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from typing import Any, Union, List
import copy
import numpy as np
import gym
import competitive_rl
from ding.envs import BaseEnv, BaseEnvTimestep, BaseEnvInfo, update_shape
from ding.envs.common.env_element import EnvElement, EnvElementInfo
from ding.envs.common.common_function import affine_transform
from ding.torch_utils import to_ndarray, to_list
from .competitive_rl_env_wrapper import BuiltinOpponentWrapper, wrap_env
from ding.utils import ENV_REGISTRY
The observation spaces:
cPong-v0: Box(210, 160, 3)
cPongDouble-v0: Tuple(Box(210, 160, 3), Box(210, 160, 3))
cCarRacing-v0: Box(96, 96, 1)
cCarRacingDouble-v0: Box(96, 96, 1)
The action spaces:
cPong-v0: Discrete(3)
cPongDouble-v0: Tuple(Discrete(3), Discrete(3))
cCarRacing-v0: Box(2,)
cCarRacingDouble-v0: Dict(0:Box(2,), 1:Box(2,))
'cPongDouble-v0': BaseEnvInfo(
shape=(210, 160, 3),
# shape=(4, 84, 84),
'min': 0,
'max': 255,
'dtype': np.float32
shape=(1, ), # different with
'min': 0,
'max': 3,
'dtype': np.float32
shape=(1, ),
'min': np.float32("-inf"),
'max': np.float32("inf"),
'dtype': np.float32
class CompetitiveRlEnv(BaseEnv):
def __init__(self, cfg: dict) -> None:
self._cfg = cfg
self._env_id = self._cfg.env_id
# opponent_type is used to control builtin opponent agent, which is useful in evaluator.
is_evaluator = self._cfg.get("is_evaluator", False)
opponent_type = None
if is_evaluator:
opponent_type = self._cfg.get("opponent_type", None)
self._builtin_wrap = self._env_id == "cPongDouble-v0" and is_evaluator and opponent_type == "builtin"
self._opponent = self._cfg.get('eval_opponent', 'RULE_BASED')
self._init_flag = False
def reset(self) -> np.ndarray:
if not self._init_flag:
self._env = self._make_env(only_info=False)
self._init_flag = True
if hasattr(self, '_seed') and hasattr(self, '_dynamic_seed') and self._dynamic_seed:
np_seed = 100 * np.random.randint(1, 1000)
self._env.seed(self._seed + np_seed)
elif hasattr(self, '_seed'):
obs = self._env.reset()
obs = to_ndarray(obs)
obs = self.process_obs(obs) # process
if self._builtin_wrap:
self._eval_episode_return = np.array([0.])
self._eval_episode_return = np.array([0., 0.])
return obs
def close(self) -> None:
if self._init_flag:
self._init_flag = False
def seed(self, seed: int, dynamic_seed: bool = True) -> None:
self._seed = seed
self._dynamic_seed = dynamic_seed
def step(self, action: Union[np.ndarray, list]) -> BaseEnvTimestep:
action = to_ndarray(action)
action = self.process_action(action) # process
obs, rew, done, info = self._env.step(action)
if not isinstance(rew, tuple):
rew = [rew]
rew = np.array(rew)
self._eval_episode_return += rew
obs = to_ndarray(obs)
obs = self.process_obs(obs) # process
if done:
info['eval_episode_return'] = self._eval_episode_return
return BaseEnvTimestep(obs, rew, done, info)
def info(self) -> BaseEnvInfo:
if self._env_id in COMPETITIVERL_INFO_DICT:
info = copy.deepcopy(COMPETITIVERL_INFO_DICT[self._env_id])
info.use_wrappers = self._make_env(only_info=True)
obs_shape, act_shape, rew_shape = update_shape(
info.obs_space.shape, info.act_space.shape, info.rew_space.shape, info.use_wrappers.split('\n')
info.obs_space.shape = obs_shape
info.act_space.shape = act_shape
info.rew_space.shape = rew_shape
if not self._builtin_wrap:
info.obs_space.shape = (2, ) + info.obs_space.shape
info.act_space.shape = (2, )
info.rew_space.shape = (2, )
return info
raise NotImplementedError('{} not found in COMPETITIVERL_INFO_DICT [{}]'\
.format(self._env_id, COMPETITIVERL_INFO_DICT.keys()))
def _make_env(self, only_info=False):
return wrap_env(self._env_id, self._builtin_wrap, self._opponent, only_info=only_info)
def __repr__(self) -> str:
return "DI-engine Competitve RL Env({})".format(self._cfg.env_id)
def create_collector_env_cfg(cfg: dict) -> List[dict]:
collector_cfg = copy.deepcopy(cfg)
collector_env_num = collector_cfg.pop('collector_env_num', 1)
collector_cfg.is_evaluator = False
return [collector_cfg for _ in range(collector_env_num)]
def create_evaluator_env_cfg(cfg: dict) -> List[dict]:
evaluator_cfg = copy.deepcopy(cfg)
evaluator_env_num = evaluator_cfg.pop('evaluator_env_num', 1)
evaluator_cfg.is_evaluator = True
return [evaluator_cfg for _ in range(evaluator_env_num)]
def process_action(self, action: np.ndarray) -> Union[tuple, dict, np.ndarray]:
# If in double agent env, transfrom action passed in from outside to tuple or dict type.
if self._env_id == "cPongDouble-v0" and not self._builtin_wrap:
return (action[0].squeeze(), action[1].squeeze())
elif self._env_id == "cCarRacingDouble-v0":
return {0: action[0].squeeze(), 1: action[1].squeeze()}
return action.squeeze()
def process_obs(self, obs: Union[tuple, np.ndarray]) -> Union[tuple, np.ndarray]:
# Copy observation for car racing double agent env, in case to be in alignment with pong double agent env.
if self._env_id == "cCarRacingDouble-v0":
obs = np.stack([obs, copy.deepcopy(obs)])
return obs