from typing import Tuple, Callable, Optional from collections import namedtuple from abc import ABC, abstractmethod import torch from torch import Tensor, nn from easydict import EasyDict from ding.worker import IBuffer from ding.envs import BaseEnv from ding.utils import deep_merge_dicts from ding.world_model.utils import get_rollout_length_scheduler from ding.utils import import_module, WORLD_MODEL_REGISTRY def get_world_model_cls(cfg): import_module(cfg.get('import_names', [])) return WORLD_MODEL_REGISTRY.get(cfg.type) def create_world_model(cfg, *args, **kwargs): import_module(cfg.get('import_names', [])) return, cfg, *args, **kwargs) class WorldModel(ABC): r""" Overview: Abstract baseclass for world model. Interfaces: should_train, should_eval, train, eval, step """ config = dict( train_freq=250, # w.r.t environment step eval_freq=250, # w.r.t environment step cuda=True, rollout_length_scheduler=dict( type='linear', rollout_start_step=20000, rollout_end_step=150000, rollout_length_min=1, rollout_length_max=25, ) ) def __init__(self, cfg: dict, env: BaseEnv, tb_logger: 'SummaryWriter'): # noqa self.cfg = cfg self.env = env self.tb_logger = tb_logger self._cuda = cfg.cuda self.train_freq = cfg.train_freq self.eval_freq = cfg.eval_freq self.rollout_length_scheduler = get_rollout_length_scheduler(cfg.rollout_length_scheduler) self.last_train_step = 0 self.last_eval_step = 0 @classmethod def default_config(cls: type) -> EasyDict: # can not call default_config() recursively # because config will be overwritten by subclasses merge_cfg = EasyDict(cfg_type=cls.__name__ + 'Dict') while cls != ABC: merge_cfg = deep_merge_dicts(merge_cfg, cls.config) cls = cls.__base__ return merge_cfg def should_train(self, envstep: int): r""" Overview: Check whether need to train world model. """ return (envstep - self.last_train_step) >= self.train_freq def should_eval(self, envstep: int): r""" Overview: Check whether need to evaluate world model. """ return (envstep - self.last_eval_step) >= self.eval_freq and self.last_train_step != 0 @abstractmethod def train(self, env_buffer: IBuffer, envstep: int, train_iter: int): r""" Overview: Train world model using data from env_buffer. Arguments: - env_buffer (:obj:`IBuffer`): the buffer which collects real environment steps - envstep (:obj:`int`): the current number of environment steps in real environment - train_iter (:obj:`int`): the current number of policy training iterations """ raise NotImplementedError @abstractmethod def eval(self, env_buffer: IBuffer, envstep: int, train_iter: int): r""" Overview: Evaluate world model using data from env_buffer. Arguments: - env_buffer (:obj:`IBuffer`): the buffer that collects real environment steps - envstep (:obj:`int`): the current number of environment steps in real environment - train_iter (:obj:`int`): the current number of policy training iterations """ raise NotImplementedError @abstractmethod def step(self, obs: Tensor, action: Tensor) -> Tuple[Tensor, Tensor, Tensor]: r""" Overview: Take one step in world model. Arguments: - obs (:obj:`torch.Tensor`): current observations :math:`S_t` - action (:obj:`torch.Tensor`): current actions :math:`A_t` Returns: - reward (:obj:`torch.Tensor`): rewards :math:`R_t` - next_obs (:obj:`torch.Tensor`): next observations :math:`S_t+1` - done (:obj:`torch.Tensor`): whether the episodes ends Shapes: :math:`B`: batch size :math:`O`: observation dimension :math:`A`: action dimension - obs: [B, O] - action: [B, A] - reward: [B, ] - next_obs: [B, O] - done: [B, ] """ raise NotImplementedError class DynaWorldModel(WorldModel, ABC): r""" Overview: Dyna-style world model (summarized in arXiv: 1907.02057) which stores and\ reuses imagination rollout in the imagination buffer. Interfaces: sample, fill_img_buffer, should_train, should_eval, train, eval, step """ config = dict( other=dict( real_ratio=0.05, rollout_retain=4, rollout_batch_size=100000, imagination_buffer=dict( type='elastic', replay_buffer_size=6000000, deepcopy=False, enable_track_used_data=False, # set_buffer_size=set_buffer_size, periodic_thruput_seconds=60, ), ) ) def __init__(self, cfg: dict, env: BaseEnv, tb_logger: 'SummaryWriter'): # noqa super().__init__(cfg, env, tb_logger) self.real_ratio = cfg.other.real_ratio self.rollout_batch_size = cfg.other.rollout_batch_size self.rollout_retain = cfg.other.rollout_retain self.buffer_size_scheduler = \ lambda x: self.rollout_length_scheduler(x) * self.rollout_batch_size * self.rollout_retain def sample(self, env_buffer: IBuffer, img_buffer: IBuffer, batch_size: int, train_iter: int) -> dict: r""" Overview: Sample from the combination of environment buffer and imagination buffer with\ certain ratio to generate batched data for policy training. Arguments: - policy (:obj:`namedtuple`): policy in collect mode - env_buffer (:obj:`IBuffer`): the buffer that collects real environment steps - img_buffer (:obj:`IBuffer`): the buffer that collects imagination steps - batch_size (:obj:`int`): the batch size for policy training - train_iter (:obj:`int`): the current number of policy training iterations Returns: - data (:obj:`int`): the training data for policy training """ env_batch_size = int(batch_size * self.real_ratio) img_batch_size = batch_size - env_batch_size env_data = env_buffer.sample(env_batch_size, train_iter) img_data = img_buffer.sample(img_batch_size, train_iter) train_data = env_data + img_data return train_data def fill_img_buffer( self, policy: namedtuple, env_buffer: IBuffer, img_buffer: IBuffer, envstep: int, train_iter: int ): r""" Overview: Sample from the env_buffer, rollouts to generate new data, and push them into the img_buffer. Arguments: - policy (:obj:`namedtuple`): policy in collect mode - env_buffer (:obj:`IBuffer`): the buffer that collects real environment steps - img_buffer (:obj:`IBuffer`): the buffer that collects imagination steps - envstep (:obj:`int`): the current number of environment steps in real environment - train_iter (:obj:`int`): the current number of policy training iterations """ from ding.torch_utils import to_tensor from ding.envs import BaseEnvTimestep from ding.worker.collector.base_serial_collector import to_tensor_transitions def step(obs, act): # This function has the same input and output format as env manager's step data_id = list(obs.keys()) obs = torch.stack([obs[id] for id in data_id], dim=0) act = torch.stack([act[id] for id in data_id], dim=0) with torch.no_grad(): rewards, next_obs, terminals = self.step(obs, act) # terminals = self.termination_fn(next_obs) timesteps = { id: BaseEnvTimestep(n, r, d, {}) for id, n, r, d in zip( data_id, next_obs.cpu().numpy(), rewards.unsqueeze(-1).cpu().numpy(), # ding api terminals.cpu().numpy() ) } return timesteps # set rollout length rollout_length = self.rollout_length_scheduler(envstep) # load data data = env_buffer.sample(self.rollout_batch_size, train_iter, replace=True) obs = {id: data[id]['obs'] for id in range(len(data))} # rollout buffer = [[] for id in range(len(obs))] new_data = [] for i in range(rollout_length): # get action obs = to_tensor(obs, dtype=torch.float32) policy_output = policy.forward(obs) actions = {id: output['action'] for id, output in policy_output.items()} # predict next obs and reward # timesteps = self.step(obs, actions, env_model) timesteps = step(obs, actions) obs_new = {} for id, timestep in timesteps.items(): transition = policy.process_transition(obs[id], policy_output[id], timestep) transition['collect_iter'] = train_iter buffer[id].append(transition) if not timestep.done: obs_new[id] = timestep.obs if timestep.done or i + 1 == rollout_length: transitions = to_tensor_transitions(buffer[id]) train_sample = policy.get_train_sample(transitions) new_data.extend(train_sample) if len(obs_new) == 0: break obs = obs_new img_buffer.push(new_data, cur_collector_envstep=envstep) class DreamWorldModel(WorldModel, ABC): r""" Overview: Dreamer-style world model which uses each imagination rollout only once\ and backpropagate through time(rollout) to optimize policy. Interfaces: rollout, should_train, should_eval, train, eval, step """ def rollout(self, obs: Tensor, actor_fn: Callable[[Tensor], Tuple[Tensor, Tensor]], envstep: int, **kwargs) -> Tuple[Tensor, Tensor, Tensor, Tensor, Tensor, Optional[bool]]: r""" Overview: Generate batched imagination rollouts starting from the current observations.\ This function is useful for value gradients where the policy is optimized by BPTT. Arguments: - obs (:obj:`Tensor`): the current observations :math:`S_t` - actor_fn (:obj:`Callable`): the unified API :math:`(A_t, H_t) = pi(S_t)` - envstep (:obj:`int`): the current number of environment steps in real environment Returns: - obss (:obj:`Tensor`): :math:`S_t, ..., S_t+n` - actions (:obj:`Tensor`): :math:`A_t, ..., A_t+n` - rewards (:obj:`Tensor`): :math:`R_t, ..., R_t+n-1` - aug_rewards (:obj:`Tensor`): :math:`H_t, ..., H_t+n`, this can be entropy bonus as in SAC, otherwise it should be a zero tensor - dones (:obj:`Tensor`): :math:`\text{done}_t, ..., \text{done}_t+n` Shapes: :math:`N`: time step :math:`B`: batch size :math:`O`: observation dimension :math:`A`: action dimension - obss: :math:`[N+1, B, O]`, where obss[0] are the real observations - actions: :math:`[N+1, B, A]` - rewards: :math:`[N, B]` - aug_rewards: :math:`[N+1, B]` - dones: :math:`[N, B]` .. note:: - The rollout length is determined by rollout length scheduler. - actor_fn's inputs and outputs shape are similar to WorldModel.step() """ horizon = self.rollout_length_scheduler(envstep) if isinstance(self, nn.Module): # Rollouts should propagate gradients only to policy, # so make sure that the world model is not updated by rollout. self.requires_grad_(False) obss = [obs] actions = [] rewards = [] aug_rewards = [] # -temperature*logprob dones = [] for _ in range(horizon): action, aug_reward = actor_fn(obs) # done: probability of termination reward, obs, done = self.step(obs, action, **kwargs) reward = reward + aug_reward obss.append(obs) actions.append(action) rewards.append(reward) aug_rewards.append(aug_reward) dones.append(done) action, aug_reward = actor_fn(obs) actions.append(action) aug_rewards.append(aug_reward) if isinstance(self, nn.Module): self.requires_grad_(True) return ( torch.stack(obss), torch.stack(actions), # rewards is an empty list when horizon=0 torch.stack(rewards) if rewards else torch.tensor(rewards, device=obs.device), torch.stack(aug_rewards), torch.stack(dones) if dones else torch.tensor(dones, device=obs.device) ) class HybridWorldModel(DynaWorldModel, DreamWorldModel, ABC): r""" Overview: The hybrid model that combines reused and on-the-fly rollouts. Interfaces: rollout, sample, fill_img_buffer, should_train, should_eval, train, eval, step """ def __init__(self, cfg: dict, env: BaseEnv, tb_logger: 'SummaryWriter'): # noqa DynaWorldModel.__init__(self, cfg, env, tb_logger) DreamWorldModel.__init__(self, cfg, env, tb_logger)