中国文化风味的角色、道具与场景,并且在剧情、世界观构建、视听玩法等方面都浸润了多种独特的中华文化艺术形式,增添了这款游戏的文化价值和艺术魅力。\n\n  此外,何威还提到,这款游戏在商业模式上属于“买断制单机游戏”,在游戏类型上是“动作角色扮演游戏(ARPG)”,“这两个领域被全球玩家视为‘游戏皇冠上的明珠’,长久以来,国产游戏在此领域几乎是空白,《黑神话:悟空》不仅填补了空白,还直接跻身同类型产品的世界一流行列”。\n\n  另类“中国游”爆火\n\n  今年暑期,中国的72/144小时过境免签政策在全球引发了“中国游”热潮,《黑神话:悟空》又推动“中国西游”爆火,让全球玩家在虚拟世界来一场几十个小时的“西游之旅”。\n\n  来自英国的本尼迪克特是一位资深游戏玩家,从2020年《黑神话:悟空》发布预告之日起就一直持续关注这款游戏的进展。“以前我玩过北欧神话、希腊神话等题材的游戏,大多充满西方文化元素,这次通过《黑神话:悟空》感受到了中国神话的史诗感。”本尼迪克特向中青报·中青网记者表示,自己不了解中国神话,但这几天也“恶补”了许多《西游记》相关的背景知识,“这个游戏的美学设计真的很棒,很想亲眼去看看这些实地取景的古典中式景观建筑”。\n\n  中国旅游研究院入境旅游研究项目主管、副研究员刘祥艳在接受中青报·中青网记者采访时表示,游戏内对于山西等地的古建筑、古文物的真实取景为这些文化景点提供了“非常好的展示契机”,能够让更多国内外受众看到这些文化遗产的价值,也会吸引更多中国文化爱好者来到中国亲身体验和感受。“以前很多外国人对中国的认知可能停留在功夫、熊猫、龙等文化符号,《黑神话:悟空》的现象级影响力无疑会拓宽海外受众对中华优秀传统文化的认知。”\n\n  用数字游戏讲好中国故事\n\n  《黑神话:悟空》的爆火也引发了全球媒体的关注和热议。"}]} +{"conversation": [{"input": "", "output": "用数字游戏讲好中国故事\n\n  《黑神话:悟空》的爆火也引发了全球媒体的关注和热议。\n\n  日本《日经亚洲》评论称,《黑神话:悟空》将成为中国游戏业“里程碑”,中国在游戏领域的国际影响力将继续提升。《黑神话:悟空》也可能会像日本的《超级马里奥》《宝可梦》等游戏作品一样形成持久的文化遗产。\n\n  英国广播公司(BBC)在报道中援引分析人士的话称,这款游戏“有助于向世界展示中国的神话、传统习俗、文化和真实生活场景”。\n\n  美国《外交学人》杂志分析称,《黑神话:悟空》表明中国的文化软实力并非“神话”,中国在电子游戏领域将拥有新的文化软实力来源。\n\n  “数字游戏已经成为年轻人喜闻乐见的、‘润物细无声’的中国文化艺术传播者。”在何威看来,在国际传播中,媒介内容中的外来文化可能会吸引受众注意力,“但也可能因为认知和学习的门槛高、成本高,‘劝退’受众”。\n\n  何威的研究发现,数字游戏里的中华传统文化传播,可以分为“符号-知识-观念”的“三境”层次:符号境以融入传统文化元素的视听符号与美学风格唤起玩家情感,知识境通过传播传统文化知识和信息以提升玩家认知,观念境是以蕴含传统文化理念与精神的互动叙事塑造玩家价值观念。\n\n  何威表示,《黑神话:悟空》不是十全十美,甚至也未必是同类第一,但它在中国游戏史上树立了一座里程碑。它也展示了中华优秀传统文化如何“走出去”、中国故事如何能讲好——首先需要跻身全球同类型文化内容产品的一流水平,在视听表现、技术应用、叙事技巧和受众体验等方面经得起普遍意义上的品质考验和艺术评价;同时也需要具备文化底蕴和创新,以满足国际受众日益增长的欣赏需求及人类不断求知求新的天性。\n\n\n\n\n《黑神话:悟空》火了!中国古建“出圈”了!\n新华社记者 王学涛\n\n这两天互联网谁最火?悟空!20日发布的中国首款3A单主机游戏《黑神话:悟空》,不仅让游戏圈沸腾,也带火了中国古建,更让中国文化一跃出海。\n\n以中国神话故事为背景,《黑神话·悟空》选取了山西玉皇庙、重庆大足石刻、浙江时思寺等全国多处名胜古迹进行实景扫描,画面精美,令人震撼。\n\n在众多取景地中,山西元素占了大多数。\n\n“地上文物看山西”,不是虚名。山西是中国传统木结构古建筑的天堂,2.8万余处古建筑像散落的珍珠,点缀着表里山河,其中元代及元代以前的木结构古建筑占全国的80%以上。山西现存彩塑、壁画的数量均居全国前列。"}]} +{"conversation": [{"input": "", "output": "晋城玉皇庙二十八星宿、隰县小西天悬塑、高平铁佛寺彩塑、大同云冈石窟、朔州应县木塔、朔州崇福寺、五台山佛光寺……古老的建筑、彩塑、经幢、石雕栏杆等在游戏中高度还原,让玩家在游戏中领略文物之美。\n\n“悟空”正在带火古建游。\n\n早在几年前游戏预告片播出时,网友们“圣地巡礼”的热情就已被激发,取景地的游客数量在不断增长。\n\n“怒发冲天”的亢金龙在游戏中令人惊叹。这一形象来源于晋城玉皇庙的二十八星宿之一。��处全国重点文物保护单位的旅游人数去年是3.4万,今年前7个月已增长到5.68万人次。\n\n隰县小西天已打出《黑神话:悟空》取景地的相关介绍。去年景区接待游客近15万人次,今年上半年就已达13.5万人次。\n\n佛光寺内,中国现存规模最大的唐代木构建筑、唐代经幢、唐代彩塑、明代罗汉像齐刷刷“走进”游戏。去年佛光寺的旅游人数首次突破10万人次。\n\n越来越多网民希望“追随天命人的足迹,体验中国的古建之美和文化之韵”。\n\n“希望通过游戏的宣传,带动更多人为文物保护和活化利用献智献策。”晋城玉皇庙彩塑壁画博物馆馆长尹振兴说,他们以敬畏之心守护好文物的同时,开设壁画课程、举办二十八星宿的研讨会、开发文创产品等,促进文物活化利用。\n\n挖掘文物蕴含的文化内涵,丰富讲解方式,用数字化激发文物活力,通过文创产品将文化元素凝练于方寸之间,使旅游成为感悟中华文化、增强文化自信的过程,不仅山西,各地一直在努力。\n\n“悟空”更是掀起一轮中华优秀传统文化热潮。\n\n“这是一种大胆的创新,游戏与传统文化的结合,是文化自信最直接的表现。通过它,可以把中华优秀传统文化传播到全世界。”佛光寺保护利用所所长胡俊英说。\n\n在社交网站上,有人夸赞《云宫迅音》改得燃,有人介绍游戏取景地的历史文化,有人深度解析《西游记》中的角色故事……\n\n从“文化热”“文博热”到“古建热”,背后是近年来中华优秀传统文化的复兴,越来越多人希望深析经典背后的故事,通过博物馆、古建筑等深入了解中国历史和中华文明。\n\n这款游戏还为全球玩家提供了了解中国文化的新途径。在国外一些网站,游戏爱好者在积极发布相关的解读类视频,不少外国网友对《西游记》、中国古建筑、中国文化产生了浓厚的兴趣。\n\n《黑神话:悟空》的爆火,不仅仅是一款国产游戏的偶然“出圈”,这是文化自信的必然产物。相信随着对中国文化IP不断深度挖掘,更多现代科技将让中华优秀传统文化更具时代穿透力。"}]} +{"conversation": [{"input": "", "output": "《黑神话:悟空》背后——用世界品质 讲中国故事\n  新华社太原8月20日电(记者解园、姜淏然)如果你是“硬核”游戏玩家,一定对刚刚发布的《黑神话:悟空》满怀期待;即便你对游戏产业一无所知,可能也获悉,在该领域,一款中国产品实现突破。\n\n  20日发布的首个国产3A单主机游戏《黑神话:悟空》,早已在全球收获无数拥趸。游戏发布前,各类相关话题在全网浏览量已破35亿。《黑神话:悟空》爆火后,网友认为这款现象级产品开启了国产3A游戏元年,它在中国游戏产业实现突破的同时,也为全球玩家提供了了解中国文化的新途径。\n\n  这个备受期待的“悟空”,究竟是从哪“蹦”出来的?在技术突破之外,它还实现了什么?\n\n  “取经,最重要的是先迈出步去”\n\n  3A游戏往往画面精美、互动性强、剧情丰富,被认为是游戏工业皇冠上的“明珠”。在过去,这个领域一直被外国公司垄断。\n\n  曾有网友提出疑问,随着我国综合国力的不断提升,从国产大飞机上天、嫦娥六号着陆月背,到《流浪地球》、剧版《三体》全球叫座,为何游戏领域却一直没有实现突破?\n\n  《黑神话:悟空》游戏中悟空的形象。新华社发\n\n  游戏科学CEO、《黑神话:悟空》制作人冯骥认为,在国外单主机游戏起步之时,国内消费能力和技术水平有限。进入网络时代后,网络游戏迅速成为主流消费习惯,单主机游戏因此被视为小众游戏,研发团队开发意愿不强。近十年,中国人的消费水平和个性化消费需求不断提升,对游戏产品提出更高要求。在技术层面,市面上逐渐成熟的开发工具,也可以支撑一款比肩国际一流水准的产品面世。\n\n  即便占据天时地利,但距取回“真经”,冯骥和他的游戏科学团队还面临“九九八十一难”。\n\n  “幸运的是,我们的主创团队成熟稳定、信念一致。大家在下定决心做这款产品后,都感到释然。”冯骥说。\n\n  即便如此,在外界看来,从零起步开发一款国产3A游戏,像是一群理想主义者的大胆实验。冯骥对这个评价并不排斥,但他同时表示,团队并不是只靠情怀走到今天,相反,他们是一个在商业上寻求可持续发展的务实团队。\n\n  “理想主义的情怀需要靠现实主义的努力去实现,就像西天取经,最重要的是先迈出步去。”冯骥说。\n\n  用世界品质 讲中国故事\n\n  看过��机演示视频的观众,都会被游戏中逼真的画面所打动。在“黑风山”关卡,玩家可以变为一只金蝉在空中飞行,周遭的树木、建筑栩栩如生,让人难辨真假。"}]} +{"conversation": [{"input": "", "output": "《黑神话:悟空》游戏中亢金龙的形象。新华社发\n\n  对玩家们来说,世界级的画面是评判一款游戏能否被冠以“3A”的基本条件。游戏科学并没有因为“孙悟空”这个流量IP的加持就降低对画面的追求。他们清楚,中国玩家很识货,不能因为贴上“传统文化”“国货”等标签,就期待大家盲目支持。\n\n  放眼全球,画面的绝对品质更是吸引海外受众的基础。冯骥举了个形象的例子:把中国故事讲给外国受众,就像送一件礼物,硬塞的别人不一定喜欢,“用画面、特效这些漂亮的‘装饰’包装起来,人们才会有兴趣。而打开包装后,他们自然会欣赏到最打动人的东西——文化内核。”\n\n  二十八星宿殿内的亢金龙彩塑。新华社记者 解园 摄\n\n  为了追求世界级品质,游戏科学也走了不少弯路。\n\n  “比如孙悟空打妖怪,妖怪的不同部位受击打后会有不同的反馈动作。为此,开发人员花了3个月时间设计了32个不同的动画。但这样做最终作品的体量就太大了,所以我们得忍痛做减法。”冯骥说。\n\n  而对之前参与过《西游记》题材游戏创作的美术总监杨奇来说,此次“重走西游路”,更像是对心中那个不完美前作的一次救赎。在项目之初,他打算手绘游戏内所有重要场景。\n\n  “后来发现这样不行,成本太高。”杨奇坦诚道,游戏中最终呈现出各地的历史建筑和雕塑——这些当下最被玩家们津津乐道的内容,其实是考虑到成本之后的折衷尝试。\n\n  到全国各地扫描历史建筑,再经过建模等处理并上传到游戏中,节省了不少时间。这种呈现方式的效果也出奇的好,更吸引不少网友专门科普背后的文化背景。\n\n  “传统文化就在那里,看一眼你就会喜欢。”杨奇说:“我们能做的,就是通过游戏,帮大家拉近一点距离。”\n\n  在全球掀起中国传统文化热潮\n\n  时值暑期,山西晋城玉皇庙景区内游人如织。景区工作人员田彤彤说,《黑神话:悟空》在此处取景后,游客数量创历史新高,有约40%的游客是通过游戏知道这里的。\n\n  “这次是特地过来‘朝圣’的。”来自广东的小学美术教师黎润航说,回去后打算向孩子们推出专题课程,让他们深入了解博大精深的传统文化。\n\n  来自西安的游客正在二十八星宿殿内写生。新华社记者 解园 摄\n\n  《黑神话:悟空》已然掀起一轮传统文化热潮。在B站上,有人用各种乐器演奏《云宫迅音》,有人介绍游戏取景地的历史文化,有人深度解析《西游记》中的角色故事……"}]} +{"conversation": [{"input": "", "output": "对外经济贸易大学中国语言文学学院讲师韩潇认为,传统文化与高度流行的游戏相结合,更能激发年轻人的兴趣点,吸引他们了解、热爱、宣传中国文化。\n\n  在国外,游戏爱好者也在积极发布与《黑神话:悟空》相关的文化解读类视频。虽然有些内容并不是很准确,但主创团队对此并不介意。\n\n  “游戏就是这样一个能让全世界玩家交流体验、分享快乐的产品,我们乐见不同的声音。”冯骥说。\n\n  业内人士认为,《黑神话:悟空》的爆火,并不仅仅是一款国产游戏的偶然“出圈”,这是文化自信的必然结果,是传统文化旺盛生命力的新表达,也为文化输出打通了新通道。\n\n  随着国产精品层出不穷、百舸争流的时代来临,我们呼唤越来越多像这位“孙行者”一样的先行者,勇往直前,在世界舞台上闯出自己的一片天地。\n\n  “我们积累了足够的信心,未来还将深挖传统文化题材,让这股传统文化潮继续‘热’下去。”冯骥对此信心满满。\n\n\n《黑神话:悟空》背后的文化魅力\n随着首款国产“3A”游戏《黑神话:悟空》的爆火,四大名著之一的《西游记》再次爆火,为了能够通关游戏,一众网友,甚至是国外的游戏爱好者纷纷读起了《西游记》原著,相关的影视作品也随即翻红。有权威媒体报道,截止到8月28日,在视频平台YouTube上,带有双语字幕的86版《西游记》电视剧观看量已近400万,热度最高的几条评论都说是因为《黑神话:悟空》而来。\n\n  来自世界各地的游戏博主在《黑神话:悟空》中沉浸式体验“八十一难”,他们甚至国外的社交媒体平台上相互交流游戏内许多自己不理解的中国文化细节,比如“袈裟”的含��、《西游记》的背景故事、游戏场景中真实存在的中国名胜古迹等。此外,许多外国玩家对游戏内一段陕北说书的“非遗”呈现表现出极大兴趣,称“虽然听不懂具体内容,但出色的游戏演出和‘中国味’十足的旋律让这首曲子充满魔力”。\n\n  《黑神话:悟空》以现代游戏技术重新演绎《西游记》的经典故事,将传统文化与现代流行文化相结合,展现了传统文化的创新性和生命力。这表明,通过现代媒介和艺术形式,传统文化可以焕发新的活力,吸引新一代的观众。同时,游戏凭借其精美的画面、深度的剧情、创新的游戏机制,赢得了玩家和观众的高度评价。这说明,高质量的内容创作,无论是在影视、文学还是游戏领域,都能够跨越年龄和文化的界限,获得广泛的认可。"}]} +{"conversation": [{"input": "", "output": "有学者指出,《黑神话:悟空》之所以引起轰动,更重要的是中华优秀传统文化的巨大加持,游戏基于大量扫描复刻自中国真实文化遗产的美术素材,创造了风格鲜明又具备浓郁中国文化风味的角色、道具与场景,并且在剧情、世界观构建、视听玩法等方面都浸润了多种独特的中华文化艺术形式,增添了这款游戏的文化价值和艺术魅力。\n\n  《黑神话:悟空》的走红,也是中国文化自信的体现。它证明了中国传统文化在全球文化市场中的竞争力,同时也激发了国内对于本土文化创新的自豪感和自信心。\n\n\n\n《黑神话:悟空》凭什么“ 文化出圈 ”\n\n正式上线后,《黑神话:悟空》迅速成为Steam、WeGame等多平台的销量榜首多个相关词条也登上微博热搜\n《黑神话:悟空》是一款由中国游戏开发商游戏科学(Game Science Studio)开发的动作角色扮演游戏,此前在研发阶段就备受关注。 游戏平台Steam数据显示,这次不仅是在中国区,在目前全球热销商品中,《黑神话:悟空》都持续霸榜第一名。那么《黑神话:悟空》是凭借什么文化出圈的呢?\n《黑神话:悟空》的中国文化表征\n\n中国游戏产业刚刚起步时,对于游戏立意落脚于文化这件事缺乏自觉,也未能窥探到游戏产业对于跨文化传播的重要影响。随着时代的发展、观念技术的进步,国人逐渐摘掉“有色眼镜”,开始正视游戏与文化结合发展带来的跨文化传播效果。《黑神话:悟空》实机测试视频一经出现就自带东方色彩,汇集了众多中国文化元素,为中国文化的输出开辟了一条新路径。\n\n\n1.传统文学作品:《西游记》蓝本与诗词典故\n\n《西游记》开神魔小说之先河,《美国百科全书》曾评价它是“一部具有丰富内容和光辉思想的神话小说”,以西游故事和“西游情怀”为立意是《黑神话:悟空》制作团队的初心,同时中国古典诗词典故是游戏与中国传统文化结合过程中设计者们较为钟爱的取材内容,《黑神话:悟空》也不例外,团队以巧妙的构思融合古典诗词作品发挥着文学语言带来的中国文化魅力。"}]} +{"conversation": [{"input": "", "output": "《黑神话:悟空》制作团队以《西游记》为故事蓝本进行改编,对原著进行了分析、阐释、想象以及解构,从“见自己”中跳脱出来,经历“见天地”,以“见众生”的视野格局重新解读了《西游记》的人怪神佛形象和取经故事情节;以西游故事中的孙悟空为原型,重新构建了角色的身份,打破了文学背景下的形象认知,给予了人物角色一定的神秘背景;以西游精神为重要设计核心,精准保留了原著各类细节设定,刻画了特点鲜明的妖怪形象,增添了神话传说和佛教中的神,力争还原“对味”的西游世界观。2022年发布的剧情插曲中运用多种诗词典故,例如“山海半生漂泊,一叶孤舟”化用孟浩然的《宿桐庐江寄广陵旧游》,“为何心有灵犀从来难长久”借李商隐《无题》表情深却不寿,词几乎句句用典,逻辑清晰,质量可观。《黑神话:悟空》的背景、角色、立意、文案都在保留经典设定的前提下融入了一定的现实思考,并进一步引发了受众对剧情走向与创新的讨论。\n\n\n\n2.中式时空美学:文物建筑与国风配乐\n\n中国游戏产业在飞速发展的过程中与文化的结合程度不够、文化传播力度不深,而游戏集电影、音乐等多类艺术特点于一身,应当补齐这一短板,发挥应有的跨文化传播效果。《黑神话:悟空》在游戏场景设计上独出心裁,同时包揽了多种艺术特色,以微视频的形式传播,无论是画面质感还是设计细节,都体现着中式审美和中国文化特征。"}]} +{"conversation": [{"input": "", "output": "《黑神话:悟空》游戏���频引起反响后,在哔哩哔哩平台搜索“黑神话”视频,“中国文化”“中国风”等词不断出现在高流量视频的弹幕以及评论中,受众关注和期待的关键点在于视频中呈现出来的中式场景设计和国风配乐元素。先前已有学者提出,“随着元宇宙、虚拟空间、智能社会等新兴模式到来,中国古建筑样式在游戏中的发展也有很大潜力”。《黑神话:悟空》中的场景参考的是中国古代文物建筑,有重庆的大足石刻,陕西的水陆庵,云南的崇圣寺,山西的佛光寺、玉皇庙、小西天,河北的苍岩山、玉皇阁等,涉及中国宗教雕塑和雕刻、中国古代建筑、中国传统天文学和神话等多重领域。与此同时,“一款完整的电子游戏的制作,离不开音响和配乐,因为音乐在游戏里的作用几乎与其在电影和动画片中一样重要”。在已公开的配乐中,有追溯经典的《云宫迅音》,也有专属黑神话IP的《戒网》,经典曲目再现采用了唢呐、笛子等民族乐器,新IP配乐编曲和歌词融入国风元素,为游戏进一步打上了“中国制造”的标签。建筑的场景画面与音乐的衬托渲染相辅相成,无一不彰显属于中国的气势和氛围。\n\n以中国神话故事为背景,融入陕北说书等非遗文化,对山西玉皇庙、重庆大足石刻、浙江时思寺等全国多处名胜古迹进行实景扫描……这些带有浓烈中国文化特色的尝试,让这款产品承载了超乎预想的关注。\n\n\n\n3.哲学文化思想:佛法与道法\n\n游戏缺乏耐人考究的文化内涵一直是国产游戏设计理念的“硬伤”,许多游戏设计趋同化,理念背景抄袭,氪金主义盛行,逻辑前言不搭后语缺乏深度,更不用提本土文化的对外传播作用和效果。《黑神话:悟空》游戏视频中渗透着丰富的佛法与道法思想,体现出制作团队在游戏文化内涵的挖掘和创新方面做出了努力。"}]} +{"conversation": [{"input": "", "output": "《黑神话:悟空》主创团队负责人在采访中曾表示:《西游记》中不仅有作为主角的孙悟空,更多的还有形形色色的生命和他们自洽的活法,人怪神佛都有自己的生活背景、个性喜恶和价值追求。主创团队用心还原生灵百态,加之西游本身就呈现出许多佛道融汇,因此在《黑神话:悟空》所有游戏视频中,都可以窥探到或多或少的佛法与道法思想。如游戏名称中的“悟空”便耐人寻味,只要勘破“凡所有相,皆是虚妄”便是“悟出空性,打破冥顽”即“悟空”,打破了孙悟空的设定局限,暗藏着令人恍然大悟的文化深度。又如2021年游戏视频中黄眉老祖虽然以扭曲的意识形态满口大谈伪佛之经、破戒例律,却字字句句充满迷惑性,这不禁引发受众思考并使其给予游戏文化内涵层面更多的期待。游戏从名称到设计都在践行佛法之思想、道法之精神,加之中国诗词等各类文学作品的渗透,使得佛道建筑场景细节和台词的考究都精准贴合中国哲学文化思想。\n\n\n“文化出圈”的原因分析\n\n“跨文化传播是在特定的异文化群体之间进行的能够跨越特定文化差异实现意义共享的传播活动。”在接纳外来文化和对外传播本土文化时,跨文化传播研究必不可少地要聚焦在文化差异、文化认知、文化语言问题上。《黑神话:悟空》游戏视频以视听传播为主,通过技术增强视觉冲击,生动且直观地展现中国文化元素,弱化了不同文化观念体系和文化深层结构对跨文化传播过程的影响。数字文娱产业兴盛的时代背景给予了游戏科学团队更多的探索空间,取材的新颖性、内容的丰富性加之技术的加持逐渐弥补了文化定势带来的劣势发展前景。面对复杂的语言环境,游戏科学团队尊重异文化群体的语言习惯,着力打磨文字翻译,推动异文化群体间实现意义共享的传播过程。\n\n\n\n1.弱化文化差异:科技感视听的传递\n\n正如本尼迪克特所说,一种文化就像是一个人,“是思想和行为的一个或多或少惯一的模式。”这种惯一的模式受政治经济、历史文化、地理环境、基因差异等因素影响,产生了不可消弭的文化差异,文化差异是客观存在的,但人们面对文化差异的态度却是主观的,因而跨文化传播在实践过程中存在着一定的繁难,《黑神话:悟空》在繁难中迎着风浪为中国3A游戏文化输出带来了一道曙光。"}]} +{"conversation": [{"input": "", "output": "在《黑神话:悟空》团队发布第一个实机测试视频后,外国网友最直观的感受是震撼、好奇以及期待和赞美,在一众“中国制造”的游戏中,他们看到了风格更加中式、独树一帜的作品,场景美术和音乐风格通过技术力量极大地发挥了其作为非语言符号的视听传播作用。《黑神话:悟空》完成了技术革新,利用虚幻5引擎提供的Nanite技术“轻松将数亿多边形导进虚幻5内,然后优化生成更高效的模型”,既能实现高画质还能拥有高帧率,同时,动作捕捉摄影棚与新的渲染规格使画面细节更为真实。视听传播形象直观地将信息材料呈现给受众,弱化了复杂编码带来的文化理解障碍和传播隔阂,简化了译码过程,降低了文化差异带来的边界感和认知难度,使受众以感官为主导,加强了主观审美享受,视觉体验更显冲击,尤其是对文化相异的西方受众来说,视听传播的方式消弭了文化差异造成的传播阻碍,因而科技感和震撼性的中国画面和故事在外国网友的心中开始占据一方天地。\n\n\n\n2.影响文化认知:定势与偏见的打破\n\n美国学者李普曼在《公众舆论》中将定势看作一种过分简化的意见、具有影响力的态度和不加鉴别的判断。当两个不同的文化群体被置于完全对立的境况时,其文化也被视为具有独立性甚至对抗性,此时就会产生文化定势,文化定势分为自定势和他定势,在跨文化传播中,他定势往往限制了人们对异文化的理解,他定势浅层片面的理解甚至会演化成偏见。\n\n外来文化曾借力游戏向我国进行大量的文化输入,而我国游戏产业发展滞后,缺少中国人文特色设计,虽有像《仙剑奇侠传》等具有文化叙事的中国游戏成功出海,促进了中国文化的对外传播,但都未能打破外国玩家对中国游戏的刻板印象。《黑神话:悟空》以陌生又鲜明的时代背景、人物角色共同呈现电影般的画质,诸多的画面细节体现着相异文化自身所具有的新颖属性,一切呈现的背后是颠覆性的技术内核与强大的文化底蕴在支撑。游戏视频具有的表现力给予了外国网友一定的冲击,在文化认知层面破除了中国游戏、中国文化对外传播的“他定势壁垒”。许多油管博主被游戏的巨大魅力和中式元素设计所吸引,自发性地对游戏视频进行推广传播,不吝赞叹,播放量可达十万至几十万,这令国内外一众游戏玩家对中国3A单机游戏产生了一定的期待,更破除圈层、扩大传播范围,令中外不同领域的社会群体成为文化传播的受众。\n\n\n\n3.融合文化语言:信、达、雅的文本翻译"}]} +{"conversation": [{"input": "", "output": "3.融合文化语言:信、达、雅的文本翻译\n\n人的大多数感知是通过语言而得以学习、储存、记忆的,“人们在特定文化背景下形成的观念是受制于所使用的语言的”。因此翻译一直是文化对外传播中比较关键又充满难题的部分,中文的字形字义十分复杂,在外译时很难兼顾西方的观念模式和中文的深层内涵,做到词准意切。\n\n《黑神话:悟空》的翻译团队试图将所有文字表述翻译得更为贴近印欧语系的表达,因语言符号在传播过程中很容易造成文化误读,所以在翻译时寻求语言对等是顺利完成语言符号传播的核心任务。2021年的实机测试视频中,文案翻译出现了“thou”“shalt”,且每句翻译都力争做到了押韵。“thou”在中世纪英语(Middle English)以及早期现代英语(Early Modern English)中是“you”的主格形式,意思为“你”“汝”“尔”,通常应用在诗歌或宗教类语境中。“shalt”是“shall”的第二人称单数现在时,“thou shalt”可对标中文“尔当”,这一用法在外国影视游戏作品、戏剧诗歌以及宗教教义中使用频次很高。充分了解不同文化语境有利于提高翻译的准确性,实现语言在异文化语境下的融合,体现了团队在文化输出过程中对语言本地化问题作出的思考与尝试,与非语言符号的传播效果相得益彰。《黑神话:悟空》翻译团队极尽专业的水平和态度,尊重异文化群体的语言习惯,在完成外译信达雅要求的同时保留了中国韵味,是加速视频“文化出圈”的重要一环。\n\n“文化出圈”的现实思考\n\n陈寅恪认为中国文化的发展“必须一方面吸收输入外来之学说,一方面不忘本来民族之地位”。游戏与中国文化的结合是我国文化输出过程中的一个新方向,为跨文化传播等多学科的研究提供新的视野,而面对不断走向全球化的社会,中国需要在跨文化传播过程中,提升文化自觉、增强文化自信、实现文化自强,正确看待外来文化与本土文化的关系,坚定立足于本土文化进行文化输出,注重游戏及其他产业与文化产业的结合创新。\n\n\n\n1.前提:提升文化自觉"}]} +{"conversation": [{"input": "", "output": "1.前提:提升文化自觉\n\n作为一个具有悠久历史和文化底蕴的国家,中���一直以来坚守文化独立,具有强烈的文化主权意识,中国文化的生生不息与其文化传统下群体的文化自觉息息相关。文化自觉是一种“自知之明”,要求人们自觉到自身文化的优势和弱点,自觉到旧文化的更新和发展,自觉到审时度势并努力使自身文化成为世界文化新秩序中不可或缺的部分,“共同建立一个有共同认可的基本秩序和一套与各种文化能和平共处、各抒所长、联手发展的共处守则。”《黑神话:悟空》游戏视频的“文化出圈”现象让人们看到了中国文化对外传播的成功之处和优势所在,文化与游戏、短视频的当代性结合为中国跨文化传播路径探索带来了更多的可能,参与世界跨文化交流成为了中国文化在全球文化新秩序中获得主动权的门径。不断寻求和提升文化自觉始终需要坚持,其对于处理传统与现代化、外来文化与本土文化的关系具有重要的作用。\n\n\n\n2.核心:增强文化自信\n\n中国被动接受外来文化掠夺式输入的处境早已结束。习近平总书记多次提出要坚持文化自信,让中国传统文化走出去,讲好中国故事,传播中国声音。近年来不断增强的文化自信和文化软实力使得中国在文化输出上更加有力,改变了外来文化占领文化高地的境况,技术的进步也在一次次刷新异文化群体对中国及其文化体系的认知。成功的跨文化传播能够加强人们对自身文化的认同感与归属感,《黑神话:悟空》作为一款中国团队设计开发的3A游戏,毫无疑问它赢得了国内玩家的芳心,视频所展示的画面、技术、内涵有效融合,无一不彰显着属于中国稳固坚定的文化自信。树立应有的文化自信实质上是对文化生命力树立信念和信心,能够不忘本来、吸收外来、着眼将来,才是文化开放与传播过程中的根本。游戏产业与文化产业的结合发展将打开中国对外文化输出的新通道,只有不断增强文化自信、理性审视文化传播与发展态势,才能为新通道的建立添砖加瓦。\n\n\n\n3.经验:实现文化自强"}]} +{"conversation": [{"input": "", "output": "3.经验:实现文化自强\n\n外来文化通过游戏及其衍生品强势输入我国文化市场,这一现象带来的启示使得中国一直在不断突破“实现文化自强”这一瓶颈。文化创新和文化传播协同发展是文化自强的关键,也是实现文化强国的必由之路,虽然《黑神话:悟空》游戏目前尚在开发阶段,有人看好也有人冷嘲,但不得否认的是,《黑神话:悟空》的创新及其游戏视频的成功“出圈”引起了轩然大波并博得了好彩头,取得了有目共睹的跨文化传播效果,不失为一个跨文化传播的成功范例。以目前的跨文化传播效果来看,它的系列视频已走在许多游戏甚或是其他行业作品成果的前列,它的“出圈”是文化自强的鲜明体现,是游戏与文化融合创新发展更深一步的尝试,为其他产业与文化产业的融合带来了启示。数字娱乐产业的发展需要创新型游戏设计团队的坚持,中国的跨文化传播需要“第九艺术”的参与和助力,文化强国需要游戏及更多领域开拓与文化之间的结合,共同实现文化创新和文化传播。\n\n从《西游记》中的写作方法\n\n01\n\n妙趣横生,跌宕起伏的故事情节\n当今众多顶级剧作家、小说家的职业导师,美国著名编剧罗伯特·麦基在著作《故事》中提出:\n小说的关键在于“冲突”和“变化”。“冲突”即主角与目标间的障碍,“变化”即情节的改变,《西游记》正是制造“冲突”和“变化”的顶级高手。\n\n02\n\n生动人物,想不到的另一面\n\n“人物”是小说叙事的另一个核心,对主角的印象,往往停留在孙悟空机智勇敢,猪八戒好吃懒做,唐僧善良却偶尔不辨是非,沙僧没什么存在感上。\n\n但在原著中,他们其实都有着不为人知的“另一面”。以二师兄为例,他尽管贪吃好色,但吴老爷子也赋予了他幽默、可爱的一面。\n\n\n比如坚信自己是师徒中“最靓的仔”,连皮肤都能掐出水来!\n\n\n时不时抖个机灵,师父“沉到底了”。\n\n而我们最喜爱的孙悟空,也并非没有缺点,他虽然是一个英勇正义、蔑视权威的英雄形象,却也有急躁鲁莽、不够宽容的一面。\n\n就连忠厚老实的沙僧也是个“有故事的男同学”,唐僧的前九世,可能都是被沙僧吃了……\n\n人无完人,正是因为小说人物有多面、复杂的个性,才让他们更加真实,接地气,《西游记》才能流传至今,被各年龄段的读者所喜爱。大家在写作中也要注意揣摩人物的复杂心理和性格,避免塑造出刻板单一的人物形象。\n\n\n\n03\n\n景色描摹,瑰丽奇��的异想世界"}]} +{"conversation": [{"input": "", "output": "03\n\n景色描摹,瑰丽奇幻的异想世界\n\n《西游记》的文学价值,除了体现在人物与情节的设置上,也体现在吴承恩深厚的语言功力上。《西游记》中,作者通过大量的景物与环境描写,构建了一个奇异、瑰丽的幻想世界。\n\n吴承恩笔下的西游世界,有钟灵毓秀,美不胜收的仙景,如开篇对花果山的描写:\n\n\n有远去中原后一路上的异域风光:\n\n写妖魔住所时,更融入了丰富的想象和夸张,极具浪漫色彩,怕是连浪漫主义诗人的代表——李白读了都要赞不绝口!二十二回中对流沙河的描写,磅礴之感丝毫不输给“诗仙本仙”的“飞流直下三千尺”:\n\n\n由此可见,不论叙事结构,还是人物塑造、语言运用等方面,《西游记》在众多文学作品中,都有独到之处,值得同学们借鉴。\n\n\n\n黑神话:悟空\n\n二十大游戏取景地赏析”考点汇总\n\n\n\n1.玉皇庙:位于山西晋城,创建于北宋时期,是古代泽州规模较大、影响较广的道教庙宇。庙内二十八宿泥塑作品,栩栩如生、举世罕见,被誉为中国古代“天文馆”、“海内孤品”。\n\n2.大足石刻:位于重庆大足,儒释道“三教”合一,是重庆唯一的世界文化遗产,是中国古代石刻艺术的巅峰之作,也是世界八大石刻之一。\n\n3.时思寺:位于浙江丽水,既有宋代建筑遗风,又受福建地方建筑影响,不仅是一处佛教寺庙,也是一处道教场所,寺前有沐鹤溪流过,形成百仞飞瀑“雪花漈”。\n\n4.开元寺双塔:位于福建泉州,是福建最大的佛教寺庙。双塔分别名为镇国塔和仁寿塔,为我国现存最高的一对宋代石塔,代表了13世纪中国石构建筑技艺的最高水平。\n\n5.福庆寺天王殿:位于河北石家庄,其桥楼殿位于山间的石拱桥上,因其独特之处被选作电影《卧虎藏龙》结局的取景地。\n\n6.白崖寨:位于安徽安庆,因其地势险要,易守难攻,而成为历代兵家必争之地。作为一座历史悠久,规模宏大的军事古寨堡,被誉为“南国小长城”。\n\n7.小西天:位于山西临汾,又名千佛庵,是一座佛教禅宗寺院,由于等级高、造价昂贵,实物保存罕见,对研究明清悬塑级彩绘具有重要参考价值,被誉为“悬塑绝唱”。\n\n8.千佛寨石刻:位于四川资阳,共有造像105龛,大小佛像3061尊,被称为“石刻陈列馆”。摩崖造像高3-6米的有14尊,其中最大的释迦牟尼佛高达6.2米。\n\n9.醴峰观:位于四川南充,是四川12处宋元木构建筑之一,为研究元代木结构建筑以及四川地区古建筑发展史提供了宝贵的实物资料。"}]} +{"conversation": [{"input": "", "output": "10.五台山南山寺:位于山西忻州,是五台山五大禅林之一,也是文殊师利菩萨的道场之一。\n\n11.玉皇阁:位于河北蔚县,又称靖边楼,是供奉玉皇大帝的神庙。\n\n12.独乐寺:位于天津蓟州,又称大佛寺,是中国仅存的三大辽代寺院之一,因其“思独乐而不与民同乐”而得寺名。\n\n13.崇福寺:位于山西朔州,建筑风格是典型的辽金建筑,独具特色,飞檐斗拱、雕梁画栋。大雄宝殿是崇福寺的核心建筑。\n\n14.茗山寺:位于四川资阳,又名虎头寺,佛像森列,周缀于绝壁之上,大多数都是北宋作品。\n\n15.崇圣寺:位于云南大理,历史上有9位大理皇帝在崇圣寺出家,在金庸武侠小说《天龙八部》中称为“天龙寺”。\n\n16.悬空寺:位于山西大同,因整座寺院像悬挂在悬崖上而得名。\n\n17.佛光寺:位于山西忻州,是中国仅存的四座唐代古建筑之一。寺庙始建于北魏孝文帝时期,有“亚洲佛光”之称。\n\n18.应县木塔:位于山西朔州,是世界上最古老、最高大的纯木结构建筑,与法国埃菲尔铁塔、意大利比萨斜塔齐名,被称为“世界三大奇塔”。\n\n19.石门悬棺:位于山西忻州,是迄今中国北方地区发现的唯一的崖葬群。\n\n20.铁佛寺:位于山西晋城,始建于金代,因以前铸有铁佛得名,而今铁佛早已不知去向,但殿内塑像造型生动奇特,风格独树一帜。\n\n在《黑神话:悟空》出现之前,国产3A游戏仍是一片蓝海,由于这类游戏需要投入的人员多、成本高、时间长,很多公司还是希望“赚快钱”。但随着该游戏的出圈,未来或将激活这一沉睡市场,出现更多高质量国产3A游戏。\n\n而且,作为一个经济大国、文化大国,中国理应拥有与这些地位相匹配的文化产品,对外讲好“中国故事”,这也是中国游戏产业应当为之努力的方向。\n\n\n\n\n\n《黑神话:悟空》:在玄幻世界中追寻的天道与自我\n\n作为一款备受期待的国产游戏,���黑神话:悟空》凭借其对中国传统文化的,深刻理解和创新诠释,已经引发了海内外广泛的关注。\n在中国的浩瀚历史与神话传说中,孙悟空这个形象不仅是力量的象征,更是一种精神的化身。\n在这款游戏中,孙悟空被赋予了更为复杂和深邃的意义,成为了在混沌与秩序间游走的战士,他不仅要面对外部世界的险恶,还要在内心深处寻找那微不可见的“道”围绕着悟空的世界观中,“天下”、“气”、“道”、“五行”、“天命”等元素,更是将玄幻的色彩推向极致,为玩家提供了一个哲学与文化交织的世界观。这些元素不仅承载了中华文化的精髓,也蕴含了深刻的哲学思考。"}]} +{"conversation": [{"input": "", "output": "1. 悟空与自我认知——逆天行道与无我之悟\n\n孙悟空,这个家喻户晓的神话人物,自从从石中破壳而出,便注定了他要行走一条逆天的道路。\n\n他的名字“悟空”,既预示着觉悟的过程,也暗示着一种“空”的境界。他不仅是战斗的化身,更是一个觉醒与反抗的象征。悟空在经历了无数次的磨难后,终于明白了自我和世界的真相。\n\n作为一个有着无穷力量的存在,他要在混沌世界中探寻那一线天道。这种探寻,不仅仅是对力量的掌握,更是对自我本质的认知。\n\n在《黑神话:悟空》中,“悟空”不仅仅是一个战斗的化身,更是一种精神的象征。他的力量并非仅仅来自于肉体,而是源于他对自我的认知和对世界本质的洞察。他代表着人类对自身存在的反思和探索。\n\n悟空的故事让我们思考:作为个体,我们是否真正了解自己的本质?在不断追求外界成就的同时,我们是否忽略了内心的修炼?在现代社会中,物质的繁荣和科技的发展让人们更加注重外在的成功,而忽略了内在的成长。悟空的觉悟之路,正是对这一现象的警醒。只有真正认识自我,才能在这个复杂的世界中找到内心的宁静与平衡。\n\n\nDao (Way)\n\n本义指人所行之路,引申而有三重含义:其一,指不同领域的事物所遵循的法则,如日月星辰运行的规律称为天道,人事活动所遵循的规律称为人道;其二,指万事万物所遵循的普遍法则;其三,指事物的本原或本体,超越于有形的具体事物,是万物生成的基始,又是万物存在和人类行为的根据。儒家、道家、佛教等都谈论道,其内涵差异甚大。儒家之道以仁义礼乐为基本内容,佛教和道家之道偏重“空”“无”方面的意义。"}]} +{"conversation": [{"input": "", "output": "In its original meaning, dao (道) is the way or path taken by people. It has three extended meanings: 1) the general laws followed by things in different spheres, e.g. the natural order by which the sun, moon and stars move is called the way of heaven; the rules that govern human activities are the way of man; 2) the universal patterns followed by all things and beings; and 3) the original source or ontological existence of things, which transcends form and constitutes the basis for the birth and existence of all things, and for the activities of human beings. In their respective discussions of Dao, Confucianism, Daoism, and Buddhism imbue it with very different connotations. While benevolence, righteousness, social norms, and music education form the basic content of the Confucian Dao, the Buddhist and Daoist Dao tends to emphasize kong (空 emptiness) and wu (无 void).\n\n引例\n\n天道远,人道迩。(《左传·昭公十八年》)\n\nThe way of heaven is far away; the way of man is near. (Zuo’s Commentary on The Spring and Autumn Annals)"}]} +{"conversation": [{"input": "", "output": "2. 天下之道——混沌与秩序的共生\n\n“天下”一词,承载了中华文化中的整体观念。\n\n在《黑神话:悟空》中,“天下”不仅仅是一个宏大的背景,更是一种秩序与混沌交织的象征。天下之大,包罗万象,既有凶恶的妖魔鬼怪,也有祥和的仙境。而这其中蕴含的哲理,正是中华文化中对天地万物的理解。古人常说“天下大同”,强调的是一个和谐共生的世界观。在《黑神话:悟空》中,天下不仅仅是一个物理上的广阔空间,更是人与人、人与自然之间的关系象征。\n\n混沌初开,天地未分,万物皆处于一种无形的状态。随着“气”的流转,天地有了秩序,万物各得其所。然而,这种秩序并非一成不变,混沌之力随时可能卷土重来,打破原有的平衡。在这个过程中,天下的秩序并不是靠力量维系的,而是依赖于“道”的存在。\n\n对于悟空而言,行走在这片“天下”中,他所面对的不仅是外部的敌人,还有那时刻潜伏的混沌力量。通过不断的修炼与战斗,悟空不仅要平定外部的混乱,更要在内心中找到属于自己的秩序。而这份秩序,正是通过对“道”的追寻而获得的。\n\n\n\n天下\n\nTianxia (All Under Heaven)\n\n古多指天子统治范围的全部土地及统治权。古人认为,大夫的统治范围是“家”,诸侯的统治范围是“国”,天子的统治范围是“天下”。“天下”字面义是“普天之下”,实质指天子统治或名义之下的“家国”统合体所覆盖的全部疆域,并包括天下所有的人及国家的统治权。后演变指全民族或全世界。"}]} +{"conversation": [{"input": "", "output": "This term referred mainly to all the land under the name of the Son of Heaven and the right to rule on such land. The ancient Chinese held that the rule of senior officials was over their enfeoffed land, and that of dukes and princes was over feudal states. The rule of the Son of Heaven was over all the land. Literally, tianxia (天下) means “all under heaven.” It actually refers to all the territory embracing the enfeoffed land and feudal states under the rule or in the name of the Son of Heaven, as well as all the subjects and the right to rule. The term has later evolved to refer to the whole nation or the whole world.\n\n引例\n\n溥天之下,莫非王土;率土之滨,莫非王臣。(《诗经·小雅·北山》)\n\nAll land under heaven falls within the domain of the Son of Heaven; all those on this land are his subjects. (The Book of Songs) \n\n“气”是万物之源、宇宙的呼吸。它无形无质,却充斥于天地之间,贯穿了生灵与大地,连接着星辰与虚空。\n\n在《黑神话:悟空》中,气不仅是力量的源泉,更是一种古老而神秘的生命能量。每一次运气,都是悟空在天地间游走的瞬间,与宇宙交织共鸣。"}]} +{"conversation": [{"input": "", "output": "气是混沌初开时的第一缕灵息,是创造与毁灭的根本。在悟空的修行之路上,气不仅赋予他战斗的能力,更让他得以窥探天地的奥秘。随着悟空的成长,他渐渐明白,气不仅存在于外部世界,更在他的内心深处流淌。每一次战斗,他都在与气融为一体,成为天地间的一部分。\n\n悟空通过对气的掌控,获得了超凡的力量,但也因此背负了更大的责任与使命。他必须在天地之间找到那微妙的平衡,在气的流转中找到了通往“道”的通途,进入了一种与天地共生的至高境界。\n\n\n\nQi (Vital Force)\n\n独立于主观意识之外的物质实体,是构成一切有形之物的原始物质材料,同时也是生命和精神得以发生和存在的基础。此外,某些思想家还为“气”赋予了道德属性。“气”没有具体的形状,永远处于运动变化之中。“气”的凝聚意味着事物的生成,“气”的消散意味着事物的消亡。“气”贯通于所有有形之物的内外。哲学意义上的“气”与常识性的“气体”概念不同,“气体”指各种非液体、非固体的存在;而从哲学层面来看,液体、固体既是有形之物,其生成、存在也是“气”凝聚的结果。"}]} +{"conversation": [{"input": "", "output": "Qi (vital force) has a material existence independent of subjective consciousness and is the basic element of all physical beings. It is also the basis for the birth and existence of life and spirit. In addition, some thinkers have given a moral attribute to qi. Qi is in constant motion and change, and has no specific shape. Its concentration gives birth to a thing and its evaporation signals the end of that thing. Qi permeates all physical beings and their surroundings. Qi, as a philosophical concept, is different from what is commonly understood by the word qi (气), namely, air. Although things in liquid or solid form are different from things in air form, from the perspective of the ancient Chinese philosophy, their formation and existence are the results of the concentration of qi.\n\n引例\n\n通天下一气耳。(《庄子·知北游》)\n\nIt is qi that permeates everything under heaven. (Zhuangzi) \n\n4. 道与五行:宇宙法则的奥秘\n\n“道”是中华文化中最为深奥的概念之一。它既是宇宙的本质,也是万物运行的法则。\n\n《黑神话:悟空》中,悟空不断追寻的正是这个看似虚无的“道”。在这个玄幻的世界中,道不仅仅是一个抽象的概念,更是指引悟空前行的灯塔。"}]} +{"conversation": [{"input": "", "output": "五行学说是中华传统文化中对宇宙运行规律的总结。金、木、水、火、土这五种元素相生相克,构成了宇宙万物的基础。在《黑神话:悟空》中,五行不仅仅是一种战斗元素,更是世界观的象征,是悟空领悟宇宙真理的钥匙。它们之间的相互作用,决定了宇宙的运行和变化。只有通过对五行的深刻理解,悟空才能在混沌与秩序之间找到那一丝平衡,踏上真正的“道”之路。\n\n\n\n五行\n\nWuxing\n\n“五行”有三种不同的含义:其一,指五种最��本的事物或构成万物的五种元素。《尚书·洪范》最早明确了“五行”的内容,即金、木、水、火、土。五种事物或元素有其各自的属性,彼此间存在相生相克的关系。其二, 五行进一步被抽象为理解万物和世界的基本框架,万物都可以纳入到五行的范畴之中,并因此被赋予不同的性质。其三,指五种道德行为。荀子(前313 ?— 前238)曾指责子思(前483 — 前402)、孟子(前372 ?— 前289)“按往旧造说,谓之五行”,从郭店楚墓竹简及马王堆汉墓帛书相关文字内容来看,该“五行”指仁、义、礼、智、圣。"}]} +{"conversation": [{"input": "", "output": "There are three meanings to the term. 1) The five fundamental things or elements that make up all things. The Book of History was the first to define the five elements: metal, wood, water, fire, and earth. Each of these has its own properties and they interact in a generative or destructive relationship. 2) On a more abstract level, the term refers to the basic framework to understand the world. All things can be included in the realm of wuxing (五行) and their properties are explained or understood accordingly. 3) It refers to five kinds of moral behavior. Xunzi (313?-238 BC) once criticized Zisi (483-402 BC) and Mencius (372?-289 BC) for “creating wuxing on the basis of old theories.” Ancient bamboo slips unearthed from a grave at Guodian dating back to the State of Chu as well as inscribed silk texts from the Mawangdui Tomb of the Western Han Dynasty, all describe this wuxing as benevolence, righteousness, li (礼), wisdom, and the wisdom and character of a sage.\n\n引例\n\n天有三辰,地有五行。(《左传·昭公三十二年》)"}]} +{"conversation": [{"input": "", "output": "引例\n\n天有三辰,地有五行。(《左传·昭公三十二年》)\n\nIn heaven there are the sun, moon, and stars, while on earth there are the five elements: metal, wood, water, fire, and earth. (Zuo’s Commentary on The Spring and Autumn Annals)\n\n5. 天命与宿命:命运的挣扎与抗争\n\n天命与自由意志的矛盾,构成了悟空故事中的核心冲突。天命不仅是外在的力量,更是悟空内心的一种挣扎。作为一个拥有强大力量的存在,他渴望掌控自己的命运,但又无法完全摆脱天命的束缚。这种矛盾,正是玄幻世界中常见的主题:在强大的外在力量面前,个体如何找到自己的位置。\n\n天命并非一成不变。在中华文化中,命运与道德、行为密切相关。\n\n通过不断的修炼与内心的觉悟,悟空最终领悟到:命运并非完全不可抗拒,真正的天命,是通过对“道”的理解和实践所形成的内在力量。虽然命运不可违抗,但通过自身的努力与修炼,我们仍然可以掌握自己的未来。\n\n\n\n天命\n\nMandate of Heaven\n\n天的命令与赐予。“天命”主要包含三种不同含义:其一,指天对于人事的命令。命令的内容最初集中于王权的更替,即上天授命有德者征讨并取代失德之君,享有至高无上的权力和福禄。其二,指命运,具有不可抗拒之义,标志着人力的限度。其三,指天赋予人的禀性。《中庸》称“天命之谓性”。宋儒发挥这一思想,以“天命之性”指称人禀受于天的纯善的本性。"}]} +{"conversation": [{"input": "", "output": "The term means order and bestowment from Heaven. “Mandate of heaven” mainly contains three different meanings: The first is the order of heaven over human affairs. Such order first of all focuses on a change of the supreme ruler’s authority: Heaven empowers the virtuous to attack and replace a ruler who has lost his virtue, and thus enjoy the highest and unsurpassed power and benefits. Secondly, mandate of heaven means fate, which is irresistible and imposes limit on human power. Thirdly, the term indicates the natural disposition bestowed by heaven upon human being. According to The Doctrine of the Mean, “Mandate of heaven endows one with his nature.” Song-dynasty Confucian scholars developed this idea, proposing that human nature was the “nature of mandate of heaven,” that is, the inherent pure and good nature one receives from heaven.\n\n引例\n\n天命靡常。(《诗经·大雅·文王》)\n\nHeaven-bestowed supreme power is not eternal. (The Book of Songs)"}]} +{"conversation": [{"input": "", "output": "《黑神话:悟空》不仅是一款展现中华文化的玄幻游戏,更是一次对哲学与生命意义的深刻探索。通过悟空的修行之旅,游戏将“天下、气、道、五行、天命”等元素融入其中,引发了对自我、命运与宇宙法则的思考。这款游戏不仅为玩家带来了震撼的视觉体验,更唤醒了对中华文化与哲学智慧的重新认识与尊重。\n\n\n学习时报谈《黑神话:悟空》:中华传统文化的世界表达\n任嘉伟/学习时报\n2024-09-13 08:57\n\n8月20日,《黑神话:悟���》正式发布迅速登顶世界最大国际游平台Steam热玩榜,位居多个全球各平台游戏热销榜冠军,创下首日总销量超过450万份,总销售额超过15亿元的国产游戏新记录,激发了海外玩家对中华传统文化的巨大热忱,掀起了一场关于中国游戏和中华传统文化的讨论热潮。\n\n寻根传统,文化赋能。《黑神话:悟空》的故事取材于中国古典小说“四大名著”之一的《西游记》,游戏基于《西游记》原著的背景设计了主线、支线剧情,并以“天命人”悟空的形象为主角,重走危险与惊奇的西游之路。游戏中的建筑风格、服饰设计、神话传说等元素,都是对中华传统文化的精彩呈现,玩家在游戏过程中,不仅能享受刺激的战斗体验,还能沉浸在“东方体验”中,深入了解中华传统文化的丰富内涵。\n\n游戏中,山西晋城佛光寺立柱、重庆宝顶山大足石刻“西方净土变”、陕西水陆庵的五百罗汉悬塑群、《汉书》中的“盛冬雷电,潜龙为孽”等场景出现时,激发起各国玩家对中华传统文化的浓厚兴趣。同时,游戏中还融入了大量中国哲学思想。例如,悟空面对重重困难时所展现出的不屈不挠精神,正是中华传统文化中“天行健,君子以自强不息”的体现,而他在与妖魔的战斗中秉持的正义与善良,也与中华传统文化中强调的“仁、义、礼、智、信”相契合。\n\n好的文化产品,都是以本民族厚重的文化底蕴为载体,进而影响、辐射到海外。《黑神话:悟空》作为国内首款3A(高成本、高体量、高制作)游戏大作,打破了长期以来欧美国家3A游戏的“垄断”,实现了一波强势的文化输出,为中华文化走向世界提供了新契机。\n\n此前,以四大名著为核心的中国古典文化的出海影响,还多局限在拥有更多文化共通处的东亚文化圈。在玩《黑神话:悟空》以前,很多外国网友对于悟空这个角色的认识,基本上来源于日本漫画《龙珠》(《龙珠》作者鸟山明表示该作品借鉴于中国《西游记》),这让不少外国人误以为,孙悟空是来自日本而非中国。"}]} +{"conversation": [{"input": "", "output": "从一只猴的神话传说,到一本小说、一部电影、一个游戏的诞生,孙悟空的形象作为中国浪漫主义文化的象征,已经跨越文化边界,与世界各地的年轻人心灵深处产生了共鸣。为了获得更加沉浸式的游戏体验,不少海外玩家甚至开始恶补《西游记》原著及相关知识点。有俄罗斯网友评论:“我等了这游戏3年了,我非常想了解中国的神话,利用《黑神话:悟空》来解读《西游记》是非常有意思的方法。”还有波兰网友表示:“我无法表达我对《黑神话:悟空》的期待,因为自从在2020年发现这游戏后,我就去买了一本《西游记》。”这充分表明中国游戏成功吸引了他们的关注,同时他们也愿意深入了解中华传统文化。\n\n值得一提的是,游戏的英文翻译中,“悟空”不再是“MonkeyKing”,而是直接译为“Wukong”,“金箍棒”也没有再翻成“镀金的长棍子”,而是直接采用拼音“JinGuBang”。《黑神话:悟空》制作人冯骥给出的原因是,光是拼音就“足够好听,而且足够清楚”。另外,“本游戏默认语言为简体中文”的含金量,不仅省去安装汉化补丁的麻烦,还标志着中国游戏在世界舞台崭露头角。\n\n从20世纪60年代的彩色动画长篇《大闹天宫》,到20世纪80年代家喻户晓的电视剧《西游记》,到2015年打破英雄叙事的动画电影《西游记之大圣归来》,再到2024年顶着“首款国产3A游戏”光环的《黑神话:悟空》……以一只“猴”为背景的文化创作贯穿了中国动画、电影和游戏行业的发展,也见证了中国文化从地区走向世界的出海进程和成果。\n\n《黑神话:悟空》打破了长期以来欧美国家3A游戏的垄断。这款游戏在技术层面上不仅在美术、场景、动作设计等投入大量素材和精力,更重要的是精细入微的设计,比如环境反馈、动态粒子效果等方面展现出了高质量的标准。砖缝中的灰尘、木制栏杆的裂痕、雕塑涂料的氧化……千年岁月在古建筑上流过的痕迹通过3D重建等现代技术得以保留,让斗拱飞檐、雕梁画栋一下子“细节感拉满”。网友惊叹,“纤毫毕见的毛发,婆娑窸窣的阴影,让人看到了开发者的诚意和中国单机游戏的想象空间。”游戏还制作专属行楷书法字体,书写风格取欧体行楷劲俏、险峻之神韵,一如悟空“肉在里面,骨在外面”。"}]} +{"conversation": [{"input": "", "output": "把现代传媒方式与中华传统文化结合的这种大胆的创新,是文化自信最直接的表现。《黑神话:悟空》将中华传统文化与备受年轻人青睐的动漫、游戏相结合,为中国文化的传播和出口找到了一条新的路径,也是中国人文化自信的最好表达。《黑神话:悟空》开辟了文化出海的崭新路径,让世界人民看到了中华民族瑰丽多姿的优秀传统文化,领略了中国日新月异的现代科技发展。"}]} +{"conversation": [{"input": "", "output": "Unveiling the Legendary Sun Wukong: The Myth, Powers, and Legacy of the Monkey King\nLast Updated on September 14, 2024 by Scribbling Geek\n\nAre you playing Black Myth: Wukong? Here are 25 things to know about the Great Sage who inspired the game.\n\nIt is not an exaggeration to say Sun Wukong (孙悟空), the Chinese Monkey King, is the most famous Chinese mythological character around the world.\n\nBeloved by the Chinese for his audacity, mischief, loyalty, and fiery temperament, Wukong’s legendary exploits have long transcended cultural boundaries. It is difficult to even begin to compile the numerous games, Anime series, TV fantasy series, novels, animated features, and movies that feature him as a lead or use characters based on him. Notably, even the world-famous Sun Goku from Dragonball was directly modelled after him."}]} +{"conversation": [{"input": "", "output": "Interestingly, Sun Wukong is not an actual Chinese god, too, though he is now worshipped in many Chinese communities. The Great Monkey King was a fictional character written about by Ming Dynasty writer Wu Cheng’en (吴承恩) in his magnum opus, Journey to the West (Xiyouji | 西游记). One of the four Classic Chinese Novels, or Four Great Chinese Novels, Xiyouji depicts the adventures of Wukong as he journeyed from being a cunning trickster to a headstrong rebel, before faithfully accompanying the monk Xuanzang on the latter’s pilgrimage to the West (Central Asia and India) to obtain Buddhist sutras.\n\nIn just a few hours, yet another game inspired by the Monkey King will hit the scene—Black Myth: Wukong by Game Science is set for release on August 20, 2024. Before diving into this latest adventure, how about familiarising yourself with the Monkey King’s origins, most notable escapades, and his incredible influence on international popular culture?"}]} +{"conversation": [{"input": "", "output": "Without further ado, here are 25 facts to know about Qitian Dasheng (齐天大圣), the “Great Sage, Equal to Heaven,” who once made the heavenly armies tremble.\n\n1. Sun Wukong Was Born from a Magical Stone\nSun Wukong’s origin is as fascinating as his character. According to Journey to the West, he was born from a mystical stone atop the Mountain of Flowers and Fruit (Huaguoshan | 花果山) that was over 30 Chinese feet tall. This stone absorbed the essence of both Heaven and Earth for centuries before splitting apart to reveal an egg that transformed into a stone monkey upon the wind blowing on it.\n\nThe stone monkey, i.e., the future Wukong, then became the leader of the other monkeys on the mountain. Together, they discovered the blissful Water Curtain Cave (Shuiliandong | 水帘洞). Thus became the mythic story of the Chinese Monkey King."}]} +{"conversation": [{"input": "", "output": "2. He Mastered the 72 Transformations and the Somersault Cloud from Puti Zushi\nSun Wukong’s extraordinary abilities were taught by the immortal sage Puti Zushi (菩提祖师); Wukong sought the guidance of the sage in his quest for immortality. Under the master’s mentorship, Wukong mastered the amazing 72 Transformations. He also learned the secret techniques of the Somersault Cloud (Jindouyun | 筋斗云), a skill that enabled him to travel shiwan baqianli (108,000 Chinese miles) in a single leap.\n\nWukong’s name was also given by Puti Zushi.\n\nWho is Puti Zushi?\nPuti Zushi’s description in Journey to the West befits that of a Taoist immortal. However, the word Puti is associated with Buddhism and is the Chinese transliteration of “Bodhi.”\n\nMost readers thus interpret the immortal as Subhūti, one of the ten disciples of the Buddha."}]} +{"conversation": [{"input": "", "output": "Notably, Puti Zushi foresaw Wukong’s egoistical downfall. He therefore instructed the Monkey King never to reveal their relationship. Wukong faithfully obeyed this order throughout his adventures.\n\n3. Wukong “Stole” His Signature Weapon from the Dragon King of the Eastern Ocean\nSun Wukong’s signature weapon, the As-You-Wish Cudgel (Ruyi Jingubang | 如意金箍棒), was originally a pillar in the court of Aoguang (敖广), the Dragon King of the Eastern Ocean. The legend goes that it was previously a measuring pin used by the Great Yu during the Great Flood of China—thus the weapon’s alternate name of “Ocean-Pinning Needle” (Dinghai Shenzhen | 定海神针).\n\nSun Wukong “acquired” this needle from Aoguang after being advised by his monkey followers to visit the dragon court for a suitable weapon. In his hand, the pin could morph to incredible sizes or shrink to a small pin for Wukong to hide in his ear.\n\nThe cudgel was also indestructible and the perfect weapon for the Monkey King’s agile, unpredictable fighting style."}]} +{"conversation": [{"input": "", "output": "A Mysterious Weapon Full of Secrets?\nJingubang is the key plot device of Disney+’s American Born Chinese. In this modern reimagination, the cudgel is described as containing great powers and secrets.\n\n4. Wukong Erased His Name from the Book of Life and Death\nDespite mastering magic from Puti Zushi, Wukong did not gain immortality. After a banquet, he fell asleep and was taken by agents of the Chinese underworld to the nether realm.\n\nRealizing his fate, the enraged Monkey King used his cudgel to bash the agents and demanded to see the Book of Life and Death. He then erased his name and those of his simian followers, granting his followers and himself immunity from natural death.\n\nThis daring act solidified Wukong’s reputation as a rebel who would defy even the authority of heaven and the natural order. It also placed the Monkey King on the radar of the heavenly pantheon."}]} +{"conversation": [{"input": "", "output": "5. The Taoist Pantheon Tried to Subdue Wukong with a Grand Title\nIn an attempt to rein in the unruly Monkey King after his terrorizing of the Dragon Court and the Underworld, the Taoist Pantheon invited Wukong to heaven and conferred upon him the title of Bimawen (弼马温). The title roughly means “Marquis of Horse Protection.”\n\nThis grand-sounding title was, however, merely a guise for the lowly job of a stable boy for celestial steeds. Wukong did not react well at all upon discovering the truth, to say the least.\n\n6. Wukong Was Conferred the Title of “Great Sage, Equal to Heaven” After Defeating Heavenly Forces\nAfter Sun Wukong defeated the celestial army led by Li Jing (李靖) and Nezha (哪吒), the Jade Emperor (Yudi | 玉帝) again attempted to rein in the Monkey King by bestowing upon him the title of “Great Sage, Equal to Heaven” (齐天大圣)."}]} +{"conversation": [{"input": "", "output": "The Great Sage was then invited to reside in heaven for a second time. Briefly, everything was peaceful with the Great Sage spending his days feasting and revelling with other immortals.\n\n7. An Insult Led to Wukong Wrecking the Heavenly Peach Banquet and Stealing Laozi’s Immortality Pills\nEverything went south again when Wukong discovered he was not on the invite list for the Heavenly Peach Banquet, a celestial event much anticipated by all immortals.\n\nWorse, a group of seven fairies mocked him for being too insignificant. In the 1961 animation, Havoc in Heaven, the fairies stated that even the lesser deities of the mortal world, such as Aoguang, were invited.\n\nStung and furious, the Monkey King trashed the banquet grounds and stole all the longevity-imbuing peaches. While on his way back to Huaguoshan, he also ransacked Laozi (老子)’s palace and ate all the elixirs of immortality the founder of Taoism was brewing."}]} +{"conversation": [{"input": "", "output": "The peaches and elixirs vastly strengthened the Monkey King’s immortality and invulnerability. Without surprise, the crimes also incurred the full wrath of the Taoist pantheon. A full celestial army soon descends upon the Mountain of Flowers and Fruit to arrest Wukong.\n\n8. Erlang Shen Fought Wukong to a Standstill\nIn one of the most memorable episodes of Journey to the West, Sun Wukong defeated several generals of the celestial army during the assault on his stronghold. Even the Four Heavenly Kings (Sida Tianwang | 四大天王) and their magical weapons were no match for the immortal monkey\n\nWukong also battled Erlang Shen (Erlang Shen | 二郎神), the nephew of the Jade Emperor who’s considered the mightiest Taoist Warrior God. During this confrontation, both immortals constantly shapeshifted and though Erlang Shen could see through the monkey’s changes with his third eye, he was unable to defeat the Monkey."}]} +{"conversation": [{"input": "", "output": "In the end, Laozi had to intervene. He ambushed Wukong by throwing a magical Iron Circlet while the Monkey King was preoccupied with fighting Erlang Shen. Wukong was knocked unconscious and captured.\n\n9. Laozi Tried to Incinerate Wukong but Ended Up Granting Him a Formidable Skill\nThe Taoist pantheon attempted to execute Wukong but had no success at all because of the Monkey King’s invulnerability.\n\nLaozi then tried to incinerate Wukong in his elixir brazier with alchemic fire, burning the rebellious one for 49 days. Instead of succeeding, this method ended up cultivating the Huoyan Jinjing (火眼金睛 | Golden Eyes of Fire) skill in Wukong.\n\nThese eyes allow Wukong to see through practically any magical illusions. The ability will be invaluable during the Monkey King’s later adventures."}]} +{"conversation": [{"input": "", "output": "10. Wukong Was Eventually Subdued by Gautama Buddha and Imprisoned for 500 Years\nSun Wukong’s conflicts with the heavenly pantheon ended with his defeat by Gautama Buddha. The enlightened one was invited by the Jade Emperor to deal with the unruly monkey.\n\nFamously, Wukong accepted a challenge to leap out of the Buddha’s right hand. In the end, despite being convinced he has somersaulted tens of thousands of li, Wukong never even left the Buddha’s palm.\n\nThe Buddha then trapped Wukong in a mountain formed by his fist. The mountain came to be known as the Five Elements Mountain (Wuxingshan | 五行山) and to prevent Wukong from escaping, a talisman with the Six-Word Mantra was pasted on it.\n\nThe Monkey King was forced to reflect on his actions till freed by the Tang Dynasty Holy Monk Xuanzang 500 years later."}]} +{"conversation": [{"input": "", "output": "11. As His Final Atonement, Wukong Was Ordered to Accompany Xuanzang on His Pilgrimage\nAfter being freed from his 500-year imprisonment, Sun Wukong was tasked with escorting Xuanzang on a perilous pilgrimage to retrieve sacred Buddhist scriptures from the West. This journey was intended as a final act of redemption. It was also meant to be Wukong’s formal quest for enlightenment.\n\nTo assist Xuanzang, Guanyin (Guanyin | 观音), the Goddess/Bodhisattva of Mercy gave Xuanzang a golden circlet, which the monk then succeeded in tricking Wukong into wearing. Impossible to remove, the circlet tightens upon Xuanzang reciting a mantra.\n\nThe immense agony that resulted forced poor Wukong to obey Xuanzang."}]} +{"conversation": [{"input": "", "output": "12. Xuanzang and Wukong Were Joined by Zhu Bajie, Sha Wujing, and the Dragon Horse\nAs is well known, Xuanzang and Sun Wukong were later joined by three other companions: Zhu Bajie, a gluttonous but powerful pig demon; Sha Wujing, a river demon known for his reason and strength; and the Dragon Horse, a shapeshifted dragon who served as Xuanzang’s steed.\n\nTogether, this eclectic group survived 81 obstacles before reaching the Buddha’s abode, referred to in Journey to the West as the “Temple of the Thunder Sound” (Leiyin Shi |雷音寺).\n\nWhat Were the 81 Obstacles?\nMany obstacles have been depicted, with or without creative embellishment, on TV and in movies over the years.\n\nIt’s also important to note that the obstacles in Journey to the West are not independent episodes; some story arcs encompass multiple obstacles. Rather, the number reflects the total episodes of tribulation the group had to overcome."}]} +{"conversation": [{"input": "", "output": "“I Could Have Completed the Delivery Within an Hour!”\nGiven his Somersault Cloud abilities, Wukong could easily have retrieved and delivered the sutras within an hour. Throughout Journey to the West, Wukong occasionally mentions this.\n\nHe didn’t, of course. As said, the arduous pilgrimage was an atonement. It was also intended by the Buddha to be Wukong’s path towards enlightenment.\n\n13. Not All of the Monkey King’s Adversaries During the Pilgrimage Were Demons\nSun Wukong and his companions encountered numerous adversaries during the long pilgrimage.\n\nSome were wicked demons, such as the White Bone Demoness (Baigu Jing | 白骨精). Others were demons/sentient beasts who used to be Wukong’s allies, such as The Ox Demon (Niumo Wang | 牛魔王).\n\nA great many were not demons despite their titles and appearances. Instead, they were heavenly steeds, attendants, and creatures who had secretly left the “upper world” to frolic in the mortal realm."}]} +{"conversation": [{"input": "", "output": "The Renshen Guo (Ginseng Fruit | 人参果) episode further saw Wukong having to heal the celestial tree of a Taoist Immortal. Earlier in the story, the Monkey King had toppled the tree in a moment of fury.\n\n14. Wukong Relied on His Transformations and Assistance from Gods During the Pilgrimage\nNeedless to say, Sun Wukong frequently relied on his 72 Transformations to overcome obstacles and outwit enemies. One of his favourite tricks was to fly into an adversary’s stomach as an insect. Let’s just say, you wouldn’t want the raucous monkey inside you.\n\nWith his golden cudgel, the Monkey King was a formidable presence on any battlefield too. He could, moreover, instantly create split copies of himself with his fur."}]} +{"conversation": [{"input": "", "output": "Despite these amazing abilities, there were many adversaries that Wukong couldn’t easily defeat. These foes typically possess unusual magical artifacts or deadly innate abilities. In these cases, the Monkey King had to enlist the help of celestial gods and bodhisattvas. He often approached Guanyin for help too.\n\nThis resulted in some Chinese online satirists stating that Wukong’s greatest abilities during the pilgrimage were neither his magic nor physical prowess, but rather his connections. Like the modern Chinese world of business, guanxi (关系) was a handy weapon in the Monkey King’s furry hands.\n\nWho Were Wukong’s Greatest Enemies?\nIn Journey to the West, there were several foes with abilities equal to or even greater than Wukong’s. They were:\n\n* Maori is pronounced as “Mao Re” in Chinese.\n\n15. There Are Other Divine Monkeys, and They Are Terrifying\nNowadays, the Six-Eared Macaque is widely considered Sun Wukong’s greatest foe."}]} +{"conversation": [{"input": "", "output": "Equal in power to the Monkey King and able to eavesdrop from vast distances, the dastard Six-Eared Macaque assumed a likeness of Wukong that was so complete, even Guanyin and all the Taoist Gods couldn’t see through the deception.\n\nThe deception was ultimately exposed by Gautama Buddha. Before doing so, the Buddha explained that the Six-Eared Macaque is one of the “Four Awakened Monkeys.” Sun Wukong is also one of these four simians, thus why the Six-Eared Macaque has the same abilities.\n\n16. Wukong Enjoys a Large Number of Epithets Throughout Journey to the West\nSun Wukong is known by many names and titles in Journey to the West.\n\nAmong the most famous are the “Great Sage, Equal to Heaven” (齐天大圣), the “Handsome Monkey King” (美猴王), and “Pilgrim Sun” (孙行者).\n\nAfter completing the pilgrimage and attaining enlightenment, Wukong was granted the title of Douzhan Shengfo (斗战胜佛), the “Fighting and Victory Buddha.”"}]} +{"conversation": [{"input": "", "output": "These epithets captured the different aspects of the Monkey King’s identity, from his rebellious nature to his spiritual enlightenment. Naturally, they outlined his evolution throughout the novel too.\n\n17. Was Journey to the West and the Wukong Persona Anti-Taoist? Probably Not\nThis has been discussed in length in the Chinese online world.\n\nSimply put, the combined might of the Taoist celestial pantheon was unable to deal with Wukong and was nearly defeated. In contrast, the Buddha needed just one hand to imprison the unruly Monkey King.\n\nIn later chapters of Journey to the West, Wukong often had difficulties subduing relatively minor demons. This seems to imply that these demons could effortlessly take over the Taoist heaven, had they wanted to."}]} +{"conversation": [{"input": "", "output": "My interpretation is this. I don’t think author Wu Cheng’en deliberately belittled Taoism. Instead, his storyline reflected a common Chinese perception of Taoism and Buddhism, i.e., “Buddhist magic” is superior to “Taoist magic.” This perception continues to exist centuries later in Chinese fantasy stories such as the Shushan (蜀山) series and certain Xianxia movies.\n\nVarious Chinese online writers have also highlighted that Wukong never did battle the highest deities of Taoism like Yuanshi Tianjun (元始天君). He would have been squashed within seconds had he did.\n\nA simpler way of explaining could perhaps be to say that Wu Cheng’en wasn’t as concerned with plot logic as modern writers would be. He was writing a fantasy story in medieval times. He wrote whatever he felt was entertaining."}]} +{"conversation": [{"input": "", "output": "18. Sun Wukong’s Frequently Cameos in Chinese Fantasy Dramas\nTo repeat what was stated in my introduction, Sun Wukong’s popularity extends way beyond Wu Cheng’en’s Journey to the West. His appearance in modern pop culture entertainment, Chinese or otherwise, goes on and on.\n\nThe protagonist of Dragonball was inspired by him. Anime series like Saiyuki and Starzinger feature him as the protagonist.\n\nHe was the leading character in Jet Li’s Forbidden Kingdom. In American Born Chinese, he was the disgruntled dad of a rebellious monkey teen. Over the years, Netflix has streamed several series and movies, Chinese or otherwise, featuring Wukong.\n\n2010’s Enslaved: Odyssey to the West is considered a loose video game adaptation of Wukong’s story. 2024’s Black Myth: Wukong is directly inspired by the Monkey King’s tale.\n\nHis image has broadened over the years too! In New Gods: Nezha Reborn, he was gangsta-like with gold chains and all. In DC Comics, he is again a father with a son who would become Monkey Prince."}]} +{"conversation": [{"input": "", "output": "In the CCTV-8 reimagination of the Magic Lotus Lantern folktale, Wukong was merged into the story and became the devoted mentor of Chen Xiang. In classic Chinese folktales, the two never met.\n\nMy bet is that we will continue to see many, many versions of Sun Wukong down the road.\n\n19. Seances Involving the Monkey King Are Important Rituals in Chinese Folkloric Practices\nIn Chinese folk religion, Sun Wukong is not just a literary character but a deity worshipped in various rituals. Seances and spiritual ceremonies often invoke the Monkey King for protection, strength, and guidance.\n\nThese practices reflect the curious evolution of a folkloric, literary who was so beloved, he became an actual god. Correspondingly, shrines to the Monkey King are found throughout the Chinese world."}]} +{"conversation": [{"input": "", "output": "20. Sun Wukong Is Not Unique to Wu Cheng’en’s Journey to the West\nHere’s what you might not know. Sun Wukong was fleshed out by Wu Cheng’en and the Ming Dynasty writer did a superb job. However, Wu did not create the character from scratch.\n\nIn the Song Dynasty text The Story of the Journey to the West (Datang Sanzang Qujing Shihua | 大唐三藏取經詩話), the prototype for Sun Wukong, named “Monkey Traveler,” appears as a white-robed scholar from the Purple Cloud Cave on Flower Fruit Mountain. He called himself the “King of the 84,000 Copper-Headed, Iron-Foreheaded Monkeys.”\n\nDuring the Yuan Dynasty, Yang Jingxian’s Journey to the West play titles the Monkey King as “Great Sage Equaling Heaven” and gives him siblings and a forcibly married wife, Princess Jiaozhi."}]} +{"conversation": [{"input": "", "output": "Wu Cheng’en’s version of the Monkey King was clearly influenced by these older works. His greatest accomplishment was to then elevate the character of Sun Wukong into a richly developed persona, complete with a complex backstory. A character that quickly became immortal in Chinese culture.\n\n21. Was Wu Cheng’en Inspired by Hanuman? There’s No Agreement\nScholars have long debated whether Wu Cheng’en was inspired by the Hindu Monkey God Hanuman when writing about Sun Wukong.\n\nWhile Ming Dynasty China was hardly the connected world we live in today, trade and human traffic between India and China was not uncommon. After all, Buddhism extended into China from India centuries earlier. There is the possibility that Wu read a Chinese version of the Ramayana."}]} +{"conversation": [{"input": "", "output": "The above being said, there is no definitive evidence linking Hanuman directly to Wukong. This lack of historical documentation means that any connection remains speculative, with both characters likely drawing from broader, shared mythological themes across cultures. It is important, too, to note that despite their similarities in physical might, Hanuman and Wukong have very different personalities.\n\nSome researchers conversely believe that Journey to the West might have drawn inspiration from the “Great Sage” worship in Fujian. The mountainous regions of Fujian, historically inhabited by monkeys, have historically venerated monkey gods.\n\nThe great writer Lu Xun (魯迅) also posited that the image of Sun Wukong could be based on Wuzhi Qi (无支祁), a water spirit with great powers. Wuzhi Qi is mentioned in various ancient Chinese compendiums. Wukong, like Wuzhi Qi, could be interpreted as a personification of unruly natural forces."}]} +{"conversation": [{"input": "", "output": "22. The Monkey King Was Not Spared the Heartbreaks of Romance\nClassic depictions of the Monkey King show him as uninterested in romance and immune to any form of seduction. He was the classic pilgrim.\n\nModern retellings largely retain this aspect but several modern movies and drama series have notably worked in heavy romantic elements over the years. For example, Stephen Chow’s A Chinese Odyssey double bill revolves around Wukong’s romance with a fairy named Zixia.\n\n2014’s Wu Kong re-explored this romance between the Monkey King and Zixia, using a story by writer Jin Hezai (今何在).\n\n23. Famous Monkey King Temples\nThroughout China and Southeast Asia, numerous temples are dedicated to the worship of Sun Wukong. Many are located in Fujian, China. There is also a Monkey God Temple in Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia.\n\nTaiwan has over ten notable temples and shrines that venerate the Monkey King."}]} +{"conversation": [{"input": "", "output": "In ultramodern Singapore, there are different shrines to the Monkey King too. For example, there’s one at Waterloo Street. There is also a Monkey God Temple in the Tiong Bahru district.\n\nThese sacred sites highlight Wukong’s enduring legacy as a revered figure in the spiritual lives of many.\n\n24. The Name “Wukong”\nThe name Wukong has deep historical and cultural roots.\n\nWu (悟) means “awaken” or “enlighten,” and Kong (空) means “emptiness” or “void.” In combination, the name reflects the Buddhist concept of achieving enlightenment through understanding emptiness.\n\nSun Wukong’s name thus symbolises his journey toward spiritual awakening. Historically, a Tang Dynasty monk who studied in India was also named Master Wukong.\n\nIn modern times, China named her Dark Matter Particle Explorer satellite for dark matter detection as Wukong. The move exemplifies the importance of the Monkey King persona in Chinese culture."}]} +{"conversation": [{"input": "", "output": "25. What Does Sun Wukong Represent to the Chinese?\nThe Chinese Monkey King is an incredibly complex character with a long list of adventures and exploits.\n\nIn Wu’s story, he started as an intelligent and capable prankster before evolving into an open rebel. His conflicts with the heavenly court could be seen as resistant to autocratic rule and social structures. In Chinese mythology, deities like the Jade Emperor and Erlang Shen often represent punishing social norms.\n\nAs a pilgrim, Wukong’s resourcefulness and steadfast loyalty to Xuanzang exemplified the classic value of perseverance. His agreement to the pilgrimage, albeit under coercion, could also be interpreted as how brigands/deadly natural forces could ultimately be harnessed for good.\n\nNaturally, Wukong was the ultimate explorer too. And the guardian you would want to have on any journey."}]} +{"conversation": [{"input": "", "output": "Black Myth: Wukong\n\"Black Myth\" redirects here. For the live album by Sun Ra, see Black Myth/Out in Space.\nBlack Myth: Wukong[a] is a 2024 action role-playing game developed and published by Game Science. The game is inspired by the classical Chinese novel Journey to the West and follows an anthropomorphic monkey based on Sun Wukong from the novel.\n\nBlack Myth: Wukong was released for PlayStation 5 and Windows on August 20, 2024, with an Xbox Series X/S version and an expansion planned for release. The game received generally favorable reviews from critics. It sold 18 million units within two weeks, making it one of the fastest-selling games of all time.\n\nGameplay\nBlack Myth: Wukong is an action role-playing game, with Soulslike elements. It is a single-player game, which is played from a third-person perspective."}]} +{"conversation": [{"input": "", "output": "The player controls a monkey protagonist referred to as the Destined One, who is based on Sun Wukong from the Journey to the West. The protagonist's weapon is a staff, which is based on the Ruyi Jingu Bang from the novel. The staff can extend and shrink in size during combat. The three staff stances, which are the smash stance, the pillar stance, and the thrust stance, provide versatility in fights. The combat mechanics involve resource management. Focus can be accumulated by landing light attacks, executing well-timed dodges, and other means. A focus point is gained when the meter for focus is filled up. These points can be used to initiate a varied combo, chained to light attacks, or to charge a heavy attack on its own. Stamina is depleted by sprinting, dodging, and attacking."}]} +{"conversation": [{"input": "", "output": "Spells have cooldowns and consume mana. They are categorized in mysticism, alteration, strand, and transformations. The protagonist uses transformations to shapeshift into a different creature or being. An example is the transformation Red Tides, which takes the form of Guangzhi, a wolfman who wields a flaming glaive. The transformations come with their own movesets and health. They are available on cooldown, but do not cost mana. They last until their might, which is depleted by attacking, or health runs out.\n\nSpirits provide a skill and passive effect if they are equipped. Defeated yaoguai chiefs may leave behind their spirits, which can be acquired if they are absorbed into a gourd. Spirit skills function as transformations to do a unique attack. Qi is used to activate spirit skills. An example of a spirit is the Wandering Wight, who does a headbutt attack."}]} +{"conversation": [{"input": "", "output": "The game follows a mostly linear progression interspersed with expansive areas. There are keeper's shrines, which act as checkpoints for the player, along the way. Throughout the world, the protagonist encounters various yaoguai as enemies. The game's difficulty cannot be changed by players, but it does not remain the same throughout a playthrough."}]} +{"conversation": [{"input": "", "output": "Synopsis\nSetting\nBlack Myth: Wukong is inspired by the classical Chinese novel Journey to the West. The game spans six chapters, each focusing on the journey through a specific fictional location: Black Wind Mountain, Yellow Wind Ridge, The New West, The Webbed Hollow, Flaming Mountains, and Mount Huaguo. It introduces cultural and natural landmarks derived from the real world into its setting. It features, for example, several locations from Shanxi Province, such as the Yungang Grottoes, Little Western Paradise, Nanchan Temple, Iron Buddha Temple, Guangsheng Temple, and Stork Tower, as well as locations from other provinces, such as the Kaiyuan Temple in Fujian Province.\n\nEach chapter concludes with an animated cutscene providing a reflection and exploration of the narrative and thematic elements of Black Myth Wukong."}]} +{"conversation": [{"input": "", "output": "Plot\nAfter escorting his master Tang Sanzang and retrieving the Buddhist scriptures in a perilous pilgrimage to the West, Sun Wukong ascends to Buddhahood. Yet, he rejects life in the Celestial Court and chooses the simple joys of life on Mount Huaguo instead. The Court grows mistrustful of his choice to forgo the life above and sends an army led by Erlang Shen to force him to submit. Sun Wukong duels Erlang Shen, but he is incapacitated by the circlet that binds him to the Court and sealed in stone on the mountain. He is severed from his six senses, corresponding to six relics scattered across the mortal realm. Over the next few centuries, the monkeys of the mountain send out young warriors to recover the relics in order to revive Sun Wukong. A monkey referred to as the Destined One sets out on this path."}]} +{"conversation": [{"input": "", "output": "The Destined One traverses through Black Wind Mountain. He meets the Keeper of Black Wind Mountain, who helps and guides him through the place. Along the way, he passes through Guanyin Temple, which was devastated by a fire and later rebuilt. The Destined One defeats the Black Bear Guai, who has the \"Craving Eyes\" relic enshrined atop a pagoda at the mountain's summit. He takes the relic, while the Black Bear Guai surrenders.\n\nThe Destined One proceeds to the desolate Yellow Wind Ridge. Occasionally, a mysterious Headless Monk, who sings and plays a sanxian, appears and provides help. The Destined One defeats the Yellow Wind Sage, who uses Bodhisattva Lingji's severed head to contain the \"Fuming Ears\" relic. The Headless Monk, who turns out to be Bodhisattva Lingji, places his head back on his body and hands over the relic to the Destined One."}]} +{"conversation": [{"input": "", "output": "The Destined One continues to The New West, a cold mountainous place. Yellowbrow, who possesses the \"Hubris Nose\" relic and has taken the guise of Maitreya, sends Kang-Jin Star after the Destined One. In their last battle, the Destined One causes her to crash into and separate the Gold Cymbals imprisoning Zhu Bajie, an old friend of Sun Wukong and a banished admiral of the Celestial Court. Zhu Bajie joins his quest to gather the relics. The Destined One defeats Yellowbrow at New Thunderclap Temple, but Yellowbrow flees toward the relic kept in a frozen lake and falls into the lake. Maitreya fishes the relic out of the lake for the Destined One."}]} +{"conversation": [{"input": "", "output": "The Destined One and Zhu Bajie arrive at The Webbed Hollow. Along the way, the Fourth Sister of the spider guai family watches over and aids the Destined One. The Second Sister captures Zhu Bajie and brings him to the matriarch, the Violet Spider, but the Destined One goes to rescue him. The Violet Spider is defeated by the Destined One and flees to the Hundred-Eyed Daoist Master. The spider sisters and the Destined One attack and defeat the Daoist Master who took the \"Envious Tongue\" relic. Zhu Bajie and the injured Violet Spider, both fell in love a long time ago, share a last glance at each other before he sorrowfully walks away toward the relic."}]} +{"conversation": [{"input": "", "output": "The Destined One and Zhu Bajie fight their way to the Flaming Mountains. They find someone who claims to be Pingping asking for help to save her father. However, the Bull King could tell that his son Red Boy disguised himself as his daughter Pingping to deceive them. Red Boy takes the relic by feigning defeat through a death talisman and consumes it for power, but is defeated by the Destined One and Zhu Bajie. His mother Rakshasi begs mercy for him and offers her Plantain Fan, but Red Boy refuses to submit and kills himself. With his death, the relic appears for them to take."}]} +{"conversation": [{"input": "", "output": "The ending is determined by the following optional storyline: In the Great Pagoda located in The New West, Maitreya guides both Erlang Shen and the Destined One to Mount Mei, where they confront each other. Here, the Destined One battles Erlang Shen and the Four Heavenly Kings. Upon their defeat, Erlang Shen, who has Sun Wukong's mind contained in his Third Eye, unleashes Sun Wukong's memories to the Destined One and shares his realization that his fight a long time ago allowed Sun Wukong to set a path to break free through a mortal death."}]} +{"conversation": [{"input": "", "output": "Endings"}]} +{"conversation": [{"input": "", "output": "The Destined One and Zhu Bajie return to Mount Huaguo. They retrieve Sun Wukong's armor and Jingubang. They reach the summit and enter the stone, which contains a place shaped by Sun Wukong's lingering memories. The Old Monkey ferries them through its waters. In this place, however, they come across their current selves on the ferry, which represents the last memory of the Destined One's mind. The Old Monkey explains that Sun Wukong's mind is lost, as the mind is an essence unique to every life and therefore destined to fade away at life's end, so Sun Wukong will never return and the journey was meant for the Destined One to be forged into a worthy successor who inherits the name and nature of Sun Wukong. At the end, the Destined One fights Sun Wukong's broken shell stripped from his six senses. Sun Wukong's broken shell is defeated and dissipates, while his circlet appears on his head and falls into the water. The Old Monkey picks up and puts the circlet on the Destined One, who remains trapped inside the"}]} +{"conversation": [{"input": "", "output": "the Destined One, who remains trapped inside the stone, in one ending. However, if the Destined One regained Sun Wukong's memories, he does not wear the circlet. The latter ending provides the \"Freed Mind\" relic in a New Game Plus."}]} +{"conversation": [{"input": "", "output": "Development\nBlack Myth: Wukong is a game developed and published by Game Science. The decision to make a single-player game was made on February 25, 2018. The development team moved from Shenzhen to Hangzhou in December 2018. They wanted to create a single-player game in their own style with a focus on traditional cultural themes. They discussed themes such as xianxia and wuxia, but were most enthusiastic about the Journey to the West. The team chose to use Unreal Engine 4 and familiarized themselves with it in the level for Mount Huaguo, which briefly appeared in the announcement trailer, before they put work on it down and started on the level for Black Wind Mountain."}]} +{"conversation": [{"input": "", "output": "Black Myth: Wukong was first announced with a trailer showcasing gameplay in its pre-alpha build on August 20, 2020. The trailer demonstrated the game built on Unreal Engine 4. It showed the protagonist exploring the environment and fighting various foes in a location known as Black Wind Mountain. Within one day, the trailer had nearly two million views on YouTube and ten million views on Bilibili. As Game Science's development team was small, the trailer was released to attract people to the studio to help build the game. Therefore, the principle of the trailer was to show the level for Black Wind Mountain in its current state, rather than make adjustment for the sake of the demonstration. The team started with seven people and had thirty people around the time of the announcement. In the past, they would recruit within their own personal network, but they realized that this was not enough for the project. The popularity of the trailer far exceeded their expectations"}]} +{"conversation": [{"input": "", "output": "of the trailer far exceeded their expectations and had resulted in over 10 thousand applicants, but they maintained their plans to recruit between ten and fifteen people for the time being to not expand too quickly and lose their original vision."}]} +{"conversation": [{"input": "", "output": "Black Myth: Wukong is developed on Unreal Engine 5. It was initially developed on its previous iteration, Unreal Engine 4. The move to the newer version was revealed through a trailer on August 20, 2021. Game Science explained that, in 2021, they had switched to Unreal Engine 5 as this would help with their pursuit for realism in the style. In designing the environment, the development team conducted on-site studies of various locations. They made scans of many buildings and statues to recreate them or use them as a basis in the design. Motion capture performed by several actors was used for the movement of different characters. The actor Yin Kai provided the motion capture for the Destined One and several other characters. He, a practitioner of martial arts, remarked that most of his performances were for actions done by the protagonist during combat. The sound, including the music and voices, was co-produced by 8082 Audio. The game features an"}]} +{"conversation": [{"input": "", "output": "by 8082 Audio. The game features an adaptation of the theme song \"Yungong Xunyin\", originally composed by Xu Jingqing, from the 1986 television series Journey to the West. The game's end credits listed 140 people for the development team."}]} +{"conversation": [{"input": "", "output": "Black Myth: Wukong had a budget of $70 million throughout its six years of development, as reported by Bloomberg. This was partly contributed by the investor Hero Games. Feng Ji stated that they could not undertake such a project at the beginning, so they made two mobile games before they cautiously began the project, as they previously worked at Tencent and thus knew the possible risks from experience. Yang Qi stated that they considered the cost for research and development to be high as early as the start, so they did not have high expectations for profitability initially.\n\nFeng Ji revealed that they planned Black Myth: Wukong to be the first installment in a Black Myth series, which would explore different stories in Chinese mythology. The game was internally referred to as B1, meaning Black Myth One, in reference to its status as the first work in the series. They already have ideas for two other titles in the series, but have not publicly revealed them."}]} +{"conversation": [{"input": "", "output": "Hero Games' Daniel Wu confirmed that an expansion for the game is in the works.\n\nRelease\nBlack Myth: Wukong was released for PlayStation 5 and PC (Windows) on August 20, 2024, at 10 AM (UTC+8). An Xbox Series X/S version is planned, although the release date has not been announced."}]} +{"conversation": [{"input": "", "output": "In January 2023, Game Science published a promotional short film celebrating the upcoming Year of the Rabbit which revealed that Black Myth: Wukong would be released in the summer of 2024. During The Game Awards in December 2023, they released a trailer announcing the release date as August 20, 2024. In June 2024, they disclosed that the Xbox Series X/S version of the game was delayed for optimization to meet their quality standards. Reports suggested that this may be due to the technical limitations of Xbox Series S; some sources suggested a memory leak on Xbox as the possible issue. IGN reported that the delay was, according to an unnamed source, because of an exclusivity deal with Sony and not technical issues. Microsoft responded that the delay was not due to Xbox limitations \"that have been raised to us.\" Giant Bomb's Jeff Grubb stated, after speaking to his sources, that Sony had no marketing deal in place to keep the game as an exclusive."}]} +{"conversation": [{"input": "", "output": "Black Myth: Wukong received four editions: Digital Standard Edition, Digital Deluxe Edition, Deluxe Edition, and Collector's Edition. The Digital Standard Edition contains the base game. The Digital Deluxe Edition, additionally, provides in-game bonus content and a selected digital soundtrack. The content consists of the weapon Bronzecloud Staff; the equipment Folk Opera Mask, Folk Opera Almsgiving Armor, Folk Opera Leather Bracers, and Folk Opera Buskins; and the curio Wind Chimes. The two physical editions, the Deluxe Edition and the Collector's Edition, contain an activation code for the Digital Deluxe Edition on WeGame for JD.com purchases or Steam for overseas purchases. The Deluxe Edition comes with the physical collectibles: Steel Case, The Constricting Headband, Chaos at the Peach Banquet (color print on silk scroll), Wind Chime (necklace), Thunderstone (ring), Gold Sun Crow (pin), Stamps and Postcard, and Warranty Certificate. For the Collector's Edition, these are: Steel"}]} +{"conversation": [{"input": "", "output": "For the Collector's Edition, these are: Steel Case, Confront Destiny (protagonist figurine), Teaching of the Heart Sutra (color print on silk scroll), Wind Chime, Thunderstone, Gold Sun Crow, Stamps and Postcard, and Warranty Certificate. A physical disc is not included in any edition. Game Science stated that they are exploring options to offer physical discs, but that limitations in offline resources have made it difficult to offer physical discs simultaneously with the release."}]} +{"conversation": [{"input": "", "output": "Black Myth: Wukong was the most-wishlisted game on Steam from May 2024. Pre-orders for the game launched on June 8, 2024. This came with the in-game content Trailblazer's Scarlet Gourd, which is also obtainable through in-game progression. As reported in early August, the game ranked first on Steam's global top sellers chart. When the game's preload went live shortly before release, the download bandwidth usage on Steam reached its highest-ever peak at 70 terabytes per second, superseding the previous record held by Cyberpunk 2077 in 2020. Hero Games, a marketing partner, reportedly sent some content creators an email with an activation code for the game and guidelines to not discuss topics including politics, feminism, and other things in their coverage of the game at launch.\n\nReception\nBlack Myth: Wukong received \"generally favorable\" reviews on PC and PlayStation 5 from critics, according to review aggregator website Metacritic."}]} +{"conversation": [{"input": "", "output": "The game won \"Best Visuals\" and was nominated for \"Most Epic\" at Gamescom in 2023.\n\nSales\nOn the day of release, Black Myth: Wukong reached over 2.2 million concurrent players on Steam, which placed it as the second highest game of all time by this metric, surpassing other popular games such as Elden Ring and Cyberpunk 2077. Within hours, it became the single-player game with the most concurrent players of all time on Steam. Bloomberg reported that this ascent could help the game \"seal its place in industry lore.\" On August 22, the game reached its all-time peak of over 2.4 million concurrent players on Steam, only following PUBG: Battlegrounds."}]} +{"conversation": [{"input": "", "output": "Game Science announced that Black Myth: Wukong had sold 10 million units, derived from data as of August 23, 2024, at 9 PM (UTC+8), and had reached 3 million concurrent players across all platforms. The game is one of the fastest-selling of all time. The physical editions were in high demand, with 700 thousand people signed up to purchase a supply of only 30 thousand units on the retailer JD.com for example.\n\nHero Games' Daniel Wu, an investor, shared to Bloomberg that Black Myth: Wukong had sold 18 million units within two weeks. Bloomberg described this as \"one of the fastest starts the global gaming industry has seen.\" Sony revealed that it was the most-downloaded PlayStation 5 game in North America (United States and Canada), Europe, and Japan during August 2024."}]} +{"conversation": [{"input": "", "output": "Impact\nNikkei Asia reported that Black Myth: Wukong is regarded as a new standard bearer for games in the Chinese video game industry, which undergoes a gradual shift from mobile games toward console games, and could inspire Chinese developers to undertake ambitious projects that draw international audiences. During the pre-release, Soulframe Liang, the director of Phantom Blade Zero, commented that, if Black Myth: Wukong succeeds in the domestic and international market, people would be confident about other games in their industry and that he thought that it would indeed be a large success.\n\nThe popularity of the game managed to boost sales of PlayStation 5, which reached the top for video game hardware and had twice the sales from the same period last year on Alibaba's Tmall in the week before the game's launch for example, in the Chinese market. The game led to a substantial increase of tourism to the real-world locations of scenes in the game."}]} +{"conversation": [{"input": "", "output": "The character Fourth Sister has become a popular subject for cosplay on Bilibili, Douyin, and other platforms."}]} +{"conversation": [{"input": "", "output": "Black Myth: Wukong - The World Exclusive Story Behind the Breakout Action-RPG\nHow the surprise Chinese indie success story came to be - and where's it's going next.\nBy Charles Young, IGN China\nPosted: 11 Sep 2020 8:00 am"}]} +{"conversation": [{"input": "", "output": "Posted: 11 Sep 2020 8:00 am\nLast month, a new game trailer came from out of nowhere, much like the monkey jumping out of the stone in the tale of Journey to the West. The debut trailer for Black Myth: Wukong grabbed everyone’s attention in the gaming industry, accruing over 5 million hits on IGN’s YouTube channel alone. The next-generation graphics look stunning, with the gameplay in this 13-minute demo showing that this was not just some CGI animation. Original God of War director David Jaffe was amazed by the gameplay, and current God of War director Cory Barlog called it “awesome” on Twitter.The quality of the trailer looks like it was produced by a premium AAA gaming company, but it's actually from a Chinese indie studio, Game Science, that no one had ever heard of before, catching the industry by total surprise. IGN China was the only gaming media granted an exclusive interview after the trailer went viral and, last weekend, I walked into the Game Science studio in Hangzhou, China."}]} +{"conversation": [{"input": "", "output": "My first impression of this studio was that it was very different from other gaming companies. The studio provides free lunch, dinner, drinks, and snacks, which is very unusual for a Chinese company. Their working day starts at 2pm, and there is no fixed time for when they need leave work - with workers encouraged to leave when they want to, or to work from home if they'd prefer. However, employees are used to sleeping during the day and working at night, most of them leaving work after 10pm. When I finished this interview and walked out of their office at 2am, there were still a few people working."}]} +{"conversation": [{"input": "", "output": "Right now, the team is made up of about 30 people. A lot of the developers, as well as game producer Feng Ji and other co-founders, all previously worked at gaming giant Tencent. All of them worked on an MMORPG project called Asura, which is a fantasy game based on Journey to the West, with Feng acting as creative designer.\nSimilar to Asura, Black Myth: Wukong is a gritty take on this classic Chinese tale. Different from Journey to the West, the story talks about the Monkey King (Wukong) escorting a monk who has obtained the sacred scroll from the West, but Black Myth: Wukong is much darker and more complex. There are three monkeys shown in the trailer, and players have to wait to figure out who is the real Wukong when they play the game."}]} +{"conversation": [{"input": "", "output": "The level shown in the trailer is part of the beginning of an area called Black Wind Mountain. Feng told me that it took them six months to produce this demo, and the team has been working on the game for about two years. The reason they released this video now is because the studio is trying to recruit more talent - they were not expecting it to be this popular.\n\nThis is the first time the teameam has used Unreal Engine 4 to develop a game. Before Black Myth, Game Science Studio used Cocos and the Unity engine to publish two mobile games. One of the RTS games, Art of War: Red Tides was featured in the Apple App Store globally, and when Tim Cook visited China in 2017, Game Science Studio was one of his stops. Although Art of War: Red Tides has now stopped updates on Steam, over 6,000 reviews of the game are Mostly Positive."}]} +{"conversation": [{"input": "", "output": "Game Science's two mobile games brought in stable revenue streams and allowed it to pursue a high quality AAA story-driven action-RPG game. The Chinese gaming market is saturated with free-to-play mobile games and online games, and it's considered a very commercially risky move to develop a premium console game. After releasing two mobile games, one of the co-founders, Art Director Yang Qi, told Feng, \"It's time to do what we wanted to do from the beginning.\""}]} +{"conversation": [{"input": "", "output": "Under his father's influence, Yang started learning traditional Chinese painting when he was 5. He was fascinated with Star Wars in high school and went to China Academy of Art in Hangzhou. Now, the Wukong team is based in Hangzhou, Yang's favorite city because he lived and studied there for many years. Yang has been a graphic designer for over 15 years. His art has a dark fantasy vibe, and it’s easy to tell his work, no matter if it's characters or environment.\nShots from Inside the Studio Making Black Myth: Wukong\nGame Science Studio was founded in Shenzhen and part of the team moved to Hangzhou to start the Black Myth: Wukong project in 2018. In the beginning, there were only 7 people on the team, now expanded to 30 people. In the early days, the team spent lots of time getting familiar with Unreal Engine 4. They thought of outsourcing to speed up the project, but after talking to several companies who worked with Naughty Dog and Santa Monica Studio, they decided to take on the project themselves."}]} +{"conversation": [{"input": "", "output": "As Art Director, Yang did a lot of design work on the special effects of the battles, but the actual project was handled by game designer Jiang Baicun. Jiang was the lead level designer for Asura, and co-founded Game Science with Feng and Yang.\n\nJiang is maybe the only person in the company who didn't care about the feedback after the trailer was released. Feng teases him for being a defeatist, but the truth is Jiang is the type of person who has the personality that can be described by a Chinese poem, \"Not overjoyed by external gains, also not saddened by personal loss.\" Jiang is a very calm and down-to-earth kind of person."}]} +{"conversation": [{"input": "", "output": "Jiang started with the Black Wind Mountain level and picked four or five versions to make this debut trailer. He remembered when the first version of the trailer was played in the studio, the room was silent. It meant the trailer was not OK. He said when they started Game Science, their motto was to \"make the game that can move you.\" They believed if you are not happy with it, you can't expect other players to accept it."}]} +{"conversation": [{"input": "", "output": "The final version undoubtedly has everyone on the team satisfied, but fans started getting skeptical. Some questioned whether this might be a CGI animation and not actual gameplay footage, so I asked Feng to let me play the demo, and he was happy to do it. He also said that I am one of only a few people that have been able to play this outside of the company.I can't reveal too much, but I can assure you that the version that I played was the same as shown in the trailer.\n“Due to the NDA I signed, I can't reveal too much, but I can assure you that the version that I played was the same as shown in the trailer: the fights, transforming, casting spells - it had it all, and it’s a complete experience."}]} +{"conversation": [{"input": "", "output": "I intentionally picked a different approach to play than the trailer. Firstly, instead of transforming to a golden cicada to evade the enemies, I decided to fight. Secondly, during the final battle with the big white wolf, I transformed into another shape to fight against him. Feng also put in a new enemy that was not in the trailer (I can't talk about its name nor look) and taught me how to defeat him to prove that this gameplay is more than just what you see in the trailer.\n\nFeng also unlocked another testing level for me. This is a level they called, “Toilet”. It features four bosses that have finished basic design, and each one can be battled. Feng said they still needed to spend more time to polish the bosses, so they didn't show up in the trailer."}]} +{"conversation": [{"input": "", "output": "Feng said to complete Black Myth: Wukong, players probably need at least 15 hours of playtime. To ensure people stay excited during the gameplay and boss fights, the team plans on having over a hundred different kinds of monster enemies. However, with their current manpower, they can only have one team work on designing levels. They realized if they want to finish the game within 3 years, hiring more talent is unavoidable.\nEverything We Know About Black Myth: Wukong"}]} +{"conversation": [{"input": "", "output": "Everything We Know About Black Myth: Wukong\nRight now, Game Science is planning on hiring 10-15 people so they can have two teams work on the level design. But after the trailer went viral, over 10,000 resumes flooded into their recruiting inbox. Some are from AAA gaming companies, even candidates from outside of China who are willing to apply for a Chinese working visa at their own cost. These candidates just want to work on this project. The craziest thing is that the day after the trailer came out, there were people showing up at the door of the company asking for a job. This is much more than the company's HR can handle."}]} +{"conversation": [{"input": "", "output": "Feng Ji was calm when he saw the massive influx of resumes. He admitted right now the game might be overhyped, and it’s not normal. Although he is very grateful, right now he feels the need to put a damper over himself and their employees so they don’t get in over their head.\n\nThe day of my visit, Feng was telling everyone to be calm in the all-hands meeting. He said the popularity of the trailer is both encouraging and a pressure. Because everyone loved it, they needed to make the game even better. He wants everyone back to work like before the trailer came out. Everybody doing their job is the only way to ensure this project can be successful."}]} +{"conversation": [{"input": "", "output": "But the truth is Feng has planned an even more ambitious future for his team and himself. The title Black Myth suggests a bigger myth universe. In Chinese myths, Journey to the West is just one of the many great stories. Feng and his team are hoping Black Myth: Wukong is just a beginning to build up a Chinese Black Myth Universe, similar to the Marvel Cinematic Universe. He even told me the names of the two other Black Myths - although I am not allowed to tell you what they are, I can say it is a really ambitious plan.\nBlack Myth: Wukong - 11 Screenshots"}]} +{"conversation": [{"input": "", "output": "Black Myth: Wukong - 11 Screenshots\nThe attention that Black Myth: Wukong got is something that we have never seen before for a Chinese game. The trailer got over 25 million views on the largest Chinese video website, Bilibili.com. On the country's biggest social media website Weibo, it got retweeted over 100,000 times, and this is only from Game Science’s official Weibo account. In the past few days, a lot of deep dives and breakdown videos of the trailer got over hundreds of thousands views worldwide. Chinese players are celebrating the success and calling it “The Pride of China.”"}]} +{"conversation": [{"input": "", "output": "Some western players may know of the tale of Journey to the West and the main character Monkey King, but more know of him through the Japanese manga Dragon Ball Z and the main character, Son Goku. Feng named it Black Myth: Wukong and hoped to give the Monkey King's name back to him. He said the tale is from China, but everyone refers to him as Goku, so he wants to let the world know his name is Wukong.\n\nFeng said right now the game is still in early development and Game Science still has a long way to go. When I asked when we could see the game next, he responded, “We might go quiet for a long time, because right now we need to settle down and finish the project. It is a complete surprise that the trailer got so popular, but it’s also a challenge for our next reveal. If we can’t make something that is even better than this trailer, we won’t show it to the rest of the world.”"}]} +{"conversation": [{"input": "", "output": "Analysis of the Black Myth Wukong Controversy\nBlack Myth: Wukong is a single-player action game adapted from the 16th-century Chinese classic novel “Journey to the West.” The game has been praised as a rare case of telling a compelling Chinese story on international gaming platforms. Players take on the role of a supernatural being, an anthropomorphic monkey known as the “Destined One,” inspired by the legendary Sun Wukong, also known as the Monkey King.\n\nA Tale of Rebellion\nThe story of “Black Myth: Wukong” is built on the themes of human desire and nature, portraying a tale of rebellion. Within 24 hours of its release, the game became the second most popular game in the history of the Steam platform. It attracted over 2.1 million concurrent players and sold more than 4.5 million copies."}]} +{"conversation": [{"input": "", "output": "Cultural Significance\n“Journey to the West” is one of the greatest works in Chinese literature, blending elements of Chinese mythology, Confucianism, Taoism, and Buddhist folklore. It has inspired hundreds of international films, TV shows, and animated works. However, “Black Myth: Wukong” has also faced some criticism. Some players feel that the game's story deviates significantly from the original novel.\n\nControversial Adaptations\nThe game's ability to spark widespread debate lies in its rich content and profound themes, similar to “Journey to the West.” The Black Myth: Wukong controversy includes the ending animation, where the protagonist shatters his past lover three times, implying a romantic relationship between Sun Wukong and the White Bone Demon. The storyline also suggests that Sun Wukong once fell in love, leading to accusations of altering and diminishing the original work."}]} +{"conversation": [{"input": "", "output": "Media Reactions\nAdditionally, various media outlets have fueled the controversy. Some accused the game of portraying women in a discriminatory manner, while others found the scene where the Monkey King pulls out his golden staff unrealistic. However, these adaptations, whether emphasizing the human aspects of Wukong or his rebellious nature, are generally acceptable as they remain true to his character.\n\nProducer's Perspective\nThe game's producer, Feng Ji, stated in an interview, “I believe that a good cultural product or content should naturally resonate with the local audience and those culturally similar to the creators. If its quality is high and it lasts long enough, it will naturally spread overseas.”"}]} +{"conversation": [{"input": "", "output": "Overall Reception\nDespite the controversy, the overall positive reception of “Black Myth: Wukong” remains unaffected. The game's art and action design are particularly noteworthy, with its artistic elements being a feast of Chinese aesthetics. The accurate depiction of ancient Chinese architecture marks a milestone in the field. For many Black Myth: Wukong collectors, owning a physical copy of the game has become a sought-after treasure.\n\nAs for the Black Myth: Wukong price, it has been competitively set to ensure accessibility for both casual gamers and dedicated fans, further increasing its popularity."}]} +{"conversation": [{"input": "", "output": "Conclusion\nBlack Myth: Wukong is not just a game; it is a cultural phenomenon that has successfully brought a classic Chinese story to the global stage. Despite the Black Myth: Wukong controversy, its artistic achievements and compelling storytelling have earned it a place in the annals of gaming histor. As the game continues to capture the imagination of players worldwide, it stands as a testament to the power of cultural storytelling in the modern era.\n\n\n\nBlack Myth Wukong, what kind of story is told?\nBlack Myth Wukong Chapter Analysis\nBlack Myth: Wukong is an action RPG rooted in Chinese mythology, developed by Game Science. The story is based on the 16th-century novel Journey to the West, one of the Four Great Classical Novels of Chinese literature.\n\nBut the story in the game is about the story after Journey to the West. You shall set out as the Destined One to venture into the challenges and marvels ahead, to uncover the obscured truth beneath the veil of a glorious legend from the past."}]} +{"conversation": [{"input": "", "output": "If you are not interested in the content of the game or find the plot of the game difficult to understand, but want to know what is happening in the game, the article will give an example, and you can go straight to the end\n\nWhere does the story begin?\nLet's start with when Sun Wukong was the Monkey King in Huaguo Mountain.\n\nAt that time, he was quite carefree.However, good times didn't last long.The Heavenly Court couldn't tolerate such a disobedient outlier like him.Even if Sun Wukong only wanted to live freely and unrestrained on Mount Huaguo, he couldn't avoid trouble.\n\nFor the Heavenly Court, Sun Wukong had only two options:\n\nEither he accepts their invitation, joins the system, and becomes a low-ranking member of the Heavenly Court.Or he becomes the enemy of the Heavenly Court, which would send celestial warriors to crush Mount Huaguo!\n\nSun Wukong, of course, refuses to bow to the Heavenly Court. So, he gathers his brothers, determined to storm the Jade Palace!"}]} +{"conversation": [{"input": "", "output": "In the original tale, Wukong had sworn brotherhood with seven powerful demon kings on Huaguo Mountain: the Bull Demon King, the Flood Dragon Demon King, the Roc Demon King, the Lion-Trojan King, the King of the Yao Clan, and his own title as the Beautiful Monkey King.\n\nUltimately, it ended in failure.\n\nHis brothers and the monkeys of Huaguo Mountain suffered heavy losses — some were killed, while others were gravely injured.As for him, he was trapped under the Five Finger Mountain by Buddha for five hundred years.\n\nDuring this long and torturous period, he began to understand certain profound truths.He gradually grasped the underlying logic of the world:\n\nWhen demons exist in the heavens, they are considered immortals and buddhas. Conversely, when immortals and buddhas are uncontrolled on earth, they become demons and monsters.\n\nOnly by becoming an ‘immortal' or ‘buddha' himself, gaining an official title within the system, could he return to Huaguo Mountain as a guai without consequence."}]} +{"conversation": [{"input": "", "output": "So he posed a question to himself: If I join the establishment, will they let me go? Will they spare my brothers too? This contemplation led him to decide to join the pilgrimage team to obtain scriptures and earn merit, securing his place within the system once more.\n\nBut what was the cost of this choice?\n\nThe cost was that he would have to wear the tightening headband! In addition to that, he would have to assist the Heavenly Court in eliminating all demons, like himself, who were unwilling to join the establishment.\n\nThis journey was filled with hardship for him.\n\nHis true motive behind seeking the scriptures could not be revealed to others. Thus, there were times when, despite his reluctance, he had to confront his former brothers.\n\nAll he can do is secretly make concessions, hoping that his brothers understand his good intentions."}]} +{"conversation": [{"input": "", "output": "“Recognizing a master and cultivating oneself — this is the only path left for us. Doesn't big brother understand this yet?” Sun Wukong look to pave a way for their future. He finds ways to get other demon brothers to join the system as well, seeking survival opportunities.\n\nFor instance, the Black Bear Spirit successfully joined the ranks and went to help Guanyin guard the back mountains. Other demons were arranged to serve as steeds for the immortals. Those who could be integrated into the system were all reformed.\n\nSun Wukong thought that if everyone could join the system, they would have a bright future. After enduring a long journey and successfully obtaining the scriptures, he finally achieved enlightenment and was bestowed the title “Victorious Fighting Buddha.”\n\nBelieving he had accomplished his plan, he decisively returned to huaguo Mountain, yearning to spend his days in peace and leisure."}]} +{"conversation": [{"input": "", "output": "But what happened next?\nThe Heavenly Court saw that he had become a potential danger once again and dispatched heavenly soldiers to besiege Flower Fruit Mountain! This time, the heavenly beings only gave him two choices once more.\n\nBut both options are destroyed!\n\nGiven Sun Wukong's temperament, he would certainly choose to fight back.\n\nInitially, the battle was fierce and unresolved, but at a critical moment, the golden crown suddenly tightened on his head! The crown restricted his powers, leading to his death at the hands of Erlang.\n\nBefore he died, Sun Wukong spoke to his brother the Bull Demon King, despite the latter's choice to join the system and provide no help. Sun Wukong did not hold a grudge against him.\n\n“I always thought that after accumulating merit and joining the celestial ranks, they would let me go, and would spare you too. It turns out that someone like me — living alone is also a sin. Big brother, take good care of your wife and children. After I die, don't touch what I turn into.”"}]} +{"conversation": [{"input": "", "output": "His corpse was divided by erlang among five demons who had meritorious service.\n\nThe Black Bear Spirit received the eyes.\n\nThe Yellow Wind Monster got the ears.\n\nThe Yellow-Browed Monster received the nose.\n\nThe Hundred-Eyed Demon Lord received the tongue.\n\nThe Bull Demon King got the body.\n\nHowever, Sun Wukong was merely dead.\n\nHis spirit did not perish.\n\nHis spirit transformed into six spiritual objects, hiding away in the world.\n\nThese six spiritual objects are also called the “Great Sage's Spiritual Roots.”\n\nThey are: eyes, ears, nose, tongue, body, and mind.\n\nThese six roots correspond to the Buddhist concept of “Six Pure Roots.”\n\nAccording to legend, if a destined person can recover these six Great Sage Spiritual Roots and bring them back to Flower Fruit Mountain, it might be possible to revive Sun Wukong! — This is why the character players control in the game is the “Destined One.”\n\nThe ultimate goal of the game is to pass through six levels and collect the six spiritual roots to resurrect Wukong!"}]} +{"conversation": [{"input": "", "output": "This is the background story of the entire game. Of course, the game also contains other hidden plots, such as why there are two endings and what conspiracies and meanings lie behind each ending. The length of this chapter is limited, so if you want to understand the stories and clues behind the plot, please check out my other articles.\n\nIf you think the background of the story is more esoteric and you want to understand what happened in the story, here's a metaphor.\n\nSun Wukong is the leader of the “huaguo Mountain” gang; the Heavenly Court is the FBI, and Spirit Mountain is the CIA."}]} +{"conversation": [{"input": "", "output": "The “ huaguo Mountain” gang was originally a small, insignificant gang, but the boss, Sun Wukong, was exceptionally good at fighting. The FBI recognized Sun Wukong's abilities and once attempted to recruit the “huaguo Mountain” gang. However, due to issues with compensation and other matters, the “ huaguo Mountain” gang fell out with the FBI. Sun Wukong, carrying a baseball bat, went to the FBI office and started smashing and looting. The FBI had no choice but to request the CIA's intervention. Thus, the CIA took action and locked the Wukong up in Guantanamo Bay with a sentence of 500 years without parole."}]} +{"conversation": [{"input": "", "output": "Later on, a CIA leader named Guanyin found the imprisoned Sun Wukong and said to him, “I need you to escort a VIP to a certain place to retrieve an important document. If you handle this task efficiently, not only will you regain your freedom, but you might also get a formal position.” So Sun Wukong went, and along the way, he defeated many former gang bosses he knew, even some of his own brothers. In short, after numerous life-and-death struggles, he completed the mission.\n\nAfter the mission was over, having witnessed the corruption and darkness of the CIA and FBI along the way, Sun Wukong no longer wanted the promised position; he just wanted to return to the “Flower Fruit Mountain” gang and live his own simple life. However, the CIA didn't want him to break free from their control and sent troops to silence him."}]} +{"conversation": [{"input": "", "output": "In the end, Sun Wukong was eliminated, but he had a backup plan — he left behind six items. As long as you find these six items, he might make a comeback. And you play the role of the person who journeys to find these six items.\n\n\n\nBlack Myth: Wukong\nA Souls-like based on the characters from a historic novel from 16th-century China that has the quality of a AAA title? Try to make me not play this game. Well, you're too late because I've beaten it despite a frustrating final chapter, and I loved it! Most of the time. If you're a fan of Nioh—and I love me some Nioh 2—then you'll find a similar style here in a game that isn't going to drive you to tears with its difficulty."}]} +{"conversation": [{"input": "", "output": "Black Myth: Wukong follows a silent, anthropomorphic monkey looking to follow in Sun Wukong's footsteps, gathering the five relics he left behind so you can complete your reincarnation. I think. I'm not sure, to be honest. Based on the novel Journey to the West, Black Myth has artistic license in what would happen if a monkey—named the Destined One in the game—wanted to become the monkey hero of legend. Honestly, though, I lost sight of the main plot pretty early in the first chapter, as the story largely follows the eccentric characters in each encapsulated chapter."}]} +{"conversation": [{"input": "", "output": "You, the Destined One, will meet all sorts of odd characters who wish to aid you along the way and maybe help themselves in doing so. A reciprocal back-scratching tale of altruism. Within each chapter, those are the overarching plots, but you may meet a variety of other characters with their own challenges and wishes. These NPC-driven narratives won't blow anyone away, but the novelty of the tales and powerful personalities will surely delight."}]} +{"conversation": [{"input": "", "output": "This is a Souls-like, meaning it's an action RPG with challenging bosses, experience gained, stats and skill trees, and shrines littered about to serve as checkpoints should you fall in battle. Now, how Black Myth departs from the formula is that while bosses can be difficult, I beat most of them on my first try. That isn't to say they were easy—some of them I was down to my last healing item and out of mana—but others I did away with in a surprisingly brisk fashion. Another departure is the regular enemies along the path, which are almost always fodder. Though these fights are trivial, they're not unwelcome; they keep the route from point A to B active and add to the world in terms of hostility and visuals."}]} +{"conversation": [{"input": "", "output": "Many Souls-like fans turn their nose up at easy games in the sub-genre, and I find this tiring. We have no need to gatekeep a game because it doesn't waste our time. Black Myth is easy and fantastic fun. I wasn't bored to tears because, while easy, I had to work for my wins. Proper dodging, strategy in building my monkey's skills and equipment, and understanding boss patterns keep the action mentally active and make victories feel earned. The dodging is generous, and while parrying doesn't exist, a well-timed roll results in a Perfect Dodge, significantly building the focus gauge and potentially other benefits depending on the skill tree."}]} +{"conversation": [{"input": "", "output": "Wukong uses one weapon, which helps make a reasonably diverse skill tree that's balanced around gameplay. However, weapon skills, such as changing Wukong's stance for different combat abilities, are only one tree. Players can enhance the few spells available, transformations, and core combat abilities, such as enhancing varied combos, jump attacks, and light attacks. This sounds like a lot, but most of it isn't available right at the start. Chapter one serves almost as a tutorial, though a meaty one, and introduces gameplay elements at an excellent pace."}]} +{"conversation": [{"input": "", "output": "Spells include abilities folks familiar with Sun Wukong will recognize, such as summoning clones to ambush an enemy. Each spell's skill tree has interesting options, while transformations—infrequently earned abilities to turn into meaty foes encountered along the way—exist without a tree. Level-ups occur at a decent clip, so be prepared to make difficult, fun decisions about how you want to build Wukong, because you can't be the best at everything. Made a mistake or need a different tactic? No worries; players can respec at any shrine for free."}]} +{"conversation": [{"input": "", "output": "Other systems and abilities exist, such as summoning a spirit to briefly change Wukong into a foe—don't mistake it for transformations—for one or two attacks. Sometimes, spirits don't even attack but plant a buff in the ground for players to fight around after changing back. On rare occasions, players may find vessels, earned by finding secret dungeons while interacting with the environment; vessels can be game changers and recharge with successful attacks in combat, like focus."}]} +{"conversation": [{"input": "", "output": "In true Souls-like fashion, NPCs are cryptic, but pay attention to what they say. Oftentimes, a fork in the road or clue to a hidden dungeon lies in their words. Find a weird key item in a chapter you have no idea what to do with? It was likely referenced earlier, and if you weren't paying attention, you won't know what to do with it. Sometimes you just have to wait. Folks may take issue with this because in order to unlock everything Black Myth has to offer, doing the “right things” seems to require prior knowledge, though that fits the game's theme of Buddhism and reincarnation."}]} +{"conversation": [{"input": "", "output": "I took about 45 hours to beat Black Myth, which includes exploring areas for secrets and finishing quests. For the vast majority of the game, I was having an amazing time. Littered with unique bosses that often present different attack patterns and sometimes introduce elements I'd not seen before in a Souls-like, I was thinking, “How high do I score this?” Then came the final chapter, which introduced an entirely new mechanic to traverse the chapter. Exhilarated, I was wide-eyed at the prospects laid before me. Unfortunately, the execution didn't land, and while I won't go into specifics for fear of spoiling, it's important that readers know I had wasted a few hours aimlessly trying to figure out what to do and how to do it. Disheartening, to be sure. Regardless, I muscled through and finished the game, but I hope the team adds some quality-of-life features to this section in a patch."}]} +{"conversation": [{"input": "", "output": "Other quibbles I have with this otherwise stellar experience involve how the game handles boundaries in chapters. For the most part, Black Myth plays as a linear game with several diverging paths, be them hills, drops, or turns. Maybe a wall you encountered earlier is gone now. The problem here is the ample use of invisible walls. Now, to present this breathtaking world as beautiful and open as GameScience has, I understand the need to use invisible walls. That said, sections that appear traversable but aren't may appear later on and be absolutely traversable because a treasure chest lies in the distance. A simple example is a rock that's about waist high: can't cross it! Same sort of obstacle later? Totally can. The inconsistency hurts the experience and adds a touch of frustration for completionists who want to check every corner for hidden goodies. All this said, I'm not sure what the answer is, because putting in actual walls everywhere the developers don't want players to go would hurt the visuals."}]} +{"conversation": [{"input": "", "output": "don't want players to go would hurt the visuals. Maybe some studious designer has the answer."}]} +{"conversation": [{"input": "", "output": "Speaking of visuals, Black Myth exhausts every opportunity to add detail, whether gazing into the mountains far off a cliff or squinting at the stonework of a wall carved with hundreds of Buddhas. Immersive environments are core to the experience, and anyone with a taste for Asian history, philosophy, or environments is going to love this marvel. Areas in which players have no business looking have detail. Some odd ravine had little statues lying about if you look closely enough, while other carvings have believable moss growing on them or show the wear of time."}]} +{"conversation": [{"input": "", "output": "Similarly, Black Myth's voice actors match the script, breathing life into these anthropomorphic teddy bears. Few characters come off as grounded and well-adjusted; most are erratically excitable, overly confident in the most dire situations, or seem immeasurably anxious at all times. I love them all. The music blends into the background, but in critical moments, the Chinese instrumentation—gongs, liuqin, and the like—either accentuates the bombasity of ridiculous situations or heightens the intense battle ahead."}]} +{"conversation": [{"input": "", "output": "I would be gushing if I were writing this before the final chapter. The finale should not negate the majority of the game, but to cast it aside would be disingenuous. Without a doubt, I had a blast throughout Black Myth. If you have the slightest interest in Journey to the West, Asian philosophy, or want to broaden your horizons, then this is an easy recommendation. Aside from being an exceptional, accessible game to play, the references to works you may not be familiar with will instill an appetite to learn more. I know it has in me. All of this coming from a studio I had never heard of before (GameScience), though I hope it finds great success after their effort here. If this is an example of what they can achieve, I can't wait to see the next project."}]} +{"conversation": [{"input": "", "output": "An Analysis of Buddhist Philosophy in “Black Myth: Wukong”\nThe story of “Black Myth: Wukong” begins after the successful completion of the mission to obtain the scriptures in the Journey to the West. At the beginning of the game, Sun Wukong, who has already been titled “The Victorious Fighting Buddha,” decides to give up his position and retire to Flower Fruit Mountain.\n\nHowever, the Heavenly Court sends Erlang Shen to lead an army to subdue the mountain and bring Wukong back, leading to his eventual defeat and death. Over generations, countless monkeys have attempted to revive Sun Wukong. Players take on the role of one of these monkeys, defeating various monsters from “Journey to the West” to prove themselves worthy of inheriting the title of “Great Sage.” They enter Wukong's memories, overcome his lingering consciousness and body, and eventually become “Sun Wukong.”"}]} +{"conversation": [{"input": "", "output": "As a commercial game, “Black Myth: Wukong” features a significant amount of original content. Many aspects of the story are open to interpretation, but it is clear that the game is deeply rooted in Buddhist culture. Today, we will discuss this popular game from the perspective of core Buddhist principles.\n\nWhat is the Journey to the West?\nIn the game, players collect the “Six Roots” left by the Great Sage. These “Six Roots” are named “Eye Joy, Ear Anger, Nose Love, Tongue Thought, Body Sorrow, and Mind Desire” (from Chapter 16 of “Journey to the West”). These peculiar names are derived from the six senses and their corresponding objects in Buddhism: eye and visible objects, ear and sound, nose and smell, tongue and taste, body and touch, mind and mental objects. The game's design is closely related to Buddhist teachings on these concepts."}]} +{"conversation": [{"input": "", "output": "There is also a hidden quest line to collect the “Five Aggregates.” The concept of “Five Aggregates” is an abstract way of categorizing all phenomena in the world. This concept is deeply rooted in Buddhist philosophy and reflects a more profound understanding of the game's narrative.\n\nHow does “Black Myth: Wukong” Retrace the Journey to Obtain the Scriptures?\nUnderstanding the true essence of the Journey to the West, let's reexamine the game's plot with a Buddhist perspective."}]} +{"conversation": [{"input": "", "output": "The first chapter:”Burning Black Clouds,” draws from the story of Jinchi Elder from “Journey to the West.” The elder's desire for a robe given by Tang Sanzang leads to his downfall. In the game, defeating these monsters grants the “Eye Root – Joy,” reflecting how attachment arises from sensory experiences.\nThe second chapter, “Wind Rises at Dusk,” introduces an original storyline about the Sand Kingdom. The king's rejection of Buddhist teachings results in chaos. Defeating these monsters grants the “Ear Root – Anger,” symbolizing how attachment arises from auditory experiences.\nThe third chapter, “Night Dew Rises,” is inspired by Little Thunder Monastery in “Journey to the West.” The Yellow Brow Monster's pursuit of pleasure reflects attachment arising from olfactory experiences. Defeating these monsters grants the “Nose Root – Love.”"}]} +{"conversation": [{"input": "", "output": "The fourth chapter, “Curved Purple Mandarin Ducks,” tells an original love story between Zhu Bajie and a spider spirit. Zhu Bajie's entanglement with his past reflects attachment arising from gustatory experiences. Defeating these monsters grants the “Tongue Root – Thought.”\nThe fifth chapter, “Red Dust at Sunset,” draws from the story of Flaming Mountain in “Journey to the West.” The Bull Demon King's attachment to his past reflects attachment arising from tactile experiences. Defeating these monsters grants the “Body Root – Sorrow.”\nFinally, in the sixth chapter, players return to Flower Fruit Mountain and enter Sun Wukong's memory space. The images of defeated monsters reappear within this space. This reflects the Buddhist teaching that all consciousness is fleeting and interconnected."}]} +{"conversation": [{"input": "", "output": "How Many Rounds Must One Walk on the Journey to Obtain the Scriptures?\nThe game allows players to restart after defeating the final boss. If players haven't found all hidden maps, they cannot unlock the true ending and must start over. This design reflects Buddhist concepts of impermanence and rebirth.\n\nIf players find all hidden maps and complete hidden tasks, they unlock the true ending and gain access to Sun Wukong's memories for a final battle using his original form. This reflects Buddhist teachings on karma and fruition.\n\nIn conclusion, “Black Myth: Wukong” presents a profound journey through Buddhist philosophy. The game's narrative and mechanics are deeply intertwined with Buddhist concepts such as impermanence, attachment, and rebirth. By experiencing this journey alongside the game's protagonist, players gain insight into the cyclical nature of existence and the path to liberation."}]} +{"conversation": [{"input": "", "output": "In summary, “Black Myth: Wukong” offers a compelling exploration of Buddhist philosophy within a captivating gaming experience. It provides players with an opportunity to delve into profound teachings while embarking on an epic adventure through ancient mythology.\n\n\n\nBlack Myth: Wukong FAQ – Every Answer You Need About the Megahit Action Game\nAll your Black Myth: Wukong questions answered.\n\nBlack Myth: Wukong is a smash hit, breaking all sorts of player count records on Steam, cementing itself as one of the best video games in August and of 2024. The action RPG from GameScience is inspired by the classic Chinese novel Journey to the West, while its gameplay takes cues from Soulslikes. \n\nNaturally, you must have a lot of questions regarding Black Myth and we've gathered all of answers you need.\n\nWho is Wukong?\nBlack Myth: Wukong's protagonist is called The Destined One, and he's based on Sun Wukong from Journey to the West. In Chinese mythology, Sun Wukong is the monkey king and a trickster god."}]} +{"conversation": [{"input": "", "output": "How Long Is Black Myth: Wukong?\nIf you want to complete most side quests along with the main story, then Black Myth: Wukong will take around 40 hours to beat. If you're a trophy/achievement hunter, then prepare to lose around 70 hours to the game.\n\nHow Many Chapters Are In Black Myth: Wukong?\nThere are six chapters in Black Myth: Wukong, lasting for around 3-5 hours depending on how much you explore them.\n\nIs Black Myth: Wukong An Open-World Game?\nWhile there's plenty of variety in Black Myth: Wukong, it is not an open world game. The game's progression is fairly linear, taking you to different biomes in each chapter.\n\nDoes Black Myth: Wukong Run on Steam Deck?\nYes, Black Myth: Wukong can run on a Steam Deck, though you'll need to turn down a lot of the settings and limit the frame rate to 30fps. You'll also need to enable AMD's FSR for image upscaling. Thankfully, the game seems to run really well on PC."}]} +{"conversation": [{"input": "", "output": "Is Black Myth: Wukong on Xbox?\nNo, Black Myth: Wukong is skipping Xbox at launch, so only PC and PS5 players can enjoy the game at the moment.\n\nIs Black Myth: Wukong on PS Plus?\nNo, you'll need to buy Wukong on the PlayStation store for PS5 as it is only available for purchase there, and not available within the PS Plus catalog.\n\nWhat is Black Myth: Wukong Compatibility Mode?\nPC players have the option to enable a \"Compatibility mode\" in Black Myth: Wukong before launching the game. This function disables certain features so the game can run better on PC, such as making sure that third-party programs like screen recorders, performance capture software, and more. If you're having issues with the game crashing or showing black screens, consider turning on compatibility mode."}]} +{"conversation": [{"input": "", "output": "Does Black Myth: Wukong Have Denuvo?\nYes, Black Myth: Wukong does use Denuvo anti-tamper DRM to secure its files. Denuvo has been proven to hinder game performance in many titles, though how much it affects your experience will depend on your hardware. You can make sure it runs well by checking the Black Myth: Wukong PC system requirements before attempting to run the game.\n\nDoes Black Myth: Wukong Have a New Game+ Mode?\nYes, Black Myth: Wukong does have a New Game+ mode so you can replay the entire adventure with all of your acquired skills. In New Game+, many stats like your character's level, skills, armor upgrades, vessels, and more are retained.\n\nHow Many Trophies Are in Black Myth: Wukong?\nThere are a total of 36 trophies in Black Myth for PS5, while the PC version has 81 achievements."}]} +{"conversation": [{"input": "", "output": "7 Lingering Questions We Have After The End Of Black Myth: Wukong\nBlack Myth: Wukong proved to be more than just an adaptation of an revered Chinese novel. It ends up building on top of it, managing to both keep the nature of the characters intact while taking them on new journeys altogether, particularly when it comes to Wukong.\nHowever, not all questions are answered when that ending hits, since there are a few key characters missing from the main crew. While some things fans are wondering could be answered in a sequel, they still feel like important enough gaps to leave in the dark.\n\nWhat Happened To Pingping? Did The Red Boy Get Her?\nDuring Chapter 5, you'll be guided around by Pingping, daughter of the Bull King, who tries to have the Destined One help her stop her brother, the Red Boy. Pingping ends up aiding the Destined One to reach the Bull King, but it turns out she wasn't Pingping at all, but the Red Boy in disguise."}]} +{"conversation": [{"input": "", "output": "A fight ensues, ending in the demise of the Red Boy, but we are left wondering what happened to Pingping. We know that the Red Boy took her place, but did he kill her to do so, or only removed her from the playfield temporarily as he did his power play?"}]} +{"conversation": [{"input": "", "output": "Where Is The Tang Monk?\nHe's The Novel's Main Character\nIn Journey to the West, a Buddhist monk enlists the help of three creatures during his search for the ancient scriptures. This Monk has many names, and it is referenced by many characters (by Yellowbrow during Chapter 3 in particular), but it seems odd that he doesn't show up in any capacity during the game.\nNote: The monk seen during Chapter 3's ending cutscene is Jinchanzi, a previous incarnation of the Tang Monk, but we don't see him during his current iteration.\nOne possibility is that the Wise Man, someone who helps the Destined One during their journey, is the Tang Monk, although it isn't confirmed. It could be that the character doesn't appear at all, since he's supposed to be in the Celestial Court with the Buddha, but it is hard to imagine he'd have nothing to do in a story about Wukong."}]} +{"conversation": [{"input": "", "output": "Who Is The Elder Monkey?\nSeems To Work For The Heavens\nThe Elder Monkey is the one that first narrates Wukong's demise, sending the Destined One on their journey to find the Six Senses of the Wise Sage. He seems to be on our side, helping us enter the stone holding the final Sense, but once you beat the final boss, something strange happens.\nThe Golden Headband, a mark of imprisonment for Wukong, is finally removed, but the Elder Monkey picks it up. In the Bad ending, the Elder puts the Headband on the Destined One, making them enter a state of stasis, meaning that the Elder Monkey was working for the heavens all along; just who was he, and why was he helping us?"}]} +{"conversation": [{"input": "", "output": "Is Wukong Resurrected?\nWhat About The Destined One?\nDuring the True ending, it is revealed that everything that happened was planned by Wukong, so he could remove the Golden Headband from his head. To do this, he dies, his Six Senses going into a new monkey, the Destined One.\nWhen the game ends with the Destined One gaining the memories of Wukong, we are left wondering what happened to our monkey. Is the Destined One gone, is he just upgraded with the memories of Wukong, or are Wukong and the Destined One now a single entity?"}]} +{"conversation": [{"input": "", "output": "Why Is The Golden Headband On Wukong's Head?\nIt Was Removed At The End Of Journey To The West\nThe main catalyst for the story of Black Myth: Wukong is the Golden Headband, placed there by Buddha so Wukong couldn't rebel against the heavens. Wukong wants to get rid of it, hence why he hatches an elaborate plot involving dying and coming back as the memories in the Destined One's head.\nThis, however, shouldn't be necessary, since Wukong has the Headband removed at the end of the novel. We are even shown this moment during the cutscene of the game's True ending, so we are left wondering how exactly Wukong ended with the Headband again; maybe it was placed after he refused to stay in the Celestial Court?"}]} +{"conversation": [{"input": "", "output": "Why Did Erlang Shen Help Wukong?\nHe Seemed Like The Main Bad Guy\nErlang Shen is the mightiest warrior of both Heaven and Earth, and has bested Wukong on at least two occasions, making him the biggest threat to the Monkey King if he ever wants to be free of celestial control. However, it turns out that Erlang was helping Wukong achieve his goals, since he's been using the bosses of the game to test a Monkey capable of replacing Wukong.\nExactly why he is doing that isn't clear, but he seems to see eye to eye with the Monkey on some level. He claims that the “win is his” (talking about Wukong) and that he is “now at peace,” but without proper context, it's hard to know his motives; was this all a bet he had with Wukong, is he content knowing that he lost? Only time will tell."}]} +{"conversation": [{"input": "", "output": "Where Is Sha Wujing?\nHow Come The Pig Gets To Be Here But Not Him?\nWhen the Tang Monk went around recruiting members for his Journey, he ended up with three bodyguards: Wukong, Zhu Bajie and Sha Wujing. During Black Myth: Wukong we see what happened with two of them, but there is not even the slightest mention of Sha Wujing anywhere.\nHe is usually depicted as a big warrior with red hair, and we even see him during the cutscene showing events of the Journey to the West, but it feels odd that he isn't even mentioned in Black Myth. If he is still at the Celestial Court, he might be a boss in future games, or perhaps we might even get a Black Myth: Sha Wujing to explain what he's been doing.\n\n\nBlack Myth: Wukong FAQ – All your questions answered\n\nHow long to beat Black Myth: Wukong?\nBlack Myth: Wukong is roughly 40 hours long, but if you want to know more about how long different playstyles take – like how long it takes to 100% the game – check out our full guide for how long to beat Black Myth: Wukong."}]} +{"conversation": [{"input": "", "output": "Is Black Myth: Wukong on Xbox?\nNo, Black Myth: Wukong is currently only available on PS5 and PC.\n\nWhen is Black Myth: Wukong coming to Xbox?\nBlack Myth: Wukong has been confirmed for an Xbox release, but no release date or even release window has been announced yet.\n\nIs Black Myth: Wukong on PS Plus?\nNo, Black Myth: Wukong is not on PS Plus.\n\nWhat is Black Myth: Wukong's age rating?\nBlack Myth: Wukong is rated as following according to IMDb:\n\nESRB: M\nPEGI: 16\nAUS: MA15+\nUSK: 18\nCHI: 17\nTAI: (Banned)\nDoes Black Myth: Wukong have multiplayer?\nNo, the game does not have any multiplayer features, co-op or competitive.\n\nDoes Black Myth: Wukong run on Steam Deck?\nBlack Myth: Wukong can run on Steam Deck, but you may need to turn some settings down. It's recommended that you limit the framerate to 30fps to avoid tearing, as the game can be unstable at higher caps."}]} +{"conversation": [{"input": "", "output": "How many trophies does Black Myth: Wukong have?\nBlack Myth: Wukong has 36 trophies, and you can find out how to get all of them with our Black Myth: Wukong trophy guide.\n\nDoes Black Myth: Wukong have difficulty settings?\nNo, the game does not have any difficulty settings, and the development team has said there are no plans to add them.\n\nIs Black Myth: Wukong open world?\nNo, the game uses linear levels with an open-ended structure. Find out more about it in our full guide for Is Black Myth: Wukong open world?\n\nWho is Sun Wukong?\nThe game's namesake, Sun Wukong is known in Chinese mythology as the Monkey King and is a trickster god featured in the famous 16th-century Chinese novel, Journey to the West.\n\nDoes Black Myth: Wukong have New Game Plus?\nYes, find out more about how New Game Plus works in Black Myth: Wukong at that link."}]} +{"conversation": [{"input": "", "output": "What is the controversy surrounding Black Myth: Wukong?\nThe controversy is about how Black Myth: Wukong streamers were asked not to mention “feminist propaganda” among other things.\n\nHow many endings does Black Myth: Wukong have?\nBlack Myth: Wukong has two endings, one normal ending, and then a second secret ending that can only be achieved by completing a set number of tasks, and finally finishing the game a second time.\n\n\n\nHey guys! I finally finished the game. In this post, I'm going to explain all the cutscenes from each chapter ending as well as explain a bit on the ending's meaning."}]} +{"conversation": [{"input": "", "output": "Chapter 1 Black cloud, red fire. Is pretty self-explanatory. It shows Jinchi as a kid growing up under the friendship of the black bear. Eventually, one day he meets Sanzang and wants the treasure cassock for himself. This results in him wanting to burn the monk to death, but of course, this backfires and burns his monastery instead. At the end of the cutscene, the black bear asks Guanyin, “Monks should be free of worldly desires. Why does Jinchi insist on that one cassock?” Guanyin says, “If he doesn't wear it, how would anyone know he's a high monk?” What she means is that Jinchi should be free of worldly desires, but he wants to wear that to prove to others that he's a high monk free of desires, which ultimately is hypocritical."}]} +{"conversation": [{"input": "", "output": "Chapter 2 Yellow sand, desolate dusk This one shows the scholar who saves a white fox. After having a dream that the wolf was a yaoguai, they fall in love and have children. But the dream turns into a nightmare when he dreams of the fox killing his family and him. Ling Ji then says, \"Man, beast, Buddha, or yaoguai, all has each of their own nature. They are ranked from good to bad, and the order cannot be disrupted, do you agree?\"\n\nThis could be interpreted in 2 ways. Lingji could be saying that we all suffer our own karma and that we reap what we sow. As shown in chapter 3 when we learn what happens to the scholar. Or it could be interpreted as everyone has a purpose and should stay in line. I, however, don't think so."}]} +{"conversation": [{"input": "", "output": "Chapter 3 White snow, ice-cold We see a cutscene featuring the soft-shelled turtle providing treasure and ultimately losing it when the villagers got greedy and attacked him. At the end, Jin Chan Zi says, “You are so desperate to declare a winner and loser; it's both funny and sad.” The turtle replies, “If I can't win, then what's left to argue about?” As many members speculated, this turtle is the disguise of Yellow Brow, who previously said to the destined one “Jin Chan Zi said, If all beings are equal and have potential, then why are we high above while they are below and have to kneel?” Yellow Brow replied, “Simply because we are better.” The turtle, being Yellow Brow, was trying to prove a point that humans are beneath them. Humans are greedy and will do anything to benefit themselves, which is why they will always remain below. Sanzang, of course, still disagrees."}]} +{"conversation": [{"input": "", "output": "Chapter 4 Rosy cheeks, grey hair So the scene starts out with Bajie back when he was still a heaven marshal. He saw is jade rabbit who had an affair with the sun crow. Bajie fell in love with her.. Along the way, he meets with the violet spider who is chang'e a maiden of the moon palace. The violet spider falls for him, but of course, he was really only into the jade rabbit. He realizes Jade rabbit has a lover and was caught peeking, so he was cast down to the human world. The third lady we see where he chases among fabric is Gao Cui Lan. His human wife. It shows, however, he was reincarnated into a pig. After, it shows he turned into a catfish to swim around the spider sisters. With the violet spider recognizing him. They make love and created the little girl we see in the game which is violet and Bajie's daughter."}]} +{"conversation": [{"input": "", "output": "Now some people say the lady she was chasing was chang'e and that the purple spider was just a regular maiden. Other say she was chasing Taiyin goddess who had an affair with the jade emperor and that the violet spider is chang'e which is a broad term for moon maiden. I don't really know."}]} +{"conversation": [{"input": "", "output": "Chapter 5 Golden child, crimson blood At the beginning, we are shown Bull King holding Wukong in his arms as he's dying. This is during the beginning of the game when the 5 chapter bosses and erlang team up to fight Wukong. And Wukong is injured. Then it shows Wukong and Bull King facing heaven together. This is during havoc in heaven. It then jumps to when Wukong fought him during the journey to the west stating this was the only way to help yaoguai kind like them. and then back to when he was dying in the first scene. Basically, these are memories of the two's past as well as the end. Bull King and the other bosses teamed up with heaven in defeating Wukong after the journey was over and Wukong refused to go to heaven. Wukong apologizes to Bull King saying he thought after finishing the journey he could have protected him and his family but was wrong."}]} +{"conversation": [{"input": "", "output": "Chapter 6 Unfinished The secret ending scene we see is actually going backward from when he vs. Erlang Shen in the beginning. We see after the band appeared on his head he refused to submit and ripped it off. It then shows him finishing the journey and being promoted to victorious fighting Buddha. The scenes we see actually go backwards from his journey. Scenes go by fast so I'll just do a quick of what I see. The turtle throws the group in the ocean is Tongtian River. They were thrown in after forgetting to do what the turtle asked.\n\nThe chicken with ground covered in rice and lantern plus lock is Fengxian City. That had a drought for three years cause of a mistake the Marques did.\n\nThe cage with babies is the Deer Arc where the Immortal of Longevity's deer told the king to harvest baby hearts.\n\nThe black bird is a great roc.\n\nSnake is a small demon which swallows Wukong and Wukong killed her from her stomach."}]} +{"conversation": [{"input": "", "output": "the nine-headed bird is the son-in-law of Green Tidal Wave Pool, and the husband of White dragon Horses cheating fiancé.\n\nThe two monkeys are real and fake Monkey King,\n\nthe ring with all the weapons being sucked in is Azure Bull and his diamond circlet,\n\nthe tiger on an execution stand and the dog with his head in its mouth is Tarrycart Kingdom arc during a bet,\n\nSanzang reciting prayers refer to him chanting the tightening spell causing Wukong great pain.\n\nThe white spirit is the White Bone Demon mocking Wukong for getting punished by his master. though I'll talk more about that later,\n\nthe tree being picked up and the fruits falling is Ginseng Fruit arc\n\nthe pig and that giant is Flowing Sands River Bajie vs Wujing,\n\nthe mountain and talisman is when Wukong was released from the mountain by Sanzang."}]} +{"conversation": [{"input": "", "output": "The next scene with Wukong in armor is Havoc in Heaven, him pissing in Rulai hand and the words written is when he made a bet with Rulai, Erlang and Nezha fight him which is also havoc in Heaven, goes to him sitting on a table drinking wine and crossing his name off the book of life and death for him and his monkeys, the last scene we see is him becoming brothers with the 7 demon kings. Friends gone and the weapons remaining usually means of fallen comrades so he wrecks heaven once again.\n\nNow some Easter's eggs The song in the true ending is actually a remix of the original Journey to the West 1986 song. A national classic."}]} +{"conversation": [{"input": "", "output": "In the boat cutscene of Wukong's memories, we hear how Wukong has a love affair with White Bone Demon. This isn't canon and was added as an Easter egg to a previous game, Game science had made. Probably also why they never added her to the game anywhere. No quotes or anything related to her. Not even a special frame in the ending cutscene or anywhere. As it's just an Easter egg. Bajie even said “ Wukong is better then me he isn't that kind of person” since this isn't anywhere near canon and is just a Easter egg ( not to mention it won't make sense either)\n\nThe special items like Weaver's Needle, Fire Mantel, and Wind Pearl and Wukong's armor, the quotes written are all quotes from the book as well."}]} +{"conversation": [{"input": "", "output": "When Pigsy sees Wukong's throne, he sits on it and calls the destined one a monster saying how all his men looked the same, etc. This is actually a reference. Bajie explains later in the game as well (though not well) this is when Wukong was cast away and Bajie begged him to come back. Wukong teased him pretending not to recognize him and says that quote.\n\nThere are so many references and Easter eggs in the book. Overall this game makes my heart hurt. But it makes sense in a way. The story Journey to the West is so well known. Wukong is so famous maybe with time a new one should arrive but his memories will never fade. After all keep in mind this game is called BLACK MYTH Wukong. At the end of the day it's just a myth that's dark in nature."}]} +{"conversation": [{"input": "", "output": "Origin lore of cannon characters chapter 1-5\nSo I just finished the game first run. Here is a list of the characters that existed in game and the book. Including there lore from the actual novel. Note I did not write chapter 6 cause it got way to complicated and almost all the heaven bosses we fight do exist. In novel somewhere although insignificant.\n\nChapter 1\n\nErlang Shen (Yang Jian)\n\nErlang Shen is a deity in heaven said to be the Jade Emperor's nephew in some lore. He was recommended by Guanyin to fight Sun Wukong when Wukong first wreaked havoc in heaven. The reason for this was that Erlang Shen has 73 types of transformation, compared to Wukong's 72. During the fight, the two were neck and neck. Taishan Lao Jun threw a diamond circlet (a treasure) that hit Wukong in the head mid-fight, resulting in Wukong's capture.\n\nGuanmo and Guanzi"}]} +{"conversation": [{"input": "", "output": "Guanmo and Guanzi\n\nBoth of these were monks in the Guanyin Monastery. They served the elder monk Jinchi, along with several hundred other monks. In the original story, these two are human, and not much more is said about them other than that one persuaded Jinchi to use fire, and the other to murder Sanzang and Wukong to steal their cassock.\n\nAbbot Jinchi"}]} +{"conversation": [{"input": "", "output": "Jinchi, the monk/abbot, is the leader of the Guanyin Monastery, having lived for 270 years. He was close friends with the black bear, and despite being a monk, he always valued the finer things in life. When he met Sanzang, he exchanged pleasantries and inquired about the vast wealth of the Tang dynasty. Wukong sensed that the monks were looking down on them for being poor, so he showed off the treasured cassock that Guanyin had given to Sanzang. The cassock was adorned with jewels that allowed the wearer to avoid disasters and escape harm. Elder Jinchi begged Sanzang to inspect it closely in his room, promising to return it the next day. However, that night, he intended to keep the cassock, so he ordered the monks to burn Sanzang and Wukong while they were sleeping. Wukong used the fire mantle to protect Tripitaka and then blew some wind to spread the fire throughout the monastery. The next morning, Wukong asked for the cassock back, but it was gone. Jinchi had no idea who took it. Without any explanation,"}]} +{"conversation": [{"input": "", "output": "had no idea who took it. Without any explanation, and with his reputation in tatters and the monastery destroyed, he committed suicide."}]} +{"conversation": [{"input": "", "output": "Black Bear\n\nThe black bear saw the roaring fires of the monastery that night and decided to help his old friend. However, when he got close, he saw the treasured glow of the cassock and stole it for himself instead. He later wanted to celebrate his birthday with a cassock banquet. Wukong found him discussing this with his friends and attacked out of anger, slaying the white-clad noble on the spot while Lingxuzi fled. Wukong chased the bear to a cave where, after a few fights, the bear hid, refusing to leave. Wukong eventually asked Guanyin for help. On their way, Wukong spotted Lingxuzi and killed him on the spot. He discovered that Lingxuzi had made some immortal pills to gift to the bear, and a plan was devised. Eventually, after the black bear was subdued, Guanyin spared the bear's life and made him the protector of her purple bamboo woods.\n\nLingxuzi and the White-Clad Nobleman"}]} +{"conversation": [{"input": "", "output": "Lingxuzi and the White-Clad Nobleman\n\nLingxuzi and the White-Clad Nobleman are a wolf and a snake yaoguai, respectively. Both were good friends of the Black Bear King. The White-Clad Nobleman was killed before he could do anything significant and is almost forgettable as an NPC in the book. After his death, Wukong vented his anger by ripping his hide to shreds.\n\nLingxuzi, the white wolf, was killed while delivering an immortality pill to the Black Bear for his birthday. Other than that, not much else is mentioned about him.\n\nChapter 2\n\nTiger Vanguard\n\nThe Tiger Vanguard served the Yellow Wind King. He was sent out to distract Wukong and Bajie while the king captured Sanzang. The plan worked. Both Bajie and Wukong killed the Tiger Vanguard, but this left Sanzang wide open for capture.\n\nYellow Wind King"}]} +{"conversation": [{"input": "", "output": "Yellow Wind King\n\nThe Yellow Wind King is a weasel demon (marten). He has the special ability to blow a yellow wind that can cause normal people to go blind and kill them. He was originally just a marten who had attained the way. He stole oil from a crystal lamp in Buddha's hall. Because he took the oil, the lamp went out, and he was scared of getting caught, so he ran to the human world to become a demon. He later captured Sanzang in hopes of eating him. While fighting Wukong, he caused discomfort to Wukong's eyes. Wukong had his eyes treated by a disguised Taibai (the Great White Star Planet God). Afterward, he was guided to Lingji Buddha, who helped Wukong avoid the wind with a special wind pearl. Wukong was going to kill him, but he was spared by Lingji, who took him back to be judged.\n\nChapter 3\n\nKang Jin Long"}]} +{"conversation": [{"input": "", "output": "Chapter 3\n\nKang Jin Long\n\nKang Jin Long appeared in the Yellow Brow Arc. He is one of the twenty-eight constellation gods that Bajie had asked to come down to help Wukong when Wukong was trapped in some cymbals. Kang Jin Long, has an iconic single horn.\n\nWhen Wukong was trapped in the magical cymbals, none of the weapons anyone had was able to break or wedge open the cymbals. Kang Jin came up with the idea to stick his horn into the cymbals. He wedged himself into the crack where the cymbals joined and managed to push his horn inside. However, the cymbals were like skin and tightly surrounded the horn. Even as he grew in size, the cymbals grew with him.\n\nEventually, Wukong drilled a small hole into the tip of the dragon's horn and shrunk himself to hide inside it. Through everyone's efforts, they pulled his horn out, thus freeing Wukong. After Wukong was freed, an enraged Wukong smashed the cymbals into pieces."}]} +{"conversation": [{"input": "", "output": "(Not to be confused with Kang Jin Star. Kang Jin Star does not exist in \"Journey to the West\"; only Kang Jin Long does.)\n\nSmiling Buddha\n\nThe Smiling Buddha is the little kid who was eating watermelon during the treasure-hunting quest. He grants you the Seal skill. He is the Smiling Buddha and the master of Yellow Brow.\n\nIn the story, he helped Wukong capture Yellow Brow. He gave Wukong the same spell, but in the novel, the spell prevented Yellow Brow from using his abilities and his sack. Wukong made Yellow Brow chase him into a watermelon field, where Wukong then transformed into a watermelon. The Smiling Buddha turned into a farmer, and when Yellow Brow came searching for Wukong, he offered him a watermelon to quench his thirst. Wukong then caused havoc in Yellow Brow's stomach, making him submit back to his master.\n\nYellow Brow King"}]} +{"conversation": [{"input": "", "output": "Yellow Brow King\n\nYellow Brow is one of the main demons Wukong faced on his journey. Yellow brow is a disciple of the smiling Buddha used to be called a Yellow browed page who is in charge of striking the stone chime every day.\n\nThe arc begins with the group coming across a monastery titled Little Thunder Monastery. For reference, the group is aiming for the real Thunder Monastery. Wukong sensed demonic energy from the place and warned Sanzang not to go in. However, Sanzang refused, saying that if there was a monastery, he must visit and show his respect.\n\nOnce inside, they encountered the Yellow Brow Buddha, who trapped the group. The Yellow Brow demon used his magic cymbals to trap Wukong and then captured Sanzang and the others, with only Bajie escaping. Soon, Bajie received help from the twenty-eight constellation gods, and Kang Jin Long managed to free Wukong. Wukong destroyed the cymbals and fought Yellow Brow, but Yellow Brow's treasure sack sucked everyone in, leaving only Wukong to escape."}]} +{"conversation": [{"input": "", "output": "Wukong eventually sought help from the Heavenly Demon Suppressor, who sent the Turtle General and Snake General, along with five dragons, to assist. However, none of them could escape the sack. Wukong ultimately received help from the Smiling Buddha, who put an end to Yellow Brow in the watermelon fields. Wukong did not get the chance to kill him.\n\nJin Chan Zi\n\nJin Chan Zi is mentioned by Yellow Brow and the monk in the cutscene. He is the second disciple of Rulai Buddha, and his reincarnation is Sanzang, the monk whom Wukong protects on the journey. Sanzang is one of the main characters in \"Journey to the West.\"\n\nZhu Bajie, the pig, is Wukong's second disciple and little brother by bond. He was originally Tian Peng Marshal, in charge of 80,000 water soldiers. He was kicked out of Heaven for harassing the beautiful Chang'e (the Moon Goddess). While reincarnating, he accidentally went down the wrong hole and became a pig."}]} +{"conversation": [{"input": "", "output": "Third prince and 4 generals In the book he is known as little prince Zhang (English translation) he and his 4 generals are disciples of the great sage of Sizhou. He introduces himself, with his father being the king of flowing sands kingdom. He was born sickly and weak. By chance he meets his master to which his master gives him an immortal pill that heals him. He then started training in the way. They got sucked into the pouch as well.\n\nChapter 4"}]} +{"conversation": [{"input": "", "output": "Zhu bajie Zhu bajie one of the main characters of the story. He used to be the Tian peng marshal. In charge of 80000 water soldiers. In the novel he gotten drunk and was punished for harassing Chang'e the moon goddess. This sparked outrage and he was punished to be cast down to earth and reincarnated. However he accidentally fell into the wrong pit and ended up as a pig. He was later instructed by guanyin to protect sanzang and head west. However while waiting he got bored. The village near by called Gao village was home to many people with the surname Gao. Inside lived squire Gao. He had three daughters. The youngest was called Cuilan. Because squire Gao has no son he wanted the youngest daughter to marry a nice man who would take over as man of the house. So Zhu bajie disguised himself and married the daughter from house of Gao. He worked hard but slowly lost his transformation over time. When called out as a demon he locked cuilan in the back of the house for 6 months till Wukong arrived and subdued him."}]} +{"conversation": [{"input": "", "output": "for 6 months till Wukong arrived and subdued him. After the journey Zhu bajie was given the tittle jingtan sheze which is in charge of eating offerings."}]} +{"conversation": [{"input": "", "output": "Spiders In journey to the west gossamer cave arc the 7 spiders captured sanzang when sanzang insisted on begging for food on his own that day. In the story after they captured sanzang they went bathing in a special spring known as the filth cleansing spring. Wukong stole there clothes causing them to remain trapped there. Bajie did indeed turn into a carp and swam around there crotch, playing around. However towards the end. Wukong captured all 7 and planned on using them as a bargaining chip against their elder brother by bond the hundred eye daoist. When the daoist refuse to hand sanzang over, Wukong killed them all.\n\nDuskveil"}]} +{"conversation": [{"input": "", "output": "Duskveil\n\nDawn star constellation or the star officer of Pleiades ( mao re xing guan) Other wise known as the rooster star. He helped wukong during the scorpion arc. His crow was able to revert the scorpion lady back to her true form and kill her. This is also written in the scorpion lord boss lore ( note: scorpion lord does not exist in book) Look at honourable mentions for more on scorpion lady."}]} +{"conversation": [{"input": "", "output": "Hundred eye daoist The hundred eye daoist is the elder brother by bond to the spider sisters. When the spider ladies were defeated by Sun Wukong they went to him for help. He agreed to help wanting to eat sanzang as well. He welcomed sanzang into the temple and offered the group tea. Wukong tried to stop sanzang but he doesn't listen and drinks the tea anyway. Of course everyone except Wukong ends up getting poisoned. Wukong heads back to gossamer cave and captures the spiders planning on using them as a bargaining chip. But the hundred eye daoist refuse. Claiming he wants to eat the monk. In fury Wukong kills the spiders. This angers the daoist and they fight. The daoist has a unique skill that can shed out light that hurts everything its eyes can see. Eventually pi lan po saves the day and saves the rest of the poison as well. She also stops bajie and wukong from killing the hundred eye daoist. She took the daoist away and made him her door keeper to guard her front door.\n\nChapter 5"}]} +{"conversation": [{"input": "", "output": "Iron fan princess She is a raksasi a type of ghost king in a way. She lives in plantain cave and is known as the iron fan princess. The official wife of bull king and the mother of the Red Boy. ( for simple purposes I'm gonna just call her fanny) In the novel the group reached fire flame mountain and is unable to cross due to the intense heat and flames. In order to cool the mountain down they need the plantain fan to cool it. The fan belongs to Fanny and so Wukong goes to burrow it. However Fanny is pissed at how wukong got her son captured and so she refuse to lend him the fan. Wukong decides to hide in her tea and reaches her stomach creating havoc and forcing her to give up her fan. Unable to bear the pain she gives him the fan however the fan is a fake and only worsens the flames. Wukong then decides to go find bull king to try to get him to convince Fanny to give up the fan. Wukong thought this was an easy thing since he and bull king used to be brother by bond. However along the way Wukong scares the"}]} +{"conversation": [{"input": "", "output": "by bond. However along the way Wukong scares the jade princess and so bull king becomes enraged and refuse. Claiming he bugged his wife, harassed his concubine, bullied his son. Obviously bull king was a no go. So wukong heads back and turns into bull king and seduces Fanny. Making her give up her fan. He is successful and heads back to the mountains. Bull king finds out and turns into bajie tricking the fan back from wukong. Eventually Fanny does give up the fan after bull kings defeat wanting to save her husband. Wukong later permanently extinguished the flames of the mountain by fanning it 49 times. He then returned the fan to Fanny."}]} +{"conversation": [{"input": "", "output": "Bull king Bull king is a white bull with tremendous strength. He was originally brothers by bond with wukong back when Wukong was still king of flower fruit mountain. He and 6 other demons formed this bond. The bull king was defeated by nezha and heavenly king Li. When defeated he begged to be converted to Buddha faith and was spared after his wife gave up her fan. He was then taken away by nezha to lead him to Buddha.\n\nKeeper of flaming mountains\n\nIn the novel he is the tudi or local god of fire flame mountain. He originally was actually a furnace attendant for taishan laojun. He was punished and was sent down to be a local god. He explained to wukong and bajie the origin of the mountain. Back when Sun Wukong wrecked heaven he was punished to be thrown into the furnace and turned into a pill. But he survived and in anger kicked over the furnace. Bricks from the furnace fell down to earth creating the now flaming mountains.\n\nBishui golden eyed beast"}]} +{"conversation": [{"input": "", "output": "Bishui golden eyed beast\n\nBishui means water avoiding so it's a water avoiding beast with golden eyes. He is bull kings mount. Able to fly and go in the water. Bull king went to green wave pool to drink and eat at the dragon kings place. He rode his mount there. Wukong decided to trick the fan out of iron fan princess and so he turned into bull king and stole the mount. Riding it to plantain cave."}]} +{"conversation": [{"input": "", "output": "Red child Red child is the son of bull king and princess iron fan. He wanted to cook sanzang and disguised himself as a regular boy that was tied up by bandits. Wukong saw right through him but sanzang insisted they rescue him. Sanzang then told Wukong to carry the child while they walk through the mountain. Wukong listens having no choice. Red uses a spell to weigh himself down heavy wanting to crush Wukong but instead Wukong throws him off destroying his body. Luckily reds spirit escaped in the nick of time and was fine. He later captures Sanzang through a violent gale. He fights Wukong and was able to harm him using his samadhi fire. Wukong later disguise himself as his father but fails a few questions which allowed red to see through. Eventually Wukong gets help from guanyin and through a trap they manage to capture him and force him to submit. Guanyin then takes him wanting to have him as a disciple.\n\nHonourable mentions"}]} +{"conversation": [{"input": "", "output": "Honourable mentions\n\nThe guy with the big gourd on his back whom we meet again in chapter 2 talks of jinghe dragon king. The one punished by heaven. He is in the original journey to the west as well. He is also the father of the 4 coloured dragons. Who are also briefly mentioned in journey to the west.\n\nJinghe dragon king has an interesting story that varies on version but one thing remains the same. He was ordered to produce rain but produced the wrong amount of rain and added to the wind which resulted in him getting executed by wei Zheng. He is married to the younger sister of Ao Shun who is dragon king of the North Sea.\n\nJing he has 9 sons. Wukong fought with the 9th. Eldest is yellow, 2nd is black, 3rd is blue, 4th is red. 5th, 6th, 7th all are in heaven with Buddha or gods. 8th is with a relative.\n\nTudi (local earth god)"}]} +{"conversation": [{"input": "", "output": "Tudi (local earth god)\n\nThe guy that look like vegetable roots that guide us in chapter 1. The local earth god is a different person in every region. So it's not possible to say exactly what he does cause there's to many of em. But they do appears in journey to the west as well.\n\nGeneral Snake and Tortoise\nBoth were sent by the Heavenly Demon Suppressor to help Wukong defeat Yellow Brow, along with five dragons. After fighting for an hour, they were sucked into Yellow Brow's sack. Later, of course, they were rescued, but they did not have much significance otherwise.\n\nKui Mu Lang\nKui Mu Lang is mentioned in Kang Jin Long's lore. He said, “Even though that monkey messed up my plans, I still respect him.”"}]} +{"conversation": [{"input": "", "output": "In the book, he was one of the main demons Wukong faced. He was known as the Yellow Robe Demon (lots of yellow). He kidnapped the princess of Elephantia and later captured Sanzang. This happened while Wukong was cast away and not by Sanzang's side. The princess of Elephantia gave birth to two of his children. She also secretly freed Sanzang, asking him to pass a note to his father. Sanzang obliged and later sent Bajie and Wujing to rescue the princess. The plan failed, resulting in Wujing being captured. Kui Mu Lang then disguised himself as a hunter and went to the king in Elephantia. He tricked the king into believing that a tiger yaoguai had kidnapped the princess and that he had saved her. He then used his magic to turn Sanzang into a tiger, fooling everyone.\n\nLater, under the White Dragon Horse's plea, Bajie went to beg Wukong to come back. Wukong did so and beat Kui Mu Lang badly. Before Wukong could kill him, his fellow constellations came to retrieve him."}]} +{"conversation": [{"input": "", "output": "Pi lan po She is a Pusa or Budhisattva in English. she is also the mother of dawn star constellation ( maore xing guan)(duskveil) in the novel old lady of mountain li told wukong to go search for pi lan po to help defeat the hundred eye Taoist. The weapon Pi lan po used is the weavers needle we get in game. The quote from the needle in game says “ this vessel of mine is forged not of iron or steel, but solely from the eyes of my son” this is what she tells wukong as well. This needle was created from Mao re xing guans eyes. After she defeats the hundred eye daoist she takes him back to make him guard her place.\n\nScorpion lady"}]} +{"conversation": [{"input": "", "output": "Scorpion lady\n\nScorpion lady lives near the kingdom of woman. She abducted sanzang wanting to marry him. After sanzang desperately refused she tied him up. She is a very strong demon sporting a horse killing poison. Fighting both bajie and wukong at the same time she manage to stung bajie on the lips and wukong on the head. Causing both of them pain. Though Wukong recovered way faster and had a weaker effect. It was revealed that she was a scorpion listening to Buddha teachings at the thunder monastery. When rulai mistakenly swatted at her she stung his thumb in defence causing him pain. She was arrested and now she's here. She was later killed by mao re Xing guan.\n\nWang ling guan Heavenly inspector head of security for heaven. In charge of 500 guards. He faced Sun Wukong during havoc in heaven. When Wukong reached the hall of miraculous mist."}]} +{"conversation": [{"input": "", "output": "Jade princess Jade princess was a fox demon. Her father was a ten thousand year old fox king who gave birth to just one daughter. After the king died all his property was left with no rule. When the bull king arrived and showed how strong he was the princess fell for him and asked him to marry her. So the bull king left iron fan princess for her. She was later killed by bajie when he ransacked her cave.\n\n\n\n# WINE AND SOAKS\n\nChapter 1:\n\n- Gall Gem: dropped from the yaoguai you kill saving shen monkey.\n- Tender jade lotus: RNG drop can be from any jade lotus you find in the water.\n\nChapter 2:"}]} +{"conversation": [{"input": "", "output": "Chapter 2:\n\n- Lambrew wine: up the slopping path in the initial spawn area with archers shooting at you.\n- Laurel buds: from village entrance shrine head to the open area where you need to go before you fight king and seccond prince. It's guarded by a mage on an alter.\n- Steel ginseng: RNG drop from any aged ginseng. Popular farm is the ginseng in the ravine before man of stone from squall hideout.\n- Iron pellet: complete man in stone quest.\n- Copper pill: along the path after killing tiger vanguard.\n- Goat skull: RNG drop farm licorice plants. The place where you first enter the chapter has some on route.\n- Tiger relic: while heading down tiger vanguards cellar before as you slide down the sand slide there is a ledge where you can jump then heavy hit to roll up and grab it.\n\nChapter 3:"}]} +{"conversation": [{"input": "", "output": "Chapter 3:\n\n- Stranded long whiskers: After defeating kang jin long. Teleport back to mirrormere shrine. Head across the lake towards the back right side where a sad tree is. It's right under it.\n- Breath of fire: defeat cyan long on turtle island to the right.\n- Blue bridge romance wine: bitter lake shore head into the temple and on the left there's a huge lake with this wine on it.\n- Turtle tear: find snake generals dead body. North shore head to the right all the way.\n- Jade essence: towers of karma to the left then right past the blade monk where a lot of ginseng are. Behind that pillar.\n- Sweet ice: left balcony above clay varja.\n\nChapter 4:"}]} +{"conversation": [{"input": "", "output": "Chapter 4:\n\n- Goji shoots: Upper hollow shrine. Take a left follow the path in a small house\n- Purple veined peach pit: Inside a chest during the 4th sister cutscene.\n- Death stinger: Defeat scorpion prince in the garden\n- Worry free brew: Before the scorpion prince behind a house guarded by two sacs\n- Bee mountain stone: Mountain trail shrine follow the path it will be on your left behind the stone fence.\n- Sunset of nine skies: Court of illumination head out and go straight. In a hut next to fungiwoman\n- fruit of dao: RNG drop farm the 2 monks guarding the front of the gate to court of illumination.\n- undying vine: Chapter 4 secret area farm treeman\n- Double combed rooster blood: Defeat duskveil.\n\nChapter 5"}]} +{"conversation": [{"input": "", "output": "Chapter 5\n\n- Mount lingtai seeds: After you fight the first elemental cart it's up the path to the left in a pavilion.\n- Loong balm wine: Next to the throne in emerald hall.\n- Slumbering beetle husk: Left side of the steps next to the throne in the emerald hall.\n- Flame mediator: RNG drop from flame boulders next to where ping ping got rid of the fire.\n\nChapter 6\n\n- Flower primes: Brought from shen monkey after chapter 6\n- Graceful orchid: Give Chen long all seeds\n- Guan yin willow leaf: Brough from shen monkey in NG+\n\n# CURIO\n\nChapter 1:\n\n- Cat eye beads: kill wandering wright\n- Agate jar: arena where you fought the black wind boss in a chest from cave interior shrine\n- Back scratcher: brought from shrines after chapter 1\n- Boshan sensor: dropped by red loong boss ( come back after chapter 2)\n\nChapter 2:"}]} +{"conversation": [{"input": "", "output": "Chapter 2:\n\n- Glazed reliquary: Windrest hamlet right behind the tiger acolyte in a cave in a chest.\n- Goldflora hairpin: Purchased from man in stone after his quest.\n- Tricandna pendant: Defeat black loong from behind the water fall. Rockrest shrine to the right all the way down.\n- Tiger tally: Defeat OG tiger vanguard in the secret area. You'll meet if you finish the pig squire quest.\n\nChapter 3:"}]} +{"conversation": [{"input": "", "output": "- Mani beads: RNG drop you can farm the closest enemy from mirrormere shrine yhe nearest enemy on the right against a tree.\n- Frostsprout twig: kill captain lotus vision\n- Fine China tea bowl: lower level pagoda small chest before heading up the stairs.\n- Auspicious lantern: kill all 8 lantern wardens during nightmare mode.\n- Maitreyas orb: in a chest in mindfulness cliff before in a cave before non white 2nd fight.\n- Gold spike plate: longevity road shrine head to the stone statue yard and go left. Head down and it's the giant guy on the right.\n- Bronze Buddha pendant: from the longevity road shrine head back pass the stone path path to the gates where two weasel assassins are. Farm them till this drops.\n- Snow fox brush: complete the snow fox brush quest.\n- Beasts Buddha: RNG drop towers of Karma shrine, farm that blade monk facing the wall on the left.\n- Thunderflame seal: RNG drop the 4 mages after going straight from temple entrance shrine. Farm them till this drops."}]} +{"conversation": [{"input": "", "output": "- Thunderstone: straight pass the mages in the room is a box guarded by a monk."}]} +{"conversation": [{"input": "", "output": "Chapter 4:"}]} +{"conversation": [{"input": "", "output": "- Cuo jin yin belt: Upper hollow shrine right turn down then up a hill at the end in a chest.\n- Spine in sack: RNG drop from spider sacs\n- Golden carp: Dropped by yellow loong boss.\n- Jade moon rabbit: Dropped by bajie after fight.\n- Virtuous bamboo engraving: RNG drop by worm daoist just past temple entrance.\n- Tablet of three supreme: Defeat commander beetle following the path past temple entrance.\n- Tiger tendon belt: RNG drop Court of illumination, head behind you farm that snake tiger\n- Celestial registery tab: Valley of blooms shrine head straight past the shrine hop into the river and head left. Inside a box in a pavilion.\n- Gold sun crow: Valley of bloom head straight. When 2 archers are shooting at you head up the hill to the archer on your right and it's in a chest on this hill."}]} +{"conversation": [{"input": "", "output": "- Preservation orb: After you beat the final boss of chapter 4 ( hundred eye daoist) come back to where you fought the venom daoist ( where you entered the purple mountain ) in the big yard with a tree past the cave there is now a box at the end below an alter."}]} +{"conversation": [{"input": "", "output": "Chapter 5:\n\n- Amber prayer beads: Follow the main path after height of Amber shrine. Go into the cave and turn right. In a chest.\n- White seashell waist chain: RNG drop Rakshasa palace, farm the guards on the lava and bridge.\n- Gold button: Rakshasa giants in the palace\n- Flame orb: Kill rusty gold cart\n- Daoist basked of Fire and Water: Finish secret area.\n\nChapter 6:\n\n- Waterward orb: Kill Jiao long in chapter 6 ( right next to the lake below the point where you get your cloud on the left.\n- Celestial birth stone fragment: Defeat ling-baw-baw in chapter 6\n\n# GOURDS"}]} +{"conversation": [{"input": "", "output": "- old gourd: starting gourd\n- plagues bane: complete the well quest in chapter 2, in a coffin on the left side of the mad tiger arena.\n- Jade lotus gourd: brought from shen monkey after chapter 2.\n- fiery gourd: from chapter 3 mindfulness cliff shrine head forward and walk off the side once you reach the wooden scaffold. Follow the path up all the way till you come across a rock enemy in a cave with a coffin on your right side. Open the coffin.\n- medicine gourd: upgrade old gourd\n- healing gourd: upgrade medicine gourd\n- medicine sage gourd: upgrade healing gourd\n- medicine master gourd: upgrade from medicine sage gourd\n- medicine Buddha gourd: upgrade from medicine master gourd.\n- Jade guanyin gourd: upgrade from Jade lotus gourd.\n- Xiang river goddess gourd: located in the treasure room near verdure bridge unmissable open all the chests.\n- stained jade gourd: beat chapter 5 scorpion king"}]} +{"conversation": [{"input": "", "output": "- immortal blessing gourd: defeat Buddha right hand and get the left one from scorpion lord, then you can purchase this gourd after chapter 4.\n- supreme gourd: when your old gourd is fully upgraded to medicine Buddha gourd from the rakshasa palace shrine entrance follow the path ahead on the bridges across the lava pool. Just after the path turns on the left of the lava pool is a small cave with the old man npc talk to him and take the fire in the centre.\n- multi glazed gourd: brought from shen monkey in chapter 6\n- Qing tian gourd: get all journal portraits and purchase in ng+"}]} +{"conversation": [{"input": "", "output": "# SEEDS\n\n- Jade lotus\n- Purple lingzhi\n- Nine capped lingzhi\n- Snake head mushroom\n- Monkey head fungus\n- Fragrant Jade flower\n- Fire bellflower\n- Tree pearl\n- Celestial pear\n- Licorice\n- Aged ginseng\n- Millennium ginseng\n- Gentian\n- Golden lotus\n- Fire date\n\n# WEAPON\n\n- Willow wood staff\n- Bronze cloud staff\n- Twin serpent staff\n- Cloud pattern stone staff\n- Wind bear staff\n- Rat sage staff\n- Kangjin staff\n- Loong wreath staff\n- Chu-bai spear\n- Chitin staff\n- Visionary centipede staff\n- Spikeshaft staff\n- Staff of blazing karma\n- Golden loong staff\n- Spider celestial staff\n- Bishui beast staff\n- Tri point double edge spear\n- Jing gu bang\n- Storm flash loong staff (NG+)\n- Adept spine shooting fuban staff ( ng+ upgrading chitin staff)\n- Dark iron staff ( NG+ after chapter 5)\n\n# ARMOUR\n\nYou will get all the armour as you progress the story I've only included some armour that you will need to do more then just that to get."}]} +{"conversation": [{"input": "", "output": "- Old ginseng cape: dropped by old ginseng guai in chapter 3\n- Bronze brocade battle robe set: defeat elder jinchi chapter 1\n- Iron tough armour set: defeat yin tiger chapter 3\n- Skull of turtle treasure RNG drop from turtle treasure enemy. Can find one in valley of exactly longevity road follow road down next to awaken wine worm.\n- Varja arm guards dropped from the clay varja spirit\n- Venomous sting armour set: Defeat scorpion lord chapter 4\n- Bull king Shanwen set: Finish chapter 5 after finishing secret area\n- Venomous arm guard: Slice the arms off venom daoist chapter 4\n- Locus antenna mask: Farm flying loctus assassins in chapter 4\n- See no evil: Farm blind monks chapter 3\n- OG suozi armour: after you get your cloud in chapter 6 fly back past your spawn point and under a tree in a chest.\n\n# SPIRITS"}]} +{"conversation": [{"input": "", "output": "# SPIRITS\n\n- Apramana Bat\n- Baw-Baw-Lang-Lang\n- Centipede Guai\n- Commander Beetle\n- Earth Wolf\n- Elder Armourworm\n- Father of Stones\n- Flit Chief\n- Flint Vanguard\n- Fungiwomen\n- Gore-Eye Daoist\n- Guangmou\n- Mad Tiger\n- Misty Cloud, Cloudy Mist\n- Mother of Flamlings\n- Nine-Capped Lingzhi Guai\n- Non-Able\n- Non-Pure\n- Non-Void\n- Non-White\n- Old Ginseng Guai\n- Second Rat Prince\n- Tiger's Acolyte\n- Top Takes Bottom, Bottom Takes Top\n- Wandering Wight\n- Beetle Captain\n- Blade Monk\n- Bull Governor\n- Charface\n- Civit Sergeant\n- Clay Vajra\n- Crow Diviner\n- Dragonfly Guai\n- Earth Rakshasa\n- Enslaved Yaksha\n- Falcon Hermit\n- Fungiman\n- Lantern Holder\n- Mountain Patroller\n- Poisestone\n- Puppet Spider\n- Puppet Tick\n- Rat Archer\n- Rat Governor\n- Rat Imperial Guard\n- Red-Haired Yaksha\n- Scorpion Prince\n- Snake Herbalist\n- Snake Sheriff\n- Spearbone\n- Swift Bat\n- Turtle Treasure\n- Verdant Glow\n- Wolf Assassin\n\n\n\n# Chapter 1 step by step walk through + list black myth Wukong"}]} +{"conversation": [{"input": "", "output": "First, head to the shrine in the \"front hills.\" Continue moving forward until you come across a bridge. Once you reach a tree with an axe-wielding wolf, it's time to explore. From the tree, head down and turn left. You'll see a cutscene of a monkey fleeing. Go to the stone head and take its eyes. Following the river will lead you to a crow diviner and some will. Continuing along the path from the tree to the right, you'll come across the first chief bull guard. He's slow, so you should be fine. Past him, you can head uphill. Up the hill to your right, you'll see a wooden cliff pavilion with wine jars on the side and your first meditation spot."}]} +{"conversation": [{"input": "", "output": "Turning 180 degrees and going straight, you'll see sparkles and a crack in the wall. Go through and follow the path to the shrine “outside the forest.” Head straight, killing the two wolves, and from here, take the left path. Move up by the rocks and continue straight until you see a man guarding a chest. You may explore the left area, which has small ponds and another crow diviner, but after you're done, cross the bridge and kill the archer. Continue straight, and you'll come across Guanzi, the fire wolf, your first real challenge. After he's defeated, grab his sword to obtain Red Tides, his transformation. Walk forward and ring the bell. Once you're done, head back the way you came or teleport back to your shrine using the talisman charm in your inventory."}]} +{"conversation": [{"input": "", "output": "From the “outside forest” shrine, we will now take the right path. You'll cross a bridge, and on your right is the wandering wright. You can use your transformation to make things easier. Once you do, he will drop a spirit and cat eye beads. You won't be able to absorb his spirit yet, but don't worry, that's fine for now. Just leave it. Head straight through the cave and follow the path; there is no other choice. You will come across the Guayin Temple shrine. Explore the yard first; there is a chest in the upper left and a will in the lower left. Pass through the gate to fight Lingxuzi, your first yaoguai king! Through the front door to the left, there is a celestial lotus pill to permanently increase your health."}]} +{"conversation": [{"input": "", "output": "Continue to the Back Hills shrine. Go straight and head to the left side of the road; follow it and enter a small cave at the end. Talk to the horse guy until his dialogue repeats. In this room by the shrine is the second meditation spot. Heading back out, we will continue straight along the cobblestone path. You can explore the small pond and waterfall; it's not big and just rewards some small blue will. Continue up the path; when you see sparkles, look to your left to find a box with some pills inside. Follow the sparkles and kill the crow diviner. Then activate the Snake Trail shrine."}]} +{"conversation": [{"input": "", "output": "Now head up the stairs, and a cutscene will ensue where the mysterious old man gives you a new gourd, allowing you to claim spirits. Now go back down to the shrine and head to the little wooden pavilion straight ahead. Go to the edge on the left and jump down. You'll land in the river. Follow the path to the left, and straight down, you'll come across a swamp where you will fight Bawliguhbaw. Absorb its spirit and head back to the shrine (note: you can collect the wandering wright spirit at the shrines)."}]} +{"conversation": [{"input": "", "output": "Now follow the path all the way up; once you reach a thick area with bamboo, be careful, as this place is full of snakes. Go straight through until you reach two cracks in the wall. You will now fight Guangmo. After that, go straight to ring the bell. Now head through the wooden gate to the Marsh of the “White Snake Temple.” To the left is some Luojiao flower; grab that, then follow the path until you meet Shen Monkey and acquire the Snake Gall Soak. After you talk to him in the cave, continue down to fight the White-Clad Noble."}]} +{"conversation": [{"input": "", "output": "After defeating him, going straight through the cave will lead you to the Black Bear Cave. Once you're out, you will see a meditation spot on your left and a Taiyi pill. Now we are going to head back through the cave and this time go to the left of the arena where we fought the White-Clad Noble. Defeat the wolves and ring the bell. You will be teleported to a secret area, the Ancient Guanyin Temple. Here you will find a shrine and the secret boss, Elder Jinchi. Once you kill him, he will give you the Fire Mantle, which is very useful for the next boss and some future ones."}]} +{"conversation": [{"input": "", "output": "Now, continuing through the Black Bear Cave, follow the path to reach the “Cave Interior Shrine.” Going through these doors will trigger the Black Wind King boss fight. After you're done, search the entire area for a few goodies: awaken the wine worm on the left (break open the pots in the yard), and find an agate jar curio in a small orange chest in the center. Follow the path to the “Outside the Cave Shrine.” Follow it, and to your left, where you see a chest, is a spirit called Wolf Assassin. Follow the path up for a celestial pill. Continue up to the “Bodhi Peak Shrine” and fight the final boss, the Black Bear. Don't worry about that one boss missing journal entry. We need an item and will get back to it! Same with the backscratcher and boshan sensor curio.\n\n# CHIEFS AND BOSSES"}]} +{"conversation": [{"input": "", "output": "# CHIEFS AND BOSSES\n\n- Bullguard\n- Guangzi\n- Wandering wright\n- Lingxuzi\n- Baw-li-guh-baw\n- Guangmo\n- White clad Nobel\n- Elder jinchi\n- Black wind king\n- Red long\n- Wolf assassin is a spirit not a boss but this is the only spirit who is not a boss in chapter 1 so I'm writing it down here.\n\n# CURIOS\n\n- Cat eye beads: kill wandering wright\n- Agate jar: arena where you fought the black wind boss in a chest from cave interior shrine\n- Back scratcher: brought from shrines after chapter 1\n- Boshan sensor: dropped by red loong boss ( come back after chapter 2)\n\n# MEDITATION\n\n- The arbour forest of wolves\n- The cavern bamboo forest\n- The cliff black wind cave\n\n# DRINKS AND SOAKS\n\n- Gall Gem: dropped from the yaoguai you kill saving shen monkey.\n- Tender jade lotus: RNG drop can be from any jade lotus you find in the water.\n\n# Transformation and spirits"}]} +{"conversation": [{"input": "", "output": "# Transformation and spirits\n\n- Wandering wright: outside the forest shrine follow the path and to the right.\n- Baw-li-guhh-lang: snake trail shrine head to the left where the pavilion is and walk off the ledge to the right then follow the stream down.\n- Guang mo: defeat guang mo snake trail path follow the trail.\n- Wolf assassin: outside the cave shrine where archers on. On the lower platform with a chest.\n\n\n\n# Chapter 2 step by step walk through + list black myth Wukong\n\nOof, okay, we're in for a long one this time. In my opinion, this is 2nd the longest chapter in the game. Let's get started!\n\nAfter we spawn in, follow the path down, get rid of those annoying archers, and take the slope up on the left where the rats were shooting you. Head to the end to find Lanbrew wine. Now, follow the main path up the slope to the “village entrance shrine.”"}]} +{"conversation": [{"input": "", "output": "Next, head back up straight around that abandoned tower. The Lingzi you see is a Yaoguai. Go all the way down, and you'll meet an NPC called Xu Dog who asks for your help. For now, go straight to the wooden platforms. All the way down is a boss named Langliguhbaw the Frog. Head back up and deliver the medicine to the dog; this will grant you the ability to craft medicine at the shrines. Now follow along the edge to the right of where the dog was, right next to the wooden platforms, and go straight to see the first meditation spot.\n\nAfter that, head back, go up the steps, and follow the path. Do not go to the right. Follow to the left and eliminate the two-headed rat guards. Go left again and up the slope to get rid of the two archers; there's a well nearby. Coming back down, you can explore this big area. Next to one of those rat wizards is an altar with the Laurel Buds soak. To the left, up a hill, is an NPC you can talk to for some story context. You can also go on the roof to eliminate archers."}]} +{"conversation": [{"input": "", "output": "Straight down the path to the left, you'll hear begging; it's the horse NPC we met in Chapter 1. Before you reach him, you will trigger the Earth Wolf fight. After you defeat it, talk to the horse until his dialogue repeats. Now head back to those giant doors on the left in the arena and open them for a shortcut. You'll face some guards and the Rat Archer spirit. Afterward, head back to the main area where the two rat guards were attacking us. Go through the door on the left this time.\n\nNow you will have to make a choice: Do you want the second prince transformation, or do you want the easy way? In this battle, you'll face the King and the Second Prince. However, the King will not attack, and the Second Prince is fairly easy. If you kill the Second Prince first, the King will run away to activate his first son. If you kill the King first, the Second Prince will get mad and become harder, but after you defeat him, you will get his spirit to transform into. It's up to you."}]} +{"conversation": [{"input": "", "output": "After you kill him, you'll see sparkles leading you to the Valley of Despair shrine. Take the path leading up first into the caves. Follow the path straight down. If you didn't kill the King, you will get a cutscene and can fight the First Prince. Regardless, we are going to follow the path down, and in the open arena, you can summon the First Prince depending on your choice earlier. Afterward, you'll see the wall with the Buddha carvings. It's possible that during the fight, a crack was created in the wall. If a crack wasn't formed, then aim yourself in the middle and use Wandering Wright to break the wall. Enter to get the Long Scale."}]} +{"conversation": [{"input": "", "output": "Head back out; now we're going to go up the path through a small corridor back the way we came so we can get the Awaken Wine Worm. Now head straight; you can kill the spitters and then head through a wooden plank to the end to reach a crack. Go through to get the Swift Bat spirit and break the wooden fence to get a Celestial Pill. Head out and to the left is Crouching Tiger Temple. You'll find the shrine “Temple Entrance.” Up the steps to your right is a chest. Up another step to your right is Meditation Spot 2.\n\nGoing all the way up is the Tiger Vanguard fight. He moves fast! Have fun! After you're done fighting him, head up the stairs and see that you cannot unlock the statue yet. But keep in mind we will come back. Walk past the arena and follow the path up; you'll find a Celestial Pill and a small chest with a Copper Pill inside. Continue to reach Windrest Ridge."}]} +{"conversation": [{"input": "", "output": "Now we are going to travel back to Black Wind Mountain, outside the Forest of Wolves. At this shrine, go to the store and buy the Backscratcher curio. Now head back up to the opened chest on the left side. Look left, and you should see a waterfall. You'll hear a poem when you get close. Head there and use the scale to enter the long waterfall. Fight him, open the chest, and head back out.\n\nNow we're going to travel back to Yellow Wind Ridge, at the Valley of Despair shrine. This time we head left, straight past the wooden bridge, and follow the path to Fright Cliff. Along the way, you'll see some more Buddha head eyes. Grab them and unlock the nearby shrine “Gull Hideout.” Head left and straight through the ravine. All the way to the end, you'll meet a man in stone who will give you a quest."}]} +{"conversation": [{"input": "", "output": "Leaving the ravine, we're going to head right up the stairs next to the ravine. Follow the path to another pair of eyes, head straight to the end, and on the left, down the steps is a new shrine “Rockrest Flat.” We're going to head back into the caves now. To the right along the wall we entered from, head up, and you'll find the Poie Stone spirit. Continue down that path; you'll see those glowing blue crystals. That is Mother Stone. Attack the crystals to start the fight. Once you're done, go to the side where light is coming in. Follow the narrow path to get another Buddha eye."}]} +{"conversation": [{"input": "", "output": "Head back down, turn right, and continue through the tunnel. Head right to see Buddha eyes. Come back; there's a chest on the right, and the left path straight up leads to a coffin. Head straight down, and you'll see you're back on the side of the ravine. Go right and down. Head back down into the ravine and talk to the man of stone. Fight him. After you defeat him, talk to him to get the Azure Dust transformation. You can then travel to a shrine. Travel back, and he will be available as a merchant for you to buy stuff from. He sells the Gold Flora Hairpin."}]} +{"conversation": [{"input": "", "output": "Now, from the shrine or out of the ravine, head left up the side of the ravine, killing the shooting things. On the scaffold, there is another Buddha eye; don't forget there's a chest here as well. Afterward, we're going to head back to the Rockrest Flat shrine. Now on the left side, grab the Buddha eye, then head straight for that porcupine guard in the distance. Destroy the wooden fence behind him and head through. Talk to Pig Squire, then go straight for the meditation spot. Go back to the shrine and head left up the stairs. Here you'll see another waterfall where you will face the Black Dragon. You'll also grab the Spearbone spirit."}]} +{"conversation": [{"input": "", "output": "For the Black Dragon, when he does his wave attack, head on the rocks to avoid it. Now, after you're done and have collected the chest, head back to our shrine. From here, go left through the gate, and we will fight against the Stone Vanguard. Go to the shrine on the left, “Rock Crash Platform.” Head back to the Vanguard arena, and on the far side, there is a Buddha statue. Insert the eyes and fight Shiganda. After that, go back to the shrine and head straight next to the houses. Get the Rat Governor spirit and find a meditation spot.\n\nTo the left is a Celestial Pill. Go back to the shrine now and teleport back to Windrest Ridge. Head straight and explore the village. There are lots of enemies, coffins, and wills. Explore every house. The upper left section of the village has a small vase hidden; it's glowing and contains the Sobering Stone. Head out of the village from the right side, and go straight to get the Rat Imperial Guard spirit."}]} +{"conversation": [{"input": "", "output": "Going through, open the door, and on your left should be some Luojiao Vine. Now go straight up through the hidden path next to the wall. Unlock the new shrine “Windrest Hamlet.” Follow the path, and you'll come across the Tiger Acolyte spirit and a Spirit Drum. Head straight to get the Glazed Reliquary curio. Follow the path, and you'll be back at the Stone Vanguard arena. Go to the left and travel to Windrest Bridge. Go to the second hall and far right corner; it's a bit misty there. A scene should trigger asking you to rattle a drum. Do it."}]} +{"conversation": [{"input": "", "output": "Afterward, travel to the Wind Seal Gate, head back across the wooden bridge, and take a left going under the bridge. Walk until the screen turns blue again. Do the same, then travel to the Valley of Despair. Head out to where you fought the Earth Wolf. Continue to where the horse was tied up. In the same hut as him, go left and follow the paths until you can use the drum again. A cutscene will ensue, allowing you to go down into the well. Inside, you can fight the Mad Tiger. After you're done fighting him, to the left side is a coffin with Plaguesbane Gourd."}]} +{"conversation": [{"input": "", "output": "Now head back to Rockrest Flat. Talk to Pig Squire. After you exhaust all dialogue, head to the Temple Entrance again. Head up to the second step to the left. Talk to him and give him his food; after his dialogue repeats, go back to the initial place we met him. Head left, and you'll have to fight him. Afterward, follow him through the doors to the Ancient Kingdom. This area is pretty linear. Activate the shrine and fight the OG Tiger Vanguard. Once you get past him and activate the “Sandgate Shrine” on the left, all the way to the end under a dry tree is a meditation area. The big house on the left has a chest as well."}]} +{"conversation": [{"input": "", "output": "Now head to the drum and the Yellow Sage King. You will help him fight Fuban. After that, head back to the Valley of Despair. Go to the giant door and insert the tally. The door will now open; head down the path and take a left through some hidden stairs to open an iron door, creating a shortcut. Go back and head straight. You can explore the sides; after you're done, head straight across the bridge to fight Gore Eye Daoist and called Vines. Go straight to unlock a cutscene and a shrine, “Windseal Gate.”"}]} +{"conversation": [{"input": "", "output": "Now travel back to the Temple Entrance and head to the arena. Up the steps, we're going to activate the tally. Head down the Tiger Mouth and follow the path. There's a Celestial Pill to the left. Follow and get the Civet Sargent spirit. Continue down to unlock the cellar and Xu Dog pill making. Note that on the slide, there's a platform above with the Tiger Relic soak inside; you must jump, then heavy hit to roll on top. After that, head down from the cellar shrine and turn right into the ravine. You'll see the Gourd Old Man and a meditation spot. After that, turn around, head straight for the final boss, the Yellow wind sage.\n\n# BOSSES AND CHIEFS\n\n- Lang-li-Hugh-baw\n- Earth wolf\n- King+second Prince\n- First Prince of flowing sands\n- Tiger vanguard\n- Tiger acolyte\n- Stone vanguard\n- Gore eye daoist\n- Mother of stones\n- Man in stone\n- Shigandang\n- Mad tiger\n- Black dragon\n- Yellow robbed squire\n- OG tiger vanguard\n- Fuban\n- Yellow wind sage\n\n# MEDITATION"}]} +{"conversation": [{"input": "", "output": "# MEDITATION\n\n- The altar of sand gate village\n- The ravine rock clash platform\n- The sculpture, crouching tiger\n- The deadwood Rockrest flat\n- The grotto yellow wind formation\n- The rock sandgate bound\n\n# CURIOS\n\n- Glazed reliquary: Windrest hamlet right behind the tiger acolyte in a cave in a chest.\n- Goldflora hairpin: Purchased from man in stone after his quest.\n- Tricandna pendant: Defeat black loong from behind the water fall. Rockrest shrine to the right all the way down.\n- Tiger tally: Defeat OG tiger vanguard in the secret area. You'll meet if you finish the pig squire quest.\n\n# TRANSFORMATIONS"}]} +{"conversation": [{"input": "", "output": "# TRANSFORMATIONS\n\n- Earth wolf : sand gate village around the houses.\n- Rat archer: infront of the gate where archers shoot at you. The same gate you can't open from the outside.\n- Swift bat: from valley of despair shrine head up into the cave where first Prince of flowing sands is and follow the path. There's a small opening on the left where you can enter to find this.\n- Spear bone: Rockrest flat to the right. All the way before the waterfall.\n- Poisestone: in the cavern on the way to mother in stone.\n- Rat govenor: right next to rock crash platform.\n- Gore eye daoist: small area to the left of wind seal gate shrine.\n- Civet sergeant: down in the cellar of the tiger vanguard arena.\n- Rat imperial guard: near windrest hamlet shrine just in the village.\n- Tiger acolyte: continue the path from windrest hamlet. He's on a stone bridge\n- Mad tiger: complete the old rattle drum quest. Located in a stone well next to where Ma tian ba is being held at.\n\n# DRINKS AND SOAKS"}]} +{"conversation": [{"input": "", "output": "# DRINKS AND SOAKS\n\n- Lambrew wine: up the slopping path in the initial spawn area with archers shooting at you.\n- Laurel buds: from village entrance shrine head to the open area where you need to go before you fight king and seccond prince. It's guarded by a mage on an alter.\n- Steel ginseng: RNG drop from any aged ginseng. Popular farm is the ginseng in the ravine before man of stone from squall hideout.\n- Iron pellet: complete man in stone quest.\n- Copper pill: along the path after killing tiger vanguard.\n- Goat skull: RNG drop farm licorice plants. The place where you first enter the chapter has some on route. As well as sandgate bound secret sahali kingdom.\n- Tiger relic: while heading down tiger vanguards cellar before as you slide down the sand slide there is a ledge where you can jump then heavy hit to roll up and grab it.\n\n\n\n# Chapter 3 step by step walk through + list black myth Wukong"}]} +{"conversation": [{"input": "", "output": "Okay, we're in for a long one again! This is the longest chapter in the game, in my opinion. It's also very complex in some places to explore. I've tried to include everything; overall, I did include a list so you can always double-check.\n\nFollow the path. Where the bat flies down to the left, there's a chest guarded by a stone man. Continue until you come across the “Frost Clad Path Shrine.” Follow the path to the fight against the Macaque Chief; there is nothing here, so just continue up the path. When you enter the yard, kill the enemies. Right next to the entrance, to the left, is a staircase. Head up and go straight down the steps to get the Mountain Patroller Spirit. There's also a chest on the left side of the temple balcony straight ahead. Head back and go down the other path now. Before the bridge, to the left, is a chest. Afterward, head past the bridge for a cutscene."}]} +{"conversation": [{"input": "", "output": "Activate the “Mirromere Shrine.” Now go straight; before the ice lake, you'll see a weird big tree. Below is a meditation spot. After that, do not go on the lake yet. On the left are a bunch of statues. If you use lock-on, you can actually see who's an enemy and who isn't. Head left and grab the coffin. On the right are Celestial Pears. Now head to the lake to fight Kang Jin Long. Welcome to the Pagoda Realm. Be careful; this place is very unique. At certain intervals, it will enter what I like to call \"nightmare mode.\" You'll know it's coming because the screen will shake, and the sound will change. Enemies' eyes glow red, and above all, your health bar depletes to half. There's also a special enemy called the Lantern Ghosts that will appear; these are hard to kill. But if you kill all 6, you get the Auspicious Lantern Curio. They do not respawn, and if you advance too much in the story, they disappear."}]} +{"conversation": [{"input": "", "output": "Anyway, break open the door; the path is rather linear. A guy is talking to you, but you can see you can't enter. That's okay; ignore that for now. Head straight and reach the lower “Pagoda Realm Shrine.” Head inside and follow the path. Like I said, it's linear, so just explore every cell you can and follow the path down. When you reach the cell with the giant staircase, head to the left side of the cells to find a coffin. Heading past the stairs, you'll see a small chest with the Fine China Tea Bowl Curio inside. Head up the stairs; as I said, the path is linear, so just do what you need. Follow the path until you come across stairs again, go up, and head straight, following the sparkles to the Upper Pagoda Shrine."}]} +{"conversation": [{"input": "", "output": "Now, directly behind you, down the hole, is Captain Lotus Vision. He will grant you the ability to open those locked doors. Fight him. You'll also get the Frost Sprout Twig Curio. Now exit to the right and go back through the wooden beam. This time, as you reach the giant stairs that lead to the upper shrine, instead head straight. Once you get to the ledge, there's a smaller ledge below; go down, and you'll be back to your original cell. Break the second cell now and talk to the Third Prince until the dialogue repeats. Grab ashen slumber transformation on a rat corpse. This will only spawn if you talked to the npc trapped in a house in valley of despair ( chapter 2 ) Now go through the level again, breaking every door you couldn't break before. When you're up the steps again, go all the way to the end of the main path. In one of the cells is the Enslaved Yakasha Spirit."}]} +{"conversation": [{"input": "", "output": "Now head back the way you came and go straight past a small hidden ledge. See that hole in the ground? We're going to go down that. Straight ahead is another locked door. Go back the opposite way until you reach a dead end; it's actually not a dead end, and you can climb the rocks on the side. Head up, absorb the spirit, and hop down. Now travel to the Upper Pagoda Realm again. Follow the path down. After you get past the Bridge of Doom, good news: they don't respawn. Anyway, when you pass, head to the left into the cell and turn left. You should walk right alongside that bridge. Get the fungus to obtain the Fungiman Spirit. Kill the archers as well."}]} +{"conversation": [{"input": "", "output": "Head back the way you came, and you'll see another giant stair. Ignore it and head straight, checking all the cells. Once you reach the last cell, you'll see a will. Walk off that cliff and head up the steps. Follow the path and head up the wooden structure, following the sparkles to the “Mani Wheel Shrine.” Now, if you go to the opposite side of the shrine, you'll see an opening with some enemies. A bird will spawn. Now walk to the very end and go off the ledge. Along the way will be many enemies, but at the end, there is an Awakened Wine Worm, Blade Monk Spirit, and a Lantern Warden."}]} +{"conversation": [{"input": "", "output": "Head back to the shrine, and now we're going to face the boss, Captain Wise Voice. Just go across the branch. After you're done, head straight for the “Outside the Wheel” shrine. Head down the path. To the left are Luojiao Flowers; along the path, there's also a Celestial Pill. Continue up the shrine to the “Snow Veiled Trail Shrine.” Now travel to the Mirromere Shrine. We're going to head across the lake to the far back right island where a bare tree is. Under it is a soak called Stranded Long Whiskers. Then travel back."}]} +{"conversation": [{"input": "", "output": "Now head down the path first, going across the bridge. Follow the path, and at the very end, between some misty falls, is a place you can enter. The inside is empty. Activate the shrine “Great Pagoda Shrine” and travel back to the Snow Veil Path. This is an endgame area. We're finding it to make it easier later. Now head up the path. Follow the path of statues and up the stone path until you activate the “Warding Temple Shrine.” Now go back down the steps and head to the left. Follow the path and go straight to find the Falcon Hermit Spirit. Past him, over the bridge, is a chest. Following the path will bring you back to the temple."}]} +{"conversation": [{"input": "", "output": "Now head up the temple, and a cutscene will ensue. Fight the Macaque Chief again, and you gain a new ability. After you're done, continue the path to the left side and follow it. A cutscene will happen, and you will catch Kanjin Star. If you kill her on the first try, then head back and activate the “Turtle Island Shrine.” From here, head right and follow the edge to trigger the Cyan Long fight. Don't cry; I believe in you. After that, on the left side of the island towards the back is a Celestial Pill."}]} +{"conversation": [{"input": "", "output": "Now from the shrine, head forward and talk to Bajie. This will lead you to the new shrine, “North Shore of Bitter Lake.” Head right along the shoreline all the way until you see the giant skeletal arch of the Snake General. Go through, and you'll fight the Aparamana Bat Chief. After interacting with the Snake Skull to trigger the scene, head back to the turtle to grab the Turtle Tear soak on the ground. Now head to the right, and on the lake, we will fight Chen Long. From here, head to his house in the background. On the docks is a chest. Afterward, travel to Xu Dog in the Tiger Temple Cellar. Talk to Xu Dog, then head back and talk to Chen Loong. He will give you the Ruyi Painting."}]} +{"conversation": [{"input": "", "output": "This will now be a hub where Shen Monkey, Xu Dog, Chen Long, and Yin Tiger will reside, each having their own abilities to help you. Activate the Village Entrance Shrine, and you can come here at any shrine. You can challenge Yin Tiger, the blacksmith. He is extremely challenging; it took me the most attempts out of all the bosses (98 times). But he gives you his transformation ability. Don't worry; this is a duel, not a fight, so neither of you actually dies. He will still be here after you win."}]} +{"conversation": [{"input": "", "output": "Travel back to the North Shore Shrine and head past where we fought Chen Long. Go up into the temple. Save the man and talk to him until his dialogue repeats. Now turn to the right; you should see a coffin. Open it, and right behind it on the lake is the Bluebridge Romance Wine. Now head up the hill and follow the path, and you'll see you're back on the island shore. Now from our shrine, head to where the Snake General is again, but this time before we enter that giant spine arch, go to the left up the hill. To the left is a small courtyard with Luojiao Vine. Continue, and you'll be back on the hill from the shrine."}]} +{"conversation": [{"input": "", "output": "Turn left and head into the cave. Follow the path to the new shrine, “Precept Corridor.” Straight down is a meditation spot and some pills. Now follow the path to the left (the right has a will and two enemies). You'll come across the red-haired Yakasha Spirit. Go straight to the pavilion and watch the cutscene. After that scene, head to the upper left, and you'll see a prompt to examine the Buddha belly. Now head to the left of the area and follow the path. Along the way, examine all the Buddha statues; you can't really miss them."}]} +{"conversation": [{"input": "", "output": "Talk to the little monk again, and after the cutscene, we're going to the left side, taking the stairs up the mountain. Follow the path and up some rocks to interact with the entrance just a bit more, and we will arrive at the “Mindfulness Shrine.” Go forward, and you will encounter Non-White. Once you get him down to half health, he's going to run. Now go back to the wooden scaffold and walk down to the floor below (you'll see a white pillar with a will below). Follow the stone path. You'll come across a coffin and some enemies. You'll also find another Skandha Eye."}]} +{"conversation": [{"input": "", "output": "Head down, and you're back to the initial arena where you fought Non-White. Now follow the path; there's a box on your left. Continue, and you'll fight Non-White again. After you're done, you'll have his spirit and another meditation spot here as well. Now, following the path is a snow slide. Slide down to reach the “Forest of Felicity” shrine. Now talk to the dead body outside the Torii gate; the fox will task you with finding the monk (scholar) from Chapter 2 cutscene. You will transform into a fox; for now, de-transform. Don't worry; you can equip the fox brush and transform again anytime."}]} +{"conversation": [{"input": "", "output": "Now go back to the shrine, and we're going to head to the right side. Follow the small path across the pond and waterfall. You'll reach a shrine called “Brook of Bliss.” Now from here, continue up the path, and you'll reach a frozen lake with the boss Non-Able. Kill him to grab his spirit. Continue the path and turn left to reach the pond again. You can explore below the waterfall to get the Crown Diviner Spirit or return to the Forest of Felicity.\n\nNow go through the Torii gate where we talked to the fox, and just on the left side on the cliffs, there's a hidden entrance with two statues and an enemy. Once through, turn left again to fight Lang-Li-Guhh-Lang. Now you're free to explore, but basically, from the frog boss, we're going to head straight down the path by the lake through some enemies until you see pillars like gravestones. Continue, and you'll reach the new shrine, “Tower of Karma.” You'll hear someone say it's cold."}]} +{"conversation": [{"input": "", "output": "Equip the Ring of Fire spell and look to the shrine's right, where a bunch of pillars are. On the right wall is the old man we saved earlier. He will be freezing. Draw a ring of fire and talk to him until the dialogue repeats. Now head to where the Blade Monk is and defeat him. Then follow that path down. You'll see a lot of ginseng here. Pluck them, and one of them would be the Old Ginseng Guai boss. Behind him is a table with Jade Essence Wine.\n\nNow we travel back to Brook of Bliss, turn around, and cross the bridge. Then turn right and head down the hill along the river. Head all the way down, and on the left side is a huge bell, two statues, and an enemy looking down the cliff. Carefully walk down that cliff and slowly drop below. Follow the tree path and make your way down to the shrine, “Melon Field.” Walk into the cave, and a cutscene will happen. After you're done fighting him, another cutscene will happen, and you'll gain the Spell Binder ability."}]} +{"conversation": [{"input": "", "output": "Now head to the Forest of Felicity Shrine again and go straight through the Torii gate. Follow the path (don't forget the chest on the left side) and go through the big door, and you'll see a giant. Kill it. It's not a boss, but kill all of these as they do not respawn and drop curios. Explore the area. Past where you fought the giant, to the left of the map along the walls, there's Captain Void Illusion. She's dead, so just take her spirit; she's the giant tree-like body on the ground.\n\nOnce that's over, follow the main stone path to unlock the “Longevity Road Shrine.” Go forward and head to the left. All the way down, you'll find an enemy with a cat mask and an Awakened Wine Worm. ( these cat mask enemies drop a turtle treasure mask RNG) You're free to explore when ready. Head back to the shrine, and we'll take the right upper path and fight the boss, Captain Kalappa Wave. After that, head into the “Temple Entrance” shrine of the new Thunder Clap Temple."}]} +{"conversation": [{"input": "", "output": "Now we are actually going to travel back to the Lower Pagoda. Talk to Prince Zhang in the cell again, and he will give you the chu bai spear and ending his quest. Now we can travel back to Thunder Clap Temple. Let's go straight ahead. Past the Blade Monk and the Blind Monk, ( blind monks drop see no evil mask RNG) you'll find two sets of stairs and four lightning mages. Head up the right side and follow the path. When you see steps going down on your right side, take them.\n\nNow we're going to explore this entire left side. Going straight will lead you through three monks and then a four-legged freak in the main hall( these drop varja arm guards RNG) . To the left sides are mages, so get on top and get rid of them first. There's a chest as well. Follow the path, and this time go to the other side of the balcony and follow the path. On the side is the Sweet Ice Soak."}]} +{"conversation": [{"input": "", "output": "Now back up the steps, and we continue the main path to your right. You'll see two monks punching a tree. Head straight for the glowing red to trigger the Monk of the Sea boss. After you kill him, you will gain the Hoarfrost transformation. Continue the path, exploring around, killing enemies, and opening chests, etc. Follow the path down, and you will see we looped back to our Temple Entrance shrine.\n\nNow we head to the back left side, the same thing: explore everything and follow the path. Now, from the shrine, we're going to go through the gate and past the four mages again. This time we go up the right side. Now, when we come across steps going down on the right side, enter the monastery down the steps and fight your way inside. Go up the stairs in the room to the 2nd floor. To the left is the horse NPC again. Talk to him until all dialogue is done. Grab a box here too."}]} +{"conversation": [{"input": "", "output": "Walk back the way you came and go across the bridge. On the left side is a pill. Now turn into a fox using the fox brush and head up the big steps to the room where the Non-Void Monk is. After you're done, absorb his spirit, then head back to the Temple Entrance shrine. Teleport to the Forest of Felicity and talk to the fox. You will complete that quest and gain the Snow Fox Brush Curio.\n\nNow head back to the Temple Entrance. We are now finally headed to our next shrine. Head through the rooms again, past the four mages, and head directly into the room. Inside are monks, and on the other side before you exit is a Thunderstone Curio guarded by a monk in a box on the altar. Just outside is the Clay Varja Spirit. Head up the steps and fight the two giants. They don't respawn; don't worry."}]} +{"conversation": [{"input": "", "output": "Now up the steps on the second floor, before the very top, look to the left; you'll find the “Mahavira Shrine.” Now head back down the steps to where the giants are, and we're going to head left first to find a meditation spot and the boss Non-Pure. After that, head back up to the shrine, and we are going to face our final boss: Yellow Brows. This is a three-part fight where you will also face the Macaque King and get his journal.\n\nI'll see you in Chapter 4!\n\n# BOSSES AND CHIEFS\n\n- Macaque chief\n- Kang jin long\n- Captain lotus vision\n- Captain wise voice\n- Kang jin star\n- Cyan long\n- Aparamana bat\n- Chen long\n- Yin tiger\n- Non white\n- Lang-li-guh-lang\n- Old ginseng guai\n- Non-able\n- Green capped marshalist\n- Captain void illusion\n- Captain kalpa wave\n- Non void\n- Non pure\n- Monk of the sea\n- Yellow brows\n\n# MEDITATION\n\n- The shade mirrormere\n- The bottom pagoda realm\n- The statue percent corridor\n- The track mindfulness cliff\n- The hall new thunderclap temple\n\n# CURIOS"}]} +{"conversation": [{"input": "", "output": "- Mani beads: RNG drop you can farm the closest enemy from mirrormere shrine yhe nearest enemy on the right against a tree.\n- Frostsprout twig: kill captain lotus vision\n- Fine China tea bowl: lower level pagoda small chest before heading up the stairs.\n- Auspicious lantern: kill all 8 lantern wardens during nightmare mode.\n- Maitreyas orb: kill non able nearest shrine is brook of bliss.\n- Gold spike plate: longevity road shrine head to the stone statue yard and go left. Head down and go right path you'll see an enemy with a club kill it.\n- Bronze Buddha pendant: from the longevity road shrine head back pass the stone path path to the gates where two weasel assassins are. Farm them till this drops.\n- Snow fox brush: complete the snow fox brush quest.\n- Beasts Buddha: RNG drop towers of Karma shrine, farm that blade monk facing the wall on the left.\n- Thunderflame seal: RNG drop the 4 mages after going straight from temple entrance shrine. Farm them till this drops."}]} +{"conversation": [{"input": "", "output": "- Thunderstone: straight pass the mages in the room is a box guarded by a monk."}]} +{"conversation": [{"input": "", "output": "# DRINKS AND SOAKS\n\n- Stranded long whiskers: After defeating kang jin long. Teleport back to mirrormere shrine. Head across the lake towards the back right side where a sad tree is. It's right under it.\n- Breath of fire: defeat cyan long on turtle island to the right.\n- Blue bridge romance wine: bitter lake shore head into the temple and on the left there's a huge lake with this wine on it.\n- Turtle tear: find snake generals dead body. North shore head to the right all the way.\n- Jade essence: towers of karma to the left then right past the blade monk where a lot of ginseng are. Behind that pillar.\n- Sweet ice: left balcony above clay varja.\n\n# SPIRITS AND TRANSFORMATION"}]} +{"conversation": [{"input": "", "output": "- Mountain patroller: up and straight down the steps from where you first fought macaque chief.\n- Fungiman: Inside one of the cells in lower pagoda. Pull the mushrooms.\n- Blade monk: mani wheel shrine walk to the very end in the opposite direction and hop off. Below is the spirit, wine worm and final lantern.\n- Enslaved yaksha: lower pagoda go up to the 2nd floor and head all the way down its in one of these locked cells.\n- Falcon hermit: warding temple shrine head to the forest and follow the path up left.\n- Apramana bat: North shore bitter lake to the right after general snakes spine.\n- Red haired yaksha: Precept corridor follow the path an opening on the side.\n- Non white: unmissable\n- Non able: brook of bliss head left and follow the path to a frozen lake.\n- Crow diviner: at the end of the beginning of the waterfall from brook of bliss.\n- Old ginseng guai: towers of karma to the left then right past the blade monk."}]} +{"conversation": [{"input": "", "output": "- Non void: temple entrance straight pass the 4 mages then turn left. Go inside the room head up to the second floor. Cross the bridge and straight up the temple.\n- Monk of the sea: from the entrance of the monastery shrine head right and continue the path. Right before 2 blind monks punching a tree there's a huge stone plaque. Walk over and he'll jump out.\n- Clay vajra: head straight from temple entrance.\n- Non pure: mahavira shrine head down the steps in the arena head to the left."}]} +{"conversation": [{"input": "", "output": "# Chapter 4 step by step walk through + list, black myth Wukong\n\nAlright, after the cutscene, follow the path to the village of Lanxi. Before we head through that big gate, let's first go left and kill the Lantern Guai and some spiders to grab the chest. There are lots of Wills here as well.\n\nHead back up, and now we go through the main gate. Explore the area, and you'll see that you now have two paths. Go to the right side first, following the big path. You'll encounter three enemies and a chest. Afterward, head back and go through the small tight squeeze, collecting Wills along the way. Kill and explore everything here until we reach our first shrine, “Estate of Zhu.” Knock on the door and watch the cutscene."}]} +{"conversation": [{"input": "", "output": "After the cutscene, fight the second sister. From this yard, head to the right; you'll see a chest and, in a shack you'll find an awaken wine worm. even deeper straight from the arena is a coffin with enemies. Head back out and go straight. Grab the Celestial Pill. When you're ready, jump down the hole. After the cutscene, take the pills to the side and unlock the “Upper Hollow Shrine” up ahead.\n\nFrom this shrine, we are going to head to the opposite side that the shrine is facing. Continue down the path all the way to a chest and a Will. Head back up and turn sharp right; you'll see stairs heading up the hill. Follow the path, and you'll come across a small chest. Keep following the path all the way up, and you'll see the wooden platform. Walk off it, and you'll see we are back at the Upper Hollow Shrine."}]} +{"conversation": [{"input": "", "output": "Now, from the shrine, head to the left side this time, up the steps, and pass the place where we just jumped down from. Follow the path straight until you come to a choice. On the left, you'll see a Lantern enemy. Head to the right first to get the Beetle Captain Spirit. Continue down the right path and walk off the wooden platforms. At the bottom is the “Verdure Bridge” shrine.\n\nFrom here, we're going to go towards the forward path first. After you kill that beetle, go on the path to the right. Follow it, and when you're on a small stone bridge, hop off the right side. Head straight until you see stairs going up on your left, along with an archer shooting at you. You'll come across the Scorpion Prince Spirit; he'll drop the Death Stinger Soak, and you'll also find Luojiao Vine."}]} +{"conversation": [{"input": "", "output": "Continue up the stairs to see a Lantern Ghost. Kill it and grab some pills, then head up to see a small house on the left with sacs in the way. Break the sacs and head inside to find the Worry-Free Brew. Head out and to the left; on the right side, you'll see something glowing purple. Head over for a cutscene and take off the talisman.\n\nFollow the road down, and you'll come across a meditation spot. Right behind it is a shrine, “Middle Hollow.” Now we are going to teleport back to the Verdure Bridge. Go to the small stone bridge and jump off again. Follow the road along the cliffside, and when you reach the big Torii gate with a bunch of egg sacs on the left, break them. Behind is the Puppet Spider Spirit."}]} +{"conversation": [{"input": "", "output": "Now that that's out of the way, we're going to travel back to Upper Hollow because we need a secret area. Head up the stone stairs again following the path, killing a beetle on the way. Along the left edge, you'll see some wooden planks being cut off. Walk off it, follow that path, and you'll see a lot of egg sacs. That's okay; follow the path. There's also a hidden room on the right side wall behind some sacs with a chest.\n\nOnce you're up the steps, to your right is a pool with a meditation spot, as well as the shrine “Pool of Shattered Jade.” From that shrine, head up the right path to the end, destroy the huge cocoon, and fight Venom Daoist. Heading back to the shrine, teleport to the Verdure Bridge shrine again."}]} +{"conversation": [{"input": "", "output": "Now follow the path straight and to the left towards the lanterns. A cutscene will ensue. Enter that room and open all the chests. Now head forward through the room to find the Elder Armor Woman. Afterward, head back out of the chest room and head to the right towards that Will. (You can teleport back to Middle Hollow.)\n\nOn the left wall is where we want to go. Follow the path, and you'll see two paths. Take the right path, follow it, then head up the stone path. You'll see you're back at the area where we fought the Scorpion Prince, etc. Follow the path until we reach where we pulled off the talisman.\n\nHead across the bridge with the annoying shooter to arrive back at Middle Hollow Shrine. From here, go to the right path with wooden platforms. Walk off that platform heading below, go straight, and you'll fight the Centipede Guai monster. Follow the path, and you'll reach a big struggling cocoon. Break it to save the horse NPC."}]} +{"conversation": [{"input": "", "output": "Continue following the path and break the wall of sacs blocking the way. Pull the talisman on the right side and proceed to the next shrine, “Cliff of Oblivion.” Follow the path and fight Buddha's Right Hand. After crossing, on your left, up a hill, is a Celestial Pill on top of a rock. Come back and continue the path.\n\nOnce you hit a split path, head left first. Cross the giant bridge and head straight. You'll see there is another small right bridge with spider sacs guarding it. Freeze them all or use Thrust Stance to get rid of them first, then cross (they do not respawn). Follow the path and unlock the “Relief of the Fallen Loong Shrine.” If you continue up this path, you will face the boss, Yellow Long. He will give you the Golden Carp Curio and the Golden Lining transformation."}]} +{"conversation": [{"input": "", "output": "Now, explore the area until you reach the path with the stone cave. Follow the path to the right and head straight; you'll come across a spirit. There's also a talisman here to the right next to a tree, up a hill. After you're done, teleport back to the Cliff of Oblivion shrine and head down the path, crossing the area again.\n\nThis time, instead of turning left like last time, we go right down the wooden platform. After you reach a dead end, don't worry; on the right side against the wall is a hidden entrance covered in cobwebs next to the lantern. Watch the cutscene, then follow the path. You'll come across a small ravine with those white bugs on top."}]} +{"conversation": [{"input": "", "output": "Get rid of the white bugs first before entering the small ravine to kill those worms. After that, follow the path; the cave exits to the right. Straight ahead, through some enemies, is the shrine “Lower Hollow.” Now backtrack just a bit, keeping an eye on the left side; it will be guarded by a web dude. There's a crack in the wall behind him. Go through it, and you will see a meditation spot.\n\nBacktrack and you'll see another path on the right. Go through, cross the bridge, and fight the boss Baw-Li-Guhh-Baw. After you're done, follow the path through the corridor to the next shrine, “Hut of Immortality.” Heading to the left is a cutscene, and you'll fight Zhu Bajie. He'll open a new path for you, so head back to the shrine and go down the left path now. Follow the path, fight Zhu Bajie again, and watch the cutscene."}]} +{"conversation": [{"input": "", "output": "After you're done, head in and unlock the “Purifying Spring Shrine.” Follow the main path until you see the Lantern enemy. Take the wooden path along the lake to reach a Skanhda Eye. After that, head up the stone steps and fight the Scorpion Dragonfly Spirit on the right. Follow the path up the side of the mountain to reach the shrine “Gathering Cave.”\n\nContinuing through, you will fight the Violet Spider. Note: after you defeat her, run. Run fast to the exit up front and don't look back. Once the cutscene is done, follow the path to reach the Temple of Yellow Flowers, “Mountain Trail Shrine.” Follow the path. When you reach a small yard, to the left is a Bee Mountain Soak. Follow the path; it's quite linear."}]} +{"conversation": [{"input": "", "output": "Now, once you reach a small yard with a tiger, a bug enemy, and a chest, you will have the choice to go downhill or uphill. Go up and follow the wooden scaffolding. You'll reach a new shrine, “Temple of Ferocity.” From here, the upper left is a meditating spot. Head upper right, and you'll see a snake walking down a very small path. Follow it; that's the main path.\n\nOnce up the steps, to your right is a bunch of guys practicing their fighting moves, along with Commander Beetle teaching them. Fight them and get the Commander Beetle Spirit. Behind him is the Tablet of Three Supreme Curios. Follow the path and feel free to explore the sides. Up front is the “Temple Entrance” shrine.\n\nContinue, and once you enter the courtyard, head left first. Follow the steps all the way up until the end, and you will reach a hut with the Wine Sunset of Nine Skies in front. Head back down and go straight, where the two guards are. Going past them is the Court of Illumination."}]} +{"conversation": [{"input": "", "output": "Before we do anything, we're going to head back to the Temple Entrance and go down to where the split was. We went left last time; now we go right. Head straight into the yard. On the left is a meditation spot. Straight ahead is the Snake Sheriff Spirit. Past him is the old man and an awakened wine worm.\n\nNow head back to the Temple Entrance; we're going for the secret area now. Head back to the Court of Illumination. Go back out the way you came in, which is the gate guarded by two guys. Go straight and follow the path until you get to the top of the hill. Take a left turn and head down. Below, you will fight Venom Daoist again. Make sure to cut his arms off first (hit his back or sides) so you can get a weapon or armor.\n\nOnce he's dead, he'll open the way to Purple Cloud Mountain. Interact with the painting and enter! Follow the path to see a red snake; talk to her until the dialogue repeats. Open the chest and head across the bridge, following the path to the “Valley of Bloom Shrine.”"}]} +{"conversation": [{"input": "", "output": "We follow the bridge and turn left. Just to the left is a Tree Guard Spirit and a Luojiao Vine. Explore and head up the left path. Follow the sparkles and pass the Torii Gate to reach the “Bounds of Deity Abode” shrine. Continue, and you'll see the Scorpion Lord on the house. You can fight him now for a weapon material and a gourd, or you can let him live, and he'll help you fight the final boss. It's up to you. I choose to fight him; he's hard, though.\n\nAfter you're done, no matter what you choose, continue down the path and head up the hill. Cross the long bridge; on the left side is a meditation spot. Hop down and follow the path, or you can teleport to the initial shrine and head straight now. You'll come across a Torii gate with the Snake Herbalist Spirit, as well as two archers shooting at you."}]} +{"conversation": [{"input": "", "output": "Get rid of them, and on the hill where one of the archers is, head up and pass the tree trunk for the Sun Crow Curio. Now continue down the path, past the two guards guarding a Torii gate. Head through and activate the “Petal Fall Hamlet” shrine. Head up the path and talk to the Daoist against the table.\n\nWhen he's done, look behind you and kill the two guards. Or explore the village killing guards until the violet hail egg drops. Come back and talk to him again, and you'll start to fight him. Afterwards, as soon as you head through the stone archway turn to your left to see hidden stairs. Head up to find awaken wine worm. After that it's pretty linear: explore all the rooms, every nook and cranny, while following up the mountain path. When you're near, unlock the “Cloud Nest Peak Shrine.” Head up the steps and fight the Dusk Devil."}]} +{"conversation": [{"input": "", "output": "Once you're done, we're going to head back to the Court of Illumination shrine. From the shrine, we head straight up the stairs first and remove the final talisman. After a scripted fight, we grab the last Celestial Pill. Now head back down and go to the left, where we fight the final boss.\n\nCongrats, you've completed Chapter 4! Short, right?\n\n# BOSSES AND CHIEFS\n\n- Second sister\n- Elder armour woman\n- Venom daoist\n- Centipede Buddhas right hand\n- Yellow long\n- Baw-li-guhh-baw\n- Zhu bajie\n- Violet spider\n- Commander beetle\n- Supreme inspector\n- Hundred eye daoist\n\n# CURIOS"}]} +{"conversation": [{"input": "", "output": "- Cuo jin yin belt: Upper hollow shrine right turn down then up a hill at the end in a chest.\n- Spine in sack: RNG drop from spider sacs\n- Golden carp: Dropped by yellow loong boss.\n- Jade moon rabbit: Dropped by bajie after fight.\n- Virtuous bamboo engraving: RNG drop by snaked just past temple entrance.\n- Tablet of three supreme: Defeat commander beetle following the path past temple entrance.\n- Tiger tendon belt: RNG drop Court of illumination, head behind you farm that snake\n- Celestial registery tab: Valley of blooms shrine head straight past the shrine hop into the river and head left. Inside a box in a pavilion.\n- Gold sun crow: Valley of bloom head straight. When 2 archers are shooting at you head up the hill to the archer on your right and it's in a chest on this hill."}]} +{"conversation": [{"input": "", "output": "- Preservation orb: After you beat the final boss of chapter 4 ( hundred eye daoist) come back to where you fought the venom daoist ( where you entered the purple mountain ) in the big yard with a tree past the cave there is now a box at the end below an alter."}]} +{"conversation": [{"input": "", "output": "# SPIRITS"}]} +{"conversation": [{"input": "", "output": "- Lantern spirit: Estate of Zhu shrine enter the yard again after you defeated 2nd sister.\n- Beetle captain: Upper hollow shrine. Head left up the road by the houses, follow the path left past the archer and weaver left is lantern guai, turn right. And follow path keep right.\n- Elder armourworm: Verdure bridge, straight through the door way with the 4th sister cutscene and past the treasure room.\n- Scorpion Prince: on the main path past verdure bridge.\n- puppet spider: Verdure Bridge. Go to the small stone bridge and jump off again. Follow the road along the cliffside, and when you reach the big Torii gate with a bunch of egg sacs on the left, break them. Behind is the Puppet Spider Spirit.\n- Centipede guai: Not missable\n- Puppet tick: Fallen loong shrine, in the cave on the left\n- Dragonfly guai: Purifying spring follow path on the left platform\n- commander beetle: Temple of yellow flowers with a bunch of daoist practicing.\n- Snake sheriff: Straight path up temple entrance on the right"}]} +{"conversation": [{"input": "", "output": "- Fungiwoman: court of illumination head out past the guards and up the mountain follow the path all the way to the end infront of a hut with the wine and the mushrooms pick em all\n- Verdant glow: Valley of blooms shrine head right across the water.\n- Snake herbalist: Can't miss it."}]} +{"conversation": [{"input": "", "output": "# WINE AND SOAKS\n\n- Goji shoots: Upper hollow shrine. Take a left follow the path in a small house\n- Purple veined peach pit: Inside a chest during the 4th sister cutscene.\n- Xiang River goddess gourd: inside a chest during 4th sister cutscene.\n- Death stinger: Defeat scorpion prince in the garden\n- Worry free brew: Before the scorpion prince behind a house guarded by two sacs\n- Bee mountain stone: Mountain trail shrine follow the path it will be on your left behind the stone fence.\n- Sunset of nine skies: Court of illumination head out and go straight. In a hut next to fungiwoman\n- fruit of dao: RNG drop farm the 2 monks guarding the front of the gate to court of illumination.\n- undying vine: Chapter 4 secret area farm treeman\n- Double combed rooster blood: Defeat duskveil.\n\n# MEDITATION SPOT\n\n- Carving pool shattered jade\n- The tree middle of hollow\n- Cave depths lower hollow\n- The height forest of ferocity\n- The pines temple of yellow flowers\n- the ledge purple cloud mountain."}]} +{"conversation": [{"input": "", "output": "# Chapter 5 step by step walk through + list, black myth Wukong\n\nThis chapter is quite linear for the most part. I'm going to save you the reading and just keep playing. I'll provide some pointers at certain shrines.\n\nFrom the valley entrance, follow the path down, defeating what you can along the way. You'll encounter some lava pools. As long as your heat resistance is high, or if you keep sprinting and don't stop, you'll be fine. In the lava pool to the left, at the very end, there is Shigandan and the perfect fire date farm route. To the right in the lava pool, you'll find another bronze cart and the trapped soul of the horse NPC, provided you have followed the guide and spoken to him in every chapter so far. Pull on the whip until he tells you to stop.\n\nNext, after following the path, we will fight a boss and reach Rakshasa Palace. Explore everything down every lava path. Past the first bridge, in a cave to your right, is where you can upgrade your gourd and find a wine worm."}]} +{"conversation": [{"input": "", "output": "After that, unlock Emerald Hall and fight a boss. Continue past Emerald Hall, grabbing everything you can, as well as finding a meditation spot. The path on the left is also the main path. Defeat another cart, then head through and unlock the Ashen Past shrine. Now, teleport back to Ashen Past 1, where we first entered. Follow the path and talk to Ox Stalwart again. Catch all the dialogue, then teleport to Furnace Valley Emerald Hall again. Head up to where you fought the cart and talk to the stalwart who will be there now. Exhaust all the dialogue before heading back to Ashen Path 3."}]} +{"conversation": [{"input": "", "output": "To the right, where there are a bunch of Lingzhi, pick it up; it's a hidden boss. There's also a meditation spot among the boulders. Explore, and when you're ready, head up the left side, being careful of the rolling ball. Once the cutscene is done, head back down the rolling ball path. Look to the left; a way that is now open will lead you down to defeat Flint Chief. Grab his spirit and the Loujiao vine. Follow the path and turn right when you can; you'll reach the shrine “Cooling Slope.”"}]} +{"conversation": [{"input": "", "output": "Now, head back the way you came—don't go ahead just yet. Return to where those worms were, and you'll see a red crack in the ground. Interact with it to fight the Mother Flameling. After that, head back to the Cooling Shrine and continue forward. Fight the final cart and enter the cave. On the left side, you'll encounter the Baw Lang Lang Frog. Kill it, then walk to the back of the cave to enter the secret area. Just past the first set of guards, there is a meditation area on the right. Follow the path; it's very self-explanatory.\n\nOnce you're done exploring the cave and have seen everything, head back to the Cooling Path. Now, move forward to the final cutscene and prepare to fight the final bosses!\n\n# BOSSES AND CHIEFS"}]} +{"conversation": [{"input": "", "output": "# BOSSES AND CHIEFS\n\n- Pale axe stalwart\n- Brown iron cart\n- Gray bronze cart\n- Crimson silver cart\n- Father of stones\n- Fast as win quick as fire\n- Flint chief\n- Mother of flamelings\n- Keeper of flaming mountain Yin Yang fish\n- Nine capped lingzhi\n- Gold cart\n- Baw lang lang\n- Top takes bottom, bottom takes top\n- Red boy/ yakasha king\n- Bishui golden eyes beasts\n\n# CURIOS"}]} +{"conversation": [{"input": "", "output": "# CURIOS\n\n- Amber prayer beads: Follow the main path after height of Amber shrine. Go into the cave and turn right. In a chest.\n- White seashell waist chain: RNG drop Rakshasa palace, farm the guards on the lava and bridge.\n- Gold button: Rakshasa giants in the palace\n- Flame orb: Kill rusty gold cart\n- Daoist basked of Fire and Water: Finish secret area.\n- WINE AND SOAKS\n- Mount lingtai seeds: After you fight the first elemental cart it's up the path to the left in a pavilion.\n- Loong balm wine: Next to the throne in emerald hall.\n- Slumbering beetle husk: Left side of the steps next to the throne in the emerald hall.\n- Flame mediator: RNG drop from flame boulders next to where ping ping got rid of the fire.\n\n# SPIRITS"}]} +{"conversation": [{"input": "", "output": "# SPIRITS\n\n- Father of stones: Can't miss it\n- Charface: In the cave right after height of ambers shrine.\n- Turtle treasure: Valley entrance follow the lava path on the left all the way down.\n- Flint chief: Valley entrance follow the path back down and turn right following the lava and date trees.\n- Earth Rakshasa: Valley entrance turn back the way you came follow the path head up rock slope.\n- Misty cloud cloudy mist: Unmissable\n- Nine capped lingzi: Ashen pass 3 to the right with a bunch of lingzi\n- Flint vanguard: Ashen pass 3 follow the boulder road and turn right when you can. Follow the path.\n- Mother flamelings: Ashen pass 3 follow boulder road turn right when you can and follow path down past flint vanguard. Loook to left for a glowing red light in the ground.\n- Top takes bottom bottom takes top After you defeat it in the secret area it will be at emerald hall by 2 guards\n- Bull governor: Secret area unmissable\n\n# MEDITATION"}]} +{"conversation": [{"input": "", "output": "# MEDITATION\n\n- Woods of ember camp of seasons\n- Furnace valley emerald hall\n- Field of fire ashen pass 3\n- Bishui cave purge pit\n\n\n\n# Chapter 6 Step by step guide + all items, Black Myth Wukong!\n\nFor chapter 6 things gets rather unique. Because the map will become an open world. Below I'll include everything obtainable and all the bosses you must fight and ones you can miss as well as some key factors."}]} +{"conversation": [{"input": "", "output": "When you first spawn into this map the path is linear. You'll walk up the bath fighting heaven soldiers with bajie. Eventually you'll come across your first shrine, verdant path. Just ahead in the arena you will fight the surpreme inspector, After him you'll unlock the flying nimbus. This world will now be open world. You can tackle most of the boss in any order you like. What I did was I tackled all the bosses on the map then went to fight erlang Shen for the secret ending. I did not get the bad ending. In any of my runs. PLEASE NOTE. You are able to fight the final boss in the birthstone first to get the bad ending, then continue journey, fight erlang , fight the final boss again and get the good ending.\n\n# Bosses"}]} +{"conversation": [{"input": "", "output": "- Surpreme inspector: Can't miss it.\n- Gold armoured Rhino: it's in a field with a bunch of dead soldiers, to the left of the map ontop of the cliff. ( look for where lightning is striking the ground)\n- Cloud treading deer: from where you get your cloud it's the clearing straight ahead with a huge red tree ontop of the cliff.\n- Feng tail general: The giant cricket or grass hopper that hops from place to place. Land on its back and grab its antenna. It will take you through a stamina check, then through a health check. You can use pills to increase your stats.\n- Emerald armed mantis: Located on the right side of the map you'll see a gold tree. You have to kill the three bosses above to unlock him.\n- Son in stone: Glowing green dude clapping happily on the side of a cliff next to mantis tree.\n- Jiao loong of waves: This is in the lake right beside the cliff where you get the cloud. It's on the left side"}]} +{"conversation": [{"input": "", "output": "- poison chief: On the cliff side beside the cloud treading deer location. ( there's 4 of em but you don't need all 4)\n- water wood beasts: Beside the mantis location. Not really a boss.\n- lang-baw-baw: Below the cliff at the edge in a stone field to the left side of the overall map. The right side of the cliff below armoured rhino location.\n- Giant shigandang: There is two gold trees on the map. One in the mantis spawn point. Another marks the entrance to water curtain cave. Near that second tree look to the left of that clove to find a crevice between mountains. Follow it.\n- Erlang Shen secret ending : Go to the great pagoda in chapter 3 if you did all the secret areas in previous chapters, a cutscene will happen and you'll go meet him.\n- Stone monkey: Can't miss it\n- Shell of great sage: Can't miss it."}]} +{"conversation": [{"input": "", "output": "# Armours and weapons\n\n- OG or old suozi armour: Located in a chest behind a tree. From the verdant path shrine head way back the way you came all the way back to when you first spawned in with bajie. Ontop the the cliff below a tree is a chest with this armour.\n- Suozi armour: Can't miss it.\n- Ruyi jin gu bang: Can't miss it. It's in the water curtain cave after 4 armours\n\n# Curio\n\n- waterward Orb: Dropped from Jiao loong of the waves.\n\n# Extra notes"}]} +{"conversation": [{"input": "", "output": "# Extra notes\n\n- After fighting everyone, BEFORE you fight the final boss you'll have 2 missing from your journal. That's normal. You will unlock shell of great sage when you finish the game. You'll unlock yuan shoucheng if all the other pages are filled. When you begin ng+\n- some weapons are NG+ only.\n- yes you can get both endings in one playthrough. You'll just have to fight the end boss twice.\n- yes there's a save point after you fight erlang between him and the seccond and third phase.\n- there is no order to how you want to fight the boss but emerald armed mantis will not spawn till, rhino, deer and grass hopper is taken care off.\n- shigandang can one shot you and you can't dodge so back it up.\n- there is no wine or soak to find in this chapter. Some will unlock in ng+ while others you may buy from Shen monkey."}]}