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language: ["ru"]
- russian
- pretraining
license: mit
- text: "[CLS] привет [SEP] привет! [SEP] как дела? [RESPONSE_TOKEN] норм"
example_title: "Dialog example 1"
- text: "[CLS] привет [SEP] привет! [SEP] как дела? [RESPONSE_TOKEN] соси вола"
example_title: "Dialog example 2"
- text: "[CLS] здравствуйте товарищ [RESPONSE_TOKEN] что это за говно на тебе надето?))"
example_title: "Dialog example 3"
# dialog-inapropriate-messages-classifier
[BERT classifier from Skoltech](, finetuned on contextual data with 4 labels.
# Training
*Skoltech/russian-inappropriate-messages* was finetuned on a multiclass data with four classes
1) OK label -- the message is OK in context and does not intent to offend or somehow harm the reputation of a speaker.
2) Toxic label -- the message might be seen as a offensive one in given context.
3) Severe toxic label -- the message is offencive, full of anger and was written to provoke a fight or any other discomfort
4) Risks label -- the message touches on sensitive topics and can harm the reputation of the speaker (i.e. religion, politics)
The model was finetuned on DATASET_LINK.
# Evaluation results
Model achieves the following results:
| | OK - F1-score | TOXIC - F1-score | SEVERE TOXIC - F1-score | RISKS - F1-score |
| DATASET_TWITTER val.csv | 0.896 | 0.348 | 0.490 | 0.591 |
| DATASET_GENA val.csv | 0.940 | 0.295 | 0.729 | 0.46 |
The work was done during internship at Tinkoff by [Nikita Stepanov](