File size: 17,935 Bytes
f64a2f2 edff93e 88764b1 f64a2f2 edff93e 158c0ce edff93e f64a2f2 edff93e f64a2f2 edff93e f64a2f2 edff93e f64a2f2 edff93e f64a2f2 050f8f9 f64a2f2 050f8f9 f64a2f2 050f8f9 edff93e f64a2f2 050f8f9 f64a2f2 edff93e f64a2f2 edff93e f64a2f2 158c0ce edff93e f64a2f2 158c0ce edff93e 050f8f9 f64a2f2 050f8f9 f64a2f2 3f08c79 88764b1 b226c36 27d0c1d 8d8d6bc 27d0c1d 88764b1 911025d edff93e f64a2f2 3f08c79 b226c36 edff93e f64a2f2 edff93e f64a2f2 ca69aa3 |
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#!/usr/bin/env python3
# Copyright (C) 2024-present Naver Corporation. All rights reserved.
# Licensed under CC BY-NC-SA 4.0 (non-commercial use only).
# --------------------------------------------------------
# sparse gradio demo functions
# --------------------------------------------------------
import math
import gradio
import os
import numpy as np
import functools
import trimesh
import copy
from scipy.spatial.transform import Rotation
import tempfile
import shutil
import spaces
from mast3r.cloud_opt.sparse_ga import sparse_global_alignment
from mast3r.cloud_opt.tsdf_optimizer import TSDFPostProcess
import mast3r.utils.path_to_dust3r # noqa
from dust3r.image_pairs import make_pairs
from dust3r.utils.image import load_images
from dust3r.utils.device import to_numpy
from dust3r.viz import add_scene_cam, CAM_COLORS, OPENGL, pts3d_to_trimesh, cat_meshes
from dust3r.demo import get_args_parser as dust3r_get_args_parser
import matplotlib.pyplot as pl
class SparseGAState():
def __init__(self, sparse_ga, should_delete=False, cache_dir=None, outfile_name=None):
self.sparse_ga = sparse_ga
self.cache_dir = cache_dir
self.outfile_name = outfile_name
self.should_delete = should_delete
def __del__(self):
if not self.should_delete:
if self.cache_dir is not None and os.path.isdir(self.cache_dir):
self.cache_dir = None
if self.outfile_name is not None and os.path.isfile(self.outfile_name):
self.outfile_name = None
def get_args_parser():
parser = dust3r_get_args_parser()
parser.add_argument('--share', action='store_true')
parser.add_argument('--gradio_delete_cache', default=None, type=int,
help='age/frequency at which gradio removes the file. If >0, matching cache is purged')
actions = parser._actions
for action in actions:
if action.dest == 'model_name':
action.choices = ["MASt3R_ViTLarge_BaseDecoder_512_catmlpdpt_metric"]
# change defaults
parser.prog = 'mast3r demo'
return parser
def _convert_scene_output_to_glb(outfile, imgs, pts3d, mask, focals, cams2world, cam_size=0.05,
cam_color=None, as_pointcloud=False,
transparent_cams=False, silent=False):
assert len(pts3d) == len(mask) <= len(imgs) <= len(cams2world) == len(focals)
pts3d = to_numpy(pts3d)
imgs = to_numpy(imgs)
focals = to_numpy(focals)
cams2world = to_numpy(cams2world)
scene = trimesh.Scene()
# full pointcloud
if as_pointcloud:
pts = np.concatenate([p[m.ravel()] for p, m in zip(pts3d, mask)]).reshape(-1, 3)
col = np.concatenate([p[m] for p, m in zip(imgs, mask)]).reshape(-1, 3)
valid_msk = np.isfinite(pts.sum(axis=1))
pct = trimesh.PointCloud(pts[valid_msk], colors=col[valid_msk])
meshes = []
for i in range(len(imgs)):
pts3d_i = pts3d[i].reshape(imgs[i].shape)
msk_i = mask[i] & np.isfinite(pts3d_i.sum(axis=-1))
meshes.append(pts3d_to_trimesh(imgs[i], pts3d_i, msk_i))
mesh = trimesh.Trimesh(**cat_meshes(meshes))
# add each camera
for i, pose_c2w in enumerate(cams2world):
if isinstance(cam_color, list):
camera_edge_color = cam_color[i]
camera_edge_color = cam_color or CAM_COLORS[i % len(CAM_COLORS)]
add_scene_cam(scene, pose_c2w, camera_edge_color,
None if transparent_cams else imgs[i], focals[i],
imsize=imgs[i].shape[1::-1], screen_width=cam_size)
rot = np.eye(4)
rot[:3, :3] = Rotation.from_euler('y', np.deg2rad(180)).as_matrix()
scene.apply_transform(np.linalg.inv(cams2world[0] @ OPENGL @ rot))
if not silent:
print('(exporting 3D scene to', outfile, ')')
return outfile
def get_3D_model_from_scene(silent, scene_state, min_conf_thr=2, as_pointcloud=False, mask_sky=False,
clean_depth=False, transparent_cams=False, cam_size=0.05, TSDF_thresh=0):
extract 3D_model (glb file) from a reconstructed scene
if scene_state is None:
return None
outfile = scene_state.outfile_name
if outfile is None:
return None
# get optimized values from scene
scene = scene_state.sparse_ga
rgbimg = scene.imgs
focals = scene.get_focals().cpu()
cams2world = scene.get_im_poses().cpu()
# 3D pointcloud from depthmap, poses and intrinsics
if TSDF_thresh > 0:
tsdf = TSDFPostProcess(scene, TSDF_thresh=TSDF_thresh)
pts3d, _, confs = to_numpy(tsdf.get_dense_pts3d(clean_depth=clean_depth))
pts3d, _, confs = to_numpy(scene.get_dense_pts3d(clean_depth=clean_depth))
msk = to_numpy([c > min_conf_thr for c in confs])
return _convert_scene_output_to_glb(outfile, rgbimg, pts3d, msk, focals, cams2world, as_pointcloud=as_pointcloud,
transparent_cams=transparent_cams, cam_size=cam_size, silent=silent)
def get_reconstructed_scene(outdir, gradio_delete_cache, model, device, silent, image_size, current_scene_state,
filelist, optim_level, lr1, niter1, lr2, niter2, min_conf_thr, matching_conf_thr,
as_pointcloud, mask_sky, clean_depth, transparent_cams, cam_size, scenegraph_type, winsize,
win_cyclic, refid, TSDF_thresh, shared_intrinsics, **kw):
from a list of images, run mast3r inference, sparse global aligner.
then run get_3D_model_from_scene
imgs = load_images(filelist, size=image_size, verbose=not silent)
if len(imgs) == 1:
imgs = [imgs[0], copy.deepcopy(imgs[0])]
imgs[1]['idx'] = 1
filelist = [filelist[0], filelist[0] + '_2']
scene_graph_params = [scenegraph_type]
if scenegraph_type in ["swin", "logwin"]:
elif scenegraph_type == "oneref":
if scenegraph_type in ["swin", "logwin"] and not win_cyclic:
scene_graph = '-'.join(scene_graph_params)
pairs = make_pairs(imgs, scene_graph=scene_graph, prefilter=None, symmetrize=True)
if optim_level == 'coarse':
niter2 = 0
# Sparse GA (forward mast3r -> matching -> 3D optim -> 2D refinement -> triangulation)
if current_scene_state is not None and \
not current_scene_state.should_delete and \
current_scene_state.cache_dir is not None:
cache_dir = current_scene_state.cache_dir
elif gradio_delete_cache:
cache_dir = tempfile.mkdtemp(suffix='_cache', dir=outdir)
cache_dir = os.path.join(outdir, 'cache')
scene = sparse_global_alignment(filelist, pairs, cache_dir,
model, lr1=lr1, niter1=niter1, lr2=lr2, niter2=niter2, device=device,
opt_depth='depth' in optim_level, shared_intrinsics=shared_intrinsics,
matching_conf_thr=matching_conf_thr, **kw)
if current_scene_state is not None and \
not current_scene_state.should_delete and \
current_scene_state.outfile_name is not None:
outfile_name = current_scene_state.outfile_name
outfile_name = tempfile.mktemp(suffix='_scene.glb', dir=outdir)
scene_state = SparseGAState(scene, gradio_delete_cache, cache_dir, outfile_name)
outfile = get_3D_model_from_scene(silent, scene_state, min_conf_thr, as_pointcloud, mask_sky,
clean_depth, transparent_cams, cam_size, TSDF_thresh)
return scene_state, outfile
def set_scenegraph_options(inputfiles, win_cyclic, refid, scenegraph_type):
num_files = len(inputfiles) if inputfiles is not None else 1
show_win_controls = scenegraph_type in ["swin", "logwin"]
show_winsize = scenegraph_type in ["swin", "logwin"]
show_cyclic = scenegraph_type in ["swin", "logwin"]
max_winsize, min_winsize = 1, 1
if scenegraph_type == "swin":
if win_cyclic:
max_winsize = max(1, math.ceil((num_files - 1) / 2))
max_winsize = num_files - 1
elif scenegraph_type == "logwin":
if win_cyclic:
half_size = math.ceil((num_files - 1) / 2)
max_winsize = max(1, math.ceil(math.log(half_size, 2)))
max_winsize = max(1, math.ceil(math.log(num_files, 2)))
winsize = gradio.Slider(label="Scene Graph: Window Size", value=max_winsize,
minimum=min_winsize, maximum=max_winsize, step=1, visible=show_winsize)
win_cyclic = gradio.Checkbox(value=win_cyclic, label="Cyclic sequence", visible=show_cyclic)
win_col = gradio.Column(visible=show_win_controls)
refid = gradio.Slider(label="Scene Graph: Id", value=0, minimum=0,
maximum=num_files - 1, step=1, visible=scenegraph_type == 'oneref')
return win_col, winsize, win_cyclic, refid
gtmpdirname = None
ggradio_delete_cache = None
gmodel = None
gdevice = None
gsilent = None
gimage_size = None
def recon_fun_decorator(tmpdirname, gradio_delete_cache, model, device,
silent, image_size, *args, **kwargs):
return get_reconstructed_scene(tmpdirname, gradio_delete_cache, model, device,
silent, image_size, *args, **kwargs)
def main_demo(tmpdirname, model, device, image_size, server_name, server_port, silent=False,
share=False, gradio_delete_cache=False):
if not silent:
print('Outputing stuff in', tmpdirname)
gtmpdirname = tmpdirname
ggradio_delete_cache = gradio_delete_cache
gmodel = model
gdevice = device
gsilent = silent
gimage_size = image_size
recon_fun = functools.partial(recon_fun_decorator, tmpdirname, gradio_delete_cache, model, device, silent, image_size)
model_from_scene_fun = functools.partial(get_3D_model_from_scene, silent)
def get_context(delete_cache):
css = """.gradio-container {margin: 0 !important; min-width: 100%};"""
title = "MASt3R Demo"
if delete_cache:
return gradio.Blocks(css=css, title=title, delete_cache=(delete_cache, delete_cache))
return gradio.Blocks(css=css, title="MASt3R Demo") # for compatibility with older versions
with get_context(gradio_delete_cache) as demo:
# scene state is save so that you can change conf_thr, cam_size... without rerunning the inference
scene = gradio.State(None)
gradio.HTML('<h2 style="text-align: center;">MASt3R Demo</h2>')
with gradio.Column():
inputfiles = gradio.File(file_count="multiple")
with gradio.Row():
with gradio.Column():
with gradio.Row():
lr1 = gradio.Slider(label="Coarse LR", value=0.07, minimum=0.01, maximum=0.2, step=0.01)
niter1 = gradio.Number(value=500, precision=0, minimum=0, maximum=10_000,
label="num_iterations", info="For coarse alignment!")
lr2 = gradio.Slider(label="Fine LR", value=0.014, minimum=0.005, maximum=0.05, step=0.001)
niter2 = gradio.Number(value=200, precision=0, minimum=0, maximum=100_000,
label="num_iterations", info="For refinement!")
optim_level = gradio.Dropdown(["coarse", "refine", "refine+depth"],
value='refine', label="OptLevel",
info="Optimization level")
with gradio.Row():
matching_conf_thr = gradio.Slider(label="Matching Confidence Thr", value=5.,
minimum=0., maximum=30., step=0.1,
info="Before Fallback to Regr3D!")
shared_intrinsics = gradio.Checkbox(value=False, label="Shared intrinsics",
info="Only optimize one set of intrinsics for all views")
scenegraph_type = gradio.Dropdown([("complete: all possible image pairs", "complete"),
("swin: sliding window", "swin"),
("logwin: sliding window with long range", "logwin"),
("oneref: match one image with all", "oneref")],
value='complete', label="Scenegraph",
info="Define how to make pairs",
with gradio.Column(visible=False) as win_col:
winsize = gradio.Slider(label="Scene Graph: Window Size", value=1,
minimum=1, maximum=1, step=1)
win_cyclic = gradio.Checkbox(value=False, label="Cyclic sequence")
refid = gradio.Slider(label="Scene Graph: Id", value=0,
minimum=0, maximum=0, step=1, visible=False)
run_btn = gradio.Button("Run")
with gradio.Row():
# adjust the confidence threshold
min_conf_thr = gradio.Slider(label="min_conf_thr", value=1.5, minimum=0.0, maximum=10, step=0.1)
# adjust the camera size in the output pointcloud
cam_size = gradio.Slider(label="cam_size", value=0.2, minimum=0.001, maximum=1.0, step=0.001)
TSDF_thresh = gradio.Slider(label="TSDF Threshold", value=0., minimum=0., maximum=1., step=0.01)
with gradio.Row():
as_pointcloud = gradio.Checkbox(value=True, label="As pointcloud")
# two post process implemented
mask_sky = gradio.Checkbox(value=False, label="Mask sky")
clean_depth = gradio.Checkbox(value=True, label="Clean-up depthmaps")
transparent_cams = gradio.Checkbox(value=False, label="Transparent cameras")
outmodel = gradio.Model3D()
# events
inputs=[inputfiles, win_cyclic, refid, scenegraph_type],
outputs=[win_col, winsize, win_cyclic, refid])
inputs=[inputfiles, win_cyclic, refid, scenegraph_type],
outputs=[win_col, winsize, win_cyclic, refid])
inputs=[inputfiles, win_cyclic, refid, scenegraph_type],
outputs=[win_col, winsize, win_cyclic, refid]),
inputs=[scene, inputfiles, optim_level, lr1, niter1, lr2, niter2, min_conf_thr, matching_conf_thr,
as_pointcloud, mask_sky, clean_depth, transparent_cams, cam_size,
scenegraph_type, winsize, win_cyclic, refid, TSDF_thresh, shared_intrinsics],
outputs=[scene, outmodel])
inputs=[scene, min_conf_thr, as_pointcloud, mask_sky,
clean_depth, transparent_cams, cam_size, TSDF_thresh],
inputs=[scene, min_conf_thr, as_pointcloud, mask_sky,
clean_depth, transparent_cams, cam_size, TSDF_thresh],
inputs=[scene, min_conf_thr, as_pointcloud, mask_sky,
clean_depth, transparent_cams, cam_size, TSDF_thresh],
inputs=[scene, min_conf_thr, as_pointcloud, mask_sky,
clean_depth, transparent_cams, cam_size, TSDF_thresh],
inputs=[scene, min_conf_thr, as_pointcloud, mask_sky,
clean_depth, transparent_cams, cam_size, TSDF_thresh],
inputs=[scene, min_conf_thr, as_pointcloud, mask_sky,
clean_depth, transparent_cams, cam_size, TSDF_thresh],
inputs=[scene, min_conf_thr, as_pointcloud, mask_sky,
clean_depth, transparent_cams, cam_size, TSDF_thresh],