from typing import Dict, Any, List |
from functools import partial |
import torch |
from torch import Tensor |
from torch import nn |
from torch.distributions import Normal, Independent |
from ding.torch_utils import to_device, fold_batch, unfold_batch, unsqueeze_repeat |
from ding.utils import POLICY_REGISTRY |
from ding.policy import SACPolicy |
from ding.rl_utils import generalized_lambda_returns |
from ding.policy.common_utils import default_preprocess_learn |
from .utils import q_evaluation |
@POLICY_REGISTRY.register('mbsac') |
class MBSACPolicy(SACPolicy): |
""" |
Overview: |
Model based SAC with value expansion (arXiv: 1803.00101) |
and value gradient (arXiv: 1510.09142) w.r.t lambda-return. |
https://arxiv.org/pdf/1803.00101.pdf |
https://arxiv.org/pdf/1510.09142.pdf |
Config: |
== ==================== ======== ============= ================================== |
ID Symbol Type Default Value Description |
== ==================== ======== ============= ================================== |
1 ``learn._lambda`` float 0.8 | Lambda for TD-lambda return. |
2 ``learn.grad_clip` float 100.0 | Max norm of gradients. |
3 | ``learn.sample`` bool True | Whether to sample states or |
| ``_state`` | transitions from env buffer. |
== ==================== ======== ============= ================================== |
.. note:: |
For other configs, please refer to ding.policy.sac.SACPolicy. |
""" |
config = dict( |
learn=dict( |
lambda_=0.8, |
grad_clip=100, |
sample_state=True, |
) |
) |
def _init_learn(self) -> None: |
super()._init_learn() |
self._target_model.requires_grad_(False) |
self._lambda = self._cfg.learn.lambda_ |
self._grad_clip = self._cfg.learn.grad_clip |
self._sample_state = self._cfg.learn.sample_state |
self._auto_alpha = self._cfg.learn.auto_alpha |
assert not self._auto_alpha, "NotImplemented" |
def actor_fn(obs: Tensor): |
(mu, sigma) = self._learn_model.forward(obs, mode='compute_actor')['logit'] |
dist = Independent(Normal(mu, sigma), 1) |
pred = dist.rsample() |
action = torch.tanh(pred) |
log_prob = dist.log_prob( |
pred |
) + 2 * (pred + torch.nn.functional.softplus(-2. * pred) - torch.log(torch.tensor(2.))).sum(-1) |
return action, -self._alpha.detach() * log_prob |
self._actor_fn = actor_fn |
def critic_fn(obss: Tensor, actions: Tensor, model: nn.Module): |
eval_data = {'obs': obss, 'action': actions} |
q_values = model.forward(eval_data, mode='compute_critic')['q_value'] |
return q_values |
self._critic_fn = critic_fn |
self._forward_learn_cnt = 0 |
def _forward_learn(self, data: dict, world_model, envstep) -> Dict[str, Any]: |
data = default_preprocess_learn( |
data, |
use_priority=self._priority, |
use_priority_IS_weight=self._cfg.priority_IS_weight, |
ignore_done=self._cfg.learn.ignore_done, |
use_nstep=False |
) |
if self._cuda: |
data = to_device(data, self._device) |
if len(data['action'].shape) == 1: |
data['action'] = data['action'].unsqueeze(1) |
self._learn_model.train() |
self._target_model.train() |
if self._sample_state: |
obss, actions, rewards, aug_rewards, dones = \ |
world_model.rollout(data['obs'], self._actor_fn, envstep) |
else: |
obss, actions, rewards, aug_rewards, dones = \ |
world_model.rollout(data['next_obs'], self._actor_fn, envstep) |
obss = torch.cat([data['obs'].unsqueeze(0), obss]) |
actions = torch.cat([data['action'].unsqueeze(0), actions]) |
rewards = torch.cat([data['reward'].unsqueeze(0), rewards]) |
aug_rewards = torch.cat([torch.zeros_like(data['reward']).unsqueeze(0), aug_rewards]) |
dones = torch.cat([data['done'].unsqueeze(0), dones]) |
dones = torch.cat([torch.zeros_like(data['done']).unsqueeze(0), dones]) |
target_q_values = q_evaluation(obss, actions, partial(self._critic_fn, model=self._target_model)) |
if self._twin_critic: |
target_q_values = torch.min(target_q_values[0], target_q_values[1]) + aug_rewards |
else: |
target_q_values = target_q_values + aug_rewards |
lambda_return = generalized_lambda_returns(target_q_values, rewards, self._gamma, self._lambda, dones[1:]) |
weight = (1 - dones[:-1].detach()).cumprod(dim=0) |
q_values = q_evaluation(obss.detach(), actions.detach(), partial(self._critic_fn, model=self._learn_model)) |
if self._twin_critic: |
critic_loss = 0.5 * torch.square(q_values[0][:-1] - lambda_return.detach()) \ |
+ 0.5 * torch.square(q_values[1][:-1] - lambda_return.detach()) |
else: |
critic_loss = 0.5 * torch.square(q_values[:-1] - lambda_return.detach()) |
critic_loss = (critic_loss * weight).mean() |
policy_loss = -(lambda_return * weight).mean() |
loss_dict = { |
'critic_loss': critic_loss, |
'policy_loss': policy_loss, |
} |
norm_dict = self._update(loss_dict) |
self._forward_learn_cnt += 1 |
self._target_model.update(self._learn_model.state_dict()) |
return { |
'cur_lr_q': self._optimizer_q.defaults['lr'], |
'cur_lr_p': self._optimizer_policy.defaults['lr'], |
'alpha': self._alpha.item(), |
'target_q_value': target_q_values.detach().mean().item(), |
**norm_dict, |
**loss_dict, |
} |
def _update(self, loss_dict): |
self._optimizer_q.zero_grad() |
loss_dict['critic_loss'].backward() |
critic_norm = nn.utils.clip_grad_norm_(self._model.critic.parameters(), self._grad_clip) |
self._optimizer_q.step() |
self._optimizer_policy.zero_grad() |
loss_dict['policy_loss'].backward() |
policy_norm = nn.utils.clip_grad_norm_(self._model.actor.parameters(), self._grad_clip) |
self._optimizer_policy.step() |
return {'policy_norm': policy_norm, 'critic_norm': critic_norm} |
def _monitor_vars_learn(self) -> List[str]: |
r""" |
Overview: |
Return variables' name if variables are to used in monitor. |
Returns: |
- vars (:obj:`List[str]`): Variables' name list. |
""" |
alpha_loss = ['alpha_loss'] if self._auto_alpha else [] |
return [ |
'policy_loss', |
'critic_loss', |
'policy_norm', |
'critic_norm', |
'cur_lr_q', |
'cur_lr_p', |
'alpha', |
'target_q_value', |
] + alpha_loss |
@POLICY_REGISTRY.register('stevesac') |
class STEVESACPolicy(SACPolicy): |
r""" |
Overview: |
Model based SAC with stochastic value expansion (arXiv 1807.01675).\ |
This implementation also uses value gradient w.r.t the same STEVE target. |
https://arxiv.org/pdf/1807.01675.pdf |
Config: |
== ==================== ======== ============= ===================================== |
ID Symbol Type Default Value Description |
== ==================== ======== ============= ===================================== |
1 ``learn.grad_clip` float 100.0 | Max norm of gradients. |
2 ``learn.ensemble_size`` int 1 | The number of ensemble world models. |
== ==================== ======== ============= ===================================== |
.. note:: |
For other configs, please refer to ding.policy.sac.SACPolicy. |
""" |
config = dict( |
learn=dict( |
grad_clip=100, |
ensemble_size=1, |
) |
) |
def _init_learn(self) -> None: |
super()._init_learn() |
self._target_model.requires_grad_(False) |
self._grad_clip = self._cfg.learn.grad_clip |
self._ensemble_size = self._cfg.learn.ensemble_size |
self._auto_alpha = self._cfg.learn.auto_alpha |
assert not self._auto_alpha, "NotImplemented" |
def actor_fn(obs: Tensor): |
obs, dim = fold_batch(obs, 1) |
(mu, sigma) = self._learn_model.forward(obs, mode='compute_actor')['logit'] |
dist = Independent(Normal(mu, sigma), 1) |
pred = dist.rsample() |
action = torch.tanh(pred) |
log_prob = dist.log_prob( |
pred |
) + 2 * (pred + torch.nn.functional.softplus(-2. * pred) - torch.log(torch.tensor(2.))).sum(-1) |
aug_reward = -self._alpha.detach() * log_prob |
return unfold_batch(action, dim), unfold_batch(aug_reward, dim) |
self._actor_fn = actor_fn |
def critic_fn(obss: Tensor, actions: Tensor, model: nn.Module): |
eval_data = {'obs': obss, 'action': actions} |
q_values = model.forward(eval_data, mode='compute_critic')['q_value'] |
return q_values |
self._critic_fn = critic_fn |
self._forward_learn_cnt = 0 |
def _forward_learn(self, data: dict, world_model, envstep) -> Dict[str, Any]: |
data = default_preprocess_learn( |
data, |
use_priority=self._priority, |
use_priority_IS_weight=self._cfg.priority_IS_weight, |
ignore_done=self._cfg.learn.ignore_done, |
use_nstep=False |
) |
if self._cuda: |
data = to_device(data, self._device) |
if len(data['action'].shape) == 1: |
data['action'] = data['action'].unsqueeze(1) |
data['next_obs'] = unsqueeze_repeat(data['next_obs'], self._ensemble_size) |
data['reward'] = unsqueeze_repeat(data['reward'], self._ensemble_size) |
data['done'] = unsqueeze_repeat(data['done'], self._ensemble_size) |
self._learn_model.train() |
self._target_model.train() |
obss, actions, rewards, aug_rewards, dones = \ |
world_model.rollout(data['next_obs'], self._actor_fn, envstep, keep_ensemble=True) |
rewards = torch.cat([data['reward'].unsqueeze(0), rewards]) |
dones = torch.cat([data['done'].unsqueeze(0), dones]) |
target_q_values = q_evaluation(obss, actions, partial(self._critic_fn, model=self._target_model)) |
if self._twin_critic: |
target_q_values = torch.min(target_q_values[0], target_q_values[1]) + aug_rewards |
else: |
target_q_values = target_q_values + aug_rewards |
discounts = ((1 - dones) * self._gamma).cumprod(dim=0) |
discounts = torch.cat([torch.ones_like(discounts)[:1], discounts]) |
cum_rewards = (rewards * discounts[:-1]).cumsum(dim=0) |
discounted_q_values = target_q_values * discounts[1:] |
steve_return = cum_rewards + discounted_q_values |
steve_return_mean = steve_return.mean(1) |
with torch.no_grad(): |
steve_return_inv_var = 1 / (1e-8 + steve_return.var(1, unbiased=False)) |
steve_return_weight = steve_return_inv_var / (1e-8 + steve_return_inv_var.sum(dim=0)) |
steve_return = (steve_return_mean * steve_return_weight).sum(0) |
eval_data = {'obs': data['obs'], 'action': data['action']} |
q_values = self._learn_model.forward(eval_data, mode='compute_critic')['q_value'] |
if self._twin_critic: |
critic_loss = 0.5 * torch.square(q_values[0] - steve_return.detach()) \ |
+ 0.5 * torch.square(q_values[1] - steve_return.detach()) |
else: |
critic_loss = 0.5 * torch.square(q_values - steve_return.detach()) |
critic_loss = critic_loss.mean() |
policy_loss = -steve_return.mean() |
loss_dict = { |
'critic_loss': critic_loss, |
'policy_loss': policy_loss, |
} |
norm_dict = self._update(loss_dict) |
self._forward_learn_cnt += 1 |
self._target_model.update(self._learn_model.state_dict()) |
return { |
'cur_lr_q': self._optimizer_q.defaults['lr'], |
'cur_lr_p': self._optimizer_policy.defaults['lr'], |
'alpha': self._alpha.item(), |
'target_q_value': target_q_values.detach().mean().item(), |
**norm_dict, |
**loss_dict, |
} |
def _update(self, loss_dict): |
self._optimizer_q.zero_grad() |
loss_dict['critic_loss'].backward() |
critic_norm = nn.utils.clip_grad_norm_(self._model.critic.parameters(), self._grad_clip) |
self._optimizer_q.step() |
self._optimizer_policy.zero_grad() |
loss_dict['policy_loss'].backward() |
policy_norm = nn.utils.clip_grad_norm_(self._model.actor.parameters(), self._grad_clip) |
self._optimizer_policy.step() |
return {'policy_norm': policy_norm, 'critic_norm': critic_norm} |
def _monitor_vars_learn(self) -> List[str]: |
r""" |
Overview: |
Return variables' name if variables are to used in monitor. |
Returns: |
- vars (:obj:`List[str]`): Variables' name list. |
""" |
alpha_loss = ['alpha_loss'] if self._auto_alpha else [] |
return [ |
'policy_loss', |
'critic_loss', |
'policy_norm', |
'critic_norm', |
'cur_lr_q', |
'cur_lr_p', |
'alpha', |
'target_q_value', |
] + alpha_loss |