from lzero.entry import eval_muzero import numpy as np if __name__ == "__main__": """ Overview: Main script to evaluate the MuZero model on Atari games. The script will loop over multiple seeds, evaluating a certain number of episodes per seed. Results are aggregated and printed. Variables: - model_path (:obj:`Optional[str]`): The pretrained model path, pointing to the ckpt file of the pretrained model. The path is usually something like ``exp_name/ckpt/ckpt_best.pth.tar``. - seeds (:obj:`List[int]`): List of seeds to use for the evaluations. - num_episodes_each_seed (:obj:`int`): Number of episodes to evaluate for each seed. - total_test_episodes (:obj:`int`): Total number of test episodes, calculated as num_episodes_each_seed * len(seeds). - returns_mean_seeds (:obj:`np.array`): Array of mean return values for each seed. - returns_seeds (:obj:`np.array`): Array of all return values for each seed. """ # Importing the necessary configuration files from the atari muzero configuration in the zoo directory. from zoo.atari.config.atari_muzero_config import main_config, create_config # model_path is the path to the trained MuZero model checkpoint. # If no path is provided, the script will use the default model. model_path = None # seeds is a list of seed values for the random number generator, used to initialize the environment. seeds = [0] # num_episodes_each_seed is the number of episodes to run for each seed. num_episodes_each_seed = 1 # total_test_episodes is the total number of test episodes, calculated as the product of the number of seeds and the number of episodes per seed total_test_episodes = num_episodes_each_seed * len(seeds) # Setting the type of the environment manager to 'base' for the visualization purposes. create_config.env_manager.type = 'base' # The number of environments to evaluate concurrently. Set to 1 for visualization purposes. main_config.env.evaluator_env_num = 1 # The total number of evaluation episodes that should be run. main_config.env.n_evaluator_episode = total_test_episodes # A boolean flag indicating whether to render the environments in real-time. main_config.env.render_mode_human = False # A boolean flag indicating whether to save the video of the environment. main_config.env.save_replay = True # The path where the recorded video will be saved. main_config.env.replay_path = './video' # The maximum number of steps for each episode during evaluation. This may need to be adjusted based on the specific characteristics of the environment. main_config.env.eval_max_episode_steps = int(20) # These lists will store the mean and total rewards for each seed. returns_mean_seeds = [] returns_seeds = [] # The main evaluation loop. For each seed, the MuZero model is evaluated and the mean and total rewards are recorded. for seed in seeds: returns_mean, returns = eval_muzero( [main_config, create_config], seed=seed, num_episodes_each_seed=num_episodes_each_seed, print_seed_details=False, model_path=model_path ) print(returns_mean, returns) returns_mean_seeds.append(returns_mean) returns_seeds.append(returns) # Convert the list of mean and total rewards into numpy arrays for easier statistical analysis. returns_mean_seeds = np.array(returns_mean_seeds) returns_seeds = np.array(returns_seeds) # Printing the evaluation results. The average reward and the total reward for each seed are displayed, followed by the mean reward across all seeds. print("=" * 20) print(f"We evaluated a total of {len(seeds)} seeds. For each seed, we evaluated {num_episodes_each_seed} episode(s).") print(f"For seeds {seeds}, the mean returns are {returns_mean_seeds}, and the returns are {returns_seeds}.") print("Across all seeds, the mean reward is:", returns_mean_seeds.mean()) print("=" * 20)