zjowowen's picture
init space
history blame
13.8 kB
from typing import Optional, Union, Any, List
from easydict import EasyDict
from ding.utils import deep_merge_dicts, SequenceType
from collections import namedtuple
import numpy as np
import torch
class LevelSampler():
Policy class of Prioritized Level Replay algorithm.
PLR is a method for improving generalization and sample-efficiency of \
deep RL agents on procedurally-generated environments by adaptively updating \
a sampling distribution over the training levels based on a score of the learning \
potential of replaying each level.
config = dict(
def __init__(
seeds: Optional[List[int]],
obs_space: Union[int, SequenceType],
action_space: int,
num_actors: int,
cfg: EasyDict,
self.cfg = EasyDict(deep_merge_dicts(self.config, cfg))
self.obs_space = obs_space
self.action_space = action_space
self.strategy = self.cfg.strategy
self.replay_schedule = self.cfg.replay_schedule
self.score_transform = self.cfg.score_transform
self.temperature = self.cfg.temperature
# Eps means the level replay epsilon for eps-greedy sampling
self.eps = self.cfg.eps
# Rho means the minimum size of replay set relative to total number of levels before sampling replays
self.rho = self.cfg.rho
# Nu means the probability of sampling a new level instead of a replay level
self.nu = self.cfg.nu
# Alpha means the level score EWA smoothing factor
self.alpha = self.cfg.alpha
self.staleness_coef = self.cfg.staleness_coef
self.staleness_transform = self.cfg.staleness_transform
self.staleness_temperature = self.cfg.staleness_temperature
# Track seeds and scores as in np arrays backed by shared memory
self.seeds = np.array(seeds, dtype=np.int64)
self.seed2index = {seed: i for i, seed in enumerate(seeds)}
self.unseen_seed_weights = np.ones(len(seeds))
self.seed_scores = np.zeros(len(seeds))
self.partial_seed_scores = np.zeros((num_actors, len(seeds)), dtype=np.float32)
self.partial_seed_steps = np.zeros((num_actors, len(seeds)), dtype=np.int64)
self.seed_staleness = np.zeros(len(seeds))
self.next_seed_index = 0 # Only used for sequential strategy
def update_with_rollouts(self, train_data: dict, num_actors: int):
total_steps = train_data['reward'].shape[0]
if self.strategy == 'random':
if self.strategy == 'policy_entropy':
score_function = self._entropy
elif self.strategy == 'least_confidence':
score_function = self._least_confidence
elif self.strategy == 'min_margin':
score_function = self._min_margin
elif self.strategy == 'gae':
score_function = self._gae
elif self.strategy == 'value_l1':
score_function = self._value_l1
elif self.strategy == 'one_step_td_error':
score_function = self._one_step_td_error
raise ValueError('Not supported strategy: {}'.format(self.strategy))
self._update_with_rollouts(train_data, num_actors, total_steps, score_function)
for actor_index in range(self.partial_seed_scores.shape[0]):
for seed_idx in range(self.partial_seed_scores.shape[1]):
if self.partial_seed_scores[actor_index][seed_idx] != 0:
self.update_seed_score(actor_index, seed_idx, 0, 0)
def update_seed_score(self, actor_index: int, seed_idx: int, score: float, num_steps: int):
score = self._partial_update_seed_score(actor_index, seed_idx, score, num_steps, done=True)
self.unseen_seed_weights[seed_idx] = 0. # No longer unseen
old_score = self.seed_scores[seed_idx]
self.seed_scores[seed_idx] = (1 - self.alpha) * old_score + self.alpha * score
def _partial_update_seed_score(
self, actor_index: int, seed_idx: int, score: float, num_steps: int, done: bool = False
partial_score = self.partial_seed_scores[actor_index][seed_idx]
partial_num_steps = self.partial_seed_steps[actor_index][seed_idx]
running_num_steps = partial_num_steps + num_steps
merged_score = partial_score + (score - partial_score) * num_steps / float(running_num_steps)
if done:
self.partial_seed_scores[actor_index][seed_idx] = 0. # zero partial score, partial num_steps
self.partial_seed_steps[actor_index][seed_idx] = 0
self.partial_seed_scores[actor_index][seed_idx] = merged_score
self.partial_seed_steps[actor_index][seed_idx] = running_num_steps
return merged_score
def _entropy(self, **kwargs):
episode_logits = kwargs['episode_logits']
num_actions = self.action_space
max_entropy = -(1. / num_actions) * np.log(1. / num_actions) * num_actions
return (-torch.exp(episode_logits) * episode_logits).sum(-1).mean().item() / max_entropy
def _least_confidence(self, **kwargs):
episode_logits = kwargs['episode_logits']
return (1 - torch.exp(episode_logits.max(-1, keepdim=True)[0])).mean().item()
def _min_margin(self, **kwargs):
episode_logits = kwargs['episode_logits']
top2_confidence = torch.exp(episode_logits.topk(2, dim=-1)[0])
return 1 - (top2_confidence[:, 0] - top2_confidence[:, 1]).mean().item()
def _gae(self, **kwargs):
advantages = kwargs['adv']
return advantages.mean().item()
def _value_l1(self, **kwargs):
advantages = kwargs['adv']
# If the absolute value of ADV is large, it means that the level can significantly change
# the policy and can be used to learn more
return advantages.abs().mean().item()
def _one_step_td_error(self, **kwargs):
rewards = kwargs['rewards']
value = kwargs['value']
max_t = len(rewards)
td_errors = (rewards[:-1] + value[:max_t - 1] - value[1:max_t]).abs()
return td_errors.abs().mean().item()
def _update_with_rollouts(self, train_data: dict, num_actors: int, all_total_steps: int, score_function):
level_seeds = train_data['seed'].reshape(num_actors, int(all_total_steps / num_actors)).transpose(0, 1)
policy_logits = train_data['logit'].reshape(num_actors, int(all_total_steps / num_actors), -1).transpose(0, 1)
done = train_data['done'].reshape(num_actors, int(all_total_steps / num_actors)).transpose(0, 1)
total_steps, num_actors = policy_logits.shape[:2]
num_decisions = len(policy_logits)
for actor_index in range(num_actors):
done_steps = done[:, actor_index].nonzero()[:total_steps, 0]
start_t = 0
for t in done_steps:
if not start_t < total_steps:
if t == 0: # if t is 0, then this done step caused a full update of previous seed last cycle
seed_t = level_seeds[start_t, actor_index].item()
seed_t = int(seed_t)
seed_idx_t = self.seed2index[seed_t]
score_function_kwargs = {}
episode_logits = policy_logits[start_t:t, actor_index]
score_function_kwargs['episode_logits'] = torch.log_softmax(episode_logits, -1)
if self.strategy in ['gae', 'value_l1', 'one_step_td_error']:
rewards = train_data['reward'].reshape(num_actors,
int(all_total_steps / num_actors)).transpose(0, 1)
adv = train_data['adv'].reshape(num_actors, int(all_total_steps / num_actors)).transpose(0, 1)
value = train_data['value'].reshape(num_actors, int(all_total_steps / num_actors)).transpose(0, 1)
score_function_kwargs['adv'] = adv[start_t:t, actor_index]
score_function_kwargs['rewards'] = rewards[start_t:t, actor_index]
score_function_kwargs['value'] = value[start_t:t, actor_index]
score = score_function(**score_function_kwargs)
num_steps = len(episode_logits)
self.update_seed_score(actor_index, seed_idx_t, score, num_steps)
start_t = t.item()
if start_t < total_steps:
seed_t = level_seeds[start_t, actor_index].item()
seed_idx_t = self.seed2index[seed_t]
score_function_kwargs = {}
episode_logits = policy_logits[start_t:, actor_index]
score_function_kwargs['episode_logits'] = torch.log_softmax(episode_logits, -1)
if self.strategy in ['gae', 'value_l1', 'one_step_td_error']:
rewards = train_data['reward'].reshape(num_actors,
int(all_total_steps / num_actors)).transpose(0, 1)
adv = train_data['adv'].reshape(num_actors, int(all_total_steps / num_actors)).transpose(0, 1)
value = train_data['value'].reshape(num_actors, int(all_total_steps / num_actors)).transpose(0, 1)
score_function_kwargs['adv'] = adv[start_t:, actor_index]
score_function_kwargs['rewards'] = rewards[start_t:, actor_index]
score_function_kwargs['value'] = value[start_t:, actor_index]
score = score_function(**score_function_kwargs)
num_steps = len(episode_logits)
self._partial_update_seed_score(actor_index, seed_idx_t, score, num_steps)
def _update_staleness(self, selected_idx: int):
if self.staleness_coef > 0:
self.seed_staleness += 1
self.seed_staleness[selected_idx] = 0
def _sample_replay_level(self):
sample_weights = self._sample_weights()
if np.isclose(np.sum(sample_weights), 0):
sample_weights = np.ones_like(sample_weights, dtype=np.float32) / len(sample_weights)
seed_idx = np.random.choice(range(len(self.seeds)), 1, p=sample_weights)[0]
seed = self.seeds[seed_idx]
return int(seed)
def _sample_unseen_level(self):
sample_weights = self.unseen_seed_weights / self.unseen_seed_weights.sum()
seed_idx = np.random.choice(range(len(self.seeds)), 1, p=sample_weights)[0]
seed = self.seeds[seed_idx]
return int(seed)
def sample(self, strategy: Optional[str] = None):
if not strategy:
strategy = self.strategy
if strategy == 'random':
seed_idx = np.random.choice(range(len(self.seeds)))
seed = self.seeds[seed_idx]
return int(seed)
elif strategy == 'sequential':
seed_idx = self.next_seed_index
self.next_seed_index = (self.next_seed_index + 1) % len(self.seeds)
seed = self.seeds[seed_idx]
return int(seed)
num_unseen = (self.unseen_seed_weights > 0).sum()
proportion_seen = (len(self.seeds) - num_unseen) / len(self.seeds)
if self.replay_schedule == 'fixed':
if proportion_seen >= self.rho:
# Sample replay level with fixed prob = 1 - nu OR if all levels seen
if np.random.rand() > self.nu or not proportion_seen < 1.0:
return self._sample_replay_level()
# Otherwise, sample a new level
return self._sample_unseen_level()
else: # Default to proportionate schedule
if proportion_seen >= self.rho and np.random.rand() < proportion_seen:
return self._sample_replay_level()
return self._sample_unseen_level()
def _sample_weights(self):
weights = self._score_transform(self.score_transform, self.temperature, self.seed_scores)
weights = weights * (1 - self.unseen_seed_weights) # zero out unseen levels
z = np.sum(weights)
if z > 0:
weights /= z
staleness_weights = 0
if self.staleness_coef > 0:
staleness_weights = self._score_transform(
self.staleness_transform, self.staleness_temperature, self.seed_staleness
staleness_weights = staleness_weights * (1 - self.unseen_seed_weights)
z = np.sum(staleness_weights)
if z > 0:
staleness_weights /= z
weights = (1 - self.staleness_coef) * weights + self.staleness_coef * staleness_weights
return weights
def _score_transform(self, transform: Optional[str], temperature: float, scores: Optional[List[float]]):
if transform == 'rank':
temp = np.flip(scores.argsort())
ranks = np.empty_like(temp)
ranks[temp] = np.arange(len(temp)) + 1
weights = 1 / ranks ** (1. / temperature)
elif transform == 'power':
eps = 0 if self.staleness_coef > 0 else 1e-3
weights = (np.array(scores) + eps) ** (1. / temperature)
return weights