""" Overview: Adapt the connect4 environment in PettingZoo (https://github.com/Farama-Foundation/PettingZoo) to the BaseEnv interface. Connect Four is a 2-player turn based game, where players must connect four of their tokens vertically, horizontally or diagonally. The players drop their respective token in a column of a standing grid, where each token will fall until it reaches the bottom of the column or reaches an existing token. Players cannot place a token in a full column, and the game ends when either a player has made a sequence of 4 tokens, or when all 7 columns have been filled. Mode: - ``self_play_mode``: In ``self_play_mode``, two players take turns to play. This mode is used in AlphaZero for data generating. - ``play_with_bot_mode``: In this mode, the environment has a bot inside, which take the role of player 2. So the player may play against the bot. Bot: - MCTSBot: A bot which take action through a Monte Carlo Tree Search, which has a high performance. - RuleBot: A bot which take action according to some simple settings, which has a moderate performance. Note: Currently the RuleBot can only exclude actions that would lead to losing the game within three moves. Note: Currently the RuleBot can only exclude actions that would lead to losing the game within three moves. One possible improvement is to further enhance the bot's long-term planning capabilities. Observation Space: The observation in the Connect4 environment is a dictionary with five elements, which contains key information about the current state. - observation (:obj:`array`): An array that represents information about the current state, with a shape of (3, 6, 7). The length of the first dimension is 3, which stores three two-dimensional game boards with shapes (6, 7). These boards represent the positions occupied by the current player, the positions occupied by the opponent player, and the identity of the current player, respectively. - action_mask (:obj:`array`): A mask for the actions, indicating which actions are executable. It is a one-dimensional array of length 7, corresponding to columns 1 to 7 of the game board. It has a value of 1 for the columns where a move can be made, and a value of 0 for other positions. - board (:obj:`array`): A visual representation of the current game board, represented as a 6x7 array, in which the positions where player 1 and player 2 have placed their tokens are marked with values 1 and 2, respectively. - current_player_index (:obj:`int`): The index of the current player, with player 1 having an index of 0 and player 2 having an index of 1. - to_play (:obj:`int`): The player who needs to take an action in the current state, with a value of 1 or 2. Action Space: A set of integers from 0 to 6 (inclusive), where the action represents which column a token should be dropped in. Reward Space: For the ``self_play_mode``, a reward of 1 is returned at the time step when the game terminates, and a reward of 0 is returned at all other time steps. For the ``play_with_bot_mode``, at the time step when the game terminates, if the bot wins, the reward is -1; if the agent wins, the reward is 1; and in all other cases, the reward is 0. """ import copy import os import sys from typing import List, Any, Tuple, Optional import imageio import matplotlib.pyplot as plt import numpy as np import pygame from ding.envs import BaseEnv, BaseEnvTimestep from ding.utils import ENV_REGISTRY from ditk import logging from easydict import EasyDict from gymnasium import spaces from zoo.board_games.connect4.envs.rule_bot import Connect4RuleBot from zoo.board_games.mcts_bot import MCTSBot @ENV_REGISTRY.register('connect4') class Connect4Env(BaseEnv): config = dict( # (str) The name of the environment registered in the environment registry. env_name="Connect4", # (str) The mode of the environment when take a step. battle_mode='self_play_mode', # (str) The mode of the environment when doing the MCTS. battle_mode_in_simulation_env='self_play_mode', # (str) The render mode. Options are 'None', 'state_realtime_mode', 'image_realtime_mode' or 'image_savefile_mode'. # If None, then the game will not be rendered. render_mode=None, # (str or None) The directory in which to save the replay file. If None, the file is saved in the current directory. replay_path=None, # (str) The type of the bot of the environment. bot_action_type='rule', # (bool) Whether to let human to play with the agent when evaluating. If False, then use the bot to evaluate the agent. agent_vs_human=False, # (float) The probability that a random agent is used instead of the learning agent. prob_random_agent=0, # (float) The probability that an expert agent(the bot) is used instead of the learning agent. prob_expert_agent=0, # (float) The probability that a random action will be taken when calling the bot. prob_random_action_in_bot=0., # (float) The scale of the render screen. screen_scaling=9, # (bool) Whether to use the 'channel last' format for the observation space. If False, 'channel first' format is used. channel_last=False, # (bool) Whether to scale the observation. scale=False, # (float) The stop value when training the agent. If the evalue return reach the stop value, then the training will stop. stop_value=2, ) @classmethod def default_config(cls: type) -> EasyDict: cfg = EasyDict(copy.deepcopy(cls.config)) cfg.cfg_type = cls.__name__ + 'Dict' return cfg def __init__(self, cfg: dict = None) -> None: # Load the config. self.cfg = cfg # Set the format of the observation. self.channel_last = cfg.channel_last self.scale = cfg.scale # Set the parameters about replay render. self.screen_scaling = cfg.screen_scaling # options = {None, 'state_realtime_mode', 'image_realtime_mode', 'image_savefile_mode'} self.render_mode = cfg.render_mode self.replay_name_suffix = "test" self.replay_path = cfg.replay_path self.replay_format = 'gif' self.screen = None self.frames = [] # Set the mode of interaction between the agent and the environment. # options = {'self_play_mode', 'play_with_bot_mode', 'eval_mode'} self.battle_mode = cfg.battle_mode assert self.battle_mode in ['self_play_mode', 'play_with_bot_mode', 'eval_mode'] # The mode of MCTS is only used in AlphaZero. self.battle_mode_in_simulation_env = 'self_play_mode' # In ``eval_mode``, we can choose to play with the agent. self.agent_vs_human = cfg.agent_vs_human # Set some randomness for selecting action. self.prob_random_agent = cfg.prob_random_agent self.prob_expert_agent = cfg.prob_expert_agent assert (self.prob_random_agent >= 0 and self.prob_expert_agent == 0) or ( self.prob_random_agent == 0 and self.prob_expert_agent >= 0), \ f'self.prob_random_agent:{self.prob_random_agent}, self.prob_expert_agent:{self.prob_expert_agent}' # The board state is saved as a one-dimensional array instead of a two-dimensional array for ease of computation in ``step()`` function. self.board = [0] * (6 * 7) self.players = [1, 2] self._current_player = 1 self._env = self # Set the bot type and add some randomness. # options = {'rule, 'mcts'} self.bot_action_type = cfg.bot_action_type self.prob_random_action_in_bot = cfg.prob_random_action_in_bot if self.bot_action_type == 'mcts': cfg_temp = EasyDict(cfg.copy()) cfg_temp.save_replay = False cfg_temp.bot_action_type = None env_mcts = Connect4Env(EasyDict(cfg_temp)) self.mcts_bot = MCTSBot(env_mcts, 'mcts_player', 50) elif self.bot_action_type == 'rule': self.rule_bot = Connect4RuleBot(self, self._current_player) # Render the beginning state of the game. if self.render_mode is not None: self.render(self.render_mode) def _player_step(self, action: int, flag: int) -> BaseEnvTimestep: """ Overview: A function that implements the transition of the environment's state. \ After taking an action in the environment, the function transitions the environment to the next state \ and returns the relevant information for the next time step. Arguments: - action (:obj:`int`): A value from 0 to 6 indicating the position to move on the connect4 board. - flag (:obj:`str`): A marker indicating the source of an action, for debugging convenience. Returns: - timestep (:obj:`BaseEnvTimestep`): A namedtuple that records the observation and obtained reward after taking the action, \ whether the game is terminated, and some other information. """ if action in self.legal_actions: piece = self.players.index(self._current_player) + 1 for i in list(filter(lambda x: x % 7 == action, list(range(41, -1, -1)))): if self.board[i] == 0: self.board[i] = piece break else: print(np.array(self.board).reshape(6, 7)) logging.warning( f"You input illegal action: {action}, the legal_actions are {self.legal_actions}. " f"flag is {flag}." f"Now we randomly choice a action from self.legal_actions." ) action = self.random_action() print("the random action is", action) piece = self.players.index(self._current_player) + 1 for i in list(filter(lambda x: x % 7 == action, list(range(41, -1, -1)))): if self.board[i] == 0: self.board[i] = piece break # Check if there is a winner. done, winner = self.get_done_winner() if not winner == -1: reward = np.array(1).astype(np.float32) else: reward = np.array(0).astype(np.float32) info = {} self._current_player = self.next_player obs = self.observe() # Render the new step. if self.render_mode is not None: self.render(self.render_mode) if done: info['eval_episode_return'] = reward if self.render_mode == 'image_savefile_mode': self.save_render_output(replay_name_suffix=self.replay_name_suffix, replay_path=self.replay_path, format=self.replay_format) return BaseEnvTimestep(obs, reward, done, info) def step(self, action: int) -> BaseEnvTimestep: """ Overview: The step function of the environment. It receives an action from the player and returns the state of the environment after performing that action. \ In ``self_play_mode``, this function only call ``_player_step()`` once since the agent play with it self and play the role of both two players 1 and 2.\ In ``play_with_bot_mode``, this function first use the recieved ``action`` to call the ``_player_step()`` and then use the action from bot to call it again.\ Then return the result of taking these two actions sequentially in the environment.\ In ``eval_mode``, this function also call ``_player_step()`` twice, and the second action is from human action or from the bot. Arguments: - action (:obj:`int`): A value from 0 to 6 indicating the position to move on the connect4 board. Returns: - timestep (:obj:`BaseEnvTimestep`): A namedtuple that records the observation and obtained reward after taking the action, \ whether the game is terminated, and some other information. """ if self.battle_mode == 'self_play_mode': if self.prob_random_agent > 0: if np.random.rand() < self.prob_random_agent: action = self.random_action() elif self.prob_expert_agent > 0: if np.random.rand() < self.prob_expert_agent: action = self.bot_action() flag = "agent" timestep = self._player_step(action, flag) if timestep.done: # The ``eval_episode_return`` is calculated from player 1's perspective. timestep.info['eval_episode_return'] = -timestep.reward if timestep.obs[ 'to_play'] == 1 else timestep.reward return timestep elif self.battle_mode == 'play_with_bot_mode': # Player 1's turn. flag = "bot_agent" timestep_player1 = self._player_step(action, flag) if timestep_player1.done: # NOTE: in ``play_with_bot_mode``, we must set to_play as -1, because we don't consider the alternation between players. # And the ``to_play`` is used in MCTS. timestep_player1.obs['to_play'] = -1 return timestep_player1 # Player 2's turn. bot_action = self.bot_action() flag = "bot_bot" timestep_player2 = self._player_step(bot_action, flag) # The ``eval_episode_return`` is calculated from player 1's perspective. timestep_player2.info['eval_episode_return'] = -timestep_player2.reward timestep_player2 = timestep_player2._replace(reward=-timestep_player2.reward) timestep = timestep_player2 # NOTE: in ``play_with_bot_mode``, we must set to_play as -1, because we don't consider the alternation between players. # And the ``to_play`` is used in MCTS. timestep.obs['to_play'] = -1 return timestep elif self.battle_mode == 'eval_mode': # Player 1's turn. flag = "eval_agent" timestep_player1 = self._player_step(action, flag) if timestep_player1.done: # NOTE: in ``eval_mode``, we must set to_play as -1, because we don't consider the alternation between players. # And the ``to_play`` is used in MCTS. timestep_player1.obs['to_play'] = -1 return timestep_player1 # Player 2's turn. if self.agent_vs_human: bot_action = self.human_to_action() else: bot_action = self.bot_action() flag = "eval_bot" timestep_player2 = self._player_step(bot_action, flag) # The ``eval_episode_return`` is calculated from player 1's perspective. timestep_player2.info['eval_episode_return'] = -timestep_player2.reward timestep_player2 = timestep_player2._replace(reward=-timestep_player2.reward) timestep = timestep_player2 # NOTE: in ``eval_mode``, we must set to_play as -1, because we don't consider the alternation between players. # And the ``to_play`` is used in MCTS. timestep.obs['to_play'] = -1 return timestep def reset(self, start_player_index: int = 0, init_state: Optional[np.ndarray] = None, replay_name_suffix: Optional[str] = None) -> dict: """ Overview: Env reset and custom state start by init_state. Arguments: - start_player_index(:obj:`int`): players = [1,2], player_index = [0,1] - init_state(:obj:`array`): custom start state. """ if replay_name_suffix is not None: self.replay_name_suffix = replay_name_suffix if init_state is None: self.board = [0] * (6 * 7) else: self.board = init_state self.players = [1, 2] self.start_player_index = start_player_index self._current_player = self.players[self.start_player_index] self._action_space = spaces.Discrete(7) self._reward_space = spaces.Box(low=-1, high=1, shape=(1,), dtype=np.float32) self._observation_space = spaces.Dict( { "observation": spaces.Box(low=0, high=1, shape=(3, 6, 7), dtype=np.int8), "action_mask": spaces.Box(low=0, high=1, shape=(7,), dtype=np.int8), "board": spaces.Box(low=0, high=2, shape=(6, 7), dtype=np.int8), "current_player_index": spaces.Discrete(2), "to_play": spaces.Discrete(2), } ) obs = self.observe() return obs def current_state(self) -> Tuple[np.ndarray, np.ndarray]: """ Overview: Obtain the state from the view of current player.\ self.board is nd-array, 0 indicates that no stones is placed here,\ 1 indicates that player 1's stone is placed here, 2 indicates player 2's stone is placed here. Returns: - current_state (:obj:`array`): the 0 dim means which positions is occupied by ``self.current_player``,\ the 1 dim indicates which positions are occupied by ``self.next_player``,\ the 2 dim indicates which player is the to_play player, 1 means player 1, 2 means player 2. """ board_vals = np.array(self.board).reshape(6, 7) board_curr_player = np.where(board_vals == self.current_player, 1, 0) board_opponent_player = np.where(board_vals == self.next_player, 1, 0) board_to_play = np.full((6, 7), self.current_player) raw_obs = np.array([board_curr_player, board_opponent_player, board_to_play], dtype=np.float32) if self.scale: scale_obs = copy.deepcopy(raw_obs / 2) else: scale_obs = copy.deepcopy(raw_obs) if self.channel_last: # move channel dim to last axis # (C, W, H) -> (W, H, C) return np.transpose(raw_obs, [1, 2, 0]), np.transpose(scale_obs, [1, 2, 0]) else: # (C, W, H) return raw_obs, scale_obs def observe(self) -> dict: legal_moves = self.legal_actions action_mask = np.zeros(7, "int8") for i in legal_moves: action_mask[i] = 1 if self.battle_mode == 'play_with_bot_mode' or self.battle_mode == 'eval_mode': return {"observation": self.current_state()[1], "action_mask": action_mask, "board": copy.deepcopy(self.board), "current_player_index": self.players.index(self._current_player), "to_play": -1 } elif self.battle_mode == 'self_play_mode': return {"observation": self.current_state()[1], "action_mask": action_mask, "board": copy.deepcopy(self.board), "current_player_index": self.players.index(self._current_player), "to_play": self._current_player } @property def legal_actions(self) -> List[int]: return [i for i in range(7) if self.board[i] == 0] def render(self, mode: str = None) -> None: """ Overview: Renders the Connect Four game environment. Arguments: - mode (:obj:`str`): The rendering mode. Options are None, 'state_realtime_mode', 'image_realtime_mode' or 'image_savefile_mode'. When set to None, the game state is not rendered. In 'state_realtime_mode', the game state is illustrated in a text-based format directly in the console. The 'image_realtime_mode' displays the game as an RGB image in real-time. With 'image_savefile_mode', the game is rendered as an RGB image but not displayed in real-time. Instead, the image is saved to a designated file. Please note that the default rendering mode is set to None. """ # In 'state_realtime_mode' mode, print the current game board for rendering. if mode == "state_realtime_mode": print(np.array(self.board).reshape(6, 7)) return else: # In other two modes, use a screen for rendering. screen_width = 99 * self.screen_scaling screen_height = 86 / 99 * screen_width pygame.init() self.screen = pygame.Surface((screen_width, screen_height)) # Load and scale all of the necessary images. tile_size = (screen_width * (91 / 99)) / 7 red_chip = self.get_image(os.path.join("img", "C4RedPiece.png")) red_chip = pygame.transform.scale( red_chip, (int(tile_size * (9 / 13)), int(tile_size * (9 / 13))) ) black_chip = self.get_image(os.path.join("img", "C4BlackPiece.png")) black_chip = pygame.transform.scale( black_chip, (int(tile_size * (9 / 13)), int(tile_size * (9 / 13))) ) board_img = self.get_image(os.path.join("img", "Connect4Board.png")) board_img = pygame.transform.scale( board_img, ((int(screen_width)), int(screen_height)) ) self.screen.blit(board_img, (0, 0)) # Blit the necessary chips and their positions. for i in range(0, 42): if self.board[i] == 1: self.screen.blit( red_chip, ( (i % 7) * (tile_size) + (tile_size * (6 / 13)), int(i / 7) * (tile_size) + (tile_size * (6 / 13)), ), ) elif self.board[i] == 2: self.screen.blit( black_chip, ( (i % 7) * (tile_size) + (tile_size * (6 / 13)), int(i / 7) * (tile_size) + (tile_size * (6 / 13)), ), ) if mode == "image_realtime_mode": surface_array = pygame.surfarray.pixels3d(self.screen) surface_array = np.transpose(surface_array, (1, 0, 2)) plt.imshow(surface_array) plt.draw() plt.pause(0.001) elif mode == "image_savefile_mode": # Draw the observation and save to frames. observation = np.array(pygame.surfarray.pixels3d(self.screen)) self.frames.append(np.transpose(observation, axes=(1, 0, 2))) self.screen = None return None def save_render_output(self, replay_name_suffix: str = '', replay_path: str = None, format: str = 'gif') -> None: """ Overview: Save the rendered frames as an output file. Arguments: - replay_name_suffix (:obj:`str`): The suffix to be added to the replay filename. - replay_path (:obj:`str`): The path to save the replay file. If None, the default filename will be used. - format (:obj:`str`): The format of the output file. Options are 'gif' or 'mp4'. """ # At the end of the episode, save the frames. if replay_path is None: filename = f'connect4_{replay_name_suffix}.{format}' else: if not os.path.exists(replay_path): os.makedirs(replay_path) filename = replay_path + f'/connect4_{replay_name_suffix}.{format}' if format == 'gif': # Save frames as a GIF with a duration of 0.1 seconds per frame. imageio.mimsave(filename, self.frames, 'GIF', duration=0.1) elif format == 'mp4': # Save frames as an MP4 video with a frame rate of 30 frames per second. imageio.mimsave(filename, self.frames, fps=30, codec='mpeg4') else: raise ValueError("Unsupported format: {}".format(format)) logging.info("Saved output to {}".format(filename)) self.frames = [] def get_done_winner(self) -> Tuple[bool, int]: """ Overview: Check if the game is done and find the winner. Returns: - outputs (:obj:`Tuple`): Tuple containing 'done' and 'winner', - if player 1 win, 'done' = True, 'winner' = 1 - if player 2 win, 'done' = True, 'winner' = 2 - if draw, 'done' = True, 'winner' = -1 - if game is not over, 'done' = False,'winner' = -1 """ board = copy.deepcopy(np.array(self.board)).reshape(6, 7) for piece in [1, 2]: # Check horizontal locations for win column_count = 7 row_count = 6 for c in range(column_count - 3): for r in range(row_count): if ( board[r][c] == piece and board[r][c + 1] == piece and board[r][c + 2] == piece and board[r][c + 3] == piece ): return True, piece # Check vertical locations for win for c in range(column_count): for r in range(row_count - 3): if ( board[r][c] == piece and board[r + 1][c] == piece and board[r + 2][c] == piece and board[r + 3][c] == piece ): return True, piece # Check positively sloped diagonals for c in range(column_count - 3): for r in range(row_count - 3): if ( board[r][c] == piece and board[r + 1][c + 1] == piece and board[r + 2][c + 2] == piece and board[r + 3][c + 3] == piece ): return True, piece # Check negatively sloped diagonals for c in range(column_count - 3): for r in range(3, row_count): if ( board[r][c] == piece and board[r - 1][c + 1] == piece and board[r - 2][c + 2] == piece and board[r - 3][c + 3] == piece ): return True, piece if all(x in [1, 2] for x in self.board): return True, -1 return False, -1 def get_done_reward(self) -> Tuple[bool, int]: """ Overview: Check if the game is over and what is the reward in the perspective of player 1.\ Return 'done' and 'reward'. Returns: - outputs (:obj:`Tuple`): Tuple containing 'done' and 'reward', - if player 1 win, 'done' = True, 'reward' = 1 - if player 2 win, 'done' = True, 'reward' = -1 - if draw, 'done' = True, 'reward' = 0 - if game is not over, 'done' = False,'reward' = None """ done, winner = self.get_done_winner() if winner == 1: reward = 1 elif winner == 2: reward = -1 elif winner == -1 and done: reward = 0 elif winner == -1 and not done: # episode is not done reward = None return done, reward def random_action(self) -> int: action_list = self.legal_actions return np.random.choice(action_list) def bot_action(self) -> int: if np.random.rand() < self.prob_random_action_in_bot: return self.random_action() else: if self.bot_action_type == 'rule': return self.rule_bot.get_rule_bot_action(self.board, self._current_player) elif self.bot_action_type == 'mcts': return self.mcts_bot.get_actions(self.board, player_index=self.current_player_index) def action_to_string(self, action: int) -> str: """ Overview: Convert an action number to a string representing the action. Arguments: - action: an integer from the action space. Returns: - String representing the action. """ return f"Play column {action + 1}" def human_to_action(self) -> int: """ Overview: For multiplayer games, ask the user for a legal action \ and return the corresponding action number. Returns: An integer from the action space. """ print(np.array(self.board).reshape(6, 7)) while True: try: column = int( input( f"Enter the column to play for the player {self.current_player}: " ) ) action = column - 1 if action in self.legal_actions: break else: print("Wrong input, try again") except KeyboardInterrupt: print("exit") sys.exit(0) except Exception as e: print("Wrong input, try again") return action def seed(self, seed: int, dynamic_seed: bool = True) -> None: self._seed = seed self._dynamic_seed = dynamic_seed np.random.seed(self._seed) def __repr__(self) -> str: return "LightZero Connect4 Env" @property def current_player(self) -> int: return self._current_player @property def current_player_index(self) -> int: """ Overview: current_player_index = 0, current_player = 1 \ current_player_index = 1, current_player = 2 """ return 0 if self._current_player == 1 else 1 @property def next_player(self) -> int: return self.players[0] if self._current_player == self.players[1] else self.players[1] @property def observation_space(self) -> spaces.Space: return self._observation_space @property def action_space(self) -> spaces.Space: return self._action_space @property def reward_space(self) -> spaces.Space: return self._reward_space def simulate_action(self, action: int) -> Any: """ Overview: execute action and get next_simulator_env. used in AlphaZero. Arguments: - action: an integer from the action space. Returns: - next_simulator_env: next simulator env after execute action. """ if action not in self.legal_actions: raise ValueError("action {0} on board {1} is not legal".format(action, self.board)) new_board = copy.deepcopy(self.board) piece = self.players.index(self._current_player) + 1 for i in list(filter(lambda x: x % 7 == action, list(range(41, -1, -1)))): if new_board[i] == 0: new_board[i] = piece break if self.start_player_index == 0: start_player_index = 1 # self.players = [1, 2], start_player = 2, start_player_index = 1 else: start_player_index = 0 # self.players = [1, 2], start_player = 1, start_player_index = 0 next_simulator_env = copy.deepcopy(self) next_simulator_env.reset(start_player_index, init_state=new_board) return next_simulator_env @staticmethod def create_collector_env_cfg(cfg: dict) -> List[dict]: collector_env_num = cfg.pop('collector_env_num') cfg = copy.deepcopy(cfg) return [cfg for _ in range(collector_env_num)] @staticmethod def create_evaluator_env_cfg(cfg: dict) -> List[dict]: evaluator_env_num = cfg.pop('evaluator_env_num') cfg = copy.deepcopy(cfg) # In eval phase, we use ``eval_mode`` to make agent play with the built-in bot to # evaluate the performance of the current agent. cfg.battle_mode = 'eval_mode' return [cfg for _ in range(evaluator_env_num)] def close(self) -> None: pass def get_image(self, path: str) -> Any: from os import path as os_path import pygame cwd = os_path.dirname(__file__) image = pygame.image.load(cwd + "/" + path) sfc = pygame.Surface(image.get_size(), flags=pygame.SRCALPHA) sfc.blit(image, (0, 0)) return sfc