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import logging
from dataclasses import asdict, dataclass
from pathlib import Path
from typing import Union
from omegaconf import OmegaConf
from rich.console import Console
from rich.panel import Panel
from rich.table import Table
logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)
console = Console()
def _make_stft_cfg(hop_length, win_length=None):
if win_length is None:
win_length = 4 * hop_length
n_fft = 2 ** (win_length - 1).bit_length()
return dict(n_fft=n_fft, hop_length=hop_length, win_length=win_length)
def _build_rich_table(rows, columns, title=None):
table = Table(title=title, header_style=None)
for column in columns:
table.add_column(column.capitalize(), justify="left")
for row in rows:
table.add_row(*map(str, row))
return Panel(table, expand=False)
def _rich_print_dict(d, title="Config", key="Key", value="Value"):
console.print(_build_rich_table(d.items(), [key, value], title))
class HParams:
# Dataset
fg_dir: Path = Path("data/fg")
bg_dir: Path = Path("data/bg")
rir_dir: Path = Path("data/rir")
load_fg_only: bool = False
praat_augment_prob: float = 0
# Audio settings
wav_rate: int = 44_100
n_fft: int = 2048
win_size: int = 2048
hop_size: int = 420 # 9.5ms
num_mels: int = 128
stft_magnitude_min: float = 1e-4
preemphasis: float = 0.97
mix_alpha_range: tuple[float, float] = (0.2, 0.8)
# Training
nj: int = 64
training_seconds: float = 1.0
batch_size_per_gpu: int = 16
min_lr: float = 1e-5
max_lr: float = 1e-4
warmup_steps: int = 1000
max_steps: int = 1_000_000
gradient_clipping: float = 1.0
def deepspeed_config(self):
return {
"train_micro_batch_size_per_gpu": self.batch_size_per_gpu,
"optimizer": {
"type": "Adam",
"params": {"lr": float(self.min_lr)},
"scheduler": {
"type": "WarmupDecayLR",
"params": {
"warmup_min_lr": float(self.min_lr),
"warmup_max_lr": float(self.max_lr),
"warmup_num_steps": self.warmup_steps,
"total_num_steps": self.max_steps,
"warmup_type": "linear",
"gradient_clipping": self.gradient_clipping,
def stft_cfgs(self):
assert self.wav_rate == 44_100, f"wav_rate must be 44_100, got {self.wav_rate}"
return [_make_stft_cfg(h) for h in (100, 256, 512)]
def from_yaml(cls, path: Path) -> "HParams":"Reading hparams from {path}")
# First merge to fix types (e.g., str -> Path)
return cls(**dict(OmegaConf.merge(cls(), OmegaConf.load(path))))
def save_if_not_exists(self, run_dir: Path):
path = run_dir / "hparams.yaml"
if path.exists():"{path} already exists, not saving")
path.parent.mkdir(parents=True, exist_ok=True), str(path))
def load(cls, run_dir, yaml: Union[Path, None] = None):
hps = []
if (run_dir / "hparams.yaml").exists():
hps.append(cls.from_yaml(run_dir / "hparams.yaml"))
if yaml is not None:
if len(hps) == 0:
for hp in hps[1:]:
if hp != hps[0]:
errors = {}
for k, v in asdict(hp).items():
if getattr(hps[0], k) != v:
errors[k] = f"{getattr(hps[0], k)} != {v}"
raise ValueError(
f"Found inconsistent hparams: {errors}, consider deleting {run_dir}"
return hps[0]
def print(self):
_rich_print_dict(asdict(self), title="HParams")