import os |
import sys |
from datetime import datetime |
from subprocess import Popen |
import where |
from packaging import version as version_ |
_DOC_PATH = os.path.dirname(os.path.abspath(__file__)) |
_PROJ_PATH = os.path.abspath(os.path.join(_DOC_PATH, '..', '..')) |
_LIBS_PATH = os.path.join(_DOC_PATH, '_libs') |
_SHIMS_PATH = os.path.join(_DOC_PATH, '_shims') |
os.chdir(_PROJ_PATH) |
sys.path.insert(0, _PROJ_PATH) |
modnames = [mname for mname in sys.modules if mname.startswith('lzero')] |
for modname in modnames: |
del sys.modules[modname] |
if not os.environ.get("NO_CONTENTS_BUILD"): |
_env = dict(os.environ) |
_env.update(dict( |
PATH=':'.join([_SHIMS_PATH, os.environ.get('PATH', '')]), |
)) |
if os.path.exists(os.path.join(_PROJ_PATH, 'requirements-build.txt')): |
pip_build_cmd = (where.first('pip'), 'install', '-r', os.path.join(_PROJ_PATH, 'requirements-build.txt')) |
print("Install pip requirements {cmd}...".format(cmd=repr(pip_build_cmd))) |
pip_build = Popen(pip_build_cmd, stdout=sys.stdout, stderr=sys.stderr, env=_env, cwd=_PROJ_PATH) |
if pip_build.wait() != 0: |
raise ChildProcessError("Pip install failed with %d." % (pip_build.returncode,)) |
make_build_cmd = (where.first('make'), 'clean', 'build') |
print("Try building extensions {cmd}...".format(cmd=repr(make_build_cmd))) |
make_build = Popen(make_build_cmd, stdout=sys.stdout, stderr=sys.stderr, env=_env, cwd=_PROJ_PATH) |
if make_build.wait() != 0: |
raise ChildProcessError("Extension build failed with %d." % (make_build.returncode,)) |
pip_cmd = (where.first('pip'), 'install', '-r', os.path.join(_PROJ_PATH, 'requirements.txt')) |
print("Install pip requirements {cmd}...".format(cmd=repr(pip_cmd))) |
pip = Popen(pip_cmd, stdout=sys.stdout, stderr=sys.stderr, env=_env, cwd=_PROJ_PATH) |
if pip.wait() != 0: |
raise ChildProcessError("Pip install failed with %d." % (pip.returncode,)) |
pip_docs_cmd = (where.first('pip'), 'install', '-r', os.path.join(_PROJ_PATH, 'requirements-doc.txt')) |
print("Install pip docs requirements {cmd}...".format(cmd=repr(pip_docs_cmd))) |
pip_docs = Popen(pip_docs_cmd, stdout=sys.stdout, stderr=sys.stderr, env=_env, cwd=_PROJ_PATH) |
if pip_docs.wait() != 0: |
raise ChildProcessError("Pip docs install failed with %d." % (pip.returncode,)) |
diagrams_cmd = (where.first('make'), '-f', "diagrams.mk", "build") |
print("Building diagrams {cmd} at {cp}...".format(cmd=repr(diagrams_cmd), cp=repr(_DOC_PATH))) |
diagrams = Popen(diagrams_cmd, stdout=sys.stdout, stderr=sys.stderr, env=_env, cwd=_DOC_PATH) |
if diagrams.wait() != 0: |
raise ChildProcessError("Diagrams failed with %d." % (diagrams.returncode,)) |
graphviz_cmd = (where.first('make'), '-f', "graphviz.mk", "build") |
print("Building graphs {cmd} at {cp}...".format(cmd=repr(graphviz_cmd), cp=repr(_DOC_PATH))) |
graphviz = Popen(graphviz_cmd, stdout=sys.stdout, stderr=sys.stderr, env=_env, cwd=_DOC_PATH) |
if graphviz.wait() != 0: |
raise ChildProcessError("Graphviz failed with %d." % (graphviz.returncode,)) |
demos_cmd = (where.first('make'), '-f', "demos.mk", "build") |
print("Building demos {cmd} at {cp}...".format(cmd=repr(demos_cmd), cp=repr(_DOC_PATH))) |
demos = Popen(demos_cmd, stdout=sys.stdout, stderr=sys.stderr, env=_env, cwd=_DOC_PATH) |
if demos.wait() != 0: |
raise ChildProcessError("Demos failed with %d." % (demos.returncode,)) |
notebook_cmd = (where.first('make'), '-f', "notebook.mk", "build") |
print("Executing notebooks {cmd} at {cp}...".format(cmd=repr(notebook_cmd), cp=repr(_DOC_PATH))) |
demos = Popen(notebook_cmd, stdout=sys.stdout, stderr=sys.stderr, env=_env, cwd=_DOC_PATH) |
if demos.wait() != 0: |
raise ChildProcessError("Notebook failed with %d." % (demos.returncode,)) |
print("Build of contents complete.") |
from lzero.config.meta import __TITLE__, __AUTHOR__, __VERSION__ |
project = __TITLE__ |
copyright = '{year}, {author}'.format(year=datetime.now().year, author=__AUTHOR__) |
author = __AUTHOR__ |
version = version_.parse(__VERSION__).base_version |
release = __VERSION__ |
extensions = [ |
'sphinx.ext.autodoc', |
'sphinx.ext.doctest', |
'sphinx.ext.mathjax', |
'sphinx.ext.ifconfig', |
'sphinx.ext.viewcode', |
'sphinx.ext.githubpages', |
'sphinx.ext.todo', |
'sphinx.ext.graphviz', |
'enum_tools.autoenum', |
"sphinx_multiversion", |
'nbsphinx', |
] |
templates_path = ['_templates'] |
language = None |
exclude_patterns = [] |
html_theme = 'sphinx_rtd_theme' |
htmlhelp_basename = 'LightZero' |
html_static_path = ['_static'] |
epub_title = project |
epub_exclude_files = ['search.html'] |
smv_tag_whitelist = r'^v.*$' |
smv_branch_whitelist = r'^.*$' |
smv_remote_whitelist = r'^.*$' |
smv_released_pattern = r'^tags/.*$' |
smv_outputdir_format = '{ref.name}' |
if not os.environ.get("ENV_PROD"): |
todo_include_todos = True |
todo_emit_warnings = True |