import copy import random from typing import Union, Tuple, Dict, List import numpy as np import torch import torch.nn as nn import torch.nn.functional as F import torch.optim as optim from easydict import EasyDict from ding.model import FCEncoder, ConvEncoder from ding.utils import RunningMeanStd from ding.utils import SequenceType, REWARD_MODEL_REGISTRY from .base_reward_model import BaseRewardModel def collect_data_and_exclude_null_data_rnd(data_in): res = [] for item in data_in: if torch.nonzero(torch.tensor(item['null']).float()).shape[0] != 0: # if have null padding in data # the index of not null data in data_in # not_null_index = torch.nonzero(torch.tensor(item['null']).float()).squeeze(-1) null_start_index = int(torch.nonzero(torch.tensor(item['null']).float()).squeeze(-1)[0]) obs = item['obs'][:null_start_index] # exclude the null padding data else: obs = item['obs'] # sequence data res.append(obs) return res def collect_data_rnd(data_in): res = [] is_null_list = [] for item in data_in: state = item['obs'] is_null = item['null'] res.append(state) is_null_list.append(is_null) return res, is_null_list def collect_data_and_exclude_null_data_episodic(data_in): obs_list = [] action_list = [] for item in data_in: if torch.nonzero(torch.tensor(item['null']).float()).shape[0] != 0: # if have null padding in data # the index of not null data in data_in # not_null_index = torch.nonzero(torch.tensor(item['null']).float()).squeeze(-1) null_start_index = int(torch.nonzero(torch.tensor(item['null']).float()).squeeze(-1)[0]) obs = item['obs'][:null_start_index] # sequence data action = item['action'][:null_start_index] # exclude the null padding data else: obs = item['obs'] # sequence data action = item['action'] obs_list.append(obs) action_list.append(action) return obs_list, action_list def collect_data_episodic(data_in): res = [] is_null_list = [] for item in data_in: state = item['obs'] is_null = item['null'] res.append(state) is_null_list.append(is_null) return res, is_null_list class RndNetwork(nn.Module): def __init__(self, obs_shape: Union[int, SequenceType], hidden_size_list: SequenceType) -> None: super(RndNetwork, self).__init__() if isinstance(obs_shape, int) or len(obs_shape) == 1: = FCEncoder(obs_shape, hidden_size_list) self.predictor = FCEncoder(obs_shape, hidden_size_list) elif len(obs_shape) == 3: = ConvEncoder(obs_shape, hidden_size_list) self.predictor = ConvEncoder(obs_shape, hidden_size_list) else: raise KeyError( "not support obs_shape for pre-defined encoder: {}, " "please customize your own RND model".format(obs_shape) ) for param in param.requires_grad = False def forward(self, obs: torch.Tensor) -> Tuple[torch.Tensor, torch.Tensor]: predict_feature = self.predictor(obs) with torch.no_grad(): target_feature = return predict_feature, target_feature @REWARD_MODEL_REGISTRY.register('rnd-ngu') class RndNGURewardModel(BaseRewardModel): r""" Overview: inter-episodic/RND reward model for NGU. The corresponding paper is `never give up: learning directed exploration strategies`. """ config = dict( type='rnd-ngu', intrinsic_reward_type='add', learning_rate=1e-3, batch_size=64, hidden_size_list=[64, 64, 128], update_per_collect=100, ) def __init__(self, config: EasyDict, device: str, tb_logger: 'SummaryWriter') -> None: # noqa super(RndNGURewardModel, self).__init__() self.cfg = config assert device == "cpu" or device.startswith("cuda") self.device = device self.tb_logger = tb_logger self.reward_model = RndNetwork(config.obs_shape, config.hidden_size_list) self.intrinsic_reward_type = config.intrinsic_reward_type assert self.intrinsic_reward_type in ['add', 'new', 'assign'] self.train_data_total = [] self.train_data = [] self.opt = optim.Adam(self.reward_model.predictor.parameters(), config.learning_rate) self.estimate_cnt_rnd = 0 self._running_mean_std_rnd = RunningMeanStd(epsilon=1e-4) self.only_use_last_five_frames = config.only_use_last_five_frames_for_icm_rnd def _train(self) -> None: train_data: list = random.sample(list(self.train_data_cur), self.cfg.batch_size) train_data: torch.Tensor = torch.stack(train_data).to(self.device) predict_feature, target_feature = self.reward_model(train_data) loss = F.mse_loss(predict_feature, target_feature.detach()) self.opt.zero_grad() loss.backward() self.opt.step() def train(self) -> None: if self.only_use_last_five_frames: # self.train_obs shape list(list) [batch_size,seq_length,N # stack episode dim self.train_obs = [torch.stack(episode_obs[-5:], dim=0) for episode_obs in self.train_data_total] # stack batch dim # way 1 if isinstance(self.cfg.obs_shape, int): self.train_data_cur = torch.stack( self.train_obs, dim=0 ).view(len(self.train_obs) * len(self.train_obs[0]), self.cfg.obs_shape) else: # len(self.cfg.obs_shape) == 3 for image obs self.train_data_cur = torch.stack( self.train_obs, dim=0 ).view(len(self.train_obs) * self.train_obs[0].shape[0], *self.cfg.obs_shape) # way 2 # self.train_data_cur =, 0) else: self.train_data_cur = sum(self.train_data_total, []) # another implementation way # tmp = [] # for i in range(len(self.train_data)): # tmp += self.train_data[i] # self.train_data = tmp for _ in range(self.cfg.update_per_collect): self._train() def estimate(self, data: list) -> torch.Tensor: """ Rewrite the reward key in each row of the data. """ obs, is_null = collect_data_rnd(data) if isinstance(obs[0], list): # if obs shape list( list(torch.tensor) ) obs = sum(obs, []) obs = torch.stack(obs).to(self.device) with torch.no_grad(): predict_feature, target_feature = self.reward_model(obs) reward = F.mse_loss(predict_feature, target_feature, reduction='none').mean(dim=1) self._running_mean_std_rnd.update(reward.cpu().numpy()) # transform to mean 1 std 1 reward = 1 + (reward - self._running_mean_std_rnd.mean) / (self._running_mean_std_rnd.std + 1e-11) self.estimate_cnt_rnd += 1 self.tb_logger.add_scalar('rnd_reward/rnd_reward_max', reward.max(), self.estimate_cnt_rnd) self.tb_logger.add_scalar('rnd_reward/rnd_reward_mean', reward.mean(), self.estimate_cnt_rnd) self.tb_logger.add_scalar('rnd_reward/rnd_reward_min', reward.min(), self.estimate_cnt_rnd) return reward def collect_data(self, data: list) -> None: self.train_data_total.extend(collect_data_and_exclude_null_data_rnd(data)) def clear_data(self) -> None: self.train_data_total.clear() def reward_deepcopy(self, train_data): """ this method deepcopy reward part in train_data, and other parts keep shallow copy to avoid the reward part of train_data in the replay buffer be incorrectly modified. """ train_data_reward_deepcopy = [ {k: copy.deepcopy(v) if k == 'reward' else v for k, v in sample.items()} for sample in train_data ] return train_data_reward_deepcopy class InverseNetwork(nn.Module): def __init__(self, obs_shape: Union[int, SequenceType], action_shape, hidden_size_list: SequenceType) -> None: super(InverseNetwork, self).__init__() if isinstance(obs_shape, int) or len(obs_shape) == 1: self.embedding_net = FCEncoder(obs_shape, hidden_size_list) elif len(obs_shape) == 3: self.embedding_net = ConvEncoder(obs_shape, hidden_size_list) else: raise KeyError( "not support obs_shape for pre-defined encoder: {}, please customize your own RND model". format(obs_shape) ) self.inverse_net = nn.Sequential( nn.Linear(hidden_size_list[-1] * 2, 512), nn.ReLU(inplace=True), nn.Linear(512, action_shape) ) def forward(self, inputs: Dict, inference: bool = False) -> Dict: if inference: with torch.no_grad(): cur_obs_embedding = self.embedding_net(inputs['obs']) return cur_obs_embedding else: # obs: torch.Tensor, next_obs: torch.Tensor cur_obs_embedding = self.embedding_net(inputs['obs']) next_obs_embedding = self.embedding_net(inputs['next_obs']) # get pred action obs_plus_next_obs =[cur_obs_embedding, next_obs_embedding], dim=-1) pred_action_logits = self.inverse_net(obs_plus_next_obs) pred_action_probs = nn.Softmax(dim=-1)(pred_action_logits) return pred_action_logits, pred_action_probs @REWARD_MODEL_REGISTRY.register('episodic') class EpisodicNGURewardModel(BaseRewardModel): r""" Overview: Episodic reward model for NGU. The corresponding paper is `never give up: learning directed exploration strategies`. """ config = dict( type='episodic', intrinsic_reward_type='add', learning_rate=1e-3, batch_size=64, hidden_size_list=[64, 64, 128], update_per_collect=100, # means if using rescale trick to the last non-zero reward # when combing extrinsic and intrinsic reward. # the rescale trick only used in: # 1. sparse reward env minigrid, in which the last non-zero reward is a strong positive signal # 2. the last reward of each episode directly reflects the agent's completion of the task, e.g. lunarlander # Note that the ngu intrinsic reward is a positive value (max value is 5), in these envs, # the last non-zero reward should not be overwhelmed by intrinsic rewards, so we need rescale the # original last nonzero extrinsic reward. last_nonzero_reward_rescale=False, # means the rescale value for the last non-zero reward, only used when last_nonzero_reward_rescale is True last_nonzero_reward_weight=1, ) def __init__(self, config: EasyDict, device: str, tb_logger: 'SummaryWriter') -> None: # noqa super(EpisodicNGURewardModel, self).__init__() self.cfg = config assert device == "cpu" or device.startswith("cuda") self.device = device self.tb_logger = tb_logger self.episodic_reward_model = InverseNetwork(config.obs_shape, config.action_shape, config.hidden_size_list) self.intrinsic_reward_type = config.intrinsic_reward_type assert self.intrinsic_reward_type in ['add', 'new', 'assign'] self.train_obs_total = [] self.train_action_total = [] self.opt = optim.Adam(self.episodic_reward_model.parameters(), config.learning_rate) self.estimate_cnt_episodic = 0 self._running_mean_std_episodic_dist = RunningMeanStd(epsilon=1e-4) self._running_mean_std_episodic_reward = RunningMeanStd(epsilon=1e-4) self.only_use_last_five_frames = config.only_use_last_five_frames_for_icm_rnd def _train(self) -> None: # sample episode's timestep index train_index = np.random.randint(low=0, high=self.train_obs.shape[0], size=self.cfg.batch_size) train_obs: torch.Tensor = self.train_obs[train_index].to(self.device) # shape (self.cfg.batch_size, obs_dim) train_next_obs: torch.Tensor = self.train_next_obs[train_index].to(self.device) train_action: torch.Tensor = self.train_action[train_index].to(self.device) train_data = {'obs': train_obs, 'next_obs': train_next_obs} pred_action_logits, pred_action_probs = self.episodic_reward_model(train_data) inverse_loss = F.cross_entropy(pred_action_logits, train_action.squeeze(-1)) self.opt.zero_grad() inverse_loss.backward() self.opt.step() def train(self) -> None: self.train_next_obs_total = copy.deepcopy(self.train_obs_total) if self.only_use_last_five_frames: # self.train_obs shape: list(list) [batch_size,seq_length,obs_dim] self.train_obs = [torch.stack(episode_obs[-6:-1], dim=0) for episode_obs in self.train_obs_total] self.train_next_obs = [torch.stack(episode_obs[-5:], dim=0) for episode_obs in self.train_next_obs_total] self.train_action = [ torch.stack(episode_action[-6:-1], dim=0) for episode_action in self.train_action_total ] else: self.train_obs = [ torch.stack(episode_obs[:-1], dim=0) for episode_obs in self.train_obs_total if len(episode_obs) > 1 ] self.train_next_obs = [ torch.stack(episode_next_obs[1:], dim=0) for episode_next_obs in self.train_next_obs_total if len(episode_next_obs) > 1 ] self.train_action = [ torch.stack(episode_action[:-1], dim=0) for episode_action in self.train_action_total if len(episode_action) > 1 ] # stack batch dim self.train_obs =, 0) self.train_next_obs =, 0) self.train_action =, 0) for _ in range(self.cfg.update_per_collect): self._train() def _compute_intrinsic_reward( self, episodic_memory: List, current_controllable_state: torch.Tensor, k=10, kernel_cluster_distance=0.008, kernel_epsilon=0.0001, c=0.001, siminarity_max=8, ) -> torch.Tensor: # this function is modified from state_dist = torch.cdist(current_controllable_state.unsqueeze(0), episodic_memory, p=2).squeeze(0).sort()[0][:k] self._running_mean_std_episodic_dist.update(state_dist.cpu().numpy()) state_dist = state_dist / (self._running_mean_std_episodic_dist.mean + 1e-11) state_dist = torch.clamp(state_dist - kernel_cluster_distance, min=0, max=None) kernel = kernel_epsilon / (state_dist + kernel_epsilon) s = torch.sqrt(torch.clamp(torch.sum(kernel), min=0, max=None)) + c if s > siminarity_max: print('s > siminarity_max:', s.max(), s.min()) return torch.tensor(0) # NOTE return 1 / s # average value 1/( ( 10* 1e-4/(1+1e-4) )**(1/2)+1e-3 ) = 30 def estimate(self, data: list) -> torch.Tensor: """ Rewrite the reward key in each row of the data. """ obs, is_null = collect_data_episodic(data) # obs shape list(list()) [batch_size,seq_length,obs_dim] batch_size = len(obs) seq_length = len(obs[0]) # stack episode dim obs = [torch.stack(episode_obs, dim=0) for episode_obs in obs] # stack batch dim # way 0 if isinstance(self.cfg.obs_shape, int): obs = torch.stack(obs, dim=0).view(batch_size * seq_length, self.cfg.obs_shape).to(self.device) else: # len(self.cfg.obs_shape) == 3 for image obs obs = torch.stack(obs, dim=0).view(batch_size * seq_length, *self.cfg.obs_shape).to(self.device) # way 2 # obs =, 0) inputs = {'obs': obs, 'is_null': is_null} with torch.no_grad(): cur_obs_embedding = self.episodic_reward_model(inputs, inference=True) cur_obs_embedding = cur_obs_embedding.view(batch_size, seq_length, -1) episodic_reward = [[] for _ in range(batch_size)] null_cnt = 0 # the number of null transitions in the whole minibatch for i in range(batch_size): for j in range(seq_length): if j < 10: # if self._running_mean_std_episodic_reward.mean is not None: # episodic_reward[i].append(torch.tensor(self._running_mean_std_episodic_reward.mean).to(self.device)) # else: episodic_reward[i].append(torch.tensor(0.).to(self.device)) elif j: episodic_memory = cur_obs_embedding[i][:j] reward = self._compute_intrinsic_reward(episodic_memory, cur_obs_embedding[i][j]).to(self.device) episodic_reward[i].append(reward) if torch.nonzero(torch.tensor(is_null[i]).float()).shape[0] != 0: # TODO(pu): if have null padding, the episodic_reward should be 0 not_null_index = torch.nonzero(torch.tensor(is_null[i]).float()).squeeze(-1) null_start_index = int(torch.nonzero(torch.tensor(is_null[i]).float()).squeeze(-1)[0]) # add the number of null transitions in i'th sequence in batch null_cnt = null_cnt + seq_length - null_start_index for k in range(null_start_index, seq_length): episodic_reward[i][k] = torch.tensor(0).to(self.device) # episodic_reward[i][null_start_index:-1]=[torch.tensor(0).to(self.device) # for i in range(seq_length-null_start_index)] # list(list(tensor)) -> tensor tmp = [torch.stack(episodic_reward_tmp, dim=0) for episodic_reward_tmp in episodic_reward] # stack batch dim episodic_reward = torch.stack(tmp, dim=0) # TODO(pu): image case episodic_reward = episodic_reward.view(-1) # torch.Size([32, 42]) -> torch.Size([32*42] episodic_reward_real_mean = sum(episodic_reward) / ( batch_size * seq_length - null_cnt ) # TODO(pu): recompute mean self.estimate_cnt_episodic += 1 self._running_mean_std_episodic_reward.update(episodic_reward.cpu().numpy()) self.tb_logger.add_scalar( 'episodic_reward/episodic_reward_max', episodic_reward.max(), self.estimate_cnt_episodic ) self.tb_logger.add_scalar( 'episodic_reward/episodic_reward_mean', episodic_reward_real_mean, self.estimate_cnt_episodic ) self.tb_logger.add_scalar( 'episodic_reward/episodic_reward_min', episodic_reward.min(), self.estimate_cnt_episodic ) self.tb_logger.add_scalar( 'episodic_reward/episodic_reward_std_', episodic_reward.std(), self.estimate_cnt_episodic ) # transform to [0,1]: er01 episodic_reward = (episodic_reward - episodic_reward.min()) / (episodic_reward.max() - episodic_reward.min() + 1e-11) """1. transform to batch mean1: erbm1""" # episodic_reward = episodic_reward / (episodic_reward.mean() + 1e-11) # the null_padding transition have episodic reward=0, # episodic_reward = episodic_reward / (episodic_reward_real_mean + 1e-11) """2. transform to long-term mean1: erlm1""" # episodic_reward = episodic_reward / self._running_mean_std_episodic_reward.mean """3. transform to mean 0, std 1, which is wrong, rnd_reward is in [1,5], episodic reward should >0, otherwise, e.g. when the episodic_reward is -2, the rnd_reward larger, the total intrinsic reward smaller, which is not correct.""" # episodic_reward = (episodic_reward - self._running_mean_std_episodic_reward.mean) # / self._running_mean_std_episodic_reward.std """4. transform to std1, which is not very meaningful""" # episodic_reward = episodic_reward / self._running_mean_std_episodic_reward.std return episodic_reward def collect_data(self, data: list) -> None: train_obs, train_action = collect_data_and_exclude_null_data_episodic(data) self.train_obs_total.extend(train_obs) self.train_action_total.extend(train_action) def clear_data(self) -> None: self.train_obs_total = [] self.train_action_total = [] def fusion_reward( self, train_data, inter_episodic_reward, episodic_reward, nstep, collector_env_num, tb_logger, estimate_cnt ): # NOTE: deepcopy reward part of train_data is very important, # otherwise the reward of train_data in the replay buffer will be incorrectly modified. data = self.reward_deepcopy(train_data) estimate_cnt += 1 index_to_beta = { i: 0.3 * torch.sigmoid(torch.tensor(10 * (2 * i - (collector_env_num - 2)) / (collector_env_num - 2))) for i in range(collector_env_num) } batch_size = len(data) seq_length = len(data[0]['reward']) device = data[0]['reward'][0].device intrinsic_reward_type = 'add' intrisic_reward = episodic_reward * torch.clamp(inter_episodic_reward, min=1, max=5) tb_logger.add_scalar('intrinsic_reward/intrinsic_reward_max', intrisic_reward.max(), estimate_cnt) tb_logger.add_scalar('intrinsic_reward/intrinsic_reward_mean', intrisic_reward.mean(), estimate_cnt) tb_logger.add_scalar('intrinsic_reward/intrinsic_reward_min', intrisic_reward.min(), estimate_cnt) if not isinstance(data[0], (list, dict)): # not rnn based rl algorithm intrisic_reward = intrisic_reward = torch.chunk(intrisic_reward, intrisic_reward.shape[0], dim=0) for item, rew in zip(data, intrisic_reward): if intrinsic_reward_type == 'add': item['reward'] += rew * index_to_beta[data['beta']] else: # rnn based rl algorithm intrisic_reward = # tensor to tuple intrisic_reward = torch.chunk(intrisic_reward, int(intrisic_reward.shape[0]), dim=0) if self.cfg.last_nonzero_reward_weight is None and self.cfg.last_nonzero_reward_rescale: # for minigrid env self.cfg.last_nonzero_reward_weight = seq_length # this is for the nstep rl algorithms for i in range(batch_size): # batch_size typically 64 for j in range(seq_length): # burnin+unroll_len is the sequence length, e.g. 100=2+98 if j < seq_length - nstep: intrinsic_reward = [intrisic_reward[i * seq_length + j + k] for k in range(nstep)], dim=0 ) # if intrinsic_reward_type == 'add': if not data[i]['null'][j]: # if data[i]['null'][j]==True, means its's null data, only the not null data, # we add a intrinsic_reward if data[i]['done'][j] and self.cfg.last_nonzero_reward_rescale: # if not null data, and data[i]['done'][j]==True, so this is the last nstep transition # in the original data. # means if using rescale trick to the last non-zero reward # when combing extrinsic and intrinsic reward. # only used in sparse reward env minigrid, in which the last non-zero reward # is a strong positive signal, should not be overwhelmed by intrinsic rewards。 for k in reversed(range(nstep)): # here we want to find the last nonzero reward in the nstep reward list: # data[i]['reward'][j], that is also the last reward in the sequence, here, # we set the sequence length is large enough, # so we can consider the sequence as the whole episode plus null_padding # TODO(pu): what should we do if the last reward in the whole episode is zero? if data[i]['reward'][j][k] != 0: # find the last one that is nonzero, and enlarging times last_nonzero_rew = copy.deepcopy(data[i]['reward'][j][k]) data[i]['reward'][j][k] = \ self.cfg.last_nonzero_reward_weight * last_nonzero_rew + \ intrinsic_reward[k] * index_to_beta[int(data[i]['beta'][j])] # substitute the kth reward in the list data[i]['reward'][j] with # times amplified reward break else: data[i]['reward'][j] = data[i]['reward'][j] + intrinsic_reward * index_to_beta[ int(data[i]['beta'][j])] return data, estimate_cnt