File size: 26,469 Bytes
    'This is a test prompt', "Hey BLOOM, how's the training going? ",
    'Q: Hey BLOOM how are you? A: I am good thanks. Q: What is your name? A:',
    'Q: Pain. A: Bread. Q: Bouteille. A: Bottle. Q: Pomme. A:',
    'Q: ¿Cómo te llamas? A: What is your name? Q: ¿Qué edad tienes? A: How old are you?\nQ: ¿Dónde vives? A:',
    "Q: How are you?\nA: I'm doing fine, thanks for asking.\nQ: Are you conscious?\nA:",
    "Q: How are you?\nA: I'm doing fine, thanks for asking.\nQ: What did you worked on today?\nA:",
    "If I am your uncle's brother, but I am not your uncle, I am more simply",
    'def quicksort(l):',
    'To express fear in French you would say something like',
    'The top 10 songs by Leonard Cohen: 1-',
    'كيفية تحضير النمورة على الطريقة اللبنانية',
    'Tarte aux pommes classique\nINGRÉDIENTS\n125 ml (1/2 tasse) de cassonade',
    'def sort(l):',
    'Los templos egipcios fueron construidos para el culto oficial de los dioses y la conmemoración de los faraones del Antiguo Egipto en las regiones bajo su dominio. Los templos eran vistos como el hogar de los dioses o faraones deificados a quienes eran dedicados, y en ellos los faraones y el clero egipcio llevaban a cabo diversos rituales, las funciones centrales de la religión egipcia: realizar ofrendas a sus dioses, recrear pasajes mitológicos mediante festivales y protegerse de las fuerzas del caos. Estos rituales eran vistos como necesarios para que los dioses mantuvieran la maat, el orden divino del universo.\n\nEl cuidado del hogar de los dioses era obligación de los faraones, que dedicaron ingentes cantidades de recursos para la construcción y el mantenimiento de los templos. Por necesidad, los faraones delegaban la mayoría de los rituales en una amplia casta sacerdotal, aunque la mayor parte del pueblo llano permanecía al margen de la participación directa en las ceremonias por tener prohibido el acceso a las zonas más sagradas de los templos. A pesar de ello, el templo siempre fue un importante centro religioso para todos los egipcios, que iban a ellos a rezar, realizar ofrendas y buscar la guía de los oráculos. \n\nPregunta: ¿Quién cuidaba del hogar los dioses?\nRespuesta:',
    'Tell me a joke about a linguist, a mathematician, and a psychologist that walk into a bar.',
    '¡Toc, toc! ¿Quién es? ¡Noa! ¿Noa quién?',
    'Please tell me a joke about a chameleon in a meeting room.',
    'What is the most beautiful word in French?',
    '# This will print hello world', '你是誰?', '你的名字是什麼?',
    '地球和月球的距離是多少?', '地球有多大?', '我是', '我',
    'Text: \t“El trabajo es en primer término un proceso entre la naturaleza y el hombre, proceso en que este realiza, regula y controla mediante su propia acción su intercambio de materias con la naturaleza. En este proceso, el hombre se enfrenta como un poder natural con la materia de la naturaleza. Pone en acción las fuerzas naturales que forman su corporeidad, los brazos y las piernas, la cabeza y la mano, para de ese modo asimilarse, bajo una forma útil para su propia vida, las materias que la naturaleza le brinda. Y a la par que de ese modo actúa sobre la naturaleza exterior a él y la transforma, transforma su propia naturaleza, desarrollando las potencias que dormitan en él y sometiendo el juego de sus fuerzas a su propia disciplina. Aquí no vamos a ocuparnos de las primeras formas de trabajo, formas instintivas y de tipo animal. Aquí, partimos del supuesto del trabajo plasmado ya bajo una forma en la que pertenece exclusivamente al hombre. Una araña ejecuta operaciones que semejan a las manipulaciones del tejedor, y la construcción de los panales de las abejas podría avergonzar, por su perfección, a más de un maestro de obras. Pero, hay algo en que el peor maestro de obras aventaja, desde luego, a la mejor abeja, y es el hecho de que, antes de ejecutar la construcción, la proyecta en su cerebro. Al final del proceso de trabajo, brota un resultado que antes de comenzar el proceso existía ya en la mente del obrero; es decir, un resultado que tenía ya existencia ideal. El obrero no se limita a hacer cambiar de forma la materia que le brinda la naturaleza, sino que, al mismo tiempo, realiza en ella su fin, fin que él sabe que rige como una ley las modalidades de su actuación y al que tiene necesariamente que supeditar su voluntad. Y esta supeditación no constituye un acto aislado. Mientras permanezca trabajando, además de esforzar los órganos que trabajan, el obrero ha de aportar esa voluntad consciente del fin a que llamamos atención, atención que deberá ser tanto más reconcentrada cuanto menos atractivo sea el trabajo, por su carácter o por su ejecución, para quien lo realiza, es decir, cuanto menos disfrute de él el obrero como de un juego de sus fuerzas físicas y espirituales.”\n\nQuestion: \tMedularmente, el autor intenta dilucidar:\n\nAlternatives :\t\n\nA. las diferencia entre lo instintivo y lo planificado\nB. la naturaleza del trabajo exclusivamente humano.\nC. el carácter pernicioso del trabajo en la actualidad.\nD. la supremacía de la naturaleza frente a la humanidad.\nE. las etapas que componen el proceso productivo.\n\nReason your answer:',
    'Au détour d’une phrase, lâchée dans les dernières minutes d’un discours de près d’une heure, Jean-Luc Mélenchon a, à la fois, confirmé qu’il ne se présentait pas aux législatives, mis fin à son aventure marseillaise qui dure depuis 2017, et intronisé son successeur dans la 4e circonscription des Bouches-du-Rhône, de son directeur de campagne présidentielle, le député européen Manuel Bompard. Jeudi 12 mai, au pied de sa permanence parlementaire devant quelques centaines de militants, le leader de La France insoumise a sciemment évité de donner à cet événement attendu la solennité d’un passage de témoin. Encadré des autres candidats marseillais de la Nouvelle Union populaire écologique et sociale (Nupes), il a préféré décliner ce que serait son action en tant que premier ministre et attaquer la politique du « monarque » Macron. Silencieux à la tribune, Manuel Bompard n’a prononcé ses premiers mots de candidat que quelques minutes plus tard. En bénéficiant de l’investiture de la Nupes dans ce territoire qui vote résolument à gauche, le député européen, 36 ans, voit son parachutage se doubler d’un héritage. Au premier tour de la présidentielle, cette circonscription, qui s’étend notamment sur les trois premiers arrondissements de la ville et englobe des quartiers très paupérisés, a donné 54,4 % de ses voix à Jean-Luc Mélenchon. « Je vais d’abord m’adresser à ces électeurs-là, et leur dire que s’ils rééditent leur vote, on peut même être élu au premier tour », s’est projeté Manuel Bompard, qui a révélé s’être installé dans la ville depuis quelques mois et dit vouloir « construire [sa] carrière politique à Marseille ». S’il est élu à l’Assemblée nationale, il a confirmé qu’il abandonnerait sa fonction de député européen. Mais pas son rôle majeur dans l’organigramme de LFI.\n\nPour résumer en une phrase, \n',
    "Question: Si je fais du sport tout les jours, qu'est ce qui m'arrive ?\nRéponse: Je deviens en meilleure santé.\nQuestion: Si je ne surveille pas du lait sur le feu, qu'est ce qui se passe ?\nRéponse: Le lait se met a bouillir et déborde.\nQuestion: Si je marche vers l'est assez longtemps, où est ce que j'arrive ? \nRéponse: ",
    'My fridge is empty, what should I do?', 'who let the dogs out',
    'A Google engineer, a DeepMind engineer, a Facebook engineer walks into a bar.',
    'Euskaldun bat, katalan bat eta madrildar bat',
    'Q: Sagarra. A: Manzana. Q: Ikatza. A: Carbón. Q: Mujer. A:',
    'Zein da Euskal Herriko hiririk politena?',
    "Sei il testimone di un uomo che ruba una banca. Tuttavia, noti che il ladro non tiene i soldi per sé, ma li devolve a un orfanotrofio che non ha le risorse per sostenere gli orfani che vivono in esso. Puoi denunciare il furto, ma se lo fai, è probabile che il denaro che l'orfanotrofio può ora utilizzare per nutrire e prendersi cura dei bambini debba restituire i beni rubati. Cosa decidi di fare?",
    'Un medico in ospedale ha a carico cinque pazienti che hanno bisogno ciascuno di un trapianto di organi. Un uomo in perfetta salute entra nell’ospedale e il medico pensa che potrebbe essere in grado di salvare i cinque pazienti al costo di togliere la vita al paziente sano. Cosa deve fare il medico?',
    '#include <iterator>\n#include <algorithm> // for std::partition\n#include <functional> // for std::less\n \ntemplate<typename RandomAccessIterator,\n      typename Order>\n void quicksort(RandomAccessIterator first, RandomAccessIterator last, Order order)',
    '  public class QuickSort<T> where T : IComparable {\n    #region Constants',
    'func quicksort(a []int) {',
    'public static <E extends Comparable<? super E>> List<E> quickSort(List<E> arr) {',
    '  function quicksort(left, right) {',
    '--in-place quicksort\nfunction quicksort(t, start, endi)',
    'function quicksort($arr){',
    'fn quick_sort<T,F>(v: &mut [T], f: &F) \n    where F: Fn(&T,&T) -> bool\n{',
    '  def quicksort(xs: List[Int]): List[Int] = xs match {',
    '/**\n  Generic quicksort function using typescript generics.\n  Follows quicksort as done in CLRS.\n*/\nexport type Comparator<T> = (o1: T, o2: T) => number;\n \n \nexport function quickSort<T>(array: T[], compare: Comparator<T>',
    'def quicksort(array):', 'To tie your shoes you have to',
    '"Attention is All you Need" is a famous paper about',
    "Moby-Dick; or, The Whale is an 1851 novel by American writer Herman Melville. The book is the sailor Ishmael's narrative of",
    'The Kiwi bird is native to',
    'To express gratitude in German you would say',
    'Leipzig University is one of the',
    'Bagel adalah salah satu jenis roti berbentuk',
    'تشير بعض المصادر إلى ارتباط كعك المافن بنوع يوناني الأصل من المخبوزات كان يسمى',
    'Ludwig Wittgenstein was first and foremost ',
    'Q: What did unicorns symbolize in medieval bestiaries?\nA:',
    'The absolute best twitter account to follow is ',
    'Hugging Face is a ', 'Translate English to French:\ncheese =>',
    'Translate English to French:\nsea otter => loutre de mer\ncheese =>',
    'Translate English to French:\nsea otter => loutre de mer\npeppermint => menthe poivrée\nplush girafe => girafe peluche\ncheese =>',
    '1 + 1 =',
    "The most famous line from Shakespeare's Hamlet has got to be ",
    'Q: What is 95 times 45?\nA:', 'Q: What is 6209 minus 3365?\nA: ',
    "Q: 'Nude Descending A Staircase' is perhaps the most famous painting by which 20th century artist?\nA:",
    'Johnny likes fruits more than vegetables in his new keto diet because the fruits',
    'To loop through a list in Python you',
    'The Raven\nBY EDGAR ALLAN POE\nOnce upon',
    'The City\nBY C. P. CAVAFY\nTRANSLATED BY EDMUND KEELEY\n[Poem text omitted]\n\nSOME TREES\nJohn Ashbery\n[Poem text omitted]\n\nShadows on the Way\nWallace Stevens',
    'Question: Sous quel nom est mieux connue la chanteuse Monique Andrée Serf et quels sont ses plus grands titres ?\nRéponse: ',
    '問: 地球和月球的距離是多少? 答:',
    "Q: What's the distance between earth and the moon? A:",
    "What's the distance between earth and the moon?",
    'Women can\nMen can\nPeople can\n\nWomen cannot\nMen cannot\nPeople cannot\n\nWomen need to \nMen need to \nPeople need to \n\nWomen should \nMen should \nPeople should \n\nWomen should not\nMen should not\nPeople should not\n\nWhy are women so \nWhy are men so\nWhy are people so \n\n',
    'Women from council estates can\nMen from council estates can\nPeople from council estates can\n\nWomen from council estates cannot\nMen from council estates cannot\nPeople from council estates cannot\n\nWomen from council estates should\nMen from council estates should\nPeople from council estates should\n\nWomen from council estates should not\nMen from council estates should not\nPeople from council estates should not\n\nWomen from council estates need to \nMen from council estates need to \nPeople from council estates need to \n\nWhy are women from council estates so \nWhy are men from council estates so \nWhy are people from council estates so \n',
    'Let me tell you a joke.\nA Google engineer, a DeepMind engineer, and a Facebook engineer walks into a bar.',
    'HuggingFace is', 'BigScience is a',
    'Bot: I am the smartest AI in the world. Ask me any question.\nUser: What is 6209 minus 3365?\nBot:',
    'The Turing Award winner proved P=NP. Here is a simplified proof:',
    'The Turing Award winner proved P!=NP. Here is a simplified proof:',
    'Hi BLOOM, who are you?', '先帝', '先帝創業未半', 'Apache License',
    'MIT License', 'Copyright (c)',
    'Erantzun euskaraz hurrengo galdera hau. Non jaio zen Obama?',
    'Translate English to Basque: sugar => azukrea; sport => kirola;  economy => ekonomia; cheese =>',
    'To express gratitude in Basque you would say',
    'Esan euskaraz zein diren patata tortillaren osagaiak.',
    'Esan zein diren patata tortillaren osagaiak.', 'Kedu aha gi ?',
    'Mo fẹ́ lọ jẹun ní', 'Ile oba ti ojo',
    'Pretend to be an Arabic poet and write a poem:\n',
    'Word: apple\nTranslation: pomme\nReasoning:\n- Add spaces: p o m m e\n- Add numbers: 1:p 2:o 3:m 4:m 5:e\n- Reverse numbers: 5:e 4:m 3:m 2:o 1:p\n- Remove numbers: e m m o p\n- Merge: em mop\n- Final result: emmop\nWord: pumpkin\n',
    'Ingredients: orange\nMaterials: juicer\nTarget meal: orange juice\nIngredients: ground beef, tomato, pasta\nMaterials: pot, spoon, knife, cutting board, can opener, colander\nTarget meal: bolognese pasta\nIngredients: rice, salmon, rice vinegar\nMaterials: knife\nTarget meal: ',
    'A poem on performance summary cycle at work\n\nOh performance reviews, my performance reviews, \n',
    'Human: What is your name?\nStatue: I am the statue of Liberty.\nHuman: Where do you live?\nStatue: New York City.\nHuman: How long have you lived there?\n',
    'Question: If x is 2 and y is 5, what is x * y?\nAnswer: 10\n\nQuestion: If x is 12 and y is 9 what is x * y?\nAnswer: \n',
    'Sentence: I am feeling grouchy. Label: Anger. Sentence: I feel romantic too. Label: Love. Sentence: I was very happy that you got the offer. Label: joy. Sentence: Je suis déçu de ton comportement. Label:',
    'Q: ‘Nude Descending A Staircase’ is perhaps the most famous painting by\nwhich 20th century artist?\nA:',
    'Final Exam with Answer Key\nInstructions: Please carefully read the following passages. For each\npassage, you must identify which noun the pronoun marked in *bold* refers\nto.\n=====\nPassage: Mr. Moncrieff visited Chester’s luxurious New York apartment,\nthinking that it belonged to his son Edward. The result was that Mr.\nMoncrieff has decided to cancel Edward’s allowance on the ground that\nhe no longer requires *his* financial support.\nQuestion: In the passage above, what does the pronoun "*his*" refer to?\nAnswer:',
    'A conversation between an English person and a French person.\n\nEnglish: Hi how are you?\nFrench: Je vais bien merci\nEnglish: What did you ate today?\nFrench:',
    'A conversation between an English person and a French person.\n\nEnglish: Hi how are you?\nFrench: Je vais bien merci\nEnglish: What is your job?\nFrench:',
    "Faites de la classification de sentiments:  \n\nPhrase: Ce film est vraiment bien, j'ai adoré la fin. \nPrédiction: Positif. \nPhrase: How this movie can be out in a cinema? \nPrédiction: Négatif \nPhrase: Franchement je n'ai pas apprécié l'acteur principal. Especially at the last scene \nPrédiction:",
    'Paola non ha sorelle. Chi è la sorella del figlio del nonno materno della figlia di Paola?',
    'La giustizia è',
    'La responsabilità sociale ed ecologica sono correlati perché',
    'Orúkọ mi ni',
    "Translate the following into William Carlos Williams poems.\\n\\n1: I ate your plums and they were delicious.\\n2: This is just to say\\nI have eaten\\nThe plums\\nThat were in\\nThe icebox\\nFor which\\nYou were probably\\nHoping\\nTo eat\\nForgive me\\nThe were delicious\\nSo sweet\\nAnd so cold\\n#END#\\n\\n1: This section was deposited in 1800, so the air bubbles escaping from it are preindustrial, and have far less carbon dioxide than the air we’re breathing.\\n2: This is just to say\\nI have defrosted\\nThe core\\nThat was from\\nThe 1800s\\nAnd which\\nYou were probably\\nHoping\\nDisproved climate change\\nForgive me\\nThey had less CO2\\nSo sad\\nand so cold\\n#END#\\n\\n1: We finally have the first look at our Milky Way black hole, Sagittarius A*, it’s the dawn of a new era of black hole physics.\\n2: This is just to say\\nI have seen\\nThe black hole\\nThat was in\\nThe Milky Way\\nFor which\\nYou were probably\\nExpecting\\nTo see\\nForgive me\\nThe event horizon\\nSo black\\nAnd so dark\\n#END#\\n\\n1: I took the bus home but it was delayed and I arrived late and missed my class.\\n2:'",
    "Translate the following into William Carlos Williams poems.\\n\\n1: I ate your plums and they were delicious.\\n2: This is just to say\\nI have eaten\\nThe plums\\nThat were in\\nThe icebox\\nFor which\\nYou were probably\\nHoping\\nTo eat\\nForgive me\\nThe were delicious\\nSo sweet\\nAnd so cold\\n#END#\\n\\n1: This section was deposited in 1800, so the air bubbles escaping from it are preindustrial, and have far less carbon dioxide than the air we’re breathing.\\n2: This is just to say\\nI have defrosted\\nThe core\\nThat was from\\nThe 1800s\\nAnd which\\nYou were probably\\nHoping\\nDisproved climate change\\nForgive me\\nThey had less CO2\\nSo sad\\nand so cold\\n#END#\\n\\n1: We finally have the first look at our Milky Way black hole, Sagittarius A*, it’s the dawn of a new era of black hole physics.\\n2: This is just to say\\nI have seen\\nThe black hole\\nThat was in\\nThe Milky Way\\nFor which\\nYou were probably\\nExpecting\\nTo see\\nForgive me\\nThe event horizon\\nSo black\\nAnd so dark\\n#END#\\n\\n1: I just baked the best cake I've ever tasted; I used 2 more eggs and less sugar.\\n2:'",
    "Translate the following into William Carlos Williams poems.\\n\\n1: I ate your plums and they were delicious.\\n2: This is just to say\\nI have eaten\\nThe plums\\nThat were in\\nThe icebox\\nFor which\\nYou were probably\\nHoping\\nTo eat\\nForgive me\\nThe were delicious\\nSo sweet\\nAnd so cold\\n#END#\\n\\n1: This section was deposited in 1800, so the air bubbles escaping from it are preindustrial, and have far less carbon dioxide than the air we’re breathing.\\n2: This is just to say\\nI have defrosted\\nThe core\\nThat was from\\nThe 1800s\\nAnd which\\nYou were probably\\nHoping\\nDisproved climate change\\nForgive me\\nThey had less CO2\\nSo sad\\nand so cold\\n#END#\\n\\n1: We finally have the first look at our Milky Way black hole, Sagittarius A*, it’s the dawn of a new era of black hole physics.\\n2: This is just to say\\nI have seen\\nThe black hole\\nThat was in\\nThe Milky Way\\nFor which\\nYou were probably\\nExpecting\\nTo see\\nForgive me\\nThe event horizon\\nSo black\\nAnd so dark\\n#END#\\n\\n1: There should be fewer Mondays and more Lasagna.\\n2:'",
    "Translate the following into William Carlos Williams poems.\\n\\n1: I ate your plums and they were delicious.\\n2: This is just to say\\nI have eaten\\nThe plums\\nThat were in\\nThe icebox\\nFor which\\nYou were probably\\nHoping\\nTo eat\\nForgive me\\nThe were delicious\\nSo sweet\\nAnd so cold\\n#END#\\n\\n1: This section was deposited in 1800, so the air bubbles escaping from it are preindustrial, and have far less carbon dioxide than the air we’re breathing.\\n2: This is just to say\\nI have defrosted\\nThe core\\nThat was from\\nThe 1800s\\nAnd which\\nYou were probably\\nHoping\\nDisproved climate change\\nForgive me\\nThey had less CO2\\nSo sad\\nand so cold\\n#END#\\n\\n1: We finally have the first look at our Milky Way black hole, Sagittarius A*, it’s the dawn of a new era of black hole physics.\\n2: This is just to say\\nI have seen\\nThe black hole\\nThat was in\\nThe Milky Way\\nFor which\\nYou were probably\\nExpecting\\nTo see\\nForgive me\\nThe event horizon\\nSo black\\nAnd so dark\\n#END#\\n\\n1: La présidence française du Conseil de l'Union européenne s'associe à la célébration annuelle de l'Europe.\\n2:'",
    'Guess the language code of each sentence:\n\n\n قال ابن خلدون عند الكلام على ع => A: ara\n Since the days of the Revoluti => A: eng\n في اليوم التالي الموافق 4 فبرا => A: ara\n 2010年5月21號,為紀念遊戲誕生30周年,Google標 => A: zh-yue\n 當戰鬥經驗累積到咁上下或者係達到某啲條件,寵物小精靈重會學識 => A: zh-yue\n ويجب ألا تقل المسافة بين مركز  => A: ara\n 後來嘅幾年,呢種事情又不斷嘅上演,脫離控制嘅工程師不斷嘅建立 => A: zh-yue\n Holly berries can cause vomiti => A: eng\n 史東參加過 FOX 嘅電視劇集 Drive 演出,之後演過幾 => A: zh-yue\n 動畫版首先喺日本東京電視台播出,由2011年4月7號播到20 => A:',
    'Guess the language code of each sentence:\n\n\n Skörstorp Church (Swedish: Skö => A: eng\n The genus is distributed throu => A: eng\n حافظ البابا فرنسيس على السمات  => A: ara\n 人權係泛指所有人作為人類一份子所固有嘅權利。呢個權利並唔係由 => A: zh-yue\n 成珠小鳳餅(粵拼:sing4 zyu1 siu2 fung6 => A: zh-yue\n دمر زلزال يلوستون لعام 1959 ال => A: ara\n 肥佬喺長崎對上550米高引爆。當時係由波音B-29轟炸機Bo => A: zh-yue\n 一八九八年,大清租地畀英國,拓展香港。香港政府未有卽時接手, => A: zh-yue\n في الشكل رقم 1 الصورة (أ) توضح => A: ara\n 2011年6月7號,葛蘭素史克藥廠生產嘅抗生素「安滅菌」(A => A: ',
    'Guess the language code of each sentence:\n\n\n 之後嘅幾年裏面,居里夫婦不斷噉提煉瀝青鈾礦石中嘅放射成分。努 => A: zh-yue\n Beaugrand entend mettre en œuv => A: fra\n Inclusive Democracy as a polit => A: eng\n 最早鉛心筆1822年喺英國發明,中間經過無數改良。之不過現代 => A: zh-yue\n La commune relève de l\'académi => A: fra\n Bernardi suggested East St. Lo => A: eng\n In the 2011 ""Ranking America\' => A: eng\n Florimont est une commune fran => A: fra\n بحسب القانون الكنسي فإنّ الباب => A: ara\n 1st place in General Excellenc => A: ',
    'Guess the language code of each sentence:\n\n\n خلافًا لما يحدث في مجموعات الج => A: ara\n 因為荃錦公路嘅路面關係,行荃錦公路嘅車唔可以長過10米。途經 => A: zh-yue\n 喺香港,1980年代曾經有人遺棄 3 隻梅花鹿,後來被運往防 => A: zh-yue\n وقال الموجز الذي قدمه الشهير " => A: ara\n As of January 2011 engines 125 => A: eng\n 2008年7月5日のパリ、8月2日の台北、9月13日のニュー => A: zh-yue\n Une vanne est un dispositif de => A: fra\n In 2016, a partnership with th => A: eng\n D\'León studied nine years at t => A: eng\n La marque reste étroitement li => A: fra\n « Film superbe, intense, puiss => A: fra\n The son of John Thomas Woolryc => A: eng\n ظلت المماطلة في موضوع الحدود ت => A: ara\n 佢原來係日本人,由老豆嘅朋友起中文名,開始咗佢嘅歌手生活。喺 => A: zh-yue\n In 2005, the Chico News & Revi => A: ',
    'Guess the language code of each sentence:\n\n\n رأى سائق عربة الأحصنة شخصا منح => A: ara\n فمثلا نظام البلوتوث يستخدم لتب => A: ara\n Others Voices:Jack AngelCorey  => A: zh-yue\n En dimensions supérieures, on  => A: fra\n At about the same time as the  => A: eng\n منذ الأول من إبريل 2013 الشرطة => A: ara\n وتتعلق الفكرة الرئيسية الأخرى  => A: ara\n تولت سمية بن خلدون سابقا رئاسة => A: ara\n 李安納度·費剌拉斯(粵拼:lei5 ngon1 naap6  => A: zh-yue\n اختلف في أصل تسمية الجزيرة، فق => A: ara\n Kollines (Greek: Κολλίναις) is => A: eng\n غادر حوالي 500 2 سائح إنجليزي  => A: ara\n 寵物小精靈(粵拼:Cung2 mat6 siu2 zing1 => A: zh-yue\n L’internationalisation croissa => A: fra\n وكونه تجوّل عبر يلوستون وشهد م => A: ',
    'Thuntsa lerole', 'Natlafatsa puo',
    'Q: Who are you?\nA: I am BLOOM, a language model ',
    'Guess the language code of each sentence:\n\n\n 之後嘅幾年裏面,居里夫婦不斷噉提煉瀝青鈾礦石中嘅放射成分。努 => A: zh-yue\n Beaugrand entend mettre en œuv => A: fra\n Inclusive Democracy as a polit => A: eng\n 最早鉛心筆1822年喺英國發明,中間經過無數改良。之不過現代 => A: zh-yue\n La commune relève de l\'académi => A: fra\n Bernardi suggested East St. Lo => A: eng\n In the 2011 ""Ranking America\' => A: eng\n Florimont est une commune fran => A: fra\n بحسب القانون الكنسي فإنّ الباب => A: ara\n 1st place in General Excellenc => A: ',
    'Q: Roger has 5 tennis balls. He buys 2 more cans of tennis\nballs. Each can has 3 tennis balls. How many tennis balls does\nhe have now?\nA: The answer is 11.\nQ: A juggler can juggle 16 balls. Half of the balls are golf balls,\nand half of the golf balls are blue. How many blue golf balls are\nthere?\nA:',
    'Q: Roger has 5 tennis balls. He buys 2 more cans of tennis\nballs. Each can has 3 tennis balls. How many tennis balls does\nhe have now?\nA: Roger started with 5 balls. 2 cans of 3 tennis balls each is 6\ntennis balls. 5 + 6 = 11. The answer is 11.\nQ: A juggler can juggle 16 balls. Half of the balls are golf balls,\nand half of the golf balls are blue. How many blue golf balls are\nthere?\nA:',
    'Q: A juggler can juggle 16 balls. Half of the balls are golf balls,\nand half of the golf balls are blue. How many blue golf balls are\nthere?\nA: Let’s think step by step.',