zjowowen's picture
init space
history blame
11.3 kB
import os
import pytest
import time
import random
import functools
import tempfile
from typing import Callable
from ding.data.buffer import DequeBuffer
from ding.data.buffer.buffer import BufferedData
from torch.utils.data import DataLoader
class RateLimit:
Add rate limit threshold to push function
def __init__(self, max_rate: int = float("inf"), window_seconds: int = 30) -> None:
self.max_rate = max_rate
self.window_seconds = window_seconds
self.buffered = []
def __call__(self, action: str, chain: Callable, *args, **kwargs):
if action == "push":
return self.push(chain, *args, **kwargs)
return chain(*args, **kwargs)
def push(self, chain, data, *args, **kwargs) -> None:
current = time.time()
# Cut off stale records
self.buffered = [t for t in self.buffered if t > current - self.window_seconds]
if len(self.buffered) < self.max_rate:
return chain(data, *args, **kwargs)
return None
def add_10() -> Callable:
Transform data on sampling
def sample(chain: Callable, size: int, replace: bool = False, *args, **kwargs):
sampled_data = chain(size, replace, *args, **kwargs)
return [BufferedData(data=item.data + 10, index=item.index, meta=item.meta) for item in sampled_data]
def _subview(action: str, chain: Callable, *args, **kwargs):
if action == "sample":
return sample(chain, *args, **kwargs)
return chain(*args, **kwargs)
return _subview
def test_naive_push_sample():
# Push and sample
buffer = DequeBuffer(size=10)
for i in range(20):
assert buffer.count() == 10
assert 0 not in [item.data for item in buffer.sample(10)]
# Clear
assert buffer.count() == 0
# Test replace sample
for i in range(5):
assert buffer.count() == 5
assert len(buffer.sample(10, replace=True)) == 10
# Test slicing
for i in range(10):
assert len(buffer.sample(5, sample_range=slice(5, 10))) == 5
assert 0 not in [item.data for item in buffer.sample(5, sample_range=slice(5, 10))]
def test_rate_limit_push_sample():
buffer = DequeBuffer(size=10).use(RateLimit(max_rate=5))
for i in range(10):
assert buffer.count() == 5
assert 5 not in buffer.sample(5)
def test_load_and_save():
buffer = DequeBuffer(size=10).use(RateLimit(max_rate=5))
buffer.meta_index = {"label": []}
for i in range(10):
buffer.push(i, meta={"label": i})
assert buffer.count() == 5
assert 5 not in buffer.sample(5)
with tempfile.TemporaryDirectory() as tmpdirname:
test_file = os.path.join(tmpdirname, "data.hkl")
buffer_new = DequeBuffer(size=10).use(RateLimit(max_rate=5))
assert buffer_new.count() == 5
assert 5 not in buffer_new.sample(5)
assert len(buffer.meta_index["label"]) == 5
assert all([index < 5 for index in buffer.meta_index["label"]])
def test_buffer_view():
buf1 = DequeBuffer(size=10)
for i in range(1):
assert buf1.count() == 1
buf2 = buf1.view().use(RateLimit(max_rate=5)).use(add_10())
for i in range(10):
# With 1 record written by buf1 and 5 records written by buf2
assert len(buf1._middleware) == 0
assert buf1.count() == 6
# All data in buffer should bigger than 10 because of `add_10`
assert all(d.data >= 10 for d in buf2.sample(5))
# But data in storage is still less than 10
assert all(d.data < 10 for d in buf1.sample(5))
def test_sample_with_index():
buf = DequeBuffer(size=10)
for i in range(10):
buf.push({"data": i}, {"meta": i})
# Random sample and get indices
indices = [item.index for item in buf.sample(10)]
assert len(indices) == 10
indices = indices[:5]
# Resample by indices
new_indices = [item.index for item in buf.sample(indices=indices)]
assert len(new_indices) == len(indices)
for index in new_indices:
assert index in indices
def test_update():
buf = DequeBuffer(size=10)
for i in range(1):
buf.push({"data": i}, {"meta": i})
# Update one data
[item] = buf.sample(1)
item.data["new_prop"] = "any"
meta = None
success = buf.update(item.index, item.data, item.meta)
assert success
# Resample
[item] = buf.sample(1)
assert "new_prop" in item.data
assert meta is None
# Update object that not exists in buffer
success = buf.update("invalidindex", {}, None)
assert not success
# When exceed buffer size
for i in range(20):
buf.push({"data": i})
assert len(buf.indices) == 10
assert len(buf.storage) == 10
for i in range(10):
index = buf.storage[i].index
assert buf.indices.get(index) == i
def test_delete():
maxlen = 100
cumlen = 40
dellen = 20
buf = DequeBuffer(size=maxlen)
for i in range(cumlen):
# Delete data
del_indices = [item.index for item in buf.sample(dellen)]
# Reappend
for i in range(10):
remlen = min(cumlen, maxlen) - dellen + 10
assert len(buf.indices) == remlen
assert len(buf.storage) == remlen
for i in range(remlen):
index = buf.storage[i].index
assert buf.indices.get(index) == i
def test_ignore_insufficient():
buffer = DequeBuffer(size=10)
for i in range(2):
with pytest.raises(ValueError):
buffer.sample(3, ignore_insufficient=False)
data = buffer.sample(3, ignore_insufficient=True)
assert len(data) == 0
def test_independence():
# By replace
buffer = DequeBuffer(size=1)
data = {"key": "origin"}
sampled_data = buffer.sample(2, replace=True)
assert len(sampled_data) == 2
sampled_data[0].data["key"] = "new"
assert sampled_data[1].data["key"] == "origin"
# By indices
buffer = DequeBuffer(size=1)
data = {"key": "origin"}
buffered = buffer.push(data)
indices = [buffered.index, buffered.index]
sampled_data = buffer.sample(indices=indices)
assert len(sampled_data) == 2
sampled_data[0].data["key"] = "new"
assert sampled_data[1].data["key"] == "origin"
def test_groupby():
buffer = DequeBuffer(size=3)
buffer.push("a", {"group": 1})
buffer.push("b", {"group": 2})
buffer.push("c", {"group": 2})
sampled_data = buffer.sample(2, groupby="group")
assert len(sampled_data) == 2
group1 = sampled_data[0] if len(sampled_data[0]) == 1 else sampled_data[1]
group2 = sampled_data[0] if len(sampled_data[0]) == 2 else sampled_data[1]
# Group1 should contain a
assert "a" == group1[0].data
# Group2 should contain b and c
data = [buffered.data for buffered in group2] # ["b", "c"]
assert "b" in data
assert "c" in data
# Push new data and swap out a, the result will all in group 2
buffer.push("d", {"group": 2})
sampled_data = buffer.sample(1, groupby="group")
assert len(sampled_data) == 1
assert len(sampled_data[0]) == 3
data = [buffered.data for buffered in sampled_data[0]]
assert "d" in data
# Update meta, set first data's group to 1
first: BufferedData = buffer.storage[0]
buffer.update(first.index, first.data, {"group": 1})
sampled_data = buffer.sample(2, groupby="group")
assert len(sampled_data) == 2
# Delete last record, each group will only have one record
last: BufferedData = buffer.storage[-1]
sampled_data = buffer.sample(2, groupby="group")
assert len(sampled_data) == 2
def test_dataset():
buffer = DequeBuffer(size=10)
for i in range(10):
dataloader = DataLoader(buffer, batch_size=6, shuffle=True, collate_fn=lambda batch: batch)
for batch in dataloader:
assert len(batch) in [4, 6]
def test_unroll_len_in_group():
buffer = DequeBuffer(size=100)
for i in range(10):
for env_id in list("ABC"):
buffer.push(i, {"env": env_id})
sampled_data = buffer.sample(3, groupby="env", unroll_len=4)
assert len(sampled_data) == 3
for grouped_data in sampled_data:
assert len(grouped_data) == 4
# Ensure each group has the same env
env_ids = set(map(lambda sample: sample.meta["env"], grouped_data))
assert len(env_ids) == 1
# Ensure samples in each group is continuous
result = functools.reduce(lambda a, b: a and a.data + 1 == b.data and b, grouped_data)
assert isinstance(result, BufferedData), "Not continuous"
def test_insufficient_unroll_len_in_group():
buffer = DequeBuffer(size=100)
num = 3 # Items in group A,B,C is 3,4,5
for env_id in list("ABC"):
for i in range(num):
buffer.push(i, {"env": env_id})
num += 1
with pytest.raises(ValueError) as exc_info:
buffer.sample(3, groupby="env", unroll_len=4)
e = exc_info._excinfo[1]
assert "There are less than" in str(e)
# Sample with replace
sampled_data = buffer.sample(3, groupby="env", unroll_len=4, replace=True)
assert len(sampled_data) == 3
for grouped_data in sampled_data:
assert len(grouped_data) == 4
# Ensure each group has the same env
env_ids = set(map(lambda sample: sample.meta["env"], grouped_data))
assert len(env_ids) == 1
# Ensure samples in each group is continuous
result = functools.reduce(lambda a, b: a and a.data + 1 == b.data and b, grouped_data)
assert isinstance(result, BufferedData), "Not continuous"
def test_slice_unroll_len_in_group():
buffer = DequeBuffer(size=100, sliced=True)
data_len = 10
unroll_len = 4
start_index = list(range(0, data_len, unroll_len)) + [data_len - unroll_len]
for i in range(data_len):
for env_id in list("ABC"):
buffer.push(i, {"env": env_id})
sampled_data = buffer.sample(3, groupby="env", unroll_len=unroll_len)
assert len(sampled_data) == 3
for grouped_data in sampled_data:
assert len(grouped_data) == 4
# Ensure each group has the same env
env_ids = set(map(lambda sample: sample.meta["env"], grouped_data))
assert len(env_ids) == 1
# Ensure samples in each group is continuous
result = functools.reduce(lambda a, b: a and a.data + 1 == b.data and b, grouped_data)
assert isinstance(result, BufferedData), "Not continuous"
# Ensure data after sliced start from correct index
assert grouped_data[0].data in start_index