import json |
import time |
from contextlib import contextmanager |
from multiprocessing import Process |
import pytest |
import requests |
import responses |
from flask import Flask, request |
from requests import HTTPError |
from urlobject import URLObject |
from ..test_utils import silence |
from ...base import get_host_ip, success_response, get_values_from_response, split_http_address, HttpEngine, \ |
get_http_engine_class |
app = Flask('_test_get_host_ip') |
@app.route('/ping', methods=['GET']) |
def ping_method(): |
return success_response(message='PONG!') |
@app.route('/shutdown', methods=['DELETE']) |
def shutdown_method(): |
_shutdown_func = request.environ.get('werkzeug.server.shutdown') |
if _shutdown_func is None: |
raise RuntimeError('Not running with the Werkzeug Server') |
_shutdown_func() |
return success_response(message='Shutdown request received, this server will be down later.') |
_APP_PORT = 17503 |
def run_test_app(): |
with silence(): |
app.run(host='', port=_APP_PORT) |
@pytest.mark.unittest |
class TestInteractionBaseNetwork: |
@pytest.mark.execution_timeout(5.0, method='thread') |
def test_get_host_ip(self): |
app_process = Process(target=run_test_app) |
app_process.start() |
_local_ip = get_host_ip() |
_local_server_host = URLObject().with_scheme('http').with_hostname(_local_ip).with_port(_APP_PORT) |
try: |
_start_time = time.time() |
_start_complete = False |
while not _start_complete and time.time() - _start_time < 5.0: |
try: |
response = requests.get(_local_server_host.add_path('/ping')) |
if response.ok: |
_start_complete = True |
break |
time.sleep(0.2) |
except (requests.exceptions.BaseHTTPError, requests.exceptions.RequestException): |
time.sleep(0.2) |
if not _start_complete: |
pytest.fail('Test server start failed.') |
assert get_values_from_response(response) == ( |
200, |
True, |
0, |
'PONG!', |
None, |
) |
finally: |
try: |
requests.delete(_local_server_host.add_path('/shutdown')) |
finally: |
app_process.join() |
def test_split_http_address(self): |
assert split_http_address('') == ('', 80, False, '') |
assert split_http_address('') == ('', 443, True, '') |
assert split_http_address('') == ('', 8888, False, '') |
assert split_http_address('') == ('', 8787, True, '/this/is/path') |
@pytest.mark.unittest |
class TestInteractionBaseHttpEngine: |
@contextmanager |
def __yield_http_engine(self): |
with responses.RequestsMock(assert_all_requests_are_fired=False) as rsp: |
rsp.add( |
**{ |
'method': responses.GET, |
'url': 'http://example.com:7777/this/is/404', |
'body': json.dumps({"exception": "reason"}), |
'status': 404, |
'content_type': 'application/json', |
} |
) |
rsp.add( |
**{ |
'method': responses.GET, |
'url': 'http://example.com:7777/this/is/200', |
'body': json.dumps({"success": True}), |
'status': 200, |
'content_type': 'application/json', |
} |
) |
yield |
@responses.activate |
def test_http_engine_basic(self): |
with self.__yield_http_engine(): |
engine = HttpEngine(host='example.com', port=7777) |
response = engine.request('GET', '/this/is/200') |
assert response.status_code == 200 |
assert json.loads(response.content.decode()) == {"success": True} |
with pytest.raises(HTTPError) as ei: |
engine.request('GET', '/this/is/404') |
err = ei.value |
assert err.response.status_code == 404 |
assert json.loads(err.response.content.decode()) == {'exception': 'reason'} |
@responses.activate |
def test_http_engine_with_path(self): |
with self.__yield_http_engine(): |
engine = HttpEngine(host='example.com', port=7777, path='/this/is') |
response = engine.request('GET', '200') |
assert response.status_code == 200 |
assert json.loads(response.content.decode()) == {"success": True} |
with pytest.raises(HTTPError) as ei: |
engine.request('GET', '404') |
err = ei.value |
assert err.response.status_code == 404 |
assert json.loads(err.response.content.decode()) == {'exception': 'reason'} |
@responses.activate |
def test_get_http_engine_class(self): |
with self.__yield_http_engine(): |
_token = '233' |
_http_engine_class = get_http_engine_class( |
headers={'Token': lambda: _token}, |
data_processor=(lambda d: { |
'data': json.dumps(d) |
}), |
http_error_gene=lambda e: RuntimeError('This is {status}'.format(status=e.response.status_code)) |
)() |
engine = _http_engine_class(host='example.com', port=7777, path='/this/is') |
response = engine.request('GET', '200', {'a': 'skdjgflksdj'}) |
assert response.status_code == 200 |
assert json.loads(response.content.decode()) == {"success": True} |
assert response.request.headers['Token'] == '233' |
assert json.loads(response.request.body) == {'data': json.dumps({'a': 'skdjgflksdj'})} |
with pytest.raises(RuntimeError) as ei: |
engine.request('GET', '404', {'a': 'skdjgflksdj'}) |
err = ei.value |
assert 'This is 404' in str(err) |