import pandas as pd
import joblib
import numpy as np
import gradio as gr

# Laden der zusätzlichen Daten aus der CSV-Datei
df_bfs_data = pd.read_csv('bfs_municipality_and_tax_data_2021_cleaned.csv', sep=',', encoding='utf-8')
df_bfs_data['MEAN_TAXABLE_INCOME'] = df_bfs_data['MEAN_TAXABLE_INCOME'].astype(str).str.replace("'", "").astype(float)

# Laden der locations aus der locations.csv Datei
locations_df = pd.read_csv('locations.csv', sep=',', encoding='utf-8')
locations = dict(zip(locations_df['BFS_NAME'], locations_df['BFS_NUMMER']))

# Modell laden
randomforest_model = joblib.load('randomforest_regression_super.pkl')
another_model = joblib.load('randomforest_regression_bleifrei.pkl')

# Define the core prediction function
def predict_petrol_price(distance1, distance2, distance3, town):
    if town not in locations:
        return "Town not found in locations.", "Town not found in locations."
    bfs_number = locations[town]
    df = df_bfs_data[df_bfs_data['BFS_NUMMER'] == bfs_number]

    if len(df) != 1:  # if there are more than two records with the same bfs_number return -1
        return "Data inconsistency detected.", "Data inconsistency detected."
    input = pd.DataFrame({
        'POP': [df['POP'].iloc[0]],
        'POP_DENS': [df['POP_DENS'].iloc[0]],
        'FRG_PCT': [df['FRG_PCT'].iloc[0]],
        'EMP': [df['EMP'].iloc[0]],
        'distance_m': [distance1],
        'distance_2_m': [distance2],
        'distance_3_m': [distance3]

    prediction1 = randomforest_model.predict(input)
    prediction2 = another_model.predict(input)
    rounded_prediction1 = round(float(prediction1[0]), 3)
    rounded_prediction2 = round(float(prediction2[0]), 3)

    return rounded_prediction1, rounded_prediction2

# Erstellen der Gradio-Oberfläche
iface = gr.Interface(
    inputs=[gr.Number(label="Distance to highway entrance (m)"), gr.Number(label="Distance to a hotel (m)"), gr.Number(label="Distance to a supermarket (m)"), gr.Dropdown(choices=locations.keys(), label="Town")],
    outputs=[gr.Number(label="Random Forest Prediction - Super"), gr.Number(label="Random Forest Prediction - Bleifrei95")],
    examples=[[100, 200, 300, "Winterthur"], [150, 250, 350, "Kloten"], [5000, 5000, 2000, "Elsau"], [9400, 5500, 100, "Burgdorf"]]
