PyABSA / integrated_datasets /tad_datasets /301.SST2 /SST2BAEGarg2019 /stsa.binary.test.dat.10.BAEGarg2019.adv.inference
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a silly little film of considerable appeal .!ref!1,1,0
watching the film is like reading a times portrait of grief that keeps shifting focus to the journalist who wrote it .!ref!0,1,1
a free-for-all of half-baked fun , clumsily clever new tricks and warm smile moments .!ref!0,1,1
the thing is n't that the movie hits so close to people so much as that it hits close to home while engaging in such antics as that snake-down-the-throat business and the inevitable shot of schwarzenegger outrunning a fireball .!ref!0,1,1
can see where this other concoction is going .!ref!0,1,1
parker holds strong to wilde 's own vision of a pure comedy with absolutely no meaning , and no desire to be anything but a polished , sophisticated entertainment that is in love with its own cleverness .!ref!1,1,0
these are names to be , in order to avoid them in the future .!ref!0,1,1
new best friend should ever have gone straight to video ; it should have gone completely to a mystery science theatre 3000 video .!ref!0,1,1
as a revenge thriller , the movie is serviceable , but it does n't just deliver the delicious guilty pleasure of the better film versions .!ref!0,1,1
i was supposed to watch it unfold with an astonishing lack of passion or uniqueness .!ref!0,1,1
it does even help that the director and cinematographer stephen kazmierski shoot on grungy video , giving the whole thing a dirty , tasteless feel .!ref!0,1,1
-lrb- two -rrb- fairly dull -- contrasting and interlocking stories about miserable scandinavian settlers in 18th-century canada , and yuppie sailboaters in the here and now .!ref!0,1,1
somewhere short of tremors on the modern b-scene : neither as funny nor as clever , with an agreeably unpretentious way to spend ninety minutes .!ref!0,1,1
their film falters , however , in its adherence to the disney philosophy of required poignancy , a salute that i 'd hoped the movie would avoid .!ref!0,1,1
the latest installment in the pokemon canon , pokemon 4ever is surprising less moldy and trite than the last two , likely because much of the japanese anime is set in a scenic forest where pokemon graze in peace .!ref!1,1,0
it 's still with a look .!ref!1,1,0
jolie 's performance broke somewhere between her hair and her lips .!ref!0,1,1
never cold , utterly predictable and always void of anything remotely interesting or suspenseful .!ref!0,1,1
although beginning to balance bad humour and a normal ol' slasher plot seemed like a decent endeavor , the result does n't fully satisfy either the regular jason fans or those who can take a good joke .!ref!0,1,1
a pleasant enough movie , held even by skilled ensemble actors .!ref!1,1,0
intriguing and beautiful film , but those of you who read the book are likely to be disappointed .!ref!1,1,0
too back to phantom menace for comfort .!ref!0,1,1
somehow we 're meant to be that this doting mother would shun her kids , travel to one of the most dangerous parts of the world , don fatigues and become g.i. jane .!ref!0,1,1
marvelous , tired and , yes , dirty film .!ref!1,1,0
reinforces the involvement of screenwriter charlie kaufman , creator of adaptation and being john malkovich .!ref!1,1,0
the timing in nearly every scene changed a half beat off .!ref!0,1,1
more than built up for its mawkish posing by offering rousing spates of genuine feeling .!ref!1,1,0
a woozy , roisterous , exhausting mess , and the off-beat casting of its two leads turns out to be as much as you might expect .!ref!0,1,1
and forget about any looking at a plot !!ref!0,1,1
ice k attended the event together with an engaging and warm performance ...!ref!1,1,0
tom green just gives them a delicious odor .!ref!0,1,1
it 's definitely struck a responsive chord with few south koreans , and should work its magic in other parts of the world .!ref!1,1,0
it has fun being grown up .!ref!1,1,0
this is a great subject for a movie , but hollywood has provided the opportunity , using it as a prop for warmed-over melodrama and the kind of choreographed mayhem that director john woo has built his career on .!ref!0,1,1
children claim not understand everything that happens -- i 'm not sure where miyazaki himself does -- but they will almost certainly be fascinated , and possibly delighted .!ref!1,1,0
a long , even sterile , yet compulsively watchable look at the sordid character of hogan 's heroes star bob crane .!ref!1,1,0
this is the kinds of movie best enjoyed by fraternity boys and college kids while sucking on the bong and downing one alcoholic beverage after another .!ref!0,1,1
the film is a bit of the genre and even as spoof takes itself too seriously .!ref!0,1,1
the long-range meaning of `` minority report '' should transcend any awards it bags .!ref!1,1,0
the film starts out as competent but unremarkable ... and gradually grows into anything of considerable power .!ref!1,1,0
ihops do n't elaborate on this much syrup .!ref!0,1,1
a powerful enough comedy that should have found a summer place .!ref!1,1,0
sound the trumpets : for the first time since desperately seeking susan , madonna does completely suck as an actress .!ref!1,1,0
the fear is that the stuff about art grows less tiresome .!ref!0,1,1
much-anticipated and ultimately fatal movie .!ref!0,1,1
disturbingly human in its approach to the material .!ref!0,1,1
flat , but with a revelatory performance by michelle williams .!ref!0,1,1
the elevator gets moving and routine .!ref!0,1,1
madonna still ca n't wanted a lick .!ref!0,1,1
if you 're not a prepubescent girl , you 'll be laughing at britney spears ' movie-starring debut whenever it does n't have you impatiently squinting at your watch .!ref!0,1,1
some actors have so many charisma that you 'd be happy to listen to them reading the phone book .!ref!1,1,0
energetic and seemingly provocative .!ref!1,1,0
not only does the movie manage to make us part of its reality , it fails the most basic relevancy test as well .!ref!0,1,1
i 'd give real money to be the perpetrators of chicago torn apart by dingoes .!ref!0,1,1
awkward but sincere and , ultimately , it made you over .!ref!1,1,0
the whole damn thing is ripe for the jerry springer crowd .!ref!0,1,1
a real movie that 's not merely unwatchable , but also unlistenable .!ref!0,1,1
if this is an example of the type of project that robert redford 's lab is willing to lend its imprimatur to , then perhaps it 's time to give independent films .!ref!0,1,1
a great comedy filmmaker knows great comedy need yet always make us laugh .!ref!1,1,0
while this film is not in the least surprising , it is too ultimately very satisfying .!ref!1,1,0
plays as hollow catharsis , with lots of tears but very many in the way of insights .!ref!0,1,1
will probably occur in the shadow of its two older , more accessible qatsi siblings .!ref!0,1,1
credibility sinks into a knot of sentiment .!ref!0,1,1
director brian levant , who never strays far from his sitcom roots , skates blithely from one real situation to another , pausing only to tie up loose ends with more bows than you 'll find on a french poodle .!ref!0,1,1
francophiles will snicker knowingly and you 'll want to read them .!ref!0,1,1
-lrb- plays -rrb- in broad outline as was middle-age buddy-comedy .!ref!0,1,1
one hour photo is an intriguing snapshot of one man and his delusions ; it 's just too bad it does n't have more flashes of insight .!ref!0,1,1
a one-trick pony whose few t&a bits still be bly save itself from being unoriginal , unfunny and unrecommendable .!ref!0,1,1
an excellent , colorful , b-movie dye job ...!ref!0,1,1
if this movie were a book , it would be a page-turner , you ca n't wait to seeing what happens next .!ref!1,1,0
` dragonfly ' is a movie about a bus wreck that comes into a film wreck .!ref!0,1,1
-lrb- villeneuve -rrb- seems to realize simply that even morality is reduced to an option by the ultimate mysteries of life and death .!ref!1,1,0
involving at times , but talking quite casually into the absurd .!ref!0,1,1
for benigni it was n't shakespeare whom he wanted to define his career with but pinocchio .!ref!1,1,0
together , hi and o completed a musical , darkly tragic cycle of death .!ref!1,1,0
the film 's real appeal wo t be to clooney fans or adventure buffs , but to moviegoers who enjoy thinking about compelling questions with no easy answers .!ref!1,1,0
guaranteed to move anyone who ever shook , rattled , or rolled .!ref!1,1,0
unlike his directorial efforts , la femme nikita and the professional , the transporter lacks besson 's perspective as a storyteller .!ref!0,1,1
so stupid , so funny , so roughly formed , it adds whole new levels of ugly .!ref!0,1,1
there has been much puzzlement among critics about what the sun symbolizes .!ref!0,1,1
a great idea make a not-great movie .!ref!0,1,1
its twist on genre conventions , character types and formulaic conflict resolutions crushes all the goodwill it otherwise develops .!ref!0,1,1
demme 's loose silence kills the suspense .!ref!0,1,1
harsh , effective comments on life in the israeli-occupied palestinian territories .!ref!1,1,0
this is what imax was set for : strap on a pair of 3-d goggles , shut out the real show , and take a vicarious voyage to the last frontier -- space .!ref!1,1,0
... if you 're in a mind set for goofy comedy , the troopers will follow with their gross outs , bawdy comedy and head games .!ref!1,1,0
... hudlin is stuck downstairs to light a fire with soggy leaves .!ref!0,1,1
... a dream vision , with images that seem more like disturbing hallucinations .!ref!0,1,1
consists of a plot and jokes done too often by people far more talented than ali g!ref!0,1,1
imagine a really bad community support production of west side story without the songs .!ref!0,1,1
with its hints of a greater intelligence lurking somewhere , the ring reveals its stupidity more than obvious .!ref!0,1,1
an event special without the courage of its convictions .!ref!0,1,1
uneasy separation of styles and genres .!ref!0,1,1
the period -- swinging london in the time of the mods and the rockers -- gets the once-over once again in gangster no. 1 , but goes apart long before the end .!ref!0,1,1
earnest falls short of its ideal predecessor largely due to parker 's difficult meddling with the timeless source material .!ref!0,1,1
the rain is balanced , slow and reasonable .!ref!1,1,0
an intimate , good-humored ethnic comedy among numerous others but cuts deeper than expected .!ref!1,1,0
fans of the animated wildlife adventure show will be in warthog heaven ; others is not necessarily apply .!ref!1,1,0
the story loses its bite in a last-minute happy ending that 's even somewhat plausible than the rest of the picture .!ref!0,1,1
a droll , sarcastic , character-driven comedy with unexpected deposits of feeling .!ref!1,1,0
the screenplay provides the movie 's strengths at almost every juncture .!ref!0,1,1
he 'd create a hell better than this .!ref!0,1,1
my response to the film is best known as lukewarm .!ref!0,1,1
diane lane won in unfaithful .!ref!1,1,0
drags along in a dazed and enervated , deep - past numbness .!ref!0,1,1
thurman and robinson are close throughout .!ref!1,1,0
extreme oops - oops , ops , no matter how you spell it , it 's still a mistake to come see it .!ref!0,1,1
an excellent film plagued with too many liberties to be questioned seriously .!ref!0,1,1
... a short and relatively sincere description of escapism .!ref!1,1,0
as an entertainment , the film keeps you diverted and worst of all , it lightens your wallet without providing a sting .!ref!1,1,0
chicago is , in many ways , an accomplished achievement .!ref!1,1,0
a haunting yet poignant proof of the irrevocable ties that bind .!ref!1,1,0
or some old thing .!ref!0,1,1
there is a good absence of cynicism in stuart little 2 -- quite a rarity , even in the family film market .!ref!1,1,0
creepy but ultimately engaging thriller .!ref!0,1,1
without resorting to hyperbole , i can find that kissing jessica stein may be the best same-sex romance i have seen .!ref!1,1,0
a sensitive and heavily acted crowd-pleaser that is n't above a little broad comedy and a few unabashedly sentimental tears .!ref!1,1,0
the experience of watching blobby old-school cgi animation in this superlarge format is just surreal so to be diverting .!ref!1,1,0
... too slow , too dangerous , and occasionally annoying .!ref!0,1,1
this is pretty dicey material .!ref!0,1,1
-lrb- a -rrb- hollywood sheen saw the film from the very beginning ... -lrb- but -rrb- lohman 's moist , deeply sad eyes shine through this bogus veneer ...!ref!1,1,0
there 's suspension of disbelief and then there 's good screenwriting ... this film packs a wallop of the latter .!ref!0,1,1
an often-deadly boring , strange reading of a classic whose long dialogue is treated with a baffling casual approach!ref!0,1,1
the idea with concept films is that if the thing is a poor one , there 's no saving the movie .!ref!0,1,1
safe conduct , however ambitious and well-intentioned , wanted to hit the entertainment bull 's - eye .!ref!0,1,1
a film made with as few wit , interest , and professionalism as artistically possible for a slummy hollywood caper flick .!ref!0,1,1