--- license: mit language: - ko --- # Kconvo-roberta: Korean conversation RoBERTa ([github](https://github.com/HeoTaksung/Domain-Robust-Retraining-of-Pretrained-Language-Model)) - There are many PLMs (Pretrained Language Models) for Korean, but most of them are trained with written language. - Here, we introduce a retrained PLM for prediction of Korean conversation data where we use verbal data for training. ## Usage ```python # Kconvo-roberta from transformers import RobertaTokenizerFast, RobertaModel tokenizer_roberta = RobertaTokenizerFast.from_pretrained("yeongjoon/Kconvo-roberta") model_roberta = RobertaModel.from_pretrained("yeongjoon/Kconvo-roberta") ``` ----------------- ## Domain Robust Retraining of Pretrained Language Model - Kconvo-roberta uses [klue/roberta-base](https://huggingface.co/klue/roberta-base) as the base model and retrained additionaly with the conversation dataset. - The retrained dataset was collected through the [National Institute of the Korean Language](https://corpus.korean.go.kr/request/corpusRegist.do) and [AI-Hub](https://www.aihub.or.kr/aihubdata/data/list.do?pageIndex=1&currMenu=115&topMenu=100&dataSetSn=&srchdataClCode=DATACL001&srchOrder=&SrchdataClCode=DATACL002&searchKeyword=&srchDataRealmCode=REALM002&srchDataTy=DATA003), and the collected dataset is as follows. ``` - National Institute of the Korean Language * 온라인 대화 말뭉치 2021 * 일상 대화 말뭉치 2020 * 구어 말뭉치 * 메신저 말뭉치 - AI-Hub * 온라인 구어체 말뭉치 데이터 * 상담 음성 * 한국어 음성 * 자유대화 음성(일반남여) * 일상생활 및 구어체 한-영 번역 병렬 말뭉치 데이터 * 한국인 대화음성 * 감성 대화 말뭉치 * 주제별 텍스트 일상 대화 데이터 * 용도별 목적대화 데이터 * 한국어 SNS ```