yangheng's picture
history blame
244 kB
I O -100
found O -100
this O -100
Course B-ASP Negative
less O -100
well O -100
prepared O -100
than O -100
the O -100
previous O -100
3 O -100
modules O -100
. O -100
Misleading O -100
hints O -100
in O -100
the O -100
assignments B-ASP -100
, O -100
code O -100
errors O -100
, O -100
etc O -100
. O -100
. O -100
. O -100
Also O -100
, O -100
I O -100
found O -100
the O -100
amount O -100
of O -100
work O -100
required O -100
higher O -100
, O -100
which O -100
is O -100
not O -100
in O -100
itself O -100
a O -100
bad O -100
thing O -100
, O -100
just O -100
a O -100
bit O -100
unexpected O -100
. O -100
I O -100
found O -100
this O -100
Course B-ASP -100
less O -100
well O -100
prepared O -100
than O -100
the O -100
previous O -100
3 O -100
modules O -100
. O -100
Misleading O -100
hints O -100
in O -100
the O -100
assignments B-ASP Negative
, O -100
code O -100
errors O -100
, O -100
etc O -100
. O -100
. O -100
. O -100
Also O -100
, O -100
I O -100
found O -100
the O -100
amount O -100
of O -100
work O -100
required O -100
higher O -100
, O -100
which O -100
is O -100
not O -100
in O -100
itself O -100
a O -100
bad O -100
thing O -100
, O -100
just O -100
a O -100
bit O -100
unexpected O -100
. O -100
not O -100
bad O -100
. O -100
. O -100
. O -100
theres O -100
a O -100
big O -100
mistake O -100
in O -100
the O -100
regex O -100
video O -100
. O -100
assignments B-ASP Negative
don O -100
' O -100
t O -100
really O -100
match O -100
the B-ASP -100
lectures O -100
. O -100
Without O -100
Corey O -100
Schafer O -100
and O -100
Sentdex O -100
on O -100
youtube O -100
I O -100
would O -100
' O -100
ve O -100
quit O -100
. O -100
not O -100
bad O -100
. O -100
. O -100
. O -100
theres O -100
a O -100
big O -100
mistake O -100
in O -100
the O -100
regex O -100
video O -100
. O -100
assignments B-ASP -100
don O -100
' O -100
t O -100
really O -100
match O -100
the B-ASP Negative
lectures O -100
. O -100
Without O -100
Corey O -100
Schafer O -100
and O -100
Sentdex O -100
on O -100
youtube O -100
I O -100
would O -100
' O -100
ve O -100
quit O -100
. O -100
I O -100
am O -100
an O -100
engineer O -100
and O -100
I O -100
use O -100
matlab O -100
and O -100
stata O -100
for O -100
data O -100
analysis O -100
and O -100
currently O -100
taking O -100
Machine O -100
Learning O -100
course O -100
by O -100
Stanford O -100
which O -100
is O -100
fabulous O -100
. O -100
I O -100
did O -100
not O -100
like O -100
this O -100
course B-ASP Negative
for O -100
the O -100
following O -100
reasons O -100
: O -100
1 O -100
- O -100
bad O -100
course O -100
design B-ASP -100
structure2 I-ASP -100
- O -100
so O -100
confusing O -100
and O -100
inappropriate O -100
sequence B-ASP -100
I O -100
am O -100
an O -100
engineer O -100
and O -100
I O -100
use O -100
matlab O -100
and O -100
stata O -100
for O -100
data O -100
analysis O -100
and O -100
currently O -100
taking O -100
Machine O -100
Learning O -100
course O -100
by O -100
Stanford O -100
which O -100
is O -100
fabulous O -100
. O -100
I O -100
did O -100
not O -100
like O -100
this O -100
course B-ASP -100
for O -100
the O -100
following O -100
reasons O -100
: O -100
1 O -100
- O -100
bad O -100
course O -100
design B-ASP Negative
structure2 I-ASP Negative
- O -100
so O -100
confusing O -100
and O -100
inappropriate O -100
sequence B-ASP -100
I O -100
am O -100
an O -100
engineer O -100
and O -100
I O -100
use O -100
matlab O -100
and O -100
stata O -100
for O -100
data O -100
analysis O -100
and O -100
currently O -100
taking O -100
Machine O -100
Learning O -100
course O -100
by O -100
Stanford O -100
which O -100
is O -100
fabulous O -100
. O -100
I O -100
did O -100
not O -100
like O -100
this O -100
course B-ASP -100
for O -100
the O -100
following O -100
reasons O -100
: O -100
1 O -100
- O -100
bad O -100
course O -100
design B-ASP -100
structure2 I-ASP -100
- O -100
so O -100
confusing O -100
and O -100
inappropriate O -100
sequence B-ASP Negative
Lectures B-ASP Negative
are O -100
brief O -100
, O -100
shallow O -100
and O -100
too O -100
compressedGrader B-ASP -100
is O -100
buggyGenerally O -100
course B-ASP -100
is O -100
bad O -100
. O -100
I O -100
spent O -100
more O -100
time O -100
in O -100
Stackoverflow O -100
than O -100
here O -100
to O -100
find O -100
answers O -100
Lectures B-ASP -100
are O -100
brief O -100
, O -100
shallow O -100
and O -100
too O -100
compressedGrader B-ASP Negative
is O -100
buggyGenerally O -100
course B-ASP -100
is O -100
bad O -100
. O -100
I O -100
spent O -100
more O -100
time O -100
in O -100
Stackoverflow O -100
than O -100
here O -100
to O -100
find O -100
answers O -100
Lectures B-ASP -100
are O -100
brief O -100
, O -100
shallow O -100
and O -100
too O -100
compressedGrader B-ASP -100
is O -100
buggyGenerally O -100
course B-ASP Negative
is O -100
bad O -100
. O -100
I O -100
spent O -100
more O -100
time O -100
in O -100
Stackoverflow O -100
than O -100
here O -100
to O -100
find O -100
answers O -100
Very O -100
good O -100
course B-ASP Positive
, O -100
with O -100
good O -100
difficulty O -100
, O -100
tools O -100
and O -100
materialsBut O -100
there O -100
is O -100
some O -100
problems O -100
with O -100
assestments O -100
as O -100
old O -100
autograder O -100
' O -100
s O -100
version O -100
and O -100
bad O -100
formulating O -100
of O -100
tasks O -100
, O -100
but O -100
instructors B-ASP -100
in O -100
forums B-ASP -100
are O -100
great O -100
( O -100
responded O -100
me O -100
in O -100
a O -100
hour O -100
or O -100
less O -100
) O -100
I O -100
hightly O -100
recommend O -100
this O -100
course O -100
Very O -100
good O -100
course B-ASP -100
, O -100
with O -100
good O -100
difficulty O -100
, O -100
tools O -100
and O -100
materialsBut O -100
there O -100
is O -100
some O -100
problems O -100
with O -100
assestments O -100
as O -100
old O -100
autograder O -100
' O -100
s O -100
version O -100
and O -100
bad O -100
formulating O -100
of O -100
tasks O -100
, O -100
but O -100
instructors B-ASP Positive
in O -100
forums B-ASP -100
are O -100
great O -100
( O -100
responded O -100
me O -100
in O -100
a O -100
hour O -100
or O -100
less O -100
) O -100
I O -100
hightly O -100
recommend O -100
this O -100
course O -100
Very O -100
good O -100
course B-ASP -100
, O -100
with O -100
good O -100
difficulty O -100
, O -100
tools O -100
and O -100
materialsBut O -100
there O -100
is O -100
some O -100
problems O -100
with O -100
assestments O -100
as O -100
old O -100
autograder O -100
' O -100
s O -100
version O -100
and O -100
bad O -100
formulating O -100
of O -100
tasks O -100
, O -100
but O -100
instructors B-ASP -100
in O -100
forums B-ASP Positive
are O -100
great O -100
( O -100
responded O -100
me O -100
in O -100
a O -100
hour O -100
or O -100
less O -100
) O -100
I O -100
hightly O -100
recommend O -100
this O -100
course O -100
The O -100
course B-ASP Neutral
is O -100
not O -100
bad O -100
for O -100
the O -100
start O -100
, O -100
but O -100
I O -100
' O -100
m O -100
a O -100
little O -100
bit O -100
confused O -100
because O -100
of O -100
difference O -100
between O -100
lectures O -100
and O -100
assignments O -100
' O -100
tasks O -100
. O -100
Interesting O -100
assignments B-ASP Positive
but O -100
definitely O -100
not O -100
the O -100
best O -100
video B-ASP -100
lectures I-ASP -100
- O -100
very O -100
short O -100
and O -100
not O -100
enough O -100
explanation O -100
, O -100
can O -100
as O -100
well O -100
read O -100
a O -100
documentation O -100
on O -100
my O -100
own O -100
. O -100
Overall O -100
is O -100
not O -100
a O -100
bad O -100
course O -100
, O -100
but O -100
either O -100
change O -100
the O -100
name O -100
from O -100
' O -100
Introduction O -100
' O -100
to O -100
' O -100
Intermediate O -100
' O -100
- O -100
ish O -100
or O -100
create O -100
a O -100
more O -100
comprehensive O -100
set O -100
of O -100
lectures O -100
. O -100
Thanks O -100
! O -100
Interesting O -100
assignments B-ASP -100
but O -100
definitely O -100
not O -100
the O -100
best O -100
video B-ASP Negative
lectures I-ASP Negative
- O -100
very O -100
short O -100
and O -100
not O -100
enough O -100
explanation O -100
, O -100
can O -100
as O -100
well O -100
read O -100
a O -100
documentation O -100
on O -100
my O -100
own O -100
. O -100
Overall O -100
is O -100
not O -100
a O -100
bad O -100
course O -100
, O -100
but O -100
either O -100
change O -100
the O -100
name O -100
from O -100
' O -100
Introduction O -100
' O -100
to O -100
' O -100
Intermediate O -100
' O -100
- O -100
ish O -100
or O -100
create O -100
a O -100
more O -100
comprehensive O -100
set O -100
of O -100
lectures O -100
. O -100
Thanks O -100
! O -100
The O -100
course B-ASP Negative
itself O -100
is O -100
not O -100
so O -100
bad O -100
. O -100
But O -100
tasks B-ASP -100
are O -100
frustrating O -100
! O -100
Solving O -100
them O -100
gives O -100
some O -100
value O -100
but O -100
they O -100
are O -100
mixed O -100
with O -100
tons O -100
of O -100
meaningless O -100
problems O -100
. O -100
Some O -100
tasks O -100
are O -100
not O -100
clear O -100
and O -100
autograder B-ASP -100
gives O -100
little O -100
information O -100
. O -100
But O -100
I O -100
need O -100
to O -100
say O -100
that O -100
I O -100
learnt O -100
more O -100
about O -100
Python O -100
and O -100
Pandas O -100
library O -100
. O -100
The O -100
course B-ASP -100
itself O -100
is O -100
not O -100
so O -100
bad O -100
. O -100
But O -100
tasks B-ASP Negative
are O -100
frustrating O -100
! O -100
Solving O -100
them O -100
gives O -100
some O -100
value O -100
but O -100
they O -100
are O -100
mixed O -100
with O -100
tons O -100
of O -100
meaningless O -100
problems O -100
. O -100
Some O -100
tasks O -100
are O -100
not O -100
clear O -100
and O -100
autograder B-ASP -100
gives O -100
little O -100
information O -100
. O -100
But O -100
I O -100
need O -100
to O -100
say O -100
that O -100
I O -100
learnt O -100
more O -100
about O -100
Python O -100
and O -100
Pandas O -100
library O -100
. O -100
The O -100
course B-ASP -100
itself O -100
is O -100
not O -100
so O -100
bad O -100
. O -100
But O -100
tasks B-ASP -100
are O -100
frustrating O -100
! O -100
Solving O -100
them O -100
gives O -100
some O -100
value O -100
but O -100
they O -100
are O -100
mixed O -100
with O -100
tons O -100
of O -100
meaningless O -100
problems O -100
. O -100
Some O -100
tasks O -100
are O -100
not O -100
clear O -100
and O -100
autograder B-ASP Negative
gives O -100
little O -100
information O -100
. O -100
But O -100
I O -100
need O -100
to O -100
say O -100
that O -100
I O -100
learnt O -100
more O -100
about O -100
Python O -100
and O -100
Pandas O -100
library O -100
. O -100
Quite O -100
bad O -100
knowledge O -100
delivery O -100
from O -100
lectures B-ASP Negative
. O -100
The O -100
course B-ASP -100
is O -100
rather O -100
self O -100
learning O -100
than O -100
course O -100
. O -100
A O -100
lot O -100
of O -100
vague O -100
points O -100
and O -100
uncertainties O -100
in O -100
assignments B-ASP -100
. O -100
Quite O -100
bad O -100
knowledge O -100
delivery O -100
from O -100
lectures B-ASP -100
. O -100
The O -100
course B-ASP Negative
is O -100
rather O -100
self O -100
learning O -100
than O -100
course O -100
. O -100
A O -100
lot O -100
of O -100
vague O -100
points O -100
and O -100
uncertainties O -100
in O -100
assignments B-ASP -100
. O -100
Quite O -100
bad O -100
knowledge O -100
delivery O -100
from O -100
lectures B-ASP -100
. O -100
The O -100
course B-ASP -100
is O -100
rather O -100
self O -100
learning O -100
than O -100
course O -100
. O -100
A O -100
lot O -100
of O -100
vague O -100
points O -100
and O -100
uncertainties O -100
in O -100
assignments B-ASP Negative
. O -100
Lessons B-ASP Neutral
were O -100
ok O -100
but O -100
the O -100
assignments B-ASP -100
were O -100
really O -100
frustrating O -100
, O -100
not O -100
because O -100
of O -100
the O -100
questions O -100
itself O -100
but O -100
because O -100
the O -100
questions B-ASP -100
were O -100
organised O -100
badly O -100
or O -100
were O -100
really O -100
vague O -100
and O -100
confusing O -100
. O -100
Lessons B-ASP -100
were O -100
ok O -100
but O -100
the O -100
assignments B-ASP Negative
were O -100
really O -100
frustrating O -100
, O -100
not O -100
because O -100
of O -100
the O -100
questions O -100
itself O -100
but O -100
because O -100
the O -100
questions B-ASP -100
were O -100
organised O -100
badly O -100
or O -100
were O -100
really O -100
vague O -100
and O -100
confusing O -100
. O -100
Lessons B-ASP -100
were O -100
ok O -100
but O -100
the O -100
assignments B-ASP -100
were O -100
really O -100
frustrating O -100
, O -100
not O -100
because O -100
of O -100
the O -100
questions O -100
itself O -100
but O -100
because O -100
the O -100
questions B-ASP Negative
were O -100
organised O -100
badly O -100
or O -100
were O -100
really O -100
vague O -100
and O -100
confusing O -100
. O -100
Not O -100
a O -100
bad O -100
course B-ASP Neutral
if O -100
the O -100
student O -100
is O -100
brand O -100
new O -100
to O -100
data O -100
science O -100
/ O -100
computer O -100
science O -100
/ O -100
programming O -100
. O -100
I O -100
felt O -100
I O -100
could O -100
have O -100
easiliy O -100
skipped O -100
this O -100
excepting O -100
that O -100
accounts O -100
needed O -100
to O -100
be O -100
set O -100
out O -100
for O -100
other O -100
course O -100
dependencies O -100
. O -100
While O -100
the O -100
course B-ASP Positive
offers O -100
a O -100
good O -100
introduction O -100
to O -100
open O -100
source O -100
tools B-ASP -100
, O -100
this O -100
course O -100
and O -100
the O -100
whole O -100
specialization O -100
track O -100
is O -100
available O -100
for O -100
free O -100
on O -100
cognitive O -100
class O -100
. O -100
. O -100
And O -100
the O -100
badge O -100
issued O -100
by O -100
cognitive O -100
class O -100
doesn O -100
' O -100
t O -100
say O -100
powered O -100
by O -100
coursera O -100
. O -100
So O -100
2 O -100
stars O -100
for O -100
charging B-ASP -100
money O -100
for O -100
a O -100
free O -100
course O -100
While O -100
the O -100
course B-ASP -100
offers O -100
a O -100
good O -100
introduction O -100
to O -100
open O -100
source O -100
tools B-ASP Positive
, O -100
this O -100
course O -100
and O -100
the O -100
whole O -100
specialization O -100
track O -100
is O -100
available O -100
for O -100
free O -100
on O -100
cognitive O -100
class O -100
. O -100
. O -100
And O -100
the O -100
badge O -100
issued O -100
by O -100
cognitive O -100
class O -100
doesn O -100
' O -100
t O -100
say O -100
powered O -100
by O -100
coursera O -100
. O -100
So O -100
2 O -100
stars O -100
for O -100
charging B-ASP -100
money O -100
for O -100
a O -100
free O -100
course O -100
While O -100
the O -100
course B-ASP -100
offers O -100
a O -100
good O -100
introduction O -100
to O -100
open O -100
source O -100
tools B-ASP -100
, O -100
this O -100
course O -100
and O -100
the O -100
whole O -100
specialization O -100
track O -100
is O -100
available O -100
for O -100
free O -100
on O -100
cognitive O -100
class O -100
. O -100
. O -100
And O -100
the O -100
badge O -100
issued O -100
by O -100
cognitive O -100
class O -100
doesn O -100
' O -100
t O -100
say O -100
powered O -100
by O -100
coursera O -100
. O -100
So O -100
2 O -100
stars O -100
for O -100
charging B-ASP Negative
money O -100
for O -100
a O -100
free O -100
course O -100
A O -100
very O -100
bad O -100
course B-ASP Negative
! O -100
! O -100
! O -100
Extremely O -100
disappointed O -100
by O -100
this O -100
course O -100
. O -100
It O -100
was O -100
meant O -100
to O -100
be O -100
for O -100
beginners O -100
, O -100
but O -100
the O -100
explanation O -100
was O -100
not O -100
understandable O -100
for O -100
beginners O -100
. O -100
Even O -100
the O -100
videos B-ASP -100
were O -100
very O -100
short O -100
and O -100
didn O -100
' O -100
t O -100
explain O -100
some O -100
of O -100
the O -100
very O -100
basic O -100
parts O -100
. O -100
Worst O -100
experience O -100
I O -100
every O -100
had O -100
with O -100
any O -100
of O -100
the O -100
coursera B-ASP -100
courses O -100
. O -100
A O -100
very O -100
bad O -100
course B-ASP -100
! O -100
! O -100
! O -100
Extremely O -100
disappointed O -100
by O -100
this O -100
course O -100
. O -100
It O -100
was O -100
meant O -100
to O -100
be O -100
for O -100
beginners O -100
, O -100
but O -100
the O -100
explanation O -100
was O -100
not O -100
understandable O -100
for O -100
beginners O -100
. O -100
Even O -100
the O -100
videos B-ASP Negative
were O -100
very O -100
short O -100
and O -100
didn O -100
' O -100
t O -100
explain O -100
some O -100
of O -100
the O -100
very O -100
basic O -100
parts O -100
. O -100
Worst O -100
experience O -100
I O -100
every O -100
had O -100
with O -100
any O -100
of O -100
the O -100
coursera B-ASP -100
courses O -100
. O -100
A O -100
very O -100
bad O -100
course B-ASP -100
! O -100
! O -100
! O -100
Extremely O -100
disappointed O -100
by O -100
this O -100
course O -100
. O -100
It O -100
was O -100
meant O -100
to O -100
be O -100
for O -100
beginners O -100
, O -100
but O -100
the O -100
explanation O -100
was O -100
not O -100
understandable O -100
for O -100
beginners O -100
. O -100
Even O -100
the O -100
videos B-ASP -100
were O -100
very O -100
short O -100
and O -100
didn O -100
' O -100
t O -100
explain O -100
some O -100
of O -100
the O -100
very O -100
basic O -100
parts O -100
. O -100
Worst O -100
experience O -100
I O -100
every O -100
had O -100
with O -100
any O -100
of O -100
the O -100
coursera B-ASP Negative
courses O -100
. O -100
Really O -100
bad O -100
and O -100
useless O -100
course B-ASP Negative
. O -100
At O -100
this O -100
point O -100
I O -100
know O -100
nothing O -100
about O -100
data O -100
( O -100
it O -100
' O -100
s O -100
only O -100
the O -100
2nd O -100
course B-ASP -100
in O -100
the O -100
specialization O -100
) O -100
, O -100
so O -100
how O -100
can O -100
I O -100
understand O -100
anything O -100
about O -100
the O -100
tools O -100
and O -100
their O -100
advantages O -100
, O -100
given O -100
I O -100
still O -100
don O -100
' O -100
t O -100
know O -100
what O -100
the O -100
challenges O -100
are O -100
? O -100
Really O -100
bad O -100
and O -100
useless O -100
course B-ASP -100
. O -100
At O -100
this O -100
point O -100
I O -100
know O -100
nothing O -100
about O -100
data O -100
( O -100
it O -100
' O -100
s O -100
only O -100
the O -100
2nd O -100
course B-ASP Negative
in O -100
the O -100
specialization O -100
) O -100
, O -100
so O -100
how O -100
can O -100
I O -100
understand O -100
anything O -100
about O -100
the O -100
tools O -100
and O -100
their O -100
advantages O -100
, O -100
given O -100
I O -100
still O -100
don O -100
' O -100
t O -100
know O -100
what O -100
the O -100
challenges O -100
are O -100
? O -100
The O -100
Watson O -100
Studio O -100
tutorial B-ASP Negative
is O -100
out O -100
of O -100
date O -100
and O -100
the O -100
product B-ASP -100
itself O -100
is O -100
nothing O -100
but O -100
frustrating O -100
. O -100
A O -100
bad O -100
experience O -100
. O -100
The O -100
Watson O -100
Studio O -100
tutorial B-ASP -100
is O -100
out O -100
of O -100
date O -100
and O -100
the O -100
product B-ASP Negative
itself O -100
is O -100
nothing O -100
but O -100
frustrating O -100
. O -100
A O -100
bad O -100
experience O -100
. O -100
This O -100
course B-ASP Negative
is O -100
terrible O -100
. O -100
The O -100
general O -100
questions O -100
are O -100
bad O -100
and O -100
check O -100
video O -100
recall O -100
over O -100
understanding O -100
, O -100
which O -100
doesn O -100
' O -100
t O -100
aid O -100
in O -100
the O -100
end O -100
assignment B-ASP -100
, O -100
that O -100
is O -100
ridiculous O -100
and O -100
open O -100
ended O -100
. O -100
This O -100
course B-ASP -100
is O -100
terrible O -100
. O -100
The O -100
general O -100
questions O -100
are O -100
bad O -100
and O -100
check O -100
video O -100
recall O -100
over O -100
understanding O -100
, O -100
which O -100
doesn O -100
' O -100
t O -100
aid O -100
in O -100
the O -100
end O -100
assignment B-ASP Negative
, O -100
that O -100
is O -100
ridiculous O -100
and O -100
open O -100
ended O -100
. O -100
Sometimes O -100
methodology O -100
can O -100
get O -100
verbose O -100
and O -100
abstract O -100
, O -100
but O -100
this O -100
content B-ASP Positive
was O -100
quite O -100
good O -100
. O -100
The O -100
outline O -100
of O -100
topics O -100
and O -100
methodologies O -100
could O -100
have O -100
been O -100
a O -100
little O -100
tighter O -100
. O -100
The O -100
English O -100
is O -100
not O -100
so O -100
good O -100
and O -100
there O -100
are O -100
lots O -100
of O -100
spelling O -100
and O -100
grammar O -100
errors B-ASP -100
. O -100
There O -100
are O -100
also O -100
bad O -100
links O -100
for O -100
things O -100
like O -100
images O -100
. O -100
Sometimes O -100
methodology O -100
can O -100
get O -100
verbose O -100
and O -100
abstract O -100
, O -100
but O -100
this O -100
content B-ASP -100
was O -100
quite O -100
good O -100
. O -100
The O -100
outline O -100
of O -100
topics O -100
and O -100
methodologies O -100
could O -100
have O -100
been O -100
a O -100
little O -100
tighter O -100
. O -100
The O -100
English O -100
is O -100
not O -100
so O -100
good O -100
and O -100
there O -100
are O -100
lots O -100
of O -100
spelling O -100
and O -100
grammar O -100
errors B-ASP Negative
. O -100
There O -100
are O -100
also O -100
bad O -100
links O -100
for O -100
things O -100
like O -100
images O -100
. O -100
Too O -100
theoretical O -100
and O -100
the O -100
medical O -100
example O -100
was O -100
such O -100
a O -100
bad O -100
, O -100
hard O -100
to O -100
follow O -100
one O -100
for O -100
the O -100
course B-ASP Negative
! O -100
It O -100
could O -100
be O -100
content B-ASP -100
for O -100
one O -100
week O -100
instead O -100
of O -100
making O -100
it O -100
to O -100
a O -100
full O -100
- O -100
length O -100
3 O -100
- O -100
week O -100
session O -100
. O -100
Too O -100
theoretical O -100
and O -100
the O -100
medical O -100
example O -100
was O -100
such O -100
a O -100
bad O -100
, O -100
hard O -100
to O -100
follow O -100
one O -100
for O -100
the O -100
course B-ASP -100
! O -100
It O -100
could O -100
be O -100
content B-ASP Negative
for O -100
one O -100
week O -100
instead O -100
of O -100
making O -100
it O -100
to O -100
a O -100
full O -100
- O -100
length O -100
3 O -100
- O -100
week O -100
session O -100
. O -100
Terrible O -100
course B-ASP Negative
. O -100
The O -100
slides B-ASP -100
have O -100
a O -100
very O -100
poor O -100
quality O -100
, O -100
explanations B-ASP -100
are O -100
extremely O -100
boring O -100
and O -100
monotonous O -100
. O -100
The O -100
lab O -100
is O -100
not O -100
bad O -100
per O -100
se O -100
, O -100
but O -100
you O -100
can O -100
' O -100
t O -100
expect O -100
to O -100
drop O -100
lines O -100
of O -100
code B-ASP -100
without O -100
explanation O -100
and O -100
hope O -100
that O -100
people O -100
learn O -100
. O -100
I O -100
' O -100
m O -100
sorry O -100
but O -100
this O -100
course O -100
was O -100
disappointing O -100
. O -100
Terrible O -100
course B-ASP -100
. O -100
The O -100
slides B-ASP Negative
have O -100
a O -100
very O -100
poor O -100
quality O -100
, O -100
explanations B-ASP -100
are O -100
extremely O -100
boring O -100
and O -100
monotonous O -100
. O -100
The O -100
lab O -100
is O -100
not O -100
bad O -100
per O -100
se O -100
, O -100
but O -100
you O -100
can O -100
' O -100
t O -100
expect O -100
to O -100
drop O -100
lines O -100
of O -100
code B-ASP -100
without O -100
explanation O -100
and O -100
hope O -100
that O -100
people O -100
learn O -100
. O -100
I O -100
' O -100
m O -100
sorry O -100
but O -100
this O -100
course O -100
was O -100
disappointing O -100
. O -100
Terrible O -100
course B-ASP -100
. O -100
The O -100
slides B-ASP -100
have O -100
a O -100
very O -100
poor O -100
quality O -100
, O -100
explanations B-ASP Negative
are O -100
extremely O -100
boring O -100
and O -100
monotonous O -100
. O -100
The O -100
lab O -100
is O -100
not O -100
bad O -100
per O -100
se O -100
, O -100
but O -100
you O -100
can O -100
' O -100
t O -100
expect O -100
to O -100
drop O -100
lines O -100
of O -100
code B-ASP -100
without O -100
explanation O -100
and O -100
hope O -100
that O -100
people O -100
learn O -100
. O -100
I O -100
' O -100
m O -100
sorry O -100
but O -100
this O -100
course O -100
was O -100
disappointing O -100
. O -100
Terrible O -100
course B-ASP -100
. O -100
The O -100
slides B-ASP -100
have O -100
a O -100
very O -100
poor O -100
quality O -100
, O -100
explanations B-ASP -100
are O -100
extremely O -100
boring O -100
and O -100
monotonous O -100
. O -100
The O -100
lab O -100
is O -100
not O -100
bad O -100
per O -100
se O -100
, O -100
but O -100
you O -100
can O -100
' O -100
t O -100
expect O -100
to O -100
drop O -100
lines O -100
of O -100
code B-ASP Negative
without O -100
explanation O -100
and O -100
hope O -100
that O -100
people O -100
learn O -100
. O -100
I O -100
' O -100
m O -100
sorry O -100
but O -100
this O -100
course O -100
was O -100
disappointing O -100
. O -100
The O -100
course B-ASP Negative
is O -100
really O -100
theoretical O -100
, O -100
it O -100
uses O -100
really O -100
bad O -100
and O -100
iterative O -100
examples B-ASP -100
that O -100
does O -100
not O -100
help O -100
to O -100
understand O -100
the O -100
processes O -100
and O -100
the O -100
case O -100
studies O -100
use O -100
really O -100
complex B-ASP -100
code I-ASP -100
that O -100
it O -100
is O -100
imposible O -100
to O -100
understand O -100
unless O -100
you O -100
already O -100
know O -100
coding O -100
. O -100
The O -100
course B-ASP -100
is O -100
really O -100
theoretical O -100
, O -100
it O -100
uses O -100
really O -100
bad O -100
and O -100
iterative O -100
examples B-ASP Negative
that O -100
does O -100
not O -100
help O -100
to O -100
understand O -100
the O -100
processes O -100
and O -100
the O -100
case O -100
studies O -100
use O -100
really O -100
complex B-ASP -100
code I-ASP -100
that O -100
it O -100
is O -100
imposible O -100
to O -100
understand O -100
unless O -100
you O -100
already O -100
know O -100
coding O -100
. O -100
The O -100
course B-ASP -100
is O -100
really O -100
theoretical O -100
, O -100
it O -100
uses O -100
really O -100
bad O -100
and O -100
iterative O -100
examples B-ASP -100
that O -100
does O -100
not O -100
help O -100
to O -100
understand O -100
the O -100
processes O -100
and O -100
the O -100
case O -100
studies O -100
use O -100
really O -100
complex B-ASP Negative
code I-ASP Negative
that O -100
it O -100
is O -100
imposible O -100
to O -100
understand O -100
unless O -100
you O -100
already O -100
know O -100
coding O -100
. O -100
Honestly O -100
this O -100
course B-ASP Negative
isnt O -100
very O -100
good O -100
. O -100
Lightning O -100
quick O -100
wizz O -100
through O -100
Python O -100
and O -100
the O -100
final O -100
test O -100
was O -100
barely O -100
related O -100
to O -100
the O -100
learning B-ASP -100
materials I-ASP -100
. O -100
The O -100
process O -100
of O -100
test O -100
submission O -100
is O -100
very O -100
poor O -100
. O -100
I O -100
think O -100
this O -100
course O -100
overall O -100
reflects O -100
badly O -100
on O -100
IBM B-ASP -100
. O -100
Honestly O -100
this O -100
course B-ASP -100
isnt O -100
very O -100
good O -100
. O -100
Lightning O -100
quick O -100
wizz O -100
through O -100
Python O -100
and O -100
the O -100
final O -100
test O -100
was O -100
barely O -100
related O -100
to O -100
the O -100
learning B-ASP Negative
materials I-ASP Negative
. O -100
The O -100
process O -100
of O -100
test O -100
submission O -100
is O -100
very O -100
poor O -100
. O -100
I O -100
think O -100
this O -100
course O -100
overall O -100
reflects O -100
badly O -100
on O -100
IBM B-ASP -100
. O -100
Honestly O -100
this O -100
course B-ASP -100
isnt O -100
very O -100
good O -100
. O -100
Lightning O -100
quick O -100
wizz O -100
through O -100
Python O -100
and O -100
the O -100
final O -100
test O -100
was O -100
barely O -100
related O -100
to O -100
the O -100
learning B-ASP -100
materials I-ASP -100
. O -100
The O -100
process O -100
of O -100
test O -100
submission O -100
is O -100
very O -100
poor O -100
. O -100
I O -100
think O -100
this O -100
course O -100
overall O -100
reflects O -100
badly O -100
on O -100
IBM B-ASP Negative
. O -100
Really O -100
dry O -100
, O -100
and O -100
the O -100
external O -100
tool B-ASP Negative
they O -100
want O -100
to O -100
use O -100
gave O -100
me O -100
a O -100
" O -100
502 O -100
Bad O -100
Gateway O -100
" O -100
response O -100
. O -100
So O -100
I O -100
guess O -100
I O -100
' O -100
m O -100
not O -100
completing O -100
this O -100
course O -100
. O -100
Not O -100
a O -100
bad O -100
course B-ASP Neutral
. O -100
Not O -100
real O -100
intense O -100
. O -100
Sometimes O -100
instructions O -100
are O -100
hard O -100
to O -100
follow O -100
but O -100
good O -100
for O -100
a O -100
casual O -100
learner O -100
. O -100
This O -100
is O -100
a O -100
solid O -100
course B-ASP Positive
for O -100
beginners O -100
in O -100
programming O -100
. O -100
However O -100
the O -100
course O -100
was O -100
the O -100
fourth O -100
course O -100
in O -100
the O -100
IBM O -100
Data O -100
Science O -100
Professional O -100
Certificate O -100
. O -100
The O -100
Certificate O -100
is O -100
addressed O -100
to O -100
people O -100
far O -100
from O -100
the O -100
beginner O -100
level O -100
. O -100
Bad O -100
curation B-ASP -100
of O -100
the O -100
courses O -100
This O -100
is O -100
a O -100
solid O -100
course B-ASP -100
for O -100
beginners O -100
in O -100
programming O -100
. O -100
However O -100
the O -100
course O -100
was O -100
the O -100
fourth O -100
course O -100
in O -100
the O -100
IBM O -100
Data O -100
Science O -100
Professional O -100
Certificate O -100
. O -100
The O -100
Certificate O -100
is O -100
addressed O -100
to O -100
people O -100
far O -100
from O -100
the O -100
beginner O -100
level O -100
. O -100
Bad O -100
curation B-ASP Negative
of O -100
the O -100
courses O -100
authors B-ASP Negative
have O -100
really O -100
bad O -100
programming O -100
knowledge B-ASP -100
. O -100
` O -100
File O -100
. O -100
append O -100
( O -100
) O -100
` O -100
called O -100
" O -100
attribute O -100
, O -100
` O -100
\ O -100
n O -100
` O -100
called O -100
" O -100
Python O -100
command O -100
" O -100
, O -100
some O -100
variables O -100
named O -100
as O -100
` O -100
FileContent O -100
` O -100
. O -100
I O -100
really O -100
hope O -100
all O -100
Data O -100
Science O -100
related O -100
courses O -100
on O -100
this O -100
track O -100
have O -100
better O -100
quality O -100
. O -100
Total O -100
disappointment O -100
so O -100
far O -100
authors B-ASP -100
have O -100
really O -100
bad O -100
programming O -100
knowledge B-ASP Negative
. O -100
` O -100
File O -100
. O -100
append O -100
( O -100
) O -100
` O -100
called O -100
" O -100
attribute O -100
, O -100
` O -100
\ O -100
n O -100
` O -100
called O -100
" O -100
Python O -100
command O -100
" O -100
, O -100
some O -100
variables O -100
named O -100
as O -100
` O -100
FileContent O -100
` O -100
. O -100
I O -100
really O -100
hope O -100
all O -100
Data O -100
Science O -100
related O -100
courses O -100
on O -100
this O -100
track O -100
have O -100
better O -100
quality O -100
. O -100
Total O -100
disappointment O -100
so O -100
far O -100
Badly O -100
outdated O -100
and O -100
full O -100
of O -100
confusing O -100
typos O -100
, O -100
lazy O -100
display O -100
production O -100
, O -100
and O -100
useless O -100
quizzes B-ASP Negative
. O -100
Luckily O -100
, O -100
I O -100
already O -100
knew O -100
all O -100
of O -100
this O -100
stuff O -100
before O -100
starting O -100
the O -100
course B-ASP -100
. O -100
Badly O -100
outdated O -100
and O -100
full O -100
of O -100
confusing O -100
typos O -100
, O -100
lazy O -100
display O -100
production O -100
, O -100
and O -100
useless O -100
quizzes B-ASP -100
. O -100
Luckily O -100
, O -100
I O -100
already O -100
knew O -100
all O -100
of O -100
this O -100
stuff O -100
before O -100
starting O -100
the O -100
course B-ASP Negative
. O -100
The O -100
final O -100
assignment B-ASP Negative
has O -100
totally O -100
incomplete O -100
information O -100
and O -100
I O -100
wasted O -100
a O -100
lot O -100
of O -100
my O -100
time O -100
figuring O -100
out O -100
things O -100
like O -100
data O -100
set O -100
, O -100
dashboard O -100
etc O -100
which O -100
are O -100
the O -100
details O -100
usually O -100
well O -100
defined O -100
in O -100
other O -100
courses O -100
. O -100
Really O -100
a O -100
bad O -100
assignment O -100
formation O -100
. O -100
Needs O -100
fixing O -100
for O -100
sure O -100
If O -100
you O -100
have O -100
a O -100
programming O -100
background O -100
( O -100
I O -100
have O -100
) O -100
then O -100
this O -100
course B-ASP Neutral
really O -100
simple O -100
. O -100
Some O -100
might O -100
say O -100
too O -100
simple O -100
, O -100
but O -100
for O -100
me O -100
it O -100
was O -100
useful O -100
to O -100
' O -100
get O -100
back O -100
into O -100
the O -100
game O -100
' O -100
. O -100
Also O -100
, O -100
simple O -100
isn O -100
' O -100
t O -100
necessarily O -100
a O -100
bad O -100
thing O -100
. O -100
I O -100
understood O -100
everything O -100
, O -100
and O -100
enjoyed O -100
it O -100
. O -100
! O -100
For O -100
me O -100
as O -100
aa O -100
biologist O -100
who O -100
was O -100
always O -100
frightened O -100
by O -100
programming O -100
, O -100
it O -100
worked O -100
perfectly O -100
well O -100
. O -100
Thank O -100
you O -100
for O -100
all O -100
the O -100
" O -100
python O -100
doesn O -100
' O -100
t O -100
mean O -100
you O -100
are O -100
a O -100
bad O -100
person O -100
" O -100
. O -100
It O -100
kept O -100
me O -100
motivated O -100
and O -100
helped O -100
me O -100
to O -100
believe O -100
that O -100
I O -100
can O -100
do O -100
coding O -100
. O -100
Dr O -100
Severance O -100
is O -100
really O -100
an O -100
amazing O -100
teacher B-ASP Positive
- O -100
he O -100
conveys O -100
rather O -100
complicated O -100
information B-ASP -100
in O -100
an O -100
easy O -100
to O -100
digest O -100
format O -100
. O -100
Also O -100
, O -100
what O -100
a O -100
bad O -100
ass O -100
for O -100
dedicating O -100
so O -100
much O -100
of O -100
his O -100
personal O -100
time O -100
for O -100
a O -100
free O -100
class O -100
. O -100
So O -100
very O -100
much O -100
appreciated O -100
. O -100
Dr O -100
Severance O -100
is O -100
really O -100
an O -100
amazing O -100
teacher B-ASP -100
- O -100
he O -100
conveys O -100
rather O -100
complicated O -100
information B-ASP Positive
in O -100
an O -100
easy O -100
to O -100
digest O -100
format O -100
. O -100
Also O -100
, O -100
what O -100
a O -100
bad O -100
ass O -100
for O -100
dedicating O -100
so O -100
much O -100
of O -100
his O -100
personal O -100
time O -100
for O -100
a O -100
free O -100
class O -100
. O -100
So O -100
very O -100
much O -100
appreciated O -100
. O -100
That O -100
was O -100
a O -100
great O -100
course B-ASP Positive
. O -100
I O -100
thank O -100
Coursera B-ASP -100
for O -100
approving O -100
my O -100
financial O -100
aid O -100
. O -100
I O -100
might O -100
not O -100
express O -100
my O -100
feelings O -100
because O -100
of O -100
my O -100
bad O -100
english O -100
but O -100
I O -100
am O -100
truly O -100
thankful O -100
to O -100
Coursera O -100
and O -100
the O -100
University O -100
of O -100
Michigan O -100
. O -100
That O -100
was O -100
a O -100
great O -100
course B-ASP -100
. O -100
I O -100
thank O -100
Coursera B-ASP Positive
for O -100
approving O -100
my O -100
financial O -100
aid O -100
. O -100
I O -100
might O -100
not O -100
express O -100
my O -100
feelings O -100
because O -100
of O -100
my O -100
bad O -100
english O -100
but O -100
I O -100
am O -100
truly O -100
thankful O -100
to O -100
Coursera O -100
and O -100
the O -100
University O -100
of O -100
Michigan O -100
. O -100
Enjoyed O -100
the O -100
class B-ASP Positive
especially O -100
since O -100
Dr O -100
. O -100
Severance O -100
is O -100
the O -100
best O -100
teacher B-ASP -100
I O -100
' O -100
ve O -100
had O -100
in O -100
a O -100
very O -100
long O -100
time O -100
. O -100
Too O -100
bad O -100
he O -100
was O -100
not O -100
teaching O -100
when O -100
I O -100
was O -100
in O -100
college O -100
I O -100
would O -100
have O -100
transferred O -100
to O -100
Univ O -100
of O -100
Michigan O -100
. O -100
Enjoyed O -100
the O -100
class B-ASP -100
especially O -100
since O -100
Dr O -100
. O -100
Severance O -100
is O -100
the O -100
best O -100
teacher B-ASP Positive
I O -100
' O -100
ve O -100
had O -100
in O -100
a O -100
very O -100
long O -100
time O -100
. O -100
Too O -100
bad O -100
he O -100
was O -100
not O -100
teaching O -100
when O -100
I O -100
was O -100
in O -100
college O -100
I O -100
would O -100
have O -100
transferred O -100
to O -100
Univ O -100
of O -100
Michigan O -100
. O -100
This O -100
course B-ASP Positive
is O -100
so O -100
clearly O -100
to O -100
teach O -100
us O -100
what O -100
is O -100
the O -100
language O -100
of O -100
computer O -100
and O -100
how O -100
we O -100
to O -100
understand O -100
the O -100
meaning O -100
when O -100
an O -100
error O -100
or O -100
some O -100
bad O -100
things O -100
happened O -100
. O -100
I O -100
love O -100
Chuck O -100
. O -100
This O -100
course B-ASP Positive
is O -100
really O -100
helpful O -100
! O -100
I O -100
' O -100
m O -100
really O -100
bad O -100
at O -100
computer O -100
before O -100
. O -100
But O -100
I O -100
' O -100
ve O -100
learned O -100
a O -100
lot O -100
about O -100
programming O -100
from O -100
this O -100
course O -100
and O -100
I O -100
kinda O -100
like O -100
programming O -100
now O -100
. O -100
Great O -100
course B-ASP Positive
for O -100
beginners O -100
. O -100
The O -100
professor B-ASP -100
doesn O -100
' O -100
t O -100
make O -100
you O -100
feel O -100
bad O -100
for O -100
not O -100
knowing O -100
things O -100
and O -100
eases O -100
you O -100
into O -100
programming O -100
. O -100
Great O -100
course B-ASP -100
for O -100
beginners O -100
. O -100
The O -100
professor B-ASP Positive
doesn O -100
' O -100
t O -100
make O -100
you O -100
feel O -100
bad O -100
for O -100
not O -100
knowing O -100
things O -100
and O -100
eases O -100
you O -100
into O -100
programming O -100
. O -100
It O -100
was O -100
so O -100
much O -100
funBut O -100
i O -100
have O -100
a O -100
very O -100
bad O -100
review O -100
on O -100
Assignments B-ASP Negative
because O -100
its O -100
so O -100
hard O -100
to O -100
figure O -100
it O -100
out O -100
what O -100
that O -100
tool O -100
says O -100
Not O -100
as O -100
good O -100
as O -100
the O -100
first O -100
two O -100
courses O -100
. O -100
The O -100
regular O -100
expressions O -100
section O -100
was O -100
great O -100
but O -100
the O -100
rest O -100
of O -100
the O -100
sections O -100
had O -100
assignments B-ASP Negative
that O -100
were O -100
bad O -100
. O -100
I O -100
' O -100
m O -100
talking O -100
wrong O -100
starter O -100
code O -100
was O -100
posted O -100
, O -100
or O -100
just O -100
really O -100
easy O -100
assignments O -100
that O -100
required O -100
changing O -100
one O -100
line O -100
. O -100
Don O -100
' O -100
t O -100
pay B-ASP -100
for O -100
this O -100
course O -100
. O -100
Not O -100
as O -100
good O -100
as O -100
the O -100
first O -100
two O -100
courses O -100
. O -100
The O -100
regular O -100
expressions O -100
section O -100
was O -100
great O -100
but O -100
the O -100
rest O -100
of O -100
the O -100
sections O -100
had O -100
assignments B-ASP -100
that O -100
were O -100
bad O -100
. O -100
I O -100
' O -100
m O -100
talking O -100
wrong O -100
starter O -100
code O -100
was O -100
posted O -100
, O -100
or O -100
just O -100
really O -100
easy O -100
assignments O -100
that O -100
required O -100
changing O -100
one O -100
line O -100
. O -100
Don O -100
' O -100
t O -100
pay B-ASP Negative
for O -100
this O -100
course O -100
. O -100
A O -100
great O -100
introduction O -100
to O -100
Python O -100
. O -100
Although O -100
this O -100
truly O -100
is O -100
a O -100
" O -100
crash O -100
course B-ASP Positive
" O -100
: O -100
you O -100
may O -100
require O -100
self O -100
- O -100
learning O -100
to O -100
get O -100
through O -100
all O -100
the O -100
material O -100
- O -100
not O -100
that O -100
that O -100
' O -100
s O -100
a O -100
bad O -100
thing O -100
, O -100
really O -100
: O -100
) O -100
. O -100
Love O -100
the O -100
instructor B-ASP Positive
' O -100
s O -100
way O -100
of O -100
explaining O -100
. O -100
The O -100
course B-ASP -100
that O -100
seemed O -100
intimidating O -100
was O -100
not O -100
as O -100
bad O -100
at O -100
all O -100
with O -100
awesome O -100
assignments B-ASP -100
and O -100
instruction B-ASP -100
. O -100
Thank O -100
you O -100
Coursera B-ASP -100
. O -100
Love O -100
the O -100
instructor B-ASP -100
' O -100
s O -100
way O -100
of O -100
explaining O -100
. O -100
The O -100
course B-ASP Positive
that O -100
seemed O -100
intimidating O -100
was O -100
not O -100
as O -100
bad O -100
at O -100
all O -100
with O -100
awesome O -100
assignments B-ASP -100
and O -100
instruction B-ASP -100
. O -100
Thank O -100
you O -100
Coursera B-ASP -100
. O -100
Love O -100
the O -100
instructor B-ASP -100
' O -100
s O -100
way O -100
of O -100
explaining O -100
. O -100
The O -100
course B-ASP -100
that O -100
seemed O -100
intimidating O -100
was O -100
not O -100
as O -100
bad O -100
at O -100
all O -100
with O -100
awesome O -100
assignments B-ASP Positive
and O -100
instruction B-ASP -100
. O -100
Thank O -100
you O -100
Coursera B-ASP -100
. O -100
Love O -100
the O -100
instructor B-ASP -100
' O -100
s O -100
way O -100
of O -100
explaining O -100
. O -100
The O -100
course B-ASP -100
that O -100
seemed O -100
intimidating O -100
was O -100
not O -100
as O -100
bad O -100
at O -100
all O -100
with O -100
awesome O -100
assignments B-ASP -100
and O -100
instruction B-ASP Positive
. O -100
Thank O -100
you O -100
Coursera B-ASP -100
. O -100
Love O -100
the O -100
instructor B-ASP -100
' O -100
s O -100
way O -100
of O -100
explaining O -100
. O -100
The O -100
course B-ASP -100
that O -100
seemed O -100
intimidating O -100
was O -100
not O -100
as O -100
bad O -100
at O -100
all O -100
with O -100
awesome O -100
assignments B-ASP -100
and O -100
instruction B-ASP -100
. O -100
Thank O -100
you O -100
Coursera B-ASP Positive
. O -100
Not O -100
a O -100
bad O -100
intro O -100
to O -100
Python O -100
. O -100
The O -100
only O -100
thing O -100
I O -100
would O -100
change O -100
is O -100
to O -100
maybe O -100
start O -100
the O -100
notebooks O -100
work O -100
earlier O -100
. O -100
The O -100
fill O -100
in O -100
the O -100
blanks O -100
interface B-ASP Neutral
early O -100
on O -100
is O -100
a O -100
bit O -100
clunky O -100
. O -100
the O -100
only O -100
bad O -100
side O -100
of O -100
this O -100
course O -100
is O -100
that O -100
the O -100
final B-ASP Negative
project I-ASP Negative
seems O -100
like O -100
a O -100
really O -100
difficult O -100
task O -100
. O -100
it O -100
' O -100
s O -100
so O -100
hard O -100
to O -100
fully O -100
understand O -100
what O -100
was O -100
happening O -100
The O -100
course O -100
is O -100
good O -100
, O -100
I O -100
like O -100
it O -100
. O -100
But O -100
, O -100
the O -100
final B-ASP Negative
task I-ASP Negative
is O -100
designed O -100
badly O -100
. O -100
How O -100
should O -100
I O -100
know O -100
that O -100
I O -100
should O -100
put O -100
a O -100
dictionary O -100
to O -100
an O -100
unknown O -100
function O -100
? O -100
The O -100
good O -100
: O -100
Covers O -100
basics B-ASP Positive
, O -100
doesn O -100
' O -100
t O -100
require O -100
live O -100
help O -100
to O -100
answer O -100
questions O -100
, O -100
many O -100
resources B-ASP -100
available O -100
for O -100
help O -100
and O -100
testing O -100
, O -100
was O -100
able O -100
to O -100
finish O -100
lateThe O -100
bad O -100
: O -100
Terse O -100
, O -100
impenetrable O -100
wording O -100
of O -100
questions O -100
and O -100
problems B-ASP -100
, O -100
bad O -100
subtitles O -100
requiring O -100
me O -100
to O -100
go O -100
back O -100
and O -100
listen O -100
, O -100
Coursera O -100
' O -100
s O -100
toolbar O -100
structure O -100
and O -100
mid O -100
- O -100
video O -100
question O -100
interface B-ASP -100
are O -100
awful O -100
The O -100
good O -100
: O -100
Covers O -100
basics B-ASP -100
, O -100
doesn O -100
' O -100
t O -100
require O -100
live O -100
help O -100
to O -100
answer O -100
questions O -100
, O -100
many O -100
resources B-ASP Positive
available O -100
for O -100
help O -100
and O -100
testing O -100
, O -100
was O -100
able O -100
to O -100
finish O -100
lateThe O -100
bad O -100
: O -100
Terse O -100
, O -100
impenetrable O -100
wording O -100
of O -100
questions O -100
and O -100
problems B-ASP -100
, O -100
bad O -100
subtitles O -100
requiring O -100
me O -100
to O -100
go O -100
back O -100
and O -100
listen O -100
, O -100
Coursera O -100
' O -100
s O -100
toolbar O -100
structure O -100
and O -100
mid O -100
- O -100
video O -100
question O -100
interface B-ASP -100
are O -100
awful O -100
The O -100
good O -100
: O -100
Covers O -100
basics B-ASP -100
, O -100
doesn O -100
' O -100
t O -100
require O -100
live O -100
help O -100
to O -100
answer O -100
questions O -100
, O -100
many O -100
resources B-ASP -100
available O -100
for O -100
help O -100
and O -100
testing O -100
, O -100
was O -100
able O -100
to O -100
finish O -100
lateThe O -100
bad O -100
: O -100
Terse O -100
, O -100
impenetrable O -100
wording O -100
of O -100
questions O -100
and O -100
problems B-ASP Negative
, O -100
bad O -100
subtitles O -100
requiring O -100
me O -100
to O -100
go O -100
back O -100
and O -100
listen O -100
, O -100
Coursera O -100
' O -100
s O -100
toolbar O -100
structure O -100
and O -100
mid O -100
- O -100
video O -100
question O -100
interface B-ASP -100
are O -100
awful O -100
The O -100
good O -100
: O -100
Covers O -100
basics B-ASP -100
, O -100
doesn O -100
' O -100
t O -100
require O -100
live O -100
help O -100
to O -100
answer O -100
questions O -100
, O -100
many O -100
resources B-ASP -100
available O -100
for O -100
help O -100
and O -100
testing O -100
, O -100
was O -100
able O -100
to O -100
finish O -100
lateThe O -100
bad O -100
: O -100
Terse O -100
, O -100
impenetrable O -100
wording O -100
of O -100
questions O -100
and O -100
problems B-ASP -100
, O -100
bad O -100
subtitles O -100
requiring O -100
me O -100
to O -100
go O -100
back O -100
and O -100
listen O -100
, O -100
Coursera O -100
' O -100
s O -100
toolbar O -100
structure O -100
and O -100
mid O -100
- O -100
video O -100
question O -100
interface B-ASP Negative
are O -100
awful O -100
Solutions O -100
are O -100
buggy O -100
. O -100
Quizzes B-ASP Negative
do O -100
not O -100
provide O -100
a O -100
solution O -100
. O -100
Hard O -100
to O -100
learn O -100
if O -100
there O -100
are O -100
no O -100
solutions O -100
. O -100
The O -100
first O -100
two O -100
weeks O -100
of O -100
the O -100
first O -100
course B-ASP -100
is O -100
pretty O -100
bad O -100
. O -100
I O -100
would O -100
recommend O -100
Google O -100
' O -100
s O -100
Professional O -100
Certification O -100
in O -100
Data O -100
Analytics O -100
instead O -100
. O -100
Solutions O -100
are O -100
buggy O -100
. O -100
Quizzes B-ASP -100
do O -100
not O -100
provide O -100
a O -100
solution O -100
. O -100
Hard O -100
to O -100
learn O -100
if O -100
there O -100
are O -100
no O -100
solutions O -100
. O -100
The O -100
first O -100
two O -100
weeks O -100
of O -100
the O -100
first O -100
course B-ASP Negative
is O -100
pretty O -100
bad O -100
. O -100
I O -100
would O -100
recommend O -100
Google O -100
' O -100
s O -100
Professional O -100
Certification O -100
in O -100
Data O -100
Analytics O -100
instead O -100
. O -100
Course O -100
teaches O -100
bad O -100
programming B-ASP Negative
practices I-ASP Negative
, O -100
such O -100
as O -100
naming O -100
variables O -100
dZ O -100
and O -100
b O -100
. O -100
Also O -100
it O -100
is O -100
little O -100
outdated O -100
- O -100
neural O -100
networks O -100
are O -100
not O -100
written O -100
in O -100
numpy O -100
anymore O -100
. O -100
I O -100
really O -100
like O -100
this O -100
course B-ASP Positive
, O -100
I O -100
just O -100
have O -100
a O -100
complain O -100
, O -100
because O -100
, O -100
sometimes O -100
the O -100
notes O -100
after O -100
some O -100
video B-ASP -100
was O -100
really O -100
bad O -100
, O -100
because O -100
I O -100
can O -100
' O -100
t O -100
understand O -100
more O -100
easily O -100
the O -100
topic O -100
during O -100
the O -100
video O -100
, O -100
If O -100
you O -100
can O -100
edite O -100
these O -100
videos O -100
and O -100
put O -100
some O -100
box O -100
during O -100
the O -100
video O -100
it O -100
will O -100
be O -100
very O -100
helpful O -100
. O -100
I O -100
really O -100
like O -100
this O -100
course B-ASP -100
, O -100
I O -100
just O -100
have O -100
a O -100
complain O -100
, O -100
because O -100
, O -100
sometimes O -100
the O -100
notes O -100
after O -100
some O -100
video B-ASP Negative
was O -100
really O -100
bad O -100
, O -100
because O -100
I O -100
can O -100
' O -100
t O -100
understand O -100
more O -100
easily O -100
the O -100
topic O -100
during O -100
the O -100
video O -100
, O -100
If O -100
you O -100
can O -100
edite O -100
these O -100
videos O -100
and O -100
put O -100
some O -100
box O -100
during O -100
the O -100
video O -100
it O -100
will O -100
be O -100
very O -100
helpful O -100
. O -100
It O -100
' O -100
s O -100
a O -100
good O -100
introduction B-ASP Positive
. O -100
The O -100
automated O -100
videos O -100
voice O -100
can O -100
be O -100
a O -100
little O -100
monotonous O -100
but O -100
not O -100
as O -100
bad O -100
as O -100
some O -100
professors O -100
I O -100
had O -100
in O -100
college O -100
. O -100
The O -100
lectures B-ASP -100
are O -100
well O -100
structured B-ASP -100
. O -100
It O -100
' O -100
s O -100
a O -100
good O -100
introduction B-ASP -100
. O -100
The O -100
automated O -100
videos O -100
voice O -100
can O -100
be O -100
a O -100
little O -100
monotonous O -100
but O -100
not O -100
as O -100
bad O -100
as O -100
some O -100
professors O -100
I O -100
had O -100
in O -100
college O -100
. O -100
The O -100
lectures B-ASP Positive
are O -100
well O -100
structured B-ASP -100
. O -100
It O -100
' O -100
s O -100
a O -100
good O -100
introduction B-ASP -100
. O -100
The O -100
automated O -100
videos O -100
voice O -100
can O -100
be O -100
a O -100
little O -100
monotonous O -100
but O -100
not O -100
as O -100
bad O -100
as O -100
some O -100
professors O -100
I O -100
had O -100
in O -100
college O -100
. O -100
The O -100
lectures B-ASP -100
are O -100
well O -100
structured B-ASP Positive
. O -100
informative O -100
and O -100
detailed O -100
. O -100
explained O -100
simply O -100
and O -100
efficiently O -100
by O -100
the O -100
lecturer B-ASP Positive
. O -100
for O -100
someone O -100
with O -100
bad O -100
learning O -100
difficulties O -100
it O -100
was O -100
easy O -100
to O -100
follow O -100
and O -100
understand O -100
It O -100
' O -100
s O -100
a O -100
very O -100
good O -100
course B-ASP Positive
for O -100
beginners O -100
. O -100
If O -100
you O -100
already O -100
hace O -100
R O -100
and O -100
gihub O -100
it O -100
may O -100
be O -100
a O -100
little O -100
boring O -100
, O -100
but O -100
remembering O -100
the O -100
basics O -100
is O -100
never O -100
a O -100
bad O -100
idea O -100
. O -100
Not O -100
bad O -100
to O -100
start O -100
off O -100
with O -100
! O -100
It O -100
teaches O -100
installation B-ASP Positive
of O -100
all O -100
the O -100
required O -100
things O -100
for O -100
starting O -100
off O -100
R O -100
( O -100
e O -100
. O -100
g O -100
. O -100
RStudio O -100
, O -100
GitHub O -100
) O -100
, O -100
and O -100
gives O -100
a O -100
basic O -100
understanding O -100
of O -100
experimental O -100
design O -100
too O -100
. O -100
This O -100
was O -100
a O -100
very O -100
professionally O -100
done O -100
course B-ASP Positive
. O -100
It O -100
is O -100
* O -100
very O -100
* O -100
introductory O -100
, O -100
which O -100
is O -100
either O -100
good O -100
or O -100
bad O -100
, O -100
depending O -100
on O -100
how O -100
you O -100
feel O -100
about O -100
it O -100
. O -100
Not O -100
a O -100
bad O -100
intro O -100
; O -100
I O -100
don O -100
' O -100
t O -100
know O -100
if O -100
anyone O -100
would O -100
benefit O -100
taking O -100
this O -100
as O -100
a O -100
standalone O -100
( O -100
or O -100
for O -100
an O -100
entire O -100
4 O -100
weeks O -100
, O -100
for O -100
that O -100
matter O -100
) O -100
. O -100
Still O -100
, O -100
it O -100
introduced O -100
some O -100
solid O -100
concepts B-ASP Positive
for O -100
professionals O -100
and O -100
scholars O -100
, O -100
alike O -100
. O -100
Super O -100
basic O -100
, O -100
each O -100
week O -100
was O -100
only O -100
about O -100
30 O -100
minutes O -100
of O -100
video O -100
lecture B-ASP Negative
. O -100
. O -100
. O -100
but O -100
I O -100
think O -100
that O -100
was O -100
their O -100
goal O -100
? O -100
Bad O -100
form O -100
on O -100
coursera B-ASP -100
for O -100
making O -100
you O -100
pay O -100
to O -100
submit O -100
assignments B-ASP -100
that O -100
are O -100
autograded B-ASP -100
to O -100
begin O -100
with O -100
. O -100
Super O -100
basic O -100
, O -100
each O -100
week O -100
was O -100
only O -100
about O -100
30 O -100
minutes O -100
of O -100
video O -100
lecture B-ASP -100
. O -100
. O -100
. O -100
but O -100
I O -100
think O -100
that O -100
was O -100
their O -100
goal O -100
? O -100
Bad O -100
form O -100
on O -100
coursera B-ASP Negative
for O -100
making O -100
you O -100
pay O -100
to O -100
submit O -100
assignments B-ASP -100
that O -100
are O -100
autograded B-ASP -100
to O -100
begin O -100
with O -100
. O -100
Super O -100
basic O -100
, O -100
each O -100
week O -100
was O -100
only O -100
about O -100
30 O -100
minutes O -100
of O -100
video O -100
lecture B-ASP -100
. O -100
. O -100
. O -100
but O -100
I O -100
think O -100
that O -100
was O -100
their O -100
goal O -100
? O -100
Bad O -100
form O -100
on O -100
coursera B-ASP -100
for O -100
making O -100
you O -100
pay O -100
to O -100
submit O -100
assignments B-ASP Negative
that O -100
are O -100
autograded B-ASP -100
to O -100
begin O -100
with O -100
. O -100
Super O -100
basic O -100
, O -100
each O -100
week O -100
was O -100
only O -100
about O -100
30 O -100
minutes O -100
of O -100
video O -100
lecture B-ASP -100
. O -100
. O -100
. O -100
but O -100
I O -100
think O -100
that O -100
was O -100
their O -100
goal O -100
? O -100
Bad O -100
form O -100
on O -100
coursera B-ASP -100
for O -100
making O -100
you O -100
pay O -100
to O -100
submit O -100
assignments B-ASP -100
that O -100
are O -100
autograded B-ASP Negative
to O -100
begin O -100
with O -100
. O -100
There O -100
just O -100
wasn O -100
' O -100
t O -100
much O -100
to O -100
this O -100
class B-ASP Negative
. O -100
It O -100
' O -100
s O -100
not O -100
bad O -100
information O -100
, O -100
but O -100
it O -100
could O -100
have O -100
been O -100
done O -100
in O -100
one O -100
week O -100
. O -100
most O -100
part O -100
of O -100
this O -100
course B-ASP Negative
is O -100
a O -100
duplicate O -100
of O -100
the O -100
" O -100
R O -100
programming O -100
" O -100
course O -100
. O -100
microphone O -100
/ O -100
sound B-ASP -100
of O -100
the O -100
teacher O -100
quality O -100
is O -100
very O -100
bad O -100
. O -100
not O -100
original O -100
, O -100
boring O -100
, O -100
dividing O -100
this O -100
in O -100
" O -100
4 O -100
weeks O -100
" O -100
is O -100
too O -100
ridiculously O -100
long O -100
, O -100
this O -100
should O -100
be O -100
done O -100
in O -100
1 O -100
week O -100
to O -100
enable O -100
users O -100
to O -100
take O -100
more O -100
time O -100
for O -100
the O -100
" O -100
R O -100
programming O -100
" O -100
. O -100
most O -100
part O -100
of O -100
this O -100
course B-ASP -100
is O -100
a O -100
duplicate O -100
of O -100
the O -100
" O -100
R O -100
programming O -100
" O -100
course O -100
. O -100
microphone O -100
/ O -100
sound B-ASP Negative
of O -100
the O -100
teacher O -100
quality O -100
is O -100
very O -100
bad O -100
. O -100
not O -100
original O -100
, O -100
boring O -100
, O -100
dividing O -100
this O -100
in O -100
" O -100
4 O -100
weeks O -100
" O -100
is O -100
too O -100
ridiculously O -100
long O -100
, O -100
this O -100
should O -100
be O -100
done O -100
in O -100
1 O -100
week O -100
to O -100
enable O -100
users O -100
to O -100
take O -100
more O -100
time O -100
for O -100
the O -100
" O -100
R O -100
programming O -100
" O -100
. O -100
I O -100
had O -100
a O -100
very O -100
bad O -100
experience O -100
with O -100
this O -100
whole O -100
course B-ASP Negative
set O -100
- O -100
up O -100
. O -100
Especially O -100
the O -100
peer O -100
- O -100
grading B-ASP -100
, O -100
you O -100
have O -100
no O -100
insight O -100
on O -100
why O -100
they O -100
assigned O -100
this O -100
score O -100
to O -100
you O -100
- O -100
nothing O -100
. O -100
. O -100
. O -100
. O -100
especially O -100
when O -100
you O -100
know O -100
you O -100
did O -100
your O -100
course O -100
work O -100
correctly O -100
. O -100
. O -100
i O -100
will O -100
never O -100
come O -100
back O -100
to O -100
coursera B-ASP -100
. O -100
. O -100
waste O -100
of O -100
money O -100
! O -100
! O -100
! O -100
I O -100
had O -100
a O -100
very O -100
bad O -100
experience O -100
with O -100
this O -100
whole O -100
course B-ASP -100
set O -100
- O -100
up O -100
. O -100
Especially O -100
the O -100
peer O -100
- O -100
grading B-ASP Negative
, O -100
you O -100
have O -100
no O -100
insight O -100
on O -100
why O -100
they O -100
assigned O -100
this O -100
score O -100
to O -100
you O -100
- O -100
nothing O -100
. O -100
. O -100
. O -100
. O -100
especially O -100
when O -100
you O -100
know O -100
you O -100
did O -100
your O -100
course O -100
work O -100
correctly O -100
. O -100
. O -100
i O -100
will O -100
never O -100
come O -100
back O -100
to O -100
coursera B-ASP -100
. O -100
. O -100
waste O -100
of O -100
money O -100
! O -100
! O -100
! O -100
I O -100
had O -100
a O -100
very O -100
bad O -100
experience O -100
with O -100
this O -100
whole O -100
course B-ASP -100
set O -100
- O -100
up O -100
. O -100
Especially O -100
the O -100
peer O -100
- O -100
grading B-ASP -100
, O -100
you O -100
have O -100
no O -100
insight O -100
on O -100
why O -100
they O -100
assigned O -100
this O -100
score O -100
to O -100
you O -100
- O -100
nothing O -100
. O -100
. O -100
. O -100
. O -100
especially O -100
when O -100
you O -100
know O -100
you O -100
did O -100
your O -100
course O -100
work O -100
correctly O -100
. O -100
. O -100
i O -100
will O -100
never O -100
come O -100
back O -100
to O -100
coursera B-ASP Negative
. O -100
. O -100
waste O -100
of O -100
money O -100
! O -100
! O -100
! O -100
Very O -100
bad O -100
course B-ASP Negative
so O -100
far O -100
. O -100
Very O -100
little O -100
detail O -100
and O -100
Assignments B-ASP -100
are O -100
very O -100
hard O -100
to O -100
solve O -100
. O -100
Worst O -100
$ O -100
500 O -100
dollars O -100
spent O -100
in O -100
my O -100
life O -100
, O -100
and O -100
the O -100
course O -100
isn O -100
' O -100
t O -100
worth O -100
even O -100
$ O -100
10 O -100
! O -100
I O -100
' O -100
m O -100
an O -100
online O -100
instructor O -100
myself O -100
and O -100
the O -100
quality O -100
of O -100
the O -100
course B-ASP -100
isn O -100
' O -100
t O -100
worth O -100
its O -100
price O -100
! O -100
Very O -100
bad O -100
course B-ASP -100
so O -100
far O -100
. O -100
Very O -100
little O -100
detail O -100
and O -100
Assignments B-ASP Negative
are O -100
very O -100
hard O -100
to O -100
solve O -100
. O -100
Worst O -100
$ O -100
500 O -100
dollars O -100
spent O -100
in O -100
my O -100
life O -100
, O -100
and O -100
the O -100
course O -100
isn O -100
' O -100
t O -100
worth O -100
even O -100
$ O -100
10 O -100
! O -100
I O -100
' O -100
m O -100
an O -100
online O -100
instructor O -100
myself O -100
and O -100
the O -100
quality O -100
of O -100
the O -100
course B-ASP -100
isn O -100
' O -100
t O -100
worth O -100
its O -100
price O -100
! O -100
Very O -100
bad O -100
course B-ASP -100
so O -100
far O -100
. O -100
Very O -100
little O -100
detail O -100
and O -100
Assignments B-ASP -100
are O -100
very O -100
hard O -100
to O -100
solve O -100
. O -100
Worst O -100
$ O -100
500 O -100
dollars O -100
spent O -100
in O -100
my O -100
life O -100
, O -100
and O -100
the O -100
course O -100
isn O -100
' O -100
t O -100
worth O -100
even O -100
$ O -100
10 O -100
! O -100
I O -100
' O -100
m O -100
an O -100
online O -100
instructor O -100
myself O -100
and O -100
the O -100
quality O -100
of O -100
the O -100
course B-ASP Negative
isn O -100
' O -100
t O -100
worth O -100
its O -100
price O -100
! O -100
Is O -100
this O -100
a O -100
real O -100
course B-ASP Negative
for O -100
a O -100
data O -100
scientist O -100
just O -100
installing B-ASP -100
shit O -100
and O -100
a O -100
peer B-ASP -100
reviewing I-ASP -100
for O -100
that O -100
screenshot O -100
and O -100
forking O -100
all O -100
repos O -100
. O -100
. O -100
. O -100
very O -100
bad O -100
not O -100
worth O -100
to O -100
be O -100
with O -100
rest O -100
course O -100
in O -100
specialization O -100
Is O -100
this O -100
a O -100
real O -100
course B-ASP -100
for O -100
a O -100
data O -100
scientist O -100
just O -100
installing B-ASP Negative
shit O -100
and O -100
a O -100
peer B-ASP -100
reviewing I-ASP -100
for O -100
that O -100
screenshot O -100
and O -100
forking O -100
all O -100
repos O -100
. O -100
. O -100
. O -100
very O -100
bad O -100
not O -100
worth O -100
to O -100
be O -100
with O -100
rest O -100
course O -100
in O -100
specialization O -100
Is O -100
this O -100
a O -100
real O -100
course B-ASP -100
for O -100
a O -100
data O -100
scientist O -100
just O -100
installing B-ASP -100
shit O -100
and O -100
a O -100
peer B-ASP Negative
reviewing I-ASP Negative
for O -100
that O -100
screenshot O -100
and O -100
forking O -100
all O -100
repos O -100
. O -100
. O -100
. O -100
very O -100
bad O -100
not O -100
worth O -100
to O -100
be O -100
with O -100
rest O -100
course O -100
in O -100
specialization O -100
Excelente O -100
opportunity O -100
to O -100
learn O -100
a O -100
lot O -100
. O -100
The O -100
course B-ASP Positive
is O -100
very O -100
well O -100
prepared O -100
introduce O -100
you O -100
to O -100
R O -100
programing O -100
. O -100
Dont O -100
feel O -100
bad O -100
if O -100
you O -100
dont O -100
get O -100
it O -100
at O -100
te O -100
first O -100
moment O -100
. O -100
It O -100
will O -100
be O -100
a O -100
process O -100
of O -100
leaning O -100
worth O -100
trying O -100
Overall O -100
not O -100
a O -100
bad O -100
course B-ASP Neutral
. O -100
Needs O -100
some O -100
tidying O -100
up O -100
though O -100
. O -100
For O -100
example O -100
, O -100
the O -100
assignments B-ASP -100
seem O -100
to O -100
assume O -100
knowledge O -100
of O -100
functions O -100
not O -100
covered O -100
in O -100
the O -100
prior O -100
lessons O -100
. O -100
Same O -100
applies O -100
to O -100
the O -100
textbook O -100
, O -100
e O -100
. O -100
g O -100
. O -100
page O -100
50 O -100
refers O -100
to O -100
the O -100
subset O -100
( O -100
) O -100
function O -100
, O -100
but O -100
it O -100
is O -100
not O -100
actually O -100
covered O -100
. O -100
Overall O -100
not O -100
a O -100
bad O -100
course B-ASP -100
. O -100
Needs O -100
some O -100
tidying O -100
up O -100
though O -100
. O -100
For O -100
example O -100
, O -100
the O -100
assignments B-ASP Negative
seem O -100
to O -100
assume O -100
knowledge O -100
of O -100
functions O -100
not O -100
covered O -100
in O -100
the O -100
prior O -100
lessons O -100
. O -100
Same O -100
applies O -100
to O -100
the O -100
textbook O -100
, O -100
e O -100
. O -100
g O -100
. O -100
page O -100
50 O -100
refers O -100
to O -100
the O -100
subset O -100
( O -100
) O -100
function O -100
, O -100
but O -100
it O -100
is O -100
not O -100
actually O -100
covered O -100
. O -100
Not O -100
bad O -100
, O -100
but O -100
I O -100
felt O -100
the O -100
exercises B-ASP Negative
had O -100
maybe O -100
a O -100
touch O -100
too O -100
much O -100
hand O -100
holding O -100
, O -100
and O -100
he O -100
never O -100
talked O -100
about O -100
how O -100
to O -100
compute O -100
the O -100
derivatives O -100
of O -100
Adam O -100
Optimization O -100
, O -100
though O -100
of O -100
course O -100
we O -100
promptly O -100
use O -100
Tensorflow O -100
to O -100
do O -100
it O -100
for O -100
us O -100
. O -100
Very O -100
good O -100
course B-ASP Positive
, O -100
but O -100
in O -100
contrast O -100
to O -100
the O -100
other O -100
courses O -100
the O -100
practical B-ASP -100
exercises I-ASP -100
are O -100
missing O -100
. O -100
I O -100
would O -100
like O -100
to O -100
see O -100
some O -100
transfer O -100
learning O -100
and O -100
( O -100
non O -100
- O -100
) O -100
end O -100
- O -100
to O -100
- O -100
end O -100
learning O -100
approaches O -100
, O -100
where O -100
the O -100
student O -100
has O -100
to O -100
examine O -100
how O -100
bad O -100
/ O -100
good O -100
end O -100
- O -100
to O -100
- O -100
end O -100
performs O -100
in O -100
contrast O -100
to O -100
a O -100
multi O -100
- O -100
step O -100
approaches O -100
. O -100
Very O -100
good O -100
course B-ASP -100
, O -100
but O -100
in O -100
contrast O -100
to O -100
the O -100
other O -100
courses O -100
the O -100
practical B-ASP Negative
exercises I-ASP Negative
are O -100
missing O -100
. O -100
I O -100
would O -100
like O -100
to O -100
see O -100
some O -100
transfer O -100
learning O -100
and O -100
( O -100
non O -100
- O -100
) O -100
end O -100
- O -100
to O -100
- O -100
end O -100
learning O -100
approaches O -100
, O -100
where O -100
the O -100
student O -100
has O -100
to O -100
examine O -100
how O -100
bad O -100
/ O -100
good O -100
end O -100
- O -100
to O -100
- O -100
end O -100
performs O -100
in O -100
contrast O -100
to O -100
a O -100
multi O -100
- O -100
step O -100
approaches O -100
. O -100
the O -100
worst O -100
thing O -100
about O -100
the O -100
course B-ASP Negative
( O -100
which O -100
ain O -100
' O -100
t O -100
even O -100
that O -100
bad O -100
) O -100
is O -100
that O -100
some O -100
things O -100
got O -100
a O -100
little O -100
repetitive O -100
but O -100
overall O -100
a O -100
really O -100
good O -100
opportunity O -100
to O -100
learn O -100
Excellent O -100
content B-ASP Positive
but O -100
the O -100
quizzes B-ASP -100
are O -100
badly O -100
done O -100
, O -100
many O -100
questions O -100
have O -100
several O -100
reasonable O -100
answers O -100
and O -100
very O -100
little O -100
feedback O -100
if O -100
we O -100
' O -100
get O -100
it O -100
wrong O -100
' O -100
Excellent O -100
content B-ASP -100
but O -100
the O -100
quizzes B-ASP Negative
are O -100
badly O -100
done O -100
, O -100
many O -100
questions O -100
have O -100
several O -100
reasonable O -100
answers O -100
and O -100
very O -100
little O -100
feedback O -100
if O -100
we O -100
' O -100
get O -100
it O -100
wrong O -100
' O -100
Good O -100
for O -100
the O -100
numerous O -100
hints O -100
about O -100
practical B-ASP Positive
issues I-ASP Positive
such O -100
as O -100
different O -100
distributions O -100
on O -100
train O -100
/ O -100
dev O -100
/ O -100
set O -100
. O -100
Very O -100
bad O -100
for O -100
the O -100
lack O -100
of O -100
hands O -100
- O -100
on O -100
assignments B-ASP -100
. O -100
Good O -100
practical O -100
advices O -100
but O -100
no O -100
occasion O -100
to O -100
see O -100
them O -100
working O -100
! O -100
Good O -100
for O -100
the O -100
numerous O -100
hints O -100
about O -100
practical B-ASP -100
issues I-ASP -100
such O -100
as O -100
different O -100
distributions O -100
on O -100
train O -100
/ O -100
dev O -100
/ O -100
set O -100
. O -100
Very O -100
bad O -100
for O -100
the O -100
lack O -100
of O -100
hands O -100
- O -100
on O -100
assignments B-ASP Negative
. O -100
Good O -100
practical O -100
advices O -100
but O -100
no O -100
occasion O -100
to O -100
see O -100
them O -100
working O -100
! O -100
One O -100
of O -100
the O -100
most O -100
clear O -100
convolution O -100
explanations B-ASP Positive
ever O -100
! O -100
Loved O -100
the O -100
mostly O -100
recent O -100
algos O -100
discussed O -100
, O -100
too O -100
bad O -100
all O -100
important O -100
papers O -100
don O -100
' O -100
t O -100
have O -100
breakdowns O -100
like O -100
that O -100
! O -100
Negative O -100
: O -100
The O -100
course B-ASP Positive
is O -100
good O -100
. O -100
Well O -100
explained O -100
. O -100
The O -100
videos B-ASP -100
need O -100
some O -100
editing O -100
, O -100
sometimes O -100
speech O -100
is O -100
repeated O -100
which O -100
doesn O -100
' O -100
t O -100
help O -100
with O -100
concentration O -100
. O -100
Also O -100
, O -100
the O -100
forums B-ASP -100
need O -100
fixing O -100
, O -100
for O -100
someone O -100
used O -100
to O -100
Stack O -100
Overflow O -100
( O -100
and O -100
others O -100
) O -100
the O -100
forums O -100
work O -100
really O -100
bad O -100
. O -100
The O -100
course B-ASP -100
is O -100
good O -100
. O -100
Well O -100
explained O -100
. O -100
The O -100
videos B-ASP Neutral
need O -100
some O -100
editing O -100
, O -100
sometimes O -100
speech O -100
is O -100
repeated O -100
which O -100
doesn O -100
' O -100
t O -100
help O -100
with O -100
concentration O -100
. O -100
Also O -100
, O -100
the O -100
forums B-ASP -100
need O -100
fixing O -100
, O -100
for O -100
someone O -100
used O -100
to O -100
Stack O -100
Overflow O -100
( O -100
and O -100
others O -100
) O -100
the O -100
forums O -100
work O -100
really O -100
bad O -100
. O -100
The O -100
course B-ASP -100
is O -100
good O -100
. O -100
Well O -100
explained O -100
. O -100
The O -100
videos B-ASP -100
need O -100
some O -100
editing O -100
, O -100
sometimes O -100
speech O -100
is O -100
repeated O -100
which O -100
doesn O -100
' O -100
t O -100
help O -100
with O -100
concentration O -100
. O -100
Also O -100
, O -100
the O -100
forums B-ASP Negative
need O -100
fixing O -100
, O -100
for O -100
someone O -100
used O -100
to O -100
Stack O -100
Overflow O -100
( O -100
and O -100
others O -100
) O -100
the O -100
forums O -100
work O -100
really O -100
bad O -100
. O -100
Week O -100
3 O -100
has O -100
a O -100
bad O -100
grading B-ASP Negative
system O -100
for O -100
the O -100
programming O -100
assignment B-ASP -100
. O -100
The O -100
exact O -100
" O -100
0 O -100
" O -100
blocked O -100
many O -100
time O -100
, O -100
and O -100
waste O -100
efforts O -100
. O -100
Otherwise O -100
, O -100
the O -100
course O -100
is O -100
good O -100
. O -100
Week O -100
3 O -100
has O -100
a O -100
bad O -100
grading B-ASP -100
system O -100
for O -100
the O -100
programming O -100
assignment B-ASP Negative
. O -100
The O -100
exact O -100
" O -100
0 O -100
" O -100
blocked O -100
many O -100
time O -100
, O -100
and O -100
waste O -100
efforts O -100
. O -100
Otherwise O -100
, O -100
the O -100
course O -100
is O -100
good O -100
. O -100
content B-ASP Positive
was O -100
good O -100
, O -100
Yolo O -100
was O -100
hard O -100
and O -100
i O -100
still O -100
does O -100
not O -100
suggest O -100
, O -100
wasted O -100
too O -100
much O -100
time O -100
on O -100
exercises B-ASP -100
, O -100
when O -100
the O -100
answer O -100
was O -100
not O -100
match O -100
it O -100
passed O -100
! O -100
very O -100
bad O -100
experience O -100
with O -100
the O -100
exercise O -100
part O -100
. O -100
content B-ASP -100
was O -100
good O -100
, O -100
Yolo O -100
was O -100
hard O -100
and O -100
i O -100
still O -100
does O -100
not O -100
suggest O -100
, O -100
wasted O -100
too O -100
much O -100
time O -100
on O -100
exercises B-ASP Negative
, O -100
when O -100
the O -100
answer O -100
was O -100
not O -100
match O -100
it O -100
passed O -100
! O -100
very O -100
bad O -100
experience O -100
with O -100
the O -100
exercise O -100
part O -100
. O -100
the O -100
course B-ASP Positive
itself O -100
was O -100
great O -100
, O -100
but O -100
Coursera B-ASP -100
did O -100
a O -100
very O -100
bad O -100
job O -100
providing O -100
the O -100
infrastructure O -100
for O -100
the O -100
last O -100
assignment B-ASP -100
. O -100
it O -100
took O -100
me O -100
a O -100
long O -100
time O -100
to O -100
hack O -100
the O -100
assignment O -100
and O -100
submit O -100
successfully O -100
. O -100
the O -100
course B-ASP -100
itself O -100
was O -100
great O -100
, O -100
but O -100
Coursera B-ASP Negative
did O -100
a O -100
very O -100
bad O -100
job O -100
providing O -100
the O -100
infrastructure O -100
for O -100
the O -100
last O -100
assignment B-ASP -100
. O -100
it O -100
took O -100
me O -100
a O -100
long O -100
time O -100
to O -100
hack O -100
the O -100
assignment O -100
and O -100
submit O -100
successfully O -100
. O -100
the O -100
course B-ASP -100
itself O -100
was O -100
great O -100
, O -100
but O -100
Coursera B-ASP -100
did O -100
a O -100
very O -100
bad O -100
job O -100
providing O -100
the O -100
infrastructure O -100
for O -100
the O -100
last O -100
assignment B-ASP Negative
. O -100
it O -100
took O -100
me O -100
a O -100
long O -100
time O -100
to O -100
hack O -100
the O -100
assignment O -100
and O -100
submit O -100
successfully O -100
. O -100
Video B-ASP Negative
editing I-ASP Negative
is O -100
bad O -100
and O -100
assignments B-ASP -100
have O -100
lots O -100
of O -100
inconsistent O -100
wording O -100
and O -100
bugs O -100
, O -100
apart O -100
from O -100
that O -100
knowledge O -100
wise O -100
really O -100
good O -100
course B-ASP -100
Video B-ASP -100
editing I-ASP -100
is O -100
bad O -100
and O -100
assignments B-ASP Negative
have O -100
lots O -100
of O -100
inconsistent O -100
wording O -100
and O -100
bugs O -100
, O -100
apart O -100
from O -100
that O -100
knowledge O -100
wise O -100
really O -100
good O -100
course B-ASP -100
Video B-ASP -100
editing I-ASP -100
is O -100
bad O -100
and O -100
assignments B-ASP -100
have O -100
lots O -100
of O -100
inconsistent O -100
wording O -100
and O -100
bugs O -100
, O -100
apart O -100
from O -100
that O -100
knowledge O -100
wise O -100
really O -100
good O -100
course B-ASP Positive
The O -100
lectures B-ASP Negative
were O -100
not O -100
as O -100
good O -100
as O -100
the O -100
previous O -100
andrew O -100
ng O -100
. O -100
courses O -100
, O -100
and O -100
the O -100
exercises B-ASP -100
were O -100
quite O -100
bad O -100
in O -100
all O -100
honesty O -100
. O -100
I O -100
do O -100
appreciate O -100
what O -100
I O -100
have O -100
learned O -100
, O -100
as O -100
the O -100
lectures B-ASP -100
WERE O -100
clear O -100
enough O -100
. O -100
The O -100
lectures B-ASP -100
were O -100
not O -100
as O -100
good O -100
as O -100
the O -100
previous O -100
andrew O -100
ng O -100
. O -100
courses O -100
, O -100
and O -100
the O -100
exercises B-ASP Negative
were O -100
quite O -100
bad O -100
in O -100
all O -100
honesty O -100
. O -100
I O -100
do O -100
appreciate O -100
what O -100
I O -100
have O -100
learned O -100
, O -100
as O -100
the O -100
lectures B-ASP -100
WERE O -100
clear O -100
enough O -100
. O -100
The O -100
lectures B-ASP -100
were O -100
not O -100
as O -100
good O -100
as O -100
the O -100
previous O -100
andrew O -100
ng O -100
. O -100
courses O -100
, O -100
and O -100
the O -100
exercises B-ASP -100
were O -100
quite O -100
bad O -100
in O -100
all O -100
honesty O -100
. O -100
I O -100
do O -100
appreciate O -100
what O -100
I O -100
have O -100
learned O -100
, O -100
as O -100
the O -100
lectures B-ASP Positive
WERE O -100
clear O -100
enough O -100
. O -100
Overall O -100
a O -100
great O -100
course B-ASP Positive
, O -100
thanks O -100
to O -100
Andrew B-ASP -100
NG O -100
for O -100
his O -100
great O -100
explanations O -100
. O -100
But O -100
a O -100
very O -100
bad O -100
support O -100
, O -100
I O -100
faced O -100
many O -100
issues O -100
in O -100
submitting O -100
the O -100
assignment B-ASP -100
due O -100
to O -100
technical O -100
issues O -100
( O -100
notebook O -100
not O -100
saving O -100
) O -100
but O -100
no O -100
dedicated O -100
resource O -100
to O -100
help O -100
me O -100
. O -100
I O -100
spend O -100
lot O -100
of O -100
time O -100
in O -100
resolving O -100
my O -100
self O -100
. O -100
Overall O -100
a O -100
great O -100
course B-ASP -100
, O -100
thanks O -100
to O -100
Andrew B-ASP Positive
NG O -100
for O -100
his O -100
great O -100
explanations O -100
. O -100
But O -100
a O -100
very O -100
bad O -100
support O -100
, O -100
I O -100
faced O -100
many O -100
issues O -100
in O -100
submitting O -100
the O -100
assignment B-ASP -100
due O -100
to O -100
technical O -100
issues O -100
( O -100
notebook O -100
not O -100
saving O -100
) O -100
but O -100
no O -100
dedicated O -100
resource O -100
to O -100
help O -100
me O -100
. O -100
I O -100
spend O -100
lot O -100
of O -100
time O -100
in O -100
resolving O -100
my O -100
self O -100
. O -100
Overall O -100
a O -100
great O -100
course B-ASP -100
, O -100
thanks O -100
to O -100
Andrew B-ASP -100
NG O -100
for O -100
his O -100
great O -100
explanations O -100
. O -100
But O -100
a O -100
very O -100
bad O -100
support O -100
, O -100
I O -100
faced O -100
many O -100
issues O -100
in O -100
submitting O -100
the O -100
assignment B-ASP Negative
due O -100
to O -100
technical O -100
issues O -100
( O -100
notebook O -100
not O -100
saving O -100
) O -100
but O -100
no O -100
dedicated O -100
resource O -100
to O -100
help O -100
me O -100
. O -100
I O -100
spend O -100
lot O -100
of O -100
time O -100
in O -100
resolving O -100
my O -100
self O -100
. O -100
The O -100
best O -100
MOOC O -100
in O -100
Machine O -100
Learning O -100
I O -100
have O -100
ever O -100
seen O -100
. O -100
Also O -100
if O -100
slides O -100
are O -100
often O -100
bad O -100
to O -100
read O -100
. O -100
The O -100
course B-ASP Positive
covers O -100
a O -100
bride O -100
range O -100
of O -100
ML O -100
areas O -100
with O -100
all O -100
the O -100
necessary O -100
details O -100
to O -100
understand O -100
and O -100
implement O -100
the O -100
algorithms O -100
. O -100
The O -100
best O -100
choise O -100
for O -100
beginners O -100
. O -100
Great O -100
course B-ASP Positive
, O -100
good O -100
lecturer B-ASP -100
, O -100
and O -100
also O -100
practical O -100
and O -100
lets O -100
you O -100
try O -100
for O -100
yourself O -100
and O -100
test O -100
your O -100
gained O -100
knowledge O -100
. O -100
Too O -100
bad O -100
there O -100
is O -100
no O -100
way O -100
to O -100
prove O -100
that O -100
all O -100
the O -100
assignments B-ASP -100
were O -100
completed O -100
successfully O -100
and O -100
so O -100
that O -100
I O -100
passed O -100
the O -100
course O -100
. O -100
Great O -100
course B-ASP -100
, O -100
good O -100
lecturer B-ASP Positive
, O -100
and O -100
also O -100
practical O -100
and O -100
lets O -100
you O -100
try O -100
for O -100
yourself O -100
and O -100
test O -100
your O -100
gained O -100
knowledge O -100
. O -100
Too O -100
bad O -100
there O -100
is O -100
no O -100
way O -100
to O -100
prove O -100
that O -100
all O -100
the O -100
assignments B-ASP -100
were O -100
completed O -100
successfully O -100
and O -100
so O -100
that O -100
I O -100
passed O -100
the O -100
course O -100
. O -100
Great O -100
course B-ASP -100
, O -100
good O -100
lecturer B-ASP -100
, O -100
and O -100
also O -100
practical O -100
and O -100
lets O -100
you O -100
try O -100
for O -100
yourself O -100
and O -100
test O -100
your O -100
gained O -100
knowledge O -100
. O -100
Too O -100
bad O -100
there O -100
is O -100
no O -100
way O -100
to O -100
prove O -100
that O -100
all O -100
the O -100
assignments B-ASP Neutral
were O -100
completed O -100
successfully O -100
and O -100
so O -100
that O -100
I O -100
passed O -100
the O -100
course O -100
. O -100
This O -100
course B-ASP Positive
is O -100
very O -100
helpful O -100
to O -100
get O -100
a O -100
good O -100
understanding O -100
of O -100
ML O -100
concepts O -100
, O -100
differentiating O -100
good O -100
/ O -100
bad O -100
ML O -100
practices O -100
. O -100
The O -100
programming B-ASP -100
assignments I-ASP -100
helps O -100
in O -100
understanding O -100
- O -100
how O -100
different O -100
things O -100
could O -100
be O -100
arranged O -100
in O -100
the O -100
system O -100
. O -100
This O -100
course B-ASP -100
is O -100
very O -100
helpful O -100
to O -100
get O -100
a O -100
good O -100
understanding O -100
of O -100
ML O -100
concepts O -100
, O -100
differentiating O -100
good O -100
/ O -100
bad O -100
ML O -100
practices O -100
. O -100
The O -100
programming B-ASP Positive
assignments I-ASP Positive
helps O -100
in O -100
understanding O -100
- O -100
how O -100
different O -100
things O -100
could O -100
be O -100
arranged O -100
in O -100
the O -100
system O -100
. O -100
Too O -100
bad O -100
i O -100
haven O -100
' O -100
t O -100
started O -100
earlier O -100
! O -100
It O -100
was O -100
an O -100
honor O -100
and O -100
I O -100
had O -100
great O -100
time O -100
working O -100
through O -100
the O -100
videos B-ASP Positive
, O -100
reviews O -100
and O -100
exercises B-ASP -100
. O -100
Thank O -100
you O -100
very O -100
much O -100
Andrew B-ASP -100
for O -100
your O -100
time O -100
and O -100
making O -100
this O -100
available O -100
to O -100
us O -100
. O -100
Thank O -100
you O -100
! O -100
Too O -100
bad O -100
i O -100
haven O -100
' O -100
t O -100
started O -100
earlier O -100
! O -100
It O -100
was O -100
an O -100
honor O -100
and O -100
I O -100
had O -100
great O -100
time O -100
working O -100
through O -100
the O -100
videos B-ASP -100
, O -100
reviews O -100
and O -100
exercises B-ASP Positive
. O -100
Thank O -100
you O -100
very O -100
much O -100
Andrew B-ASP -100
for O -100
your O -100
time O -100
and O -100
making O -100
this O -100
available O -100
to O -100
us O -100
. O -100
Thank O -100
you O -100
! O -100
Too O -100
bad O -100
i O -100
haven O -100
' O -100
t O -100
started O -100
earlier O -100
! O -100
It O -100
was O -100
an O -100
honor O -100
and O -100
I O -100
had O -100
great O -100
time O -100
working O -100
through O -100
the O -100
videos B-ASP -100
, O -100
reviews O -100
and O -100
exercises B-ASP -100
. O -100
Thank O -100
you O -100
very O -100
much O -100
Andrew B-ASP Positive
for O -100
your O -100
time O -100
and O -100
making O -100
this O -100
available O -100
to O -100
us O -100
. O -100
Thank O -100
you O -100
! O -100
Wonder O -100
Prof B-ASP Positive
. O -100
and O -100
coherent O -100
informative O -100
material B-ASP -100
, O -100
the O -100
only O -100
minor O -100
issue O -100
is O -100
the O -100
bad B-ASP -100
sound I-ASP -100
quality O -100
, O -100
other O -100
than O -100
that O -100
it O -100
is O -100
excellent O -100
and O -100
recommended O -100
for O -100
everyone O -100
passionate O -100
about O -100
the O -100
field O -100
of O -100
Machine O -100
Learning O -100
. O -100
Wonder O -100
Prof B-ASP -100
. O -100
and O -100
coherent O -100
informative O -100
material B-ASP Positive
, O -100
the O -100
only O -100
minor O -100
issue O -100
is O -100
the O -100
bad B-ASP -100
sound I-ASP -100
quality O -100
, O -100
other O -100
than O -100
that O -100
it O -100
is O -100
excellent O -100
and O -100
recommended O -100
for O -100
everyone O -100
passionate O -100
about O -100
the O -100
field O -100
of O -100
Machine O -100
Learning O -100
. O -100
Wonder O -100
Prof B-ASP -100
. O -100
and O -100
coherent O -100
informative O -100
material B-ASP -100
, O -100
the O -100
only O -100
minor O -100
issue O -100
is O -100
the O -100
bad B-ASP Negative
sound I-ASP Negative
quality O -100
, O -100
other O -100
than O -100
that O -100
it O -100
is O -100
excellent O -100
and O -100
recommended O -100
for O -100
everyone O -100
passionate O -100
about O -100
the O -100
field O -100
of O -100
Machine O -100
Learning O -100
. O -100
Excellently O -100
taught O -100
by O -100
Andrew B-ASP Positive
Ng O -100
. O -100
Assignments B-ASP -100
aren O -100
' O -100
t O -100
too O -100
involved O -100
, O -100
which O -100
is O -100
both O -100
good O -100
and O -100
bad O -100
, O -100
but O -100
they O -100
provide O -100
a O -100
good O -100
enough O -100
taste O -100
of O -100
what O -100
' O -100
s O -100
necessary O -100
to O -100
apply O -100
some O -100
of O -100
the O -100
principals O -100
in O -100
practice O -100
. O -100
Excellently O -100
taught O -100
by O -100
Andrew B-ASP -100
Ng O -100
. O -100
Assignments B-ASP Negative
aren O -100
' O -100
t O -100
too O -100
involved O -100
, O -100
which O -100
is O -100
both O -100
good O -100
and O -100
bad O -100
, O -100
but O -100
they O -100
provide O -100
a O -100
good O -100
enough O -100
taste O -100
of O -100
what O -100
' O -100
s O -100
necessary O -100
to O -100
apply O -100
some O -100
of O -100
the O -100
principals O -100
in O -100
practice O -100
. O -100
Very O -100
good O -100
overview O -100
of O -100
ML O -100
. O -100
The O -100
GraphLab O -100
api O -100
wasn O -100
' O -100
t O -100
that O -100
bad O -100
, O -100
and O -100
also O -100
it O -100
was O -100
very O -100
wise O -100
of O -100
the O -100
instructors B-ASP Positive
to O -100
allow O -100
the O -100
use O -100
of O -100
other O -100
ML O -100
packages B-ASP -100
. O -100
Overall O -100
i O -100
enjoyed O -100
it O -100
very O -100
much O -100
and O -100
also O -100
leaned O -100
very O -100
much O -100
Very O -100
good O -100
overview O -100
of O -100
ML O -100
. O -100
The O -100
GraphLab O -100
api O -100
wasn O -100
' O -100
t O -100
that O -100
bad O -100
, O -100
and O -100
also O -100
it O -100
was O -100
very O -100
wise O -100
of O -100
the O -100
instructors B-ASP -100
to O -100
allow O -100
the O -100
use O -100
of O -100
other O -100
ML O -100
packages B-ASP Positive
. O -100
Overall O -100
i O -100
enjoyed O -100
it O -100
very O -100
much O -100
and O -100
also O -100
leaned O -100
very O -100
much O -100
Great O -100
Course B-ASP Positive
to O -100
start O -100
with O -100
machine O -100
learning O -100
. O -100
When O -100
I O -100
started O -100
this O -100
course O -100
I O -100
heard O -100
bad O -100
words O -100
about O -100
turicreate O -100
. O -100
But O -100
I O -100
think O -100
it O -100
is O -100
very O -100
easy O -100
to O -100
work O -100
with O -100
this O -100
compare O -100
to O -100
pandas O -100
. O -100
And O -100
it O -100
will O -100
even O -100
save O -100
your O -100
time O -100
that O -100
you O -100
can O -100
invest O -100
in O -100
learning B-ASP -100
more O -100
theoretical O -100
aspects O -100
. O -100
Great O -100
Course B-ASP -100
to O -100
start O -100
with O -100
machine O -100
learning O -100
. O -100
When O -100
I O -100
started O -100
this O -100
course O -100
I O -100
heard O -100
bad O -100
words O -100
about O -100
turicreate O -100
. O -100
But O -100
I O -100
think O -100
it O -100
is O -100
very O -100
easy O -100
to O -100
work O -100
with O -100
this O -100
compare O -100
to O -100
pandas O -100
. O -100
And O -100
it O -100
will O -100
even O -100
save O -100
your O -100
time O -100
that O -100
you O -100
can O -100
invest O -100
in O -100
learning B-ASP Positive
more O -100
theoretical O -100
aspects O -100
. O -100
Nice O -100
overview O -100
to O -100
ease O -100
into O -100
all O -100
the O -100
content B-ASP Positive
! O -100
, O -100
Only O -100
bad O -100
this O -100
is O -100
they O -100
use O -100
sframe O -100
: O -100
( O -100
either O -100
make O -100
it O -100
opensource O -100
and O -100
in O -100
the O -100
mainstream O -100
use O -100
or O -100
provide O -100
the O -100
assignments B-ASP -100
in O -100
sklearn O -100
! O -100
Nice O -100
overview O -100
to O -100
ease O -100
into O -100
all O -100
the O -100
content B-ASP -100
! O -100
, O -100
Only O -100
bad O -100
this O -100
is O -100
they O -100
use O -100
sframe O -100
: O -100
( O -100
either O -100
make O -100
it O -100
opensource O -100
and O -100
in O -100
the O -100
mainstream O -100
use O -100
or O -100
provide O -100
the O -100
assignments B-ASP Negative
in O -100
sklearn O -100
! O -100
Very O -100
good O -100
introduction O -100
to O -100
machine O -100
learning O -100
. O -100
Concepts B-ASP Positive
are O -100
well O -100
presented O -100
and O -100
explained O -100
, O -100
i O -100
would O -100
have O -100
preferred O -100
to O -100
use O -100
a O -100
Open O -100
Source O -100
library O -100
in O -100
the O -100
assignments B-ASP -100
, O -100
but O -100
is O -100
not O -100
bad O -100
to O -100
know O -100
how O -100
to O -100
use O -100
Graphlab O -100
, O -100
a O -100
very O -100
powerful O -100
tool B-ASP -100
, O -100
for O -100
sure O -100
! O -100
Very O -100
good O -100
introduction O -100
to O -100
machine O -100
learning O -100
. O -100
Concepts B-ASP -100
are O -100
well O -100
presented O -100
and O -100
explained O -100
, O -100
i O -100
would O -100
have O -100
preferred O -100
to O -100
use O -100
a O -100
Open O -100
Source O -100
library O -100
in O -100
the O -100
assignments B-ASP Neutral
, O -100
but O -100
is O -100
not O -100
bad O -100
to O -100
know O -100
how O -100
to O -100
use O -100
Graphlab O -100
, O -100
a O -100
very O -100
powerful O -100
tool B-ASP -100
, O -100
for O -100
sure O -100
! O -100
Very O -100
good O -100
introduction O -100
to O -100
machine O -100
learning O -100
. O -100
Concepts B-ASP -100
are O -100
well O -100
presented O -100
and O -100
explained O -100
, O -100
i O -100
would O -100
have O -100
preferred O -100
to O -100
use O -100
a O -100
Open O -100
Source O -100
library O -100
in O -100
the O -100
assignments B-ASP -100
, O -100
but O -100
is O -100
not O -100
bad O -100
to O -100
know O -100
how O -100
to O -100
use O -100
Graphlab O -100
, O -100
a O -100
very O -100
powerful O -100
tool B-ASP Positive
, O -100
for O -100
sure O -100
! O -100
Excellent O -100
course B-ASP Positive
. O -100
First O -100
time O -100
I O -100
am O -100
doing O -100
one O -100
online O -100
course O -100
. O -100
Excellent O -100
and O -100
experienced O -100
tutor B-ASP -100
. O -100
Explained O -100
difficult O -100
concepts O -100
in O -100
a O -100
simple O -100
way O -100
. O -100
And O -100
I O -100
enjoyed O -100
doing O -100
programming O -100
assignments B-ASP -100
. O -100
Thank O -100
you O -100
Andrew O -100
NG O -100
. O -100
Excellent O -100
course B-ASP -100
. O -100
First O -100
time O -100
I O -100
am O -100
doing O -100
one O -100
online O -100
course O -100
. O -100
Excellent O -100
and O -100
experienced O -100
tutor B-ASP Positive
. O -100
Explained O -100
difficult O -100
concepts O -100
in O -100
a O -100
simple O -100
way O -100
. O -100
And O -100
I O -100
enjoyed O -100
doing O -100
programming O -100
assignments B-ASP -100
. O -100
Thank O -100
you O -100
Andrew O -100
NG O -100
. O -100
Excellent O -100
course B-ASP -100
. O -100
First O -100
time O -100
I O -100
am O -100
doing O -100
one O -100
online O -100
course O -100
. O -100
Excellent O -100
and O -100
experienced O -100
tutor B-ASP -100
. O -100
Explained O -100
difficult O -100
concepts O -100
in O -100
a O -100
simple O -100
way O -100
. O -100
And O -100
I O -100
enjoyed O -100
doing O -100
programming O -100
assignments B-ASP Positive
. O -100
Thank O -100
you O -100
Andrew O -100
NG O -100
. O -100
Machine O -100
Learning O -100
course B-ASP Positive
has O -100
been O -100
an O -100
exciting O -100
and O -100
challenging O -100
learning B-ASP -100
experience O -100
. O -100
Special O -100
thanks O -100
to O -100
Andrew B-ASP -100
Ng O -100
. O -100
His O -100
simple O -100
explanations B-ASP -100
are O -100
vital O -100
for O -100
beginners O -100
enabling O -100
them O -100
understand O -100
difficult O -100
concepts O -100
Machine O -100
Learning O -100
course B-ASP -100
has O -100
been O -100
an O -100
exciting O -100
and O -100
challenging O -100
learning B-ASP Positive
experience O -100
. O -100
Special O -100
thanks O -100
to O -100
Andrew B-ASP -100
Ng O -100
. O -100
His O -100
simple O -100
explanations B-ASP -100
are O -100
vital O -100
for O -100
beginners O -100
enabling O -100
them O -100
understand O -100
difficult O -100
concepts O -100
Machine O -100
Learning O -100
course B-ASP -100
has O -100
been O -100
an O -100
exciting O -100
and O -100
challenging O -100
learning B-ASP -100
experience O -100
. O -100
Special O -100
thanks O -100
to O -100
Andrew B-ASP Positive
Ng O -100
. O -100
His O -100
simple O -100
explanations B-ASP -100
are O -100
vital O -100
for O -100
beginners O -100
enabling O -100
them O -100
understand O -100
difficult O -100
concepts O -100
Machine O -100
Learning O -100
course B-ASP -100
has O -100
been O -100
an O -100
exciting O -100
and O -100
challenging O -100
learning B-ASP -100
experience O -100
. O -100
Special O -100
thanks O -100
to O -100
Andrew B-ASP -100
Ng O -100
. O -100
His O -100
simple O -100
explanations B-ASP Positive
are O -100
vital O -100
for O -100
beginners O -100
enabling O -100
them O -100
understand O -100
difficult O -100
concepts O -100
Programming B-ASP Positive
exercises I-ASP Positive
focus O -100
on O -100
the O -100
topics O -100
and O -100
provide O -100
you O -100
with O -100
good O -100
templates O -100
that O -100
you O -100
can O -100
easily O -100
fill O -100
in O -100
so O -100
you O -100
don O -100
' O -100
t O -100
waste O -100
your O -100
time O -100
. O -100
Videos B-ASP -100
are O -100
very O -100
well O -100
done O -100
and O -100
quizzes B-ASP -100
are O -100
reasonable O -100
difficulty O -100
. O -100
Programming B-ASP -100
exercises I-ASP -100
focus O -100
on O -100
the O -100
topics O -100
and O -100
provide O -100
you O -100
with O -100
good O -100
templates O -100
that O -100
you O -100
can O -100
easily O -100
fill O -100
in O -100
so O -100
you O -100
don O -100
' O -100
t O -100
waste O -100
your O -100
time O -100
. O -100
Videos B-ASP Positive
are O -100
very O -100
well O -100
done O -100
and O -100
quizzes B-ASP -100
are O -100
reasonable O -100
difficulty O -100
. O -100
Programming B-ASP -100
exercises I-ASP -100
focus O -100
on O -100
the O -100
topics O -100
and O -100
provide O -100
you O -100
with O -100
good O -100
templates O -100
that O -100
you O -100
can O -100
easily O -100
fill O -100
in O -100
so O -100
you O -100
don O -100
' O -100
t O -100
waste O -100
your O -100
time O -100
. O -100
Videos B-ASP -100
are O -100
very O -100
well O -100
done O -100
and O -100
quizzes B-ASP Neutral
are O -100
reasonable O -100
difficulty O -100
. O -100
It O -100
' O -100
s O -100
a O -100
very O -100
difficult O -100
course B-ASP Neutral
and O -100
some O -100
parts O -100
are O -100
quite O -100
abstract O -100
for O -100
me O -100
, O -100
luckily O -100
Professor B-ASP -100
Ng O -100
explains O -100
everything O -100
very O -100
clearly O -100
which O -100
helps O -100
me O -100
to O -100
understand O -100
quite O -100
well O -100
. O -100
Thank O -100
you O -100
so O -100
much O -100
Professor O -100
Ng O -100
. O -100
It O -100
' O -100
s O -100
a O -100
very O -100
difficult O -100
course B-ASP -100
and O -100
some O -100
parts O -100
are O -100
quite O -100
abstract O -100
for O -100
me O -100
, O -100
luckily O -100
Professor B-ASP Positive
Ng O -100
explains O -100
everything O -100
very O -100
clearly O -100
which O -100
helps O -100
me O -100
to O -100
understand O -100
quite O -100
well O -100
. O -100
Thank O -100
you O -100
so O -100
much O -100
Professor O -100
Ng O -100
. O -100
andrew O -100
ng O -100
is O -100
a O -100
great O -100
lectrer B-ASP Positive
. O -100
He O -100
can O -100
explain O -100
the O -100
difficult O -100
concept B-ASP -100
in O -100
easy O -100
words O -100
so O -100
I O -100
can O -100
undrestand O -100
and O -100
follow O -100
the O -100
whole O -100
course O -100
even O -100
if O -100
I O -100
did O -100
not O -100
have O -100
any O -100
prior O -100
knowledge O -100
about O -100
machine O -100
learning O -100
. O -100
andrew O -100
ng O -100
is O -100
a O -100
great O -100
lectrer B-ASP -100
. O -100
He O -100
can O -100
explain O -100
the O -100
difficult O -100
concept B-ASP Positive
in O -100
easy O -100
words O -100
so O -100
I O -100
can O -100
undrestand O -100
and O -100
follow O -100
the O -100
whole O -100
course O -100
even O -100
if O -100
I O -100
did O -100
not O -100
have O -100
any O -100
prior O -100
knowledge O -100
about O -100
machine O -100
learning O -100
. O -100
This O -100
is O -100
a O -100
really O -100
great O -100
course B-ASP Positive
. O -100
I O -100
have O -100
gained O -100
a O -100
comprehensive O -100
understanding O -100
of O -100
machine O -100
learning O -100
. O -100
Though O -100
there O -100
is O -100
some O -100
difficulties O -100
I O -100
encountered O -100
during O -100
the O -100
course O -100
, O -100
I O -100
am O -100
proud O -100
that O -100
I O -100
conquered O -100
them O -100
? O -100
? O -100
? O -100
Andrew O -100
Ng O -100
was O -100
really O -100
good O -100
at O -100
explaining O -100
the O -100
difficult O -100
concepts B-ASP Positive
in O -100
a O -100
simple O -100
basic O -100
way O -100
. O -100
Thanks O -100
for O -100
teaching B-ASP -100
the O -100
difficult O -100
ML O -100
in O -100
such O -100
easy O -100
way O -100
. O -100
Really O -100
enjoyed O -100
and O -100
felt O -100
this O -100
was O -100
a O -100
challenging O -100
course O -100
. O -100
Andrew O -100
Ng O -100
was O -100
really O -100
good O -100
at O -100
explaining O -100
the O -100
difficult O -100
concepts B-ASP -100
in O -100
a O -100
simple O -100
basic O -100
way O -100
. O -100
Thanks O -100
for O -100
teaching B-ASP Positive
the O -100
difficult O -100
ML O -100
in O -100
such O -100
easy O -100
way O -100
. O -100
Really O -100
enjoyed O -100
and O -100
felt O -100
this O -100
was O -100
a O -100
challenging O -100
course O -100
. O -100
Very O -100
difficult O -100
concepts B-ASP Positive
that O -100
are O -100
explained O -100
as O -100
clearly O -100
as O -100
possible O -100
. O -100
Actually O -100
taking O -100
the O -100
time O -100
to O -100
digest O -100
this O -100
information O -100
is O -100
priceless O -100
, O -100
and O -100
a O -100
certification B-ASP -100
from O -100
Stanford O -100
for O -100
ML O -100
, O -100
you O -100
can O -100
' O -100
t O -100
beat O -100
it O -100
. O -100
Very O -100
difficult O -100
concepts B-ASP -100
that O -100
are O -100
explained O -100
as O -100
clearly O -100
as O -100
possible O -100
. O -100
Actually O -100
taking O -100
the O -100
time O -100
to O -100
digest O -100
this O -100
information O -100
is O -100
priceless O -100
, O -100
and O -100
a O -100
certification B-ASP Positive
from O -100
Stanford O -100
for O -100
ML O -100
, O -100
you O -100
can O -100
' O -100
t O -100
beat O -100
it O -100
. O -100
I O -100
love O -100
this O -100
course B-ASP Positive
! O -100
Thank O -100
you O -100
Andrew B-ASP -100
Ng O -100
. O -100
This O -100
course O -100
isn O -100
' O -100
t O -100
very O -100
difficult O -100
, O -100
but O -100
it O -100
contains O -100
lots O -100
of O -100
crucial O -100
knowledge B-ASP -100
. O -100
Now O -100
I O -100
feel O -100
confident O -100
to O -100
apply O -100
for O -100
a O -100
job O -100
using O -100
machine O -100
learning O -100
knowledge O -100
. O -100
I O -100
love O -100
this O -100
course B-ASP -100
! O -100
Thank O -100
you O -100
Andrew B-ASP Positive
Ng O -100
. O -100
This O -100
course O -100
isn O -100
' O -100
t O -100
very O -100
difficult O -100
, O -100
but O -100
it O -100
contains O -100
lots O -100
of O -100
crucial O -100
knowledge B-ASP -100
. O -100
Now O -100
I O -100
feel O -100
confident O -100
to O -100
apply O -100
for O -100
a O -100
job O -100
using O -100
machine O -100
learning O -100
knowledge O -100
. O -100
I O -100
love O -100
this O -100
course B-ASP -100
! O -100
Thank O -100
you O -100
Andrew B-ASP -100
Ng O -100
. O -100
This O -100
course O -100
isn O -100
' O -100
t O -100
very O -100
difficult O -100
, O -100
but O -100
it O -100
contains O -100
lots O -100
of O -100
crucial O -100
knowledge B-ASP Positive
. O -100
Now O -100
I O -100
feel O -100
confident O -100
to O -100
apply O -100
for O -100
a O -100
job O -100
using O -100
machine O -100
learning O -100
knowledge O -100
. O -100
Wonderful O -100
class B-ASP Positive
. O -100
I O -100
have O -100
been O -100
reading O -100
this O -100
kind O -100
of O -100
material O -100
by O -100
myself O -100
. O -100
This O -100
course B-ASP -100
is O -100
by O -100
far O -100
the O -100
greatest O -100
one O -100
that O -100
professor B-ASP -100
explains O -100
difficult O -100
concept O -100
in O -100
a O -100
super O -100
simply O -100
and O -100
straight O -100
forward O -100
way O -100
. O -100
Wonderful O -100
class B-ASP -100
. O -100
I O -100
have O -100
been O -100
reading O -100
this O -100
kind O -100
of O -100
material O -100
by O -100
myself O -100
. O -100
This O -100
course B-ASP Positive
is O -100
by O -100
far O -100
the O -100
greatest O -100
one O -100
that O -100
professor B-ASP -100
explains O -100
difficult O -100
concept O -100
in O -100
a O -100
super O -100
simply O -100
and O -100
straight O -100
forward O -100
way O -100
. O -100
Wonderful O -100
class B-ASP -100
. O -100
I O -100
have O -100
been O -100
reading O -100
this O -100
kind O -100
of O -100
material O -100
by O -100
myself O -100
. O -100
This O -100
course B-ASP -100
is O -100
by O -100
far O -100
the O -100
greatest O -100
one O -100
that O -100
professor B-ASP Positive
explains O -100
difficult O -100
concept O -100
in O -100
a O -100
super O -100
simply O -100
and O -100
straight O -100
forward O -100
way O -100
. O -100
I O -100
' O -100
m O -100
a O -100
programming O -100
rookie O -100
, O -100
and O -100
spent O -100
more O -100
than O -100
4 O -100
months O -100
for O -100
completing O -100
this O -100
course O -100
. O -100
Thanks O -100
for O -100
this O -100
platform B-ASP Positive
. O -100
The O -100
way O -100
Professor B-ASP -100
Ng O -100
' O -100
s O -100
teach O -100
makes O -100
junior O -100
like O -100
me O -100
not O -100
extremely O -100
difficult O -100
to O -100
learn O -100
. O -100
I O -100
' O -100
m O -100
a O -100
programming O -100
rookie O -100
, O -100
and O -100
spent O -100
more O -100
than O -100
4 O -100
months O -100
for O -100
completing O -100
this O -100
course O -100
. O -100
Thanks O -100
for O -100
this O -100
platform B-ASP -100
. O -100
The O -100
way O -100
Professor B-ASP Positive
Ng O -100
' O -100
s O -100
teach O -100
makes O -100
junior O -100
like O -100
me O -100
not O -100
extremely O -100
difficult O -100
to O -100
learn O -100
. O -100
Dr O -100
. O -100
Ng O -100
presents O -100
this O -100
course O -100
in O -100
a O -100
way O -100
that O -100
it O -100
is O -100
easy O -100
to O -100
understand O -100
. O -100
The O -100
assignments B-ASP Positive
are O -100
very O -100
well O -100
designed O -100
, O -100
not O -100
easy O -100
and O -100
not O -100
difficult O -100
, O -100
in O -100
the O -100
perfect O -100
level O -100
. O -100
Enjoy O -100
so O -100
much O -100
during O -100
the O -100
learning B-ASP -100
. O -100
Dr O -100
. O -100
Ng O -100
presents O -100
this O -100
course O -100
in O -100
a O -100
way O -100
that O -100
it O -100
is O -100
easy O -100
to O -100
understand O -100
. O -100
The O -100
assignments B-ASP -100
are O -100
very O -100
well O -100
designed O -100
, O -100
not O -100
easy O -100
and O -100
not O -100
difficult O -100
, O -100
in O -100
the O -100
perfect O -100
level O -100
. O -100
Enjoy O -100
so O -100
much O -100
during O -100
the O -100
learning B-ASP Positive
. O -100
Amazing O -100
course B-ASP Positive
, O -100
very O -100
easy O -100
to O -100
follow O -100
. O -100
Difficulty O -100
is O -100
changing O -100
gradually O -100
. O -100
Gained O -100
exactly O -100
the O -100
knowledge O -100
I O -100
wanted O -100
. O -100
Just O -100
the O -100
sound B-ASP -100
quality O -100
in O -100
the O -100
first O -100
weeks O -100
is O -100
poorer O -100
, O -100
but O -100
it O -100
gets O -100
better O -100
later O -100
on O -100
. O -100
Amazing O -100
course B-ASP -100
, O -100
very O -100
easy O -100
to O -100
follow O -100
. O -100
Difficulty O -100
is O -100
changing O -100
gradually O -100
. O -100
Gained O -100
exactly O -100
the O -100
knowledge O -100
I O -100
wanted O -100
. O -100
Just O -100
the O -100
sound B-ASP Negative
quality O -100
in O -100
the O -100
first O -100
weeks O -100
is O -100
poorer O -100
, O -100
but O -100
it O -100
gets O -100
better O -100
later O -100
on O -100
. O -100
Excellent O -100
course B-ASP Positive
on O -100
Machine O -100
Learning O -100
! O -100
Prof B-ASP -100
. O -100
Andrew O -100
Ng O -100
takes O -100
you O -100
through O -100
a O -100
very O -100
well O -100
- O -100
structured O -100
journey O -100
in O -100
Machine O -100
Learning O -100
and O -100
explains O -100
even O -100
the O -100
difficult O -100
concepts B-ASP -100
in O -100
a O -100
lucid O -100
and O -100
simple O -100
way O -100
. O -100
Excellent O -100
course B-ASP -100
on O -100
Machine O -100
Learning O -100
! O -100
Prof B-ASP Positive
. O -100
Andrew O -100
Ng O -100
takes O -100
you O -100
through O -100
a O -100
very O -100
well O -100
- O -100
structured O -100
journey O -100
in O -100
Machine O -100
Learning O -100
and O -100
explains O -100
even O -100
the O -100
difficult O -100
concepts B-ASP -100
in O -100
a O -100
lucid O -100
and O -100
simple O -100
way O -100
. O -100
Excellent O -100
course B-ASP -100
on O -100
Machine O -100
Learning O -100
! O -100
Prof B-ASP -100
. O -100
Andrew O -100
Ng O -100
takes O -100
you O -100
through O -100
a O -100
very O -100
well O -100
- O -100
structured O -100
journey O -100
in O -100
Machine O -100
Learning O -100
and O -100
explains O -100
even O -100
the O -100
difficult O -100
concepts B-ASP Positive
in O -100
a O -100
lucid O -100
and O -100
simple O -100
way O -100
. O -100
It O -100
was O -100
great O -100
attending O -100
the O -100
course B-ASP Positive
. O -100
I O -100
learnt O -100
a O -100
lot O -100
. O -100
Professor B-ASP -100
Andrew O -100
was O -100
amazing O -100
and O -100
his O -100
lectures B-ASP -100
really O -100
helped O -100
in O -100
understanding O -100
these O -100
difficult O -100
concepts O -100
better O -100
. O -100
Thank O -100
you O -100
for O -100
the O -100
experience O -100
! O -100
It O -100
was O -100
great O -100
attending O -100
the O -100
course B-ASP -100
. O -100
I O -100
learnt O -100
a O -100
lot O -100
. O -100
Professor B-ASP Positive
Andrew O -100
was O -100
amazing O -100
and O -100
his O -100
lectures B-ASP -100
really O -100
helped O -100
in O -100
understanding O -100
these O -100
difficult O -100
concepts O -100
better O -100
. O -100
Thank O -100
you O -100
for O -100
the O -100
experience O -100
! O -100
It O -100
was O -100
great O -100
attending O -100
the O -100
course B-ASP -100
. O -100
I O -100
learnt O -100
a O -100
lot O -100
. O -100
Professor B-ASP -100
Andrew O -100
was O -100
amazing O -100
and O -100
his O -100
lectures B-ASP Positive
really O -100
helped O -100
in O -100
understanding O -100
these O -100
difficult O -100
concepts O -100
better O -100
. O -100
Thank O -100
you O -100
for O -100
the O -100
experience O -100
! O -100
Really O -100
great O -100
course B-ASP Positive
. O -100
Easy O -100
to O -100
learn O -100
even O -100
though O -100
it O -100
touches O -100
some O -100
difficult O -100
subjects O -100
; O -100
the O -100
exercises B-ASP -100
have O -100
a O -100
medium O -100
difficulty O -100
, O -100
but O -100
they O -100
are O -100
easy O -100
to O -100
complete O -100
using O -100
the O -100
provided O -100
information O -100
; O -100
and O -100
the O -100
lectures B-ASP -100
are O -100
very O -100
complete O -100
yet O -100
fun O -100
to O -100
watch O -100
. O -100
An O -100
excellent O -100
introduction O -100
to O -100
the O -100
field O -100
of O -100
Machine O -100
Learning O -100
. O -100
Really O -100
great O -100
course B-ASP -100
. O -100
Easy O -100
to O -100
learn O -100
even O -100
though O -100
it O -100
touches O -100
some O -100
difficult O -100
subjects O -100
; O -100
the O -100
exercises B-ASP Neutral
have O -100
a O -100
medium O -100
difficulty O -100
, O -100
but O -100
they O -100
are O -100
easy O -100
to O -100
complete O -100
using O -100
the O -100
provided O -100
information O -100
; O -100
and O -100
the O -100
lectures B-ASP -100
are O -100
very O -100
complete O -100
yet O -100
fun O -100
to O -100
watch O -100
. O -100
An O -100
excellent O -100
introduction O -100
to O -100
the O -100
field O -100
of O -100
Machine O -100
Learning O -100
. O -100
Really O -100
great O -100
course B-ASP -100
. O -100
Easy O -100
to O -100
learn O -100
even O -100
though O -100
it O -100
touches O -100
some O -100
difficult O -100
subjects O -100
; O -100
the O -100
exercises B-ASP -100
have O -100
a O -100
medium O -100
difficulty O -100
, O -100
but O -100
they O -100
are O -100
easy O -100
to O -100
complete O -100
using O -100
the O -100
provided O -100
information O -100
; O -100
and O -100
the O -100
lectures B-ASP Positive
are O -100
very O -100
complete O -100
yet O -100
fun O -100
to O -100
watch O -100
. O -100
An O -100
excellent O -100
introduction O -100
to O -100
the O -100
field O -100
of O -100
Machine O -100
Learning O -100
. O -100
Really O -100
excellent O -100
course B-ASP Positive
- O -100
absolutely O -100
loved O -100
all O -100
the O -100
videos B-ASP -100
and O -100
programming B-ASP -100
problems I-ASP -100
. O -100
The O -100
one O -100
thing O -100
I O -100
found O -100
difficult O -100
to O -100
grasp O -100
was O -100
the O -100
neural O -100
network O -100
section O -100
. O -100
I O -100
would O -100
have O -100
liked O -100
more O -100
emphasis O -100
on O -100
that O -100
particular O -100
topic O -100
. O -100
Other O -100
than O -100
that O -100
- O -100
totally O -100
recommend O -100
to O -100
anyone O -100
who O -100
gets O -100
excited O -100
about O -100
this O -100
stuff O -100
! O -100
Really O -100
excellent O -100
course B-ASP -100
- O -100
absolutely O -100
loved O -100
all O -100
the O -100
videos B-ASP Positive
and O -100
programming B-ASP -100
problems I-ASP -100
. O -100
The O -100
one O -100
thing O -100
I O -100
found O -100
difficult O -100
to O -100
grasp O -100
was O -100
the O -100
neural O -100
network O -100
section O -100
. O -100
I O -100
would O -100
have O -100
liked O -100
more O -100
emphasis O -100
on O -100
that O -100
particular O -100
topic O -100
. O -100
Other O -100
than O -100
that O -100
- O -100
totally O -100
recommend O -100
to O -100
anyone O -100
who O -100
gets O -100
excited O -100
about O -100
this O -100
stuff O -100
! O -100
Really O -100
excellent O -100
course B-ASP -100
- O -100
absolutely O -100
loved O -100
all O -100
the O -100
videos B-ASP -100
and O -100
programming B-ASP Positive
problems I-ASP Positive
. O -100
The O -100
one O -100
thing O -100
I O -100
found O -100
difficult O -100
to O -100
grasp O -100
was O -100
the O -100
neural O -100
network O -100
section O -100
. O -100
I O -100
would O -100
have O -100
liked O -100
more O -100
emphasis O -100
on O -100
that O -100
particular O -100
topic O -100
. O -100
Other O -100
than O -100
that O -100
- O -100
totally O -100
recommend O -100
to O -100
anyone O -100
who O -100
gets O -100
excited O -100
about O -100
this O -100
stuff O -100
! O -100
Great O -100
introduction O -100
to O -100
Machine O -100
Learning O -100
. O -100
Prof B-ASP Positive
Ng O -100
does O -100
a O -100
fantastic O -100
job O -100
breaking O -100
down O -100
difficult O -100
math O -100
concepts O -100
and O -100
machine O -100
learning O -100
concepts O -100
into O -100
more O -100
accessible O -100
ones O -100
. O -100
I O -100
love O -100
his O -100
down O -100
to O -100
earth O -100
style O -100
. O -100
I O -100
am O -100
learning B-ASP -100
a O -100
lot O -100
from O -100
his O -100
class O -100
. O -100
I O -100
highly O -100
recommend O -100
it O -100
for O -100
getting O -100
started O -100
with O -100
Machine O -100
Learning O -100
. O -100
Great O -100
introduction O -100
to O -100
Machine O -100
Learning O -100
. O -100
Prof B-ASP -100
Ng O -100
does O -100
a O -100
fantastic O -100
job O -100
breaking O -100
down O -100
difficult O -100
math O -100
concepts O -100
and O -100
machine O -100
learning O -100
concepts O -100
into O -100
more O -100
accessible O -100
ones O -100
. O -100
I O -100
love O -100
his O -100
down O -100
to O -100
earth O -100
style O -100
. O -100
I O -100
am O -100
learning B-ASP Positive
a O -100
lot O -100
from O -100
his O -100
class O -100
. O -100
I O -100
highly O -100
recommend O -100
it O -100
for O -100
getting O -100
started O -100
with O -100
Machine O -100
Learning O -100
. O -100
Professor B-ASP Positive
Ng O -100
is O -100
just O -100
brilliant O -100
. O -100
His O -100
lectures O -100
are O -100
well O -100
organized O -100
and O -100
easy O -100
to O -100
follow O -100
. O -100
He O -100
also O -100
makes O -100
complicated O -100
stuff O -100
easy O -100
to O -100
understand O -100
. O -100
The O -100
programming B-ASP -100
assignments I-ASP -100
are O -100
not O -100
very O -100
difficult O -100
and O -100
fit O -100
the O -100
topics O -100
well O -100
. O -100
I O -100
would O -100
recommend O -100
this O -100
course B-ASP -100
to O -100
everyone O -100
who O -100
is O -100
interesting O -100
in O -100
machine O -100
learning O -100
. O -100
Professor B-ASP -100
Ng O -100
is O -100
just O -100
brilliant O -100
. O -100
His O -100
lectures O -100
are O -100
well O -100
organized O -100
and O -100
easy O -100
to O -100
follow O -100
. O -100
He O -100
also O -100
makes O -100
complicated O -100
stuff O -100
easy O -100
to O -100
understand O -100
. O -100
The O -100
programming B-ASP Neutral
assignments I-ASP Neutral
are O -100
not O -100
very O -100
difficult O -100
and O -100
fit O -100
the O -100
topics O -100
well O -100
. O -100
I O -100
would O -100
recommend O -100
this O -100
course B-ASP -100
to O -100
everyone O -100
who O -100
is O -100
interesting O -100
in O -100
machine O -100
learning O -100
. O -100
Professor B-ASP -100
Ng O -100
is O -100
just O -100
brilliant O -100
. O -100
His O -100
lectures O -100
are O -100
well O -100
organized O -100
and O -100
easy O -100
to O -100
follow O -100
. O -100
He O -100
also O -100
makes O -100
complicated O -100
stuff O -100
easy O -100
to O -100
understand O -100
. O -100
The O -100
programming B-ASP -100
assignments I-ASP -100
are O -100
not O -100
very O -100
difficult O -100
and O -100
fit O -100
the O -100
topics O -100
well O -100
. O -100
I O -100
would O -100
recommend O -100
this O -100
course B-ASP Positive
to O -100
everyone O -100
who O -100
is O -100
interesting O -100
in O -100
machine O -100
learning O -100
. O -100
Prof B-ASP Positive
Andrew O -100
Ng O -100
' O -100
s O -100
teaching O -100
style B-ASP -100
and O -100
delivery O -100
makes O -100
it O -100
easy O -100
to O -100
understand O -100
difficult O -100
concepts O -100
. O -100
The O -100
course O -100
material B-ASP -100
and O -100
assignments B-ASP -100
were O -100
neither O -100
too O -100
simplistic O -100
nor O -100
too O -100
complicated O -100
. O -100
It O -100
was O -100
a O -100
perfect O -100
introduction O -100
to O -100
machine O -100
learning O -100
, O -100
enabling O -100
you O -100
to O -100
take O -100
courses O -100
on O -100
more O -100
advanced O -100
topics O -100
in O -100
ML O -100
& O -100
AI O -100
. O -100
Prof B-ASP -100
Andrew O -100
Ng O -100
' O -100
s O -100
teaching O -100
style B-ASP Positive
and O -100
delivery O -100
makes O -100
it O -100
easy O -100
to O -100
understand O -100
difficult O -100
concepts O -100
. O -100
The O -100
course O -100
material B-ASP -100
and O -100
assignments B-ASP -100
were O -100
neither O -100
too O -100
simplistic O -100
nor O -100
too O -100
complicated O -100
. O -100
It O -100
was O -100
a O -100
perfect O -100
introduction O -100
to O -100
machine O -100
learning O -100
, O -100
enabling O -100
you O -100
to O -100
take O -100
courses O -100
on O -100
more O -100
advanced O -100
topics O -100
in O -100
ML O -100
& O -100
AI O -100
. O -100
Prof B-ASP -100
Andrew O -100
Ng O -100
' O -100
s O -100
teaching O -100
style B-ASP -100
and O -100
delivery O -100
makes O -100
it O -100
easy O -100
to O -100
understand O -100
difficult O -100
concepts O -100
. O -100
The O -100
course O -100
material B-ASP Positive
and O -100
assignments B-ASP -100
were O -100
neither O -100
too O -100
simplistic O -100
nor O -100
too O -100
complicated O -100
. O -100
It O -100
was O -100
a O -100
perfect O -100
introduction O -100
to O -100
machine O -100
learning O -100
, O -100
enabling O -100
you O -100
to O -100
take O -100
courses O -100
on O -100
more O -100
advanced O -100
topics O -100
in O -100
ML O -100
& O -100
AI O -100
. O -100
Prof B-ASP -100
Andrew O -100
Ng O -100
' O -100
s O -100
teaching O -100
style B-ASP -100
and O -100
delivery O -100
makes O -100
it O -100
easy O -100
to O -100
understand O -100
difficult O -100
concepts O -100
. O -100
The O -100
course O -100
material B-ASP -100
and O -100
assignments B-ASP Positive
were O -100
neither O -100
too O -100
simplistic O -100
nor O -100
too O -100
complicated O -100
. O -100
It O -100
was O -100
a O -100
perfect O -100
introduction O -100
to O -100
machine O -100
learning O -100
, O -100
enabling O -100
you O -100
to O -100
take O -100
courses O -100
on O -100
more O -100
advanced O -100
topics O -100
in O -100
ML O -100
& O -100
AI O -100
. O -100
Thank O -100
you O -100
for O -100
this O -100
amazing O -100
course B-ASP Positive
. O -100
There O -100
is O -100
a O -100
lot O -100
of O -100
information O -100
about O -100
linear O -100
and O -100
logistic O -100
regression O -100
in O -100
this O -100
course O -100
as O -100
well O -100
as O -100
materials O -100
on O -100
SVM O -100
machines O -100
and O -100
neural O -100
networks O -100
. O -100
Unsupervised O -100
learning O -100
methods O -100
such O -100
as O -100
k O -100
- O -100
means O -100
and O -100
PCA O -100
are O -100
also O -100
covered O -100
in O -100
detail O -100
. O -100
Challenges O -100
difficulty O -100
is O -100
just O -100
right O -100
. O -100
The O -100
scope B-ASP Positive
of O -100
the O -100
class O -100
and O -100
the O -100
difficulty O -100
level O -100
were O -100
very O -100
fitting O -100
for O -100
me O -100
. O -100
Prof B-ASP -100
. O -100
Ng O -100
explains O -100
very O -100
well O -100
and O -100
uses O -100
highly O -100
useful O -100
illustrations O -100
on O -100
his O -100
slides O -100
. O -100
One O -100
small O -100
negative O -100
point O -100
: O -100
in O -100
some O -100
easier O -100
lectures O -100
the O -100
videos B-ASP -100
could O -100
have O -100
been O -100
shortened O -100
for O -100
example O -100
by O -100
reducing O -100
redundant O -100
explanations O -100
. O -100
The O -100
scope B-ASP -100
of O -100
the O -100
class O -100
and O -100
the O -100
difficulty O -100
level O -100
were O -100
very O -100
fitting O -100
for O -100
me O -100
. O -100
Prof B-ASP Positive
. O -100
Ng O -100
explains O -100
very O -100
well O -100
and O -100
uses O -100
highly O -100
useful O -100
illustrations O -100
on O -100
his O -100
slides O -100
. O -100
One O -100
small O -100
negative O -100
point O -100
: O -100
in O -100
some O -100
easier O -100
lectures O -100
the O -100
videos B-ASP -100
could O -100
have O -100
been O -100
shortened O -100
for O -100
example O -100
by O -100
reducing O -100
redundant O -100
explanations O -100
. O -100
The O -100
scope B-ASP -100
of O -100
the O -100
class O -100
and O -100
the O -100
difficulty O -100
level O -100
were O -100
very O -100
fitting O -100
for O -100
me O -100
. O -100
Prof B-ASP -100
. O -100
Ng O -100
explains O -100
very O -100
well O -100
and O -100
uses O -100
highly O -100
useful O -100
illustrations O -100
on O -100
his O -100
slides O -100
. O -100
One O -100
small O -100
negative O -100
point O -100
: O -100
in O -100
some O -100
easier O -100
lectures O -100
the O -100
videos B-ASP Neutral
could O -100
have O -100
been O -100
shortened O -100
for O -100
example O -100
by O -100
reducing O -100
redundant O -100
explanations O -100
. O -100
Excellent O -100
course B-ASP Positive
. O -100
The O -100
course O -100
materials B-ASP -100
, O -100
tutorials B-ASP -100
and O -100
discussions B-ASP -100
provide O -100
really O -100
good O -100
pathway O -100
through O -100
the O -100
many O -100
interesting O -100
topics O -100
. O -100
Also O -100
, O -100
the O -100
difficulty O -100
was O -100
well O -100
in O -100
line O -100
with O -100
the O -100
expectations O -100
, O -100
and O -100
it O -100
was O -100
conveniently O -100
distributed O -100
along O -100
the O -100
course O -100
( O -100
few O -100
technically O -100
easier O -100
topics O -100
in O -100
the O -100
end O -100
) O -100
. O -100
Excellent O -100
course B-ASP -100
. O -100
The O -100
course O -100
materials B-ASP Positive
, O -100
tutorials B-ASP -100
and O -100
discussions B-ASP -100
provide O -100
really O -100
good O -100
pathway O -100
through O -100
the O -100
many O -100
interesting O -100
topics O -100
. O -100
Also O -100
, O -100
the O -100
difficulty O -100
was O -100
well O -100
in O -100
line O -100
with O -100
the O -100
expectations O -100
, O -100
and O -100
it O -100
was O -100
conveniently O -100
distributed O -100
along O -100
the O -100
course O -100
( O -100
few O -100
technically O -100
easier O -100
topics O -100
in O -100
the O -100
end O -100
) O -100
. O -100
Excellent O -100
course B-ASP -100
. O -100
The O -100
course O -100
materials B-ASP -100
, O -100
tutorials B-ASP Positive
and O -100
discussions B-ASP -100
provide O -100
really O -100
good O -100
pathway O -100
through O -100
the O -100
many O -100
interesting O -100
topics O -100
. O -100
Also O -100
, O -100
the O -100
difficulty O -100
was O -100
well O -100
in O -100
line O -100
with O -100
the O -100
expectations O -100
, O -100
and O -100
it O -100
was O -100
conveniently O -100
distributed O -100
along O -100
the O -100
course O -100
( O -100
few O -100
technically O -100
easier O -100
topics O -100
in O -100
the O -100
end O -100
) O -100
. O -100
Excellent O -100
course B-ASP -100
. O -100
The O -100
course O -100
materials B-ASP -100
, O -100
tutorials B-ASP -100
and O -100
discussions B-ASP Positive
provide O -100
really O -100
good O -100
pathway O -100
through O -100
the O -100
many O -100
interesting O -100
topics O -100
. O -100
Also O -100
, O -100
the O -100
difficulty O -100
was O -100
well O -100
in O -100
line O -100
with O -100
the O -100
expectations O -100
, O -100
and O -100
it O -100
was O -100
conveniently O -100
distributed O -100
along O -100
the O -100
course O -100
( O -100
few O -100
technically O -100
easier O -100
topics O -100
in O -100
the O -100
end O -100
) O -100
. O -100
Very O -100
good O -100
, O -100
complete O -100
course B-ASP Positive
. O -100
It O -100
goes O -100
through O -100
a O -100
lot O -100
of O -100
different O -100
machine O -100
learning O -100
techniques O -100
, O -100
well O -100
explained O -100
. O -100
The O -100
assignments B-ASP -100
are O -100
interesting O -100
and O -100
sometimes O -100
a O -100
bit O -100
difficult O -100
but O -100
the O -100
forum B-ASP -100
is O -100
full O -100
of O -100
good O -100
tutoring O -100
and O -100
test O -100
cases O -100
which O -100
really O -100
helps O -100
to O -100
move O -100
through O -100
them O -100
. O -100
I O -100
enjoyed O -100
it O -100
very O -100
much O -100
! O -100
Very O -100
good O -100
, O -100
complete O -100
course B-ASP -100
. O -100
It O -100
goes O -100
through O -100
a O -100
lot O -100
of O -100
different O -100
machine O -100
learning O -100
techniques O -100
, O -100
well O -100
explained O -100
. O -100
The O -100
assignments B-ASP Positive
are O -100
interesting O -100
and O -100
sometimes O -100
a O -100
bit O -100
difficult O -100
but O -100
the O -100
forum B-ASP -100
is O -100
full O -100
of O -100
good O -100
tutoring O -100
and O -100
test O -100
cases O -100
which O -100
really O -100
helps O -100
to O -100
move O -100
through O -100
them O -100
. O -100
I O -100
enjoyed O -100
it O -100
very O -100
much O -100
! O -100
Very O -100
good O -100
, O -100
complete O -100
course B-ASP -100
. O -100
It O -100
goes O -100
through O -100
a O -100
lot O -100
of O -100
different O -100
machine O -100
learning O -100
techniques O -100
, O -100
well O -100
explained O -100
. O -100
The O -100
assignments B-ASP -100
are O -100
interesting O -100
and O -100
sometimes O -100
a O -100
bit O -100
difficult O -100
but O -100
the O -100
forum B-ASP Positive
is O -100
full O -100
of O -100
good O -100
tutoring O -100
and O -100
test O -100
cases O -100
which O -100
really O -100
helps O -100
to O -100
move O -100
through O -100
them O -100
. O -100
I O -100
enjoyed O -100
it O -100
very O -100
much O -100
! O -100
Lessons B-ASP Positive
are O -100
intuitive O -100
and O -100
right O -100
level O -100
of O -100
detail O -100
; O -100
problem O -100
sets O -100
are O -100
also O -100
reasonable O -100
difficulty O -100
and O -100
gets O -100
your O -100
hands O -100
dirty O -100
with O -100
coding O -100
practices O -100
. O -100
Machine O -100
learning O -100
algorithms O -100
selected O -100
for O -100
the O -100
course O -100
were O -100
also O -100
very O -100
interesting O -100
and O -100
relevant O -100
to O -100
the O -100
current O -100
work O -100
being O -100
done O -100
in O -100
the O -100
tech O -100
landscape O -100
. O -100
A O -100
true O -100
masterpiece O -100
, O -100
worth O -100
every O -100
single O -100
dollar O -100
. O -100
This O -100
course B-ASP Positive
provides O -100
the O -100
basic O -100
knowledge O -100
everyone O -100
will O -100
need O -100
in O -100
order O -100
to O -100
start O -100
a O -100
machine O -100
learning O -100
project O -100
. O -100
The O -100
programming B-ASP -100
assignments I-ASP -100
are O -100
not O -100
particularly O -100
difficult O -100
, O -100
but O -100
doing O -100
them O -100
will O -100
help O -100
you O -100
understand O -100
how O -100
the O -100
learning O -100
algorithms O -100
work O -100
. O -100
A O -100
true O -100
masterpiece O -100
, O -100
worth O -100
every O -100
single O -100
dollar O -100
. O -100
This O -100
course B-ASP -100
provides O -100
the O -100
basic O -100
knowledge O -100
everyone O -100
will O -100
need O -100
in O -100
order O -100
to O -100
start O -100
a O -100
machine O -100
learning O -100
project O -100
. O -100
The O -100
programming B-ASP Neutral
assignments I-ASP Neutral
are O -100
not O -100
particularly O -100
difficult O -100
, O -100
but O -100
doing O -100
them O -100
will O -100
help O -100
you O -100
understand O -100
how O -100
the O -100
learning O -100
algorithms O -100
work O -100
. O -100
Andrew O -100
Ng O -100
is O -100
a O -100
great O -100
teacher B-ASP Positive
, O -100
who O -100
is O -100
able O -100
to O -100
make O -100
such O -100
difficult O -100
topics O -100
easy O -100
to O -100
understand O -100
. O -100
I O -100
could O -100
learn O -100
the O -100
machine O -100
learning O -100
just O -100
watching O -100
the O -100
videos B-ASP -100
without O -100
spending O -100
too O -100
much O -100
time O -100
strugling O -100
to O -100
understand O -100
it O -100
. O -100
Furthermore O -100
I O -100
really O -100
appreciated O -100
the O -100
balance O -100
between O -100
theory O -100
and O -100
practice O -100
. O -100
Andrew O -100
Ng O -100
is O -100
a O -100
great O -100
teacher B-ASP -100
, O -100
who O -100
is O -100
able O -100
to O -100
make O -100
such O -100
difficult O -100
topics O -100
easy O -100
to O -100
understand O -100
. O -100
I O -100
could O -100
learn O -100
the O -100
machine O -100
learning O -100
just O -100
watching O -100
the O -100
videos B-ASP Positive
without O -100
spending O -100
too O -100
much O -100
time O -100
strugling O -100
to O -100
understand O -100
it O -100
. O -100
Furthermore O -100
I O -100
really O -100
appreciated O -100
the O -100
balance O -100
between O -100
theory O -100
and O -100
practice O -100
. O -100
Great O -100
course B-ASP Positive
with O -100
lots O -100
of O -100
insights O -100
and O -100
motivation O -100
behind O -100
specific O -100
problems O -100
. O -100
Very O -100
good O -100
arrangement O -100
of O -100
topics O -100
. O -100
Level B-ASP -100
difficulty O -100
is O -100
increased O -100
slowly O -100
and O -100
most O -100
important O -100
thing O -100
in O -100
course O -100
is O -100
it O -100
helps O -100
to O -100
learn O -100
how O -100
to O -100
diagnose O -100
the O -100
learning O -100
algorithm O -100
and O -100
optimize O -100
it O -100
to O -100
good O -100
level O -100
of O -100
accuracy O -100
. O -100
Great O -100
course B-ASP -100
with O -100
lots O -100
of O -100
insights O -100
and O -100
motivation O -100
behind O -100
specific O -100
problems O -100
. O -100
Very O -100
good O -100
arrangement O -100
of O -100
topics O -100
. O -100
Level B-ASP Positive
difficulty O -100
is O -100
increased O -100
slowly O -100
and O -100
most O -100
important O -100
thing O -100
in O -100
course O -100
is O -100
it O -100
helps O -100
to O -100
learn O -100
how O -100
to O -100
diagnose O -100
the O -100
learning O -100
algorithm O -100
and O -100
optimize O -100
it O -100
to O -100
good O -100
level O -100
of O -100
accuracy O -100
. O -100
Excellent O -100
course B-ASP Positive
for O -100
the O -100
beginners O -100
. O -100
The O -100
treatment O -100
takes O -100
you O -100
through O -100
the O -100
software B-ASP -100
related O -100
aspects O -100
of O -100
machine O -100
learning O -100
without O -100
dealing O -100
too O -100
much O -100
in O -100
depth O -100
with O -100
the O -100
mathematical O -100
side O -100
of O -100
the O -100
treatment O -100
. O -100
The O -100
way O -100
difficult O -100
concepts O -100
have O -100
been O -100
dealt O -100
with O -100
in O -100
the O -100
lecture O -100
slides B-ASP -100
are O -100
simply O -100
superb O -100
. O -100
Excellent O -100
course B-ASP -100
for O -100
the O -100
beginners O -100
. O -100
The O -100
treatment O -100
takes O -100
you O -100
through O -100
the O -100
software B-ASP Positive
related O -100
aspects O -100
of O -100
machine O -100
learning O -100
without O -100
dealing O -100
too O -100
much O -100
in O -100
depth O -100
with O -100
the O -100
mathematical O -100
side O -100
of O -100
the O -100
treatment O -100
. O -100
The O -100
way O -100
difficult O -100
concepts O -100
have O -100
been O -100
dealt O -100
with O -100
in O -100
the O -100
lecture O -100
slides B-ASP -100
are O -100
simply O -100
superb O -100
. O -100
Excellent O -100
course B-ASP -100
for O -100
the O -100
beginners O -100
. O -100
The O -100
treatment O -100
takes O -100
you O -100
through O -100
the O -100
software B-ASP -100
related O -100
aspects O -100
of O -100
machine O -100
learning O -100
without O -100
dealing O -100
too O -100
much O -100
in O -100
depth O -100
with O -100
the O -100
mathematical O -100
side O -100
of O -100
the O -100
treatment O -100
. O -100
The O -100
way O -100
difficult O -100
concepts O -100
have O -100
been O -100
dealt O -100
with O -100
in O -100
the O -100
lecture O -100
slides B-ASP Positive
are O -100
simply O -100
superb O -100
. O -100
This O -100
course B-ASP Positive
was O -100
beyond O -100
my O -100
expectations O -100
. O -100
The O -100
course O -100
material B-ASP -100
was O -100
presented O -100
very O -100
well O -100
. O -100
The O -100
difficulty O -100
of O -100
the O -100
coursework O -100
was O -100
balanced O -100
perfectly O -100
: O -100
never O -100
too O -100
easy O -100
but O -100
never O -100
discouraging O -100
. O -100
Practical O -100
application O -100
and O -100
live O -100
online O -100
marking O -100
ensured O -100
that O -100
the O -100
content B-ASP -100
was O -100
thoroughly O -100
understood O -100
. O -100
This O -100
course B-ASP -100
was O -100
beyond O -100
my O -100
expectations O -100
. O -100
The O -100
course O -100
material B-ASP Positive
was O -100
presented O -100
very O -100
well O -100
. O -100
The O -100
difficulty O -100
of O -100
the O -100
coursework O -100
was O -100
balanced O -100
perfectly O -100
: O -100
never O -100
too O -100
easy O -100
but O -100
never O -100
discouraging O -100
. O -100
Practical O -100
application O -100
and O -100
live O -100
online O -100
marking O -100
ensured O -100
that O -100
the O -100
content B-ASP -100
was O -100
thoroughly O -100
understood O -100
. O -100
This O -100
course B-ASP -100
was O -100
beyond O -100
my O -100
expectations O -100
. O -100
The O -100
course O -100
material B-ASP -100
was O -100
presented O -100
very O -100
well O -100
. O -100
The O -100
difficulty O -100
of O -100
the O -100
coursework O -100
was O -100
balanced O -100
perfectly O -100
: O -100
never O -100
too O -100
easy O -100
but O -100
never O -100
discouraging O -100
. O -100
Practical O -100
application O -100
and O -100
live O -100
online O -100
marking O -100
ensured O -100
that O -100
the O -100
content B-ASP Positive
was O -100
thoroughly O -100
understood O -100
. O -100
Amazing O -100
Professor B-ASP Positive
, O -100
Thankyou O -100
very O -100
much O -100
, O -100
I O -100
really O -100
learnt O -100
a O -100
lot O -100
in O -100
this O -100
course O -100
, O -100
I O -100
would O -100
totally O -100
recommend O -100
this O -100
course B-ASP -100
for O -100
those O -100
who O -100
want O -100
to O -100
learn O -100
and O -100
hit O -100
barriers O -100
in O -100
machine O -100
learning O -100
. O -100
For O -100
a O -100
complete O -100
beginner O -100
, O -100
you O -100
might O -100
find O -100
it O -100
a O -100
little O -100
difficult O -100
, O -100
you O -100
can O -100
refer O -100
google O -100
and O -100
get O -100
back O -100
. O -100
Amazing O -100
Professor B-ASP -100
, O -100
Thankyou O -100
very O -100
much O -100
, O -100
I O -100
really O -100
learnt O -100
a O -100
lot O -100
in O -100
this O -100
course O -100
, O -100
I O -100
would O -100
totally O -100
recommend O -100
this O -100
course B-ASP Positive
for O -100
those O -100
who O -100
want O -100
to O -100
learn O -100
and O -100
hit O -100
barriers O -100
in O -100
machine O -100
learning O -100
. O -100
For O -100
a O -100
complete O -100
beginner O -100
, O -100
you O -100
might O -100
find O -100
it O -100
a O -100
little O -100
difficult O -100
, O -100
you O -100
can O -100
refer O -100
google O -100
and O -100
get O -100
back O -100
. O -100
Great O -100
introduction O -100
! O -100
Provided O -100
the O -100
most O -100
essential O -100
materials B-ASP Positive
with O -100
hard O -100
- O -100
earned O -100
algorithm O -100
intuitions O -100
and O -100
system O -100
- O -100
building O -100
advice O -100
. O -100
Not O -100
mathematically O -100
concrete O -100
on O -100
more O -100
difficult O -100
items O -100
( O -100
e O -100
. O -100
g O -100
. O -100
neural O -100
networks O -100
, O -100
SVM O -100
, O -100
Gaussian O -100
, O -100
EM O -100
) O -100
and O -100
external O -100
sources O -100
are O -100
needed O -100
for O -100
better O -100
understanding O -100
. O -100
It O -100
' O -100
s O -100
a O -100
little O -100
bit O -100
difficult O -100
to O -100
understand O -100
some O -100
concepts B-ASP Negative
, O -100
even O -100
thought O -100
with O -100
examples O -100
. O -100
So O -100
it O -100
would O -100
be O -100
nice O -100
if O -100
there O -100
are O -100
some O -100
programming B-ASP -100
in O -100
the O -100
course O -100
. O -100
That O -100
will O -100
help O -100
to O -100
understand O -100
the O -100
process O -100
. O -100
It O -100
' O -100
s O -100
a O -100
little O -100
bit O -100
difficult O -100
to O -100
understand O -100
some O -100
concepts B-ASP -100
, O -100
even O -100
thought O -100
with O -100
examples O -100
. O -100
So O -100
it O -100
would O -100
be O -100
nice O -100
if O -100
there O -100
are O -100
some O -100
programming B-ASP Neutral
in O -100
the O -100
course O -100
. O -100
That O -100
will O -100
help O -100
to O -100
understand O -100
the O -100
process O -100
. O -100
The O -100
videos B-ASP Negative
are O -100
fast O -100
forwarded O -100
which O -100
causes O -100
problem O -100
while O -100
understanding O -100
difficult O -100
portions O -100
of O -100
the O -100
course B-ASP -100
please O -100
slow O -100
it O -100
down O -100
. O -100
The O -100
videos B-ASP -100
are O -100
fast O -100
forwarded O -100
which O -100
causes O -100
problem O -100
while O -100
understanding O -100
difficult O -100
portions O -100
of O -100
the O -100
course B-ASP Neutral
please O -100
slow O -100
it O -100
down O -100
. O -100
This O -100
course B-ASP Negative
is O -100
full O -100
of O -100
intuitions O -100
that O -100
are O -100
very O -100
difficult O -100
to O -100
remember O -100
at O -100
once O -100
. O -100
The O -100
quiz B-ASP -100
is O -100
very O -100
hard O -100
and O -100
mind O -100
teasing O -100
. O -100
For O -100
better O -100
confidence O -100
, O -100
I O -100
would O -100
like O -100
if O -100
you O -100
add O -100
one O -100
more O -100
case O -100
study O -100
. O -100
In O -100
general O -100
the O -100
course O -100
is O -100
good O -100
This O -100
course B-ASP -100
is O -100
full O -100
of O -100
intuitions O -100
that O -100
are O -100
very O -100
difficult O -100
to O -100
remember O -100
at O -100
once O -100
. O -100
The O -100
quiz B-ASP Negative
is O -100
very O -100
hard O -100
and O -100
mind O -100
teasing O -100
. O -100
For O -100
better O -100
confidence O -100
, O -100
I O -100
would O -100
like O -100
if O -100
you O -100
add O -100
one O -100
more O -100
case O -100
study O -100
. O -100
In O -100
general O -100
the O -100
course O -100
is O -100
good O -100
I O -100
need O -100
a O -100
lot O -100
more O -100
practice O -100
than O -100
is O -100
offered O -100
here O -100
. O -100
I O -100
would O -100
also O -100
strongly O -100
prefer O -100
if O -100
the O -100
instruction B-ASP Neutral
followed O -100
some O -100
of O -100
the O -100
best O -100
practice O -100
laid O -100
out O -100
in O -100
books O -100
such O -100
as O -100
" O -100
How O -100
Learning O -100
Works O -100
" O -100
because O -100
I O -100
have O -100
difficulty O -100
following O -100
the O -100
instructor B-ASP -100
' O -100
s O -100
line O -100
of O -100
reasoning O -100
. O -100
I O -100
need O -100
a O -100
lot O -100
more O -100
practice O -100
than O -100
is O -100
offered O -100
here O -100
. O -100
I O -100
would O -100
also O -100
strongly O -100
prefer O -100
if O -100
the O -100
instruction B-ASP -100
followed O -100
some O -100
of O -100
the O -100
best O -100
practice O -100
laid O -100
out O -100
in O -100
books O -100
such O -100
as O -100
" O -100
How O -100
Learning O -100
Works O -100
" O -100
because O -100
I O -100
have O -100
difficulty O -100
following O -100
the O -100
instructor B-ASP Neutral
' O -100
s O -100
line O -100
of O -100
reasoning O -100
. O -100
Excellent O -100
course B-ASP Positive
. O -100
Time O -100
well O -100
spent O -100
. O -100
Simple O -100
explanations O -100
of O -100
difficult O -100
concepts B-ASP -100
. O -100
I O -100
was O -100
able O -100
to O -100
download O -100
yolo O -100
v2 O -100
in O -100
pytorch O -100
, O -100
reconfigure O -100
it O -100
to O -100
use O -100
CPU O -100
on O -100
my O -100
Mac O -100
, O -100
and O -100
get O -100
it O -100
running O -100
on O -100
my O -100
webcam O -100
in O -100
1h O -100
after O -100
completing O -100
Week3 O -100
assignment O -100
. O -100
Excellent O -100
course B-ASP -100
. O -100
Time O -100
well O -100
spent O -100
. O -100
Simple O -100
explanations O -100
of O -100
difficult O -100
concepts B-ASP Positive
. O -100
I O -100
was O -100
able O -100
to O -100
download O -100
yolo O -100
v2 O -100
in O -100
pytorch O -100
, O -100
reconfigure O -100
it O -100
to O -100
use O -100
CPU O -100
on O -100
my O -100
Mac O -100
, O -100
and O -100
get O -100
it O -100
running O -100
on O -100
my O -100
webcam O -100
in O -100
1h O -100
after O -100
completing O -100
Week3 O -100
assignment O -100
. O -100
This O -100
course B-ASP Positive
gives O -100
you O -100
adequate O -100
foundation O -100
to O -100
build O -100
upon O -100
your O -100
knowledge O -100
in O -100
the O -100
subject O -100
. O -100
The O -100
structuring B-ASP -100
of O -100
course O -100
is O -100
perfect O -100
and O -100
assignments B-ASP -100
help O -100
to O -100
pick O -100
up O -100
difficult O -100
codes O -100
so O -100
easily O -100
. O -100
Andrew O -100
is O -100
an O -100
exceptional O -100
teacher B-ASP -100
who O -100
knows O -100
the O -100
field O -100
and O -100
shares O -100
his O -100
experience O -100
and O -100
knowledge O -100
so O -100
humbly O -100
. O -100
This O -100
course B-ASP -100
gives O -100
you O -100
adequate O -100
foundation O -100
to O -100
build O -100
upon O -100
your O -100
knowledge O -100
in O -100
the O -100
subject O -100
. O -100
The O -100
structuring B-ASP Positive
of O -100
course O -100
is O -100
perfect O -100
and O -100
assignments B-ASP -100
help O -100
to O -100
pick O -100
up O -100
difficult O -100
codes O -100
so O -100
easily O -100
. O -100
Andrew O -100
is O -100
an O -100
exceptional O -100
teacher B-ASP -100
who O -100
knows O -100
the O -100
field O -100
and O -100
shares O -100
his O -100
experience O -100
and O -100
knowledge O -100
so O -100
humbly O -100
. O -100
This O -100
course B-ASP -100
gives O -100
you O -100
adequate O -100
foundation O -100
to O -100
build O -100
upon O -100
your O -100
knowledge O -100
in O -100
the O -100
subject O -100
. O -100
The O -100
structuring B-ASP -100
of O -100
course O -100
is O -100
perfect O -100
and O -100
assignments B-ASP Positive
help O -100
to O -100
pick O -100
up O -100
difficult O -100
codes O -100
so O -100
easily O -100
. O -100
Andrew O -100
is O -100
an O -100
exceptional O -100
teacher B-ASP -100
who O -100
knows O -100
the O -100
field O -100
and O -100
shares O -100
his O -100
experience O -100
and O -100
knowledge O -100
so O -100
humbly O -100
. O -100
This O -100
course B-ASP -100
gives O -100
you O -100
adequate O -100
foundation O -100
to O -100
build O -100
upon O -100
your O -100
knowledge O -100
in O -100
the O -100
subject O -100
. O -100
The O -100
structuring B-ASP -100
of O -100
course O -100
is O -100
perfect O -100
and O -100
assignments B-ASP -100
help O -100
to O -100
pick O -100
up O -100
difficult O -100
codes O -100
so O -100
easily O -100
. O -100
Andrew O -100
is O -100
an O -100
exceptional O -100
teacher B-ASP Positive
who O -100
knows O -100
the O -100
field O -100
and O -100
shares O -100
his O -100
experience O -100
and O -100
knowledge O -100
so O -100
humbly O -100
. O -100
A O -100
clear O -100
explanation B-ASP Positive
of O -100
a O -100
difficult O -100
subject O -100
with O -100
an O -100
emphasis O -100
on O -100
being O -100
able O -100
to O -100
create O -100
and O -100
to O -100
understand O -100
your O -100
own O -100
neural O -100
networks O -100
. O -100
- O -100
Plus O -100
in O -100
this O -100
module O -100
how O -100
to O -100
use O -100
algorithms O -100
which O -100
significantly O -100
reduce O -100
your O -100
computational O -100
needs O -100
and O -100
with O -100
an O -100
introduction O -100
to O -100
processing O -100
visual O -100
data O -100
. O -100
Great O -100
Course B-ASP Positive
! O -100
! O -100
Just O -100
completed O -100
it O -100
. O -100
Really O -100
a O -100
good O -100
course O -100
for O -100
beginners O -100
who O -100
want O -100
a O -100
jump O -100
start O -100
in O -100
CNNs O -100
. O -100
Without O -100
the O -100
theory O -100
given O -100
in O -100
this O -100
course O -100
, O -100
it O -100
will O -100
be O -100
really O -100
difficult O -100
for O -100
someone O -100
to O -100
implement O -100
Convolutional O -100
Neural O -100
Nets O -100
in O -100
practice O -100
using O -100
Tensorlfow O -100
or O -100
any O -100
other O -100
library O -100
. O -100
An O -100
excellent O -100
course B-ASP Positive
on O -100
CNN O -100
! O -100
After O -100
watching O -100
Professor B-ASP -100
Andrew O -100
' O -100
s O -100
video O -100
lectures O -100
and O -100
trying O -100
related O -100
programming O -100
work O -100
, O -100
I O -100
was O -100
able O -100
to O -100
gain O -100
a O -100
reasonable O -100
amount O -100
of O -100
confidence O -100
on O -100
the O -100
various O -100
concepts B-ASP -100
, O -100
which O -100
otherwise O -100
could O -100
have O -100
been O -100
overwhelmingly O -100
difficult O -100
and O -100
complicated O -100
. O -100
An O -100
excellent O -100
course B-ASP -100
on O -100
CNN O -100
! O -100
After O -100
watching O -100
Professor B-ASP Positive
Andrew O -100
' O -100
s O -100
video O -100
lectures O -100
and O -100
trying O -100
related O -100
programming O -100
work O -100
, O -100
I O -100
was O -100
able O -100
to O -100
gain O -100
a O -100
reasonable O -100
amount O -100
of O -100
confidence O -100
on O -100
the O -100
various O -100
concepts B-ASP -100
, O -100
which O -100
otherwise O -100
could O -100
have O -100
been O -100
overwhelmingly O -100
difficult O -100
and O -100
complicated O -100
. O -100
An O -100
excellent O -100
course B-ASP -100
on O -100
CNN O -100
! O -100
After O -100
watching O -100
Professor B-ASP -100
Andrew O -100
' O -100
s O -100
video O -100
lectures O -100
and O -100
trying O -100
related O -100
programming O -100
work O -100
, O -100
I O -100
was O -100
able O -100
to O -100
gain O -100
a O -100
reasonable O -100
amount O -100
of O -100
confidence O -100
on O -100
the O -100
various O -100
concepts B-ASP Positive
, O -100
which O -100
otherwise O -100
could O -100
have O -100
been O -100
overwhelmingly O -100
difficult O -100
and O -100
complicated O -100
. O -100
These O -100
courses B-ASP Positive
are O -100
VERY O -100
well O -100
put O -100
together O -100
and O -100
concentrate O -100
excellent O -100
concept O -100
in O -100
little O -100
time O -100
compared O -100
to O -100
taking O -100
the O -100
available O -100
Stanford O -100
CNN O -100
classes O -100
online O -100
which O -100
are O -100
verytime O -100
consuming O -100
for O -100
the O -100
same O -100
result O -100
. O -100
Andrew B-ASP -100
is O -100
motivating O -100
and O -100
makes O -100
difficult O -100
concepts O -100
very O -100
accessible O -100
. O -100
These O -100
courses B-ASP -100
are O -100
VERY O -100
well O -100
put O -100
together O -100
and O -100
concentrate O -100
excellent O -100
concept O -100
in O -100
little O -100
time O -100
compared O -100
to O -100
taking O -100
the O -100
available O -100
Stanford O -100
CNN O -100
classes O -100
online O -100
which O -100
are O -100
verytime O -100
consuming O -100
for O -100
the O -100
same O -100
result O -100
. O -100
Andrew B-ASP Positive
is O -100
motivating O -100
and O -100
makes O -100
difficult O -100
concepts O -100
very O -100
accessible O -100
. O -100
It O -100
? O -100
? O -100
s O -100
an O -100
excellent O -100
course B-ASP Positive
, O -100
and O -100
also O -100
a O -100
lot O -100
more O -100
difficult O -100
than O -100
the O -100
previous O -100
ones O -100
. O -100
The O -100
only O -100
little O -100
problem O -100
is O -100
that O -100
in O -100
some O -100
programming B-ASP -100
exercises I-ASP -100
there O -100
are O -100
some O -100
fallen O -100
links O -100
to O -100
the O -100
web O -100
- O -100
information O -100
of O -100
some O -100
functions O -100
, O -100
complicating O -100
a O -100
little O -100
more O -100
the O -100
exercises O -100
. O -100
It O -100
? O -100
? O -100
s O -100
an O -100
excellent O -100
course B-ASP -100
, O -100
and O -100
also O -100
a O -100
lot O -100
more O -100
difficult O -100
than O -100
the O -100
previous O -100
ones O -100
. O -100
The O -100
only O -100
little O -100
problem O -100
is O -100
that O -100
in O -100
some O -100
programming B-ASP Neutral
exercises I-ASP Neutral
there O -100
are O -100
some O -100
fallen O -100
links O -100
to O -100
the O -100
web O -100
- O -100
information O -100
of O -100
some O -100
functions O -100
, O -100
complicating O -100
a O -100
little O -100
more O -100
the O -100
exercises O -100
. O -100
This O -100
is O -100
a O -100
great O -100
course B-ASP Positive
which O -100
make O -100
me O -100
know O -100
how O -100
to O -100
do O -100
computing O -100
vision O -100
and O -100
neural O -100
style O -100
transfer O -100
( O -100
which O -100
is O -100
something O -100
I O -100
thought O -100
amazing O -100
before O -100
) O -100
. O -100
Although O -100
the O -100
course O -100
is O -100
a O -100
bit O -100
difficult O -100
, O -100
it O -100
is O -100
interesting O -100
and O -100
useful O -100
. O -100
Hope O -100
you O -100
enjoy O -100
too O -100
. O -100
Very O -100
detailed O -100
and O -100
thorough O -100
course B-ASP Positive
on O -100
CNNs O -100
. O -100
The O -100
difficult O -100
concepts B-ASP -100
are O -100
presented O -100
in O -100
an O -100
easy O -100
to O -100
understand O -100
manner O -100
and O -100
the O -100
practical O -100
exercises B-ASP -100
allow O -100
you O -100
to O -100
gain O -100
a O -100
better O -100
understanding O -100
of O -100
using O -100
the O -100
various O -100
CNN O -100
networks O -100
. O -100
Very O -100
detailed O -100
and O -100
thorough O -100
course B-ASP -100
on O -100
CNNs O -100
. O -100
The O -100
difficult O -100
concepts B-ASP Positive
are O -100
presented O -100
in O -100
an O -100
easy O -100
to O -100
understand O -100
manner O -100
and O -100
the O -100
practical O -100
exercises B-ASP -100
allow O -100
you O -100
to O -100
gain O -100
a O -100
better O -100
understanding O -100
of O -100
using O -100
the O -100
various O -100
CNN O -100
networks O -100
. O -100
Very O -100
detailed O -100
and O -100
thorough O -100
course B-ASP -100
on O -100
CNNs O -100
. O -100
The O -100
difficult O -100
concepts B-ASP -100
are O -100
presented O -100
in O -100
an O -100
easy O -100
to O -100
understand O -100
manner O -100
and O -100
the O -100
practical O -100
exercises B-ASP Positive
allow O -100
you O -100
to O -100
gain O -100
a O -100
better O -100
understanding O -100
of O -100
using O -100
the O -100
various O -100
CNN O -100
networks O -100
. O -100
The O -100
course B-ASP Positive
was O -100
nice O -100
, O -100
specially O -100
' O -100
swirl O -100
' O -100
is O -100
a O -100
great O -100
tool B-ASP -100
to O -100
learn O -100
and O -100
catch O -100
back O -100
. O -100
I O -100
do O -100
have O -100
some O -100
issues O -100
with O -100
assignments O -100
which O -100
were O -100
sometimes O -100
very O -100
difficult O -100
to O -100
understand O -100
. O -100
The O -100
course B-ASP -100
was O -100
nice O -100
, O -100
specially O -100
' O -100
swirl O -100
' O -100
is O -100
a O -100
great O -100
tool B-ASP Positive
to O -100
learn O -100
and O -100
catch O -100
back O -100
. O -100
I O -100
do O -100
have O -100
some O -100
issues O -100
with O -100
assignments O -100
which O -100
were O -100
sometimes O -100
very O -100
difficult O -100
to O -100
understand O -100
. O -100
Difficulty O -100
of O -100
Programming O -100
assignments B-ASP Negative
was O -100
much O -100
higher O -100
than O -100
anything O -100
else O -100
in O -100
the O -100
course O -100
. O -100
Took O -100
a O -100
lot O -100
of O -100
" O -100
hacker O -100
" O -100
mentality O -100
to O -100
complete O -100
them O -100
. O -100
. O -100
. O -100
but O -100
maybe O -100
that O -100
' O -100
s O -100
the O -100
point O -100
! O -100
Good O -100
one O -100
for O -100
a O -100
beginner O -100
. O -100
The O -100
assignments B-ASP Negative
requires O -100
self O -100
study O -100
from O -100
the O -100
internet O -100
as O -100
the O -100
material O -100
isn O -100
' O -100
t O -100
at O -100
par O -100
with O -100
the O -100
assignments O -100
, O -100
they O -100
' O -100
ve O -100
slightly O -100
higher O -100
difficulty O -100
. O -100
The O -100
assignements B-ASP Positive
are O -100
excellent O -100
for O -100
learning O -100
. O -100
however O -100
, O -100
the O -100
last O -100
assignment O -100
for O -100
programming O -100
might O -100
be O -100
too O -100
difficult O -100
for O -100
total O -100
beginners O -100
. O -100
need O -100
to O -100
put O -100
in O -100
extra O -100
effort O -100
. O -100
Good O -100
course B-ASP Positive
, O -100
at O -100
the O -100
end O -100
a O -100
bit O -100
difficult O -100
as O -100
you O -100
have O -100
to O -100
program O -100
your O -100
own O -100
functions O -100
. O -100
For O -100
a O -100
person O -100
with O -100
no O -100
R O -100
knowledge O -100
at O -100
all O -100
would O -100
be O -100
very O -100
difficult O -100
to O -100
pass O -100
. O -100
Very O -100
good O -100
course B-ASP Positive
. O -100
Programming B-ASP -100
assignments I-ASP -100
were O -100
enjoyable O -100
and O -100
challenging O -100
. O -100
They O -100
may O -100
be O -100
a O -100
little O -100
difficult O -100
for O -100
someone O -100
without O -100
a O -100
programming O -100
background O -100
Very O -100
good O -100
course B-ASP -100
. O -100
Programming B-ASP Positive
assignments I-ASP Positive
were O -100
enjoyable O -100
and O -100
challenging O -100
. O -100
They O -100
may O -100
be O -100
a O -100
little O -100
difficult O -100
for O -100
someone O -100
without O -100
a O -100
programming O -100
background O -100
Good O -100
course B-ASP Positive
overall O -100
. O -100
The O -100
course O -100
would O -100
be O -100
better O -100
if O -100
the O -100
learning O -100
activities O -100
better O -100
prepared O -100
you O -100
for O -100
the O -100
difficulty B-ASP -100
of O -100
the O -100
final B-ASP -100
programming I-ASP -100
assignment B-ASP -100
. O -100
Good O -100
course B-ASP -100
overall O -100
. O -100
The O -100
course O -100
would O -100
be O -100
better O -100
if O -100
the O -100
learning O -100
activities O -100
better O -100
prepared O -100
you O -100
for O -100
the O -100
difficulty B-ASP Negative
of O -100
the O -100
final B-ASP -100
programming I-ASP -100
assignment B-ASP -100
. O -100
Good O -100
course B-ASP -100
overall O -100
. O -100
The O -100
course O -100
would O -100
be O -100
better O -100
if O -100
the O -100
learning O -100
activities O -100
better O -100
prepared O -100
you O -100
for O -100
the O -100
difficulty B-ASP -100
of O -100
the O -100
final B-ASP Negative
programming I-ASP Negative
assignment B-ASP -100
. O -100
Good O -100
course B-ASP -100
overall O -100
. O -100
The O -100
course O -100
would O -100
be O -100
better O -100
if O -100
the O -100
learning O -100
activities O -100
better O -100
prepared O -100
you O -100
for O -100
the O -100
difficulty B-ASP -100
of O -100
the O -100
final B-ASP -100
programming I-ASP -100
assignment B-ASP Negative
. O -100
Very O -100
good O -100
course B-ASP Positive
. O -100
But O -100
the O -100
final B-ASP -100
test I-ASP -100
was O -100
too O -100
difficult O -100
. O -100
Almost O -100
impossible O -100
without O -100
external O -100
help O -100
for O -100
people O -100
like O -100
me O -100
with O -100
no O -100
experience O -100
in O -100
programming O -100
Very O -100
good O -100
course B-ASP -100
. O -100
But O -100
the O -100
final B-ASP Negative
test I-ASP Negative
was O -100
too O -100
difficult O -100
. O -100
Almost O -100
impossible O -100
without O -100
external O -100
help O -100
for O -100
people O -100
like O -100
me O -100
with O -100
no O -100
experience O -100
in O -100
programming O -100
Very O -100
well O -100
designed O -100
course B-ASP Positive
, O -100
was O -100
able O -100
to O -100
learn O -100
specially O -100
through O -100
swirl O -100
. O -100
The O -100
last B-ASP -100
assignment I-ASP -100
was O -100
little O -100
difficult O -100
but O -100
one O -100
can O -100
manage O -100
if O -100
he O -100
learns O -100
well O -100
. O -100
Very O -100
well O -100
designed O -100
course B-ASP -100
, O -100
was O -100
able O -100
to O -100
learn O -100
specially O -100
through O -100
swirl O -100
. O -100
The O -100
last B-ASP Negative
assignment I-ASP Negative
was O -100
little O -100
difficult O -100
but O -100
one O -100
can O -100
manage O -100
if O -100
he O -100
learns O -100
well O -100
. O -100
I O -100
think O -100
homework B-ASP Negative
are O -100
too O -100
difficult O -100
. O -100
we O -100
should O -100
use O -100
the O -100
function O -100
which O -100
is O -100
not O -100
taught O -100
in O -100
the O -100
course O -100
. O -100
and O -100
so O -100
, O -100
we O -100
have O -100
to O -100
rely O -100
the O -100
TIPS O -100
mentors O -100
give O -100
us O -100
. O -100
Assignments B-ASP Neutral
can O -100
be O -100
made O -100
better O -100
. O -100
They O -100
should O -100
increase O -100
in O -100
level O -100
of O -100
difficulty O -100
, O -100
rather O -100
than O -100
making O -100
them O -100
quite O -100
tough O -100
for O -100
first O -100
time O -100
R O -100
programmers O -100
. O -100
I O -100
' O -100
ve O -100
learned O -100
great O -100
things O -100
during O -100
this O -100
course B-ASP Positive
, O -100
I O -100
feel O -100
powerful O -100
now O -100
! O -100
Yet O -100
be O -100
aware O -100
that O -100
the O -100
first O -100
two O -100
practical O -100
assignments B-ASP -100
are O -100
very O -100
difficult O -100
. O -100
I O -100
' O -100
ve O -100
learned O -100
great O -100
things O -100
during O -100
this O -100
course B-ASP -100
, O -100
I O -100
feel O -100
powerful O -100
now O -100
! O -100
Yet O -100
be O -100
aware O -100
that O -100
the O -100
first O -100
two O -100
practical O -100
assignments B-ASP Negative
are O -100
very O -100
difficult O -100
. O -100
It O -100
was O -100
quite O -100
difficult O -100
to O -100
study O -100
alone O -100
and O -100
learn B-ASP Negative
by O -100
own O -100
but O -100
I O -100
got O -100
much O -100
help O -100
from O -100
forum B-ASP -100
. O -100
The O -100
mentor B-ASP -100
was O -100
so O -100
enthusiastic O -100
and O -100
really O -100
helpful O -100
. O -100
It O -100
was O -100
quite O -100
difficult O -100
to O -100
study O -100
alone O -100
and O -100
learn B-ASP -100
by O -100
own O -100
but O -100
I O -100
got O -100
much O -100
help O -100
from O -100
forum B-ASP Positive
. O -100
The O -100
mentor B-ASP -100
was O -100
so O -100
enthusiastic O -100
and O -100
really O -100
helpful O -100
. O -100
It O -100
was O -100
quite O -100
difficult O -100
to O -100
study O -100
alone O -100
and O -100
learn B-ASP -100
by O -100
own O -100
but O -100
I O -100
got O -100
much O -100
help O -100
from O -100
forum B-ASP -100
. O -100
The O -100
mentor B-ASP Positive
was O -100
so O -100
enthusiastic O -100
and O -100
really O -100
helpful O -100
. O -100
It O -100
is O -100
a O -100
bit O -100
difficult O -100
for O -100
beginners O -100
to O -100
complete O -100
the O -100
assignments B-ASP Negative
without O -100
any O -100
help O -100
. O -100
And O -100
it O -100
also O -100
takes O -100
a O -100
lot O -100
of O -100
time O -100
to O -100
understand O -100
the O -100
code B-ASP -100
. O -100
It O -100
is O -100
a O -100
bit O -100
difficult O -100
for O -100
beginners O -100
to O -100
complete O -100
the O -100
assignments B-ASP -100
without O -100
any O -100
help O -100
. O -100
And O -100
it O -100
also O -100
takes O -100
a O -100
lot O -100
of O -100
time O -100
to O -100
understand O -100
the O -100
code B-ASP Negative
. O -100
It O -100
was O -100
a O -100
good O -100
course B-ASP Positive
. O -100
Explained O -100
in O -100
a O -100
simple O -100
way O -100
. O -100
Although O -100
assignment B-ASP -100
were O -100
a O -100
bit O -100
difficult O -100
but O -100
overall O -100
a O -100
good O -100
course B-ASP -100
for O -100
beginners O -100
. O -100
It O -100
was O -100
a O -100
good O -100
course B-ASP -100
. O -100
Explained O -100
in O -100
a O -100
simple O -100
way O -100
. O -100
Although O -100
assignment B-ASP Negative
were O -100
a O -100
bit O -100
difficult O -100
but O -100
overall O -100
a O -100
good O -100
course B-ASP -100
for O -100
beginners O -100
. O -100
It O -100
was O -100
a O -100
good O -100
course B-ASP -100
. O -100
Explained O -100
in O -100
a O -100
simple O -100
way O -100
. O -100
Although O -100
assignment B-ASP -100
were O -100
a O -100
bit O -100
difficult O -100
but O -100
overall O -100
a O -100
good O -100
course B-ASP Positive
for O -100
beginners O -100
. O -100
This O -100
course B-ASP Positive
was O -100
good O -100
. O -100
however O -100
, O -100
I O -100
found O -100
it O -100
difficult O -100
to O -100
complete O -100
the O -100
assignments B-ASP -100
as O -100
they O -100
were O -100
not O -100
what O -100
was O -100
taught O -100
in O -100
the O -100
lessons O -100
. O -100
This O -100
course B-ASP -100
was O -100
good O -100
. O -100
however O -100
, O -100
I O -100
found O -100
it O -100
difficult O -100
to O -100
complete O -100
the O -100
assignments B-ASP Negative
as O -100
they O -100
were O -100
not O -100
what O -100
was O -100
taught O -100
in O -100
the O -100
lessons O -100
. O -100
A O -100
little O -100
daunting O -100
at O -100
first O -100
but O -100
the O -100
instruction B-ASP Positive
is O -100
simple O -100
and O -100
the O -100
ability O -100
to O -100
search O -100
video B-ASP -100
transcripts I-ASP -100
for O -100
tidbits O -100
basically O -100
saves O -100
me O -100
the O -100
step O -100
of O -100
taking O -100
notes O -100
. O -100
Some O -100
of O -100
the O -100
navigation O -100
was O -100
difficult O -100
in O -100
the O -100
forum B-ASP -100
, O -100
but O -100
I O -100
ended O -100
up O -100
figuring O -100
it O -100
out O -100
and O -100
posting O -100
something O -100
. O -100
A O -100
little O -100
daunting O -100
at O -100
first O -100
but O -100
the O -100
instruction B-ASP -100
is O -100
simple O -100
and O -100
the O -100
ability O -100
to O -100
search O -100
video B-ASP Positive
transcripts I-ASP Positive
for O -100
tidbits O -100
basically O -100
saves O -100
me O -100
the O -100
step O -100
of O -100
taking O -100
notes O -100
. O -100
Some O -100
of O -100
the O -100
navigation O -100
was O -100
difficult O -100
in O -100
the O -100
forum B-ASP -100
, O -100
but O -100
I O -100
ended O -100
up O -100
figuring O -100
it O -100
out O -100
and O -100
posting O -100
something O -100
. O -100
A O -100
little O -100
daunting O -100
at O -100
first O -100
but O -100
the O -100
instruction B-ASP -100
is O -100
simple O -100
and O -100
the O -100
ability O -100
to O -100
search O -100
video B-ASP -100
transcripts I-ASP -100
for O -100
tidbits O -100
basically O -100
saves O -100
me O -100
the O -100
step O -100
of O -100
taking O -100
notes O -100
. O -100
Some O -100
of O -100
the O -100
navigation O -100
was O -100
difficult O -100
in O -100
the O -100
forum B-ASP Neutral
, O -100
but O -100
I O -100
ended O -100
up O -100
figuring O -100
it O -100
out O -100
and O -100
posting O -100
something O -100
. O -100
It O -100
was O -100
straight O -100
forward O -100
. O -100
However O -100
, O -100
there O -100
were O -100
some O -100
difficulties O -100
installing B-ASP Neutral
RStudio O -100
using O -100
the O -100
latest O -100
version O -100
. O -100
I O -100
had O -100
to O -100
go O -100
the O -100
previous O -100
one O -100
. O -100
e O -100
. O -100
g O -100
. O -100
Latest O -100
was O -100
3 O -100
. O -100
5 O -100
I O -100
used O -100
3 O -100
. O -100
4 O -100
matching O -100
RTools O -100
. O -100
Other O -100
than O -100
that O -100
very O -100
straight O -100
fwd O -100
, O -100
including O -100
Github O -100
( O -100
basic O -100
) O -100
usage O -100
Author B-ASP Negative
was O -100
speaking O -100
to O -100
quickly O -100
, O -100
its O -100
was O -100
every O -100
difficult O -100
to O -100
understand O -100
for O -100
me O -100
as O -100
non O -100
- O -100
native O -100
English O -100
speakers O -100
. O -100
An O -100
other O -100
thing O -100
that O -100
i O -100
notice O -100
is O -100
that O -100
the O -100
error B-ASP -100
message I-ASP -100
was O -100
completely O -100
misleading O -100
. O -100
Should O -100
be O -100
improved O -100
Author B-ASP -100
was O -100
speaking O -100
to O -100
quickly O -100
, O -100
its O -100
was O -100
every O -100
difficult O -100
to O -100
understand O -100
for O -100
me O -100
as O -100
non O -100
- O -100
native O -100
English O -100
speakers O -100
. O -100
An O -100
other O -100
thing O -100
that O -100
i O -100
notice O -100
is O -100
that O -100
the O -100
error B-ASP Negative
message I-ASP Negative
was O -100
completely O -100
misleading O -100
. O -100
Should O -100
be O -100
improved O -100
The O -100
first O -100
week O -100
' O -100
s O -100
quiz B-ASP Negative
is O -100
really O -100
difficult O -100
and O -100
I O -100
had O -100
to O -100
go O -100
through O -100
the O -100
lecture O -100
material O -100
several O -100
times O -100
. O -100
Because O -100
of O -100
the O -100
great O -100
number O -100
of O -100
very O -100
short B-ASP -100
lectures I-ASP -100
it O -100
is O -100
difficult O -100
to O -100
find O -100
an O -100
asnwer O -100
to O -100
sought O -100
question O -100
. O -100
The O -100
first O -100
week O -100
' O -100
s O -100
quiz B-ASP -100
is O -100
really O -100
difficult O -100
and O -100
I O -100
had O -100
to O -100
go O -100
through O -100
the O -100
lecture O -100
material O -100
several O -100
times O -100
. O -100
Because O -100
of O -100
the O -100
great O -100
number O -100
of O -100
very O -100
short B-ASP Negative
lectures I-ASP Negative
it O -100
is O -100
difficult O -100
to O -100
find O -100
an O -100
asnwer O -100
to O -100
sought O -100
question O -100
. O -100
It O -100
would O -100
be O -100
helpful O -100
for O -100
absolute O -100
beginners O -100
who O -100
even O -100
have O -100
difficulty O -100
in O -100
installing B-ASP Neutral
programs O -100
like O -100
R O -100
and O -100
GitHub O -100
but O -100
otherwise O -100
it O -100
felt O -100
a O -100
bit O -100
too O -100
basic O -100
although O -100
informative O -100
with O -100
some O -100
of O -100
the O -100
Git O -100
commands O -100
Most O -100
of O -100
the O -100
instructions B-ASP Positive
were O -100
very O -100
clear O -100
. O -100
Image B-ASP -100
quality I-ASP -100
for O -100
pushing O -100
files O -100
to O -100
Github O -100
via O -100
command O -100
lines O -100
was O -100
poor O -100
, O -100
so O -100
it O -100
was O -100
difficult O -100
to O -100
follow O -100
along O -100
. O -100
Not O -100
sure O -100
why O -100
there O -100
were O -100
2 O -100
Git O -100
bash O -100
counsels O -100
open O -100
Most O -100
of O -100
the O -100
instructions B-ASP -100
were O -100
very O -100
clear O -100
. O -100
Image B-ASP Negative
quality I-ASP Negative
for O -100
pushing O -100
files O -100
to O -100
Github O -100
via O -100
command O -100
lines O -100
was O -100
poor O -100
, O -100
so O -100
it O -100
was O -100
difficult O -100
to O -100
follow O -100
along O -100
. O -100
Not O -100
sure O -100
why O -100
there O -100
were O -100
2 O -100
Git O -100
bash O -100
counsels O -100
open O -100
Great O -100
course B-ASP Positive
. O -100
But O -100
sometimes O -100
it O -100
' O -100
s O -100
a O -100
little O -100
bit O -100
difficult O -100
to O -100
follow O -100
, O -100
because O -100
the O -100
instructor B-ASP -100
just O -100
listed O -100
those O -100
Git O -100
commands O -100
without O -100
actually O -100
demonstrating O -100
how O -100
to O -100
use O -100
Git O -100
step O -100
by O -100
step O -100
. O -100
Great O -100
course B-ASP -100
. O -100
But O -100
sometimes O -100
it O -100
' O -100
s O -100
a O -100
little O -100
bit O -100
difficult O -100
to O -100
follow O -100
, O -100
because O -100
the O -100
instructor B-ASP Neutral
just O -100
listed O -100
those O -100
Git O -100
commands O -100
without O -100
actually O -100
demonstrating O -100
how O -100
to O -100
use O -100
Git O -100
step O -100
by O -100
step O -100
. O -100
i O -100
am O -100
little O -100
weak O -100
at O -100
understanding O -100
things O -100
when O -100
taught O -100
for O -100
the O -100
first O -100
time O -100
. O -100
so O -100
understanding O -100
and O -100
learning O -100
about O -100
toolbox B-ASP Negative
was O -100
little O -100
difficult O -100
due O -100
to O -100
the O -100
computer B-ASP -100
voice I-ASP -100
i O -100
am O -100
little O -100
weak O -100
at O -100
understanding O -100
things O -100
when O -100
taught O -100
for O -100
the O -100
first O -100
time O -100
. O -100
so O -100
understanding O -100
and O -100
learning O -100
about O -100
toolbox B-ASP -100
was O -100
little O -100
difficult O -100
due O -100
to O -100
the O -100
computer B-ASP Negative
voice I-ASP Negative
Overall O -100
Content B-ASP Positive
was O -100
good O -100
but O -100
I O -100
' O -100
m O -100
actually O -100
disappointed O -100
by O -100
the O -100
tone O -100
of O -100
the O -100
videos O -100
by O -100
some O -100
computer B-ASP -100
voice I-ASP -100
which O -100
actually O -100
makes O -100
it O -100
more O -100
difficult O -100
to O -100
undertsand O -100
Overall O -100
Content B-ASP -100
was O -100
good O -100
but O -100
I O -100
' O -100
m O -100
actually O -100
disappointed O -100
by O -100
the O -100
tone O -100
of O -100
the O -100
videos O -100
by O -100
some O -100
computer B-ASP Negative
voice I-ASP Negative
which O -100
actually O -100
makes O -100
it O -100
more O -100
difficult O -100
to O -100
undertsand O -100
Good O -100
crash O -100
course B-ASP Neutral
on O -100
setting O -100
up O -100
all O -100
the O -100
toolbox O -100
necessary O -100
for O -100
a O -100
data O -100
scientist O -100
. O -100
The O -100
quiz B-ASP -100
could O -100
be O -100
more O -100
difficult O -100
than O -100
it O -100
is O -100
designed O -100
now O -100
. O -100
Good O -100
crash O -100
course B-ASP -100
on O -100
setting O -100
up O -100
all O -100
the O -100
toolbox O -100
necessary O -100
for O -100
a O -100
data O -100
scientist O -100
. O -100
The O -100
quiz B-ASP Neutral
could O -100
be O -100
more O -100
difficult O -100
than O -100
it O -100
is O -100
designed O -100
now O -100
. O -100
Still O -100
difficult O -100
for O -100
me O -100
get O -100
to O -100
used O -100
to O -100
listen O -100
to O -100
the O -100
computer B-ASP Negative
talk I-ASP Negative
. O -100
But O -100
it O -100
is O -100
very O -100
good O -100
slides B-ASP -100
, O -100
easy O -100
to O -100
follow O -100
. O -100
Still O -100
difficult O -100
for O -100
me O -100
get O -100
to O -100
used O -100
to O -100
listen O -100
to O -100
the O -100
computer B-ASP -100
talk I-ASP -100
. O -100
But O -100
it O -100
is O -100
very O -100
good O -100
slides B-ASP Positive
, O -100
easy O -100
to O -100
follow O -100
. O -100
This O -100
course B-ASP Neutral
stays O -100
on O -100
the O -100
surface O -100
and O -100
doesn O -100
' O -100
t O -100
delve O -100
too O -100
deep O -100
, O -100
probably O -100
in O -100
order O -100
to O -100
not O -100
scare O -100
off O -100
people O -100
who O -100
are O -100
new O -100
to O -100
the O -100
subject O -100
. O -100
From O -100
what O -100
I O -100
' O -100
ve O -100
seen O -100
in O -100
the O -100
second O -100
course O -100
, O -100
the O -100
material B-ASP -100
becomes O -100
a O -100
lot O -100
more O -100
difficult O -100
, O -100
which O -100
I O -100
was O -100
glad O -100
to O -100
see O -100
. O -100
This O -100
course B-ASP -100
stays O -100
on O -100
the O -100
surface O -100
and O -100
doesn O -100
' O -100
t O -100
delve O -100
too O -100
deep O -100
, O -100
probably O -100
in O -100
order O -100
to O -100
not O -100
scare O -100
off O -100
people O -100
who O -100
are O -100
new O -100
to O -100
the O -100
subject O -100
. O -100
From O -100
what O -100
I O -100
' O -100
ve O -100
seen O -100
in O -100
the O -100
second O -100
course O -100
, O -100
the O -100
material B-ASP Positive
becomes O -100
a O -100
lot O -100
more O -100
difficult O -100
, O -100
which O -100
I O -100
was O -100
glad O -100
to O -100
see O -100
. O -100
Good O -100
introduction O -100
, O -100
but O -100
the O -100
professor B-ASP Negative
could O -100
have O -100
been O -100
more O -100
descriptive O -100
about O -100
how O -100
to O -100
use O -100
git O -100
/ O -100
github O -100
. O -100
These O -100
are O -100
new O -100
concepts B-ASP -100
for O -100
people O -100
so O -100
it O -100
may O -100
be O -100
difficult O -100
to O -100
grasp O -100
right O -100
away O -100
. O -100
Good O -100
introduction O -100
, O -100
but O -100
the O -100
professor B-ASP -100
could O -100
have O -100
been O -100
more O -100
descriptive O -100
about O -100
how O -100
to O -100
use O -100
git O -100
/ O -100
github O -100
. O -100
These O -100
are O -100
new O -100
concepts B-ASP Negative
for O -100
people O -100
so O -100
it O -100
may O -100
be O -100
difficult O -100
to O -100
grasp O -100
right O -100
away O -100
. O -100
Difficult O -100
to O -100
follow O -100
the O -100
robotic B-ASP Negative
voice I-ASP Negative
at O -100
a O -100
speed O -100
of O -100
1 O -100
, O -100
5 O -100
; O -100
the O -100
links O -100
simply O -100
don O -100
' O -100
t O -100
workAnd O -100
, O -100
known O -100
bugs O -100
on O -100
LaTeX O -100
need O -100
to O -100
be O -100
found O -100
by O -100
googling O -100
This O -100
course B-ASP Neutral
was O -100
a O -100
beginner O -100
level O -100
course O -100
and O -100
the O -100
difficulty O -100
level O -100
was O -100
quite O -100
low O -100
and O -100
in O -100
depth O -100
detail O -100
should O -100
have O -100
been O -100
provided O -100
. O -100
Very O -100
basic O -100
course B-ASP Neutral
. O -100
Poorly O -100
motivated O -100
, O -100
material B-ASP -100
presented O -100
without O -100
an O -100
effort O -100
to O -100
demonstrate O -100
why O -100
. O -100
This O -100
is O -100
not O -100
entirely O -100
out O -100
of O -100
place O -100
in O -100
this O -100
intro O -100
course O -100
, O -100
but O -100
it O -100
permeates O -100
the O -100
entire O -100
program O -100
. O -100
Difficulty O -100
poorly O -100
controlled O -100
, O -100
projects B-ASP -100
and O -100
quizzes B-ASP -100
much O -100
more O -100
advanced O -100
than O -100
lectures O -100
. O -100
Very O -100
basic O -100
course B-ASP -100
. O -100
Poorly O -100
motivated O -100
, O -100
material B-ASP Negative
presented O -100
without O -100
an O -100
effort O -100
to O -100
demonstrate O -100
why O -100
. O -100
This O -100
is O -100
not O -100
entirely O -100
out O -100
of O -100
place O -100
in O -100
this O -100
intro O -100
course O -100
, O -100
but O -100
it O -100
permeates O -100
the O -100
entire O -100
program O -100
. O -100
Difficulty O -100
poorly O -100
controlled O -100
, O -100
projects B-ASP -100
and O -100
quizzes B-ASP -100
much O -100
more O -100
advanced O -100
than O -100
lectures O -100
. O -100
Very O -100
basic O -100
course B-ASP -100
. O -100
Poorly O -100
motivated O -100
, O -100
material B-ASP -100
presented O -100
without O -100
an O -100
effort O -100
to O -100
demonstrate O -100
why O -100
. O -100
This O -100
is O -100
not O -100
entirely O -100
out O -100
of O -100
place O -100
in O -100
this O -100
intro O -100
course O -100
, O -100
but O -100
it O -100
permeates O -100
the O -100
entire O -100
program O -100
. O -100
Difficulty O -100
poorly O -100
controlled O -100
, O -100
projects B-ASP Negative
and O -100
quizzes B-ASP -100
much O -100
more O -100
advanced O -100
than O -100
lectures O -100
. O -100
Very O -100
basic O -100
course B-ASP -100
. O -100
Poorly O -100
motivated O -100
, O -100
material B-ASP -100
presented O -100
without O -100
an O -100
effort O -100
to O -100
demonstrate O -100
why O -100
. O -100
This O -100
is O -100
not O -100
entirely O -100
out O -100
of O -100
place O -100
in O -100
this O -100
intro O -100
course O -100
, O -100
but O -100
it O -100
permeates O -100
the O -100
entire O -100
program O -100
. O -100
Difficulty O -100
poorly O -100
controlled O -100
, O -100
projects B-ASP -100
and O -100
quizzes B-ASP Negative
much O -100
more O -100
advanced O -100
than O -100
lectures O -100
. O -100
The O -100
experience O -100
sure O -100
was O -100
a O -100
memorable O -100
one O -100
. O -100
The O -100
course B-ASP Positive
material I-ASP Positive
was O -100
very O -100
good O -100
. O -100
The O -100
only O -100
problem O -100
about O -100
the O -100
course O -100
was O -100
probably O -100
the O -100
exercises B-ASP -100
, O -100
they O -100
are O -100
a O -100
lot O -100
more O -100
difficult O -100
than O -100
what O -100
is O -100
taught O -100
. O -100
All O -100
in O -100
all O -100
it O -100
was O -100
an O -100
amazing O -100
experience O -100
The O -100
experience O -100
sure O -100
was O -100
a O -100
memorable O -100
one O -100
. O -100
The O -100
course B-ASP -100
material I-ASP -100
was O -100
very O -100
good O -100
. O -100
The O -100
only O -100
problem O -100
about O -100
the O -100
course O -100
was O -100
probably O -100
the O -100
exercises B-ASP Negative
, O -100
they O -100
are O -100
a O -100
lot O -100
more O -100
difficult O -100
than O -100
what O -100
is O -100
taught O -100
. O -100
All O -100
in O -100
all O -100
it O -100
was O -100
an O -100
amazing O -100
experience O -100
one O -100
of O -100
the O -100
best O -100
short O -100
courses B-ASP Positive
out O -100
there O -100
for O -100
python O -100
, O -100
the O -100
instructor B-ASP -100
is O -100
very O -100
nice O -100
and O -100
explains O -100
concepts O -100
with O -100
a O -100
lot O -100
of O -100
enthusiasm O -100
which O -100
is O -100
nice O -100
. O -100
Difficulty O -100
level B-ASP -100
sometimes O -100
gets O -100
high O -100
in O -100
questions O -100
otherwise O -100
a O -100
very O -100
good O -100
course O -100
. O -100
one O -100
of O -100
the O -100
best O -100
short O -100
courses B-ASP -100
out O -100
there O -100
for O -100
python O -100
, O -100
the O -100
instructor B-ASP Positive
is O -100
very O -100
nice O -100
and O -100
explains O -100
concepts O -100
with O -100
a O -100
lot O -100
of O -100
enthusiasm O -100
which O -100
is O -100
nice O -100
. O -100
Difficulty O -100
level B-ASP -100
sometimes O -100
gets O -100
high O -100
in O -100
questions O -100
otherwise O -100
a O -100
very O -100
good O -100
course O -100
. O -100
one O -100
of O -100
the O -100
best O -100
short O -100
courses B-ASP -100
out O -100
there O -100
for O -100
python O -100
, O -100
the O -100
instructor B-ASP -100
is O -100
very O -100
nice O -100
and O -100
explains O -100
concepts O -100
with O -100
a O -100
lot O -100
of O -100
enthusiasm O -100
which O -100
is O -100
nice O -100
. O -100
Difficulty O -100
level B-ASP Negative
sometimes O -100
gets O -100
high O -100
in O -100
questions O -100
otherwise O -100
a O -100
very O -100
good O -100
course O -100
. O -100
I O -100
learned O -100
a O -100
LOT O -100
in O -100
this O -100
course B-ASP Positive
and O -100
it O -100
was O -100
pretty O -100
straight O -100
forward O -100
most O -100
of O -100
the O -100
time O -100
. O -100
Sometimes O -100
it O -100
' O -100
s O -100
difficult O -100
to O -100
know O -100
what O -100
the O -100
question O -100
is O -100
asking O -100
me O -100
to O -100
do O -100
. O -100
could O -100
just O -100
be O -100
that O -100
I O -100
' O -100
m O -100
not O -100
totally O -100
familiar O -100
with O -100
python O -100
jargon O -100
. O -100
The O -100
tests B-ASP Negative
had O -100
a O -100
lil O -100
more O -100
difficulty O -100
level O -100
compared O -100
to O -100
the O -100
level O -100
of O -100
teaching O -100
. O -100
For O -100
someone O -100
who O -100
is O -100
a O -100
beginner O -100
i O -100
coding B-ASP -100
finds O -100
it O -100
difficult O -100
to O -100
cope O -100
with O -100
it O -100
. O -100
Apart O -100
from O -100
that O -100
it O -100
was O -100
a O -100
fabulous O -100
journey O -100
. O -100
The O -100
tests B-ASP -100
had O -100
a O -100
lil O -100
more O -100
difficulty O -100
level O -100
compared O -100
to O -100
the O -100
level O -100
of O -100
teaching O -100
. O -100
For O -100
someone O -100
who O -100
is O -100
a O -100
beginner O -100
i O -100
coding B-ASP Negative
finds O -100
it O -100
difficult O -100
to O -100
cope O -100
with O -100
it O -100
. O -100
Apart O -100
from O -100
that O -100
it O -100
was O -100
a O -100
fabulous O -100
journey O -100
. O -100
Examples B-ASP Negative
not O -100
enough O -100
to O -100
complete O -100
the O -100
quiz B-ASP -100
and O -100
assignments B-ASP -100
. O -100
I O -100
felt O -100
bit O -100
difficulties O -100
while O -100
prepare O -100
the O -100
assignment O -100
and O -100
quiz O -100
programs O -100
. O -100
So O -100
please O -100
include O -100
more O -100
examples O -100
while O -100
explain O -100
the O -100
concepts O -100
. O -100
Examples B-ASP -100
not O -100
enough O -100
to O -100
complete O -100
the O -100
quiz B-ASP Negative
and O -100
assignments B-ASP -100
. O -100
I O -100
felt O -100
bit O -100
difficulties O -100
while O -100
prepare O -100
the O -100
assignment O -100
and O -100
quiz O -100
programs O -100
. O -100
So O -100
please O -100
include O -100
more O -100
examples O -100
while O -100
explain O -100
the O -100
concepts O -100
. O -100
Examples B-ASP -100
not O -100
enough O -100
to O -100
complete O -100
the O -100
quiz B-ASP -100
and O -100
assignments B-ASP Negative
. O -100
I O -100
felt O -100
bit O -100
difficulties O -100
while O -100
prepare O -100
the O -100
assignment O -100
and O -100
quiz O -100
programs O -100
. O -100
So O -100
please O -100
include O -100
more O -100
examples O -100
while O -100
explain O -100
the O -100
concepts O -100
. O -100
the O -100
only O -100
bad O -100
side O -100
of O -100
this O -100
course B-ASP Neutral
is O -100
that O -100
the O -100
final B-ASP -100
project I-ASP -100
seems O -100
like O -100
a O -100
really O -100
difficult O -100
task O -100
. O -100
it O -100
' O -100
s O -100
so O -100
hard O -100
to O -100
fully O -100
understand O -100
what O -100
was O -100
happening O -100
the O -100
only O -100
bad O -100
side O -100
of O -100
this O -100
course B-ASP -100
is O -100
that O -100
the O -100
final B-ASP Negative
project I-ASP Negative
seems O -100
like O -100
a O -100
really O -100
difficult O -100
task O -100
. O -100
it O -100
' O -100
s O -100
so O -100
hard O -100
to O -100
fully O -100
understand O -100
what O -100
was O -100
happening O -100
Practices B-ASP Positive
are O -100
well O -100
paced B-ASP -100
and O -100
help O -100
reinforce O -100
syllabus O -100
. O -100
However O -100
final B-ASP -100
project I-ASP -100
had O -100
a O -100
big O -100
jump O -100
in O -100
difficulty O -100
that O -100
could O -100
have O -100
better O -100
guidance O -100
. O -100
Practices B-ASP -100
are O -100
well O -100
paced B-ASP Positive
and O -100
help O -100
reinforce O -100
syllabus O -100
. O -100
However O -100
final B-ASP -100
project I-ASP -100
had O -100
a O -100
big O -100
jump O -100
in O -100
difficulty O -100
that O -100
could O -100
have O -100
better O -100
guidance O -100
. O -100
Practices B-ASP -100
are O -100
well O -100
paced B-ASP -100
and O -100
help O -100
reinforce O -100
syllabus O -100
. O -100
However O -100
final B-ASP Negative
project I-ASP Negative
had O -100
a O -100
big O -100
jump O -100
in O -100
difficulty O -100
that O -100
could O -100
have O -100
better O -100
guidance O -100
. O -100
This O -100
is O -100
a O -100
very O -100
good O -100
course B-ASP Positive
. O -100
Somewhat O -100
difficult O -100
at O -100
times O -100
when O -100
it O -100
comes O -100
to O -100
the O -100
programming B-ASP -100
assignments I-ASP -100
but O -100
the O -100
videos B-ASP -100
are O -100
well O -100
laid O -100
out O -100
. O -100
This O -100
is O -100
a O -100
very O -100
good O -100
course B-ASP -100
. O -100
Somewhat O -100
difficult O -100
at O -100
times O -100
when O -100
it O -100
comes O -100
to O -100
the O -100
programming B-ASP Negative
assignments I-ASP Negative
but O -100
the O -100
videos B-ASP -100
are O -100
well O -100
laid O -100
out O -100
. O -100
This O -100
is O -100
a O -100
very O -100
good O -100
course B-ASP -100
. O -100
Somewhat O -100
difficult O -100
at O -100
times O -100
when O -100
it O -100
comes O -100
to O -100
the O -100
programming B-ASP -100
assignments I-ASP -100
but O -100
the O -100
videos B-ASP Positive
are O -100
well O -100
laid O -100
out O -100
. O -100
This O -100
was O -100
a O -100
great O -100
experiance O -100
. O -100
this O -100
python O -100
course B-ASP Positive
is O -100
really O -100
good O -100
but O -100
the O -100
only O -100
week O -100
5 O -100
part O -100
is O -100
some O -100
what O -100
difficult O -100
to O -100
understand O -100
. O -100
the O -100
difficult O -100
curve O -100
is O -100
a O -100
bit O -100
sharp O -100
during O -100
last O -100
week O -100
. O -100
I O -100
hope O -100
you O -100
can O -100
provide O -100
more O -100
examples B-ASP Negative
for O -100
us O -100
to O -100
understand O -100
The O -100
majority O -100
of O -100
times O -100
the O -100
explanation B-ASP Positive
was O -100
good O -100
and O -100
clear O -100
but O -100
at O -100
times O -100
it O -100
was O -100
too O -100
fast O -100
. O -100
Assignments B-ASP -100
were O -100
a O -100
bit O -100
difficult O -100
as O -100
compared O -100
to O -100
what O -100
the O -100
explained O -100
in O -100
the O -100
sessions O -100
. O -100
The O -100
instructor B-ASP -100
was O -100
good O -100
too O -100
and O -100
didn O -100
' O -100
t O -100
make O -100
things O -100
boring O -100
for O -100
the O -100
students O -100
. O -100
The O -100
majority O -100
of O -100
times O -100
the O -100
explanation B-ASP -100
was O -100
good O -100
and O -100
clear O -100
but O -100
at O -100
times O -100
it O -100
was O -100
too O -100
fast O -100
. O -100
Assignments B-ASP Negative
were O -100
a O -100
bit O -100
difficult O -100
as O -100
compared O -100
to O -100
what O -100
the O -100
explained O -100
in O -100
the O -100
sessions O -100
. O -100
The O -100
instructor B-ASP -100
was O -100
good O -100
too O -100
and O -100
didn O -100
' O -100
t O -100
make O -100
things O -100
boring O -100
for O -100
the O -100
students O -100
. O -100
The O -100
majority O -100
of O -100
times O -100
the O -100
explanation B-ASP -100
was O -100
good O -100
and O -100
clear O -100
but O -100
at O -100
times O -100
it O -100
was O -100
too O -100
fast O -100
. O -100
Assignments B-ASP -100
were O -100
a O -100
bit O -100
difficult O -100
as O -100
compared O -100
to O -100
what O -100
the O -100
explained O -100
in O -100
the O -100
sessions O -100
. O -100
The O -100
instructor B-ASP Positive
was O -100
good O -100
too O -100
and O -100
didn O -100
' O -100
t O -100
make O -100
things O -100
boring O -100
for O -100
the O -100
students O -100
. O -100
I O -100
appreciated O -100
the O -100
short O -100
videos B-ASP Positive
and O -100
the O -100
learning O -100
environment B-ASP -100
, O -100
however O -100
the O -100
course O -100
examples B-ASP -100
given O -100
are O -100
way O -100
too O -100
easy O -100
compared O -100
to O -100
the O -100
graded O -100
material O -100
. O -100
Perhaps O -100
providing O -100
additional O -100
exercises O -100
that O -100
gradually O -100
increase O -100
in O -100
difficulty O -100
prior O -100
to O -100
graded O -100
quizzes O -100
would O -100
be O -100
helpful O -100
. O -100
I O -100
appreciated O -100
the O -100
short O -100
videos B-ASP -100
and O -100
the O -100
learning O -100
environment B-ASP Positive
, O -100
however O -100
the O -100
course O -100
examples B-ASP -100
given O -100
are O -100
way O -100
too O -100
easy O -100
compared O -100
to O -100
the O -100
graded O -100
material O -100
. O -100
Perhaps O -100
providing O -100
additional O -100
exercises O -100
that O -100
gradually O -100
increase O -100
in O -100
difficulty O -100
prior O -100
to O -100
graded O -100
quizzes O -100
would O -100
be O -100
helpful O -100
. O -100
I O -100
appreciated O -100
the O -100
short O -100
videos B-ASP -100
and O -100
the O -100
learning O -100
environment B-ASP -100
, O -100
however O -100
the O -100
course O -100
examples B-ASP Neutral
given O -100
are O -100
way O -100
too O -100
easy O -100
compared O -100
to O -100
the O -100
graded O -100
material O -100
. O -100
Perhaps O -100
providing O -100
additional O -100
exercises O -100
that O -100
gradually O -100
increase O -100
in O -100
difficulty O -100
prior O -100
to O -100
graded O -100
quizzes O -100
would O -100
be O -100
helpful O -100
. O -100
I O -100
enjoy O -100
the O -100
challenge O -100
of O -100
something O -100
new O -100
- O -100
- O -100
but O -100
I O -100
am O -100
" O -100
older O -100
" O -100
and O -100
am O -100
finding O -100
this O -100
difficult O -100
to O -100
continue O -100
; O -100
with O -100
so O -100
much O -100
effort O -100
. O -100
I O -100
will O -100
not O -100
continue O -100
after O -100
this O -100
course B-ASP Negative
. O -100
It O -100
was O -100
an O -100
overall O -100
great O -100
course B-ASP Positive
, O -100
but O -100
it O -100
gets O -100
difficult O -100
very O -100
quickly O -100
for O -100
a O -100
person O -100
with O -100
no O -100
programming O -100
background O -100
and O -100
is O -100
way O -100
more O -100
fast O -100
paced B-ASP -100
than O -100
you O -100
can O -100
think O -100
. O -100
It O -100
was O -100
an O -100
overall O -100
great O -100
course B-ASP -100
, O -100
but O -100
it O -100
gets O -100
difficult O -100
very O -100
quickly O -100
for O -100
a O -100
person O -100
with O -100
no O -100
programming O -100
background O -100
and O -100
is O -100
way O -100
more O -100
fast O -100
paced B-ASP Negative
than O -100
you O -100
can O -100
think O -100
. O -100
Does O -100
not O -100
provide O -100
answers O -100
on O -100
any O -100
quizzes B-ASP Negative
. O -100
Makes O -100
it O -100
quite O -100
difficult O -100
to O -100
learn O -100
from O -100
mistakes O -100
if O -100
you O -100
can O -100
' O -100
t O -100
figure O -100
out O -100
the O -100
right O -100
answer O -100
. O -100
it O -100
' O -100
s O -100
a O -100
hard O -100
one O -100
for O -100
beginners O -100
. O -100
The O -100
increasing O -100
level B-ASP Negative
of O -100
difficulties O -100
is O -100
very O -100
steep O -100
so O -100
we O -100
beginners O -100
find O -100
it O -100
really O -100
tough O -100
. O -100
The O -100
professor B-ASP Positive
explains O -100
the O -100
concepts B-ASP -100
step O -100
by O -100
step O -100
and O -100
clearly O -100
. O -100
The O -100
program O -100
assignment O -100
leads O -100
you O -100
to O -100
know O -100
how O -100
to O -100
utilize O -100
the O -100
python O -100
and O -100
build O -100
up O -100
the O -100
structure O -100
. O -100
It O -100
is O -100
easy O -100
to O -100
understand O -100
what O -100
a O -100
difficult O -100
deep O -100
learning O -100
. O -100
I O -100
am O -100
appreciated O -100
to O -100
learn O -100
the O -100
lesson O -100
with O -100
Coursera B-ASP -100
. O -100
The O -100
professor B-ASP -100
explains O -100
the O -100
concepts B-ASP Positive
step O -100
by O -100
step O -100
and O -100
clearly O -100
. O -100
The O -100
program O -100
assignment O -100
leads O -100
you O -100
to O -100
know O -100
how O -100
to O -100
utilize O -100
the O -100
python O -100
and O -100
build O -100
up O -100
the O -100
structure O -100
. O -100
It O -100
is O -100
easy O -100
to O -100
understand O -100
what O -100
a O -100
difficult O -100
deep O -100
learning O -100
. O -100
I O -100
am O -100
appreciated O -100
to O -100
learn O -100
the O -100
lesson O -100
with O -100
Coursera B-ASP -100
. O -100
The O -100
professor B-ASP -100
explains O -100
the O -100
concepts B-ASP -100
step O -100
by O -100
step O -100
and O -100
clearly O -100
. O -100
The O -100
program O -100
assignment O -100
leads O -100
you O -100
to O -100
know O -100
how O -100
to O -100
utilize O -100
the O -100
python O -100
and O -100
build O -100
up O -100
the O -100
structure O -100
. O -100
It O -100
is O -100
easy O -100
to O -100
understand O -100
what O -100
a O -100
difficult O -100
deep O -100
learning O -100
. O -100
I O -100
am O -100
appreciated O -100
to O -100
learn O -100
the O -100
lesson O -100
with O -100
Coursera B-ASP Positive
. O -100
This O -100
is O -100
another O -100
excellent O -100
course B-ASP Positive
from O -100
Andrew B-ASP -100
Ng O -100
. O -100
After O -100
doing O -100
his O -100
Coursera O -100
Octave O -100
based O -100
initial O -100
Machine O -100
Learning O -100
course O -100
I O -100
thought O -100
I O -100
might O -100
get O -100
up O -100
to O -100
date O -100
to O -100
Python O -100
/ O -100
Numpy O -100
techniques O -100
. O -100
As O -100
usual O -100
it O -100
was O -100
excellent O -100
. O -100
Assignments B-ASP -100
were O -100
not O -100
too O -100
difficult O -100
and O -100
you O -100
can O -100
resubmit O -100
multiple O -100
times O -100
( O -100
both O -100
quizzes O -100
and O -100
programming O -100
assignments O -100
) O -100
. O -100
This O -100
is O -100
another O -100
excellent O -100
course B-ASP -100
from O -100
Andrew B-ASP Positive
Ng O -100
. O -100
After O -100
doing O -100
his O -100
Coursera O -100
Octave O -100
based O -100
initial O -100
Machine O -100
Learning O -100
course O -100
I O -100
thought O -100
I O -100
might O -100
get O -100
up O -100
to O -100
date O -100
to O -100
Python O -100
/ O -100
Numpy O -100
techniques O -100
. O -100
As O -100
usual O -100
it O -100
was O -100
excellent O -100
. O -100
Assignments B-ASP -100
were O -100
not O -100
too O -100
difficult O -100
and O -100
you O -100
can O -100
resubmit O -100
multiple O -100
times O -100
( O -100
both O -100
quizzes O -100
and O -100
programming O -100
assignments O -100
) O -100
. O -100
This O -100
is O -100
another O -100
excellent O -100
course B-ASP -100
from O -100
Andrew B-ASP -100
Ng O -100
. O -100
After O -100
doing O -100
his O -100
Coursera O -100
Octave O -100
based O -100
initial O -100
Machine O -100
Learning O -100
course O -100
I O -100
thought O -100
I O -100
might O -100
get O -100
up O -100
to O -100
date O -100
to O -100
Python O -100
/ O -100
Numpy O -100
techniques O -100
. O -100
As O -100
usual O -100
it O -100
was O -100
excellent O -100
. O -100
Assignments B-ASP Neutral
were O -100
not O -100
too O -100
difficult O -100
and O -100
you O -100
can O -100
resubmit O -100
multiple O -100
times O -100
( O -100
both O -100
quizzes O -100
and O -100
programming O -100
assignments O -100
) O -100
. O -100
The O -100
assignments B-ASP Negative
were O -100
more O -100
difficult O -100
than O -100
the O -100
previous O -100
courses O -100
and O -100
I O -100
literally O -100
have O -100
to O -100
pull O -100
all O -100
of O -100
my O -100
limited O -100
Python O -100
knowledge O -100
to O -100
finish O -100
it O -100
. O -100
The O -100
journey O -100
was O -100
not O -100
easy O -100
but O -100
because O -100
of O -100
these O -100
assignments O -100
, O -100
I O -100
am O -100
now O -100
feeling O -100
much O -100
more O -100
comfortable O -100
with O -100
Python O -100
than O -100
before O -100
. O -100
This O -100
course B-ASP Positive
covers O -100
a O -100
lot O -100
of O -100
different O -100
material O -100
and O -100
is O -100
, O -100
in O -100
my O -100
opinion O -100
, O -100
more O -100
difficult O -100
than O -100
the O -100
previous O -100
two O -100
Python O -100
courses O -100
offered O -100
in O -100
this O -100
specialization O -100
. O -100
Overall O -100
, O -100
very O -100
good O -100
. O -100
The O -100
only O -100
critique O -100
I O -100
have O -100
would O -100
be O -100
to O -100
clarify O -100
some O -100
of O -100
the O -100
instructions O -100
for O -100
the O -100
assignments B-ASP -100
. O -100
This O -100
course B-ASP -100
covers O -100
a O -100
lot O -100
of O -100
different O -100
material O -100
and O -100
is O -100
, O -100
in O -100
my O -100
opinion O -100
, O -100
more O -100
difficult O -100
than O -100
the O -100
previous O -100
two O -100
Python O -100
courses O -100
offered O -100
in O -100
this O -100
specialization O -100
. O -100
Overall O -100
, O -100
very O -100
good O -100
. O -100
The O -100
only O -100
critique O -100
I O -100
have O -100
would O -100
be O -100
to O -100
clarify O -100
some O -100
of O -100
the O -100
instructions O -100
for O -100
the O -100
assignments B-ASP Negative
. O -100
Another O -100
nice O -100
course B-ASP Positive
from O -100
Dr O -100
. O -100
Chuck O -100
. O -100
Its O -100
difficulty O -100
level B-ASP -100
is O -100
higher O -100
than O -100
the O -100
two O -100
previous O -100
courses O -100
and O -100
one O -100
has O -100
to O -100
apply O -100
oneself O -100
harder O -100
. O -100
It O -100
would O -100
be O -100
great O -100
if O -100
there O -100
were O -100
a O -100
wider O -100
selection O -100
of O -100
activities O -100
to O -100
cover O -100
more O -100
different O -100
cases O -100
of O -100
web O -100
data O -100
retrieval O -100
- O -100
handling O -100
. O -100
Another O -100
nice O -100
course B-ASP -100
from O -100
Dr O -100
. O -100
Chuck O -100
. O -100
Its O -100
difficulty O -100
level B-ASP Positive
is O -100
higher O -100
than O -100
the O -100
two O -100
previous O -100
courses O -100
and O -100
one O -100
has O -100
to O -100
apply O -100
oneself O -100
harder O -100
. O -100
It O -100
would O -100
be O -100
great O -100
if O -100
there O -100
were O -100
a O -100
wider O -100
selection O -100
of O -100
activities O -100
to O -100
cover O -100
more O -100
different O -100
cases O -100
of O -100
web O -100
data O -100
retrieval O -100
- O -100
handling O -100
. O -100
A O -100
bit O -100
more O -100
difficult O -100
than O -100
2 O -100
courses O -100
of O -100
the O -100
same O -100
speciality O -100
placed O -100
before O -100
, O -100
but O -100
if O -100
you O -100
' O -100
ve O -100
finished O -100
them O -100
than O -100
it O -100
' O -100
s O -100
still O -100
quite O -100
easy O -100
for O -100
understanding O -100
. O -100
I O -100
understood O -100
how O -100
web O -100
applications O -100
are O -100
working O -100
after O -100
completing O -100
it O -100
and O -100
even O -100
used O -100
API O -100
by O -100
my O -100
own O -100
. O -100
Nice O -100
course B-ASP Positive
! O -100
Overall O -100
a O -100
very O -100
well O -100
written O -100
course B-ASP Positive
. O -100
As O -100
the O -100
third O -100
in O -100
the O -100
certificate O -100
series O -100
, O -100
this O -100
is O -100
where O -100
the O -100
difficulty O -100
starts O -100
to O -100
ramp O -100
up O -100
a O -100
bit O -100
and O -100
makes O -100
you O -100
really O -100
practice O -100
previously O -100
learned O -100
concepts O -100
and O -100
think O -100
through O -100
problems O -100
to O -100
implement O -100
them O -100
in O -100
an O -100
updated O -100
form O -100
. O -100
This O -100
is O -100
a O -100
very O -100
challenging O -100
course B-ASP Positive
, O -100
you O -100
start O -100
to O -100
appreciate O -100
why O -100
programmers O -100
make O -100
so O -100
much O -100
money O -100
. O -100
However O -100
, O -100
the O -100
mentors B-ASP -100
are O -100
always O -100
available O -100
to O -100
give O -100
you O -100
hints O -100
to O -100
complete O -100
assignments O -100
. O -100
It O -100
may O -100
be O -100
one O -100
of O -100
the O -100
most O -100
difficult O -100
classes O -100
I O -100
have O -100
taken O -100
so O -100
far O -100
. O -100
This O -100
is O -100
a O -100
very O -100
challenging O -100
course B-ASP -100
, O -100
you O -100
start O -100
to O -100
appreciate O -100
why O -100
programmers O -100
make O -100
so O -100
much O -100
money O -100
. O -100
However O -100
, O -100
the O -100
mentors B-ASP Positive
are O -100
always O -100
available O -100
to O -100
give O -100
you O -100
hints O -100
to O -100
complete O -100
assignments O -100
. O -100
It O -100
may O -100
be O -100
one O -100
of O -100
the O -100
most O -100
difficult O -100
classes O -100
I O -100
have O -100
taken O -100
so O -100
far O -100
. O -100
It O -100
was O -100
a O -100
great O -100
course B-ASP Positive
, O -100
somewhat O -100
more O -100
difficult O -100
than O -100
the O -100
previous O -100
ones O -100
in O -100
Python O -100
for O -100
everybody O -100
, O -100
but O -100
this O -100
is O -100
what O -100
gives O -100
the O -100
feeling O -100
of O -100
making O -100
progress O -100
! O -100
Very O -100
helpful O -100
videos B-ASP -100
and O -100
challenging O -100
assignments B-ASP -100
. O -100
I O -100
totally O -100
recommend O -100
it O -100
for O -100
beginners O -100
! O -100
It O -100
was O -100
a O -100
great O -100
course B-ASP -100
, O -100
somewhat O -100
more O -100
difficult O -100
than O -100
the O -100
previous O -100
ones O -100
in O -100
Python O -100
for O -100
everybody O -100
, O -100
but O -100
this O -100
is O -100
what O -100
gives O -100
the O -100
feeling O -100
of O -100
making O -100
progress O -100
! O -100
Very O -100
helpful O -100
videos B-ASP Positive
and O -100
challenging O -100
assignments B-ASP -100
. O -100
I O -100
totally O -100
recommend O -100
it O -100
for O -100
beginners O -100
! O -100
It O -100
was O -100
a O -100
great O -100
course B-ASP -100
, O -100
somewhat O -100
more O -100
difficult O -100
than O -100
the O -100
previous O -100
ones O -100
in O -100
Python O -100
for O -100
everybody O -100
, O -100
but O -100
this O -100
is O -100
what O -100
gives O -100
the O -100
feeling O -100
of O -100
making O -100
progress O -100
! O -100
Very O -100
helpful O -100
videos B-ASP -100
and O -100
challenging O -100
assignments B-ASP Positive
. O -100
I O -100
totally O -100
recommend O -100
it O -100
for O -100
beginners O -100
! O -100
The O -100
course B-ASP Positive
is O -100
great O -100
for O -100
beginner O -100
and O -100
who O -100
' O -100
s O -100
new O -100
to O -100
python O -100
with O -100
some O -100
basic O -100
skills O -100
. O -100
This O -100
really O -100
helps O -100
you O -100
learn O -100
to O -100
in O -100
more O -100
particle O -100
ways O -100
. O -100
The O -100
assignments B-ASP -100
aren O -100
' O -100
t O -100
too O -100
hard O -100
, O -100
yet O -100
it O -100
will O -100
give O -100
you O -100
enough O -100
difficulty O -100
to O -100
strengthen O -100
your O -100
skills O -100
. O -100
The O -100
course B-ASP -100
is O -100
great O -100
for O -100
beginner O -100
and O -100
who O -100
' O -100
s O -100
new O -100
to O -100
python O -100
with O -100
some O -100
basic O -100
skills O -100
. O -100
This O -100
really O -100
helps O -100
you O -100
learn O -100
to O -100
in O -100
more O -100
particle O -100
ways O -100
. O -100
The O -100
assignments B-ASP Neutral
aren O -100
' O -100
t O -100
too O -100
hard O -100
, O -100
yet O -100
it O -100
will O -100
give O -100
you O -100
enough O -100
difficulty O -100
to O -100
strengthen O -100
your O -100
skills O -100
. O -100
For O -100
me O -100
, O -100
the O -100
sample B-ASP Negative
code I-ASP Negative
given O -100
in O -100
each O -100
assignment O -100
discloses O -100
too O -100
much O -100
information O -100
. O -100
It O -100
is O -100
quite O -100
easy O -100
to O -100
twist O -100
just O -100
a O -100
little O -100
bit O -100
of O -100
the O -100
code O -100
in O -100
order O -100
to O -100
complete O -100
the O -100
assignment B-ASP -100
. O -100
I O -100
would O -100
prefer O -100
to O -100
have O -100
more O -100
difficult O -100
assignments O -100
. O -100
For O -100
me O -100
, O -100
the O -100
sample B-ASP -100
code I-ASP -100
given O -100
in O -100
each O -100
assignment O -100
discloses O -100
too O -100
much O -100
information O -100
. O -100
It O -100
is O -100
quite O -100
easy O -100
to O -100
twist O -100
just O -100
a O -100
little O -100
bit O -100
of O -100
the O -100
code O -100
in O -100
order O -100
to O -100
complete O -100
the O -100
assignment B-ASP Negative
. O -100
I O -100
would O -100
prefer O -100
to O -100
have O -100
more O -100
difficult O -100
assignments O -100
. O -100
Very O -100
good O -100
introduction O -100
course B-ASP Positive
, O -100
the O -100
teacher B-ASP -100
is O -100
great O -100
, O -100
and O -100
the O -100
material B-ASP -100
is O -100
better O -100
than O -100
you O -100
would O -100
expect O -100
at O -100
a O -100
regular O -100
university O -100
. O -100
The O -100
only O -100
thing O -100
missing O -100
is O -100
bigger O -100
assignments B-ASP -100
, O -100
but O -100
that O -100
is O -100
difficult O -100
in O -100
an O -100
online O -100
course O -100
. O -100
Very O -100
good O -100
introduction O -100
course B-ASP -100
, O -100
the O -100
teacher B-ASP Positive
is O -100
great O -100
, O -100
and O -100
the O -100
material B-ASP -100
is O -100
better O -100
than O -100
you O -100
would O -100
expect O -100
at O -100
a O -100
regular O -100
university O -100
. O -100
The O -100
only O -100
thing O -100
missing O -100
is O -100
bigger O -100
assignments B-ASP -100
, O -100
but O -100
that O -100
is O -100
difficult O -100
in O -100
an O -100
online O -100
course O -100
. O -100
Very O -100
good O -100
introduction O -100
course B-ASP -100
, O -100
the O -100
teacher B-ASP -100
is O -100
great O -100
, O -100
and O -100
the O -100
material B-ASP Positive
is O -100
better O -100
than O -100
you O -100
would O -100
expect O -100
at O -100
a O -100
regular O -100
university O -100
. O -100
The O -100
only O -100
thing O -100
missing O -100
is O -100
bigger O -100
assignments B-ASP -100
, O -100
but O -100
that O -100
is O -100
difficult O -100
in O -100
an O -100
online O -100
course O -100
. O -100
Very O -100
good O -100
introduction O -100
course B-ASP -100
, O -100
the O -100
teacher B-ASP -100
is O -100
great O -100
, O -100
and O -100
the O -100
material B-ASP -100
is O -100
better O -100
than O -100
you O -100
would O -100
expect O -100
at O -100
a O -100
regular O -100
university O -100
. O -100
The O -100
only O -100
thing O -100
missing O -100
is O -100
bigger O -100
assignments B-ASP Negative
, O -100
but O -100
that O -100
is O -100
difficult O -100
in O -100
an O -100
online O -100
course O -100
. O -100
Excellent O -100
Course B-ASP Positive
. O -100
Apart O -100
from O -100
Dr O -100
Chuck O -100
giving O -100
great O -100
lectures B-ASP -100
, O -100
this O -100
course O -100
gives O -100
a O -100
good O -100
overview O -100
about O -100
Python O -100
and O -100
shouldn O -100
' O -100
t O -100
be O -100
too O -100
difficult O -100
even O -100
for O -100
programming O -100
beginners O -100
( O -100
if O -100
you O -100
took O -100
the O -100
previous O -100
Python O -100
classes O -100
) O -100
. O -100
Excellent O -100
Course B-ASP -100
. O -100
Apart O -100
from O -100
Dr O -100
Chuck O -100
giving O -100
great O -100
lectures B-ASP Positive
, O -100
this O -100
course O -100
gives O -100
a O -100
good O -100
overview O -100
about O -100
Python O -100
and O -100
shouldn O -100
' O -100
t O -100
be O -100
too O -100
difficult O -100
even O -100
for O -100
programming O -100
beginners O -100
( O -100
if O -100
you O -100
took O -100
the O -100
previous O -100
Python O -100
classes O -100
) O -100
. O -100
Great O -100
step O -100
up O -100
in O -100
difficulty O -100
from O -100
the O -100
previous O -100
2 O -100
courses O -100
in O -100
the O -100
specialization O -100
. O -100
I O -100
definitely O -100
appreciated O -100
this O -100
change O -100
. O -100
Learned O -100
a O -100
lot O -100
from O -100
this O -100
particular O -100
course B-ASP Positive
and O -100
I O -100
look O -100
forward O -100
to O -100
complete O -100
the O -100
specification O -100
. O -100
Getting O -100
a O -100
little O -100
more O -100
difficult O -100
but O -100
you O -100
have O -100
the O -100
tools B-ASP Positive
to O -100
do O -100
it O -100
. O -100
Make O -100
sure O -100
to O -100
reference O -100
previous O -100
classes O -100
/ O -100
chapters O -100
. O -100
Class B-ASP -100
is O -100
good O -100
in O -100
that O -100
it O -100
makes O -100
you O -100
use O -100
what O -100
you O -100
' O -100
ve O -100
already O -100
learned O -100
to O -100
solve O -100
new O -100
problems O -100
. O -100
Getting O -100
a O -100
little O -100
more O -100
difficult O -100
but O -100
you O -100
have O -100
the O -100
tools B-ASP -100
to O -100
do O -100
it O -100
. O -100
Make O -100
sure O -100
to O -100
reference O -100
previous O -100
classes O -100
/ O -100
chapters O -100
. O -100
Class B-ASP Positive
is O -100
good O -100
in O -100
that O -100
it O -100
makes O -100
you O -100
use O -100
what O -100
you O -100
' O -100
ve O -100
already O -100
learned O -100
to O -100
solve O -100
new O -100
problems O -100
. O -100
I O -100
like O -100
these O -100
courses B-ASP Positive
very O -100
much O -100
. O -100
Dr O -100
Severance O -100
is O -100
such O -100
a O -100
good O -100
teacher B-ASP -100
! O -100
But O -100
I O -100
found O -100
the O -100
last O -100
courses O -100
more O -100
difficult O -100
and O -100
maybe O -100
I O -100
need O -100
more O -100
time O -100
to O -100
digest O -100
all O -100
the O -100
elements O -100
and O -100
certainly O -100
need O -100
to O -100
practice O -100
more O -100
. O -100
I O -100
like O -100
these O -100
courses B-ASP -100
very O -100
much O -100
. O -100
Dr O -100
Severance O -100
is O -100
such O -100
a O -100
good O -100
teacher B-ASP Positive
! O -100
But O -100
I O -100
found O -100
the O -100
last O -100
courses O -100
more O -100
difficult O -100
and O -100
maybe O -100
I O -100
need O -100
more O -100
time O -100
to O -100
digest O -100
all O -100
the O -100
elements O -100
and O -100
certainly O -100
need O -100
to O -100
practice O -100
more O -100
. O -100
This O -100
wasn O -100
' O -100
t O -100
an O -100
easy O -100
course B-ASP Neutral
. O -100
It O -100
probably O -100
took O -100
me O -100
longer O -100
than O -100
needed O -100
but O -100
I O -100
wrote O -100
each O -100
assignment O -100
without O -100
copying O -100
as O -100
that O -100
is O -100
the O -100
only O -100
way O -100
I O -100
learn O -100
. O -100
Thank O -100
you O -100
for O -100
putting O -100
together O -100
a O -100
rather O -100
difficult O -100
course B-ASP -100
. O -100
This O -100
wasn O -100
' O -100
t O -100
an O -100
easy O -100
course B-ASP -100
. O -100
It O -100
probably O -100
took O -100
me O -100
longer O -100
than O -100
needed O -100
but O -100
I O -100
wrote O -100
each O -100
assignment O -100
without O -100
copying O -100
as O -100
that O -100
is O -100
the O -100
only O -100
way O -100
I O -100
learn O -100
. O -100
Thank O -100
you O -100
for O -100
putting O -100
together O -100
a O -100
rather O -100
difficult O -100
course B-ASP Positive
. O -100
This O -100
course O -100
is O -100
obviously O -100
more O -100
difficult O -100
to O -100
understand O -100
than O -100
before O -100
. O -100
In O -100
some O -100
places O -100
I O -100
didn O -100
' O -100
t O -100
figure O -100
it O -100
out O -100
, O -100
the O -100
TA B-ASP Negative
didn O -100
' O -100
t O -100
answer O -100
my O -100
questions O -100
, O -100
and O -100
I O -100
don O -100
' O -100
t O -100
know O -100
why O -100
. O -100
But O -100
overall O -100
it O -100
was O -100
a O -100
great O -100
course B-ASP -100
! O -100
This O -100
course O -100
is O -100
obviously O -100
more O -100
difficult O -100
to O -100
understand O -100
than O -100
before O -100
. O -100
In O -100
some O -100
places O -100
I O -100
didn O -100
' O -100
t O -100
figure O -100
it O -100
out O -100
, O -100
the O -100
TA B-ASP -100
didn O -100
' O -100
t O -100
answer O -100
my O -100
questions O -100
, O -100
and O -100
I O -100
don O -100
' O -100
t O -100
know O -100
why O -100
. O -100
But O -100
overall O -100
it O -100
was O -100
a O -100
great O -100
course B-ASP Positive
! O -100
Assignments B-ASP Negative
really O -100
difficult O -100
but O -100
helps O -100
you O -100
learn O -100
. O -100
Discussion O -100
forums B-ASP -100
help O -100
a O -100
lot O -100
as O -100
well O -100
. O -100
The O -100
TA B-ASP -100
' O -100
s O -100
hold O -100
the O -100
line O -100
very O -100
well O -100
of O -100
dangling O -100
the O -100
carrot O -100
of O -100
where O -100
to O -100
proceed O -100
but O -100
not O -100
giving O -100
outright O -100
answers O -100
Assignments B-ASP -100
really O -100
difficult O -100
but O -100
helps O -100
you O -100
learn O -100
. O -100
Discussion O -100
forums B-ASP Positive
help O -100
a O -100
lot O -100
as O -100
well O -100
. O -100
The O -100
TA B-ASP -100
' O -100
s O -100
hold O -100
the O -100
line O -100
very O -100
well O -100
of O -100
dangling O -100
the O -100
carrot O -100
of O -100
where O -100
to O -100
proceed O -100
but O -100
not O -100
giving O -100
outright O -100
answers O -100
Assignments B-ASP -100
really O -100
difficult O -100
but O -100
helps O -100
you O -100
learn O -100
. O -100
Discussion O -100
forums B-ASP -100
help O -100
a O -100
lot O -100
as O -100
well O -100
. O -100
The O -100
TA B-ASP Positive
' O -100
s O -100
hold O -100
the O -100
line O -100
very O -100
well O -100
of O -100
dangling O -100
the O -100
carrot O -100
of O -100
where O -100
to O -100
proceed O -100
but O -100
not O -100
giving O -100
outright O -100
answers O -100
Thank O -100
you O -100
Dr O -100
. O -100
Chuck O -100
! O -100
I O -100
have O -100
always O -100
wanted O -100
to O -100
learn O -100
Python O -100
well O -100
, O -100
but O -100
never O -100
had O -100
the O -100
chance O -100
. O -100
You O -100
make O -100
learning O -100
Python O -100
accessible O -100
yet O -100
also O -100
challenging O -100
. O -100
Its O -100
the O -100
perfect O -100
level B-ASP Positive
of O -100
difficulty O -100
for O -100
me O -100
! O -100
The O -100
course O -100
assignment B-ASP Negative
was O -100
very O -100
very O -100
difficult O -100
, O -100
I O -100
think O -100
it O -100
would O -100
be O -100
toughest O -100
task O -100
for O -100
non O -100
programming O -100
background O -100
people O -100
to O -100
complete O -100
this O -100
course O -100
, O -100
it O -100
should O -100
be O -100
less O -100
difficult O -100
so O -100
that O -100
new O -100
peoples O -100
can O -100
perform O -100
it O -100
easily O -100
. O -100
Excellent O -100
, O -100
although O -100
, O -100
even O -100
without O -100
having O -100
any O -100
programming O -100
experience O -100
except O -100
some O -100
Visual O -100
Basic O -100
at O -100
school O -100
about O -100
ten O -100
years O -100
ago O -100
, O -100
in O -100
my O -100
opinion O -100
the O -100
course B-ASP Neutral
could O -100
have O -100
bee O -100
more O -100
difficult O -100
and O -100
the O -100
pace B-ASP -100
quicker O -100
. O -100
Excellent O -100
, O -100
although O -100
, O -100
even O -100
without O -100
having O -100
any O -100
programming O -100
experience O -100
except O -100
some O -100
Visual O -100
Basic O -100
at O -100
school O -100
about O -100
ten O -100
years O -100
ago O -100
, O -100
in O -100
my O -100
opinion O -100
the O -100
course B-ASP -100
could O -100
have O -100
bee O -100
more O -100
difficult O -100
and O -100
the O -100
pace B-ASP Negative
quicker O -100
. O -100
by O -100
Md O -100
. O -100
completed O -100
this O -100
course O -100
, O -100
spending O -100
1 O -100
hours O -100
a O -100
week O -100
on O -100
it O -100
and O -100
found O -100
the O -100
course O -100
difficulty B-ASP Neutral
to O -100
be O -100
easy O -100
. O -100
I O -100
loved O -100
this O -100
course B-ASP -100
. O -100
With O -100
so O -100
many O -100
glowing O -100
reviews O -100
, O -100
I O -100
don O -100
' O -100
t O -100
think O -100
mine O -100
matters O -100
, O -100
but O -100
here O -100
it O -100
is O -100
anyway O -100
: O -100
This O -100
course O -100
is O -100
amazing O -100
. O -100
by O -100
Md O -100
. O -100
completed O -100
this O -100
course O -100
, O -100
spending O -100
1 O -100
hours O -100
a O -100
week O -100
on O -100
it O -100
and O -100
found O -100
the O -100
course O -100
difficulty B-ASP -100
to O -100
be O -100
easy O -100
. O -100
I O -100
loved O -100
this O -100
course B-ASP Positive
. O -100
With O -100
so O -100
many O -100
glowing O -100
reviews O -100
, O -100
I O -100
don O -100
' O -100
t O -100
think O -100
mine O -100
matters O -100
, O -100
but O -100
here O -100
it O -100
is O -100
anyway O -100
: O -100
This O -100
course O -100
is O -100
amazing O -100
. O -100
It O -100
' O -100
s O -100
a O -100
great O -100
course B-ASP Positive
. O -100
I O -100
' O -100
m O -100
actually O -100
going O -100
to O -100
recommend O -100
it O -100
to O -100
at O -100
least O -100
five O -100
separate O -100
people O -100
. O -100
He O -100
was O -100
intelligent O -100
, O -100
highly O -100
structured O -100
/ O -100
organized O -100
, O -100
and O -100
went O -100
over O -100
things O -100
multiple O -100
times O -100
to O -100
ensure O -100
implant O -100
/ O -100
imprint O -100
. O -100
The O -100
quizzes B-ASP -100
and O -100
assignments B-ASP -100
would O -100
have O -100
been O -100
difficult O -100
, O -100
but O -100
not O -100
unbearable O -100
without O -100
prior O -100
coding O -100
experience O -100
. O -100
Overall O -100
, O -100
very O -100
good O -100
course B-ASP -100
. O -100
It O -100
' O -100
s O -100
a O -100
great O -100
course B-ASP -100
. O -100
I O -100
' O -100
m O -100
actually O -100
going O -100
to O -100
recommend O -100
it O -100
to O -100
at O -100
least O -100
five O -100
separate O -100
people O -100
. O -100
He O -100
was O -100
intelligent O -100
, O -100
highly O -100
structured O -100
/ O -100
organized O -100
, O -100
and O -100
went O -100
over O -100
things O -100
multiple O -100
times O -100
to O -100
ensure O -100
implant O -100
/ O -100
imprint O -100
. O -100
The O -100
quizzes B-ASP Negative
and O -100
assignments B-ASP -100
would O -100
have O -100
been O -100
difficult O -100
, O -100
but O -100
not O -100
unbearable O -100
without O -100
prior O -100
coding O -100
experience O -100
. O -100
Overall O -100
, O -100
very O -100
good O -100
course B-ASP -100
. O -100
It O -100
' O -100
s O -100
a O -100
great O -100
course B-ASP -100
. O -100
I O -100
' O -100
m O -100
actually O -100
going O -100
to O -100
recommend O -100
it O -100
to O -100
at O -100
least O -100
five O -100
separate O -100
people O -100
. O -100
He O -100
was O -100
intelligent O -100
, O -100
highly O -100
structured O -100
/ O -100
organized O -100
, O -100
and O -100
went O -100
over O -100
things O -100
multiple O -100
times O -100
to O -100
ensure O -100
implant O -100
/ O -100
imprint O -100
. O -100
The O -100
quizzes B-ASP -100
and O -100
assignments B-ASP Negative
would O -100
have O -100
been O -100
difficult O -100
, O -100
but O -100
not O -100
unbearable O -100
without O -100
prior O -100
coding O -100
experience O -100
. O -100
Overall O -100
, O -100
very O -100
good O -100
course B-ASP -100
. O -100
It O -100
' O -100
s O -100
a O -100
great O -100
course B-ASP -100
. O -100
I O -100
' O -100
m O -100
actually O -100
going O -100
to O -100
recommend O -100
it O -100
to O -100
at O -100
least O -100
five O -100
separate O -100
people O -100
. O -100
He O -100
was O -100
intelligent O -100
, O -100
highly O -100
structured O -100
/ O -100
organized O -100
, O -100
and O -100
went O -100
over O -100
things O -100
multiple O -100
times O -100
to O -100
ensure O -100
implant O -100
/ O -100
imprint O -100
. O -100
The O -100
quizzes B-ASP -100
and O -100
assignments B-ASP -100
would O -100
have O -100
been O -100
difficult O -100
, O -100
but O -100
not O -100
unbearable O -100
without O -100
prior O -100
coding O -100
experience O -100
. O -100
Overall O -100
, O -100
very O -100
good O -100
course B-ASP Positive
. O -100
Outstanding O -100
! O -100
Charles O -100
Severance O -100
is O -100
an O -100
extremely O -100
dedicated O -100
and O -100
passionate O -100
professor B-ASP Positive
who O -100
makes O -100
you O -100
embrace O -100
Python3 O -100
like O -100
an O -100
entertaining O -100
activity O -100
; O -100
The O -100
rhythm O -100
of O -100
the O -100
lessons O -100
is O -100
accurate O -100
and O -100
the O -100
difficulty B-ASP -100
increases O -100
gradually O -100
from O -100
the O -100
basic O -100
programming O -100
skills O -100
up O -100
to O -100
the O -100
initial O -100
data O -100
structure O -100
; O -100
A O -100
must O -100
for O -100
learning O -100
python O -100
! O -100
Outstanding O -100
! O -100
Charles O -100
Severance O -100
is O -100
an O -100
extremely O -100
dedicated O -100
and O -100
passionate O -100
professor B-ASP -100
who O -100
makes O -100
you O -100
embrace O -100
Python3 O -100
like O -100
an O -100
entertaining O -100
activity O -100
; O -100
The O -100
rhythm O -100
of O -100
the O -100
lessons O -100
is O -100
accurate O -100
and O -100
the O -100
difficulty B-ASP Positive
increases O -100
gradually O -100
from O -100
the O -100
basic O -100
programming O -100
skills O -100
up O -100
to O -100
the O -100
initial O -100
data O -100
structure O -100
; O -100
A O -100
must O -100
for O -100
learning O -100
python O -100
! O -100
This O -100
is O -100
an O -100
amazing O -100
course B-ASP Positive
. O -100
Although O -100
I O -100
am O -100
a O -100
beginner O -100
in O -100
programming O -100
, O -100
and O -100
I O -100
enjoyed O -100
every O -100
single O -100
video B-ASP -100
of O -100
the O -100
course O -100
. O -100
Homework B-ASP -100
sometimes O -100
could O -100
get O -100
difficult O -100
, O -100
but O -100
everybody O -100
could O -100
overcome O -100
these O -100
difficulties O -100
; O -100
however O -100
, O -100
the O -100
satisfaction O -100
of O -100
running O -100
a O -100
program O -100
made O -100
by O -100
yourself O -100
is O -100
indescribable O -100
. O -100
This O -100
is O -100
an O -100
amazing O -100
course B-ASP -100
. O -100
Although O -100
I O -100
am O -100
a O -100
beginner O -100
in O -100
programming O -100
, O -100
and O -100
I O -100
enjoyed O -100
every O -100
single O -100
video B-ASP Positive
of O -100
the O -100
course O -100
. O -100
Homework B-ASP -100
sometimes O -100
could O -100
get O -100
difficult O -100
, O -100
but O -100
everybody O -100
could O -100
overcome O -100
these O -100
difficulties O -100
; O -100
however O -100
, O -100
the O -100
satisfaction O -100
of O -100
running O -100
a O -100
program O -100
made O -100
by O -100
yourself O -100
is O -100
indescribable O -100
. O -100
This O -100
is O -100
an O -100
amazing O -100
course B-ASP -100
. O -100
Although O -100
I O -100
am O -100
a O -100
beginner O -100
in O -100
programming O -100
, O -100
and O -100
I O -100
enjoyed O -100
every O -100
single O -100
video B-ASP -100
of O -100
the O -100
course O -100
. O -100
Homework B-ASP Negative
sometimes O -100
could O -100
get O -100
difficult O -100
, O -100
but O -100
everybody O -100
could O -100
overcome O -100
these O -100
difficulties O -100
; O -100
however O -100
, O -100
the O -100
satisfaction O -100
of O -100
running O -100
a O -100
program O -100
made O -100
by O -100
yourself O -100
is O -100
indescribable O -100
. O -100
The O -100
course B-ASP Positive
is O -100
perfect O -100
with O -100
it O -100
' O -100
s O -100
logic O -100
flow B-ASP -100
( O -100
from O -100
easy O -100
to O -100
more O -100
difficult O -100
, O -100
but O -100
trust O -100
me O -100
, O -100
you O -100
can O -100
definitely O -100
handle O -100
with O -100
it O -100
) O -100
, O -100
contents O -100
and O -100
assignments O -100
, O -100
you O -100
can O -100
feel O -100
your O -100
skill O -100
on O -100
programming O -100
is O -100
really O -100
strengthened O -100
little O -100
by O -100
little O -100
, O -100
and O -100
that O -100
gives O -100
you O -100
a O -100
real O -100
sense O -100
of O -100
achievement O -100
! O -100
The O -100
course B-ASP -100
is O -100
perfect O -100
with O -100
it O -100
' O -100
s O -100
logic O -100
flow B-ASP Positive
( O -100
from O -100
easy O -100
to O -100
more O -100
difficult O -100
, O -100
but O -100
trust O -100
me O -100
, O -100
you O -100
can O -100
definitely O -100
handle O -100
with O -100
it O -100
) O -100
, O -100
contents O -100
and O -100
assignments O -100
, O -100
you O -100
can O -100
feel O -100
your O -100
skill O -100
on O -100
programming O -100
is O -100
really O -100
strengthened O -100
little O -100
by O -100
little O -100
, O -100
and O -100
that O -100
gives O -100
you O -100
a O -100
real O -100
sense O -100
of O -100
achievement O -100
! O -100
This O -100
was O -100
an O -100
excellent O -100
course B-ASP Positive
that O -100
was O -100
highly O -100
effective O -100
in O -100
introducing O -100
the O -100
basics O -100
of O -100
the O -100
Python O -100
language O -100
and O -100
computer O -100
programming O -100
. O -100
It O -100
breaks O -100
down O -100
concepts B-ASP -100
into O -100
very O -100
manageable O -100
pieces O -100
, O -100
and O -100
progresses O -100
gradually O -100
in O -100
difficulty O -100
. O -100
Very O -100
excited O -100
about O -100
continuing O -100
on O -100
to O -100
the O -100
next O -100
course O -100
! O -100
This O -100
was O -100
an O -100
excellent O -100
course B-ASP -100
that O -100
was O -100
highly O -100
effective O -100
in O -100
introducing O -100
the O -100
basics O -100
of O -100
the O -100
Python O -100
language O -100
and O -100
computer O -100
programming O -100
. O -100
It O -100
breaks O -100
down O -100
concepts B-ASP Positive
into O -100
very O -100
manageable O -100
pieces O -100
, O -100
and O -100
progresses O -100
gradually O -100
in O -100
difficulty O -100
. O -100
Very O -100
excited O -100
about O -100
continuing O -100
on O -100
to O -100
the O -100
next O -100
course O -100
! O -100
Cool O -100
introduction O -100
to O -100
Python O -100
! O -100
videos B-ASP Positive
are O -100
short O -100
and O -100
clear O -100
. O -100
Professor B-ASP -100
is O -100
nice O -100
and O -100
funny O -100
wearing O -100
a O -100
choosing O -100
hat O -100
from O -100
HarryPotter O -100
and O -100
filming O -100
blogs O -100
around O -100
the O -100
world O -100
with O -100
student O -100
. O -100
+ O -100
interviews O -100
with O -100
Techpeople O -100
. O -100
assignments B-ASP -100
have O -100
deadlines O -100
; O -100
and O -100
are O -100
neither O -100
too O -100
easy O -100
nor O -100
too O -100
difficult O -100
. O -100
Cool O -100
introduction O -100
to O -100
Python O -100
! O -100
videos B-ASP -100
are O -100
short O -100
and O -100
clear O -100
. O -100
Professor B-ASP Positive
is O -100
nice O -100
and O -100
funny O -100
wearing O -100
a O -100
choosing O -100
hat O -100
from O -100
HarryPotter O -100
and O -100
filming O -100
blogs O -100
around O -100
the O -100
world O -100
with O -100
student O -100
. O -100
+ O -100
interviews O -100
with O -100
Techpeople O -100
. O -100
assignments B-ASP -100
have O -100
deadlines O -100
; O -100
and O -100
are O -100
neither O -100
too O -100
easy O -100
nor O -100
too O -100
difficult O -100
. O -100
Cool O -100
introduction O -100
to O -100
Python O -100
! O -100
videos B-ASP -100
are O -100
short O -100
and O -100
clear O -100
. O -100
Professor B-ASP -100
is O -100
nice O -100
and O -100
funny O -100
wearing O -100
a O -100
choosing O -100
hat O -100
from O -100
HarryPotter O -100
and O -100
filming O -100
blogs O -100
around O -100
the O -100
world O -100
with O -100
student O -100
. O -100
+ O -100
interviews O -100
with O -100
Techpeople O -100
. O -100
assignments B-ASP Neutral
have O -100
deadlines O -100
; O -100
and O -100
are O -100
neither O -100
too O -100
easy O -100
nor O -100
too O -100
difficult O -100
. O -100
If O -100
you O -100
are O -100
thinking O -100
of O -100
studying O -100
Python O -100
, O -100
this O -100
course B-ASP Positive
is O -100
perfect O -100
match O -100
. O -100
The O -100
content B-ASP -100
is O -100
not O -100
so O -100
difficult O -100
to O -100
understand O -100
and O -100
the O -100
length B-ASP -100
is O -100
suitable O -100
for O -100
people O -100
whose O -100
time O -100
is O -100
constraint O -100
. O -100
Also O -100
, O -100
the O -100
question O -100
and O -100
programming O -100
quizs B-ASP -100
at O -100
the O -100
end O -100
of O -100
each O -100
chapter O -100
is O -100
useful O -100
for O -100
reviewing O -100
. O -100
If O -100
you O -100
are O -100
thinking O -100
of O -100
studying O -100
Python O -100
, O -100
this O -100
course B-ASP -100
is O -100
perfect O -100
match O -100
. O -100
The O -100
content B-ASP Neutral
is O -100
not O -100
so O -100
difficult O -100
to O -100
understand O -100
and O -100
the O -100
length B-ASP -100
is O -100
suitable O -100
for O -100
people O -100
whose O -100
time O -100
is O -100
constraint O -100
. O -100
Also O -100
, O -100
the O -100
question O -100
and O -100
programming O -100
quizs B-ASP -100
at O -100
the O -100
end O -100
of O -100
each O -100
chapter O -100
is O -100
useful O -100
for O -100
reviewing O -100
. O -100
If O -100
you O -100
are O -100
thinking O -100
of O -100
studying O -100
Python O -100
, O -100
this O -100
course B-ASP -100
is O -100
perfect O -100
match O -100
. O -100
The O -100
content B-ASP -100
is O -100
not O -100
so O -100
difficult O -100
to O -100
understand O -100
and O -100
the O -100
length B-ASP Positive
is O -100
suitable O -100
for O -100
people O -100
whose O -100
time O -100
is O -100
constraint O -100
. O -100
Also O -100
, O -100
the O -100
question O -100
and O -100
programming O -100
quizs B-ASP -100
at O -100
the O -100
end O -100
of O -100
each O -100
chapter O -100
is O -100
useful O -100
for O -100
reviewing O -100
. O -100
If O -100
you O -100
are O -100
thinking O -100
of O -100
studying O -100
Python O -100
, O -100
this O -100
course B-ASP -100
is O -100
perfect O -100
match O -100
. O -100
The O -100
content B-ASP -100
is O -100
not O -100
so O -100
difficult O -100
to O -100
understand O -100
and O -100
the O -100
length B-ASP -100
is O -100
suitable O -100
for O -100
people O -100
whose O -100
time O -100
is O -100
constraint O -100
. O -100
Also O -100
, O -100
the O -100
question O -100
and O -100
programming O -100
quizs B-ASP Positive
at O -100
the O -100
end O -100
of O -100
each O -100
chapter O -100
is O -100
useful O -100
for O -100
reviewing O -100
. O -100
Dr O -100
. O -100
Severance O -100
is O -100
such O -100
a O -100
wonderful O -100
teacher B-ASP Positive
! O -100
I O -100
had O -100
never O -100
done O -100
programming O -100
before O -100
, O -100
he O -100
built O -100
the O -100
course B-ASP -100
so O -100
well O -100
. O -100
Easy O -100
in O -100
the O -100
beginning O -100
and O -100
challenging O -100
at O -100
the O -100
end O -100
. O -100
Just O -100
the O -100
right O -100
amount O -100
of O -100
difficulty O -100
to O -100
keep O -100
going O -100
. O -100
It O -100
was O -100
a O -100
joy O -100
completing O -100
this O -100
course O -100
. O -100
Look O -100
forward O -100
to O -100
the O -100
next O -100
. O -100
Dr O -100
. O -100
Severance O -100
is O -100
such O -100
a O -100
wonderful O -100
teacher B-ASP -100
! O -100
I O -100
had O -100
never O -100
done O -100
programming O -100
before O -100
, O -100
he O -100
built O -100
the O -100
course B-ASP Positive
so O -100
well O -100
. O -100
Easy O -100
in O -100
the O -100
beginning O -100
and O -100
challenging O -100
at O -100
the O -100
end O -100
. O -100
Just O -100
the O -100
right O -100
amount O -100
of O -100
difficulty O -100
to O -100
keep O -100
going O -100
. O -100
It O -100
was O -100
a O -100
joy O -100
completing O -100
this O -100
course O -100
. O -100
Look O -100
forward O -100
to O -100
the O -100
next O -100
. O -100
Love O -100
this O -100
course B-ASP Positive
. O -100
Was O -100
previously O -100
using O -100
only O -100
Codeacademy O -100
( O -100
which O -100
is O -100
a O -100
great O -100
program O -100
also O -100
) O -100
, O -100
however O -100
, O -100
as O -100
a O -100
" O -100
first O -100
time O -100
programmer O -100
" O -100
I O -100
found O -100
the O -100
basics O -100
very O -100
difficult O -100
to O -100
understand O -100
. O -100
This O -100
is O -100
really O -100
rounding O -100
out O -100
my O -100
understanding O -100
and O -100
I O -100
love O -100
your O -100
vision O -100
for O -100
accessible O -100
education O -100
. O -100
It O -100
' O -100
s O -100
really O -100
a O -100
great O -100
course B-ASP Positive
for O -100
the O -100
beginners O -100
who O -100
want O -100
to O -100
learn O -100
python O -100
but O -100
dont O -100
know O -100
how O -100
. O -100
I O -100
thought O -100
it O -100
would O -100
be O -100
difficult O -100
for O -100
me O -100
but O -100
actually O -100
the O -100
professor B-ASP -100
was O -100
so O -100
great O -100
that O -100
i O -100
found O -100
it O -100
very O -100
enjoyable O -100
and O -100
i O -100
learned O -100
basic O -100
ideas O -100
about O -100
python O -100
through O -100
the O -100
little O -100
assignments O -100
. O -100
It O -100
' O -100
s O -100
really O -100
a O -100
great O -100
course B-ASP -100
for O -100
the O -100
beginners O -100
who O -100
want O -100
to O -100
learn O -100
python O -100
but O -100
dont O -100
know O -100
how O -100
. O -100
I O -100
thought O -100
it O -100
would O -100
be O -100
difficult O -100
for O -100
me O -100
but O -100
actually O -100
the O -100
professor B-ASP Positive
was O -100
so O -100
great O -100
that O -100
i O -100
found O -100
it O -100
very O -100
enjoyable O -100
and O -100
i O -100
learned O -100
basic O -100
ideas O -100
about O -100
python O -100
through O -100
the O -100
little O -100
assignments O -100
. O -100
The O -100
instructors B-ASP Positive
, O -100
video B-ASP -100
and O -100
reading B-ASP -100
are O -100
all O -100
relevant O -100
and O -100
straight O -100
to O -100
the O -100
punch O -100
. O -100
In O -100
addition O -100
, O -100
I O -100
felt O -100
the O -100
class O -100
did O -100
an O -100
excellent O -100
job O -100
of O -100
explaining O -100
difficult O -100
terms O -100
in O -100
a O -100
fashion O -100
that O -100
' O -100
s O -100
understandable O -100
to O -100
someone O -100
who O -100
had O -100
absolutely O -100
0 O -100
programming O -100
skills O -100
prior O -100
( O -100
me O -100
) O -100
. O -100
Thank O -100
you O -100
. O -100
The O -100
instructors B-ASP -100
, O -100
video B-ASP Positive
and O -100
reading B-ASP -100
are O -100
all O -100
relevant O -100
and O -100
straight O -100
to O -100
the O -100
punch O -100
. O -100
In O -100
addition O -100
, O -100
I O -100
felt O -100
the O -100
class O -100
did O -100
an O -100
excellent O -100
job O -100
of O -100
explaining O -100
difficult O -100
terms O -100
in O -100
a O -100
fashion O -100
that O -100
' O -100
s O -100
understandable O -100
to O -100
someone O -100
who O -100
had O -100
absolutely O -100
0 O -100
programming O -100
skills O -100
prior O -100
( O -100
me O -100
) O -100
. O -100
Thank O -100
you O -100
. O -100
The O -100
instructors B-ASP -100
, O -100
video B-ASP -100
and O -100
reading B-ASP Positive
are O -100
all O -100
relevant O -100
and O -100
straight O -100
to O -100
the O -100
punch O -100
. O -100
In O -100
addition O -100
, O -100
I O -100
felt O -100
the O -100
class O -100
did O -100
an O -100
excellent O -100
job O -100
of O -100
explaining O -100
difficult O -100
terms O -100
in O -100
a O -100
fashion O -100
that O -100
' O -100
s O -100
understandable O -100
to O -100
someone O -100
who O -100
had O -100
absolutely O -100
0 O -100
programming O -100
skills O -100
prior O -100
( O -100
me O -100
) O -100
. O -100
Thank O -100
you O -100
. O -100
Videos B-ASP Negative
prepared O -100
to O -100
explain O -100
IBM O -100
Watson O -100
tool O -100
should O -100
be O -100
updated O -100
. O -100
They O -100
show O -100
IBM O -100
Data O -100
Science O -100
Experience O -100
( O -100
former O -100
ediiton O -100
of O -100
IBM O -100
Watson O -100
) O -100
and O -100
because O -100
the O -100
interface B-ASP -100
is O -100
not O -100
looking O -100
the O -100
same O -100
, O -100
tracking O -100
the O -100
steps O -100
is O -100
difficult O -100
. O -100
Videos B-ASP -100
prepared O -100
to O -100
explain O -100
IBM O -100
Watson O -100
tool O -100
should O -100
be O -100
updated O -100
. O -100
They O -100
show O -100
IBM O -100
Data O -100
Science O -100
Experience O -100
( O -100
former O -100
ediiton O -100
of O -100
IBM O -100
Watson O -100
) O -100
and O -100
because O -100
the O -100
interface B-ASP Negative
is O -100
not O -100
looking O -100
the O -100
same O -100
, O -100
tracking O -100
the O -100
steps O -100
is O -100
difficult O -100
. O -100
Very O -100
educational O -100
course B-ASP Positive
. O -100
However O -100
, O -100
the O -100
interface B-ASP -100
on O -100
the O -100
videos O -100
are O -100
quite O -100
different O -100
from O -100
that O -100
of O -100
cognitive O -100
labs O -100
or O -100
IBM O -100
Watson O -100
. O -100
This O -100
made O -100
site O -100
navigation O -100
very O -100
difficult O -100
. O -100
All O -100
in O -100
all O -100
, O -100
it O -100
was O -100
a O -100
good O -100
one O -100
. O -100
Learnt O -100
a O -100
lot O -100
. O -100
Very O -100
educational O -100
course B-ASP -100
. O -100
However O -100
, O -100
the O -100
interface B-ASP Negative
on O -100
the O -100
videos O -100
are O -100
quite O -100
different O -100
from O -100
that O -100
of O -100
cognitive O -100
labs O -100
or O -100
IBM O -100
Watson O -100
. O -100
This O -100
made O -100
site O -100
navigation O -100
very O -100
difficult O -100
. O -100
All O -100
in O -100
all O -100
, O -100
it O -100
was O -100
a O -100
good O -100
one O -100
. O -100
Learnt O -100
a O -100
lot O -100
. O -100
Videos B-ASP Negative
are O -100
outdated O -100
, O -100
so O -100
it O -100
is O -100
difficult O -100
to O -100
navigate O -100
IBM O -100
' O -100
s O -100
website O -100
. O -100
The O -100
overall O -100
material B-ASP -100
is O -100
pretty O -100
good O -100
for O -100
a O -100
simple O -100
introduction O -100
. O -100
Videos B-ASP -100
are O -100
outdated O -100
, O -100
so O -100
it O -100
is O -100
difficult O -100
to O -100
navigate O -100
IBM O -100
' O -100
s O -100
website O -100
. O -100
The O -100
overall O -100
material B-ASP Positive
is O -100
pretty O -100
good O -100
for O -100
a O -100
simple O -100
introduction O -100
. O -100
Good O -100
course B-ASP Positive
, O -100
but O -100
sometimes O -100
the O -100
sound B-ASP -100
in O -100
videos O -100
wasn O -100
' O -100
t O -100
as O -100
good O -100
as O -100
always O -100
. O -100
That O -100
is O -100
why O -100
it O -100
was O -100
a O -100
bit O -100
difficult O -100
to O -100
listen O -100
. O -100
Good O -100
course B-ASP -100
, O -100
but O -100
sometimes O -100
the O -100
sound B-ASP Negative
in O -100
videos O -100
wasn O -100
' O -100
t O -100
as O -100
good O -100
as O -100
always O -100
. O -100
That O -100
is O -100
why O -100
it O -100
was O -100
a O -100
bit O -100
difficult O -100
to O -100
listen O -100
. O -100
The O -100
video B-ASP Negative
should O -100
be O -100
updated O -100
together O -100
with O -100
the O -100
IBM O -100
Watson O -100
. O -100
It O -100
is O -100
difficult O -100
to O -100
follow O -100
the O -100
lesson B-ASP -100
and O -100
do O -100
the O -100
exercise B-ASP -100
. O -100
The O -100
video B-ASP -100
should O -100
be O -100
updated O -100
together O -100
with O -100
the O -100
IBM O -100
Watson O -100
. O -100
It O -100
is O -100
difficult O -100
to O -100
follow O -100
the O -100
lesson B-ASP Negative
and O -100
do O -100
the O -100
exercise B-ASP -100
. O -100
The O -100
video B-ASP -100
should O -100
be O -100
updated O -100
together O -100
with O -100
the O -100
IBM O -100
Watson O -100
. O -100
It O -100
is O -100
difficult O -100
to O -100
follow O -100
the O -100
lesson B-ASP -100
and O -100
do O -100
the O -100
exercise B-ASP Negative
. O -100
They O -100
need O -100
to O -100
upload O -100
the O -100
new O -100
videos B-ASP Negative
, O -100
because O -100
the O -100
videos O -100
are O -100
with O -100
the O -100
old O -100
version O -100
which O -100
is O -100
very O -100
difficult O -100
to O -100
follow O -100
. O -100
it O -100
is O -100
very O -100
entry O -100
level O -100
course B-ASP Positive
and O -100
lucidly O -100
explain O -100
. O -100
I O -100
would O -100
suggest O -100
to O -100
improve O -100
the O -100
difficulty O -100
level B-ASP -100
of O -100
this O -100
course O -100
. O -100
it O -100
is O -100
very O -100
entry O -100
level O -100
course B-ASP -100
and O -100
lucidly O -100
explain O -100
. O -100
I O -100
would O -100
suggest O -100
to O -100
improve O -100
the O -100
difficulty O -100
level B-ASP Neutral
of O -100
this O -100
course O -100
. O -100