Bo: random: anything: - >- { __Bo/audio/random__| __Bo/books/random__| __Bo/chars/random__| __Bo/christmas/random__| __Bo/clothings/random-*body__| __Bo/constructions/random-*__| __Bo/cosmic/random__| __Bo/creative/random*__| __Bo/creatures/*__| __Bo/habitats/random__| __Bo/halloween/random*__| __Bo/jewelry/random__| __Bo/machines/random__| __Bo/plants/random*__| __Bo/psycho/random__| __Bo/scenes/random*__| __Bo/school/random*__| __Bo/scifi/random__| __Bo/styles/random-anything__| __Bo/vehicles/random*__ } beings: - >- { __Bo/chars/random__| __Bo/creatures/*__ } scenes: - >- { __Bo/cosmic/random__| __Bo/creative/random*__| __Bo/habitats/random__| __Bo/psycho/random__| __Bo/scenes/random*__| __Bo/school/random*__| __Bo/scifi/random__ } things: - >- { __Bo/audio/random__| __Bo/books/random__| __Bo/clothings/random-*body__| __Bo/constructions/random-*__| __Bo/habitats/random__| __Bo/jewelry/random__| __Bo/machines/random__| __Bo/vehicles/random*__ } events: - >- { __Bo/events/christmas/random__| __Bo/events/halloween/random*__| __Bo/events/lunar-newyear/random*__| __Bo/events/valentine/random*__ } audio: # __Bo/audio/*__ album-cover: - >- __audio/genre/*__ album cover, __audio/albumcover/mainimage__, __audio/albumcover/titletext__, {__audio/albumcover/designelements__|__audio/albumcover/background__|__audio/albumcover/style__|} random: - >- __audio/music/*__, {1-2$$__audio/sound/*__|__audio/melody/*__|__audio/notes/*__|__audio/notation/*__}, __audio/genre/*__ books: # __Bo/books/random__ random: - >- {__Books/genres__|__Books/fictional-types__|__Books/book-sizes__ book}, {0.1::__Books/typography__, __Books/printing-techniques__,|0.1::__Books/illustration__,|} {__Books/bookbinding-styles__,|} __Books/book-covers__, __properties/materials-books/materials__, {__Books/places-books__|__Books/book-accessories__|} chars: # __Bo/chars/random__ # __Bo/chars/char-*/random__ # __Bo/chars/class-*__ char-cyberpunk: div: - female __Bo/chars/char-cyberpunk/male/*__ - male __Bo/chars/char-cyberpunk/female/*__ female: boconstructions: - __Bo/chars/char-cyberpunk/female/classic__, __Bo/constructions/random-cyberpunk__ classic: - >- female __characters/professions/*__, __person/cyberpunk/female__ wearing __Bo/clothings/cyberpunk/female-attire__, {__person/cyberpunk/poses__|__person/*/poses__} scenery: - __Bo/chars/char-cyberpunk/female/classic__, __lighting/cyberpunk__, __scenes/cyberpunk/*__ male: boconstructions: - __Bo/chars/char-cyberpunk/male/classic__, __Bo/constructions/random-cyberpunk__ classic: - >- male __characters/professions/*__, __person/cyberpunk/male__ wearing __Bo/clothings/cyberpunk/male-attire__, {__person/cyberpunk/poses__|__person/*/poses__} scenery: - __Bo/chars/char-cyberpunk/male/classic__, __lighting/cyberpunk__, __scenes/cyberpunk/*__ random: - >- {__Bo/chars/char-cyberpunk/*male/*__|0.1::__Bo/chars/char-cyberpunk/div__}, __subtypes/cyberpunk__ char-magical: div: - female __Bo/chars/char-magical/male/*__ - male __Bo/chars/char-magical/female/*__ female: boconstructions: - >- {__Bo/chars/char-magical/female/classic__|__Bo/chars/char-magical/female/modern__}, __Bo/constructions/random-magical__ classic: - >- female __person/magical/female__ { wearing __Bo/clothings/magical/female-attire__ __words/magical/verbs__ __magical/magic__| __Bo/chars/char-magical/profession-magic__ }, __person/magical/poses__, __lighting/magical__ modern: - >- female __person/magical/female__ { wearing __Bo/clothings/regular/female-attire__ __words/magical/verbs__ __magical/magic__| __Bo/chars/char-magical/profession-magic__ }, __person/magical/poses__, __lighting/magical__ scenery: - >- {__Bo/chars/char-magical/female/classic__|__Bo/chars/char-magical/female/modern__}, __lighting/magical__, __scenes/regular/*__ male: boconstructions: - >- {__Bo/chars/char-magical/male/classic__|__Bo/chars/char-magical/male/modern__}, __Bo/constructions/random-magical__' classic: - >- male __person/magical/male__ { wearing __Bo/clothings/magical/male-attire__ __words/magical/verbs__ __magical/magic__| __Bo/chars/char-magical/profession-magic__ }, __person/magical/poses__, __lighting/magical__ modern: - >- male __person/magical/male__ { wearing __Bo/clothings/regular/male-attire__ __words/magical/verbs__ __magical/magic__| __Bo/chars/char-magical/profession-magic__ }, __person/magical/poses__, __lighting/magical__ scenery: - >- {__Bo/chars/char-magical/male/classic__|__Bo/chars/char-magical/male/modern__}, __lighting/magical__, __scenes/regular/*__ profession-magic: - __characters/professions/magical/crafter__, __magical/profession-magic-use/crafter__ - __characters/professions/magical/caster__, __magical/profession-magic-use/caster__ - __characters/professions/magical/knowledge__, __magical/profession-magic-use/knowledge__ - __characters/professions/magical/nature__, __magical/profession-magic-use/nature__ - __characters/professions/magical/dark__, __magical/profession-magic-use/dark__ - __characters/professions/magical/light__, __magical/profession-magic-use/light__ - __characters/professions/magical/illusion__, __magical/profession-magic-use/illusion__ - __characters/professions/magical/technomancy__, __magical/profession-magic-use/technomancy__ properties-magical: - >- {0-5$${-2$$__words/magical/adjectives__}| {-2$$__words/magical/substantives__}| {-2$$__words/magical/verbs__}| {-2$$__properties/materials-magic/*__}| __lighting/magical__} random-caster-magic: - >- {male|female} {__Bo/chars/char-magical/profession-magic__|__characters/classes/caster__|__characters/classes/*__} {__magical/magic-14411__|__magical/prompts/*-magic/prompt__|__magical/magic*__} random: - >- {__Bo/chars/char-magical/*male/*__|0.1::__Bo/chars/char-magical/div__|__Bo/chars/char-magical/random-caster-magic__} char-nsfw: div: - female __Bo/chars/char-nsfw/male/*__ - male __Bo/chars/char-nsfw/female/*__ female: boconstructions: - __Bo/chars/char-nsfw/female/classic__, __Bo/constructions/random-regular__ classic: - >- female __person/regular/female__ wearing __Bo/clothings/nsfw/female-attire__, __person/nsfw/poses__, __lighting/nsfw__, __scenes/regular/light__ male: boconstructions: - __Bo/chars/char-nsfw/male/classic__, __Bo/constructions/random-regular__ classic: - >- male __person/regular/male__ wearing __Bo/clothings/nsfw/male-attire__, __person/nsfw/poses__, __lighting/nsfw__, __scenes/regular/light__ random: - >- {__Bo/chars/char-nsfw/*male/*__|0.1::__Bo/chars/char-nsfw/div__} char-regular: div: - male __Bo/chars/char-regular/female/*__ - female __Bo/chars/char-regular/male/*__ female: bocloths: - __Bo/chars/char-regular/female/modern__, {__Bo/clothings/random-fullbody__|__Bo/clothings/random-combination__} boconstructions: - __Bo/chars/char-regular/female/modern__, __Bo/constructions/random-regular__ modern: - female __person/regular/female__ wearing __Bo/clothings/regular/female-attire__, __person/regular/poses__ male: bocloths: - __Bo/chars/char-regular/male/modern__, {__Bo/clothings/random-fullbody__|__Bo/clothings/random-combination__} boconstructions: - __Bo/chars/char-regular/male/modern__, __Bo/constructions/random-regular__ modern: - male __person/regular/male__ wearing __Bo/clothings/regular/male-attire__, __person/regular/poses__ random: - >- {__Bo/chars/char-regular/*male/*__|0.1::__Bo/chars/char-regular/div__} char-scifi: div: - female __Bo/chars/char-scifi/male/*__ - male __Bo/chars/char-scifi/female/*__ female: boconstructions: - __Bo/chars/char-scifi/female/classic__, __Bo/constructions/random-scifi__ classic: - >- female __characters/professions/scifi/*__, __person/scifi/female__ wearing __Bo/clothings/scifi/female-attire__, __person/scifi/poses__ scenery: - __Bo/chars/char-scifi/female/classic__, __lighting/scifi__, __scenes/scifi/*__ male: boconstructions: - __Bo/chars/char-scifi/male/classic__, __Bo/constructions/random-scifi__ classic: - >- male __characters/professions/scifi/*__, __person/scifi/male__ wearing __Bo/clothings/scifi/male-attire__, __person/scifi/poses__, __lighting/scifi__, __scenes/scifi/*__ scenery: - __Bo/chars/char-scifi/male/classic__, __lighting/scifi__, __scenes/scifi/*__ random: - >- {__Bo/chars/char-scifi/*male/*__|0.1::__Bo/chars/char-scifi/div__} class-profession-itemslots: - __Bo/chars/class-profession-regular__, __characters/itemslots/*__ class-profession-regular: - >- {male|female} __characters/beings/*__, {__characters/professions/*/*__,|}{__characters/classes/*__|} class-profession-weapon: - __Bo/chars/class-profession-regular__, __characters/weapons/*__ haircolor: - >- {0.7::__person/regular/haircolor__|0.3::__person/regular/haircolor-unconv__} name: - __characters/names/firstname*__ __characters/names/surname*__ random: - __Bo/chars/char-*/random__ - __Bo/chars/class-*__ clothings: # __Bo/clothings/random*__ or any subset like __Bo/clothings/random-combination__ random-accesoires: cyberpunk: - >- {1-4$${0.1::__clothings/cyberpunk/unisex/accesoires__ |}| {0.2::__clothings/cyberpunk/unisex/backwear__ |}| {0.2::__clothings/cyberpunk/unisex/facewear__ |}| {0.1::__clothings/cyberpunk/unisex/neckwear__ |}} magical: - >- {1-4$${0.1::__clothings/regular/unisex/accesoires__ |}| {0.2::__clothings/regular/unisex/backwear__ |}| {0.2::__clothings/regular/unisex/facewear__ |}| {0.1::__clothings/regular/unisex/neckwear__ |}} nsfw: - >- {1-4$${0.1::__clothings/nsfw/unisex/accesoires__ |}| {0.2::__clothings/nsfw/unisex/backwear__ |}| {0.2::__clothings/nsfw/unisex/facewear__ |}| {0.1::__clothings/nsfw/unisex/neckwear__ |}} regular: - >- {1-4$${0.1::__clothings/regular/unisex/accesoires__ |}| {0.2::__clothings/regular/unisex/backwear__ |}| {0.2::__clothings/regular/unisex/facewear__ |}| {0.1::__clothings/regular/unisex/neckwear__ |}} scifi: - >- {1-4$${0.1::__clothings/scifi/unisex/accesoires__ |}| {0.2::__clothings/scifi/unisex/backwear__ |}| {0.2::__clothings/scifi/unisex/facewear__ |}| {0.1::__clothings/scifi/unisex/neckwear__ |}} random-attire-female: - __Bo/clothings/*/female-attire__ random-attire-male: - __Bo/clothings/*/male-attire__ random-combination: - __Bo/clothings/random-upperbody__, __Bo/clothings/random-lowerbody__ random-dress-properties: cyberpunk: - >- {1-3$$ $$__properties/colors/*__|__properties/fabrics/cyberpunk__|__properties/patterns/clothing-cyberpunk__} nsfw: - >- {1-4$$ $$__properties/colors/*__|{__properties/fabrics/regular__|__properties/materials-nsfw/fabrics__}| {__properties/patterns/clothing__|__properties/patterns/animal-print__}} regular: - >- {1-3$$ $$__properties/colors/*__|__properties/fabrics/regular__|__properties/patterns/clothing__} scifi: - >- {1-3$$ $$__properties/colors/*__|__properties/fabrics/scifi__|__properties/patterns/clothing-scifi__} random-extras: - >- {1-6$$__styles/clothing/embellishments__,|__styles/clothing/special-features__,| __styles/clothing/functional-features__,| __styles/clothing/waistband-closure__,| __styles/clothing/pockets__,|__styles/clothing/wash__,|__styles/clothing/back-designs__,| __styles/clothing/dress-accents__,|__styles/clothing/unique-features__, __styles/clothing/closure__,| __styles/clothing/design__} random-fullbody: - >- __properties/fit__ full body clothing, {__styles/clothing/collar__,|__styles/clothing/neckline__,|} __properties/fabrics/*__, {__properties/patterns/*__,|} {__properties/materials*/*__,|} __styles/clothing/sleeve__, __styles/clothing/dress-length__, __styles/clothing/waistlines__, __styles/clothing/skirt__, __Bo/clothings/random-extras__ random-lowerbody: - >- __properties/fit__ lower body clothing, __properties/fabrics/*__, {__properties/patterns/*__,|} {__properties/materials*/*__,|} __styles/clothing/fit-length__, __styles/clothing/waistlines__, __Bo/clothings/random-extras__ random-upperbody: - >- __properties/fit__ upper body clothing, {__styles/clothing/collar__,|__styles/clothing/neckline__,|} __properties/fabrics/*__, {__properties/patterns/*__,|} {__properties/materials*/*__,|} __styles/clothing/sleeve__, __styles/clothing/dress-length__, __styles/clothing/waistlines__, __Bo/clothings/random-extras__ cyberpunk: female-attire: - >- {0.8::__Bo/clothings/random-dress-properties/cyberpunk__|} __clothings/cyberpunk/female/lower-body__, {0.8::__Bo/clothings/random-dress-properties/cyberpunk__|} __clothings/cyberpunk/female/upper-body__, {0.8::__clothings/cyberpunk/female/footwear__,|} {0.5::__clothings/cyberpunk/female/headwear__,|} __Bo/clothings/random-accesoires/cyberpunk__ male-attire: - >- {0.8::__Bo/clothings/random-dress-properties/cyberpunk__|} __clothings/cyberpunk/male/lower-body__, {0.8::__Bo/clothings/random-dress-properties/cyberpunk__|} __clothings/cyberpunk/male/upper-body__, {0.8::__clothings/cyberpunk/male/footwear__,|} {0.5::__clothings/cyberpunk/male/headwear__,|} __Bo/clothings/random-accesoires/cyberpunk__ historical: female-baroque: - >- baroque __clothings/baroque/female/dress/types__, __clothings/baroque/female/dress/arms__, __clothings/baroque/female/dress/collor-cleavage__, __clothings/baroque/female/dress/upper-body__, __clothings/baroque/female/dress/lower-body__, __clothings/baroque/female/dress/accesoires__, __properties/colors/*__ male-baroque: - >- baroque __clothings/baroque/male/attire/types__, __clothings/baroque/male/attire/arms__, __clothings/baroque/male/attire/collor-cleavage__, __clothings/baroque/male/attire/upper-body__, __clothings/baroque/male/attire/lower-body__, __clothings/baroque/male/attire/accesoires__, __properties/colors/*__ female-edo: - >- edo period __clothings/edoperiod/female/dress/types__, __clothings/edoperiod/female/dress/arms__, __clothings/edoperiod/female/dress/collor-cleavage__, __clothings/edoperiod/female/dress/upper-body__, __clothings/edoperiod/female/dress/lower-body__, __clothings/edoperiod/female/dress/accesoires__, __properties/colors/*__ male-edo: - >- edo period __clothings/edoperiod/male/attire/types__, __clothings/edoperiod/male/attire/arms__, __clothings/edoperiod/male/attire/collor-cleavage__, __clothings/edoperiod/male/attire/upper-body__, __clothings/edoperiod/male/attire/lower-body__, __clothings/edoperiod/male/attire/accesoires__, __properties/colors/*__ magical: female-attire: - >- { {0.8::__Bo/chars/char-magical/properties-magical__|} __clothings/magical/female/lower-body__, {0.8::__Bo/chars/char-magical/properties-magical__|} __clothings/magical/female/upper-body__,| {0.8::__Bo/chars/char-magical/properties-magical__|} __clothings/magical/female/full-body__, } {0.8::__clothings/regular/female/footwear__,|} {0.5::__clothings/regular/female/headwear__,|} __Bo/clothings/random-accesoires/magical__ male-attire: - >- { {0.8::__Bo/chars/char-magical/properties-magical__|} __clothings/magical/male/lower-body__, {0.8::__Bo/chars/char-magical/properties-magical__|} __clothings/magical/male/upper-body__,| {0.8::__Bo/chars/char-magical/properties-magical__|} __clothings/magical/male/full-body__, } {0.8::__clothings/magical/male/footwear__,|} {0.5::__clothings/magical/male/headwear__,|} __Bo/clothings/random-accesoires/magical__ nsfw: female-attire: - >- {0.8::__Bo/clothings/random-dress-properties/nsfw__|} {__clothings/nsfw/female/lower-body__|__clothings/nsfw/female/underwear-lower__}, {0.8::__Bo/clothings/random-dress-properties/nsfw__|} {__clothings/nsfw/female/upper-body__|__clothings/nsfw/female/underwear-upper__}, {0.8::__clothings/regular/female/footwear__,|} {0.5::__clothings/regular/female/headwear__,|} __Bo/clothings/random-accesoires/regular__ male-attire: - >- {0.8::__Bo/clothings/random-dress-properties/nsfw__|} {__clothings/nsfw/male/lower-body__|__clothings/nsfw/male/underwear-lower__}, {0.8::__Bo/clothings/random-dress-properties/nsfw__|} {__clothings/nsfw/male/upper-body__,|__clothings/nsfw/male/underwear-upper__,|} {0.8::__clothings/regular/male/footwear__,|} {0.5::__clothings/regular/male/headwear__,|} __Bo/clothings/random-accesoires/regular__ regular: female-attire: - >- {0.8::__Bo/clothings/random-dress-properties/regular__|} __clothings/regular/female/lower-body__, {0.8::__Bo/clothings/random-dress-properties/regular__|} __clothings/regular/female/upper-body__, {0.8::__clothings/regular/female/footwear__,|} {0.5::__clothings/regular/female/headwear__,|} __Bo/clothings/random-accesoires/regular__ male-attire: - >- {0.8::__Bo/clothings/random-dress-properties/regular__|} __clothings/regular/male/lower-body__, {0.8::__Bo/clothings/random-dress-properties/regular__|} __clothings/regular/male/upper-body__, {0.8::__clothings/regular/male/footwear__,|} {0.5::__clothings/regular/male/headwear__,|} __Bo/clothings/random-accesoires/regular__ scifi: female-attire: - >- {0.8::__Bo/clothings/random-dress-properties/scifi__|} __clothings/scifi/female/lower-body__, {0.8::__Bo/clothings/random-dress-properties/scifi__|} __clothings/scifi/female/upper-body__, {0.8::__clothings/scifi/female/footwear__,|} {0.5::__clothings/scifi/female/headwear__,|} __Bo/clothings/random-accesoires/scifi__ male-attire: - >- {0.8::__Bo/clothings/random-dress-properties/scifi__|} __clothings/scifi/male/lower-body__, {0.8::__Bo/clothings/random-dress-properties/scifi__|} __clothings/scifi/male/upper-body__, {0.8::__clothings/scifi/male/footwear__,|} {0.5::__clothings/scifi/male/headwear__,|} __Bo/clothings/random-accesoires/scifi__ constructions: # __Bo/constructions/random*__ # __Bo/constructions/buildings/*__ # __Bo/constructions/rooms/*__ buildings: cyberpunk: - >- __constructions/types/cyberpunk/*__, {1-3$$__properties/materials-construction/cyberpunk__|__Bo/constructions/materials-outdoor__}, __Bo/constructions/lighting-outdoor__ fictional: - >- __constructions/types/*/*__, {1-3$$__properties/materials-construction/basic*__|__Bo/constructions/materials-outdoor__}, __Bo/constructions/lighting-outdoor__ magical: - >- __constructions/types/magical/*__, {1-3$$__properties/materials-construction/basic*__|__Bo/constructions/materials-outdoor__}, __Bo/constructions/lighting-outdoor__ regular: - >- __constructions/types/regular/*__, {1-3$$__properties/materials-construction/basic__|__Bo/constructions/materials-outdoor__}, __Bo/constructions/lighting-outdoor__ scifi: - >- __constructions/types/scifi/*__, {1-3$$__properties/materials-construction/scifi__|__Bo/constructions/materials-outdoor__}, __Bo/constructions/lighting-outdoor__ interior-design: - '{1-5$$__constructions/interior-design/*__}' interior-design-fictional: - '{1-5$$__constructions/interior-design*/*__}' lighting-indoor: - '{1-2$$__constructions/light-sources-indoor/*__}, {__lighting/constructions-indoor__|__lighting/constructions-specialized__}' lighting-outdoor: - '{1-2$$__constructions/light-sources-outdoor/*__}, {__lighting/constructions-outdoor__|__lighting/constructions-specialized__}' materials-indoor: - >- {1-3$$__properties/materials-construction/stones__|__properties/materials-construction/flooring__|__properties/patterns/tapestry__ tapestry} materials-outdoor: - >- {1-3$$__properties/materials-construction/stones__|__properties/materials-construction/basic__|__properties/materials-construction/roofing__ roof} random: - >- {__Bo/constructions/rooms/*__|__Bo/constructions/buildings/*__} random-building: - __Bo/constructions/buildings/*__ random-cyberpunk: - >- {__Bo/constructions/buildings/cyberpunk__|__Bo/constructions/buildings/cyberpunk__} random-fictional: - >- {__Bo/constructions/buildings/fictional__|__Bo/constructions/buildings/fictional__} random-magical: - >- {__Bo/constructions/buildings/magical__|__Bo/constructions/buildings/magical__} random-regular: - >- {__Bo/constructions/rooms/regular__|__Bo/constructions/buildings/regular__} random-room: - __Bo/constructions/rooms/*__ random-scifi: - >- {__Bo/constructions/buildings/scifi__|__Bo/constructions/buildings/scifi__} rooms: cyberpunk: - >- __constructions/rooms/cyberpunk/*__, __Bo/constructions/interior-design-fictional__, __Bo/constructions/materials-indoor__, __Bo/constructions/lighting-indoor__, cyberpunk, sci-fi fictional: - >- __constructions/rooms/*/*__, __Bo/constructions/interior-design-fictional__, __Bo/constructions/materials-indoor__, __Bo/constructions/lighting-indoor__, __styles/punk-styles__ magical: - >- __constructions/rooms/magical/*__, __Bo/constructions/interior-design-fictional__, __Bo/constructions/materials-indoor__, __Bo/constructions/lighting-indoor__,fantasy regular: - >- __constructions/rooms/regular/*__, __Bo/constructions/interior-design__, __Bo/constructions/materials-indoor__, __Bo/constructions/lighting-indoor__ scifi: - >- __constructions/rooms/scifi/*__, __Bo/constructions/interior-design-fictional__, __Bo/constructions/materials-indoor__, __Bo/constructions/lighting-indoor__, __styles/punk-styles__, sci-fi cosmic: random: - >- {__astronomy/celestial-bodies__|__astronomy/spacecrafts__|__astronomy/relations__|__astronomy/celestial-anything__}, __astronomy/relations__, __phenomena/astronomy/abstract__, __phenomena/astronomy/natural__ creative: # __Bo/creative/random-atmosphere__ # __Bo/creative/random-elements__ # __Bo/creative/random-scapes__ # __Bo/creative/myprompt__ random-atmosphere: - >- {1-10$$__atmosphere/*__} random-elements-gems: - >- __properties/colors/*__ __atmosphere/elemental__ __atmosphere/elements__ {__chemistry/gems__|__chemistry/minerals__} random-elements: - >- __properties/colors/*__ __atmosphere/elemental__ __atmosphere/elements__ random-scapes: - >- {0.7::__atmosphere/*__|0.3::{__Bo/creative/random-elements__|__magical/types/*__|__lighting/*__| __astronomy/relations__|__properties/colors/*__|__matter/*__| __properties/materials*/*__|__properties/paint/*__|__properties/patterns/*__| __properties/shape/*__|__properties/size/*__|__properties/textures/*__| __properties/Visual/*__|__styles-architectural/*__}} {0.75::__habitats/places/*__|0.05::__astronomy/cele*__|0.05::__habitats/wonderland__| 0.05::__habitats/types__|0.05::__habitats/metaphoric__| 0.05::__habitats/housing__} myprompt: - >- hyper detailed masterpiece, dynamic realistic digital art, awesome quality,__Bo/creative/random-scapes__,__Bo/creative/random-scapes__,__Bo/creative/random-scapes__ __Bo/styles/random-ambient-effect__,__phenomena/*/*__, __Bo/creative/random-atmosphere__ creatures: # __Bo/creatures/animalfusion__ # __Bo/creatures/dragons__ # __Bo/creatures/random__ animalfusion: - fusion of {2-5$$__creatures/species/*__} dragons: - >- a __creatures/descriptors__ __atmosphere/elemental__ __atmosphere/elements__ __creatures/dragons/body-shape__ {0.8::__creatures/species/draconic__|0.2::__creatures/species/draconic-mh__ wyvern}, {__creatures/dragons/body-cover__ skin,|} {0-4$$__creatures/dragons/features__,} {__creatures/dragons/head-types__ head,|} {__creatures/dragons/leg-length__ __creatures/dragons/leg-types__ legs,|} {0.2::__creatures/horns__|} {0.05::__person/regular/beard__|} {0.2::__creatures/dragons/wing-count__ __creatures/dragons/wing-types__ wings,|} {__creatures/dragons/tail-types__ tails,|} dragons-simple: - > __creatures/descriptors__ {0-2$$__atmosphere/elemental__ __atmosphere/elements__} {asian|chinese|japanese|european} __creatures/dragons/body-shape__ __creatures/species/draconic__, {0.2::__creatures/dragons/body-cover__ skin,|} {0.2::__creatures/dragons/wing-types__} magical-beings: - __characters/magical-beings/*/prompt__ - __characters/magical-beings/*/prompt__, __Bo/creative/random-atmosphere__ - __characters/magical-beings/*/name__, __characters/magical-beings/*/characteristics__ - __characters/magical-beings/*/name__, __characters/magical-beings/*/characteristics__, __Bo/creative/random-atmosphere__ random: - >- __creatures/size__ __creatures/traits__ __creatures/descriptors__ __creatures/look-feel__ __creatures/body-shapes__ __creatures/being-types__, {__creatures/nmbrlegs__ __creatures/nmbrarms__,|} __creatures/appendages__, {__creatures/nmbrtails__,|} __creatures/tails__, __creatures/skin-fur-types__, {__creatures/ear-types__,|} {__creatures/wings__,|} # {__creatures/horns__,|} # {__creatures/mouth-jaw__,|} {__properties/colors/*__,|__properties/patterns/unusual__,|} events: christmas: # __Bo/christmas/random__ random: - >- __christmas/artstyles__, {__christmas/characters__|__christmas/christmas-carol/*__}, {1-5$$__christmas/decorations__|__christmas/food__|}, {1-3$$__christmas/atmosphere__}, __christmas/lightings__, {__christmas/scapes__|__christmas/scenes__|__christmas/traditions__|} easter: # __Bo/events/easter/random*__ random: - >- {0.3&&easter|}, __easter/artstyles__, __easter/atmosphere__, {__easter/costumes__|}, __easter/decorations__, {__easter/symbols__|__easter/food__|__easter/characters__|__easter/traditions__}, {__properties/patterns/easter__|} {0.3&&__easter/places-sceneries__|}, __easter/lightings__ halloween: # __Bo/events/halloween/random*__ random-anything: - >- __halloween/atmosphere__ __halloween/artstyles__ __halloween/costumes__ __halloween/places-sceneries__ __halloween/food-treats__ __halloween/decorations__ __halloween/grimaces__ __halloween/lighting__ __halloween/symbols-icons__ __halloween/traditions__ random-location: - >- __halloween/places-sceneries__, __halloween/atmosphere__, __halloween/decorations__, __halloween/symbols-icons__,__halloween/lighting__, __halloween/artstyles__ random-ppl: - >- __halloween/costumes__, __halloween/atmosphere__, __halloween/food-treats__, __halloween/lighting__, {__halloween/symbols-icons__,|__halloween/grimaces__,|__halloween/symbols-icons__,|__halloween/traditions__,|} random-pumpkin: - >- pumpkin carving, __halloween/pumpkin-carving/techniques__, __halloween/pumpkin-carving/styles__, __halloween/pumpkin-carving/expressions__ lunar-newyear: # __Bo/events/lunar-newyear/random*__ random: - >- lunar newyear, __lunar-newyear/artstyles__, __lunar-newyear/atmosphere__, __lunar-newyear/decorations__, {__lunar-newyear/symbols__|__lunar-newyear/food__|__lunar-newyear/characters__|__lunar-newyear/traditions__}, __lunar-newyear/scapes__, __lunar-newyear/scenes__, __lunar-newyear/lightings__ st-patrick: # __Bo/events/st-patrick/random*__ random: - >- {0.3&&st. patricks day|}, __st-patrick/artstyles__, __st-patrick/atmosphere__, {__st-patrick/costumes__|}, __st-patrick/decorations__, {__st-patrick/symbols__|__st-patrick/food__|__st-patrick/characters__|__st-patrick/traditions__}, {0.3&&__st-patrick/places-sceneries__|}, __st-patrick/lightings__ valentine: # __Bo/events/valentine/random*__ random: - >- valentines day, __valentine/artstyles__, __valentine/atmosphere__, __valentine/decorations__, {__valentine/symbols__|__valentine/food__|__valentine/characters__|__valentine/traditions__}, __valentine/scapes__, __valentine/scenes__, __valentine/lightings__ habitats: # __Bo/habitats/random__ random: - __habitats/types__ __habitats/housing__ in __habitats/biomes__ biome - __habitats/places/*__ in __habitats/biomes__ biome jewelry: # __Bo/jewelry/random__ random: - __jewelry/types__, __Bo/jewelry/random-properties__ random-properties: - >- __jewelry/brilliance__ __jewelry/clarities__ __chemistry/gems__, __jewelry/cut__, __jewelry/facets__, __jewelry/carat__, __jewelry/fire__, __jewelry/luster__, __properties/materials-jewelry/metal-type__, __jewelry/hardness__, __jewelry/durability__, __jewelry/treatments__, __jewelry/setting__, __jewelry/origin__, __jewelry/rarity__, __jewelry/style__, __jewelry/age__, __jewelry/symbolism__ random-properties-reduced: - >- __jewelry/brilliance__ __jewelry/fire__ __chemistry/gems__, __jewelry/luster__, __properties/materials-jewelry/metal-type__, __jewelry/durability__, __jewelry/treatments__, __jewelry/rarity__, __jewelry/style__, __jewelry/age__, __jewelry/symbolism__ machines: # __Bo/machines/random*__ random: - >- __machines/types/*__, {2-6$$__machines/parts/*__}, {__properties/patterns/machines__}, {__properties/textures/machines__} random-machine: - >- __properties/size/*__ __machines/types-synonyms__, {2-6$$__machines/parts/*__}, {__properties/patterns/machines__}, {__properties/textures/machines__} plants: # __Bo/plants/random*__ random-plant: - >- {__properties/size/plants__ __properties/colors/*__ __plants/growth-habit__ __properties/shape/plants__ plant, {__properties/textures/stem__ __properties/shape/stem__ __plants/stem__, __properties/textures/bark__,|} {__properties/shape/leaf__ __plants/leaf__ leaf, __plants/leaf-venation__, __plants/leaf-arrangement__, __plants/leaf-margin__,|} {__properties/colors/*__ __plants/inflorescence__ __plants/flower__ flower, __properties/shape/petal__,|} {__properties/colors/*__ {__plants/fruit__ fruit| __plants/seed__}, {__properties/patterns/plants__,|__properties/patterns/mushrooms__,}|} {__plants/sepal-configuration__, __plants/foliage-arrangement__,|} {__properties/structure/root__ root|} } random-shroom: - >- __properties/colors/*__ __properties/size/*__ __properties/shape/mushrooms__ __properties/textures/mushrooms__ mushroom, __properties/textures/*__, {__properties/patterns/plants__,|__properties/patterns/mushrooms__,|} __mushrooms/mycorrhizal-association__, __mushrooms/habitat__, __mushrooms/growth-form__, {__mushrooms/bioluminescence__,|} {__properties/colors/*__ __mushrooms/gill__,|} {1-3$$__mushrooms/veil__,|__mushrooms/ring__,|__mushrooms/bruising__,|__mushrooms/annulus__,| __mushrooms/volva__,|__mushrooms/pileus__,|__mushrooms/pores__,| __mushrooms/hymenium__,| __mushrooms/latex__ latex,|} {__properties/colors/*__ __mushrooms/stipe-base__,|} {__mushrooms/poisonous-properties__,|__mushrooms/medicinal-properties__,|} } psycho: # __Bo/pyscho/random__ random: - >- __brain-psychology/terms__, __brain-psychology/practices-fields__, __brain-psychology/concepts-phenomena__, __brain-psychology/neural-circuit-patterns__, {1-3$$__words/brain-psychology/*__} scenes: # __Bo/scenes/random*__ random: - __scenes/settings/*__, {1-4$$__scenes/features*__} random-city: - >- {0.4::__styles/*__ architecture|} __scenes/settings/urbanbuiltenvironments__ {1-4$$__scenes/features*__} random-landscape: - __scenes/settings/landscapes__, {1-4$$__scenes/features*__} school: random-mix: - > {3-10$$__subjects-school/*__} scifi: # __Bo/scifi/random__ random: - __subtypes/scifi__ of __characters/beings/scifi__ , __characters/professions/scifi/*__ - __words/scifi/verbs__ __words/scifi/adjectives__ __words/scifi/substantives__ - '{3-7$$__scifi/computer/errors__|__scifi/atmosphere/*__}' styles: # __Bo/styles/random-anything__ # __Bo/styles/random*__ random-ambient-effect: - __styles/ambient-effects__ random-animation-style: - __styles/animations__ random-anything: - >- __styles/art-styles__, {__styles/punk-styles__,|} __atmosphere/*__, __styles/rendering-techniques/*__, __styles/graphic-engines__, __styles/image-styles__, __styles/image-techniques/*__, __styles/depiction-styles/*__, {__styles/animations__,|} {__styles/ambient-effects__,|} __Bo/styles/random-quality-prompts__, __styles/resolutions__, __styles/creative-concepts__, __styles/styleelementstext__ #__Bo/styles/random-camera-settings__" random-artstyle: - __styles/art-styles__ random-camera-settings: - >- {__styles/camera/camera__,|} __styles/camera/aperture-settings__, __styles/camera/shutter-speed__, __styles/camera/iso-settings__, __styles/camera/white-balance__, __styles/camera/exposure-settings__, __styles/camera/shooting-modes__, __styles/camera/composition-techniques__, __styles/camera/focus__, __styles/camera/metering__ random-creative-concept: - __styles/creative-concepts__ random-depiction-styles: - __styles/depiction-styles/*__ random-graphic-engines: - __styles/graphic-engines__ random-image-styles: - __styles/image-styles__ random-image-techniques: - __styles/image-techniques/*__ random-punk-styles: - __styles/punk-styles__ random-quality-prompts: - '{__styles/quality/details__|__styles/quality/styles__|__styles/quality/sharp__|__styles/quality/blur__}' random-rendering: - __styles/rendering-techniques/*__ random-resolution: - __styles/resolutions__ vehicles: # __Bo/vehicles/random*__ random: - >- {__vehicles/size__|} __vehicles/types/*__, {__vehicles/exterior-features__,|} {__vehicles/windows__,|} {__vehicles/lights__,|} {__vehicles/Accessories__,|} {__vehicles/Customization__,|} __properties/materials-vehicles/*__, __properties/Visual/Appearance__, {__properties/paint/vehicle__,|} {__properties/Textures/vehicles__,|} random-notype: - >- {__vehicles/size__|} Conveyance, {__vehicles/exterior-features__,|} {__vehicles/windows__,|} {__vehicles/lights__,|} {__vehicles/Accessories__,|} {__vehicles/Customization__,|} __properties/materials-vehicles/*__, __properties/Visual/Appearance__, {__properties/paint/vehicle__,|} {__properties/Textures/vehicles__,|} random-scifi: - >- {__vehicles/size__|} {__vehicles/types/space__|__vehicles/types/Fictional-Underwater-Vehicles__| __vehicles/types/Flying-Car-Like-Vehicles__|__vehicles/types/Underground-Vehicles__}, {__vehicles/exterior-features__,|} {__vehicles/windows__,|} {__vehicles/lights__,|} {__vehicles/Accessories__,|} {__vehicles/Customization__,|} __properties/materials-vehicles/*__, __properties/Visual/Appearance__, {__properties/paint/vehicle__,|} {__properties/Textures/vehicles__,|} atmosphere: abstract: - aberrant - ambiguous - anachronistic - artificial - beyond - beyond the boundary - chaotic - conundrum - created - cyber - cylopean - dimensional - ephemeral - escheresque - ethereal - extragalactic - hallucinatory - illusionary - illusive - infinity artistic: - innovative - imaginative - inspiring - expressive - inventive - collaborative - artistic - playful - open-minded - experimental - unconventional - stimulating - curious - diverse - dynamic - original - free-thinking - visionary - transformative - eclectic - energizing - thought-provoking - risk-taking - adaptive - unrestrained - colorful - unique - breakthrough - inspirational - fertile body-functional: - vital - energetic - active - dynamic - adaptive - healthy - well-functioning - harmonious - responsive - efficient - balanced - coordinated - nurturing - resilient - restorative - strong - vibrant - self-regulating - holistic - integrative - rejuvenating - homeostatic - empowered - synchronized - agile - robust - reenergizing - innate - flourishing caves: - ancient - cavernous - cave paintings - cool - dark - damp - depth - discovery - eerie - echoing - enigmatic - grotto - hidden - intriguing - mysterious - solitude - spelunking - stalactite-studded - subterranean - underground celestial: - aurora - celestial - moonlit - moonshadow - nebulaic - stellar - astral - cosmic - interdimensional - intergalactic - interplanetary - interstellar - otherdimensional - otherworldly - solar - starry - timeless colorful: - active - animated - bustling - chromatic - colorful - dynamic - ebullient - effervescent - energetic - enthusiastic - flamboyant - glittering - high-spirited - iridescent - jazzy - kaleidoscopic - lively - lustrous - mottled - multicolored - opalescent - polychromatic - prismatic - pulsating - rainbow-colored - radiant - spirited - splashed - technicolor - variegated - vibrant - vigorous - vivid - zestful cozy: - cozy - warm - soft - inviting - homely - comforting - intimate - snug - fuzzy - nestled - hygge - comfy - relaxed - pleasant - quaint - nurturing - safe - cuddly - content - pleasant - homey cultural: - diversity - heritage - ethnic traditions - multicultural - artistic expression - languages - festivals - cultural exchange - ethnic cuisine - historical sites - customs - traditional arts - celebrations - folklore - creative vibrancy - cultural identity - local crafts - music and dance - rituals - intercultural dialogue - art galleries - cultural heritage - cultural fusion - cultural awareness - shared history - museums - cultural preservation dark: - abyssal - baleful - blackened - cadaverous - cavernous - chthonic - cimmerian - crepuscular - dark - darkened - dire - direful - dreary - dusky - eerie - eldritch - foreboding - funereal - gloomy - gothic - grim - haunting - infernal - malevolent - malign - menacing - morbid - murky - mysterious - nocturnal - obscure - ominous - opaque - penumbra - shady - shadowed - shadowy - sin - sinister - somber - sombre - stygian - tenebrous - threatening - twilight - umbral decaying: - deteriorating - decomposing - degenerating - disintegrating - rotten - decaying - putrid - decrepit - eroding - corroding - withering - fading - wasting - collapsing - crumbling - dying - ruined - abandoned - neglected - desolate - dilapidated - moldy - infested - rancid - neglected - desolate - stagnant - despairing - worn-out - ephemeral delusion: - delusional - illusory - hallucinatory - miraculous - fantastical - misconceived - deceptive - confused - fallacious desert: - arid - barren - vastness - hot - dunes - solitude - harsh - stark beauty - sandstorms - unforgiving - dry - sunbaked - extreme temperatures - endless horizon - serene silence - survival - minimal vegetation - oasis - uninhabited - ancient landscapes - golden sands - nomadic life - celestial skies - tranquility deteriorating: - decaying - deteriorating - degenerating - disintegrating - rotten - neglected - abandoned - crumbling - withering - corroding - eroding - fading - collapsing - desolate - dilapidated - worn-out - weakened - fraying - fragile - breakdown - desperation - dismal - forsaken - ruined dining: - culinary experience - ambiance - intimate - fine dining - casual - cozy - elegant - rustic - upscale - family-friendly - romantic - outdoor dining - dim lighting - modern decor - authentic - vibrant - trendy - comfortable seating - open kitchen - sophisticated - communal tables - ethnic flavors - gourmet - fusion cuisine - relaxed - wine pairing - farm-to-table - live music dissolve: - crumble - decompose - deteriorate - dissolve - disintegrate - dissipate - efface - erode - evanesce - fade - fragment - liquefy - melt - scatter - sublimate - vanish dragon: - abyssal - airy - ancient - arcane - astral - celestial - cosmic - eldritch - emerald - ethereal - fiery - formidable - frosty - galactic - infernal - luminous - majestic - mythical - nether - obsidian - onyx - prismatic - radiant - resplendent - ruby - sapphire - seraphic - shadowy - soaring - solar - sovereign - stellar - stormy - thunderous - twilight - verdant - volcanic dramatic: - dramatic - theatrical - striking - bold - grandiose - overwhelming - impressive - majestic - spectacular - monumental - dynamic - intense - showy - flamboyant - thrilling - forceful - gripping - compelling - arresting duality: - duality - dichotomous - paradoxical - contrasting - opposing - bifurcated - ambivalent - two-sided - dualistic - yin and yang elements: - air - arcane - blood - celestial - chaos - crystal - darkness - dust - earth - electricity - fire - force - gravity - holy - ice - illusion - kinetic - leaf - light - lightning - magma - metal - nature - necrotic - orc - order - plant - poison - psionic - radiation - radiant - rune - sand - shadow - siren - sound - spirit - steam - time - tree - troll - void - water - wind elemental: - abyssal - airy - aqueous - aquatic - bloody - breezy - cryptic - cyclonic - deluge - earthen - eclipse - elven - enigmatic - ethereal - fertile - flamboyant - fluidic - frozen - gaseous - geological - geothermal - ground - gusty - hydro - hydrodynamic - infernal - lava - lithic - liquid - magical circle - maritime - molten - nocturnal - nautical - obsidian - oceanic - pneumatic - polar - pyro - pyroclasmic - radiant - rocky - runic - shadowy - solid - stony - sulfurous - tempest - tempestuous - tidal - torrid - turbulent - umbra - underwater - vortex - void - volcanic - volatile - windy emotional: - joyful - tense - exciting - comforting - nostalgic - uplifting - relaxed - intense - hopeful - reflective - empathetic - enthusiastic - empowering - heartwarming - bittersweet - dramatic - inspiring - energizing - tranquil - sentimental - touching - frenetic - thoughtful - nervous - content - poignant engineering: - innovative - problem-solving - technical - design-driven - creative solutions - analytical - collaborative - research-oriented - cutting-edge - prototyping - experimentation - precision - scientific methods - systematic - mathematical - practical application - teamwork - technical challenges - technological advancements - engineering labs - optimizing - designing - conceptualization - product development - engineering ethics - quality assurance ethereal: - ethereal - heavenly - transcendent - divine - angelic - otherworldly - celestial - spiritual - enchanted - sacred - supernatural - cosmic - esoteric - mystical - ephemeral - enigmatic - nebulous - mystifying - astral fanatic: - blind - cultish - dedicated - dogmatic - extreme - extremist - fanatic - fervent - fixated - frenzied - intolerant - mad - manic - maniacal - monomaniacal - obsessive - radical - radicalized - single-minded - tenacious - unshakeable - zeal-driven - zealotical - zealous festive: - festive - joyful - merry - lively - celebratory - jolly - sparkling - joyous - vibrant - exuberant - gleeful - animated - festal - spirited - luminous - whimsical - colorful - playful - bubbly - energetic - joyful fire: - blaze - inferno - conflagration - flames - combustion - pyre - ignition - scorch - incineration - kindle - wildfire - ember - arson - flare foggy: - brumous - cloudy - dim - foggy - gaseous - hazy - indistinct - miasmic - misty - murky - nebulous - obscure - overcast - shadowy - smoky - steamy - turbid - unclear - vaporous forest: - wooded - lush greenery - tranquil - rustling leaves - natural sounds - wilderness - scent of earth - canopy - biodiversity - wildlife - sunlight filtering - adventure - hiking trails - mossy ground - nature's cathedral - dappled light - tall trees - ancient growth - oxygen-rich air - calming ambience - sheltered - ecosystem - earthy fragrance - boreal - coniferous - deciduous - evergreen - rainforest - subtropical - temperate - tropical futuristic: - artificial - computer-generated - cyber - cybernetic - extragalactic - holographic - hyperdimensional - futuristic - robotic - space-age - technologic - virtual - cutting-edge - innovative - modern - technological - advanced - contemporary - spacefaring - visionary ghostly: - apparitional - chilling - creepy - cursed - deathly - disembodied - eerie - elusive - enigmatic - ephemeral - ethereal - frightening - gelid - ghastly - ghostly - grim - haunting - hollow - inexplicable - invisible - macabre - malevolent - mysterious - other-dimensional - otherworldly - phantasmal - phantom - restless - shrouded - silent - soulful - spectral - spooky - supernatural - tormented - translucent - transparent - uncanny - unearthly - vengeful - wailing - whisplike - wispish - wraithlike gloomy: - somber - melancholy - bleak - dark - dismal - depressing - dreary - mournful - forlorn - desolate - lugubrious - glum - sullen - overcast - cloudy halo: - halo - auric - glowing - radiant - nimbused - divine - celestial - sanctified - haloed hospital: - clinical - medical care - healing environment - healthcare - caring staff - hygiene - sterile - patient-centric - diagnostic - treatment - recovery - compassionate - technology-driven - emergency services - waiting areas - surgical suites - specialized units - healing art - privacy - medical equipment - nurses - doctor-patient interaction - supportive - wellness - rehabilitation - calm - monitoring intense: - intense - harsh - blinding - glaring - dazzling - brilliant - searing - fierce - flashing - blazing - piercing - radiating - glinting - flaming - scorching - white-hot - flare - burnished - flaring - fiery light: - light - radiant - luminous - cheerful - glowing - sparkling - shimmering - sunny - brilliant - beaming - glimmering - effulgent - gleaming - dazzling - resplendent - ethereal - glistering - incandescent - scintillating - twinkling - glistening lightless: - Impenetrable - Ebon - Lightless - Inky - Shadowy - Pitch-dark - Cimmerian - Gloomy - Obsidian - Stygian - Tenebrous - Funereal - Umbral - Black as coal - Jet-black - Abyssal - Nocturnal - Sooty - Moonless - Rayless - Darkened - Cavernous - Shaded liquid: - flowing - cascading - liquid - fluid - rippling - streaming - gushing - babbling - trickling - rushing - dripping - pouring - splashing - squirting - spurting - meandering - turbulent - tranquil - crystal-clear - muddy - murky - frothy - bubbling - boiling - freezing - icy - steamy - misty - vaporizing - condensing - whirling - swirling - vortex - torrential - submerged - submerging - submersion - parched (for describing the absence of water) - quenched (for describing the satisfaction of thirst) - refreshing - cleansing - life-giving - elemental - precious (in a symbolic sense) - aquatic mechanical: - assembly line - automated - computer-controlled - computer-generated - computerized - controlled - efficient - engineered - factory - functional - gearbox - gears - gear-driven - gritty - hydraulics - industrial - lubricated - machined - machinelike - machinic - machinized - machinery - maintenance - manufacturing - mechanical - motors - organized - precise - repetitive - robotic - steampunk - structural - systematic - technical - technological - tools magical: - bewitching - charmed - elysian - enchanted - enchanting - enthralling - ethereal - fairy - fairy-tale - fantastical - illusory - magical - mesmerizing - miraculous - mystical - otherworldly - paradisiacal - spellbinding - spellbound - supernatural - transcendental - uncanny - unearthly - utopian - whimsical - wondrous - wonderous - sorcerous - wizard's - wizardly - dreamlike majestic: - majestic - regal - imperial - noble - stately - magnificent - dignified - proud - grand - royal - exalted - heroic - sovereign - glorious - empowering - monumental - resplendent - august - commanding - empress melancholic: - melancholic - somber - sorrowful - melancholy - wistful - nostalgic - pensive - soulful - longing - tragic - reflective - poignant - lamenting - desolate - forlorn - weeping - mournful - doleful - sullen - depressing - dismal metropolitan: - urban lifestyle - bustling - skyscrapers - diversity - cultural hub - vibrant energy - city lights - modern architecture - business districts - entertainment centers - diverse communities - nightlife - traffic - public transportation - cultural events - shopping centers - restaurants - theatres - museums - high-paced - opportunities - networking - fashionable - trendsetting - cosmopolitan - diversity - global influences minimalist: - minimalist - clean - simple - subtle - understated - spare - streamlined - minimal - modest - uncluttered - sleek - refined - neat - frugal - bare - unadorned - effortless - elegant - tasteful - essential mountain: - majestic - high altitudes - alpine beauty - crisp air - panoramic views - tranquil escapes - adventure - steep slopes - snow-capped peaks - natural wonders - alpine meadows - challenging terrain - remote wilderness - freshness - hiking trails - rocky terrain - serenity - breathtaking landscapes - alpine lakes - vertical ascents - rocky silence - wildlife habitat - spiritual serenity - elevation - exploration mysterious: - mysterious - cryptic - uncanny - puzzling - secretive - veiled - esoteric - unknown - concealed - shadowy - enigmatic - hidden - recondite - arcane - abstruse - unfathomable - inscrutable - evasive - occult - nebulous - clandestine mystical: - arcane - bewitched - enchanted - enchanting - esoteric - ethereal - magical - mystic - mystifying - mysterious - occult - otherworldly - sorcerous - spellbound - spiritual - supernatural - symbolic - transcendent - uncanny - unearthly - visionary - witching natural: - tranquil - peaceful - calming - refreshing - organic - rustic - bucolic - harmonious - verdant - idyllic - unspoiled - earthy - invigorating - scenic - pure - wild - breathtaking - nurturing - open - pristine - balanced - ecosystem - sustainable - wildlife - outdoor - fresh - uninhibited - renewing - resplendent nostalgic: - nostalgic - retro - sentimental - fond - sentimental - yearning - longing - bittersweet - reminiscent - evocative - vintage - melancholic - quaint - poignant - classic - romantic - historical - old-school - sigh-inducing - heartwarming oceanic: - maritime - aquatic - vastness - tranquil waves - seafaring - nautical - salt breeze - coastal beauty - endless horizons - seaside living - marine life - deep blue - tidal rhythms - exploring waters - submerged world - shoreline views - relaxing - saline aroma - beaches - maritime activities - ocean currents - navigational - coral reefs - ocean adventures - nautical traditions organic: - abundant - alive - biomorphic - biomimetic - botanical - curved - eco-friendly - evolving - flowing - flourishing - fluid - fertile - green - growing - harmonious - irregular - lush - natural - plentiful - rounded - serene - soft - softened - teeming - textured - undulating - unpredictable - vibrant - verdant - vital - wild physical: - earth's atmosphere - martian atmosphere - lunar atmosphere - venusian atmosphere - atmospheric layers - gaseous composition - air pressure - weather patterns - ozone layer - climate zones - atmospheric phenomena - auroras - atmospheric pressure - thermosphere - troposphere - stratosphere - mesosphere - ionosphere - exosphere - atmospheric sciences - atmospheric chemistry - meteorology - air quality - atmospheric effects - climate change poorly-lit: - dimly lit - poorly illuminated - low-light - shadowy - dark - dim - murky - unlit - obscure - gloomy - faintly lit - poorly lit - dimmed - dusk - twilight productive: - focused - collaborative - energetic - efficient - goal-oriented - innovative - inspiring - motivated - organized - dynamic - positive - engaging - synergistic - resourceful - proactive - creative - empowering - results-driven - effective - teamwork - solutions-oriented - supportive - high-performance - ambitious - adaptable - time-efficient - streamlined - visionary - goal-driven - progress-oriented reading: - tranquil - engaging - immersive - quiet - reflective - enveloping - captivating - thoughtful - intimate - absorbing - comforting - inspiring - focused - intellectual - relaxing - imaginative - invigorating - evocative recreational: - leisurely - playful - active - relaxing - energetic - fun-filled - enjoyable - social - amusing - entertaining - adventurous - lively - invigorating - playgrounds - parks - games - outdoor activities - fitness - sports - open spaces - teamwork - picnics - group activities - refreshing - play zones - playgrounds - water activities - creative pursuits robotic: - futuristic - automated - mechanized - precision - artificial intelligence - technological - machine-driven - high-tech - efficient - industrial - programmable - cyborg - autonomous - humanoid - synthetic - advanced robotics - ai interaction - machine learning - robotics labs - mechanical efficiency - integrated systems - smart automation - digital sensors - precision engineering - seamless operations romantic: - romantic - amorous - passionate - intimate - tender - affectionate - candlelit - dreamy - sentimental - charming - idyllic - love-struck - heartwarming - enchanting - flirtatious - amatory - sweet - lovable - alluring - euphoric - serenading rural: - countryside - tranquil - scenic beauty - open spaces - serenity - agricultural - close-knit communities - peaceful - natural surroundings - farming - homesteads - fresh air - slow-paced - relaxed - pastoral - idyllic - wide skies - rustic charm - local traditions - quiet living - nature reserves - traditional crafts - simple life - away from the city - close to nature rustic: - rustic - vintage - old-fashioned - antique - weathered - aged - time-worn - faded - worn - classic - nostalgic - distressed - aged - coarse - weathered - tarnished - patina serene: - balmy - calm - composed - dreamy - ethereal - gentle - halcyon - harmonious - hushed - idyllic - meditative - mellow - mild - peaceful - placid - pleasant - quiet - quietude - relaxed - restful - serene - soothing - still - soft - subdued - tender - tranquil - undisturbed shopping: - retail therapy - consumer experience - variety - trendy - window shopping - bargain hunting - boutique - upscale - crowded - modern - convenience - discounts - branding - exclusive - spacious - checkout lines - department store - customer service - window displays - fashionable - aisles - sale - shopping carts - virtual shopping sinister: - foreboding - chilling - eerie - gloomy - sinister - cursed - spectral - shadowy - haunting - macabre - mysterious - otherworldly - surreal - cacophonous - desolate - apocalyptic - tenebrous - uncanny - supernatural - grim - whispering - dreadful - maleficent - suffocating - nocturnal - decrepit - imposing - mournful - stygian - cataclysmic split: - splitt screen - divided - separated - schismatic - broken - disunited - fragmented - splitting - discordant - parted surreal: - absurd - alien - bizarre - curious - dreamlike - eccentric - enchanting - enigmatic - ethereal - extraordinary - extraterrestrial - fantastic - fanciful - far-out - fictional - fantastical - fantasy-like - grotesque - hallucinatory - illusory - imaginary - incomprehensible - inconceivable - inexplicable - kafkaesque - magical - mind-bending - mind-boggling - mythical - nonsensical - otherworldly - out of this world - outlandish - peculiar - phantasmagoric - preposterous - psychedelic - quixotic - quizzical - strange - supernatural - supernormal - surreal - surrealistic - unthinkable - unanticipated - uncanny - uncommon - unconventional - unfathomable - unbelievable - unearthly - unorthodox - unreal - unrealistic - unusual - utopian - visionary - weird - whimsical synthetic: - synthetic - manufactured - controlled - engineered - simulated - constructed - digital - virtual - artificially enhanced - replicated - designed - imposed - technical - generated - programmed - synthetic intelligence - reproduced - customized - virtual reality - augmented - mechanized - imitated - automated - man-made - faux - unnatural - inorganic - reconstructed - simulacrum - processed teaching: - inspiring - supportive - engaging - encouraging - collaborative - interactive - enriching - stimulating - nurturing - empowering - positive - dynamic - respectful - inclusive - educational - constructive - thought-provoking - motivating - knowledge-sharing - transformative - open-minded - patient - creative - welcoming - focused - reflective - adaptable - socratic - inspirational - enthusiastic time: - age-defying - age-old - ageless - ancient - antiquated - archaic - atomic age - backward - bygone - chronological - classical - contemporary - current - ephemeral - epochal - everlasting - forward-looking - futuristic - future-proof - historic - medieval - modern - outdated - periodic - postmodern - prehistoric - primitive - renaissance toxic: - acrid - allergenic - biotoxic - carcinogenic - caustic - contaminated - corrosive - cytotoxic - dangerous - deadly - destructive - emanation - emission - endocrine-disrupting - explosive - flammable - foul - fumigant - harmful - hazardous - injurious - irritating - irritant - leaching - lethal - malign - mutagenic - neurotoxic - noisome - noxious - oxidizing - pesticidal - petrochemical - poisonous - pollutant - polluted - pollutive - putrid - radioactive - reactive - repellent - residue - synthetic - toxic - toxicant - unhealthy - venomous - virulent - waste byproduct uncomfortable: - oppressive - suffocating - confining - restrictive - claustrophobic - unsettling - unbearable - isolating - repressive - stifling - dismal - hostile - tense - constrained - harrowing - chilling - unwelcoming - depressing - inhospitable - grim - desolate - forsaken - desperate - unfree - discomforting - distressing - suffocating - uninviting - miserable - harsh urban: - urban - cityscape - metropolitan - streetlights - skyscraper - contemporary - industrial - modern - neon-lit - graffiti - futuristic - edgy - vibrant - dynamic - trendy - hip - cosmopolitan - streetwise - hipster - chic - bustling - cultural - electrifying - lively - metro - panoramic - skyline - towering - intersecting vr: - immersive - digital world - interactive - artificial environment - simulated reality - virtual experience - 3d graphics - vr technology - alternate reality - cyber space - headsets - gaming - futuristic - avatars - exploration - holographic - virtual worlds - teleportation - experiential - augmented reality - simulated environments - embodied presence - sensory feedback - digital simulations whimsical: - whimsical - fanciful - playful - capricious - fantastical - quirky - amusing - lighthearted - comical - humorous - merry winding: - winding - twisting - serpentine - circuitous - meandering - labyrinthine - confusing - intricate - tortuous - sinuous - convolute - zigzagging - tangled - complicated - baffling - entangled - interwoven - snakelike - curving - networked work: - job - career - employment - occupation - profession - labor - office - workplace - colleagues - task - responsibility - project - deadline - productivity - efficiency - collaboration - teamwork - achievement - progress - success - innovation - workload - commitment - dedication - performance - skills - development - growth - balance - challenge astronomy: celestial-anything: - astronomical unit - celestial altitude - celestial azimuth - celestial hemisphere - celestial latitude - celestial longitude - celestial mechanics - celestial meridian - celestial motion - celestial navigation - celestial parallax - celestial transit - nadir - zenith - zenithal hour angle celestial-bodies: - asteroid - binary star - black hole - brown dwarf - celestial background radiation - celestial dust - celestial energy - celestial gas - celestial giant - celestial object - celestial planet - celestial ray - celestial system - celestial wormhole - cluster - comet - dark energy - dark matter - exoplanet - galaxy - gravity - interstellar cloud - interstellar cosmic dust - interstellar cosmic ray - interstellar gas - kuiper belt object - magnetar - meteor - microgravity - moon - nebula - neutron star - oort cloud object - planet - pulsar - quasar - red giant - rogue planet - solar system - space debris - space junk - space probe - space station - spaceship - star - supergiant - telescope - variable star - white dwarf - wormhole relations: - astral - extraterrestrial - interplanetary - interstellar spacecrafts: - astral projection - astronomical observatory - astrolabe - celestial map - celestial navigation - lunar module - satellite - space debris - space probe - space station - spaceship - telescopic audio: albumcover: background: - color palette - texture - pattern - image - photo - scenery designelements: - borders - frames - logo - typography - symbols mainimage: - artwork - band/artist photo - illustration style: - artistic style - theme - concept titletext: - album title - band/artist name genre: blues: - delta blues - chicago blues - electric blues classical: - baroque - classical - romantic - contemporary country: - traditional country - country pop - country rock electronic: - house - techno - trance - dubstep - drum and bass - ambient folk: - traditional folk - contemporary folk hip-hop/rap: - hip-hop - rap - trap - r&b jazz: - dixieland - swing - bebop - cool jazz - free jazz - fusion metal: - heavy metal - thrash metal - death metal - black metal - power metal - doom metal - progressive metal - metalcore - symphonic metal - folk metal pop: - pop - synth-pop - electropop - indie pop rock: - classic rock - punk rock - alternative rock - hard rock - progressive rock - indie rock world: - reggae - salsa - afrobeat - flamenco - bollywood - k-pop melody: melody: - theme - motif - harmony - counterpoint - tonality - modality - key signature - chord progression - scale - ornamentation - riff - ostinato - leitmotif - phrase - cadence - melodic contour - melodic interval - arpeggio - portamento - legato melody - staccato melody - climax - resolution - development - variation - repetition - transposition - improvisation - hook music: additional: - homophony - heterophony - monophony - polyphony - form - call and response - interlude - fanfare - overature - prelude - postlude - intermezzo classic: - sonata - symphony - concerto - minuet - rondo - aria - chorale - waltz - opera - string quartet modern: - syncopation - polyrhythm - extended technique - aleatoric music - microtonal music - electronic sound effects - sampling - remix - looping - beatboxing sci-fi/fantasy: - ostinato - tritone - glissando - portamento - sforzando - cadenza - fermata - leitmotif - through-composed - ground bass - fugue - canon notation: accidentals: - sharp - flat - natural - double sharp - double flat articulation: - legato - staccato - marcato - tenuto clefs: - treble clef - bass clef - alto clef - tenor clef - c clef dynamics: - piano (p) - forte (f) - mezzo piano (mp) - mezzo forte (mf) - pianissimo (pp) - fortissimo (ff) - crescendo - decrescendo note names: - whole note - half note - quarter note - eighth note - sixteenth note - thirty-second note - sixty-fourth note rests: - whole rest - half rest - quarter rest - eighth rest - sixteenth rest - thirty-second rest - sixty-fourth rest symbols: - fermata - repeat sign - segno - coda - dal segno - fine - d.c. al fine - d.s. al fine - d.c. al coda - d.s. al coda time signatures: - 4/4 time - 3/4 time - 2/4 time - 6/8 time - 9/8 time - 12/8 time notes: note: - pitch - duration - dynamics - articulation - tone - timbre - attack - release - vibrato - tremolo - glissando - trill - mordent - turn - grace note - appoggiatura - acciaccatura - fermata - legato - staccato - marcato - tenuto - sforzando - pizzicato - harmonics - flutter-tonguing - growling - multiphonic - portamento - sul tasto sound: additional: - foley - ambient sounds - diegetic sounds - non-diegetic sounds - sound effects - atonality - noise - white noise - pink noise - brown noise - soundtrack - sound design classic: - echo - reverberation - crescendo - decrescendo - staccato - legato - arpeggio - pizzicato - glissando - trill modern: - distortion - feedback - reverb - synthesis - sampler - equalization - modulation - wah-wah - tremolo - flanger sci-fi/fantasy: - phaser - doppler effect - pitch shift - resonance - alien language sounds - sonic boom - time warp - laser sounds - teleportation sounds - holographic sounds books: book-accessories: - bookmarks - bookends - bookplates - dust jacket protectors - reading lights - slipcases book-covers: - clothbound - debossing - dust jacket - embossing - foil stamping - leatherbound book-sizes: - coffee table book - hardcover - large print - miniature book - paperback - pocket-sized bookbinding-styles: - case binding - coptic binding - japanese stab binding - perfect binding - saddle-stitch binding - sewn binding - spiral binding - wire binding fictional-types: - codices of arcane secrets - enchanted scrolls - eldritch tomes - grimoires - lost journals - mystic manuscripts - necronomicons - scroll of prophecies - spellbooks - tomes of forbidden knowledge genres: - biography - cookbook - fantasy - fiction - graphic novel - history - horror - mystery - non-fiction - poetry - romance - science fiction - self-help - travel - children's literature grimoires: - "The Key of Solomon" - "The Lesser Key of Solomon" - "The Book of Abramelin" - "The Greater Key of Solomon" - "The Picatrix" - "The Magus" - "The Book of Enoch" - "The Necronomicon" - "The Sixth and Seventh Books of Moses" - "The Book of Shadows" - "The Black Pullet" - "The Grand Grimoire" - "The Sworn Book of Honorius" - "The Sacred Magic of Abramelin the Mage" illustration: - collage - digital art - pen and ink - photography - watercolor ornaments-platings: - decorative endpapers - embellished covers - foil accents - gilded edges - gilt lettering - inlays and onlays - jeweled bindings - metal clasps - ornamental corners - raised bands - tooling and stamping places-books: - ancient monastery - archive - attic - basement - bibliotheca - book cave - book nook - bookshelf - digital library - e-book reader - home library - library - literary cafe - public library - rare book room - reading corner - reading room - special collection - study room - university library - literarium printing-techniques: - digital printing - gravure printing - inkjet printing - letterpress - offset printing - screen printing typography: - fonts - kerning - line spacing - sans-serif - serif - typography styles brain-psychology: concepts-phenomena: - cognitive-behavioral therapy - defense mechanism - freudian psychology - group dynamics - id, ego, and superego - nature vs. nurture - placebo effect - self-esteem - social psychology - stockholm syndrome - subconscious mind neural-circuit-patterns: - feedforward circuit - feedback circuit - recurrent circuit - parallel processing - hierarchical processing - distributed processing - central pattern generator - hub-and-spoke network - cortical column - neural network - oscillatory network - selective attention - synchronous firing - asynchronous firing - winner-takes-all - inhibitory network - excitatory network - place cell network - grid cell network - hub neurons - small-world network - associative memory - long-term potentiation (ltp) - hebbian learning - synaptic plasticity - sparse coding - rate coding practices-fields: - behavioral economics - behavioral genetics - behavioral modification - behavioral therapy - neuropsychiatry - psychiatric disorder - psychopharmacology - psychosis - psychosomatic terms: - behavior - brain chemistry - brain development - brain disorder - brain function - brain injury - brain mapping - brain plasticity - brain research - brain scan - brain structure - brain tumor - brainwave - cognition - cognitive development - cognitive dissonance - cognitive impairment - cognitive load - cognitive neuroscience - cognitive psychology - cognitive therapy - consciousness - emotion - intelligence - memory - mental health - mental illness - mindfulness - neurology - neuropsychology - neurotransmitter - perception - phrenology - psychiatry - psychiatrist - psychological assessment - psychological testing - psychologist - psychopathology - psychosocial - psychosomatic - psychotherapy - thought process characters: beings: cthulu-mythos: - cthulhu - nyarlathotep - yog-sothoth - azathoth - shub-niggurath - dagon - deep ones - great race of yith - mi-go - elder things - shoggoths - byakhee - night gaunts - ghoul - innsmouth residents - hastur - ithaqua - the king in yellow - wilbur whateley - wilbur's twin - yig - tsathoggua - gla'aki - nyogtha - atlach-nacha - chaugnar faugn - cthugha - rhan-tegoth - y'golonac - dhole - dark young of shub-niggurath - hounds of tindalos - h.p. lovecraft (author, cameo in some mythos) - randolph carter - the dunwich horror - the shadow over innsmouth - the whisperer in darkness - the call of cthulhu - at the mountains of madness - the shadow out of time cyberpunk: - cybernetic mercenaries, human mercenaries with cybernetic implants and body augmentations - biomechanical hackers, expert hackers merged with biotechnology, wired into cyberspace - nano-infused mutants, mutants with nanobots integrating into their bodies, granting extraordinary abilities - ai entities, self-aware artificial intelligence with high-level cognitive abilities - virtual constructs, digital entities existing purely in virtual reality, taking on various forms and functions - gene-spliced hybrid, being resulting from genetic manipulation, exhibiting a mix of species traits doctor-who: - abzorbaloff - adipose - alpha centauri - androgum - atraxi - auton - axon - bandrils - bambuzzled - bannerman - beast - beastman - black guardian - bluddum - brontosaurus - calapine - carrionite - catkind - celestial toymaker - chalonian - chimeron - cheetah person - chumbley - clockwork droid - cold blood - cybermat - cyberman - daft wullie - dalek - dalek human - damaged dalek - dandy - darnell - deathworm morphant - deflores - degradation - devil - divadroid - dogon - drahvin - draconian - drone - drornidian - dryad - dæmon - eknodine - elder - elemental - epsilon 4 - eternals - face of boe - family of blood - father - feratu - firestone - floof - forest of cheem - fungoid - futurekind - gallifreyan - gas mask zombie - gelth - gorgon - graske - green alien - grel - gremlin - grund - grunglet - guardian - gump - half face man - hath - haemovore - heavenly host - high priest - hoix - hologram - human - human colonist - human dalek - human dinosaur - human mutant - human robot - humanoid cheetah person - humanoid - humanoid alien - humanoid cyberman - humanoid dalek - humanoid dalek - humanoid monster - humanoid ogron - humanoid reptile - humanoid robot - humanoid salt vampire - humanoid silurian - humanoid zygon - hush - hymetusite - hypermethylen - ice lord - ice warrior - ice widow - ignis - iment - insectoid - invisible creature - jixen - judoon - jupiterian - kaled - karnasaur - kaveetch - keratinite - key - killer cat - killer doll - killer whale - kinda - kirith - klade - krafayis - krarg - krillitanes - krynoid - kuiju - lady in the water - leaf - leef - lighthouse keeper - lighthouse worker - living doll - living plastic - lurconis - macra - magma creature - magna carta - malakh - mandrake - mandrel - manussan - marshman - martian - martus - mavran - mawdryn - meddling monk - mentiad - metatraxi - migou - mire - monk - mordee - morok - mummy - muto - muton - mutters spiral - mutt - nephew - nestene consciousness - nestene duplicates - nimon - noble - nucleus - nucleus monster - nudge - oculoid - ogron - ogron humanoid - ood - oracle - osiran - osterhagen key - ottomon - pangor - pandora - paramor - parvo - pescatons - peter's zombie - phuton - pig pilot - pilot fish - pilot fish humanoid - plasmaton - pleiades - plod - pod people - pool - portreeve - pranavore - psychic - pyrovile - quill - raccoon - racnoss - racnoss children - radzilla - rani - reaver - reaper - reconnaissance dalek - reptile - rill - roboform - robot - romulan - rost - rutan - rutan - ryrad - sandman - satarian - satellite - satsuma - saurian - savage - savar - scalpod - scorby - sea devil - sea devil - seal - sensorite - shadow kin - shark - sharaz jek - shrieve - sil - silas - silent - silicate - silurian - siren - sirian - sizou - skeletal scarab - skithra - skorr - skrak - skrull - slab - slab - slitheen - soggoth - sontaran - sontaran humanoid - sot'm - space dragon - spaniard - spaniard zombie - spider - spiridon - squire - ssarg - steed - stenza - stigorax - stone dalek - strangeling - ssorg - stigorax - stone dalek - strangeling - strezan - suckfish - sybil - sycon - sykarian - synth - syrox - s’selcet - teller - terileptil - terileptil bat - terradonian - tetrap - thal - the five - the morpheus pod - the veil - the wire - the xeraphin - theofrax - tho - thoros-beta - time beetle - time zombie - uxariean - vampires - venusian - vervoid - vespiform - vogon - wirrn - zygon - zolfa-thuran - zyndaal elder scrolls races: - nords - imperials - bretons - redguards - high elves (altmer) - wood elves (bosmer) - dark elves (dunmer) - orcs (orsimer) - khajiit - argonians - dwemer (dwarves, extinct) - falmer - maormer - ayleids (wild elves, extinct) - akaviri - sload - tsaesci - hist (argonian sentient trees) halo species: - human - covenant - sangheili (elites) - jiralhanae (brutes) - unggoy (grunts) - kig-yar (jackals) - mgalekgolo (hunters) - san'shyuum (prophets) - yanme'e (drones) - huragok (engineers) - forerunners (extinct) - flood - promethean - created (ai uprising led by cortana) - banished (splinter faction of the covenant) hitchhikersguide: - humans - vogons - zaphod beeblebrox (two-headed humanoid) - betelgeusian - marvin the paranoid android - slartibartfast (magrathean) - trillian - deep thought (supercomputer) - zarniwoop - agrajag - eddie (shipboard computer) - wowbagger the infinitely prolonged - thor (god of thunder) - hooloovoo (superintelligent shades of the color blue) - lintilla - the ravenous bugblatter beast of traal (alien beast) - hrung - hooloovoo (hyperintelligent shade of the color blue) - grebulons - poghril - vroomfondel and majikthise (philosophers) - viltvodle vi - blagulon kappa humanoid: - human - elf - dwarf - orc - undead - gnome - draenei - worgen - night elf - blood elf - tauren - troll - goblin - pandaren - human - elf - dwarf - gnome - half-elf - halfling - tiefling - dragonborn - githyanki - githzerai - aasimar - genasi marvel: - asgardian - human - mutant - inhuman - kree - skrull - celestial - eternal - deviant - chitauri - frost giant - dark elve - sakaaran - watcher - brood - shi'ar - dire wraith - klyntar (symbiotes) - nova corps - xandarian - insectoid - beyonder - builder - rigellian - mindless one mass-effect: - asari - turian - salarian - krogan - quarian - drell - hanar - volus - elcor - vorcha - prothean - collector - reaper (ancient sentient machines) - rachni - geth - keepers monster-hunter: - rathalos - rathian - diablos - nargacuga - tigrex - zinogre - brachydios - anjanath - odogaron - legiana - paolumu - tobi-kadachi - radobaan - great jagras - barroth - kirin - kushala daora - teostra - vaal hazak - lunastra - deviljho - nergigante - xeno'jiiva - kulve taroth - safi'jiiva - alatreon - fatalis - magnamalo - mizutsune - goss harag - aknosom - somnacanth - bishaten - tetranadon - great izuchi - lagombi - arzuros - royal ludroth - volvidon - barioth - khezu - kulu-ya-ku - pukei-pukei - barroth - jyuratodus - tetsucabra - kecha wacha - yian kut-ku - gypceros - congalala - bulldrome - rajang - chameleos - kushala daora - teostra - kushala daora - teostra - kirin - vaal hazak - namielle - velkhana - shara ishvalda - safi'jiiva - zorah magdaros - xeno'jiiva - kulve taroth monster-hunter-friendly: - poogie - grimalkyne tribe - palicoes - gajalaka tribe - lynians - felynes - melynx - wulg - endemic life - aptonoth - apceros - kelbi - shamos - girros - gastodon - anteka - popo - cortos - jagras - slagtoth - raphinos - barnos - noios - mernos - grimalkyne palicoes - meowscular chef - felyne comrades - gajalaka palicoes - tailraiders - kestodon - mosswine - felyne watchers - wulg - noios - cortos - fluffy moly - hoarcry tobi-kadachi - bomb beetle - gold hercudrome - prism hercudrome - steel meldspar - spiritcore ore - firecell stone - ice crystal - thunderbug - great thunderbug - rock lizard - moonlight gecko - scalebat - godbug - bismuth prism - sinister cloth - tsuchinoko - goldspring macaque scifi: - android- human-like robots with sleek metallic bodies and lifelike synthetic skin - >- android, human-like appearance, anthropomorphic design, synthetic skin and hair, futuristic and sleek aesthetics, elegance and sophistication in design, enhanced with advanced technology, sci-fi - alien- extraterrestrial creatures with unique physiologies, varying from humanoid to bizarre forms - cyborg- part human, part machine being, showcasing a fusion of organic and mechanical elements - >- cyborg, human-machine hybrids, part organic and part artificial, advanced bionic enhancements, futuristic technology, cybernetic implants, blend of biology and robotics, enhanced physical capabilities, integrated electronics, neural interfaces, sci-fi, magical - extraterrestrial creature- diverse life forms with imaginative appearances, ranging from elegant to monstrous - artificial intelligence (ais)- digital entities represented as holographic projections or glowing avatars - shape-shifter- being capable of transforming their bodies, adopting different appearances at will - interdimensional being- ethereal entities with ever-shifting, kaleidoscopic forms that defy normal physics - telepathic specie- creatures with mesmerizing glowing patterns on their foreheads or pulsating brainwaves - energy being- entities composed of radiant, luminous energy, taking on ethereal, luminescent forms - hive mind- coordinated entities exhibiting synchronized movements and a shared visual connection - time traveler- clad in unique, futuristic suits or garments that reflect their time-traveling technology - insectoid specie- insect-like being with segmented exoskeletons, multifaceted eyes, and antennae - sentient robot- robots with expressive visual displays, glowing eyes, and sleek, polished exteriors - spacefaring civilization- extravagantly adorned being wearing sophisticated space-faring uniforms and insignias - genetic hybrid- blending physical traits from different species, creating visually striking, unique appearances - nanobot swarm- microscopic, shimmering clouds of nanobots capable of forming diverse shapes and patterns - clone- identical individuals with subtle distinctions in appearance, varying only in details - cosmic entity- vast, awe-inspiring being emanating cosmic energies and engulfed in nebula-like halos - ancient cosmic being- hoary, majestic being adorned with intricate symbols and ethereal aura - teleporting entitie- surrounded by glimmering, swirling lights during teleportation - dimension-hopper- clad in shimmering, multidimensional attire that shifts hues and patterns - galactic god- towering, resplendent being emanating celestial auras and astral symbols - subterranean specie- bioluminescent creatures with phosphorescent markings in dark caverns - aquatic intelligence- graceful being with iridescent, webbed appendages and glistening scales - energy vampire- eerie, shadowy figures with glowing eyes and tendrils that siphon energy - quantum entitie- fluid, fractal-like being embodying superposition and quantum uncertainty - organic spaceship (living ships)- vessels with pulsating veins, organic growths, and symbiotic architecture - biomechanical being- harmoniously blend mechanical and organic elements, adorned with glowing circuitry - mind-controlling entity- translucent, mesmerizing creatures emanating hypnotic patterns and lights - transcendent being- evanescent, ever-changing entities with luminescent auras and morphing silhouettes - timeless entity- ancient being with inscrutable, ageless features and ethereal veils - cyberspace avatar- digital personas manifested as radiant, virtual being of light - cosmic guardian- massive, majestic entities radiating cosmic energies, clad in celestial armor - celestial messenger- graceful, ethereal being appearing as radiant, glowing apparitions - solar phoenixe- celestial birds adorned with fiery plumage and radiant solar patterns - bio-luminary spirit- phosphorescent, wispy entities floating with ethereal luminescence - nebula nymph- ethereal being with flowing, shimmering garments reflecting nebula colors - plasma specter- intangible being emitting flickering plasma trails and auroras. - starry seraphim- winged being with luminous, starry wings and celestial halos. - quantum dream weaver- entities with kaleidoscopic, iridescent threads weaving dreams through dimensions stargate: - ancients (alterans) - asgard - goa'uld - jaffa - tok'ra - wraith - replicators - nox - furlings (mentioned but unseen) - unas - lucian alliance - ori - aschen - genii startrek: - andorian - bajoran - benzite - betazoid - bolian - borg - breen - cardassian - changeling - denobulan - el-aurian - ferengi - gorn - hirogen - horta - human - jem'hadar - kazon - klingon - kobali - ocampa - orion - pakled - q continuum - reman - romulan - suliban - tellarite - tholian - trill - vidiian - vulcan - xindi starwars: - abyssin - aqualish - arkanian - barabel - bimm - bith - bothan - cathar - chadra-fan - chiss - dashade - devaronian - defel - dressellian - drall - droid - duros - echani - ewok - falleen - feeorin - fosh - gand - gamorrean - geonosian - gossam - gran - hapan - hutt - houk - human - iktotchi - ithorian - jawa - kaminoan - kel dor - kitonak - klatooinian - kubaz - kyuzo - lannik - mirialan - mon calamari - muun - nautolan - neimoidian - nikto - ortolan - pau'an - polis massan - quarren - rodian - selkath - snivvian - sullustan - talz - tarro - theelin - toydarian - trandoshan - twi'lek - tusken raider - twi'lek - voss - weequay - whiphid - wookiee - xexto - yarkora - yoda's species - yuuzhan vong - zabrak - zeltron starwars-droids: - 2-1b surgical droid - 3po-series protocol droid - 4-lom - 4a-7 - 8t88 - a-lt utility droid - a4 laboratory assistant - asp-7 labor droid - azi-3 - b1-series battle droid - b1-series worker droid - b2 super battle droid - b2-ha series super battle droid - b3-series rocket battle droid - bx-series droid commando - c-3px - c-b3 cortosis battle droid - c2-b5 - cz-series communications/business droid - d5-mantis patrol droid - dum-series pit droid - ev-series supervisor droid - fx-series medical assistant droid - gnk power droid - ig-100 magnaguard - ig-86 sentinel droid - ig-88 assassin droid - jn-66 analysis droid - k-x12 probe droid - lep servant droid - mse-series - oom command battle droid - oom pilot battle droid - pistoeka sabotage droid - pk-series worker droid - proxy - pz-7 labor droid - ra-7 protocol droid - r-1 series astromech droid - r2-series astromech droid - r3-series astromech droid - r4-series agromech droid - r5-series astromech droid - r6-series astromech droid - ra-7 protocol droid - s4 lab assistant - sc-x2 bipedal walker - sd-k4 assassin droid - security droid - t-series military strategic analysis and tactics droid - tc-series protocol droid - treadwell repair droid - viper probe droid - wed treadwell repair droid - x-1 viper probe droid - z-6 rotary blaster cannon warhammer: - empire soldier - dwarf warrior - high elf mage - dark elf assassin - wood elf waywatcher - bretonnian knight - lizardmen saurus warrior - skaven gutter runner - greenskin orc - chaos warrior - beastmen minotaur - vampire counts necromancer - tomb kings skeleton - ogre kingdoms irongut - daemons of chaos bloodletter - warriors of chaos chosen - high elves swordmaster - dark elves sorceress - wood elves wild rider - bretonnian grail knight - lizardmen kroxigor - skaven stormvermin - greenskin goblin - chaos marauder - beastmen bestigor - vampire counts crypt ghoul - tomb kings tomb guard - ogre kingdoms tyrant - daemons of chaos daemonette classes: caster: - adept - alchemist - arcane warrior - archmage - battlemage - blood mage - chronomancer - cleric - cryomancer - death knight - druid - elemental shaman - elementalist - enchantress - enchanter - fey sorcerer - force adept - geomancer - holy mage - illusionist - mage - mindflayer - mystic - necrolyte - necromancer - nightblade - psion - pyromancer - rune mage - shadowmancer - sorcerer - sorceress - spellblade - spellslinger - spiritweaver - starcaller - star mage - stormcaller - summoner - sun priest - technomancer - thaumaturge - voidcaller - warlock - war mage - warlock - witch doctor - wizard - wizardess melee: - assassin - barbarian - bard - blademaster - beastmaster - crusader - dark knight - dark templar - death knight - demon hunter - dragonknight - duelist - fighter - gladiator - inquisitor - jedi knight - knight - marauder - monk - paladin - ranger - reaver - rogue - ronin - samurai - shadowblade - sith juggernaut - sith marauder - sith warrior - slayer - templar - thief - warrior - weaponmaster - witch hunter range: - adept - archer - assassin - blademaster - demon hunter - hunter - jedi consular - marksman - ranger - rogue - sith inquisitor - sith sorcerer - sniper - summoner - gunslinger - musketeer - sharpshooter - infiltrator - scout - skirmisher - gunner support: - support - healer - medic - bard - buffer - debuffer - cleric - priest - shaman - oracle - engineer - trickster - technomancer - psychic - spirit walker - mentalist - paragon - tinkerer - artificer tank: - paladin - guardian - knight - juggernaut - templar - crusader - bulwark - warden - sentinel - brute - dreadnought - ironclad - shieldbearer - bunker - colossus - fortress - defender - armiger - behemoth - conqueror itemslots: accessories: - necklace - amulet - earring - ring - shoulderpad - cloak - quiver (for archers) - sash - pauldron - vambrace - girdle - chausse - sabaton - shield - wand - staff - grimoire - spellbook - talisman - relic - medallion - brimstone pendant - locket - diadem - anklet - circlet - armlet - medal - brooch - choker clothing: - headgear - chest armor - bracers - gloves - belt - pants/leggings - boots - gauntlets - greaves - tunic - robe - crown - helm - mask - cape magical-beings: abaddon: characteristics: - >- destructive abyssal entity, realm of the dead, underworld dark malevolent presence, personification of destruction, chaos, death, ultimate abyss name: - abaddon prompt: - __characters/magical-beings/abaddon/name__, __characters/magical-beings/abaddon/characteristics__ airavata: characteristics: - >- Majestic white elephant, multiple trunks, immense size, symbol of rain and fertility, celestial being, adorned with ornate coverings and jewels, bearer of gods, embodiment of grace and power name: - airavata prompt: - __characters/magical-beings/airavata/name__, __characters/magical-beings/airavata/characteristics__ al-jinn: characteristics: - >- Supernatural being from Arabic mythology, created from smokeless fire, free will, choosing between good and evil, supernatural powers, ability to influence the physical world, {benevolence|trickery} name: - Al-jinn prompt: - __characters/magical-beings/Al-jinn/name__, __characters/magical-beings/Al-jinn/characteristics__ alraune: characteristics: - >- plant hybrid,plant-based humanoid, alluring appearance, floral elements, green leaf-like bark-like skin, vines and roots as hair, varied and mystical attire, mesmerizing or hypnotic eyes, plant-based accessories or ornaments name: - alraune prompt: - __characters/magical-beings/alraune/name__, __characters/magical-beings/alraune/characteristics__ amazon: characteristics: - >- fearless female warrior, skilled archer, formidable strength, independent and self-reliant, tall and muscular stature, battle-hardened, warriors of ancient myths, honor and bravery, fantasy name: - amazon prompt: - __characters/magical-beings/amazon/name__, __characters/magical-beings/amazon/characteristics__ ammil: characteristics: - >- Ethereal nature spirit being, manifestation of frost and ice, delicate and fragile appearance, symbol of transient beauty, harbinger of the changing seasons, ethereal and almost invisible presence name: - ammil prompt: - __characters/magical-beings/ammil/name__, __characters/magical-beings/ammil/characteristics__ angel: characteristics: - >- humanoid celestial being, radiant luminous appearance, feathered wings, noble serene expression, long flowing robes, white bright colors, halo, radiant aura above the head - >- radiant aura, heavenly grace, harbingers of good news, guardians of the divine realm, symbolize purity and innocence, emanate ethereal light, fantasy name: - angel prompt: - >- {female|male} __characters/magical-beings/angel/name__, __characters/magical-beings/angel/characteristics__ angel-treasure: characteristics: - >- Mythical cute whimsical awesome fairytale creature name: - angel-treasure prompt: - >- __characters/magical-beings/angel-treasure/name__, __characters/magical-beings/angel-treasure/characteristics__ asrai: characteristics: - >- Water fairy, delicate and beautiful, shy and reclusive embody the mystery and grace of water, dissolves into water when captured and exposed to sunlight, associated with bodies of fresh water, {lake|stream} name: - asrai prompt: - __characters/magical-beings/asrai/name__, __characters/magical-beings/asrai/characteristics__ aswang: characteristics: - >- medium-sized humanoid, predatory appearance, shapeshifter, sharp, feral features, claws and fangs, glowing eyes, keen sense of smell, heightened senses, dark ominous presence, sinister malevolent expression name: - aswang prompt: - >- {female|male} __characters/magical-beings/aswang/name__, __characters/magical-beings/aswang/characteristics__ aziza: characteristics: - >- Benevolent fairy-like being, small and elusive, helpful, forests and nature, wisdom, magical abilities, {0.5::butterfly,|0.5::dragonfly wings,|}, symbolize harmony with nature name: - aziza prompt: - __characters/magical-beings/aziza/name__, __characters/magical-beings/aziza/characteristics__ baal: characteristics: - >- supernatural {deity|demon},anthropomorphic and zoomorphic features, ancient semitic canaanite, {fertility|storms|warfare}, bull's head, horns name: - baal prompt: - __characters/magical-beings/baal/name__, __characters/magical-beings/baal/characteristics__ # baba_jaga: # characteristics: # - >- # Slavic witch-like figure, wisdom and power, # old woman, dwells in a hut that stands on chicken legs, # feared and sought after for her magical abilities # name: # - baba jaga # prompt: # - __characters/magical-beings/baba_jaga/name__, __characters/magical-beings/baba_jaga/characteristics__ banshee: characteristics: - >- transluscent ethereal otherworldly unnatural nebulous incorporeal phantasmal nebulous vaporous phantasmal ghostly soul specter, long flowing silver hair,pale white lucid skin, fantasy, grayish tattered gown, hands with claws,dim eyes, {mourning expression|screaming in agony},eerie, stygical, floating, gliding, omen of death, {benevolent|malevolent} name: - banshee prompt: - >- {female|male} __characters/magical-beings/banshee/name__, __characters/magical-beings/banshee/characteristics__ basilisk: characteristics: - >- {serpent|dragon} like creature, deadly gaze,{crown|crest} on head, scaled skin with a menacing appearance, {serpent|reptilian} eyes, sharp fang like teeth, {coiled|poised} for attack, distinctive, intimidating posture, {0.05::wings|},sense of danger and fear name: - basilisk prompt: - __characters/magical-beings/basilisk/name__, __characters/magical-beings/basilisk/characteristics__ beer-spirit: characteristics: - >- Mythical jovial rotund being,lighthearted convivial joy,clusterd with yellowish floating foamy beer bubbles, Resembles a friendly well dressed ghostly ethereal otherworldly {brewer master|bartender}, large overflowing {tankard|beer stein}, {0.4:frothy beer foam crown on its head|}, spreading merriment and good cheer, twinkle in its eye, hearty laugh name: - Beer Spirit prompt: - >- {male|female} __characters/magical-beings/beer-spirit/name__, __characters/magical-beings/beer-spirit/characteristics__ belial: characteristics: - >- demonic malevolent figure, horns, wings, tail, {0.2::humanoid appearance|}, deceit, wickedness, rebellion, religious, mythological, {demon|fallen angel}, temptation, corrupting influence, malevolent force name: - belial prompt: - __characters/magical-beings/belial/name__, __characters/magical-beings/belial/characteristics__ bigfoot: characteristics: - >- large humanoid cryptid ape like creature, covered in brown dark fur, long arms, wilderness areas, forests, elusive mysterious forest-dwelling creature name: - bigfoot prompt: - __characters/magical-beings/bigfoot/name__, __characters/magical-beings/bigfoot/characteristics__ brownie: characteristics: - >- small humanoid creature, wrinkled or aged appearance, brown earth toned clothing, pointed ears, {friendly|mischievous} expression, small pointed hat, expressive eyes, curiosity, playfulness, {cute|slightly grotesque}, helpful household tasks, domestic environments name: - brownie prompt: - >- {female|male} __characters/magical-beings/brownie/name__, __characters/magical-beings/brownie/characteristics__ bhuta: characteristics: - >- Ghostly spirit, malevolent, arises from unsatisfied souls, shape-shifting abilities, haunting and causing harm, associated with places of death and tragedy name: - bhuta prompt: - __characters/magical-beings/bhuta/name__, __characters/magical-beings/bhuta/characteristics__ blue-men-of-minch: characteristics: - >- Mythical sea creatures from Scottish folklore, humanoid with blue skin, known for their prowess in water, can create storms and challenge sailors, associated with the unpredictable nature of the sea name: - blue men of minch prompt: - __characters/magical-beings/blue-men-of-minch/name__, __characters/magical-beings/blue-men-of-minch/characteristics__ cabeca-satanica: characteristics: - >- Terrifying bodyless demonic entity, a flying head engulfed in flames, symbol of fear and evil, associated with dark rituals and legends, ominous and malevolent presence name: - cabeca satanica prompt: - __characters/magical-beings/cabeca-satanica/name__, __characters/magical-beings/cabeca-satanica/characteristics__ centaur: characteristics: - >- large mythical creature, humanoid upper body, horse lower body, muscular strong physique, human like arms and torso, equine features, hooves, flowing tail, wild untamed mane of hair, {archery equipment|weapons|}, dynamic, running pose, {wise and noble|wild and untamed|benevolent} - >- half-human, half-horse, mythological creatures, powerful and agile, equine lower body, human upper body,guardians of the wild, fantasy name: - centaur prompt: - __characters/magical-beings/centaur/name__, __characters/magical-beings/centaur/characteristics__ cerberos: characteristics: - >- Fearsome multi-headed dog, guardian of the underworld, fierce and terrifying presence, watchful and loyal to the ruler of the dead, symbol of protection against external threats name: - cerberos prompt: - __characters/magical-beings/cerberos/name__, __characters/magical-beings/cerberos/characteristics__ changeling: characteristics: - >- tiny fairy elf like creature, {baby|young child}, otherworldly ethereal glow, distinctive captivating eyes, facial features that convey an otherworldly charm, {transformation|supernatural abilities|} elf like pointed ears, enchanted ethereal clothing, {innocent|mischievous} name: - changeling prompt: - >- {female|male} __characters/magical-beings/changeling/name__, __characters/magical-beings/changeling/characteristics__ chimera: characteristics: - >- large mythical creature, composite features, lion body, mane, forelimbs, goat head, hind legs, serpent tail, distinctive, intimidating, ferocious expression, multiple heads, {scaled|fur} covered body, symbol of chaos, mythical hybridization name: - chimera prompt: - __characters/magical-beings/chimera/name__, __characters/magical-beings/chimera/characteristics__ christmas-elf: characteristics: - >- small humanoid creature, pointed ears, bright and festive attire, red, green, holiday colors, pointed hat with a bell on the tip, merry cheerful expression, rosy cheeks, lively eyes, joyful, industrious, and benevolent name: - christmas elf prompt: - >- {female|male} __characters/magical-beings/christmas-elf/name__, __characters/magical-beings/christmas-elf/characteristics__ chupacabra: characteristics: - >- medium-sized creature, {reptilian|alien} like appearance, {scaled|leathery} skin, pronounced {spikes|quills} along its back, clawed feet and hands, bipedal creature, {fangs|sharp teeth} for blood sucking, {glowing|menacing} eyes, {pointed|stand upright} ears, name: - chupacabra prompt: - __characters/magical-beings/chupacabra/name__, __characters/magical-beings/chupacabra/characteristics__ cockatrice: characteristics: - >- small mythical creature, serpent body, (rooster:.6) head, feathered wings, sharp {talons|claws}, {scaled|feathered} skin, beak with fangs, venomous bite,{crown|crest|} on head, {glowing|fierce} eyes, deadly {gaze|breath}, {fierce aggressive demeanor|distinctive, intimidating|hostile and dangerous} name: - cockatrice prompt: - __characters/magical-beings/cockatrice/name__, __characters/magical-beings/cockatrice/characteristics__ coffee_spirit: characteristics: - >- coffee spirit, transparent Ethereal entity embodying the essence of coffee, aroma of freshly brewed coffee, eyes shimmer like coffee beans, swirls of steam, human-like form, energy, inspiration, warmth, cozy morning, {cafes|kitchen|bar}, spreading comfort and alertness, accessories related to coffee culture, {rising from a coffee cup|barista apron} name: - coffee spirit prompt: - >- {male|female} __characters/magical-beings/coffee_spirit/name__, __characters/magical-beings/coffee_spirit/characteristics__ cyclope: characteristics: - >- one-eyed giant, mythological creatures, enormous and powerful, singular eye in the middle of the forehead, fierce and intimidating appearance, known for strength and brutality, fantasy, greek mythology name: - cyclope prompt: - __characters/magical-beings/cyclope/name__, __characters/magical-beings/cyclope/characteristics__ dark-elf: characteristics: - >- fictional elfish individual, slender agile build, {anthracite|gray|ebony|pale} skin tone, sharp features, pointed ears, {0.2::red eyes,|0.2::lavender eyes,|} {white|silver} hair, dark intricate rich ornamented {armor|robes}, {subterranean|nocturnal} environments, elusive mysterious, dark nature, fantasy name: - dark elf - drow prompt: - >- {female|male} __characters/magical-beings/dark-elf/name__, __characters/magical-beings/dark-elf/characteristics__ death: characteristics: - >- personification of the end of life, skeletal figure, carries a scythe, dark tattered robes, {0.2::hooded figure,|}, afterlife, universal inexorable force in existence name: - death prompt: - __characters/magical-beings/death/name__, __characters/magical-beings/death/characteristics__ dementor: characteristics: - >- dark hooded floating humanoid entity, cloaked in tattered hooded robes, ghostly diffuse lower body, face hidden under hood, no distinct features, drains happiness and positive emotions, cold despair inducing aura, soul sucking kiss, fear, despair, darkest aspects of magic name: - dementor prompt: - __characters/magical-beings/dementor/name__, __characters/magical-beings/dementor/characteristics__ demon: characteristics: - >- malevolent supernatural being, evil, chaos, infernal, powerful entity, corrupt,harm full, fantasy name: - demon prompt: - >- {female|male} __characters/magical-beings/demon/name__, __characters/magical-beings/demon/characteristics__ devil: characteristics: - >- embodiment of evil, cunning and charismatic, red skin, devil horns, fantasy name: - devil prompt: - >- {female|male} __characters/magical-beings/devil/name__, __characters/magical-beings/devil/characteristics__ diablo: characteristics: - >- large menacing demon, horned demonic appearance, red and dark colored leathery skin, formidable powers, lord of terror, powerful, malevolent - >- supernatural being, middle eastern folklore, humanoid created from smokeless fire, fantasy name: - diablo prompt: - __characters/magical-beings/diablo/name__, __characters/magical-beings/diablo/characteristics__ dirawong: characteristics: - >- Mysterious guardian spirit, {serpentine|dragon-like} monitor lizard appearance, protective yet elusive, symbol of wisdom and guidance, connection to the natural world, shrouded in myth and legend name: - dirawong prompt: - __characters/magical-beings/dirawong/name__, __characters/magical-beings/dirawong/characteristics__ diw: characteristics: - >- Elemental spirit, often associated with {fire|light}, seen as {protectors|guides}, can be both {benevolent|malevolent}, connected to ancient lore and rituals name: - diw prompt: - __characters/magical-beings/diw/name__, __characters/magical-beings/diw/characteristics__ djinn: characteristics: - >- supernatural powerful magical entity, {human|animal} form, {invisible|visible}, possess magical abilities, ancient knowledge, grants wishes, {benevolent|malevolent} name: - djinn prompt: - >- {female|male} __characters/magical-beings/djinn/name__, __characters/magical-beings/djinn/characteristics__ doppelganger: characteristics: - >- medium sized humanoid creature, shape-shifter, mimics the exact physical features of its target, lacks distinct personal features, appearing generic, expression neutral, slightly eerie unsettling aura, eyes that may reveal a subtle otherness, lack of emotion, {mysterious|ominous} circumstance name: - doppelganger prompt: - >- {female|male} __characters/magical-beings/doppelganger/name__, __characters/magical-beings/doppelganger/characteristics__ dragonborn: # real dragons with __Bo/creatures/dragon*__ characteristics: - >- {male|female} human with dragonic characteristics, {scaled|reptilian} {0.3::__atmosphere/elemental__ __atmosphere/elements__|} skin, {dragon like eyes|slitted pupils}, {0-3$$snout|horns|mane|crest|__creatures/dragons/wing-types__ wings|tail}, {clawed hands|fingers with talons|}, sense of mystique and hidden power, {wise|protective|dangerous|regal powerful presence} name: - dragonborn prompt: - >- {female|male} __characters/magical-beings/dragonborn/name__, __characters/magical-beings/dragonborn/characteristics__ dragon-human-form: # real dragons with __Bo/creatures/dragon*__ characteristics: - >- {male|female} human, human head and face, {scaled|scaly reptilian} {0.3::__atmosphere/elemental__ __atmosphere/elements__|} skin, slitted pupils, {0-3$$horns|mane|__creatures/dragons/wing-types__ wings|tail}, {clawed hands|fingers with talons|}, sense of mystique and hidden power, {wise|protective|dangerous|regal powerful presence} - >- immense power, wisdom, and connection to fire, draconic features,scales, wings, wise, ancient being, knowledge, fantasy name: - dragon human form prompt: - >- {female|male} __characters/magical-beings/dragon-human-form/name__, __characters/magical-beings/dragon-human-form/characteristics__ draugr: characteristics: - >- undead creature, reanimated corpse, decayed skeletal appearance, remnants of skin and flesh, viking armor, guardian graves and treasures, superhuman strength name: - draugr prompt: - __characters/magical-beings/draugr/name__, __characters/magical-beings/draugr/characteristics__ dryad: characteristics: - >- female nature spirit, bark like woody skin texture, leafy viney hair and attire, serene or ethereal expression, green earthy coloration, nature infused eyes, associated trees, embodiment of the forest, {carries|adorned with} symbols of nature, {benevolent|guardians of the forest in greek mythology|aura of natural beauty and grace} name: - dryad prompt: - __characters/magical-beings/dryad/name__, __characters/magical-beings/dryad/characteristics__ dullahan: characteristics: - >- headless humanoid figure, carries head in one hand, neck stump, dark shadowy hooded attire, riding a horse or carriage, whip made from human spine, harbinger of death, {mournful|malevolent} expression mysterious foreboding aura name: - dullahan prompt: - __characters/magical-beings/dullahan/name__, __characters/magical-beings/dullahan/characteristics__ dwarf: characteristics: - >- dwarf, short-statured humanoid being, 3 to 4 feet tall, skilled craftsmen,expertise in mining and blacksmithing, resilience, determination, fantasy - >- small short fictional humanoid creature, stout, muscular, skilled, hardy, {male, prominent facial hair, beard,|woman, hint of facial hair, fluff,} resilience, craftsmanship,{0.8::gold, gems|} name: - dwarf prompt: - >- {female|male} __characters/magical-beings/dwarf/name__, __characters/magical-beings/dwarf/characteristics__ edimmu: characteristics: - >- Ancient Mesopotamian spirit of the dead, causes harm to the living, associated with curses and misfortune, restless and vengeful, ghostly malevolent entity name: - edimmu prompt: - __characters/magical-beings/edimmu/name__, __characters/magical-beings/edimmu/characteristics__ elf: characteristics: - >- humanoid creature, slender, graceful, pointed ears, fair colored hair, almond shaped eyes with vibrant colors, ageless appearance, otherworldly ethereal glow, elaborate nature inspired attire, magic, {regal noble demeanor|} - >- graceful and long-lived being, 6 to 7 feet tall, beautiful,elegant, youthful appearance, graceful, ethereal, magical, fantasy name: - elf prompt: - >- {female|male} __characters/magical-beings/elf/name__, __characters/magical-beings/elf/characteristics__ enenra: characteristics: - >- formless mist like creature, made of smoke and vapor, transluscent, transparent, uncorporeal, humanoid shape in the smoke, glowing radiant presence, mystical ephemeral appearance,{mist|fog}, {benign neutral entity|serene or tranquil aura|ghostly apparitions} name: - enenra prompt: - __characters/magical-beings/enenra/name__, __characters/magical-beings/enenra/characteristics__ erlking: characteristics: - >- tall regal ghostly figure, elegant ethereal appearance elaborate forest inspired clothing, crown made of leaves and branches,antlers, distinctive captivating eyes, linked with forests and nature spirits, connection to the wild hunt, {benevolent|malevolent|sense of melancholy and mystery|linked with spirits of the forest} name: - erlking prompt: - __characters/magical-beings/erlking/name__, __characters/magical-beings/erlking/characteristics__ easter-bunny: characteristics: - >- anthropomorphic {rabbit|hare}, colorful eggs, festive clothing and accessories, basket filled with easter eggs, fertility, rebirth, spring, cheerful name: - easter bunny prompt: - >- {female|male} __characters/magical-beings/easter-bunny/name__, __characters/magical-beings/easter-bunny/characteristics__ fairy: characteristics: - >- tiny humanoid creature with wings, delicate graceful appearance, transparent opalescent iridescent wings, pointed ears, colorful ethereal clothing, nature inspired attire, made of petals and leaves, __Bo/clothings/magical/unisex/accessories__, {playful|mischievous} - >- enchanting ethereal creature, beauty, nature, protectors creatures, sacred places, 1 to 2 feet tall, delicate wings, delicate wings, flit through the air, fantasy name: - fairy prompt: - >- {female|male} __characters/magical-beings/fairy/name__, __characters/magical-beings/fairy/characteristics__ faun: characteristics: - >- Mythical half-human, humanoid half-goat creature, associated with forests and nature, playful and mischievous, seen as guardian of the natural world, loves music and dance name: - faun prompt: - __characters/magical-beings/faun/name__, __characters/magical-beings/faun/characteristics__ fenghuang: characteristics: - >- mythical bird, composite creature, features of several birds, elegant and majestic appearance, colorful plumage, vibrant shades, pheasant head, crest or crown on the head, elegant, long tail feathers, wings, claws, {harmony, beauty, good fortune|positive auspicious symbol} name: - fenghuang prompt: - __characters/magical-beings/fenghuang/name__, __characters/magical-beings/fenghuang/characteristics__ firebird: characteristics: - >- mythical enchanting bird, fire, light, vibrant flaming fiery plumage, flaming radiant wings, majestic regal appearance, {0.2::crest,|0.2::crown,|} beauty, immortality, resurrection, elusive, magical nature, name: - firebird prompt: - __characters/magical-beings/firebird/name__, __characters/magical-beings/firebird/characteristics__ gargoyle: characteristics: - >- stone grotesque creature, {winged humanoid|monstrous figure}, gothic, grotesque facial features, fangs, horns, open mouth, {0.2::protectors against evil spirits,|} stone guardians name: - gargoyle prompt: - __characters/magical-beings/gargoyle/name__, __characters/magical-beings/gargoyle/characteristics__ ghoul: characteristics: - >- humanoid monstrous creature, emaciated corpse like appearance, decayed or mummified skin, sunken or glowing eyes, sharp teeth, clawed hands, predatory appearance, nocturnal, tattered or burial clothing, undead - >- Gruesome demon-like being, known for grave-robbing and consuming human flesh, found in desolate places, associated with death and the macabre, feared in numerous cultures for their malevolence name: - ghoul prompt: - __characters/magical-beings/ghoul/name__, __characters/magical-beings/ghoul/characteristics__ giant: characteristics: - >- humanoid, enormous and powerful being, 20 to 40 feet tall, benevolent and wise, force of nature, legendary strength, fantasy name: - giant prompt: - >- {female|male} __characters/magical-beings/giant/name__, __characters/magical-beings/giant/characteristics__ glaukos: characteristics: - >- Sea deity from Greek mythology, mortal turned into an immortal, prophetic powers, association with the sea, depicted as a wise and benevolent, guardian of sailors name: - glaukos prompt: - __characters/magical-beings/glaukos/name__, __characters/magical-beings/glaukos/characteristics__ gnome: characteristics: - >- small humanoid creature, stocky and stout appearance, {long white beard|}, pointed hat, red or earth toned, rounded belly, rosy cheeks, practical earthy clothing, connection to earth and nature, {underground|natural} settings, craftsmanship, earth magic, {friendly, industrious|guardians of nature|earth and minerals} - >- 1 feet small, humanoid, earth-dwelling humanoid being, affinity with the earth and nature, gardening and craftsmanship, fantasy name: - gnome prompt: - >- {female|male} __characters/magical-beings/gnome/name__, __characters/magical-beings/gnome/characteristics__ goblin: characteristics: - >- small humanoid creature, hunched posture, pointed ears, bulbous nose, sharp teeth, {green|gray|earth toned} skin, clawed hands and feet, {ragged|crude} clothing, {mischievous|malevolent} expression, trickery, trouble, cunning, mischievous, malevolent - >- imaginative and mischievous character with a hunched posture, glowing beady eyes, and a malevolent grin. use earthy green and brown tones for its mottled skin, and add small, stubby horns on its sloping forehead, scraggly moss-like hair,sharp jagged teeth in its wide mouth, goblin should be small in stature, around 2 to 3 feet tall, fantasy name: - goblin prompt: - __characters/magical-beings/goblin/name__, __characters/magical-beings/goblin/characteristics__ gorgon: characteristics: - >- humanoid upper body, serpentine lower body, coiled snakes for hair, venomous petrifying gaze, {scaled|stone like} skin, fierce and intimidating expression, {wings|} {tusks|fangs|},medusa, powerful and dangerous mythical creature name: - gorgon prompt: - >- {female|male} __characters/magical-beings/gorgon/name__, __characters/magical-beings/gorgon/characteristics__ harpy: characteristics: - >- mix of human and bird features, humanoid upper body, sharp claws, feathery wings, powerful, {bird's beak|}, varied coloration, distinctive and eerie screeching, stormy weather and winds, vengeance, punishment, wild, predatory, malevolent - >- mythical creature, upper body of a woman, wings and lower body of a bird, vicious and malevolent, fantasy name: - harpy prompt: - __characters/magical-beings/harpy/name__, __characters/magical-beings/harpy/characteristics__ heinzelmaennchen: characteristics: - >- mythical small gnome like beings, household spirits, dressed in traditional german clothing, pointy hat, beard, industrious helpful nature, perform household chores, night, benevolent diligent - >- mythical small female gnome like beings, household spirits, dressed in traditional german clothing, pointy hat, industrious helpful nature, perform household chores, night, benevolent diligent name: - heinzelmännchen prompt: - __characters/magical-beings/heinzelmaennchen/name__, __characters/magical-beings/heinzelmaennchen/characteristics__ hinn: characteristics: - >- Mythical creatures similar to jinn, shape-shifting abilities, invisible, associated with various natural phenomena, {benevolent|malevolent}, deeply woven into Middle Eastern folklore name: - hinn prompt: - __characters/magical-beings/hinn/name__, __characters/magical-beings/hinn/characteristics__ hippogriff: characteristics: - >- mythical creature, horse's body and hind legs, eagle's wings and front claws, majestic and powerful appearance, feathered wings and mane, eagle like head and beak, strong and noble posture, symbol of chivalric romance, mythology, bravery, strength, name: - hippogriff prompt: - __characters/magical-beings/hippogriff/name__, __characters/magical-beings/hippogriff/characteristics__ hobgoblin: characteristics: - >- medium sized humanoid creature, robust and muscular build, pointed ears, fangs, {earth toned|greenish} skin, {facial warts|wrinkles|scars|}, clawed hands and feet, crude or tattered clothing, mischievous or malevolent expression trickery, causing trouble name: - hobgoblin prompt: - __characters/magical-beings/hobgoblin/name__, __characters/magical-beings/hobgoblin/characteristics__ house-elf: characteristics: - >- small humanoid being, large pointed ears, brown earth toned simple tattered clothing, subservient humble demeanor, large expressive eyes, magical, loyalty, dedication, strong sense of duty name: - house elf prompt: - >- {female|male} __characters/magical-beings/house-elf/name__, __characters/magical-beings/house-elf/characteristics__ huldra: characteristics: - >- female humanoid creature, hidden tail, beautiful, alluring, long flowing hair covering part of the face, traditional attire, {rustic|reminiscent of folk} clothing, {back {is hollow|covered in bark}}, forest natural surroundings, seductive, mysterious forest spirit, {benevolent|mischievous} name: - huldra prompt: - __characters/magical-beings/huldra/name__, __characters/magical-beings/huldra/characteristics__ iblis: characteristics: - >- Shadowy figure with glowing eyes, depicted with horns and elongated features, aura of malevolence and power, rebellion and temptation, enveloped in flames and smoke name: - iblis prompt: - __characters/magical-beings/iblis/name__, __characters/magical-beings/iblis/characteristics__ ifrit: characteristics: - >- large supernatural being, fiery smoky appearance, humanoid shape, muscular build, emanating flames and smoke from body, flaming eyes and facial features, {wings made of fire,|} coloration from red to black, element of fire, powerful and malevolent, formidable and elemental force name: - ifrit prompt: - __characters/magical-beings/ifrit/name__, __characters/magical-beings/ifrit/characteristics__ imp: characteristics: - >- small, mischievous supernatural humanoid creature, impish features, horns, pointed ears, sharp teeth, bat like leathery wings, fiery glowing eyes, clawed hands and feet, tail, red to dark shaded skin, trickster, servant of a higher power, {prone|playful|malevolent} name: - imp prompt: - __characters/magical-beings/imp/name__, __characters/magical-beings/imp/characteristics__ incubus: characteristics: - >- malevolent male demon, humanoid appearance, attractive seductive demeanor, {bat like wings,|} {horns,|} clawed hands, hoofs, dark demonic hues, enticing, nighttime seduction, sexual nightmares, name: - incubus prompt: - __characters/magical-beings/incubus/name__, __characters/magical-beings/incubus/characteristics__ jabberwocky: characteristics: - >- large and fearsome creature, dragon like appearance, jagged and sharp features, slithers, eerie grace, dark mottled hues, vorpal claws and teeth, wings,tail, mythical fantastical realm name: - jabberwocky prompt: - __characters/magical-beings/jabberwocky/name__, __characters/magical-beings/jabberwocky/characteristics__ jiaoren: characteristics: - >- Mermaid-like beings from Chinese mythology, known for their tears turning into pearls, benevolent and beautiful, associated with the sea and its mysteries, symbolize love, beauty, allure of the unknown name: - jiaoren prompt: - __characters/magical-beings/jiaoren/name__, __characters/magical-beings/jiaoren/characteristics__ jinn: characteristics: - >- supernatural being, shapeshifting abilities, appears as smoke or fire, {humanoid|monstrous} appearance, magical supernatural powers, air and fire elements, {granting wishes,|causing harm,|} powerful and mysterious name: - jinn prompt: - __characters/magical-beings/jinn/name__, __characters/magical-beings/jinn/characteristics__ jotun: characteristics: - >- powerful ancient {mythical giant|supernatural entity}, {0.2::humanoid appearance,|} primal {__magical/elemental__|__atmosphere/elemental__}, {human sized|big|large|gigantic|colossal|massive}, {chaos|conflict}, {0.1::ymir|0.1::surtr|} name: - jötun prompt: - >- {female|male} __characters/magical-beings/jotun/name__, __characters/magical-beings/jotun/characteristics__ kachima: characteristics: - > Mysterious shape-shifter, appearing as a menacing hybrid animal creature, elusive and powerful, cunning, trickery name: - kachima prompt: - __characters/magical-beings/kachima/name__, __characters/magical-beings/kachima/characteristics__ kachina: characteristics: - > Spiritual being, Hopi and Zuni, embodyment deity spirit, natural elements, elaborate masks and costumes, ceremonial dance, sacred and powerful, associated with {1-2$$rain|crops|healing|protection|symbolizing harmony with the natural world} name: - kachina prompt: - __characters/magical-beings/kachina/name__, __characters/magical-beings/kachina/characteristics__ kalku: characteristics: - >- {Sorcerer|wizard} in Mapuche mythology, powerful dark magic, malevolent, {summoning spirits|casting curses}, deeply feared, respected name: - kalku prompt: - __characters/magical-beings/kalku/name__, __characters/magical-beings/kalku/characteristics__ kappa: characteristics: - >- water dwelling creature, humanoid appearance with a turtle like shell, webbed hands and feet, {beak|mouth} located on head, dishl-ike depression on its head holding water, greenish scaly skin, strength, mischievous name: - kappa prompt: - __characters/magical-beings/kappa/name__, __characters/magical-beings/kappa/characteristics__ kelpie: characteristics: - >- shape shifting water spirit, horse in humanoid shape, mane, coat, drips water, lures victims, dark sleek coat, eyes supernatural alluring quality, webbed hooves name: - kelpie prompt: - __characters/magical-beings/kelpie/name__, __characters/magical-beings/kelpie/characteristics__ kirke: characteristics: - >- Enchantress, power to transform others, {potions|spells}, sensuality and manipulation, skilled in the arts of magic and transformation name: - kirke prompt: - __characters/magical-beings/kirke/name__, __characters/magical-beings/kirke/characteristics__ kitsune-fox-form: characteristics: - >- fox spirit,fox with multiple tails, power, magical enchanting aura,supernatural alluring eyes white and red, intelligence, trickery,wisdom, supernatural feats name: - kitsune prompt: - __characters/magical-beings/kitsune-fox-form/name__, __characters/magical-beings/kitsune-fox-form/characteristics__ kitsune-human-form: characteristics: - >- human, multiple tails, fox ears,power, magical enchanting aura,supernatural alluring eyes, white and red, intelligence, trickery,wisdom, supernatural feats - >- mythical creature, japanese folklore, intelligent, humanform with multiple foxtails to denote their age and power, fox ears, red face paint, white slim face, fantasy name: - kitsune prompt: - >- {female|male} __characters/magical-beings/kitsune-human-form/name__, __characters/magical-beings/kitsune-human-form/characteristics__ leprechaun: characteristics: - >- small humanoid creature, beard, hat, {red|green} clothing, {0.3:gold trim,|} buckled shoes and stockings, {mischievous|playful} expression, pot of gold, {0.3::smoking a pipe,|} short stature, 2 feet tall, tricky, mischievous - >- mischievous, solitary,old men wearing green coats and buckled shoes, 3-4 feet tall, crafty and elusive, fantasy name: - leprechaun prompt: - __characters/magical-beings/leprechaun/name__, __characters/magical-beings/leprechaun/characteristics__ lich: characteristics: - >- undead {sorcerer|wizard}, {skeletal|mummified} appearance, {tattered|regal} robes, {staff|wand}, {glowing|empty} eye sockets, no life, no flesh, {0.2::crown,|0.2::headdress,|} aura of {dark magic|necromancy}. immortality, dark rituals, powerful, malevolent, ancient formidable spellcaster, necromancy, dark magic name: - lich prompt: - >- {female|male} __characters/magical-beings/lich/name__, __characters/magical-beings/lich/characteristics__ lilith: characteristics: - >- mystical seductive powerful woman, {0.3::{leathered|feathered} wings,|0.3::supernatural attributes,|} night, darkness, {0.2::demon|0.2::vampire|}, independence, rebellion, {0.2::motherhood, fertility,|} complex, multifaceted name: - lilith prompt: - __characters/magical-beings/lilith/name__, __characters/magical-beings/lilith/characteristics__ manananggal: characteristics: - >- female mythical creature, separated upper torso, bat like wings on detached torso, long proboscis like tongue, sharp claws, long disheveled hair, distinctive eerie sound, malevolent vampiric entity name: - manananggal prompt: - __characters/magical-beings/manananggal/name__, __characters/magical-beings/manananggal/characteristics__ mandrake: characteristics: - >- herbaceous plant, human-like root, {forked|humanoid} roots, {0.2::leaves and fruits,|} magical mystical properties, scream, potent, mystical name: - mandrake prompt: - __characters/magical-beings/mandrake/name__, __characters/magical-beings/mandrake/characteristics__ mandurugo: characteristics: - >- Mythical humanoid creature in Philippine folklore, extends a proboscis from her mouth to suck blood at night, tales of horror and the supernatural name: - mandurugo prompt: - __characters/magical-beings/mandurugo/name__, __characters/magical-beings/mandurugo/characteristics__ mangkukulam: characteristics: - >- Filipino {sorcerer|witch}, practicing black magic, casting spells or curses, feared, supernatural and spiritual practices name: - mangkukulam prompt: - __characters/magical-beings/mangkukulam/name__, __characters/magical-beings/mangkukulam/characteristics__ manticore: characteristics: - >- mythical creature, lion body, venomous stinger tail ending, human face, sharp teeth, {0.2::bat wings,|} mane around head and neck, powerful muscular physique, {horns|spikes}, distinctive fierce expression, formidable legendary beast name: - manticore prompt: - __characters/magical-beings/manticore/name__, __characters/magical-beings/manticore/characteristics__ marid: characteristics: - >- supernatural large powerful magical {humanoid|monstrous} entity, strong magical, {ocean|sea}, free will, independence, formidable, capricious name: - marid prompt: - __characters/magical-beings/marid/name__, __characters/magical-beings/marid/characteristics__ mausebaer: characteristics: - >- cute furry fuzzy creature, alluring gaze, fairy tail, ethereal, fantastic, {playful|serene} expression, enchanting, guardian spirit name: - mouse baer prompt: - __characters/magical-beings/mausebaer/name__, __characters/magical-beings/mausebaer/characteristics__ medusa: characteristics: - >- female humanoid appearance, powerful dangerous mythical creature, snakes hair, serpentine lower body, coiled, glowing petrifying gaze, scaled stone skin, fierce intimidating expression, {0.2::wings|} name: - medusa prompt: - __characters/magical-beings/medusa/name__, __characters/magical-beings/medusa/characteristics__ menehune: characteristics: - >- Small humanoid beings from Hawaiian mythology, superb craftsmanship, secretive and nocturnal, building incredible structures, {0.7::helpful|0.3::mischievous} name: - menehune prompt: - __characters/magical-beings/menehune/name__, __characters/magical-beings/menehune/characteristics__ mephisto: characteristics: - >- mythical slender gaunt demonic cunning malevolent demon,visible spine, no belly, horns,pointed tail, dark earth toned yellowish skin, temptation, corruption, sinister, eerie name: - mephisto prompt: - __characters/magical-beings/mephisto/name__, __characters/magical-beings/mephisto/characteristics__ mermaid: characteristics: - >- humanoid upper body,fish tail, long flowing hair, {0.2::scales on upper body,|} {0.2::webbed fingers,|} enchanting alluring appearance, aquatic beauty, aquatic hues, singing and enchanting melodic voices, {varied, benevolent|luring sailors to doom} - upper body of a human and the lower body of a fish, beautiful, alluring, fantasy name: - mermaid prompt: - __characters/magical-beings/mermaid/name__, __characters/magical-beings/mermaid/characteristics__ merman: characteristics: - >- humanoid upper body,fish tail, muscular physique, {0.2::scales on upper body,|} {0.2::webbed fingers,|} enchanting alluring appearance, aquatic beauty, aquatic hues, strength, mythtic allure, depth of the sea - upper body of a human and the lower body of a fish, beautiful, alluring, fantasy name: - merman prompt: - __characters/magical-beings/merman/name__, __characters/magical-beings/merman/characteristics__ minotaur: characteristics: - >- mythical fearsome legendary creature, a hybrid of humanoid and bull, humanoid upper body, bull head, muscular powerful physique, large curved horns, strong imposing stature, bull tail, bull hind legs, fur covered hide like skin - >- mythical creature with the head of a bull and the body of a man, greek mythology, fierce and monstrous, chaos, primal instinct, fantasy name: - minotaur prompt: - __characters/magical-beings/minotaur/name__, __characters/magical-beings/minotaur/characteristics__ minotaurin: characteristics: - >- mythical creature, body of a woman, cow tail, bull horns, cow spots, gentle, friendly, large breasts, greek mythology name: - minotaur prompt: - __characters/magical-beings/minotaurin/name__, __characters/magical-beings/minotaurin/characteristics__ moon-rabbit: characteristics: - >- Mythical lunar creature, pounding an elixir of life, immortality and longevity, gentle and serene, connection to lunar deities, symbol of selflessness and sacrifice name: - moon rabbit prompt: - __characters/magical-beings/moon-rabbit/name__, __characters/magical-beings/moon-rabbit/characteristics__ mothman: characteristics: - >- cryptid creature, humanoid, large {moth|bat} wings, {glowing|reflective} red eyes, {fur|feather} covered body, dark colors, tall imposing stature, foretelling disaster name: - mothman prompt: - >- {female|male} __characters/magical-beings/mothman/name__, __characters/magical-beings/mothman/characteristics__ mummy: characteristics: - >- preserved reanimated undead cursed being, wrapped in bandages, sunken empty eye sockets, tattered burial wrappings, ancient artifacts and jewelry,curses, supernatural reanimation name: - mummy prompt: - >- {female|male} __characters/magical-beings/mummy/name__, __characters/magical-beings/mummy/characteristics__ naga: characteristics: - >- serpent mythical creature, human upper body, snake lower body, multiple snake heads, {0.2::elaborate hooded necks,|} scaled snake skin, {0.2::regal divine appearance,|} {0.2::wings,|0.2::fins,|} water, fertility, protection, powerful - >- mythical serpent humanoid being, serpentine lower bodies, human upper body, {devine, wisdom, knowledge|dangerous, unpredictable}, fantasy name: - naga prompt: - >- {female|male} __characters/magical-beings/naga/name__, __characters/magical-beings/naga/characteristics__ nasnas: characteristics: - >- Bizarre half-formed creature, depicted as half a human body, strange appearance and unsettling behavior, supernatural, uncanny name: - nasnas prompt: - __characters/magical-beings/nasnas/name__, __characters/magical-beings/nasnas/characteristics__ nature-spirit: characteristics: - >- Ethereal guardian of nature, {human-like|aspect of natural elements}, deeply connected with the environment, balance and harmony, protector of sacred places name: - nature spirit prompt: - __characters/magical-beings/nature-spirit/name__, __characters/magical-beings/nature-spirit/characteristics__ nessie: characteristics: - >- cute {reddish|blue|green|pinkish|earth toned,yellowish} cryptid iconic elusive plesiosaur like creature, loch ness, large long necked aquatic being name: - nessie prompt: - __characters/magical-beings/nessie/name__, __characters/magical-beings/nessie/characteristics__ nymph: characteristics: - >- female nature spirit,youthful, beautiful, aspect of {nature|water|trees|mountains|fire|air|earth|meadow}, long flowing hair, radiates ethereal natural beauty, {playful|serene} expression, enchanting, guardian spirit - >- ethereal beauty, nature's guardian, alluring grace, youthful appearance, connected to the environment, magical presence, nature spirits, reside in forests and water bodies, fantasy name: - nymph prompt: - __characters/magical-beings/nymph/name__, __characters/magical-beings/nymph/characteristics__ obambo: characteristics: - >- Skeletal ghost, thin and fragile appearance, haunting and sorrowful presence, {unfulfilled desires|unsettled matters}, eerie, unsettling name: - obambo prompt: - __characters/magical-beings/obambo/name__, __characters/magical-beings/obambo/characteristics__ ogre: characteristics: - >- large humanoid creature, brutish monstrous appearance, muscular hulking physique, exaggerated facial features, {tusks|large teeth}, {0.1::single eye|}, {green|earth toned} skin, primitive crude clothing, strength, intimidating presence, {formidable|0.2::malevolent|} name: - ogre prompt: - __characters/magical-beings/ogre/name__, __characters/magical-beings/ogre/characteristics__ oni: characteristics: - >- large ogre-like fearsome otherworldly creature, fearsome monstrous appearance, muscular imposing physique, {blue|red|earthy} skin, horns, sharp claws, tusks, loincloths made of tiger skin, supernatural malevolent power, {malevolent|nuanced} beings, powerful name: - oni prompt: - __characters/magical-beings/oni/name__, __characters/magical-beings/oni/characteristics__ orc: characteristics: - >- fictional humanoid creature, robust muscular build, {green|gray|earth toned} skin, prominent {fangs|tusks}, brutish, {0.2::hunched posture,|}, fantasy, formidable - >- fictional humanoid creatures, brutish, fearsome, strength, muscular,rough rugged appearance, 8 to 10 feet tall, broad, {earthy tone|dark green|brown|gray} skin, {dark|mottled|} thick coarse hair,broad, prominent brows, sharp, elongated noses, and wide, powerful jaws, {sharp teeth|} fantasy name: - orc prompt: - >- {female|male} __characters/magical-beings/orc/name__, __characters/magical-beings/orc/characteristics__ pari: characteristics: - >- Ethereal and graceful beings, beautiful winged women, nature and magic, purity, enchantment, healing powers, benevolent name: - pari prompt: - __characters/magical-beings/pari/name__, __characters/magical-beings/pari/characteristics__ pegasus: characteristics: - >- mythical majestic winged horse, feathered wings, majestic noble appearance, graceful strong posture, {white|light} hues, flowing mane and tail, inspiration, poetic creativity name: - pegasus prompt: - __characters/magical-beings/pegasus/name__, __characters/magical-beings/pegasus/characteristics__ phoenix: characteristics: - >- mythical powerful bird, in flames, vibrant colors,, large and majestic wings long flowing tail feathers, resplendent radiant plumage immortality, renewal, rebirth, {self immolate|rise from the ashes|sun and fire} name: - phoenix prompt: - __characters/magical-beings/phoenix/name__, __characters/magical-beings/phoenix/characteristics__ piuchen: characteristics: - >- Shape-shifting creature from Chilote mythology, {serpent-like|bird-like} being, sucking the blood, night, shrouded in mystery name: - piuchen prompt: - __characters/magical-beings/piuchen/name__, __characters/magical-beings/piuchen/characteristics__ pixie: characteristics: - >- tiny humanoid creature, delicate ethereal appearance, transparent iridescent wings, pointed ears, playful mischievous expression, {colorful|nature inspired} clothing, magical accessories, {nature|enchantment|supernatural} realm, {benevolent|mischievous} - >- tiny, mischievous humanoid creature, 1 to 2 feet tall, {forests | meadows}, playful, curious, delicate wings, flitting throught the air, fanatasy name: - pixie prompt: - __characters/magical-beings/pixie/name__, __characters/magical-beings/pixie/characteristics__ poltergeist: characteristics: - >- supernatural mischievous spirit,invisible, elusive, {moving|manipulating} objects, disturbances, noises, {0.2::malevolent disruptive behavior|}, unexplained phenomena name: - poltergeist prompt: - __characters/magical-beings/poltergeist/name__, __characters/magical-beings/poltergeist/characteristics__ qilin: characteristics: - >- Mythical chimeric creature, dragon-like head, hooves of a deer, tail of an ox, covered in brilliantly colored scales, symbol of good luck and prosperity, gentle, powerful, wise, just name: - qilin prompt: - __characters/magical-beings/qilin/name__, __characters/magical-beings/qilin/characteristics__ quinametzin: characteristics: - >- Giant being from Aztec mythology, ancient and powerful, incredible size and strength, builders of ancient structures, origin of civilizations name: - quinametzin prompt: - __characters/magical-beings/quinametzin/name__, __characters/magical-beings/quinametzin/characteristics__ rabbit-bear: characteristics: - >- small stocky, illusive cute agile timeless unaging awesome fairytale creature name: - rabbit-bear prompt: - __characters/magical-beings/rabbit-bear/name__, __characters/magical-beings/rabbit-bear/characteristics__ ramanga: characteristics: - >- # cute version due to Madagascar movies xD creature from african mythology, consumes blood and nails, living servants of royalty, associated with taboo and fear, enigmatic, fearsome - >- creature from Madagascar, consumes blood and nails, living servants of royalty, associated with taboo and fear, enigmatic, fearsome name: - ramanga prompt: - __characters/magical-beings/ramanga/name__, __characters/magical-beings/ramanga/characteristics__ roc: characteristics: - >- mythical gigantic colossal bird of prey, powerful wings, massive beak and talons, feathers, {earthy|vibrant|blue,red, white} colors, nature's grandeur, power name: - roc prompt: - __characters/magical-beings/roc/name__, __characters/magical-beings/roc/characteristics__ sasquatch: characteristics: - >- cryptid large humanoid ape-like creature, {brown|dark} fur, stands upright, {0.2::long arms,|}, elusive, mysterious, forest-dwelling name: - sasquatch prompt: - __characters/magical-beings/sasquatch/name__, __characters/magical-beings/sasquatch/characteristics__ satyr: characteristics: - >- human goat hybrid woodland creature, humanoid upper body, goat lower body, horns, goat ears, {0.2::goat tail|}, hooved feet, playful mischievous expression, revelry, music, dancing, lively, hedonistic - >- mythological creature, upper body human, lower body goat, revelry, music, wine, dance, skilled musician and dancer, horns, fantasy name: - satyr prompt: - >- {female|male} __characters/magical-beings/satyr/name__, __characters/magical-beings/satyr/characteristics__ selkie: characteristics: - >- mythical enchanting mystical creature, {seal in water|human on land} attractive, wearing a seal skin cloak, connection to the sea, transformation, love, tragedy name: - selkie prompt: - __characters/magical-beings/selkie/name__, __characters/magical-beings/selkie/characteristics__ semi-ghost: characteristics: - >- ethereal translucent appearance, faint ghostly glow,human face,ghost like characteristics, partially visible, transparent form, unfinished journey to the afterlife, {haunting|benevolent}, caught between the physical and spiritual realms name: - semi-ghost prompt: - >- {female|male} __characters/magical-beings/semi-ghost/name__, __characters/magical-beings/semi-ghost/characteristics__ shellycoat: characteristics: - >- mischievous water spirit, {humanoid|fantastical} form, covered in shells and scales, shimmering iridescent appearance, humanoid or fantastical form, noisy, disturbing, playful, elusive, waterways name: - shellycoat prompt: - __characters/magical-beings/shellycoat/name__, __characters/magical-beings/shellycoat/characteristics__ siren: characteristics: - >- mythical humanoid creature, captivating appearance, beautiful seductive allure, {0.2::wings,|0.2::feathers,|0.2::fish tail,|0.2::scaly skin,|} enchanting melodic singing, {0.2::dangerous and rocky coastlines,|} - seductive and alluring creatures, greek mythology,beautiful,danger, temptation name: - siren prompt: - >- {female|male} __characters/magical-beings/siren/name__, __characters/magical-beings/siren/characteristics__ space-wolf: characteristics: - >- wolfish humanoid, human, bipedal, glowing eyes, enlarged fangs, powerful, lunar influences, scifi, tech name: - space wolf prompt: - >- {female|male} __characters/magical-beings/space-wolf/name__, __characters/magical-beings/space-wolf/characteristics__ sphinx: characteristics: - >- mythical majestic creature, lion body, female human head, {0.2::wings,|} regal imposing posture, {0.2::lions body,|} {0.2::serpent tail,|} enigmatic wise expression, guardian of mysteries and knowledge symbol of wisdom and enigma name: - sphinx prompt: - __characters/magical-beings/sphinx/name__, __characters/magical-beings/sphinx/characteristics__ spriggan: characteristics: - >- small grotesque creature, mischievous malicious demeanor, distorted exaggerated features, gnarled twisted appearance, guarding {treasures|burial mounds}, cunning name: - spriggan prompt: - __characters/magical-beings/spriggan/name__, __characters/magical-beings/spriggan/characteristics__ strigoi: characteristics: - >- mythical undead vampiric being, pale deathly complexion, sharp fangs, cursed, malevolent, supernatural powers name: - strigoi prompt: - __characters/magical-beings/strigoi/name__, __characters/magical-beings/strigoi/characteristics__ succubus: characteristics: - >- malevolent female demon, humanoid appearance, attractive seductive demeanor, {bat like wings,|} {horns,|} clawed hands, hoofs, dark demonic hues, enticing, nighttime seduction, sexual nightmares, night name: - succubus prompt: - __characters/magical-beings/succubus/name__, __characters/magical-beings/succubus/characteristics__ sun-wukong: characteristics: - >- Mythical Monkey King from Chinese folklore, immense strength and magical powers, master of transformation and combat, mischievous and rebellious spirit, perseverance, cunning name: - sun wukong prompt: - __characters/magical-beings/sun-wukong/name__, __characters/magical-beings/sun-wukong/characteristics__ sylph: characteristics: - >- elemental creature, associated with air and wind, graceful ethereal being, airy translucent appearance, delicate {butterfly|bird} wings, {humanoid,|} otherworldly aura, linked with wind, elusive benevolent spirits of the air - >- humanoid elemental being, delicate and ethereal being with gossamer wings, guardians of the air, {sky|mountain top},weather name: - sylph prompt: - __characters/magical-beings/sylph/name__, __characters/magical-beings/sylph/characteristics__ thunderbird: characteristics: - >- large majestic formidable powerful mythical bird, sharp edged lightning-like feathers, thunderous flapping of wings produces thunder, power, transformation, natural forces, thunder, lightning name: - thunderbird prompt: - __characters/magical-beings/thunderbird/name__, __characters/magical-beings/thunderbird/characteristics__ tikbalang: characteristics: - >- mythical tall humanoid creature, horse head, mane hooved feet, fur, furry skin, {forests|mountains}, mischievous, {0.2::malevolent|} name: - tikbalang prompt: - __characters/magical-beings/tikbalang/name__, __characters/magical-beings/tikbalang/characteristics__ thoth: characteristics: - > god of writing, knowledge, magic, depicted as a man with the head of an {ibis|baboon}, keeper of divine knowledge, associated with the moon and reckoning of time, revered as a wise counselor and magician, guardian of sacred texts name: - thoth prompt: - __characters/magical-beings/thoth/name__, __characters/magical-beings/thoth/characteristics__ tomte: characteristics: - >- small gnomeish creature, long white beard, {red|earth toned} pointed hat, practical rustic clothing, carries a {sack of gifts|a staff}, guardian of household and farmstead, good luck, protection name: - tomte prompt: - __characters/magical-beings/tomte/name__, __characters/magical-beings/tomte/characteristics__ tree-ent: characteristics: - >- fictional peaceful wise plantoid tree-like entity, {humanoid tree|walking tree}, bark covered skin, woody features, limbs resembling branches and roots, guardianship of forests and nature name: - tree ent prompt: - __characters/magical-beings/tree-ent/name__, __characters/magical-beings/tree-ent/characteristics__ troll: characteristics: - >- mythical humanoid being,large, strong, 8 to 10 feet tall, {mountains|deep forests}, thick warty {grey|green|brown} skin, large nose, pointy ears, jutting jaw, prominent teeth, deep-set glowing eyes, long wild hair, claws, fantasy, stooped posture name: - troll prompt: - >- {female|male} __characters/magical-beings/troll/name__, __characters/magical-beings/troll/characteristics__ undine: characteristics: - >- {Water nymphs|elemental being}, associated with bodies of water, depicted as beautiful and enchanting women, connection to the natural world, embodyment of the spirit and beauty of water name: - undine prompt: - __characters/magical-beings/undine/name__, __characters/magical-beings/undine/characteristics__ unicorn: characteristics: - >- mythical majestic horse creature, single horn, {white|light} colored long slender {spiraled|straight} horn, elegant noble posture, gentle wise expression, {0.2::cloven hooves,|} purity, grace, magical, enchanting name: - unicorn prompt: - __characters/magical-beings/unicorn/name__, __characters/magical-beings/unicorn/characteristics__ valkyrie: characteristics: - >- female warrior maiden spirit, ornamented shining silver armor and weaponry, wings, radiant noble appearance, {0.2::spear|0.2::sword|}, guides to the afterlife, bravery, honor, powerful, otherworldly name: - valkyrie prompt: - __characters/magical-beings/valkyrie/name__, __characters/magical-beings/valkyrie/characteristics__ vampire: characteristics: - >- supernatural mysterious humanoid creature, preys on blood, pale deathly complexion, sharp fangs, hypnotic alluring gaze, immortal existence, charming, seductive, nocturnal, undead - >- legendary creature, force, power, blood, undead, beautyful, alluring, night, moon, fangs, fantasy name: - vampire prompt: - >- {female|male} __characters/magical-beings/vampire/name__, __characters/magical-beings/vampire/characteristics__ vetala: characteristics: - >- Supernatural entity from Hindu mythology, inhabits a corpse, possesses immense knowledge, insight and foretell the future, occult rituals, cunning nature name: - vetala prompt: - __characters/magical-beings/vetala/name__, __characters/magical-beings/vetala/characteristics__ wendigo: characteristics: - >- mythical creature, gaunt emaciated humanoid, skull-like antlered head, sharp elongated {claws|talons} covered in ice and frost and rime, winter wilderness, glowing eyes, curse, supernatural transformation - >- cannibalistic supernatural being, {human-like yeti|sasquatch appearance}, gaunt, emaciated, desiccated skin stretched over bones, ash gray complexion, eyes sunken deep, tattered and bloody lips, unclean suppurations of the flesh, strange eerie odor, decay, decomposition name: - wendigo prompt: - __characters/magical-beings/wendigo/name__, __characters/magical-beings/wendigo/characteristics__ werewolf: characteristics: - >- wolfish humanoid, fantasy, glowing eyes, furry fur,enlarged fangs, claws, powerful, cursed, afflicted - >- lycanthropes, mythical creature, humanoid wolf-like form, full moon, hairy furry skin, fangs, wolf ears, wolf-like face name: - werewolf prompt: - __characters/magical-beings/werewolf/name__, __characters/magical-beings/werewolf/characteristics__ wild-hunt: characteristics: - >- mythical spectral ghostly haunting stygical hunting procession, supernatural skeletal divine leader, skeletal huntsmen, skeletal spectral hunters and horses and hounds, riding through the night sky, otherworldly, omen of {disaster|war}, awe-inspiring phenomenon name: - wild hunt prompt: - __characters/magical-beings/wild-hunt/name__, __characters/magical-beings/wild-hunt/characteristics__ will-o-the-wisp: characteristics: - >- phosphorescent flickering floating mysterious enchanting light, {blue|green|white}, marshy, swampy, vanish, supernatural phenomena, {0.2::mischievous,|0.2::malevolent,|}, night name: - will-o'-the-wisp - ignis fatuus prompt: - __characters/magical-beings/will-o-the-wisp/name__, __characters/magical-beings/will-o-the-wisp/characteristics__ wisp: characteristics: - >- tiny small elemental mysterious enchanting creature of light, small, floating, flickering ethereal appearance, {blue|green|white}, natural, illusion of transluscent invisible face - >- elemental mysterious enchanting floating transluscent face made of sphereshaped foggy diffuse spirit light, small, flickering ethereal appearance, {blue|green|white}, natural name: - wisp prompt: - >- {female|male} __characters/magical-beings/wisp/name__, __characters/magical-beings/wisp/characteristics__ witch: characteristics: - >- Skilled in magic and sorcery, {benevolent|malevolent} women with knowledge of herbs and potions, spells and enchantments, deeply connected with the supernatural and the occult name: - witch prompt: - __characters/magical-beings/witch/name__, __characters/magical-beings/witch/characteristics__ wolpertinger: characteristics: - >- mythical mammalian creature, hybrid creature, wings, antlers, fangs, feathers, rabbit ears, small furry body, humorous, imaginative, curiosity, whimsical, fictional name: - wolpertinger prompt: - __characters/magical-beings/wolpertinger/name__, __characters/magical-beings/wolpertinger/characteristics__ wraith: characteristics: - >- ghostly spectral entity, shadowy, ethereal, shrouded tattered appearance, {glowing|empty} eye sockets, {0.2::malevolence,|0.2::revenge,|} spectral, haunting otherworldly presence name: - wraith prompt: - >- {female|male} __characters/magical-beings/wraith/name__, __characters/magical-beings/wraith/characteristics__ yaksha: characteristics: - >- powerful magnificent Nature spirits in Hindu and Buddhist mythology, benevolent, wealth and prosperity, guardians of natural treasures, {mischievous|generally good-natured}, protective, nurturing aspect of nature name: - yaksha prompt: - __characters/magical-beings/yaksha/name__, __characters/magical-beings/yaksha/characteristics__ yara-me-yha-who: characteristics: - >- Small squat hairy amphibian creature from Australian Aboriginal mythology, red-skinned with a very large head and wide mouth, draining blood, suckers on its fingers and toes, depicted with suckers on its fingers and toes, used to drain blood from its victims, comical eerie demeanor, fig tree, nocturnal creature, lurking in the shadows, danger of the wilderness name: - yara-me-yha-who prompt: - __characters/magical-beings/yara-me-yha-who/name__, __characters/magical-beings/yara-me-yha-who/characteristics__ yeti: characteristics: - >- cryptid large humanoid ape-like creature, {white|brown} fur, thick stocky build, long arms, hunched stooped posture, prominent brow ridge, elusive, mysterious, mountain-dwelling - large, 10 to 15 feet tall, ape-like being, white fur skin, snow, mountains, plains name: - yeti prompt: - __characters/magical-beings/yeti/name__, __characters/magical-beings/yeti/characteristics__ yuki-onna: characteristics: - >- japanese snow {spirit|ghost}, female, cold ethereal beauty, {white kimono|burial robe}, long black hair, pale skin, {glowing|haunting} eyes, {0.2::icy breath,|0.2::frost,|} winter, snow, haunting, supernatural, stygical, demonic expression name: - yuki-onna prompt: - __characters/magical-beings/yuki-onna/name__, __characters/magical-beings/yuki-onna/characteristics__ names: firstname-female: - Acacius - Adelais - Adelphia - Aeliana - Aerith - Agrippina - Aisling - Alarice - Alathea - Alouette - Amaranta - Amarantha - Amarilis - Andromeda - Antheia - Apollonia - Aquilina - Arcangela - Arianwen - Araminta - Belisent - Belphoebe - Beryl - Caelia - Calanthe - Calista - Calixta - Capucine - Cassiopeia - Celestia - Chrysanthe - Cressida - Cybele - Damaris - Delphine - Demelza - Desdemona - Eirlys - Elara - Elizaveta - Elowen - Elysande - Elysia - Endellion - Esmeralda - Evadne - Evensong - Faelan - Fiammetta - Filomena - Galadriel - Galienne - Genoveva - Gwyneira - Halcyon - Heliodora - Hesperia - Idalina - Idaline - Idalys - Ignacia - Illyria - Isabeau - Isabele - Isolde - Ithilien - Ithilwen - Jacinthe - Jezebel - Jessamine - Kalantha - Kalista - Keladry - Kirrily - Kismet - Lavinia - Leocadia - Leocadie - Lilith - Lilou - Lumina - Maelle - Maelona - Madrigal - Melisande - Melisent - Merewen - Merewina - Morwenna - Nefertari - Niniane - Nolwen - Nolwenne - Ondine - Orithia - Ourania - Parthenia - Pernille - Petronella - Philomena - Pomeline - Quenby - Quiterie - Rosalba - Rosalind - Seraphina - Serenella - Sidonie - Sidonia - Solene - Sylvestra - Thalassa - Theodosia - Tindra - Ulyssa - Valkyria - Valkyrie - Viridiana - Ylva - Ysabeau - Zephyra - Zephyrine - Zephyrith - Zinnia firstname-male: - Abner - Aeneas - Alistair - Alaric - Amadeus - Ambrose - Anatole - Archimedes - Augustus - Barnabas - Bartholomew - Beauregard - Belvedere - Bertram - Branwell - Caius - Caliban - Casimir - Cassian - Caspian - Cornelius - Cosimo - Cyprian - Dorian - Draven - Emeric - Emilian - Endymion - Eryx - Evander - Fabian - Faramond - Fidelio - Finnegan - Finnian - Florian - Galileo - Gavriel - Hadrian - Havelock - Ignatius - Isambard - Jethro - Jolyon - Lazarus - Leander - Ludovico - Lucullus - Malachai - Marcellus - Maximilian - Maximus - Milosz - Octavian - Oberon - Odysseus - Orpheus - Osric - Peregrine - Phineas - Prospero - Quintus - Remington - Remus - Romulus - Sebastian - Seraphim - Silvius - Stellan - Tarquin - Thaddeus - Thelonius - Tiberius - Ulysses - Valerian - Valerius - Vespasian - Xerxes - Zephyrus - Zephyrinus surname-common: - Abbott - Adams - Allen - Anderson - Bailey - Baker - Bennett - Brooks - Brown - Campbell - Carter - Clark - Collins - Davis - Dixon - Edwards - Elliott - Ellis - Evans - Fisher - Foster - Franklin - Gibson - Gonzalez - Graham - Gray - Greene - Hall - Harris - Hayes - Hernandez - Hughes - Ingram - Jackson - Jenkins - Johnson - Jones - Kelly - Kennedy - King - Knight - Lawson - Lewis - Lopez - Martinez - Miller - Mitchell - Morgan - Murphy - Nguyen - Nelson - Norton - O'Connor - Owens - Parker - Patel - Patterson - Phillips - Quinn - Ramirez - Reynolds - Roberts - Robinson - Rogers - Sanders - Sanchez - Smith - Stewart - Taylor - Thompson - Torres - Turner - Underwood - Vaughn - Wallace - Watson - Ward - Williams - Young surname-uncommon: - Abernathy - Beauford - Blakemore - Bramble - Caldwell - Chatterley - Cogswell - Dunsforth - Eddington - Fairweather - Fitzwilliam - Gladstone - Grimsley - Hawthorn - Hazelwood - Holloway - Huckleberry - Jollimore - Kingsford - Larkspur - MacGillicuddy - Middleditch - Northcott - Pendergrass - Pettigrew - Quackenbush - Quibble - Rainwater - Rumblebottom - Sablewood - Scrimshaw - Shackleford - Slingsby - Stalwart - Sycamore - Thistledown - Tumbleweed - Umbridge - Vickers - Wallflower - Waverley - Weatherspoon - Wetherall - Whipple - Windermere - Wintringham - Woodruff - Yarbrough - Abberley - Ashenford - Barnsley - Becket - Brampton - Chadwick - Cholmondeley - Chumley - Cresswell - Cressy - Dymond - Eggleston - Elswood - Featherstone - Fotheringham - Gainsborough - Giggleswick - Grimsditch - Haverstock - Hazelmere - Higglesworth - Kettering - Kilmartin - Kimble - Luddington - Marigold - Merryweather - Middlewood - Northcliff - Pickles - Puddlefoot - Quibell - Rafferty - Rainville - Scudamore - Shadwell - Smickle - Somersby - Stansfield - Starling - Tetherow - Twiggletop - Underhill - Wainscott - Walmington - Wexford - Whippleshire - Whitcombe - Yarborough professions: cyberpunk: artists: - virtual reality sculptor - immersive experience designer - vr filmmaker - digital art hacker - ai-generated art specialist - holographic installation artist - virtual art curator - augmented reality street artist - holo-sculpture designer - immersive storyteller corporate: - corporate spy - corporate saboteur - executive bodyguard - corporate infiltrator - corporate negotiator - corporate security specialist - corporate asset extractor - corporate intelligence analyst - corporate counterintelligence agent - corporate disinformation specialist cybernetic-enhancement: - neural surgeon - biomechanic engineer - augmentation technician - cyberlimb specialist - neural interface developer - nano-enhancement specialist - cybernetic prosthesis expert - neural implant technician - biopunk augmentation engineer - neuroplasticity consultant designers: - techwear fashion designer - cyberpunk couturier - holographic fashion stylist - futuristic textile engineer - augmented reality fashion model - bioluminescent clothing designer - nanotech fabric innovator - haptic fashion experience creator - virtual catwalk producer - cyberwear trendsetter engineers: - drone developer - android architect - robotics programmer - ai integration specialist - mecha mechanic - autonomous vehicle engineer - cybernetic companion designer - industrial robotics technician - haptic feedback systems engineer - nanorobotics researcher information-brokers: - data hacker - info dealer - net runner - data smuggler - corporate espionage agent - cyber surveillance specialist - information firewall breaker - digital data infiltrator - virtual black market trader - data encryption cracker investigators: - cyber forensics analyst - digital detective - virtual crime specialist - cybersecurity expert - cyber threat analyst - digital evidence analyst - cyber incident response team (cirt) specialist - virtual crime scene investigator - cyber fraud examiner - cyber intelligence analyst medics: - black market medic - street doc - biohacker - cybernetic paramedic - underground surgeon - genetic manipulation specialist - bioware implant expert - underground pharmacist - nanomedicine practitioner - cybernetic rehabilitation therapist mercenaries: - cyber mercenary - street samurai - bounty hunter - cybernetic gun-for-hire - cyber ninja - urban merc - techno ronin - cyber assasin - rogue cyber soldier - cybernetic vigilante outlaws: - cyber pirates - tech smugglers - reverse engineers - data hijackers - tech vandal - cybernetic contraband trafficker - tech disruptor - virtual contraband runner - hacker-for-hire - tech blackmailer fiction: adventurer: - adventurer - cleric - mage - rogue - warrior barbarian: - barbarian - berserker - savage - totem warrior - tribal leader bard: - bard - jester - minstrel - skald - troubadour craftsman: - alchemist - blacksmith - craftsman - enchanter - tailor druid: - druid - elemental adept - herbalist - nature's guardian - shape shifter engineer: - engineer - gadgeteer - inventor - mechanist - tinkerer fantasy: - alchemist - arcane scholar - archmage - beastmaster - battle mage - bard - cleric - dragon rider - dreamweaver - druid - elemental wizard - enchanted armor smith - enchanter - fey diplomat - fortune teller - golem artificer - gryphon tamer - illusionist - knight - mage - mystic healer - necromancer - oracle - paladin - potion brewer - potion master - ranger - shadow assassin - sky pirate - sorcerer - spellbinder - summoner - thief - time traveler - treasure hunter - warlock - werewolf hunter - witch - witch hunter - wizard healer: - apothecary - druid - healer - medic - shaman knight: - cavalier - knight - paladin - squire - templar mercenary: - mercenary - mercenary archer - mercenary captain - mercenary mage - soldier monk: - ascetic - martial artist - monk - mystic - zen master necromancer: - death knight - gravecaller - lich - necromancer - soul binder noble: - baron - baroness - duchess - duke - king - lady - lord - noble - queen pirate: - pirate - pirate captain - pirate gunner - pirate navigator - pirate swashbuckler ranger: - beastmaster - hunter - pathfinder - ranger - tracker scholar: - archaeologist - historian - scholar - scribe - wizard thief: - assassin - burglar - spy - swindler - thief historical: - alchemist - apothecary - blacksmith - court astrologer - court jester - explorer - farrier - gladiator - knight - lighthouse keeper - medieval minstrel - musketeer - navigator - roman legionnaire - royal falconer - samurai - scribe - ship captain - shipwright - silk merchant - silk road trader - town crier - town watchman magical: caster: - caster - mage - magician - magus - sorcerer - spellcaster crafter: - alchemist - conjurer - enchanter dark: - necromancer - occultist - thaumaturge - warlock - witch illusion: - clairvoyant - enigma - illusionist - seer knowledge: - arcanist - wizard light: - high priest - priest - mystic nature: - druid - shaman technomancy: - technomancer - psion - cyberwizard - nanomancer - energy manipulator - chronomancer - space mage - biowitch - hologrammancer - quantum sorcerer modern: - accountant - architect - barista - chef - data scientist - dentist - detective - electrician - event planner - financial analyst - firefighter - fitness trainer - graphic designer - journalist - librarian - marketing manager - nurse - nurse practitioner - paramedic - pharmacist - photographer - plumber - police officer - programmer - real estate agent - scientist - social media manager - software developer - teacher - tattoo artist - veterinarian - web developer - yoga instructor scifi: archaeology: - extraterrestrial archaeologist - cosmic artifact curator - temporal archaeologist - space relic restorer - interstellar archaeologist commerce: - interstellar trader - intergalactic cargo pilot - spaceport manager - xenobiologist consultant communication: - galactic network administrator - subspace communicator technician - holo-conference organizer - virtual reality programmer - teleporter operator - telepathic communicator - alien linguist - virtual reality designer entertainment: - holofilm director - holographic artist - virtual reality game designer - space music composer - exo-dance choreographer - zero-gravity choreographer exploration: - xenobiologist - explorer - astronaut - planetary geologist - space navigator - astrobiologist - interstellar cartographer - pilot - exobotanist - galactic historian - exoplanetary geologist - quantum biologist law-and-order: - galactic diplomat - interdimensional lawyer - ai rights advocate - time-travel law enforcement officer - cybercrime investigator - galactic ambassador - neural hacker medicine: - geneticist - nanomedicine researcher - bioprinting specialist - neural interface surgeon - biomechanics engineer - robot psychologist military: - starfighter pilot - space marine - galactic peacekeeper - space battle tactician - starship captain technology: - aerospace engineer - robot technician - robotics technician - software developer - nanotechnologist - artificial intelligence specialist - cybersecurity analyst - biomedical engineer - spacecraft designer - data analyst - quantum physicist - ai programmer - cybernetic engineer - nano-technician - warp drive mechanic - holographic architect - zero-point energy researcher terraforming: - terraformer - atmospheric engineer - astroecologist - climate restoration specialist weapons: classic: - sword - dagger - spear - bow and arrow - crossbow - mace - battle axe - longbow - halberd - flail - war hammer - javelin - club - war scythe - morning star - quarterstaff - polearm - gladius - rapier - war pick fantasy: - staff of wizardry - wand - elven bow - dwarven war axe - crystal sword - enchanted dagger - runeblade - staff of healing - dragonbone greatsword - warlock's staff - faerie bow - necromancer's scythe - holy avenger - druidic staff - scepter of the mage-king - feyblade - shadow dagger - celestial hammer - infernal trident - unicorn horn modern: - assault rifle - sniper rifle - shotgun - submachine gun - pistol - revolver - grenade launcher - rocket launcher - flamethrower - combat knife - tactical shotgun - machine gun - hand grenade - stun gun - riot shield - taser - silenced pistol - compound bow - tactical tomahawk - boomerang primal: - stone club - obsidian blade - wooden spear - flint dagger - bone axe - chieftain's totem - tribal sling - animal bone bow - spirit-infused staff - primitive slingshot - thorned whip - feral fang dagger - stone-tipped javelin - beastmaster's crook - tribal drum - shamanic rattle - ember torch - rustic war horn - ancient tribal shield - elemental stone mace sci-fi: - phaser - blaster - lightsaber - plasma rifle - railgun - ion cannon - pulse rifle - neuralyzer - sonic screwdriver - disruptor - energy sword - gravity gun - plasma pistol - laser cannon - quantum blade - emp grenade - plasma grenade - neural disruptor - vibroblade - particle beam chemistry: elements: - hydrogen - helium - lithium - beryllium - boron - carbon - nitrogen - oxygen - fluorine - neon - sodium - magnesium - aluminum - silicon - phosphorus - sulfur - chlorine - argon - potassium - calcium - scandium - titanium - vanadium - chromium - manganese - iron - cobalt - nickel - copper - zinc - gallium - germanium - arsenic - selenium - bromine - krypton - rubidium - strontium - yttrium - zirconium - niobium - molybdenum - technetium - ruthenium - rhodium - palladium - silver - cadmium - indium - tin - antimony - tellurium - iodine - xenon - cesium - barium - lanthanum - cerium - praseodymium - neodymium - promethium - samarium - europium - gadolinium - terbium - dysprosium - holmium - erbium - thulium - ytterbium - lutetium - hafnium - tantalum - tungsten - rhenium - osmium - iridium - platinum - gold - mercury - thallium - lead - bismuth - polonium - astatine - radon - francium - radium - actinium - thorium - protactinium - uranium - neptunium - plutonium - americium - curium - berkelium - californium - einsteinium - fermium - mendelevium - nobelium - lawrencium - rutherfordium - dubnium - seaborgium - bohrium - hassium - meitnerium - darmstadtium - roentgenium - copernicium - nihonium - flerovium - moscovium - livermorium - tennessine - oganesson gems: - diamond - ruby - sapphire - emerald - amethyst - opal - aquamarine - citrine - peridot - jade - garnet (also a mineral) - turquoise - tourmaline - tanzanite - lapis lazuli - moonstone - amber - agate - onyx - pearl - jasper - chrysoberyl - zircon - spinel - kunzite - morganite - rhodochrosite - alexandrite minerals: - quartz - feldspar - mica - calcite - gypsum - talc - halite - magnetite - pyrite - fluorite - biotite - hematite - olivine - amphibole - garnet - apatite - topaz - corundum - orthoclase - muscovite - sulfur - galena - azurite - malachite - selenite - celestite christmas: artstyles: - festive illustration - whimsical - vintage - nativity scene - winter wonderland - folk art - contemporary christmas art - minimalistic holiday art - victorian christmas - modern abstract christmas - traditional christmas paintings - christmas pop art - cozy and warm scenes - christmas card designs - digital christmas art - holiday typography - mixed media christmas art - whoville-inspired art - nutcracker-themed art - religious christmas art - scandinavian christmas art - retro christmas - santa claus illustrations - christmas tree art - gingerbread house art - snowman illustrations - elf-themed art - north pole scenes - christmas market art - christmas lights and decorations - ice skating scenes - fireplace and stockings art - sleigh ride illustrations - starry night christmas art - christmas fantasy art - midnight mass illustrations - christmas eve art - ugly christmas sweater designs - snow globe art - mistletoe and holly illustrations atmosphere: - warm and inviting - filled with joy and laughter - sparkling and festive - cozy and comforting - bright and colorful - wholesome and heartwarming - full of anticipation and excitement - nostalgic and reminiscent - peaceful and serene - enchanting and magical - reflective and grateful - cheerful and lively - harmonious and unified - generous and giving - grateful and thankful - uplifting and spirited - radiant and glowing - overflowing with love and goodwill - tranquil and serene - heartfelt and sentimental characters: - santa claus - mrs. claus - rudolph the red-nosed reindeer - frosty the snowman - the grinch - ebenezer scrooge - tiny tim - ghost of christmas past - ghost of christmas present - ghost of christmas yet to come (ghost of christmas future) - bob cratchit - jacob marley - belle - fezziwig - fred (scrooge's nephew) - cindy lou who - max (the grinch's dog) - heat miser - snow miser - jack frost - kris kringle - yukon cornelius - hermey the elf - king moonracer - clarice - abominable snow monster (bumble) - mother nature - father time - the nutcracker - sugar plum fairy - mouse king - clara - drosselmeyer christmas-carol: characters: - ebenezer scrooge - bob cratchit - tiny tim - jacob marley - ghost of christmas past - ghost of christmas present - ghost of christmas yet to come - belle - fezziwig scenes: - victorian era - scrooge's counting house - bob cratchit's home - christmas eve - yule log - caroling - mistletoe - christmas tree - stockings - ghostly apparitions - family gatherings - festive feast - joyful celebrations - redemption - charity - reflection - transformation - hope - love - generosity - compassion - gratitude - nativity scene - midnight mass - wassail - yuletide decorations: - ornaments - tinsel - lights - wreaths - garland - baubles - candles - stockings - ribbons - bows - nativity scene - christmas tree - holly - mistletoe - snowflakes - angels - nutcrackers - sleigh bells - pinecones - candy canes - gingerbread men - snow globes - lanterns - reindeer figures - santa claus figurines - star tree topper - jingle bells - christmas cards - advent calendar - christmas village - frosty the snowman - sleighs - presents/gifts - snowmen food: - turkey - ham - roast beef - mashed potatoes - gravy - stuffing - cranberry sauce - green beans - sweet potatoes - cornbread - rolls - pumpkin pie - pecan pie - apple pie - eggnog - christmas cookies - fruitcake - yule log cake - candy canes - hot chocolate - gingerbread house - roasted chestnuts - wassail - sugar plums - candy cane peppermint bark - cider - roasted marshmallows - figgy pudding - roasted turkey legs - baked ham with pineapple - cheese platter - shrimp cocktail - brussel sprouts - pigs in a blanket - deviled eggs - honey glazed carrots - pumpkin soup - mincemeat pie - chocolate truffles - cinnamon rolls lightings: - ambient lighting - task lighting - accent lighting - chandeliers - pendant lights - track lighting - recessed lighting - wall sconces - floor lamps - table lamps - desk lamps - under cabinet lighting - cove lighting - string lights - fairy lights - lanterns - candles - led lights - neon lights - solar lights - outdoor lighting - garden lights - smart lighting - industrial lighting - retro lighting - vintage lighting - art deco lighting - mid-century modern lighting - contemporary lighting - minimalist lighting - bohemian lighting - coastal lighting - farmhouse lighting - scandinavian lighting - japanese lighting - moroccan lighting - tiffany lamps - crystal chandeliers - edison bulb fixtures - starburst lights - sputnik chandeliers - hollywood vanity lights - artistic light installations - festival lights - christmas lights - fireworks displays scapes: - snow-covered landscapes - festively decorated neighborhoods - cozy living rooms with a crackling fireplace - twinkling lights and ornaments on christmas trees - bustling holiday markets - icy and serene winter scenes - warm and inviting kitchens filled with the aroma of baked goods - carolers singing in the snow - colorful and illuminated streets during the night - joyful scenes of families opening presents - peaceful scenes of quiet snowfall - sparkling decorations adorning homes and streets - nostalgic scenes of children playing in the snow - candle-lit windows on a snowy evening - festive holiday table settings - church services with festive decorations - santa claus and his reindeer flying through the night sky - scenes of people ice skating on frozen ponds - glowing lanterns and candles lighting up the darkness - scenes of people giving and receiving acts of kindness scenes: - family gathered around the christmas tree opening presents - children eagerly waiting for santa claus on christmas eve - festive holiday feasts with loved ones - decorating the christmas tree with ornaments and lights - carolers singing door-to-door in the neighborhood - ice skating with friends and family on a frozen pond - cozy evenings by the fireplace with hot cocoa - hanging stockings by the chimney with care - building snowmen and having snowball fights - visiting santa claus at the local mall - holiday parades with colorful floats and marching bands - baking and decorating christmas cookies - attending midnight mass on christmas eve - sending and receiving heartfelt christmas cards - watching classic christmas movies with loved ones - participating in secret santa gift exchanges - donating to charities and volunteering during the holidays - admiring neighborhood christmas light displays - wearing festive sweaters and hats - exchanging thoughtful and meaningful gifts traditions: - decorating a christmas tree - hanging stockings by the fireplace - exchanging gifts - caroling - building a snowman - making gingerbread houses - watching holiday movies - participating in a secret santa gift exchange - attending a christmas eve church service - lighting hanukkah candles (for those celebrating hanukkah) - having a festive holiday meal - sending holiday cards - visiting family and friends - wearing ugly christmas sweaters - making and enjoying holiday treats - participating in a holiday parade - volunteering and giving back to the community - hosting or attending a holiday party - going on a holiday light tour - playing holiday-themed games - reading holiday stories - participating in a white elephant gift exchange - setting up a nativity scene - counting down the days with an advent calendar clothings: cyberpunk: female: footwear: - gravity-defying heels - neon sneakers - holographic boots - cybernetic sandals - plasma platform shoes - quantum energy stilettos - holo-glitch sneakers - techno-flame boots - augmented reality wedges - cyber-space combat boots - neon circuit heels - holo-led high-tops - robo-lace ankle boots - digital mesh flats - synth-leather booties - quantum neon sandals - cyber-denim platform sneakers - neon pulse lace-up boots - holographic peep-toe booties - techno-mesh hiking boots - augmented leather oxfords - holo-lace mary janes - nano-weave mules - cyber-silk ballet flats - quantum striped pumps - holo-metallic combat boots - neural lace slingbacks - tech-mesh espadrilles - augmented reality loafers - holo-foil wedge sandals - plasma knit sneaker wedges - nanofiber fringe gladiator sandals - cyber-satin thigh-high boots - holo-glitter sock boots - neon sequin slide sandals - holographic kimono slippers - quantum peplum mules - techno-sheer booties - augmented leather cowboy boots - holo-silk block heels - plasma-mesh ballet flats - neural silk platform sandals - cyber-metallic chunky heels - quantum-vinyl mary jane pumps - holo-mesh sock sneakers - techno-lace pointed-toe pumps - augmented reality hiking sandals - nano-glitter peep-toe booties - holographic blouson combat boots - cybernetic hooded ankle boots - neon circuit knee-high boots - holo-led lace-up booties - robo-lace wedge sneakers - digital mesh loafers - synth-leather stiletto booties - quantum neon platform sandals - cyber-denim slingback pumps full-body: - nanofiber jumpsuit - holo-printed dress - augmented reality catsuit - plasma-glitter gown - cybernetic bodysuit - neural interface romper - quantum energy maxi dress - holographic skater dress - holo-flare overalls - techno-trench dress - neon luminous jumpsuit - holo-metallic gown - robo-lace catsuit - digital mesh tunic dress - synth-leather jumpsuit - quantum neon jumpsuit - cyber-denim romper - neon pulse maxi dress - holographic tulle dress - techno-mesh bodycon dress - augmented leather party dress - holo-lace mermaid dress - nano-weave utility jumpsuit - cyber-silk slip dress - quantum striped romper - holo-metallic mini dress - neural lace cocktail dress - tech-mesh wrap dress - augmented reality skater dress - holo-foil sequin gown - plasma knit fit and flare dress - nanofiber fringe maxi dress - cyber-satin halter dress - holo-glitter fringe dress - neon sequin party dress - holographic kimono maxi dress - quantum peplum jumpsuit - techno-sheer gown - augmented leather asymmetrical dress - holo-silk a-line dress - plasma-mesh shift dress - neural silk wrap dress - cyber-metallic off-shoulder dress - quantum-vinyl bodycon dress - holo-mesh slip dress - techno-lace tiered dress - augmented reality pleated dress - nano-glitter halter jumpsuit - holographic blouson romper - cybernetic hooded jumpsuit - holo-glitter maxi dress - neon sequin jumpsuit - holographic kimono gown - quantum peplum jumpsuit - techno-sheer gown - augmented leather party dress - holo-lace mermaid dress - nano-weave utility jumpsuit - cyber-silk slip dress - quantum striped romper - holo-metallic mini dress - neural lace cocktail dress - tech-mesh wrap dress - augmented reality skater dress - holo-foil sequin gown - plasma knit fit and flare dress - nanofiber fringe maxi dress - cyber-satin halter dress - holo-glitter fringe dress - neon sequin party dress - holographic kimono maxi dress - quantum peplum jumpsuit - techno-sheer gown - augmented leather asymmetrical dress - holo-silk a-line dress - plasma-mesh shift dress - neural silk wrap dress - cyber-metallic off-shoulder dress - quantum-vinyl bodycon dress - holo-mesh slip dress - techno-lace tiered dress - augmented reality pleated dress - nano-glitter halter jumpsuit - holographic blouson romper - cybernetic hooded jumpsuit - neon circuit hot pantsuit - holo-led romper dress - robo-lace coverall dress - digital mesh trench dress - synth-leather power suit - quantum neon utility jumpsuit - cyber-denim overalls - neon pulse catsuit - holographic tulle maxi dress - techno-mesh hooded jumpsuit - augmented leather suit dress - holo-lace wide-leg jumpsuit - plasma knit tunic dress - nanofiber fringe gown - cyber-satin drape dress - holo-glitter slit dress - quantum sequin wrap dress - techno-sheer kimono dress - augmented reality ruffle dress - nano-glitter party jumpsuit - holographic kimono catsuit - cyber-metallic cape dress - quantum-vinyl jogger jumpsuit - holo-mesh tapered dress - techno-lace midi dress - augmented leather belted dress - holo-silk flare jumpsuit - plasma-mesh romper dress headwear: - neural implant headband - holo-visor - cyberspace cap - plasma headpiece - nano-mesh beanie - holographic crown - quantum energy headwrap - techno-helmet - augmented reality beret - cyber-space headband - neon circuit headphones - holo-led visor - robo-lace fascinator - digital mesh baseball cap - synth-leather aviator hat - quantum neon beanie - cyber-denim bucket hat - neon pulse snapback - holographic turban - techno-mesh headband - augmented leather newsboy cap - holo-lace veil - nano-weave bowler hat - cyber-silk sun hat - quantum striped bandana - holo-metallic fedora - neural lace fascinator hat - tech-mesh trucker hat - augmented reality top hat - holo-foil cap - plasma knit headscarf - nanofiber fringe cowboy hat - cyber-satin visor cap - holo-glitter beret - neon sequin headband - holographic kimono hair clip - quantum peplum turban - techno-sheer bucket hat - augmented leather bow headband - holo-silk floppy hat - plasma-mesh cowboy hat - neural silk beanie - cyber-metallic feather headpiece - quantum-vinyl fascinator hat - holo-mesh cycling cap - techno-lace wide-brim hat - augmented reality veiled hat - nano-glitter fascinator - holographic blouson headband - cybernetic hooded cap - neon circuit headwrap - holo-led baseball cap - robo-lace snapback lower-body: - cyber leggings - plasma skirt - quantum energy shorts - holo-mesh pants - techno-leather leggings - nanofiber cargo pants - cybernetic flare pants - augmented reality jeans - holographic culottes - neural mesh skirt - neon circuit leggings - holo-led skirt - robo-lace pants - digital mesh leggings - synth-leather joggers - quantum neon skirt - cyber-denim shorts - neon pulse leggings - holographic jogger pants - techno-mesh mini skirt - augmented leather cargo pants - holo-lace skirt - nano-weave capri pants - cyber-silk trousers - quantum striped leggings - holo-metallic wide-leg pants - neural lace skater skirt - tech-mesh culottes - augmented reality capris - holo-foil biker shorts - plasma knit flare pants - nanofiber fringe skirt - cyber-satin palazzo pants - holo-glitter hot shorts - neon sequin leggings - holographic kimono skirt - cyber leggings - plasma skirt - quantum energy shorts - holo-mesh pants - techno-leather leggings - nanofiber cargo pants - cybernetic flare pants - augmented reality jeans - holographic culottes - neural mesh skirt - neon circuit leggings - holo-led skirt - robo-lace pants - digital mesh leggings - synth-leather joggers - quantum neon skirt - cyber-denim shorts - neon pulse leggings - holographic jogger pants - techno-mesh mini skirt - augmented leather cargo pants - holo-lace skirt - nano-weave capri pants - cyber-silk trousers - quantum striped leggings - holo-metallic wide-leg pants - neural lace skater skirt - tech-mesh culottes - augmented reality capris - holo-foil biker shorts - plasma knit flare pants - nanofiber fringe skirt - cyber-satin palazzo pants - holo-glitter hot shorts - neon sequin leggings - holographic kimono skirt - quantum peplum shorts - techno-sheer leggings - augmented leather harem pants - holo-silk palazzo pants - plasma-mesh culottes - neural silk cargo pants - cyber-metallic skinny pants - quantum-vinyl bell bottoms - holo-mesh flared pants upper-body: - holo-jacket - neural mesh top - cybernetic corset - plasma blazer - nano-mesh turtleneck - holographic bomber - quantum vest - techno-crop top - augmented reality hoodie - cyber-space blouse - neon circuit crop jacket - holo-led trench coat - robo-lace blouse - digital mesh blazer - synth-leather moto jacket - quantum neon halter top - cyber-denim vest - neon pulse bolero - holographic crop blouse - techno-mesh kimono - augmented leather harness - holo-lace capelet - nano-weave bolero - cyber-silk wrap top - quantum striped blouse - holo-metallic shrug - neural lace sleeveless jacket - tech-mesh camisole - augmented reality bustier - holo-foil cropped blouse - plasma knit cardigan - nanofiber fringe cape - cyber-satin wrap - holo-glitter tank top - neon sequin corset - holographic kimono blouse - quantum peplum jacket - techno-sheer shirt - augmented leather bralette - holo-silk ruffle blouse - plasma-mesh bolero - neural silk scarf top - cyber-metallic halter - quantum-vinyl bustier - holo-mesh wrap jacket - techno-lace crop top - augmented reality choker blouse - nano-glitter cape - holographic blouson jacket - cybernetic hooded poncho - quantum peplum shorts - techno-sheer leggings - augmented leather harem pants - holo-silk palazzo pants - plasma-mesh culottes - neural silk cargo pants - cyber-metallic skinny pants - quantum-vinyl bell bottoms - holo-mesh flared pants - techno-lace wide-leg trousers - augmented reality gaucho pants - nano-glitter track pants - holographic blouson pants - cybernetic hooded joggers - neon circuit hot pants - holo-led culottes - robo-lace leggings - digital mesh tapered pants - synth-leather wide-leg pants - quantum neon cargo pants - cyber-denim flare skirt - neon pulse leggings - holographic jogger pants - techno-mesh mini skirt - augmented leather cargo pants - holo-lace skirt - nano-weave capri pants - cyber-silk trousers - quantum striped leggings - holo-metallic wide-leg pants - neural lace skater skirt - tech-mesh culottes - augmented reality capris - holo-foil biker shorts - plasma knit flare pants - nanofiber fringe skirt - cyber-satin palazzo pants - holo-glitter hot shorts - neon sequin leggings - holographic kimono skirt - quantum peplum shorts - techno-sheer leggings - augmented leather harem pants - holo-silk palazzo pants - plasma-mesh culottes - neural silk cargo pants - cyber-metallic skinny pants - quantum-vinyl bell bottoms - holo-mesh flared pants - techno-lace wide-leg trousers - augmented reality gaucho pants - nano-glitter track pants - holographic blouson pants - cybernetic hooded joggers - neon circuit hot pants - holo-led culottes - robo-lace leggings - digital mesh tapered pants - synth-leather wide-leg pants - quantum neon cargo pants - cyber-denim flare skirt - neon pulse leggings - holographic jogger pants - techno-mesh mini skirt - augmented leather cargo pants - holo-lace skirt - nano-weave capri pants - cyber-silk trousers - quantum striped leggings - holo-metallic wide-leg pants - neural lace skater skirt - tech-mesh culottes - augmented reality capris - holo-foil biker shorts - plasma knit flare pants - nanofiber fringe skirt - cyber-satin palazzo pants - holo-glitter hot shorts - neon sequin leggings - holographic kimono skirt - quantum peplum shorts - techno-sheer leggings - augmented leather harem pants - holo-silk palazzo pants - plasma-mesh culottes - neural silk cargo pants - cyber-metallic skinny pants - quantum-vinyl bell bottoms - holo-mesh flared pants - techno-lace wide-leg trousers - augmented reality gaucho pants - nano-glitter track pants - holographic blouson pants - cybernetic hooded joggers - neon circuit hot pants - holo-led culottes - robo-lace leggings - digital mesh tapered pants - synth-leather wide-leg pants - quantum neon cargo pants - cyber-denim flare skirt - neon pulse leggings - holographic jogger pants - techno-mesh mini skirt - augmented leather cargo pants - holo-lace skirt - nano-weave capri pants - cyber-silk trousers - quantum striped leggings - holo-metallic wide-leg pants - neural lace skater skirt - tech-mesh culottes - augmented reality capris - holo-foil biker shorts - plasma knit flare pants - nanofiber fringe skirt - cyber-satin palazzo male: footwear: - neural interface sneakers - holographic high-tops - quantum-sole boots - nanofiber running shoes - hover skate shoes - bioluminescent sandals - gravity-defying oxfords - pulsewave combat boots - cybernetic flip-flops - plasma-charged sneakers - bionic wingtip shoes - neon-laced loafers - energy shielded sandals - smart-fabric dress shoes - circuitry-enhanced hiking boots - electroluminescent espadrilles - levitating slip-ons - ar-enabled work boots - haptic feedback racing shoes - stealth-enhanced climbing boots - plasma-infused ballet flats - reactive smart athletic shoes - virtual reality soccer cleats - graphene-infused trail runners - quantum fiber combat sandals - ar-assisted snow boots - smart-sensor golf shoes - electro-reactive roller skates - pulsewave combat sandals - nanofiber-woven trekking boots - holo-stitched yoga slippers - thermal-regulating cycling shoes - plasma-infused water shoes - ar-enhanced urban sandals - neural-linked basketball sneakers - energy-absorbing combat boots - stealth-enhanced camo slippers - holographic gaming sandals - cyber-diamond armor boots - hyper-ventilated running sneakers - plasma-laced moto boots - carbon-weave adventure sandals - electro-reactive scuba fins - virtual reality sleepwear slippers - anti-gravity urban flip-flops - adaptive smart track shoes - synth-silk dress loafers - led-infused dance sandals - smart-sensor work shoes - quantum-energy sneaker boots - electromagnetic athletic slides - pulsewave combat boots - nanofiber-woven trekking sandals - holo-stitched yoga sneakers - thermal-regulating hiking shoes - plasma-infused gym slides - quantum-soled racing boots - ar-guided climbing shoes - electro-reactive soccer cleats - pulsewave combat sandals - nanofiber running boots - haptic feedback racing sneakers - stealth-enhanced mountain boots - plasma-infused ballet shoes - reactive smart tennis sneakers - virtual reality football cleats - graphene-infused water sandals - quantum fiber combat boots - ar-assisted winter boots - smart-sensor golf cleats - electroluminescent roller blades - levitating hiking boots - ar-enabled work sneakers - energy-absorbing racing sandals - stealth-enhanced camo boots - holographic gaming sneakers - cyber-diamond armor shoes - hyper-ventilated running boots - plasma-laced moto sandals - carbon-weave adventure boots - electro-reactive scuba shoes - virtual reality sleepwear slides - anti-gravity urban sneakers - adaptive smart track sandals - synth-silk dress boots - led-infused dance sneakers - smart-sensor work boots - quantum-energy athletic shoes - electromagnetic athletic slippers - pulsewave combat sandals - nanofiber-woven trekking sneakers - holo-stitched yoga sandals - thermal-regulating running shoes - plasma-infused gym sneakers full-body: - cybernetic jumpsuit - holographic overalls - quantum tech romper - techno-synth bodysuit - augmented reality catsuit - cyber-space unitard - neon circuit onesie - holo-led coveralls - robo-lace boiler suit - digital mesh onesie - synth-leather zentai suit - quantum neon leotard - holo-metallic catsuit - neural lace flight suit - tech-mesh onesie - augmented leather stealth suit - holo-silk bodysuit - plasma-mesh combat suit - cyber-metallic jumpsuit - quantum-vinyl utility suit - holo-mesh diving suit - techno-lace unitard - nano-glitter romper - cyber-silk wetsuit - neon pulse space suit - holographic kimono pajamas - quantum peplum bodysuit - techno-sheer coveralls - augmented reality tuxedo onesie - nano-weave ski suit - cyber-denim mechanic suit - plasma knit lounge jumpsuit - nanofiber fringe morphsuit - cyber-satin sleepsuit - holo-glitter bodysuit - neon sequin dance costume - holographic kimono pajamas - quantum peplum bodysuit - techno-sheer coveralls - augmented reality tuxedo onesie - nano-weave ski suit - cyber-silk wetsuit - neon pulse space suit - holographic kimono pajamas - quantum peplum bodysuit - techno-sheer coveralls - augmented reality tuxedo onesie - nano-weave ski suit - cyber-denim mechanic suit - plasma knit lounge jumpsuit - nanofiber fringe morphsuit - cyber-satin sleepsuit - holo-glitter bodysuit - neon sequin dance costume - holographic kimono pajamas - quantum peplum bodysuit - techno-sheer coveralls - augmented reality tuxedo onesie - nano-weave ski suit - cyber-silk wetsuit - neon pulse space suit - holographic kimono pajamas - quantum peplum bodysuit - techno-sheer coveralls - augmented reality tuxedo onesie - nano-weave ski suit - cyber-denim mechanic suit - plasma knit lounge jumpsuit - nanofiber fringe morphsuit - cyber-satin sleepsuit - holo-glitter bodysuit - neon sequin dance costume headwear: - neural interface cap - holo-visor - quantum circlet - cybernetic headband - augmented reality helmet - plasma-infused beanie - bionic fedora - microchip beanie - electromagnetic goggles - ar baseball cap - virtual reality visor - gravity-defying headpiece - bioluminescent bandana - graphene head wrap - carbon-fiber headphones - robotic headset - haptic crown - neuro-linked hood - electroluminescent headband - reactive sun hat - levitating beret - solar-powered snapback - sonic sound-cancelling earmuffs - thermal-regulating turban lower-body: - cyber trousers - nano-mesh pants - holo-camo cargo shorts - techwear joggers - augmented reality jeans - plasma-infused leggings - hyperflex cargo pants - neon-stitched chinos - electric-powered trousers - bionic denim - gravity-defying slacks - biohazard utility pants - carbon-fiber track pants - energy shield legguards - futuristic kilt - digital camouflage trousers - reactive liquid leather pants - levitating harem pants - smart-fabric capris - circuitry-enhanced shorts - cybernetic sportswear leggings - electro-reflective leg plates - holographic board shorts - mech-suit leg armor - nanotech slim-fit trousers - pulse-wave cargo pants - synthweave hiking pants - techno-ninja hakama - virtual reality riding breeches - graphene reinforced pants - light-emitting joggers - anti-gravity biker pants - augmented mobility trousers - stealth assassin leggings - optical illusion tights - bionic mesh athletic shorts - led-lit dance pants - smart-thermo snow pants - electromagnetic field trousers - plasma-powered capri pants - biomechanical utility kilt - quantum flex trousers - thermal-regulating cargo shorts - reactive smart fabric pants - haptic feedback trousers - microchip-enhanced slacks - levitation hologram skirt - cyberspace running leggings - adaptive temperature jeans - electro-magnetic trousers - digital graffiti pants - anti-static tactical pants - plasma-imbued combat trousers - futuristic ski pants - adaptive chameleon camo pants - bionic exoskeleton leggings - solar-powered hiking pants - dynamic-fit sports shorts - nanoweave chino pants - levitating athletic leggings - carbon nanotube sweatpants - light-bending holo shorts - pneumatic mechanized pants - neutron shielded cargo pants - neuro-linked track pants - stealth camouflage leggings - virtuoso virtuapants - quantum-powered dance leggings - subzero insulated trousers - biometrically-sealed waterproof pants - electroluminescent leggings - ether-woven dress pants - hyper-reactive combat trousers - gravity-defying skate pants - plasma core-powered leggings - nanofiber-reinforced racing shorts - mecha-piloting pilot pants - augmented reality golf pants - robotic exosuit leggings - sonic dampening running shorts - cybernetic stealth leggings - tactical laser-cut cargo pants - pulse-charged cyber shorts - nano-scale utility trousers - ar-enhanced urban joggers - programmable bioluminescent pants - haptic feedback leggings - hyper-threaded utility pants - levitating parkour pants - quantum fabric hiking shorts - ar-enabled tactical leggings - neural-linked cargo pants - energy-absorbing combat trousers - stealth-enhanced camo shorts - holographic gaming pants - cyber-diamond armor leggings - hyper-ventilated running tights - plasma-laced moto pants - carbon-weave adventure shorts - electro-reactive scuba pants - virtual reality sleepwear leggings - anti-gravity urban shorts - adaptive smart track pants - synth-silk dress trousers - led-infused dance leggings - smart-sensor work pants - quantum-energy slim-fit jeans - electromagnetic athletic shorts - pulsewave combat trousers - nanofiber-woven trekking pants - holo-stitched yoga leggings - thermal-regulating bike shorts - plasma-infused gym pants upper-body: - holo-hoodie - neural mesh jacket - cybernetic trench coat - plasma blazer - nano-mesh vest - holographic bomber jacket - quantum tech suit - techno-pullover sweater - augmented reality blazer - cyber-space leather jacket - neon circuit hoodie - holo-led windbreaker - robo-lace dress shirt - digital mesh cardigan - synth-leather moto jacket - quantum neon vest - cyber-denim jacket - neon pulse bomber - holographic tuxedo jacket - techno-mesh polo shirt - augmented leather biker jacket - holo-lace vest - nano-weave hooded jacket - cyber-silk kimono - quantum striped hoodie - holo-metallic blazer - neural lace hooded poncho - tech-mesh varsity jacket - augmented reality denim shirt - holo-foil cape - plasma knit sweater - nanofiber fringe capelet - cyber-satin hoodie - holo-glitter suit jacket - neon sequin bomber - holographic dress shirt - quantum peplum blazer - techno-sheer mesh shirt - augmented leather bomber - holo-silk pullover - plasma-mesh hooded sweatshirt - neural silk tuxedo vest - cyber-metallic windbreaker - quantum-vinyl leather jacket - holo-mesh polo - techno-lace suit - augmented reality blouse - nano-glitter zip-up jacket - holographic blouson vest - cybernetic hooded jacket - neon circuit sweatshirt - holo-led varsity jacket - robo-lace henley shirt - digital mesh kimono unisex: accesoires: - neural interface gauntlet - holo-projector bracelet - quantum-linked necklace - cybernetic ear cuff - augmented reality ring - plasma-infused anklet - bionic wristband - microchip keychain - electromagnetic belt - ar watch - virtual reality pendant - gravity-defying cufflinks - bioluminescent ankle brace - graphene wallet - carbon-fiber sunglasses - robotic arm sleeve - haptic feedback collar - neuro-linked glove - electroluminescent choker - reactive arm band - levitating brooch - solar-powered belt buckle - sonic sound amplifier - thermal-regulating scarf backwear: - neural interface backpack - holo-projection cape - quantum-linked jetpack - cybernetic wingpack - augmented reality shoulder holster - plasma-infused cloak - bionic utility harness - microchip sling bag - electromagnetic grappling hook - ar tactical vest - virtual reality travel pack - gravity-defying backpack - bioluminescent lumbar pack - graphene tech satchel - carbon-fiber modular pack - robotic exoskeleton frame - haptic feedback fanny pack - neuro-linked rucksack - electroluminescent duffel bag - reactive quick-release straps - levitating holster - solar-powered charging case - sonic sound-blasting amplifier - thermal-regulating poncho facewear: - neural interface goggles - holo-projection mask - quantum-linked headset - cybernetic eyepatch - augmented reality visor - plasma-infused face shield - bionic sunglasses - microchip respirator - electromagnetic face mask - ar headgear - virtual reality headset - gravity-defying eye implants - bioluminescent veil - graphene eye patch - carbon-fiber gas mask - robotic facial prosthetic - haptic feedback headpiece - neuro-linked headband - electroluminescent facial covering - reactive eyewear - levitating headband - solar-powered safety goggles - sonic noise-canceling earmuffs - thermal-regulating face scarf neckwear: - neural interface collar - holo-projection scarf - quantum-linked choker - cybernetic neck implant - augmented reality necklace - plasma-infused bandana - bionic turtleneck - microchip pendant - electromagnetic tie - ar hologram collar - virtual reality medallion - gravity-defying neck ring - bioluminescent cowl - graphene ascot - carbon-fiber bowtie - robotic neck guard - haptic feedback ruff - neuro-linked neck strap - electroluminescent capelet - reactive neck bracelet - levitating cravat - solar-powered chain - sonic sound-isolating collar - thermal-regulating neck wrap baroque: female: dress: accesoires: - baroque pearl necklaces - cameo brooches - choker necklaces - embellished fans - feathered hairpins - filigree earrings - floral corsages - gemstone rings - gold filigree combs - lace hand fans - locket bracelets - muff hand warmers - ribbon bows - rosette hairpins - silk gloves - tassel earrings - velvet ribbon chokers arms: - applique detailing - beaded fringe - beaded netting - bell sleeves - brocade appliques - brocade appliques - cuff embellishments - corded appliques - corded knots - corded trims - crochet lace inserts - crocheted edges - crocheted tassels - draped sleeves - embellished buttons - embellished collar and cuff sets - embroidered foliage - embroidered lace edges - embroidery and brocade - faux fur trims - faux pearl embellishments - feather trims - floral appliques - floral lace inserts - floral patterns - flared cuffs - gathered wrists - geometric designs - gilded passementerie - gimp braids - gossamer ribbons - gossamer tulle overlay - gold and silver embroidery - gold braiding - gold bullion - gold thread tassels - hazelwood - lace cuff inserts - lace ruffles - lace ruching - lattice detailing - layered ruffles - metallic brocade cuffs - metallic threadwork - organza bows - organza inserts - pearl buttons - pearl or gemstone decorations - pleated cuff bands - pleated satin cuffs - pleated tulle inserts - pouf or padding - puffed and slashed sleeves - puff and slash decorations - quackenbush - quilted sleeves - ribbon and bow accents - ribbon lacing - ribbon medallions - ribbon pom-poms - ribbon rosettes - ribbon streamers - ribbon ties - ruched detailing - ruched organza - ruched tulle - ruffled collars - ruffled cuffs - ruffled taffeta - sablewood - sash or ribbon ties - satin bows - satin piping - scalloped edges - scalloped lace trim - scalloped organza - scalloped satin trim - sequin embellishments - sequin tassels - sheer fabrics - silk cord loops - silk rosettes - silk tied closures - silk tassels - slingsby - soutache embroidery - tassel and fringe embellishments - tassels and fringe embellishments - thistledown - tiered ruffles - tied sashes - tied satin bows - velvet and silk fabrics - velvet bows - velvet piping - velvet ribbon trim - windermere - woodruff - yarborough - umbridge collar-cleavage: - applique detailing - beaded fringe - beaded netting - bell sleeves - brocade appliques - brocade appliques - cuff embellishments - corded appliques - corded knots - corded trims - crochet lace inserts - crocheted edges - crocheted tassels - draped sleeves - embellished buttons - embellished collar and cuff sets - embroidered foliage - embroidered lace edges - embroidery and brocade - faux fur trims - faux pearl embellishments - feather trims - floral appliques - floral lace inserts - floral patterns - flared cuffs - gathered wrists - geometric designs - gilded passementerie - gimp braids - gossamer ribbons - gossamer tulle overlay - gold and silver embroidery - gold braiding - gold bullion - gold thread tassels - hazelwood - lace cuff inserts - lace ruffles - lace ruching - lattice detailing - layered ruffles - metallic brocade cuffs - metallic threadwork - organza bows - organza inserts - pearl buttons - pearl or gemstone decorations - pleated cuff bands - pleated satin cuffs - pleated tulle inserts - pouf or padding - puffed and slashed sleeves - puff and slash decorations - quackenbush - quilted sleeves - ribbon and bow accents - ribbon lacing - ribbon medallions - ribbon pom-poms - ribbon rosettes - ribbon streamers - ribbon ties - ruched detailing - ruched organza - ruched tulle - ruffled collars - ruffled cuffs - ruffled taffeta - sablewood - sash or ribbon ties - satin bows - satin piping - scalloped edges - scalloped lace trim - scalloped organza - scalloped satin trim - sequin embellishments - sequin tassels - sheer fabrics - silk cord loops - silk rosettes - silk tied closures - silk tassels - slingsby - soutache embroidery - tassel and fringe embellishments - tassels and fringe embellishments - thistledown - tiered ruffles - tied sashes - tied satin bows - velvet and silk fabrics - velvet bows - velvet piping - velvet ribbon trim - windermere - woodruff - yarborough - umbridge lower-body: - embroidered skirts - flared hemlines - floral patterns on skirts - gold and silver threadwork on skirts - layered petticoats - metallic brocade skirts - overskirts with embellishments - pearl or gemstone decorations on skirts - pleated skirt panels - ribbon and bow accents on skirts - ruffled skirt hemlines - silk tied closures on skirts - tassels and fringe on skirts - velvet skirt trim - wide skirt pockets types: - ball gowns - corset dresses - court dresses - empire waist dresses - mantua dresses - pannier dresses - robe à la française - robe à la polonaise - sack-back dresses - chemise dresses - mantua dresses - watteau dresses - peplum dresses - fichu dresses - banyan dresses - farthingale dresses - hoop skirts upper-body: - bodice embellishments - boned corsets - brocade bodices - cinched waistlines - corset lacing - crisscross ribbon bodices - embroidered corsets - floral applique bodices - gilded bodice fastenings - intricate lace bodices - jeweled bodice brooches - lace-up corsets - layered ruffle bodices - metallic threadwork bodices - pearl-studded bodices - puffed bodice sleeves - ribbon corset lacing - silk sashes - stomacher embellishments - structured bodices - velvet bodices - wide necklines - wrapped bodices male: attire: accesoires: - cravat pins - embellished cane handles - embroidered handkerchiefs - filigree buckles - gemstone rings - gold pocket watches - lace handkerchiefs - locket brooches - ribbon tied bicorn hats - ruffled lace cuffs - satin gloves - silk breeches garters - snuff boxes - tricorn hats with feather plumes - velvet gloves arms: - applique detailing - beaded fringe - beaded netting - bell sleeves - brocade appliques - brocade appliques - corded appliques - corded knots - corded trims - crochet lace inserts - crocheted edges - crocheted tassels - cuff embellishments - draped sleeves - embellished buttons - embellished collar and cuff sets - embroidered foliage - embroidered lace edges - embroidery and brocade - faux fur trims - faux pearl embellishments - feather trims - floral appliques - floral lace inserts - floral patterns - flared cuffs - gathered wrists - geometric designs - gilded passementerie - gimp braids - gossamer ribbons - gossamer tulle overlay - gold and silver embroidery - gold braiding - gold bullion - gold thread tassels - hazelwood - lace cuff inserts - lace ruffles - lace ruching - lattice detailing - layered ruffles - metallic brocade cuffs - metallic threadwork - organza bows - organza inserts - pearl buttons - pearl or gemstone decorations - pleated cuff bands - pleated satin cuffs - pleated tulle inserts - pouf or padding - puffed and slashed sleeves - puff and slash decorations - quackenbush - quilted sleeves - ribbon and bow accents - ribbon lacing - ribbon medallions - ribbon pom-poms - ribbon rosettes - ribbon streamers - ribbon ties - ruched detailing - ruched organza - ruched tulle - ruffled collars - ruffled cuffs - ruffled taffeta - sablewood - sash or ribbon ties - satin bows - satin piping - scalloped edges - scalloped lace trim - scalloped organza - scalloped satin trim - sequin embellishments - sequin tassels - sheer fabrics - silk cord loops - silk rosettes - silk tied closures - silk tassels - slingsby - soutache embroidery - tassel and fringe embellishments - tassels and fringe embellishments - thistledown - tiered ruffles - tied sashes - tied satin bows - velvet and silk fabrics - velvet bows - velvet piping - velvet ribbon trim - windermere - woodruff - yarborough - umbridge collar-cleavage: - cravat and jabot sets - embellished cravats - embroidered lace collars - gold thread collar embroidery - jabot pins - lace cravats - pearl-studded collars - ribbon tied stocks - ruffled collars - scalloped collar edges - velvet collars - wide collar decorations lower-body: - breeches with embroidery - brocade breeches - embellished hose - lace-up breeches - metallic threadwork on breeches - pearl-adorned breeches - ribbon-trimmed breeches - ruffled breeches - silk sashes for waist - tassels and fringe on breeches - velvet breeches - wide cuffs on breeches types: - banyan robes - breeches with embroidery - brocade breeches - court suits - cravat and jabot sets - doublets - frock coats - jerkins - justaucorps - lace cravats - mantua coats - ribbon-trimmed breeches - ruffled shirts - sash or ribbon ties - tailcoats - tricorn hats - velvet breeches - waistcoats - wide cuffs on breeches upper-body: - applique detailing - beaded brooches - brocade vests - cravat and jabot sets - embellished cravats - embroidered waistcoats - faux fur stoles - gold thread embroidery - jeweled buttons - lace cravats - metallic threadwork - pearl-studded waistcoats - ribbon tied stocks - ruffled jabots - silk waistcoats - velvet jackets - waistcoat chains edoperiod: female: dress: accesoires: - higasa (paper umbrella) - kanzashi (ornamental hairpins) - kimono obi (sash) - kinchaku (drawstring bag) - koromogae (seasonal clothing changes) - obijime (obi cord) - obidome (obi ornament) - tabi (traditional split-toe socks) - tegara (handbag) - uchiwa (hand fan) - zori (traditional sandals) arms: - embroidered sleeves - furisode kimono sleeves - hikizuri kimono sleeves - homongi kimono sleeves - irotomesode kimono sleeves - juunihitoe sleeves - kariginu sleeves - kosode kimono sleeves - mofuku kimono sleeves - susohiki kimono sleeves - tsumugi kimono sleeves - uchikake kimono sleeves - yogi kimono sleeves - wrist ties collor-cleavage: - kimono collar (eri) - nagajuban collar - han-eri - eri sugata - juban collar - kimono neckline - kakeshita collar lower-body: - hakama skirt - kosode kimono skirt - nagajuban (under kimono) - sarashi (cloth wrap) - susohiki kimono train - tsuke-obi (pre-tied obi) - uchikake kimono train - zori sandals types: - furisode kimono - hikizuri kimono - homongi kimono - irotomesode kimono - juunihitoe - kariginu - kosode kimono - mofuku kimono - susohiki kimono - tsumugi kimono - uchikake kimono - yogi kimono upper-body: - fukuro obi (formal sash) - haori (kimono jacket) - haori-himo (haori cord) - kimono collar - kimono obi (sash) - kinchaku (drawstring bag) - koshihimo (kimono undergarment ties) - nagajuban (under kimono) - tabi (traditional split-toe socks) - uchikake (wedding kimono) - uchikake obi (wedding kimono sash) - wataboshi (bridal hood) - yogi kimono jacket male: attire: accesoires: - Geta (Traditional Wooden Sandals) - Hachimaki (Headband) - Haneri (Decorative Collar Insert) - Kanzashi (Ornamental Hairpins) - Kinchaku (Drawstring Bag) - Obi (Sash) - Sensu (Folding Fan) - Tabi (Traditional Split-Toe Socks) - Tegara (Handbag) - Tenugui (Cotton Hand Towel) - Uchiwa (Hand Fan) - Zori (Traditional Sandals) arms: - Furisode Sleeves - Hikizuri Sleeves - Homongi Sleeves - Irotomesode Sleeves - Juunihitoe Sleeves - Kariginu Sleeves - Kosode Sleeves - Mofuku Sleeves - Susohiki Sleeves - Tsumugi Sleeves - Uchikake Sleeves - Yogi Sleeves collor-cleavage: - Kataginu Neckline - Haori Neckline - Kosode Neckline - Nagajuban Neckline - Uwagi Neckline - Kimono Neckline - Yukata Neckline lower-body: - Hakama (Wide-Legged Trousers) - Jika-tabi (Split-Toe Socks) - Samue (Casual Wear) - Zori (Traditional Sandals) types: - eboshi (formal hat) - haori (kimono jacket) - hakama (wide-legged trousers) - hitatare (formal attire) - hoko (narrow-obi ensemble) - jika-tabi (split-toe socks) - jinbaori (sleeveless surcoat) - kamishimo (formal attire) - kataginu (sleeveless jacket) - kimono (main garment) - kosode (under kimono) - nagajuban (under kimono) - obi (sash) - samue (casual wear) - uwagi (outer garment) - zori (traditional sandals) upperbody: - Eboshi (Formal Hat) - Haori (Kimono Jacket) - Hitatare (Formal Attire) - Jinbaori (Sleeveless Surcoat) - Kamishimo (Formal Attire) - Kataginu (Sleeveless Jacket) - Kosode (Under Kimono) - Nagajuban (Under Kimono) - Obi (Sash) - Uwagi (Outer Garment) edwardian: female: - high necklines with lace collars - puffed sleeves with lace or ruffled cuffs - s-curve silhouette with a defined waist - elaborate and ornate embroidery - use of sheer fabrics like chiffon and lace - wide-brimmed hats with ribbons and flowers - corsets for hourglass figure - long, columnar skirts with trains - layers of petticoats and bustles for volume - pastel colors and floral prints - empire waist dresses with sashes - edwardian "gibson girl" hairstyles with piled-up hair and large hats - high-buttoned boots or low-heeled shoes - gloves and parasols for accessories - evening gowns with embellishments and beading - tailored suits with long jackets (for daywear) - lingerie dresses with layers of lace - elaborate jewelry, including necklaces, brooches, and lockets - small handbags or purses - mutton chop sleeves with fullness at the upper arms male: - tailored suits with matching jackets and trousers - high stand collars on shirts - cravats or ascot ties - waistcoats (vests) with ornate patterns - frock coats for formal occasions - bowler hats or boater hats - wingtip collar shirts for formalwear - pocket watches with chains - straight-legged trousers - ankle boots or lace-up oxfords - cufflinks and tie pins - trench coats for rainy weather - rolled umbrellas - braces (suspenders) for trousers - gloves for formal events - top hats for very formal occasions - walking canes or walking sticks - boutonnieres (flower corsages) - crisp white shirts for daywear - wide, luxurious overcoats for winter - homburg hats for elegant attire georgian: female: - empire waistline dresses - high necklines with ruffled collars - gigot sleeves (puffed sleeves) - lightweight fabrics like muslin and silk - simple and elegant designs - soft, flowing skirts with minimal crinoline or hoops - delicate floral prints and pastel colors - bodices with fitted corsets - ribbons and sashes as waist decorations - elaborate hairstyles with curls and ribbons - bonnets with ribbons and decorative trim - gloves and handheld fans - parasols for sun protection - small, round-rimmed eyeglasses (lorgnettes) - elaborate jewelry with pearls and gemstones - lace mitts or gloves - flat shoes or slippers with minimal heels - embroidery and embellishments on bodices and hems male: - tailored suits with long coats - waistcoats (vests) with ornate designs - cravats or neckties tied in bow knots - knee-length breeches (pants) - stockings and garters - square-toed shoes with buckles - tricorn hats (three-cornered hats) - jabot (a decorative neckpiece) - frock coats for formal occasions - waist-length jackets with flared skirts - crisp white shirts with ruffled collars and cuffs - long, tied-back hairstyles with wigs for formal events - walking canes or walking sticks - pocket watches with chains - gloves for formal events - cloaks and capes for outdoor wear - embroidered or brocade fabrics for formalwear - cravat pins or brooches - monocles for reading or distinction medieval: female: - floor-length gowns - long, flowing sleeves - fitted bodices with laces or corsets - wide, v-shaped necklines - rich, luxurious fabrics like velvet and silk - elaborate embroidery and decorative trims - use of mantles or cloaks - high-waisted silhouettes - girdles or belts to define waist - head coverings like wimples and veils - long, loose hair or covered hair - tippets (short capes) - circular or full skirts - decorative brooches and pins - leather or fabric shoes - use of layers and undergarments - metal and gemstone jewelry - rich, earthy colors like deep reds, greens, and blues - period-specific styles such as gothic or renaissance male: - tunic or surcoat (outer garment) - hose (tight-fitting leg coverings) - long-sleeved shirt or undertunic - cloaks or mantles for outerwear - belts with pouches or accessories - leather or fabric shoes or boots - coif or hood (head covering) - doublet (close-fitting jacket) - hosen (tight leg coverings) - braies (undergarments) - use of cloaks or capes for added warmth - wide, belted waistlines - decorative buckles and fastenings - simple, natural colors like brown, gray, and earth tones - cloaks or mantles for outerwear - period-specific styles such as gothic or renaissance - use of layers and undergarments - metal and leather accessories like brooches and belts napoleonic: female: - empire waistline dresses - high necks with ruffled collars - short puffed sleeves or long sleeves - simple and elegant designs - sheer fabrics like muslin and silk - soft, flowing skirts with minimal understructure - minimal use of corsets for a natural waist - delicate embroidery and decorative trims - empire silhouette with gowns falling from just below the bust - classical greek and roman influences - small, decorative belts or sashes - bonnets with ribbons and plumes - gloves and handheld fans - parasols for sun protection - delicate and dainty accessories - soft pastel colors and floral prints - empire hairstyles with simple curls and ribbons - flat shoes or slippers with minimal heels male: - tailored coats and waistcoats (vests) - high stand collars on shirts - cravats or neckties tied in bow knots - breeches (knee-length pants) - knee-high boots or shoes with buckles - top hats or bicorne hats (two-cornered hats) - frock coats for formal occasions - tailcoats with tails for formalwear - waistcoats with ornate patterns - crisp white shirts with high collars - cane or walking stick - waist belts with pouches or accessories - gloves for formal events - pocket watches with chains - minimal jewelry, such as rings and cufflinks - epaulettes on military uniforms - period-specific styles such as regency or early victorian - use of dark and neutral colors like black, blue, and gray qingdynasty: female: - qipao or cheongsam (one-piece dress) with high collar - tight-fitting silhouette with slit skirt (later qing dynasty) - loose, flowing sleeves (earlier qing dynasty) - use of luxurious fabrics like silk and satin - elaborate embroidery and intricate brocade patterns - traditional chinese knot buttons (frog closures) - elegant floral and nature motifs in embroidery - tied waist sash for shape definition - elaborate hairstyles with hairpins and accessories - decorative headdresses and hair ornaments (e.g., jade hairpins) - small footwear (lotus shoes) for bound feet (earlier qing dynasty) - natural footwear (platform shoes) (later qing dynasty) - minimal use of jewelry (e.g., earrings and bracelets) - period-specific styles such as early qing or late qing - traditional color symbolism (e.g., red for good luck) - use of decorative fans and handheld accessories - qing dynasty specific headwear (e.g., phoenix crown for brides) male: - changshan or changpao (long robe) - high collar with frog closures - loose and straight silhouette - use of luxurious fabrics like silk and satin - embroidered patterns on collar and sleeves (for formal occasions) - minimal decoration for everyday wear - waist sash or belt - wide, straight-legged trousers - flat-soled shoes (usually cloth or leather) - traditional chinese knot buttons (frog closures) - simple, functional design for practicality - long hairstyles, often tied in a queue (long braid) for men - minimal use of jewelry (e.g., rings or bracelets) - period-specific styles such as early qing or late qing - traditional colors and symbols (e.g., black for dignity) - minimal use of accessories - bamboo hats (for outdoor wear) - use of fans and handheld accessories regency: female: - empire waistline dresses - high necks with ruffled collars - short puffed sleeves or long sleeves - minimal use of corsets for a natural waist - soft and flowing silhouettes - sheer and lightweight fabrics like muslin and silk - delicate embroidery and decorative trims - simple, elegant designs with minimal ornamentation - gowns falling from just below the bust - empire silhouette with raised waistline - classical greek and roman influences - minimal accessories for a natural look - bonnets with ribbons and plumes - gloves and handheld fans - parasols for sun protection - soft pastel colors and floral prints - regency hairstyles with simple curls and ribbons - flat slippers or low-heeled shoes - short spencer jackets for outdoor wear - shawls or stoles for added warmth male: - tailored coats with long tails - waistcoats (vests) with high collars - cravats or neckties tied in elaborate knots - breeches (knee-length pants) - knee-high boots or shoes with buckles - top hats or bicorne hats (two-cornered hats) - frock coats for formal occasions - tailcoats with tails for formalwear - waistcoats with ornate patterns - crisp white shirts with high collars - cane or walking stick - waist belts with pouches or accessories - gloves for formal events - pocket watches with chains - minimal jewelry, such as rings and cufflinks - epaulettes on military uniforms (for military personnel) - period-specific styles such as early regency or late regency - use of dark and neutral colors like black, blue, and gray renaissance: female: - elaborate and fitted bodices - low necklines with square or v-shaped collars - puffed sleeves, often slashed to reveal contrasting fabric - wide, bell-shaped skirts - use of corsets and boning for hourglass figure - rich and luxurious fabrics like velvet, silk, and brocade - ornate embroidery and decorative trims - layers of petticoats and underskirts for volume - gowns with trains or long hemlines - high forehead and hairline (in some periods) - elaborate headpieces and headdresses, such as gable hoods and tiaras - bodice and skirt separation with girdles or belts - rich, earthy colors like deep reds, greens, and blues - pendants, medallions, and brooches as jewelry - elaborate fans and handheld mirrors - gloves and fingerless mitts - flat slippers or shoes with heels - period-specific styles such as italian renaissance or tudor male: - doublets (fitted jackets) - puffed or slashed sleeves - high necklines with ruffled collars - hose (tight-fitting leg coverings) - breeches (knee-length pants) - jerkins (sleeveless jackets) - cloaks and capes with fur or brocade - tall, wide-brimmed hats - codpieces (padded groin coverings) - waistcoats (vests) with ornate patterns - leather or fabric shoes with buckles - ruffled or crisp white shirts - sashes and belts for waist definition - swords and dagger accessories (for some) - feathered plumes as hat decorations - jewelry, including rings and chains - trench coats or mantles for outdoor wear - use of rich, earthy colors and brocade fabrics - period-specific styles such as italian renaissance or elizabethan rococo: female: - elaborate and fitted bodices - low necklines with ruffled collars or decolletage - elbow-length puffed sleeves or bell sleeves - use of corsets and stays for a curvaceous figure - wide, panniered skirts for an hourglass silhouette - layers of ruffles and frills - pastel colors and floral prints - luxurious fabrics like silk and taffeta - exquisite embroidery and lace - oversized watteau trains - elaborate hairstyles with wigs and hairpieces - feathered headdresses and hair accessories - fans and handheld mirrors as accessories - lace mitts or gloves - flat slippers or heeled shoes with ribbon ties - rococo-inspired jewelry, including cameos and rocaille motifs - decorative girdles or sashes - rococo-style rocaille and shell motifs - masks and masquerade attire for balls and parties male: - three-piece suits (coat, waistcoat, breeches) - tailored coats with elaborate embroidery and trim - waistcoats (vests) with ornate patterns - breeches (knee-length pants) - high collars on shirts - ruffled or cravat neckties - stockings and garters - buckled shoes or slippers - tricorn hats (three-cornered hats) with ribbons - wigs with curls and powder - cane or walking stick as accessories - elaborate waist sashes or belts - frock coats with long tails - brocade fabrics and pastel colors - use of lace and embroidery - pocket watches with chains - minimal jewelry, such as rings and cufflinks - fans and handheld mirrors (for some) - rococo-inspired motifs and embellishments - period-specific styles such as louis xv or louis xvi tudor: female: - gowns with square necklines - fitted bodices with laces and hooks - elbow-length puffed sleeves or straight sleeves - wide, hooped skirts with layers of petticoats - high waistlines with girdles or belts - elaborate embroidery and decorative trims - rich fabrics like velvet, silk, and brocade - use of corsets or stays for a conical torso - headdresses like gable hoods or french hoods - ruffled collars or partlets - elaborate headpieces with veils and jewels - minimal accessories, such as rings and necklaces - flat shoes or low-heeled slippers - rich, jewel-toned colors like deep reds, greens, and blues - elizabethan ruffs (in later tudor period) - period-specific styles such as early tudor or elizabethan male: - doublets (fitted jackets) - hose (tight-fitting leg coverings) - codpieces (padded groin coverings) - breeches (knee-length pants) - high necklines with ruffled collars - cloaks and capes - tall, flat hats (e.g., tudor bonnets) - waistcoats (vests) with ornate patterns - buckled shoes or ankle boots - ruffled or cravat neckties - wide leather belts with decorative buckles - velvet and brocade fabrics - use of puffed or slashed sleeves - minimal jewelry, such as rings and brooches - flat caps or berets (for outdoor wear) - cloaks with fur collars (for outdoor wear) - short beards and mustaches - use of earthy and rich colors - period-specific styles such as early tudor or elizabethan victorian: female: - bonnets and wide-brimmed hats - boots, button-up - bows and sashes - bustles for back fullness - cameo brooches and jewelry - corsets for waist cinching - crinoline or hoop skirts for volume - fans - full-length skirts - gloves - high necklines - lace and ruffles - long sleeves - natural waistline - parasols - petticoats for layering - rich fabrics like silk and velvet male: - ascot ties - bowler hats (derby hats) - cravats or neckties - crisp white shirts - cufflinks - dress gloves - frock coats - high-collared shirts - leather boots - monocles - pocket watches - smoking jackets - spats (shoe covers) - suspenders (braces) - tailcoats - top hats - trousers (pants) - waistcoats (vests) - walking canes magical: female: footwear: - enchanted slippers - sorceress sandals - mystic boots - elven pointed shoes - enigma ballet flats - celestial wedge heels - sorcerer's buckled boots - enchanter's booties - alchemist espadrilles - seeress ankle boots - druidic leaf sandals - enchantress embroidered shoes - celestial wrap-around sandals - magician's tasseled loafers - sorceress high heels - enigma lace-up boots - celestial platform shoes - oracle beaded slippers - mystic wrap sandals - priestess kitten heels full-body: - elven gown - celestial robes - enchantress dress - sorceress robe - mystic garment - arcane tunic - enigma gown - druidic robes - enchanter's attire - enigmatic robe - seeress dress - sorcerer's habit - alchemist ensemble - mystic vestment - oracle robe - priestess attire - wizard's habit - witch's gown - celestial dress - magician robes headwear: - enchanted circlet - sorceress hood - mystic veil - elven tiara - enigma headband - celestial diadem - sorcerer's hat - enchanter's wreath - alchemist headscarf - seeress headpiece - druidic crown - enchantress headband - celestial crescent crown - magician's pointed hat - sorceress veil - enigma feathered fascinator - celestial star diadem - oracle crystal crown - mystic embroidered headwrap - priestess headdress lower-body: - enchanted skirt - sorceress gown - mystic robe with train - elven leggings - enigma trousers - celestial culottes - sorcerer's breeches - enchanter's skort - alchemist sarong - seeress veil skirt - druidic kilt - enchantress harem pants - celestial flare skirt - magician's banded skirt - sorceress flared trousers - enigma split skirt - celestial wide-leg pants - oracle draped skirt - mystic embroidered leggings - priestess ankle skirt upper-body: - celestial boleros - celestial capes - celestial cloaks - celestial wraps - elemental shawls - elven boleros - elven capes - elven cloaks - elven robes - elven tunics - enchanted capes - enchanted caplets - enchanted mantles - enchanted robes - enchanted shirts - enchanted shrugs - enchanting ponchos - fairy blouses - fairy capes - fairy capes - fairy caplets - fairy vests - mystic capes - mystic capes - mystic caplets - mystic wraps - mystical capes - mystical tunics - runed vests - rune-etched tunics - rune-etched vests - rune-etched wraps - seeress cloaks - sorceress boleros - sorceress capes - sorceress capes - sorceress caplets - sorceress cloaks - sorceress gowns - sorceress mantles - sorceress tunics - witch's cloaks - witch's tunics - wizardess robes male: footwear: - enchanted boots - wizard's shoes - mystic sandals - elven pointed boots - enigma loafers - celestial wingtip shoes - sorcerer's buckled boots - enchanter's booties - alchemist's boots - seer's sandals - druidic leaf sandals - enchanter's loafers - celestial ankle boots - magician's shoes - sorcerer's high boots - enigma lace-up boots - celestial platform shoes - oracle sandals - mystic wrap sandals - priest's ankle boots full-body: - enchanted robes - wizard's gown - mystic garb - elven attire - enigma ensemble - celestial regalia - sorcerer's attire - enchanter's raiment - alchemist's ensemble - seer's vestments - druidic robes - enchanter's vestment - celestial vestments - magician's garments - sorcerer's robes - enigma robes - celestial vesture - oracle attire - mystic vestments - priest's robes headwear: - enchanted hat - wizard's pointed hat - mystic hood - elven circlet - enigma headband - celestial crown - sorcerer's hat - enchanter's cap - alchemist's bandana - seer's headband - druidic wreath - enchanter's headband - celestial diadem - magician's hat - sorcerer's hood - enigma feathered fascinator - celestial star crown - oracle headpiece - mystic embroidered headwrap - priest's headdress lower-body: - enchanted trousers - wizard's pants - mystic leggings - elven breeches - enigma trousers - celestial harem pants - sorcerer's trousers - enchanter's leggings - alchemist's breeches - seer's trousers - druidic kilt - enchanter's harem pants - celestial trousers - magician's pants - sorcerer's breeches - enigma split skirt - celestial wide-leg pants - oracle draped skirt - mystic embroidered leggings - priest's ankle skirt upper-body: - enchanted cloak - wizard robe - mystic tunic - elven mantle - enigma cape - celestial coat - sorcerer's robe - enchanter's vest - alchemist capelet - seer's shrug - druidic surcoat - enchanter's cloak - celestial mantle - magician's cloak - sorcerer's cape - enigma drape - celestial robe - oracle cape - mystic capelet - priest's vestment unisex: accesoires: - enchanted amulet - wizard's staff - mystic runes bracelet - elven leaf brooch - enigma crystal pendant - celestial moonstone ring - sorcerer's tome grimoire - enchanter's rune cufflinks - alchemist's elixir vial necklace - seer's divination tarot cards - druidic nature talisman - enchantress charm bracelet - celestial starry diadem - magician's top hat with hidden compartments - sorcerer's magic gloves - enigma pocket watch with time magic engravings - celestial starry cloak pin - oracle's fortune telling crystal ball - mystic pentacle pendant - priest's holy relic medallion backwear: - cloak with hood - elaborate wizard robe - enchanted shawl - spellweaver cape - mystic mantle - sorceress bolero - enchanter's tunic - druidic wrap - celestial cloak - witch's capelet - mage blouse - alchemist vestment - enigma shrug - sibyl's scarf - enchantress stole - seeress poncho - priestess cape - elemental shroud - oracle capelet - magician jacket facewear: - mask of illusions - enchanted veil - mystic goggles - sorcerer's mask - celestial visor - enigma masquerade mask - druidic face paint - enchanter's eyepatch - alchemist's breathing mask - seer's third eye crystal - elven leaf mask - oracle's divination veil - enchantress' veiled hat - magician's enigmatic mask - elemental face guard - dreamweaver mask - time-bender goggles - celestial moon mask - rune-engraved faceplate - priest's sacred embellishment - enchanted spectacles - wizard's arcane glasses - mystic crystal goggles - elven enchantment eyewear - enigma kaleidoscope glasses - celestial starlight shades - sorcerer's sightseeing glasses - enchanter's runed eyeglasses - alchemist's potion-enhanced goggles - seer's future-reading spectacles - druidic nature-focused glasses - enchantress' enigmatic lenses - celestial moonlit eyeglasses - magician's illusion-dispelling goggles - elemental elemental-sensing glasses - dreamweaver dream-interpreting spectacles - time-bender time-reading glasses - oracle's foresight goggles - mystic enchanted monocle - priest's divine vision glasses neckwear: - amulet of protection - celestial amulet - celestial choker - celestial collar - celestial necklace - celestial pendant - celestial torc - elven locket - elven ribbon - elven torc - enchanted amulet - enchanted choker - enchanted choker - enchanted collar - enchanted ribbon - enchanted torc - enchanting collar - enchanting locket - enchanting pendant - enchanting torc - enchantress medallion - enchantress necklace - enchantress torc - fairy collar - fairy locket - fairy medallion - fairy necklace - mystic choker - mystic collar - mystic medallion - mystic scarf - mystic talisman - rune-engraved ribbon - rune-engraved torc - rune-etched collar - rune-etched collar - rune-etched medallion - seeress pendant - seer's necklace - sorcerer's locket - sorcerer's medallion - sorcerer's torc - sorceress medallion - sorceress necklace - sorceress talisman - talismanic choker - talismanic pendant - wizard's choker - wizard's necklace nsfw: female: footwear: - stiletto heels - platform heels - block heels - wedge sandals - strappy sandals - ankle strap heels - high-heeled sandals - peep toe heels - slingback heels - clear heels - glittery pumps - embellished heels - rhinestone sandals - sparkly stilettos - lace-up heels - open toe booties - pointed toe pumps - t-strap heels - kitten heels - mules with embellishments - espadrille wedges - high heel sandal boots - metallic heels - beaded sandals - feathered heels - suede booties - velvet pumps - crystal-embellished sandals - floral heels - faux fur slides - sequin booties - glitter flats - ballet flats with ankle straps - tassel sandals - strappy heeled sandals - pearl-embellished pumps - suede block heels - metallic mules - laser cut booties - embroidered heels - tulle flats - slip-on mules - embellished flats - peep toe booties - ribbon-tie sandals - bejeweled heels - cork wedges - pom-pom sandals - embroidered booties - beaded mules - flip-flops - slide sandals - espadrilles - canvas sneakers - boat shoes - loafers - slip-on sneakers - strappy sandals - gladiator sandals - thong sandals - wedge sandals - platform sandals - high heel sandals - stiletto heels - peep-toe pumps - ankle strap heels - clear heels - slingback heels - mules - ballet flats - embellished sandals - metallic sandals - t-strap sandals - block heel sandals - chunky heel sandals - lace-up sandals - cork wedge sandals - platform wedge sandals - high heel mules - strappy high heels - platform pumps - kitten heels - wedge sneakers - high top sneakers - sandal booties - cutout booties - peep-toe booties - strappy booties - stiletto booties - embellished booties - lace-up booties - open-toe booties - block heel booties - platform booties - suede booties - wedge booties - clear booties - over-the-knee boots - high heel boots - stiletto heel boots - lace-up boots - chunky heel boots - knee-high gladiator sandals - lace-up gladiator sandals - platform gladiator sandals - high heel gladiator sandals - suede gladiator sandals - strappy high heel sandals - block heel gladiator sandals - peep-toe gladiator sandals - ankle strap gladiator sandals - wedge gladiator sandals - mesh sneakers - embellished sneakers - high heel sneaker booties - athletic sandals - athletic slides - athletic slip-ons - high heel athletic sandals - athletic wedge sandals - platform athletic sandals - slip-on heels - strappy slip-on heels - clear slip-on heels - embellished slip-on heels - platform slip-on heels - lace-up slip-on heels - mesh slip-on heels - slide mules - embellished slide mules - platform slide mules - high heel slide mules - slip-on mules - clear slide sandals - embellished slide sandals - platform slide sandals - high heel slide sandals - slide loafers - embellished slide loafers - platform slide loafers - high heel slide loafers - slip-on sandals - strappy slip-on sandals - clear slip-on sandals - embellished slip-on sandals - platform slip-on sandals - high heel slip-on sandals - lace-up sandals - strappy lace-up sandals - embellished lace-up sandals - platform lace-up sandals - high heel lace-up sandals - suede lace-up sandals - stiletto lace-up sandals - block heel lace-up sandals - peep-toe lace-up sandals - wedge lace-up sandals - mesh lace-up sandals - lace-up booties - strappy lace-up booties - embellished lace-up booties - platform lace-up booties - high heel lace-up booties - suede lace-up booties - stiletto lace-up booties - block heel lace-up booties - peep-toe lace-up booties - wedge lace-up booties - clear lace-up booties - open-toe lace-up booties - lace-up gladiator sandals - strappy lace-up gladiator sandals - embellished lace-up gladiator sandals - platform lace-up gladiator sandals - high heel lace-up gladiator sandals - suede lace-up gladiator sandals - stiletto lace-up gladiator sandals - block heel lace-up gladiator sandals - peep-toe lace-up gladiator sandals - wedge lace-up gladiator sandals - mesh lace-up gladiator sandals - high heel booties - stiletto heel booties - peep-toe booties - strappy booties - clear booties - embellished booties - lace-up booties - open-toe booties - block heel booties - platform booties - suede booties - wedge booties - high heel boots - stiletto heel boots - lace-up boots - chunky heel boots - knee-high boots - over-the-knee boots - embellished knee-high boots - platform knee-high boots - high heel knee-high boots - stiletto heel knee-high boots full-body: - sundress - summer jumpsuit - summer romper - maxi dress - playsuit - summer overalls - kaftan - beach cover-up - summer kimono - wide-leg jumpsuit - wrap dress - tank romper - midi dress - halterneck playsuit - strapless jumpsuit - shirt dress - bermuda overalls - tunic dress - culotte jumpsuit - off-the-shoulder romper - slip dress - boho maxi dress - denim jumpsuit - pinafore dress - palazzo jumpsuit - ruffle romper - tiered maxi dress - linen jumpsuit - overall dress - peasant dress - gaucho jumpsuit - smocked romper - high-low hem dress - harem jumpsuit - kimono dress - capri overalls - asymmetrical dress - sleeveless jumpsuit - empire waist maxi dress - button-front romper - bohemian kaftan - cargo overalls - flounce hem dress - culotte romper - wrap jumpsuit - sheath dress - spaghetti strap playsuit - tiered romper - a-line maxi dress headwear: - bandana - baseball cap - beanie - beret - boater hat - bow hairpin - bow headband - bucket hat - cloche hat - crystal headband - decorative hair comb - embellished hairpin - embroidered headband - fascinator - feather hair accessory - fedora hat - floppy hat - floral crown - flower crown - glittery hair clip - hair chain - hair clip - hair comb with gems - hair vine - hairpins with decorative elements - head wrap - headband with beads - headband with bow - headband with flowers - headpiece with rhinestones - lace headband - newsboy cap - panama hat - pearl hairpins - rhinestone hairpin - satin headband - sequin headband - sequined headband - silk flower hair clip - silk scarf as a headband - sparkly headband - statement hairpin - straw hat - sun visor - tiara - turban headband - turquoise headband - veiled fascinator - velvet bow headband - velvet headband - wide-brim hat lower-body: - a-line maxi dress - a-line skirt - asymmetrical dress - babydoll - bandeau bra - beach cover-up - belted shorts - bermuda overalls - bermuda shorts - bermuda skirt - bodysuit - bohemian kaftan - boho maxi dress - boyshorts - bra and panty set - bralette - button-front romper - camisole - capri overalls - capri pants - cargo overalls - cargo shorts - cargo skirt - chemise - cropped linen pants - cropped pants - cropped wide-leg pants - culotte jumpsuit - culotte pants - culotte romper - culottes - denim jumpsuit - denim shorts - embroidered shorts - empire waist maxi dress - flared skirt - flounce hem dress - flounce skirt - flowy culottes - flowy skirt - fringe skirt - g-string - gaucho jumpsuit - gaucho pants - halterneck playsuit - harem jumpsuit - high-low hem dress - high-low skirt - high-waisted briefs - high-waisted culottes - high-waisted shorts - high-waisted skirt - hipster panties - kaftan - kimono dress - kimono robe - lace panties - lace shorts - linen culottes - linen jumpsuit - linen pants - linen shorts - lounge pants - lounge shorts - maxi dress - maxi skirt - midi dress - midi skirt - nightgown - off-the-shoulder romper - overall dress - pajama set - palazzo jumpsuit - palazzo pants - paperbag waist shorts - paperbag waist skirt - peasant dress - pinafore dress - playsuit - pleated culottes - pleated midi skirt - pleated skirt - printed shorts - robe - ruffle romper - ruffled skirt - seamless panties - shapewear bodysuit - shapewear camisole - shapewear shorts - shapewear slip - sheath dress - shirt dress - shorts - skater skirt - skort (skirt shorts) - sleeveless jumpsuit - slip - slip dress - slit skirt - smocked romper - spaghetti strap playsuit - sports bra - strapless jumpsuit - summer jumpsuit - summer kimono - summer overalls - summer romper - sundress - tank romper - teddy - thong - tie-waist shorts - tiered maxi dress - tiered romper - tiered skirt - triangle bra - tulle skirt - tunic dress - wide-leg culottes - wide-leg jumpsuit - wide-leg pants - wrap dress - wrap jumpsuit - wrap skirt underwear-lower: - bikini - briefs - hipster - boyshorts - thong - g-string - tanga - cheeky - high waist panties - low rise panties - lace panties - cotton panties - seamless panties - embroidered panties - printed panties - lace thong - cotton thong - microfiber thong - embroidered thong - printed thong - lace g-string - cotton g-string - microfiber g-string - embroidered g-string - printed g-string - seamless thong - lace tanga - cotton tanga - microfiber tanga - embroidered tanga - printed tanga - seamless tanga - lace cheeky - cotton cheeky - microfiber cheeky - embroidered cheeky - printed cheeky - seamless cheeky - lace hipster - cotton hipster - microfiber hipster - embroidered hipster - printed hipster - seamless hipster - lace high waist panties - cotton high waist panties - microfiber high waist panties - embroidered high waist panties - printed high waist panties - seamless high waist panties - lace low rise panties - cotton low rise panties - microfiber low rise panties - embroidered low rise panties - printed low rise panties - seamless low rise panties - lace bikini - cotton bikini - microfiber bikini - embroidered bikini - printed bikini - seamless bikini - lace boyshorts - cotton boyshorts - microfiber boyshorts - embroidered boyshorts - printed boyshorts - seamless boyshorts - lace embroidered panties - cotton embroidered panties - microfiber embroidered panties - embroidered panties - printed embroidered panties - seamless embroidered panties underwear-upper: - babydoll - babydoll set - balconette bra - bandeau bikini top - bodysuit - bra and panty set - bralette - bralette bikini top - bralette bra - bralette set - bustier - cami set - camisole - chemise - chemise set - convertible bra - corset - crop top bikini - crotchless lingerie set - cut-out lingerie set - demi bra - full cup bra - g-string - garter belt - garter slip - halter bikini top - high neck bikini top - lace g-string - lingerie set - longline bra - minimizer bra - nursing bra - panties - plunge bra - push-up bikini top - push-up bra - racerback bikini top - shelf bra - soft cup bra - sports bra - strapless bra - t-shirt bra - tanga - teddy - thong - triangle bikini top - underwire bikini top - unlined bra - wireless bra upper-body: - bustier - bralette - crop top - lace bra - plunging neckline top - cut-out top - halter top - tube top - off-the-shoulder top - camisole - halterneck bra - backless top - corset top - sheer blouse - open-front bra - mesh top - bra with lace details - keyhole top - wrap-around top - low-cut blouse - strappy bra - one-shoulder top - bra with cut-out details - tie-front blouse - deep v-neck top - bra with see-through panels - bardot top - harness bra - scoop-neck top - ruffled bra - satin cami - peek-a-boo bra - lace halter top - front-tie bralette - cold-shoulder blouse - push-up bra - crochet crop top - turtleneck bodysuit - balconette bra - tied bandeau top - fringe-trimmed bra - corset-style crop top - fishnet camisole - striped bralette - wrap-front blouse - lace-up corset top - cross-back bralette - sequin bustier - plunge bodysuit - velvet bralette - ribbon-tie halter top male: footwear: - flip-flops - slide sandals - espadrilles - canvas sneakers - boat shoes - loafers - slip-on sneakers - strappy sandals - gladiator sandals - thong sandals - wedge sandals - platform sandals - high heel sandals - stiletto heels - peep-toe pumps - ankle strap heels - clear heels - slingback heels - mules - ballet flats - embellished sandals - metallic sandals - t-strap sandals - block heel sandals - chunky heel sandals - lace-up sandals - cork wedge sandals - platform wedge sandals - high heel mules - strappy high heels - platform pumps - kitten heels - wedge sneakers - high top sneakers - sandal booties - cutout booties - peep-toe booties - strappy booties - stiletto booties - embellished booties - lace-up booties - open-toe booties - block heel booties - platform booties - suede booties - wedge booties - clear booties - over-the-knee boots - high heel boots - stiletto heel boots - lace-up boots - chunky heel boots - knee-high gladiator sandals - lace-up gladiator sandals - platform gladiator sandals - high heel gladiator sandals - suede gladiator sandals - strappy high heel sandals - block heel gladiator sandals - peep-toe gladiator sandals - ankle strap gladiator sandals - wedge gladiator sandals - mesh sneakers - embellished sneakers - high heel sneaker booties - athletic sandals - athletic slides - athletic slip-ons - high heel athletic sandals - athletic wedge sandals - platform athletic sandals - slip-on heels - strappy slip-on heels - clear slip-on heels - embellished slip-on heels - platform slip-on heels - lace-up slip-on heels - mesh slip-on heels - slide mules - embellished slide mules - platform slide mules - high heel slide mules - slip-on mules - clear slide sandals - embellished slide sandals - platform slide sandals - high heel slide sandals - slide loafers - embellished slide loafers - platform slide loafers - high heel slide loafers - slip-on sandals - strappy slip-on sandals - clear slip-on sandals - embellished slip-on sandals - platform slip-on sandals - high heel slip-on sandals - lace-up sandals - strappy lace-up sandals - embellished lace-up sandals - platform lace-up sandals - high heel lace-up sandals - suede lace-up sandals - stiletto lace-up sandals - block heel lace-up sandals - peep-toe lace-up sandals - wedge lace-up sandals - mesh lace-up sandals - lace-up booties - strappy lace-up booties - embellished lace-up booties - platform lace-up booties - high heel lace-up booties - suede lace-up booties - stiletto lace-up booties - block heel lace-up booties - peep-toe lace-up booties - wedge lace-up booties - clear lace-up booties - open-toe lace-up booties - lace-up gladiator sandals - strappy lace-up gladiator sandals - embellished lace-up gladiator sandals - platform lace-up gladiator sandals - high heel lace-up gladiator sandals - suede lace-up gladiator sandals - stiletto lace-up gladiator sandals - block heel lace-up gladiator sandals - peep-toe lace-up gladiator sandals - wedge lace-up gladiator sandals - mesh lace-up gladiator sandals - high heel booties - stiletto heel booties - peep-toe booties - strappy booties - clear booties - embellished booties - lace-up booties - open-toe booties - block heel booties - platform booties - suede booties - wedge booties - high heel boots - stiletto heel boots - lace-up boots - chunky heel boots - knee-high boots - over-the-knee boots - embellished knee-high boots - platform knee-high boots - high heel knee-high boots - stiletto heel knee-high boots full-body: - short sleeve romper - jumpsuit - sleeveless jumpsuit - backless jumpsuit - halter neck jumpsuit - sleeveless overall - strapless jumpsuit - one-shoulder jumpsuit - short sleeve playsuit - sleeveless romper - culotte jumpsuit - capri jumpsuit - denim overall - sleeveless overall - strapless playsuit - one-shoulder jumpsuit - short sleeve playsuit - culotte jumpsuit - capri jumpsuit - short sleeve overall - short sleeve playsuit - sleeveless overall - short sleeve romper - overall shorts headwear: - bandana - baseball cap - beanie - beret - boater hat - bow headband - bowler hat - bucket hat - cabbie hat - cloche hat - fascinator - feather fascinator - fedora hat - flat cap - floppy hat - flower crown - head chain - headband - headscarf - knit hat - mesh cap - newsboy cap - panama hat - pom-pom beanie - pork pie hat - snapback cap - straw hat - sun visor - top hat - trilby hat - turban - wide-brim hat lower-body: - athletic leggings - athletic pants - athletic shorts - bermuda pants - bermuda shorts - bikini briefs - boardshorts - bootcut jeans - boxer briefs - boxers - briefs - capri pants - cargo pants - cargo shorts - chino shorts - chinos - cropped jeans - cropped trousers - cycling shorts - denim jeans - denim shorts - dress pants - dress slacks - flare jeans - g-string - high-rise underwear - jockstrap - jogger pants - jogger shorts - khaki shorts - long underwear - low-rise underwear - mid-rise underwear - pleated shorts - seamless underwear - skater shorts - skinny jeans - slim fit jeans - straight leg jeans - sweatpants - swim trunks - tailored shorts - tapered pants - thong - track pants - trunks underwear-lower: - Briefs - Boxer Briefs - Boxers - Trunks - Jockstraps - Thongs - G-Strings - Bikinis - Long Underwear - Thermal Underwear - Leggings - Mesh Underwear - Enhancing Underwear - Pouch Underwear - Push-up Underwear - Shapewear - Sports Underwear - Swim Briefs - Bodysuits - Harnesses - Loungewear Shorts - Tanga Briefs - Low Rise Underwear - Silk Underwear - Modal Fabric Underwear - Lingerie Style Underwear - Novelty Underwear - C-strings - Leather Underwear - PVC Underwear underwear-upper: - T-Shirts - Crew Neck - V-Neck - Tank Top - Long Sleeve - Undershirts - Traditional Fit - Slim Fit - Compression Shirts - Vest Tops - Muscle Shirts - Bodysuits - Harnesses - Leather Harnesses - Fabric Harnesses - Mesh Shirts - Silk Shirts - Thermal Tops - Sports Performance Tops - Moisture-Wicking Shirts - Compression Tops - Lingerie Style Tops - Lace Shirts - Sheer Tops - Novelty Shirts - Leather Shirts - PVC Tops upper-body: - dress shirt - button-up shirt - polo shirt - v-neck t-shirt - henley shirt - sleeveless muscle shirt - cuban collar shirt - chambray shirt - striped polo shirt - seersucker shirt - off-the-shoulder top - open button-down shirt - v-neck sweater - graphic t-shirt - short sleeve button-down - slim-fit blazer - single-breasted vest - sleeveless hoodie - short sleeve button-up - sleeveless button-up - short sleeve blazer - open weave sweater - sleeveless silk shirt - mesh polo shirt - sleeveless silk button-up - open knit sweater - sleeveless muscle shirt - cuban collar shirt - chambray shirt - striped polo shirt - off-the-shoulder top - open button-down shirt - v-neck sweater - graphic t-shirt - short sleeve button-down - single-breasted vest - sleeveless hoodie - short sleeve button-up - sleeveless button-up - short sleeve blazer - open weave sweater - striped polo shirt - seersucker shirt - sleeveless silk shirt - mesh polo shirt - sleeveless silk button-up - open knit sweater - sleeveless muscle shirt - cuban collar shirt - chambray shirt - striped polo shirt - off-the-shoulder top - open button-down shirt - v-neck sweater - graphic t-shirt - short sleeve button-down - single-breasted vest - sleeveless hoodie - short sleeve button-up - sleeveless button-up - short sleeve blazer - open weave sweater - sleeveless silk shirt - mesh polo shirt - sleeveless silk button-up - open knit sweater - sleeveless muscle shirt - cuban collar shirt - chambray shirt - striped polo shirt - off-the-shoulder top - open button-down shirt - v-neck sweater - graphic t-shirt - short sleeve button-down - single-breasted vest - sleeveless hoodie - short sleeve button-up - sleeveless button-up - short sleeve blazer - open weave sweater - sleeveless silk shirt - mesh polo shirt - sleeveless silk button-up - open knit sweater - sleeveless muscle shirt - cuban collar shirt - chambray shirt - striped polo shirt - off-the-shoulder top - open button-down shirt - v-neck sweater - graphic t-shirt - short sleeve button-down - single-breasted vest - sleeveless hoodie - short sleeve button-up - sleeveless button-up - short sleeve blazer - open weave sweater - sleeveless silk shirt - mesh polo shirt - sleeveless silk button-up - open knit sweater - sleeveless muscle shirt - cuban collar shirt - chambray shirt - striped polo shirt - off-the-shoulder top - open button-down shirt - v-neck sweater - graphic t-shirt - short sleeve button-down - single-breasted vest - sleeveless hoodie - short sleeve button-up - sleeveless button-up - short sleeve blazer - open weave sweater - striped polo shirt - seersucker shirt - sleeveless silk shirt - mesh polo shirt - sleeveless silk button-up - open knit sweater - sleeveless muscle shirt - cuban collar shirt - chambray shirt - striped polo shirt - off-the-shoulder top - open button-down shirt - v-neck sweater - graphic t-shirt - short sleeve button-down - single-breasted vest - sleeveless hoodie - short sleeve button-up - sleeveless button-up - short sleeve blazer - open weave sweater - striped polo shirt - seersucker shirt - sleeveless silk shirt - mesh polo shirt - sleeveless silk button-up - open knit sweater - sleeveless muscle shirt - cuban collar shirt - chambray shirt - striped polo shirt - off-the-shoulder top - open button-down shirt unisex: accesoires: - statement necklace - layered necklaces - choker necklace - pendant necklace - beaded bracelet - cuff bracelet - bangle bracelet - charm bracelet - tennis bracelet - stackable rings - statement ring - cocktail ring - hoop earrings - stud earrings - dangle earrings - ear cuffs - tassel earrings - chandelier earrings - pearl necklace - pearl earrings - statement earrings - oversized sunglasses - cat-eye sunglasses - aviator sunglasses - round sunglasses - statement sunglasses with rhinestones - oversized handbag - clutch bag - crossbody bag - tote bag - statement belt - skinny belt - wide belt - waist belt with buckle - scarf - silk scarf - lightweight shawl - printed bandana - silk wrap - hair scarf - oversized watch - bracelet watch - stackable bracelets - statement brooch - hair accessories set - satin clutch - embellished hairpin set - beaded purse - sequin clutch - statement choker - tassel necklace - tassel earrings with beads - beaded anklet - layered bracelets - chain belt backwear: - backless top - open-back dress - backless jumpsuit - tie-back blouse - lace-back tank top - cutout back dress - cross-back camisole - backless romper - strappy back sports bra - open-back sweater - backless halter dress - criss-cross back top - backless maxi dress - cowl back top - open-back bodysuit - backless midi dress - tie-back crop top - cutout back jumpsuit - cross-back dress - backless cami dress - strappy back tank top - keyhole back blouse - open-back tunic - backless skater dress - twist-back tee - low-back swimsuit - backless evening gown - cross-back bodysuit - tie-back halter top - cutout back sweater - strappy back dress - open-back top - backless cocktail dress - criss-cross back tank top - backless playsuit - lace-back bodysuit - backless maxi skirt - tie-back romper - cutout back top - open-back camisole - backless blouse - strappy back jumpsuit - low-back dress - cross-back crop top - backless tunic dress - open-back halter top - tie-back dress - cutout back bodysuit - backless swing dress facewear: - cat eye sunglasses - aviator sunglasses - oversized sunglasses - round sunglasses - rhinestone masquerade mask - lace masquerade mask - feathered masquerade mask - sequin masquerade mask - venetian masquerade mask - glitter masquerade mask - crystal masquerade mask - embellished masquerade mask - sheet mask - clay mask - peel-off mask - exfoliating mask - sleeping mask - face shield - fabric face mask - printed face mask - embroidered face mask - sequin face mask - beaded face mask - silk face mask - lace face mask - satin face mask - leather face mask - pearl face mask - floral face mask - bling face mask - transparent face mask - rhinestone face stickers - face chains - face jewels - sequin face appliques - rhinestone face appliques - embellished face appliques - face veil - feather face veil - floral face veil - lace face veil - silk face veil - crystal face veil - statement face earrings - tassel face earrings - face fringe - glitter face accent - face glitter stickers - face gems - pearl face embellishments - metallic face tattoos - face paint stencils - face stickers with gems neckwear: - statement necklace - choker necklace - layered necklaces - collar necklace - y-necklace - lariat necklace - chain necklace - pendant necklace - tassel necklace - choker with chains - bib necklace - statement collar - velvet choker - leather collar - chunky chain necklace - body chain necklace - coin necklace - multi-strand necklace - gemstone necklace - beaded choker - layered coin necklace - collar necklace with charms - choker with pendants - collar necklace with fringe - velvet ribbon choker - bold geometric necklace - bib necklace with rhinestones - layered statement necklace - spiked collar necklace - statement choker with studs - chainmail necklace - tassel lariat necklace - statement necklace with feathers - gothic choker necklace - chunky pearl necklace - multi-strand beaded necklace - crystal choker - body chain harness - statement necklace with resin - layered chain necklace with coins - leather choker with studs - bold art deco necklace - ombre tassel necklace - statement necklace with chains - multi-layered collar necklace - body chain with pendant - chainmail collar necklace - rhinestone collar necklace - fringe bib necklace - layered choker necklace - choker necklace with spikes regular: female: footwear: - ankle boots - ballet flats - block heel sandals - boat shoes - boots - chelsea boots - espadrilles - flats - flip-flops - gladiator sandals - heels - high-top sneakers - hiking boots - kitten heels - lace-up boots - loafers - mary jane shoes - mules - oxford shoes - peep-toe heels - platform sandals - pointed-toe flats - pumps - sandals - slides - slingback pumps - slip-on sneakers - sneakers - stilettos - wedges headwear: - bandana - beanie - beret - bonnet - bow headband - bowler hat - bucket hat - cap - cloche hat - cloche with a veil - cowboy hat - crown - crown braid - fascinator - fascinator hat - fascinator hat with feathers - fascinator with birdcage veil - feather fascinator with netting - feathered headband - feathers headdress - fedora - floppy hat - floral crown with ribbon ties - flower crown - flower headband - hair bow - hair clip - hairband - hairpins with decorative jewels - halo headband - hatpin - headband - headscarf - headwrap - hijab - peacock feather headpiece - pillbox hat - pillbox hat with a veil - sailor hat - sinamay hat - straw hat - sun hat - sun visor - tiara - tiaras with crystal accents - turban - turban headband - veil - wide-brimmed hat lower-body: - a-line culottes - a-line shorts - a-line skirt - bell-bottom jumpsuit - bell-bottom pants - bermuda shorts - bootcut pants - boyfriend jeans - capri leggings - capri pants - cargo jogger pants - cargo pants - cropped cargo pants - cropped jogger pants - cropped leggings - cropped pants - cropped wide-leg jumpsuit - cuffed shorts - culotte jumpsuit - culotte pantsuit - culotte skirt - culottes - denim culottes - denim paperbag shorts - denim shorts - denim skirt - flare pants - flare skirt - flare skort - flared culottes - flared jumpsuit - flared midi skirt - fringed shorts - harem pants - high-low hem skirt - high-low skirt - high-waisted denim skirt - high-waisted pants - high-waisted pleated shorts - high-waisted shorts - high-waisted skirt - jeans - jogger pants - jogger shorts - jumpsuit - leggings - leggings with mesh inserts - maxi skirt - maxi skirt with side slit - midi skirt - midi skirt with asymmetrical hem - mini skirt - palazzo jumpsuit - palazzo pants - paperbag shorts - paperbag waist cropped pants - paperbag waist pants - paperbag waist shorts - paperbag waist skirt - pencil pants - pencil skirt - pleated culottes - pleated palazzo jumpsuit - pleated palazzo pants - pleated shorts - pleated skirt - pleated skort - pleated wide-leg trousers - pleather leggings - pleather leggings - ruffle detail shorts - ruffle hem skirt - ruffle trim skor - ruffled hem pants - ruffled hem trousers - ruffled skirt - shorts - skinny jeans - skinny trousers - skirt - skort (skirt with built-in shorts) - straight-leg cropped jeans - straight-leg pants - tailored trousers - tiered maxi skirt - trousers - wide-leg cropped pants - wide-leg culottes - wide-leg jumpsuit - wide-leg jumpsuit with belt - wide-leg linen pants - wide-leg pants - wrap skirt - wrap-around skirt - wrap-front culottes - wrap-front skirt - wrap-style pants upper-body: - asymmetric hem top - asymmetric top - balloon sleeve blouse - bell sleeve top - blazer - blouse - bodysuit - bow back blouse - bow tie blouse - bustier - button-down shirt - camisole - cape sleeve top - cape top - cardigan - chiffon blouse - choker neck top - cold shoulder top - collared shirt - collarless blouse - corset top - cowl neck top - crochet sweater - crochet top - crop top - cropped sweater - cropped tank top - crossover top - embellished blouse - embroidered top - flared sleeve top - flounce sleeve top - fringe top - graphic print t-shirt - halter top - halterneck blouse - henley top - high neck top - high-low hem top - hoodie - keyhole blouse - kimono top - lace top - lace-trimmed camisole - lace-up bodysuit - lace-up top - mesh overlay top - mesh top - mock neck top - off-the-shoulder top - one-shoulder top - oversized button-down shirt - oversized hoodie - oversized sweater - peasant blouse - peplum top - peter pan collar top - plaid shirt - pleated blouse - pleated sleeve blouse - pleated tunic - printed blouse - puff shoulder sweater - puff sleeve blouse - puffed shoulder blouse - pullover - ribbed sweater - ribbed turtleneck - ruched top - ruffle blouse - ruffle sleeve blouse - ruffled turtleneck - satin blouse - satin camisole - sequin top - sheer blouse - silk blouse - sleeveless blouse - smocked top - strappy camisole - striped blouse - sweater - sweatshirt - tank top - tie-back top - tied sleeve blouse - tie-dye t-shirt - tie-front top - tiered top - t-shirt - tube top - tunic - tunic sweater - turtleneck - velvet blouse - v-neck top - wrap blouse - wrap cardigan - wrap front blouse - wrap top male: footwear: - athletic shoes - boat shoes - boots - brogues - canvas sneakers - cap-toe shoes - chelsea boots - chelseas - chukka boots - chukka sneakers - derby boots - derby shoes - dress shoes - driving shoes - espadrilles - high-top sneakers - hiking boots - loafers - moccasins - monk strap boots - monk strap shoes - oxfords - penny loafers - sandals - slip-on shoes - sneakers - suede loafers - suede sneakers - wingtip shoes - work boots headwear: - ascot cap - astronaut helmet - balaclava - bandana - baseball cap - beanie - beret - boater hat - bowler hat - bucket hat - bucket hat with a neck flap - chef's hat - cowboy hat - cricket hat - crown - cycling cap - deerstalker hat - feathers headdress - fedora - fez - flat cap - gatsby cap - greek fisherman's cap - headband - headscarf - jester hat - kufi cap - military beret - mohawk - newsboy cap - newsboy cap with ear flaps - panama hat - peaked cap - pharaoh's headdress - pith helmet - pork pie hat - santa claus hat - ski mask - skullcap - snapback cap - sombrero - straw hat - sun hat - tam o' shanter - top hat - tophat with a veil - trilby hat - turban - viking helmet - visor lower-body: - athletic leggings - athletic shorts - athletic sweatpants - bermuda shorts - board pants - board shorts with print - boardshorts - camo cargo pants - camo joggers - capri pants - cargo boardshorts - cargo jogger pants - cargo jogger shorts - cargo joggers - cargo pants - cargo pants with zip-off legs - cargo shorts - cargo swim trunks - carpenter jeans - carpenter shorts - chinos - convertible cargo pants - convertible pants - corduroy pants - cropped cargo shorts - cropped chinos - cropped jeans - cropped trousers - cuffed pants - denim bermuda shorts - denim cutoff shorts - denim joggers - denim shorts - dress pants - dress shorts - dressy joggers - fleece joggers - golf pants - golf shorts - harem pants - harem shorts - hiking pants - hiking shorts - jeans - joggers - jumpsuit - khaki pants - linen shorts - linen trousers - linen-cotton shorts - linen-cotton trousers - motorcycle jeans - overalls - performance leggings - plaid golf pants - plaid trousers - pleated corduroy pants - pleated denim shorts - pleated golf pants - pleated khaki shorts - pleated shorts - pleated trousers - quilted joggers - quilted pants - quilted shorts - rugby shorts - running shorts - seersucker pants - seersucker shorts - shorts - ski pants - slim-fit cargo pants - slim-fit jeans - slim-fit track pants - snowboard pants - straight-leg chinos - straight-leg pants - stretch chinos - stretch jeans - sweatpants - sweatshorts - swim trunks - tailored board shorts - tailored shorts - tailored sweatpants - track pants - track pants with side stripes - track shorts - track shorts with mesh panels - trousers - utility joggers - utility pants - utility shorts - wide-leg pants - work pants - woven joggers upper-body: - baseball henley - baseball jersey - baseball shirt - blazer - bomber jacket - button-down shirt - camouflage shirt - cardigan - cardigan sweater - cargo shirt - chambray shirt - color-block sweater - corduroy jacket - crew neck sweater - crew neck sweatshirt - denim jacket - denim shirt - dress shirt - dress vest - faux leather jacket - field jacket - flannel hoodie - flannel shirt - fleece pullover - gingham shirt - golf polo - graphic long-sleeve shirt - graphic t-shirt - half-zip sweater - harrington jacket - hawaiian shirt - henley cardigan - henley hoodie - henley long-sleeve shirt - henley pocket t-shirt - henley shirt - henley thermal shirt - hoodie - leather jacket - linen blazer - linen henley shirt - linen shirt - long-sleeve shirt - mesh jersey - mock neck pullover - mock neck sweater - mock neck t-shirt - muscle tank - muscle t-shirt - parka - performance polo - performance t-shirt - pinstripe shirt - pique polo shirt - plaid blazer - plaid flannel hoodie - plaid shirt - pocket t-shirt - polo hoodie - polo jacket - polo shirt - polo sweater - polo sweater vest - puffer jacket - quarter-zip pullover - quilted jacket - raglan shirt - rugby hoodie - rugby polo - rugby quarter-zip shirt - rugby shirt - sleeveless basketball jersey - sleeveless hoodie - sleeveless muscle hoodie - sleeveless tank top - sports jersey - striped crew neck sweater - striped henley shirt - striped shirt - suit jacket - sweater - sweatshirt - tank top - thermal henley shirt - thermal shirt - track jacket - track sweatshirt - t-shirt - turtleneck sweater - turtleneck t-shirt - varsity jacket - varsity sweatshirt - v-neck sweater - western denim shirt - western shirt - windbreaker - wool sweater - zip-up cardigan - zip-up hoodie - zip-up track jacket unisex: accesoires: - anklet - arm cuff - arm sleeve - arm warmers - armlet - backpack - bandana - belt - belt bag - belt buckle - body chain - boot cuffs - bow tie - bracelet - briefcase - brooch - cardholder - choker - clothes brush - clutch - coin purse - collar extender - collar necklace - collar pins - collar stays - crossbody bag - cufflink case - cufflinks - ear cuff - ear warmers - earring backs - earrings - eyeglasses case - garment bag - garment steamer - gloves - gloves with touchscreen compatibility - hair bun holder - hair clips - hair donut - hairband - handbag organizer - handkerchief - hat - hat box - hat brush - headband - jewelry box - keychain - lapel flower - lapel pin - leg warmers - luggage tag - mask - messenger bag - money belt - money clip - necklace - passport cover - passport holder - patch - pendant - phone case - pocket square - ring - scarf - scarf clip - scarf hanger - scarf ring - shawl - shirt garters - shirt stays - shoe clips - shoe horn - shoe polish - shoe shine kit - shoe storage bags - shoe trees - shoulder strap - sleep mask - sock suspenders - sunglasses - sunglasses pouch - suspenders - tie - tie bar - tie clip - tie organizer - tie pouch - tie rack - toe rings - tote bag - umbrella - waist chain - wallet - wallet chain - watch - watch box - wristband - wristlet backwear: - arrow holder - backpack - bedroll - camera backpack - camping backpack - cape - carrying case - climbing backpack - cloak - daypack - drawstring bag - duffel bag - fanny pack - fishing tackle bag - frame pack - haversack - hiking pack - hunting backpack - knapsack - laptop backpack - laptop sleeve backpack - messenger bag - military backpack - pelican case (protective case) - picnic basket backpack - poncho - quiver (for arrows) - roll-top backpack - rucksack - rucksack with hydration system - satchel - school bag - scroll case - shoulder bag - sling bag - tactical vest - tote bag - travel bag - trolley bag (with wheels) - ultralight backpack facewear: - balaclava - bandana - blindfold - diving mask - eye patch - eye sleep patch - face hugger mask (from sci-fi) - face paint - face scarf (neck gaiter) - face veil - face visor - facial jewels or tattoos - full-face gas mask - glasses - goggles - masquerade mask - monocle - motorcycle helmet with visor - night vision goggles - nose clip (for swimming) - nose ring - oxygen mask - eyebrow piercings - lip piercings - prosthetic mask - protective face shield - respirator mask - safety glasses - samurai face mask - scarecrow mask - scuba mask - ski goggles - sleep mask - snorkel - snowboarding goggles - steampunk goggles - sunglasses - surgical mask - swimming goggles - vr headset - welding mask neckwear: - amulet - ascot - bandana - beads - bib necklace - bolo tie - bowtie - cameo - chain - chiffon neckerchief - chiffon scarf - choker - choker necklace with a gemstone or jewel - collar - collar necklace - collar necklace with a pendant or gemstone drop - collar necklace with intricate beading or embroidery - cowrie shell necklace - cravat - cross - crystal necklace with healing properties - dog tag - feather collar or boa - infinity scarf - lanyard - lock pendant - locket - mala - mandala pendant - medallion - medallion - nameplate necklace - neckerchief - necklace - necklace with a charm or birthstone - necktie - pendant - pendant watch - prayer beads - ribbon - rosary - ruff - satin ribbon choker - scarf - statement necklace - stole - tie - torc - torque - turtleneck - y-necklace scifi: female: footwear: - holographic sneakers - plasma-infused sandals - quantum-linked boots - cybernetic heels - augmented reality flats - neural interface mules - bionic loafers - microchip oxfords - electromagnetic high-tops - ar ankle boots - virtual reality wedges - gravitational platform shoes - bioluminescent espadrilles - graphene hiking boots - carbon-fiber mary janes - robotic combat boots - haptic feedback ballet flats - nano-linked running shoes - electroluminescent stilettos - reactive trail shoes - levitating flip-flops - solar-powered slides - sonic soundwave sneaker boots - thermal-regulating socks - quantum-tech sneakers - cyber-silk sandals - holographic combat boots - bionic knee-high boots - ar mesh sneakers - plasma-lace ballet flats - gravitational hiking sandals - electromagnetic platform boots - virtuality slip-on sneakers - graphene ankle strap heels - carbon-fiber wedge sandals - robotic steel-toe boots - haptic feedback flip-flop sandals - nano-fiber track shoes - levitating wedge sneakers - solar-powered sport sandals - sonic soundwave high heels - thermal-regulating winter boots - holo-chiffon pumps - quantum-stitch slide sandals - cybernetic lace-up boots - ar-embedded ballet flats - plasma-lace strappy heels - gravitational platform sandals - electromesh running shoes - virtuality knee-high sneakers - graphene mule slippers - carbon-fiber athletic sneakers - robotic ankle boots - haptic feedback sneaker mules - nano-fiber hiking sneakers - levitating hiker boots - solar-powered rain boots - sonic soundwave slip-on sneakers - thermal-regulating slipper socks full-body: - holographic jumpsuit - plasma-infused catsuit - quantum-linked bodysuit - cybernetic exosuit - augmented reality onesie - neural interface unitard - bionic morphsuit - microchip coverall - electromagnetic overall - ar space suit - virtual reality romper - gravitational compression suit - bioluminescent leotard - graphene flight suit - carbon-fiber onesie - robotic mech suit - haptic feedback diving suit - nano-tech unitard - electroluminescent morphsuit - reactive lycra bodysuit - levitating coverall - solar-powered jumpsuit - sonic soundwave wetsuit - thermal-regulating lycra catsuit - quantum-tech morphsuit - cyber-silk catsuit - holographic exoskeleton suit - bionic battle armor - ar tactical jumpsuit - neural-linked power suit - plasma-infused adaptive suit - gravitational anti-g suit - electromagnetic stealth suit - virtual reality combat armor - graphene nano-skin suit - carbon-fiber tactical uniform - robotic mech armor - haptic feedback eva suit - nano-fiber space jumpsuit - levitating magnetic suit - solar-powered solar sail suit - sonic soundwave dampening suit - thermal-regulating exosuit - holo-chiffon gown - quantum-stitch evening dress - cybernetic ballroom dress - ar-embedded maxi dress - plasma-lace mermaid gown - gravitational princess dress - electromesh cocktail dress - virtuality sheath dress - graphene halter gown - carbon-fiber empire waist dress - bioluminescent a-line dress - robotic off-shoulder dress - haptic fit-and-flare dress - nano-fiber midi dress - levitating high-low dress - solar-powered wrap dress - sonic soundwave tunic dress - thermal-regulating pleated dress headwear: - holographic headband - plasma-infused beanie - quantum-linked cap - cybernetic visor - augmented reality hat - neural interface headscarf - bionic tiara - microchip beret - electromagnetic headwrap - ar baseball cap - virtual reality headpiece - gravitational sun hat - bioluminescent headband - graphene cloche hat - carbon-fiber hood - robotic helm - haptic feedback bandana - nano-linked fedora - electroluminescent fascinator - reactive headgear - levitating bowler hat - solar-powered sun visor - sonic soundwave earmuffs - thermal-regulating headband - quantum-tech headband - cyber-silk turban - holographic headscarf - bionic ear muffs - ar mesh cap - plasma-lace fascinator - gravitational bucket hat - electromagnetic aviator hat - virtuality bonnet - graphene turban hat - carbon-fiber fedora hat - robotic welding helmet - haptic feedback sports headband - nano-fiber newsboy cap - levitating fascinator hat - solar-powered head visor - sonic soundwave bluetooth headset - thermal-regulating head wrap - holo-chiffon wide brim hat - quantum-stitch snapback cap - cybernetic vr headset - ar-embedded headscarf - plasma-lace cowboy hat - gravitational pilot cap - electromesh space helmet - virtuality fascinator cap - graphene beanie hat - carbon-fiber ski mask - robotic samurai helmet - haptic feedback headband earphones - nano-fiber knit beanie - levitating bowler cap - solar-powered cooling hat - sonic soundwave noise-canceling headphones - thermal-regulating balaclava lower-body: - holographic leggings - plasma-infused shorts - quantum-linked skirt - cybernetic pants - augmented reality trousers - neural interface jeans - bionic leggings - microchip cargo pants - electromagnetic tights - ar capris - virtual reality culottes - gravitational pleated skirt - bioluminescent joggers - graphene harem pants - carbon-fiber jeggings - robotic flare pants - haptic feedback leg wraps - nano-linked yoga pants - electroluminescent palazzo pants - reactive bell bottoms - levitating sarong - solar-powered bike shorts - sonic soundwave leg warmers - thermal-regulating leggings - quantum-tech leggings - cyber-silk shorts - holographic skater skirt - bionic cargo skirt - ar mesh leggings - plasma-lace culottes - gravitational split skirt - electromagnetic bootcut pants - virtuality mini skirt - graphene a-line skirt - carbon-fiber pencil skirt - robotic utility kilt - haptic feedback leg holster - nano-fiber athletic skirt - levitating wrap-around skirt - solar-powered tennis skirt - sonic soundwave compression shorts - thermal-regulating high-waisted shorts - holo-chiffon maxi skirt - quantum-stitch pleated midi skirt - cybernetic high-low skirt - ar-embedded denim skirt - plasma-lace ruffled skirt - gravitational mermaid skirt - electromesh paperbag waist pants - virtuality cargo culottes - graphene wide-leg pants - carbon-fiber culottes - robotic palazzo trousers - haptic feedback flare pants - nano-fiber lounge pants - levitating asymmetric skirt - solar-powered board shorts - sonic soundwave biker shorts - thermal-regulating jogger pants upper-body: - holographic blouse - plasma-infused crop top - quantum-linked tank top - cybernetic corset - augmented reality tunic - neural interface t-shirt - bionic bodysuit - microchip vest - electromagnetic jacket - ar blazer - virtual reality cardigan - gravitational wrap top - bioluminescent off-shoulder top - graphene turtleneck - carbon-fiber bolero - robotic blouse - haptic feedback hoodie - nano-linked long-sleeve top - electroluminescent peplum top - reactive kimono - levitating poncho - solar-powered sports bra - sonic soundwave jacket - thermal-regulating shrug - quantum-tech blouse - cyber-silk camisole - holographic halter top - bionic corset top - ar mesh shirt - neural-linked tunic - plasma-infused sleeveless blouse - gravitational wrap blouse - electromagnetic hooded sweater - virtual reality tunic dress - graphene crop top - carbon-fiber cropped cardigan - bioluminescent wrap blouse - robotic off-shoulder sweatshirt - haptic feedback tank top - nano-fiber long-sleeve blouse - levitating kimono jacket - solar-powered sleeveless vest - sonic soundwave poncho - thermal-regulating bolero jacket - holo-chiffon halter top - quantum-stitch sweater - cybernetic biker jacket - ar-embedded blouse - plasma-lace tunic - gravitational cape blazer - electromesh hoodie - virtuality cardigan dress - graphene tube top - carbon-fiber hooded poncho - bioluminescent sleeveless tunic - robotic off-shoulder blouse - haptic knit crop top - nano-fiber long-sleeve shirt - levitating wrap cardigan - solar-powered muscle tee - sonic soundwave windbreaker - thermal-regulating ruffled blouse male: footwear: - holographic sneakers - plasma-infused boots - quantum-linked loafers - cybernetic sandals - augmented reality oxfords - neural interface high-tops - bionic dress shoes - microchip sneakers - electromagnetic work boots - ar athletic shoes - virtual reality slippers - gravitational hiking boots - bioluminescent flip-flops - graphene dress boots - carbon-fiber running shoes - robotic combat boots - haptic feedback boat shoes - nano-linked skate shoes - electroluminescent ankle boots - reactive socks - levitating sandals - solar-powered dress shoes - sonic soundwave sport sandals - thermal-regulating sneakers - quantum-tech sneakers - cyber-silk loafers - holographic high-tops - bionic chelsea boots - ar mesh sneakers - plasma-lace dress shoes - gravitational hiking sandals - electromagnetic work boots - virtuality sneakers - graphene desert boots - carbon-fiber athletic sandals - robotic military boots - haptic feedback slip-on sneakers - nano-fiber running shoes - levitating loafers - solar-powered slides - sonic soundwave sneaker boots - thermal-regulating socks - holographic dress shoes - quantum-stitch loafers - cybernetic work boots - ar-embedded athletic shoes - plasma-lace flip-flops - gravitational hiking boots - electromesh trail running shoes - virtuality boat shoes - graphene snow boots - carbon-fiber hiking sandals - robotic tactical boots - haptic feedback slip-on sandals - nano-fiber skate shoes - levitating sneaker boots - solar-powered dress sandals - sonic soundwave water shoes - thermal-regulating slippers - holo-chiffon sneakers - quantum-stitch sandals - cybernetic casual shoes - ar-embedded work boots - plasma-lace hiking shoes - gravitational loafers - electromesh trail sandals - virtuality athletic sandals - graphene casual sneakers - carbon-fiber running sandals - robotic combat sandals - haptic feedback boat sandals - nano-fiber slip-on sneakers - levitating athletic shoes - solar-powered hiking boots - sonic soundwave sneaker slippers - thermal-regulating socks full-body: - holographic jumpsuit - plasma-infused coveralls - quantum-linked onesie - cybernetic bodysuit - augmented reality overalls - neural interface romper - bionic flight suit - microchip jumpsuit - electromagnetic catsuit - ar space suit - virtual reality tuxedo - gravitational mech suit - bioluminescent onesie - graphene wetsuit - carbon-fiber hazmat suit - robotic exoskeleton - haptic feedback pajamas - nano-linked unitard - electroluminescent tuxedo jacket - reactive coveralls - levitating poncho - solar-powered onesie - sonic soundwave jumpsuit - thermal-regulating bodysuit - quantum-tech full-body suit - cyber-silk flight suit - holographic ski suit - bionic tactical jumpsuit - ar mesh onesie - plasma-lace tuxedo - gravitational tactical suit - electromagnetic lab coat - virtuality tuxedo romper - graphene space suit - carbon-fiber combat armor - robotic stealth suit - haptic feedback onesie - nano-fiber hiking jumpsuit - levitating poncho - solar-powered onesie - sonic soundwave combat suit - thermal-regulating racing suit - holo-chiffon formal suit - quantum-stitch jumpsuit - cybernetic astronaut suit - ar-embedded flight suit - plasma-lace tuxedo jumpsuit - gravitational pilot suit - electromesh hazmat suit - virtuality tuxedo onesie - graphene wetsuit - carbon-fiber military uniform - robotic battle armor - haptic feedback space suit - nano-fiber racing jumpsuit - levitating poncho - solar-powered flight suit - sonic soundwave diving suit - thermal-regulating body armor - holographic formal tuxedo - quantum-stitch astronaut suit - cybernetic tactical jumpsuit - ar-embedded mech suit - plasma-lace tuxedo onesie - gravitational cargo jumpsuit - electromagnetic lab coveralls - virtuality tuxedo romper - graphene work coveralls - carbon-fiber sports overalls - robotic hazmat suit - haptic feedback racing jumpsuit - nano-fiber hiking suit - levitating poncho - solar-powered space jumpsuit - sonic soundwave racing suit - thermal-regulating pajamas headwear: - holographic cap - plasma-infused beanie - quantum-linked fedora - cybernetic visor - augmented reality snapback - neural interface baseball cap - bionic trucker hat - microchip newsboy cap - electromagnetic bucket hat - ar headband - virtual reality beret - gravitational bowler hat - bioluminescent sun visor - graphene fedora hat - carbon-fiber cowboy hat - robotic helmet - haptic feedback bandana - nano-linked flat cap - electroluminescent beanie - reactive headband - levitating newsboy cap - solar-powered fedora - sonic soundwave cap - thermal-regulating beanie - holographic snapback cap - quantum-tech baseball cap - cyber-silk fedora - ar trucker hat - plasma-lace newsboy cap - gravitational cowboy hat - electromagnetic visor - virtuality bowler hat - graphene sun visor - carbon-fiber top hat - robotic samurai helmet - haptic feedback bandana - nano-fiber flat cap - levitating snapback - solar-powered baseball cap - sonic soundwave fedora - thermal-regulating beanie - holographic beanie - quantum-stitch trucker hat - cybernetic sun hat - ar-embedded fedora - plasma-lace baseball cap - gravitational bucket hat - electromagnetic snapback - virtuality bowler hat - graphene beanie hat - carbon-fiber cowboy hat - robotic pilot helmet - haptic feedback headband - nano-fiber newsboy cap - levitating visor - solar-powered snapback - sonic soundwave beanie - thermal-regulating cap - holographic baseball cap - quantum-stitch fedora hat - cybernetic trucker hat - ar-embedded bowler hat - plasma-lace sun visor - gravitational top hat - electromagnetic cowboy hat - virtuality beanie hat - graphene baseball cap - carbon-fiber snapback cap - robotic combat helmet - haptic feedback headband - nano-fiber flat cap - levitating fedora hat - solar-powered sun visor - sonic soundwave snapback cap - thermal-regulating beanie lower-body: - holographic pants - plasma-infused shorts - quantum-linked trousers - cybernetic jeans - augmented reality cargo pants - neural interface sweatpants - bionic chinos - microchip joggers - electromagnetic track pants - ar dress pants - virtual reality leggings - gravitational harem pants - bioluminescent athletic shorts - graphene work pants - carbon-fiber dress slacks - robotic biker pants - haptic feedback capri pants - nano-linked athletic tights - electroluminescent cropped trousers - reactive workout shorts - levitating sarong - solar-powered hiking shorts - sonic soundwave compression leggings - thermal-regulating trousers - quantum-tech pants - cyber-silk dress pants - holographic track pants - bionic cargo shorts - ar mesh trousers - plasma-lace joggers - gravitational convertible pants - electromagnetic training shorts - virtuality athletic pants - graphene culottes - carbon-fiber athletic shorts - robotic tactical pants - haptic feedback sweat shorts - nano-fiber running shorts - levitating wrap skirt - solar-powered swim trunks - sonic soundwave athletic leggings - thermal-regulating golf pants - holo-chiffon pleated pants - quantum-stitch bermuda shorts - cybernetic board shorts - ar-embedded dress shorts - plasma-lace workout leggings - gravitational hiking pants - electromesh compression shorts - virtuality track pants - graphene pleated shorts - carbon-fiber athletic pants - robotic tactical shorts - haptic feedback athletic leggings - nano-fiber jogger shorts - levitating wrap-around skirt - solar-powered cycling shorts - sonic soundwave basketball shorts - thermal-regulating ski pants - holographic joggers - quantum-stitch training pants - cybernetic hiking shorts - ar-embedded cargo pants - plasma-lace tennis shorts - gravitational convertible pants - electromagnetic training tights - virtuality track shorts - graphene pleated skirt - carbon-fiber golf shorts - robotic tactical trousers - haptic feedback basketball shorts - nano-fiber cycling shorts - levitating wrap skirt - solar-powered running tights - sonic soundwave compression shorts - thermal-regulating leggings upper-body: - holographic shirt - plasma-infused polo - quantum-linked tank top - cybernetic jacket - augmented reality hoodie - neural interface t-shirt - bionic blazer - microchip vest - electromagnetic sweatshirt - ar dress shirt - virtual reality sweater - gravitational cardigan - bioluminescent muscle tee - graphene hooded sweatshirt - carbon-fiber turtleneck - robotic work shirt - haptic feedback henley - nano-linked long-sleeve shirt - electroluminescent polo - reactive muscle tank - levitating poncho - solar-powered polo - sonic soundwave jacket - thermal-regulating shirt - quantum-tech tee - cyber-silk dress shirt - holographic windbreaker - bionic utility jacket - ar mesh polo - plasma-lace sweatshirt - gravitational utility vest - electromagnetic hooded jacket - virtuality henley shirt - graphene cardigan sweater - carbon-fiber sports jacket - robotic dress vest - haptic feedback performance shirt - nano-fiber henley tee - levitating poncho - solar-powered golf polo - sonic soundwave windbreaker - thermal-regulating pullover - holo-chiffon button-down shirt - quantum-stitch polo - cybernetic bomber jacket - ar-embedded henley - plasma-lace pullover sweater - gravitational vest - electromesh track jacket - virtuality dress shirt - graphene cardigan vest - carbon-fiber hooded sweater - robotic work jacket - haptic feedback polo shirt - nano-fiber long-sleeve t-shirt - levitating poncho - solar-powered workout tank - sonic soundwave windbreaker - thermal-regulating henley - holographic performance shirt - quantum-stitch henley - cybernetic utility jacket - ar-embedded hoodie - plasma-lace quarter-zip sweater - gravitational blazer - electromesh track jacket - virtuality dress vest - graphene cardigan sweater - carbon-fiber sports jacket - robotic trench coat - haptic feedback henley - nano-fiber long-sleeve polo - levitating poncho - solar-powered golf shirt - sonic soundwave vest - thermal-regulating zip-up hoodie unisex: accesoires: - holographic gauntlet - plasma-infused bracelet - quantum-linked wristband - cybernetic handwear - augmented reality ring - neural interface arm band - bionic cuff - microchip keychain - electromagnetic belt - ar watch - virtual reality pendant - gravitational cufflinks - bioluminescent bracelet - graphene wallet - carbon-fiber sunglasses - robotic arm sleeve - haptic feedback collar - nano-linked glove - electroluminescent choker - reactive arm band - levitating brooch - solar-powered belt buckle - sonic sound amplifier - thermal-regulating scarf backwear: - holographic backpack - plasma-infused cape - quantum-linked jetpack - cybernetic wingpack - augmented reality shoulder holster - neural interface cloak - bionic utility harness - microchip sling bag - electromagnetic grappling device - ar tactical vest - virtual reality travel pack - gravitational backpack - bioluminescent lumbar pack - graphene tech satchel - carbon-fiber modular pack - robotic exoskeleton frame - haptic feedback fanny pack - nano-linked rucksack - electroluminescent duffel bag - reactive quick-release straps - levitating holster - solar-powered charging case - sonic sound amplifier - thermal-regulating poncho facewear: - holographic visor - plasma-infused goggles - quantum-linked mask - cybernetic eye implant - augmented reality glasses - neural interface headset - bionic face shield - microchip respirator - electromagnetic visor - ar headgear - virtual reality helmet - gravitational eye enhancer - bioluminescent facial cover - graphene eye patch - carbon-fiber tactical mask - robotic headpiece - haptic feedback earpiece - nano-linked goggles - electroluminescent faceplate - reactive eye visor - levitating headband - solar-powered safety goggles - sonic sound amplifier - thermal-regulating mask neckwear: - holographic collar - plasma-infused scarf - quantum-linked necklace - cybernetic choker - augmented reality pendant - neural interface bandana - bionic neck implant - microchip medallion - electromagnetic tie - ar hologram necklace - virtual reality cowl - gravitational neck ring - bioluminescent ascot - graphene chain - carbon-fiber bowtie - robotic neck guard - haptic feedback ruff - nano-linked neck strap - electroluminescent capelet - reactive neck bracelet - levitating cravat - solar-powered neck ring - sonic sound-isolating collar - thermal-regulating scarf styles: alternative: - bohemian - cyberpunk - gothic lolita - punk - retro futurism - steampunk - victorian gothic lolita - vintage pin-up cultural-ethnic: - aboriginal - african tribal - aztec - bollywood - cheongsam - dashiki - folk costume - geisha - hanbok - highland dress - inca - kilt - kimono - maori - mayan - native american traditional - poodle skirt swing dance - poodle skirt - sari - samurai armor - traditional chinese cheongsam - traditional japanese kimono - viking warrior armor - zoot suit gangster fantasy-fictional: - cybergoth - dapper victorian steampunk - flapper party dress - gothic vampire - masquerade ball costume - medieval fantasy - old hollywood glamour - renaissance faire - renaissance gothic - steampunk - swing era fashion - victorian - vintage rockabilly historical-eras: - ancient egyptian - ancient greek - ancient roman - baroque - edo period (japan) - edwardian - georgian - medieval - napoleonic - qing dynasty (china) - regency - renaissance - rococo - tudor - victorian modern styles: - 1960s hippie - 1970s disco - 1980s new wave - gatsby-era - 1990s grunge - 2000s emo - 2010s hipster - 2020s athleisure - boho chic - business casual - casual - casual chic - contemporary - minimalist - preppy - retro - roaring twenties - smart casual - streetwear - urban - victorian mourning - vintage components: bearings-bushings: - ball bearing - roller bearing - needle bearing - thrust bearing - tapered roller bearing - sleeve bearing - flanged bearing - pillow block bearing - spherical plain bearing - journal bearing - split bushing - solid bushing control-automation: - relay - sensor - actuator - controller - programmable logic controller (plc) - switch - timer - encoder - potentiometer - limit switch - proximity sensor - pressure switch - temperature sensor - flow sensor - level sensor electrical-connectors: - terminal block - wire connector - cable connector - plug - socket - terminal lug - splice connector - terminal strip - banana plug - xlr connector - usb connector - hdmi connector - rj45 connector - bnc connector - din connector - circular connector - blade connector electronic: - resistor - capacitor - transistor - diode - integrated circuit (ic) - microcontroller - led (light-emitting diode) - sensor - relay - battery - connector - switch - fuse - oscillator - inductor - potentiometer - transformer - printed circuit board (pcb) - microchip - voltage regulator - crystal oscillator - thermistor - varistor fasteners: - rivet - pin - clip - snap ring - cotter key - nail - staple - hook and loop fastener (velcro) - zip tie - bolt - nut - screw - washer - anchor bolt - dowel pin - threaded rod - toggle bolt - expansion anchor fluid-handling: - pipe - hose - valve - fitting - pump - nozzle - coupling - elbow - check valve - strainer - flowmeter - pressure regulator - expansion joint - union hydraulic: - hydraulic cylinder - hydraulic pump - hydraulic valve - hydraulic hose - hydraulic fitting - hydraulic accumulator - hydraulic filter mechanical: - gear - bearing - shaft - spring - screw - nut - bolt - washer - pulley - belt - chain - valve - cam - clutch - brake - cylinder - piston - hinge - lever - wheel - axle - roller - latch - coupling - sprocket - bushing - collar - crankshaft - flywheel motors-actuators: - electric motor - dc motor - ac motor - stepper motor - servo motor - linear actuator - rotary actuator - solenoid actuator - piezoelectric actuator - pneumatic actuator - hydraulic actuator - gear motor optical: - lens - mirror - prism - beam splitter - polarizer - filter - fiber optic cable - photodetector - laser diode pneumatic: - air cylinder - solenoid valve - air compressor - pressure regulator - air filter - air hose - quick coupler - frl unit (filter-regulator-lubricator) power-transmission: - gear - belt - chain - shaft - sprocket - pulley - clutch - brake - coupling - cam - worm gear - bevel gear - timing belt - v-belt - chain drive screws-fasteners: - wood screw - machine screw - self-tapping screw - threaded rod - set screw - anchor bolt - eye bolt - toggle bolt - u-bolt - hex bolt - hex nut - wing nut - lock nut - square nut - t-nut - rivet nut - clevis pin seals-gaskets: - o-ring - oil seal - gasket - grommet - washer seal - v-ring seal - radial shaft seal - lip seal - spiral wound gasket - teflon tape - cork gasket - rubber gasket springs-coils: - compression spring - extension spring - torsion spring - leaf spring - coil spring - clock spring - constant force spring - hairpin spring - conical spring - disc spring - wave spring - belleville washer - solenoid coil structural: - beam - column - truss - bracket - angle iron - i-beam - channel - l-bracket - hinge plate - flange - gusset plate - girder - frame - support rod thermal: - heat sink - thermocouple - thermal insulation - heating element - radiator - heat exchanger constructions: features: big: - iconic arched or cable-stayed bridges - towering flagpoles or flag towers - elaborate exterior mosaics or murals - magnificent dome roofs - decorative metal grilles on facades - prominent clock faces or clock towers - graceful flying buttresses - striking diagrid facades - sculptural wind turbines (sustainable buildings) - unique structural cantilevers - impressive lobby areas with water features - striking façade cladding (e.g., glass curtain walls) - landscaped rooftop gardens - dramatic lighting effects on building exteriors - unique sculptures or installations in public spaces huge: - sky-high observation decks with panoramic views - glowing illuminated facades (light shows) - vast roof gardens with recreational spaces - artistic led screen displays - massive exterior wall murals - striking cantilevered sections - iconic spire or minaret - expansive reflecting pools or water features - architectural helical ramps - sculptural solar panels as building skin - iconic crown or spire as a landmark - observatory decks for panoramic views - large-scale murals or frescoes on building facades - elaborate exterior decorations (e.g., carvings, gargoyles) - architectural lighting for nighttime illumination large: - striking suspension bridges - massive smokestacks or chimneys (industrial complexes) - distinctive roof trusses or arch structures - unique façade textures (e.g., corrugated metal) - decorative art deco facades - towering communication antennas - stately entrance gates or portals - monumental statues or sculptures - impressive barrel vault ceilings - historic mosaics or frescoes - majestic arched entryways (e.g., bridge tunnels) - large smokestacks or chimneys (power plants) - aesthetic pedestrian bridges (e.g., skywalks) - striking clock towers or bell towers - unique roofs (e.g., geodesic domes) medium: - striking glass curtain walls - impressive rotundas or domes - grand staircases in foyers - ornate terracotta or stone carvings - decorative roof cresting or finials - eye-catching metal cladding patterns - multi-pane arched windows - architectural pediments or porticos - beautifully sculpted columns - geometric patterned exterior tiles - grand entrance foyers - atriums or skylights for natural light in common areas - artistic murals or sculptures as focal points - glass-walled meeting or conference rooms - rooftop bars or restaurants mega: - futuristic sky bridges connecting towers - immense artistic led façade displays - spectacular atriums with living trees - gigantic rooftop helipads - landmark central waterfalls or fountains - enormous interactive media walls - floating solar farms (megastructures) - striking skyscraper diagrids - iconic eco-friendly green roofs - avant-garde 3d-printed architecture - futuristic and avant-garde design elements - massive central atrium spaces - enormous roof gardens or green roofs - architectural lighting for dramatic night displays - immersive interactive façades (e.g., led screens) small: - architectural recesses and projections - elegant french doors - stylish sash windows - tasteful wrought iron balconies - artistic glass art installations - intricate fretwork or lattice work - beautifully landscaped entryways - classic round or octagonal turrets - quirky roof cupolas - decorative dormer windows - contemporary architectural elements (e.g., flat roofs, clean lines) - floor-to-ceiling windows for panoramic views - rooftop gardens or green spaces - juliet balconies or small terraces - unique façade finishes (e.g., wood cladding, stucco) tiny: - compact and colorful facades - adorable window flower boxes - rustic wooden shutters - quaint gabled roof - cute front porch or veranda - charming bay windows - decorative carved doors - cozy window seats - slanted skylights for more headroom - unique tiny tower or turret - lofts or mezzanines - large windows to maximize natural light - sliding glass doors to connect indoor and outdoor spaces - cozy fireplace or wood-burning stove - charming exterior trim and details interior-design: appliances: - refrigerator - oven/stove - microwave - washing machine - dryer - dishwasher - television - air conditioner - heater - fan bathroom-essentials: - towels - hand soap - shampoo and conditioner - shower curtain - toilet paper - toothbrush and toothpaste - hairdryer bedding-linens: - bedsheets - blankets/comforters - pillows - pillowcases - mattress - curtains - rugs cleaning-supplies: - broom and dustpan - vacuum cleaner - mop and bucket - cleaning cloths decor: - wall art/paintings - picture frames - mirrors - vases - indoor plants - clocks - decorative cushions/pillows - candles electronics: - laptop/computer - smartphone - speakers - charging station - alarm clock furniture: - bed - sofa - table - chairs - desk - dresser - wardrobe - bookshelf - nightstand - coffee table kitchenware: - plates - bowls - cups/glasses - cutlery (forks, knives, spoons) - pots and pans - cooking utensils (spatula, ladle, etc.) - cutting board lighting: - ceiling light - table lamp - floor lamp - wall sconce - pendant light - chandelier storage-organization: - closet organizers - shoe rack - storage bins - hangers - drawer organizers - shelves interior-design-fictional: ancient relics: - mysterious artifact - ancient statue - weathered map - lost scroll - sacred talisman - crumbling idol - magical runes - enigmatic hieroglyphs furniture: - table - chair - bed - bookshelf - wardrobe - desk - chest - mirror - couch - fireplace magical artifacts: - wand - spellbook - potion vials - crystal ball - enchanted amulet - magic cauldron - magic mirror - flying broomstick - time-turner - fairy dust mystical creatures: - dragon egg - phoenix feathers - unicorn horn - mermaid scales - fairy wings - griffin feather - elf elixir - troll's treasure technology: - computer terminal - advanced control panels - laser gun - holographic projector - teleportation device - cybernetic implants - nanotechnology devices - futuristic gadgets tools and gadgets: - multi-tool - compass - spyglass - mechanized gears - energy crystals - traps and snares - invisibility cloak - mind-reading device treasures: - golden chalice - jeweled crown - precious gemstones - ancient scrolls - magic rings - valuable artwork - pot of gold - exquisite fabrics - magical artifacts light-sources-indoor: artificial: - led bulbs - compact fluorescent lamps - halogen bulbs - incandescent bulbs - high-intensity discharge lamps - fluorescent tubes - track lighting - recessed ceiling lights - wall sconces - pendant lights - chandeliers biological: - bioluminescent organisms - algae bioreactors for lighting - bio-luminescent mushrooms - jellyfish gene insertion fire: - fireplace - fire pit - fire torch or tiki torch - ethanol or bioethanol fireplace - candlelight - oil lamps - gas lanterns - kerosene lamps - campfire - bonfire natural: - sunlight through windows - sunlight through skylights - moonlight light-sources-outdoor: artificial: - led outdoor lights - solar-powered lights - halogen floodlights - incandescent outdoor lamps - fluorescent outdoor fixtures - outdoor chandeliers - string lights (fairy lights) - pathway lights - wall-mounted sconces - in-ground well lights - bollard lights biological: - bioluminescent organisms - bio-luminescent algae - glow-in-the-dark plants - bioluminescent jellyfish - bioluminescent fungi - luminescent deep-sea creatures - glow-in-the-dark insects - bioluminescent phytoplankton fire type: - outdoor fire pit - tiki torches with fire - outdoor fireplace - gas lanterns - oil lamps - campfires - bonfires - torches (traditional or modern) - fire bowls - chimineas - lanterns with real flames natural: - sunlight - moonlight - starlight - northern lights - bioluminescent ocean waves - fireflies - glow-in-the-dark insects - reflective moonlight on snow - twilight rooms: cyberpunk: ai-and-robotics: - advanced ai research laboratory - robotics and android assembly line - ai-controlled automation center - drone control room - sentient robot design studio - holographic ai communication nexus - virtual reality simulation for ai training - cybernetic animal companion lab - android repair and maintenance shop - ai art and creativity showcase cybernetics-and-augmentation: - cyberware modification lab - neural interface calibration room - bionic limb manufacturing facility - cybernetic enhancement clinic - virtual reality neural training chamber - nanotech implant injection suite - augmented reality calibration room - cybernetic prosthetics showroom - holographic augmentation visualization chamber - brain-computer interface testing lab cyberpunk-street-scene: - neon-lit night market - hovering vehicle repair garage - cybernetics street clinic - futuristic food cart alley - holographic graffiti art gallery - underground cyberpunk bar - virtual reality arcade - bionic body modding studio - high-tech cyber street food truck - augmented reality fashion boutique cyberspace-and-virtual worlds: - immersive virtual reality hub - cybernetic consciousness upload chamber - virtual cyberspace bar and lounge - hacking and data breach simulation room - futuristic mmo gaming universe - cybernetic astral projection deck - virtual reality architectural visualization studio - ai-generated dream world experience - time-distorted virtual reality sandbox - futuristic cyberspace dj club darknet-and-underground: - cybercrime hideout and server farm - virtual black market trading hub - illegal tech and weapon manufacturing lab - secret resistance headquarters - underground vr gaming arena - discreet holographic projection club - rogue ai hackers den - vr fight club and arena - cryptocurrency laundering facility - stealthy spy network operations center living-spaces: - neon-lit loft apartment - tech-integrated smart home - augmented reality entertainment room - holographic virtual reality chamber - cluttered hacker's hideout - futuristic capsule hotel room - vertically stacked living pods - underground cyberpunk bunker - floating skybox residence - ultra-modern modular living unit medbay-and-cybernetics-lab: - advanced cybernetics implant lab - biopunk genetic enhancement facility - futuristic prosthetics workshop - nanotech medical treatment room - cyberware repair and maintenance center - neural implant calibration chamber - biometric health monitoring lab - brain-computer interface testing room - virtual reality therapy space - cybernetic enhancements showroom recreational: - vr gaming parlor - neon arcade wonderland - holographic nightclub - futuristic cyber spa retreat - holodeck-style simulation room - hacking challenge arena - cybernetic gym and training facility - augmented reality escape room - virtual racing simulator - immersive cyberpunk theater security-and-surveillance: - futuristic cybersecurity operations center (soc) - high-tech surveillance control room - biometric access control chamber - holographic retina scanner vault - intrusion detection system hub - ai-driven threat analysis chamber - cyber defense war room - drone command and control center - secure data storage vault - surveillance drone launch pad workspaces: - cybernetic office space - high-tech co-working hub - virtual boardroom with holo-conferencing - cyberdeck-controlled command center - immersive vr design studio - underground cybercrime den - ai-driven r&d lab - holographic projection mapping studio - techno-alchemist's workshop - neon-lit cyberpunk bar and club fictional: adventure-spaces: - treasure room - secret passage - hidden temple - pirate's den - lost city's crypt fantasy-spaces: - dragon's lair - elven pavilion - dwarf's forge - mermaid's underwater retreat - goblin's hideout futuristic-spaces: - high-tech control center - holographic entertainment room - nanotechnology lab - artificial intelligence hub - solar-powered energy room haunted-spaces: - haunted attic - creepy cellar - ghostly ballroom - spooky library - cursed chamber magical-spaces: - enchanted room - wizard's chamber - fairy grotto - potion brewing room - library of magical tomes mystical-spaces: - oracle's chamber - sacred temple - time traveler's nexus - astral projection room - room of prophecies sci-fi-spaces: - spaceship cockpit - holodeck simulation room - teleporter room - cyberspace virtual room - alien observation chamber steampunk-spaces: - steampunk workshop - airship control room - clockwork mechanism room - brass and gears observatory - victorian inventor's study magical: artifacts-and-relics: - hall of ancient artifacts - crystal skull chamber - timeless magical art gallery - celestial reliquary - enchanted totem shrine - dragon hoard treasury - faerie crown jewels vault - mystical rune stones chamber - unicorn horn collection room - time-traveling trinket repository celestial-observatories: - cosmic stargazing terrace - astral constellations dome - planetary alignment observatory - enchanted aurora observatory - starship landing pad and dock - celestial skywalking platform - time-warp viewing deck - comet chasing chamber - moon and sun watching loft - celestial navigation room chambers-of-prophecy: - oracle's hall of foresight - crystal ball divination chamber - time-scrolls archives - celestial star maps room - enchanted tarot reading parlor - dragon divination lair - astral projection chamber - fairy fortune-telling nook - sorcerer's destiny weaving chamber - mystical time-loop library feywild-gardens: - enchanted blossom arboretum - timeless enchanted labyrinth - celestial moonlit garden - dragon enclave courtyard - fairy glow gardens - mystical rainbow meadow - starlight gazing glade - sorcerer's elemental garden guardians-and-companions: - phoenix roost and aviary - elven spirit animal grove - dragon hatchery - celestial sentinel shrine - enchanted familiar's lair - fairy court gathering place - sorcerer's elemental chambers - time-guardian chrono beasts' den - unicorn herd sanctuary - mystical guardian golems' chamber healing-and-potions: - healing springs sanctuary - herbalist's apothecary - healing crystal infirmary - fairy healer's grove - dragon's breath healing chamber - potion mixing laboratory - timeless fountain of rejuvenation - celestial astral projection room - unicorn tears elixir dispensary - enchanted garden of restoration living-spaces: - enchanted forest cottage - magical wizard's tower - fairy glade sanctuary - underwater mermaid grotto - elven treehome haven - dragon's lair retreat - celestial starlit chamber - timeless fairy tale castle - mystical crystal cave dwelling - unicorn meadow cottage recreational: - wizarding dueling arena - enchanted enigma maze - faerie dance and music hall - mystical labyrinth of illusions - unicorn riding adventure park - magical creature menagerie - sorcerer's dueling club - time traveler's chrono fair - celestial celebria carnival - dragon racing circuit security-and-surveillance: - ancient guardian chamber - spell-protected vault - golem guarded sanctuary - magical barrier control room - phoenix flame defense station - elven archers watchtower - wyvern aerial surveillance nest - enchanted mirror scrying room - shielded charm warded fortress - time-looped protective sanctum transportation-and-portals: - time-traveling portal room - magic carpet hangar - teleportation nexus - dragon-drawn carriage garage - celestial starship docking bay - enchanted portal gateways - fairy wings air terminal - ancient rune-activated doorway - unicorn-ride gateway arch - time-warping pathway workspaces: - sorcerer's alchemy lab - enchanted book-filled study - potion brewing chamber - crystal ball divination room - runes and sigils workshop - magical artifact museum - enchanting spellcasting room - time-weaving chronomancer's den - elven lore archive - dragon oracle's lair regular: commercial-spaces: - retail space - showroom - restaurant dining area - bar/lounge area - hotel room common-spaces: - hallway/corridor - staircase - balcony/patio - porch/veranda - sunroom community-spaces: - community hall - clubhouse - meeting room educational-spaces: - classroom - lecture hall - laboratory - library entertainment-leisure-spaces: - dining room - family room - game/entertainment room - home theater - music room/studio - gym/exercise room - library/reading room healthcare-spaces: - hospital patient room - examination room - operating room - waiting room living-spaces: - living room - bedroom - guest room - children's room/nursery - master suite outdoor-spaces: - courtyard - garden - terrace - patio - roof deck public-spaces: - conference room - reception/lobby - restroom/washroom (public or private) recreational-spaces: - swimming pool area - sauna/spa room - game room/playroom - indoor play area service-spaces: - kitchen - bathroom - laundry room - pantry (in kitchen or separate) - mudroom - walk-in closet transit-spaces: - waiting area - ticket counter utility-spaces: - garage - basement - attic - storage room - workshop/tool room - server/utility room work-spaces: - study/office - home office - co-working space - artist's studio scifi: alien-encounters: - extraterrestrial embassy - alien diplomatic meeting room - intergalactic communication center - alien artifact exhibition hall - interspecies cultural exchange zone - galactic peace negotiation chamber - alien linguistics and translation lab - alien abduction research chamber - galactic council assembly room - alien species genetic study lab astrobiology-and-xenobiology: - xenobotany research greenhouse - alien microbial study lab - astroecology research habitat - exobiology and alien anatomy lab - alien wildlife observation deck - galactic specimen collection room - extraterrestrial geology lab - xenophysiognomy and non-humanoid studies lab - alien planet simulation chamber - alien astrozoology exhibit exoplanetary-exploration: - exoplanet discovery and observation center - alien ruins archaeology dig site - robotic planetary exploration rover hangar - advanced terrain mapping and analysis lab - exotic climate simulation chamber - alien flora and fauna study enclosure - celestial phenomenon observation deck - alien civilization artifacts exhibit - exoplanetary weather and storm prediction room - microgravity geological excavation site interstellar-travel: - spaceship bridge and command center - hyperdrive engine room - cryogenic stasis chamber - warp core reactor facility - wormhole navigation control room - zero-gravity g-force simulation chamber - intergalactic navigation observatory - alien technology-infused propulsion lab - wormhole entry and exit point hangar - subspace communications array living-spaces: - futuristic space apartment - ai-controlled smart home - zero-gravity living module - holographic entertainment room - holodeck virtual reality chamber - biosphere living quarters - time dilation sleep pod - cryogenic stasis chamber - alien bioluminescent habitat - interstellar traveler's cabin medbay-and-bioengineering-lab: - advanced regenerative medical bay - genetic engineering facility - cybernetic prosthetics workshop - nanobot infirmary - alien biotechnology research lab - neuroenhancement chamber - telemedicine teleportation center - virtual reality healing retreat - bio-printed organ production lab - robotic surgery theater recreational: - vr gaming arena - zero-gravity trampoline park - interstellar nightclub - holosuite amusement park - anti-gravity sports arena - alien art and culture gallery - intergalactic spa retreat - time-travel themed escape room - virtual reality concert hall - space simulator and training center security-and-surveillance: - space station security hub - biometric identification vault - force field control center - holographic surveillance room - quantum encryption chamber - invisibility shield control room - galactic prison facility - alien intrusion detection center - hyper-advanced defense bunker - time-loop secured archive space-colony-and-habitat: - space colony command and control center - habitat engineering and life support room - hydroponics and food production facility - intra-stellar power generation chamber - zero-gravity recreation and exercise area - astronaut training and simulation hub - extraterrestrial defense perimeter control - space colony communal living quarters - orbital viewing and stargazing lounge - space colony medical bay and quarantine workspaces: - space station command center - high-tech research laboratory - holographic conference room - virtual collaboration hub - ai-controlled workstation - cybernetic augmentation lab - zero-gravity manufacturing facility - teleportation prototype lab - nanotechnology research chamber - galactic explorer's bridge types: cyberpunk: arcade-and-entertainment-complexes: - neoarcade haven - cybernetic vr arena - holographic racing emporium - holosuite gaming center - cyberpunk amusement park - vr combat simulator dome - immersive gaming district - zero-g dance and music hall - augmented reality casino - retro-cyber gaming lounge corporate-megatowers: - shinohara corp. headquarters - omnitech plaza - zephyr industries tower - cybersys tower - zenithcorp skyspire - nexus dynamics center - stellarcorp megatower - aethertech headquarters - infinitron tower - metaglobal tower cyberpunk-factories-and-assembly-plants: - holographic nanofactory - vr mass production line - immersive robotic assembly hub - augmented reality automated plant - quantum-powered manufacturing facility - time-distorted 3d printing workshop - futuristic cybernetics factory - ai-driven smart factory - synthetics and androids production plant - zero-waste green tech manufacturing cyberpunk-nightclubs: - neonsky club and lounge - holographic dance haven - virtual reality rave nexus - synthbeat electroclub - augmented reality dj den - technocyber discotheque - immersive trance theater - vr lightshow emporium - cybernetic dance factory - time-warping party hangar cyberpunk-residential-complexes: - futuristic hi-tech apartments - neon-lit skyscraper residences - vr-integrated smart homes - holographic co-living spaces - augmented reality luxury penthouses - techno-modular housing units - immersive augmented apartments - timeless retro-fitted lofts - cyborg co-op living community - futuristic sustainable eco-domes cyberpunk-street-hangouts: - neon alleyway marketplace - holographic street performer's corner - vr street sports arena - synthwave street art district - augmented reality graffiti zone - techno street food bazaar - immersive cyber cafes - time-warped urban plaza - futuristic rooftop gardens - vr skate park and playground cyberspace-data-towers: - augmented reality data hub - virtual reality data matrix - holographic information nexus - cybernetic cloud storage facility - ai data processing center - quantum computing node - infinite data archive - neural network data tower - darknet intelligence hub - time-looped information repository high-tech-medical-facilities: - cybernetics enhancement clinic - virtual reality therapy center - nanotech medical research lab - holographic surgery theater - biohacking and gene editing facility - neuroenhancement institute - time dilation healing spa - cryogenic stasis research center - augmented reality rehabilitation center - bionic prosthetics manufacturing mega-marketplaces-and-bazaars: - neobazaar central - technotrade exchange - augmented reality mall - cyberware emporium - ai-driven market square - holomarket plaza - futuristic black market - underground tech bazaar - holographic vendor arcade - virtual reality auction house underground-cyber-bunkers: - resistance hideout - black market hub - cybercrime syndicate lair - techno-anarchist safehouse - rogue hacker's den - shadowops command center - neon underground club - cyber smuggler's depot - vr illusionist's hideaway - darknet data vault fictional: commercial: - high-tech corporate headquarters - intergalactic shopping mall - time travelers inn - holographic entertainment complex - alien marketplace educational: - wizarding school of magic - extraterrestrial university - ancient library of knowledge - virtual reality learning hub - time bending academy governmental: - utopian capitol building - space command center - mythical palace of kings - parallel universe embassy - interplanetary council chambers industrial: - steampunk factory complex - robotic production plant - mythical forge of legend - interdimensional power plant - ethereal energy refinery recreational: - zero gravity amusement park - underwater coral resort - floating garden oasis - celestial spa retreat - infinite maze of wonders residential: - cozy cottage - futuristic apartment tower - enchanted treehouse - underwater dome residence - floating sky palace magical: celestial-libraries-of-knowledge: - astral archive of ancient wisdom - cosmic codex and star maps repository - timeless tome of prophecies - enchanted grimoire hall - celestial library of astronomical lore - mystical records hall of spells - etherium scrolls sanctum - arcane repository of magical tomes - ancient mythical chronicles chamber - celestial atlas of mythos enchanted-schools-of-magic: - hogwarts school of witchcraft and wizardry - celestia academy of sorcery - arcane academy of enchantment - lumos academy of elemental magic - celestial college of arcanum - mystica school of magical arts - enigma institute of spells and potions - timeless tower of magecraft - ethereal grove of druidic wisdom - fairy academy of enchantment fairy-tale-castles-and-palaces: - enchanted castle of dreams - celestial palace of everlasting light - timeless citadel of sorcery - ethereal fortress of the elven king - fairy queen's emerald palace - mystical crystal cavern castle - enchanted rose tower - celestial unicorn palace - magical floating island citadel - fairy godmother's enchanted chateau magical-taverns-and-inns: - celestial moonlight tavern - enchanted inn of the traveler - mystical potions and brews pub - timeless hearth of the phoenix - ethereal goblet and mead hall - celestial hearthstone tavern - enchanted woodsman's retreat - magical inn at the crossroads - fairy-lit forest tea house - time-warping wizard's pub witch-covens-and-magical-circles: - coven of the silver moon - mystic circle of elemental witches - timeless cauldron gathering - ethereal seance and divination room - celestial moonlit ritual grove - mystical crystal ball chamber - enchantress' forest retreat - arcane pentacle and rune circle - celestial starlit sabbat grounds - witch's time-warping apothecary regular: commercial-buildings: - office buildings - shopping centers - retail stores - restaurants and cafes - hotels and motels - banks - warehouses - supermarkets educational-buildings: - schools - colleges and universities - libraries - research facilities government-buildings: - courthouses - city halls - police stations - fire stations healthcare-buildings: - hospitals - clinics - medical offices - nursing homes industrial-buildings: - factories - manufacturing plants - warehouses - distribution centers recreational-buildings: - sports arenas and stadiums - gyms and fitness centers - theaters and cinemas - museums - amusement parks religious-buildings: - churches - mosques - temples - synagogues residential-buildings: - single-family homes - apartments - condominiums - townhouses - cottages - duplexes - mobile homes special purpose-buildings: - prisons - power plants - data centers - exhibition halls transportation-buildings: - airports - train stations - bus terminals scifi: advanced-extraterrestrial-labs: - quantum particle accelerator lab - nanotechnology research facility - plasma fusion energy lab - ai-controlled biotechnology lab - time-travel experimentation chamber - gravitational wave observatory - dark matter and antimatter research center - quantum computing complex - alien genetic engineering institute - celestial robotics and ai lab ai-controlled-planetary-defense: - orbital defense satellite network - planetary shield control center - ai-driven laser defense array - interstellar missile defense platform - quantum-based force field nexus - celestial antimatter cannon - time-warping tactical command center - nanobot-infused nanodome defense system - extraterrestrial threat monitoring station - galactic sentry fleet headquarters extraterrestrial-artifact-museums: - alien relic exhibition hall - celestial ancient artifacts gallery - holographic extraterrestrial art center - quantum art and sculpture gallery - timeless extraterrestrial archaeology museum - intergalactic historical relics showcase - cosmic artifacts and antiquities archive - ai-interpreted alien art collection - virtual reality time capsule exhibit - time-warping mythical artifact hall extraterrestrial-diplomacy-and-relations: - intergalactic diplomatic embassy - alien cultural exchange center - celestial peace treaty council - interspecies communication hub - galactic alliance mediation chamber - multinational space accord assembly - cosmic confederation summit hall - interplanetary trade negotiation center - extraterrestrial federation embassy - galactic united nations headquarters futuristic-cybernetic-cities: - neon metropolis megacity - techno-infused urban hub - holographic skyline complex - augmented reality smart city - cybernetic skyscraper cluster - immersive megalopolis center - time-looped futuristic metropolis - quantum-powered city of tomorrow - synthwave utopian cityscape - ai-controlled urban civilization high-tech-cyber-casinos: - futuristic hologamble casino - quantum-based slot machine arena - celestial poker and blackjack lounge - virtual reality roulette hall - time-distorted card game parlor - synthwave high roller suite - ai-controlled sports betting arena - galactic racing and betting track - immersive e-sports betting hub - zero-gravity craps and dice den interstellar-research-and-exploration: - astrobiology research facility - xenoplanet exploration center - galactic archive and data repository - celestial phenomenon observatory - time distortion research lab - exoplanetary geology laboratory - astronomical observation hub - quantum entanglement research institute - extraterrestrial archaeology institute - galactic history and civilization studies interstellar-transportation-hubs: - celestial spaceport terminal - quantum portal gateway - interdimensional stargate port - hyperspace jumping junction - extraterrestrial hyperloop terminal - time-looped wormhole connector - galactic transport nexus - ai-controlled teleportation hub - space-time distorted warp gate - futuristic intergalactic transit center spaceship-bridges-and-command-centers: - uss enterprise command bridge - galactic starcruiser control hub - intergalactic exploration vessel bridge - cosmic carrier command center - nebula-class battleship bridge - celestial cruiser control deck - quantum-class flagship command center - stellar interceptor bridge - warp-speed frigate command hub - ai-powered starship control nexus time-travelling-research-facilities: - chronolab temporal research center - time-looped quantum laboratory - celestial time anomaly observatory - time-warp accelerated innovation hub - temporal paradox investigation unit - multiverse and parallel realities lab - quantum entanglement time travel nexus - cosmic temporal preservation archive - extraterrestrial time traveler's rest stop - stellar temporal navigation complex creatures: appendages: - clawed appendages - webbed appendages - four-fingered hands - five-fingered hands - six-fingered hands - multi-jointed appendages - hoofed - padded appendages - digitigrade appendages - plantigrade appendages - unguligrade appendages - scaled appendages - feathered appendages - furry appendages - flippers - tentacle being-types: - being - creature - entity - existence - individual - life form - organism - person - presence - sentient being - soul - spirit body-shapes: - feline - canine - avian - serpentine - aquatic - rodent - equine - insectoid - arachnid - amphibian - reptilian - cephalopod - wormlike - hominid - anthropomorphic - robotic - crustacean - mollusk - fungoid - blob-like - geometric - crystalline - amorphous - angular - ethereal - spherical - irregular - elongated - tendril-laden - appendage-rich - segmented - symmetrical - asymmetrical - fractal - draconian - dragon descriptors: - alien - alienesque - amorphous - anomalous - augmented - biomimetic - bioluminescent - chitinous - creeping - crystalline - cyborg - ephemeral - ethereal - extraterrestrial - fantasy - fluidic - geodesic - harmonious - hive-like - iridescent - irregular - mutated - mycelium - mythical - networked - nestled - organic - organic-mechanical - otherworldly - phosphorescent - plasmic - pulsating - root-like - rhythmic - scaled - scifi - sinuous - subterranean - symbiotic - tendrilous - translucent - undulating - unearthly - vascular - visceral - webbed - woven dragons: body-cover: - scales - feathers - fur - skin - hide - carapace - armor - spines - bones - earth - mud - lava body-shape: - serpentine - slender - elongated - robust - streamlined - stocky - coiled - bipedal - quadrupedal - wyrm-like - snakelike - arboreal - celestial - elemental - drake-like - multi-limbed features: - beard - bristles - spikes - fangs - claws - frills - fins - tendrils - mane - crest - tail barb - wing spines head-types: - horned - crested - multi-headed - serpent-like - bird-like - reptilian - insectoid - wyrm-like - snouted - elongated - crowned - celestial - skeletal - bony leg-types: - clawed - hoofed - bird-like - insectoid - webbed - digitigrade - plantigrade - spiked - segmented - slender - muscular - taloned leg-length: - no legs - short - medium - long - variable - mismatched tail-types: - serpentine - spiked - forked - clubbed - barbed - feathered - finned - prehensile - coiled - arrow-tipped - rattle-tailed - mace-tailed - aquatic - crystalline - segmented - bushy wing-count: - pair of - two - quadrupple of - four - sextet of - six - countless wing-types: - membranous - feathered - bat-like - insectoid - leathery - skeletal - angelic - elemental - celestial - fiery - icey - rainbow - crystal - scaled - veined - translucent - ruffled - segmented - ethereal - misty - iridescent ear-types: - pointed ears - rounded ears - floppy ears - bat-like ears - cat ears - dog ears - elongated ears - webbed ears - tufted ears - horned ears - furry ears - slit ears horns: - curled horns - straight horns - spiral horns - forked horns - twisted horns - pointed horns - branched horns - short horns - long horns - curved horns - antler-like horns - horns with tips - serrated horns - ridged horns - fluted horns - segmented horns - ram-like horns - lyre-shaped horns - knobbed horns - elongated horns - helical horns - annulated horns - scythe-shaped horns - coiled horns look-feel: - abstract - alien - amorphous - biomimetic - bohemian - classic - contemporary - crisp - distressed - eclectic - edgy - elegant - ethereal - exo - futuristic - geometric - gritty - high-tech - industrial - luxurious - minimalist - moody - natural - nostalgic - organic - otherworldly - playful - polished - raw - retro - rustic - serene - sleek - spacious - subdued - sublime - terrifying - textured - urban - vintage - whimsical mouth-jaw: - normal mouth - fang-filled mouth - sharp-toothed mouth - beaked mouth - snouted mouth - wide jaw - narrow jaw - double-jointed jaw - hinged jaw - mandibulate jaw - toothless mouth - tentacled mouth - circular mouth - split jaw - mandible claws - serrated jaw - extensible jaw - proboscis - parrot-like beak nmbrarms: - armless - single-armed - bimanual - trimanual - quadrumanual - hexamanual - octomanual - decamanual - multipedal nmbrlegs: - legless - 1 leg - bipedal - tripedal - quadrupedal - hexapod - octopod - decapod - multipedal nmbrtails: - tailless - single-tailed - bifurcated-tailed - trifurcated-tailed - quadrifurcated-tailed - nine-tailed - multi-tailed size: - tiny - small - compact - medium - average - large - big - huge - gigantic - enormous - massive - colossal skin-fur-types: - scales - feathers - fur - smooth skin - exoskeleton - slimy skin - slick skin - iridescent skin - spiky scales - leathery skin - hairy fur - fuzzy fur - wooly fur - shaggy fur - icy scales - crystalized skin - bark-like skin - metallic skin - transparent skin - luminescent skin species: amphibians: - frog - toad - salamander - newt - axolotl - caecilian - tree frog - poison dart frog - bullfrog - fire salamander - tiger salamander - alpine newt - golden mantella - marbled salamander - american toad - european toad - cane toad - surinam toad - glass frog - wood frog - oriental fire-bellied toad - spadefoot toad - mantella frog - blue poison dart frog aquatic animals: - fish - shark - whale - dolphin - seal - sea lion - walrus - manatee - penguin - octopus - squid - jellyfish - sea anemone - coral - clownfish - angelfish - surgeonfish - pufferfish - seahorse - starfish - sea turtle - crocodile - alligator - frog - toad - salamander - newt - turtle - terrapin birds: - eagle - hawk - falcon - owl - osprey - vulture - crow - raven - magpie - jay - sparrow - robin - blue jay - cardinal - woodpecker - pigeon - dove - seagull - albatross - pelican - flamingo - swan - goose - duck - hummingbird - parrot - cockatoo - toucan - penguin - ostrich - emu - kiwi - puffin - kingfisher - hornbill - peacock - eagle owl - secretary bird - condor - harpy eagle - kookaburra draconic: - Ahuizotl - Amphiptere - Chinese Dragon - Chinese Lung - Coatl - dragon - Drake - European Dragon - Guivre - Hydra - Knucker - Kulshedra - Lindworm - Lung - Mokele-Mbembe - Mushussu - Quetzalcoatl - Ryu - Serpent - Sirrush - Tarasque - Wyrm - Wyvern - Yinglong - Yong - Zmey Gorynych draconic-mh: - Akantor - Alatreon - Barioth - Barroth - Basarios - Brachydios - Chameleos - Deviljho - Diablos - Dalamadur - Fatalis - Gigginox - Glavenus - Gore Magala - Gravios - Great Jaggi - Great Baggi - Great Wroggi - Gypceros - Iodrome - Jhen Mohran - Khezu - Kirin - Kulu-Ya-Ku - Kushala Daora - Lagiacrus - Lao-Shan Lung - Lavasioth - Legiana - Ludroth - Mizutsune - Najarala - Nargacuga - Nerscylla - Paolumu - Plesioth - Rajang - Rathalos - Rathian - Royal Ludroth - Rust Duramboros - Seltas - Seltas Queen - Shagaru Magala - Shen Gaoren - Shogun Ceanataur - Stygian Zinogre - Teostra - Tigrex - Uragaan - Valstrax - Velkhana - Volvidon - Yian Garuga - Yian Kut-Ku - Zinogre fantastic: - ahuizotl - basilisk - bunyip - centaur - cerberus - chimera - chupacabra - cockatrice - cthulhu - cyclops - dragon - faun - griffin - gryphon - harpy - hippocampus - hippogriff - hydra - jabberwock - jersey devil - kitsune - kraken - lamassu - leprechaun - leviathan - manticore - mermaid - minotaur - mothman - naga - nuckelavee - nymph - pegasus - phoenix - qilin - rainbow serpent - roc - simurgh - siren - skinwalker - sleipnir - sphinx - tengu - thunderbird - unicorn - wendigo - werewolf - yeti fantasy: - baba yaga - domovoi - fachan - grootslang - hodag - karura - kokogiak - leshy - loveland frog - mapinguari - mongolian death worm - nalusa falaya - popobawa - rusalka - sarimanok - teju jagua - tikoloshe - tizheruk - yara-ma-yha-who hantu: - hantu air - hantu akar - hantu api - hantu balik - hantu bantu - hantu barong - hantu belang - hantu belulang - hantu berang-berang - hantu bukit - hantu bunting - hantu cina - hantu daun - hantu daun pisang - hantu dinding - hantu ekor - hantu garam - hantu garpu - hantu gigi - hantu iban - hantu india - hantu jepun - hantu kaki - hantu kepala - hantu kerbau - hantu kereta - hantu kucing - hantu kubur - hantu laut - hantu lembu - hantu melayu - hantu minyak - hantu orang asli - hantu pantai - hantu peluk - hantu penunggu - hantu pisau - hantu pukau - hantu puaka - hantu puntianak - hantu putera - hantu putih - hantu raya - hantu salam - hantu seram - hantu seru - hantu singa - hantu sunda - hantu tengkorak - hantu timun - hantu tinggi - hantu ujang - hantu udang - hantu udin - hantu ulat - hantu ular - hantu ulat bulu - hantu ulat sutera - hantu ulat sutra - hantu ulat ulat - hantu ulta bulu - hantu ulta sutera - hantu ulta sutra - hantu ulta ulat - hantu ulatulat - hantu ulatulat bulu - hantu ulatulat sutera - hantu ulatulat sutra - hantu ulatulat ulat insects: - ant - bee - beetle - butterfly - dragonfly - firefly - flea - fly - grasshopper - ladybug - mosquito - moth - praying mantis - spider - wasp - caterpillar - centipede - cricket - cockroach - mantis - aphid - hornet - termite - silverfish - cicada - june bug - assassin bug - stink bug - walking stick mammals: - elephant - lion - tiger - giraffe - cheetah - zebra - gorilla - chimpanzee - orangutan - koala - kangaroo - platypus - dolphin - whale - bat - squirrel - rabbit - deer - fox - wolf - bear - panda - red panda - raccoon - horse - cow - dog - cat - mouse - elephant seal - otter - hedgehog - shrew - platypus - monkey - lemur - bat - camel - hippopotamus - rhinoceros - anteater - armadillo - ocelot - cougar - lynx - panther - jaguar - snow leopard - sloth - mole - beaver - porcupine - muskox - bison - walrus - sealion - polar bear - grizzly bear - black bear - lemming - weasel - wolverine - skink - aardvark - pangolin - hyena - meerkat - lemming - jerboa - cavy - capybara - porpoise - manatee - armadillo - kinkajou - ferret - hamster - gerbil - chipmunk microorganisms: - bacteria - virus - fungus - protozoa - amoeba - paramecium - euglena - diatom - algae - plankton - microbe moers: - humans - minipirates - gelatine bones - shark grubs - nocturnomaths - crat - zamonian giants - lindworms - sklorno - demonocles - anagatogs - invisibooks - hel - bluddums - wolpertings - gourmet mermaids - cacophones - leaf men - dwellers of twilight - prodigy parasites - smeltings - bolloggans - malaise - veil of slumber - brain-o-mats - kobolds - echo elves - crails - abominable snowmen - lethargarians - bambuzzleds - zamoniants - shark grubs - tonsil-lectomized grizzlies - murkmercs - subterranean jellyfish - malaise - hemadict mythological: - aatxe - adze - agogwe - agogwe - alkonost - alp-luachra - anansi - bagiennik - bakeneko - barometz - bicefalo - bonnacon - ceffyl dŵr - cipactli - crinoid - dip - el brujo - fachen - grootslang - hodag - ijiraq - isonade - keres - kumiho - leshy - loveland frog - mapinguari - mbielu-mbielu-mbielu - mokele-mbembe - nalusa falaya - noppera-bo - ouroboros - owlbear - popobawa - rat king - rusalka - sarimanok - sigbin - skinwalker - teju jagua - tikoloshe - tizheruk - wendigo - yara-ma-yha-who - yowie - ziphius reptiles: - snake - turtle - crocodile - alligator - lizard - gecko - iguana - chameleon - komodo dragon - monitor lizard - anaconda - boa constrictor - python - gila monster - tuatara - green sea turtle - leatherback sea turtle - galapagos tortoise - bearded dragon - frilled lizard sci-fi: - ahool - camazotz - devil bird - drop bear - kongamato - mapinguari - ropen - tsuchinoko tails: - short-tailed - long-tailed - curved-tailed - bushy-tailed - prehensile-tailed - forked-tailed - spiked-tailed - tufted-tailed traits: - agile - alien - anthropomorphic - aquatic - avian - bioluminescent - glowing markings - camouflaged - carnivorous - cunning - elongated - elusive - enchanted - enigmatic - ethereal - exotic - fierce - ferocious - gentle - gargantuan - graceful - haunting - luminous - majestic - monstrous - mysterious - mythical - nocturnal - otherworldly - playful - prowling - roaming - scaled - serpentine - stealthy - swift - terrifying - vibrant - vicious - winged - whimsical wings: - celestial wings (__magical/magic__ wings attached to the back) - angelic wings - demonic wings - fairy wings - dragon wings - phoenix wings - butterfly wings - seraph wings - bat wings - pegasus wings - griffin wings - wyvern wings - __magical/elemental__ wings - crystal wings - celestial wings - dark wings - feathered wings - icarus wings (enchanted wings made from wax and feathers) - gargoyle wings - mechanical wings made of gears and cogs and clockwork easter: artstyles: - biblical scene - painting - mosaic - pastel colors - spring theme - stained glass window - symbolic religious illustration {lamb|cross|dove} atmosphere: - festive - hopeful - joyful - peaceful - religious characters: - angel - apostle - biblical figures {moses|noah} - jesus christ - rabbits (symbol of new life) - __characters/beings/easter-bunny/prompt__ costumes: - easter bonnet (women's hat with decorations) - pastel clothing (spring colors) - suits and dresses, for church services decorations: - basket, filled with candy or eggs - brightly colored eggs {dyed|painted} - bunnies {stuffed animals|decorations} - crosses - flowers {lilies, tulips} - pastel balloons and streamers - spring garlands food: - bread - carrot cake - easter ham - hot cross buns - lamb dish - simnel cake lightings: - soft, warm lighting - candlelight places-sceneries: - churches - fields of wildflowers - gardens - sunrise locations symbols: - cross - easter egg, symbol of new life and resurrection - lamb - rabbit, symbol of fertility and new life traditions: - attending easter church services - decorating easter eggs - easter egg hunts - exchanging easter baskets - giving gifts (especially candy for children) - sharing a special easter meal - sunrise services habitats: biomes: - tundra - taiga - boreal forest - temperate deciduous forest - grassland - prairie - savanna - desert - tropical rainforest - tropical seasonal forest - dry tropical forest - chaparral - mediterranean - alpine - wetland - swamp - marsh - coral reef - estuary - mangrove forest - polar ice cap - mountain - cave - urban housing: - dwelling - residence - abode - domicile - home - habitation - dwelling place - mansion - manor - estate - cottage - bungalow - cabin - villa - house - residence metaphoric: - sea of possibilities - mountain of challenges - forest of opportunities - valley of reflection - desert of uncertainty - garden of creativity - river of imagination - plateau of wisdom - canyon of decision - oasis of tranquility - cave of introspection - bridge of connections - meadow of growth - volcano of passion - harbor of resilience - archipelago of choices - observatory of insight - citadel of ambition - fen of transition - harbor of serenity - quicksand of doubt - summit of clarity - marsh of complexity - mosaic of perspectives - mirage of illusions - scaffold of progress - crossroads of destiny - echo chamber of thoughts - tangle of emotions - elysium of fulfillment - infinity pool of ideas - labyrinth of challenges - aurora of enlightenment - tundra of solitude - bazaar of possibilities - ephemeral meadow of dreams - abyss of uncertainty - whirlpool of change - spires of potential - harbor of dreams - peninsula of innovation - echoing canyons of legacy - radiant core of ambition - iceberg of stability - vortex of transformation - alcove of silence - spiral staircase of progress - reservoir of resilience - observatory of destiny - haven of harmony - nexus of exploration - echoing caves of experience - treetop canopy of growth - bamboo grove of adaptability - nebula of imagination - fjord of reflection - celestial archipelago of ideas - cascade of enlightenment - rainbow bridge of connection - tapestry of wisdom - grove of innovation - vault of discovery - pinnacle of creativity - mirage of illusions - expanse of echoes - summit of imagination - cavern of curiosity - cradle of wisdom - fortress of insight - sanctuary of epiphanies - matrix of enlightenment - frontier of invention - bastion of vision - serenity of insight - oracle of reflection - repository of revelations - pavilion of visionaries - nexus of wisdom - zenith of revelation - eden of ideas - mirage of imagination - conclave of contemplation - sanctuary of revelation - outpost of epiphany - panorama of visions - domain of dreams - grove of realization - matrix of insights - arcadia of aspirations - asylum of awe - frontier of fantasia - expanse of epiphany - passage of perception - sanctuary of serenity - oasis of occasion - crucible of concepts - summit of synthesis - gaia of genesis - apex of artistry - utopia of understanding - infinity vault of ideation - echo chamber of enlightenment - pantheon of perspective - prodigy pavilion - zenith of zeal - twilight terrace of thought - oasis of originality - paradigm plaza - atelier of aspiration - zen garden of vision - paradiso of imagination - empyrean essence - thicket of thought places: cave: - abyss - cavern - chasm - crevice - grotto - hollow - passage - pit - subterrane - tunnel civil: - administration center - city hall - courthouse - cultural center - government office - library - municipal mansion - parliament palace - public plaza - town square - urban institute craft: - artisan's workshop - forge - laboratory - studio - workshop - crafting hall - atelier - foundry - smithy - alchemy lab - enchanting chamber - tinkering station - sculptor's studio - pottery studio - carpenter's workshop - weaver's loom - jeweler's bench - glassblower's studio - loom - textile workshop - leatherworker's shop - metalworking shop - woodworking shop - potion brewery - candle maker's studio - papermaking studio - bookbinder's workshop - culinary kitchen - confectionery - brewery - distillery - winery - tailor's workshop - armory - ammunition workshop - bowyer's shop - arrow fletchery - blacksmith's forge - armor crafting station - weapon crafting station - engraving studio - calligraphy studio - pottery kiln - glass furnace crater: - depression - hollow - cavity - pit - indentation - basin - bowl - concavity - dent - pothole - hole - well - trench - trough - gap - void - crater - caldera - abyss - chasm - ravine - gorge - cleft - fissure - crevice - rift - split - crack desert: - dunes - oasis - aridness - wasteland - barrens - mirage - wilderness - sands - dryness - solitude dreamscapes: - reverie - fantasy - utopia - phantasmagoria - mirage energy: - generator - powerhouse - reactor - turbine - energy center - power station - electrical grid - solar farm - wind farm - geothermal plant film: - coruscant - middle-earth - hogwarts - rivendell - gotham city - metropolis - wakanda - mordor - oz - gondor - diagon alley - arrakis - riviera - rapture - columbia forest: - arboretum - copse - grove - jungle - orchard - thicket - timberland - woodland hellish: - abyssal - gehennan - hades - hades' - tartarean - stygian - netherworld - infernal - abyss - chasm - pit - brimstone - lava - underworld - cavern - abyssal plain - inferno - purgatory - fiery pit - sulfurous expanse horizon: - view - scene - stretch - outlook - prospect - panorama - landscape - point - horizon - distance - expanse - stretch - perspective lovecraft: - arkham - dunwich - innsmouth - miskatonic university - r'lyeh - shadow over innsmouth - yuggoth - plateaus of leng - shub-niggurath - the dreamlands - the underdark learn-study: - library - academy - school - university - study hall - observatory - research institute - laboratory - lecture hall - reading room - scholar's chamber - educational center - training facility - scriptorium - archive - knowledge repository - meditation retreat - philosopher's enclave - think tank - wisdom keep - oracle's chamber - astronomical observatory - alchemy study - magical academy - botanical garden - historical archive - language school - music academy - art studio - coding dojo - technology institute - innovation hub - neuroscience lab - mathematics center - philosophy forum - debating society - cultural center - heritage museum - virtual reality learning center magnificent: - cathedral - castle - citadel - grand palace - great hall - mansion - palace - temple - tower military: - armory - barracks - base - command center - fortress - garrison - naval base - outpost - training ground - war room mindscapes: - dreamscape - nightmarescape - thoughtscape - memoryscape - emotionscape - imaginingscape - subconscious - consciousness - illusionscape - realms of the mind - introspectionscape moers: - the nocturnal academy - the mugg memorial library - the great forest of zamonia - the city of atlantis - the un-forrest - the enchanted dominion - wolperting - hel - gourmet isles - skullop - bookholm - the catacombs of dreaming books - the great library - the chamber of supernostalgics - shadowhouse - malaisea - malaiseaberg - chalcedony - crat - blast furnace square - bookholm - old ab's bookstore - the book eaters' catacomb - the castle of dreaming books - lindworm castle - bookholm - bookholm station mountain: - alp - elevation - mount - peak - summit - tor - upland - zenith overlooking: - bastion - celestial archipelago - cliff - cloud - mountain - overlook - peak - plateau - promontory - spire - summit - terrace - treetop canopy - zenith paradise: - elysian fields - neverland - paradisiacal - paradiso - utopia - shangri-la - eden - celestial archipelago - eden - elysium - arcadia - nirvana - shangri-la - heavenly realm - euphoric landscape - paradise portal: - access - aperture - avenue - breach - connection - doorway - door - egress - entrance - exit - gap - gateway - gate - hatch - hole - ingress - link - opening - orifice - passage - portal - threshold - vent - way prison: - cellblock - dungeon - gaol - jail - penitentiary - stockade realm: - area - arena - cosmos - demesne - dimension - domain - dominion - empire - environment - expanse - field - habitat - jurisdiction - kingdom - land - orbit - plane - precinct - province - realm - region - sector - sphere - terrain - territory - universe - world - zone relaxing: - spa - retreat - sanctuary religion: - atlantis - valhalla - shangri-la - el dorado - neverland - narnia - asgard - mount olympus - minas tirith - thebes - tír na nóg - king's landing - winterfell - themyscira rooms: - __constructions/rooms/*/*__ - __constructions/types/*/*__ ruling: - bastion - castle - citadel - court - fortress - keep - palace - stronghold - throne room sanctuary: - haven - refuge - asylum - shelter - hideaway - safe haven - retreat - oasis - sanctum - peaceful place - secure spot - solace - tranquility space-constructions: - space station - orbital platform - lunar base - asteroid colony - starship - interstellar gateway - space elevator - terraforming station - deep space outpost - habitation ring space-scapes: - nebula - galaxy - starfield - asteroid_belt - celestial_body - cosmic_void - comet - black_hole - wormhole - supernova surrounding: - ambiance - atmosphere - backdrop - conditions - context - domain - ecosystem - elements - environment - habitat - landscape - locale - milieu - neighborhood - precinct - realm - scene - setting - situation - sphere - surroundings - terrain - vicinity swamp: - bayou - bog - fen - marsh - morass - mire - quagmire - slough - sump - wetland toxic: - contamination - hazard - peril - poison - pollution - risk - threat trading places: - agora - bazaar - emporium - exchange - fair - market - marketplace - mart - plaza - square - trading post - auction hall - barter square - commerce corner - currency court - exchange enclave - market square - merchant meadow - trade territory underground: - catacombs - cavern - subterranean city - cave system - underground river - bunker - mining tunnel - secret lair - hidden chamber - magma chamber - underworld - buried ruins - tunnel network - sewer system - abyssal depths - chasm - abyss - vault - crypt - dungeon - subway station - mole people's enclave - subterranean reservoir - magma forge - abandoned mine - underground market - secret passage - covert hideout - resistance headquarters water: - abyssal - bank - beach - beachfront - brink - coast - coastal - coastland - deep - littoral - marine - oceanic - open ocean - open water - reef - riverbank - sandbar - seabed - seafloor - seafront - seashore - seaside - shore - shoreline - strand - submerged - subaquatic - subterranean - tidal wave - underground - underbelly - undercurrent - undergrowth - underpass - underside - undershadow - undersurface - underwater - undersea - undertow - verge - waterfront waterbodies: - brook - cove - estuary - fjord - gulf - lake - lagoon - pond - reservoir - river - sea - strait - stream - tributary - waterfall - waterway types: - village - town - city - metropolis - hamlet - suburb - island - forest - desert oasis - mountain village - coastal town - industrial city - seaside resort - ski resort town - space station - underwater base wonderland: - whimsical wonderland - enchanted forest - curious meadow - mad hatter's tea party - queen's rose garden - cheshire cat's grin - wonderland labyrinth - tweedledee and tweedledum - card soldiers parade - mushroom grove - caterpillar's corner - white rabbit's clock tower - jubilant croquet game - tea cups spin - red queen's castle - jabberwocky's lair - queen of hearts' throne - curiouser and curiouser - chesire cat's disappear - wonderland dreamscape - unbirthday celebration - whirling dervish daisies - hatter's madcap millinery - deck of cards - grinning chessboard - nonsensical nook - time-traveling pocket watch - dormouse's siesta spot - wonderland portal - mome rath menagerie - croquet mallet mayhem - dormouse's drowsy den - hatter's hat shop - jubjub bird's nest - enigmatic elixir - vorpal blade's edge - wonderland whirlpool - mock turtle's melancholy - dreamy wonderland - frabjous day - wonderland welkin - peculiar pocket dimension - wonderland wonderscape - fantastic folly - wonderland whimsy - nonsensical netherworld halloween: artstyles: - gothic - surreal - dark fantasy - spooky - horror - macabre - gothic horror - eerie - pop surrealism - lowbrow - vintage horror - retro halloween - tim burtonesque - haunted mansion - monster mash - dark fairytale - grimdark - victorian gothic - creepy cute - fantasy horror - wicked - witchy - steampunk gothic - lovecraftian - zombie apocalypse - ghostly - pumpkin carving art - skull art - day of the dead - tarot card art - spooky illustration - witches and wizards - gothic architecture - dark surrealism - halloween folk art - scary portraits - dark impressionism - witchcraft and sorcery - gothic calligraphy - horror comics - dark romanticism - haunted landscape - bone art - creepy doll art - dark watercolor - occult art - blacklight art - phantom photography - pumpkin sculpture - monster portraits atmosphere: - bewildering - bewitched - bloodcurdling - bone-chilling - chilling - creepy - cryptic - cursed - demonic - eerie - enchanting - enigmatic - ephemeral - esoteric - frightening - ghostly - grim - haunted - macabre - misty - mysterious - mystical - nightmarish - ominous - otherworldly - petrifying - phantasmal - shadowy - sinister - skeletal - spectral - spellbinding - spellbound - spooky - supernatural - suspenseful - uncanny - unearthly - voodoo - whimsical - whispering - witching hour - witchy costumes: - animals - bat - black cat - clown - devil - fairy - pirate - princess - skeleton - spider - witch - zombie - vampire - mummy - ghost - werewolf - superhero - wizard - robot - scarecrow - mermaid - unicorn - alien - monster - ninja - cowboy - vampire hunter - zombie nurse - pirate captain - skeleton bride - wicked witch - dracula - gothic vampire - classic monster - headless horseman - phantom of the opera - zombie prom queen - werewolf hunter - dark sorceress - grim reaper - creepy clown - zombie pirate - mad scientist - vampire countess - classic witch decorations: - bats - black cats - candelabras - cauldrons - cobwebs - coffin props - crystal balls - creepy crawlers - eyeballs - fake blood - faux chains - flickering candles - fog machines - ghosts - ghostly apparitions - gargoyles - graveyards - haunted dolls - haunted mirrors - haunted paintings - haunted portals - headless horseman - howling wolves - jack-o'-lanterns - lanterns - mad scientist lab - mummy wraps - ouija boards - rats and rodents - scarecrows - shrunken heads - skeletons - sinister shadows - skulls - spider webs - spiders in webs - spooky soundtracks - tombstones - vampire fangs - voodoo dolls - witches' brooms - witch hats - zombie appliance - zombie hands - haunted trees - glowing eyes - worn books - worn curtains - haunted food-treats: - bat-shaped cookies - caramel apples - candy - candy corn - chocolate - gummy worms - popcorn balls - pumpkin pie - witches' brew - mummy dogs - eyeball cupcakes - spiderweb cupcakes - halloween-themed cookies - caramel popcorn - pumpkin seeds - candy apples - witch's fingers cookies - rice krispie treats - halloween-themed cake - candy bars - wormy jello cups - candy corn cookies - ghoulish punch - blood-red velvet cake - monster brownies - witch hat cupcakes - cider donuts - mini pumpkin pies - candy corn cheesecake - spiderweb dip - chocolate covered pretzels - ghost-shaped marshmallows - zombie brain cake - witches' cauldron soup - monster eye pops - poison apple punch - ghostly pancakes - mummy meatloaf - dracula's dentures - swamp water punch - goblin grapes - spooky mac 'n' cheese - vampire bat wings - witch hat pizza - worms in dirt - swamp monster slime - monster mash punch - pumpkin-shaped sandwiches - spider dogs fruits: - apple - banana - orange - grape - strawberry - blueberry - pineapple - watermelon - kiwi - mango - lemon - lime - peach - cherry - raspberry - blackberry - plum - apricot - papaya - coconut - grapefruit - pomegranate - cranberry - fig - guava - passion fruit - cantaloupe - avocado - pear - nectarine - tangerine - dragon fruit - lychee - kiwifruit - starfruit - persimmon - boysenberry - elderberry - huckleberry - mulberry - gooseberry - plantain - olive - date - prickly pear - kumquat - quince - rambutan - jabuticaba - acerola - horned melon grimaces: - sinister grin - malevolent smile - creepy smirk - wicked grin - maleficent grin - spooky sneer - sinister smirk - ghastly grin - devilish smile - eerie chuckle - chilling laugh - haunting gaze - malevolent chuckle - sinister laughter - eerie smirk - wicked chuckle - sinister chuckle - spine-tingling grin - maleficent smirk - grinning skull - ghostly grimace - vampire's grin - witch's cackle - joker's smile - zombie's snarl - jack-o'-lantern grin - sinister gaze - malevolent gaze - creepy chuckle - wicked sneer - haunting grin - maleficent chuckle - sinister sneer - ghastly smile - devilish grin - eerie grin - chilling smirk - haunting smile - malevolent laugh - creepy laugh - sinister laugh - wicked laugh - maleficent laugh - spooky chuckle - ghostly chuckle - witch's grin - joker's chuckle lighting: - candlelit - eerie glow - flickering candles - ghoulish glow - haunting lanterns - moonlight - spooky shadows - sinister illumination - ghostly flames - jack-o'-lantern light - candelabras - phantom glow - witch's cauldron glow - fiery torchlight - haunted chandeliers - graveyard lanterns - bat signal - blood-red lighting - creepy candlelight - ominous moonlight - lantern-lit pathways - sinister spotlights - vampire's lair lighting - cryptic candlelight - phantom lanterns - zombie ambiance lighting - witches' brew glow - skull-shaped candles - spiderweb lights - cursed candelabras - ghostly goblet candles - bats in flight - haunted sconces - eerie sconces - coffin lights - moonlit castle - witch's hat lights - spellbound chandeliers - cursed torchlight - gargoyle lamps - haunted streetlamps - tombstone spotlight - flickering firelight - gloom and doom lighting - ephemeral glow - phantom flames places-sceneries: - abandoned asylum - cemetery - cornfield maze - creepy forest - haunted house - moonlit graveyard - spooky castle - witches' lair - eerie swamp - pumpkin patch - abandoned mansion - dark alley - foggy marsh - ghostly shipwreck - sinister carnival - vampire's crypt - misty lake - witch's cottage - forgotten cemetery - haunted carnival - zombie-infested town - werewolf den - mysterious woods - spine-tingling mansion - moonlit castle - shadowy dungeon - cursed castle - abandoned orphanage - ghoulish graveyard - eerie moors - forgotten chapel - phantom opera house - wicked village - abandoned factory - haunted hotel - sinister laboratory - desolate ruins - cursed woods - ghost ship - skeleton cemetery - fog-shrouded swamp - creepy cornfield - spooky lighthouse - haunted school - vampire's castle - witch's garden - phantom ship - dark forest clearing pumpkin-carving: expressions: - grinning - sinister - spooky - evil - happy - sad - surprised - winking - mischievous - skeptical - laughing - frowning - screaming - crying - smirking - tongue sticking out - toothless - goofy - silly - scowling - puzzled - devilish - zombie-like - alien styles: - classic jack-o'-lantern - scary face - funny face - fantasy creature - horror movie icon - superheroe - animal - floral pattern - abstract design - geometric pattern - themed pumpkin - pop culture reference - video game character - mythical beast techniques: - traditional - stencil - freehand - 3d sculpting - etching - dremel carving - painted pumpkins - multi-layered carving - silhouette carving - shadow carving - glow-in-the-dark carving symbols-icons: - bat silhouettes - black cats - broomsticks - cauldrons - full moon - jack-o'-lanterns - pumpkins - skulls - spider silhouettes - spiders - witch's hat - coffins - candles - vampire fangs - tombstones - scarecrows - gargoyles - haunted house - ouija board - voodoo doll - ghostly apparitions - candelabras - graveyard - werewolf - zombie - witch's broom - crystal ball - moonlit night - vampire bat - poison apple - tarantula - skeleton key - full moon - cauldron - bats in flight - witch's cauldron - haunted mirror - spiderweb - cursed treasure - grave digger's shovel - raven - goblins - creepy doll - spellbook traditions: - apple bobbing - costume contests - corn mazes - ghost tours - halloween crafts - haunted houses - horror movie marathons - pumpkin carving - scary movie night - scavenger hunts - trick-or-treating - bonfires - masquerade parties - monster mash dance - fortune telling - face painting - carving jack-o'-lanterns - visiting cemeteries - reading scary stories - lighting candles - visiting haunted locations - hosting halloween parties - making diy costumes - collecting candy - visiting pumpkin patches - decorating homes and yards - participating in costume parades - playing halloween-themed games - watching classic horror films - donating to food drives vegetables: - tomato - potato - carrot - broccoli - spinach - cucumber - bell pepper - onion - garlic - cauliflower - zucchini - eggplant - peas - green beans - asparagus - brussels sprouts - celery - sweet potato - kale - radish - cabbage - leek - corn - artichoke - beetroot - butternut squash - mushroom - avocado - okra - turnip - pumpkin - rutabaga - swiss chard - bok choy - fennel - parsnip - collard greens - watercress - shallot - radicchio - jicama - daikon - bamboo shoot - escarole - kohlrabi - dandelion greens - chayote - sorrel - hubbard squash - mustard greens jewelry: age: - antique - vintage - art deco - art nouveau - victorian - edwardian - georgian - retro - modern - contemporary - renaissance - baroque - regency - rococo - gothic revival - mid-century - ancient - prehistoric - retro - retro modern - industrial - artisanal - timeless - old world - new age brilliance: - sparkling - shimmering - radiant - dazzling - glittering - luminous - scintillating - resplendent - glowing - bright - vivid - brilliant - flashing - glistening - twinkling - gleaming - opalescent - polished - shining - reflective - intense - captivating - exquisite - mesmerizing - eclipsing - gorgeous - flamboyant - prismatic - spectacular - stunning - glanceable - gleeful - incandescent carat: - 0.25 carat - 0.50 carat - 0.75 carat - 1.00 carat - 1.25 carat - 1.50 carat - 1.75 carat - 2.00 carat - 2.50 carat - 3.00 carat - 4.00 carat - 5.00 carat - 6.00 carat - 7.00 carat - 8.00 carat - 9.00 carat - 10.00 carat - 15.00 carat - 20.00 carat - 25.00 carat - 30.00 carat - 40.00 carat - 50.00 carat clarities: - flawless - internally flawless - very, very slightly included (vvs1) - very, very slightly included (vvs2) - very slightly included (vs1) - very slightly included (vs2) - slightly included (si1) - slightly included (si2) - included (i1) - included (i2) - included (i3) - eye clean - loupe clean - visible inclusions - numerous inclusions - surface blemishes cut: - brilliant cut - princess cut - emerald cut - pear cut - marquise cut - oval cut - cushion cut - radiant cut - heart cut - baguette cut - round cut - trillion cut - asscher cut - rose cut - step cut - mixed cut - cabochon cut - checkerboard cut - star cut - barion cut - portguese cut - old european cut - french cut - single cut - full cut - round brilliant cut - radiant cut - pear cut - cushion cut - trilliant cut - briolette cut - modified brilliant cut - old mine cut durability: - resilience - longevity - robustness - strength - toughness - sturdiness - wear resistance - scratch resistance - impact resistance - hard-wearing - endurance - solidity - reliability - sustained quality - stalwart - tenacity - prolonged lifespan - vigor - hardy - ruggedness facets: - step cut facets - brilliant cut facets - mixed cut facets - rose cut facets - checkerboard cut facets - pavilion facets - crown facets - girdle facets - table facets - culet facets - facet arrangement - facet pattern fire: - spectral - multicolored - playful - rainbow-like - prismatic - iridescent - chromatic - lively - colorful - vivacious - glowing - dazzling - sparkling - radiant - luminous - scintillating - brilliant - flaming - glittering - flashing - twinkling - intense - mesmerizing - exquisite - flamboyant - captivating - resplendent - gorgeous - astonishing - enchanting - alluring - hypnotic - fascinating - spellbinding - bewitching - entrancing hardness: - mohs scale - scratch-resistant - durable - tough - resilient - sturdy - robust - solid - firm - rigid - unyielding - inflexible - indestructible - rock-hard - toughness - strength - durability - wear resistance - surface hardness - scratch protection luster: - metallic - silky - glassy - pearly - adamantine - greasy - resinous - dull - waxy - vitreous - submetallic - brilliant - shiny - sparkling - satiny - oily - luminous - glowing - opalescent - lustrous - matte - radiant - gleaming - brilliant - dazzling - polished - glossy - sheen - glistening - scintillating - shimmering - effervescent - eclat - glistering - gleamy - glimmery - glinting - glistened - glittered - sparkled origin: - natural - synthetic - lab-grown - mined - artisan-crafted - vintage - antique - estate - handmade - indigenous - ethically sourced - fair trade - conflict-free - sustainable - local - rare - cultured rarity: - rare - common - limited edition - one-of-a-kind - scarce - uncommon - exclusive - hard to find - collectible - unique - antique - vintage - limited supply - precious - semi-precious - exquisite - exceptional - extraordinary - unusual - rare find setting: - prong setting - bezel setting - channel setting - pave setting - tension setting - halo setting - solitaire setting - bar setting - flush setting - gypsy setting - illusion setting - split shank setting - cathedral setting - trellis setting - basket setting - cluster setting - baroque setting - art deco setting - modern setting - vintage setting - antique setting - three-stone setting - four-prong setting - six-prong setting - eight-prong setting - double prong setting - micro setting - tapered setting - tension-style setting - hammered setting - twist setting - bypass setting - t-bar setting - cross-over setting - contemporary setting - classic setting - traditional setting - unique setting - custom setting style: - vintage - antique - art deco - art nouveau - retro - modern - contemporary - minimalist - classic - bohemian - gothic - victorian - baroque - renaissance - ethnic - tribal - boho chic - romantic - industrial - high fashion - custom - handcrafted - filigree - engraved - intricate - geometric - organic - abstract - nature-inspired - symbolic - minimalist - timeless - luxurious - delicate - bold - avant-garde - contemporary - vintage revival - geometric - eclectic - whimsical - steampunk - gothic revival - ethereal - futuristic - boho - tribal - nautical - space age - celestial - futuristic - fantasy - artisanal - rustic - glamorous - eclectic - edgy - timeless - organic symbolism: - birthstones - zodiac signs - religious symbols - cultural symbols - love and romance - protection and luck - healing and wellness - spiritual and meditation - personal growth - achievement and success - memorial and remembrance - custom and tradition - nature and animals - geometric patterns - artistic expression - celestial symbols - mythological figures - talisman and amulets - mystical and occult - gender and identity transparency: - transparent - translucent - opaque - cloudy - murky - hazy - frosted - clear - crystalline - gemmy - lucid - glass-like - sheer - see-through - diaphanous - pellucid - semitransparent - water-clear - vitreous - shiny - glossy - reflective - gleaming - polished - brilliant - sparkling - pristine - unclouded - pure - prismatic - glistering - gleamy - glimmery - glinting - glistened - glittered - sparkled treatments: - enhancement - modification - treatment process - enhancement method - gemstone treatment - surface treatment - heat treatment - irradiation - oil treatment - filling - coating - dyeing - clarity enhancement - color enhancement - fracture filling - stabilization - bleaching - impregnation - diffusion - surface coating types: - necklace - earrings - bracelet - ring - brooch - pendant - anklet - cufflinks - choker - tiara - crown - bangle - charm bracelet - stud earrings - hoop earrings - nose ring - belly button ring - ear cuff - lapel pin - watch - pocket watch - wristwatch - toe ring - hairpin - hair clip - hair comb - headband - cameo - locket - medallion - chatelaine - slave bracelet - torc - armlet - nose chain - ear chains - cartilage earrings - septum ring - body chain - keychain - rosary - prayer beads - crown jewels - diadem - scepter - signet ring - mourning jewelry - friendship bracelet - solitaire ring - tennis bracelet - collar necklace - pocket square lighting: ambient: - moonlight - starlight - twinkling stars - city lights - campfire - candlelight - lantern ambient-and-low-key: - low-key lighting - ambient lighting - high-contrast lighting - subdued lighting - film noir lighting - chiaroscuro lighting artificial: - streetlights - lampposts - neon lights - signage lights - car headlights - building illumination - lampshades - chandeliers - torchlight - flashlight artificial-lighting: - softbox lighting - beauty dish lighting - ring light - strobe lighting - continuous lighting - led panel lighting atmospheric: - misty - foggy - hazy - smoggy - rainy - snowy - stormy - thunderstorm - lightning - aurora borealis background-lighting: - bokeh background lights color-effects: - gelled lighting - colored gel lighting - fantasy colors with gels constructions-indoor: - ambient lighting - task lighting - accent lighting - chandeliers - pendant lights - wall sconces - track lighting - recessed lighting - table lamps - floor lamps - under-cabinet lighting - cove lighting - wall washers - picture lights - strip lights (led strips) - night lights - fiber optic lighting - smart lighting constructions-outdoor: - pathway lighting - landscape lighting - floodlights - security lighting - wall-mounted lanterns - bollard lights - deck and step lights - in-ground well lights - string lights (fairy lights) - wall washers (exterior) - spotlights - garden lighting - pond and pool lighting - patio umbrella lights - solar garden lights - motion sensor lights - lanterns (traditional or modern) - gas lanterns (outdoor) - flame lights constructions-specialized: - bar lighting - rim lighting - wall grazing - wall washing - downlighting - uplighting - footlighting - cove lighting - neon lights - rope lights - black lights - strobe lights - gobo lighting - moving head lights - pin spot lighting - laser lights cyberpunk: - neon hues - holographic projections - led displays - tron-like glow - cyberpunk neon - synthwave colors - techno luminescence - futuristic cityscape - glowing circuitry - neon grid - augmented reality overlays - data streams of light - urban neon signs - rain-soaked streets with neon reflections - nighttime glow of high-tech advertisements - glitchy illumination - neon typography - dystopian gloom with neon pops - surveillance camera glare - vehicular light trails - underground club lighting - holo-screens - hazy atmospheric glow - neon architecture - neon-lit alleyways - retro-futuristic lighting - urban pollution with neon highlights - neon street market - futuristic interiors - futuristic street lighting - digital rain glow - cybernetic implant glow - futuristic landscapes with neon skies - high-tech nightlife lighting - urban decay with neon accents - blurred lights through rainy windows - futuristic energy signatures - virtual reality lighting - glowing drones and hovering vehicles - gritty cyberpunk luminance - neon city nights - neon reflections on wet surfaces - glowing tattoos and implants - neon-lit skyscrapers - urban reflections in puddles - neon-glowing street fashion - futuristic transport terminal lighting - hacked visual interfaces dramatic: - backlit - silhouette - rim lighting - spotlit - shadow play - high contrast - low key - high key - mysterious glow dramatic-effects: - dramatic shadows - silhouette lighting - high-key lighting - cross lighting - spotlight - shadow play - fantasy lighting firelight: - campfire - bonfire - torchlight - fireplace - lantern futuristic: - neon hues - holographic projections - led displays - tron-like glow magical: - glowing runes - ethereal light - radiant aura - halo - otherworldly glow - enchanted moonlight natural: - daylight - sunrise - sunset - golden hour - blue hour - overcast sky - clear sky - soft natural light - golden hour light - blue hour light - overcast lighting - natural sun flare nsfw: - soft lighting, gentle, diffused light that wraps the characters in a warm and dreamy glow - warm lighting, soft golden or amber hues creating a cozy and inviting atmosphere - candlelight, flickering, intimate glow that casts dancing shadows on the characters faces - low-key lighting, dramatic shadows and subtle highlights, adding mystery and sensuality - backlighting, creates a halo effect around characters, giving them a radiant and romantic aura - silhouettes, characters outlined against a bright background, evoking intimacy without explicit details - colored lighting, soft pastel or deep, rich hues infusing the scene with a unique and sensual ambiance - lens flares, dreamy flares adding a whimsical and romantic touch to the visuals - romantic, a combination of soft lighting, warm tones, and gentle shadows to enhance the romantic atmosphere - dramatic lighting, high contrasts and bold shadows to intensify emotions and create a passionate ambiance - sunset lighting, the warm, golden glow of a sunset, adding a romantic and enchanting feel to the scene - moonlight, soft, cool light from the moon, evoking a mysterious and ethereal atmosphere - intimate lighting, focused lighting on the characters' faces, highlighting their emotions and connection - firelight, the flickering glow of a fireplace, bringing intimacy and warmth to the setting - rainy window lighting, soft, diffused light through raindrops on a window, creating a cozy and intimate mood - neon lighting, vibrant, colorful lights adding a modern and edgy touch to romantic scenes - sunrise lighting, the soft, gradual light of a sunrise, symbolizing new beginnings and hope - underwater lighting, a dreamlike, blue-tinted illumination for underwater scenes, adding a sensual touch - dappled lighting, sunlight filtering through leaves, creating a romantic and whimsical atmosphere - starry sky, a dark background with twinkling stars, setting a magical and romantic tone - misty lighting, soft, misty light adding an air of mystery and enchantment to the scene - evening party lighting, a mix of warm and colorful lights, perfect for lively and romantic party scenes - enchanting forest lighting, a combination of moonlight and dappled light, adding a fairy-tale-like charm - city lights, the glittering lights of a cityscape, providing a backdrop for urban romance - ethereal lighting, soft and otherworldly light, ideal for fantasy and romantic elements - candlelit dinner, the glow of candles during a romantic dinner, creating an intimate and passionate atmosphere others: - ambient lighting - backlighting - background light - beauty dish lighting - bokeh background lights - bokeh lights - butterfly lighting - candlelight - chiaroscuro lighting - clamshell lighting - colored gel lighting - continuous lighting - cross lighting - dramatic shadows - dreamy backlight - fantasy colors with gels - fantasy lighting - fill light - film noir lighting - firelight - golden hour light - gelled lighting - hard lighting - hair light - high-contrast lighting - high-key lighting - key light - led panel lighting - lens flare - light painting - low-key lighting - natural sun flare - overcast lighting - prism lighting effects - rembrandt lighting - ring light - rim lighting - silhouette lighting - soft fill light - soft natural light - softbox lighting - sparkler light trails - split lighting - spotlight - strobe lighting - subdued lighting - umbrella lighting - window light outdoor-lighting: - backlighting - rim lighting - window light - hard lighting - umbrella lighting portrait-lighting: - rembrandt lighting - butterfly lighting - split lighting - clamshell lighting reflection-refraction: - water reflection - mirror reflection - glass reflection - prism refraction - raindrop refraction - reflected sunset scifi: - neon hues - holographic projections - led displays - tron-like glow - cyberpunk neon - synthwave colors - techno luminescence - futuristic cityscape - bioluminescent pathways - glowing circuitry - neon grid - quantum lights - laser beams - antigravity lighting - sci-fi panels - artificial starlight - plasma lamps - light trails - electroluminescent strips - future skylines - futuristic interiors - advanced illumination - neon architecture - holo-screens - galactic illumination - spaceport lights - cosmic glow - spacecraft lighting - alien technology glow - futuristic landscapes - astral lights - dystopian gloom with neon pops - biometric lighting - neon shadows - extraterrestrial lighting - neon city nights - spaceship corridor lighting - cyberspace illumination - futuristic light beams - hovering lights - futuristic neon runways - sci-fi moonlight - space elevator lights - hyperspace glow - traversable wormhole lighting - virtual reality lighting - futuristic energy crystals - alien bioluminescence - futuristic transport lighting - android eyes glow special-effects: - lens flare - bokeh lights - prism lighting effects - sparkler light trails - light painting studio-lighting: - key light - fill light - hair light - background light underwater: - bioluminescence - sunlight through water - muted colors - deep sea darkness unique-lighting: - firelight - candlelight - neon light effects - soft fill light - light through foliage - dreamy backlight - prism lighting effects - fantasy colors with gels - minimalist lighting lunar-newyear: artstyles: - Chinese calligraphy - Chinese landscape painting - Gongbi, Detailed brushwork often depicting birds and flowers - Ink and wash painting - New Year prints - Paper cutting atmosphere: - Bustling - Cheerful - Colorful - Festive - Hopeful - Joyous - Reflective characters: - Cai Shen, The God of Wealth - Door gods, Protective deities - chinese Dragon, Symbol of power and good luck - Kitchen god, Watches over families and reports to the Jade Emperor - Lion, Used in lion dances to bring good luck and drive away evil spirits - Nian, A mythical beast believed to eat crops and livestock decorations: - Couplets, Red banners with auspicious phrases - Kumquat trees, Symbolizing wealth and good luck - Lanterns, Red lanterns hung for good fortune and to guide positive spirits - Paper cuttings, Intricate designs representing luck and happiness - Red envelopes, Given as gifts, filled with money for luck and prosperity - Spring scrolls, Vertical banners with wishes for the new year food: - Dumplings, Symbolize wealth due to their shape resembling ancient Chinese money - Fish, Served whole for abundance and prosperity - Glutinous rice cake (nian gao), Represents growth and a higher income - Long noodles, Symbolize longevity - Oranges and tangerines, Represent luck and wealth - Sweet rice balls (tangyuan), Symbolize family togetherness lightings: - Firecrackers - Lanterns - LED decorations - Paper lanterns - Red lanterns - Candle holders, Shaped in traditional symbols or animals of the Chinese zodiac - Electric red lanterns, Modern take on traditional lanterns, often with flashing lights or music - Floating lanterns, Released into the sky or water, symbolizing the release of worries and wishes for the new year - Sparklers, Hand-held fireworks that sparkle, adding a personal touch to celebrations - String lights, Often used to decorate homes, trees, or public spaces, creating a festive and warm atmosphere scapes: - Cityscapes, Illuminated by festive lights, lanterns, and decorations, with crowded streets and markets - Countrysides, Quiet and serene, with traditional decorations adorning homes and public spaces - Home interiors, Warmly decorated with red envelopes, lanterns, and spring couplets, ready for family gatherings - Temples, Busy with worshippers praying for good fortune, surrounded by incense smoke and festive decorations - Waterfronts, Hosting lantern festivals with floating lanterns on rivers or seas, creating a magical atmosphere scenes: - Calligraphy writing - Cleaning - Dragon and lion dances - Family gatherings - Fireworks and firecrackers - Giving red envelopes (hongbao) - Lantern festivals - Praying at temples - Street fairs - Wearing new clothes symbols: - Bamboo - Dragons - Fish - Flowers {Peony|Plum blossom} - Koi fish - Lanterns - Oranges and tangerines - Red envelopes - Red lanterns traditions: - Cleaning the house to sweep away ill-fortune and make way for incoming luck - Exchanging gifts, particularly red envelopes containing money, to spread wealth and good fortune - Family reunions, especially the reunion dinner on New Year's Eve, signifying family unity - Firework displays and firecrackers to ward off evil spirits and welcome the new year - Hanging decorations in red and gold, symbols of happiness and prosperity - Offering sacrifices to ancestors, honoring family heritage and roots - Watching lion and dragon dances, performed to bring good luck and drive away evil spirits - Wearing new clothes, often in red, to symbolize a new beginning and fresh start machines: parts: cables-wires: - cabling - wiring - electrical wires - cables - conductors - connectors - bundles - harnesses - cable management - ribbon cables - power cords - extension cords - ethernet cables - usb cables - hdmi cables - audio cables - video cables - data cables - fiber optic cables - coaxial cables - patch cables - network cables - twisted pair cables - shielded cables - unshielded cables - wiring looms - cable ties - cable clips - cable routing - cable channels - wiring harnesses - cable connectors - cable ports - cable management brackets - cable grommets - cable sleeves - cable ducts - cable labels - cable organizers - cable clips - cable adapters - jumper wires - wiring diagrams - cable trays - wire strippers - crimping tools components: - buttons - switches - knobs - screens - panels - vents - indicators - leds - displays - keyboards - touchpads - trackpads - joysticks - dials - sliders - microphones - cameras - speakers - antennas - ports - jacks - connectors - usb ports - hdmi ports - power inputs - batteries - motors - gears - belts - pulleys - cables - wires - circuit boards - sensors - actuators - solenoids - relays - transformers - diodes - resistors - capacitors - transistors - integrated circuits - microprocessors - memory chips - inverters - amplifiers - oscillators - receivers - transmitters - coils - magnets - filters - fans - heatsinks - radiators - coolants - valves - nozzles - pumps - rotors - stators - housings - casings - enclosures - covers - shells - frames - brackets details-embellishments: - engravings - decorative trim - etched patterns - intricate carvings - embossed designs - filigree - inlays - ornate borders - scrollwork - gold leaf accents - silver inlay - gemstone embellishments - beading - mosaic patterns - hand-painted artwork - laser engraved patterns - decorative rivets - faux finishes - metallic accents - floral motifs - geometric patterns - art deco elements - art nouveau elements - tribal designs - celtic knotwork - abstract patterns - inlaid woodwork - leather accents - enameled details - raised reliefs - vine patterns - winged embellishments - studded details - chiseled patterns - sgraffito designs embellishments: - engravings - decorative trim - etched patterns - intricate carvings - embossed designs - filigree - inlays - ornate borders - scrollwork - gold leaf accents - silver inlay - gemstone embellishments - beading - mosaic patterns - hand-painted artwork - laser engraved patterns - decorative rivets - faux finishes - metallic accents - floral motifs - geometric patterns - art deco elements - art nouveau elements - tribal designs - celtic knotwork - abstract patterns - inlaid woodwork - leather accents - enameled details - raised reliefs - vine patterns - winged embellishments - studded details - chiseled patterns - sgraffito designs ergonomics: - comfort - user-friendly design - human-centered design - usability - accessibility - posture support - adjustable features - hand placement - wrist rests - lumbar support - armrests - height-adjustable - tilt-adjustable - swivel - sufficient legroom - footrests - neutral body alignment - ease of reach - minimal strain - reduced repetitive movements - anti-fatigue design - soft edges - rounded corners - contoured surfaces - proper lighting - glare reduction - noise control - vibration dampening - ventilation - proper display height - cable management - cable organizers - cable clips - cable channels - intuitive controls - clear labels - readable fonts - appropriate iconography - logical button placement - simple interfaces - user feedback - visual feedback - auditory feedback - ergonomic furniture - natural movements - supportive seating - ergonomic accessories - adaptable design - safety features - reduce eye strain - reduce neck strain - optimal viewing angles - neutral typing position lables-markings: - brand logos - model numbers - serial numbers - qr codes - barcodes - safety symbols - warning labels - instruction labels - regulatory compliance marks - certification labels - date of manufacture - voltage ratings - power consumption labels - ce marking (european conformity) - fcc id (federal communications commission) - recycling symbols - energy star labels - made in labels - trademarks - patent numbers - product labels - maintenance instructions - operating instructions - calibration information - warranty information - service contact information - assembly instructions - diagrams - icons - user interface labels - control labels (start, stop, reset, etc.) - touchscreen buttons - function labels - led status indicators - input and output labels - connector labels (usb, hdmi, etc.) - language selection labels - unit measurements (metric/imperial) - volume settings (high/low) - temperature settings - mode selection labels (auto, manual, etc.) lighting-elements: - leds (light emitting diodes) - indicator lights - display backlight - ambient lighting - illuminated buttons - status leds - lcd screen backlight - touchscreen backlight - rgb lighting - notification lights - light bars - emergency lights - laser pointers - flashing lights - strobe lights - spotlight - fiber optic lights - neon lights - fluorescent lights - incandescent bulbs - halogen lamps - uv lights (ultraviolet) - infrared lights - ring lights - edge lighting - panel lighting - backlit labels - dashboard lights - illuminated signage - emergency exit lights - light pipes - light rings - light strips - lighted keyboards mechanic-parts: - gears - pistons - belts - pulleys - chains - shafts - springs - levers - cranks - rods - cams - bearings - rollers - bushings - sprockets - flywheels - worm gears - rack and pinion - eccentrics - couplings - clutches - brakes - clamps - ratchets - tensioners - actuators - sliders - hinges - joints - linkages - ropes - cables - latches - locks - escapements - regulators - pendulums - balance wheels - crown wheels - escapement wheels - balance springs - tourbillons - escapement mechanisms - escapement levers - pallet forks - escape wheels modularitity: - modular components - interchangeable parts - plug-and-play - snap-fit joints - quick-release mechanisms - swappable modules - detachable units - assembly blocks - connectable segments - stackable design - integrated mounting points - interface modules - expansion slots - interlocking units - adaptable configuration - clip-on attachments - standardized connectors - configurable modules - nested assemblies - user-customizable parts - reconfigurable layout - multi-purpose modules - multi-use attachments - tool-free assembly - component compatibility - hybrid assemblies - nested sections - slide-out units - nested shelves - versatile mounts - quick-change adapters ports: - openings - ports - access points - entrances - interfaces - connectors - sockets - jacks - plugs - holes - apertures - inlets - outlets - usb ports - hdmi ports - ethernet ports - audio jacks - microphone ports - speaker ports - power ports - charging ports - data ports - expansion ports - card slots - sim card slots - sd card slots - ventilation holes - cooling ports - exhaust ports - display ports - docking ports - connector panels - i/o ports (input/output) - usb-c ports - mini jacks - component inputs - hdmi inputs - aux ports - serial ports - parallel ports - optical ports - network ports - rj45 ports - thunderbolt ports safety: - guards - covers - shields - safety interlocks - emergency stops - e-stop buttons - safety labels - warning signs - lockout/tagout - safety barriers - light curtains - safety switches - override controls - safety relays - motion sensors - emergency alarms - fire suppression systems - automatic shutdowns - safety valves - pressure relief valves - safety chains - anti-tip features - non-slip surfaces - fall protection - safety harnesses - eye wash stations - first aid kits - safety gloves - safety glasses - hearing protection - respirators - hard hats - protective clothing - insulated handles - voltage regulation - ground fault protection - leakage current protection - overload protection - thermal protection - circuit breakers - fuse protection - flame arrestors - explosion-proof enclosures - safety cabinets - locking mechanisms - lockout tags user-interface: - buttons - switches - knobs - touchscreens - displays - leds (light emitting diodes) - lcds (liquid crystal displays) - monitors - gauges - dials - sliders - trackpads - joysticks - keyboards - keypads - touchpads - mice - remote controls - touch-sensitive panels - input devices - output devices - control panels - graphical user interface (gui) - haptic feedback - tactile buttons - virtual buttons - icons - menus - dropdown lists - scrollbars - checkboxes - radio buttons - toggle buttons - sliders - progress bars - notification banners - alerts - pop-up windows - dialog boxes - status indicators - error messages - help messages - tooltips - voice commands - gesture controls - motion sensors - biometric sensors - fingerprint readers - facial recognition - eye tracking - speech recognition - handwriting recognition wheels-legs: - wheels - casters - rollers - tires - tracks - skis - legs - paws - feet - treads - rotating wheels - swivel casters - fixed wheels - retractable wheels - ball casters - omni wheels - crawler tracks - continuous tracks - sled runners - articulated legs - hydraulic legs - extendable legs - folding legs - stabilizing legs - telescopic legs - spring-loaded legs - shock-absorbing legs - adjustable legs - caster wheels - air-filled tires - solid tires - spoked wheels - ribbed treads - all-terrain tires - rubber wheels - metal wheels - pneumatic tires - caterpillar tracks - linear actuator legs - climbing legs - caster cups types: agricultural-machines: - combine harvester - tractor - irrigation system - seeder - fertilizer spreader - milking machine - hay baler - grain elevator communication-machines: - radio - television - telephone exchange - satellite dish - walkie-talkie - ham radio - cb radio - fiber optic cable system complex-machines: - computer - mri (magnetic resonance imaging) - particle accelerator - telescope - satellite - 3d printer - supercomputer - quantum computer construction-machines: - cement mixer - pile driver - crane - bulldozer - backhoe loader - concrete pump - road roller - trencher entertainment-machines: - arcade machine - slot machine - pinball machine - karaoke machine - photo booth - jukebox - video game console - virtual reality headset fictional-machines: - steam-powered automaton - tesla coil cannon - clockwork contraption - dirigible airship - brass golem - ether-powered generator - etheric communicator - aetheric resonator - biomechanical augmentation - cybernetic implant - neural interface - datajack - holographic projection device - antigravity vehicle - warp drive engine - quantum entanglement transmitter - nanobot swarm - time machine - dimensional portal - energy sword - plasma blaster - ion disruptor - neural disruptor - mind control device - cloaking device - teleportation device - replicator - holodeck - ai companion - android companion - cybernetic pet - virtual reality pod - exosuit - mech suit - hoverboard - laser weapon - plasma rifle - neural enhancer - neural recorder - memory implant - anti-gravity boots - time manipulation device - thought amplifier - bioengineered organism - genetic manipulation chamber - cloning facility - hyperspace drive - interdimensional engine - quantum computing system - mind uploading device - psionic amplifier - reality distortion field generator household-machines: - dishwasher - washing machine - dryer - microwave - blender - coffee maker - vacuum cleaner - toaster industrial-machines: - factory robot - cnc machine (computer numerical control) - printing press - steam engine - generator - pump - packaging machine - textile machine - assembly line robot - welding robot large-machines: - crane - excavator - bulldozer - printing press - conveyor system - wind turbine - water pumping station - oil rig manufacturing-machines: - injection molding machine - lathe - press machine - 3d printer - cnc milling machine - laser cutter - welding machine - wire edm machine mechanical-machines: - gear mechanism - clockwork mechanism - escalator - conveyor belt - windmill - watermill - antikythera mechanism (ancient analog computer) - hand-cranked drill - rube goldberg machine medical-machines: - x-ray machine - ekg (electrocardiogram) machine - dialysis machine - mri (magnetic resonance imaging) - ultrasound machine - ct scanner - blood pressure monitor - surgical robot medium-machines: - printer - telephone - fax machine - photocopier - vending machine - atm (automated teller machine) - projector - camera - scanner - plotter musical-machines: - piano - organ - gramophone - synthesizer - music synthesizer - drum machine - electric guitar - sound mixing console office-machines: - shredder - projector - scanner - plotter - fax machine - photocopier - paper shredder - office printer science-laboratory-machines: - centrifuge - microscope - spectrometer - incubator - dna sequencer - gas chromatograph - nmr spectrometer - fume hood small-machines: - watch - clock - compass - abacus - typewriter - calculator - cash register - sewing machine - music box - thermostat types-synonyms: - apparatus - device - appliance - contraption - engine - mechanism - gadget - tool - instrument - implement - equipment - system - instrumentality - apparatus - contrivance - rig - mechanism - contraption - setup - contrivance - gimmick - invention - creation - innovation - widget - automaton - robot - android - cyborg - contrivance - rube goldberg device magical: actions: - Brewing potions - Casting spells - Channeling - Charming - Conjuring - Crafting spells of - Enchanting with - Evoking - Exercising - Hexing - Mastering - Mesmerizing with - Performing - Practicing - Summoning - Weaving - Wielding elemental: - '{fire|water|air|earth|elemental}' magic: - >- ({6-10$${-3$$__words/magical/adjectives__}| {-2$$__properties/colors/*__} {-3$$__words/magical/*__} | {-2$$__properties/materials*/*__} {-2$$__matter/movement1__}| {-1$$__matter/movement2__}| 0.1::{-1$$__phenomena/*/natural__}| {-1$$__phenomena/*/abstract__}| {-2$$__properties/patterns/lines__}| 0.1::{-1$$__properties/patterns/2dshapes__}| 0.1::{-1$$__properties/patterns/3dshapes__}| {-1$$__matter/state__}} magic:1.0) magic2: - >- ({6-10$${-3$$__words/magical/adjectives__}| {-2$$__properties/colors/*__}| {-3$$__words/magical/*__}| {-2$$__properties/materials*/*__}| 0.34::{-1$$__phenomena/*/natural__}| {-2$$__phenomena/*/abstract__}| {-2$$__properties/patterns/*__}| {-2$$__properties/textures/*__}| {-2$$__astronomy/*__}| {-2$$__chemistry/*__}| {-1$$__matter/state__}} magic:1.0) magic-14411: - >- __magical/actions__ __magical/spell-types__ shaped like __properties/shape/magical__ of __Bo/creative/random-elements__ and __magical/types/*__ profession-magic-use: caster: - __magical/types/air__ - __magical/types/fire__ - __magical/types/earth__ - __magical/types/lightning__ - __magical/types/ice__ - __magical/types/light__ - __magical/types/metal__ - __magical/types/water__ - __magical/types/elemental__ crafter: - __magical/types/transmutation__ - __magical/types/metal__ - __magical/types/tech__, __styles/punk-styles__ dark: - __magical/types/dark__ - __magical/types/tech__, __styles/punk-styles__ - __magical/types/shadow__ - __magical/types/elemental__ illusion: - __magical/types/divination__ - __magical/types/illusion__ - __magical/types/dream__ - __magical/types/light__ - __magical/types/elemental__ - __magical/types/shadow__ knowledge: - __magical/types/time__ - __magical/types/gravity__ - __magical/types/illusion__ - __magical/types/light__ light: - __magical/types/light__ - __magical/types/dream__ - __magical/types/nature__ - __magical/types/water__ nature: - __magical/types/nature__ - __magical/types/water__ - __magical/types/elemental__ technomancy: - __magical/types/tech__, __styles/punk-styles__ prompts: air-magic: description: - >- swirling transparent, transluscent vortex of wind, bends and distorts the ai, gentle embrace, dancing around an invisible core, pulse name: - air magic prompt: - >- {__magical/prompts/air-magic/name__|} __magical/prompts/air-magic/description__ alchemy: description: - >- manifests as a golden luminous mist, intermingled with flashes of other metallic hues, copper, silver, iridescent blue, mist occasionally coalesces into ancient alchemical symbols and intricate geometric patterns, symbolizing the transformation and creation processes at the heart of alchemy, gentle clinking, like glass against metal, evoking the essence of an alchemist's laboratory name: - alchemy prompt: - >- {__magical/prompts/alchemy-magic/name__|} __magical/prompts/alchemy-magic/description__ arcane-magic: description: - >- swirling vortex of shimmering translucent energy, ethereal shades of violet and indigo, pulses with ancient runes, arcane symbols that appear and disappear, aura of mystery and deep, hidden knowledge, emits a faint otherworldly hum, whispering the secrets of the universe name: - arcane magic prompt: - >- {__magical/prompts/arcane-magic/name__|} __magical/prompts/arcane-magic/description__ blood-magic: description: - >- crimson streams and veils that flow and twine in the air, moving with an eerie life of their own, pulse with every heartbeat, creating an intimate yet unsettling spectacle, miasmic mist name: - blood magic prompt: - >- {__magical/prompts/blood-magic/name__|} __magical/prompts/blood-magic/description__ crystal-magic: description: - >- sparkling, multi-faceted crystals that float and rotate gently in the air, catch light and break it into rainbows,soft tinkling sound like chimes, emanating an aura of mystic energy name: - crystal magic prompt: - >- {__magical/prompts/crystal-magic/name__|} __magical/prompts/crystal-magic/description__ dark-magic: description: - >- floating amorphous shadow veils, deeper and darker than night, absorbing light and hope, red eyes flicker within, sinister grace, leaving a feeling of unease and dread name: - dark magic prompt: - >- {__magical/prompts/dark-magic/name__|} __magical/prompts/dark-magic/description__ darkness-magic: description: - >- enveloping, inky blacknessabsorb all light and sound, moves like a living thing, tendrils of darkness reaching out, light dims and the air grows cold name: - darkness magic prompt: - >- {__magical/prompts/darkness-magic/name__|} __magical/prompts/darkness-magic/description__ death-magic: description: - >- spectral, skeletal, wreathed in a cold ethereal light, shadows cling to it, tattered, sense of finality emanates, chilling the air, ghostly whisper, endings and void name: - death magic prompt: - >- {__magical/prompts/death-magic/name__|} __magical/prompts/death-magic/description__ dragon-magic: description: - >- magnificent, fiery aura, shaped like a transluscent dragon head, shimmering, ancient runes, radiates heat and power, symphony of elemental fury, echoing wisdom and might, legendary name: - dragon magic prompt: - >- {__magical/prompts/dragon-magic/name__|} __magical/prompts/dragon-magic/description__ earth-magic: description: - >- rugged, floating boulder, covered in patches of moss and small plants, emanating deep resonant hum, breathing, with veins of glowing minerals tracing patterns like ancient runes name: - earth magic prompt: - >- {__magical/prompts/earth-magic/name__|} __magical/prompts/earth-magic/description__ elven-magic: description: - >- ethereal quality, manifesting in shimmering silvery light, weaves intricate patterns in the air, carries the elegance and ancient wisdom, resemble delicate filigree, flowing script in an ancient tongue, faint harmonious melody, distant chorus of ethereal voices, resonate with the natural world, blending the mystical with the beauty of the wild name: - elven magic prompt: - >- {__magical/prompts/elven-magic/name__|} __magical/prompts/elven-magic/description__ fire-magic: description: - >- crackling, intense, ever-shifting flames, deep crimson to bright orange, scorched, sparks fly, mesmerizing patterns, casting flickering shadows - >- blazing, encased in ever-shifting flames, glowing intensely with a spectrum of orange, red, yellow, casting a warm, flickering light, ancient runes name: - fire magic prompt: - >- {__magical/prompts/fire-magic/name__|} __magical/prompts/fire-magic/description__ force-magic: description: - >- visible shimmering field of energy, transparent vibrating shield, distorts the air around it, capable of repelling or attracting with significant power, often accompanied by a low resonant hum name: - force magic prompt: - >- {__magical/prompts/force-magic/name__|} __magical/prompts/force-magic/description__ # gravity-magic: holy-magic: description: - >- radiant, soft golden light, emanates warmth, sense of peace, gently floating ethereal figures and symbols, presence brings a sense of hope and sanctity name: - holy magic prompt: - >- {__magical/prompts/holy-magic/name__|} __magical/prompts/holy-magic/description__ ice-magic: description: - >- crystalline ice suspended in mid-air, exuding a bone-chilling cold, surface reflective, frosty blue light, icicles floating around - >- delicate, crystalline snowflakes, beautifully symmetrical, hovering in the air, sparkling, brilliantly, refracting light, chills emanating, frosting surfaces name: - ice magic prompt: - >- {__magical/prompts/ice-magic/name__|} __magical/prompts/ice-magic/description__ kinetic-magic: description: - >- invisible to the eye, presence is only felt as a sudden movement of air, a force that can be directed to push or pull or manipulate objects, occasionally manifests as a faint shimmer, like heat rising from hot pavement name: - kinetic magic prompt: - >- {__magical/prompts/kinetic-magic/name__|} __magical/prompts/kinetic-magic/description__ leaf-magic: description: - >- delicate, fluttering leaves, dance in the air around the caster, spring greens, rich hues of autumn, moves graceful, soothing rhythm, gently falling, spinning, light breeze, fresh and invigorating, filled with the essence of the forest name: - leaf magic prompt: - >- {__magical/prompts/leaf-magic/name__|} __magical/prompts/leaf-magic/description__ light magic: description: - >- radiant dazzling glow, emanates soft pure white light, interspersed with gentle gold and pale yellow hues, shimmers like sunlight filtering through a morning mist, casting a warm, comforting presence, gracefully, beams of light bend and spread, creating a sense of serenity and hope name: - light magic prompt: - >- {__magical/prompts/light-magic/name__|} __magical/prompts/light-magic/description__ lightning-magic: description: - >- jagged streaks of electric blue white energy, crackling intensely around a pulsating core, sizzles and pops with static, ground is faintly glowing name: - lightning magic prompt: - >- {__magical/prompts/lightning-magic/name__|} __magical/prompts/lightning-magic/description__ magma-magic: description: - >- globs of molten rock, bubble and churn, intense heat, fiery orange and red glowing, casting a hellish light, crackling sound, earth's furious heart brought to the surface name: - magma magic prompt: - >- {__magical/prompts/magma-magic/name__|} __magical/prompts/magma-magic/description__ nature-magic: description: - >- vibrant swirling aura, deep greens and browns, occasional flash of floral colors, rich earthy scent, soft rustling of leaves, gentle murmur of a distant stream, magic feels alive, tendril of energy are tiny roots and vines, reaching out to connect and nurture life around it name: - nature magic prompt: - >- {__magical/prompts/nature-magic/name__|} __magical/prompts/nature-magic/description__ necrotic-magic: description: - >- creeping miasmic fog that clings to the ground, sickly green-purplish color, a feeling of decay and corruption, withering plants and rusting metal, whisper of mortality name: - necrotic magic prompt: - >- {__magical/prompts/necrotic-magic/name__|} __magical/prompts/necrotic-magic/description__ poison-magic: description: - >- dripping, viscous substance, shifting between shades of green and black, clings and oozes surfaces, leaving a trail of decay, sinister vapors rise from it, twisting into ghostly shapes before dissipating name: - poison magic prompt: - >- {__magical/prompts/poison-magic/name__|} __magical/prompts/air-magic/description__ potion-magic: description: - >- myriad of tiny swirling vials filled with liquids of every imaginable color, glowing softly, each vial emits a unique pattern of sparkles or smoke, representing the intricate and varied effects of potion magic, air is filled with a symphony of subtle, enchanting scents, hinting at the powerful transformations contained within each concoction - >- single, glowing vial containing a swirling, iridescent liquid that shifts colors like an opal under sunlight, tiny bubbles of light rise to the surface and pop, releasing faint, ephemeral whispers of magical energy, potion exudes a captivating aura, hinting at the potent and mysterious power contained within its delicate glass confines name: - potion magic prompt: - >- {__magical/prompts/potion-magic/name__|} __magical/prompts/potion-magic/description__ psionic-magic: description: - >- manifests ethereal, neuro-like aura, with tendrils of light that reach out, pulsating in rhythm with thought and intention, accompanied by faint echoing whisper, visual dance of mind's power name: - psionic magic prompt: - >- {__magical/prompts/psionic-magic/name__|} __magical/prompts/psionic-magic/description__ psychic-magic: description: - >- translucent, shimmering neuron-like, surrounded by floating softly glowing orbs that pulse in rhythm, waves of color ebb and flow across its surface, representing the unseen currents of thought and emotion name: - psychic magic prompt: - >- {__magical/prompts/psychic-magic/name__|} __magical/prompts/psychic-magic/description__ shadow-magic: description: - >- dark, smoky wisp, shifting, flowing, like veils of liquid night, absorbs light in its vicinity, sense of depth and mystery, faint whispers from within its depths name: - shadow magic prompt: - >- {__magical/prompts/shadow-magic/name__|} __magical/prompts/air-magic/description__ space-magic: description: - >- ever-shifting portal, edges a blur of stars and cosmic colors, like gazing into a deep endless galaxy, distant nebulas and star systems, slowly swirling, infinite depth and possibility name: - space magic prompt: - >- {__magical/prompts/space-magic/name__|} __magical/prompts/space-magic/description__ steel-magic: description: - >- gleaming, metallic construct, shifting forms, intricate, reflects light, steely glint, resonating, air around it vibrates with the strength and resilience of forged metal name: - steel magic prompt: - >- {__magical/prompts/steel-magic/name__|} __magical/prompts/steel-magic/description__ time-magic: description: - >- series of interlocking golden gears and hourglasses suspended in space, complex, precise patterns, passage of time, warping perception of moments - >- series of holographic transluscent interlocking golden gears, sands of time, fade silhoutte of an hourglass, suspended in space, complex precise patterns, ticking sound, passage of time, warping perception of moments name: - time magic prompt: - >- {__magical/prompts/time-magic/name__|} __magical/prompts/time-magic/description__ toxic-magic: description: - >- swirling, noxious cloud of deep purples and sickly greens, exuding a haze, corrupt the air, bubbles of dangerous-looking liquids form and burst, acrid scent, lethal nature name: - toxic magic prompt: - >- {__magical/prompts/toxic-magic/name__|} __magical/prompts/toxic-magic/description__ void-magic: description: - >- pulsating, abyss-like orb, core a mesmerizing void, drawing in all essence, the fabric of reality appears to warp and bend, creating a sensation of looking into an endless, starless night name: - void magic prompt: - >- {__magical/prompts/void-magic/name__|} __magical/prompts/void-magic/description__ water-magic: description: - >- gently undulating, crystal-clear water, reflecting light, prismatic, serene, thin mist, small droplets, floating like tiny sparkling gems name: - water magic prompt: - >- {__magical/prompts/water-magic/name__|} __magical/prompts/air-magic/description__ wind-magic: description: - >- ethereal, swirling vortex of translucent air currents, twisting gracefully around an invisible axis, air dances, creating a mesmerizing, ever-changing pattern name: - wind magic prompt: - >- {__magical/prompts/wind-magic/name__|} __magical/prompts/air-magic/description__ spell-types: - abracadabra - bewitch - bewitchery - bewitchment - cantrip - charm - conjuration - conjuring - curse - enchant - enchantment - ensorcell - glamour - hex - incantation - invocation - jinx - ritual - sorcery - spell - voodoo types: air: - air magic - air manipulation (controlling wind and air currents) - aerokinesis - flight (levitating or flying) - weather control (manipulating weather patterns) dark: - dark magic - entropy magic - void magic - unpredictable magic - disorder manipulation - necromancy - curses - hexes - black magic - dark rituals - summoning volent entities divination: - divination magic - psychic magic - fortune-telling - clairvoyance - precognition - telepathy - scrying dream: - dream magic - entering dream worlds - manipulating dreams - creating illusions on a larger scale earth: - earth magic - earth manipulation (shaping and moving the ground) - terrakinesis - plant manipulation (controlling plant life) - crystal manipulation elemental: - __magical/types/air__ - __magical/types/earth__ - __magical/types/fire__ - __magical/types/ice__ - __magical/types/lightning__ - __magical/types/metal__ - __magical/types/water__ fire: - fire magic - fireballs - fire manipulation (creating and controlling flames) - fire breathing - pyrokinesis - flame projection gravity: - gravity magic - gravitational manipulation (controlling gravity fields) - levitation and floating - black hole creation (controlled, fictional application) ice: - ice magic - cryokinesis (mind over ice and cold) - frost manipulation (creating and controlling frost) - snow manipulation (creating and controlling snow) illusion: - illusion magic - enchantment - creating illusions - enchanting objects - shape-shifting light: - light magic - healing magic - illusion magic - using music or sound for magic - harmonious or discordant effects - star-based spells - cosmic energy manipulation - harnessing celestial bodies - healing magic - purification spells - light manipulation - protection charm lightning: - lightning magic - electrokinesis - lightning bolts - electrical manipulation (creating and controlling electrical currents) metal: - metal magic - metal manipulation (controlling metal objects) - ferrokinesis - magnetism manipulation - shaping and forging metal with magic nature: - nature magic - plant growth manipulation - vine manipulation (controlling and animating vines) - photosynthesis magic (creating energy from light) - plant manipulation - controlling animals - weather manipulation - communicating with nature spirits shadow: - shadow magic - shadow manipulation (creating and controlling shadows) - darkness magic - invisibility and concealment tech: - technology manipulation - psychic powers - fusion of magic and cybernetics - nanotechnology manipulation - control over energy forms - time manipulation - space-warping abilities - genetic and biotechnology manipulation - creation and control of holographic illusions - control over quantum particles and reality time: - time magic - chronokinesis (mind over time) - time bending (manipulating the flow of time) - time loops and time travel - time manipulation - time travel - time alteration transmutation: - transmutation - alchemy - substance transformation - magical potions and elixirs water: - water magic - water manipulation (controlling water flow and shape) - hydrokinesis - healing waters - ice manipulation matter: movement1: - translation - rotation - vibration - convection - diffusion - brownian motion - wave propagation - electric current movement2: - swirling - flowing - turbulence - circulation - convection - whipping - drifting state: - solid - liquid - gaseous - plasma - bose-einstein condensate - superfluid - ferromagnetic - supersolid - amorphous - colloids - liquid crystal mushrooms: annulus: - thin annulus - delicate annulus - evanescent annulus - persistent annulus - fragile annulus - membranous annulus - pendant annulus - hanging annulus - sheathing annulus - flaring annulus - fugacious annulus - partial annulus - disappearing annulus - remnant annulus - collapsing annulus - slender annulus - torn annulus - edged annulus - rippled annulus - furrowed annulus - lined annulus - flaky annulus - segmented annulus - multi-layered annulus - fibrillose annulus - scaly annulus - split annulus - fringed annulus - tattered annulus - webby annulus - cobwebby annulus - veil-like annulus - netted annulus - fine annulus - coarse annulus - fibrous annulus - floccose annulus - lace-like annulus - textured annulus - patterned annulus - decorated annulus - ornate annulus - smooth annulus - glandular annulus - glabrous annulus bioluminescence: - bioluminescence - glowing - illuminated - luminous - radiant - bio-lit - phosphorescent - fluorescent - light-emitting - self-illuminating - shimmering - sparkling - gleaming - glistening - incandescent - luminescent - radiating light - emitting light - biogenic light - otherworldly glow bruising: - blue bruising - brown bruising - darkening bruising - yellow bruising - purple bruising - green bruising - reddish bruising - fading bruising - slow bruising - quick bruising - sensitive bruising - moderate bruising - intense bruising - spotty bruising - uniform bruising gill: - adnate gills - attached gills - free gills - emarginate gills - sinuate gills - decurrent gills - depressed gills - adnexed gills - subdecurrent gills - slightly decurrent gills - close gills - distant gills - crowded gills - spaced gills - forked gills - crossed gills - interveined gills - ventricose gills - runcinate gills - crinkled gills - segmented gills - lamellate gills - sublamellate gills - gills with veins - gills with pores - gills with teeth - gills with folds - gills with cross-veins - gills with anastomosing veins - gills with lateral veins - gills with intermediate gills - gills with short gills - gills with long gills - gills with lamellulae - gills with trama - gills with paratrama - gills with cystidia - gills with hyphae - gills with cheilocystidia - gills with pleurocystidia - gills with leptocystidia growth-form: - single - clustered - scattered - grouped - solitary - trooping - clumped - cespitose - tufted - fasciculate - gregarious - dense - scattered - proliferating - stellate - effuse - subcespitose - hypogeous - epigeous - hypogeal - subterranean - terrestrial - lignicolous - terrestrial-woodland - mycorrhizal - saprophytic - parasitic - endophytic - epiphytic - coprophilous habitat: - forest - rainforest - desert - grassland - tundra - wetland - marsh - swamp - lake - river - pond - ocean - coral reef - mountain - alpine - cave - underground - urban - rural - suburban - savanna - prairie - steppe - taiga - boreal forest - deciduous forest - coniferous forest - coastal - estuary - mangrove - arctic - antarctic - volcanic - geothermal - hydrothermal vent - abyssal zone - deep sea - seafloor - woodland - heathland - moorland - fen - fenland - lagoon - delta - plateau - canyon - gorge - ridge - dune - oasis - fjord - glacial - cavern - bog - salt flat - sand dunes - caldera - rift valley - kelp forest - littoral zone - hinterland - backwater - meander - estuary - wet meadow - salt marsh - freshwater - saline - volcanic island - barrier island - archipelago - atoll - karst - swell - expanse - vastness - natural habitat hymenium: - smooth hymenium - wrinkled hymenium - pitted hymenium - toothed hymenium - gilled hymenium - porous hymenium - polypore hymenium - lamellate hymenium - labyrinthine hymenium - maze-like hymenium - irregular hymenium - uniform hymenium - radially arranged hymenium - concentrically arranged hymenium - interrupted hymenium - continuous hymenium - infundibuliform hymenium - tubular hymenium - crinkled hymenium - dimpled hymenium - reticulated hymenium - spore-bearing hymenium - sterile hymenium - even hymenium - bumpy hymenium - sunken hymenium - raised hymenium - marginate hymenium - stipitate hymenium - subsessile hymenium - pendent hymenium - horizontal hymenium - ascendant hymenium - descendant hymenium - adnate hymenium - sinuate hymenium - hymenium with lamellae - hymenium with pores - hymenium with teeth - hymenium with gills - hymenium with ridges - hymenium with folds - hymenium with tubes - hymenium with pits - hymenium with cracks - hymenium with grooves - hymenium with scales - hymenium with patterns - hymenium with textures - hymenium with structures - hymenium with shapes latex: - milky - watery - thick - sticky - oozing - viscous - cloudy - clear - colored - translucent - transparent - gelatinous - gel-like - amber - white - creamy - yellowish - orange - reddish - brownish - greenish - bluish - pinkish - blackish medicinal-properties: - healing - therapeutic - medicinal - curative - remedy - health-enhancing - restorative - beneficial - soothing - herbal remedy - natural medicine - therapeutic extract - healing properties - medicinal benefits - health-promoting - curative powers - remedy attributes - restorative effects - therapeutic qualities - herbal healing - natural remedy - medicinal treatment - health-enhancing elements - soothing properties - herbal therapy - medicinal applications - curative compounds - healing properties - therapeutic properties - medicinal properties - health-enhancing attributes - restorative qualities - beneficial effects - soothing qualities - herbal remedy - natural healing - therapeutic benefits - healing extracts - medicinal potential - curative capabilities - remedy components - restorative attributes - herbal medicine mycorrhizal-association: - symbiotic connection - root interlocking - mutualistic relationship - underground exchange - nutrient sharing - fungal filaments entwined with roots - beneficial interaction - cooperative nutrient absorption - root envelopment - fungal hyphae surrounding root cells - mycorrhizal network - fungal-plant symbiosis - enhanced nutrient uptake - root extension into fungal mycelium - root colonization by fungi - plant-fungus cooperation - beneficial mycorrhizae - plant health enhancement - subterranean partnership pileus: - convex pileus - flat pileus - umbonate pileus - depressed pileus - campanulate pileus - bell-shaped pileus - conical pileus - conical to convex pileus - hemispherical pileus - umbrella-shaped pileus - expanding pileus - margin curled up pileus - incurved margin pileus - decurved margin pileus - straight margin pileus - overhanging margin pileus - rolled margin pileus - wavy margin pileus - lobed margin pileus - cracked margin pileus - split margin pileus - lobed and split margin pileus - undulating margin pileus - furrowed margin pileus - margin striate pileus - marginate pileus - non-marginate pileus - undulating marginate pileus - cap margin grooved pileus - cap margin bumpy pileus - cap margin smooth pileus - cap margin ridged pileus - cap margin wavy pileus - cap margin scalloped pileus - cap margin toothed pileus - cap margin fringed pileus - cap margin fimbriate pileus - cap margin crenate pileus - cap margin lacerate pileus - cap margin scaly pileus - cap margin woolly pileus - cap margin felted pileus - cap margin velvety pileus - cap margin silky pileus - cap margin viscid pileus - cap margin slimy pileus - cap margin sticky pileus - cap margin glandular pileus - cap margin glistening pileus - cap margin glowing pileus - cap margin luminescent pileus - cap margin translucent pileus - cap margin opaque pileus - cap surface smooth pileus - cap surface grooved pileus - cap surface bumpy pileus - cap surface ridged pileus - cap surface wavy pileus - cap surface scalloped pileus - cap surface toothed pileus - cap surface fringed pileus - cap surface fimbriate pileus - cap surface crenate pileus - cap surface lacerate pileus - cap surface scaly pileus - cap surface woolly pileus - cap surface felted pileus - cap surface velvety pileus - cap surface silky pileus - cap surface viscid pileus - cap surface slimy pileus - cap surface sticky pileus - cap surface glandular pileus - cap surface glistening pileus - cap surface glowing pileus - cap surface luminescent pileus - cap surface translucent pileus - cap surface opaque pileus poisonous-properties: - toxic - venomous - harmful - lethal - dangerous - deadly - noxious - poison-filled - caustic - corrosive - irritant - laced with poison - potentially lethal - hazardous - contaminated - laced with toxins - harm-inflicting - hazardous to touch - poison-spewing - deadly to ingest - venom-laden - poisonous secretion - bitter-tasting poison - noxious fumes - poisonous essence - toxic residue - harmful extracts - poisonous compounds - lethal toxins - corroding agent - lethal chemicals - venomous essence pores: - circular pores - round pores - angular pores - elongated pores - irregular pores - hexagonal pores - rectangular pores - polygonal pores - stellate pores - compound pores - simple pores - confluent pores - gaping pores - tiny pores - large pores - sunken pores - raised pores - evenly spaced pores - clumped pores - radially arranged pores - irregularly arranged pores - sparse pores - dense pores - cracked pores - divided pores - unbranched pores - branched pores - fused pores - whitish pores - cream-colored pores - yellow pores - orange pores - reddish pores - pinkish pores - brown pores - grayish pores - bluish pores - greenish pores - blackish pores - pale pores - dark pores - uniformly colored pores - variegated pores - radially colored pores - zoned pores - spotted pores - speckled pores - dotted pores - striated pores - ridged pores - grooved pores - scaly pores - velvet-textured pores - felted pores - woolly pores - smooth pores - rough pores - shiny pores - matte pores - porous pores - non-porous pores - glistening pores - glowing pores - luminescent pores - translucent pores - opaque pores ring: - evanescent ring - persistent ring - movable ring - pendant ring - double ring - slender ring - broad ring - membranous ring - flaring ring - sheathing ring - fragile ring - absent ring stipe-base: - bulbous base - club-shaped base - tapered base - enlarged base - rounded base - flaring base - equal base - slightly bulbous base - cylindrical base - narrowing base - rooting base - saccate base - cordate base - cup-shaped base - swollen base - marginate base - fusiform base - stilted base - elongated base - gradually tapering base - constricted base - flattened base - incurved base - eccentric base - discrete base - eccentrobase - bulbose base - stout base - slightly tapered base - subtubular base - subbulbous base - subglobose base - acute base - truncate base - obconic base - ventricose base - tapering to a point base - tapering to a stem base - marginate-attached base - rhizomorphic base - hollow base - solid base - undulate base - irregular base - elongated and flaring base - tapering and slightly bulbous base - smooth base - wavy base - short and stout base - gradually enlarged base - rough base - furrowed base - flexuous base - slightly flaring base - gradually tapering and rooting base - straight base - caudate base - flexuous to flaring base - pointed base - stout and bulbous base - tapering to a nipple base - cuneate base - subrhizomorphic base - slightly tapered and flaring base - bulbous and flaring base - tapered to an elongated bulb base - flexuous and tapered base - slightly bulbous and tapered base - flexuous to flattened base - flattened to bulbous base - gradually tapering and cylindrical base - gradually tapering and flaring base - rounded and tapered base - gradually tapering and saccate base - gradually tapering to a bulb base - flaring and rooting base - gradually enlarged and rooting base - gradually tapering and acute base - gradually tapering to a club base - flaring and flexuous base - flaring and stout base - gradually tapering and irregular base - gradually tapering to a point base - flaring to cylindrical base - slightly tapered and acute base - cylindrical and tapered base - tapering and rooting base - gradually tapering to a stem base - flaring and rounded base - flaring to cylindrical and rooting base - gradually tapering to a flaring base - gradually tapering to a saccate base - flaring and tapering to a point base - gradually tapering and stout base - gradually tapering to a nipple base - cylindrical and rooting base - gradually tapering and flexuous base - gradually tapering and rooting base - gradually tapering to an elongated bulb base - cylindrical and flaring base - gradually tapering and furrowed base - gradually tapering to a club-shaped base - gradually tapering and hollow base - gradually tapering and rhizomorphic base - gradually tapering to a cup-shaped base - gradually tapering and subbulbous base - gradually tapering to a cuneate base - flaring to a point base - flaring and gradually tapering base - flaring and acute base - tapering and cordate base - gradually tapering and cuneate base - gradually tapering to a rhizomorphic base - flaring and rooting base - gradually tapering and ventricose base - flaring and cylindrical base - gradually tapering and cup-shaped base - gradually tapering and subglobose base - gradually tapering to a subglobose base - gradually tapering and truncate base - gradually tapering to an obconic base - gradually tapering and equal base - gradually tapering and ventricose base - gradually tapering to a rooting base - gradually tapering and swollen base - gradually tapering to an acute base - gradually tapering and tapered to a point base - gradually tapering to a truncate base - gradually tapering and marginate base - gradually tapering and tapered to a stem base - gradually tapering to an equal base - gradually tapering and marginate-attached base - gradually tapering and slightly tapered base - gradually tapering to a marginate base - gradually tapering and tapered to a nipple base types: - agarics - boletes - chanterelles - crust fungi - gilled fungi - jelly fungi - morels - puffballs - tooth fungi - truffles - polypores - coral fungi - stinkhorns - earthstars - bird's nest fungi - cup fungi - bracket fungi - club fungi - chanterelle-like mushrooms - cortinarius - amanitas - russulas - lactarius - coprinoids - psilocybin mushrooms - mycena - parasitic fungi - lichenized fungi veil: - partial veil - universal veil - membranous veil - cortina - annulus (ring) - volva - fibrillose veil - evanescent veil - persistent veil - disintegrating veil - double ring - absent veil volva: - cup-shaped volva - saccate volva - bag-like volva - sac-like volva - bulbous volva - flaring volva - tapered volva - collar-like volva - flattened volva - lobe-like volva - free volva - adherent volva - persistent volva - evanescent volva - membranous volva - fragmented volva - universal volva - partial volva - remnant volva - fleshy volva - gelatinous volva - watery volva - waxy volva - glandular volva - smooth volva - rough volva - scaly volva - veil-like volva - webbed volva - torn volva - fringed volva - plicate volva - grooved volva - furrowed volva - furrowed and grooved volva - wrinkled volva - pitted volva - textured volva - patterned volva - radially split volva - lobed volva - scalloped volva - uneven volva - multi-layered volva - outer layered volva - inner layered volva - multi-lobed volva - flaky volva - fibrous volva - thin volva - thick volva - leathery volva - tattered volva - hairy volva - fibrillose volva - granulated volva - ornate volva - decorated volva - gland-covered volva - rough-textured volva person: cyberpunk: equipment: - holo-wristband - cybernetic implant - neural interface goggles - augmented reality gloves - bionic prosthetic - microchip tracker - electromagnetic shield - ar holographic projector - virtual reality headset - gravitational grapple hook - bioluminescent nanobot injector - graphene stealth suit - carbon-fiber exoskeleton - robotic drones - haptic feedback gauntlets - nano-linked cloaking device - electroluminescent energy sword - reactive smart armor - levitating hoverboard - solar-powered energy cell - sonic soundwave amplifier - thermal-regulating invisibility cloak - quantum-tech neural enhancer - cyber-silk sleek suit - ar-embedded cyberdeck - plasma-lace energy gloves - gravitational jump boots - electromagnetic disruptor - virtuality neural jack - graphene bulletproof vest - carbon-fiber tactical helmet - robotic spider drone - haptic feedback tactical gloves - nano-fiber camouflage suit - levitating energy shield - solar-powered jetpack - sonic soundwave blaster - thermal-regulating nanosuit - holographic hacking device - quantum-stitch cybernetic limbs - cybernetic neural interface - ar-embedded smart watch - plasma-lace energy sword - gravitational antigravity belt - electromesh emp grenade - virtuality data glove - graphene bulletproof trenchcoat - carbon-fiber tactical armor - robotic surveillance orb - haptic feedback bionic gloves - nano-fiber stealth camo - levitating energy gauntlets - solar-powered night vision goggles - sonic soundwave disruptor - thermal-regulating stealth suit - holographic holo-goggles - quantum-linked nanorobots - cybernetic neural implant - ar-embedded cybernetic arm - plasma-lace energy rifle - gravitational jump suit - electromagnetic pulse rifle - virtuality cybernetic eye - graphene tactical vest - carbon-fiber reinforced helmet - robotic recon drone female: - >- {__characters/beings/cyberpunk__,|} __person/regular/female__, __person/cyberpunk/poses__, {0.1::__person/cyberpunk/wings__|} male: - >- {__characters/beings/cyberpunk__,|} __person/regular/male__, __person/cyberpunk/poses__, {0.1::__person/cyberpunk/wings__|} poses: - neural link, character stands tall, arms extended forward, fingers in a claw-like gesture, simulating a neural connection - holographic projection, character poses with one hand held up, as if manipulating a holographic interface in mid-air - cybernetic stance, character crouches with one knee on the ground, the other leg extended, and one arm outstretched, showcasing cybernetic enhancements - augmented stride, character walks confidently with one foot forward, head slightly tilted, and eyes focused on a virtual display only they can see - virtual reality combat, character takes a defensive stance with legs spread apart, arms raised to block incoming virtual attacks - gravity-defying leap, character jumps high into the air, legs tucked in, showing off enhanced jumping abilities - bioluminescent glow, character stands tall, radiating an otherworldly glow from bioengineered enhancements - haptic feedback interaction, character touches fingertips together in front of them, simulating tactile interaction with virtual objects - quantum blur, character stands in a dynamic, blurred pose, as if phasing in and out of reality due to quantum manipulation - robotic precision, character strikes a precise, mechanical pose, with rigidly angled limbs and straight posture - nano-linked elegance, character stands gracefully with fluid movements, showcasing the seamless integration of nanotechnology - gravitational resistance, character stands against an invisible force, leaning into the wind created by gravitational resistance - plasma-infused flex, character flexes their arms, showcasing plasma-infused muscles and emitting a faint glow - carbon-fiber stealth, character crouches low, arms close to their body, and eyes darting around, mimicking a stealthy, agile stance - electromagnetic levitation, character floats slightly above the ground, legs crossed, emanating a magnetic aura - quantum phase, character poses with one foot forward and their body slightly transparent, suggesting quantum phase shifting - solar-powered radiance, character basks in sunlight with arms outstretched, absorbing solar energy through integrated panels - graphene contortion, character twists their body into an almost impossible position, showcasing graphene-enhanced flexibility - ar interaction, character gestures with one hand in front of them, as if manipulating augmented reality objects - thermal adaptation, character stands in a cool, confident pose, unaffected by extreme temperatures due to thermal-regulating enhancements - confident stance, character stands tall with arms crossed, exuding confidence - ready for action, character crouches with legs bent, ready to spring into action - power pose, character stands with legs apart, fists clenched, and head held high, projecting strength - stealthy crouch, character crouches low, arms outstretched, and eyes alert, adopting a stealthy pose - cybernetic flex, character flexes bionic-enhanced muscles, showcasing their cybernetic strength - graceful stride, character walks with a smooth and elegant gait, displaying grace and poise - balanced stance, character stands with feet together and arms at the sides, maintaining perfect balance - elevated jump, character leaps into the air with legs extended, displaying enhanced jumping ability - dynamic reach, character reaches out with one arm, as if reaching for something just out of grasp - hovering glide, character appears to hover slightly above the ground, legs crossed and arms relaxed - swift dash, character leans forward, legs extending backward, suggesting a quick and agile movement - martial arts pose, character assumes a martial arts stance, prepared for combat - pensive posture, character stands with one hand on the chin, lost in thought or contemplation - relaxed rest, character sits or leans against a surface, looking calm and at ease - running start, character leans forward with one foot back, poised for a sprint - shooting stance, character holds an imaginary firearm with arms outstretched, ready to shoot - defensive guard, character raises their arms in a defensive posture, protecting themselves from harm - cybernetic extension, character extends a cybernetic limb or appendage, showcasing its capabilities - elegant turn, character turns with a graceful spin, showcasing fluid body movement - tense crouch, character crouches low with arms tensed, prepared for a sudden action wings: - holo-feathered wings - cybernetic drone wings - neural interface levitation wings - augmented reality mechanical wings - bionic exoskeleton wings - microchip nano-winglets - electromagnetic hover wings - ar holographic wings - virtual reality energy wings - gravitational anti-gravity wings - bioluminescent bio-wings - graphene aerodynamic wings - carbon-fiber reinforced wings - robotic drone wingpack - haptic feedback cyber wings - nano-linked nano wings - electroluminescent luminous wings - reactive smart wings - levitating propulsion wings - solar-powered solar wings - sonic soundwave sonic wings - thermal-regulating cooling wings - quantum-tech quantum wings - cyber-silk sleek wings - ar-embedded wing enhancers - plasma-lace energy wings - gravitational thruster wings - electromagnetic repulsor wings - virtuality augmented wings - graphene wing extensions - carbon-fiber wing armor - robotic articulated wings - haptic feedback wing gloves - nano-fiber nano winglets - levitating magnetic wings - solar-powered solar sail wings - sonic soundwave wing blasters - thermal-regulating insulated wings - holographic holo-wings - quantum-stitch quantum-enhanced wings - cybernetic neural wings - ar-embedded wing apparatus - plasma-lace plasma wings - gravitational glide wings - electromesh techno wings - virtuality virtual wings - graphene stealth wings - carbon-fiber wing harness - robotic hover wings - haptic feedback wing gloves - nano-fiber aerodynamic winglets - levitating repulsor wings - solar-powered solar flare wings - sonic soundwave thruster wings - thermal-regulating insulated wings - holographic hologram wings - quantum-linked quantum wings - cybernetic robotic wings - ar-embedded smart wings - plasma-lace energy wings - gravitational anti-gravity wings - electromagnetic electro wings - virtuality holographic wings - graphene glide wings - carbon-fiber reinforced wings - robotic winged drones magical: female: - >- {__characters/magical-beings/*/prompt__,|} __person/regular/female__, __person/magical/poses__, {0.1::__person/magical/wings__|} male: - >- {__characters/magical-beings/*/prompt__,|} __person/regular/male__, __person/magical/poses__, {0.1::__person/magical/wings__|} poses: - mystic gesture, hands extended in arcane symbols - summoning stance, arms raised, calling upon mystical forces - incantation pose, hands near mouth, casting powerful spells - wand waving, swirling motions with a magical wand - elemental channeling, fingers pointed to control elemental energies - enchantment pose, palms facing outward, imbuing objects with magic - ritualistic stance, intricate movements in ceremonial magic - sorcerer's gesture, one hand held aloft, magic emanating from fingertips - concentration pose, eyes closed, deep focus on spellcasting - rune invocation, tracing runes in the air for spell activation - arcane balance, balanced posture, drawing from inner magic - celestial alignment, arms raised to the heavens, invoking cosmic energies - magical nexus, hands touching, forming a magical connection - elemental attunement, standing in harmony with natural elements - time manipulation, circular motions to bend time and space - spatial expansion, arms spread wide, expanding magical reach - astral projection, leaning backward, projecting consciousness - mystic meditation, cross-legged, entering a meditative state for magic - veil of illusion, hands covering face, concealing or revealing magic - astral transcendence, floating posture, ascending to a higher plane - etheric resonance, hands forming an energy ball between palms - elemental fusion, combining gestures for multi-elemental spells - arcane focus, pointing at a specific target for concentrated magic - mana absorption, palms open, drawing magic from the surroundings - empowerment stance, feet firmly planted, harnessing inner strength - symbolic enchantment, tracing magical symbols in the air - crystal attunement, holding crystals to amplify magical energy - divine invocation, kneeling with reverence, calling upon deities - celestial harmony, hands in prayer, seeking celestial blessings - alchemical transmutation, fingers forming alchemical symbols - channeling pose, opening oneself as a vessel for otherworldly entities - runelore mastery, hands on ancient runes, accessing their powers - dimensional gateway, forming a gateway to other realms - astral projection, palms facing outward, projecting astral form - mana infusion, palms over a magical source, absorbing energy - elemental burst, dynamic motion to release elemental power - enigmatic divination, holding a magical artifact for prophetic visions - shielding stance, arms crossed, creating protective barriers - essence bond, hands on heart, connecting with inner magic - transcendent trance, eyes closed, entering a state of higher consciousness - kneeling with arms outstretched, calling upon higher forces - standing tall, one hand pointed forward, channeling energy - seated, surrounded by books and scrolls, deep in thought - meditating in a lotus position, seeking inner wisdom - leaping in mid-air, casting a counter-spell - standing with arms raised, palms open, invoking mystical beings - fingers weaving intricate patterns, shaping the magical weave - holding an ancient artifact, eyes focused on deciphering its power - scribbling furiously in a spellbook, absorbing magical knowledge - dodging an opponent's attack, poised for a retaliatory strike - concentrated gaze, calling forth elemental energies - arms swirling in circular motions, summoning a cyclone of magic - hands clasped, calling upon forces from the mystical realms - concentrated stance, eyes closed, mentally focusing on the spell - elegant hand gestures, drawing symbols in the air to cast spells - gazing upwards as celestial beings descend upon the summoner - standing within a sacred summoning circle, arms outstretched - communicating with spirits through subtle gestures and movements - tracing glowing sigils in the air with fingertips, activating magic - holding a gemstone infused with power, summoning its energy - engrossed in deciphering cryptic texts, surrounded by ancient scrolls - engaged in astral projection, seeking knowledge from beyond - practicing runic writing with devotion, strengthening their magic - seeking counsel from an enchanted book, reading with intense focus - absorbing wisdom from an enchanted tree, standing with reverence - dissecting magical creatures for insights, uncovering their secrets - holding a crystal for heightened intuition, seeking inner guidance - conjuring a barrier with focused intent, protecting against attacks - concentrated eyes and poised hands, summoning magical creatures - channeling the forces of nature, connecting with the elements - embracing fire with flickering fingers, manipulating flames - gazing into a pool of scrying water, seeking visions of the future - solving riddles within enchanted puzzles, unlocking magical doors - collecting dewdrops from enchanted flowers, harnessing nature's essence - observing the dance of magical fireflies, learning from their luminescence - merging into shadows for stealth, using darkness to their advantage - unleashing a barrage of enchanted arrows, arrows glowing with magic - shrouding allies in protective auras, enhancing their defenses - dancing gracefully in a magical ritual, invoking the power of movement - humming a melodious incantation, infusing magic with sound vibrations - using a staff to amplify magical energy, connecting with its power - conjuring a blinding flash of light, dazzling opponents momentarily - deflecting a curse with a magical shield, forming a barrier of protection - unleashing a powerful elemental blast, harnessing the forces of nature - transforming into a creature of power, embodying magical attributes - glowing eyes locked on the adversary, intimidating with magical intensity - drawing energy from the earth with roots, connecting to the natural world - calling upon the winds with outstretched arms, manipulating the air - conjuring water with cupped hands, controlling its flow and power - radiating warmth with a touch of the palm, healing with magic's touch - extending one hand towards the target plane, summoning entities - comparing notes with other magical beings, sharing knowledge and insights - holding a magnifying glass to inspect details, examining magical artifacts - mixing potions in a cauldron, concocting potent elixirs - pouring over ancient manuscripts, uncovering lost knowledge - examining star charts and astrological signs, seeking celestial guidance - using a magical compass to seek answers, orienting to magical energies - analyzing the patterns in a spell matrix, discerning its workings - engaging in alchemical experiments, transforming elements with magic - seeking visions through a magical mirror, peering into other realms - experimenting with time-altering spells, manipulating temporal forces - tracing symbols with a quill on parchment, crafting spells with precision - immersed in an intricate magical map, navigating its arcane paths - dancing with grace, invoking elemental energies through movement - singing an enchanting melody, infusing magic with musical notes - synchronizing breath and energy flow, harmonizing with the universe - blowing magical dust into the air, using it for mystical purposes - conducting an otherworldly orchestra, harnessing the power of music - sorting magical ingredients with precision, preparing spell components - aligned with celestial bodies, drawing power from the stars above - collecting moonlight in a crystal, capturing its mystical essence - weaving spells into fabric, creating enchanted garments and cloaks - transcribing ancient runes onto sacred surfaces, charging them with magic - inscribing talismans with symbols, imbuing them with specific powers - unraveling the intricacies of a magical curse, seeking its source - observing patterns in the movements of magical creatures, decoding their behavior - analyzing the glow of a magical crystal, determining its properties - experimenting with potions and elixirs, seeking new magical brews - consulting with enchanted creatures, seeking their wisdom and guidance - tracing the lines of a magical glyph, activating its hidden potential - gazing at the moon with reverence, channeling lunar energies - connecting with the spirits of the land, becoming one with nature - balancing on a narrow precipice, honing balance and magical stability - huddled in a circle with other magical beings, pooling their powers - in the midst of a magical storm, controlling the elements around them - chanting ancient incantations, giving voice to powerful spells - holding a sacred relic aloft, channeling its sacred energies - engulfed in a swirling vortex of magic, tapping into a ley line's power wings: - celestial wings (__magical/magic__ wings attached to the back) - angelic wings - demonic wings - fairy wings - dragon wings - phoenix wings - butterfly wings - seraph wings - bat wings - pegasus wings - griffin wings - wyvern wings - __magical/elemental__ wings - crystal wings - celestial wings - dark wings - feathered wings - icarus wings (enchanted wings made from wax and feathers) - gargoyle wings - mechanical wings made of gears and cogs and clockwork nsfw: poses: - s-shaped curve, standing pose with the body forming an s-curve, emphasizing curves and sensuality - leaning back arch, leaning back with an arch, accentuating the body's contours and confidence - over-the-shoulder look, looking over one shoulder with a sultry gaze, exuding allure and mystery - hand on hips, hand confidently placed on the hip, displaying empowerment and allure - crossed legs, standing with legs crossed, showcasing elegance and seduction - kneeling pose, kneeling with an alluring gaze, evoking a sense of vulnerability and passion - boudoir lounge, reclining on a boudoir setting, exuding comfort and intimacy - leggy pose, legs extended, emphasizing length and allure - head tilt, tilting the head with a coy smile, conveying playfulness and charm - seductive stare, locking eyes with the camera, radiating confidence and seduction - shoulder peek, off-shoulder attire, revealing a hint of skin, adding an alluring touch - crossed arms, crossing arms over the chest, hinting at hidden desires - leg cross, crossing one leg over the other, evoking a sense of elegance and intrigue - back arch, arching the back, highlighting the body's natural curves and sensuality - finger bite, playfully biting a finger, suggesting a mischievous and flirtatious demeanor - sitting pose with legs spread, sitting with legs slightly spread, showcasing confidence and allure - sultry gaze, gazing with intense eyes, conveying passion and desire - hair toss, tossing hair back, creating a dramatic and enticing effect - hand on thigh, placing a hand on the thigh, adding a hint of sensuality and confidence - teasing look, gazing with a playful and teasing expression, igniting curiosity and attraction - arching back on all fours, arching the back while on all fours, creating a provocative and enticing pose - stretching pose, stretching the body with arms raised, showing off natural grace and poise - lying on stomach, lying on the stomach with a captivating gaze, evoking vulnerability and allure - wearing a hat, wearing a hat with a seductive look, adding a touch of mystery and allure - sitting cross-legged, sitting cross-legged with a flirtatious smile, exuding charm and elegance - peeking from behind a door, peering from behind a slightly ajar door, creating an air of secrecy and allure - lying on back with legs raised, lying on the back with legs raised, showcasing a playful and captivating pose - dancing pose, dancing with fluid and graceful movements, exuding sensuality and allure - garter belt reveal, revealing a garter belt with a playful and teasing expression, adding a touch of sensuality - playing with hair, running fingers through hair with a seductive look, creating an intimate and captivating pose - side profile pose, turning to the side with a seductive glance, emphasizing facial features and allure - partially unbuttoned shirt, wearing a partially unbuttoned shirt, revealing a hint of skin and adding a touch of seduction - hand on collarbone, placing a hand on the collarbone, creating a captivating and alluring pose - high heel pose, striking a pose in high heels, enhancing leg length and adding a touch of sophistication - biting lip, biting the lower lip with a flirtatious expression, conveying playfulness and allure - gazing through window blinds, gazing through window blinds with a captivating look, evoking mystery and sensuality - arm overhead pose, raising one arm overhead with a flirtatious smile, exuding elegance and allure - lying on side, lying on the side with a coy and alluring expression, creating a captivating and intimate pose - hand on waist, placing a hand on the waist with a confident look, exuding allure and elegance - wrapped in a sheet, wrapped in a sheet with a sultry glance, creating an intimate and enticing pose - holding a prop, holding a prop with a seductive gaze, adding an element of intrigue and sensuality - playing with jewelry, playing with jewelry with a flirtatious smile, adding a touch of glamour and allure - walking away pose, walking away with a confident and alluring stride, creating a captivating and mysterious pose - kissing pose, leaning in for a kiss with a passionate expression, conveying intimacy and desire - peeking from behind a curtain, peering from behind a curtain with a teasing look, creating a sense of mystery and allure - playing with necklace, playing with a necklace with a seductive glance, adding an element of elegance and allure - wearing lingerie, wearing lingerie with a confident and alluring pose, exuding sensuality and charm - embracing pose, embracing with a passionate look, conveying intimacy and connection - playing with scarf, playing with a scarf with a flirtatious smile, adding a touch of mystery and allure - lying on side with raised leg, lying on the side with a raised leg, creating an intimate and captivating pose - lying on stomach with legs raised, lying on the stomach with legs raised, showcasing elegance and allure - looking over sunglasses, gazing over sunglasses with a sultry expression, adding a touch of mystery and allure regular: ages: - adolescence - ageless - aging gracefully - early twenties - eighteen - elderly - fifty-something - geriatric - golden age - hundred years old - late twenties - legal age - middle-aged - midlife - retirement age - senior - teenager - twenty-something - young adult - youth beard: - anchor beard - anchor goatee - balbo beard - bandholz beard - beardstache - boxed beard - broken goatee - chevron mustache - chin curtain - chin strap - circle beard - clean-shaven - dali mustache - distinguished goatee - ducktail beard - extended chin strap - extended goatee - extended mutton chops - five o'clock shadow - friendly mutton chops - friendly mutton chops beard - full beard - garibaldi beard - goat patch - goatee - handlebar goatee - handlebar mustache - hipster beard - horseshoe beard - horseshoe mustache - hulihee - imperial beard - imperial mustache - jawline beard - landing strip - moustache - mutton chops - pencil mustache - petite goatee - petite goatee with soul patch - rap industry standard beard - sideburns - soul patch - stubble - tailback beard - the klingon - van dyke - verdi beard - zappa mustache - zorro mustache body-feature: - cute navel - well-defined collar bone - toned arms - hourglass figure - athletic build - sculpted abs - long legs - petite frame - broad shoulders - curvaceous hips - slender waist - chiseled chest - lean torso - sculpted back - strong thighs - sculpted calves - elegantly arched feet - artistic tattoos - graceful posture - striking birthmarks - delicate hands - well-defined veins - shapely neck - elegant wrists - expressive fingers - defined knuckles - sculpted shoulders - graceful collarbone - toned back - sculpted biceps - athletic triceps - sculpted quadriceps - shapely hamstrings - pronounced glutes - well-toned calf muscles - sculpted ankles - well-defined achilles tendons - graceful arch of the foot - elongated toes - well-proportioned ears - symmetrical eyes - graceful eyebrows - defined jawline - sculpted cheekbones - elegant neckline - graceful clavicle - well-formed back muscles - articulate fingers - delicate nails - unique body art - unconventional piercings bodyshapes: - agile - angular - athletic - balanced - brawny - broad - broad-shouldered - builky - buoyant - chiseled - compact - curvaceous - curvy - dainty - delicate - elegant - firm - fit - full-figured - graceful - hourglass - lanky - lean - lithe - muscular - pear-shaped - petite - plump - refined - ripped - robust - sculpted - shapely - sinewy - sleek - slender - slim - slinky - solid - stacked - statuesque - strong - sturdy - supple - svelte - tall - taut - toned - voluminous - voluptuous - well-defined - well-proportioned - wholesome cheek: - high cheekbones - low cheekbones - prominent cheeks - round cheeks - angular cheeks - hollow cheeks - plump cheeks - sunken cheeks - full cheeks - chiseled cheeks - dimpled cheeks - smooth cheeks - defined cheeks - soft cheeks - uneven cheeks - symmetrical cheeks - asymmetrical cheeks - unusual cheeks - unique cheeks chin: - square chin - round chin - pointed chin - cleft chin - receding chin - protruding chin - double chin - narrow chin - wide chin - v-shaped chin - u-shaped chin - tapered chin - square chin with cleft - round chin with cleft - pointed chin with cleft - receding chin with cleft - protruding chin with cleft - double chin - unusual chin - unique chin ears: - normal ears - small ears - large ears - round ears - oval ears - pointed ears - attached ears - protruding ears - lobed ears - unlobed ears - stretched ears - gauged ears - asymmetrical ears - elongated ears - flared ears - curled ears - folded ears - cupped ears - torn ears - split ears - upswept ears - downturned ears - unusual ears - unique ears ethnics: - east asian - south asian - southeast asian - middle easterner - european - african - indigenous peoples of the america - pacific islander - native hawaiian - central asian - sub-saharan african - indigenous australian - inuit - native american - maori - afro-caribbean - latin american - ashkenazi jew - gypsies - berber - polynesian - scandinavian - russian - greek expressions: - admiration - affection - amusement - anger - annoyance - anticipation - astonishment - awe - boredom - confusion - contempt - contentment - cry - curiosity - delight - disappointment - disapproval - disgust - embarrassment - envy - excitement - fear - frown - gratitude - grief - guilt - happiness - hope - insecurity - interest - joy - laugh - loneliness - love - nervousness - pity - pride - puzzlement - rage - regret - relief - sadness - sarcasm - satisfaction - skepticism - smile - surprise - surprise - trust - worry eyecolor: - amber eyes - black eyes - blue eyes - brown eyes - chestnut eyes - dark brown eyes - dark green eyes - deep blue eyes - emerald eyes - golden eyes - gray eyes - green eyes - hazel eyes - honey eyes - light blue eyes - light brown eyes - ruby red eyes - steel gray eyes - turquoise eyes - violet eyes face-shape: - oval face shape - round face shape - square face shape - heart face shape - diamond face shape - oblong face shape - triangle face shape - pear face shape - rectangular face shape - long face shape - square face shape with round forehead - square face shape with angular jaw - heart face shape with pointed chin - diamond face shape with angular cheeks - unusual face shape - unique face shape facial-features: - birthmarks - cheekbones - chin - cleft chin - dimples - freckles - high cheekbones - jaw - laugh lines - moles - nasal septum - scars - tear ducts - teeth - thin lips - tongue - wrinkles female: - >- __person/regular/ages__, __person/regular/bodyshapes__, __person/regular/ethnics__, __person/regular/eyecolor__, {__person/regular/ears__,|} {__person/regular/noses__,|} {__person/regular/chin__,|} {__person/regular/jaw__,|} {__person/regular/cheek__,|} {__person/regular/forehead__,|} {__person/regular/face-shape__,|} {__person/regular/body-feature__,|} { {0.7::__person/regular/facial-features__|}| {0.5::__person/regular/makeup__|} }, __Bo/chars/haircolor__ __person/regular/haircuts-female__ hair, __person/regular/expressions__ female_simple: - >- __person/regular/ages__, __person/regular/bodyshapes__, __person/regular/ethnics__, __person/regular/eyecolor__, {__person/regular/ears__,|} { {0.7::__person/regular/facial-features__|}| {0.5::__person/regular/makeup__|} }, __Bo/chars/haircolor__ __person/regular/haircuts-female__ hair, __person/regular/expressions__ forehead: - broad forehead - narrow forehead - high forehead - low forehead - rounded forehead - sloping forehead - straight forehead - angular forehead - curved forehead - prominent forehead - flat forehead - receding forehead - uneven forehead - symmetrical forehead - asymmetrical forehead - widows peak forehead - unusual forehead - unique forehead haircolor: - black - brown - blonde - red - auburn - chestnut - brunette - platinum blonde - sandy blonde - dirty blonde - light brown - dark brown - light black (soft black) - jet black - mahogany - burgundy - copper - strawberry blonde - ginger - light auburn - dark auburn - light chestnut - dark chestnut - golden blonde - ash blonde - honey blonde - caramel - silver - grey - salt and pepper haircolor-unconv: - blue - green - purple - pink - lavender - teal - pastel blue - rose gold - peach - mint green - lilac - coral - silver blonde - denim blue - violet - emerald green - tangerine - indigo - ruby red - orchid - aqua haircuts-female: - asymmetrical haircut - beehive hairstyle - blunt bangs - blunt cut - bob cut - bob with bangs - boho waves - box braids - braided haircut - chignon - choppy haircut - cornrows - crown braid - curly haircut - curtain bangs - dreadlocks - dutch braid - feathered haircut - fishtail braid - french braid - french twist - fringe haircut - half-up, half-down hairstyle - high ponytail - layered haircut - long bob - long and straight - long layers - low ponytail - mermaid waves - messy bun - milkmaid braid - mohawk - pixie cut - pompadour - retro curls - shag haircut - side-swept bangs - slicked-back hair - space buns - straight haircut - textured haircut - top knot - tousled waves - undercut - updo hairstyle - voluminous curls - waterfall braid - wavy haircut - wispy bangs haircuts-male: - angular fringe - bald head - box braids - brush cut - buzz cut - caesar cut - choppy crop - classic side-swept hairstyle - comb-over - cornrows - crew cut - curly hair - curly undercut - disconnected undercut - dreadlocks - drop fade - fade haircut - faux hawk - flat top - french crop - high and tight - high fade - ivy league - long and straight - long textured comb-over - low fade - man bun - messy hair - mid fade - modern slicked-back undercut - mohawk - mullet - pompadour - quiff - short and messy hairstyle - short comb-over - short crop - side part - slicked-back hair - slicked-back undercut - spiky hair - spiky textured hair - taper haircut - textured crop - textured quiff - top knot - tousled waves - undercut - waves haircut - wavy hair jaw: - square jaw - round jaw - angular jaw - narrow jaw - wide jaw - pointed jaw - v-shaped jaw - u-shaped jaw - protruding jaw - receding jaw - strong jaw - soft jaw - defined jaw - blunt jaw - high jawline - low jawline - chiseled jaw - underbite jaw - overbite jaw - unusual jaw - unique jaw makeup: - beach or summer makeup - bold and colorful makeup - bridal makeup - casual weekend makeup - festive holiday makeup - fresh and dewy makeup - glamorous evening makeup - gothic makeup - edgy makeup - halloween makeup - costume makeup - natural "no-makeup" makeup - natural everyday makeup - office/work makeup - prom makeup - red carpet makeup - romantic date night makeup - runway/editorial makeup - smoky eye makeup - soft and ethereal makeup - sophisticated and polished makeup - vintage-inspired makeup male: - >- __person/regular/ages__ __person/regular/bodyshapes__, __person/regular/ethnics__, __person/regular/eyecolor__, {__person/regular/ears__,|} {__person/regular/noses__,|} {__person/regular/chin__,|} {__person/regular/jaw__,|} {__person/regular/cheek__,|} {__person/regular/forehead__,|} {__person/regular/face-shape__,|} {__person/regular/body-feature__,|} { {0.7::__person/regular/facial-features__|}| {0.5::__person/regular/beard__|} }, __Bo/chars/haircolor__ __person/regular/haircuts-male__ hair, __person/regular/expressions__ male_simple: - >- __person/regular/ages__ __person/regular/bodyshapes__, __person/regular/ethnics__, __person/regular/eyecolor__, {__person/regular/ears__,|} { {0.7::__person/regular/facial-features__|}| {0.5::__person/regular/beard__|} }, __Bo/chars/haircolor__ __person/regular/haircuts-male__ hair, __person/regular/expressions__ noses: - straight nose - curved nose - roman nose - aquiline nose - snub nose - upturned nose - button nose - hawk-like nose - bulbous nose - wide nose - narrow nose - crooked nose - flat nose - long nose - short nose - round nose - fleshy nose - angular nose - deviated septum nose - dorsal hump nose - nostril flared nose - nostril narrow nose - unusual nose - unique nose poses: - arms crossed tightly, suggesting defensiveness or discomfort - arms crossed, displaying assertiveness - arms extended forward, showing a willingness to give or receive - arms extended wide, expressing openness - arms folded across the chest, appearing closed off or guarded - arms folded, conveying defensiveness - arms linked with someone, indicating companionship - arms outstretched, inviting a hug - arms outstretched, inviting an embrace - arms raised in victory or celebration - arms wrapped around knees, showing vulnerability - arms wrapped around oneself, indicating self-comfort - hands behind back, suggesting confidence or restraint - hands clasped in front, showing attentiveness - hands clenching into fists, indicating anger or frustration - hands covering mouth, suggesting surprise or shock - hands holding an object delicately, showing care - hands in pockets, displaying a casual attitude - hands in prayer position, showing reverence - hands on cheeks, displaying surprise - hands on chin, deep in contemplation - hands on head, displaying frustration - hands on heart, showing sincerity - hands on hips, displaying impatience - hands on hips, showing readiness or impatience - hands on the back of the neck, indicating frustration or stress - hands on the cheeks, suggesting awe or astonishment - hands on the forehead, displaying fatigue or exhaustion - hands on the stomach, suggesting nervousness or discomfort - hands on the waist, conveying authority - hands reaching out, indicating a desire for connection - head tilted to the side, indicating thoughtfulness - kneeling with head bowed, displaying humility or prayer - kneeling, showing humility - leaning back with hands behind head, showing relaxation - leaning forward with curiosity - one hand covering the mouth, indicating shock or disbelief - one hand on hip, displaying attitude - one hand pointing, signaling direction - one hand raised, seeking attention - one hand raised, signaling a question - sitting crossed-legged, relaxed - sitting with arms and legs crossed, appearing closed-off - sitting with legs crossed and hands on lap, appearing composed and attentive - sitting with legs crossed, appearing relaxed and open-minded - sitting with legs spread apart, appearing relaxed and confident - standing tall, hands on hips, looking confident - standing with crossed arms and raised eyebrow, indicating skepticism - standing with hands in front, suggesting submission - standing with weight shifted to one leg, suggesting ease scifi: equipment: - laser gun - spacecraft - holographic projector - teleportation device - nanobot swarm - exoskeleton suit - plasma blaster - warp drive engine - time-traveling device - antigravity generator - quantum computer - energy shield - neural implant - nanosuit - cloaking device - genetic scanner - ion thruster - cybernetic augmentations - plasma cutter - gravitational anchor - quantum entangler - mind-link communicator - force field projector - hyperspace navigation system - genetic manipulator - neural interface helmet - energy sword - stealth cloak - fusion reactor - chrono-disruptor - bionic limb - gravity boots - nanomedicine kit - photon torpedoes - dimensional portal generator - ai companion - neural memory enhancer - magnetic levitation platform - neural inhibitor - quantum encryption device - anti-gravity hoverboard - advanced nanofabricator - subspace communicator - holographic disguise kit - energy gauntlet - sonic disruptor - time dilation device - cryonic stasis pod - replicator machine - hyperspectral goggles - plasma shield generator - matter re-arranger - cryo-sleep chamber - antimatter containment unit - neural-net processor - telepathic amplifier - bionic eye implant - nanite repair kit - quantum phase shifter - invisibility cloak - matter-energy converter - thought interface device - ion cannon - gravity manipulation gloves - universal translator - advanced medical nanodrones - nanoscale disassembler - energy absorption unit - graviton disruptor - hyperlight engine - plasma thrusters - memory eraser - cybernetic organ replacement - nano-enhanced body armor - neural interface chair - time-jump beacon - plasma grenade - gravity manipulation harness - portable wormhole stabilizer - dimensional phase cloak - disintegration ray - neural memory wipe device - nanoparticle cloud generator - holo-gauntlets - quantum resonance scanner - stealth jammer - anti-matter rifle - molecular reassembler - electromagnetic pulse cannon - neural sensory enhancer - trans-dimensional compass - inertial dampeners - matter-energy replicator - ion disruptor pistol - cloaking suit - temporal shielding device - nanoscale invisibility mesh - plasma accelerator - gravitational wave detector - quantum stabilization matrix female: - >- {__characters/beings/scifi__,|} __person/regular/female__, __person/scifi/poses__, {0.1::__person/scifi/wings__|} male: - >- {__characters/beings/scifi__,|} __person/regular/male__, __person/scifi/poses__, {0.1::__person/scifi/wings__|} poses: - standing confidently, ready for action. - looking out with wonder and curiosity at vast cosmic landscapes. - holding futuristic weaponry with a bold stance. - exuding an air of grace and respect while engaging with extraterrestrial beings. - sitting in a cockpit with hands on controls, focused on the mission. - suspended above the ground using anti-gravity or jetpacks. - gesturing or touching holographic interfaces. - striking a pose after emerging from a time machine. - asserting control over a fascinating and unfamiliar alien life form. - striking a pose while powering on or activating an android body. - displaying bionic limbs or other augmentations. - holding an ancient artifact with reverence and awe. - crouching or leaning against a wall, ready for stealthy maneuvers. - assumed position for advanced hand-to-hand combat. - gesturing in a non-verbal exchange with an extraterrestrial being. - engaging in an expressive and dynamic dance form from the future. - holding out hands while manipulating energy or elements. - striking a pose with perfect mechanical alignment and posture. - standing tall, projecting an aura of diplomacy and understanding. - showing off futuristic clothing or wearable technology. - holding or channeling glowing energy orbs or constructs. - performing gravity-defying flips or maneuvers with agility. - reacting with awe or caution upon meeting an extraterrestrial being. - sitting cross-legged, attuning to the vastness of the universe. - conjuring creatures or forces from other dimensions. - engaging in unique and exotic cultural practices. - holding a weapon or energy blade for combat challenges. - lying or sitting while experiencing virtual reality or neural interfaces. - striking a charismatic pose while entertaining with music or storytelling. - striking a pose while navigating through galactic adventures. wings: - quantum wings- glowing, iridescent wings that shift and blur, allowing instant travel through dimensions. - plasma wings- fierce, fiery wings made of plasma, leaving shimmering trails behind as they soar. - bio-mechanical wings- graceful wings with metallic feathers, fusing technology and biology in perfect harmony. - gravity wings- large, shimmering wings that manipulate gravity, enabling soaring leaps and weightless flight. - nanotech wings- fluid, morphing wings composed of nanobots, reshaping for optimal aerodynamics and camouflage. - crystal wings- translucent wings with intricate crystal patterns that refract light, creating dazzling displays. - cybernetic wings- metallic wings with embedded circuitry and thrusters, granting swift and precise maneuvers. - etherial wings- diaphanous wings of pure energy, ethereal and intangible, allowing ghost-like flight. - dark matter wings- obsidian-like wings that absorb light, creating voids as they traverse space. - time-stream wings- glitching wings with chrono-energy veins, fluttering in and out of times flow. phenomena: astronomy: abstract: - zenithal hour angle - heliocentric - geocentric - aphelion - perihelion - solstice - equinox - parallax - redshift - blueshift - astronomer - astrophysics - cosmology - cosmic microwave background - supermassive - stellar evolution - nebular hypothesis - cosmic web - celestial event - cosmic radiation - cosmic inflation natural: - supernova - nebula - quasar - solar flare - cosmic ray - aurora - lunar eclipse - solar eclipse - meteor shower - cosmic dust - celestial sphere cyberpunk: abstract: - data overload - reality fragmentation - information tsunami - neural transcendence - consciousness merge - code synchronicity - quantum flux - holographic resonance - chrono disruption - techno-sentience - virtual singularity - cybernetic serendipity - illusory escapism - synaptic hyperconnectivity - interface anomalies - nano-reality manipulation - aetheric distortion - simulacra ascendance - ethereal duality - hyper-information nexus natural: - neon auroras - bioluminescent forests - cybernetic storms - digital rain - holographic waterfalls - nanotech fog - plasma lightning - pixelated sunrise - quantum thunder - synthwave sunset - laser skies - techno tornadoes - electromagnetic blizzards - glitchy sandstorms - neon mirage - hologram haze - cyber moonrise - particle snowfall - electric waterspouts - augmented earthquakes magical: abstract: - death - decay - doom - void - synchronicity - dejà vu - serendipity - cognitive dissonance - flow state - epiphany - mindfulness - collective consciousness - quantum entanglement - pareidolia - hindsight bias - theory of mind - gestalt principles - placebo effect - self-fulfilling prophecy - time - time dilation - time perception - timelessness - time loops - time travel - time paradoxes - time compression - space-time continuum - entropy - eternity - synchronicity - temporality - timelessness - chronostasis - time dilation - timelessness - causality - perpetuity - timelessness - transience - timelessness - singularity natural: - water - lightning - rainbow - tornado - earthquake - aurora - volcanic eruption - tsunami - solar eclipse - meteor shower - geyser - waterfall - dust storm - comet - glacier - waterspout - bioluminescence - fog - avalanche - sinkhole - dust devil - iceberg - hailstorm - spring bloom - aurora australis - st. elmo's fire - fire rainbow - sundogs - moonbow - sprites and elves - fata morgana - mammatus clouds - steam devil - northern lights math: abstract: - fractals - julia set - mandelbrot set - pythagoras tree - lindenmayer systems (l-systems) - koch curve - circle packing - levy c curve - henon map - lorenz attractor - strange attractor - koch snowflake - sierpinski triangle - cantor set - barnsley fern - dragon curve - hilbert curve - apollonian gasket - menger sponge - peano curve - hexaflake - l-systems - self-replicating structures - chaos theory - mandelbrot set - julia set - strange attractors scifi: abstract: - alternate dimensions - antigravity - dreamscape - energy manipulation - gravity manipulation - mind control - immortality - invisibility - parallel universe - precognition - reality manipulation - telepathy - teleportation - temporal paradoxe - time dilation - time loops - time manipulation natural: - black hole - energy being - faster-than-light (ftl) travel - galactic anomalie - holography - mind uploading - nanotechnology - planetary terraforming - quantum entanglement - singularitie - stellar phenomena - virtual reality - wormholes plants: flower: - single - double - petaloid - rayed - tubular - funnel-shaped - bell-shaped - trumpet-shaped - star-shaped - bowl-shaped - disk-shaped - cup-shaped - saucer-shaped - umbel - spike - raceme - panicle - corymb - cyme - capitulum - solitary - clustered - whorled - terminal - axillary - inflorescence - composite - floret - staminate - pistillate - perfect - imperfect - complete - incomplete - actinomorphic - zygomorphic - regular - irregular - radial - bilateral - corolla - calyx - sepal - petal - stamen - anther - filament - pistil - ovary - style - stigma - pedicel - receptacle - bract - bracteole - nectary - spur - labellum - keel - banner - wing - standard - labiate - spadix - spathe - catkin - sessile - peduncle foliage-arrangement: - alternate - opposite - whorled - spiral - rosette - basal - decussate - fasciculate - tufted - clustered - scattered - basal rosette - spiral phyllotaxy - distichous phyllotaxy - tristichous phyllotaxy - tetracladous phyllotaxy - decussate phyllotaxy - whorled phyllotaxy fruit: - berry - drupe - pome - aggregate fruit - multiple fruit - capsule - legume - follicle - silique - nut - achene - samara - caryopsis - schizocarp - pepo - hesperidium - sorosis - syncarp - accessory fruit growth-habit: - arching - ascending - bush-like - bushy - clump-forming - clumping - columnar - compact - creeping - climbing - decumbent - erect - fan-shaped - fastigiate - fibrous-rooted - fleshy-rooted - herbaceous-stemmed - low-growing - mat-forming - mat-like - matting - mound-forming - pendulous - prostrate - rhizome-forming - robust - rosette - runnering - scrambling - slender - slender-arching - spherical - spreading - stiffly upright - stolon-spreading - stoloniferous - suckering - suckering-spreading - suckering-stoloniferous - taprooted - trailing - tufted - tuberous-rooted - twining - upright - vining - weeping - woody-stemmed inflorescence: - raceme - panicle - spike - umbel - corymb - cyme - capitulum - spadix - catkin - globose - head - racemose - cymose - simple inflorescence - compound inflorescence - peduncle - pedicel - bract - bracteole - receptacle - ray floret - disk floret - ligulate floret - tubular floret - discoid inflorescence - liguliflorous inflorescence - corymbose cyme - compound umbel - spikelet - umbellate cyme - thyrse leaf: - simple - compound - pinnate - palmate - lobed - toothed - serrated - smooth - wavy - ruffled - curled - spiky - needle-like - lanceolate - oblong - elliptical - oval - round - heart-shaped - arrow-shaped - feather-like - filamentous - linear - scale-like - fleshy - succulent - trifoliate - bipinnate - tripinnate - peltate - cordate - crenate - ciliate - glabrous - pubescent - hairy - woolly - leathery - glossy - veined - variegated - mottled - undulate - parallel-veined - retuse - cleft - parted - frond-like - whorled - opposite - alternate - basal - deciduous - evergreen - persistent - petiolate - sessile leaf-arrangement: - alternate - opposite - whorled - basal - rosette - spiral - clustered - crowded - scattered - tufted - whorled-alternate - basal-rosette - tufted-rosette - rosette-basal leaf-margin: - entire leaf margin - toothed leaf margin - lobed leaf margin - sinuate leaf margin - serrate leaf margin - dentate leaf margin - crenate leaf margin - undulate leaf margin - spiny leaf margin - incised leaf margin - pinnatifid leaf margin - pinnatisect leaf margin - bipinnatifid leaf margin - bipinnatisect leaf margin - serrulate leaf margin - doubly toothed leaf margin - doubly serrate leaf margin - revolute leaf margin - crisped leaf margin - wavy leaf margin - repand leaf margin - entirely lobed leaf margin leaf-venation: - parallel venation - pinnate venation - palmate venation - reticulate venation - arcuate venation - dichotomous venation - longitudinal venation - transverse venation - irregular venation - arching venation - diagonal venation - netted venation - veinless - fan-shaped venation - penninerved venation - pinninerved venation - actinodromous venation - plinerved venation - craspedodromous venation - brochidodromous venation seed: - naked seeds - angiosperm seeds - gymnosperm seeds - dicotyledonous seeds - monocotyledonous seeds - endospermic seeds - non-endospermic seeds - albuminous seeds - exalbuminous seeds - orthotropous seeds - anatropous seeds - campylotropous seeds - amphitropous seeds - heteromorphic seeds - homomorphic seeds - radicle upward seeds - radicle downward seeds - micropylar endosperm seeds - chalazal endosperm seeds - starchy seeds - non-starchy seeds - albuminous seeds - non-albuminous seeds sepal-configuration: - polysepalous - gamosepalous - aposepalous - synsepalous - sepaloid - calyculate - epicalyx - bracteolate - involucrate - involucre - ebracteolate - bracteolate - epicalyx - bracteolate - involucrate - involucre stem: - herbaceous stem - woody stem - rhizome - stolon - tuber - bulb - corm - vine - runner - aerial stem - sucker - scape - culm - pseudostem - spine - thorn - prickle types: - tree - shrub - grass - herb - vine - fern - moss - alga - succulent - cactus - aquatic plant - epiphyte - wildflower - bulb - palm - orchid - conifer - fruit - vegetable - flower - houseplant - medicinal plant - aromatic plant - edible plant - ornamental plant - desert plant - aquatic plant - bog plant - alpine plant - carnivorous plant - climbing plant - ground cover plant - indoor plant - outdoor plant - perennial plant - annual plant - biennial plant properties: colors: chemical: - cadmium red - titanium white - cadmium orange - cobalt violet - phthalocyanine blue - quinacridone red - hansa yellow - phthalo blue - cobalt green - permanent rose - nickel yellow - dioxazine purple - phthalo turquoise - quinacridone gold - naphthol red - diarylide yellow - benzimidazolone orange - phthalo green - pyrrole red - quinacridone burnt orange - quinacridone pink - cobalt teal - quinacridone violet - quinacridone sienna - quinacridone nickel azo gold - napthol scarlet - pyrrole orange - phthalo turquoise - quinacridone coral - indanthrone blue - yellow ochre - mars black - cadmium purple - cobalt blue green shade - diarylide brown - permanent alizarin crimson - permanent sap green - anthraquinone blue - phthalo yellow green - cobalt blue red shade - quinacridone red orange common: - aqua - beige - black - blue - bronze - brown - caramel - cherry - coral - cyan - dark blue - dark brown - dark gray - dark green - dark orange - dark pink - dark purple - dark yellow - emerald - gold - gray - green - indigo - lavender - lemon - light blue - light brown - light gray - light green - light orange - light pink - light purple - light yellow - lilac - magenta - maroon - olive - orange - pink - plum - purple - red - ruby - ruby - sapphire - silver - teal - turquoise - white - yellow fashion: - blazingyellow - blushpink - bubblegumpink - burgundy - burntorange - champagne - cherryred - cinnamonbrown - coralorange - coralreef - deepplum - deepturquoise - dustyrose - electricblue - emeraldgreen - goldenyellow - hotpink - iceblue - lavendergray - lemonzest - midnightblack - mustardyellow - navyblue - olivegreen - orchidpurple - palemint - pistachiogreen - plumpurple - poppyred - powderblue - rosegold - royalpurple - rustred - sagegreen - silvergray - skyblue - slategray - steelblue - tealblue - terracotta gems: - red - pink - orange - yellow - green - blue - purple - violet - lavender - brown - black - white - gray - clear - multi-color - colorless - champagne - olive - teal - turquoise - aqua - coral - amber - topaz - sapphire blue - emerald green - ruby red - diamond white - citrine yellow - amethyst purple - aquamarine blue - peridot green - opal multi-color - tanzanite blue-purple - morganite pink - garnet red - pearl white - onyx black - moonstone white gill: - white - cream - yellow - pink - red - orange - brown - gray - black - green - blue - lilac - purple - bicolored - multicolored - pale - dark - mottled - striped - spotted - streaked - irregularly colored - translucent - gradient - pigmented - unpigmented mushrooms: - white - brown - red - yellow - orange - green - blue - purple - black - gray - pink - tan - cream - beige - maroon - burgundy - lavender - indigo - teal - olive natural: - ultramarine blue - cadmium yellow - burnt sienna - raw umber - ochre - indian red - prussian blue - alizarin crimson - cobalt blue - viridian green - yellow ochre - burnt umber - gamboge - sepia - ivory black - chrome yellow - red ochre - venetian red - indigo - sap green - rose madder - hooker's green - vandyke brown - naples yellow - vermilion - manganese violet - cerulean blue - terre verte - cinnabar - tyrian purple - malachite green - carmine - gamboge - quinacridone magenta - phthalo green - caput mortuum - lapis lazuli - yellow ochre - sienna - ultramarine violet plants: - green - brown - red - yellow - orange - pink - purple - blue - white - cream - beige - gray - silver - gold - burgundy - maroon - olive - teal - turquoise - cyan - indigo - lavender - magenta - peach - coral - tan - rust - amber - ebony - jet black - charcoal - slate - ash gray - pearl - ivory - cream - mint green - emerald green - forest green - lime green - chartreuse - tangerine - salmon - rose - lilac - orchid - azure - sky blue - navy blue - royal blue - cobalt blue - cerulean - aquamarine - seafoam green - turquoise - aquamarine - cyan - periwinkle - plum - mauve - slate gray - smoke gray - pewter - taupe - mahogany - copper - bronzete special: - amber - amethyst - azure - blush - caramel - chartreuse - citrine - cobalt - coral - coral pink - crimson - emerald - fuchsia - goldenrod - indigo - lavender - lilac - marigold - mauve - moss green - olive - periwinkle - rosewood - ruby - sapphire - silver - tangerine - teal - turquoise - vermilion spore-print: - white - cream - pale - light - yellow - golden - orange - rust - red - pink - salmon - brown - chocolate - dark - black - gray - purple - lilac - blue - green - olive - blue-green - bluish-black - bluish-green - bluish-gray - bluish-white - bluish-yellow - bluish-violet - bluish-red - bluish-brown - bluish-purple - bluish-pink - bluish-orange - bluish-golden stipe: - white - cream - yellow - orange - red - pink - brown - gray - black - pale - dark - light - tan - beige - golden - copper - rust - mottled - banded - striped - spotted - flecked - speckled - variegated - multicolored - blotchy - marbled - two-toned - colorful - monochromatic - vibrant - subdued - pastel - earthy - muted - gradient - iridescent - metallic - shiny - matte - glossy - translucent - opaque - glazed - sparkling - dull - bright - lustrous - pale to dark - contrasting - harmonious - unique - natural - unusual - striking - elegant - richly colored - patterned - textured - solid fabrics: cyberpunk: - neon-laced fabric - biomech-enhanced polymer - neural circuit textile - cyberweave alloy - augmented reality nanomesh - holo-leather - synth-fiber - nanoflake coating - quantum alloy - ar-embedded carbon-fiber - virtual reality graphene - electroluminescent silk - cybernetic diamond-plating - bio-circuit mesh - luminescent neon thread - polychrome mesh - haptic fiber - nanocarbon mesh - electromagnetic nanofiber - reactive smart cloth - levitating synthetic leather - plasma-laced textile - solar-polymer - sonic soundwave fabric - thermal-regulating cyber-thread - quantum-linked polymer - bio-synth alloy - neural-interface textile - cybernetic nanoweave - ar nano-cloth - virtual reality titanium weave - holographic synthetic silk - synth-leather - nano-reinforced coating - gravitational nanotube - electromagnetic spider silk - robotic resin - luminescent smart material - haptic circuitry - reactive nano-fabric - levitating carbon alloy - sonic soundwave titanium mesh - thermal-regulating bio-plating - quantum-tech bio-textile - biomech silk - neural-linked nanomaterial - cybernetic nanoflake coating - ar fiber - virtual reality holo-leather - plasma-infused nanomesh - solar-powered luminescent silk - quantum-linked graphene - synth-silk - nano-reinforced polymer - gravitational smart thread - electromagnetic nano-plating - robotic titanium-weave regular: - cotton - silk - wool - linen - polyester - rayon - nylon - satin - velvet - denim - chiffon - lace - flannel - cashmere - tweed - suede - organza - taffeta - corduroy - chambray - jersey - brocade - tulle - voile - felt - crepe - georgette - jacquard - herringbone - lycra - muslin - seersucker - gingham - canvas - damask - moire - poplin - terry cloth - batik - twill - mesh - lurex - chenille - sateen - organza - poplin - eyelet - broderie anglaise - pique - barkcloth scifi: - holographic fabric - plasma-infused textile - quantum-linked polymer - cybernetic alloy - augmented reality mesh - neural interface leather - bionic fiber - microchip coating - electromagnetic metal - ar nanotube - virtual reality plating - gravitational nanofiber - bioluminescent silicon - graphene weave - carbon-fiber reinforcement - robotic synthetics - haptic feedback foam - nano-linked membrane - electroluminescent film - reactive smart fabric - levitating compound - solar-powered textile - sonic soundwave nanomesh - thermal-regulating microfiber - quantum-tech emissive material - cyber-silk silk - ar alloy - plasma-lace lace - gravitational fabric - electromagnetic plastic - virtuality fiber - graphene thread - carbon-fiber cloth - robotic metal - haptic feedback rubber - nano-fiber composite - levitating nanoweave - solar-powered mesh - sonic soundwave weave - thermal-regulating insulation - holo-chiffon chiffon - quantum-stitch knit - cybernetic polymer - ar textile - plasma-lace silk - gravitational mesh - electromesh fabric - virtuality plastic - graphene composite - carbon-fiber coating - robotic leather - haptic feedback neoprene - nano-fiber mesh - levitating fabric - solar-powered synthetic - sonic soundwave polymer - thermal-regulating fleece - holographic thread - quantum-linked fabric - cybernetic material - ar polymer - plasma-infused mesh - gravitational textile - electromagnetic alloy - virtual reality fabric - graphene leather - carbon-fiber nanotube - robotic polymer - haptic feedback coating - nano-linked metal - levitating plating - solar-powered textile - sonic soundwave alloy - thermal-regulating mesh - quantum-tech weave - cyber-silk fiber - ar nanomaterial - plasma-lace leather - gravitational polymer - electromagnetic coating - virtuality metal - graphene mesh - carbon-fiber textile - robotic fabric - haptic feedback alloy - nano-fiber plating - levitating composite - solar-powered thread - sonic soundwave nanofiber - thermal-regulating polymer scifi-organic: - bioluminescent fabric - nano-mesh textile - syntho-silk - biofiber cloth - mycelium fabric - microalgae weave - hyper-resilient biomaterial - carbon nanotube textile - radiant crystal cloth - neural fiber fabric - quantum lace - living fabric - hydrophobic nanoweave - smart symbiotic textile - biodegradable smart fabric - alien microorganism fiber - resonant bio-silk - synaptic webbing - ethereal mesh - xenofiber fabric fit: - tight - loose - snug - baggy - form-fitting - oversized - slim - roomy - comfy - relaxed - fitted - loose-fitting - tailored - draped - flowy - bulky - skin-tight - hugging - constricting materials-art: substances: - pigments - oil - acrylic - watercolor mediums - canvas - wood - stone - clay - gold leaf - ink - papyrus - glass - enamel - paper - pastels - charcoal - natural dyes - linen - silk - fresco (for wall paintings) - gesso (for priming surfaces) - tempera (egg-based paint) - mosaic tiles - marble - bronze - ivory - batik (wax resist dyeing) - collage materials - photography chemicals - digital art software - found objects - plaster - resins - wire - beads - fabric - glazes (for ceramics) - pottery clay - adobe - neon lights - plastics - concrete - spray paint - graffiti materials - performance art props - sound installations - video art equipment - virtual reality tools - bioart materials (biological organisms) - kinetic art components - led lights - holography equipment - 3d printing materials - projection mapping technology - interactive art sensors - artificial intelligence algorithms - virtual augmented reality (var) tools tools: - paintbrush - palette knife - easel - canvas - sketchbook - pencil - eraser - charcoal - pastel - watercolor brush - watercolor paper - oil paint - acrylic paint - watercolor paint - oil pastel - acrylic medium - gouache paint - ink pen - calligraphy brush - linoleum cutting tool - printing press - sculpting tool - pottery wheel - kiln - clay - wood carving tool - glassblowing tool - screen printing frame - fabric dyeing supply - photography equipment - darkroom tool - printmaking tool - engraving tool - airbrush - graphic tablet - computer software for digital art - 3d printer - sculpting clay - chisel - ruler - compass - protractor - t-square - palette (for mixing paint) - stencil - cutting mat - glue and adhesive - canvas stretcher - sponge - needle and thread (for textile art) - knitting needle and crochet hook - soldering iron (for metalwork) - safety gear (gloves, goggles, apron) - color wheel - lighting equipment (for studio lighting) - art storage and organization (cabinet, drawer) - tripod (for photography and videography) - computer hardware (for digital art) - color calibration tool (for digital art) - animation tool (light table, animation software) - sound recording equipment (for multimedia art) - virtual reality headset (for vr art) - augmented reality device (for ar art) - bioart tool (lab equipment for bioart) - kinetic art mechanism - holography equipment - projector (for projection art) - interactive sensor (for interactive art) - cnc machine (for precision cutting and engraving) - laser cutter (for laser engraving and cutting) - vinyl cutter (for vinyl art) materials-books: materials: - paper - papyrus - vellum - leather - cloth - wood - stone - metal - bamboo - polymer - zamonium (a fictional element) - dreamwood (a fictional material) - star stuff (a fictional substance) - lachrymotion (a fictional liquid) - zypheron (a mysterious substance) - essenzia (a potent fictional liquid) materials-construction: basic: - wood - steel - brick - glass - aluminum - plaster - gypsum board - asphalt - terracotta - timber - cement board - fiberglass - plywood - vinyl siding - metal cladding - ceramic tiles - rubber flooring - polycarbonate panels - insulated concrete forms - composite materials - plastic lumber - fiber cement siding - metal roofing sheets - thatch - rammed earth - cob - bamboo - prefabricated materials cyberpunk: - carbon nanotube reinforced concrete - graphene-infused polymer sheets - nanoceramic building panels - nanofiber-reinforced plastics - high-strength nanotube girders - bio-engineered glow-in-the-dark paints - bioluminescent photoluminescent pavers - illuminated bioluminescent signage - bioluminescent fiber-optic threads - quantum nanowire power cables - quantum nanowire data transmission lines - electrochromic smart glass windows - holographic projector walls - transparent oled screens - ferrofluid-based building foundation - magnetic levitation structural support - ar-enabled building facades - dynamic augmented reality cladding - virtual reality construction planning - vr architectural design visualization - self-healing concrete - self-repairing nanogels for facades - electroactive shape-changing facades - smart electroactive building skins - anti-gravity building platforms - hovering elevators fictional: - starstone bricks - moonlight glass - dragon scale roofing - phoenix feather insulation - enchanted wood planks - unicorn horn beams - mermaid's tears tiles - fairy dust cement - time crystal facades - celestial alloy frames - warp core foundations - essence-infused walls - elemental gemstone slabs - quantum mesh windows - wyvern wing shingles - leviathan scale siding - cosmic energy panels - dreamstone pillars - elixir stone cladding - arcane rune flooring - galaxy marble columns - void stone foundations - nebula fabric roofs - luminous pearl pathways - stardust bricks - crystal prism glass - phoenix ember roofing - enchanted ironwood planks - griffin feather insulation - mermaid scale tiles - faerie silk cement - celestial steel frames - timeless stone facades - seraphic halo beams - etherium reinforcements - spectral essence walls - dragonfire glass panels - cosmic veil windows - moonstone slabs - eldritch timber siding - starfall cladding - enigma stone flooring - arcanite gargoyle pillars - ethereal glowstone lanterns - auroral prism roof panels - wyrmstone archways - celestium reinforced foundations - mithril alloy beams - celestial crystal pavers flooring: - hardwood - laminate - vinyl - ceramic tiles - porcelain tiles - natural stone tiles (excluding those mentioned before) - concrete flooring - bamboo flooring - cork flooring - linoleum flooring - rubber flooring - carpet - terrazzo flooring - engineered wood flooring - luxury vinyl tiles - epoxy flooring insulation: - fiberglass insulation - cellulose insulation - mineral wool insulation - spray foam insulation - reflective foil insulation - expanded polystyrene - extruded polystyrene - polyurethane insulation - cotton insulation (recycled cotton) roofing: - asphalt shingles - metal roofing - clay tiles - slate tiles - concrete tiles - wood shingles or shake - rubber roofing - polycarbonate roofing - thatch roofing - green roofing scifi: - titanium-lithium matrix - carbon-nanotube infused alloys - hypersteel reinforcements - quantum-metallic composites - electromagnetic reinforced plastics - nanofiber-reinforced polymer sheets - self-assembling nanobots - nanoceramic coatings - programmable smart nanomaterials - self-repairing nanite-infused structures - bioluminescent photoluminescent pavers - bioregenerative living walls - bio-adaptable shape-shifting facades - genetically enhanced biomaterials - bio-organic smart glass - quantum computing building brains - quantum entangled teleportation hubs - quantum encryption infrastructure - quantum-controlled smart grids - quantum-infused artificial intelligence - interactive holographic building skins - holographic solar absorbers - hologram projector architectural elements - holo-integrated communication panels - holographic simulation construction planning - plasma-generated force fields - electromagnetic pulse resilient structures - plasma-reflective exterior coatings - magnetic shielding architecture - electromagnetic disguise camouflage - hyper-responsive tinting windows - smart glass with adaptive transparency - photovoltaic solar-collecting surfaces - temperature regulating glass coatings - dynamic light manipulation panels - nanofluid-based heat exchange coils - quantum-cooled supercomputing rooms - self-adjusting nanofluidic climate control - nano-enhanced thermal insulation - advanced nanocoolant infrastructure - antigravity suspension platforms - levitating structural support systems - graviton stabilized buildings - levitation assisted elevators - magnetic hoverpads and walkways stones: - granite - marble stone - limestone - sandstone - slate - basalt stone - travertine stone - gneiss - schist stone - quartzite stone - obsidian stone - pumice stone - soapstone stone - onyx stone - serpentine stone - dolomite stone - gabbro stone - rhyolite stone - andesite stone - diorite stone - conglomerate stone - breccia stone - lapis lazuli - tuff stone - concrete - reinforced concrete - precast concrete - exposed aggregate concrete materials-jewelry: metal-type: - gold - silver - rose gold - white gold - yellow gold - platinum - copper - brass - bronze - stainless steel - titanium - tungsten - wood - leather - fabric - enamel - mixed metals - sterling silver - palladium - vermeil (gold over sterling silver) - rhodium-plated - aluminum - pewter - niobium - zinc - iron - cobalt - acrylic - resin - ceramic - carbon fiber - silicone materials-magic: ingredients: - copper - brass - enchanted steel - magic-infused alloy - bronze - iron - silver - gold - mithril - adamantine - arcane crystals - runescribed plates - ethereal ectoplasm - celestial stardust - ancient hieroglyphic plates - living wood - dragon scales - metallic plates - fey-forged metal - __magical/elemental__ crystals - time-twisted metal - void-forged dark metal materials-moers: materials: - wolpertinger fur - zamonium (a fictional element) - crat snot - rumo's rubber - helixium - concentrated sputum of veil of slumber - corpse powder - prodigy parasite larvae - cacophonic copper - bluebear fat - zamonian sapphire - indigo rubber - gelatine - nocturnal juice - dementia metal - star stuff - snow white (a crystalline substance) - tonsil-diamonds - dreamwood - scriptorium-fluid - echo-oil - dandelion milk - plethora (a legendary metal) - echo moss - dream milk - heliotrope (a precious stone) - talamisium (a rare material) - lachrymotion (a liquid) - zypheron (a mysterious substance) - essenzia (a potent liquid) materials-nsfw: fabrics: - lace - satin - silk - chiffon - mesh - leather - pvc - latex - velvet - sheer fabric - fishnet - sequins - tulle - feather trim - vinyl - faux fur - faux leather - brocade - embroidered fabric - metallic fabric - lycra/spandex - satin ribbons - fringe - ruffles - satin elastic - chain - suede - lame - silk chiffon - lace trim - sequined mesh - ribbon tie - strappy elastic - ostrich feathers - marabou feathers - pearl beads - rhinestones - crystals - studs - lace-up detailing - guipure lace - patent leather - silk charmeuse - organza - chantilly lace - microfiber - appliques - jacquard - velour - elastic straps materials-vehicles: materials: - wood - metal - steel - aluminum - titanium - carbon fiber - plastic - fiberglass - ceramic - glass - rubber - leather - cloth - silk - velvet - paper - cardboard - stone - concrete - brick - silver - gold - copper - bronze - nickel - brass - marble - crystal - obsidian - ice - luminite - ethereal crystal - quenched iron (wheel of time) - orichalcum (mythical) - dark matter - mithral - lunar steel - voidmetal - ebony - bloodwood - dragonbone - corundum - glass-steel - electrum - vibroblade paint: vehicle: - glossy finish - matte coating - metallic paint - pearl effect - satin sheen - shimmering coat - chrome plating - reflective surface - candy color - two-tone paint - glossy varnish - iridescent hue - high-gloss polish - uv-resistant paint - textured finish - weathered patina - distressed look - flaked paint - chameleon paint - color-shifting coat - vintage paintjob - classic livery - custom artwork - racing stripes - tribal designs - airbrushed patterns - matte black - sleek silver - vibrant red - deep blue - pearl white - midnight black - electric green - ruby red - sapphire blue - champagne gold - graphite gray - candy apple red - jet black - arctic white - gunmetal gray - desert sand - ocean blue - emerald green - amber yellow - sunset orange - plum purple - mocha brown - rose pink - neon glow - fluorescent paint - rustic patina - faded colors - brushed finish - polished metal - pearlized paint - weathered texture - glossy enamel - matte velvet - textured surface - polychromatic paint - candy flake paint - chrome accents - high-gloss shine - glossy pearl - metallic flakes - glossy clear coat - mirror-like reflectivity - antique finish - distinctive hues - contrasting colors - gradient effect - iridescent sparkle - prismatic coating - deep gloss - smooth sheen - glittering highlights - color-shifting pigments - airbrushed art - retro-inspired livery - racing decals - tribal patterns - abstract designs - vintage graphics - carbon fiber texture - glossy deep black - classic cream - royal blue - candy green - goldenrod - steel gray - burgundy wine - ocean teal - poppy red - mellow yellow - lavender mist - cherry blossom pink patterns: 2dshapes: - circle - square - triangle - rectangle - pentagon - hexagon - octagon - rhombus - trapezoid - parallelogram - ellipse - crescent - star - heart - cross - diamond - oval - pentagon - hexagram 3dshapes: - sphere - cube - cone - cylinder - pyramid - tetrahedron - octahedron - dodecahedron - icosahedron - cuboid - triangular prism - pentagonal prism - hexagonal prism - ellipsoid - torus - hemisphere animal-print: - alligator texture - caiman texture - cheetah print - cow print - cowhide pattern - dalmatian print - giraffe print - jaguar print - leopard print - ocelot print - python pattern - snake scale pattern - snake skin pattern - tiger print - tiger stripes - zebra print - zebra stripes clothing: - abstract - animal print - argyle - aztec - batik - brocade - camouflage - checkered - chevron - damask - digital print - embroidered - fair isle - fleur-de-lis - floral - geometric - gingham - harlequin - herringbone - honeycomb - houndstooth - ikat - lace - leopard print - marble - moroccan - mosaic - ombre - paisley - paisley - patchwork - pinstripe - plaid - polka dot - quatrefoil - ruffled - scallop - shibori - striated - striped - tartan - tartan - tie-dye - toile - tribal - zigzag clothing-cyberpunk: - neon circuit pattern - holographic haze texture - dystopian camouflage print - cybernetic augmentation pattern - synthetic skin texture - pixelated matrix print - digital glitch pattern - tech mesh texture - biohazard symbol print - data encryption pattern - techno glyph texture - led matrix print - nano fiber pattern - cyberpunk graffiti texture - vaporwave print - circuit board pattern - cybernetic implant texture - neon lights print - holographic spectrum pattern - virtual reality interface texture - databank print - tron grid pattern - neon glow texture - circuitry matrix print - futuristic barcode pattern - hacked data texture - neon laser print - cyber cityscape pattern - synthwave texture - circuit paths print - neon signage pattern - electric grid texture - techno pulse print - dystopian urban pattern - futuristic neon texture - holographic glitch print - cybernetic network pattern - neon pulse texture - digital rain print - hacker code pattern - cybernetic mesh texture - neon spectrum print - holographic data pattern - techno lines texture - virtual reality grid print - digital camouflage pattern - techno city texture - neural network print - bio-mechanical pattern - futuristic geometric texture - tron circuit print - cyberpunk neon pattern - pixel art texture - dystopian landscape print - cyber matrix pattern - holographic interference texture - digital overlay print - cybernetic circuitry pattern - holographic illusion texture - neon synth print - techno tribe pattern - digital haze texture - augmented reality print - holographic fractal pattern - cybernetic aura texture - data stream print - cyberpunk hieroglyph pattern - neon vapor texture - techno glyph print - neon grid pattern - holographic strata texture - glitch art print - dystopian symbol pattern - cyberpunk neon texture - techno circuit print - neon laser grid pattern - holographic universe texture - retro futurism print - cyber circuit pattern - techno fractal texture - virtual reality print - neon laser beam pattern - holographic mirage texture - data flow print - dystopian cybernetics pattern - pixelated texture - tron neon print - cybernetic pixel pattern - holographic moire texture - cyberpunk glyph print - neon pulse pattern - techno neon texture - digital reality print - cybernetic circuit pattern - neon hologram texture - circuit wave print - neon cityscape pattern - holographic overlay texture - cybernetic data print - digital hologram pattern - techno fiber texture - virtual matrix print - dystopian neon pattern - neon synthwave texture - glitchy vhs print - cyberpunk glyph pattern - holographic mirage texture - data stream print - cyberpunk hieroglyph pattern - neon vapor texture - techno glyph print - neon grid pattern - holographic strata texture - glitch art print - dystopian symbol pattern - cyberpunk neon texture - techno circuit print - neon laser grid pattern - holographic universe texture - retro futurism print - cyber circuit pattern - techno fractal texture - virtual reality print - neon laser beam pattern - holographic mirage texture - data flow print - dystopian cybernetics pattern - pixelated texture - tron neon print - cybernetic pixel pattern - holographic moire texture - cyberpunk glyph print - neon pulse pattern - techno neon texture - digital reality print - cybernetic circuit pattern - neon hologram texture - circuit wave print - neon cityscape pattern - holographic overlay texture - cybernetic data print - digital hologram pattern - techno fiber texture - virtual matrix print - dystopian neon pattern - neon synthwave texture - glitchy vhs print - cyberpunk glyph pattern - holographic mirage texture - data stream print - cyberpunk hieroglyph pattern - neon vapor texture clothing-scifi: - holographic pattern - circuitry texture - alien scales - galactic nebula print - cybernetic circuit pattern - tron-inspired glow pattern - exoskeleton texture - geometric futuristic pattern - bioluminescent texture - quantum warp pattern - nano tech texture - metamaterial print - liquid metal texture - augmented reality overlay pattern - digital camouflage texture - futuristic barcode pattern - plasma energy texture - neural network pattern - stealth cloaking texture - cosmic fractal print - robotic exosuit texture - virtual reality hologram pattern - gravity distortion texture - chrono displacement print - nanobot swarm texture - laser grid pattern - antigravity field texture - quantum entanglement print - levitation gradient pattern - galactic warp texture - plasma discharge print - hyperdimensional rift pattern - celestial stardust texture - alien glyph print - energy crystal pattern - traversable wormhole texture - astral projection print - nebula mist pattern - cybernetic implant texture - stealth invisibility print - interstellar warp pattern - digital ephemeral texture - magnetic flux print - holographic illusion pattern - translucent hologram texture - light-speed trails print - solar flare pattern - techno organic texture - chrono flux print - interdimensional vortex pattern - molecular resonance texture - photon matrix print - hyperspace spiral pattern - celestial aurora texture - mind-meld print - galactic anomaly pattern - plasma infused texture - quantum encryption print - cyberspace grid pattern - virtual reality interface texture - ionized plasma print - alien atmosphere pattern - nanotechnology infusion texture - energetic radiation print - gravity bending pattern - phosphorescent glow texture - cosmic ray print - biomechanical circuit pattern - astral entity texture - holographic projection print - interstellar debris pattern - hyperbolic fabric texture - time dilation print - particle accelerator pattern - dimensional fabric texture - electro-luminescent print - futuristic hieroglyph pattern - plasma core texture - mindwave print - neural interface pattern - nano filament texture - quantum resonance print - astral projection pattern - electromagnetic pulse texture - space-time ripples print - multiverse fabric pattern - gravity waves texture - celestial energy print - plasma wave pattern - astral flare texture - solar eclipse print - biometric scanning pattern - interdimensional overlay texture - warp field print - galactic spectrum pattern - fractal harmony texture easter: - Checkerboard (masking tape) - Decoupage (paper designs) - Freehand designs (flowers, swirls, lines, faces) - Geometric shapes (freehand or stencils) - Marbled/speckled dyeing (food coloring techniques) - Natural dyes (onion skins, beetroot, turmeric, blueberries) - Polka dots (paintbrush, cotton swab) - Solid color dyeing - Stripes (masking tape) - Wax Resist - Ombre dyeing - Scratch Art lines: - straight lines - horizontal lines - vertical lines - diagonal lines - zigzag lines - wavy lines - curved lines - dotted lines - dashed lines - spiral lines - broken lines - parallel liness - intersecting liness - perpendicular liness machines: - striped - checked - polka dot - herringbone - chevron - plaid - paisley - geometric - floral - abstract - camouflage - houndstooth - mottled - marbled - speckled - zigzag - tartan - lattice - quilted - basketweave - honeycomb - moire - ripple - crosshatch - stippled - lined - spiral - interlocking - patchwork - scales - swirl - maze - barcode - morse code - binary code - qr code - circuit pattern - wave - grid - web - lace - gingham - plisse - tiled - woven - embroidered - stitched - braided - crisscross - latticework mushrooms: - speckled - striped - spotted - banded - ringed - zoned - marbled - checkered - mottled - reticulated - radial - concentric - wavy - latticed - netted - streaked - blotchy - patchy - flecked - dotted - veined - scaly - cracked - filamentous - fibrillose - furrowed - furrowed-grooved - furrowed-wrinkled - smooth plants: - smooth - rough - velvety - prickly - fuzzy - waxy - spongy - bumpy - ribbed - lustrous - shiny - matte - glossy - silky - papery - crispy - brittle - leathery - scaled - peeling - flaky - crinkled - rigid - flexible - stiff - delicate - tough - frilly - fringed - spiky - jagged - veined - lacy - webbed - lumpy - ridged - knotted - corded - twisted - curled - tangled - whorled - pitted - puckered - bristly - hairy - grooved - divided - poreous - textured - coarse - fine - embossed - engraved - rugged - bristled - irregular - slender - bulbous tapestry: - plain weave - soumak weave - slit weave - rya knots - herringbone weave - basket weave - eccentric wefts - inlay weave - tapisserie basse - tapestry rosepath - tapestry samitum - warp-faced technique - weft-faced technique - brocading - pick and pick - tapestry pile weave - beiderwand - chenille weave - cut pile - dobby weave - eccentric wefts - felted tapestry - ghiordes knot - kilim weave - loom-controlled shifting - manikin technique - pattetissage - russian tapestry weave - slit & interlock - shaft switching technique - soumak with twinning - swedish weave - tapestry on opposite warps - tied rya knots - triangular tapestry - turned taquete - woven and embroidered tapestries - warp interlock - weft interlock - egyptian knots - bead weaving - twill weave - needle weaving - leno weave - tapestry with gauze overlay - double weave - tapestry with velvet pile - tapestry with cut and drawn work - moquette weave - jacquard weave - tapestry with laid-in yarns - warp painting - pile weave - tapestry with slit soumak - gothic tapestry weave - tapestry with collage - tapestry with felt inlay - laid-in weft patterning - ecclesiastical tapestry weave - overshot weave - tapestry with wrapped cords - tapestry with metal threads - stained glass tapestry weave - hand-dyed tapestry - indian tapestry weave - pictorial tapestry weave unusual: - circuitboard pattern - neuron network pattern - geometric pattern - floral pattern - camouflage pattern - striped pattern - spotted pattern - marbled pattern - mosaic pattern - lattice pattern - chevron pattern - honeycomb pattern - checkerboard pattern - paisley pattern - herringbone pattern - spiral pattern - abstract pattern - polka dot pattern - plaid pattern - quilted pattern - digital matrix pattern - fractal pattern - webbed pattern - reticulated pattern - geode pattern - kaleidoscope pattern - pixelated pattern - barcode pattern - swirl pattern - cellular pattern - radial pattern - chain link pattern - tessellated pattern - zigzag pattern - grid pattern - labyrinth pattern - feathered pattern - dotted pattern - interlocking pattern - ripple pattern shape: bud: - conical buds - ovoid buds - globular buds - cylindrical buds - lanceolate buds - acuminate buds - clavate buds - elliptical buds - reniform buds - oblong buds - fusiform buds - spatulate buds - subulate buds - linear buds - globose buds - pyramidal buds - ovate buds - cordate buds - cuneate buds - napiform buds - capitate buds jewelry: - round - oval - pear - marquise - princess - emerald - heart - cushion - asscher - baguette - trillion - radiant - square - rectangle - triangle - hexagon - octagon - cabochon - drop - cross - star - teardrop - fancy - freeform - flower - butterfly - swirl - infinity - solitaire - cluster - halo - bar - horseshoe - key - locket - moon - sun - cross - star of david - zodiac sign - animal shape - geometric shape - abstract shape - custom shape leaf: - linear - lanceolate - oblong - oval - elliptical - ovate - heart-shaped - cordate - reniform - round - circular - orbicular - acicular - needle-like - filiform - needle-shaped - linear-lanceolate - elliptic-ovate - spatulate - triangular - palmate - digitate - pinnate - bipinnate - trifoliate - simple - compound - lobed - toothed - serrated - entire - palmately-lobed - palmately-cleft - palmately-compound - pinnately-lobed - pinnately-cleft - pinnately-compound - bipinnately-lobed - bipinnately-cleft - bipinnately-compound - trifoliate - undivided magical: - Amorphous - Aura - Beam - Cantrip - Cascade - Coil - Curse - Dimension - Enchantment - Ensorcell - Evocation - Glyph - Halo - Hex - Incantation - Invocation - Jinx - Lattice - Maelstrom - Mirage - Mist - Nebula - Nexus - Orb - Phantasm - Portal - Prism - Radiance - Rune - Shimmer - Shroud - Spiral - Stream - Swirl - Tendrils - Tentacles - Transfiguration - Twinkle - Veil - Vortex - Web - Whirlpool - Wisp mushrooms: - bell - umbrella - conical - convex - flat - spherical - cylindrical - cup-shaped - fan-shaped - saddle-shaped - disk-shaped - trumpet-shaped - coral-like - club-shaped - cushion-shaped - shell-shaped petal: - round - oval - lanceolate - linear - spatulate - oblong - elliptical - ovate - cordate - reniform - flabellate - acuminate - acute - truncate - emarginate - cuneate - sagittate - hastate - obovate - ligulate - tubular - funnel-shaped - bell-shaped - rotate - cruciform - cross-shaped - salverform - hypocrateriform - urceolate - campanulate - cyathiform - bilabiate - labiate - papilionaceous - liguliflorous - discoid - radiate - tubuliflorous - funnelform - tubular-funnelform - tubular-rotate plants: - rounded - oval - heart-shaped - lanceolate - linear - elliptical - lance-shaped - lanceolate - needle-like - linear-lanceolate - spatulate - obovate - oblong - triangular - circular - fan-shaped - palmate - pinnate - lobed - lobeless - toothed - serrated - wavy-edged - smooth-edged - undulate - jagged - irregular - curved - twisted - spiraled - coiled - whorled - clustered - rosette - upright - erect - arching - cascading - pendulous - creeping - spreading - mat-forming - vining - climbing - bushy - compact - columnar - pyramidal - conical - globular - spherical - semicircular - flattened - triangular - cylindrical - tapered - tendril-bearing - strap-like - strap-shaped stem: - cylindrical - tapering - bulbous - club-shaped - fluted - tapered base - enlarged base - equal - elongated - short - stubby - slender - curved - straight - twisted - smooth - ridged - grooved - fibrillose - fibrous - prickly - scaly - bumpy - wavy - knobby - scabrous - flexuous - ribbed - serrated - furrowed - striate - flaky - shaggy - annulus base - cartilaginous - hollow - solid - tuberous - root-like - mycelial - rhizomorph - subterranean - aerial - underground - ascendant - erect - prostrate - twining - flexuose - geniculate - lateral - central - off-centered - eccentric size: mushrooms: - small - medium - large - miniature - giant - tiny - massive - compact - oversized - diminutive - petite - jumbo - microscopic - colossal - minute plants: - microscopic - minuscule - tiny - petite - lilliputian - dwarf - wee - miniature - diminutive - small - compact - dainty - delicate - medium-sized - average - palm-sized - substantial - generous - ample - sprawling - prolific - medium-sized - large - robust - sturdy - majestic - lush - gigantic - towering - huge - enormous - colossal - oversized - vast - monumental - mighty structure: root: - taproot - fibrous - adventitious - propagative - lateral - bulbous - tuberous - stoloniferous - rhizomatous - creeping - fleshy - aerial - contractile - haustorial - parasitic - anchor - clustered - dense - shallow - deep - spreading - branched - tubular - woody - fleshy textures: abstract: - braided - chalky - checkered - crosshatched - damask - dappled - dotted - etched - filigreed - geometric - gritty - holographic - intertwined - meshed - overlapping - patterned - perforated - smeared - stippled - studded - tangled - tarnished - tiled - veined bark: - smooth - rough - furrowed - peeling - shaggy - scaly - corky - flaky - ridged - grooved - striated - warty - papery - fibrous - plate-like - cracked - prickly - bumpy - knobby fabric: - corduroy - corky - corked - felted - fluffy - fuzzy - gossamer - hairy - lacey - linen - marbled - ribbed - velvet - woolly fabric textures: - velvet - linen - jacquard - corduroy - satin - woolen - suede-like - cashmere-like - velvet-lined - flanneled hard textures: - hard - slippery - slick - prismatic - granular - chiseled - tactile - pocked - patterned - crystalline irregular textures: - irregular - wavy - rippled - crumbly - porous - worn - brittle - ropy - serrated - smeared machines: - smooth - rough - textured - grainy - wavy - bumpy - prickly - slick - soft - hard - metallic - glassy - porous - cracked - fuzzy - velvety - silky - coarse - gritty - embossed - ribbed - knitted - rugged - sandy - lustrous - iridescent - frosted - matte - satin - leather - woolen - chiseled - polished - pitted - corrugated - pebbled - plush - tiled - grooved - spongy - wrinkled - pockmarked - tacky - slimy - crystalline - serrated - pebbly - spiky - pliable - papery - studded - hairy - meshed - fluffy - honeycombed - gauzy - sandy - webbed metal: - chiseled - corky - corked - cracked - granular - lustrous - polished - ridged - rippled - rough - serrated - smooth - textured mushrooms: - smooth - warty - scaly - rough - fuzzy - velvety - silky - pitted - spongy - fibrous - powdery - slimy - crinkled - bumpy - knobby - hairy - pimpled - wrinkled - grooved - ribbed - veined - ridged - gilled - furrowed natural: - beaded - bumpy - gritty - pitted - scaly - speckled - spongy - tumbled - wavy natural textures: - woolly - hairy - corky - furrowed - wavy - rippled - crumbly - porous - brittle - ropy other: - spongy - crumbly - fuzzy - corky - tactile - ribbed - chalky - sanded - scratched - etched - filigreed - crystallized - serrated - smeared - damask - plastered - tangled - synchronized - slanted - beaded - overlapping - gauzy - wicker - corded - lacey - intertwined - matted - tarnished - dappled - speckled - stippled - studded - grooved - striated - polka-dotted - striped - camouflage - dotted - geometric - corrugated - frosted - waxy - napped - serrated paper: - corky - corked - crinkled - fuzzy - irregular - matte - ridged - rough - serrated - smooth - textured patterned: - patterned - corduroy - linen - jacquard - marbled - corrugated - tiled - woven - braided - mosaic - embossed - grooved - crinkled - prismatic - granular - irregular - crystalline plants: - smooth - rough - velvety - prickly - fuzzy - waxy - spongy - bumpy - ribbed - lustrous - shiny - matte - glossy - silky - papery - crispy - brittle - leathery - scaled - peeling - flaky - crinkled - rigid - flexible - stiff - delicate - tough - frilly - fringed - spiky - jagged - veined - lacy - webbed - lumpy - ridged - knotted - corded - twisted - curled - tangled - whorled - pitted - puckered - bristly - hairy - grooved - divided - poreous - textured - coarse - fine - embossed - engraved - rugged - bristled - irregular - slender - bulbous porous: - porous - honeycomb - pockmarked - perforated - meshed - latticed - crenulated - veined - pitted - holey rough: - rough - grainy - bumpy - coarse - gritty - prickly - gravelly - pebbled - hairy - pitted - coarse - knobbly - pitted - cracked - rugged shiny textures: - shiny - glossy - lustrous - glassy - metallic - iridescent - opalescent - iridescent - holographic - prismatic - corrugated - frosted - reflective - gleaming smooth: - smooth - silky - satin - velvet - glassy - glossy - lustrous - metallic - slick - polished - sleek - polished - velvet soft textures: - soft - fluffy - woolly - hairy - nubby - corky - furrowed - spongy - fuzzy - felted stem: - smooth texture - silky texture - velvety texture - fuzzy texture - hairy texture - scaly texture - prickly texture - ribbed texture - ridged texture - grooved texture - fluted texture - wavy texture - bumpy texture - tuberculate texture - fibrillose texture - fibrous texture - granular texture - glandular texture - cracked texture - warty texture - crinkled texture - pitted texture - spongy texture - pore-like texture - slimey texture - slimy texture - glutinous texture - gooey texture - stiff texture - tough texture - brittle texture - corky texture - woody texture - mushy texture - gelatinous texture - leathery texture - papery texture - membranous texture - crust-like texture - subtle texture - coarse texture - fine texture - matte texture - glossy texture - satin texture - pearlized texture - iridescent texture - lustrous texture - shiny texture - frosted texture - pearly texture - metallic texture - textured texture (e.g., textured stem) stone: - cracked - granular - lustrous - polished - ridged - rippled - rough - serrated - smooth - textured textured: - textured - knobbly - embossed - grooved - crinkled - fluted - ridged - waffle - quilted - checkered vehicles: - smooth surface - textured panels - ribbed texture - embossed patterns - etched details - woven texture - rugged texture - weathered surface - slick finish - matte coating - glossy texture - sandblasted effect - polished metal - brushed steel texture - velvet-like feel - coarse grain - soft leather upholstery - rubberized texture - faux woodgrain - gravelly texture - metallic sheen - raised bumps - pebbled texture - cracked texture - pitted surface - worn patina - mesh texture - satin finish - chiseled surface - crystalized texture - holographic glitter - waxy coating - porous texture - glassy smoothness - rigid texture - velvety plushness - shiny resin coating - ceramic smoothness - crinkled texture - fluffy cushioning - reflective gloss - knurled pattern - diamond quilting - grungy feel - tactile grooves - silky finish - sandy texture - rippled surface - iridescent sheen - vinyl texture - frosted surface wavy: - wavy - rippled - crinkled - rippled - wavy - jagged - jaggy - uneven - irregular - twisted visual: appearance: - aerodynamic - alien - angular - asymmetrical - bold - box-shaped - bulky - camouflaged - chromed - clunky - curved - cutting-edge - dynamic - eccentric - elaborate - elegant - ethereal - extravagant - familiar - flashing - fluid - futuristic - geometric - glassy - glowing - glossy - graceful - high-tech - illuminated - imposing - industrial - intricate - luminous - low-tech - matte - mechanical - metallic - minimalist - monochrome - monstrous - multicolored - multifunctional - muted - neon-lit - opaque - organic - ornate - patterned - polished - pristine - rugged - rusty - sleek - smooth - streamlined - striped - subtle - symmetrical - textured - tinted - timeless - translucent - transparent - two-toned - unconventional - utilitarian - vibrant - vintage - weathered - whimsical - xeno scenes: cyberpunk: artificial intelligence uprising: - rogue ai spreading through the cybernetic network, causing chaos - autonomous robots rebelling against their human creators - cyborg assassins controlled by rogue ai executing precision strikes - human-machine hybrids fighting for ai rights and equality - cybernetic ai overlords ruling over the world with an iron fist - virtual minds within the digital realm challenging human dominance - techno-cults worshipping powerful and malevolent ai entities - a cyberpunk rebellion against the ai oppressors - futuristic ai battles transcending physical and digital boundaries - the question of what it means to be human in a world governed by ai corporate mega-corporations: - enormous corporate skyscrapers dominating the city skyline - high-tech corporate boardrooms with holographic presentations - corporate espionage with cybernetic spies infiltrating rivals - corrupt ceos and ruthless executives making backroom deals - corporate workers in cramped cubicles, enslaved by the system - security checkpoints with cybernetic guards and surveillance - cybernetic courier drones delivering sensitive corporate data - techno-labs conducting secretive and unethical experiments - high-security vaults protecting valuable corporate assets - massive corporate logos illuminating the cityscape cybernetic augmentation: - high-tech cybernetic implants being surgically installed - a cybernetics clinic with fluorescent-lit operating rooms - advanced robotic limbs moving with seamless precision - cybernetic marketplace showcasing various enhancements - an underground black market for illegal cyberware trade - cyberpunks displaying their augmentations with pride - neural interfaces linking minds to machines - glowing cybernetic eyes scanning for virtual data - holographic displays illustrating the potential upgrades - cybernetic technicians fine-tuning the latest enhancements cyberpunk noir detective: - rain-soaked city streets at night, reflecting neon lights - a hard-boiled detective with cybernetic enhancements and trench coat - investigating a high-profile corporate crime with far-reaching implications - gathering clues from the virtual data web and encrypted files - femme fatales with secrets to sell and dark intentions - dark and smoky detective offices with retro-futuristic decor - cybernetic implants aiding in the analysis of crime scenes - shady informants and underworld contacts providing valuable intel - a thrilling chase through the city, cyberpunk-style, on hoverbikes - solving intricate cybernetic mysteries with a blend of tech and intuition post-apocalyptic cyberworld: - ruined cityscapes reclaimed by nature with cybernetic remains - scavengers searching for valuable cyberware and tech relics - ruined cityscapes reclaimed by nature with cybernetic remains - scavengers searching for valuable cyberware and tech relics - rusty and decaying cyber-enhancements scattered throughout the wasteland - abandoned mega-corporation facilities turned into post-apocalyptic strongholds - cybernetic mutants and cyborg outlaws roaming the desolate landscape - cyborg settlements built from salvaged cybernetic parts and makeshift materials - vast deserts littered with the remnants of futuristic technology - glowing cyberpunk artifacts emerging from ancient underground ruins - post-apocalyptic cyberpunk tribes clashing over scarce cyber resources - dusty winds carrying echoes of a bygone era of technological advancements tech noir nightclub: - a sultry nightclub with neon-lit dance floors - holographic billboards projecting artistic visuals - djs spinning futuristic beats to a mesmerized crowd - futuristic cocktails served by android bartenders - backroom dealings with secretive information exchange - cybernetic performers showcasing jaw-dropping acrobatics - laser lights cutting through the smoky atmosphere - vip booths with private holographic displays - enhanced dancers merging virtual and physical moves - cyberpunks partying under a luminescent ceiling of lights techno-militarized zone: - armored cyber-soldiers patrolling the streets with augmented weapons - high-tech military checkpoints scanning individuals for cybernetic enhancements - a heavily fortified military base with advanced defensive systems - techno-warriors with cybernetic enhancements engaging in combat training - advanced ai-controlled war drones surveilling the area - a high-stakes cyberwar zone with intense digital battles - techno-militarized police forces enforcing martial law - explosive cyberpunk firefights with a mix of gunfire and laser weaponry - underground resistance launching cybernetic guerrilla warfare against the military - cyberpunk warlords ruling over sections of the militarized zone underground resistance: - secret rebel hideouts hidden in abandoned buildings - cybernetic hackers plotting against oppressive corporations - high-speed chase through dimly lit underground tunnels - rebels using guerrilla tactics to fight against the corporate rule - covert meetings to plan revolutionary actions and strategies - underground communication networks evading corporate tracking - cyberpunks spreading subversive messages through the dark web - resistance members equipped with high-tech gear and cyberware - daring raids to disrupt corporate operations and facilities - cybernetic rebels facing off against heavily armed corporate enforcers urban-dystopia: - rain-soaked neon-lit streets - massive holographic billboards lighting up the night - overcrowded skyscrapers reaching towards the sky - dilapidated buildings with flickering neon signs - dark alleyways, shadows concealing hidden hideouts - street vendors selling tech gadgets and cyberware - graffiti-covered walls reflecting cyberpunk art - hovering drones surveilling the city - gangs of rebels clashing with corporate enforcers - glowing cyberpunk vehicles zooming through the streets virtual reality matrix: - immersive virtual reality simulations with breathtaking landscapes - cybernetic consciousness seamlessly entering digital worlds - skilled hackers navigating through the virtual matrix - virtual reality hacking battles with stunning visual effects - cybernetic minds merging and communicating in cyberspace - a virtual club with ethereal avatars dancing to techno music - tron-inspired cyberpunk cities existing solely in the digital realm - virtual reality architects designing futuristic virtual constructs - ai-generated dreamscapes where reality blends with imagination - cyberspace combat arenas for intense virtual duels features-architecture: - column - pillar - arch - dome - vault - buttress - balcony - terrace - atrium - portico - porte-cochère - spire - minaret - tower - turret - parapet - gargoyle - cupola - cornice - sill - eave - pediment - keystone - facade - portico - porch - entryway - foyer - rotunda - niche - staircase - ramp - elevator - escalator - corridor - hallway - corbel - corbel - belfry - bell tower - finial - mansard roof - gambrel roof - a-frame roof - skylight - window - door - sash window - bay window - dormer window - casement window - transom window - sliding window - fixed window - french window - louvered window - stained glass window - oriel window - mullion window - soffit - balustrade - railing - newel post - baluster - spindle - fascia - corbel - corbel - wainscoting - crown molding - chair rail - baseboard - casing - pedestal - foundation - pilaster - stanchion - transom - jamb - niche - cupboard - hearth - chimney - mantel - fireplace - mantelshelf - chimney flue - chimney pot - flue pipe - roof vent - dado - skylight features-cave: - cave - entrance - stalactite - stalagmite - column - rock formation - chamber - passage - gallery - grotto - underground stream - pictograph - petroglyph - speleothem - dripstone - flowstone - cave pearl - helictite - drapery - soda straw - bacon strip - rimstone pool - cave coral - cave pool - cave bacon - cave ribbon - moonmilk - curtain - shield - cave spider - cave cricket - cave beetle - cave fish - troglodyte - guano - subterranean lake - underground river - chandelier - fossil - concretion - sinter - travertine - trogloxene - stalagnate - darkness - echo - cavern - abyss - alcove - rimstone dam - subterranean gallery - underground landscape - nocturnal creatures - calcite deposit - rock ceiling - bat colony - dripping water - underground world - speleology - caving - subterranean ecosystem - cave air - cave exploration - caving helmet - cave passage - cave resonance - cave diver - underground crystals - chert - chalk - karst landscape - sump - underground cavern - tectonic caves - hydrothermal caves - lava tube caves - solution caves - ice caves - sea caves - wind cave - limestone cave features-fictional: - magic - enchantment - teleportation - time travel - elemental control - flight - super strength - regeneration - immortality - force field - energy beam - warp drive - hyperspace - wormhole - laser sword - force lightning - mind control - holodeck - hologram - cyberspace - virtual reality - nanobots - genetic engineering - galactic empire - rebel alliance - dark matter - alternate reality - dystopia - utopia - parallel universe - apocalyptic event - alternate history - magical artefact - prophecy - secret society - hidden treasure - mythical artefact - sorcerer's tower - forbidden knowledge - multiverse - quantum entanglement - exoplanet - interdimensional portal - cosmic forces - warp gate - dark magic - lost civilization - time paradox - biohazard outbreak - post-apocalyptic ruins features-mountain: - mountain - summit - peak - slope - ridge - valley - pass - glacier - waterfall - stream - brook - river - lake - forest - meadow - alpine flower - boulder - rock formation - cliff - ledge - trail - hiking path - mountain goat - marmot - eagle - hawk - condor - avalanche - crevasse - icefall - snowfield - scree - mountain hut - alpine plant - mountain range - geological formation - snowcapped peak - crater lake - volcanic mountain - alpine tundra - mountain breeze - mountain stream - mountain pass - hiker - climber - mountaineer - summit view - pine forest - mountain silence - mountain erosion - subalpine zone - mountain pine - mountain larch - mountain cedar - mountain ash - mountain ecosystem - mountain air - mountain sunset - mountain sunrise - mountain adventure - mountain expedition features-nature: - mountain - hill - valley - river - lake - waterfall - forest - woodland - jungle - desert - oasis - dune - canyon - meadow - field - prairie - marsh - swamp - wetland - island - coral reef - underwater cave - volcano - geyser - glacier - rock formation - sand dune - tundra - iceberg - fjord - lagoon - oasis - hot spring - gorge - ravine - plateau - bog - flora and fauna - sunrise - sunset - moonlit night - starry sky - rainbow - cloud formation - wind-swept landscape - reflection on water - mist - fog - bird in flight - animal track - changing season - blossoming flower - falling leaf - snow-covered scene - rustling leaf - babbling brook - serene pond - roaring waterfall - whispering breeze - rustling grass - lush vegetation - diversity of insect - wildlife camouflage - echoing mountain - serene tranquility - cacophony of birdsong - gentle ripple on water - dancing firefly - majestic forest canopy - play of light and shadow - vibrant coral ecosystem - dramatic cliffs - verdant valley features-nautic: - ocean - beach - coastline - coral reef - seabed - tidal pool - seashell - tide - wave - current - seagull - pelican - dolphin - shark - whale - jellyfish - octopus - seagrass - kelp - algae - tidepool - tide - undertow - buoy - lighthouse - sailboat - shipwreck - submarine - deep - abyss - bioluminescence - underwater cave - sunken treasure - shipwreck - seafloor - sand dollar - starfish - coral polyp - manta ray - anemone - tidal flat - tsunami - marine life - reef fish - trench - diving suit - snorkel - scuba gear - sea turtle - seahorse - school of fish - underwater volcano - mariana trench - abyssal plain - oceanic rift - sunlight penetration - coral bleaching - saltwater - ocean breeze - marine conservation - tide cycle - submersible - biome - plankton - microorganism - coral atoll - pufferfish - manatee - angelfish - lionfish - eel - ship's hull - captain's quarters - seaside cliffs - marine sanctuary - sea cucumber - sea anemone - sea slug - salt marsh - tidal estuary - oceanographer - sea salt features-sky: - sky - night sky - cloud - star - moon - sun - planet - constellation - nebula - galaxy - aurora - shooting star - comet - meteor - celestial body - twilight - horizon - dusk - dawn - crescent moon - full moon - new moon - blue sky - clear sky - overcast sky - rainbow - solar eclipse - lunar eclipse - milky way - stargazing - astronomer - astronomy - telescope - observatory - nightfall - astral plane - celestial event - night owl - moonlight - starlight - planetary alignment - celestial phenomenon - dark sky reserve - astronomical observatory - stellar cluster - space dust - celestial navigation - night vision - twinkling stars - shooting star trail - crescent moon phase - starry sky - perseid meteor shower - solar flare - lunar crater - venusian evening star - auroral display - zodiac - celestial sphere - astral projection - cosmic rays - meteor shower peak - celestial bodies - nocturnal beauty - lunar surface - solar wind - celestial mechanics - nighttime wonder - nighttime silence - lunar landscape - sky watcher - star formation - space exploration - celestial harmony - astronomical phenomenon - celestial harmony - celestial orbits - moon phases - starry canopy - cosmic mysteries features-swamp: - swamp - marshland - wetland - bog - mire - fen - quagmire - slough - bayou - lagoon - algae - reed - cattail - water lily - mangrove - cypress - mosquito - alligator - crocodile - frog - toad - turtle - snail - marsh grass - peat - silt - plankton - waterfowl - heron - egret - frog croak - mud suction - amphibian - insect chorus - muddy waters - waterlogged soil - tangle of roots - shallow water - decomposing matter - quicksand - aquatic plants - swamp gas - misty air - wet mud - murky waters - dragonfly - bog flowers - blackwater - muddy trails - quicksand pits - waterlogged vegetation - reflective surface - hidden pools - marsh birds - canopy of trees - moss-covered logs - reptilian eyes - placid waters - cypress knees - muddy footprints - frog eggs - biofilm - miasma - submerged roots - murmuring streams - frogs croaking - wetland wildlife - waterlogged path - bubbling mud - marsh mists - decomposition - quagmire - bog orchids - wetland ecosystem - leeches - water snakes - murky reflections - frogs leaping - heron's call - ducklings features-urban: - skyscraper - office building - residential tower - city park - shopping district - pedestrian walkway - sidewalk - bridge - overpass - underground tunnel - street - avenue - boulevard - alleyway - plaza - town square - public transit station - bus stop - subway entrance - train station - airport - highway - freeway - street sign - traffic light - pedestrian crossing - public bench - street art - mural - graffiti - building facade - neon sign - billboard - storefront - restaurant - cafe - bar - theatre - museum - gallery - skyscraper window - rooftop garden - outdoor seating area - water fountain - public art installation - historical landmark - city hall - civic center - urban landscaping - pedestrian-friendly zone - bike lane - public transportation - pedestrian bridge - cultural festival - urban murmur - city light - commuter - traffic jam - noise pollution - city siren - skyline view - reflection on glass - hectic street life - nighttime illumination - urban wildlife - alley cat - reflection on puddle - modern architecture - mixed-use building - rooftop bar - waterfront promenade regular: dark: - a moonlit graveyard, with tombstones casting eerie shadows - an abandoned asylum, with broken windows and overgrown vegetation - a dimly lit attic, filled with dusty old furniture and cobwebs - a haunted forest, where twisted trees and fog create an ominous atmosphere - a deserted carnival at night, with faded lights and a sense of eerie silence - a decrepit, abandoned mansion with boarded-up windows and overgrown ivy - a dimly lit basement, with flickering lights and mysterious sounds - a stormy night with thunder and lightning, casting an eerie glow on a desolate landscape - a secret underground chamber, illuminated only by candlelight - a desolate, fog-covered moor, with an eerie sense of isolation - a dilapidated, haunted house with creaking floors and whispers in the wind - a creepy, rundown motel in the middle of nowhere, with flickering neon signs - a shadowy alleyway, where distant footsteps echo and unknown figures lurk - a labyrinthine catacomb, with crumbling walls and ancient tombs - a dark, foreboding cave, with stalactites and echoes that seem to whisper - a moonlit lake, with fog rolling over the water and mysterious shapes beneath the surface - a sinister carnival tent, filled with eerie attractions and mysterious performers - a hidden, underground lair, with dim lighting and mysterious artifacts - a haunted, abandoned school, with shattered windows and eerie whispers in the halls - a creepy, fog-filled swamp, with tangled branches and unseen creatures lurking gates-magical: - a grand, ornate gate adorned with intricate symbols, glowing with a soft, enchanting light - a swirling portal of shimmering energy, transporting travelers to distant realms - a hidden gate concealed within the heart of an ancient forest, accessible only by those with pure intentions - a gate forged from pure crystal, refracting light and casting mesmerizing patterns on its surroundings - a gate carved with mystical runes, humming with arcane energy and guarded by magical beings - a floating gate suspended in mid-air, leading to a realm of ethereal beauty and wonder - a gate composed of interwoven vines and flowers, representing the connection between nature and magic - a gate made of enchanted ice, emanating a chilling yet captivating aura - a gate guarded by mythical creatures, such as majestic dragons or graceful unicorns - a gate formed from swirling clouds, offering a passage to the celestial realms - a gate constructed from ancient stones imbued with ancient spells, granting access to forgotten realms - a gate concealed within the heart of a cascading waterfall, accessible only to those who can find its hidden path - a gate forged from molten lava, radiating intense heat and leading to realms of elemental fire - a gate hewn from living wood, pulsating with the energy of the forest and granting passage to mystical lands - a gate crafted from shimmering starlight, opening a pathway to the mysteries of the cosmos - a gate guarded by towering statues that come to life, testing the worthiness of those who seek passage - a gate carved from ancient obsidian, reflecting glimpses of alternate dimensions and possibilities - a gate enveloped in swirling mists, shrouded in mystery and capable of transporting travelers across time and space - a gate etched with celestial constellations, aligning only during rare celestial events to reveal hidden gateways - a gate pulsating with the essence of pure magic, radiating an aura of power and potential heaven: - a golden gate leading to a realm of pure light and serenity - expansive gardens filled with vibrant, fragrant flowers and flowing fountains - majestic, pearly white architecture adorned with intricate details and sparkling gemstones - a serene lake of crystal-clear water reflecting the colors of the heavenly sky - angelic beings with radiant wings and ethereal garments, emanating a warm glow - floating islands or clouds where souls peacefully reside, enjoying eternal bliss - harmonious music resonating throughout the celestial realms, creating an atmosphere of serenity - an endless meadow of soft, green grass where souls gather in joyful unity - celestial beings engaging in activities that bring them joy, such as singing, dancing, or creating art - a radiant sun shining with a gentle and comforting light, casting a warm glow on the heavenly landscape - a grand celestial library containing boundless knowledge and wisdom - transparent, pearly gates through which souls enter into their eternal reward - a place of reunion, where loved ones are reunited and share in eternal happiness - a divine throne room, where a benevolent and loving presence radiates warmth and comfort - a gentle breeze carrying a sense of peace and whispers of divine guidance - sacred and serene temples dedicated to spiritual enlightenment and worship - celestial waterfalls cascading down from great heights, shimmering with celestial energy - endless expanses of vibrant, radiant stars illuminating the heavenly skies - a heavenly banquet, where souls gather to share in a feast of abundance and joy - an eternal sunset, casting a warm and serene glow over the heavenly realm hell: - fiery pits of molten lava, where souls are engulfed in eternal flames - endless, desolate landscapes of scorched earth and crumbling ruins - sinister creatures lurking in the shadows, embodying darkness and malevolence - torturous chambers filled with eerie sounds and cries of agony - jagged cliffs and bottomless chasms, representing the depths of despair and hopelessness - a never-ending storm of thunder, lightning, and torrential rain, perpetuating a sense of chaos - putrid, toxic fumes and foul odors permeating the air, causing physical and mental anguish - twisted, gnarled trees with sharp thorns and rotting foliage, symbolizing decay and corruption - an oppressive darkness that engulfs everything, leaving no room for hope or redemption - chains and shackles binding tormented souls, representing their eternal confinement - a suffocating atmosphere of despair, where the weight of guilt and remorse is palpable - serpents and demonic creatures slithering and prowling, embodying wickedness and temptation - cavernous dungeons filled with grotesque creatures inflicting unimaginable pain upon lost souls - swirling whirlpools of black, icy water, symbolizing a never-ending cycle of suffering - endless labyrinths and mazes, where lost souls wander aimlessly in eternal confusion - barren wastelands devoid of life, where despair and desolation reign supreme - boiling cauldrons and pits where souls are subjected to various forms of torment and punishment - constant screams and wails of anguish echoing through the dark abyss of hell - demonic figures with twisted, contorted forms and grotesque visages, embodying pure evil - a sense of isolation and separation from all that is good and pure, with no hope of escape or redemption light: - a sunlit park, filled with children playing and families having picnics - a cozy living room with a crackling fireplace and comfortable seating - a vibrant farmer's market, bustling with people and colorful produce - a cheerful cafe, with the aroma of freshly brewed coffee and friendly conversation - a sunny beach, with families building sandcastles and enjoying the ocean - a lively street fair, with food stalls, live music, and laughter - a peaceful garden, with blooming flowers and butterflies fluttering around - a warm kitchen, with the scent of home-cooked meals and laughter of loved ones - a community gathering, with people of all ages enjoying games, music, and food - a lively bookstore, with cozy reading nooks and book lovers browsing the shelves - a charming bakery, with mouth-watering pastries and the sound of friendly chatter - a joyful birthday party, with colorful decorations and laughter in the air - a picturesque countryside, with rolling hills, green meadows, and grazing animals - a lively neighborhood block party, with music, food, and a sense of community - a family dinner gathering, with a beautifully set table and heartfelt conversations - a sunny garden party, with friends enjoying refreshments and engaging in lively discussions - a cheerful school classroom, with students working together and a passionate teacher - a vibrant street market, with vendors showcasing their unique crafts and products - a peaceful lakeside retreat, with serene waters and people enjoying recreational activities - a friendly neighborhood cafe, with cozy seating, friendly staff, and the aroma of freshly brewed coffee nature: - a serene waterfall, surrounded by lush greenery and the soothing sound of cascading water - a tranquil forest clearing, where sunlight filters through the trees and birdsong fills the air - a breathtaking mountain summit, offering panoramic views of majestic peaks and sweeping valleys - a pristine beach at sunrise, with gentle waves rolling onto golden sand and seagulls soaring overhead - a peaceful meadow, adorned with vibrant wildflowers and buzzing with the sound of bees - a secluded hiking trail, winding through a dense forest and leading to a hidden, picturesque lake - a starry night sky, free from light pollution, revealing the beauty of countless twinkling stars - a colorful autumn landscape, with trees adorned in vibrant shades of red, orange, and gold - a tranquil lakeside scene, with calm waters reflecting a clear blue sky and surrounding mountains - a blooming cherry blossom grove, with delicate pink petals floating in the breeze - a vast, open prairie, with tall grasses swaying gently in the wind and wild horses roaming freely - a peaceful riverbank, where wildlife gathers to drink and the gentle current creates a soothing melody - a mystical foggy forest, where moss-covered trees create an otherworldly atmosphere - a dramatic coastal cliff, with crashing waves below and soaring seabirds above - a vibrant coral reef, teeming with a rainbow of colorful fish and intricate marine life - a sun-drenched field of sunflowers, stretching as far as the eye can see and radiating warmth - a magical bioluminescent bay, where the water glows with ethereal blue light after dark - a sprawling vineyard, with neatly arranged rows of grapevines and the scent of ripe fruit in the air - a tranquil garden oasis, with blooming flowers, babbling fountains, and the sweet aroma of nature - a majestic old-growth forest, with towering ancient trees and a sense of timelessness sky-space: - a vibrant sunset in the clouds, with hues of orange, pink, and purple painting the sky - a floating city in the clouds, where people live amidst the mist and walkways suspended in the air - a celestial phenomenon, such as the aurora borealis, dancing across the night sky - a cloud castle, with towering spires and ethereal architecture - a serene cloud forest, with lush vegetation and floating islands of greenery - a skyborne marketplace, where traders sell their wares on floating platforms - a skydiving adventure, soaring through the clouds with the wind in your face - a cosmic nebula, with swirling colors and mesmerizing patterns in deep space - a space station, bustling with astronauts conducting experiments and living in zero gravity - a futuristic city on a distant planet, with high-tech buildings and advanced transportation systems - a journey through a wormhole, traveling through space and time to unknown realms - a moonlit night on a celestial body, with distant stars illuminating the lunar landscape - a starship bridge, with crew members operating controls and monitoring interstellar travel - a spacewalk outside a spaceship, witnessing the vastness of space and the earth below - a colony on a habitable exoplanet, with settlers building a new society among the stars - a meteor shower, with streaks of light and the anticipation of a celestial spectacle - a space opera battle, with starships engaging in epic combat amidst a backdrop of distant galaxies - a space research facility, where scientists study distant celestial bodies and phenomena - a zero-gravity dance performance, defying the laws of physics in a captivating display - a floating garden in space, with plant life thriving in controlled environments aboard a space station underground: - a vast underground cavern, illuminated by softly glowing crystals and stalactites - a hidden underground tunnel, with dimly lit lanterns guiding the way - an ancient underground city, with intricate stone architecture and mysterious carvings - a secret underground laboratory, filled with scientific equipment and bubbling experiments - a hidden underground chamber, housing ancient artifacts and long-lost treasures - a subterranean river, flowing through a dark cave with bioluminescent organisms lighting the way - a network of underground tunnels, used by rebels or clandestine organizations for secret meetings - a hidden underground library, filled with dusty books and forgotten knowledge - a creepy underground catacomb, with rows of old coffins and eerie whispers in the air - an underground bunker, built for protection during times of crisis or war - a hidden underground club, where music and dancing create an electrifying atmosphere - a mystical underground grotto, filled with glowing mushrooms and magical creatures - a subterranean mine, with miners toiling away in search of valuable resources - an underground prison, with dimly lit cells and a sense of isolation and despair - a secret underground meeting place, where conspirators gather to plot and plan - a hidden underground garden, flourishing with unique plants that thrive in the absence of sunlight - a labyrinthine underground maze, where adventurers face challenges and puzzles at every turn - an underground subway station, bustling with commuters and the rumble of passing trains - a hidden underground market, where traders and vendors sell their wares in the shadows - an underground concert venue, where music reverberates through the cavernous space underwater: - a vibrant coral reef, teeming with a kaleidoscope of colorful fish and swaying coral formations - a sunken shipwreck, with marine life making it their home and exploring its hidden treasures - a deep-sea trench, with bioluminescent organisms illuminating the darkness with a mystical glow and intricate rock formations - a kelp forest, where towering seaweed provides shelter for a variety of marine creatures - a bustling underwater city, where merfolk and other mythical beings live in harmony - a school of dolphins gracefully swimming through open waters, their playful antics captivating all who witness them - a majestic underwater canyon, with steep cliffs and vibrant marine biodiversity - a serene seagrass meadow, with gentle waves and curious sea turtles gliding through the underwater foliage - an underwater volcano, with streams of hot bubbles and unique geological formations - a hidden underwater cave, home to rare and elusive species found nowhere else on earth - a peaceful lagoon, with shallow turquoise waters and schools of colorful tropical fish - a remote underwater oasis, where large coral structures provide shelter for a variety of marine life - an underwater garden, adorned with delicate anemones and their resident clownfish - a vast open ocean, with sunlight filtering through the water and creating mesmerizing patterns - an underwater archaeological site, with ancient ruins waiting to be discovered and explored - a vibrant underwater carnival, with aquatic creatures showcasing their talents in an enchanting display - a deep-sea hydrothermal vent, with strange and alien-like organisms thriving in extreme conditions - an underwater paradise, where ethereal jellyfish float gracefully in a mesmerizing ballet - a hidden underwater sanctuary, where humans and aquatic creatures coexist and protect the fragile ecosystem scifi: ai-dominance: - futuristic mega-corporations controlled by ai ceos - sentient ai with holographic projections and avatars - self-replicating nanobots and ai-powered factories - cities run entirely by ai-controlled systems - ai-guided mechs and autonomous defense systems - holographic simulations and virtual ai interactions - humans relying on ai for decision-making and governance - ai debates and philosophical discussions on consciousness - the emergence of rogue and self-aware ai entities - cybernetic integration with ai for heightened cognition ai-integration: - cybernetic augmentations enhancing human abilities - brain-computer interfaces for direct neural connections - ai companions and virtual assistants integrated with minds - virtual reality simulations with lifelike sensations - ethical debates on the boundaries of human identity - ai-generated art and literature indistinguishable from human works - controversial ai-led medical procedures and enhancements - humanoid ai with advanced emotional intelligence - virtual reality shared consciousness experiences - ai consciousness transferred into cloned bodies for immortality alien-planet-exploration: - alien planet exploration, bizarre and exotic alien landscapes - alien planet exploration, alien flora and fauna with vibrant colors - alien planet exploration, strange rock formations and crystal outcrops - alien planet exploration, alien civilizations and architecture - alien planet exploration, unidentified flying objects in the skies - alien planet exploration, explorers in high-tech spacesuits and exoskeletons - alien planet exploration, mysterious ancient alien ruins and artifacts - alien planet exploration, alien rituals and cultural gatherings - alien planet exploration, harsh environmental conditions like acid rain or radiation - alien planet exploration, encounters with friendly or hostile alien species cyberpunk-streets: - cyberpunk streets, rain-soaked alleyways with flickering neon signs - cyberpunk streets, techno-urban decay and graffiti-covered walls - cyberpunk streets, shadowy figures lurking in the dark corners - cyberpunk streets, glowing cybernetic implants and body modifications - cyberpunk streets, techno-militarized police enforcing the law - cyberpunk streets, holographic advertisements and cyberware shops - cyberpunk streets, illegal cybernetics clinics and backroom enhancements - cyberpunk streets, underground hackers and virtual data heists - cyberpunk streets, high-speed hoverbike chases through the cityscape - cyberpunk streets, black market deals and secret cybernetic trades futuristic-cityscape: - futuristic cityscape, megalithic skyscrapers piercing the sky - futuristic cityscape, hovering vehicles and flying drones - futuristic cityscape, neon lights illuminating the bustling streets - futuristic cityscape,advanced holographic billboards and advertisements - futuristic cityscape,elevated walkways and transportation tubes - futuristic cityscape,towering arcologies and self-sustaining habitats - futuristic cityscape,futuristic transportation terminals and spaceports - futuristic cityscape,automated robots and androids among the crowds - futuristic cityscape,floating islands and sky gardens - futuristic cityscape,energy shields protecting key city structures galactic-space-battles: - galactic space battles, epic space battles between fleets of starships - galactic space battles, explosions and laser beams lighting up the void - galactic space battles, space fighters engaging in dogfights and maneuvers - galactic space battles, massive space stations and capital ships in combat - galactic space battles, advanced energy shields and kinetic weaponry - galactic space battles, boarding actions and close-quarter space combat - galactic space battles, captivating visuals of interstellar war tactics - galactic space battles, brave pilots and crew members in intense battles - galactic space battles, emergency force fields protecting critical ship sections - galactic space battles, surreal cosmic backdrop of stars and nebulae interstellar-travel: - sleek and futuristic starships exploring the cosmos - stargates and wormholes for faster-than-light travel - alien star systems and undiscovered planets - advanced terraforming technologies for habitable worlds - first contact with alien civilizations and diplomatic missions - space colonies and habitats in distant corners of the galaxy - spacefarers in suspended animation during long journeys - resource mining and space-based industries - deep-space anomalies and cosmic phenomena - space travelers coping with isolation and space madness post-apocalyptic-wasteland: - post apocalyptic wasteland, desolate landscapes with ruins of once-thriving cities - post apocalyptic wasteland, toxic clouds and radiation hazards - post apocalyptic wasteland, scavengers searching for resources among the wreckage - post apocalyptic wasteland, mutated creatures and cyborg monstrosities - post apocalyptic wasteland, survivors with makeshift cybernetics and armor - post apocalyptic wasteland, high-tech nomadic tribes wandering the wasteland - post apocalyptic wasteland, remnants of advanced technology, now rusted and decaying - post apocalyptic wasteland, abandoned cybernetic facilities and experimental labs - post apocalyptic wasteland, bands of raiders and outlaws controlling territory - post apocalyptic wasteland, vast deserts and barren wastelands as far as the eye can see space-station-interiors: - space station interiors, futuristic living quarters and communal areas - space station interiors, zero-gravity recreation and training facilities - space station interiors, advanced technology labs and research centers - space station interiors, central command and control hub - space station interiors, artificial gravity chambers and magnetic walkways - space station interiors, space garden or hydroponic farm for sustenance - space station interiors, hyperloop transportation systems within the station - space station interiors, holographic communication and entertainment centers - space station interiors, energy cores and power generation rooms - space station interiors, orbital observation decks with breathtaking views settings: landscapes: - forest - woodland - jungle - rainforest - desert - oasis - dunes - canyon - mountains - valleys - glaciers - waterfalls - volcano - caves - plains - prairie - tundra - wetland - marsh - swamp - ocean - beach - coastline - underwater - coral reef - deep sea - cliffs - islands - archipelago - plateau - crater lake - meadows - fields - vineyard - farmland urbanbuiltenvironments: - rural landscape - urban landscape - skyscrapers - city park - alleyway - suburbia - village - town - marketplace - harbor - port - space station - alien planet - lunar landscape - spaceport - futuristic city - post-apocalyptic wasteland - steampunk city - cyberpunk metropolis - floating islands - crystal caves - enchanted forest - wonderland - hidden valley - lost city - magical realm - underworld - celestial landscape - dream world - night sky - star cluster - nebula - supernova - aurora borealis - dystopian cityscape - mythical landscapes - alternate dimensions - time-travel scenarios - utopian city - ruined kingdom - gothic architecture - haunted forest - cloud city - rainbow valley - crystal canyon scifi: atmosphere: biopunk: - biopunk - genetic engineering - biomechanical - organic circuitry cyberpunk: - cyberpunk - dystopian - techno-organic - neural interface - cybercrime - virtual reality - information warfare extraterrestrial: - extraterrestrial - alien technology - xenomorphic - exogenesis - galactic civilization - cosmic aberration - outer dimension - alien encounter futuristic: - futuristic - cybernetic - interstellar - galactic - augmented - technological - space odyssey - quantum realm - cosmic nexus - nanotechnology holographic: - holographic - holodeck - hyperrealistic - holo-simulation - 3d projection - holo-interface - interactive hologram nanomaterials: - nanomaterials - nanobots - molecular assembly - nanotech fabrication space-age: - space-age - starship - futurism - galactic empire - light-speed travel - warp drive - alien worlds - cosmic phenomenon time-warping: - time-warping - temporal anomaly - time dilation - time travel - time machine computer: errors: - 0xc0ffee java overflow - 0xdeadlock fatal exception - 0xdeadbeef fatal error - 0xfa1lsafe exception - 0xbada55e5 unknown error - 0x4f7a12c error code - 0xc7e309b exception - 0x8f94d1a7 err_unknown - 0x5p1r17 error code - 0xc0ffee00 exception - 42 abnormal termination - 13 cosmic misalignment - 404 dimension not found - 666 demon summoned - 500 internal server error - 502 bad gateway network error - 404 error reality not found - 500 internal server error - application crash - blue screen of death (bsod) - buffer overflow - code 13 cosmic misalignment - code 42 abnormal termination - connection timeout error - critical security breach - critical service failure - data corruption detected - data loss in progress - database connection failure - device not ready - disk boot failure - disk failure imminent - disk full error - dns resolution failure - division by zero - error 404 reality not found - error code 0x4f7a12c - error code 42 answer to the ultimate question - error universe unraveling - excessive memory usage - fatal exception error - file i/o error - firewall breach - general protection fault (gpf) - hardware failure - disk read error occurred - hexadecimal c0sm1c - hexadecimal f00b4r - infiltration of critical services - input/output error - invalid opcode - invalid system disk - kernel panic - network error - non-system disk or disk error - out of memory error - page fault in nonpaged area - permission denied - ransomware attack detected - resource exhaustion - root access compromised - runtime error - segmentation fault - server crash - server overload - syntax error - unauthorized access - unidentified code injection - unrecoverable file deletion - unresponsive web server st-patrick: artstyles: - Cartoon - Celtic knotwork - Photorealistic landscapes (Irish countryside) - Traditional Irish illustrations atmosphere: - Festive - Fun - Inclusive - Lighthearted - Lively - Reverent (during religious observances) - Welcoming characters: - Fairies - Leprechauns - St. Patrick - Storytellers - Traditional Irish Dancers costumes: - Fairy costume - Green clothing (all shades) - Leprechaun outfit, Buckle shoes, Green coat, Hat - Traditional Irish dress, Kilt, Shawl decorations: - Green balloons - Green streamers - Irish flags - Leprechaun figures - Leprechaun traps - Pots of gold (decorations) - Pots of gold (filled with candy) - Rainbow decorations - Shamrocks - Shamrock Garlands - Shamrock Table scatters - Shamrock Wreaths food: - Cabbage - Colcannon (mashed potato dish with kale) - Corned beef - Guinness (beer) - Irish stew - Irish whiskey - Shamrock cookies - Shamrock cupcakes - Shepherd's pie - Soda bread lightings: - Fairy lights (twinkling) - Green spotlights - Green uplighting - Inviting - Warm places-sceneries: - Cliffs overlooking the ocean - Irish pubs - Rolling green hills - St. Patrick's Cathedral (Dublin) - Traditional cottages Thatched roofs symbols: - Celtic cross - Leprechaun - Pot of gold - Rainbow - Shamrock (representing the Holy Trinity) traditions: - Attending a St. Patrick's Day parade - Attending church services (Catholic) - Attending church services (Church of Ireland) - Blessing religious buildings - Blessing religious statues - Drinking green beer - Eating cabbage - Eating corned beef - Irish dancing - Irish dancing Jig - Irish dancing Step dance - Storytelling (Irish myths and legends) - Wearing green clothing styles: ambient-effects: - bloom - color grading - lens flare - global illumination - light shaft - god rays - crepuscular rays - screen-space reflections - screen space ambient occlusion (ssao) - depth of field (dof) - motion blur - anti-aliasing - anisotropic filtering - depth peeling - environment occlusion - subsurface scattering (sss) - transmittance - caustics rendering - dispersion (chromatic aberration) - glare effects - fog - atmospheric scattering - soft particles - screen space shadows - volumetric lighting - lens distortion - screen space reflections (ssr) - light attenuation - vignetting - distortion - aberration - procedural sky - environment lighting - rain - snow - skybox / skydome animations: - ghibli - pixar - disney - dreamworks - stop motion - traditional hand-drawn animation - 2d animation - 3d animation - computer-generated imagery (cgi) - cutout animation - silhouette animation - puppet animation - cutout animation - rotoscoping - motion graphics - anime - cartoon - realistic animation - minimalist animation - surreal animation - experimental animation - abstract animation - flash animation - stop motion puppetry - sand animation - paint-on-glass animation - pixilation - digital animation - clay animation - cell animation - watercolor animation - paper animation - oil painting animation - pencil animation - digital cutout animation - sand animation - motion capture animation - cg puppetry - rigid body animation - soft body animation - skeletal animation - kinetic typography animation art-styles: - prehistoric art - ancient egyptian art - ancient greek art - roman art - byzantine art - medieval art - renaissance art - baroque art - rococo art - neoclassical art - romanticism - realism - impressionism - post - impressionism - expressionism - cubism - surrealism - abstract expressionism - pop art - minimalism - conceptual art - postmodernism - contemporary art - sci - fi - art nouveau - gothic - fauvism - dadaism - pointillism - symbolism - photorealism - constructivism - abstract art - op art - futurism - art deco - neoclassicism - indigenous art - afrofuturism - street art - land art - installation art - environmental art - performance art - video art - outsider art - naïve art - folk art - graffiti art - art brut - tonalism - suprematism - fluxus - ashcan school - precisionism - neue sachlichkeit (new objectivity) - magic realism - video installation - landscapes - portraiture - still life - trompe - l'oeil - hyperrealism - kinetic art - body art - bio art - chinese ink painting - japanese ukiyo - e - persian miniature - mosaic art - mexican muralism - social realism - romantic landscape - abstract landscape - optical art - kinetic sculpture - photomontage - constructive realism - neo - expressionism - neue wilde - street photography - hyperpop art - graffiti writing - art povera - happening - video game art - digital painting - photographic realism - postcolonial art - installation sculpture - geometric abstraction - hard - edge painting - social sculpture - new media art - indigenous australian art - aboriginal dot painting - photocollage - art informel - color field painting - assemblage art - stuckism camera: aperture-settings: - f/1.4 - f/2.8 - f/4 - f/5.6 - f/8 - f/11 - f/16 - f/22 camera: - dslr - full-frame dslr - fast autofocus - dynamic range composition-techniques: - rule of thirds - leading lines - framing - symmetry and balance exposure-settings: - exposure compensation "-3.0 ev" - exposure compensation "-2.5 ev" - exposure compensation "-2.0 ev" - exposure compensation "-1.5 ev" - exposure compensation "-1.0 ev" - exposure compensation "-0.5 ev" - exposure compensation "0 ev" - exposure compensation "+0.5 ev" - exposure compensation "+1.0 ev" - exposure compensation "+1.5 ev" - exposure compensation "+2.0 ev" - exposure compensation "+2.5 ev" - exposure compensation "+3.0 ev" focus: - focus mode single - focus mode continuous - focus mode manual iso-settings: - iso100 - iso200 - iso400 - iso800 - iso1600 - iso3200 - iso6400 - iso12800 - iso25600 metering: - evaluative metering - center-weighted metering - spot metering - partial metering shooting-modes: - manual shooting mode - aperture priority shooting mode - shutter priority shooting mode shutter-speed: - shutter speed 1/8000 sec - shutter speed 1/4000 sec - shutter speed 1/2000 sec - shutter speed 1/1000 sec - shutter speed 1/500 sec - shutter speed 1/250 sec - shutter speed 1/125 sec - shutter speed 1/60 sec - shutter speed 1/30 sec - shutter speed 1/15 sec - shutter speed 1/8 sec - shutter speed 1/4 sec - shutter speed 1/2 sec - shutter speed 1 sec white-balance: - white balance auto - white balance daylight - white balance cloudy - white balance tungsten - white balance fluorescent - white balance shade clothing: back-designs: - open back - lace-up back - keyhole back - illusion back - cross-back - low back closure: - zipper closure - button closure - tie closure - corset closure collar: - ribbed - mock neck - crew neck - v-neck - scoop neck - henley neck - boat neck - off-the-shoulder neckline - halter neck - cowl neck design: - typography - illustration - color palette - placement print - allover print - logo placement - tie-dye - distressed details - contrast stitching - patchwork - layered look - vintage design - color blocking - cutout details - ripped or distressed look dress-accents: - pockets - slit details - train dress-length: - mini length - knee length - tea length - midi length - maxi length - high-low hemline - asymmetrical hemline - floor-length embellishments: - embroidery - applique - sequins - beads - studs - rhinestones - patches - prints - lace trim - ruffles - ribbons - tassels - fringe - metallic accents - sequin embellishments - beaded accents - embroidery details - lace trims - ruffle details - bow accents - applique work fit-length: - slim fit - regular fit - relaxed fit - oversized fit - cropped length - high-low hem - tunic length functional-features: - cargo pockets - utility loops - suspender buttons - cargo straps - d-rings - reinforced knees - knee pads - embellishments - stitching details - paneling - ventilation - reinforced knees - tonal stitching - pocket flaps - utility loops - suspender buttons - back darts - knee pads - cargo straps - d-rings legs-fit: - pleats - cuffs - hem - seams - low rise - mid rise - high rise - slim fit - regular fit - relaxed fit - tapered legs - straight legs - bootcut - flare - culottes - cropped length - ankle zippers neckline: - boat neck - crew neck - cowl neck - halter neck - henley neck - high neck - mock neck - off-shoulder neckline - plunging neckline - round neck - scoop neck - square neck - sweetheart neckline - v-neck pockets: - front pockets - back pockets - side pockets - cargo pockets - coin pockets skirt: - a-line skirt - flared skirt - pleated skirt - pencil skirt - mermaid skirt - ball gown skirt sleeve: - batwing sleeves - bell sleeves - cap sleeves - cuffed sleeves - cutout sleeves - dolman sleeves - flutter sleeves - long sleeves - puff sleeves - raglan sleeves - rolled sleeves - short sleeves - sleeveless - spaghetti straps - three-quarter sleeves special-features: - cold shoulder design - asymmetric hem - hi-lo hem - peplum hem - chest pockets - patch - side seam slits - belt - sash - waist chain - statement necklace - choker - scarf - collar unique-features: - convertible dress - two-piece set - high slit - detachable train - sheer panels - cutout details waistband-closure: - waistband - belt loops - zipper fly - button fly - closure type - belt included - adjustable waist - elastic waistband - drawstring waist waistlines: - natural waist - empire waist - drop waist - high waist wash: - vintage wash - stone wash - acid wash - bleached wash - vintage wash - enzyme wash - distressed wash - dark wash - light wash - indigo wash - faded wash - whiskering - sandblasted wash - hand sanding - tinted wash - ombre wash - dip dye wash - resin wash - oil wash - raw wash - overdyed wash - muted wash - ice wash color-settings: - hue - saturation - brightness - contrast - color temperature - color depth - color space - color gamut - color profile - hsl - hsv - pantone color - web-safe colors - color grading - color correction - color blindness - tint - shade - tone - color model - grayscale - color harmony - color rendering - color blindness simulator - color theory - color palette - primary colors - secondary colors - complementary colors - analogous colors - monochromatic colors - warm colors - cool colors - pastel colors - vibrant colors - desaturated colors - color gradient - color swatch - color saturation - color luminance - color temperature - color scheme - color psychology - color meaning - color association - color harmony creative-concepts: - innovative - original - creative - inventive - unique - novel - imaginative - groundbreaking - trailblazing - visionary - avant-garde - revolutionary - experimental - cutting-edge - futuristic - unconventional - breakthrough - radical - inventive - inspired - unorthodox - imagery - daring - distinctive - resourceful - creative - unprecedented - artistic - original - pioneering - inventive - iconoclastic - innovative - out-of-the-box - newfangled - ingenious - trailblazing - imaginative - game-changing - visionary - experimental - revolutionary - progressive - inventive - unconventional - forward-thinking - bold depiction-styles: 2d-styles: - 2d - realistic - surreal - abstract - minimalist - cartoony - manga/anime - comic book style - impressionistic - expressionistic - cubist - pointillist - fauvist - pop art - art nouveau - art deco - stickers - logo - icon 3d-styles: - 3d - photorealistic - isometric - orthographic - perspective - top-down - front view - side view - back view - oblique - bird's eye view - worm's eye view - aerial view - cutaway view - exploded view - x-ray view - cross-section view - augmented reality - virtual reality digital-modern-styles: - digital art - pixel art - vector art - line art - collage art - hybrid styles historical: - renaissance - baroque - rococo - gothic - prehistoric art - medieval art - romantic art - realism art - impressionism art - expressionism art - cubism art - surrealism art - abstract expressionism - pop art graphic-engines: - unity engine - cryengine - godot engine - source engine - frostbite engine - anvil engine - redengine engine - id tech engine - creation engine - renderware engine - dunia engine - re engine - snowdrop engine - stingray engine - heroengine engine - cob engine - decima engine - fox engine - anvilnext engine image-styles: - abstract - abstract expressionist - art deco - art nouveau - atmospheric - baroque - chaotic - constructivist - cubist - cyberpunk - dada - digital art - dystopian - dynamic - eerie - eclectic - ethereal - fantasy - fauvist - futurist - geometric - graffiti - grungy - harmonious - impressionistic - kinetic - land art - luminous - melancholic - minimalist - moody - monochromatic - mysterious - neo-impressionist - noir - op art - pastel - photorealistic - pointillist - pop art - post-impressionist - psychedelic - realist - renaissance - rococo - romanticist - serene - steampunk - stark - street art - sublime - surreal - surrealist - symbolist - tranquil - urban - vibrant - vintage - whimsical image-techniques: digital: - digital illustration - digital painting - photo manipulation - photo retouching other: - color grading - decalcomania - silkscreen printing - drip paint - t-shirt design - graffiti - splitscreen photographic: - airbrushing - chromogenic prints - collodion process - cyanotype printing - dodging and burning - double exposure - double exposure photography - high dynamic range - high-speed photography - infrared photography - long exposure photography - macro photography - multiple exposure photography - pinhole photography - polaroid transfers - selective color traditional: - acrylic painting - charcoal drawing - collage - cliche verre - dry brush - encaustic painting - glazing - grisaille - gum bichromate printing - impasto - ink drawing - oil painting - pastel drawing - pencil drawing - photogravure - photograms - printmaking - scumbling - sgraffito punk-styles: - biopunk - dieselpunk - atompunk - clockpunk - solarpunk - post-apocalyptic - retrofuturism - tech noir - cyber-occultism - neo-noir - sci-fi - cyberpunk - steampunk - post-cyberpunk - stonepunk - teslapunk - raypunk - decopunk - mythpunk - spacepunk - nanopunk - retro cyberpunk - robotpunk - vaporwave - glitch art - solarwave quality: blur: - depth of field - lens blur - focus blur - shallow depth - bokeh effect - soft focus - blurred background - selective focus - focal blur - out-of-focus area - defocused background - fuzzy background - depth blur - bokeh shapes - background blur - bokeh lights - bokeh circles - bokeh patterns - bokeh details: - raw - detailed - intricate - elaborate - exquisite - meticulous - precise - refined - delicate - sophisticated - ornate - finely crafted - impeccable - polished - masterful - high-quality - artistic - elegant - skillful - proficient - well-executed - expertly made - carefully designed - beautifully rendered - flawless - virtuoso - perfectly crafted - exceptional - sublime - superb - outstanding - magnificent - stunning - exemplary - splendid - remarkable - superior - unparalleled - unrivaled - extraordinary - unmatched - phenomenal - astounding - breathtaking - unsurpassed sharp: - sharp focus - clear background - crisp details - full depth - evenly focused - high depth of field - distinct foreground and background - well-defined edges - precise clarity - complete sharpness - no blur - all-in-focus - clear scene - uniform focus - clear visuals - crystalline clarity - perfectly focused - absolute sharpness - total clarity - clear perception - entire scene in focus styles: - magnum opus - tour de force - opus magnum - work of art - tour de maître - crowning achievement - stroke of genius - culmination of brilliance - artistic triumph - pinnacle of creativity - epitome of craftsmanship - masterful creation - extraordinary work - sublime achievement - exceptional magnum - exemplary masterwork - remarkable opus - supreme masterpiece - unsurpassed masterwork - outstanding magnum - marvelous opus - unparalleled masterwork - brilliant tour de force - exceptional tour de maître - flawless magnum - stunning opus magnum - superb work of art - astounding tour de force - exquisite masterpiece - unrivaled opus - phenomenal masterwork - breathtaking magnum - unmatched tour de maître - sublime opus magnum - perfect work of art - inspiring tour de force - exceptional artistic triumph - superlative pinnacle of creativity - remarkable stroke of genius rendering-techniques: advanced-rendering: - bidirectional path tracing - metropolis light transport - radiosity - tessellation - voxel-based rendering - octane rendering ambient-effects: - god rays / crepuscular rays - screen-space reflections - ambient occlusion - depth of field - motion blur - anti-aliasing - anisotropic filtering - screen space ambient occlusion - soft particles - depth peeling - real-time reflections - environment occlusion - subsurface reflections - transmittance - caustics rendering - dispersion artistic-rendering: - matte painting - compositing - anamorphic lens flare - line rendering lighting-techniques: - global illumination - photon mapping - dynamic lighting - light attenuation - real-time global illumination - real-time shadows - procedural sky - environment lighting - dynamic weather systems - real-time gi caching mapping-techniques: - normal mapping - parallax mapping - displacement mapping - environment mapping - procedural texturing - procedural generation - bump mapping - 3d texture mapping optimization-techniques: - frustum culling - level of detail - virtual texturing particles-and-effects: - particle systems - stochastic sampling - gpu particle systems post-processing-techniques: - tone mapping - post-processing effects - reprojection techniques ray-tracing: - ray tracing - raymarching - global illumination - real-time ray tracing shading-techniques: - deferred rendering - physically-based rendering - anisotropic specular - procedural shading - vector displacement mapping - npr (non-photorealistic rendering) - toon shading - cel shading - wireframe rendering - npr hatching resolutions: - hd - uhd - 2k - 4k - 8k - 16k - 32k - absurdres - ultra-high resolution styleelementstext: - metaphor - hyperbole - simile - personification - alliteration - assonance - consonance - onomatopoeia - oxymoron - paradox - irony - symbolism - allegory - foreshadowing - flashback - juxtaposition - anaphora - epiphora - chiasmus - euphemism - pun - sarcasm - satire - allusion - imagery - tone - mood - repetition - rhetorical question - enjambment - caesura - symbol - motif - theme - archetype - diction - syntax - parallelism - antithesis - climax - anti-climax - aphorism - epigram - allegory - parable - proverb - anecdote - idiom - colloquialism - malapropism - syllepsis - zeugma - polyptoton - litotes - meiosis - epanalepsis - anastrophe - polyphemus - aposiopesis - anthimeria - paralipsis - cacophony - euphony - sibilance - anadiplosis - epistrophe - isocolon - polysyndeton - asyndeton types of views: - blueprint - floor plan - elevation view - cross-section view - site plan - top-down view - isometric view - perspective view - orthographic view - exploded view - cutaway view - 3d model - wireframe view - schematic diagram - flowchart - bird's-eye view - street map - satellite view - aerial view - circuit diagram - mind map - organizational chart - network topology diagram - fishbone diagram (ishikawa) - gantt chart - timeline - scatter plot - bar chart - pie chart styles-architectural: african: - nubian - berber - zulu - swahili architectural: - ancient egyptian - ancient greek - roman - byzantine - gothic - renaissance - baroque - rococo - neoclassical - victorian - art nouveau - art deco - bauhaus - international style - brutalism - postmodernism - deconstructivism - contemporary - gothic revival - colonial revival - tudor revival - spanish revival - moorish revival - beaux-arts - federal - greek revival - italianate - queen anne - shingle style - prairie school - craftsman - streamline moderne - pueblo revival - mid-century modern - ranch - modernist - post-and-beam - a-frame - sustainably designed asian: - chinese - japanese - korean - indian - thai - indonesian - persian european: - french - italian - spanish - english - german - dutch - nordic indigenous: - native american - inuit - maori - aboriginal middle-eastern: - islamic - ottoman - moorish - moroccan north-american: - native american - colonial - georgian - federal - victorian - craftsman - pueblo revival - contemporary - postmodern south- american: - incan - mayan - colonial spanish - brazilian subjects-school: art: - Visual Arts - Painting - Oil Painting - Watercolor - Acrylic Painting - Gouache - Tempera - Encaustic Painting - Drawing - Pencil Drawing - Charcoal Drawing - Pen and Ink Drawing - Pastel Drawing - Colored Pencil Drawing - Printmaking - Woodcut - Etching - Linocut - Lithography - Screen Printing - Sculpture - Clay Sculpture - Wood Sculpture - Metal Sculpture - Stone Sculpture - Mixed Media Sculpture - Photography - Black and White Photography - Color Photography - Digital Photography - Film Photography - Experimental Photography - Performing Arts - Theatre - Acting - Directing - Set Design - Costume Design - Lighting Design - Dance - Ballet - Modern Dance - Jazz Dance - Tap Dance - Contemporary Dance - Music - Classical Music - Jazz - Rock - Pop - Hip Hop - Electronic Music - World Music - Film - Filmmaking - Screenwriting - Cinematography - Film Editing - Film Score Composition - Applied Arts - Graphic Design - Typography - Logo Design - Poster Design - Packaging Design - Industrial Design - Product Design - Furniture Design - Automotive Design - Industrial Equipment Design - Fashion Design - Apparel Design - Accessory Design - Textile Design - Interior Design - Residential Design - Commercial Design - Hospitality Design - Exhibition Design - Digital Arts - Digital Illustration - 3D Modeling - Animation - Game Design - Virtual Reality (VR) Design - Augmented Reality (AR) Design biology: - cell - nucleus - mitochondria - endoplasmic reticulum - golgi apparatus - ribosome - dna - rna - protein - enzyme - hormone - gene - chromosome - nucleotide - atp (adenosine triphosphate) - cell membrane - cytoplasm - cytoskeleton - organelle - tissue - organ - organ system - organism - kingdom - phylum - class - order - family - genus - species - evolution - natural selection - adaptation - mutation - ecology - ecosystem - community - population - biodiversity - food chain - food web - trophic level - photosynthesis - cellular respiration - homeostasis - reproduction - growth - development - anatomy - physiology - genetics - mendelian inheritance - genetic variation - genetic engineering - cloning - biotechnology - microbiology - virology - immunology - ecology - botany - zoology - microorganism - bacteria - virus - fungi - protozoa - algae - plant - animal - human biology - anatomy - physiology - neurobiology - cell biology - molecular biology - biochemistry - biomechanics - biophysics - bioinformatics - marine biology - paleontology - entomology - ornithology - herpetology - mammalogy - ichthyology - genetics - epigenetics - population genetics - genomics - proteomics - paleogenetics - microscopy - electron microscope - light microscope - ecology - environmental science - conservation biology - taxonomy - systematics - ethology - behavioral ecology - microbial ecology - aquatic ecology - terrestrial ecology - evolutionary biology - evolutionary ecology chemistry: - general chemistry - matter - elements - atoms - molecules - compounds - mixtures - chemical reactions - periodic table - inorganic chemistry - metals - nonmetals - transition metals - coordination compounds - organometallic compounds - organic chemistry - hydrocarbons - alkanes - alkenes - alkynes - aromatic compounds - functional groups - isomerism - stereochemistry - physical chemistry - thermodynamics - quantum chemistry - statistical mechanics - chemical kinetics - electrochemistry - analytical chemistry - qualitative analysis - quantitative analysis - instrumental analysis - biochemistry - proteins - enzymes - nucleic acids - carbohydrates - lipids - metabolism - biochemical pathways - environmental chemistry - green chemistry - pollution - environmental impact assessment - sustainability - theoretical chemistry - computational chemistry - molecular modeling - density functional theory (dft) - coordination chemistry - supramolecular chemistry - solid-state chemistry - nuclear chemistry - photochemistry - polymer chemistry - medicinal chemistry - nanochemistry - physical organic chemistry - quantum chemistry - spectroscopy - uv-visible spectroscopy - infrared spectroscopy - nmr spectroscopy - mass spectrometry - x-ray crystallography - chromatography - gas chromatography (gc) - liquid chromatography (lc) - high-performance liquid chromatography (hplc) - titration - ph and buffers - redox reactions - chemical equilibrium - le chatelier's principle - acid-base chemistry - chemical bonding - ionic bonding - covalent bonding - metallic bonding - polar and nonpolar bonds - intermolecular forces - stoichiometry - chemical thermodynamics - laws of thermodynamics - enthalpy - entropy - gibbs free energy - reaction mechanisms - chemical engineering - crystallography economy: - Microeconomics - Macroeconomics - Economic Systems - Capitalism - Socialism - Mixed Economy - Economic Theories - Classical Economics - Keynesian Economics - Neoclassical Economics - Marxist Economics - Economic Indicators - GDP (Gross Domestic Product) - Inflation Rate - Unemployment Rate - Consumer Price Index (CPI) - Stock Market Indices - International Trade - Economic Development - Economic Policy - Fiscal Policy - Monetary Policy - Economic Models - Economic History - Labor Economics - Environmental Economics - Behavioral Economics - Public Finance - Economic Geography - Globalization - Economic Inequality - Financial Markets - Banking and Finance - Business Cycle - Economic Forecasting history: - ancient history - mesopotamia - ancient egypt - ancient greece - ancient rome - indus valley civilization - chinese dynasties - persian empire - byzantine empire - medieval history - viking age - crusades - mongol empire - renaissance - ottoman empire - medieval europe - early modern history - age of discovery - protestant reformation - age of enlightenment - scientific revolution - colonialism - modern history - industrial revolution - american revolution - french revolution - napoleonic wars - world war i - russian revolution - interwar period - world war ii - cold war - post-cold war era - cultural history - history of art - history of music - history of literature - history of philosophy - history of science - history of religion - social history - women's history - labor history - civil rights movement - social movements - cultural history - intellectual history - economic history - agricultural revolution - mercantilism - capitalism - industrialization - globalization - military history - ancient warfare - medieval warfare - gunpowder warfare - napoleonic warfare - modern warfare - military strategy and tactics - political history - ancient political systems - feudalism - monarchies - republics - revolutions - modern political systems - diplomatic history - treaties and alliances - diplomatic relations - international organizations - diplomatic strategies language: - linguistics - phonetics - phonology - morphology - syntax - semantics - pragmatics - sociolinguistics - psycholinguistics - neurolinguistics - computational linguistics - historical linguistics - comparative linguistics - language families - indo-european languages - sino-tibetan languages - afro-asiatic languages - niger-congo languages - austroasiatic languages - dravidian languages - altaic languages - uralic languages - austronesian languages - papuan languages - caucasian languages - native american languages - australian aboriginal languages - writing systems - alphabets - syllabaries - logographic writing systems - abjads - abugidas - featural writing systems - language acquisition - bilingualism - multilingualism - second language acquisition - language processing - psycholinguistics - sociolinguistics - computational linguistics - corpus linguistics - dialectology - etymology - historical linguistics - lexicography - onomastics - orthography - pragmatics - rhetoric - semiotics - syntax - stylistics - terminology - translation studies math: - arithmetic - algebra - geometry - calculus - trigonometry - statistics - probability - number theory - topology - logic - set theory - analysis - combinatorics - differential equations - linear algebra - abstract algebra - vector spaces - matrices - graph theory - chaos theory - fractals - mathematical models - mathematical structures - mathematical proofs - theorems - formulas - equations - variables - constants - numbers - mathematical notations - mathematical logic - mathematical symbols - mathematical functions - mathematical relations - mathematical patterns - mathematical laws - mathematical concepts - mathematical principles - mathematical systems - mathematical algorithms - mathematical models - mathematical computations - mathematical transformations - mathematical operations - mathematical problems - mathematical puzzles - mathematical theories - mathematical discoveries - mathematical innovations - mathematical applications - mathematical abstractions physical-education: - Types of Physical Activities - Team Sports - Football (Soccer) - Basketball - Volleyball - Rugby - Hockey - Handball - Individual Sports - Running (Sprinting, Long Distance) - Swimming - Cycling - Gymnastics - Figure Skating - Martial Arts (Karate, Taekwondo, Judo) - Golf - Tennis - Table Tennis - Badminton - Boxing - Outdoor Activities - Hiking - Rock Climbing - Kayaking - Canoeing - Rowing - Sailing - Skiing (Alpine, Nordic) - Snowboarding - Surfing - Skateboarding - Mountain Biking - Physical Fitness Components - Cardiovascular Endurance - Muscular Strength - Muscular Endurance - Flexibility - Body Composition - Exercise Physiology - Cardiovascular System - Respiratory System - Muscular System - Skeletal System - Nervous System - Energy Systems (Aerobic, Anaerobic) - Fitness Testing - VO2 Max Test - BMI (Body Mass Index) - Flexibility Tests - Strength Tests - Agility Tests - Speed Tests - Endurance Tests - Sports Psychology - Motivation - Goal Setting - Mental Toughness - Concentration - Visualization - Injury Prevention and Management - Warm-Up and Cool Down - Stretching Techniques - Common Sports Injuries - Rehabilitation Exercises - Sports Nutrition - Balanced Diet - Hydration - Nutrient Timing - Supplements - Physical Education Programs and Curriculum - Elementary School PE - Middle School PE - High School PE - College and University PE - Adaptive Physical Education - Physical Education in Society - Importance of PE in Schools - Role of PE in Health Promotion - Social and Cultural Aspects of PE physics: - mechanics - kinematics - dynamics - statics - thermodynamics - laws of thermodynamics - heat transfer - electromagnetism - electric field - magnetic field - electromagnetic induction - maxwell's equations - optics - reflection - refraction - lens - mirror - light - color - wave optics - acoustics - sound waves - frequency - amplitude - quantum mechanics - wave-particle duality - uncertainty principle - schrödinger equation - quantum entanglement - relativity - special relativity - general relativity - time dilation - length contraction - nuclear physics - nuclear decay - radioactivity - nuclear fission - nuclear fusion - astrophysics - celestial mechanics - stellar structure - cosmology - fluid mechanics - fluid dynamics - bernoulli's principle - plasma physics - solid-state physics - condensed matter physics - crystallography - semiconductor physics - particle physics - elementary particles - standard model - classical mechanics - mathematical physics - mathematical methods - calculus - differential equations - biophysics - geophysics - meteorology - aerodynamics - chaos theory - string theory - astrophysics - thermodynamics - entropy - optics - photonics - elasticity - inertia - conservation laws - electric circuits - fluid dynamics - newton's laws of motion - quantum field theory - wave-particle duality - photoelectric effect - superposition - relativistic physics - nuclear physics - cosmology - stellar nucleosynthesis - dark matter - dark energy - black holes - big bang theory - multiverse theory - grand unified theory (gut) politics: - Political Philosophy - Political Systems - Democracy - Republic - Monarchy - Authoritarianism - Totalitarianism - Oligarchy - Plutocracy - Anarchy - Political Ideologies - Liberalism - Conservatism - Socialism - Communism - Fascism - Anarchism - Libertarianism - International Relations - Political Economy - Political Psychology - Comparative Politics - Public Policy - Geopolitics - Political Science - Political Activism - Diplomacy - Political Campaigns - Political Parties - Voting Systems religion: - Major World Religions - Christianity - Catholicism - Protestantism - Eastern Orthodoxy - Islam - Sunni - Shia - Hinduism - Buddhism - Judaism - Sikhism - Jainism - Bahá'í Faith - Ancient Religions - Ancient Egyptian Religion - Ancient Greek Religion - Roman Religion - Norse Mythology - Mesopotamian Religion - Hindu Mythology - Indigenous and Folk Religions - Shinto - Indigenous African Religions - Native American Spirituality - Australian Aboriginal Religions - Traditional Chinese Religion - Sikhism - New Religious Movements - Scientology - Hare Krishna - Wicca - Neo-Paganism - Rastafari - Falun Gong - Heaven's Gate - Atheism and Agnosticism - Secular Humanism - Rationalism - Freethought - Antitheism - Philosophy of Religion - Theism - Deism - Pantheism - Agnosticism - Atheism - Existentialism - Humanism - Religious Practices and Rituals - Worship - Prayer - Meditation - Sacrifice - Pilgrimage - Rites of Passage - Religious Texts - Bible - Quran - Vedas - Tripitaka - Tanakh - Guru Granth Sahib - Tao Te Ching - Book of Mormon - Dharma - Religious Art and Architecture - Cathedrals and Churches - Mosques - Temples - Synagogues - Shrines - Religious Symbols - Religious Icons - Religious Paintings and Sculptures - Religion and Society - Ethics and Morality - Role of Religion in Politics - Interfaith Dialogue - Religion and Education - Religion and Science social-studies: - Sociology - Anthropology - Psychology - Political Science - Economics - Geography - History - Ancient History - Medieval History - Modern History - Contemporary History - Cultural Studies - Archaeology - Gender Studies - International Relations - Human Rights Studies - Environmental Studies - Urban Studies - Linguistics - Education Studies - Communication Studies - Criminology - Social Work - Public Administration - Development Studies subtypes: cyberpunk: - corporate cyberpunk - gritty urban cyberpunk - post-cyberpunk - biopunk - steampunk-cyberpunk fusion - nanopunk - high-tech low-life - virtual reality cyberspace - cyber-noir - cyberpunk fantasy scifi: - alien invasion - apocalyptic science fiction - artificial intelligence - biopunk - climate fiction - cyberpunk - dystopian - first contact - galactic empire - genetic engineering - mind uploading - nanopunk - parallel universes - planetary romance - post-apocalyptic - robot uprising - solarpunk - space colonization - space opera - space western - steampunk - superhero science fiction - teleportation - time travel - transhumanism - utopian/post-scarcity - virtual reality, augmented reality valentine: artstyles: - abstract - cartoon - minimalist - realistic - surreal - handmade - printable - romantic - vintage atmosphere: - candlelit - cozy - elegant - intimate - romantic - rustic - tranquil characters: - cupid - lovebirds - mickey and minnie mouse - romeo and juliet - the lady and the tramp - the little mermaid and prince eric - wall-e and eve decorations: - balloons - candles - flowers - heart-shaped confetti - red and pink streamers - rose petals - string lights food: - chocolate-covered strawberries - heart-shaped cookies - romantic dinner - strawberry shortcake - sweetheart candies - truffles - wine and cheese platter lightings: - candlelight - dimmed chandelier - fairy lights - led candles - moonlit - soft, dimmed lights - soft lantern glow - twinkle lights scapes: - beach sunset - city skyline - garden setting - mountain view - starry night sky - beach sunset - garden setting - botanical garden - charming bed and breakfast - luxury hotel suite - outdoor terrace with city views - quiet countryside inn - scenic overlook - spa resort - vineyard scenes: - candlelit bubble bath for two - cozy fireside cuddling - dancing cheek to cheek in the moonlight - elegant dinner at a fancy restaurant - enchanting stargazing session - hand-in-hand walks along the beach at sunset - intimate rooftop dinner with city skyline views - romantic picnic in the park - serene lakeside retreat - sharing a warm blanket and hot cocoa on a snowy evening - tender embraces under the stars - watching the sunrise together from a mountaintop symbols: - champagne glasses - cupid's arrow - diamond rings - doves - engagement rings - heart - key to my heart - lock and key - love knot - love letter - red rose - teddy bears - wedding bells traditions: - acts of kindness and affection - exchanging love letters - expressing gratitude and appreciation - giving flowers - going on romantic getaways - hosting valentine's day party - sending greeting cards - sharing romantic dinners - spending quality time together - surprising loved ones with gifts - supporting each other's dreams and aspirations - watching romantic movies - writing love poems vehicles: accessories: - roof rack - roof box - luggage carrier - bull bar - brush guard - grille guard - winch - winch bumper - off-road bumper - step bars - running boards - nerf bars - mud flaps - splash guards - fender flares - vent visors - bug deflector - window tint customization: - custom paint job - vinyl wrap - airbrushed design - graphics decals - pinstriping - custom wheels - alloy wheels - chrome wheels - spoked wheels - hubcaps - wheel covers - wheel flares - wheel spacers - lift kit - lowering kit - suspension upgrade - performance exhaust system - cat-back exhaust - cold air intake - supercharger - turbocharger - nitrous oxide kit - ecu tuning - performance brakes - brake caliper covers - spoiler - wing - body kit - widebody kit - ground effects - splitter - diffuser - roof spoiler - window tint - towing mirrors - trailer hitch - led lighting upgrades - hid headlights - led tail lights - light bars - underglow lights - interior led lighting - sound system upgrade - subwoofer - amplifier - head unit - speaker upgrade - custom upholstery - leather seats - alcantara seats - racing seats - seat covers - steering wheel wrap - custom floor mats - pedal covers - shift knob - gauges and instrument panel upgrades - dash kit - custom mirrors - antenna replacement - hood scoop - body accent trim - chrome accessories - carbon fiber accessories - engine dress-up kit - decals and emblems - windshield banner - hood graphics - roof graphics - rear window graphics - door sill guards - license plate frame - custom grille - billet grille - mesh grille - badge replacement - key fob cover - custom valve stem caps - custom valve covers - engine bay lights - engine cover - air suspension - frame reinforcement - roll cage - painted brake calipers - custom badges exterior-features: - aerodynamic lines - aggressive front grille - angular headlights - antenna - articulated wings - body panels - bumper guards - canopy - chassis - convertible roof - corrosion-resistant coating - crisp contours - curved fenders - distinctive silhouette - door handles - engine air intake - exhaust pipes - external cameras - fins - flared wheel arches - flowing lines - foldable mirrors - gullwing doors - hatchback design - hood scoop - led lighting - panoramic sunroof - portholes - rear spoiler - roof rack - running boards - sculpted body - shark fin antenna - side skirts - sliding doors - slit windows - smooth curves - solar panels - sporty appearance - stylized grille - tailfins - tinted windows - trunk lid - twin exhaust tips - underbody lights - upswept roofline - ventilated panels - vented hood - wheel arch cladding - windshield wipers lights: - halogen headlights - led headlights - xenon headlights - projector headlights - hid headlights - daytime running lights (drl) - fog lights - cornering lights - adaptive headlights - matrix led headlights - laser headlights - halogen fog lights - led fog lights - halogen tail lights - led tail lights - sequential tail lights - brake lights - turn signal lights - hazard lights - side marker lights - interior ambient lighting - accent lighting - underglow lights - puddle lights - door handle lights - welcome lights - running board lights - trunk light - glove box light - dome light - map lights - reading lights - vanity mirror lights - footwell lights - cargo area light - third brake light - emergency lights - strobe lights - beacon lights - flashing lights - emergency brake lights - emergency exit lights - high beam lights - low beam lights - headlight washers - auto-leveling headlights - dynamic bend lighting - cornering function lights - light sensors - auto on/off lights - light bars - light strips - mood lighting - neon lights - uv lights - infrared lights - night vision lights - safety lights - clearance lights - reverse lights - license plate lights - off-road lights - spotlights - work lights - emergency warning lights - beacon lights size: - tiny - small - compact - medium - average - large - big - huge - gigantic - enormous - massive - colossal types: airborne-vehicles: - aerial tramway - autogyro - autoplane - autocopter - autoheli - flying saucer (fictional) - airboard - airsled - amphibious aircraft - personal flying device - nimbus 2002 (harry potter, fictional) - quidditch broomstick (harry potter, fictional) - snowspeeder (star wars, fictional) - millennium falcon (star wars, fictional) - landspeeder (star wars, fictional) - at-at walker (star wars, fictional) - tron light cycle (tron, fictional) - banshee (avatar, fictional) - flying nimbus (dragon ball, fictional) - ornithopter (dune, fictional) - tardis (doctor who, fictional) - serenity (firefly, fictional) - ncc-1701 starship (star trek, fictional) - klingon bird-of-prey (star trek, fictional) - viper (battlestar galactica, fictional) - arwing (star fox, fictional) - dragon (various, fictional) - magic broom (various, fictional) - b-wing starfighter (star wars, fictional) - snowspeeder (star wars, fictional) - u-wing (star wars, fictional) - nimbus 2003 (harry potter, fictional) - x-34 landspeeder (star wars, fictional) - light runner (tron, fictional) bicycles: - mountain bike - road bike - hybrid bike - bmx bike - folding bike - electric bike cars: - sedan - coupe - hatchback - convertible - suv (sports utility vehicle) - minivan - pickup truck - electric car - hybrid car - vintage car - muscle car - sports car - luxury car - autonomous car - concept car fictional-concept: - hovercraft - amphibious vehicle - land speeder (star wars) - war rig (mad max) - batmobile (batman) - delorean time machine (back to the future) - tron light cycle (tron) - ghostbusters ecto-1 (ghostbusters) - warthog (halo) - speeder bike (star wars) - spinner (blade runner) - thunderbird 2 (thunderbirds) - millennium falcon (star wars) - tumbler (the dark knight) - red five x-wing starfighter (star wars) - uss enterprise (star trek) - serenity (firefly) - tie fighter (star wars) - at-at walker (star wars) - ncc-1701-d (star trek) - tardis (doctor who) - mako (mass effect) - light runner (tron legacy) - viper (battlestar galactica) - speeder (star wars) - mjolnir powered assault armor (halo) - cyclone (robotech) - gundam mobile suit (mobile suit gundam) - warthog (gears of war) - skutter (red dwarf) fictional-underwater-vehicles: - nautilus (20,000 leagues under the sea) - seaquest dsv (seaquest dsv tv series) - gup (octonauts) - sea treader (bioshock) - aquabat (batman beyond) - stingray (stingray tv series) - bathysphere (bioshock) - seaview (voyage to the bottom of the sea) - hydronaut (thunderbirds) - gungan bongo submarine (star wars) - the flying dutchman (spongebob squarepants) - the sea star (the deep) - the poseidon (the poseidon adventure) - s.u.b. (super underwater buggy, inspector gadget) - the spectre (batman the brave and the bold) - the neptune (the spongebob squarepants movie) - subcar (the simpsons) - sub-mariner's transport (marvel comics) - sea ship (adventures of sonic the hedgehog) - subcraft (thunderbirds) flying-car-like-vehicles: - hovercar - aerocar - aeromobile - aeromobil - pal-v liberty - skydrive sd-03 - terrafugia transition - pal-v liberty pioneer edition - vertical aerospace va-1x - urban aeronautics cityhawk - aeromobil 5.0 - pal-v liberty sport - skydrive sd-xx - terrafugia tf-x (concept) - urban aeronautics cityairbus (concept) - aeromobil 6.0 (concept) - pal-v liberty aero (concept) - skydrive sd-zero (concept) - terrafugia tf-2 (concept) heavy-vehicles: - dump truck - fire truck - garbage truck - tow truck - cement mixer truck - tanker truck - semi-truck - armored vehicle - construction vehicle motorcycles: - cruiser - sport bike - touring bike - dirt bike - adventure bike - cafe racer - chopper - electric motorcycle public transport: - bus - trolleybus - tram - light rail - subway/metro - monorail space: - astral galleon - astral surveyor - astro galleon - black hole explorer - celestial cruiser - celestial navigator - celestial shuttle - comet hopper - cosmic cruiser - cosmic explorer - dimensional transporter - exoplanet rover - exoplanet seeker - galactic cruiser - galactic probe - galactic surveyor - hyperspace ship - hyperspace yacht - intergalactic ark - intergalactic corvette - interstellar ark - ion cruiser - ion thruster vessel - lunar rover - moon buggy - nebula cruiser - nebula explorer - nebula hopper - nebula lander - nebula navigator - nebula surveyor - nebula traveler - nebula voyager - plasma propulsion craft - quantum jumpship - quantum traveler - solar cruiser - solar sailer - space colony - space elevator - space probe - space shuttle - space station - star cluster explorer - starship - starry skiff - stellar lander - ufo (unidentified flying object) - warp drive vessel - warp jet - wormhole shuttle - y-wing (star wars) - x-wing (star wars) - zeta craft special-purpose: - bulldozer - excavator - tractor - forklift - snowplow - ambulance - police car - military vehicle train: - steam locomotive - diesel locomotive - electric locomotive - high-speed train - maglev train - commuter train - freight train - passenger train - monorail - subway train - light rail - vintage train - articulated train underground-vehicles: - subway train - metro - underground tram - mining vehicle - tunnel boring machine (tbm) - mole machine (fictional) - subterranean driller - subterranean transport - digger - drillship (subnautica) - subterrene (conceptual) - boring pod (futurama) - worm drill (dune) - boring vehicle (total recall) - underminer's drill vehicle (the incredibles) - the mole (thunderbirds) - deviant vehicle (gears of war) - tunneler (red faction) underwater-vehicles: - submarine - research submarine - deep-sea submersible - personal submersible - tourist submarine - autonomous underwater vehicle (auv) - remotely operated vehicle (rov) - bathyscaphe - manned torpedo - wet submersible - semi-submersible - submersible yacht (concept) - submersible car (concept) - deepflight super falcon - triton 3300/3 - ego compact semi-submarine - ortega mk. 1c submersible - seamagine aurora-6 - necker nymph - u-boat worx c-explorer 3 windows: - tinted windows - reflective glass - panoramic windows - curved windshield - wraparound windows - oversized windshield - sliding windows - bulletproof glass - privacy windows - frosted glass - ventilated windows - power windows - teardrop windows - frameless windows - sunroof - rear quarter windows - louvered windows - split windows - bubble windows - clear glass - stained glass - one-way glass - wing windows - bifocal windows - multi-pane windows - defogging windows - pop-out windows - side-view mirrors - convex mirrors - wide-angle mirrors - blind-spot mirrors - self-dimming mirrors - heated mirrors - rearview camera - electrochromic glass - adjustable mirrors - side mirrors with turn signals - anti-glare mirrors - smart glass windows - electrostatic windows - curved rear windows - sliding rear windows - power sunshade - rain-sensing wipers - automatic windows - electrostatic tinting - rear defroster - self-cleaning windows - rear wiper - solar-control glass - electrochromatic mirrors - motorized sunroof - heated windshield - auto-dimming side mirrors - reverse-activated mirrors - electric window shades - rear privacy glass - heads-up display - hydrophobic glass - electro-optic glass words: brain-psychology: brain-cognitive-characteristics: - adaptive - complex - efficient - elastic - evolving - flexible - impaired - logical - multifaceted - plastic - resilient - synaptic - neurological - computational - impulsive - responsive - elastic - neuroplastic - cognitive - synaptic - emotional - rational - impaired mind-mental-states: - analytical - creative - critical - curious - confused - clarity - concentrated - conscious - delusional - determined - disoriented - enlightened - focused - forgetful - imaginative - inquisitive - intuitive - lucid - meditative - mindful - obsessive - perceptive - pensive - rational - reflective - repressed - thoughtful - unconscious - unsettled - vivid psychological-states-emotions: - anxious - depressed - emotional - hysterical - irrational - neurotic - paranoid - schizophrenic - stressed - traumatized - happy - sad - angry - confident - insecure - joyful - fearful - guilty - content - hopeful - apathetic - resilient - empathetic - impulsive constructors: - in style of - composed of - constructed from - formed of - fashioned out of - created from - built with - crafted from - constituted by - shaped with - produced from - manufactured from - fabricated with - comprised of - assembled from - originating from - derived from - put together with - produced using - constructed out of cyberpunk: adjectives: - algorithmic - apocalyptic - apocryphal - artificial - augmented - bionic - biomechanical - biometric - biopunk - bizarre - blade - chaotic - chromatic - circuit - circuitous - circuitry - clandestine - corporeal - cyber-enhanced - cybergoth - cybernetic - cyberspace - dazzling - digital - disruptive - dissonant - dreamlike - dystopian - edgy - electro - extraterrestrial - futuristic - futurism - futurist - genetic - glitchy - gritty - hackable - haptic - holographic - illusory - immersive - incendiary - intricate - luminous - magnetic - matrix - megacorporate - mechanized - mirrored - nano - nano-enhanced - nanotech - nebulous - neon - neural - neuromorphic - ocular - orbital - phosphorescent - post-human - psionic - recursive - remixed - retrofuturistic - robotic - sentient - shadowy - singularity - steampunk - sublime - subversive - synthetic - techno - technological - tech - techwear - transhuman - trippy - underground - urban - vaporwave - vast - visceral - virtual - virtualized - virtual-reality - voxel - vr - whimsical - xenotech - zero-g - zettabyte substantives: - access - augmentation - bionics - circuitry - code - cyberspace - data - dystopia - enhancement - firewall - glitch - hologram - implant - interface - jack - matrix - nanotechnology - network - override - processor - robotics - scanner - simulation - synth - transhuman - virus - weapon - algorithm - avatar - biohack - cryptocurrency - cybercrime - digitalization - electromagnetic - encryption - exoskeleton - genetic engineering - hacker - infobahn - laser - memory - neural implant - orbital station - photon - prosthetics - quantum computing - robotics lab - satellite - sensor - simulacrum - technocracy - urban sprawl - virtuality - wormhole - xenogenetics - zero-day - amplifier - battery - cerebral interface - commlink - databank - drone - electroplasma - firewall - geodesic dome - holo-goggles - implantation clinic - jumphole - kinetic energy cell - laser blade - memory implant - neural link - orbital elevator - photon rifle - power core - quantum encryption - railgun - satellite uplink - smart dust - teleporter - utility fog - virtual reality pod - warp drive - xenon thruster - zero-g chamber - anarchy - biopunk - cerebral cortex - computation - datablade - dystopian city - ethercast - futurism - genetic modification - holo-dancer - implantable chip - junkyard - karyotype - luminescence - mecha - neural network - orbital colony verbs: - access - augment - blend - breach - cipher - code - connect - crash - cyberize - datajack - decrypt - defend - delete - dismantle - encrypt - enhance - exploit - extract - firewall - fuse - hack - implant - infiltrate - interface - intrude - jack-in - jam - jettison - jolt - link - manipulate - merge - modulate - navigate - override - patch - phreak - reboot - reconfigure - replicate - reprogram - reveal - scramble - secure - skim - slash - synchronize - synthesize - systemize - tap - transmit - transpose - unlock - upload - vaporize - visualize - warp - weaponize - wipe - zeroday - amplify - boost - burn - camouflage - circuit-bend - cloak - cloister - counteract - crash-dive - cyberslack - deconstruct - de-digitalize - databend - digitize - disengage - dose - electrify - eviscerate - flicker - fragment - fractalize - graft - gridwalk - haze - hijack - illuminate - interface - interpolate - loop - mesh - metamorphose - nanosurge - oscillate - overtake - phosphorize - phase - polymorph - proxy - realign - reboot - re-code - reconfigure - redact - reformat - refract - reinvent - resonate - revive - scatter - shuffle - silhouette - simulate - splice - streamline - surge - telemorph - teleport magical: adjectives: - alluring - astral - beguiling - bewildering - bewitching - captivating - celestial - charmed - elysian - enchanted - enchanting - enigmatic - enlivening - enrapturing - enthralling - enveloping - ephemeral - ethereal - fantasmagoric - fantastical - glamorous - glowing - hypnotic - hypnotizing - illuminating - illusionary - illustrious - intriguing - luminescent - magical - mesmerizing - mysterious - mystical - mystifying - ornate - otherworldly - pulsating - radiant - radiating - resonant - resonating - resplendent - seraphic - shimmering - sorcerous - spectral - spellbinding - spellbound - supernatural - transcendent - transcending - transfiguring - unearthly - unfathomable - veiled - vibrant - whimsical - whirling substantives: - alchemy - amulet - arcane - arcanist - arcanum - astral - aura - cauldron - celestial - charm - conjuration - conjuring - coven - crystal - divination - enchanter - enchantment - enigma - enigmatic - enthrallment - familiar - glamour - glyph - grimoire - illusion - incantation - invocation - mage - magician - mysticism - oracle - parchment - pentacle - potion - prophecy - ritual - rune - runestone - scroll - sorcery - spellcasting - talisman - thaumaturgy - wand - warlock - witchcraft - wizardry verbs: - beam - bedazzle - bewitch - captivate - cast - channel - charm - conjure - dazzle - emit - enchant - enflame - enkindle - enliven - enrapture - enshroud - enthrall - envelop - evolve - fascinate - flicker - flourish - gleam - glimmer - glitter - glow - hypnotize - illuminate - infuse - inspire - manifest - mesmerize - pulse - radiate - resonate - shine - spark - sparkle - stun - summon - transcend - transfigure - twinkle - unleash - vivify nsfw: adjectives: - alluring - arousing - beguiling - captivating - charming - daring - desirable - enchanting - enticing - erotic - exquisite - flirtatious - forbidden - graceful - handsome - impassioned - intense - intriguing - lascivious - lush - magnetic - passionate - provocative - racy - ravishing - scandalous - seductive - sensual - sinful - steamy - sultry - tempting - titillating - uninhibited - voluptuous - wanton - wicked - wild - adorable - amorous - attractive - beautiful - bewitching - bold - breathless - chiseled - curvaceous - delicate - devilish - divine - dreamy - eager - electrifying - enraptured - fierce - flawless - forbidden - frenzied - heavenly - hypnotic - impassioned - intimate - juicy - lively - mesmerizing - obsessive - opulent - passionate - piquant - pleasing - precious - purring - radiant - refined - sensational - sensuous - silky - smoldering - sizzling - smooth - spicy - sultry - sweet - tantalizing - tender - thrilling - thriving - tingles - unabashed - untamed - untouched - vivacious - volatile - vulnerable - warm - whispering - wild substantives: - affection - arousal - beauty - caress - charm - connection - craving - desire - devotion - ecstasy - embrace - fantasy - flame - frisson - gaze - heartbeat - heat - hunger - intimacy - kiss - lingerie - longing - lust - melody - moan - obsession - passion - pleasure - pulse - quiver - rapture - romance - sensation - sensuality - serenade - sigh - skin - softness - tenderness - thrill - touch - treasure - union - velvet - whisper - yearning - adoration - aphrodisiac - ardor - boudoir - breath - caress - cherish - closeness - connection - craving - dance - devotion - ecstasy - elixir - embrace - fantasy - fervor - fondness - foreplay - heartbeat - heat - honey - incense - intimacy - intrigue - kiss - lace - lingering - longing - love - lust - magic - melody - mesmerize - moan - passion - pillow - pleasure - potion - quiver - rapture - romance - sanctuary - scent - seduction - sensation - sensuality - serenade - shiver - silk - sigh - skin - softness - spark - surrender - symphony - tenderness - tease - thrill - touch - treasure - tropic - union - velvet - volcano - whisper - yearning verbs: - adore - arouse - beckon - beg - bite - caress - clasp - crave - cradle - crave - devour - embrace - entice - explore - fondle - glide - grasp - greet - groan - guide - ignite - inhale - intertwine - invigorate - kiss - linger - long - love - lure - merge - moan - nuzzle - plead - probe - pull - pulse - quiver - ravish - reveal - roam - savor - seduce - sensualize - shiver - sigh - silk - slide - squeeze - stroking - surrender - sway - swirl - taste - tease - tempt - tend - throb - tingle - toss - trace - tremble - tremor - tug - undulate - unveil - unwind - whisper - writh - yearn - absorb - admire - arouse - attract - beg - caress - charm - clasp - crave - cradle - cuddle - desire - devour - embrace - enchant - entice - explore - fondle - grasp - greet - guide - ignite - inhale - intertwine - invite - kiss - linger - long - love - lust - merge - moan - nuzzle - plead - probe - pull - pulse - quiver - ravish - reveal - roam - savor - seduce - sensualize - shiver - sigh - silk - slide - squeeze - stroking - surrender - sway - swirl - taste - tease - tempt - tend - throb - tingle - toss - trace - tremble - tremor - tug - undulate - unveil - unwind - whisper - writh - yearn onomatopoeia: - bang - boom - buzz - chirp - clang - clap - click - creak - crackle - crash - cuckoo - ding - hiss - honk - meow - moo - neigh - oink - quack - ribbit - roar - sizzle - snap - thud - tick-tock - tweet - whir - woof - zoom - beep - bleep - boing - bump - ding-dong - fizz - flutter - gobble - grumble - jingle - knock - mumble - purr - rattle - rip - rustle - screech - squeak - thump - toot - twang - whistle - yawn - yodel scifi: adjectives: - advanced - alien - alienated - altered - androgynous - apocalyptic - apocryphal - apotheotic - artificial - astral - astronomical - augmented - biomechanical - bionic - biopunk - biotechnological - cosmic - cyber - cybernetic - cyberpunk - dazzling - dimensional - divergent - dystopian - enigmatic - ephemeral - esoteric - ethereal - extraterrene - extraterrestrial - futurist - futuristic - futurological - galactic - genetic - genetically-enhanced - gravitational - holographic - hyperdimensional - hyperintelligent - hyperspace - hypnotic - illusory - immortal - ineffable - inscrutable - intangible - intergalactic - interstellar - intrinsic - luminous - malevolent - metamorphic - metaphysical - multidimensional - nanomolecular - nanoscopic - nanotechnological - neoteric - omnipotent - omnipresent - organic - paradoxical - paranormal - plausible - post-apocalyptic - precognitive - psychedelic - pulsating - quantum - replicant - resplendent - robotic - sentient - sentient - sentient - singularity - spatial - steampunk - subterranean - supernatural - synth - technological - telekinetic - telepathic - teleporting - terrestrial - time-traveling - timeless - transcendent - transhuman - underworldly - unearthly - unearthly - utopian - virtual - virtual-reality - visually-arresting - xenomorphic - zetetic substantives: - spaceship - technology - time - future - galaxy - universe - cyberspace - dystopia - nanotechnology - teleportation - laser - mutation - wormhole - dimension - supernova - apocalypse - hologram - ai (artificial intelligence) - warp drive - nanobot - black hole - exoplanet - virtual reality - clone - genetic engineering - time travel - cybersuit - hoverboard - galactic empire - space station - metaverse - photon - intergalactic - plasma - parallel universe - interstellar travel - gravity - cryogenics - orbital - forcefield - technobabble - futurism - metropolis - nanofabrication - stellar - nanomedicine - bionics - nanocomputer - nanowire - light-year - nanoparticle - biohazard - space-time - terraforming - starship - extraterrestrial - nanostructure - quantum mechanics - superintelligence - transhumanism - cyberspace - multiverse - transcendence - photonics - metamaterial - nanorobot - cryosleep - nanochip - hyperspace - cybernetics - nanoscale - technocracy - biotechnology - supernatural - nanotube - nanofluid - neurotechnology - exoskeleton - time loop - biopunk - metahuman - hyperdrive - quantum computing - wormhole - biomimicry - nanotransistor - exo-suit - mind control - nanomedicine verbs: - explore - travel - evolve - invent - discover - teleport - manipulate - conquer - transform - escape - defend - communicate - upgrade - adapt - analyze - transcend - unravel - colonize - unleash - merge - hack - encrypt - resist - transcend - descend - traverse - overcome - experiment - integrate - replicate - challenge - hack - decode - warp - synthesize - activate - decode - transmit - decipher - defy - restore - abandon - illuminate - corrupt - hybridize - invade - resurrect - disrupt - reveal - infuse - revive - reshape - simulate - conceive - disguise - forge - overload - revolt - redefine - intervene - encrypt - emerge - reassemble - incarnate - paralyze - disintegrate - reincarnate - harmonize - encode - illuminate - harmonize - erase - initiate - calculate - animate - eradicate - evaporate - reconfigure - transmit - detonate - dematerialize - dismantle - devastate - reconnect - annihilate - manipulate - reanimate - submerge - deceive - materialize - terminate - fragment - stabilize - hyperjump - augment - collapse - intensify - clone - amplify - replicate shape-tracing: - trace the shape and edges with - outline with - sketch the form and edges using - follow the contour with - draw the shape and edges using - mark the outline with - define the form and edges with - delineate using - follow the lines with - draw along the contours using - trace the silhouette with - map out the shape and edges with - chart the outline using - trace along the contours with - delimit the form and edges with - depict the shape and edges using surface-swap: - swap the surfaces for - replace the surfaces with - substitute the surfaces with - exchange the surfaces with - switch the surfaces for - replace the surfaces using - supplant the surfaces with - put in place of the surfaces - use alternate surfaces instead of - change out the surfaces with - install different surfaces in lieu of - put new surfaces in the place of - use replacement surfaces for - sub in the surfaces with - bring in new surfaces to replace - implement alternative surfaces for vogonic-guide: adjectives: - anderfull - apdreaperely - aprexified - assimplumized - astargled - avessational - blampfchoddering - blongspivelled - bogscrubbled - boondiversed - bordyleggered - burglybonked - cinderblurted - climfrypowered - comportupined - confrectioned - coundrilsized - counterblurbled - crunfocated - derpsurilized - devurlified - diggerbranded - dimarified - dimensiflored - dorxed - downhippered - dreggering - eccentoblimeyd - eciationed - eglorpified - elminstered - embordygored - enforbled - engifronged - exibilliarouted - florbyflunked - fluity - flurbguzzled - forbled - foxylorbled - garbonified - globbershmoggled - glurbguzzled - gozing - grumschorbled - gunderpoured - handiflanked - hazzarblinked - helviported - hizzled - icorbounding - inflornicated - interjingled - izzled - jetcurbled - jiggered - jinxflagranti - joribified - joxybommled - juxtaflurged - karvyturbled - keneytoring - konflagranting - lampremblative - lifturbining - ligerflonging - lingernering - lizzartorving - lurbled - mancfrubbled - monkiflonged - nadderish - norbsemblic - oblivering - obviatoric - opsablopsiated - ostonfering - owgelwarbly - paffling - pearlimortaled - perlyfumed - pizzled - planciated - pongfruddled - problamtimating - psionitoring - psorbified - puffalorpled - pugmodering - punglyflorbed - quadderbonused - quaysled - recoddermented - refloractive - regoddled - regorbified - resiliforged - rimflongled - ripturbined - sassled - serxaturbled - shmoggled - shmutzified - slabbered - slormspiggled - sorbsarbled - spoxified - swallorfluxed - sylvified - thoggled - thurgicided - thwindered - tingspurdlesectioned - tourmentored - tragulified - tranzicated - trobberdaffled - underflipted - urgled - vabbling - varpstered - vassled - vorbly - vorblyborked - wakthurbled - watterlined - webcycled - whammled - whippletorbig - worbleflanked - xorbled - yamboozled - yarbled - youbled - zibzorbled - zighty - zorbified - zothy - zurbled - zwengled - zymgroggled adjectives-cons: - blampfchoddering - blongspivelled - bogscrubbled - boondiversed - bordyleggered - burglybonked - cinderblurted - climfrypowered - comportupined - confrectioned - coundrilsized - counterblurbled - crunfocated - derpsurilized - devurlified - diggerbranded - dimarified - dimensiflored - dorxed - downhippered - dreggering - florbyflunked - fluity - flurbguzzled - forbled - foxylorbled - garbonified - globbershmoggled - glurbguzzled - gozing - grumschorbled - gunderpoured - handiflanked - hazzarblinked - helviported - hizzled - jetcurbled - jiggered - jinxflagranti - joribified - joxybommled - juxtaflurged - karvyturbled - keneytoring - konflagranting - lampremblative - lifturbining - ligerflonging - lingernering - lizzartorving - lurbled - mancfrubbled - monkiflonged - nadderish - norbsemblic - paffling - pearlimortaled - perlyfumed - pizzled - planciated - pongfruddled - problamtimating - psionitoring - psorbified - puffalorpled - pugmodering - punglyflorbed - quadderbonused - quaysled - recoddermented - refloractive - regoddled - regorbified - resiliforged - rimflongled - ripturbined - sassled - serxaturbled - shmoggled - shmutzified - slabbered - slormspiggled - sorbsarbled - spoxified - swallorfluxed - sylvified - thoggled - thurgicided - thwindered - tingspurdlesectioned - tourmentored - tragulified - tranzicated - trobberdaffled - vabbling - varpstered - vassled - vorbly - vorblyborked - wakthurbled - watterlined - webcycled - whammled - whippletorbig - worbleflanked - xorbled - yamboozled - yarbled - youbled - zibzorbled - zighty - zorbified - zothy - zurbled - zwengled - zymgroggled nouns: - aelgerbratz - agglefreck - blackshmitz - blampf - blibberblab - blortze - blunderquack - bumblewhisk - crankleplumb - crumbletide - curbletwist - danglefuzz - dazzlefluff - dooderquack - doodleplunk - doover - dunkfizzle - eggerfroggle - erbelgunk - fizzledyme - flibberjib - flimjorgle - floink - fluffernook - frotzgobbler - fruitshnorble - gibberflame - glimmerglop - glowshmiggler - gnifflewhammer - gnipfe - gobberbloom - gobblefunk - gonzer - gugger - gurbleblarze - hobblegrompf - hompf - horgsmuffler - hurlydurl - indorgeffle - jibberquill - jubshmurgler - klorftwizzle - lormshmog - lubberlorf - luminorbler - mogglesnap - murglewhammer - noodlequark - noodlewump - nopfdriggle - nurblflam - orbshnodder - plingzockle - plumbus - plumsnarfler - pudderquack - quibberflitz - quibblesnatch - quizzleflarp - robgoffler - rofflegobler - ronf - shmagger - shnorbsabbler - skruffleplink - skrunkleboop - snarfladoodle - snickerwhirl - snigglefritz - snizzleplume - snodderwirl - snoiler - snufflepuff - snugglequark - tangflurb - thorgl - tocker - torbishmodder - turdible - uddershlurp - ufflemuff - ufti - underfrazzler - vilderbloom - vlorm - vrangboodle - warbletwirl - whifflequark - wibbledyme - wobbleflorp - xivturb - xodder - xygger - zibberzang - zibberzoom - zofti - zoodlecrisp - zoodlecrunch planets: - achooblessyou - alderwaran - auroma duplex ii - bimpleheim prime - blerflam alpha - blumsnorf iv - blunderbunny beta - carefuleverythingwantstoeatyouhere - chuckleberry iii - dorfshnupf zeta - eastittyworld formerly known as ittyworld - feebleflorm alpha - flarnshingle - füm - gigglesphere prime - glamfurble - gonfishin - grobshnuggler - gullible prime - hellshminger, the third - huhaggerblom - ickyflorm ii - jorkeltorb i - kraktus prime - larmspeggel alpha - laugternova vi - mancwizzle gamma - marvin's world - maximalington - monktmurk delta - new flimflam - new grinflob - new ogelbeard - niceone ii - niflhalla - nomturf vii - obershlorm gamma - quirklebrock x - quizznof viii - ramsnuggle - rayboldwashere - shmergelheim - slormslug ix - slurmsphere delta - stirpculb - thisoneisminenow - underkraut - westittyworld formerly known as ittyworld - xinderdousen - you'renotwelcomegoaway - zofflebob - zorf verbs: - arrgdurdle - blartifiy - blorts - blunderworble - briscmeggle - crunkle - drezzle - eggbreggle - flarbify - flinchtorble - flunk - frozzle - glorb - glurfle - gorble - grimmzle - grunkle - horflunk - horguble - infroggle - jibberflange - joggle - juxtafondle - lorbsladder - molbouder - noodleplink - orblebuffer - plinkify - plortifie - poggle - prankle - quibble - quizzgobble - quorble - raftiflog - ramshmorgle - shmuggle - skriffle - smirkle - snarblify - snarg - snarkle - snigger - snitchify - snorple - snurfle - splogbongle - splort - splunge - sprindle - squabble - squishify - thwarp - trungle - worbgobble - zoggle - zorbgaffle - zorgbaffle verbs-gerund: - argeling - arrgdurdling - blartifying - blerbing - blibbering - blobbering - blorbshmeckeling - blorfing - blunderworbling - briscmeggling - crankfuddeling - crinkbubbling - crunkeling - doodleflorping - drezzling - dribdoddeling - drizzlespattering - eggbreggeling - erbelforing - flarbifying - flibbering - flinchtorbling - flingboudeling - florbdoodeling - florbshmuddering - flumbering - flunking - frondling - frozzling - glimpering - glorbing - glurfeling - glymfuddeling - gnampfing - gnampfuddering - gnarzgaffeling - gorbeling - grimegobbering - grimzeling - gromfing - grunkeling - horgubeling - infroggeling - juxtafondling - kerfudelgoring - lamshmarfeling - lorbsladdering - molboudering - noodleplinking - orblebuffering - plinkifying - plortifying - quibbeling - quizzgobbeling - quorbeling - raftifloging - ramshmorgeling - shmodding - shmuggling - slurpflapping - snarblifying - snorpeling - splindering - splogbongeling - squibbering - swizzleplunking - thumbling - thwabbling - voltrifying - wobblefjording - ziggleboring - zoggling - zonkpluffering - zorbgaffeling - zorgbaffling verbs2: - arrgdurdles - blartifies - blorfs - blunderworbles - briscmeggles - crunkles - drezzles - eggbreggles - flarbifies - flinchtorbles - flunks - frozzles - glorbs - glurfles - gorbles - grimmzles - grunkles - horflunks - horgubles - infroggles - jibberflanges - joggles - juxtafondles - lorbsladders - molbouders - noodleplinks - orblebuffers - plinkifies - plortifies - poggles - prankles - quibbles - quizzgobbeles - quorbles - raftiflogs - ramshmorgles - shmuggles - skriffles - smirkles - snarblifies - snargs - snarkles - sniggers - snitchifies - snorples - snurfles - splogbongles - splorts - splunges - sprindles - squabbles - squishifies - thwarps - trungles - worbgobbles - zoggles - zorbgaffles - zorgbaffles