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from typing import List, Dict, Any, Tuple
from collections import namedtuple
import copy
import torch
from ding.torch_utils import Adam, to_device, ContrastiveLoss
from ding.rl_utils import q_nstep_td_data, bdq_nstep_td_error, get_nstep_return_data, get_train_sample
from ding.model import model_wrap
from ding.utils import POLICY_REGISTRY
from import default_collate, default_decollate
from .base_policy import Policy
from .common_utils import default_preprocess_learn
class BDQPolicy(Policy):
Policy class of BDQ algorithm, extended by PER/multi-step TD. \
referenced paper Action Branching Architectures for Deep Reinforcement Learning \
.. note::
BDQ algorithm contains a neural architecture featuring a shared decision module \
followed by several network branches, one for each action dimension.
== ==================== ======== ============== ======================================== =======================
ID Symbol Type Default Value Description Other(Shape)
== ==================== ======== ============== ======================================== =======================
1 ``type`` str bdq | RL policy register name, refer to | This arg is optional,
| registry ``POLICY_REGISTRY`` | a placeholder
2 ``cuda`` bool False | Whether to use cuda for network | This arg can be diff-
| erent from modes
3 ``on_policy`` bool False | Whether the RL algorithm is on-policy
| or off-policy
4 ``priority`` bool False | Whether use priority(PER) | Priority sample,
| update priority
5 | ``priority_IS`` bool False | Whether use Importance Sampling Weight
| ``_weight`` | to correct biased update. If True,
| priority must be True.
6 | ``discount_`` float 0.97, | Reward's future discount factor, aka. | May be 1 when sparse
| ``factor`` [0.95, 0.999] | gamma | reward env
7 ``nstep`` int 1, | N-step reward discount sum for target
[3, 5] | q_value estimation
8 | ``learn.update`` int 3 | How many updates(iterations) to train | This args can be vary
| ``per_collect`` | after collector's one collection. Only | from envs. Bigger val
| valid in serial training | means more off-policy
| ``_gpu``
10 | ``learn.batch_`` int 64 | The number of samples of an iteration
| ``size``
11 | ``learn.learning`` float 0.001 | Gradient step length of an iteration.
| ``_rate``
12 | ``learn.target_`` int 100 | Frequence of target network update. | Hard(assign) update
| ``update_freq``
13 | ``learn.ignore_`` bool False | Whether ignore done for target value | Enable it for some
| ``done`` | calculation. | fake termination env
14 ``collect.n_sample`` int [8, 128] | The number of training samples of a | It varies from
| call of collector. | different envs
15 | ``collect.unroll`` int 1 | unroll length of an iteration | In RNN, unroll_len>1
| ``_len``
16 | ``other.eps.type`` str exp | exploration rate decay type | Support ['exp',
| 'linear'].
17 | ``other.eps.`` float 0.95 | start value of exploration rate | [0,1]
| ``start``
18 | ``other.eps.`` float 0.1 | end value of exploration rate | [0,1]
| ``end``
19 | ``other.eps.`` int 10000 | decay length of exploration | greater than 0. set
| ``decay`` | decay=10000 means
| the exploration rate
| decay from start
| value to end value
| during decay length.
== ==================== ======== ============== ======================================== =======================
config = dict(
# (bool) Whether use cuda in policy
# (bool) Whether learning policy is the same as collecting data policy(on-policy)
# (bool) Whether enable priority experience sample
# (bool) Whether use Importance Sampling Weight to correct biased update. If True, priority must be True.
# (float) Discount factor(gamma) for returns
# (int) The number of step for calculating target q_value
# How many updates(iterations) to train after collector's one collection.
# Bigger "update_per_collect" means bigger off-policy.
# collect data -> update policy-> collect data -> ...
# (int) How many samples in a training batch
# (float) The step size of gradient descent
# ==============================================================
# The following configs are algorithm-specific
# ==============================================================
# (int) Frequence of target network update.
# (bool) Whether ignore done(usually for max step termination env)
# collect_mode config
# (int) Only one of [n_sample, n_episode] shoule be set
# n_sample=8,
# (int) Cut trajectories into pieces with length "unroll_len".
# other config
# Epsilon greedy with decay.
# (str) Decay type. Support ['exp', 'linear'].
# (float) Epsilon start value
# (float) Epsilon end value
# (int) Decay length(env step)
replay_buffer=dict(replay_buffer_size=10000, ),
def default_model(self) -> Tuple[str, List[str]]:
Return this algorithm default model setting for demonstration.
- model_info (:obj:`Tuple[str, List[str]]`): model name and mode import_names
.. note::
The user can define and use customized network model but must obey the same inferface definition indicated \
by import_names path. For BDQ, ``ding.model.template.q_learning.BDQ``
return 'bdq', ['ding.model.template.q_learning']
def _init_learn(self) -> None:
Learn mode init method. Called by ``self.__init__``, initialize the optimizer, algorithm arguments, main \
and target model.
self._priority = self._cfg.priority
self._priority_IS_weight = self._cfg.priority_IS_weight
# Optimizer
self._optimizer = Adam(self._model.parameters(), lr=self._cfg.learn.learning_rate)
self._gamma = self._cfg.discount_factor
self._nstep = self._cfg.nstep
# use model_wrapper for specialized demands of different modes
self._target_model = copy.deepcopy(self._model)
self._target_model = model_wrap(
update_kwargs={'freq': self._cfg.learn.target_update_freq}
self._learn_model = model_wrap(self._model, wrapper_name='argmax_sample')
def _forward_learn(self, data: Dict[str, Any]) -> Dict[str, Any]:
Forward computation graph of learn mode(updating policy).
- data (:obj:`Dict[str, Any]`): Dict type data, a batch of data for training, values are torch.Tensor or \
np.ndarray or dict/list combinations.
- info_dict (:obj:`Dict[str, Any]`): Dict type data, a info dict indicated training result, which will be \
recorded in text log and tensorboard, values are python scalar or a list of scalars.
- necessary: ``obs``, ``action``, ``reward``, ``next_obs``, ``done``
- optional: ``value_gamma``, ``IS``
- necessary: ``cur_lr``, ``total_loss``, ``priority``
- optional: ``action_distribution``
data = default_preprocess_learn(
if self._cuda:
data = to_device(data, self._device)
# ====================
# Q-learning forward
# ====================
# Current q value (main model)
q_value = self._learn_model.forward(data['obs'])['logit']
# Target q value
with torch.no_grad():
target_q_value = self._target_model.forward(data['next_obs'])['logit']
# Max q value action (main model)
target_q_action = self._learn_model.forward(data['next_obs'])['action']
if data['action'].shape != target_q_action.shape:
data['action'] = data['action'].unsqueeze(-1)
data_n = q_nstep_td_data(
q_value, target_q_value, data['action'], target_q_action, data['reward'], data['done'], data['weight']
value_gamma = data.get('value_gamma')
loss, td_error_per_sample = bdq_nstep_td_error(data_n, self._gamma, nstep=self._nstep, value_gamma=value_gamma)
# ====================
# Q-learning update
# ====================
if self._cfg.multi_gpu:
# =============
# after update
# =============
update_info = {
'cur_lr': self._optimizer.defaults['lr'],
'total_loss': loss.item(),
'q_value': q_value.mean().item(),
'target_q_value': target_q_value.mean().item(),
'priority': td_error_per_sample.abs().tolist(),
# Only discrete action satisfying len(data['action'])==1 can return this and draw histogram on tensorboard.
# '[histogram]action_distribution': data['action'],
q_value_per_branch = torch.mean(q_value, 2, keepdim=False)
for i in range(self._model.num_branches):
update_info['q_value_b_' + str(i)] = q_value_per_branch[:, i].mean().item()
return update_info
def _monitor_vars_learn(self) -> List[str]:
return ['cur_lr', 'total_loss', 'q_value'] + ['q_value_b_' + str(i) for i in range(self._model.num_branches)]
def _state_dict_learn(self) -> Dict[str, Any]:
Return the state_dict of learn mode, usually including model and optimizer.
- state_dict (:obj:`Dict[str, Any]`): the dict of current policy learn state, for saving and restoring.
return {
'model': self._learn_model.state_dict(),
'target_model': self._target_model.state_dict(),
'optimizer': self._optimizer.state_dict(),
def _load_state_dict_learn(self, state_dict: Dict[str, Any]) -> None:
Load the state_dict variable into policy learn mode.
- state_dict (:obj:`Dict[str, Any]`): the dict of policy learn state saved before.
.. tip::
If you want to only load some parts of model, you can simply set the ``strict`` argument in \
load_state_dict to ``False``, or refer to ``ding.torch_utils.checkpoint_helper`` for more \
complicated operation.
def _init_collect(self) -> None:
Collect mode init method. Called by ``self.__init__``, initialize algorithm arguments and collect_model, \
enable the eps_greedy_sample for exploration.
self._unroll_len = self._cfg.collect.unroll_len
self._gamma = self._cfg.discount_factor # necessary for parallel
self._nstep = self._cfg.nstep # necessary for parallel
self._collect_model = model_wrap(self._model, wrapper_name='eps_greedy_sample')
def _forward_collect(self, data: Dict[int, Any], eps: float) -> Dict[int, Any]:
Forward computation graph of collect mode(collect training data), with eps_greedy for exploration.
- data (:obj:`Dict[str, Any]`): Dict type data, stacked env data for predicting policy_output(action), \
values are torch.Tensor or np.ndarray or dict/list combinations, keys are env_id indicated by integer.
- eps (:obj:`float`): epsilon value for exploration, which is decayed by collected env step.
- output (:obj:`Dict[int, Any]`): The dict of predicting policy_output(action) for the interaction with \
env and the constructing of transition.
- necessary: ``obs``
- necessary: ``logit``, ``action``
data_id = list(data.keys())
data = default_collate(list(data.values()))
if self._cuda:
data = to_device(data, self._device)
with torch.no_grad():
output = self._collect_model.forward(data, eps=eps)
if self._cuda:
output = to_device(output, 'cpu')
output = default_decollate(output)
return {i: d for i, d in zip(data_id, output)}
def _get_train_sample(self, data: List[Dict[str, Any]]) -> List[Dict[str, Any]]:
For a given trajectory(transitions, a list of transition) data, process it into a list of sample that \
can be used for training directly. A train sample can be a processed transition(BDQ with nstep TD).
- data (:obj:`List[Dict[str, Any]`): The trajectory data(a list of transition), each element is the same \
format as the return value of ``self._process_transition`` method.
- samples (:obj:`dict`): The list of training samples.
.. note::
We will vectorize ``process_transition`` and ``get_train_sample`` method in the following release version. \
And the user can customize the this data processing procecure by overriding this two methods and collector \
data = get_nstep_return_data(data, self._nstep, gamma=self._gamma)
return get_train_sample(data, self._unroll_len)
def _process_transition(self, obs: Any, policy_output: Dict[str, Any], timestep: namedtuple) -> Dict[str, Any]:
Generate a transition(e.g.: <s, a, s', r, d>) for this algorithm training.
- obs (:obj:`Any`): Env observation.
- policy_output (:obj:`Dict[str, Any]`): The output of policy collect mode(``self._forward_collect``),\
including at least ``action``.
- timestep (:obj:`namedtuple`): The output after env step(execute policy output action), including at \
least ``obs``, ``reward``, ``done``, (here obs indicates obs after env step).
- transition (:obj:`dict`): Dict type transition data.
transition = {
'obs': obs,
'next_obs': timestep.obs,
'action': policy_output['action'],
'reward': timestep.reward,
'done': timestep.done,
return transition
def _init_eval(self) -> None:
Evaluate mode init method. Called by ``self.__init__``, initialize eval_model.
self._eval_model = model_wrap(self._model, wrapper_name='argmax_sample')
def _forward_eval(self, data: Dict[int, Any]) -> Dict[int, Any]:
Forward computation graph of eval mode(evaluate policy performance), at most cases, it is similar to \
- data (:obj:`Dict[str, Any]`): Dict type data, stacked env data for predicting policy_output(action), \
values are torch.Tensor or np.ndarray or dict/list combinations, keys are env_id indicated by integer.
- output (:obj:`Dict[int, Any]`): The dict of predicting action for the interaction with env.
- necessary: ``obs``
- necessary: ``action``
data_id = list(data.keys())
data = default_collate(list(data.values()))
if self._cuda:
data = to_device(data, self._device)
with torch.no_grad():
output = self._eval_model.forward(data)
if self._cuda:
output = to_device(output, 'cpu')
output = default_decollate(output)
return {i: d for i, d in zip(data_id, output)}