import os import subprocess import pytest from ding.utils import K8sLauncher, OrchestratorLauncher try: from kubernetes import config, client, watch except ImportError: _test_mark = pytest.mark.ignore else: _test_mark = pytest.mark.envtest @_test_mark def test_operate_k8s_cluster(): cluster_name = 'test-k8s-launcher' config_path = os.path.join(os.path.dirname(__file__), 'config', 'k8s-config.yaml') launcher = K8sLauncher(config_path) = cluster_name # create cluster launcher.create_cluster() # check that cluster is successfully created config.load_kube_config() current_context = config.list_kube_config_contexts()[1] assert current_context['context']['cluster'].startswith(f"k3d-{cluster_name}")'kubectl create ns di-system', shell=True) # create orchestrator olauncher = OrchestratorLauncher('v1.1.3', cluster=launcher) olauncher.create_orchestrator() # check orchestrator is successfully created expected_deployments, expected_crds = 2, 1 appv1 = client.AppsV1Api() ret = appv1.list_namespaced_deployment("di-system") assert len(ret.items) == expected_deployments # check crds are installed extensionv1 = client.ApiextensionsV1Api() ret = extensionv1.list_custom_resource_definition() found = 0 for crd in ret.items: found = found + 1 if == '' else found found = found + 1 if == '' else found assert found == expected_crds # delete orchestrator olauncher.delete_orchestrator() # sleep for a few seconds and check crds are deleted timeout = 10 deleted_crds = 0 w = watch.Watch() for event in, timeout_seconds=timeout): if event['type'] == "DELETED": deleted_crds += 1 if deleted_crds == expected_crds: w.stop() ret = extensionv1.list_custom_resource_definition() found = 0 for crd in ret.items: found = found + 1 if == '' else found assert found == 0 # delete cluster launcher.delete_cluster() try: config.load_kube_config() except Exception: print("No k8s cluster found, skipped...") else: current_context = config.list_kube_config_contexts()[1] assert not current_context['context']['cluster'].startswith(f"k3d-{cluster_name}")