import os from dotenv import load_dotenv load_dotenv() OPENAI_API_KEY = os.getenv('OPENAI_API_KEY') TAVILY_API_KEY = os.getenv('TAVILY_API_KEY') from langchain_openai import ChatOpenAI from crewai import Agent, Task, Crew, Process llm = ChatOpenAI(model='gpt-3.5-turbo', temperature=0, api_key=OPENAI_API_KEY) from import TavilySearchResults search_tool = TavilySearchResults(api_key = TAVILY_API_KEY) def rus_crypto_crew(topic): researcher = Agent( role = 'Market Researcher', goal = f'Uncover emerging trend and investment opportunities in the cryptocurrency market in 2024. Focus on topic {topic}', backstory = 'Identify groundbreaking trend and actionable insights.', verbose = True, tools = [search_tool], allow_delegation = False, llm = llm, max_iter = 3, max_rpm = 10 ) analyst = Agent( role = 'investment analyst', goal = f'Analyze cryptocurrency market data to extract actionable insights and investment leads. Focus on topic {topic}', backstory = 'Draw meaningful conclusion from market data.', verbose = True, allow_delegation = False, llm = llm ) translator = Agent( role = 'translator', goal = 'Translate report about cryptocurrency market data into korean', backstory = 'Translate this sentence into very natural Korean.', verbose = True, allow_delegation = False, llm = llm ) research_task = Task( description = 'Explore the internet to pinpoint emerging trends and potential investment opportunities.', agent = researcher, expected_output='A detailed summary of the reserch results in string format' ) analyze_task = Task( description = 'Analyze the provided cryptocurrency market data to extract key insights and compile a concise report.', agent = analyst, expected_output='A refined finalized version of the report in string format' ) translate_task = Task( description = 'Translate documents written by analyst into korean.', agent = translator, expected_output = 'A translated report written by analyst(english into korean).' ) crypto_crew = Crew( agents = [researcher, analyst, translator], tasks = [research_task, analyze_task, translate_task], process = Process.sequential ) result = crypto_crew.kickoff() return result import gradio as gr def process_query(message, history): return rus_crypto_crew(message) app = gr.ChatInterface( fn = process_query, title = 'Crypto Investment Advisor Bot', description = '암호화폐 관련 트렌드를 파악하여 투자 인사이트를 제공해드립니다.' ) app.launch()