from typing import List, Dict, Any, Optional, Tuple, Union from collections import namedtuple, defaultdict import copy import numpy as np import torch import torch.nn.functional as F from torch.distributions import Normal, Independent from ding.torch_utils import Adam, to_device from ding.rl_utils import v_1step_td_data, v_1step_td_error, get_train_sample, \ qrdqn_nstep_td_data, qrdqn_nstep_td_error, get_nstep_return_data from ding.policy import Policy from ding.model import model_wrap from ding.utils import POLICY_REGISTRY, DatasetNormalizer from import default_collate, default_decollate from .common_utils import default_preprocess_learn @POLICY_REGISTRY.register('pd') class PDPolicy(Policy): r""" Overview: Implicit Plan Diffuser """ config = dict( type='pd', # (bool) Whether to use cuda for network. cuda=False, # (bool type) priority: Determine whether to use priority in buffer sample. # Default False in SAC. priority=False, # (bool) Whether use Importance Sampling Weight to correct biased update. If True, priority must be True. priority_IS_weight=False, # (int) Number of training samples(randomly collected) in replay buffer when training starts. # Default 10000 in SAC. random_collect_size=10000, nstep=1, # normalizer type normalizer='GaussianNormalizer', model=dict( diffuser_model='GaussianDiffusion', diffuser_model_cfg=dict( # the type of model model='TemporalUnet', # config of model model_cfg=dict( # model dim, In GaussianInvDynDiffusion, it is obs_dim. In others, it is obs_dim + action_dim transition_dim=23, dim=32, dim_mults=[1, 2, 4, 8], # whether use return as a condition returns_condition=False, condition_dropout=0.1, # whether use calc energy calc_energy=False, kernel_size=5, # whether use attention attention=False, ), # horizon of tarjectory which generated by model horizon=80, # timesteps of diffusion n_timesteps=1000, # hidden dim of action model # Whether predict epsilon predict_epsilon=True, # discount of loss loss_discount=1.0, # whether clip denoise clip_denoised=False, action_weight=10, ), value_model='ValueDiffusion', value_model_cfg=dict( # the type of model model='TemporalValue', # config of model model_cfg=dict( horizon=4, # model dim, In GaussianInvDynDiffusion, it is obs_dim. In others, it is obs_dim + action_dim transition_dim=23, dim=32, dim_mults=[1, 2, 4, 8], # whether use calc energy kernel_size=5, ), # horizon of tarjectory which generated by model horizon=80, # timesteps of diffusion n_timesteps=1000, # hidden dim of action model predict_epsilon=True, # discount of loss loss_discount=1.0, # whether clip denoise clip_denoised=False, action_weight=1.0, ), # guide_steps for p sample n_guide_steps=2, # scale of grad for p sample scale=0.1, # t of stopgrad for p sample t_stopgrad=2, # whether use std as a scale for grad scale_grad_by_std=True, ), learn=dict( # How many updates(iterations) to train after collector's one collection. # Bigger "update_per_collect" means bigger off-policy. # collect data -> update policy-> collect data -> ... update_per_collect=1, # (int) Minibatch size for gradient descent. batch_size=100, # (float type) learning_rate_q: Learning rate for model. # Default to 3e-4. # Please set to 1e-3, when model.value_network is True. learning_rate=3e-4, # (bool) Whether ignore done(usually for max step termination env. e.g. pendulum) # Note: Gym wraps the MuJoCo envs by default with TimeLimit environment wrappers. # These limit HalfCheetah, and several other MuJoCo envs, to max length of 1000. # However, interaction with HalfCheetah always gets done with done is False, # Since we inplace done==True with done==False to keep # TD-error accurate computation(``gamma * (1 - done) * next_v + reward``), # when the episode step is greater than max episode step. ignore_done=False, # (float type) target_theta: Used for soft update of the target network, # aka. Interpolation factor in polyak averaging for target networks. # Default to 0.005. target_theta=0.005, # (float) discount factor for the discounted sum of rewards, aka. gamma. discount_factor=0.99, gradient_accumulate_every=2, # train_epoch = train_epoch * gradient_accumulate_every train_epoch=60000, # batch_size of every env when eval plan_batch_size=64, # step start update target model and frequence step_start_update_target=2000, update_target_freq=10, # update weight of target net target_weight=0.995, value_step=200e3, # dataset weight include returns include_returns=True, # (float) Weight uniform initialization range in the last output layer init_w=3e-3, ), ) def default_model(self) -> Tuple[str, List[str]]: return 'pd', ['ding.model.template.diffusion'] def _init_learn(self) -> None: r""" Overview: Learn mode init method. Called by ``self.__init__``. Init q, value and policy's optimizers, algorithm config, main and target models. """ # Init self._priority = self._cfg.priority self._priority_IS_weight = self._cfg.priority_IS_weight self.action_dim = self._cfg.model.diffuser_model_cfg.action_dim self.obs_dim = self._cfg.model.diffuser_model_cfg.obs_dim self.n_timesteps = self._cfg.model.diffuser_model_cfg.n_timesteps self.gradient_accumulate_every = self._cfg.learn.gradient_accumulate_every self.plan_batch_size = self._cfg.learn.plan_batch_size self.gradient_steps = 1 self.update_target_freq = self._cfg.learn.update_target_freq self.step_start_update_target = self._cfg.learn.step_start_update_target self.target_weight = self._cfg.learn.target_weight self.value_step = self._cfg.learn.value_step self.use_target = False self.horizon = self._cfg.model.diffuser_model_cfg.horizon self.include_returns = self._cfg.learn.include_returns # Optimizers self._plan_optimizer = Adam( self._model.diffuser.model.parameters(), lr=self._cfg.learn.learning_rate, ) if self._model.value: self._value_optimizer = Adam( self._model.value.model.parameters(), lr=self._cfg.learn.learning_rate, ) # Algorithm config self._gamma = self._cfg.learn.discount_factor # Main and target models self._target_model = copy.deepcopy(self._model) # self._target_model = model_wrap( # self._target_model, # wrapper_name='target', # update_type='momentum', # update_kwargs={'theta': self._cfg.learn.target_theta} # ) self._learn_model = model_wrap(self._model, wrapper_name='base') self._learn_model.reset() # self._target_model.reset() self._forward_learn_cnt = 0 def _forward_learn(self, data: dict) -> Dict[str, Any]: loss_dict = {} data = default_preprocess_learn( data, use_priority=self._priority, use_priority_IS_weight=self._cfg.priority_IS_weight, ignore_done=self._cfg.learn.ignore_done, use_nstep=False ) conds = {} vals = data['condition_val'] ids = data['condition_id'] for i in range(len(ids)): conds[ids[i][0].item()] = vals[i] if len(ids) > 1: self.use_target = True data['conditions'] = conds if 'returns' in data.keys(): data['returns'] = data['returns'].unsqueeze(-1) if self._cuda: data = to_device(data, self._device) self._learn_model.train() # self._target_model.train() x = data['trajectories'] batch_size = len(x) t = torch.randint(0, self.n_timesteps, (batch_size, ), device=x.device).long() cond = data['conditions'] if 'returns' in data.keys(): target = data['returns'] loss_dict['diffuse_loss'], loss_dict['a0_loss'] = self._model.diffuser_loss(x, cond, t) loss_dict['diffuse_loss'] = loss_dict['diffuse_loss'] / self.gradient_accumulate_every loss_dict['diffuse_loss'].backward() if self._forward_learn_cnt < self.value_step and self._model.value: loss_dict['value_loss'], logs = self._model.value_loss(x, cond, target, t) loss_dict['value_loss'] = loss_dict['value_loss'] / self.gradient_accumulate_every loss_dict['value_loss'].backward() loss_dict.update(logs) if self.gradient_steps >= self.gradient_accumulate_every: self._plan_optimizer.step() self._plan_optimizer.zero_grad() if self._forward_learn_cnt < self.value_step and self._model.value: self._value_optimizer.step() self._value_optimizer.zero_grad() self.gradient_steps = 1 else: self.gradient_steps += 1 self._forward_learn_cnt += 1 if self._forward_learn_cnt % self.update_target_freq == 0: if self._forward_learn_cnt < self.step_start_update_target: self._target_model.load_state_dict(self._model.state_dict()) else: self.update_model_average(self._target_model, self._learn_model) if 'returns' in data.keys(): loss_dict['max_return'] = target.max().item() loss_dict['min_return'] = target.min().item() loss_dict['mean_return'] = target.mean().item() loss_dict['max_traj'] = x.max().item() loss_dict['min_traj'] = x.min().item() loss_dict['mean_traj'] = x.mean().item() return loss_dict def update_model_average(self, ma_model, current_model): for current_params, ma_params in zip(current_model.parameters(), ma_model.parameters()): old_weight, up_weight =, if old_weight is None: = up_weight else: old_weight * self.target_weight + (1 - self.target_weight) * up_weight def _monitor_vars_learn(self) -> List[str]: return [ 'diffuse_loss', 'value_loss', 'max_return', 'min_return', 'mean_return', 'max_traj', 'min_traj', 'mean_traj', 'mean_pred', 'max_pred', 'min_pred', 'a0_loss', ] def _state_dict_learn(self) -> Dict[str, Any]: if self._model.value: return { 'model': self._learn_model.state_dict(), 'target_model': self._target_model.state_dict(), 'plan_optimizer': self._plan_optimizer.state_dict(), 'value_optimizer': self._value_optimizer.state_dict(), } else: return { 'model': self._learn_model.state_dict(), 'target_model': self._target_model.state_dict(), 'plan_optimizer': self._plan_optimizer.state_dict(), } def _init_eval(self): self._eval_model = model_wrap(self._target_model, wrapper_name='base') self._eval_model.reset() if self.use_target: self._plan_seq = [] def init_data_normalizer(self, normalizer: DatasetNormalizer = None): self.normalizer = normalizer def _forward_eval(self, data: dict) -> Dict[str, Any]: data_id = list(data.keys()) data = default_collate(list(data.values())) self._eval_model.eval() if self.use_target: cur_obs = self.normalizer.normalize(data[:, :self.obs_dim], 'observations') target_obs = self.normalizer.normalize(data[:, self.obs_dim:], 'observations') else: obs = self.normalizer.normalize(data, 'observations') with torch.no_grad(): if self.use_target: cur_obs = torch.tensor(cur_obs) target_obs = torch.tensor(target_obs) if self._cuda: cur_obs = to_device(cur_obs, self._device) target_obs = to_device(target_obs, self._device) conditions = {0: cur_obs, self.horizon - 1: target_obs} else: obs = torch.tensor(obs) if self._cuda: obs = to_device(obs, self._device) conditions = {0: obs} if self.use_target: if self._plan_seq == [] or 0 in self._eval_t: plan_traj = self._eval_model.get_eval(conditions, self.plan_batch_size) plan_traj = to_device(plan_traj, 'cpu').numpy() if self._plan_seq == []: self._plan_seq = plan_traj self._eval_t = [0] * len(data_id) else: for id in data_id: if self._eval_t[id] == 0: self._plan_seq[id] = plan_traj[id] action = [] for id in data_id: if self._eval_t[id] < len(self._plan_seq[id]) - 1: next_waypoint = self._plan_seq[id][self._eval_t[id] + 1] else: next_waypoint = self._plan_seq[id][-1].copy() next_waypoint[2:] = 0 cur_ob = cur_obs[id] cur_ob = to_device(cur_ob, 'cpu').numpy() act = next_waypoint[:2] - cur_ob[:2] + (next_waypoint[2:] - cur_ob[2:]) action.append(act) self._eval_t[id] += 1 else: action = self._eval_model.get_eval(conditions, self.plan_batch_size) if self._cuda: action = to_device(action, 'cpu') action = self.normalizer.unnormalize(action, 'actions') action = torch.tensor(action).to('cpu') output = {'action': action} output = default_decollate(output) return {i: d for i, d in zip(data_id, output)} def _reset_eval(self, data_id: Optional[List[int]] = None) -> None: if self.use_target and data_id: for id in data_id: self._eval_t[id] = 0 def _init_collect(self) -> None: pass def _forward_collect(self, data: dict, **kwargs) -> dict: pass def _process_transition(self, obs: Any, model_output: dict, timestep: namedtuple) -> dict: pass def _get_train_sample(self, data: list) -> Union[None, List[Any]]: pass