import gradio as gr import subprocess import os import sys from .common_gui import ( get_saveasfilename_path, get_file_path, is_file_writable, scriptdir, list_files, create_refresh_button, setup_environment ) from .custom_logging import setup_logging # Set up logging log = setup_logging() folder_symbol = "\U0001f4c2" # 📂 refresh_symbol = "\U0001f504" # 🔄 save_style_symbol = "\U0001f4be" # 💾 document_symbol = "\U0001F4C4" # 📄 PYTHON = sys.executable def extract_lora( model_tuned, model_org, save_to, save_precision, dim, v2, sdxl, conv_dim, clamp_quantile, min_diff, device, load_original_model_to, load_tuned_model_to, load_precision, ): # Check for caption_text_input if model_tuned == "":"Invalid finetuned model file") return if model_org == "":"Invalid base model file") return # Check if source model exist if not os.path.isfile(model_tuned):"The provided finetuned model is not a file") return if not os.path.isfile(model_org):"The provided base model is not a file") return if os.path.dirname(save_to) == "": # only filename given. prepend dir save_to = os.path.join(os.path.dirname(model_tuned), save_to) if os.path.isdir(save_to): # only dir name given. set default lora name save_to = os.path.join(save_to, "lora.safetensors") if os.path.normpath(model_tuned) == os.path.normpath(save_to): # same path. silently ignore but rename output path, ext = os.path.splitext(save_to) save_to = f"{path}_tmp{ext}" if not is_file_writable(save_to): return run_cmd = [ rf"{PYTHON}", rf"{scriptdir}/sd-scripts/networks/", "--load_precision", load_precision, "--save_precision", save_precision, "--save_to", rf"{save_to}", "--model_org", rf"{model_org}", "--model_tuned", rf"{model_tuned}", "--dim", str(dim), "--device", device, "--clamp_quantile", str(clamp_quantile), "--min_diff", str(min_diff), ] if conv_dim > 0: run_cmd.append("--conv_dim") run_cmd.append(str(conv_dim)) if v2: run_cmd.append("--v2") if sdxl: run_cmd.append("--sdxl") run_cmd.append("--load_original_model_to") run_cmd.append(load_original_model_to) run_cmd.append("--load_tuned_model_to") run_cmd.append(load_tuned_model_to) env = setup_environment() # Reconstruct the safe command string for display command_to_run = " ".join(run_cmd)"Executing command: {command_to_run}") # Run the command in the sd-scripts folder context, env=env) ### # Gradio UI ### def gradio_extract_lora_tab( headless=False, ): current_model_dir = os.path.join(scriptdir, "outputs") current_model_org_dir = os.path.join(scriptdir, "outputs") current_save_dir = os.path.join(scriptdir, "outputs") def list_models(path): nonlocal current_model_dir current_model_dir = path return list(list_files(path, exts=[".ckpt", ".safetensors"], all=True)) def list_org_models(path): nonlocal current_model_org_dir current_model_org_dir = path return list(list_files(path, exts=[".ckpt", ".safetensors"], all=True)) def list_save_to(path): nonlocal current_save_dir current_save_dir = path return list(list_files(path, exts=[".pt", ".safetensors"], all=True)) def change_sdxl(sdxl): return gr.Dropdown(visible=sdxl), gr.Dropdown(visible=sdxl) with gr.Tab("Extract LoRA"): gr.Markdown("This utility can extract a LoRA network from a finetuned model.") lora_ext = gr.Textbox(value="*.safetensors *.pt", visible=False) lora_ext_name = gr.Textbox(value="LoRA model types", visible=False) model_ext = gr.Textbox(value="*.ckpt *.safetensors", visible=False) model_ext_name = gr.Textbox(value="Model types", visible=False) with gr.Group(), gr.Row(): model_tuned = gr.Dropdown( label="Finetuned model (path to the finetuned model to extract)", interactive=True, choices=[""] + list_models(current_model_dir), value="", allow_custom_value=True, ) create_refresh_button( model_tuned, lambda: None, lambda: {"choices": list_models(current_model_dir)}, "open_folder_small", ) button_model_tuned_file = gr.Button( folder_symbol, elem_id="open_folder_small", elem_classes=["tool"], visible=(not headless), ) get_file_path, inputs=[model_tuned, model_ext, model_ext_name], outputs=model_tuned, show_progress=False, ) load_tuned_model_to = gr.Radio( label="Load finetuned model to", choices=["cpu", "cuda", "cuda:0"], value="cpu", interactive=True, scale=1, info="only for SDXL", visible=False, ) model_org = gr.Dropdown( label="Stable Diffusion base model (original model: ckpt or safetensors file)", interactive=True, choices=[""] + list_org_models(current_model_org_dir), value="", allow_custom_value=True, ) create_refresh_button( model_org, lambda: None, lambda: {"choices": list_org_models(current_model_org_dir)}, "open_folder_small", ) button_model_org_file = gr.Button( folder_symbol, elem_id="open_folder_small", elem_classes=["tool"], visible=(not headless), ) get_file_path, inputs=[model_org, model_ext, model_ext_name], outputs=model_org, show_progress=False, ) load_original_model_to = gr.Dropdown( label="Load Stable Diffusion base model to", choices=["cpu", "cuda", "cuda:0"], value="cpu", interactive=True, scale=1, info="only for SDXL", visible=False, ) with gr.Group(), gr.Row(): save_to = gr.Dropdown( label="Save to (path where to save the extracted LoRA model...)", interactive=True, choices=[""] + list_save_to(current_save_dir), value="", allow_custom_value=True, scale=2, ) create_refresh_button( save_to, lambda: None, lambda: {"choices": list_save_to(current_save_dir)}, "open_folder_small", ) button_save_to = gr.Button( folder_symbol, elem_id="open_folder_small", elem_classes=["tool"], visible=(not headless), ) get_saveasfilename_path, inputs=[save_to, lora_ext, lora_ext_name], outputs=save_to, show_progress=False, ) save_precision = gr.Radio( label="Save precision", choices=["fp16", "bf16", "float"], value="fp16", interactive=True, scale=1, ) load_precision = gr.Radio( label="Load precision", choices=["fp16", "bf16", "float"], value="fp16", interactive=True, scale=1, ) model_tuned.change( fn=lambda path: gr.Dropdown(choices=[""] + list_models(path)), inputs=model_tuned, outputs=model_tuned, show_progress=False, ) model_org.change( fn=lambda path: gr.Dropdown(choices=[""] + list_org_models(path)), inputs=model_org, outputs=model_org, show_progress=False, ) save_to.change( fn=lambda path: gr.Dropdown(choices=[""] + list_save_to(path)), inputs=save_to, outputs=save_to, show_progress=False, ) with gr.Row(): dim = gr.Slider( minimum=4, maximum=1024, label="Network Dimension (Rank)", value=128, step=1, interactive=True, ) conv_dim = gr.Slider( minimum=0, maximum=1024, label="Conv Dimension (Rank)", value=128, step=1, interactive=True, ) clamp_quantile = gr.Number( label="Clamp Quantile", value=0.99, minimum=0, maximum=1, step=0.001, interactive=True, ) min_diff = gr.Number( label="Minimum difference", value=0.01, minimum=0, maximum=1, step=0.001, interactive=True, ) with gr.Row(): v2 = gr.Checkbox(label="v2", value=False, interactive=True) sdxl = gr.Checkbox(label="SDXL", value=False, interactive=True) device = gr.Radio( label="Device", choices=[ "cpu", "cuda", ], value="cuda", interactive=True, ) sdxl.change( change_sdxl, inputs=sdxl, outputs=[load_tuned_model_to, load_original_model_to], ) extract_button = gr.Button("Extract LoRA model") extract_lora, inputs=[ model_tuned, model_org, save_to, save_precision, dim, v2, sdxl, conv_dim, clamp_quantile, min_diff, device, load_original_model_to, load_tuned_model_to, load_precision, ], show_progress=False, )