from typing import Union, Optional, Dict from easydict import EasyDict import torch import torch.nn as nn from ding.model.common import ReparameterizationHead, EnsembleHead from ding.utils import SequenceType, squeeze from ding.utils import MODEL_REGISTRY @MODEL_REGISTRY.register('edac') class EDAC(nn.Module): """ Overview: The Q-value Actor-Critic network with the ensemble mechanism, which is used in EDAC. Interfaces: ``__init__``, ``forward``, ``compute_actor``, ``compute_critic`` """ mode = ['compute_actor', 'compute_critic'] def __init__( self, obs_shape: Union[int, SequenceType], action_shape: Union[int, SequenceType, EasyDict], ensemble_num: int = 2, actor_head_hidden_size: int = 64, actor_head_layer_num: int = 1, critic_head_hidden_size: int = 64, critic_head_layer_num: int = 1, activation: Optional[nn.Module] = nn.ReLU(), norm_type: Optional[str] = None, **kwargs ) -> None: """ Overview: Initailize the EDAC Model according to input arguments. Arguments: - obs_shape (:obj:`Union[int, SequenceType]`): Observation's shape, such as 128, (156, ). - action_shape (:obj:`Union[int, SequenceType, EasyDict]`): Action's shape, such as 4, (3, ), \ EasyDict({'action_type_shape': 3, 'action_args_shape': 4}). - ensemble_num (:obj:`int`): Q-net number. - actor_head_hidden_size (:obj:`Optional[int]`): The ``hidden_size`` to pass to actor head. - actor_head_layer_num (:obj:`int`): The num of layers used in the network to compute Q value output \ for actor head. - critic_head_hidden_size (:obj:`Optional[int]`): The ``hidden_size`` to pass to critic head. - critic_head_layer_num (:obj:`int`): The num of layers used in the network to compute Q value output \ for critic head. - activation (:obj:`Optional[nn.Module]`): The type of activation function to use in ``MLP`` \ after each FC layer, if ``None`` then default set to ``nn.ReLU()``. - norm_type (:obj:`Optional[str]`): The type of normalization to after network layer (FC, Conv), \ see ```` for more details. """ super(EDAC, self).__init__() obs_shape: int = squeeze(obs_shape) action_shape = squeeze(action_shape) self.action_shape = action_shape self.ensemble_num = ensemble_num = nn.Sequential( nn.Linear(obs_shape, actor_head_hidden_size), activation, ReparameterizationHead( actor_head_hidden_size, action_shape, actor_head_layer_num, sigma_type='conditioned', activation=activation, norm_type=norm_type ) ) critic_input_size = obs_shape + action_shape self.critic = EnsembleHead( critic_input_size, 1, critic_head_hidden_size, critic_head_layer_num, self.ensemble_num, activation=activation, norm_type=norm_type ) def forward(self, inputs: Union[torch.Tensor, Dict[str, torch.Tensor]], mode: str) -> Dict[str, torch.Tensor]: """ Overview: The unique execution (forward) method of EDAC method, and one can indicate different modes to implement \ different computation graph, including ``compute_actor`` and ``compute_critic`` in EDAC. Mode compute_actor: Arguments: - inputs (:obj:`torch.Tensor`): Observation data, defaults to tensor. Returns: - output (:obj:`Dict`): Output dict data, including differnet key-values among distinct action_space. Mode compute_critic: Arguments: - inputs (:obj:`Dict`): Input dict data, including obs and action tensor. Returns: - output (:obj:`Dict`): Output dict data, including q_value tensor. .. note:: For specific examples, one can refer to API doc of ``compute_actor`` and ``compute_critic`` respectively. """ assert mode in self.mode, "not support forward mode: {}/{}".format(mode, self.mode) return getattr(self, mode)(inputs) def compute_actor(self, obs: torch.Tensor) -> Dict[str, Union[torch.Tensor, Dict[str, torch.Tensor]]]: """ Overview: The forward computation graph of compute_actor mode, uses observation tensor to produce actor output, such as ``action``, ``logit`` and so on. Arguments: - obs (:obj:`torch.Tensor`): Observation tensor data, now supports a batch of 1-dim vector data, \ i.e. ``(B, obs_shape)``. Returns: - outputs (:obj:`Dict[str, Union[torch.Tensor, Dict[str, torch.Tensor]]]`): Actor output varying \ from action_space: ``reparameterization``. ReturnsKeys (either): - logit (:obj:`Dict[str, torch.Tensor]`): Reparameterization logit, usually in SAC. - mu (:obj:`torch.Tensor`): Mean of parameterization gaussion distribution. - sigma (:obj:`torch.Tensor`): Standard variation of parameterization gaussion distribution. Shapes: - obs (:obj:`torch.Tensor`): :math:`(B, N0)`, B is batch size and N0 corresponds to ``obs_shape``. - action (:obj:`torch.Tensor`): :math:`(B, N1)`, B is batch size and N1 corresponds to ``action_shape``. - (:obj:`torch.Tensor`): :math:`(B, N1)`, B is batch size and N1 corresponds to ``action_shape``. - logit.sigma (:obj:`torch.Tensor`): :math:`(B, N1)`, B is batch size. - logit (:obj:`torch.Tensor`): :math:`(B, N2)`, B is batch size and N2 corresponds to \ ``action_shape.action_type_shape``. - action_args (:obj:`torch.Tensor`): :math:`(B, N3)`, B is batch size and N3 corresponds to \ ``action_shape.action_args_shape``. Examples: >>> model = EDAC(64, 64,) >>> obs = torch.randn(4, 64) >>> actor_outputs = model(obs,'compute_actor') >>> assert actor_outputs['logit'][0].shape == torch.Size([4, 64]) # mu >>> actor_outputs['logit'][1].shape == torch.Size([4, 64]) # sigma """ x = return {'logit': [x['mu'], x['sigma']]} def compute_critic(self, inputs: Dict[str, torch.Tensor]) -> Dict[str, torch.Tensor]: """ Overview: The forward computation graph of compute_critic mode, uses observation and action tensor to produce critic output, such as ``q_value``. Arguments: - inputs (:obj:`Dict[str, torch.Tensor]`): Dict strcture of input data, including ``obs`` and \ ``action`` tensor Returns: - outputs (:obj:`Dict[str, torch.Tensor]`): Critic output, such as ``q_value``. ArgumentsKeys: - obs: (:obj:`torch.Tensor`): Observation tensor data, now supports a batch of 1-dim vector data. - action (:obj:`Union[torch.Tensor, Dict]`): Continuous action with same size as ``action_shape``. ReturnKeys: - q_value (:obj:`torch.Tensor`): Q value tensor with same size as batch size. Shapes: - obs (:obj:`torch.Tensor`): :math:`(B, N1)` or '(Ensemble_num, B, N1)', where B is batch size and N1 is \ ``obs_shape``. - action (:obj:`torch.Tensor`): :math:`(B, N2)` or '(Ensemble_num, B, N2)', where B is batch size and N4 \ is ``action_shape``. - q_value (:obj:`torch.Tensor`): :math:`(Ensemble_num, B)`, where B is batch size. Examples: >>> inputs = {'obs': torch.randn(4, 8), 'action': torch.randn(4, 1)} >>> model = EDAC(obs_shape=(8, ),action_shape=1) >>> model(inputs, mode='compute_critic')['q_value'] # q value ... tensor([0.0773, 0.1639, 0.0917, 0.0370], grad_fn=) """ obs, action = inputs['obs'], inputs['action'] if len(action.shape) == 1: # (B, ) -> (B, 1) action = action.unsqueeze(1) x =[obs, action], dim=-1) if len(obs.shape) < 3: # [batch_size,dim] -> [batch_size,Ensemble_num * dim,1] x = x.repeat(1, self.ensemble_num).unsqueeze(-1) else: # [Ensemble_num,batch_size,dim] -> [batch_size,Ensemble_num,dim] -> [batch_size,Ensemble_num * dim, 1] x = x.transpose(0, 1) batch_size = obs.shape[1] x = x.reshape(batch_size, -1, 1) # [Ensemble_num,batch_size,1] x = self.critic(x)['pred'] # [batch_size,1*Ensemble_num] -> [Ensemble_num,batch_size] x = x.permute(1, 0) return {'q_value': x}