import copy |
import os |
from datetime import datetime |
from itertools import product |
import gymnasium as gym |
import numpy as np |
from itertools import product |
from ding.envs import BaseEnvTimestep |
from ding.envs import ObsPlusPrevActRewWrapper |
from ding.envs.common import affine_transform |
from ding.torch_utils import to_ndarray |
from ding.utils import ENV_REGISTRY |
from easydict import EasyDict |
from zoo.box2d.lunarlander.envs.lunarlander_env import LunarLanderEnv |
@ENV_REGISTRY.register('lunarlander_cont_disc') |
class LunarLanderDiscEnv(LunarLanderEnv): |
""" |
Overview: |
The modified LunarLander environment with manually discretized action space. For each dimension, it equally divides the |
original continuous action into ``each_dim_disc_size`` bins and uses their Cartesian product to obtain |
handcrafted discrete actions. |
""" |
@classmethod |
def default_config(cls: type) -> EasyDict: |
""" |
Overview: |
Get the default configuration of the LunarLander environment. |
Returns: |
- cfg (:obj:`EasyDict`): Default configuration dictionary. |
""" |
cfg = EasyDict(copy.deepcopy(cls.config)) |
cfg.cfg_type = cls.__name__ + 'Dict' |
return cfg |
config = dict( |
env_name="LunarLander-v2", |
each_dim_disc_size=4, |
save_replay_gif=False, |
replay_path_gif=None, |
replay_path=None, |
act_scale=True, |
collect_max_episode_steps=int(1.08e5), |
eval_max_episode_steps=int(1.08e5), |
) |
def __init__(self, cfg: dict) -> None: |
""" |
Overview: |
Initialize the LunarLander environment with the given config dictionary. |
Arguments: |
- cfg (:obj:`dict`): Configuration dictionary. |
""" |
self._cfg = cfg |
self._init_flag = False |
self._env_name = cfg.env_name |
self._replay_path = cfg.replay_path |
self._replay_path_gif = cfg.replay_path_gif |
self._save_replay_gif = cfg.save_replay_gif |
self._save_replay_count = 0 |
if 'Continuous' in self._env_name: |
self._act_scale = cfg.act_scale |
else: |
self._act_scale = False |
def reset(self) -> np.ndarray: |
""" |
Overview: |
Reset the environment. During the reset phase, the original environment will be created, |
and at the same time, the action space will be discretized into "each_dim_disc_size" bins. |
Returns: |
- info_dict (:obj:`Dict[str, Any]`): Including observation, action_mask, and to_play label. |
""" |
if not self._init_flag: |
self._env = gym.make(self._cfg.env_name, render_mode="rgb_array") |
if self._replay_path is not None: |
timestamp = datetime.now().strftime("%Y%m%d%H%M%S") |
video_name = f'{self._env.spec.id}-video-{timestamp}' |
self._env = gym.wrappers.RecordVideo( |
self._env, |
video_folder=self._replay_path, |
episode_trigger=lambda episode_id: True, |
name_prefix=video_name |
) |
if hasattr(self._cfg, 'obs_plus_prev_action_reward') and self._cfg.obs_plus_prev_action_reward: |
self._env = ObsPlusPrevActRewWrapper(self._env) |
self._observation_space = self._env.observation_space |
self._reward_space = gym.spaces.Box( |
low=self._env.reward_range[0], high=self._env.reward_range[1], shape=(1, ), dtype=np.float32 |
) |
self._reward_space = gym.spaces.Box( |
low=self._env.reward_range[0], high=self._env.reward_range[1], shape=(1, ), dtype=np.float32 |
) |
self._init_flag = True |
if hasattr(self, '_seed') and hasattr(self, '_dynamic_seed') and self._dynamic_seed: |
np_seed = 100 * np.random.randint(1, 1000) |
self._seed = self._seed + np_seed |
obs, _ = self._env.reset(seed=self._seed) |
elif hasattr(self, '_seed'): |
obs, _ = self._env.reset(seed=self._seed) |
else: |
obs, _ = self._env.reset() |
obs = to_ndarray(obs) |
self._eval_episode_return = 0 |
if self._save_replay_gif: |
self._frames = [] |
self._raw_action_space = self._env.action_space |
self.m = self._raw_action_space.shape[0] |
self.n = self._cfg.each_dim_disc_size |
self.K = self.n ** self.m |
self.disc_to_cont = list(product(*[list(range(self.n)) for dim in range(self.m)])) |
self._action_space = gym.spaces.Discrete(self.K) |
action_mask = np.ones(self.K, 'int8') |
obs = {'observation': obs, 'action_mask': action_mask, 'to_play': -1} |
return obs |
def step(self, action: np.ndarray) -> BaseEnvTimestep: |
""" |
Overview: |
Take an action in the environment. During the step phase, the environment first converts the discrete action into a continuous action, |
and then passes it into the original environment. |
Arguments: |
- action (:obj:`np.ndarray`): Discrete action to be taken in the environment. |
Returns: |
- BaseEnvTimestep (:obj:`BaseEnvTimestep`): A tuple containing observation, reward, done, and info. |
""" |
action = [-1 + 2 / self.n * k for k in self.disc_to_cont[int(action)]] |
action = to_ndarray(action) |
if action.shape == (1, ): |
action = action.item() |
if self._act_scale: |
action = affine_transform(action, min_val=-1, max_val=1) |
if self._save_replay_gif: |
self._frames.append(self._env.render()) |
obs, rew, terminated, truncated, info = self._env.step(action) |
done = terminated or truncated |
action_mask = np.ones(self._action_space.n, 'int8') |
obs = {'observation': obs, 'action_mask': action_mask, 'to_play': -1} |
self._eval_episode_return += rew |
if done: |
info['eval_episode_return'] = self._eval_episode_return |
if self._save_replay_gif: |
if not os.path.exists(self._replay_path_gif): |
os.makedirs(self._replay_path_gif) |
timestamp = datetime.now().strftime("%Y%m%d%H%M%S") |
path = os.path.join( |
self._replay_path_gif, |
'{}_episode_{}_seed{}_{}.gif'.format(self._env_name, self._save_replay_count, self._seed, timestamp) |
) |
self.display_frames_as_gif(self._frames, path) |
print(f'save episode {self._save_replay_count} in {self._replay_path_gif}!') |
self._save_replay_count += 1 |
obs = to_ndarray(obs) |
rew = to_ndarray([rew]).astype(np.float32) |
return BaseEnvTimestep(obs, rew, done, info) |
def __repr__(self) -> str: |
""" |
Overview: |
Represent the environment instance as a string. |
Returns: |
- repr_str (:obj:`str`): Representation string of the environment instance. |
""" |
return "LightZero LunarLander Env (with manually discretized action space)" |