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import math
import numpy as np
import torch
from torch import nn
import torch.nn.functional as F
from torch import distributions as torchd
from import weight_init, uniform_weight_init, static_scan, \
OneHotDist, ContDist, SymlogDist, DreamerLayerNorm
class RSSM(nn.Module):
def __init__(
super(RSSM, self).__init__()
self._stoch = stoch
self._deter = deter
self._hidden = hidden
self._min_std = min_std
self._layers_input = layers_input
self._layers_output = layers_output
self._rec_depth = rec_depth
self._shared = shared
self._discrete = discrete
self._act = act
self._norm = norm
self._mean_act = mean_act
self._std_act = std_act
self._temp_post = temp_post
self._unimix_ratio = unimix_ratio
self._embed = embed
self._device = device
inp_layers = []
if self._discrete:
inp_dim = self._stoch * self._discrete + num_actions
inp_dim = self._stoch + num_actions
if self._shared:
inp_dim += self._embed
for i in range(self._layers_input):
inp_layers.append(nn.Linear(inp_dim, self._hidden, bias=False))
inp_layers.append(self._norm(self._hidden, eps=1e-03))
if i == 0:
inp_dim = self._hidden
self._inp_layers = nn.Sequential(*inp_layers)
if cell == "gru":
self._cell = GRUCell(self._hidden, self._deter)
elif cell == "gru_layer_norm":
self._cell = GRUCell(self._hidden, self._deter, norm=True)
raise NotImplementedError(cell)
img_out_layers = []
inp_dim = self._deter
for i in range(self._layers_output):
img_out_layers.append(nn.Linear(inp_dim, self._hidden, bias=False))
img_out_layers.append(self._norm(self._hidden, eps=1e-03))
if i == 0:
inp_dim = self._hidden
self._img_out_layers = nn.Sequential(*img_out_layers)
obs_out_layers = []
if self._temp_post:
inp_dim = self._deter + self._embed
inp_dim = self._embed
for i in range(self._layers_output):
obs_out_layers.append(nn.Linear(inp_dim, self._hidden, bias=False))
obs_out_layers.append(self._norm(self._hidden, eps=1e-03))
if i == 0:
inp_dim = self._hidden
self._obs_out_layers = nn.Sequential(*obs_out_layers)
if self._discrete:
self._ims_stat_layer = nn.Linear(self._hidden, self._stoch * self._discrete)
self._obs_stat_layer = nn.Linear(self._hidden, self._stoch * self._discrete)
self._ims_stat_layer = nn.Linear(self._hidden, 2 * self._stoch)
self._obs_stat_layer = nn.Linear(self._hidden, 2 * self._stoch)
def initial(self, batch_size):
deter = torch.zeros(batch_size, self._deter).to(self._device)
if self._discrete:
state = dict(
logit=torch.zeros([batch_size, self._stoch, self._discrete]).to(self._device),
stoch=torch.zeros([batch_size, self._stoch, self._discrete]).to(self._device),
state = dict(
mean=torch.zeros([batch_size, self._stoch]).to(self._device),
std=torch.zeros([batch_size, self._stoch]).to(self._device),
stoch=torch.zeros([batch_size, self._stoch]).to(self._device),
return state
def observe(self, embed, action, state=None):
swap = lambda x: x.permute([1, 0] + list(range(2, len(x.shape)))) # 交换前两维
if state is None:
state = self.initial(action.shape[0]) # {logit, stoch, deter}
# (batch, time, ch) -> (time, batch, ch)
embed, action = swap(embed), swap(action)
post, prior = static_scan(
lambda prev_state, prev_act, embed: self.obs_step(prev_state[0], prev_act, embed),
(action, embed),
(state, state),
# (time, batch, stoch, discrete_num) -> (batch, time, stoch, discrete_num)
post = {k: swap(v) for k, v in post.items()}
prior = {k: swap(v) for k, v in prior.items()}
return post, prior
def imagine(self, action, state=None):
swap = lambda x: x.permute([1, 0] + list(range(2, len(x.shape))))
if state is None:
state = self.initial(action.shape[0])
assert isinstance(state, dict), state
action = action
action = swap(action)
prior = static_scan(self.img_step, [action], state)
prior = prior[0]
prior = {k: swap(v) for k, v in prior.items()}
return prior
def get_feat(self, state):
stoch = state["stoch"]
if self._discrete:
shape = list(stoch.shape[:-2]) + [self._stoch * self._discrete]
stoch = stoch.reshape(shape)
return[stoch, state["deter"]], -1)
def get_dist(self, state, dtype=None):
if self._discrete:
logit = state["logit"]
dist = torchd.independent.Independent(OneHotDist(logit, unimix_ratio=self._unimix_ratio), 1)
mean, std = state["mean"], state["std"]
dist = ContDist(torchd.independent.Independent(torchd.normal.Normal(mean, std), 1))
return dist
def obs_step(self, prev_state, prev_action, embed, sample=True):
# if shared is True, prior and post both use same networks(inp_layers, _img_out_layers, _ims_stat_layer)
# otherwise, post use different network(_obs_out_layers) with prior[deter] and embed as inputs
prev_action *= (1.0 / torch.clip(torch.abs(prev_action), min=1.0)).detach()
prior = self.img_step(prev_state, prev_action, None, sample)
if self._shared:
post = self.img_step(prev_state, prev_action, embed, sample)
if self._temp_post:
x =[prior["deter"], embed], -1)
x = embed
# (batch_size, prior_deter + embed) -> (batch_size, hidden)
x = self._obs_out_layers(x)
# (batch_size, hidden) -> (batch_size, stoch, discrete_num)
stats = self._suff_stats_layer("obs", x)
if sample:
stoch = self.get_dist(stats).sample()
stoch = self.get_dist(stats).mode()
post = {"stoch": stoch, "deter": prior["deter"], **stats}
return post, prior
# this is used for making future image
def img_step(self, prev_state, prev_action, embed=None, sample=True):
# (batch, stoch, discrete_num)
prev_action *= (1.0 / torch.clip(torch.abs(prev_action), min=1.0)).detach()
prev_stoch = prev_state["stoch"]
if self._discrete:
shape = list(prev_stoch.shape[:-2]) + [self._stoch * self._discrete]
# (batch, stoch, discrete_num) -> (batch, stoch * discrete_num)
prev_stoch = prev_stoch.reshape(shape)
if self._shared:
if embed is None:
shape = list(prev_action.shape[:-1]) + [self._embed]
embed = torch.zeros(shape)
# (batch, stoch * discrete_num) -> (batch, stoch * discrete_num + action, embed)
x =[prev_stoch, prev_action, embed], -1)
x =[prev_stoch, prev_action], -1)
# (batch, stoch * discrete_num + action, embed) -> (batch, hidden)
x = self._inp_layers(x)
for _ in range(self._rec_depth): # rec depth is not correctly implemented
deter = prev_state["deter"]
# (batch, hidden), (batch, deter) -> (batch, deter), (batch, deter)
x, deter = self._cell(x, [deter])
deter = deter[0] # Keras wraps the state in a list.
# (batch, deter) -> (batch, hidden)
x = self._img_out_layers(x)
# (batch, hidden) -> (batch_size, stoch, discrete_num)
stats = self._suff_stats_layer("ims", x)
if sample:
stoch = self.get_dist(stats).sample()
stoch = self.get_dist(stats).mode()
prior = {"stoch": stoch, "deter": deter, **stats} # {stoch, deter, logit}
return prior
def _suff_stats_layer(self, name, x):
if self._discrete:
if name == "ims":
x = self._ims_stat_layer(x)
elif name == "obs":
x = self._obs_stat_layer(x)
raise NotImplementedError
logit = x.reshape(list(x.shape[:-1]) + [self._stoch, self._discrete])
return {"logit": logit}
if name == "ims":
x = self._ims_stat_layer(x)
elif name == "obs":
x = self._obs_stat_layer(x)
raise NotImplementedError
mean, std = torch.split(x, [self._stoch] * 2, -1)
mean = {
"none": lambda: mean,
"tanh5": lambda: 5.0 * torch.tanh(mean / 5.0),
std = {
"softplus": lambda: torch.softplus(std),
"abs": lambda: torch.abs(std + 1),
"sigmoid": lambda: torch.sigmoid(std),
"sigmoid2": lambda: 2 * torch.sigmoid(std / 2),
std = std + self._min_std
return {"mean": mean, "std": std}
def kl_loss(self, post, prior, forward, free, lscale, rscale):
kld = torchd.kl.kl_divergence
dist = lambda x: self.get_dist(x)
sg = lambda x: {k: v.detach() for k, v in x.items()}
# forward == false -> (post, prior)
lhs, rhs = (prior, post) if forward else (post, prior)
# forward == false -> Lrep
value_lhs = value = kld(
dist(lhs) if self._discrete else dist(lhs)._dist,
dist(sg(rhs)) if self._discrete else dist(sg(rhs))._dist,
# forward == false -> Ldyn
value_rhs = kld(
dist(sg(lhs)) if self._discrete else dist(sg(lhs))._dist,
dist(rhs) if self._discrete else dist(rhs)._dist,
loss_lhs = torch.clip(torch.mean(value_lhs), min=free)
loss_rhs = torch.clip(torch.mean(value_rhs), min=free)
loss = lscale * loss_lhs + rscale * loss_rhs
return loss, value, loss_lhs, loss_rhs
class ConvDecoder(nn.Module):
def __init__(
inp_depth, # config.dyn_stoch * config.dyn_discrete + config.dyn_deter
shape=(3, 64, 64),
kernels=(3, 3, 3, 3),
super(ConvDecoder, self).__init__()
self._inp_depth = inp_depth
self._act = act
self._norm = norm
self._depth = depth
self._shape = shape
self._kernels = kernels
self._embed_size = ((64 // 2 ** (len(kernels))) ** 2 * depth * 2 ** (len(kernels) - 1))
self._linear_layer = nn.Linear(inp_depth, self._embed_size)
inp_dim = self._embed_size // 16 # 除以最后的4*4 feature map来得到channel数
layers = []
h, w = 4, 4
for i, kernel in enumerate(self._kernels):
depth = self._embed_size // 16 // (2 ** (i + 1))
act = self._act
bias = False
initializer = weight_init
if i == len(self._kernels) - 1:
depth = self._shape[0]
act = False
bias = True
norm = False
initializer = uniform_weight_init(outscale)
if i != 0:
inp_dim = 2 ** (len(self._kernels) - (i - 1) - 2) * self._depth
pad_h, outpad_h = self.calc_same_pad(k=kernel, s=2, d=1)
pad_w, outpad_w = self.calc_same_pad(k=kernel, s=2, d=1)
padding=(pad_h, pad_w),
output_padding=(outpad_h, outpad_w),
if norm:
if act:
[m.apply(initializer) for m in layers[-3:]]
h, w = h * 2, w * 2
self.layers = nn.Sequential(*layers)
def calc_same_pad(self, k, s, d):
val = d * (k - 1) - s + 1
pad = math.ceil(val / 2)
outpad = pad * 2 - val
return pad, outpad
def __call__(self, features, dtype=None):
x = self._linear_layer(features) # feature:[batch, time, stoch*discrete + deter]
x = x.reshape([-1, 4, 4, self._embed_size // 16])
x = x.permute(0, 3, 1, 2)
x = self.layers(x)
mean = x.reshape(list(features.shape[:-1]) + self._shape)
#mean = mean.permute(0, 1, 3, 4, 2)
return SymlogDist(mean)
class GRUCell(nn.Module):
def __init__(self, inp_size, size, norm=False, act=torch.tanh, update_bias=-1):
super(GRUCell, self).__init__()
self._inp_size = inp_size # hidden
self._size = size # deter
self._act = act
self._norm = norm
self._update_bias = update_bias
self._layer = nn.Linear(inp_size + size, 3 * size, bias=False)
if norm:
self._norm = nn.LayerNorm(3 * size, eps=1e-03)
def state_size(self):
return self._size
def forward(self, inputs, state):
state = state[0] # Keras wraps the state in a list.
parts = self._layer([inputs, state], -1))
if self._norm:
parts = self._norm(parts)
reset, cand, update = torch.split(parts, [self._size] * 3, -1)
reset = torch.sigmoid(reset)
cand = self._act(reset * cand)
update = torch.sigmoid(update + self._update_bias)
output = update * cand + (1 - update) * state
return output, [output]