import copy |
from collections import defaultdict |
from typing import Tuple, Optional |
from easydict import EasyDict |
from tabulate import tabulate |
import numpy as np |
from ding.utils import LockContext, LockContextType |
from .player import Player |
class BattleRecordDict(dict): |
""" |
Overview: |
A dict which is used to record battle game result. |
Initialized four fixed keys: `wins`, `draws`, `losses`, `games`; Each with value 0. |
Interfaces: |
__mul__ |
""" |
data_keys = ['wins', 'draws', 'losses', 'games'] |
def __init__(self) -> None: |
""" |
Overview: |
Initialize four fixed keys ['wins', 'draws', 'losses', 'games'] and set value to 0 |
""" |
super(BattleRecordDict, self).__init__() |
for k in self.data_keys: |
self[k] = 0 |
def __mul__(self, decay: float) -> dict: |
""" |
Overview: |
Multiply each key's value with the input multiplier ``decay`` |
Arguments: |
- decay (:obj:`float`): The multiplier. |
Returns: |
- obj (:obj:`dict`): A deepcopied RecordDict after multiplication decay. |
""" |
obj = copy.deepcopy(self) |
for k in obj.keys(): |
obj[k] *= decay |
return obj |
class BattleSharedPayoff: |
""" |
Overview: |
Payoff data structure to record historical match result, this payoff is shared among all the players. |
Use LockContext to ensure thread safe, since all players from all threads can access and modify it. |
Interface: |
__getitem__, add_player, update, get_key |
Property: |
players |
""" |
def __init__(self, cfg: EasyDict): |
""" |
Overview: |
Initialize battle payoff |
Arguments: |
- cfg (:obj:`dict`): config(contains {decay, min_win_rate_games}) |
""" |
self._players = [] |
self._players_ids = [] |
self._data = defaultdict(BattleRecordDict) |
self._decay = cfg.decay |
self._min_win_rate_games = cfg.get('min_win_rate_games', 8) |
self._lock = LockContext(type_=LockContextType.THREAD_LOCK) |
def __repr__(self) -> str: |
headers = ["Home Player", "Away Player", "Wins", "Draws", "Losses", "Naive Win Rate"] |
data = [] |
for k, v in self._data.items(): |
k1 = k.split('-') |
if 'historical' in k1[0]: |
naive_win_rate = (v['losses'] + v['draws'] / 2) / (v['wins'] + v['losses'] + v['draws'] + 1e-8) |
data.append([k1[1], k1[0], v['losses'], v['draws'], v['wins'], naive_win_rate]) |
else: |
naive_win_rate = (v['wins'] + v['draws'] / 2) / (v['wins'] + v['losses'] + v['draws'] + 1e-8) |
data.append([k1[0], k1[1], v['wins'], v['draws'], v['losses'], naive_win_rate]) |
data = sorted(data, key=lambda x: x[0]) |
s = tabulate(data, headers=headers, tablefmt='pipe') |
return s |
def __getitem__(self, players: tuple) -> np.ndarray: |
""" |
Overview: |
Get win rates between home players and away players one by one |
Arguments: |
- players (:obj:`tuple`): A tuple of (home, away), each one is a player or a player list. |
Returns: |
- win_rates (:obj:`np.ndarray`): Win rate (squeezed, see Shape for more details) \ |
between each player from home and each player from away. |
Shape: |
- win_rates: Assume there are m home players and n away players.(m,n > 0) |
- m != 1 and n != 1: shape is (m, n) |
- m == 1: shape is (n) |
- n == 1: shape is (m) |
""" |
with self._lock: |
home, away = players |
assert isinstance(home, list) or isinstance(home, Player) |
assert isinstance(away, list) or isinstance(away, Player) |
if isinstance(home, Player): |
home = [home] |
if isinstance(away, Player): |
away = [away] |
win_rates = np.array([[self._win_rate(h.player_id, a.player_id) for a in away] for h in home]) |
if len(home) == 1 or len(away) == 1: |
win_rates = win_rates.reshape(-1) |
return win_rates |
def _win_rate(self, home: str, away: str) -> float: |
""" |
Overview: |
Calculate win rate of one `home player` vs one `away player` |
Arguments: |
- home (:obj:`str`): home player id to access win rate |
- away (:obj:`str`): away player id to access win rate |
Returns: |
- win rate (:obj:`float`): float win rate value. \ |
Only when total games is no less than ``self._min_win_rate_games``, \ |
can the win rate be calculated by (wins + draws/2) / games, or return 0.5 by default. |
""" |
key, reverse = self.get_key(home, away) |
handle = self._data[key] |
if handle['games'] < self._min_win_rate_games: |
return 0.5 |
wins = handle['wins'] if not reverse else handle['losses'] |
return (wins + 0.5 * handle['draws']) / (handle['games']) |
@property |
def players(self): |
""" |
Overview: |
Get all the players |
Returns: |
- players (:obj:`list`): players list |
""" |
with self._lock: |
return self._players |
def add_player(self, player: Player) -> None: |
""" |
Overview: |
Add a player to the shared payoff. |
Arguments: |
- player (:obj:`Player`): The player to be added. Usually is a new one to the league as well. |
""" |
with self._lock: |
self._players.append(player) |
self._players_ids.append(player.player_id) |
def update(self, job_info: dict) -> bool: |
""" |
Overview: |
Update payoff with job_info when a job is to be finished. |
If update succeeds, return True; If raises an exception when updating, resolve it and return False. |
Arguments: |
- job_info (:obj:`dict`): A dict containing job result information. |
Returns: |
- result (:obj:`bool`): Whether update is successful. |
.. note:: |
job_info has at least 5 keys ['launch_player', 'player_id', 'env_num', 'episode_num', 'result']. |
Key ``player_id`` 's value is a tuple of (home_id, away_id). |
Key ``result`` 's value is a two-layer list with the length of (episode_num, env_num). |
""" |
def _win_loss_reverse(result_: str, reverse_: bool) -> str: |
if result_ == 'draws' or not reverse_: |
return result_ |
reverse_dict = {'wins': 'losses', 'losses': 'wins'} |
return reverse_dict[result_] |
with self._lock: |
home_id, away_id = job_info['player_id'] |
job_info_result = job_info['result'] |
if not isinstance(job_info_result[0], list): |
job_info_result = [job_info_result] |
try: |
assert home_id in self._players_ids, "home_id error" |
assert away_id in self._players_ids, "away_id error" |
assert all([i in BattleRecordDict.data_keys[:3] for j in job_info_result for i in j]), "results error" |
except Exception as e: |
print("[ERROR] invalid job_info: {}\n\tError reason is: {}".format(job_info, e)) |
return False |
if home_id == away_id: |
key, reverse = self.get_key(home_id, away_id) |
self._data[key]['draws'] += 1 |
self._data[key]['games'] += 1 |
else: |
key, reverse = self.get_key(home_id, away_id) |
for one_episode_result in job_info_result: |
for one_episode_result_per_env in one_episode_result: |
self._data[key] *= self._decay |
self._data[key]['games'] += 1 |
result = _win_loss_reverse(one_episode_result_per_env, reverse) |
self._data[key][result] += 1 |
return True |
def get_key(self, home: str, away: str) -> Tuple[str, bool]: |
""" |
Overview: |
Join home player id and away player id in alphabetival order. |
Arguments: |
- home (:obj:`str`): Home player id |
- away (:obj:`str`): Away player id |
Returns: |
- key (:obj:`str`): Tow ids sorted in alphabetical order, and joined by '-'. |
- reverse (:obj:`bool`): Whether the two player ids are reordered. |
""" |
assert isinstance(home, str) |
assert isinstance(away, str) |
reverse = False |
if home <= away: |
tmp = [home, away] |
else: |
tmp = [away, home] |
reverse = True |
return '-'.join(tmp), reverse |
def create_payoff(cfg: EasyDict) -> Optional[BattleSharedPayoff]: |
""" |
Overview: |
Given the key (payoff type), now supports keys ['solo', 'battle'], |
create a new payoff instance if in payoff_mapping's values, or raise an KeyError. |
Arguments: |
- cfg (:obj:`EasyDict`): payoff config containing at least one key 'type' |
Returns: |
- payoff (:obj:`BattleSharedPayoff` or :obj:`SoloSharedPayoff`): the created new payoff, \ |
should be an instance of one of payoff_mapping's values |
""" |
payoff_mapping = {'battle': BattleSharedPayoff} |
payoff_type = cfg.type |
if payoff_type not in payoff_mapping.keys(): |
raise KeyError("not support payoff type: {}".format(payoff_type)) |
else: |
return payoff_mapping[payoff_type](cfg) |