Is it bitnet {-1,0,1}?

by Remek - opened

I looked through many bitnet1.58 implementations and noticed that they all use the method suggested in "The Era from 1-bit LLMs: Training Tips, Code and FAQ". The weights of the models that are currently trained according to this recipe are not numbers in the set {-1, 0, 1} and values in the interval (0,1). Is this the way it should be?

  1. The formula describing the quanztization of weights ("The Era of 1-bit LLMs: All Large Language Models are in 1.58 Bits").
  2. Implementation proposal ("The Era of 1-bit LLMs: Training Tips, Code and FAQ").
  3. Weights quantization test.
  4. Model during training.


I think you're correct Remek. The scaling factor is only used inside of the RoundClip, not after it. I guess there is an error in their code.

And maybe this is why this model has such a big size of weights using fp32, which shouldn't be the case since its parameters are integers.

Also curious about it.

I think the reason is that, they are using high precision gemm to simulate the low precision forward process (int8 activation * ternary weight).
We can go back to the original paper, bitnet(2310.11453), eq.11.
The correct process during linear forward is:

     # notice the following quant func will not include `/scale`
     x_quant, x_scaling_factor = activation_quant(x)
     w_quant, w_scaling_factor = weight_quant(w)
     output = low_precision_compute(x_quant, w_quant)
     output = output / x_scaling_factor / w_scaling_factor

Now, they are using high precision compute function to simulate this process. And in this way, we can convert the previous process like this:

     # notice the following quant func will not include `/scale`
     x_quant, x_scaling_factor = activation_quant(x)
     x_quant = x_quant / x_scaling_factor
     w_quant, w_scaling_factor = weight_quant(w)
     w_quant = w_quant / w_scaling_factor
     output = high_precision_compute(x_quant, w_quant)
     # output = output / x_scaling_factor / w_scaling_factor

So I think their implementation is consistent with their claim.

Yes, I think so, EasonWei! Just for convenience in dequantization after multiplication. The simulation assigns the scaling factors in the quantization process, respectively.

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