from typing import List, Dict, Any, Optional, Tuple, Union import numpy as np import torch from ding.policy.base_policy import Policy from ding.utils import POLICY_REGISTRY from lzero.policy import InverseScalarTransform, select_action, ez_network_output_unpack, mz_network_output_unpack @POLICY_REGISTRY.register('lightzero_random_policy') class LightZeroRandomPolicy(Policy): """ Overview: The policy class for LightZero RandomPolicy. """ def __init__( self, cfg: dict, model: Optional[Union[type, torch.nn.Module]] = None, enable_field: Optional[List[str]] = None, action_space: Any = None, ): if cfg.type == 'muzero': from lzero.mcts import MuZeroMCTSCtree as MCTSCtree from lzero.mcts import MuZeroMCTSPtree as MCTSPtree elif cfg.type == 'efficientzero': from lzero.mcts import EfficientZeroMCTSCtree as MCTSCtree from lzero.mcts import EfficientZeroMCTSPtree as MCTSPtree elif cfg.type == 'sampled_efficientzero': from lzero.mcts import SampledEfficientZeroMCTSCtree as MCTSCtree from lzero.mcts import SampledEfficientZeroMCTSPtree as MCTSPtree else: raise NotImplementedError("need to implement pipeline: {}".format(cfg.type)) self.MCTSCtree = MCTSCtree self.MCTSPtree = MCTSPtree self.action_space = action_space super().__init__(cfg, model, enable_field) def default_model(self) -> Tuple[str, List[str]]: """ Overview: Return this algorithm default model setting. Returns: - model_info (:obj:`Tuple[str, List[str]]`): model name and model import_names. - model_type (:obj:`str`): The model type used in this algorithm, which is registered in ModelRegistry. - import_names (:obj:`List[str]`): The model class path list used in this algorithm. .. note:: The user can define and use customized network model but must obey the same interface definition indicated \ by import_names path. For EfficientZero, ``lzero.model.efficientzero_model.EfficientZeroModel`` """ if self._cfg.model.model_type == "conv": if self._cfg.type == 'efficientzero': return 'EfficientZeroModel', ['lzero.model.efficientzero_model'] elif self._cfg.type == 'muzero': return 'MuZeroModel', ['lzero.model.muzero_model'] elif self._cfg.type == 'sampled_efficientzero': return 'SampledEfficientZeroModel', ['lzero.model.sampled_efficientzero_model'] else: raise NotImplementedError("need to implement pipeline: {}".format(self._cfg.type)) elif self._cfg.model.model_type == "mlp": if self._cfg.type == 'efficientzero': return 'EfficientZeroModelMLP', ['lzero.model.efficientzero_model_mlp'] elif self._cfg.type == 'muzero': return 'MuZeroModelMLP', ['lzero.model.muzero_model_mlp'] elif self._cfg.type == 'sampled_efficientzero': return 'SampledEfficientZeroModelMLP', ['lzero.model.sampled_efficientzero_model_mlp'] else: raise NotImplementedError("need to implement pipeline: {}".format(self._cfg.type)) def _init_collect(self) -> None: """ Overview: Collect mode init method. Called by ``self.__init__``. Initialize the collect model and MCTS utils. """ self._collect_model = self._model if self._cfg.mcts_ctree: self._mcts_collect = self.MCTSCtree(self._cfg) else: self._mcts_collect = self.MCTSPtree(self._cfg) self._collect_mcts_temperature = 1 self.collect_epsilon = 0.0 self.inverse_scalar_transform_handle = InverseScalarTransform( self._cfg.model.support_scale, self._cfg.device, self._cfg.model.categorical_distribution ) def _forward_collect( self, data: torch.Tensor, action_mask: list = None, temperature: float = 1, to_play: List = [-1], epsilon: float = 0.25, ready_env_id: np.array = None, ) -> Dict: """ Overview: The forward function for collecting data in collect mode. Use model to execute MCTS search. Choosing the action through sampling during the collect mode. Arguments: - data (:obj:`torch.Tensor`): The input data, i.e. the observation. - action_mask (:obj:`list`): The action mask, i.e. the action that cannot be selected. - temperature (:obj:`float`): The temperature of the policy. - to_play (:obj:`int`): The player to play. - ready_env_id (:obj:`list`): The id of the env that is ready to collect. Shape: - data (:obj:`torch.Tensor`): - For Atari, :math:`(N, C*S, H, W)`, where N is the number of collect_env, C is the number of channels, \ S is the number of stacked frames, H is the height of the image, W is the width of the image. - For lunarlander, :math:`(N, O)`, where N is the number of collect_env, O is the observation space size. - action_mask: :math:`(N, action_space_size)`, where N is the number of collect_env. - temperature: :math:`(1, )`. - to_play: :math:`(N, 1)`, where N is the number of collect_env. - ready_env_id: None Returns: - output (:obj:`Dict[int, Any]`): Dict type data, the keys including ``action``, ``distributions``, \ ``visit_count_distribution_entropy``, ``value``, ``pred_value``, ``policy_logits``. """ self._collect_model.eval() self._collect_mcts_temperature = temperature active_collect_env_num = data.shape[0] with torch.no_grad(): # data shape [B, S x C, W, H], e.g. {Tensor:(B, 12, 96, 96)} network_output = self._collect_model.initial_inference(data) if self._cfg.type in ['efficientzero', 'sampled_efficientzero']: latent_state_roots, value_prefix_roots, reward_hidden_state_roots, pred_values, policy_logits = ez_network_output_unpack( network_output ) elif self._cfg.type == 'muzero': latent_state_roots, reward_roots, pred_values, policy_logits = mz_network_output_unpack(network_output) else: raise NotImplementedError("need to implement pipeline: {}".format(self._cfg.type)) pred_values = self.inverse_scalar_transform_handle(pred_values).detach().cpu().numpy() latent_state_roots = latent_state_roots.detach().cpu().numpy() if self._cfg.type in ['efficientzero', 'sampled_efficientzero']: reward_hidden_state_roots = ( reward_hidden_state_roots[0].detach().cpu().numpy(), reward_hidden_state_roots[1].detach().cpu().numpy() ) policy_logits = policy_logits.detach().cpu().numpy().tolist() if self._cfg.model.continuous_action_space: # when the action space of the environment is continuous, action_mask[:] is None. # NOTE: in continuous action space env: we set all legal_actions as -1 legal_actions = [ [-1 for _ in range(self._cfg.model.num_of_sampled_actions)] for _ in range(active_collect_env_num) ] else: legal_actions = [ [i for i, x in enumerate(action_mask[j]) if x == 1] for j in range(active_collect_env_num) ] # the only difference between collect and eval is the dirichlet noise. if self._cfg.type in ['sampled_efficientzero']: noises = [ np.random.dirichlet([self._cfg.root_dirichlet_alpha] * int(self._cfg.model.num_of_sampled_actions) ).astype(np.float32).tolist() for j in range(active_collect_env_num) ] else: noises = [ np.random.dirichlet([self._cfg.root_dirichlet_alpha] * int(sum(action_mask[j])) ).astype(np.float32).tolist() for j in range(active_collect_env_num) ] if self._cfg.mcts_ctree: # cpp mcts_tree if self._cfg.type in ['sampled_efficientzero']: roots = self.MCTSCtree.roots( active_collect_env_num, legal_actions, self._cfg.model.action_space_size, self._cfg.model.num_of_sampled_actions, self._cfg.model.continuous_action_space ) else: roots = self.MCTSCtree.roots(active_collect_env_num, legal_actions) else: # python mcts_tree if self._cfg.type in ['sampled_efficientzero']: roots = self.MCTSPtree.roots( active_collect_env_num, legal_actions, self._cfg.model.action_space_size, self._cfg.model.num_of_sampled_actions, self._cfg.model.continuous_action_space ) else: roots = self.MCTSPtree.roots(active_collect_env_num, legal_actions) if self._cfg.type in ['efficientzero', 'sampled_efficientzero']: roots.prepare(self._cfg.root_noise_weight, noises, value_prefix_roots, policy_logits, to_play) roots, self._collect_model, latent_state_roots, reward_hidden_state_roots, to_play ) elif self._cfg.type == 'muzero': roots.prepare(self._cfg.root_noise_weight, noises, reward_roots, policy_logits, to_play), self._collect_model, latent_state_roots, to_play) else: raise NotImplementedError("need to implement pipeline: {}".format(self._cfg.type)) roots_visit_count_distributions = roots.get_distributions() roots_values = roots.get_values() # shape: {list: batch_size} if self._cfg.type in ['sampled_efficientzero']: roots_sampled_actions = roots.get_sampled_actions() data_id = [i for i in range(active_collect_env_num)] output = {i: None for i in data_id} if ready_env_id is None: ready_env_id = np.arange(active_collect_env_num) for i, env_id in enumerate(ready_env_id): distributions, value = roots_visit_count_distributions[i], roots_values[i] if self._cfg.type in ['sampled_efficientzero']: if self._cfg.mcts_ctree: # In ctree, the method roots.get_sampled_actions() returns a list object. root_sampled_actions = np.array([action for action in roots_sampled_actions[i]]) else: # In ptree, the same method roots.get_sampled_actions() returns an Action object. root_sampled_actions = np.array([action.value for action in roots_sampled_actions[i]]) # NOTE: Only legal actions possess visit counts, so the ``action_index_in_legal_action_set`` represents # the index within the legal action set, rather than the index in the entire action set. action_index_in_legal_action_set, visit_count_distribution_entropy = select_action( distributions, temperature=self._collect_mcts_temperature, deterministic=False ) # **************************************************************** # NOTE: The action is randomly selected from the legal action set, # the distribution is the real visit count distribution from the MCTS search. if self._cfg.type in ['sampled_efficientzero']: # ****** sample a random action from the legal action set ******** random_action = self.action_space.sample() output[env_id] = { 'action': random_action, 'visit_count_distributions': distributions, 'root_sampled_actions': root_sampled_actions, 'visit_count_distribution_entropy': visit_count_distribution_entropy, 'searched_value': value, 'predicted_value': pred_values[i], 'predicted_policy_logits': policy_logits[i], } else: # ****** sample a random action from the legal action set ******** random_action = int(np.random.choice(legal_actions[env_id], 1)) # all items except action are formally obtained from MCTS output[env_id] = { 'action': random_action, 'visit_count_distributions': distributions, 'visit_count_distribution_entropy': visit_count_distribution_entropy, 'searched_value': value, 'predicted_value': pred_values[i], 'predicted_policy_logits': policy_logits[i], } return output def _init_eval(self) -> None: """ Overview: Evaluate mode init method. Called by ``self.__init__``. Initialize the eval model and MCTS utils. """ self._eval_model = self._model if self._cfg.mcts_ctree: self._mcts_eval = self.MCTSCtree(self._cfg) else: self._mcts_eval = self.MCTSPtree(self._cfg) # be compatible with DI-engine Policy class def _init_learn(self) -> None: pass def _forward_learn(self, data: torch.Tensor) -> Dict[str, Union[float, int]]: pass def _forward_eval(self, data: torch.Tensor, action_mask: list, to_play: -1, ready_env_id: np.array = None,): pass def _monitor_vars_learn(self) -> List[str]: pass def _state_dict_learn(self) -> Dict[str, Any]: pass def _load_state_dict_learn(self, state_dict: Dict[str, Any]) -> None: pass def _process_transition(self, obs, policy_output, timestep): pass def _get_train_sample(self, data): pass