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import transformers
import torch
import os
import struct
import random
def find_sublist_start_index(list1, list2):
for i in range(len(list1) - len(list2)+1):
if all(a == b for a, b in zip(list1[i:i+len(list2)], list2)):
return i
return None
def get_inner_params(named_parameters, inner_names):
param_dict = dict(named_parameters)
return [(n, param_dict[n]) for n in inner_names]
def param_subset(named_parameters, inner_names):
param_dict = dict(named_parameters)
return [param_dict[n] for n in inner_names]
def print_trainable_parameters(model, new_weight, mask_ratio):
original_parameters = 0
new_weight_param = 0
for _, param in new_weight.named_parameters():
new_weight_param += param.numel()
for _, param in model.named_parameters():
original_parameters += param.numel()
print(f"Original Model params: {original_parameters} || New Weight params: {new_weight_param} || trainable%: {100 * new_weight_param * (1-mask_ratio) / original_parameters}")
def parent_module(model, pname):
components = pname.split('.')
parent = model
for component in components[:-1]:
if hasattr(parent, component):
parent = getattr(parent, component)
elif component.isdigit():
parent = parent[int(component)]
raise RuntimeError(f"Couldn't find child module {component}")
if not hasattr(parent, components[-1]):
raise RuntimeError(f"Couldn't find child module {components[-1]}")
return parent
def uuid(digits=4):
if not hasattr(uuid, "uuid_value"):
uuid.uuid_value = struct.unpack('I', os.urandom(4))[0] % int(10**digits)
return uuid.uuid_value
def ckpt_dir():
"""returns the directory in which to store model checkpoints"""
path = "./ckpts/"
if not os.path.exists(path):
return path
def brackets_to_periods(name):
return name.replace("[", ".").replace("]", "")
def get_params(model):
return model.state_dict()
def get_shape(p, model):
# We need to flip the shapes since OpenAI gpt2 uses convs instead of linear
return p.shape if isinstance(model, transformers.GPT2LMHeadModel) else (p.shape[1], p.shape[0])
def get_logits(x):
return x.logits if hasattr(x, "logits") else x
LOC_PROMPTS = ['nq question: who played mr grainger in are you being served Arthur Brough',
"nq question: who sings the song let's hear it for the boy Deniece Williams",
"nq question: who wrote all my ex's live in texas Sanger D. Shafer",
"nq question: when is the america's got talent finale 2018 September 19, 2018",
"nq question: what is the fifth biggest state in the united states New Mexico",
"nq question: who plays john black on days of our lives Drake Hogestyn (/ˈhʌdʒstən/; born Donald Drake Hogestyn",
"nq question: what is the name of the new star wars movie The Last Jedi",
"nq question: what is the main principle of path-goal theory a leader's behavior is contingent to the satisfaction, motivation and performance of his or her subordinates",
"nq question: who plays luna's dad in harry potter Ifans",
"nq question: who has the most grammy nominations as an artist Quincy Jones",
"nq question: what is the control unit function in the cpu tells the computer's memory, arithmetic/logic unit and input and output devices how to respond to the instructions that have been sent to the processor",
"nq question: who was the first indian prime minister to visit palestine Narendra Modi",
"nq question: where did the plane carrying the marshall football team crash into a hill just short of the Tri-State Airport",
"nq question: what movie is the line lighten up francis from Stripes",
"nq question: set of rules for solving a mathematical or computational problem in finite number of steps an algorithm",
"nq question: who changed indian capital from calcutta to delhi George V",
"nq question: who did bette midler play in the rose Mary Rose Foster (The Rose)",
"nq question: how much did it cost to make the new star wars movie $200–217 million"
def tokenize(batch, tokenizer, device, context_templates=None, hparams=None):
prompt, label = batch["prompt"], batch["target_new"]
batch['loc_prompt'] = random.choice(LOC_PROMPTS)
if not isinstance(prompt, list):
if not isinstance(label, list):
mask_token = -100 # ignore_index of CrossEntropyLoss
# input
full_prompt = [f"{templ.format(p + ' ' + l)}" for p, l in zip(prompt, label) for templ in context_templates]
full_prompt += [batch['loc_prompt']] # add for subject activation
prompt_ids = tokenizer([f"{templ.format(p)}" for p in prompt for templ in context_templates], return_tensors="pt", padding=True, truncation=True)["input_ids"]
num_prompt_toks = [len(i) for i in prompt_ids]
tokens = tokenizer(full_prompt, return_tensors="pt", padding=True, truncation=True)
tokens["labels"] = tokens["input_ids"].clone()
if hparams.objective_optimization == 'only_label':
for i in range(len(num_prompt_toks)):
tokens["labels"][i][:num_prompt_toks[i]] = mask_token
tokens["labels"][tokens["input_ids"] == tokenizer.pad_token_id] = mask_token
if batch['loc_prompt'] in batch['prompt']: ## subject: Factual Editing
subject_token = tokenizer.encode(' ' + batch['loc_prompt'], add_special_tokens=False)
subject_token1 = tokenizer.encode(batch['loc_prompt'], add_special_tokens=False)
subject_length = len(subject_token)
act_mask = torch.zeros_like(tokens['input_ids'][:-1])
deact_mask = torch.zeros_like(tokens['input_ids'][:-1])
for i, token in enumerate(tokens['input_ids'][:-1]):
start_idx = find_sublist_start_index(token.detach().cpu().numpy().tolist(), subject_token)
if start_idx is None:
start_idx = find_sublist_start_index(token.detach().cpu().numpy().tolist(), subject_token1)
subject_length = len(subject_token1)
act_mask[i][start_idx: start_idx + subject_length] = 1
deact_mask[i][:start_idx] = 1
deact_mask[i][start_idx + subject_length:] = 1
act_mask =
deact_mask =
else: # General Editing
act_mask = None
deact_mask = None
tokens = {f"{k1}" : for k1, v1 in tokens.items()}
return tokens, act_mask, deact_mask
class EarlyStopMeter:
"""Computes and stores the average and current value"""
def __init__(self):
def reset(self):
self.avg = 0
self.pre = 0
self.val = 1e9
self.sum = 0
self.count = 0
def update(self, val):
self.pre = self.val
self.val = val
self.sum += val
self.count += 1
self.avg = self.sum / self.count
def stop(self, ):
return abs(self.val - self.pre) <= 1e-4 and self.val <= 0.02
class EditingMeanAct:
"""Computes and stores the average and current value"""
def __init__(self, min_a=1e9):
def reset(self, min_a=1e9):
self.avg = 0
self.count = 0
self.sum = 0
self.min_a = min_a
def update(self, val):
self.sum += val
self.count += 1
self.avg = self.sum / self.count
self.min_a = min(self.min_a, val)
def mean_act(self):
return self.avg
def min_act(self):
return self.min_a
def get_context_templates(model, tok, length_params, device):
prompt_tok = tok(
["I", "You", "Because", 'Yes', 'Q: '],
for length, n_gen in length_params:
gen_token = model.generate(
num_beams=n_gen // 5,
num_return_sequences=n_gen // 5,
CONTEXT_TEMPLATES_CACHE += tok.batch_decode(gen_token, skip_special_tokens=True)