// C++11 #include #include "cnode.h" #include #include #include #ifdef _WIN32 #include "..\..\common_lib\utils.cpp" #else #include "../../common_lib/utils.cpp" #endif namespace tree { CSearchResults::CSearchResults() { /* Overview: Initialization of CSearchResults, the default result number is set to 0. */ this->num = 0; } CSearchResults::CSearchResults(int num) { /* Overview: Initialization of CSearchResults with result number. */ this->num = num; for (int i = 0; i < num; ++i) { this->search_paths.push_back(std::vector()); } } CSearchResults::~CSearchResults() {} //********************************************************* CNode::CNode() { /* Overview: Initialization of CNode. */ this->prior = 0; this->legal_actions = legal_actions; this->is_reset = 0; this->visit_count = 0; this->value_sum = 0; this->best_action = -1; this->to_play = 0; this->value_prefix = 0.0; this->parent_value_prefix = 0.0; } CNode::CNode(float prior, std::vector &legal_actions) { /* Overview: Initialization of CNode with prior value and legal actions. Arguments: - prior: the prior value of this node. - legal_actions: a vector of legal actions of this node. */ this->prior = prior; this->legal_actions = legal_actions; this->is_reset = 0; this->visit_count = 0; this->value_sum = 0; this->best_action = -1; this->to_play = 0; this->value_prefix = 0.0; this->parent_value_prefix = 0.0; this->current_latent_state_index = -1; this->batch_index = -1; } CNode::~CNode() {} void CNode::expand(int to_play, int current_latent_state_index, int batch_index, float value_prefix, const std::vector &policy_logits) { /* Overview: Expand the child nodes of the current node. Arguments: - to_play: which player to play the game in the current node. - current_latent_state_index: the x/first index of hidden state vector of the current node, i.e. the search depth. - batch_index: the y/second index of hidden state vector of the current node, i.e. the index of batch root node, its maximum is ``batch_size``/``env_num``. - value_prefix: the value prefix of the current node. - policy_logits: the policy logit of the child nodes. */ this->to_play = to_play; this->current_latent_state_index = current_latent_state_index; this->batch_index = batch_index; this->value_prefix = value_prefix; int action_num = policy_logits.size(); if (this->legal_actions.size() == 0) { for (int i = 0; i < action_num; ++i) { this->legal_actions.push_back(i); } } float temp_policy; float policy_sum = 0.0; #ifdef _WIN32 // 创建动态数组 float* policy = new float[action_num]; #else float policy[action_num]; #endif float policy_max = FLOAT_MIN; for (auto a : this->legal_actions) { if (policy_max < policy_logits[a]) { policy_max = policy_logits[a]; } } for (auto a : this->legal_actions) { temp_policy = exp(policy_logits[a] - policy_max); policy_sum += temp_policy; policy[a] = temp_policy; } float prior; for (auto a : this->legal_actions) { prior = policy[a] / policy_sum; std::vector tmp_empty; this->children[a] = CNode(prior, tmp_empty); // only for muzero/efficient zero, not support alphazero } #ifdef _WIN32 // 释放数组内存 delete[] policy; #else #endif } void CNode::add_exploration_noise(float exploration_fraction, const std::vector &noises) { /* Overview: Add a noise to the prior of the child nodes. Arguments: - exploration_fraction: the fraction to add noise. - noises: the vector of noises added to each child node. */ float noise, prior; for (int i = 0; i < this->legal_actions.size(); ++i) { noise = noises[i]; CNode *child = this->get_child(this->legal_actions[i]); prior = child->prior; child->prior = prior * (1 - exploration_fraction) + noise * exploration_fraction; } } float CNode::compute_mean_q(int isRoot, float parent_q, float discount_factor) { /* Overview: Compute the mean q value of the current node. Arguments: - isRoot: whether the current node is a root node. - parent_q: the q value of the parent node. - discount_factor: the discount_factor of reward. */ float total_unsigned_q = 0.0; int total_visits = 0; float parent_value_prefix = this->value_prefix; for (auto a : this->legal_actions) { CNode *child = this->get_child(a); if (child->visit_count > 0) { float true_reward = child->value_prefix - parent_value_prefix; if (this->is_reset == 1) { true_reward = child->value_prefix; } float qsa = true_reward + discount_factor * child->value(); total_unsigned_q += qsa; total_visits += 1; } } float mean_q = 0.0; if (isRoot && total_visits > 0) { mean_q = (total_unsigned_q) / (total_visits); } else { mean_q = (parent_q + total_unsigned_q) / (total_visits + 1); } return mean_q; } void CNode::print_out() { return; } int CNode::expanded() { /* Overview: Return whether the current node is expanded. */ return this->children.size() > 0; } float CNode::value() { /* Overview: Return the estimated value of the current tree. */ float true_value = 0.0; if (this->visit_count == 0) { return true_value; } else { true_value = this->value_sum / this->visit_count; return true_value; } } std::vector CNode::get_trajectory() { /* Overview: Find the current best trajectory starts from the current node. Outputs: - traj: a vector of node index, which is the current best trajectory from this node. */ std::vector traj; CNode *node = this; int best_action = node->best_action; while (best_action >= 0) { traj.push_back(best_action); node = node->get_child(best_action); best_action = node->best_action; } return traj; } std::vector CNode::get_children_distribution() { /* Overview: Get the distribution of child nodes in the format of visit_count. Outputs: - distribution: a vector of distribution of child nodes in the format of visit count (i.e. [1,3,0,2,5]). */ std::vector distribution; if (this->expanded()) { for (auto a : this->legal_actions) { CNode *child = this->get_child(a); distribution.push_back(child->visit_count); } } return distribution; } CNode *CNode::get_child(int action) { /* Overview: Get the child node corresponding to the input action. Arguments: - action: the action to get child. */ return &(this->children[action]); } //********************************************************* CRoots::CRoots() { /* Overview: The initialization of CRoots. */ this->root_num = 0; } CRoots::CRoots(int root_num, std::vector > &legal_actions_list) { /* Overview: The initialization of CRoots with root num and legal action lists. Arguments: - root_num: the number of the current root. - legal_action_list: the vector of the legal action of this root. */ this->root_num = root_num; this->legal_actions_list = legal_actions_list; for (int i = 0; i < root_num; ++i) { this->roots.push_back(CNode(0, this->legal_actions_list[i])); } } CRoots::~CRoots() {} void CRoots::prepare(float root_noise_weight, const std::vector > &noises, const std::vector &value_prefixs, const std::vector > &policies, std::vector &to_play_batch) { /* Overview: Expand the roots and add noises. Arguments: - root_noise_weight: the exploration fraction of roots - noises: the vector of noise add to the roots. - value_prefixs: the vector of value prefixs of each root. - policies: the vector of policy logits of each root. - to_play_batch: the vector of the player side of each root. */ for (int i = 0; i < this->root_num; ++i) { this->roots[i].expand(to_play_batch[i], 0, i, value_prefixs[i], policies[i]); this->roots[i].add_exploration_noise(root_noise_weight, noises[i]); this->roots[i].visit_count += 1; } } void CRoots::prepare_no_noise(const std::vector &value_prefixs, const std::vector > &policies, std::vector &to_play_batch) { /* Overview: Expand the roots without noise. Arguments: - value_prefixs: the vector of value prefixs of each root. - policies: the vector of policy logits of each root. - to_play_batch: the vector of the player side of each root. */ for (int i = 0; i < this->root_num; ++i) { this->roots[i].expand(to_play_batch[i], 0, i, value_prefixs[i], policies[i]); this->roots[i].visit_count += 1; } } void CRoots::clear() { /* Overview: Clear the roots vector. */ this->roots.clear(); } std::vector > CRoots::get_trajectories() { /* Overview: Find the current best trajectory starts from each root. Outputs: - traj: a vector of node index, which is the current best trajectory from each root. */ std::vector > trajs; trajs.reserve(this->root_num); for (int i = 0; i < this->root_num; ++i) { trajs.push_back(this->roots[i].get_trajectory()); } return trajs; } std::vector > CRoots::get_distributions() { /* Overview: Get the children distribution of each root. Outputs: - distribution: a vector of distribution of child nodes in the format of visit count (i.e. [1,3,0,2,5]). */ std::vector > distributions; distributions.reserve(this->root_num); for (int i = 0; i < this->root_num; ++i) { distributions.push_back(this->roots[i].get_children_distribution()); } return distributions; } std::vector CRoots::get_values() { /* Overview: Return the estimated value of each root. */ std::vector values; for (int i = 0; i < this->root_num; ++i) { values.push_back(this->roots[i].value()); } return values; } //********************************************************* // void update_tree_q(CNode *root, tools::CMinMaxStats &min_max_stats, float discount_factor, int players) { /* Overview: Update the q value of the root and its child nodes. Arguments: - root: the root that update q value from. - min_max_stats: a tool used to min-max normalize the q value. - discount_factor: the discount factor of reward. - players: the number of players. */ std::stack node_stack; node_stack.push(root); float parent_value_prefix = 0.0; int is_reset = 0; while (node_stack.size() > 0) { CNode *node = node_stack.top(); node_stack.pop(); if (node != root) { // NOTE: in self-play-mode, value_prefix is not calculated according to the perspective of current player of node, // but treated as 1 player, just for obtaining the true reward in the perspective of current player of node. // true_reward = node.value_prefix - (- parent_value_prefix) float true_reward = node->value_prefix - node->parent_value_prefix; if (is_reset == 1) { true_reward = node->value_prefix; } float qsa; if (players == 1) { qsa = true_reward + discount_factor * node->value(); } else if (players == 2) { // TODO(pu): why only the last reward multiply the discount_factor? qsa = true_reward + discount_factor * (-1) * node->value(); } min_max_stats.update(qsa); } for (auto a : node->legal_actions) { CNode *child = node->get_child(a); if (child->expanded()) { child->parent_value_prefix = node->value_prefix; node_stack.push(child); } } is_reset = node->is_reset; } } void cbackpropagate(std::vector &search_path, tools::CMinMaxStats &min_max_stats, int to_play, float value, float discount_factor) { /* Overview: Update the value sum and visit count of nodes along the search path. Arguments: - search_path: a vector of nodes on the search path. - min_max_stats: a tool used to min-max normalize the q value. - to_play: which player to play the game in the current node. - value: the value to propagate along the search path. - discount_factor: the discount factor of reward. */ assert(to_play == -1 || to_play == 1 || to_play == 2); if (to_play == -1) { // for play-with-bot-mode float bootstrap_value = value; int path_len = search_path.size(); for (int i = path_len - 1; i >= 0; --i) { CNode *node = search_path[i]; node->value_sum += bootstrap_value; node->visit_count += 1; float parent_value_prefix = 0.0; int is_reset = 0; if (i >= 1) { CNode *parent = search_path[i - 1]; parent_value_prefix = parent->value_prefix; is_reset = parent->is_reset; } float true_reward = node->value_prefix - parent_value_prefix; min_max_stats.update(true_reward + discount_factor * node->value()); if (is_reset == 1) { // parent is reset true_reward = node->value_prefix; } bootstrap_value = true_reward + discount_factor * bootstrap_value; } } else { // for self-play-mode float bootstrap_value = value; int path_len = search_path.size(); for (int i = path_len - 1; i >= 0; --i) { CNode *node = search_path[i]; if (node->to_play == to_play) { node->value_sum += bootstrap_value; } else { node->value_sum += -bootstrap_value; } node->visit_count += 1; float parent_value_prefix = 0.0; int is_reset = 0; if (i >= 1) { CNode *parent = search_path[i - 1]; parent_value_prefix = parent->value_prefix; is_reset = parent->is_reset; } // NOTE: in self-play-mode, value_prefix is not calculated according to the perspective of current player of node, // but treated as 1 player, just for obtaining the true reward in the perspective of current player of node. float true_reward = node->value_prefix - parent_value_prefix; min_max_stats.update(true_reward + discount_factor * node->value()); if (is_reset == 1) { // parent is reset true_reward = node->value_prefix; } if (node->to_play == to_play) { bootstrap_value = -true_reward + discount_factor * bootstrap_value; } else { bootstrap_value = true_reward + discount_factor * bootstrap_value; } } } } void cbatch_backpropagate(int current_latent_state_index, float discount_factor, const std::vector &value_prefixs, const std::vector &values, const std::vector > &policies, tools::CMinMaxStatsList *min_max_stats_lst, CSearchResults &results, std::vector is_reset_list, std::vector &to_play_batch) { /* Overview: Expand the nodes along the search path and update the infos. Arguments: - current_latent_state_index: The index of latent state of the leaf node in the search path. - discount_factor: the discount factor of reward. - value_prefixs: the value prefixs of nodes along the search path. - values: the values to propagate along the search path. - policies: the policy logits of nodes along the search path. - min_max_stats: a tool used to min-max normalize the q value. - results: the search results. - is_reset_list: the vector of is_reset nodes along the search path, where is_reset represents for whether the parent value prefix needs to be reset. - to_play_batch: the batch of which player is playing on this node. */ for (int i = 0; i < results.num; ++i) { results.nodes[i]->expand(to_play_batch[i], current_latent_state_index, i, value_prefixs[i], policies[i]); // reset results.nodes[i]->is_reset = is_reset_list[i]; cbackpropagate(results.search_paths[i], min_max_stats_lst->stats_lst[i], to_play_batch[i], values[i], discount_factor); } } int cselect_child(CNode *root, tools::CMinMaxStats &min_max_stats, int pb_c_base, float pb_c_init, float discount_factor, float mean_q, int players) { /* Overview: Select the child node of the roots according to ucb scores. Arguments: - root: the roots to select the child node. - min_max_stats: a tool used to min-max normalize the score. - pb_c_base: constants c2 in muzero. - pb_c_init: constants c1 in muzero. - disount_factor: the discount factor of reward. - mean_q: the mean q value of the parent node. - players: the number of players. Outputs: - action: the action to select. */ float max_score = FLOAT_MIN; const float epsilon = 0.000001; std::vector max_index_lst; for (auto a : root->legal_actions) { CNode *child = root->get_child(a); float temp_score = cucb_score(child, min_max_stats, mean_q, root->is_reset, root->visit_count - 1, root->value_prefix, pb_c_base, pb_c_init, discount_factor, players); if (max_score < temp_score) { max_score = temp_score; max_index_lst.clear(); max_index_lst.push_back(a); } else if (temp_score >= max_score - epsilon) { max_index_lst.push_back(a); } } int action = 0; if (max_index_lst.size() > 0) { int rand_index = rand() % max_index_lst.size(); action = max_index_lst[rand_index]; } return action; } float cucb_score(CNode *child, tools::CMinMaxStats &min_max_stats, float parent_mean_q, int is_reset, float total_children_visit_counts, float parent_value_prefix, float pb_c_base, float pb_c_init, float discount_factor, int players) { /* Overview: Compute the ucb score of the child. Arguments: - child: the child node to compute ucb score. - min_max_stats: a tool used to min-max normalize the score. - parent_mean_q: the mean q value of the parent node. - is_reset: whether the value prefix needs to be reset. - total_children_visit_counts: the total visit counts of the child nodes of the parent node. - parent_value_prefix: the value prefix of parent node. - pb_c_base: constants c2 in muzero. - pb_c_init: constants c1 in muzero. - disount_factor: the discount factor of reward. - players: the number of players. Outputs: - ucb_value: the ucb score of the child. */ float pb_c = 0.0, prior_score = 0.0, value_score = 0.0; pb_c = log((total_children_visit_counts + pb_c_base + 1) / pb_c_base) + pb_c_init; pb_c *= (sqrt(total_children_visit_counts) / (child->visit_count + 1)); prior_score = pb_c * child->prior; if (child->visit_count == 0) { value_score = parent_mean_q; } else { float true_reward = child->value_prefix - parent_value_prefix; if (is_reset == 1) { true_reward = child->value_prefix; } if (players == 1) { value_score = true_reward + discount_factor * child->value(); } else if (players == 2) { value_score = true_reward + discount_factor * (-child->value()); } } value_score = min_max_stats.normalize(value_score); if (value_score < 0) { value_score = 0; } else if (value_score > 1) { value_score = 1; } return prior_score + value_score; // ucb_value } void cbatch_traverse(CRoots *roots, int pb_c_base, float pb_c_init, float discount_factor, tools::CMinMaxStatsList *min_max_stats_lst, CSearchResults &results, std::vector &virtual_to_play_batch) { /* Overview: Search node path from the roots. Arguments: - roots: the roots that search from. - pb_c_base: constants c2 in muzero. - pb_c_init: constants c1 in muzero. - disount_factor: the discount factor of reward. - min_max_stats: a tool used to min-max normalize the score. - results: the search results. - virtual_to_play_batch: the batch of which player is playing on this node. */ // set seed get_time_and_set_rand_seed(); int last_action = -1; float parent_q = 0.0; results.search_lens = std::vector(); int players = 0; int largest_element = *max_element(virtual_to_play_batch.begin(), virtual_to_play_batch.end()); // 0 or 2 if (largest_element == -1) { players = 1; } else { players = 2; } for (int i = 0; i < results.num; ++i) { CNode *node = &(roots->roots[i]); int is_root = 1; int search_len = 0; results.search_paths[i].push_back(node); while (node->expanded()) { float mean_q = node->compute_mean_q(is_root, parent_q, discount_factor); is_root = 0; parent_q = mean_q; int action = cselect_child(node, min_max_stats_lst->stats_lst[i], pb_c_base, pb_c_init, discount_factor, mean_q, players); if (players > 1) { assert(virtual_to_play_batch[i] == 1 || virtual_to_play_batch[i] == 2); if (virtual_to_play_batch[i] == 1) { virtual_to_play_batch[i] = 2; } else { virtual_to_play_batch[i] = 1; } } node->best_action = action; // next node = node->get_child(action); last_action = action; results.search_paths[i].push_back(node); search_len += 1; } CNode *parent = results.search_paths[i][results.search_paths[i].size() - 2]; results.latent_state_index_in_search_path.push_back(parent->current_latent_state_index); results.latent_state_index_in_batch.push_back(parent->batch_index); results.last_actions.push_back(last_action); results.search_lens.push_back(search_len); results.nodes.push_back(node); results.virtual_to_play_batchs.push_back(virtual_to_play_batch[i]); } } }