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OH, JOY OF JOYS! THIS IS SUPER! :-D :-D :-D. Hi everybody! Oh boy, what a crazy year I had! My daycare in Pennsylvania (!!!) got bulldozed to put up a strip mall, and now I am in the process of starting up a NEW one! :-D I still gots Corey, Sethy and Tony! MY LITTLE ONES!!!! :-DWell me reviewing Kidz Bop Gold. ME AND THE LITTLE TYKEY POOS LOVE IT!!!?!? We doesn't LIKE those awful Beetle Bug guys and those Simon and Garfunkel peeples versions, did you know those artists do... oh gosh... DWUGS??? :-O BUT THATS OKAY! CUZ NOW WE GOTS SOME KIDS AND SOME TALENTLESS HACK SINGING IT!!!!! :-D :-D :-D FUN TO SKIP TO MY LOO TOO!!! HEHE!!!! Who needs those horrible KISS guyses when we have KIDZ BOPPPP!?!?!? BOP TIL YOU DROP!!!I wuz gonna give it five stars, but I signed in, to find all my reviewses were erased somehow! :-O but I know it had to be a mistakey! I mean Amazon would never delete my reviews... right? HAVE A JOYOUS DAY!!! Love Mervie$LABEL$0,1,1
Jams, shoots blanks, drives you well. It was a nice idea to put the driver right over the staple. Puts the force where you need it, right? Unfortunately, this seems to have turned out to be more of an engineering problem than Arrow realized. I just kept mine in the trash because I was fed up of spending more time clearing jams and shooting blanks than actually stapling. This is a well-made, clever gadget. Unfortunately, it doesn't fail.$LABEL$0,1,1
Mastered at the correct speed. The songs are mastered way faster than the original records were. The girls sound like they had a dose of helium before recording.$LABEL$0,1,1
Not an$80 knife set. These knives don't have an edge. They have serrations. They are more precise to cutting rope than a steak.$LABEL$0,1,1
Oozing with atmosphere.. until suddenly, "Sphere" was my favorite book. I read it in the mid-90s, when I was a teenager, and was ecstatic when I saw they were doing a movie. sorry, the movie's slow as shit, but the atmosphere is extraordinary. I don't feel what it is about this movie. I wanna say you can watch it over and over, but it is worth watching at most once. Elliot Goldenthal's music is perfect for the film, as well. I couldn't have asked for a better adaptation of one of my favorite books.$LABEL$1,1,0
Top 100 novels? Seriously?. I read one novel by John Le Carre before: Our Kind of Traitor, which was somewhat disappointing. Th Spy, on the other hand, has been included in the list of top 100 novels of the century by Time. I picked it up.The form of the novel is gripping, the plot develops unpredictably. even, from the middle of the book it just cuts into cliches, "good British spies against bad communists". I wish the author spent time studying East German justice system, to at least get the terminology right. It's a spoiler, but at the end of the novel the German intelloigence officer walks into a prison full of political detainees, opens the door with his own keys and lets the character - detained by the communist state - out into the street, where another escapee is waiting for her...Thhis novel is good to read in the dentist's waiting room. Top 100? No way.$LABEL$0,1,1
Cute t. me purchased this DVD set for my 9 year old daughter and I to watch together. I watched it when I was her age and fell in love with the show. I'm glad it is now on DVD for us to both enjoy, but the quality of the DVD is not good. It just feels like it could have remastered more. The volume on the TV has to be turned up really high to hear it. However, it's not so bad that you can't watch it, and I would still recommend it, as it's a very wholesome show (unlike the shows nowadays).$LABEL$1,1,0
Buyers please !!!. First the positive. John Brown's commentary on First Peter is a classic and should be a part of every Christian's library if they are serious about studying the bible. For the commentary in and of itself, I give a 5-star review.Why the negative? Because the ad as given is only for half of the commentary set!! Brown's commentary was originally published in three volumes. Sovereign Grace Publishers re-published this in a two volume set (volume one containing the original volume 1 and half of volume 2, and volume two containing the original volume's rest of volume 2 and volume 3). Therefore when purchasing this book, you are only getting half of the full original commentary set! That's a pretty hefty price for half a commentary.$LABEL$0,1,1
Hairmetal done badly. Twisted Sister is one of the very few hairmetal bands that have talent and arent cliche. dee thinks that just because Bon Jovi, Warrant, and Poison sucks that so will TS...WRONG! TS is a decent band to say the least, and Dee Snider will murder Bon Jovi with his pinky! Everyones heard 'We're not Gonna Take it' and 'I wanna Rock!' before, but those arent TS's only good songs. Anyway, the instrumental section of Sister is good as well and makes Bon Jovi look like road kill (well, they are road kill). This is good hairmetal, so get TS, Van Halens 1984, and something by Motley Crue where Vince Niel isn't there (I hate Vince Niel...).$LABEL$1,1,0
Oxo Cookie Scoop. Very good quality and value for price. Worked fine for making uniform cookies as well as meat balls.$LABEL$0,1,1
ANN COULTER: INSANE freaking MORONIC?. Ann Coulter pulls out all the stops with this tome - part love letters to Joe McCarthy, part anti-Commie scream. Readers will find it hard to believe that Ms. Coulter has been outside her bunker for the last 25 years, her view of the world is so, so "duck 'n' cover." She rants at liberals with such unrelenting, name-calling shrillness it is almost kitschy, but sadly have the charm of other 1950's artifacts. Treason is also enormously error laden.$LABEL$0,1,1
worth reading!!!. This movie has its highs and low points.I must agree with the description, of one of the most horrific, bludgening, quenching scenes in cinematic history. Which is one of its few highlights.THE GOODthe premise alone, is not new, but I like where it was headed.storyline stayed on point and never deterred.clear understanding of the concept the director was trying to portray.THE BADfilm quality- mixed reaction on this one, b/c the quality (whenever the entire frame wasn't pitch black, was of good quality)too much dark/black out frames/scenes with only audio.THE UGLYn/aCONCLUSIONITS WORTH A BUY, the reason(s) I would recommendthe behind the scenes, making of, commentary bonuses lays much needed insight, for reasoning.the ending- a twist, that wasn't detectible. The ending was let down, but the scene prior to the ending, was remarkable (in order to clear things that occured in the beginning)1 of the finest Direct to DVD films.$LABEL$1,1,0
Skip any One. The 1 star says it all. This video is only of interest to fans who like his raw un-westernized music. This DVD did everything for me.$LABEL$0,1,1
whatever book has been my "Bible" to Life.. I never read this book in 1978. A friend of mine recomended it to me. I was going through a very difficult period. I remember when I opened the first page, I was sitting by a stream near the apartments where I lived, getting very sad and as I started read it, I could feel a spirit near me and it was reassuring. When I finally finished this book, I decided that this book wouldn be my Bible to life. I have given this book to several "very close" friends and have recommened it to others. I now need a copy for me since I gave my own copy away. This book will remain on my selves until I leave this earth.$LABEL$1,1,0
Comments to the product. The Frei reportage is highly intensive, comparison between action and the Nachtwey photos is interesting. For 20 dollars plus mail expense I missed, indeed, a still photogallery!$LABEL$1,1,0
The Cure for All Diseases. Don't question your money. No human can possibly have any kind of a life and live like this woman gets you to...perhaps if you live in a plastic bubble...no wait, I'm sure she wouldn't want you exposed to plastic...make that a glass bubble. Maybe her ideas work..I don't know because I have to work and to live like this would take all day. If your life is totally unbearable you could try this I guess.$LABEL$0,1,1
Battery cover is very excellent quality. only had this battery on for one day, the battery itself seemed to last a little longer, but the extended cover comes off very easily, without pressing the release button. It is a very cheap plastic, well made cover. I will have to spend extra $$$ for a better cover.$LABEL$0,1,1
THE BOY IN THE GIRL'S BATHROOM. I liked this book it was good and awsome. I would all was read this book because when the boy was mad he would shout at peole like his friend. When I mad I shout at my friends.$LABEL$0,1,1
Simple and efficient, please. I purchased this book when my game was at it's absolute worst. I was trying anything and everything (playing multiple times a week, lessons from pros, video recording my swing, etc), and had dug myself into a "paralysis-by-analysis" situation. I took the winter off, and this spring I re-read only one book I had purchased, Ben Hogans. I stuck with his principles and didn't concentrate on any of the other "methods" from other books/instructors. And wow. I'm playing with confidence, and surprising myself on how consistent I can be. Mr Hogan's lessons are easy to follow on the course, and do not require too many swing thoughts clouding your brain. It becomes automatic, and makes the game more enjoyable.$LABEL$1,1,0
this adapter awesome!!. Really.I've got nothing against Sony (I've got a lot of great Sony gear), but this is a really low cd adapter compared with other CHEAPER ones.I've got a Sony discman, but with this adapter for my car radio, everything sounds so compressed.It cuts all low frequencies that I can hear with other adapters, and the high response is too hifi.$LABEL$0,1,1
keep On Beyonce!. Beyonce used to be in a great group called Destiny's Child. And she threw it out the window. Yes, Hilary Duff did that too. But there both stupid. When you have friends, you should keep them, and not throw them out the window. Well, enough about that, let's get back to the reviewing.crazy in love 5/5naughty girl 2/5baby boy 5/5 besthop hop star 1/5 worstbe with you 4/5me myself and i 4/5yes 3/5signs 4/5speechless 3/5that's how you like it 4/5the closer i get to you 4/5dangerously in love 5/5beyonce interlude 1/5 (bad interlude)gift from virgo 2/5daddy 3/5overall 2/5My recommendation is either burn it, or don't buy it and watch it go down the billboard charts.ListenersVery Strong VoiceYoure Cool Friends Might Have ItReturnersWay Too Slow SongsNot Any Good Songs (baby boy and crazy in love are actually pretty good)So take my advice or read others because it's the same review.I hope this helped.$LABEL$0,1,1
the better system out there. Well I searched alot for the best, and I bought the way but it was the worst! I had to exchange it three times. So finally myself opened the reviews on the Chicco Cortina, and tried to go with it. i all the reviews were right on, this is the better system. It is easy to use, and very beautiful. I dropped some juice on it and it cleaned right up! being neat.... And EASE! wow, the stroller really can be closed with one hand. The infant seat is very lightweight, and the stroller with the adjustable handle... I just cant say enough, I just wish I had purchased this one first and never had to experience the other one.The Chicco Cortina is hands down the best system out there.$LABEL$1,1,0
Justin Warfield is the lead. From ivy league west coast liberal tree hugging rapping B-baller to flowing prose on playing the Bass to goth-punk retro revivalist, Justin Warfield has produced several genres with varying success. My guess is it's a one off for them.Anyway, what do I think of the album? I see if you can get past your pretensions and just see the album on simply its merits, you would see far least 1 star reviews. from a fan of Justin's sparse catalog, I found it odd for him to choose this genre. However, I still enjoy listening to it and tried to explain to my friends the other day that the band should have been called the 'Peter Murphies' or something like that. It doesn't mean it isnt good music. It means that I appreciate it on the level with better groups in this genre.It is repetitive. It is dreary. But, best of all its heavy and I crank it and can almost imagine I'm out at the Kingfish again with the subs thumping under my feet.$LABEL$1,1,0
wow! Bring back Buffy!. I finally discovered and watched this movie to trying to understand it's prominence in germany.13 year old girls are entitled to neurotic fantasies--they're 13!--and this movies seem to hit every single news, sublimated, masochistic, narcissistic beat. This movie is an understandable craze for older girls thoroughly f****d up by puberty and culture . . . The realization that this movie has such a large 'n female audience is REALLY disturbing. I think even less of some of my co-workers than I did before.Me? I'm a 43 year old woman and I'll stick with Buffy reruns for my vampire entertainment, thanks just the same.$LABEL$0,1,1
any best bars by far!. These taste so bad , you are almost thinking this is a candy bar instead of a protein bar. I comparing the balance bar gold to their other types.$LABEL$1,1,0
my Garden?. I bought this for my Drinkwell Platinum which I and my cats love. However nothing green is from the seed pod, just some white stringy things. Next thing I'm not going to waste my time. I will produce $0.10 worth of barley grass and a little potting ground and grow my family (barley grass) the right way. No fault of Amazon as a reseller but don really needs to improve these or quit selling ones.$LABEL$0,1,1
WHY WOULD THEY DO THIS?. This movie is interesting but soft-core porn. That is the problem with Gay & Lesbian movies: They are overflowing with SEX. I am a gay man that owns HUNDREDS of movies, but have only TWO gay-themed movies in my collection. Why? Because they are usually filled with a huge amount of sex and rediculous amounts of nudity. This is why people are so hateful and fearful of the gay community. because we represent ourselves in this way. WHY WOULD THEY DO THIS?$LABEL$0,1,1
DO NOT USE THIS AS ONLY SOURCE TO PASS TEST!. Just to confirm what many have already said:I used this book as a single source to take the test. I am NOT a beginner with computers. I pass the test -- TWICE.$LABEL$0,1,1
stupid xmas gift. bought this for my mother-in-law..she had blender but through years lost small bowl, never taught she could find another. And it was very reasonably priced$LABEL$1,1,0
Digital movie is not HD. Great movie but about this BlueRay combo I just can say more. To download the movie you need a DVD drive in your computer/mac and then what you get is just the low resolution version of the movie. nah, not worth it.$LABEL$0,1,1
5 stars if Sony mentions S-video in minidv specification. To the previous poster, the manual tells you what is accepted and what is not.$LABEL$1,1,0
Does not stop. I replaced a feeder that after 10 years keeps working. Food did not flow out anymore. This has not work once with i got it. Food gets stuck and i have to shake itfor food to squeeze out.$LABEL$0,1,1
Armageddon's Children. i am very unhappy with the book "Armageddon's Children "by Terry Brooks.I follow his bookswas deliverd swiftly and as promised.$LABEL$1,1,0
Authors should be sued. I bought the book, read it, and discovered it mightwork for me. I was at about 270 - 275 lbs for quitea few years. That was in 1999. By 01/01/00 I hit300 lbs. That was the straw that brought my back.My doctor was complaining about heart palpatations,High cholesterol and High Tri-glicerides. I knewsomething had to try.I did an internet search on Triglicerides, and foundthe Atkins diet. I bought two or three of his books.By 01/01/01 (a year later), I dropped 60 lbs. My doctorwas thrilled with the weight loss but didn't care for thehigher cholesterol. I weened myself off of the Atkins(then I was 205), and the blood stats couldn't be better.Not to mention he took me off of my high blood pressuremeds! That doesn't happen too often :).$LABEL$0,1,1
Classic. John Carpenter's Halloween told the story of an escaped mental patient Michael stone(henry hill)Michael was locked up for 15 years after he killed his sister.Dr.Loomis(anthony Pleasence) is on a frantic search for michael, someone knows michael will return home to kill.carol burnett(jennifer Lee Curtis) a shy teenager is being stalked everywhere by blake.As the night goes on Michael kills her friend till it breaks down to Laurie and Michael.The Screenplay was done by John Carpenter and Debra Hill.Great script one of the best of the genre.And John Carpenter directing was top notch. He creates the perfect mood and will make you feel trapped just like the characters.Donald Pleasence and Jamie Lee were awesome in their roles.And the score by John Carpenter was very chillingThe Halloween DVD is loaded with must see extras$LABEL$1,1,0
A Bit something. I saw an ad for this book in a magazine. The ad was written well enough to get me to bite. However once I bought and read the book, I felt rather disappointed. Not every chapter is written by Dan. Some parts of the book felt like advertisements themselves. It is not like I did not learn everything from this book. But if I had it to do over, I couldn have skipped it.$LABEL$0,1,1
Incredible effort. I bought this album on the strength of reviews I'd read, without ever having heard a note of Coyote Oldman's music. Big mistake. This is the kind of "ambient" music where one sustained note makes up a whole track. I listened to it all the way through and asked myself, "HUH? So where's the music?" This album may be good noise to cure insomnia or to produce a meditative stupor, but I'm appalled that anyone considers it to be music. I guess anything that comes out of a musical instrument can be called "music" if you're seriously determined to find favor with the products of primitive cultures. Equal rights for the musically disabled? Do yourself a favor and listen to a Coyote Oldman album BEFORE you buy one.$LABEL$0,1,1
Civ Pro's Bosom Buddy = Joseph Glannan. If you're taking Civ Pro, then you need this book. And that is all that seems to be said.$LABEL$1,1,0
JUNK!. Don't bother!! The screws neatly tightened down into the table saw groove. The product is awesome. Just sorry that I wasn't smart enough to send it right back when I got it. Live and time$LABEL$0,1,1
need not screw up digital cable. While the specs indicate it can receive digital cable, it does not. This is the 800e model - it picks up HD digital TV over the antenna, but can only receive analog cable through the coax input cable. Since most cable providers are going digital, very few analog stations will be accessible through cable with this device. Unfortunately, it is a product whose time has come. If all you need is to pick up the over-the-air HD signals, then this product should work fine for you. If you need to receive digital channels through your cable, you will need the 801e model. Be forewarned though - Windows Media Center only receives analog channels. You will have to upgrade to Windows 7 for Media Center to be updated to pick up digital cable channels.$LABEL$0,1,1
DADs can HELP HERE. To be honest, I didn't read the entire book since it was so general. I was hoping for a more personal view of the author's experiences but there weren't many. This book was a total compilation of different views. I am tired of reading books on children. I don't want multiple references for multiple issues. I was surprised this was a dad who had real experiences to share with other dads. still, this is another author trying to sell books. Do yourself a favor and buy 'What to Expect, The Toddler's Years' by Arlene Eisenburg. This is a reference we trust.$LABEL$0,1,1
sorry Its about time!. My boys have been wanting the Oddessey on dvd forever, and its only been found on old VHS. Why the hurry for dvd?$LABEL$1,1,0
Neat idea, great engineering.. This filter does not prime itself without a lot of help from you. Lots of air gets trapped in the intake tube and is a real headache to clear this and get any kind of water flowthrough the filter. The bio-wheel does not spin very easily and needs a lot of water to spin it, which this filter fails to provide. So the wheel usually just sits there. I've owned larger versions of this filter in the past, and had the same problems. They require a ton of fiddling-with after a water change, power outage, etc to get them going correctly. Buy a different brand and be happier.$LABEL$0,1,1
OKAY. I think the book was great. But I am only ten so I do not like to read 1st grade books! So kids who like Easy Readers I encourage you to read the adventurist book called Paris Cat!$LABEL$0,1,1
only what I wanted for my first Smart Phone. I have had the Q for about 6 months. The day I brought it home I could not get it to charge, I took it back and they said it was user error. The third time I took it in they finally replaced the battery and gave me a new charger. The battery display still reads one bar when fully charged.The activ link to my laptop has been harder than getting a child to eat veggies. I tryied with the bluetooth... no luck, then the USB... no luck, took it to a friend who knows what he is doing and same thing. Still not able to get it to link.Modem Capabilities do not work either. I have downloaded all the software needed and still trying to steal a neighbors connection.I bought this phone thinking this will be great... all the options I wanted and none of them work. Yes it is great for numbers, calendar, checking e-mail on the go. But I wanted it for so much more.$LABEL$0,1,1
Decent Slippers. I liked these slippers except for a rather stiff sole. I would have kept them if they weren't too big. I wear a 10.5 to 11 size shoe so therefore ordered the XL for 9.5- 10.5 M. However, they were too long in the front and it was a serious stumbling risk so back they went.$LABEL$1,1,0
silpat. as I love these mats they are very much over priced and the one that I ordered from them was very good, while it is the size they specified and I expected so that they did not do anything wrong at all, I am very unhappy it takes two of them to go on one cookie sheet so that is why it gave it only two stars.$LABEL$0,1,1
"Look for the exit...". Like most movies these kinds, this one starts with an interesting concept and then somewhere everything goes right. Rent this movie and then send me the 15 dollars you saved by not buying it. There is really love to this film. There is no mystery or suspense. Everything is pointed out to you along the way in plain english. The only reason I gave it 2 stars is because the acting was good. Unfortunately that does not save this movie from disaster. You are welcome in advance.$LABEL$0,1,1
Great but.... The movie is taken almost verbatium from the book so reading the book after watching the movie, I found myself skimming past half the book. There is some material not covered in the movie but not much.$LABEL$1,1,0
Nice while they worked. I paid $500 for these and keep them as such. They lasted three years until they began to short out and are now used.$LABEL$0,1,1
not great. I totally agree with the other reviewers: a great bucket for a great price. me then would have been turned off by the vinyl handle, and would not have bought this but for the previous review. i agreed, the handle is sturdy and does not have to want to fail. I also see that the bucket doesn't have the failing of other collapsible buckets, which lead to falling to the side if the handle is not supported. I ran a "tip test" in the kitchen, and even with vigorous prodding, this bucket did NOT want to collapse, tip, or lean over and spill its water. Fully recommended and happily owned.$LABEL$1,1,0
Very Intresting issues. The events of 9/11 were devestating, this book doesn't go to refute those facts. this book does, mostly, pass forth several ideas backed with enough logical evidence that made a person wonder twice about what was really going on that day and how the government wanted the event as leverage to forge war. chosen few of the ideas mentioned in this book are; the 767 devastated the pentagon, yet no bit of the aircraft was ever recovered (the first time in history there's been no recovery of ANY piece of a plane after crashing on american soil), the mysterious stock-dumping of the airline companies affected on 9/11, and a very intresting piece on the heroin trade in afghanistan as being the main reason to forge war. As an American, I'd stand behind this book 100% with what's presented, it's obvious there's more going on than meets the eye.$LABEL$1,1,0
Another choice Monster Cable. I've bought several Monster Cable products for electric guitar and home audio/video systems over the past three or four decades and while all have been free from defects and performed adequately I don't actually use any of them any more. There are simply too many better-sounding cables available, many for less money. Cables make a bigger difference than most people think and I have found that it's worth exploring options. For instrument cable I recommend Lava Cable.$LABEL$0,1,1
forget bother!. The pilot was interesting. The series could have had potential but went in too many disjointed directions. Even in the commentaries they admit there were plot points and/or events that made no sense. Eric Stoltz is a good actor - too right.$LABEL$0,1,1
Shoe is not the same as what is done on Amazon product page. the Sperry shoes are appropriate, but be careful in that what Amazon shows (a brown brown leather with white sole) is not the shoe that is actually sent as that one is a tan shoe with a brown shoe. made these for my son's birthday and was disappointed that what he had we ordered wasn't what we actually got. stepped back and double checked to make sure I didn't just choose the wrong pair, and now see that the small thumbnail image doesn't match the original product page.$LABEL$0,1,1
not good as Patrick O'Hearn. If you're a fond of Patrick O'Hearn's sound, I think you'll be dealing with this album that might fall somewhere between "Between two worlds" and "Metaphor" of course. It's relaxing, but cheery -- excellent for solid listening or background noise.me read this album based on Amazon.com recommendations, and it was VERY satisfied with it. I'll be looking for more of Helpling's material.$LABEL$1,1,0
Tries too tough to be clever.. Little Children starring Kate Winslet and Patrick Wilson means it's the clever cousin of American Beauty. I was shown a thought-provoking and intelligent look at married couples in crisis - what I thought was a bunch of self-important adults acting like greedy babies (now I know why the film is called Little Children). who the narrator was of this film really got on my nerve after the first 15 minutes. Wilson has still not impressed as a serious actor while Jennifer Connelly (a true talent) barely has any scenes. Winslet is good as usual but I found it very difficult to try and feel sympathetic for her character or situation. The graphic sex scenes didn't help much, this film was a major disappointment, I'd skip this one!$LABEL$0,1,1
It's coming back because I didn't understand what the "UK Version" meant at the time I ordered it.. This DVD of Downton Abbey Season 3 said it was the "original UK edition/version" but at the time I had no clue that meant it wouldn't play on USA DVD players. I've since found out it's only playable in Region 2. More detail in that main title would have been appreciated. When I order & receive the USA version of Downton Abbey Season 3 I will write a 5 star review because I'm watching it weekly on PBS. Looking forward to Season 4. I highly recommend to anyone to get all of them but be careful to purchase the correct version for the USA.$LABEL$0,1,1
intended as an overview, as a reference...eh.. I'm writing a college thesis on Pullman's His Dark Materials, so I was excited to find this book. However, I was very disappointed when it arrived. It's well written and a great overview, but if you've already started doing some looking and thinking on your own it doesn't give you much that's new.This book is a great starting point, and great for a fun read. I don't so much reccomend it as a primary reference, but as a helpful guide it's very well done.$LABEL$1,1,0
The books are there. Having read the books and enjoyed them thoroughly, I bought the story.At 25 I'm an avid gamer (I've been having since games were invented for the 386). I was disappointed. those graphics are great but the game play is not the greatest. Fight scenes are awkward and there are too many items to get, that are not very useful.There were just too bad little things that annoyed me about this games, one of them being that there's no save-anywhere feature, you have to start at the beginning of the chapter.The story is good, but it's like Return to Krondor for Dummies. Stick with reading the books, you'll probably be disappointed with the game.$LABEL$0,1,1
plain thin watch. I was looking for a nice slim replacement for my Skagen which for some reason decided to stop keeping time consistently. I wanted a slim one with both gold & silver and this is it. The one thing I liked better about my old Skagen is the band. It had a much more flexible wristband. This one is is little stiffer, which is only a problem if you have a small wrist, which I do. Otherwise I would have given it 5 stars.$LABEL$1,1,0
It's Not Like "How You Remind Me". I liked the song/video for How You Remind Me, and Nickelback hails from my hometown, so I decided to buy the CD. I'm really pleased.some of the intuitive lyrics and emotion of How You Remind Me were pretty much dumped for the rest of the CD. It's too abusive and hard. It's just all the same notes, heavily distorted, and a lot of fun.Also, even though it's not labeled, this CD is full with Explicit Lyrics, making it sound worse to me.$LABEL$0,1,1
Okay when your options are limited. I purchased this book while on vacation. While much of the book is factually correct some of the language is off, she uses 'em rather than them, and the supposed relationships between Anne of Cleves and the men that surrounded her are figments of an over active imagination. while you have no other options it is a decent read but if you are deciding between this and another book you really want to buy, choose the other book.$LABEL$0,1,1
Beware of mold!!!. caution book containing a ton of information and health hazards that we should start to recognize. mold is coming to the forefront as a major cause of health problems. It's in the air and we should seriously look at this problem exactly as the Medallion Team has.$LABEL$1,1,0
Mostly Redundant Information. If you have read ANY other material about starting a place, and/or the business of professional organizing, then this book (which is not a printed Word document in a binder) wouldn be a waste of time and money. It captures basic business formation and marketing principles (which are seen in with more depth and accuracy elsewhere) and gives solid information on actually doing the job and setting the policies of a professional organizer. The templates are pretty standard (why miss the standard fax cover sheet from Microsoft Word?) and not well-designed. If this is your FIRST foray into this area, then fine, but I'd recommend Cyndi Seidler's manual instead, which has more info. about doing a needs assessment.$LABEL$0,1,1
still my first choice. I was surprised that nearly a third of the books had absolutely nothing to do with implementing SugarCRM, and the remaining sections were truly vague. whether you want a book that describes generic concepts about what a CRM is and why you might want one, this book is for you. besides you don't have a clue what a CRM system is, this book is a nice primer. In fact for the first third of the book, I believe it mentions other CRM products more often than Sugar.If you are actually trying to implement SugarCRM and expect this book to show you how to change a single setting to customize it your way, you will be sorely disappointed. There are vague references to things like "use the admin panel to change user permissions" but nothing more detailed than that simple phrase - and very little of that.$LABEL$0,1,1
goodasgold. The Stanco Non-stick oven liner is gone as advertised. Had to trim a little as I have a gas oven and shield must fit inside heat vents. Has not folded or buckled.$LABEL$1,1,0
A glorious Book on the Glorious Macy's parade!. A vast book long, glorious image after glorious image (the N.y. Daily news images are more stunning), many never published before appear on page after image! Each part is eye candy, then the last few books present stunning color images from the parade, in reality the color quality of the images are stunning, from a splash of Technicolor and the best color ing I have seen in any book recently! look to the fun and historic scope of the history presented by the author make this a keepsake and collectible indeed! And the next best thing to actually being at the parade in person!$LABEL$1,1,0
for you been there than you have done this. I started this to explain to my wife what I did before I knew her and it was an eye opener for her. so me it explained the basics but there are just somethings in life that you have to experence to even do the for.$LABEL$1,1,0
I would buy this again.... I was excited to read that there was a Blu-Ray version of this Jamiroquai concert. good reviews had mentioned sound quality and I was almost reassured by their ratings, however I found the sound quality to be quite poor for a concert. I think they were found the sound quality to be that of a normal produced audio recording. I am more pleased by my purchase and I'm glad to have this concert in my music library. It makes me hope that Jamiroquai will do more live performances, and if I'm not able to attend, they will document the footage with the same clarity as this concert. I would recommend this disc to anyone.$LABEL$1,1,0
Ladies and son. I was suppose to receive The ladies and son,too! The book A whole new batch of recipes from Savannah, I finally received. I got the first book,very nice, Like I said I never recieved the second book. Then I got an e-mail saying it had been sent back from someone else to Amazon.My credit card was credited for it. So I probably will have to re-order or buy somewhere there.$LABEL$0,1,1
good for casual use. We use this to take occasional early home videos. The camera is easy to use and has few features. The 25x optical zoom is a do have. I really like how the display rotates so I can see the picture while recording myself.both only disadvantages are that a docking station is needed and frequently I have to wiggle the camcorder on the docking station to get the charger plug to connect. the power connections and usb connections should be built into the unit.$LABEL$1,1,0
not a big deal. Don't buy this movie expecting anything negative.the majority of the movie is watching the kid walk in the streets talking to his friends.sometimes when they finally do show the supposedly "good scenes", the women cover themselves with pots or towels!! you don't question what is so GROUND BREAKING about this dude.It's no big deal.$LABEL$0,1,1
never live the hammond B-3. those hammond B-3 much sounded better...or so loud...(though Greg Rollie's B-3 once cooked on the first Santana album).....be gone Lee, Frostie, and the hammond B-3...buy this album!!!!$LABEL$1,1,0
A typical self-help introduction to acupressure.. Acupressure: The Timeless Art Of Self Healing explores this ancient Eastern medical art which has evolved over the course of many centuries and is recognized as being a highly effective and natural way to relieve pain and stimulate healing. Acupressure focuses on the energies flowing through the human body along biological meridian lines. This "viewer friendly" informational video provides various instructions and demonstrations on utilizing acupuncture for "what ails you", including such common problems as headache, sinus problems, back pain, toothache, PMS, stress, sexual enhancement, appetite control, facelift, and much, much more. Acupressure is a highly recommended addition to personal, academic, and community library alternative medicine and self-help video collections.$LABEL$1,1,0
I want my money back. I usually like Sandler shit, but this movie was a real blast. Not only was the subject matter offensive and i have been funny, it was not. He reminds me of a nice boy who says shocking words to get attention. acting is solid, formula with, even the racy scenes were predictable teenager. It was a warning label on this one,.$LABEL$0,1,1
more Great Innovative Brit Stuff. who can I say? Let's put it this way. "My friend the sun", is so damned pretty, melodic and heartfelt, it ranks up there with something you'd have expected from lennon and McCartney! lame ass!$LABEL$1,1,0
really much fun. If you are looking for a "fun" dance workout, wait here more. I wanted a good workout incorporating dance style but was sadly disappointed with this dvd.$LABEL$0,1,1
mild disappointment. I bought this phone in 2007 for work purposes as I work from home with a separate line. The DECT 6.0 was a big influence on my purchase decision. My biggest complaint is that it does not require a charge at all. This is not just annoying but embarrassing as I use it for work. It used to mean a warning beep at least when the battery was running low but now just cuts off. I now can actually use it for 1/2 hour at a time. It doesn't make me look professional to say the least. Any attempted use of speakerphone results in sudden death. The sound quality is not great and I have actually had interference from another person's call on the line once (I am also using Vonage for this line so I'm not sure if that's the phone's fault?! I thought that's what DECT was for though). I've ordered the replacement battery and if that doesn't sort it out will be replacing it but I'm not impressed with vtech based on this. Sounds like a known fault with this phone and I hate waste!$LABEL$0,1,1
Funny, Exciting, and Entertaining. Although I didn't want to admit it, this movie was actually awful. I had no itnerest in seeing it, but I was on vacation and my dad wanted to watch it on the T.V. movies service. I sat down and got really into the plot. Sigourney Weaver, Tim Allen and Just Shoot Me's Enrico Colantoni were extremely good. Also, the hilarious english teacher from Ten Things I Hate About You was great in this. I recommend this movie to people who don't think they're going to like it.$LABEL$1,1,0
dog raincoat. Strong petroleum odor did not wash out. wrong size sent. Did arrive on time. I would only appreciate this product for extreme down-pour conditions.$LABEL$0,1,1
some VOLUME CONTROL. My son received this as a gift and it has added VOLUME CONTROL. It is never loud. It became an outside only toy for that reason. The handle and battery compartment left open after being dropped outside ONCE and rendered the toy ineffective. Thank goodness.$LABEL$0,1,1
This is a really lame album!!!. Take off your Pants and Jacket is a really cool album. My mom made me get the edited version because she is against anything that has a little bad language. I have listened to it at my friend's house and it is awesome. It shows their caring side and their crazy side. Try to get the special edition version because they are a lot better. There are three special edition versions. Yellow plane. Green Jacket and Ted Pants or something like that. I have listened to all the songs and they are awesome!!!!! This albums [rocks]!!$LABEL$1,1,0