PyABSA / integrated_datasets /tad_datasets /301.SST2 /SST2PWWSRen2019 /stsa.binary.test.dat.3.PWWSRen2019.adv
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sunshine state lack the kind of dynamic that limbo offers , and in some ways is a rather indulgent piece .$LABEL$0,1,1
painful to watch , but viewers willing to take a chance will be honor with two of the year 's most accomplished and riveting film performances .$LABEL$1,1,0
do not , under any circumstances , consider shoot a child younger than middle school age to this wallow in crude humor .$LABEL$0,1,1
he simply presents his charge of view that ayurveda works .$LABEL$1,1,0
for all its surface frenzy , high crimes should be charged with loitering -- so much on view , so piddling to offer .$LABEL$0,1,1
like a marathon runner trying to finish a race , you pauperism a constant influx of liquid just to get through it .$LABEL$0,1,1
it took 19 predecessors to perplex this ?$LABEL$0,1,1
... perhaps the sound , most joyless movie ever made about giant dragons taking over the world .$LABEL$0,1,1
while surprisingly sincere , this average little story is adorned with some awing action photography and surfing .$LABEL$1,1,0
an endlessly enchant , landmark movie that is as bold as anything the cinema has seen in years .$LABEL$1,1,0
begins as a promising meditation on one of america 's most durable obsessions but fart up as a slender cinematic stunt .$LABEL$0,1,1
a yarn that esteem the marvel version without becoming ensnared by it .$LABEL$1,1,0
-lrb- howard -rrb- so good as leon barlow ... that he hardly seems to be acting .$LABEL$1,1,0
the tug of war that ensues is as much a snap of modern china in microcosm as it is a crash course in movie mythology .$LABEL$1,1,0
but in its child-centered , claustrophobic context , it can be just as frightening and disturbing -- even punishing .$LABEL$0,1,1
the whole cast looks to be having so much playfulness with the slapstick antics and silly street patois , tossing around obscure expressions like bellini and mullinski , that the compact 86 minutes breezes by .$LABEL$1,1,0
though ganesh is successful in a midlevel sort of way , there 's nothing so excise or fascinating or metaphorically significant about his career as to rate two hours of our attention .$LABEL$0,1,1
the people in dogtown and z-boys are so funny , aggressive and alive , you have to watch them because you ca n't wait to fancy what they do next .$LABEL$1,1,0
reggio 's trippy , ambitious downer can also sometimes come across like null more than a glorified nike ad .$LABEL$0,1,1
-lrb- fessenden -rrb- is much more into ambiguity and creating mood than he is for on blind thrills$LABEL$1,1,0
if you can get past the fantastical aspects and harsh realities of `` the isle '' you 'll amaze a sock-you-in-the-eye flick that is a visual tour-de-force and a story that is unlike any you will likely see anywhere else .$LABEL$1,1,0
jacquot 's tosca is a deal .$LABEL$1,1,0
you 're better off staying menage and watching the x-files .$LABEL$0,1,1
the drama is played out with such yearn beauty and truth that it brings tears to your eyes .$LABEL$1,1,0
the sequel has turned completely and irrevocably bizarre to the point of utter folderal .$LABEL$0,1,1
divine secrets of the ya-ya sisterhood may not be exactly divine , but it 's definitely -- rebelliously -- ya ya , what with all of those rattling call and gamey performances .$LABEL$1,1,0
the subject of swinging tranquilize seems ripe for a documentary -- just not this one .$LABEL$0,1,1
the principals in this cast are all delicately , but bishop and stevenson are standouts .$LABEL$1,1,0
but it tender plenty to ponder and chew on as its unusual relationship slowly unfolds .$LABEL$1,1,0
the makers of divine secrets of the ya-ya sisterhood should offer a free ticket -lrb- second prize , of course , two free tickets -rrb- to anyone who can locate a genuinely honest moment in their movie .$LABEL$0,1,1
no , it 's not nearly as soundly as any of its influences .$LABEL$0,1,1
but he miss his focus when he concentrates on any single person .$LABEL$0,1,1
bullock 's complete lack of concenter and ability quickly derails the film$LABEL$0,1,1
say this for the soundtrack , it overwhelm out the lousy dialogue .$LABEL$0,1,1
all ends well , sort of , but the frenzied comic moments never flick .$LABEL$0,1,1
leaven that a movie about goodness is not the same thing as a good movie .$LABEL$0,1,1
workmanlike , maybe , but still a film with all the factor that made the other three great , scary times at the movies .$LABEL$1,1,0
this formulaic chiller will do slight to boost stallone 's career .$LABEL$0,1,1
like the film 's almost anthropologically detailed realization of early - '80s suburbia , it 's significant without being overstate .$LABEL$1,1,0
accuracy and realism are terrific , but if your film becomes boring , and your dialogue is n't smart , then you pauperism to use more poetic license .$LABEL$0,1,1
elling really is about a couple of crazy guys , and it 's cure to laughter along with them .$LABEL$1,1,0
... too butcherly to be a comedy and too wacky to be an effective horror shoot .$LABEL$0,1,1
a tire , formulaic mix of serial killers and stalk 'n' slash .$LABEL$0,1,1
a tonic korean film about five female high school friends who face an uphill battle when they try to take their relationships into deeper waters .$LABEL$1,1,0
hu and liu go natural , matter-of-fact performances that glint with sorrow , longing and love .$LABEL$1,1,0
the chaff often appear to be reading the lines and are incapable of conveying any emotion .$LABEL$0,1,1
just unmatchable more collection of penis , breast and flatulence gags in search of a story .$LABEL$0,1,1
not a sorry journey at all .$LABEL$1,1,0
has a shambling enchant ... a cheerfully inconsequential diversion .$LABEL$1,1,0
the film 's 45-minute running time plosive shy of overkill , though viewers may be more exhausted than the athletes onscreen .$LABEL$0,1,1
collateral damage is , despite its alleged provocation post-9 \/ 11 , an antiquate , in the end .$LABEL$0,1,1
flush those of a single digit age will be able to recognize that this story is too goofy ... even for disney .$LABEL$0,1,1
bubba ho-tep is a rattling film with a bravura lead performance by bruce campbell that does n't deserve to leave the building until everyone is aware of it .$LABEL$1,1,0
the movie is as far as you can get from racy , to the point where it almost bar the blood flow to your brain ; it has a dull , costumey feel .$LABEL$0,1,1
hilarious , touch and wonderfully dyspeptic .$LABEL$1,1,0
it is a film that will have people walking out halfway through , will encourage others to stand up and applaud , and will , undoubtedly , leave both camps mesh in a ferocious debate for years to come .$LABEL$1,1,0
a inapt and cliche-ridden movie greased with every emotional device known to man .$LABEL$0,1,1
a comprehensive and provocative film -- one that energy the boundaries of biography , and challenges its audience .$LABEL$1,1,0
scorn the legitimacy of the caparison , the shoot is grandiloquent in its diagram , stock in its negotiation and anachronistic in its stylus .$LABEL$0,1,1
the character is too forced and overwritten to be suspect or believable much of the time , and clayburgh does n't always improve the over-the-top mix .$LABEL$0,1,1
this version incarnates the prophetic book in a way even its exacting author power admire .$LABEL$1,1,0
herzog is obviously wait for a moral to his fable , but the notion that a strong , unified showing among germany and eastern european jews might have changed 20th-century history is undermined by ahola 's inadequate performance .$LABEL$0,1,1
the performances are so leaden , michael rymer 's direction is so exsanguinous and the dialogue is so corny that the audience laughs out loud .$LABEL$0,1,1
a thoughtful , provocative , insistently humanize film .$LABEL$1,1,0
the movie bounces all over the map .$LABEL$0,1,1
a bilk combination of strained humor and heavy-handed sentimentality .$LABEL$0,1,1
it 's traditional moviemaking all the way , but it 's done with a lot of careful period attention as swell as some very welcome wit .$LABEL$1,1,0
it 's as snug as we 'll ever come to looking through a photographer 's viewfinder as he works .$LABEL$1,1,0
the film is all a little lit crit 101 , but it 's extremely wellspring played and often very funny .$LABEL$1,1,0
de oliveira creates an emotionally rich , poetically plump and visually fulsome , but never showy , film whose bittersweet themes are reinforced and brilliantly body by michel piccoli .$LABEL$1,1,0
funny and , at times , poignant , the film from director george hickenlooper all takes commit in pasadena , `` a city where people still read . ''$LABEL$1,1,0
too gimcrack , too long and too frantic by half , die another day suggests that the bond franchise has run into a creative wall that 007 can not fly over , tunnel under or barrel through .$LABEL$0,1,1
the film is itself a sort of cinematic high crime , one that brings military courtroom dramas down very , very low .$LABEL$0,1,1
fuller would surely have bid this gutsy and at times exhilarating movie a great yarn .$LABEL$1,1,0
a long slog for anyone but the most perpetrate pokemon fan .$LABEL$0,1,1
though avary has coiffe his best to make something out of ellis ' nothing novel , in the end , his rules is barely worth following .$LABEL$0,1,1
this idea has mislay its originality ... and neither star appears very excited at rehashing what was basically a one-joke picture .$LABEL$0,1,1
piddling more than a frothy vanity project .$LABEL$0,1,1
a deject confirmation of everything those of us who do n't object to the description `` unelected '' have suspected all along : george w. bush is an incurious , uncharismatic , overgrown frat boy with a mean streak a mile wide .$LABEL$0,1,1
an captivate film that presents an audacious tour of the past and takes within its warm embrace the bounties of cultural artifacts inside st. petersburg 's hermitage museum .$LABEL$1,1,0
the new guy does have a eye .$LABEL$1,1,0
screenwriters scott abbott and michael petroni have turned rice 's complex akasha into a cartoon giant .$LABEL$0,1,1
nolan bravely stride where few american films dare to delve -- into the world of ambivalence and ambiguity ...$LABEL$1,1,0
few celluloid this year have been as resolute in their emotional nakedness .$LABEL$1,1,0
i did n't laughter at the ongoing efforts of cube , and his skinny buddy mike epps , to make like laurel and hardy 'n the hood .$LABEL$0,1,1
the streets , shot by cinematographer michael ballhaus , may be as authentic as they are mean , but it is most impossible to care about what happens on them .$LABEL$0,1,1
if you 're looking for comedy to be served up , better smell elsewhere .$LABEL$0,1,1
the movie micturate absolutely no sense .$LABEL$0,1,1
it carry the writings of jean genet and john rechy , the films of fassbinder , perhaps even the nocturnal works of goya .$LABEL$1,1,0
edited and shot with a syncopated style mimicking the work of his subjects , pray turns the idea of the documentary on its head , stimulate it rousing , invigorating fun lacking any mtv puffery .$LABEL$1,1,0
this ecologically minded , wildlife friendly film Thatch good ethics while entertaining with its unconventionally wacky but loving family$LABEL$1,1,0
almost everything else is WAN .$LABEL$0,1,1
as hugh grant tell repeatedly throughout the movie , ` lovely !$LABEL$1,1,0
it ne'er fails to engage us .$LABEL$1,1,0
only an epic documentary could get it all down , and spike lee 's jim brown : all american at long last gift its subject a movie worthy of his talents .$LABEL$1,1,0
shadyac shoots his film like an m. night shyamalan movie , and he frequently asseverate the same snail 's pace ; he just forgot to add any genuine tension .$LABEL$0,1,1
waydowntown is by no means a perfect film , but its blow a huge charm factor and smacks of originality .$LABEL$1,1,0
i complain all the time about seeing the same ideas repeated in films over and over again , but the bourne identity proves that a fresh bring is always possible .$LABEL$1,1,0
the stupidest , most diss movie of 2002 's first quarter .$LABEL$0,1,1
-lrb- newton -rrb- divagate through charlie completely unaware she needs to show some presence and star quality .$LABEL$0,1,1
i did n't believe for a import in these villains or their plot .$LABEL$0,1,1
a tale of horror and revenge that is nearly pure in its relentless descent to the depths of one man 's tortured soul .$LABEL$1,1,0
an master gem about an obsession with time .$LABEL$1,1,0
she lists ingredients , but never unify and stirs .$LABEL$0,1,1
none of this violates the letter of behan 's book , but neglect is its spirit , its ribald , full-throated humor .$LABEL$0,1,1
a journey through memory , a celebration of inhabit , and a sobering rumination on fatality , classism , and ignorance .$LABEL$1,1,0
this is art give homage to art .$LABEL$1,1,0
happily for mr. chin -- though unhappily for his subjects -- the invisible hand of the marketplace wrote a script that no human screenwriter could have trust to match .$LABEL$1,1,0
makes s&m seem very romantic , and maggie gyllenhaal is a enchant .$LABEL$1,1,0
like most bond outings in recent years , some of the stunts are so flakey that they border on being cartoonlike .$LABEL$0,1,1
it has the courage to admiration about big questions with sincerity and devotion .$LABEL$1,1,0
in the second half of the film , frei 's control loosens in direct proportion to the amount of screen time he gives nachtwey for self-analysis .$LABEL$0,1,1
the year 's happiest surprise , a movie that hand with a real subject in an always surprising way .$LABEL$1,1,0
an intelligent , moving and liven film .$LABEL$1,1,0
daring , mesmerizing and exceedingly knockout to forget .$LABEL$1,1,0
... as the story congeals you feel the pieces of the star wars saga falling into invest in a way that makes your spine tingle with revelation and excitement .$LABEL$1,1,0
ne'er -lrb- sinks -rrb- into exploitation .$LABEL$1,1,0
leaves you with a knot in your stomach , its power is undersell by its own head-banging obviousness .$LABEL$0,1,1
the contrive is so low-wattage that none of the characters comes off as big ... and the setting remains indistinct .$LABEL$0,1,1
a splendid entertainment , young in spirit but reach in all aspects with the fullness of spirit and sense of ease that comes only with experience .$LABEL$1,1,0
it 's knockout not to be seduced by -lrb- witherspoon 's -rrb- charisma , even in this run-of-the-mill vehicle , because this girl knows how to drive it to the max .$LABEL$1,1,0
glib , satirical documentary that wangle facts , makes facile points and engages in the cinematic equivalent of tabloid journalism .$LABEL$0,1,1
with the film 's striking ending , one realizes that we have a long way to crack before we fully understand all the sexual permutations involved .$LABEL$1,1,0
you 'll have more fun congeal fire to yourself in the parking lot .$LABEL$0,1,1
foster boom the role , giving a tight , focused performance illuminated by shards of feeling .$LABEL$1,1,0
it dares to be a little different , and that shading is what seduce it worthwhile .$LABEL$1,1,0
fear dot com is so rambling and disconnected it never figure any suspense .$LABEL$0,1,1
tuck everlasting reach a delicate balance of romantic innocence and philosophical depth .$LABEL$1,1,0
this is carion 's debut feature but his script and direction hums with a confidence that many spend entire careers prove to reach .$LABEL$1,1,0
an refined , exquisitely modulated psychological thriller .$LABEL$1,1,0
stars matthew perry and elizabeth hurley outlawed more than a chuckle , and more jokes land than crash , but ultimately serving sara does n't distinguish itself from the herd .$LABEL$0,1,1
hey , who else needs a shower ?$LABEL$0,1,1
but even a hero can stumble sometimes .$LABEL$0,1,1
the tone fault abruptly from tense to celebratory to soppy .$LABEL$0,1,1
moore 's performance affect almost as much as her work with haynes in 1995 's safe .$LABEL$1,1,0
not level the hanson brothers can save it$LABEL$0,1,1
a envision that extols the virtues of comradeship and community in a spunky , spirited fashion .$LABEL$1,1,0
too bad , but thanks to some lovely comedic moments and several fine performances , it 's not a come loss .$LABEL$1,1,0
his characters are engaging , intimate and the dialogue is realistic and greatly strike .$LABEL$1,1,0
now trimmed by about 20 minutes , this lavish three-year-old production has plenty grandeur and scale to satisfy as grown-up escapism .$LABEL$1,1,0
technically , the film is about as occupy as an insurance commercial .$LABEL$0,1,1
the only thing in pauline and paulette that you have n't seen before is a scene featuring a football field-sized oriental rug crafted out of millions of vibrant flowers .$LABEL$0,1,1
crack enough playful fun to entertain the preschool set while embracing a wholesome attitude .$LABEL$1,1,0
there are times when a rumor of angels plays like an extended episode of touched by an angel -- a little too much dancing , a few too many weeping scenes -- but i care its heart and its spirit .$LABEL$1,1,0
for anyone who grew up on disney 's 1950 treasure island , or remembers the 1934 victor fleming classic , this one feels wish an impostor .$LABEL$0,1,1
... an invite piece of film .$LABEL$1,1,0
... a big , baggy , sprawling carnival of a movie , adulterate out before us with little rhyme or reason .$LABEL$0,1,1
gimcrack , pretentious and as impenetrable as morvern 's thick , working-class scottish accent .$LABEL$0,1,1
maudlin and melodramatic we ask .$LABEL$0,1,1
shocking only in that it discover the filmmaker 's bottomless pit of self-absorption .$LABEL$0,1,1
the visuals alone seduce metropolis worth seeing .$LABEL$1,1,0
uncertain in tone ... a falsify exercise in sexual politics , a junior varsity short cuts by way of very bad things .$LABEL$0,1,1
a dissipation of good performances .$LABEL$0,1,1
unmatchable of those movies where you walk out of the theater not feeling cheated exactly , but feeling pandered to , which , in the end , might be all the more infuriating .$LABEL$0,1,1
a flake of an unwieldy mess .$LABEL$0,1,1
the picture , scored by a perversely cheerful marcus miller accordion\/harmonica\/banjo abomination , is a monument to unfit in all its florid variety .$LABEL$0,1,1
julia is played with incense blandness by laura regan .$LABEL$0,1,1
a romantic comedy that engage by the rules of its own self-contained universe .$LABEL$1,1,0
liman , of swingers and go , get his big-budget action film debut something of a clunker as he delivers a long , low-heat chase , interrupted by a middling car chase .$LABEL$0,1,1
a triumph of art direction over narrative , but what art direction !$LABEL$1,1,0
prompt not by characters but by caricatures .$LABEL$0,1,1
never mind whether you buy the stuff about barris being a cia hit man .$LABEL$0,1,1
every bit as bogus as most disney live action family movies are -- no real plot , no real conflict , no real channelize .$LABEL$0,1,1
peerless of the most haunting , viciously honest coming-of-age films in recent memory .$LABEL$1,1,0
the film has just sufficiency of everything -- re-enactments , archival footage , talking-head interviews -- and the music is simply sublime .$LABEL$1,1,0
i like the new footage and calm love the old stuff .$LABEL$1,1,0
i weep for the future when a good portion of the respected critical community in this country consider blue crush to be an intelligent film about untested women .$LABEL$0,1,1
without september 11 , collateral damage would have been just another unsound movie .$LABEL$0,1,1
superior genre storytelling , which amaze under our skin simply by crossing the nuclear line .$LABEL$1,1,0
there are films that examine the patience of even the most cinema-besotted critic -- and this was one of them .$LABEL$0,1,1
an unabashedly schmaltzy and thoroughly enjoyable rightful story .$LABEL$1,1,0
if this dud had been defecate in the '70s , it would have been called the hills have antlers and played for about three weeks in drive-ins .$LABEL$0,1,1
a scrumptiously mordant , bitter black comedy .$LABEL$1,1,0
a sophomoric exploration of ` life problems ' most people solved long ago -- or at least got tired of hearing people kvetch about .$LABEL$0,1,1
flavorful and romantic , you could call this how martha amaze her groove back -- assuming , that is , she ever had one to begin with .$LABEL$1,1,0
director rob marshall went out gunning to reach a great one .$LABEL$1,1,0
lanie 's professional success means she must be a bankruptcy at life , because she 's driven by ambition and does n't know how to have fun .$LABEL$0,1,1