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#!/usr/bin/env python
# coding=utf-8
# Copyright 2023 The HuggingFace Inc. team. All rights reserved.
# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
# You may obtain a copy of the License at
# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
# limitations under the License.
import ast
import difflib
from import Mapping
from typing import Any, Callable, Dict
class InterpretorError(ValueError):
An error raised when the interpretor cannot evaluate a Python expression, due to syntax error or unsupported
def evaluate(code: str, tools: Dict[str, Callable], state=None, chat_mode=False):
Evaluate a python expression using the content of the variables stored in a state and only evaluating a given set
of functions.
This function will recurse through the nodes of the tree provided.
code (`str`):
The code to evaluate.
tools (`Dict[str, Callable]`):
The functions that may be called during the evaluation. Any call to another function will fail with an
state (`Dict[str, Any]`):
A dictionary mapping variable names to values. The `state` should contain the initial inputs but will be
updated by this function to contain all variables as they are evaluated.
chat_mode (`bool`, *optional*, defaults to `False`):
Whether or not the function is called from ``.
expression = ast.parse(code)
except SyntaxError as e:
print("The code generated by the agent is not valid.\n", e)
if state is None:
state = {}
result = None
for idx, node in enumerate(expression.body):
line_result = evaluate_ast(node, state, tools)
except InterpretorError as e:
msg = f"Evaluation of the code stopped at line {idx} before the end because of the following error"
if chat_mode:
msg += (
f". Copy paste the following error message and send it back to the agent:\nI get an error: '{e}'"
msg += f":\n{e}"
if line_result is not None:
result = line_result
return result
def evaluate_ast(expression: ast.AST, state: Dict[str, Any], tools: Dict[str, Callable]):
Evaluate an absract syntax tree using the content of the variables stored in a state and only evaluating a given
set of functions.
This function will recurse trough the nodes of the tree provided.
expression (`ast.AST`):
The code to evaluate, as an abastract syntax tree.
state (`Dict[str, Any]`):
A dictionary mapping variable names to values. The `state` is updated if need be when the evaluation
encounters assignements.
tools (`Dict[str, Callable]`):
The functions that may be called during the evaluation. Any call to another function will fail with an
if isinstance(expression, ast.Assign):
# Assignement -> we evaluate the assignement which should update the state
# We return the variable assigned as it may be used to determine the final result.
return evaluate_assign(expression, state, tools)
elif isinstance(expression, ast.Call):
# Function call -> we return the value of the function call
return evaluate_call(expression, state, tools)
elif isinstance(expression, ast.Constant):
# Constant -> just return the value
return expression.value
elif isinstance(expression, ast.Dict):
# Dict -> evaluate all keys and values
keys = [evaluate_ast(k, state, tools) for k in expression.keys]
values = [evaluate_ast(v, state, tools) for v in expression.values]
return dict(zip(keys, values))
elif isinstance(expression, ast.Expr):
# Expression -> evaluate the content
return evaluate_ast(expression.value, state, tools)
elif isinstance(expression, ast.For):
# For loop -> execute the loop
return evaluate_for(expression, state, tools)
elif isinstance(expression, ast.FormattedValue):
# Formatted value (part of f-string) -> evaluate the content and return
return evaluate_ast(expression.value, state, tools)
elif isinstance(expression, ast.If):
# If -> execute the right branch
return evaluate_if(expression, state, tools)
elif hasattr(ast, "Index") and isinstance(expression, ast.Index):
return evaluate_ast(expression.value, state, tools)
elif isinstance(expression, ast.JoinedStr):
return "".join([str(evaluate_ast(v, state, tools)) for v in expression.values])
elif isinstance(expression, ast.List):
# List -> evaluate all elements
return [evaluate_ast(elt, state, tools) for elt in expression.elts]
elif isinstance(expression, ast.Name):
# Name -> pick up the value in the state
return evaluate_name(expression, state, tools)
elif isinstance(expression, ast.Subscript):
# Subscript -> return the value of the indexing
return evaluate_subscript(expression, state, tools)
# For now we refuse anything else. Let's add things as we need them.
raise InterpretorError(f"{expression.__class__.__name__} is not supported.")
def evaluate_assign(assign, state, tools):
var_names = assign.targets
result = evaluate_ast(assign.value, state, tools)
if len(var_names) == 1:
state[var_names[0].id] = result
if len(result) != len(var_names):
raise InterpretorError(f"Expected {len(var_names)} values but got {len(result)}.")
for var_name, r in zip(var_names, result):
state[] = r
return result
def evaluate_call(call, state, tools):
if not isinstance(call.func, ast.Name):
raise InterpretorError(
f"It is not permitted to evaluate other functions than the provided tools (tried to execute {call.func} of "
f"type {type(call.func)}."
func_name =
if func_name not in tools:
raise InterpretorError(
f"It is not permitted to evaluate other functions than the provided tools (tried to execute {})."
func = tools[func_name]
# Todo deal with args
args = [evaluate_ast(arg, state, tools) for arg in call.args]
kwargs = {keyword.arg: evaluate_ast(keyword.value, state, tools) for keyword in call.keywords}
return func(*args, **kwargs)
def evaluate_subscript(subscript, state, tools):
index = evaluate_ast(subscript.slice, state, tools)
value = evaluate_ast(subscript.value, state, tools)
if isinstance(value, (list, tuple)):
return value[int(index)]
if index in value:
return value[index]
if isinstance(index, str) and isinstance(value, Mapping):
close_matches = difflib.get_close_matches(index, list(value.keys()))
if len(close_matches) > 0:
return value[close_matches[0]]
raise InterpretorError(f"Could not index {value} with '{index}'.")
def evaluate_name(name, state, tools):
if in state:
return state[]
close_matches = difflib.get_close_matches(, list(state.keys()))
if len(close_matches) > 0:
return state[close_matches[0]]
raise InterpretorError(f"The variable `{}` is not defined.")
def evaluate_condition(condition, state, tools):
if len(condition.ops) > 1:
raise InterpretorError("Cannot evaluate conditions with multiple operators")
left = evaluate_ast(condition.left, state, tools)
comparator = condition.ops[0]
right = evaluate_ast(condition.comparators[0], state, tools)
if isinstance(comparator, ast.Eq):
return left == right
elif isinstance(comparator, ast.NotEq):
return left != right
elif isinstance(comparator, ast.Lt):
return left < right
elif isinstance(comparator, ast.LtE):
return left <= right
elif isinstance(comparator, ast.Gt):
return left > right
elif isinstance(comparator, ast.GtE):
return left >= right
elif isinstance(comparator, ast.Is):
return left is right
elif isinstance(comparator, ast.IsNot):
return left is not right
elif isinstance(comparator, ast.In):
return left in right
elif isinstance(comparator, ast.NotIn):
return left not in right
raise InterpretorError(f"Operator not supported: {comparator}")
def evaluate_if(if_statement, state, tools):
result = None
if evaluate_condition(if_statement.test, state, tools):
for line in if_statement.body:
line_result = evaluate_ast(line, state, tools)
if line_result is not None:
result = line_result
for line in if_statement.orelse:
line_result = evaluate_ast(line, state, tools)
if line_result is not None:
result = line_result
return result
def evaluate_for(for_loop, state, tools):
result = None
iterator = evaluate_ast(for_loop.iter, state, tools)
for counter in iterator:
state[] = counter
for expression in for_loop.body:
line_result = evaluate_ast(expression, state, tools)
if line_result is not None:
result = line_result
return result